HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-15, Page 7�![pxiXett• (For want of space the follow ing Ronna were crowded cat of haat week's WIG. A sawing "bee" took place on the farm of b11 Thou East ono day last week. It was largely attended, and the competition was keen, some pretty good work being done. Mr. H. W. Cook and J, Shanahan were champions. [Fur want of space the following. item were crowded out of lust weeks issoal J. Albert McMichael gave his young ',friends a tally party Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Musgrove, ' ]I:Ir, Jas. McGill and daughter left hereon Monday last for Manitoba, • I1 UROAN NO•ltaAS. --T. Russel, of Morris, has •a ;cow in his possession which has had 5` calves inside of 38 months. -lIr. \Vin. O'Brien, of Rodgerville, has t'vo cows wide' - gave birth. to two calves each lately. -Mr. N. White, formerly botell:eep er at )aliutville, ha:: removed to.Exeter,. where he will occupy the hotel formerly conducted by Mr. Crocker. • -Robert Tenney, of Myth, oneday last. 'week, had his arm token off below the elbow, leaving gotcauglit-inthecogs in McVittio'•s mills, Last \Vawanosh,, -The new cheese factory is to be built at Walton on a lot leased from 111r.. Hewett It is to be 28x100 feet, with curing rooms and an engine rooni16x22 feet. -John Wynn and .G. \V. Green,. -of Brussels, intend comencing work at once on a building 18x35 feet, near the. maaket square, in which they expect to place about $500 worth of Machinery•for the purpose of turning out axe haitd- les. • Joseph. Kidd of Dublin, bought at Georgian bay, a few days 'ago 8,000,- 000 feet6f pine logs, ready to beboonled and brought doldn as soonas .opens. He has also about 1,000,000 of hemlock, elite and basswood, up. along, the shore. These he intends bringing .down, by .his new .boat, the :Josephine Kidd. . -On 'Friday the 5t11 Inst., at' ten 'o'clock, the members of the. IHurOU :11edieal Association met i31 the'Coni inertial hotel in' Clintort....There were-presout Dr. Sloan, of.L'lyt.h,. Pries- ideut, I)r. Hoboes 'and Graham,.:i3rus- sels,..Dr. McDonald, ZViughain, •Dr:. Taylor, Uoderieh, 'Dr. Stewart, Bruce- •field, 1)r. Campbell; f eafOrth anti -Dr: Worthington and ' Villisms• of Clinton,. Dr. Stewart and McDonald reported d cases of nerve stretching: • Dr. 1`TOrth- ingto)i exhibited two cases one of diR-1' ease of the thigh belie and another of curvatturc of the spino •.t tulr ItlaSter7 of paris ,jacket on -both doing well. D. -itewart.. showed a case of •ununited•. fracture of the ankle of a young man from i{ullett in which the. bones •re� train out of • place. 'Jho case was about coming before the Courts,• but lead been settled by 'money, Dr. Sam- • pbell exhibited a tumor which he had incisal and gave a history of the Case.: Dr.- •Graham showed a pathological' specimen, of great interest, and read bis notes of the Case. l3pth Dr. Grahani, And Dr. Campbell, ,• received special thanks from the President for •their very interesting cases, aftersoli�o`. ill teresting discussions, the meeting ad- journed to meet in Exeter: This Was a very interesting 4ueeting-though the number present was not equal to that upon .previous occasions. \\Te would advise medical melt all over the county' to attend theme meetings, O.DITh AND ENDS. Quick silver -that which passes through a newspapea office. Now that Lent is here Gish goes' into. the, best sooiety. . " Innocent at home"-LNo a newspa, per filo is not used to scrape the rust. from old jokes. You,ve struck the wrong .tool chest this time. From morning till ni„ht The b"v's take -delight • ili trying end' other to bent MTh , flubs" anti "ten picki1" And ..(.vers" and. "kiel,"y. They " knuckle CM...keeps'•' on • the street. • There is a groat deal of natural tact in children, When a little on'6 was asked by her proud mother to read her last couipnsilien to the minister, silo began --" The caw i.s• the. most useful animal in the world," and then, remem- bering the, treseece, added, (c extent religion." Do not let prejudice stand in` the way of relief if you suffer from •any lingering disease. Burdock Blood I3it- te t s curt n o :v why should it r' t ben: fit you 1 It is a specific for all forms of Blood, Liver, nncl Kidney Complaints, Nervous headache, Gen. oral Debility, Scrofula and all diseases. of the Secretory system. Trial I3ottles 111(•.. k( Sendi.t1 .a Letter to Rrothe• 'Om. fi3altimore correspondent of tt New York paper says-" following aetu- ttlly occured in the general delivery'of our post -office: A genuine Irishman approached the window, and !banding the clerk in attendance a letter, remark- ed in the richest brogue-" Please;' sir, and will you send this lethur to brother Tim, who lives two miles beyant-Relay House? The clerk, taking the letter, re- plied that he would send it to the post- „oflice at that place. "Sure. sir, how will brother Tim get the lethur if you send it there? 'Dont I tell you he lives two miles beyant Relay house 1' The clerk smiling answered that as there was no post -office nearer to hint than the Raley Douse, he would be compell- ed to send it there. The Irishman. ap- peared to bo bothered and dissatisfied, but after scratehin leis head amble, a brighti thought seemed to strike him, and approaching the window again with ft beaming couattnance, he said, -(I have it now, sir •l Write on the back of it, Brother 1 ui well, please call -at the Relay House and get 'this. let- hur.'" A MISTAKE. • It is a great and often fatal mistake. .to take repeated' drastic "purgatives for constipation of the 'bowels, they induce .piles and cause debility of the bowels: Burdock J3loocl Bitters is a, safe and perfectregulatorof the bowels, arotis- ing the- torpid Liver and all the secre- tions . to ecretions.to a healthy action •; acting on the Kidneys, and renovating and ton- ing the system in. the most- perfect - mannor, • - ' • • .fie O ._R OORD ig PvJGlSllEl) - :very Friday "tlioi•eting, At the office, 't'ietorla. I3locle, (tear the %'ost• olflco) • CLINTW i ONTARIO,. •-I3Y-• E. FLOO.DY', .PRO.I .• Ti-R11S.-Pule' illsccuco will bo sent to sub cribers (post a.;e- free) for $1.35 If paid inmi', ince , 81.50 if - paid in 6 months 82.00 if paid at the end cif.tlic j•oar.., x\u p:rperdiscentiirnet} till";all arrears are paid. 1e \1 Or Alii i i 11SIN11 1st iesertinn,' pop ii , 8a; eaa a subsequi ot.lipurttou, lc. • Prnfessional- Uids, apt exmeding 1x 1i,es; $'4.110 per annum. 4^r" Advcrtisenients o lthimt specific .ditections'will be ms irted' nntil'forbitl; add charged 4'O Our rates for yeaTIy contracts, will be made known application at the office -' - . ' JO)) PRI"'11 sC Peek aria] Joh Printing nf.evory description executed wltic',neatheas and despatch, on •t,e shortest possible not:ce. Orders by maul prom7t lr attended t0 .Ultarges Moderate. • ;ef ,t�� 1 LI11i;TrJ'c'.R'O it$r . • Cananada Methodist Serviecs at 1020 a 'm: anti. 6,80 p. m. Sabbath School at 2 30 p nr 1 1sv. 1). Gr' fire nl:atAxn 0 D i'Awroet -•.• • Canada ,1,eOnti.rian185ra.n,68aii115,10 and 6,30 p to Sabtrath School, 3.30 p.m: ltsr. A14,K. Sr1iW- RT, Pastor. - , S+ t'ell's (liplocopal) Strvie es at 11 a. m 1001 ;1 p 10. Sahb,t)t fiehr 1 and If Pole Class, 3 }r nt.: 1111. C. '13 \Lw^inl n' Reetot :Bible ('hristu , - Se rviecs at .1.0.30'11.: nr and 6.30: m. Sabbath School 00 p•'in, Mc. R.. 'Luc nes,. 1 apttnt Cho eh. -1 Service at 10.30 a ni. and 6.39 p;m. sabbath School, 2.30 e. in. Rea. J. 4anv -castor. - TRAVELLINQ GUIDE. • k`1 '411811 \\1111' - i • " w� rk °�. u Grand Trpink • • .HAST. Pafla exp s. 3[txnd •Aiiseti, • Gedericli .. L1 7.00 510..13.05 pm ..3.15 p m ..9.00 a m •}Tolmaesvil10 t 20 -13.30 3.50: " -9.10 " Clinton .7 .30 " 12.45." .4.15 ''• 10'.00 " • lcaforth 7.50 " .9,10- " ..4,45 " 10.50 "' Lublin •..,8.03 " ;. 1.30 ..5,10 " 11.,25 " llitteull 435 " ,. 1.45 ":..5.'15 " 11,55 '� s<ltcin Ville . p.:35i •"2 03 " ..6.10 ` 12.35 ' - Stratferd.:Ar8.45 '" .. 2.15 "' ..6 3.0 " 1.00 ` • 1-nsT.. • - • rass.' rlp's. Mixed Mixed. Stratford, Lv 1 20.n m 7.50 p in 7 00 a m 3 4. p Ill Schringvillo .180 "' .,8,05 6.30"" „4.10 ' 3ttkhull.. 1,45 " 14.25 " 81.5 " ..4,45 " nnb)in.., 2.00 " 8.40 " v.4, " - 5.10 ,1 Sauorth.. 817 " b,b:i " 9.15 " .,5.41) " -. l Linton.. 2.10: 01 i " .10.(10 " 615 " - Ifi lmest'ilie ) 50 " -9.35' • 10.20 " ..,6 .35 G0d06;11. Al ,35.1 '. 0501" '1100" ('A1i•4 a;•Tres€crza T ORTIT. l.xpn'us Hail. Express T tm(1en • 7.40 as ur 2,20 p m. b 25 p to 1t lac Park.- 7.50 ' •. .2113 " :.6.35 '( ..6.44 1t Winton ...„. 8.05 " 2.19 ' "` ,.062 " llrcvon 8.15 " .3.np, " ,7.1):3 " (.landeboye8.20 0 •, :1.11 (1 .. .7,14 " (eat, aIia • 8,40 ".83.20•<' .. 1 •iniac 8 52 11 •1 ,s " ....7.40 ,l • Ha n.1.t11.. 0.15 " -8,61 ''..7.53 " Larl,p00 1111, " ....1.67, " .. :7.60 : "• tlrrt6•rfieltl 9 >1 ° .4 05 " 8,08 " t dei ton.. .. 9.89 " ,.4 ' 3 c .. 5 25. "- Lcndoshoroli111i 9.58 ' ..,4 11 (' ....s.$5: " 131tt1'i '• 18.1,11 " :4.5)) e' ....8.52 ", nelgruve. 18,21 f .5.06 1\•Ingham, 11.15 " .5a35 " .. ,9,25 " • SWIM. 77xpres4. 11tH 1: Express \t 1nghatn 7 0n a 10....2 15 p lir.. 6 20 p m 1101 000e. 7.18 " 111:3 " ,. 12 ." 130111,, (i 7.;- ' .1.23 " 11103 " r nulesberoy h 7 44 ' , , . 3 36 ' " 7 04 !'Beton .. 8 62 " '3 fro " .. .7 24 •. " Bromfield,. .. 8' 211 *' ,. ,4 07 " ,..,7 49 ". f If 1[' hippen +7 • Treieaall,. , 880 " 420 " ....8 06 " Exeter 8 332 " ...r3 42 " .. .8+,15 " Centralia 9103 "..4 4' 0 ...,8 41 j (landchoyo 91.6 T' ,. d l ai ....9 02 " ihtcon 9+27 -" 501 0 ...913 " lidcrten .. , 9:34 " ....513 " ..035 " I rt, G:Ir 9 47 " .. 1Tyds.}'aric . 9 fin " .. • , 6 3;61 e I If yoti,sufIer from any cllrouio nisi ease arising from Impure Blood, Slug- gish Liver, disordered Kidneys.. or in- activity of the Bowels; if your isstet �y Ner- vous is , u debilitated .from what- ever cause arising, do- not despair, brit proauro a trial. bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters ; it *ill only cost 10 cents, large Bottles 11.00 For sale by all medicine dealers. - MTH SA > ILL 'O OSMAN & DODDS Are now prepared.tu du all kinds of work In their Rue. Haring put In a grain crusher, wo are able to do chopping at any thou and °ti the shortest notteo Uo$alsA:S D055 8. 011;th pee 17, 1880. CLINTON Piimp Factory T6115 undersigned begs to announce to the inhabi- tants of Clinton a,el surrounding 'Townships that 1ie'bas 111 17'rTI-ll) the above establishment, and is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Well- mid. Cistern Pumps... CISTERNS and TANI(S, on the shortest-possihle notice. Raving on hand 11. very 11(10.3 stock,, we are confident of giving good satisfaction In crery case, OIIAI:Olds 51o1111ISAT}7, Orders by mail pruulptly, attended to, 4:,F'Your pati onagesolicited. , - I) fri PIA • ROSS. Harness, Light, I-/arness Hulls, Can always be had at the LOWEST ` RATES, at W TORN' &P 121.'.. also a Largo'Stook of 11716, whicli will lie sold G}TE 1P, ,Wo aro givin; . Sprcial :Bargtiins in •Truiil;5 itiidValiees. Outltoclk is eery much enlarged .this• Spring, in all the 'above lines; All ice ask is:for the'pab-' lie to call and inspect our .stool. and .in colivinl:ecl that 'we'.fireselling` thean er than ever before known. 'We !lave al- ways•ntatle Light IJarness a' specialty, and warrant all Collars.. .' NEWT013" 4DENNIS. amu.° ' ;a�i�'iii5_ r',�as. ' � • foo-.• Box, I .•Our stook of Undertaking floods is very:large and conn-. plete. ,Any - person requiring' '.ony'thing llrthis lino 'will find, it to:: -their it&Tva;nttago .to • c' l•I, 'aril :see us,.as )ve havejust re Ceived a largo stock of w,'IiLNIJ'a' ANtA ROSEWOO D.. CASKETS.`'' Also'COFJi'INS, of every des- cription, from trice best Ameri- can and Canadian inanufa1tixr- ers, also astock'of Robes and Trimmings, Which .we are pre !,fired to furnish at half the price .foriner]y charged, .for these Goods. '• . NO, 77 BRICK' BLOCK, SEEDS., "S") EDS. Sty stool. of Seeds ,for 1881, in" Feltl'rtell and Flower Seeds, Is 000)pletn_:-111?vew., Fresh and Reliable, and will be soh] at lowest prices.. • - • Clover Seed,. extra 11110, Timothy 650(1, primo. FLAX, ' Tl\R1:S, 13T CICU IIL AT, . 31TT I r r,.. 0I0.111A11.D, 1I tiN(1A1t1•.AN. 1 1' Special attention bas been given to the sole°• Honor all kinds of Swede Turnips, 1t u, e) Witrzels, )ltinntl"th, • ttree ) ed: Nmbttnn (dant, Largo Itol, Champion llitormediate--Carrot Socd, all varieties. . Garden Seeds I Carden Seeds S HARDWARE. Builders' Supplies at Special Low Prices. • 4� 6 b l 1; Irxc:l i+li\Cl: .:. P •WIRE. Paints Glass, Oils, &c. U, 1•I11uton 000(1s. CLINTON sc H. CAS TELU. 'I'��';'.;�; PROPRIETOR, ATANUI,&TII1tPIt _ '+ YEA o • BUGGIES, CUTTERS, •WAGONS,. SLEIGHS, &C. ''TTMBER AND SHIIN-GLES taken in exchange. "Give mea 'cell and 1 will sive you p,1, -es that cannot be beaten in the County. ,; Repairing and ]io1'sethcelril clone with despatch. . TQT'IC .All iiiclebtecl to the late firm of IL .CANTI5Lnx Bros , either by Note or Boole. account, are requested to .call ;ncl:settle by cash or note. - TT, CANTELON, TOQRAPH ER, Beaver Block, Clinton FINEST FINISH LATEST STYLES FU NIT k o s FURNITURE!! Clinton.. Furniture .Ware-Roo,ns, . leo. 77 •Brick Brook: • Yo_ Owing to the, inerel 5)103.0081nessstnl4ng•tbo past year,. 131,0..A11 -)1P.00112 az 0. = - Have taken out`a now lease of, .l io. 77, arni Will conti.niro to do businessas formerly. - 31'e have on haiid'at theiresent time as li11e a 5toe1: of l'hrnituro 48 was ever on exhibition In this Tow 11 cli wo witio wlll sell at a very e' 4AI;L ADVANCE ON (()ur... As we 11 00,1facture all ottr own. Goods, ir0 are pry pared to gave our Customers 1)1r,"[ 41,1) (!GODS for LLS', 11ONL1 than eon be obtained elsewhere. • ALL GOO S .'6YVY ARRAN ire i RQD Ile LInlige>i A. BEN" TT'' Salesman n;:i' ])on'tmiss the place a\o 77 Tir•tik.I;loclr 'ill .` Ail IR ':3 I51t'OAT1ROI'7 oTEEL 8ARE A E & .BUW�.���"E 9 HARDWARE, :GLASS 'CIL, 'PAINTS.•'- Clinton, Ont, anuitry.12th,:_1cSal.. Our •stii,1k is always. kept FliESI-I and well assorted. We buy IN the 1)cat market for CASH, 011(11,(trraut to give saLtlsIactiml. PRODUCE TAKENX:11 LXC11ANCil:: &. PAALLISER �. 00 , 99..B ICK BLOCK,:. CLINTON-. TIM WAY P011- 0:0 . BasesShoes, Illus°s' Lorag. mote, • . Boys Lori; .Boots,_ 1 olcrt s hong :134ots, lrro11ie9a;5 ColaiSkill ,.'i'Icnes, 1711s8es' Coati ,S7oiaa ,S'Icaes,' - li'anacits' J,'.u.tlo',aed chits. VICTORIA' BLC K, ' uIIS WAY: FOR E C' Hames, daub, & single CP 13ti /aalo Robi's, coat Robes, °�'a-0 • Horse Blan liet3 - tea. 1 Ix C T W.i .FOR. 'WOOD, 9 Fri rnmi C. u ii9T`oIRIs Orta'. .o(ANT Bi SPRING °ED'ACTOR AND FUT F URE WAREROcriellgi W. B. CR ICH & COI, VI'OT0R A 3T CLI,NTON Novi' begot() intimate to the inhabitants of Clinton and surrouding country that. hey have on hand a vets ((l t k of all kinds of Ned uraisuch n rho Suites, Chamberor finites, Easy Chairs,Patent!lockers,sr :(ithouis, fa., iJ`SPitiN1 11:18 and LUt:NOLS made ta•.ord°r `fell A partial wishing Wpm:, . chase will e0114811 th015 bcst.intorests by giving us a 0311,'•:- • I t'N131tALS n1411811E0 on short notice, 0OVRINS and SITROCDS always on hand, . • N. 13. -BASSWOOD LUMBER' taken in oxcha go fo t • 56 is) .r r �f'. +1 '1� Ti p 11716.e'�li"7t.