HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 5TIIE IVIG fiT.g -A— c+ R,A N D ST}'CCSS T 0 The,People-- Doming 'Down andsomely. 0 The TrhimphantShou' of New Goods at/1ODGINS' second inquiry he replied,. cc Well if your ' startles think I am any older come down and Garfield. The fall wheat around here looks very bad at present. The many friends of l4irs. T. Sharp will be pleased to hear of her speedy recovery from her late illness.. The many friends of Mr. John El- liott, of the 7tlx concession, will be' pleased to hear of his return from his trip to Dakota. Mr, ' Elliott; speaks highly in *watt. of that country. In: ono of our public schools,. not long since,. the teacher asked the age•of? one of her pupils. His reply (;avec quitea surprise to the teacher. On the whole 'community with Its Extent, Its Elegance, Its At tractiueness, 0 QUANTITY, QUALIY, BEAUTY, VALUE, ---Unsurpassed. 0 The Boom in the Trade some clays last week was grand, and still they Bonne. A bonanza in the Print Trade—fast colors at 8 tenth.. French Cambrics; Spleens,. Madder Prints, . Sage Prints, •Light Ground Prints. The variety is truly bewildering Black All -Wool French Cashmeres, in some Twenty Makes and Qualities. Fringes, in black and colored, also Girdles to match. A. Bargain in Black and Colored Silks--Honest,,Pure, ALL SILK, and; WARRANTED. E E u Celebrated Sewing Cottolis, The New Thread, beet—made—TRY'IT.' ,A11. to be had at the JOHN 777 _OF i OSB PG N ,I:CLO'JirTON. 77'77 IN TIIE BRICK .BLOCK; ..:.. Mr. Plumsteel's Old Stand Having purchased the Store and Stock of Mr Plumsteel' (-In the most favorable terms, and made satisfactory arrange- menta with the Insurance Company, swill offer .the:: ikalnce of his stock saved from fire, at Less Than the.Origiiiczl.Cost1 Also, havingiput ;in a dew ani COffiuiOi S oc In all departments, will offer them at-)3OTTQM PRICES, Thanking the p_nbhe for their liberal patronage in the old stand,he hopes for a continuance of the same in his new stand. • Don't Forget,:;,tie • Place, Next o the Montreal Telegraph office. Eggs and Butter taken•.in exchange for Goods, andlhellighest Market Price Paid.. o�. G. I,REMIT; IIP, Piumsteel's Qid.-Stand, ALBERT . STREET. `. • 'Z7'Z Cheap . Dash' Store,., 777, look tib my teeth. Cir For a good piano go to )OIItiiTY If you sufier'from any chronic dis- ease arising from impure Blood, Slug- gish Liver, disordered Eidneys or in- activity of the Bowels; if your 'Ner- vous Ner-vous System is debilitated from what- • ever .cause arising, do not despair, but procure a trial bottle of. Burdock 131ood Bitters ; it .will only cost 10 cents, 'Large Bottles $1.00 For saleby all !.medicine dealers, ANT[.E DEPARTMENT. Specia.i XotIce! Welave secured 04e of the Best Mantle Makers in Rnferio' and are now prepared to execute all orders in. that departm.eut,• LADIES! 4 We make this department a specialty', consequently call give you every attention in that line, t Soliciting a trial order, which will hate our"most careful attention in every particular, ands' a perfect fit guaranteed. " APPRENTICES WANTED in this Department, MANTLES, CLOTHS,. FRINGES, ORNAMENTS, At the Immense Dry Goods Emporium of. PA Y c WISEMANI Clinton. Y L Y Y i 1 i:. . Y a 11 .a 1.91•1.111191.119111. w h b l +:IJ1...1 1111 Broacifoat 86 Box, JBloriaerS Our stook .of Undertaking Goods is very large and coin= plete. • Any person requiring anything in this line will find it to their advantage to call. •and see us, as we have just re • - ceived a large stock of WALNUT ANIL. ROSEWOOD CASKETS.1 Also COFFINS, 'o£ every des oriptiori frrom the best Ameri- can and Canadian uianufactur-,: ers, also a'stock of Robes and Trirnin_ ings,'whieh1�ve are pre- •- pared to :furnish : at 'halt the :price formerly charged for these. Goods,. NO. 77 BRICK BLOCK. E;: IVED v e The subscriber begs to inform the' Public that he has removed to MR. SP ER'S BUWLDi W, next the Market. Having settled with the Insur-. ance Companies on a most sati - factory basis, he begs to intimat that he has decided to clear out all his old Stock, at GreatlyEDUCED RATES ---some at HALF, and some at...LESS .THAN ORIGINAL- COST,.. the whole to ,.be .cleared out in the course 'of Two Months. Hats, and Caps at Half Price. GROCERIES„ at -Greatly Reduced Rates.. A call solicited. WM. ' COATS. V 'c oNoff III~tsnany invitations that we from aro receiving fro T ourtntimerous customers, and the fair is Imo of Public patr'onago that we have•rocoivud'in the past, has.induced usagain to obtain the necessary guitliR-. cations to briu3.out before theipublio; aslood samples resh all enwwnea As was ever before offered in this -section of country, and at prices •that will ensure a continuance of'ahe favore bestowed on us in tho past. In our 5C.. TEA 9 Cent. Sugar,, wo?havo made a ..penalty, which Will bei todnd on oxamlhation,, cannot be .beat in this part of. the • Dominion. We keep tho CENTRAL SCG DEPOT IN:;;CLINTON; and.congcqupntly can afford to pay' Lilo very HIGH- EST PRICE, either In Cash or Trade. N. B;—We aro receiving DIRECT IMPORTATIONS of • CROCKERY and GL.AASSWA.I%E, in New Designs, ex, actly suited to the wants of the people,. and cannot fail to give ,eatisfaction, both as to Quality and Prim. Inspection Cordial1 Solicited. ' Remember 41h6 pigco- Sheppard's ! Olr .,Stand, Albert Street,' crinton.. wavI . MoORE ktepristo lY :THE '®.RST PLACE. in this Towit.to get your. Hs at.the Old Waterloo Morse. .: . ROBBY <TH •.GROCER, Keeps the worse Stock in Tcwn. His prices are higher than any other Grocer; he is very inattentive to his 'customers, and • makes himself generally disagreeableto every person that does'• patronize him, and he- don't want your trad still, be keeps • open day and night." "Dear me, how this world is given to perversion, nearly` EVERYBODY BUYS FROM HIM There Mt st.•be Some Mitcike Here:, Far His Goods are all New 'and Welt Bought, and, • Don't. You Forget RV!' Remember the place-- (ignite lace-- O ite Post Office, -a'n the Old Waterloo Houoo,''� P. ROBB, Grocer: DID YOU., HE R THE NMINS ? 0 8 oles Our. Teas are Choicer; Our 50o, Tea takes the lead ; • :.For 75 Cents - You get the Best. Our Boots and Shoes can't'i.be beat For Quality or Price- Some. very Choice Lines. PIes o Crockery oche, and Olassware. • AT BOTTOM PRICES.• • • ' 13 lbs..Sugar .fair $1.00,J'hisWeek', Bring on your Potatoes, 4 3uttdr•and Eggs.. Weva4ver refuse*•tliee°asho'. NG.troUblo.to.$how gots.. CA: 06R EGGS:-,. 0 y 919 1 01