HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 4• r ,, HIM • dangered the whole British Einpire, we. ONtC • - " have, shaken, the foundation of society CLINTON,FRiDAIi, i1PIiII. ... 1881, and; have been looked upon by all civ.- i , hired nations • asopposers, of the Irish. nations,. we therefore demand upon Wii are told by, cablethat public in- the riich.soil of Ireland and in the mid- terest in:the conditien•nfrEarl Beacons- d1e of+its luxuriant vegetation that the field, extends to all classes. The same Irish.sliall live as well as. the Indian in pQapla• WJIQ. cast their Ballots against climate of Russia or as ygur foxhounds,. his• wigwam or the peasant in the frozen lltiltl,anal dhnounced;him as a there pro- It is only after leaving answered to•the BLYTH SAW MILL GOSMVAN & DODDS Aro now prepared to db all kinds 01 work ih their - lino, having put in a grain crusher, we aro able Co do chopping at any time audon the shortest notice • OoIiMAN &.110DDS. Birth Deo. 17, ' 42'tf. .Farm for Sale. iftl tsm•gfi legerdemain only a year ago, Irish their rights, we shall recognize iu wsleek to makeliin forget theit rude- your authority to hold. one foot of'the nes Tisa besieging his, door, from. morn side of Erin which rightfully belonged. to their ancestors. Let us hope that: ing,till! nigj'itt Peer avecell as rich are • when• the Government have produced 1d4nitted to the hall where the bulletins • •n- lie rel } of lawlessness which now re- forest in the proceedings in. parliament veils in Ireland will cease and the V tl t this just and long. sought for measure. Ire•posted hourly, .fie takes great 1 t gl p ;i.tlre Transvaal peace, and seat his fugitive Landlor - may return without ' fear of the would be assassin, and all *,ngratulations to Lord ,Cairns,, who party strife cease, And letevery Brit- spade a slashing attack on,the•peace-at- ish subject .of whatever, cre.eecl'or• color dnyrprice policy CIA. Thursday night, It towards God according -to his. best uir- it no.exaggeration to say that if Lord dersanding and 'to the churchof his •Bilaeonsfield•were able to join in that choice without fear,•or molestation, and after we. can show, heathen nations a debate, and to give the country .one of sample. of Christian charity, we shall his old-time speeches, full of•biting ser- send the missionary of the crop to them casm and heroic appeals to the national, and usher inflict happy time spoken honor, the Ministry would find them- of. We now come to what is really selves, in a,bad boxy the' kernel of the whole' question the diffieultyetdefining what is a fair rent THE bad' influence of "clime. liters- as there•is so much difference. in the titre" is daily illustrated by accounts of quality of the land that each parcel should be valued separate buildinge. escapades by boys while suffering from. locality &c.. A local man would wr- ithe effects of this pernicious residing. taints be a, better judos ole the value of. Our telegraphic despatches thia morning land_ if• you could_ tics one competent give the case of` the sons of two New and willing to de so_ above all suspicion York farmers, who,. after.•robbing•their of partiality it is hartlly possible under • the present excitement. to get 'men' to pitrents,. have started, armed to the do so,' And- Griffith valuation is the teeth, for the West, in,se,arch ofadvert- only. standard that could possibly, : be ture. Our boys in Canada also suffer agreed. • t(i, 'which. waw taken' over 20 from this literature 'of sugar-coated years, ogo •£ex flee purpose of etnel taxa - A t d t folic? •.tion.'when poorlitiuses was established. crime n Ins once oeerre no ono in Ireland.an,d declared at all the pub - ago where the ambition created by ten- lic meeting -held in Ireland to be a .fizir cent novals; to figure as . thieves .and and impartial.. valuation.. No doubt ' robbers, brought a dozen boys together. there- is diflicultiee to overcome, but, .,iai , into the criminal dock of an assize court, the thing has to .be done ,in my opinion • 1 I 12 b sold and shortly afterward, in an adjoining e ore there is ever p c • of life in tbeEmeralcl Isle' ' Whatever We are gfvinig ` S rcial Bar sins in t t 1 13 , a .that 1 t ' t1 f 1 boast • __,. T!IE East half of the North half of Lot 2, $th Coo- ls sasaion, Morris, containing 44 acres, store or 1esa; aUont 25 acres cleared. '02110fe above Lot fe about two and a halt tniios from thouriebing viUage of iilyth and' one quarter tnilo om the Wingham Oravoi itond. Thorn is on Aho Lot a small masts house and a Lo,; Stable, and a well f good water. Oona fences. !'ERJIS EASY, For particulars, apply to JAMES CII AJt13ERS, Clinton, April 1st, 1881. Clinton P. O. You can go all kinds of Mottoes, and Motto Board in all Colors, Go141 a>titi'Sii.lver, Rcrlink Wool Scrap Pictures, Beads, Wool Needles, Wall,Pock- ets, Brackets, etc. Sr r All kinds of Pleturo Frames made. to order. Come and See ! A. HALE, Victoria Street, Clinton. Harness, Light, —AND— Hanle Hecwg, Can always be had at the LOWEST ' BATES, at NEWTON , DENNIS'. 1 also a Largo'Stock of GRAND OPENING' 0 CRAM AO 1 E G Have muchtpleastire in announcing that their Grand•Opening for the Sprthg&Summ;er �Seasbn of 18 Sam w WILL TAKE PLACE ON Y9 7 f Lsfl9:,, WHEN THEY WILL MAKE, The . FinestDisplay of Paris and New York : Millinery ,; Mantles Euer. Attempted in This County.. b £ tl peace and security w tic I W a CHEAP. -d'�l, All we ask- of., our many patrons in Town and Coun- count a morbid love of'adventure 'or-, p g .try Ib o come ane 0 OOnV1riCe we In l ? e a lel 1 u Y,stay' he • tyre final, result of the land Trunks and Valeseg Our stock is very iginating from the same source •it was league agitation it has already saved ,much enlarged this, Spring, • all the in statirv,,thAt.:.VLi-VER---I3•EFORE-_.W48, .,sir Ick—icT1C.#4arreEN'P-s`rt-t • . said, led two young men into • midnight, thousands •of pounds to tho.fat,mers_of•. •aboise lm -es,_• 111 eve as,k_ii5-for.tli'e pub• --Or NL4Y SPRING. GOODS 'SHOWN IN THS TOWN a5 `, 1'11 iJe SIL -•.:e iii- -raids u• on-' int k ---•--'d ,j ` ,: Ireland ns severallandlerdebave-ailready • lieRta call and inspect•our Stock and be. ' p that ended to one of t e Son e provision for the gradual acquisl than vier before kei n, eve _ha e. al cr • ,• n -w ,1 0 ; . a season; .: Ladle,s liv3nt;. in ally part.Of the Couxlty will far.marc� ore- � ag . c aeries._ ,. � � � , accepted 11r. Griffith a .valuation. convinced, that; we are selling;•cheaper' bition:011 Saturday, tile• 16th'inst.,'and - all during the :'Coring h m re r. ro isiorl v ow v cart irg his death -wound d fr m. trots by tenant far mels of the. fee Simple. ways made Light Harness a specialty, • shot gun. The only efficient .way.•of..of their holdings would 'soon 'place a• and warrant all Collars. than . save their expenses by .'coming to •Cluaton sand making dealing with this vice .of • sensational class of 'farmers, Heat �voulil have ail NEWTON `it' DENNIS• their. Pu releases at'. CR.A.II3;'.1VTA CWIIII,''i�Elt Cl'? CCYS.,. reading is to cultivate in .the young, an interest and inflence• in fire cdunty. and Ireland. lab a rebellion •in wou a a.• Appetite for healthy mental £pod _ thing of the past a4 men -would have' a a.■ - E w is Mantr•ealTl'itness. " stake in the country and would+be the H • �'a first to oppose insurrection either+civil�■� •C•OMMITNICATIONS :or, forhign, and "Secy idle vagabond` wn wish. It to be distinctly understood that wc:4.10 not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by -our eorrespandents. • Another Shan,, . �. An ld.itor Huron Record. . Sia.—Another blind, far exceeding the Gladstone Land act of 1870, is to; should either or lease the country." V " r: • 74 o ini Egmonclvillc,April 4th 1881. • �"d deo' P c r o � _ ' i '' The lloleerty organ... • • :Hear. �" 't �, ri t.ieem !,See tiient ! , a t , d • gyp • % Saesnmcrhill., . 1 d 5 §3 2 to a• m+� q y i~ Y G r he perpetrated on the people of 'Maud. Our bridge still stands,,i.fGit does not.s ; � ti The humane and enlightened : •pallia• stand still. The ice has greately weak- ! m,o $ w� 74 • went of Great Britian isoin "to re• erred the su. orfs• in. the centre 'and e' x' claim 1,000,000 acres of wastelands lin: moved it 'sliightlyclettn:'stream It is �'` ° OC.; °. O e, . , #, 1 Ireland at a cost of $1,500,000 and not considered :'safe.: •• sse •mac o 60 rent' it to the poor at a very moderate : The following is the sferalingof the "1"' L.. ,3 ° sal . rent. Who does this waste land belong pupils. of the Public ':School here for ee.. ,, - t. bio..® Io W .. to at present 1 Undoubtedly to the the month of March, based on cliligc'nce, - 'A s e, 0 0 Landlords,, and by .an Act of Parlia- conduct and 'punctuality 5th Form, • `1 'sea 0 . reent, will, be token away from thorn.;, 1st; 'S. A. • Watkins; 2nd, Susie 4 .1. s�E ® Fa What is this.but interference with ves Richardson •;3rd,,..:Ida Plummer. 4th. ' ' ' Elf4 0' 41' ted rights ' some men say, these wire 'Form 1st Harriet Rapson • 2nd Thee.' O C o "ii i? c fi j e regi , , , 1 ,,+,� claimed lands. yield-mbthing • to - the Watkins; 3rd, • Henry:.. Thompson+. „ � ltiyndlord, it is quite . different,.. the. 3rd Perini:1st; Wallgato Tebbutt ;;2nd, . t a arable lead adjgining where. thousands 'Jane Croynoil ; 3rd,.' dailies Sheppard. 'l 0 • a 7 e 2 d I t L' Johnston 2na of farmers could, net pay, their rent,, :' n , Rosin, 1st, rz,'te o nston ;. • , . ' fi - ` 3 d but for the privilege afforded for their. J?lora Miller ;3rd .Ernnia.illAyd; •• .1st, : t'''' Far cattle sheep d;o. as' a common, will now ; Fern£, 1st,. `Jane 'Lloycl ; 2nd, David • . ; y� 0• a ig he deprived of this .privilege and would Wright': 3rd, Maggie Johnston.'- m 1= b .11 he literally saying rise, take up thy a Co bed and walk." If vested rights aro Dig �`14Q�� to he respected it is out of the power SEEDS. 0881j SEEDS. PULLMAN—In Birth, on the ere inst•,'the wife of o, o of any legislature to meddle With these John CiPullman of a daughter waste lands. The onlyreined to the BEESLY.-Iu Clinton, ori Alio 6th inst. the wife of Y , air: John Bcesly, ot's son. • •r writers mind would be to say distinctly,' mocomB.—In • Nowi,ridgo, ' on. April let'tho wife of • Mr,.E. 61cComb, ot'r.Bon, •isl, 1 (rortlemen Landlords we have exam -..w . DEATHS. , ined. your title deeds and 'find your. SIMS. in 'Blyth, .on'ttio4th April, Eliza 'Marion, r•,;� "' 8 altcestere have, acquired their title by , .- daughter of Maggie andWUliant Sims aged 5 years and $ months,• CMtgtte8t' at?;(l , cp fiscation and under SIMS.=In Biyth, oil the 3rd. of April George •F.,iwin, • the most arbitrary laws and by the law infant eon of .Maggio and -William Sits, aged 2 „ " vcara And 6 months. ' of entailhas,, been transmitted '.to pA1S�a7•-in Marlette, Mich. March 31st-tho witoof' you. We do not. want .to deprive you ylr,, oa Ramsay, Into of Mo1lUlop, nud anter of of a life interest in these -lands we shall • .Mie. ",t''{ti, Cl,and Mia, Arthur. Cook • , • of give you the power to retain one Awns. •Lhntothl;'t 4,:',40°,,,s'..., 1 .., an,i- acres as your real .estate, the resi- •tiLiiTTO1V'•:t1ABK)G'1'S: A . stock of Seeds for 1881, in 1- Fieid, Garden and :Flower Seeds) M complete -all New, Fresh and Boilable, and will bo, sold at.lowest prices.• Clover Seed, extra quo :_• Thnothy Seed, prime. .FLAX, •' TARES, • ' • 131ICXCW11I:AT, . life to he let to tenants in blocks of 20 •-- (Corrected every Thurarlay'aftern0on.) . MIL. LrT, .OROIIAIill, IIIiNc#A$IAN', t1 )0 acres, and no more at `a fair, Val- Wheat, tail,per bush., • '$i 04 to 1 00 tar Simla! has:hoon 'given to the solea• notion and no back rents allowed and Sprlut, Itudohatt_ 1 10 .ttoo' 1 10 Mori of all ki rsa r«� No hltoftsCiant,Lergol l ed a lease,.given in perpetuity and, if the oats, :•••• 0 37 to 0 4o Chuulplon Intentloddate—carrot Seed, all varlgttos. Barley, + • 0 05 . to 0 80 rant falls in arrears for 18 months' to P ono to 0 fa GArden Seeds1, • Carden Seeds ! ,SCOTCli TWEED S•UrTINGS ' OICS N'S - Vi.e$.toria ` Block, •. m Now- lathe time. it leaue Vous Measure,far Your Spring Suit. jer, �houiinq the .�aYgest f�an�e of Tweeds in the Oountg. be made liable to pay like any common. hof �,. • . • . .••••0-00. to 5 ria ' ' '• .. c , •Potatoes , d 30 to 0 25' ' IIAS D AItE richt or by ejecttttent, if nPeeRsary•;we'thew, ' - •. 0 1s to 0 2a Jh.,07, have legislated in your interest. for & e, : 012' to .0 1:l 1a 00 to 12 00 centuries. we have now given another coercion act. We had done so froze 1780: Hoot, • • • • • ' • s 50 to 7 00 Prices. ' to l802, from 1803 to 1805 martial utnvcr, - . • . • • 4 50 to 5 on . 'ntothy, . 300 " to 8 25 . �. law was in, furca, the. insurrection act. pack,, • • o oo te. 0 oo dJ from 1807, to .71 10,,ai�d,kept renewed' ,�-....:.• - y,•ar after year till 1825 them eame .• e tlles, r, 5c to 112 Builders' 'Supplies at 'Special. Low • Sllocpskine 0 75 Eo FOR SALE. ll d another martin s.w,,at( ano ler coercion - IDG' 1 ar net from 1834 to !,3.1,. also tete suspetl- 17r1iti Methodist Parsomee, a comitiodlous .tilde. WIRE G J• , ,,iuliding, Is offered for side, 1?rico,moderatoatid r Kinn of the Haheali Corpus set three' tarn a4,t payment easy. ) squire the proutas,pr. l�st!nts, Glass, Oils, 8cc. the ast 80 rfi , e, h V t n" of ai, a re. folio Jnekeon and A,,$• d hen �y p, ��ai w,... 1 ..@ , elln3oa,•blgroit ifij,13O1,,Y rtee, X; m 4ibit#JGi.: 4�, ?• d Jt1r 1 �+C�Qt r, �,nt+o' +•x+• Barb o0;. PRMes U111R,7. IRISI TWEED SUITING S, • BLUE & BLACK SE'TGE''SUITINGS, CANAD�xrA.N) WORSTED TWEED, Suitings, 1 - �r ORSTED 'SUI.{INGS. ,. • c •