HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-15, Page 5The People Coining Down Handsomely. The Triiimphant S/iowof New Goods at /1O/JGINS'startles the whole :community with Its Extent, Its Elegancy; Its At- traotiue/2ess, 0 QUANTITY, QUALIY, BEAUTY, VALUE, ---Unsurpassed. The Boom in the -Trade some clays last week was grand, and still they come. A bonanza in the Print Trade—fast colors at 8 cents. Frenel'i 'Cantbrics, Sateens, Madder Prints, Sage Prints, Light Ground Prints. The variety is truly bewildering Black All -Wool French Cashmeres, in some Twenty Makes' and Qualities. Fringes, in black and colored, also Girdles to match, A Bargain in Black and Colored Silks—honest, Pure, 'ALE -STYX, and 'WARRANTED. Celebrated Sewing Cottons,, 5, • • The New Tlireacl, best made -TRY IT; 'All to be' had at. the GREAT DRE .:. �: SS .��D PRINT WARE11OUSM v R a� y -or HNCuV ,oH' b� dam` GI.NS„ LINT �7t! taf ortli, \\'nITEwA811I O. ---In the last . issue of tlie •,tiet/foe/4 Num 11r. M. P. Hayes, President of the .1t•cht,ni fs initi•tutt, t•olne$ out with a letter w.hicb 11[1..\Vat un, •Vice president declares to be per- fect as a \flute w'Rshillg 'dacument. Cdr. Hayes pub.liShes his letter and in- sists upon the Editor refusing .Mr... 'Watson or any other ratan a reply. • I suppose he calls this fair play.' He says that Dr. Vercoe .has paid more toth , e € istitute-by ways. o£•benevolence than' any other. member 'while.nobody knaivs him paying bite dollar, .except for his ticket, which tlie poorest of the town do. lfe also speaks as if the Biil,iaichOaloon. was introduced by the Ineln.11drs•.'as a whole—while the fact is that it was t roduced by men who called, themselves, "a committee of gentlemen ". and: this committee said that they would keep the whole thing separate from the In: Ktitute proper, would pay their •own expenses and• would yield a revenue. ,to the Institute proper. Mr. Hayes also unfits to say that the ` eoun tittee ' of • gentlemen " reported a surpli--rtr, (by garbling the amounts). sleeting: after sleeting untii A1 r, Watson; Vice Presi,. ,lent and Mr. Campbell, Treasurer ex amined thebooks and found 'that there never ltdd been a surplus, and that the whole thing had been a fraud. _ 11Ir I Iayes gives credit: to Dr. Vereoe for :subscribing to a syndicate which U. D. Wilson gave his word of honorat a general meeting would be formed,, but. the syndicate was a huge hoax and no money has been paid, no• syndicate formed, and Mr. Wilson's enth,usiaslii- lias ended as it began--i•n suioke. The members leave him to fall back upon, n. motion which one of the inelnbtes of the board Madeover two year ago•= namely, to sell the tables at•what they, will bring, and the said ln,eluber. re •ee.ired any amount of -ebuse for his motion at that time, 'l'he end of'tile'. huge fraud has come and the rSaloon in connection with the Mechanics . tiisti•. tute has tobe. elosed and it'will take luore•thau one litter to white wash the"- nian or Inen,who, introduced the 1311-7 lard Tables .udder the plausa,ble r(3 presentations that they would not only pay running:expenses, but yield a,,'revv e,<uue to the institute proper, MelalHop. 114 Join] 11Ientu•e\, of the 1 4th .con., 'returnetb frein) 11aiutt ba•on •l.+'riday. lust:: MI6• tool, over 't carload of ]horses `t short tune ago, to E Arson,, where yip •learn1ii:cl.ispo rti uf-tJleui to • good. ad. 'vantage, •I:1t f as 1ilso taken' up about 900 acres of l;teil, in the viciuity of Etna elsont. \'We•t\•ii;li idol success in 41e., prairie provtneei,. and trust. that his geriia:l nays will°•\\'in for bun friends as: numerous ashe leaves behind hiin .in M•cKiflop . • • ',Norris. • i17:"r. T: l ek1, of C IL . S:, paid avisit 'to S. a'; No; :8,Merris, ;last Monday,, A concert was given by ,the„Church Choir, at Bluevalc, on Friday, 'April 8th,: but was :oit a different ,style front ' wl:lat might be expected' by. the name. EnlroA IONA'L_=•The following is, a report of the• standing oftlie.pupils in attendauce•at S S: No.' 8. . The report is based on good conduct,. jilztacttctdity,.. . and' general prolieiency: ` The pupils. :are arranged according to merit. Fourth form—Clarissa .Jewitt, Ellen Maxwell and. Thomas. Math ors. Sen., 3rd divis- . ion -John Mothers, Thomas. Jackson and Henry Bosnian.. Jun. 3rd—.Ii,: Jewitt, Alice Jewitt and 4. Elliot, •2nd glass --Maggie, Ilcftl, Jos,• .Selle'rs and. Tames 'J Iiynne. • west. ltvawaAiosJ1.• ..: guccersful examination took place in• t/liver's School house taught by 1V.liss ,Brown, on April • Ikt. The exercises were conduct(dd by the teacher of the school, assisted” by; Messrs: T, " D,obie,. late of •'Toronto 'Normal School, T. B. 1II1(ir, Priueipal.'of Auburn Public School and Miss McGowan, assistant teacher, 'Auburn. sebool,'e;nd in the dif- ferent. classes the pupils were put to a pretty severe test, abut the' ready answers given to the questions proposed,, showed the careful training they 60 received :fiom their teacher. Their 'order •was . also exeel1 ut. At the close •of the general exercises, Mr. Serinimilger was elected chairman,: when addresses conmplimentary,, to teacher and pupils, were delivered by the •trustees and }� teachers present and atso Rev. Mr. Plitohard, of Auburn. Il For a good violin string,, g0 to Ilo1iF.RTY tL (�rII3B1Nl1$:`' � ''1,'Ilts school has made rapid progress •• Sincethe presetlt:teacher has taken. &""f' .Fee a good violin, ,.7 to . Do• charge •of it, for •which., 1i11e. deserves 1sJiT8.4.Gi nannls.,• • much credit.. t• Owe 0-1 CD C f 4' fn —AND— Totll1 1 FOR SALE. 000D BARGAINS. That superior Farm on the Base' Lino, adjoining Stnu.inerbill, formerly owned by lir. John Arm- strong, cuutprisin'• Lot 13, in the 17th concession of Ooder,oh'r'ott nshi'p and partof Lot 33, in the 7th con- -cesion of lfuliott—in all 105 aces 'Moved Log .Ilausc Frnine 13nrn 7015 Stable, largo Orchard, &e, Applyto lir Timm AS MILLER, Teaaher,Auburn N. O., or to the undersigned: That first class Perin the Iltirou .head, near 0 1larparhes . Lot 33, in the first concession of Waliillop, 101 acres, (30•elcared) adjoining the pro. ports! of L. Meyer, Esq Log and Frame Rouse, largo 1Prluue Darn, geed Oroluard, 6:c. Apply .to lh 1V 51.•. WRITI.LY, Iluron Stead^ fiuckcrs,uith-.o> to the underslgi d. - .. t,) Lot 2), in the'rwelfttt Concession of Godorich Township' near Ilolmesvillc--80 acres, about '40 clecr.d, h;rlante well timbered, Prairie hiuso'.agd' 'yb3blc \1'cll suited fora,l frr.oi i tin g.fmin01,'.y $2110 required ,lo\ r or would be exchanged for •Toa n roporty. Apple to 617 17.•llut ', i . /.61.LE, B13_th,. dr to the miders,aued. Tho t•itlu•Lbpe Ilotrl 'property on victoria Street,' Cllnto. known. lane's Hotel, plost oc(ep1id :by Mr. (corgo Knox, co uprising a large hotel bpilth ing, driving shed; four Choice `Ltt}n tot+, &G. I. That elegant two•story frame threllifg•howa ori t), •flumen Street, Clinton, formerly .hold•by.1, C- Miller, now occupied by Air.. John 1'. hhtrtin, • ' /� Tito eoinfortaldo.frama cottage on North- Strdet, 111; which belonged to.the tato Jelin vngh, now 00- denied 0denied by lir. Joint llailoy . nith'two l•u•ge lots, go'bd garsien,kc:'2-neat the .• '1'hc gondFraino cbti:sgo and largo let. co 4103, • on Twle • trect, Clinton. The lot h near the Janetlon of the, two zxdlu'af5, . and zips' herealtor:.be ualuabl0 as -a factory site, to _Also other lots and buildings for snlo• Apply ' 1.1: • HALE,: Clinton, April 11, 1881 ' Huron St., Clinton Just received at Harland Bros, a large stock of American coal oil. 2 -The Doherty organ received the highest award at the Toronto industrial exhibition, 1b80, over all competing, and don't .you forget it. h'olices of J3iriht,: lfarriages and Deaths in this tie- - ,partnai'rt Screed free 7f -charge : IVe.shali at ati -• ,times be happy to 'receive .each rnat.ces, from aSre- AaGle source.. • BIRTHS;„.. - • OLEOG. 4n.Gorrie; on the. 2nd'in?t.,•the .wile of illi. W. PI Clegg, of a daughter. McCO11lTi. Ili Ne\\blidge, on the 1'st • iust., the wile al f .:McCo111b, Esq,, of. a' son B LL -Ia H•iwiek, on the 7tlrinst.,. the., wife Of 1\1 r- Jas. Bell of a son. JAM LS.—In "Gor:ri.e, on the .31st ult., the wily of Mr. Edw. James, of a son., 1RIJARRIAGl;S; . 111cDJtiAGII.—"MAETIN:=On the .5th• 1114., •lit the residence 'of" the bride's '..berotheri by the ltcv:`A..Mebaa»,:.:Mr.. 3, A. McDonald, merchant Callow, to 1S1afis, second daughter of -Isaac. Martin of tile sonic 'Mace. . BItIGWA'M-MILLER.—oil. Wednesday Apiil Oth, .by the .1te\ . Mr. Loohcttd,' a Mr, Joliii.., Brigham, sal 11 nlectt, to Mrs. Agin killer el the same place. )rD�si;�t)11[�S• WASH. -In Goclerich Township,. on the • 9t11 inst., the ini'cuit'son al David. Welsh, aged' 2 ,years and 9 months, : HALS'1'I;AD.•—In Clinton, on the Iltli inst., .' 1si;;sie Alice, second daughter of • Samuel and .Christina Halstead,'aged' 2 years and 3 itlonthS. - CLINTON MARKETS. • (Corrected every, Thursday afternoon.) wheat, fallp or hush., • $1 08 to.. 1.00,5 9 triug; lteduhaff, • . 1 05., to, 1110 •-1o.10 to 1'.15 0 87, •t0 0 40 • •0 05- to 0:80 • 0 00. to 0 70. • 000 to 5 50 • • 0 110 to 0 85 • • • • o 18 to 0 20 •• 0.12 to 0 13 • • 10 00 to 12 00 • 0 60 to 0 00 • • 0 75 to 1 25 5 50 to 7 00 • 4 50 10 500' • 800 to 8 25 • 000 to. 0'00 Fife Oats, alarley, i'eab, Flout, • Potatoes, riuttori• ilii, tiihles, sheepskins • Boot,• Clover, ,• Timothy,. . rink, , •• wr • WE EXTEND To ALL AN INSPECTION OF On Ei S MANTLE DEPT. A SUCCESS ! 'WE'lifit'1 IT A SPECIALTY, " THAT'S THE REASON WHY." r MANTLE CLOTHS—Large lent, MANTLE S AIANTLt CASHRBRES--Great•ti diol', ILKSAll Qwdities: BUTTONS' ORNAMi l TS, FROGS, &o. )[flhiIllli. hildren's Sun Eats Very Cheap Dress Goods, Department Complete, Staple Goods department Complete, Printed Goods Department Complete, Clothing Department Complete, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, &c., &c.. PRODUCE TAI.LN, at • ' -• . THE IMMENSE 'bRY GOODS EMPORIUM •OF CLINTON. , PAY & WISEMAN. 0 The subscriber begs to inform. the Public that he has removed to M G, SPOONER'S BUILDING, next the Market. Having settled, with the Insur- ance Companies on a most .satis factory basis, he begs to intimate that he has decided toclear out all his old Stock, at Great1yREDUCED RATES ---some at: HA.L ", and some at LESS THAN ORIGINAL O ST, the whole to be cleared dut z : the course of Two Months. _ Hats and Caps at Half Price. GROCERIES at Greatly Reduced Rates. A call solicited. 'WM. ,. - — •II,A'S-- _. IN " THE BRICK BLOCK, Mr. Plu,asteel's Old Stand.. IIaving purchased the Store and" Stock of Mr, rlunisteel on the most favorabletei'ms, and made satisfactorYarrange 7 lents with the Insurance Com pan ; ',will oiler the. Valance of 1 3'r his stock saved from fire, lit Less Than' tthe Oriqina/ Also, leaving put in, ev alill Slo In all departments, will offer them at BOTTOM PRICES. Thanking thep 01174: for theirliberal patronage xri . the old stiild,..he hopes fbr..`a continuance of -the sziine in his new st�tiucli• • Don't jorgqt the ' Place; e t; to the Montreal. Teleg'r ;p1 • O•ece. Eggs and Butter-taker:•in.exchange for Goods, and the tligh-est -; Mar/?et Price Paid. G. If 1111111}1T Pl steel's • 01c1. Sta115, ALBERT" STREET.. 777 Cheap, Cash stare,. CI fe to#.- �: -.. 1. t' 777