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()LINTON, li'RWAY, ,A,pnzr. 15Tzi, 1881.
Some time ago,. the people of Exeter
• took steps towards making that place
a port of entry, and petitions in favor
of such were sent to. the Government,.
but we understand were not fe,,vourably
received, owing to its railway facilities
not being suftieient,• since that tine
the advisability of. making our own.
town a port of entry has been consid-
ered, and a committee for that purpose
has been appointed, and petitions are
now being nyurerensly signed in the
neighboring towns and villages, That
Clinton is the most central point in the
county and has thobet rail way facilities,
all will agree. The ports ROW convenient
are Stratford and Goderieb. In a great
many cases,. goods, shipped by the
Grand Trunk Railway and destined for
some point on the London Huron $<
13tuce, are very much delayed, either
by being kept at Stratford, and then
again at °lintel' Station, for shipment
on the other line, or else going on to
Goderich and coming back again,. caus-
ing also a good deal of unnecessary
Clinton is therefore the: proper place,
as goods may be shipped hete by either
of the lines, pass the officer and go on
to their destination•without any.further
delay. We understand that all the
other villages are strongly in ..favor• of
Clinton, and that the petitions are .be•
ing signed by :very person interested,
We Hope the Govorument may see fit
to give diem careful c.onsideration',, Incl
take steps immediately to the request
contained therein. •
The negotiations looking. -to Sitting
requiring the utmost facility of the 1
house ,to'supply the demand. We are
usually quite cautious in praising a pat-
ent medicine, but from the well known
integrity of this firm, and judgingfrom
the voice of the people who speak in un-
qualified terms in, favor of this remedy,
we can safely 'venture to ,recommend
our readers who. may bo afflicted, to no-
tice -the claims sot forth in. the adver-
tisement and gige I3urdock Blood Bit-
ters a trial.
Ju:KilN; from the correspondence
that has recently passed" between the
Grand Trunk and Great Western Rail-
way Companies, there would seem no
immediate danger of the amalgamation
of the two roads, The latest contribu-
tion to the literature sof the question is
a circular from, .Sir. Henry W. Tyler,
President of the GrandTrunk
*Well ]ie Says :--" As I stated .at
the last half -yearly meeting el: the
Grand Trunk Company., I do not con
sider itto be our interest to endeavour,
at, the present moment, to hurry for-
ward•any arrangement with the Great
Western Company, ;. but T -may add
here that 'I have in nowise altered. my;
convictions as to the advantages mutu-
ally.•derivable from, a complete anialga-
me,tipn, fusion union, by whatever,
name it may be called, of the interests
of the two companies,.ancl I shall at all
t%rnes,bo ready to meet Great Western
shareholders in a liberal and friendly
spirit whenever they may be inclined to
join heartily with the Grand Trunk
shareholders in carrying out a practioa-
ble scheme of :a complete ,eh{aracter, ••
desire Clothing more, and nothing less,
than that •it.shall, when perfeeted,lie. a
fair scheme, and that it shall conduce
ecnially.to. the best interests and ulti-'
urate prosperity of the proprietors 'Of
both companies "—Mail, •
L'ull's return to United ;State's territory
are said to be assuming shape. A memWe wish it to be dleijnetly' understood that u:n do
'Trot hem oursollos responsible tar rho opiuiuits
her of the :Vomited Police is on the way,, u`pre�sud by our corroapuildal;rs.
to Fort .Buford with a deleeatien 'of, •
Il.he Voice-of'1Aiiot)lier Ratepayer.
Sioux to arrange for 'the surreii.dor.
Frauds on 'the revenue, invol.v.ing•
ntirny thousands- of'dollars, have bt.en-
brought to light in the -Maritime :prey-
ieces. The //reds ciperarudi'of -the per
sons implicated was to enter dutibleitn
ports as free 'goods, phosphates, for • in-
t-'tanee, being entered.as -bone dust or
guano. A vessel ]las Leen seized in con-
eectiou with.the affair.
Titr, :1loticton, • N. 11, • `Ti.nles Says
that Fixty men returned from -the East-
ern States to Truro. the other day, ttvo
of them penniless. ' Our contemprrary
thinks a grave responsibility.rests upob
those writers and speakerswho, fo'r the.
sake of political effect, snake statements
which result i1r such experiences as•
Mr. Gladstonea long -looked -for Lain]
13i11 has at last, been introduced .into''
the Imperial parliainent aud will •prob-
ably meet with considerable opposition..
Though not so harden the land owners.
as was expected, still it destiknctly; lays
down that -hereafter landowners shall
net be exclusive and unconditional• pro..
prietors 'of their own estates:
iMIlss IIATTIG Lt#i r°r., t110 10MTO!.faigar,
died on Friday 1ast,.after'Lliaving lived
forty-seven days and forty-seven min--
ain-Utes Without rlourishinent oth.er_,thart.
water. She died without, any pain -
whatever, and at her death 'was 5q
years, .4 lnopths and 11 days old • The
body weighed • fifty-two .pounds. Tho
natural weight 'was about. one.huilclred.
We desire to call the especial. atten=
tion of our readers tothe supplement
issued with this number of our paper,.
Ile who discovers a remedy that tenets
t 1 ameliorate human sufferings is reitlly•
a public benefactor; and well merits the
confidence and co-operation of the peo-
ple. From the multitude of testimon-
ials that have been .publislied.regarding
the., remarkable curative properties of
hurts k Blood Bitters, nye,,, no, quite.
rta,riy•tct ltjlieve that Messrs. ,'.C,;Mi1burn
Co., of Tere,,tto, are doing ,n., good
work in the litre, of Proprietary Medj-.
cines, The,sales o%r this new prepare-.
tion duritig..tte„past few months” of its
•'.4.introduction upon„t11e market, we are
1.41ggruled, is sople.hillg truly w•7 brfttl,,
'Editor IXraron, It'ecorc7.
Sur,—l.noticed. in .one'of your. issues:
•of:lllarch, a Communication 13lgnell 'by
"Ratepayer." asking if itt wits right for
ond'person toalotd ;both. the •ollice of
Clerk.. and Treasurer in. any municipal
ity,.and statin that they people iia this
'to Wesl'tip were notch `. di55tttistietl..'evath,
.the:one party holding, the..ofices,' and
uionoliolizing,'as-ie were, ear nituiicipg.l:
business.' ,1u my ,opinion, Si,,,it rs.
nothing but right and just, that there
should be a. mau• for each of the offices ,
Ours is• an. ing 1ligetit towanship,'"and
thf,ieare plenty of;nicn wlio: iri .yell •.
qualified to fill either of the ofhees •• be
sides' it 1s the public money, and the
.wishes of the public should ' be coiisid-
•ered. It the salaries. of other. •town-
shlps'_be taloa IMO consideration, -1
think it could bo done a greet 'deal
•cheaper A gain r tliilck there, should..
be more reform in. regard to assessor/
•and.,collector. • 1 believe.that once in
tbrei or, live years, ;(as Can,be agreed.
en)•is• sufficient for, an assssor to ge
around, as: there is- not. iiiipro\einctnts•
enough to'require'it any oftener. Tiro
assessor goes &iround••'this, year. and, 11e
Values property principally the :Sano.
as:lest,year w.itb very • little difference
—not, enough to pay lis salary. • The
Collector's fee might also bo reduced..
Ton dollars, in'my opinion, is en ngll •
,to collect the : taxra. . Let the people
tiaeet the Collector: at' four' different.
places in• the township, n8:'is Horne. by
parties.who do net _pay. their taxes
when the 'cellocter goes around, •
Tf.this was ea; i°ied otitit would. lie a
saving to the township,' and
answer the purpese jtist as • well. .The;
•Collector now:reeeivvei $90, where, with
this way $10 would be sufficient: The
Assessor also gets $90 and by. going
around mica in three years a saving, of:
:1.80 would be' made,. •: • 1 hope the
Council will. take these tuatte 1 , •into•
consul ration -.and by doing so. give the:
people satisfaction,
• Thanking you. for; the space you;
have given ino in your valuableouanal,
1 remain, •
A turn it It1t 'AYNit.,
Hulett, April I2t11, 1881.
Srta>Luky..,. .
Mr., Gamier near Varna: sold a,
:Wyse to Dakota buyers for $100.
Mr. Peter Pertl,ur, of Goderich town-
ship,, has leased tika,farm of Mri Colin
Smith, .title con;, for a term of one year
al t.hrs
Atte of,$ll0,•.lv.11ielkie;ponsidered
It is. reported. that Ml. Drummond.
intends• erecting a brick block during
the coming summer,
Mr, J. Hawkshaw, the genial ]and --
'lord of the "Commercial,” has taken to
himself a "guid wife" this week, in the
person of IV1iss. Kent, of Lucan.
The Ed u.cational sermon will be preach
ed in St. James' Church on the 17th Inst
by the pastor of the church.
Mr, H, Cantelon has returned home
from Harriston with a fine heavy
draught horse, for which he leas paid
the handsome sum of $150, Mr. Cant-
elon deals in good stock.
Mr, James Steeps has raised bis barn
and has.given Mr, John Young of Wing -
ham the contract of building,a,stone
foundilt;ion under it. 'James bas made
great improvements during the last few
years in, the way of fending and drain-
ing his farm. •
While Mr. W, ]t. Steepeof•the' Bays
con, was at dinner one day last week,
ho was startled by the discovery that
his house was on fire. Had it not been
that he .wag assisted by leis father-in.laiv
-anc1' Mr, -.Jelin Miller, the building,
would have been consunaed°.1
.Laster Sunday !--Eggs ! 'tjtn !
. of the 0, M.
•church of this, place,. and Rev.:. Mr.
Barris, of 13r ussels, oxohauged pulpits
.on Sunday last, •
Messrs, j, Carruthers. and Alex.
McUool left town on Monday afterrioon,
last for Mieltigaia. We hope, the boys
may not have their, trouble for their.
Several letters -have: been received
from .parties who •left this spring for
Dakota, and they, all Unite iia saying
that the far west is not quite the; para
disci it is painted. • .
'On Sunday a large, lob canie broad-
sideagainst the supports of the .'crani
of.ltocl ey's olili• mill, and the water
being hili, the'ciant wee'for••a tittle . ilr
.cousiderable ' danger:, Ser eras::. men
'were •employed iu rotnovmb the .ob-
;truetion< ti •
•' Mr. F. Dunnage, •of' the -Brunswick
?louse, has'ehrulged the bar from .the
rtiir to the front of the hotel. The
house;is e�• large that • strangers could
•uot find it: out very cast'.. '1.le bai• ~of
Royal, las also been changednoarer
to the certtreot,tlte house,....
The 2'i1r(rs anal .11itchtill •.Ad10101! 'arc
still at their old gi,uie dire1 it` :seems.
tear to the knif : ..Last.Week t1iti td
• clerotes Iiidf • a coluinii 'to toast-
iisg the'1'itracs man, . wine"),
"y'imrs is what the itdi-beete asserts, is
certuicily:'fi great .amettet • of .powder
over airy• unworthy,game, while Shia
Week. we are promised, e special treat.
in....the, way of Billingsgate from our
local star.
On Sunday afternoon, the residents
of Leopold street • and 'neighborhood
were treated to a regular 'set-to, fit fisti
.The nid)_ Johnston and :the
'woman referred to elseivliere,•coniteene-
ed wrangli.11g in the `house, when :they
transferred •the affair to the street.
Shortly after,' the Cliief carie • along
but as matters, were quiet when • he
. arriv.cd, 1io. arrest could be •rna%le .with-
out special. information being .laid be-.
fore a magistrate, and as to one Scented
disposed to, take the responsibility,
thing;- were;ellowed•,tp rest. •
Piti&ey i1 i ir. ill titltlrv. - Our
usually quiet town ---mot to be behind
tl'ie•tige—rias its practical Enoch Arden.
There, has been. for '80110 1time;•.•resi-
cleat ii various parts of the town, a
woman 'who, passed by .the -lame of
widow Streeter; but not relishing the
state, of single " blessedness she some
time during:last swimmer cast in' Ler..
lot .with John Johnston,, bricklayer,
and has shine answered to, the cogiio-
nieil "Mrs,. Johnston:"A31. went=
not, happily— .but. ii ilna,pily, •till mat-
ters finally 'Culminated a week, ego
by• a rather, 'seedy looking German•
elititni tg to be the ,1ru'sbandl of .the.
aforesaid woman, putting 11111i's'claims.
for a.hearing, Since, then 'we lave
glctiStecl• a fend facts relating, to the
e°aft. • .Some years'ag* sl,e•(the tvolnail),
married the ( e •elan•–,-Ballenty iie er
Vallentine isy Lane --who came from
the u.eigjibonc( o.l of Paisley, Not
agreeing very well, she, gave the' leige
lord the bounce,. and shortly after autr
ried a 1 an'naured streetr1', hu't be died
about.t'hree years ago and was interred
cat the• corporation's , expen.e. • To rf -
nili;in long in widow's weeds was • nob
congenial to the tastes of our her'orrte,
so kite tried '`Connubial. felicity with
•itohnstota, as before,. ;inentiouecl, Mat-
ters arta. now in abeya tce.. Johnston.
won't,hnve 'rinythiiig,;to do with' her
further, n.ncl the German, don't seem
very particular oithery so between ..the
two the woman- may come ofl°,•seeond
beet.. Our Epoch, differs front the
idea-. Luoch hi -nor
'TO-l� orro v''
11 AreI : ° teal to Come
to ;
Victoria ock;
L UN T O x� i4T T . I
Now is. the time to leaue Year Measure for •Your Sprina'Suit..
Shearing the'.CargestRage
Tweeds in fhe County.
7 < .
CANADIAN 'TWEET) Suitings,•;
y tliAlniaAttl, ,. J C E O The Clothier- Clinton.'