HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 8Newbridge, ' iivadesborough.
....r•••••*••• ••••••••••••••••••
Anether store is to be started here
this wetik, as a branch from Messrs,
.Johnston & Mills, of Harristown.
The prospects for early navigation
are very dull.
Messrs. Robert Marshall and Richard
McDowell intend having a rowing
latch w hen the ice breaks up, and the wat-
er becomes fit. It is said the -winner is
to challenge Haitian to 'row for a cup .
un the Red River sometime (luring the
aanning summer.
Ilia ice on the Maitland river is now
liegiuning to break up, after beings
frozen solid all winter. The river is
high owing to the recent thaw and
mild weather.
Mr, J. C. Letouzal, of "Clerry Dale"
farm, is going strongly intothe cider 4X-
portatiou business this season. He in- •
tends bottling the sweet cider and ship-
ping it to the, mother country in the
form of a " pop."' We understand that
he has ordered 10,000 dOz. bottles be -
hides the 400 doz. he has now on hand.
Rather strong that, isn't it?
Sleighing is nj
ot bad here ust now.
Birds that came last week all missing. -
Mr. Paul Reed has sold his three
year-old team for the sum of $250.00. .
They are a splendid team. .• •
The saw log business has been brisk
up to the present, and all kinds of lum- •
bur has sold readily at good prices.
Several farm stock sales took place
last week-, at which stock brought high.-
er prices than has been paid for. a long
Ms. J. Elliott, teacher of Belfast Pub-
Iic School, was on Wednesday evening.
last, presented by his scholars, with e-
very handsorae gold chain 1VIr. Elliott
.is very highly xespected by all who know
Mai. •
A. cow belonging to Mr. T. Marian
:blacksmith, Belfast, of an oId :womanish .
disposition, helped . herself 0 -4 -Couple .
of lbs. of tea, Which- Was lying in a,sleigli -
in the hotel shed, while the owner was
in getting his dram. . When he came.
.uut to see the cord slowly drawn in, he
gave the owner of the cow A number.of
.epithets not of the very choicest kind.
.(027 Just received at -Harland Bros,.
a large stock of American coal oil.
rip For a good violin string, go to
S. DAvis, for paire, re table
:Seed and low prices. Re -cleaned Clo-
er and Timothy,. extra pri me.
ECIFThe Doherty organ reeeivecr.the
highest award at the Toronto indestrial
e.xhibition, 1880, over all competing,'
aud don't you. forget it. . ' .•
IWth. -
Gardening operations have not Com-
menced here yet. • •
Our respected townsman,Mr.W.Siins„
has the sympathy of the entire :cennn_.
oiity in his very heavy affliction, ha
having lost two children during the
past week. -
A meeting of the citizens was held
in Watson s hall on tie 31st•ult., but the
attendance was rather small there being'
several other attractions on • that even-
ing but these present appeared deter-
mined that Blyth should have a public
cemetery. Our popular Reeve oeciipied,
the - chair. After considerable diSens-
sion a committee was appointed to ..ex.
amine the different sites spoken of and to
report to a meeting to be held in two
weeks. • •
The entertainments . given here by
Howard Clifton on the evenings of
Thursday and Friday were numerously
Attended, and. justly so, as they were
considerably above the average of shell
affairs. The musical ability' Of the
- troupe is good, the tone of the concerts -
is ou a nigher plane than common; while
the ventrilaquisni and- concertina solos
.0f Mr. IL Clifton are worthy of special:
mention. The "iocal hits" indulged in.
by the ventriloquist were greatly enjoy -
el by the audience and succeeded every
time in bringing down the, house. Au
Mit i ru change of programme was, pro
d fur the second evening, and we think
the repetition of so much of Thursday
(..veo ing's programme was a mistake.
he our criticism of the ?Concerts ion
the whole favorable, we. think ..the
above remark necessary, as faith, with'
the public must be kept inordar tos.
cure complete success. ,
S. Davis is giying .speeial low
prices in . Builders' Hardware, Paints,:
Oils, Glass and Soup SYEET. 13;1,1134
i ro.
of For .a good violin, go. to Do --
may & Gienisos.
*iff S. DAvis is selling Stoves and
temps at cost, to reduce stock, li,oyal
ie...iien 'Wringers, cheaper then over,
The Eullett assessor bas finished his Miss Eliza Hill of Brnssels, is at pre -
annual peregrinations of the township, ,sent visiting her friends here,
On Saturday last, the house and Messrs. R. Glyddon and E.13. Pot -
shops lately occupied by at. Haggit, ter .are preparing, to build residences
were sold by mortgagesale, The house daring the coming summer.
was sold to G. Voekerliue for $351, Messrs. Thomlinson and Ingraham
and the -shops to R. M. Re,cey, of Clin- are making things hem in the hunting
ton, for about $550, This is less than business. They have succeeded .in cap -
one half the value of them three years turfing several animals this season,
a.F.- Mr. G. Cockerline has since sold Mr, T. a Pickard has purchased the
the house to lIr. Wm. 13righati, who the old B. 0. Church, and has removed •
owns the farm adjacent to the village. it to another locatieu. He intends to
1.rhe Good Templars of this place, had make a dwelling house mit of it as soon
a public meeting on the Let inst., at as the new church is erected.
which the Bev, Mr. Caswell gave an A party of men took it in handto re -
excellent temperance speech, and also move the old B. O. Church, but found
a very good reading, Good music was that this business was not 'what it was
furnished by the choir. There was cracked up to be, so they accordingly
also a reading by A. Callender and R. threw up the situation, and secured the
Adams. Altogether a pleasant and services of Mr. John McLennan, who
profitable time was spout. The lodge
seems to have taken a new lease of
life, and it was hoped at the meeting
that the Scott Act would soon be tried
in Huron.
• Stanley.
00,1tmnr. MEETING. —The council met
April .2nd, pursimnt to adjournment.
All the members present, Minutes of
iprevions meeting • read and 'signed.
Moved by Geo. Castle, seconded.-b3r P.
Douglas, that all 'gravel. accounts be
sent in.and paid at the December meet-
ing of .council -carried. Moved by
Jehre Torrance, seconded by John Mc-
Kinley, that the following belhe BULBS
appointed for the improvement of the
several lines in this township for the
present year .:-.7Loralen oad, $40 ;
2 and 3 colas, $110 ; 4 'ad S cons.,
$100 ; 6 and 7 cons. $90 .;'-10 and Il
cons., $110 ; 12 and 13 cons., $110 ;
Sauble Line, $act0 ; 13. R. B., $90 ; B,
R. W.., $40—earried. Moved by C-eo.
Castle ge&md d-byjohn Forrance, that
John McKinleatrJ Peter Douglas be
authorized to let a job of moving fence
and widening the road on sideroacl be-
tween Bownson and Goshen lines --
carried.. Moved by Geo, Castle, see.
by john Torrence,i that, this council
do dow adjourn to meet agaia as a
Court of Revision, cin Saturday„ May
28th, at,ten-o'cloeka..imnd that -the
Clerk give notice in the newspaper to
thak effect. :
, • •
The notoriens•jim Addley was corn
mitted to the County boarding • house
for a term of twenty-one days for
"drunk and disorderly " •
Chief Manuel is outwitha notice to
those parties who stand with their
hands in their pooketslaricl give :gat-
uitchue advice to' The firemen on duty.
Our hall has been ,pretty, well.
patronized •lat.ely' Howard Clifford's
;churclichoir-heirag billed for Wednei-
day and Heller the Magician, for Thurs-•
Our new ..town bell was placed in
position .on the hose tower on .Monday
last. It was imparted from the Troy,
N. Y., bell works;" and -weigh 1008
pounds. — -•
In Mir notice of the concert held in
the toWn hall, under the auspices of the
School officials, we omitted to mention
the part- taken by the ,Misses Edie in.
the instrumental departthent.
" The regular quarterly examinations
of the- public schools far . promotion,
-were held lately. Many a beaming
countenance betokened • stiodeei, While
others downcast and forlora looking,
indicated the reverse.. ,
Some of our enlightened aldermen
brought forward -a motion at the last
council meeting to add the duty .ef
town bell-ringer to the manifold duties
of elerk. This 'was' iodignantly- resent
ecniy the present incumbent. •
' At the last meeting of the town
council, on Monday evening last, the
motion to.secure another. hose cart Was
voted clown. This is to be regretted,
as.tinder existing circumstances only
about half of the hose can be utilized
at one trip,
ANOrmOt .kIBB. —On Tuesday , even- Brandon, ljno. Elston, Thos. jew.ett. T.
ing last, about liaW past six o'clock Bell, Geo. Turvey, Samuel Caldbick,
once more our citizens were roused Jim', 'Forrest, Wtn. ' Wilson Thos.,
from their sense of falsTe security by 1.3rydgei,'Geo, Proctor, Robert rrorbes,
the cry of fire. •The hose Was quickly Jun., Fraser. Bnibury, II, • Bone, .
attached to the hydrant on the corner Arinstrong, .1) Barclay, Thos:-Ahder-
of Patrick and Maio streets, while an son, L Tasker, Will. Wheeler, Jas.
other branch was attached to the by .Thowpsont Wrn Aithen; Thos. Partydrant at Sininiend's hotel, and at once bell; AlqCracken„ Geo. llreWer; D.
opened on StriP's grocery store, 'the Currie- IL _Melee; jno.' Cloakey, Jas. die.
scene of the inishaiv -Some difficulty Enssel, Gee. .Ka
irkby, A. Clark It _
act ,once convicted the job.
Council, MEETING, Council met
in Knox's hall, on Monday April 4th.5
Members all present, The Reeve in
tlie chair. Moved by John Cox, see,
by James Peacock, that the petition of
Alex. Cox and thirty-five others, that '
the old School Section No. 7 be again
established:6r school purposes, be laid
over to the , next meeting until the
proper parties be notified and that the
boundaries be looked up carried. '
Moved by 'John Beacom, sec. by Jos.
Whitely, that Wm. Wakefieldreceive
$6 for Ls ing census for schools for
the towaishipaarried. Moved by
John CO; sec. ,by Joseph
that the township printing be given to
the }Lunen' 11;Econ.n as their tender was
the lowest—carried, Moved by Tos.
Whitely, sec -by John Cox, that the
Court of Revision for revising the as-
sessment roll of 1881, be held at
Hohnesville, on Monday May 311th,
present year, commencing at 10 o'clock
a. In.= -carried. Moved by J. Whitely,
sec. by John Cox •that.this couneil do
now anjouin until thefirst Aloilday in
May—carried. • . ,
Morris. .>
The Council met 28th March pur-
stint to adjournment members all pre -
sant, the Reeve in the chair,
of the last ineetin,e were readand pas-
sed.; Moved by John R. Miller,...eec,
ended by. H. Gosnian, that the, Reeve
be instructedto make a'; thorough
seareh regarding loth 142 in 'village of ,
1.3,1ytbi and legal eciyice on the seine
and act aecordingly—carried; Moved
by 'Pt: '0-osinan, seconded. by Wm.
Wray, that Geo; Hood be appointed
'arbitrator :on behalf of the outgoing
portien of the school district of Brus-
sels, the clerk: to notify the proper par-
ties, -.-carried. • Moved by Jim. Miller,
seconded by -Wm. Wray, that the clerk
-be instructed to draft'a oy4aw .regerd-.
irig stelae lakor to the following scales
• viz up • to $800, two clays, froth
$400 to $i,i-op; three days, from $1400
to $2000; 'four days, from. $2000 to.
2900,, five, days; from 2900 to 3700,
six days, and for every $800 over $3,•
100, ode- additional day— carried.
Moved:by 11. 1Vlooney, seconded by
Gosman, that • Kerr & Auld -be .paid
$5.00 for publishing Auditors Abstract,
two' insertions--carrietl.• .11loyect by
Oosman, seconded by.john'Ei.-
that the Reeve and H.. Mooney,' be
instructed to let Ai.job of:cuttinc, dowil
hill and. Widening approaeh to''Clark's
briclge-carried. Moved by "H. Goi
man, seconded by H. Mooney, that -the
clerk 'notify Jas.: Dick and Thos.:Hill
not to allow persons to'spoil the road
way by taking.sand from.the tido near
their property --carried: Moved . by
Jho, R. Miller, seconded by Wm.
Wray, that H. Gesthan be instructed
to re-exethine• the road opposite lot 12
6th con. lins, andif necessary let a job
o ditehing in same plape•,-•-carried.
The following, pathmeaters were then
appointed for the current year viz
Chas. :Henderson, Peter Fowler, Henry
Baines,..jrio. Gardener, WM. Patton,
Joseph Mel -lei -my, Jas. Messer, 'Geo.
Aleffet, win. Martin, jno. Perdue,
Laughlin Fraser, Henry Robb, . Geo.
Johnston, Matthew . Gipson Jas. 1L
'"'"'"'"••" 7 1
THE -OPtigING-9170trit
ostponed 07111 th a Above Date •
on account of Goods being delayed passing the Customs. '• . :•
r I
-The Attention .of the Lacii.es'
is called to our range of
.- •
Tho LargOst and Finest Stook in Town.
was experienced in- getting at the exact Clark, D. Hogg, C. If. Moore, S. Barr' •
locality' of tlio,fire, but Mice its posi- AL Cardiff; j. Mooney, J. Wettiery,
and Gentlemen's,
don was accurately ascertained, short Armstrong, T. Hill, Pc Catitleon-D, GloVes to Match.
work was made of 'the flames. Mr, Mequarrie, S. FOrsytn, 13rodfoot,
Strip's loss is mainly on stock, the A. McInnes, J. Petch, Geo. Pierce, R.,
building being .comparatively" unin- Hughes, A...McCall, Jas. Cloonan, Jas.
jured, amounting to somewhere about Evans, II. Burges, Chas, Irving, Jas.
$300, Our :water works is next to McComb,: Thos. Laidlaw, Wm. Mar -
perfect, only four minutes intervening shall, 4. Wilson,J. Dick, Geo..Jack-
betwoon. the fire alariu being sounded son, (Tho, Kelly, Moore,j..J. MeMil-
' ancl a, steady stream being directed on lan, ants, Mannar', R. tylor Wm.
the berning building. This certainly Brown, Se.s. Shortreed, John iKeAr:.
speaks Volumes for our firemen and of. thur, Jas. Murray and Jas. Fulton.
fectually silences those croakers whoso On motion the Council then adjourned
greatest sakisfaction seined to be in to meet, again on the 30th May next
ndiug soave Rail/ in, our fire system. for colt of revision and other business.
a •
The Hatter and Furnisher.