HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-15, Page 1Volume.% No8. TERMS :---$1.2b per Annum in Advance, CLINTON • ONT., FRIDAY, .A.PRI. L 15, 1881. •• • EDWARD FLOODY, Publisher. W. H. RANSFORD, City Book RON, Clinton NALL PAPER, iu endless variety, from 5 CENTS A ROlt-L, GOOD VALUE. 1 have added to my Stock a full line of. Tne bens have been well watched this week, PERSONAL—Mrs. Long of the Carson Block, is atpresent visiting her friends at Newbridge.: Anniven.—The poles. for the scaffold of Mr. Sinith'S block have arrived, also a quantity of sand, and now looks like work. • Ssow,--There were showers of "the. beautiful" .on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights of this week. What has Veneer to say 7 You will now see the average young man, on .a Sunday evening, at •the church door, whiting for—who.i His. Sister, of course, he will say.. DOING A Rumen Bosixess.—A,11, the tailoring establishments in town„ more especially those who. advertise in the RECOnD, are doing a rushing busi- ness. . • • Massns, 3. Sheppard and R. MeLen. nau left heie for Dakota on Tuesday last, Where the latter intends to reside, and the former merely to see the couetry, ,• Choice Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco and Cigarettes A.:Vial Solicited. LOCAL NEWS. Houle and Vicinity. DUST was flying on -Sunday lasb.. "Wno wasn't out on Sunday 7 Echo answers, who . 7 • FAnmEas advertise y on r. farm' stook. for sale in Tui RE.coun: You Will; then soon find a buyer. aa READ Broodfoot & Box's ads. on the inside this week. They .are • giving great bargains in furniture. • SEuvicE.--There is now service twice. every Sabbath in the Baptist church. Look at the directory on.tiat ,• • , PERSONAL.—We had 'a call from Mr. P. Moore, of Brussls, on Saturday las, He is as lively as ever, and reports'. business good in Brussels. , • Tus Blyth Review Wouadlike to see ., greater interest taken in the t.en/Pr- . . owe cause in that village. Pet. a•Cross. in your note hoick—ifs a ,good oue, . Goon Cota..--'"--1Ti. jam Peiclint, of Goderielt Township, weighed ,hie young stallion here on •Moaday, a The anneal is coming, two years Md and turned the scales at 1,700 lbs. Who can beat this 1 PElisoNAL—Mr, A. H. Manning ar- rived hones on Monday last. ATTENDED.—Mr. Wut. Jackson at- tended the trado sale at Londou on Monday last. Aw TO BR AROUND.—We are pleased to totice,that Mr. Wm. Cooper is able to be around again. Mr. Wia. Cooper, has 6014 his house and lot on Battenbury St. to Mrs.' 13lair receiving the sum of $750 there- for.- ALL THE Go.—Putting the stone and 'jumping is all the go, on tine evenings. Everybody is best," as far as we can learn, 13,aoas.--a-The Clinton Driving Park AsSociation, it is said, will have races on, the park ou the '24th ot May, and also on, Dominion Day. Bineptau.—Aetive preparations are, are being made for the rebuilding of Smith's block. We understand it is to he finished by the lst of July next, • READ Diana—A number of new advertisements appear in this week's issue. Among them will be. found. Pay & Wiseman's, .They. invite an inaeeetioa• of their New Spring Goods. •Mixisanatat..-11ev.:Jas. Caswell, of Londesboro', occupied the. pulpit of the Methodist Church 'here, morning and evening, on Sabbath last, Rev, Mr, 'Sutherland took his .place at tondesa bore'. Leoaen Busistess Ltica —Our streets presented a very business -like appear- ance, on Saturday last, the streets being. thronged with -straegers.nearly all day.: It paya.farniers and • others to come. het°• to: do their; trading: • PeesoNAL.—Mr. Win. Alexander -of thc7t1, .on, Goderich Township, moved into town -last week, he having. ren- ted his farm some time ago. --Let some more follow bis example. itemoven.Mr, W, .H. Ransford's hook store has . been removed -a eoneha. erable distance to the north, Andthe place where it stood, is now being excaaa •ated for Murray's new beck. A 'SUCCEas.—Heller, the great ' ma- gician, performed io the town hall on Friday, to a meagre house.- Although .all was not done that was advertised, 80111C good tricks were a.aecuted, 'and -the performer, by his humorous man- ner had the best of atteetion; • CAUTION 1—Young 'nee, it is dan-• gerous to sit on dry goods boxes: that may be lying round the writers•during, your spare Clouts on the Sabbath.. We •know- of one young Man haeing biota' • self nearly injured by this practice on Sunday morning last. • • • New Sr.—Messrs. Craib,. Mac- whirter & Co,. have hada new sign placed on their store, at the side. It is very 'attractive, and will catch the the eye.—A new sigo has also been placed at the entrance to:Tee . RECOnD •ollice. It is meetly painted, and is the work of Mr. Keltie, sign painter. NEW ADvEnTislatENT.-1,--We desire to call -the attention or ear readers to Miss Scott's adverdsetimet which ap- pears in this week's•issue. • She :has on hand a large stock of spring of the latest styles and takes this op- porbtnity of telling' such to the • 'Keel.; Waldta-L,ThiS is the season when all wafer awraps should. be were ay.regehttly as in January. • Heavy overcoats and fur -lined eirotilareeafinot be laid aside With safety. for seine. ''veeks. yet. Iteep as warm as you can; and don't allew yourself to think about. spring until it forces itself upon you. The professional cards appear on the. and brought to justice. Mr. Tisdall inside this week. will be a heavy loser, as be had a good Caowinao OuT.—A communication stock on hand and was doing a rushiug signed " Squeeas " has been caatvtled .out this week. Mosta—Oa Wedneetlay • , night lest our band played several airs on, the roof of the market builbing. We would judge this to be -a good. hint for the Cotnicil to erect for them a band :stand. Pisot._-Mvs M. MoTagg,art of this pleceTevareed from Woodstock.on Saturday last whither he bad gone .some time ago ort account of the illness of her daughter.. . Mies McTaggart -has So far- recovered as to be able to come neat weekot 'fact which many of her friends will be pleased to hear. GRAND Oe'ealaar.-.--Mr. 'JaCk. serf's advertisement.occupies a whole page this Week. lie ha,s-lately import- effrom New York, a large .Stock of ladies' and .gent's: furnishings' of the latest styles. -Ilis.gran& openinga-wili lake .place on Saturday (to-merrow) evening, April 16th; when one .of the • finest displays ever Made in Clinton will-bershowe. Doia•failate attend.- • THE Victoria Trahleit; • published • at Lindsay, Ont., reached ,our office this week. • It has a new • dress, and pre- sent's a fine appearance. I!, is well de- serying the support Of the Conserva- tives of the- County of Victoria, and we •:bespeak Or the proprietor, •Alr. E. , Flood, unbounded success.• Prronen.—While a young man was riding a horse on Tuesday evening last, gotts pitched off Very suddenly. A emitdog run behind the horse, making the.animal throw.. its 'heck; in the air. "Right side up, •withea4 care," was .the -result. No injury. -Esaaav Carrte.---The necessity for adyertising estray • cattle, is a• matter that i too often over -looked A man may be kind enough to take up an es- tray and feed it ; but the statute re- quires that such estrays be advertised • within a given time, -if apt -O. -attended ' to the person harboring said •auimal may notonly lose his pay for keeping, • butte liable to a criminal fine. . business. C,4.17 For a good piano go to .Doneeav & CiesiNGS. tar The Doherty Organ. Hear. thent 1 Nee theml • Goderich township. Prof. Holmes has organized a Singing class on the 16th con., in, the school house, which. will. no douht prove a sun - cess, • Mr, John Marshall, of the Bayfield line, intends going to Manitoba. He • goes in company with Rey, W. • Wade, • of (Milton, John Will lie missedaumeg kis mealy friends, . • • Itlyaime is alMost exp rid, Aud my foe leis cone; along • To prevent inc at my labia And -me so very throng.- But, ides ! my friend cloth nd - • Astray across the way, • And soon he 11101.111t8 tile old express Aud to,Clinton flies in, haste. FIe then lays down his geutie care `Before the lawyer ecu] ••• . • • •• But, Olt 1 he finds it all in wile. • • And goes liOnic an April foul. • A very successful eaamination took , place in S. S. No. • 9 on Wednesday last. The weather being favorable a large animber •visitors were . in .at- ' tendance. , • The :exaulining of the dif• ferpnt. classes was cooduated a by the teacher, •E, ! Evans,' aasisted 'M.. • Kitty; Teacher, of.Summerbill,sehool, and Mr. . R Fleetly, of the altadono, Clinton.. The order was excellent and in the dif- Jereet subjects• the •pupils' received critical eaaininatiinea but they showed' by their aesWering, the .careful brain tog they had received freni teacher. At'the. clossa.several speeches •Werefnade by tit* present expressiog,. themselvesas well Satisfied. with ;the work' done ;Mt, Evans.' .' • Sugar making is all the around - here. - A number of buswent out the other evening to a certain sugar caritp fOr to have a good titne„ a • big feed of.. taffy, sing*ngsand tell stories.. Feta Aing':wood on the fire, was 'their pith cipal amusement while waitingifor th sap to 1)011 down - to 'taffy, „After ina dulging in such 'for two or.three hears,. one of the boys Waa,called on totell a story., "The best • story I:ace:a tell," eaid I1e ."is if Mr. P. was to drop amongst us," when to their diemayaa. abOw-wow," came from two dogs,'and a venal sayhig, "Well, here..lane' was heard. The•'lecene'that followed' 6anba. ' better i agined than deabribed. Ow• of httboas ..while scrambling over the, fence sprained his ankle,,, another for • got to gut on•his 'coat; and after- aim- . nalig for about a Mile t1ie. thought - struck hinathatheliad left bis coat the camp. • After. tagreet deal Of coaxa ieghe persuaded two of ..thein to • re: turn with him for hie Cot, but to.their horror, when, they got naia the Camp, they saw Mr. 1'. with his 'arnis folded, iniokinat one of their pipes that they:, had left behind; and two .dogs of. the .most. ferocious kind by .bis aide. ,T0 get the coat, they Must, but for the life • of them they could eottell wily, After 'considering A'whilo,- 0110 of thee; agreed to go in an opposite direction, .climb a • tree and attract the 'attentiOn of the doge, so after nestling • hinikelf in the branches ofa- tree beaaye three of,four unearthly• wide,n .brought. the ;lege to the foot of •the tree.. • Mr.. P. had beeti-one orthe boys, in the days gone by,and not very 'easily :afrigliteeed, ilowever, hsCuriosity .was aroused,: so bethought he would see what waa up, but ere be got near thedogs, he heai'&l: ernnebOdy. say,. "lie down •you brutes." • [lo saw ahrotigh'it. at a.glande • and. re - tented tai the camp, but discovered that Weoat was ' gone. They waited. for their companion a long time, and- thee they thought how be was to f..:et doWn witht1eni brutes there. Aftet Consult,. leg a while, they agreed to g� to Mr. P., beg his pardon, and get him to re- lease their companiou. He etijoyecl. the joke; ao well that be called the dogs aaray from the tree and invited' them • to welt. end he would make some taffy for them, lint .04 •replied. that they had taffy enough for ono year, The.., • yoong. ligan who Nvris op in the tree which Some •of the robbers, in then- said that be always; could tell •whieli . • haste, bad dropped, Were found a abort distanco from the building. ,An in- quest be held, and itis belioped that the miscreants 'will be found out • fp•-•:?'- A large stock of beautiful chro- mes. Call at 77 and see them. The New York Mail says the only re- medy, for a lady of short stature is to get spliced as soon as possible. • irk --7 A nico assortment of women's and children's boots and shoos at Har - land's., • • ." The spring will be backward," pre- dicted Vennor, as he was about to apply aered hot poker to the cat's nose. Crair A. Bennett has just received large stock of rosewood and gilt, and gilt mouldings, and is now prepared to -frame-pictures cheaper than any. Othea house in town.• .•• •• • CEtilsITON 5. Seen:ay.—The re- gular meeting of this Soeiety Was on 'Monday evening last. -Mr.A.ALTaylor, •banded in the resignation of the Govern.- ment and eovernmageneral was requir- ed to be elected, , Mr. D. C.- Carr, was appointed to till that position,and Matt! Holnies. wae•theit called on to feria a. neW,•hlinistry vebich'•Ile immediately • , . • ..............-... ..•. • )gA.STER, RIEAT. .•. • ,IN taking a glance' at the different butcher above, in town, we were very. the upper story. As the building was much. pleased at the grand display.of but lightly insured, it is supposed Mr. Easter meats, and we Venture' to say Stinson will be ateavy loser. ••• • Miss Lliaie Tricklie, of IIarriaton, bas been 'visitilig With :-reliitiv.ea -Oa town daring the past two weeks. • The 'only' fire thet has. occurred in our.•quiet little. town this • year, . broke Okit'abent. three , o'clock on Tuesday niornieg last,. in a wagon shop owned by Mr. John •Stinson'. . Several:anew buggies, .and• a ,few . others ,svbicli .had been'brouglit'in. for repairs; were burnt -With .The tire had 'piped such, headway before 'noticed •that it Was impossible to save much, the gaeat- er. number of- the Carriages being in • that feW. towns in Westero Ontario • • • could • equal the shew. anade by the buteliers here, either 45 to quality or quantity. In fact in passing the shop it reminded" us of the . old saying, "There's Corn in Egypt:" Below we give: a list of atianals in each of .the slic;ps faras pan be leareed. 1. FiTz8moNS Shows two heifers, theee Years old, fed' by James Fair,.Clinton, 'dressed'areight .745 • •. and 770 -lbs respectiVely. Two heifer, two :years Old, fed. by 1L Scott, Hullett,,dressad weight 679 and' 710 'lbs resspectively. Two bogs, five months •olda, fed by Robta Crawford, rheumatism, We hope to .socut. see • Ga.On. OE fata---TharlUeoun will be given tenFiv" au bscribers from now. to alte-end of the year,..for'75 cents in ad- va.nce. • .ThisiS a great inducement; ag thellecotio is now acknowledged to be •one of. the' best. pipers ' in :the ceaety.,. and sewed to none •for7COunty 'news. Let -each of ourfriends, send us in a near. subscriber. • '• • . • Paramus sa15 ,L7—Mi sa Hee*. Buie for- merly an attendant of the High S;bool bere,•has resigeed his position Prin cipal. of Kinburn 'Public, School, he' .lia.yina purchased ,a half interest. in. .'137isinegia •Colleare. Afentre- .0; • Mr. Buie 'etarted on day for for.: Chicago, Where he- intends talcieg a cotirse in a leading business. eollege. He takes pease:3AM' in Mona, trear about 'the 1st of .Auguat. •Mr, Buie,.daring . his. terns of teaching in thin county; Juts. been very successful, and•he baS our 'best Wishes in Undertaking.. • . . • • St,Tceessaue Saoniaarrs.—In the te- part;• of 'the 'recent .examinatioa lfl Knox College,' (Toronto) the names. of thtee:ex-pupila of :Clinton High School received the. following scholarshipdviz M. Ramsay, a op eclaolcitship, R. • Thompson, aa $60' .scholarshiP, aed 3. A. Turnbul a $60 scholarship; also M, A. Elliott, of Trinity College, is aiuoiig the sticeeesful students: Mr. 3, Ross„ another bx..pupil of the .Ifigh, School here; highly distinguished himself in the different Subjects. Our Iligh .School has now the reputation of being one of the beat. inatitntions of the kind in Ontario, without leaving out Colle- giate iustitutes, and we would recent - mend all young mon who intend' going into the professions or preparing them- • selves for tettehers, to take a course at this institution',• Tini Meenasics liestheaa.--As •••a, slight error occurred last week in prin- ting the resolution of the Town Oatm- eal relative to the grant to the Meehan-, nal institute, it is proper to state that the cettra. grant of $75 was given ",on condition that all residents of the WW1). shall have free admission to the library and reading room during the • boure they are open and under the; same rea gulatiens shara apply to subseribers, but without the right of taking home books or periodicals." • The library and reading room are open every week day, froie one to tenP. M. There is a well-ebosen collection of more than a thousand bookta . with obout forty :of the best English, Canadian. and 'Ameri- can Magazines 'and Newspapers. The directors desire to see as ill iltly readers as possible avail tl emselves'ef the priv- ilege which this action of the Council has secured •to the public. 'sr • Ethel. . • Mr Jolin Dunbar . had sevetal sheep killed by on Menday•light last. , Our sehmil •closed, oa Thersday for the Easter holidayS: . W. Kerr, 'of the Brussels Post, preached in the M. E, (notch; of this place,•on Sunday evening' last„ • a . Mr. • James Honey •advettisea his blacksmith sliop . for. sale. This . is . geed chaee for au eet(rprising man,. W. L. :Papa, station master of this place, ia eilahle to attend. te his duties at. preseet, be being troubled With, . , liullett; dressed. weight 125 and 139 lbs reepeetiVely,' •Ooti.,esve, fed by .Josa Lyons, Hullett, dressed • weight 125 lbs' One. spring lamb, fed by Win. Pearson; Stariely,dresseal 35 !ha 'One. veal calf,. fed by. John 13ows, itulletta dressed. weight 115 lbs aid a number of 'pigeons.. • .•• . • • , sm. TENVOLF.dTe, . * 1 'heifer 2.371s. nit wt wt, 1095, fed by him around again. • '• .Mr. 30110 Wade and family - left here- on...Thursday for. Port Hope. 'Mr. Wade ..intends .leaving. his family in Port Hope for. the present, and goieg, bhowir to ..Do.bota. -If the: country suits. bite, be will probably settle there, •Fte,:e.—On Sacurday. Morning' last, 'about half -past two p'elock,'oua citizens. were roused from their sleep by the Cudinore; Tuekersmith; 2 „heifer's, • cry of fire. it pi o'. to be tho'build- "WE 2950, fed by' A.. 1.ritylor," Ifellett; .3 pigs, fed by 111, Tarnblyn, Ifullettaaa sheep, .100 lbs. each, fed by ',R. Sander - Son, Hullett; 2 lambs, fed by.IL Baker. • Goderich Towap,; calf, dtessed•wt. • 100 lb.s.a also, anumber of rabbits and big eons. •-a•,•. Co[tat ,&.:nstetisoa. . 1. heifer, -2 , years eld, fed.by. I), junior, Goderich Tp,, weight 1;395, One lreift.r, 3 years old, fed by R. Jack- in" owned by Air. 11. • C)obson, and. oc- cupied by Mr. J. Tindall,, as a geactal Store: • The fire was first 'seen by some men 'Working all. MIller's saty_ 111111, whieli. is •running day and eight. -Tice building ,being• ii. • light frame, the Inc spread se rapidly that .before 'hay per-. son got to the place the 'whole edifice was rin ilameg,. so that- it was impossible to do anything to wave either the. build - nig or contents.' Mr., Tisdall's loss is about $1,000, ana:Mr. Dobsott's $100. soo, ifulletal. weight 1,175 lbs. One steer, 3 years old, fed. by - J..' Worm, The Tlicre• W 8,4 110 i nee ranee on the ' build • weight 1,200. Two steers; fed by W.. 'etesik was insured in.the* CUdttutre, Tuckersinith, weight 9,300. Sohv'ereign Insurance Co. for $9,000, weight 1,120. Two piga, fed by . How the .fite originated is unknown, hat it ia',:attpposed to have been the One steer', fed by j. Rapsou, . Hullett, . Junior, and 3. Talbert, • and one. calf, work of burglars; as sonimof the, goods, • • fedty ii. Andrews. Mr, 1)iiisloy has filao a few fine atti- nulls. Mr, Cook deed not make ny show. •. ' way it tree was goiter to fall, but byall thet wee good and bad, he could not, tell which way that. tro was going us' fall, ••.. •