HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-22, Page 1• Volume 3, No 9. TERMS :--.$1•26 per Annum in Advance, WALL DANA, R, 1111 ALL I APER, •in ealess variety, from • 5 Cents a RoIL :Baby Carriages Cheap and Stylish. AIe2, aline and Choice Line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, And Cigarettes. W. II. Ransford's -CLINTON; ONT., Lit tLJAY, APRIL. 22 1881, • EDWARD FLQQDV, Publisher. Row many eggs did you eat '1 AUYEItTISE your townelkts for sale in the IiiECORD and you will be satis- fied. Ar WoRri;.--.A. large number of men are at work laying the foundation) of Mr. Coats' brick block. • 1ChAwes.—Mr.. W. H. Rausford hasa change in his advertisement this week. Read it. MIxisre .IAL.—_Rey, Mr. Cobb, of Seaforth occupied the pulpit of • the 0, M. Church. on Sabbath •lafit.. 'DID you see a small boy—intoxicated ori'Friday eveuiig last, Measuring the sidewalk, Be careful; boys. • ' Oxnour,ABs,--Spring Circulars print- ed neatly, cheaply and quickly, at the HURON RECORD job printing office.' ' NEW Staxs,--Mr. James Twitchell has placed two ledge signs on his win- dows. Victoria block takes the lead for signs, .. REatoyeo.—Dr. Reeve has removed iiito hisnew office on Albert Street, City Book Store, Clinton, in the building formerly occupied by Mr. Fullerton ' :for a photograph gal - The Book Store where you get lery., !'alae for your Honey. MERCHANTS—Patronize lrorLE and w. F.. CARTv/1m mT get your counter bill heads .printed 'at 5nno:°os DENris•r, the' RECORD, We don't pretend to do C hetero of theDental Royal thein for nothing but to give reason- Gallego of Dental Sur- 5i sz.F goons o1 On taria, haw able rates,' Vie- 't•4JM' �. r`= 'tpened rowan; in,tia itlocl , An? t st, g � ' AtiouND —Our enterprising towns �'v�'Clinton whm'o he will h o •�� _a be constantly in atterimann At'r.' W. JaekSAlt; is'at•ound • with x• ;e = donee, and prepared to a , petition. to the I•Ion, M. Bowen portorni o"•c,•g. opera. : L"�-- tion in connection with Meister of Customs, asking that, Olin-. Clinton, April 21, 1SSit. Dentistry.. • ton be made a port of entry: Senneo OI'Exxi a.—UuSaturdayeven- SOi1T,41¢111111,.DN AILG1t11CULTU1tA>k,, Blyth. mg last, spring opctuings took place in tscUi II �' The Easter vestry meeting 'of Trinity • ANNUAL SPRING SLOW: church was held on Monday afternoon, when Messrs. ,I', Metcalf and C. E. the stores of Metiers. W. Jackson, John Hodgins, Craib MacWhi.rter. & Co., — Pay .L Wiseman and Miss Scott, glee The annual sprint/ .show of Soutlr '`Danner were elected .churchwardens, \V. Jackson's show of gentle and ladies Huron 2'l�rrfoulturalb`Soclet was held and Mr. J. McGill lay delegate to the furnishings wascidceeedingly attractive,, at Brucefield on Tuesday lust. There synod. Messrs. C. Hamilton and J•. and everything was tastefully arranged Potter were re appointed idesmen. In the general tics goods clepartntent, was an unusually large number of pea- The reports showed the cher 11 t be Messrs. Hodgins, Pay 'Sp Wiseman, and ybulls le wwaent and tli Along the e show Of lorses and street was in a very flourishing condition, Craib, 1VIoWhitter c� Co made a grand cyte exceedingly large display of agri- °The Good Templars of T,ondesboro, display. In the' millinery department cultural machinery, nearly every Gem paid the Blyth lodge a visit on Friday Miss. Scott had a very attractive will- in the Dominion being represented. evening last. They mustered twenty-• dew, an five strong and came prepared witwith�•, As usual there were any amount of a P P OLiNTON LITERARY AND SQ1ENTIFIC excellent programute,• A very agree- Socti4mx.--After the generalpatent medicine men, cheap Jacks xic, Cosiness raising art on the street., The follow- able time was spent, and after the lodge of the last regular meeting of• this so- ing is the lists o£ prizes ;. closed, the Members adjourned to Bre: sects, 111r. R, Holmes, who. was called HORSES. McQuerrie's for refreshments. We are on to forth a Ministry on the resigns= pleeeed to know. that Lode'sborough tion of the Government, announced his Aged Draught Stallion. -6 •entries, lodge bee',taken a new lease of life and new Ministry, composed of the follow- lst. `' General,." J, J. Fisher, Ben is ow rapidly increasipg is number..' ing members :—R. Holmes Premier miller; 2nd, "Welcome," J, Horton, The spring fair held hero on Friday anMinister of Finance.; H,. Foster, Lumlc-y ; 3rd, " Wellington," Jonathan last was. the best display ever exhibited Minister of Custoins,• T. White, Score- Carter, Egniondville, ti in Blyth, The•stook shown was ,con- tary of State ; L, Newton; Minister of.: ,Draught stallion foaled' in 1878 2 sides ly ahoye the averlige and the Public Works; I- Taylor, Minister of 'entries.. • lst, Count Carless, P.:MY different classes were; well represented. Railways; J.•Beacom, Minister of Mil- Gregor, Brucefitdd; 2nd, "Mountain- The stock -breeders in. this vicinity are itia ; .A. Armstrong, Postmaster Gen'l ; eer, 0,Mason, , Bruceheld., fully abreast of the: times, Some of W Coats, Speaker ; E. Floody, Clerk Draught stallion foaled in 1879 —3 our citizens were rather verdant. and of the House.. Mr. Irvine. was unaiii- entries. lst, " North Star,'' P. Mc- a number of them were " badly . ,"roped.' mously elected leader of the Opposition. Tavish, Brucefle1d; 2nd; "Lord Loth• in".by the "cheap Johns." The Speech from the Throne was then. fan," Enos• Horton, Usborne;, 3rd,.. read, which i chang es would be made ed that a number' "Just in time," C. Mason,, Brucef eld. . Seaforth. of important changes Agricultural stallion. foaled in 1879' Cn Tuesday horning last about half in • our constitution. The• debate, on —2. entr• ies. est, 'zYouug I,oruo •John past seven o`clock a rice broke out in . the address, ,was then -taken up',and Perdue, Godorie 1 .Tl.; 2nci• , ie Whets• the roof of Shar .'s hotel doingdanla�e co.ntiuued for some time by..ilfiessrs. 'Wanted"•Wut. Perdue Godericli T p ' h. I,'Ca,lor Irvine roster, Mannino. 4,• •' p. to the building the extent of five or. M. ,'1 Taylor and file c1' nuer. •of 4• Gene•ral purpose, stallion foaled in six hundred dollars and; to the , fur- . •18'79•-1 entry,.. 1st, . Joe, the Ban-. eiture about $400. Loss fully covered • VRId;i{ET CLUB.- >�',u11Ier 'crleliet •PERSONALS. -Mi Thos. �V.'' Scott, ker," J: Nicholson; Bayfield. by insurance. 4. defective chimney is �� club has: been ,organized. among the Principal of Bier Public School, �suil Aged general •purpose stallion:—l.:.supposed to' be the cause 'o£ the lire, • boys in town.. -They held their. Orsi foru:erly a teacher of this county, gave .entry .:1st, -"Young Perfection, Much credit is. due to to the.firenien . meeting etlilesda evening last *Web.us a call on: Saturdaylast.He ' is tiVm,. Evans; MoI(ilibp: : for the excellent services they rendered Horne and Vicinity. was • favourabl. attended.' We wish spen(ling his Easter holidays among Carriage. Stallions. -4 •entries. ' lst, in sttivin.g tllb' 'thauy-'1 buildings, and Y his friends. ---,Ml. E:: Miller, teacher, of tbetn:suGcess.. ' "Sorel Cloud,"• Innes.'ii McGaughliri� barns, 'and preventing., fire from e.€roderwh favored our sanctum with a' „ ,, reachin the Grand' Trunk Station . - __. ALL__TxE_ co—_V..elocipedes:-..are_�tll__..� , rrs-Ihtztnts: Wh does't our __' .... .. Statil.ey 2nd,. :.. W.hip pnnxwill,:_ .:. P�.. _... the go with some of the bo s just now.' . • y vt tt last, week. Dli. W.. r. Cluf%; of 'Brock, ;Tuckersmith ; 3rd, " Magician;" ' ASTONISIIINO.—It is astonishing how after the s dewalkin front of tteee"tlook Huron .dint at the i�i ni &nd formerly. ,Brock, Seaforth. Car geld. o .l art"attendant at the ;Hi ' h Sbhool leers • few unmarried ladies are over 25 .years hall 1 It'sii a bad state gentlemen; 'nave us a call lest week' Mr. Clu{r is, Blood Stallions; —'1 'entry. 1st, Benjamin Switzer; of the loth con., of lige—eat least the census enumerators and remember -there .will . 'be awe:lee studying £or .the purpose'' of entering' , "Young' Beaccni;" G, Woocls, Bayfield:' leas leased his firm for a teeth of ten say - . tion again next January • . 'the;tninistry. Success. -Mr, K. .�It •• BULLS . • .years, to: Mr. 7.holnas :'Brownlee; of LIVELY.—Saturday was a'lively .gay , : I Rollet;' receiviee therefor. the sum. of.; --.: LARDINE -= McColl Bros Co,' •of . , ine, •`teacher e •Wa1Gon : puhiic Aged lir - 2 entries:. •lst, ; 300 per year iu:axlvance. Good rent f. in town. Our merchants were all busy, ••Tormito,•have'an aclvertisejuent,'on ,the 'school,, and formerly a� student, at, the "Young• 'Eldora' Oxfoad,."'Jas. Die> seri, .. and the streets were crowded' with Lardine'oil in this week's issue: 'Ties ..high school here, was in town.last'week •• uckersinith, .2nd, "Duke of Kbnt,"' . J. •• Good farm !' vehicles. oil 'is now' extensively Used' b �:Machin- , Speeding...a few'ditys with his friends: .Casnochii,n,ar.,. Seaforth:: Mr.. John. •1Vlaltinan • and,. James Ir 'b'EASON.-Now is the time, to. fists and ethers; iind'is;said to: be 'a: 'Ile is well pleased with his new situp,- Durham calved lifter Sept 20 ,11Zedland'intend leaving Garfield in'a clean up your yards. We have noticed: first class oil' in ever .:resFest:: , We tion -Mr, Geo. L Johnston;`wlro has i Dura.4 :e lines 1St: .'1Pri ee of few' days for Dakota_, where they intend - a number of yards needing attention a ask oar readers to ;ive eta trial. been attenclfng ,the. High School here Ora$ge;' Thos. ' Itussel',`; Exeter;..2nd, •talrieg 'up a -large portion of land for during the past few days. .Neff •sed.• OHA NGE•o vl:RTIS E:,t FNT.-1VIessis .. during .the 'winter, is here on a visit to «young Wellington," 'J. 1VIcIIiiy, Tuck-. farming, purposes: 1 We wish then'suc Ger LEFT—The G. T.R. mixed•train. Harland. Bros'' change of ' d" was re- his friends. He has written . at the er• smith ; 3rd, 'Sir' E.- ii tl, John cess in• their.speculatiori.:. - from the east, due liemati0a.m.,on Mon- ceived_too'late 'foe insertion ages week. late medical examination at Toronto, Tough; Osborne. • " • : . , . Look out. for• your sheep ; yr. John day last got uncoupled about four miles They have received ,!a .new stock of 'anti appears confid ent of success. -112r• D.urliain bull calved .after Sept, , 20, . Beacoin had, two sheep killed by; dogs, • east of Mitchell, leaving behind a nnnr specialties a in hardware and :ask. to be hZ' R., Elliott;' formerly with Dr:' •1$79:-4 entries, lst, '`.Tho Young `arnl othe s'hadl 'worried. .i41i: James Do„•sle. of this lace but,atel attend- Y• her of freight 'cars, together with' the favored with a'call. • Bo sure and -read 4Y 1?. ? y -• ... •:prince,of': Siam James' 111cLean'i'uck ;I•Iud'ce of the •7th.. • eon. '..lead "Gvi badly• passenger coach. The engine went as .their >idvertisement next week.. ing the Toronto School of 1VTechc tete, 1s ersm• ibh; 2nd,• "CriniCon Duke •,the :11," worried., The •clogs, w ere followed home ;. p honte'to spend his holidays*.iainoi�0 .his ,, far as Mitchell gild then returned•.. A •Co�i'aAliisox.�7f a man comes. pa Appleton •Llcoat; : Tuekorwmith; 3rd,. and received due -rewards.. READ W. Ja' kson's big adverb a into ton>ti with a bankru t stock' niicl:..friends. ',1t[r. I;Cligtt has been vary "Oxford Lad;"' J. I� tch'en, Stanl;Qy... P ,. successful durinb. the : past term, 'lie i t ",The O le clay last week; while rho youngest merit this week He has found that' sellsofi' at a great reduction, the tiler-.. havinelpassed his .primary,examination . Ayslnre 1 ull 1 entry, is , e dao titer. of lir: Jamcs'B 'zoom was cit last week's "ad" was so much to his ;chants are sure t, o'• grurnhk, yet -some•, in; medicine.- ir."P. Cii,iitelon, • rinse- Laii`d," Hugh Love, Stanley: ' • : • her way to school, She' wasattacked.by a advantage that he occupies the same' of Besse grutublers aro the. • very' ,glen al'of Beniniller school, was iii P'town Best Durliani boll of any age rata, atr(1 knociced down, liaving,her col space this week, • Dropin and -look at who do, not oh'ect to s, yp p ' tat, ) eiitl away: to the a. few days last}week, and favoured •our.. Speciel:'prize-byJ. Dicldsori-=7 entries, lar h?onebrokenand receivingoither injur , his goods. He will do as he says. ' cities to.•get their job printing done,, sanctucn._with a. visit. -We had a call 1st, "Prince•of •(.);range," Thos. Mussel, [ea of a very serious nature: Shteniana- Ursi r —Last Sunda• eveninry . a sending their tiidii.ey. away,fiom their last week from Mr. 13,, H: Morrish, of .Exeter..' ged tocrawl through thefence intoan ail= young man was driving past Mr. H. Y Putnam,. formerly of•Godcrich ' Ile is . . •• euPCES. joining field; the infuriated aninial.run-. • CantPlon's residence anlit turning. in charge: of the s..hool, there, and •:1s ' On heavy draught .horses, -Robert mug: up and • down, by 'the side of• the well pleased ased with the situation.—Mr. .Gardiner '}Iibbeet• Jos, Salkeld, Strat • fence trying to get in at the child, We round to quick, the buggy was upset,. P , throwing out.its occupant, ;whci escaped Y . �' F: 'Whittingltant, a teacher of Turti ".ford; Pat'C,arroll, Goderich, t!?iuk that such should.not. be allowed without injury, although the buggy berry, formerly of this place, • was. in On light horses.—A. VYoung', 'Seep,_ to:run at large was badly smashed. Luckily, one. of f 1 'ld , 5 , 1 1 town last week speeding •his holidays: forth,,•Geo: Mace, +iter,• Jos. Whitely, We•uliclerst - 1 that steps are being the fair sex had alighted froth the 1 1 •" " Godericli township: taken to petition"alto Council to ereet a The R..corthWould Like to See . On Bulls.=George: Hyde, ''Stratford; •sidewalk along. King Street. LOCAL NEIN • town in exactly the same .wa These are good comparisons. TUE following statistics of the town have been knoll given .to us 'lay Mr. NV: H: Hine, assessor.. Total. number o . School children, ren .• 00 ; value of reg andpersona property. and taxablp;_in come, resident, $505,890.20; non-resi- dent, $425.; total $00.8,1315.20-, No. of persons liable topay poll tax, 20; No, 'of persons in families, 21598; total population, • 2618 ; No. of. 'dogs 145 ; bitches, .7 ; total, 152. There is an in- crease in population of 2113 -oxer ..last vehicle just before the accident occur - rel. Fon SALE.—Mr. A. Matheson adver- tises townproperties for sale in this issue. It consists of a blacksmith .shop with tools, good will Szc., and a dwelling house with of an acre of land . which will be sold at a bargain. We also call the attention to"tire "ad" of 1VIr; C. ]Moody, of -lots for sale. in Blyth, They are all conveniently situated, and are very desirable sites for building: VESTRY MEETING.- -The annualEas- ter Monday greeting of the, ,vestry •'of 8t. Paul's church, took place 'in the school grouse on the evening of the 18th inst. Rev. C. R. Matthews addressed the parishioners on the work: of the parish during the past three years, After which the church warden present- ed the accounts, which were discussed and referred to the committee of audit,, WANTED..—We insert 'the following advertisement without charge, with goat pleasure.;Wahtec;j--About sev- euty;n ne venue men, of all shapes and sizes, 'from. the tall, graceful dandy,;. with the baseball mousta'•he mine on a o • resign who a little, over a week since ids) down to the "little huinp blteked,' Our enterprising townsman, John colts for. $380. , , carroty -headed, weazel-eyed 'UP -start. Brurrdson has purchased• the 'Cole started' a branch•store in this place, sold The object is to form a' a ine corps to property at the very low price of $1,- . , Dungannbf: out the stock here on Saturday, to Mr: be •in attendance at the street corners 400, • being less than one third of its . The barn and contents belonging to. W. J, Brumpton of Iiiordwieh, , The each Sunday during the boming•summer original cost: .. Mr. John Mallough, resieling near this goods are being taken to Fordwichi lacer were totally destroyed i n g 8 s will be before and after divine service, to stare Richard Brundson• .has •.erected a p , y an Mon, whereVno doubt rest batgains at the females as they pass and to make, handsome verandah at the front of his day morning last by fire. Loss about g del icateat,dgen tleinatilyremarks ontheir . residence.' . • $600 a• insurance, $500. ' The fire is 14Ien•:will come' and then will go, but. person and dress. All who wish to en- Joseph Walker is going to move to supposed to . be the work of. an Mani- our old established friend, M. Virtue consisting of W. W. . Ferran and J, list in the'above corps, will appear at Stu -Willie. Ridout. d still hangs out at the Post Office Blo ik} Yt Fora god l no - and seems to be doing a good business: Ridout. 1VIr, J. H. Combo Was elected""'the various street coritersnext'Suiida The Landlord of the' hotel here is 1; p a go to Don . It His stock is largo b sad varied andpeoples people's warden, .After the usual vote both morning and evening,. when they 'making more improvements on his ,qy 'GIBDINgs, tin a:' aigglasnd vast can depend • of tlianlrs were tendered to the outgo- will be duly mspeoted and their' names, ' hotel,' ' Ile ought not to spend too 'wan • g itr , Mg warden the SundaySchool, thepersonal appearance, and uantit of mtich as .t1,e Soott Act is soon coming • . The Doherty organ. Dear. en getting it those.. g ,Pp , them 1 fie them 1 organist and choir, the vestry meeting brains registered in`a: book, kept for that to pay ns a visit. , Our brass 'band coins out in uniform. James Petty, Hensall; .''1'. Pridham,; The Man who says filar times are Osb• orne. )0'ewhridge.•. Bard. just now, Sugar making is the order of the day. The merchant that does a rushing. RnLlciotrS,^Quarter}"'Services will: business :without advertising in, rite r Y The grist mill is running :frill anile • . Itn1ites beheld on c,uuclay. the 28th, at Ebenezer now; •and considerable' work 'ahead, . church, anti.' lino, having been lately overhauled and a A foundry 'established. in Clinton for •VisTri tt:,-l11r. • King, 'of Coiling- .c• the manufacture of reapers, mowers • wood Collegiate Inst, paid a visit to' his newgood boltingbusiness andtpuiving meetShe s satis-. friends at Bluevalc� re ;arator . to tak-ag-' ° . P P Yfaction • l F)rrt.3. around here now. . • and other agricultural•implements. ' Londesborough. big 'charge of a school iu Hu'11ett, Mr, . Ir Gallinhar sold 'a span of Messr..Johnson and Mills, of Har proper was adjourned, and the conger • purpose, and to be published.. To pre. The ratepayers are thinking about • .WA large stock of beautiful chro �, Bennett has just roeeived a. .. gational meeting for the election of vent a general rush, it will be well to the question of salaries in this town- mos. Call at 77 and.see them. large stock.of rosewood and gilt, and synod delegates took place, resulting in state that none will be enlisted posses; ship. Let us hear frommore of them. Or A nice assortment of women's: gilt mouldings, and is now prepared to the choice of Messrs. Jno,.,Ransford sing intellectual capacity superior to Quito a number of the Good Tem- and children's beets and shoes at llar. frame pictures cheaper than any other and Juo- Iticlout. that of a well-bred donkey." pliers visited Blyth last Friday night, land's: house in town, ,, M _