HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 3FASHION*NOTES, VOIR il-ADIES, "Cigar" is the atm shade of brown.. New carpets aro in Chinese patterns, The porcupine is the newest braid 'in All the Italian braids- are in creep yellow straw, The ileamle lis i he favorite..design in the Havens, The 'tine new cashmere can be moich- ed hi the Auterhato The shooting-jut:et will be a favor- ite style for spring suits Beatea gold is used extensively in bracelets and %vetch eases,: Dinner cards iu the...81164)e of the obelisk are among the.novetties. Trimmings of Oriental pearls are used on satin. ' New walkieg-boots' for. ladies are square -toed, with br,nal, Mkt .11(108. Sprieg violets and. o bite oxalis blos- souts are iti gr, it rkinianit, One of the new colors lis Called bish- op's violet. It a deep ;shade of blue,. Black kid glovss. are laced • on the Lack with gold cord for dress occasions. Plain wide scarfs, of mull muslin are. .worn in the merishig, tied tichu.fasition. A gilt dragon fly is placed: on the knot of flowers worn. 011 the • )eft 110111(1er. A new lace is called point d'Auriliac. 'ft is a heavy silk lace with .sealloped edges. Many of the I1andsonwt visiting cards have hantl-paintitig, Or ivory, or satin tiles. Black gloves are no longer worn. in the evening,except with an entirely black toilet. • • • Pure linen bunting with many Tows of hem -stitching is imported for ‘. win, dow curtains. Black silk skirts are worrt with jack- ets of Persian materials, la which :gold is much mixed: • • , • Bonnet crowns of copper -Colored plush- are made very •athietive by.airther.. beaded appliques. . • • • Satin ,boWs, with Silver or.bang on the ends, are wortt • .with• shoulder- . knots With party dresses: . • r. • . • • EnthF9ic411,....4*11)99kstifsking.. highest styles of. decora,tive art are now applied to table:litien. • • Plumes of the lophiopliOnv and golden pheasant will be .eXtensivelY, • used in millinery .this spring. - The Charmetuat" necklace i ,cOM,' poSed of a fringe: forateil by gold orsil- ver balls graduated in •size. Party. mitts are of .Ftench, Cliantily. and Spanish• laee, and • .are worked in delicate colors up the backs: . • • • • Dai ti ty • I itt apronslOr,iloti,id. Wear, are made of • satin in, :black or pale shades, hand painted hi .Wreaths and spray S. Chatelaines of gold or silver,. With multiplicity,. of breloques; are, again: worn by both • French atid ladies. • ,Jeratan porcelain lamps ,have be, come a part ibf - 'household ..furnishilig,' and supplement. thehigh:. eliandeliers • cltariningly. • • Slioulder ,capes are .on ..the increase. A late costume had no less than five' capes in graduated onc.abaye the: other. . Steel buttons, with.glitorinceentres of bronze, emerald green,-sappliire'bluit• • or garhet, are very, elegankand.fashion-: able. • FATAlL 4DJf11• A FARMER'S ,PAUCt1iT1311 I5-..1017pPET, TUI —ARIMST op REA 1111.0THElt,' • • . Owen Sound, March ease of. abortion, committed in the' td'weship of Keppel, has just come to light. A youngwoman named.' Mary,' King, daughter of John King, farmer, of the township.of Koppel', died suddenly not long since. Coraner Cameron, :of this own, was In:allied:Of the 'death, to. • gether with the allegation that it *Wt•s surrounded by suspicious eireumstanceP. • i)rs. Bernhart and Wigle IlpId 0.41.081-' mortent examination on the body, and iestilied that the docoased Came" to her • death by hemorrhage? caused, by abor- t ion. At the inquest which -was mediately held, it was discovered that her brother, James 4ing, had procured. medicine nt Wiarton some months • previous, and after the administration' f the medicine the deceased wad seized with fits, from' which she recovered; and was apparently in her usual health, when she took a fit of vomiting, after whieli 811< shortly died. ' A bottle ton - tailing oil of cedar was found' on the premises. Tlie jury returned a verdict • thht the deceased Mary :King died, from the qffocts of medicine takei to procure an abortion; administered by her own hand—and that her brother, .1 Ames King, NV 0.8 guilty, of cotnisellinf„t 811 ai1i,1 the abortion by immuring the medicine. .A warrant,. bas been i.zaati .V.4 las arrest. • II II MEI 1 I 11 TO THE PUBLIC. 91.11Inde undersigned begs s announcet' to the people of canton and stiromultnerowashipa that ho la PrOIIA LIXan !ttndo of framing and 'Repairing • AT REASONABI,E RATES, inovtag notildings SpeciallitY. W, E, Graham, eutcroti. • • •.•.01int.ou ilarb.je Works, HURON STREET, •CLIRTON, w 11. C'OOPER, litatnifitettner et and 1:dr 1. ull 11111. of It Marble. & Graalte for Cemetery it • Work, at figorea;th 110. moult:talon. !, AlsO Agent ,tor A.unricim, SroNo pin- ; poses ILIRI eirnwt,,T ;Wm*, must he sen to be Itmitteeiiitoil,—All. work warranted, to give sationetion, . ,t PATRONIZE ',HOME I Grand CLEARING Clearing Sale 6 . , O Class Setts ftom. 00. Celery Glance. wialsj' 4 N $.1.00. Fruit Awls, with Cave,. Frenelt, gurelca, .' • , :rpm Ilertta, eoMPaet 01w • 0 ild o ihdivultl'• ..e. ''....$.1A,,,, rI2 Butter 1)1 4%(1) (ditut. .i't,,,,3, . ., ,.. ..„, ,....,., 1 CalAlatet .apic0.as.v" ti.. -4 05 ,4%. ri Goblet I'amIger8, - 04•• 125 $400 *N.; OU vary ' t 4 'AA' s 4 a0 —,-,' ...1 0. . „., ...,, .,_ .. ,t'lze'9,o to elearOut the • C.-'"44 • • . . • ,r11.4 -- LAMPr. . LAMPS*:,. ' . . !... complete, lame. ir•-v • size d,ie. eac/, .1-: A Fuji Assort. "P •Wtt Of (h'Ut.tir Cd. I, . . • • . • . 21i 111i1S, af.C. t :,'''"'"' . .- . . • Ctir irsi! Land ne a. Mix ...Um*. . .• • . c rel, 6pleMz La. .. AND $":FT3.• S QTU FOR S. MORLEY'S CHEAP TORE,. (t 4,csou's Block.) Greet Inducements in Splendid Solt4 from 00.0 Upwards.. UC Uflfl RECORD. 13oats and Sh.o6s, . , AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Come ono, on all 1 atl occurs IT IS BARGAINSi S. MORLEY. A Household fiord ! $1.25 a Year, in Advance, — • AND IS , ALL PRINTElkjij HOIVIE. • 51. ;01.-VVM THS. TLEW . . .10 •+• • , • . T. Co• 1,4 F'S GROCERY Has become a Household Word as the: REST id CHEAPEST place fm. • Groceries, • r. — — •• .Fced, . •Cropkery, • -• Glasswartf • . • .A:SPECIALTY,IN • forr " as paid ggs.. iArai Pro,. • duce taken. in,eirchange. ' • THOS. COOPBB, • 11 )0urner" Albert and Rattenbitr;V: Ots;; ; CULNITo.N • . • • • . . • .. . ONE OF TE BE$T:411)[ERTISINO'...filEDIBIVIS'RI 1IIE 000NTY Large Cireplati.pn, •. . . Desires to iniorm 1, patrons and friends ,that he h, GO TO TIM - Low Rates' . • •• Ovor Lawmice & .Gr4opy's Furniture N610111110 will be tiliktgett to promptly attend. to, orders le play he favored with,. 04 LYTH • _These Works are- now in full opera. tion, and the undersigned pre enabled o' --any grade, of • • • : Balt of Finest Quality for Sale. NE • • The, neceSsitV.of :Salt for • • AORICULT.EHLAL liURPOSES TH now so fully. established that every farmer will neglect. his own interest who fails .to.use about le iv' tons atniu Or This Trade will, receive Our best: • attention.• Cordwood, in Stave Dolts and Da'sswood, delivered at the Works, for which Cash will ba. paid. Ray, Young 86.$parlinl • FOR YOUR TYPE, G AND REASON BLE PRICES. • Great, ALE , e. S.TOVE PIPES, dc, Reiaced Prices FOR • E 1V1 NTH. bfowm the time to secure • • In order to reduce' our stook and mole roora" for eXher. goods, We have decided to Bell at front 10 to 16 Per Gellt. Less Than Usual Prices, Rzki..Tr. FOR ONE MONTH Ow Y , • , . Tiaraware, Axes, • CrOSS61.11, Sf.1,1I;R; - Lamps, &e., • VERY, LOW. -T-.1 .'W.Best 2.1ro. 2 Coal (Siker Star. • brand)5 cents :per 4,pirial Pon). -Imperial -Gallons .• 'mut Can far $1.50, . ' • HARLANBD . Sign of the•Padlock, Erick Block, Editor and Praprietari. ALI3ERT tTi — CLINTON*