HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-15, Page 6TN) i LIURON REC04.0 from now:
until ,Tanuary, .t980, (mailed ta any
caldress) fin, 7cants. Ifiubsertbe: at
ono and read Ma nom s(ory.
[For want of maw tbatedloadviteinsworoernivded
out of haft wewo ism.)
Zreelin, of the SIM ba,s
been under a ,physicians care for some
time. He is around again,
H+ouSenooL.--Mr. Daniel MoGreg-
or,bookbioder and Dr. Vercoe, are quar-
relling over the High School Imre.
McGregor thus. far seems to have the
best of it. The Dr.. is no match for
it moz,n•
Aw �D Lawomaux Omit, — Mr,
Chas, Stobie aged 76.died on Monday
night last byinflarnmatiou of tlae lungs.
He was, a genial old man With few or
no enemies. He was buried Wednes-
day ,last,. the funeral being well attexi..
, •
tFor want of space, the folloWing- items were crowd-
ed out of last wcus.'slasue.i
Dungannon is blessed with plenty of
butchers, having no less than three;
yet they can ask plenty for the meat,
Opposition is the life of trade.
A grand supper was got up by 111i..
Smylie, of this plaCe, authorized by the
ihabitants for those -who took their
departure for Dakota. ,Aniong those
who were going wasaine of our oldest
settlers, Mr. Glendenning, who has
,,kept store for a len time in this place.
.After expressing their goo(1. wishes to
their many friends they dispersed, for
the night, well satisfied with the overi
ing's meeting.
Mr. Merherson, of this village,' as.
stated before, left for Hensel], where
he intends carrying on. the tailoring
business. Before leaving he was 'quite
surprised by his many friends of the.
Presbyterian churelr, aniounting to.
about. 90• in all, marching in and. taking
possession of the house for .the evening..
After enjoying themselves for., a 'short'
tiwe,. a purse containing over $3Q. :was
presented to him as .aloken of rernem-.
brance for leading the singing in the
aforesaid church, having. Jed it for
alinost seventeen years. An address
Was also. roasi, to •whieh.he'-rePlied suit-
ably, sayitig that 'he W0111(1 ,e'Ver re
membez his friends,of Dungannon. •
• Be/miller.
: ' • ' •
(From our 'Western COrreqpondo(it.)
[For want.of s'aro the wowing -items were crowd
out of last week's •issoc.1 . ••
K. 0. *.'.17- 111.---Ths3 „next il-evie)v.
Ilarzillia'reiit, No. 159 will be held i
the Temp. hall, Q11 inonday evdaing;t1
11 th inst. •• • • • • ..•
PERSONAL.—:11r. Geo, iii,b6Wtirtr,
Who for S01110 tiwe has been attendin
the academy of art inTorontei, arrive
home on the Ist inst. George natty b
found iit his studip.en 11,Eain by an
one wishing to have a picture enlarge
io a workmanship 1.1111.1.1.146P. •.• •
LEFT. --Mr. Jam. Scott,•weavr, wh
for some time was employed by Ma
Jesse Gledhill, of .this place„ las 're
moved to Clinton: Mr. Scott was al
excellent citizen and the removal o
him and his family- will be•a•great- los
to the village.7-,Mrs: Luker left on 4tt
• inst. for B. Cohn -tibia: • Tier numerou
• friends wish her a safejourney..-.
TExewaawca.-LThe following listcoin.
• prises the officers elected forDiv. 368
Sms' of Temp. of this place for the cur -
r Int quarter :—Bro. P.„ Can.teloifW
P.; Sister Sarah Plararnmer, W. .A.,
• Jiro. Wm. Robertson,. R. S.; 11r5. Jas..
Stewart,' .A: It. S.; .Bro..
if.- S.; Bro. Chas. Walters, LeaS,;' Bro.
Wm. .Moore, Chap.; Bro. Goo. Stewart,
Con.; Bro. Jas. MoOre, A.:Con.; Bro,
()has. Stewart, I. S.; Bro. Jnb.SteWart,
0. S.; Bro. Andrew I -leading P. W. P.
RELtoions.—The . Rev. C. W.. 'Voir
lick who for the past two years has
. been pastor of the 1‘1.. E., c:Ii.urela• of
this plane preached his farewell seraph
on fund ty,Crd in.t. Hi .s sermon was
a masterly effort, and • the earnestnesi
of Eli remarks will lave an impresgion
M 1,1 4IEE Will not bo Fo011 fOrgObt6It.
Stiiee his advent . to tho 1 clrcuit, Alio-
Bev. gentleman* has m tIo by his elo.
quence in the pulpit, by lii cliristian
• counsel, and by the affability' • of :his
mar:14er, a host of friends all of whom
while deeply regretting his departure
wish hits and his esteemed partner
/leaven's richest blossizug in their new
sphere of labor. • •
For all purposes of a Family 1Viedi.
eine, IfnovAan's YELLOW OIL is at the
head of tho list. It is Used with un-
precedented •success, both internally
and externally. M cures Sore Throat,
Burnt:, Scalds, Fred Bites, relieves,,
and often Cures Agthrem.
Ask your ,druggist for a trial bottle
of BURDOOIC Boon BrrTanst it will
only coat you 10 cents, aad a few dosts
will prove its efficiency as a health -re-
storing Tonic regulator of the Bowel.,
Liver and Kidneys, it 18 spooifio for
all diseases arising from impure blood
fugle diSOgdetea, a0Q)404Z. .
TIIIE Piny invitations that. WO are reeotsing from
our numerous customers, and the ttlr share of
PUldie patronage that We have received in Vie past,
has induced us again to obtain the nocessary roadie*
cation* to brlug out before thepublie, as good samples
Fresh and
• Genuine
m was over lulu erfferad itt th 4 section of country.
andat prices ti it Will ensure a continuance of the
• itterS hest;Owod on us In the past, -Jil oar',
' --t-ARM-- •
9 Cent
We hare made a specialty, which will be found on
oxiltuillatiou, „Cannot be heat ht this .part �t tbc
•• Pqminion. We keep the
and consequently Can afford to pay the very
• EST PIUOE, either in ,
Cash or Trade.
• N. B:—We are receiving DIRECT'
411'04ITATTOWS of CROCKERY . and
GLAS,SWARE, in New..posigns; ex-
actly suited to the wants of -the people,
and cannot fail to give satisfaction,
both as to Quality and .1i!ice: •
llasDectien Cordially SolleM(6d.
• „ .neraemher the place— •° • ,
8heppard's Old -Stand, Albert
Street, Clinton. '• •
• • • • • ANti t5111., • •
• .
• •
-A Spacial. DiSC11111IL Sala
and mare expeeted—alsb, a linclot :of new
CollinSo- 11.40114# t¼nid6rtitIcing
•Goods. ,
Col& and see, in •, ' • '
lately occupied by Shepherd and Cermet;
Albert Street Clinton,
• HALLC01 •
• •.. •
V1.4elle Ara irtaf:Goin
• tt/e going to
a telo n's
• .017.00ENVAIND •
rpwlon, boi
. bpposite Fair'S MTh,
pays mato yet my Ge9rerie:9 Mere ;:the
,goOdoi. aro .qt) a/map, «nd al goal%
• is .d .IVO. 2 1 So Old Goods ;
a14 noio and fresh?
of His Sugars; Teas, Coffees,
.Prunes, .Raisins, Currants, Boneleas
Codfish, Geld Flake and Fine Cut
Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled,.
Some now dcsigne. in °rockery and
Glassware, WOOti011 Ware,' and in fact
everything, you4want.
Pam Produce taken in exchange:.
D4 0 ITU)
In. this ToWn to get your
1R0-,- 0-0—
at the Old Waterloo Mouse,
keeps the worst Stock in Tcwn. Itis prices era higher than
any other Grocer; he is very inattentive to his elastomers, and
makes himself c,enerally disagreen o
able to every that des
• ,
patrotnal Mtn, and he ton WA= your A tram—persost„a.u, Jae weeps
open day and night,”
"Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, nearly EVERY130DY
There Must be Some Mthtake Here
• For 14/8 VOOCIS are all New anri Well Bought, and
Don't You Forget It I".
Ilemember the place—
Opposito Post Office, in Oa Old1Vaterloa
. . P. "pk, B Grocer.
• C
0 0
S at Lf
Our Teas are Choice, Our 50o, Teatakes the lead;
For 75 Oents You get the Best, -
Our Boots and Shoes can't be bea
For Quality or Price.---Soine very Choice Lines. •
• . of Persons who Lava bean rump by the,'
: oflliei.090 101.1NIFIER, .
I c,-,c90iiiriS*B193
, Jr -I411
• LA.B03.34.To
77 W.3c1 St., fiewirork.Citr
Z•414os Miettlg CAIN
g ri.
ki, 1,111. "s1
st '=-
• V. tr. 7.1
111 1,•'.3
rra!mr xmat.w . 7.,t
.g1 m kix,2> Q.ca 4, nvfire,a.ja:72(41dIva"
ft,/ ti ' ' "1/4 ,,13,`;4if;e'4,9.2.14"felf'D:.:,;4474t.ri4!
q7 , ri ' ',4t. #1'5Ylr'9,Y
'S gi %.•;41 7.'"'' " '.."' ' '
fa•-etv°/ 01.9eate,
T1422c.ct;P.E.`.14Z2)7. Z!;TCI';?:.T ti Han I
7 0,0iff) AtigNIN •if s.II3 F,:0:4) nz;fer.13,70
9.0007000 alr.';'.i.:11e2fis
51E7 Pyrvr .P09,..TS, 3 l''', e tail ri apolica
„?:a. 4r,•+it!i. ii;
-44 •
• 4:4„4: •
14 olrs,ti,era elm i thtt
which enzvc; p::4) niopr1t alnd scettrir (if
stilt:1mb. a5.,,....e,1,,tan 13 rwiwa
',toy 31 Aviv eating trio &Amman:Ion of Co uclikr
acts tupinhtl SATtwr.
Z-110119.11p4,i) )14.11101'.1. •
. XL 11pg,101?/1,4 rite litimots
rho ithmd# .04
• It u599s-,ite `.4'/"V.C1:561jVCC1714
ana raortoritex.
lit on cries oft i54. (II Eef,,aa.11/111111,,k1.14 '1111'W
(41,119111 a111 pftre13 id t5 elite nud4414tliCe0
.r.rewhI234 Pi•repicfs dom.
It nereraliges 1114hereditary tnir.. oc polffen in ti3. •
- •
blood, Whitt rune -Wan St minis, 3:r7tritwles, and all
manner of shin diiiraies and iirernal hinvora.
. • Thorn are.no 'qdrits cnaployod in its zussuultentre.
aad it. can bi taken by tho roost delicate babe, or
the aged auil Meld°, care Only Letit:.'r#Vaireet
• tellf/Pa jo dirE414•01:44
Pi/es oJ Cro• ckery •fand lassuiare.
Aylmer? Elgin:eq., Ont.
• AT.BOTTOM PRICES. , I have tts#d tliYour remedy for llySpopsta, and recoin4
's Joni; FArtylin•Oa:
, • mond it• to oMs. • . • ' •
40 Ms. Sgar.:for $.00‘
ming bri.7Yotir-i4OtatorT-Xtit (or and-Eggi1', ver reftfge tlio Cash; .:.i have tined.ntur Blond Syinp trial fotind It a -Utiia, r'..
. . • : VMAP1E • •
lc() troubleto show goode. CASH FOR EGGS,' . . . .
• . . . (tonal taia,,,Aftriotoiwateine. , „
ital.s•,•,lianker•D, AlyMer, Otitt, -
The ': only Ketlicino • that succesSfully purifies the'
Blood, acts upon •the Liver, Bowels, Skin and kidneys,
ration, Headache, 1p.eumatisni, Drops ,N enrolls and Gen -
while at the same tithe it allays Tjervous Irritation,
and 'strengthens the Debilitated $ystepa, perfectly and
speedily curing•BiliousneSs, Jainidice, Dyspepsia, Consti-:
oral Debility, reniala 'Complaints, $crofula, trYSipelai,
Salt Rheum,and every "Isppcies of Chronic Disease Arising' from
Disordered Liver, kidneys, Stomach, Dowels or Blood:—":" °
Sarno% Dottie, i0e. T. MILBURN CO.; SOLE AGENTS,' TORONTO.. Regular. 'SIAN $1.46
• .
Mrs. reemen's Weirs Powder is a safe, sure and, effectual deitroyer of Wenn in children or
adults. Price 25 reals Cr 5 for $1; • • • , .
• • / hex*, .Freeman's Tfew nontestk Dyes are perfett in every color. rot brightness sing
• 61ralibiLv they have no equal. PFice is 'cents per package. • •
John Smith,
, • •
anaral Outfitter,
(Carson's Block)
•2 .
You ran got all hinds ot
Mottoes:, and Motto' 'Otiard till
,Colort44 Ool.d and ,iViienri Met -1411'
' WOOl RektiP Pletatr4144-
/VO4 I.Vee4filk," rock.
• ets, Bracket:4, etc. • .
coml.:vanes wade t� ordor.
• anckSee.
• •
A. HALE, Victoria Street, Clinton.
$ CI 0 0 FORFEIT..
Crtneor • Ctiit!
• ectaticoolc, te., Canada.
Ali li 0,1J 11 13
• watelt aha are of the•Kbile.
The only Permanent Cure itt the World..
Pot; putiettlars on 'two two 8 cent -stamps to B. C.
Smiln,,yosti000lr, P. Q., Cainulit,
40'114010st references.
CrISITS 8,13.1i11. tiratl.'haff#-
Any paper an publish the :above fir 44 31 y,ssr.# with,
41114 !ipte_anti papor. regulst,y.
Aiwa Saila
• Farm for Sale..
jg tast•Itaif o1t1 North half of Lot 2, 8th Con.
Morris,•Containkg 4.1 acre:, limi0 tir less:
.ithout 25 •fere,:i ele.trea.'i',t itt g Lot it 1inot two
hal1ntile#Thim taw.liolrishi,,g iIF14oflilrth
• st•iti ono tfintior • mile fr.dn the V. turf Unit.;
Ale • Thera is eta the 1 ot a small Filmic and
a1. g Stable-, 11.10 ti, well of geed rived 'tore,
'1 Elilis BASy. • For. partitnairs; aplilv
CSititan, April ist, 18814 • • Qlintott It. 0:
• .# ' •
• • El•• •
' • .#
AP1-.,SNIIID.Iti.4..ZdEDY Fat nvsrppaza.: , . . i • ' ''''• • '
• • • • .
• . . • . . •
1 MVO 10ced 3011E' Erol.01 we,. •1 syrup, and can:tett it
tto be used in #c# trill vases of it;t s.pepsia. and tomtit i.,..: • • • .....
td he ri, bPleadld remedy. 1 reconitneetl it
.• w.'\V rn,F4 A1.1117.0i, Ont..
81' t. lifXNC.7.117,NDED.
. .
Ilmvn intettyour Syittp for pyspopsia
and found it. as recommended.
•' . ... •JOir.c W. '011,141', J. 1i. , ' . • '
ayliner, Ont. °L . ; ' • ' ' '
• I hay° use dAtiNndit(ijtr,tri:e8 ritift71itrilnellioNloit Syrup and
. find It the bust n:01004..111 use tot' dyspepsia, and as it
. blood purifier.. .• •
•• . I#Mvis Eititso,•Aylaier, Ont. ' . • ''
. . .
• . ., ....„......---, .
IttlEtl.5tATISM. .. " !
1:have•beefiliaiubled. with 'rheumatism tor it great .
• many.years. •Your Indian mood byl:op is, the only
one of many remedies that didmo tiny good,. I etw. •
conin.end. It to till.• • , • . • . ' • '
• •• • . Mao, Owrintatsu Cuumett.4.. • ' '
. Iienyon, Olongarry.eounty;•Outttrio.
'DISEASE OF 71--h1ST631ACII. •
Cross I lin, Waterloo eetrity, (Int
DEA sia;••8 was tratilded:wlth severe pains itt m' •
Stomach, mid also with loss of itppetitc, and 'wag 1:11),
ithrle idj.f0t anything to relieve 11.0 until I took your
.Indian 1,100d ••;y rapivilIVICCtiveted 15 :siardy • efire:. 1 •
411v,ty4 give our ttiodimpe tho prlase it to justly
gr. RE ems FOR IniSPF,P,21A, • • •
• . ' • • Iturforil, 'Brant Co., Otit.
1 wish to statb that our Indian intim/Syrup ?tau• ,
ronntiotely eurod nat- of il;mpopsia. I can sack re.
Ettlich mstrao(of , •
.:•=t7 C•;! 35.Z Vo
Ono of tho E.Set '
Mg Xa
Y.HVILtrrillittnt2 at 11.14/1
• It 1511, creel/lit lathe curb 6f all clineapen
tlf 'the ndneys, Prostatio i or.
Lion of the Urinary orgos, Irritation at
'the Nock of tile niadder, naming thine,
weer, tioriorraert all its SIA14,S. 81;;111.
00051)Lit!harra,S, 0011frePtiOlt; 01 t1101Cul.•
quo, Brick 1)1141 nieheu,s,
hareinarioit ot 1bn:fain, s and /dodder,
DrOpuy. of Ithiney,f, Acid Inoetly
Urine, Rau 10 Chi Jinn:ion 02 the 13iptider,
PAIN 884 (I Urinary enletilits,
enkniluo,: Huai Collo, Tteiontion
ot Vrine, Frequent. Urination, Gravel. in
all its fnrinii, to retail), the Wa-
ter,.pArtionlariy in persorts advanced in
rE INVES1161.151.011.
that restores the Ifrino to its natural
eolor; yomovos the acid arid burning, Spa
the Offeet of the .exce,wave use ce fatox.i.
eating drink.
ITIOE, S11 Ott POIties l'Oe $d
t"irtend for tivett:ar. told by all Drugalato.
iv. Jolt NSTON
Agents, for the and Canada. fe
Iti!'01.V.Y$4",e.MicrlattPeNe,l'a ',.10464.1:1031.4
eonnuetatit th
• • ins. Awn &COL,
. • .
Burford, Brant eo. •
• 1n the spring of 3:477 1 %slavery ill, Mai wits'attend-
ed by seccrai d,,etors.• Spine thought 1 had ;
;•otite)4e, disease 1 kidneys; they all failed to. do any
gdod. L tried 3 otir Indian Blood syrup did 'mu •
f4.#1ituelt good that 1 was 'soon uhle to do my •Itettse.• ' ,• •
hold Work,- 1 would have d;cd but for your valitalue • •• :
• ' " • CALIST.1.S11AVE:a. 1• "
AMiLs • •
wife Lid 'thaw under .deeter•14 tritittm4rt 1,trtvvfi • •
years wit 11 heart dihilya- Ale had 16 be Milled to mid
from het' bed. :Ow used _tiro Matti Blood-Syrup,but „ ; •
• nr;hort than when 4,44 began 1, wtilk again; anti has
' not kept her' heti •It4.• &eq. It also cured my
daughter of Chills anti rever.. •
• litmus MoC.Q4lisolw ••
Brant Co./ Ont.
• Brant Co., Oht,
• Dear •Sir,—.tr plead Ryr.er is the hest
metileintvfor dyspepsiu and liver compleitu 1ever
seen. • / •
• . •
Mts. 11. ,T. Tittoos, "
gA,V.51) ITER WFB,.
• • BrantN., Ont.
• / Itad been muter doctors' hands for eight year*.
dam inthig your Mood Syron ter a t,bort time, 1 wag
enabled to do all Inv Work. Artily beileve It. saved,
My lite, . •
Ards, way tottOlaltif.
; •
onnoratAgents for Canada,
• NORTilltOP &tl LY111AN • •
4 •
. 21 Froilt 8t9, West,,Torinito; otA, r