HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 6•A)
ONTINUATI(ON VIE GREAT .1101118E111.01.10 1IINI$. 113,80 NEWS. •
• Phan Paaing.—One quart of flour;
butter dill size of all egg; a pint ot
,Milk; tarp ta,MeSpoOltfulS a halting
powder; one cup at raisins. Steam au
hour in a, two -quart ditilt. DoU a,p•int
of milk; add sugar, two tablespoonful.,
of flour awl liaveri»g for the same,
floor$ Method of Atenpim
wapealreidt.—eut the (duster -of grapes
eart-4.11,YI melt rosin immediately, dip
iu meltedrosin; put .theux 1D to* basket
and let thi-et sweat about -WO W Wits ;
tilekt lay them out singly for about :44
hours; after which peek them iu basket,
eroek or. any couveident vessel,anti
put .ttt cool, dry plaee. They wtli
koep well until the followiug Mara,
eudaN pie.-13eat separately •the
whites and .)olits of four eggs,-.11fIal
putthem. together and beat again, fol-
ding while beating: a seaut teacupful of
sugar. To this mixture addgratt.ually
L quart •of ram Milk, with a linen ui
alt and a• teaspoonful of. flavoring.
Lit'sote deep i.?ie-plates with crust,
Lill theb, with the mixture,- and bake
until the ustaid isfirm. If • the oven
is so hot that it, threatens- to browu tee
top 'before the crust • can . break, then
cover the pie with thick browu paper,
• St. Paul, Minn., March 31,—Tele-
grants report the greatest flood Yank -
to tt ever knew. The river rose ten
feet yesterday. No estimate of the
damage done can be made. Water
vonnuenced rising again yesterday at
Vert:nil 1 i011, attd r each ed the seeottd
story window, the occupants being re-
moved to the bluffs in skiffs. Intense
xxit °inept prevails. The break up at
Bisat mit yesterday flooded the country
for five miles, wrecked three ware
holses at tistuarek landing and bum -
dated the town of 'Wanda The great'
st loss aside from life wiIlbe the cord-
wood cut, during the winter for the
towns, settlers mid stemulmatit It
has all been swept away. Tim wood-
vhoppers and settlers in the low lands
have all been washed away; mut tut.
doubtedly many have been drowued..
. • •• • • •
SUDDEN !Milli.
Montreal, March 31.—Of • late • the
number of sudden deathSthere has been '
very numerous, but none more start-
ling, or more to be regretted than that
of bliss Agnes Greenshields, of this
it appears that...Miss Green-
shields lift home yesterday afternoon
in her usual health to do 801110 shop-
ping in the city. She called at a store
on Notre Dante street, where she took
suddenly ill. A. cab was called, and • a •
temtleman who was in the'store at the
time started to take her home. Before:
getting to Craig street she seemed.to
faint, when the cab*Was driven hastily
• to Dr. Kennedy's, on Bitiery street, but
he was not in. Several other doctors
reshlenees were tried but with like re-.
sult. On coining to Dr. Reddy's on •
St. Catherine street, XI iss Greeushield
.was caarried in there and a medical -
Chicolaie Oake.—One cupful of sugar
two tablespoonfuls of butter,. one egg,
0110 cupful of milk, three teaspoonfuls
Of baking powder, tWo'cupfuls of flour;
bake' ia three round tins; filling for the
above, six tablespoonfuls grated chow-
late,•one cupful of sugt.ti', one cupful .of
one egg, and oue teaspoonful of
vanilla; cook until very thick and stir
constantly to -keep it smooth; spread
between the.layers and on top of the
ettke ; thia is an inexpeusive receipt
and always geod. The rule for cake,
inay be used.fer any layer cake, •
Engash Meant • and Veal pie,—Fry
two large veal. cutlets- from a leg •
!• veal and haul in pieces about two inebus
seal; takit half a poued'of: ham ; eut the
Hsquare and place them in. a Settee pan
with- amiart of broth ; when nearly
done pour in a diA and let cool; thicken,
• the gravy with butter and- flower;slice •
one large on iott, th "hard-boiled' eggs;
man sought for. 1)r..Lapthortt fintith
Watt found, anti he attended at elute; but
his skill' w,(14 Of no avail, as the young
Inly was beyond all earthly aid. Dr, 1
Reddy'soon art•iveti, and advised
ing for her friends, as he expected her •
to breathe her last a- any. 01i1Pilt
TI118 'LS lone, and within tifteen Min-
utes of hying taken out of •the carriage
she peacefully 'passed away in ber
tWellt-V-firSt Venr. \VIA to tint'
ti1 f n et•N of this i.„nitlett bereavement:
is the fact.that )1iss Greenshields was
vilvned to be married ,shortly lo
voulle merchant in Terotito. ! • .•
The Value of •
. •
The price of autograplisis as variable
:IA that of pictures, and the collector
who regarded them as valuable capital
may find himself, or his heirs may 11»d
themselves, gricyously disappointed
.with the mean swim felcheff hy somo.
specimens aitd perhaps equally astoe-
islied at the figure given by others.* • 'At
the recent sale of an atztograrli collec-
t ion in the Tote! Drount, • a • letper :Of
Napoleon 1. to Outlinot was obtained for
25 francs, whereas from the Comte de'
Chambord to Villentain was carried
up to the e .expected sum of 005 francs:
Thi8 arty have beet} dee in great part
to ties subjeet matter of theletter, as in
it the head of the house of Bourbon has
witted iS- viPWS 011 1116 (0.1.0stiOng Of the
Popes' temporal power. Letters.by Itis
Royal 111,1lSt.Ol'S knocked down at
vow part t i vly insiguificant prices—a
Louis XVIII. for 22 frames. and alum-
dle of epistles by the grand Monarch
'himself fir 300 francs. Sone letters
1,y Madam Alaiiitenon were valued at
If0 franca higher than those of her Roy-
al partner. Charles •realised 63
reel Francis 11. only .48 francs.
1..4)nm letters of the Prince qe porn:to:,
f4eltect 110 francs but exactly the sante
sine was reached by Alm. great Actress
It•teltel A. Moyerbeee and a 13osSuet
sold for 70 francs ; a Sainte -Beers for
4:1, a Jules Jaeitt for 40, and a"'Talley-
r till for 31 francs. A .Pius only
f :3(1 f r tiles. Doubt less he value
ie each ease wits rouditional to a great .
0!I the conteuts and compass• of
II ie let tem Ify fat' the largest amount •
was 0ln:tined for fwenty-t.ro letters by
Prinett Voon .M ettern i eh, t h trgreat, A
Pirtil dilliOttli.11q, which were oicl for.
The wilt& collection, eon -
237. loiters, realised nearly 30,-
Oilhi franct.
TI is a groat and often fatal mistake
to talle repeated dra,st it! purgatives for
t•1144 i-,mt ion of the howels, they induce
!es MO (.1131s1! debility ef the b.owels,
1 ;or leek Blood Bitters is a safe ami
1.-rf..ci, revelator of the hrtwels'areas-
tog ti1114toroid VPI' and all tlai secre-'
tiens to a healthy a ;tine ; acting on
the 1.11(iiii.ys, re..eve,ting and •ton-
1,rig the tieltetn. •41tbe mos4 perfect
•• Alarolt 31. --It reported
• that Friday night's Gaz, ttf will
protdantation puttiv the Arnis- t •
1.f ICIlitT !*-A
into operatioa Ireland. At
probalds• imly five eontities,.
Corlt tool :`.! tytt. will lie placed tit do
the provisions of the Aet iis; . t
London. ,Nitneh :31
spatelt ft If tqttti
Lenge', i, tryiltg t
imam:hes Deltht'
npon tradel:•., rays
este l r, Itra rich
laree tietel•tiitot:a 11
21, t Itt•
0 We I !..
Yr, 1,
. %%q.t.; 4' I ,••?...
eapalle supplving alatod.Ari nit
for mia.•Idei. l'onio. ;I
branell hst e n nint tr, •I
01111,Dt', toot rt.i;T's v. Is t 11,. 1, 11
1.111:11i1", but . •
1,,111111 • '
10141 V11141101. fOr "
ti.s,evilnpis ssIni ft.
•(.111;•Iv "wit ht. ; 11'
, •
are afraid to refuse the thna.,.1. - •
oil then). , •
'V 010W oils i.. iie.• , .-‘11.1"1. ' '•
remedy.for 1411 11 ••
tisiti, I t,
'lit.", SO4'101118 :Ma nil flPsi,
Any mellicitm eletdct: can furiti,tli it.. •. ' , : •„.
For all put P0 of a Family Al 14
" ' •••
• ' I .1.
••. • •
14' • ,.
dtgan yay.
7 W.3d St., liewYori(Cily
Ole ;WU= Ora.
07.'74%, •
I.. .1.11
47 P.
. ; • rtj
fl'It..."”.1 1!;.t•iviti • ' '''' 11'1
•.• •........ •..
:":',•;:t irt,.....ecv, c.x.., ynovn7-1,4,4iv1.0,,,vver
.: P,.9 fil . tr,...),,.....t..;,,,,It',..41,8,
• .;.',h pill! 't,..?,,,..,i7,...7.-.:d. RiTAC4P.41..
-.4.1 li;..- Pig 1.6 i_ii1;'''',:i:-,'::'...,..a";,1 ,
.• .,;..D.I.s.tesinvirr.h.verTesze 47,,,fai.•uelz.ett:.
' :,110°,800t;11115VZ7Yr ErN7.77 to tr.nn r, ..
70,001) ACIENIM Ti.i.VAIF3OLT.,k.fiCielt 1.670 1.
li-...:.,:.!!!:qtirArt.71P...:. .kr7iCI:LIIY Ptlif..I1C9-1.%It::;;;11`11:44.1pIti'i6:1RiSS'rie,•:,
ta., ertantit ti ttr0 14, , rota •nt..t4 ttel .. ' .
,, .,••1 i .1 gltp0,144,, A • ttgattkver 4I -ftvt.)•tt Unto
. ., ,s,es, -Viler! ottd fgerotedr. col' ;)4 • rutp4 it' tho.
.' ...II', IL.l• Xi- ..12.. ro,(:),eme f•4 4.. t ken inuitoatir.
colmg, Ow 114 p.oeurntio.1 og. t Ju.4 au
t,•' Itt;nolt4,:d1;re, o..... at .11' ;•vr,r. '
ffitt. upon hee ri
. .
I • itt QP ItIL1:0T,;,...4."1,1te. f•Li,,•,,optlo., siy nem. .
• • ' '1".t 1.,?:Pegni itte... t...t. Et„„.7„..,10
• Ne lit 0 tippiabeN.. ..tri;r0.1temi nlitl•Tmerver.,/nn.:,
- • ,.' : pi:I.:I:tie:C:0' 'Rif' fi4CP4(.7till tati.I.M.11 11 roll rewites •e•tv.
• It OPP1.3 r.`.I.,. PCT.'S e i' the. Itkal -9014 tL141104.1.
3.I.? . Irby Pcc,.rul.aonz • • • - •
It noWtalizes 1.110 bereethiry tairt.or:roigou in.
I. wed, whin i •• 4.inhvnics'S, retula', 1,17n/wins, And c'i.t. • •
.• .u:.inor oleos vie:sties roe t (veinal In.unon. . .• • . • ..
troorney. no miritaoistee'd m its onnturactrim ' .
oau be tabori Ly Dumont doliAtte hui.o, or by.
40 st.f.tod ato foot ao„ care 04,'" tet tyga.crozi 14 .,...... •
. .
. .. ::),.11.., !_ q ,i1 !•,t ..... ;I.' . ,.1...,., iv. ,.i.:,..• , ...: .0 4.41
;,,., , ., .,. , ,.,,,:, ..., ,,, .1.,.., .,..:,..; .„..,,,. , ,.„ , , , . . :,11I0,..4 OF ./dAECla BOTTLE30. : . $1,Q6 • ' .
• ..,-...:
eine, HAUYARD'S ).-xt.,Lotv.(./m, is nt.1;, : . . •,-, .
4 . , 4 .
I .at the 1:1 .. lb 1.1 SE.i( - \ 1 I, 14I • .. , 4 . ,
' . . ...;4, .4.:.• .. ", ' :t• V
precedeeted • SUPCOSS, lintli'intertiall ,
and :externally. I) tures Sore 'Plinio. • ; -*••• ot r....t .ti ••.•1' ' ......... .... :',..
13urtis, Settitis,. Frost Ilitits, relies', • .
and often (urt% Atitil 11 nt. • ; . .. . •
. __. .. • . • . '
. • .1-1S....L.91.) I
• • !, i "'•••• "1•'rEI
. •
Where .h.r.• o..71rbt flota)'
tio going to
,e lo Eis.9&;
1110T •
' •
ad q • a littlesamee end' 611OTTp(id ••p#Cley, - .
peppiir • '. and salt.; arrangeMeat, .. and . ,..0 poosite Fair's' Mil.
. . . .-. .
eggfi in a (11Sly , and ,pour gravy *Over ; ;;It pathe-ntert40 (fa vw Gpx•eries e:Aere ; (1(4
(.0 14 pile •With puff paate.and ornament: goids aly.t.,40 elat,,), and "(11a ,q,ndli.ty
wi0) fa,ncy eat pieces of 'p1,1;ste, j Illt!,ke a • (8,.A -,A'0, 11 41.-ro old 000(18 •
hole on. to,p,. .... . • . . . . ', - . . . . .. : -ad •ittio (110/ Ifie8;11 I .. .
. .
Ihavis: •-li. fa an American 7idea ,to -,..-• , . . . , , • . -..: . .. :...
turn up. your noses at a haggis. ' lhe.*, • E.;,,,*,,,z, /1,• 8 .F,,44,1.,, 1,0,18, ; -00011.,
J( (43)'. A01(10.011 Wfilcil el)ters. into .the , ..,-ina,,sc. ii,,,,ihiiiii, :(1.(:,,,imAit„, , i)(,,i,d,...•
"natkitig'sf the disli him:really not, inoye li (4301.1,i,,1,., (low _nuke luta. vino 1,,,,
te do witl , 1 • ‘,..,-- • tl ' tl ',kin to
,,„ 8,1384-vt,.... ma...0 11, 814,003 stomach ,(loev‘ lug fob,iesaps,•;;canitot lie- exeell,ii
:ij'l:iiii it thocough13,,...,lierapii,,it, tutu it t,itne., new .tleSignii in CrOelverN, al:,
inside otit; and -Put. it it, Salt and water; 1.`-'1'88W"Vt• \V()0(ki' ' \ \741''''', ':'.17 11 I'll'
1tiketlie liglitvi,..1wiirt-dittl. if ver'',Of .tiiel '''''''IYZ1'111"”, .5,!'''."s"1."
sheepand•minete titeaf:AllitO 4416."•;:•...acel :. • .aprag rs•I ,rie**
i., .., , . .
tti th bib it pOtUiti.. 0 g sheffth,d),aet,:.whicli ...:-.174.. r '4.-.1•.. t.,:;-0: ui4, i'0;•..., l'' jr"1. '
also (1l 1(10 fill(tly , hal into tifie,t110t4; a • rho 2,-,• -.‘„ ,..;:,f,'.,, ; .k1:•61.1. in ezeliange,
,..„ • !
d of. oatmeal • to do this • mix the • , • • - .. .. .... . -
.oattit eel wi.1) ii„ iittie • salt : 6,41,1 • water ; -.!--- • - .!'. . ' -,,,, 1-- - rri-r, -r. ,--‘-‘
spread the paste thin mi a baking • .tin !.1.-,!. - • 4. -'-' • I
I ti. N I
and bttke 11 trip pound up! fitie ...Chew : • • •
• CLINTON. '• • ,
sconces; if not dry euengli toaSt them 1.!- •
add one chopped 011i.01 I, and NO11.Soil
salt and peppia• ;.add. to thi$ a! teacup --
108,1 "teti.ensan.
ful of good strong stock.; pet it all 1ii -
the Stonitte.11 infd SciW it up tight; put ' DEF.FITAKER,
it in• pot of boiling. water With tt ; •
,• .
• vso 11E.11.1 04 . •
plate, on top ot it .;« priek.the bag: fl I • 1• •
good maa.y placeS to prevent.its burst. •r„tarr,... 9FST1 TRTI.L..24
ing• ; cook live hours. ' ' -
. •
' •
Wor.inn s
: •
The .EMpress',1osephine bad Si):
droll thousand: francs foe her persmi•
exliclomst lint 'this 8U til was net. slt.ii• :f.„.‘,..., . I f,
cient, 'and her debts 11(11 5,4)3 flit up'. '
P'1 ling degree: NotWIIIIStantling . the' . , • ..• — ----- • • .
rielies of her husband she could never ' 4. ci pp irk4 lat 1, • "; r:i r1•4111 lit' cl,„,n J.'
selnitit to either order or etiq.tiette in ...,.. fil;',0itat klUi.2111.1.; Oa/ 1...
her private life. ' : • • . : ' * i-• '
'. :""i
lila d- - rj2d1, 0.1 .
.s.he reSe at 9' O'clock. Ifiii• , toilet, , , • :
e01181.1 in ts.1 muith tittle, aild .slie lavished
unwearied stlIbrts on •the presiirvation. •
t • • • • .• • • . • • !Till'jB OP BOTTTallif ,••• 60
..;,/ '• • • ')f-Pertferle who finye' C.Utic.O by
• 4 ' use of the BLOOD F'UR/FlEa. • '
• I5yspE.por.A.,
• • •.• • • •
..„• Aylnler,'F.Igill Co.. Ont.
JIM'S Use* yinir.ifnuedi for 1)yspet;Iajan.1
I:1.4111u to others, • • ••• .
. • MRS. J out: F attTutoti. • • :
no equal fo the uerinh»eat mire of
einalts,'Culda.,'Siore,Tbrunt, .1•1 hum; oini•t,,
Oraneltitta, tool
all Lung, 10-1SeanS4
/gr. • nvery bottle guaraoteed. to give satiifaction.
111LIATEN & CO Proprietors TOronto.
; . .
1 ho4'e vsysl your 11111) Syrup'and found' 11 .
atRilti end vidbuldele. ned;elu• *
• : Mus, Dn'nwitrorotio; eat.• •
!.• • ii.S•PIX...NDID 11111 0\ ;!io
'**** • ••• r DYsrErthz,
4i1U liloj1elttou3 Syrtip., And. caused
it used An ensee Dyspept In ancl found
So t splendid rentedy. ,1 rouounuortjt to...tho„.
. Mictea, . . • • ,
• - 117 Worm, AI liner, O(t. • : ,
, 11043:1) 1T'AS ItEUOMME:NDED.' . • .
T hire uSed yoarincitan Illood,Syrup for Dyspepsies•
.,id 'found it as recommended.' .
iiy1uter, Ont. • .
• .
• . • • •All f'1W.E'S'TFc"P1170NY ' •
1 bare used -and sold the. Indian- Blood Syrup nude
. it the best remedy in use fur dyspepsia, und as ,
• /mud 'purifier.. •' • ' • •
' ' 13ausn, Ayhtior, Olit.
aturdimik Healing Ointment should be • • . • • •
used•in coantotiort with Burdock Blood BIII1EILVATismtters for • .
• curing Ulcers, Abscesses. Fevers', Sorest'fcc.-. Pruv
ice . .'r.he been. tretibled with rheMpatism for a rent:
- *S. tAtitS
Pr box ICIILSURN & co,, ,iutuy years. Youi. bulbul blood 5)4414) 1, the, only.
, SOLS AGENTS. ..11t) IA many romoale, that thd 1110 allylcOail. 1 Psi-
• coala.Mni it to all. . • ' : '
' • US$. OATI1HOOnt,OnisfletM.- •
• lienyon, Ojongarry vourity; onturio. • •
atel•entbellishwent,of her person, She L NEW '.FURNItiiiir ARRIVING,
eltanged her linen' three thnes a. day, . •
1111 neve( wore mil' stockings tliftt. were • 41044 111),41 0\)441 44111-1115 ff. cliolot9fn•tv •
not 11(41 Huge baskets were brought Coltios, shrotto.$,
to her containing' differeitt %dresses, . Goods. •• •
shawlsand buts. 1?rout these she sol- . (,(;„„„R.,„,i „„, , • •
ected her • costume .for •the day.' S1,o •
sassislbet wenn tltree antl four hunr:' rtAgEtev.8 sTANP
dredsintwls, and always were -one every" lately oefaruletl,by Shepherd end cooper, '-
morning, witteli slito draped Around Itm AliuI 45 t 411 toti• •
slitail11er8 with Unequalled, grace,. •143 e • • . ..• ••
purehased all that were.bronglit to her,.
ro matter at wIat priee. • •
The .1A:ening, toilet was as 'careful AN -
that.lof the movithig-r-then she appeared,. •
.i•Vith flowers, pearls Or •pracititts 'stones
la • her hair. , The inteillest
was always rmt occasion for "her Ce order ,
a new. costumey in spite of the hoards National Liiis,,siteesior or a other purgatives in
Streugth and virtue, in safety and oatitoosh or Action:
of dresses in the varioua palaces,. . Ben.-
iapart0. was irritated by thetiu ('Npen:
diturus Ito would fly ilitO passionI I 0 t) F •F rr
tineas, 'newer Vure Depot,
0.,,A.fleoult, uunda.
.1E ICS)
and lits Wtfo woUlti • Wetli. and 3)1604380
t ) betilor6' f)rinient.;,° tater „which :she
igould gaol) io the smite way,
It i,S Slufost incredible thatthis Int..
„ ,
sten Int, «1.4%8 8110111(1 never have 1.x.. wato rt the 4045 )4 nut knife,.
Itaonl1. ottivioolit CUre in the Wor'd
tIstoti tholf. , After-- the divorce she. The ' •y . ' - ' •
yorpotiesior. °noose Iwo 3 cunt attumps to S. 0,
arrayerl'Iterself With: the MIMI ett11.4 i P.N10,114,;.ittitaitieli.s.ottrilcc,reir,t.1(,i:,,,f,c.:mul,a.
eveti when slite saw no. oee, ..
she died covered with NAOMI and 1 ENtIRE 4 'SIMI!' liNtt 41EltliAlilt
,i Any p nun. en n.nuhtlh ',•0 VO fel' *3') a year , with :410080-ggtoved, Attu,
this uoto onagoao regular:3', ' •
al the
'9 OEN BYE On' S
11cHi 7')
dft b
UN'S CF.ft? 'tcriT ..r771'11'4,
4 ir ii at .._i q ' I JI.Ila 1.
Mid for
(surtfy,...2I,nz e
f hsbten n120(1?1')yearasea
Y,yrA_1tobo44101%BntttiItli,,t,,etforklit iiil:gtif
blDli,• Ott 4124.r(, Li -ii Lit (.0.,1 ,.
PI 11. Arwrint t'LL'i i 4 vt.: 1 At-air:U. (
1,141:i :..ALIA„ 1) 4S nod till 1.1...etL.e.41 that '
$1c.1150fio5Ltt__Detortitt:4 Irern* 0? au 141544. pure iiitg cl 71mm:i.e.:I.; c... iiiirlyrtveop13.
'6..' ellte 11 (1501 gro rt. to Tb.,5,...P.11:1t.re*1 kay
14 ,,i mions prt r.er,l,r, it fittay„ glit.g.) w.ho 100
, •ghcr vir:l Lnown tioluttbliS It000 Mnti
, it oho) 1,...P0:1341n.1111 It to Oticen.,
.1 .11.1a anado from YolloiteDoek°, Vinidtt,
4, tag i.":TatIntrilln, Wild Cherr,r.St:Ibug.in,
ODOnt.t.':, Saatiafrar, ‘-fintaitreen, anti
7 Itrrra. It,i's strietly v,egetablIS, Mid gait
lSct hurt, t . n'tort Odicatto comotittiott,
.,t It is:r....o, c t tlie erAt raetaentes in 5;33.
..: Di f °I."1,17(:ti.;:.:Sit ::.11r tell? 11:741113s.ltilA ArllfrePtrf ...
i,. Pt ono d ):1:1r frir a c,...art bottle, or sib .;•
,,,0 kvit:(loget,sv
0. bottle Of .
sq this InfAli±)e, from (01.druggist may 4.
p SOnd LIS I`TIO dOIttr, &MI WO Win deliver it 4e,
tb tam fr4,0 01 any charges.
%7. MR111,41012 A CO., I3autifleturs4 .
'" ;U4I`kt.jr4;IPI: ...,': • '7
.---.... • . - •
• •' Ma :Waterloo county, out: • • • •
WSS t.r001,1M1 tbi SeVerg PallIS , •
5t ,11i1, 1141 w.th t44 t appt.tite, mei wAs tit.- .
....e 1041)14 Ittlytiling tI relio‘e• Me 14111411 touh..yimr
whkh yawned meedy Imre.
.du'iO:kgtvo tautlielne 4ti1J>1w480I1 sujp51by
rases Lat.
' Mint 0111E P011 DYSPtP.STA.
• .l.turturd, Brant Co., Olit
.1 wish to stilt() that your Dugan Mood syrup him,
coso,,tetels curd me of 441repSitt. 1 can lately ta.
commend it to 011.
Mag. Ali1E•Shtrrn.,
• . ,burtorti, unit (v., Oat.
thogetingot 1441-7, 1 was vary ItI oul twee await,
ed b,v Several' duetors:. Sult,e thought 14114(1 Diuhutot,
• abortt,•di§clotoi Irldney4,; they all -failed to flo any
1..0.1. I tried your tiliiten Dived syrup idileh did iiko'•
fnueh goon thiet 4 1514418 0011 able to do. so,' hutted. .
worts., twee:a have died but Lir ,p.itir valuablet.
loedreino; •
.• • . • c4unia.A SuArtit.
•• • oxt PAMiLY'S EXPIMIEN:CP.I. •
.144y hail been Muter doctor's trentmcntfor..two
,ei.rsivIth heart dinen.e. ,she hal to be earned to' .
•.tolu her bell. him, used the Italian 1110.A. S Ails but,
t100,44, time wilco she began 411 (41)1 1114, and huu.
, oot 'kept 'Iser 1)0 a lay Ake, 21.-IfoRb caned My
dattgItter Ot 1(1141(1141•ever. • .
Uuttue Itouuscus, ,in.
tioixtu,I;r.aut 00.7 Ont... , •
- Nevin, Ittiviit
Pear 831 YOttr 1E440 inood Syrup is the hob
txteclititio no: d:,spep.iic end liver' complaint 1 15411
seen.. •
• Malt, 31,1. nitia0a,
. $AS1:0 •
• .. •
Kelvin, Brant Co., Out,
3. hue been, enatc... doctors', haostm.forolght,Fisir*.,
tAftqr tdaPff Tata' ennui Ss•rup for 'a that Cow, 3(5.151 •
enabled to do all nty %weft I truly believe it savecir
my lite.
Genehd Agents (et. Canada,
t1,011.T1flOP Sr: LYMAN,
1,4ont st„, Wost, Torouio, 014
t 1