HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-04-08, Page 2.44 LI F : IN IIIISSisSlli',i'I, THE S IOTOUN AS A MORAL AGENT, --ETI•• QUlil'rTP Oi' A SOQIAL (iA.LL--011.41iNA 111E UALLOWS. . • Cur, N. X: Tribune. I was told here in Mississippi the other .day of an old man who bad killed nuzuy men; had usually, indeed, killed every man who greatly .displeased. hint. Ilis favorite weapon was the rife', his inseparable companion. At • kat a man carne back to that region, - all the way' 'front Texas, with the avowed object of killing this old man,. and so avenging a relativo who had been one of his many victims. • Oue d:ty as the old man walked along a path through the woods his pursuer tired at him from behind a treeThe aim vas i rue, and the victim fell to tile ground, shot through the body, but he was .not dead, After some time tho maim who had shot hint put his head out from be- hind the tree to learn what had been the effect of his bullet. At that anoM-, hent a rifle ball crashed through his. brain. ti little later a neighbor •satire along the path ani found the Texan quite tread; but the old man, though plainly, fatally wounded, was still alive :mil conscious, but unable to 'd'o .more than raise himself on one elbow, Af• ter he had succeeded in attaiideg this po.ition he said :----"Could you roll that ,fumed cuss hyui, so's .1kin have •tt look at flim 1" This was done, and he ge:tzed at the lifeless )O(Iy with a co11- te.niptuous kind of interest:-."I3i11 1•'o.viiek illus was a fool.. I knowed he couldn't keep his hemi behind that try", I k iow._d he'll look out atter awhile, and then I knowed I'd fetch' hint. 'lie Was allus a durtted fool." Then the neighbor., took oft' his coat and .adjusted it under the old fellow's heal, ittel iu a few minutes more two deal bodies lay side by side. iii the woodland pati.. • M.UCINo A cALG IN MISSISSIPPI. When you wish to call at the: resi. donee of a neighbour in Mississippi you do not go to the door and .knock or rine the •hell, as is, usual iii const places little: north. That would tint be a safe' or ,•ouifertable uuilertakine. here You was ..elected wile was to act as execu- tioner by leading the animal away from the tree, thus leaving the culprit dangling in the air. Apparently 11 last moment had come, and he had too much good. sense to ask for his life. But his captors were nearly all re- ligious men, members of the Christian churchesof the neighborhood,. and at this juucturca one of the leaders sug- gested that it was a very solemn thing and a human soul into eternity, es- peciaUy :f in an unprepared condition, as.was most likely the case in this in- stance, he thought, they Ought, to en- gage in prayer before hanging the man. To this all assented, and the man who had proposed devotional exercise_ was appointed to lead in prayer. He. (lid • so, and' tirade a most feeling anti for• vent plea for Divine mercy for the sin- ner who was just about to appear in the presence of the Most Iligh with all his crimes upon his head, The com- pany was deeply impre:sed; malty were ]n•oe(1(l usually on' horseback, to the "yard 'fi'.nee'_'. hi- leant ..af 1h.Iiousir-1.1.141 .. RAYS': --. . moved to tears. .But the prayer canli: to•an end, .and the tear -bedewed - eyes were dried, and "the exercises of the occasion" wereobout to .be completed according to the programme, when the man who had hell.' the mule .by' the bridle declared that he die... not •feel willing to discharge. the duty which bad been assigned to hint.' "Somebody else do'it ; • I don't want to ` have • any - ,thin' to'do with hana�itl' him," `said he and_ his feeling was 'found. to be the uuaniuous senitiinwilt of the a1S01nbly. The result was that tho prisoner was. delivered' to the sheriff, 'ani] was soon afterwards sentenced to a longe term the penitentiary: I think he must have .• .A. young woman applied at the re" - lief bureau in •Galveston the other day with a paper containing the following : "This unfortunate woman is the only daughter, of an old and childless father, and sho• supports several young broth- ers by her work. .A lovely young girl at Fort Pickens One day trier. to rapture some chiekuns .Ono peeked. her btne.eyus, ' And she said with, a1_sigh, - "- Great Cte>sar, greed gracious, the dickens." In the year 1880 America' issued seventy patents to women. And not one of these- was an indicator to be at- tached to the bed post to show if then' is a man under the bed. And' yet, think hors Much getting down on hand:( and knees such a thing would save a. woman; If you want to be strictly bobbin - able don't leave your knife and fork crossed on your plate after" finishing dinner. Fa. ,And it may ae as Weil to -mention, in this connection, that it tis not etiquette, ,when dins,¢,out, to slip the -silver spoons iri your pocket 'aa_ you get up from the,tnble: • , New haven Register" " Ah (1011r,," :sighed 1V'liss I+itzoy, as she yawned iyearily. '" There isn't anything to n,•. cups one's. 'uliu(l'now,. I've made toilet. :cushions and.. tidies, and embroidered slippers and painted majolica jugs, ui1- tit I'ru weary of• life, I believe 1'Il go' 1 down into the kitehen.aud'watch Jane'• make. bread. .I suppose •"I .ought • to know 'how many pints;.of yeast it take, to a loaf. And she penetrated the ,business part of the house only to lied out that bread • was." raised " from. the , baker's cart, • A .3alople Village,. - I write this front a country village containing, about 1(000 inhabitants. It is a lovely little town, nestled on aside hill to break off the raw welds of win. ter mei the hurricanes of summer, When I arrived this morning itrseenied to mo as if there would net be a hall mail lir scolding woman. is the village; but:four hours have passed, and 1 ant a wlsel• man. 1 mune 'hero to see old Mrs, Brown about a pension she wants" from the government, and when we 11101 finished our battles* 1 said : 0(.1 see you have four churches here." "Yes; hut we never have any ser; mons worth liateuipg to." "'The 1ne11 look intelligent and smart." "Humph 1 they aro regular pokes 1 There isn't- 0 111141, In Faro -wine Who • knows euolgh to ask boot in a horse 't C1Lde," `( But the woinlen look happy," I prod st('cl'.... • "'t'llenm •they look what they ain't," ` rale aliswere(1 "1 Pddl't- believe .there i a1. happy wl)un n ftv the village; Ik youi 'knew of the awful• carryitlg on hare; soil 44ilu1dn't look.: for happy ('What.multi I. IlInIge do the men de '1" t' eft?,1 better ash. what they don't d6.1 It'S'a wonder to me that. Farm:: vine hash`( :.'i nit,il • the fate of Soclatn' and (xulI)lautTo v." "1)0 'thee' dl'lulc 1 ' Valet I" see even 'old Dearosl 1 Lrl•i> waving. this way aiid . !leo, ee:s ;he ,•011111011 t lull Inst (welling 2 It 1 a sllrt r.'ry path of course; but sober '11(1.11 1(•1,14 dimly a Hill kl(lewayas." • o hey qtuuhle:E" been ever afterwards an earliestbeliev .4.-Tteio;lr; Qi ,� 11Ststt3lwu�Iiilil. er in the efficacy of prayer. - • '-- It was suggested by some persons One day an old mail, .Catreworll, not present, at the tittle, that 'the: mo- tion for a. prayer was inter de(1 as a meats of reseuing th i prisoner, but. I dined 11. few days ago tit hitt awn house with the—man who made tho prayer; we talked very freely, and I carne 'to the conclusion thr,t, 011the iiecasion .described; Iis.course; had •biien ..sitipi e •arid natural, anti tdiat lie had not''fore- Seelr Its.eff1't1 either upcin'liis OW1). feel: • tugs or upon those.of lis'neighbgrs: • shout " l.i•d loo 1" You are ,anstverell at mice by a churns of, dogs, wineli collie leaping down the yard t9Warils you like wild b.'rtsts hungry for their prey. As you contemplate their enor- mous size, their number an/1. evident fero'•ity, you congratulate yourself' on being 00 horseback. About -blip. time 4vh,41 you begin to wolidIrwhItber you will long. be safe even 111 that positign, the mail of the !louse oculus to the, door and calls (lilt,, "Cxoed tnarililig 1 \Can't yo 'light 2 • You mentally swot "Not just yet," incl• your, host wallas down tho. path towards - you, inaku04 relmLrks 0110ut the weathetr or•• sonic rut)( familiar topic as lie . com(s' on. When, he reaches the. :gate_ he says, imperatively, -"\Vel i,• 'light'!" t1s the dohs are by this time. slowly retir-, ing, looking disappointed hitt:resignetl (as if saying to themselves "13etter•luck . ',tome time, we, shall eat hint yet,") yen iidw alight, and yon were not t';(peett d. tondo so at any earlier stage of`tlio pro- ceedings. ro-uredins. • 'rhe 11081 .now says "Como in'!" and • you walk slowly up the path together,' • eoll'4'('rsillg as you go. Arriving at the parch or "gallery' ," as it is calle 1 here, .n I the host says again "Coln iii•!' hu.t• you do not ;;c} in. It would he ill bred to enter at once.. So you linger ptt,th•e • gallery, ,till conversing fir a mi'tnoeor two, and your friend Says, itnperative!y' this time, "Well, 001110' in !" and thou yon g;o in. i0 [11 the Mild time's," as people say herr, to have goiit at :0000 to :1 planter's doom, without calling from the outside of the yard, and reeeiviaig, a,u invitation from within the hoose; w. 11111 have boon regarded as ev.itlenee of unlawful or hostile intentions, es-: pedally iii the 'evelriug,'and 4VOulti• have exposed • the visitor' to the chance • of a greeting from a Shot -gun. • At present the (100 are ..:(.Bally, I suppose; tho.chief source of danger. SAI,vA'riON ray PI(AYI:a. f.n Clopiah e0unty, \iississippi, I was shown the place where a man was net hanged, who, ..nevertheless, seemed to• Lave come very near experiencing that, tale. I10 was•a noted horse -thief; a1id Was at last captured 17y a'company :of i1111igne1nt farmers who lout found Borne 01 their own horses tied up in rho woods, ami had remained in ambush • near by. until the thief caner back to dispose of 010 booty. "'1110 tvliole . 0(1(11 trysid(1 Was 80011 111fornlod •of the arrest, and th(1 nr('n assnmhled with rides anti shotguns to see the prisimrr, ,end de( ide or learn What wes to Jul t me u'it.l 111m. 11 wail detertnined, after due do'liberalinn, that he should 1,e bra nc;ed then and thyro. A. rope was reeording'y procured, ono encl. was f.t.tc 1101 r0 a eonv(ni(int limb; • and the 40 11('1• made into a 110080, which was ad= i tsted :mond the prisoner's neck. Ile. 41:1•; mounted upon a mule, and 0 man, �;t o :Race troubles-1'gliting Stakes The hens are :01 ,anising a "Mutual •laid society. • wrinkled, feeble _end • apparently •'tot- • tering on the Verge:of the grave,. says a foreign' letter, presented 11110801f Ire-' fore Baron •Jaines RpthsehlhiNolieiting 'the honor of aniuterviiew.with the fa= • mons banker. TheOkl man wassoarl.,su peer, . and had so dejected .liar co pt,8:t• that, the, baron W&i' lnln(ediately pressed' .with a .conipassionllto tl i ling;; ale' this becau)n a 114e1y. interest 'On learliing.tbat !.(.was a.7!ew. The aged visitor took froln his bag i0':ris:h..,and .°beau.ti.fut_p4ltite, se. plcnclidly wrought. that the baron admired it exceed iue'1'':; over the " f^lir," sai(l,.th(: patriarch, "will yolt bu 1 this of rale 1 •• 1 have •1101 whole. slat; anti it service se beautiful must 1)11(1 its fitting place in tItn .toaiisitin•.of.1110 The bad .oyster plays's. dead open and. lint game. • hnaricieris, ' (' it le incised very,' 11110," said the. baron.' • " 11ow iiiueh • do you wish for the • service." t( Look, you, sii,".• 'Biel the old moot "I'm. hOW0I,l (loWll: ,Jyitb malls• `ears, ati(hlu0v1�•1101;long to lite. • ' 1- 0111 peer,, ((11(1 wish to end nay (lays in..co iftirt: •• Will you 1n t zeh•zri„e:for this vldltai•ile seb:cif pOrccrlain .sive ulu.ni1 iticot110 fqr lrfe 'of .10 )' fraiteS(A+:30) a month 2 It' is not nituch for.•- Ou and 1: ilii so 01.11 • Y , • .'.Clio 'baron .,coked • at the poor • 01(1 mem, exaiuine(1 the .plate 0.1411 ), a1:1i1 •itfeer:a *few Iuinu.tes refl'ce.tI¢n, said`; Well *1u i't .so :here: i'I the first, pati-, ;100114, Sencl'n10 that service, and give ule your name, that T may have it•en •tered,fu my treasuteir's:books." `Tito aplien(lid set of porcelain was cle- liver(s(1 the. Sonia , day to ; the baron', 11101.'0, )iionth•ofte wards, while:h.e was, 'Scaled in iris COilntiiig-loose,, a' 100.)) (11:1- tcred and asked. for the second .pay= Ment of the propose(l.incotn.. :13iit tllr 111411 44•as yonilg,'scarnc ly 34 years,.of, (Lge, • of vigm:otis.cotlstitlltioll and groat tnt14cular .(leVelepeui(int; ,111.(1: looked :zs 11,.. 11e .Would 1irc. for ono h011(111.d. years. "Hut •you aro not. the pian 'claimed the iistouishesl .ranker. ' " Excuse ine.baroll;" said he;: "I ani 'indeed the irlari:" . "But ��''ou appeared 80 yea•rs old," • saicl:the. 1':'zron: ' • • • " But, sit, 1.a,iii only'thirty,.".said Ilio. toxin. . 1 f act, continued the, baron, I tlbsight your' venerabin'appearando did not belie your aysCrtiati." . • (` I, have '•wonderfully ' recoyered,,, ObserV(d(1 the marl,.".411d thanks your . generosity." ' The baron'. 1110(.: 'heartily,• ....and gave ord rs ,.:f(r the pa went. of the rnoncy, ctclstir0iug. "'A 112 ori are an•: excellent 0Omeciia0, and ilul e faked use Jit thoroughly,", - P.1. :tin lirolial,ly.. the . first.,who . has done so," replied the jow, politely. bow: jiig to the Millionaire. • Foe. years , 1totlischild paid • the monthly allowaiiot'. • 1)o net let prejudice stand in the way •o£ • relief if you suffer front any' lingering disease. Burdock flood Bit. ti Is (euro• 0111(18, why slim:dd.- it not ben; fit you 3 It is a specific for all forms of Mood, Liver, and. Kidney Complaints, Nervous 1leatlathe, 'G4111 - oral i)ebiiity, Scrofula and ail illsl0see .of the Secretory system. 'Trip.•Llottlles 10 Cents: 5 g, lie. . Kht(l word's aro bald headed: 'They. can never iiy. e •• ... The' mite: :who thinks: the boy: who' dives next tloor`to ]litre 'is u: goal boy. bas not 'been found.. A. Chicago'editor,advertises for. 4Vie .who 'knowsless than he does. iZ011ie. nisi are mighty 11a1'(. to -trait. 0110 of Southern's last. requests was • that his friends ;should.. not attend his burial; as "-people catch such• colds: st:.tialring. In graveyards with'ticeir hilts ith" kA. 111111lci] 4v0initn 'still to 114 r fug' halts., 44.you- •have nevorl taken, ins. to the cenietery." . t' Nn, rlc'nr,'' , replied 110,. (` tllat, is. a. .pleasure 1 have yet.in alltl(slitlt10(i -. : You can tell a, • triercifu},'' .farmer as snow its he. :Acme his, team at tL post.. •He takes the Blankets ori his wife's lap •11,(41 sl reads it .0Ver tlie.pdor horses. "1)i) you drink 1" said.. '1i teni)pi7I Kase reformer to ti beggar who had implored: •s11118 of hini. ." Yes,, thank you," re- turee(1 • the. ,candid i)aitpth-; '° where shall we go. ' Plnkdelphi;a, likely liar found out that nothing. 80 likely to miscarry as a dunning fetter: The .person ail-. dressed nOie14.seoms to get thein, •110 ,matt.er.how care t'ully they are directed.' After-l'i)ricli': Drkaiuyy0;uilg lady in •• 'railway carria'g;e to cheerful ail exceed- iiiggly llealthylooking• nlan•--".Ohi sir, at 3' you 7esthcitie 2" "' No, 1111'anl ; h'in a. butcher." ' ' 11']40 son of a Western dealer -in how Was pressing' his affianced for alt answer. to the gl1osti)o11 wllcn.she wonl(1 1111114(; the ;liali1y (1 Ly:' 'She lie:citat)sl for a n1a11ient: before answering : "•Not un- til the price' of pork, a(lvancc's;" . .• Aflesliy girl._Ai1(1iie-Pcise,' E1 pug- il<•tici0uti.:g;irl--Bitty ;llagiu. .t1.g;iri til:' I,o avoided'---131ark \!aria. 'A, well reel ,iiat)--A. hea111(3''finnan, .An. olnag fu� nus .ellapL. Lynn. Cl', Doyle. Awful j rytohes----Macs(, of a seasick torso!". Tho female ;ilaintill' in a :'Western divorce Suit was asked ';upon .taking ' the• stand alid, prior to being sworn, if slie ' believed, in a flitur0 life, " I used she answered, but since rias married: I've liar! all the nonsense) taken out of (n e," " i play only by 11010," sai(1•i1 pianist' "Seems to me you eon Id do more exe- cution if' you would play by ear," 1'0, Marl:ed Pegg, "Such a reach, you know," And the,lriani+t reaches for 1?og1, who got himself out of the way,. Just in time. "(1-:lnildei :What dill 14Irs. Potts tel me that her brother's wife told•Mrs. I)avtsmot 0 01011th ago? h'(101. of the leading men in the •place were caught 1 playing checkers for the soda water: 'That's 1.11:100 r'i(atnple, isn't it 1 • "1's Mrs. - I'oltiinisi• 1" • :;!' ti41l,y,sit_ ('i;-tli(iw gossip s' iii town It:s a. t4'anller111(411(011. dotx't (lti<k dei" 11) (1111 iuil1 pond Alul Mrs.., t)ay.is 2' . c ••hypoeriie -••tihell tail, y . d'e + .to In 'ice 1 abuse yoube: ..e t .y,( i face, , tu1L a. est, u 1 hint,youi` bad, ». .‘941r8. (-,leOr ,O iswcll spoken of:" '• 111iy'wh(nn 7 :l:'ve'koow.n her fifteen and I ntv(1 1(1•arcl (i.bum 111 being; •sp(•(tk Well of her, 17he tats (iuiuril aiul lies like a t.r6llop:":. . • "Isn't Mrs. Mefienry all right 2" • "All right 2 1t'ls.y no 011(: ciili.7iyl �i the 1entse, next` to 111'1." . "'1110 1 )oslia,,ttr seemed :like.(.good : luau," :I verit•ttiOd..to remark, '• • "Good 011012 Why .my husband'al- 4vays believed he was the man tithe threw a yeller dog dowir'--our .. I don't say • that he steels' letters;: -but I know When I sent,. two three-celit- Stamps to tuy' tlaugltter ill . Illi)iois,:14110 never got -id.:" • • ('Tint there'mulct bo'oiie good toan bevel" . "There, must, chi . Vrll, .I• wisli you'll pint lulu'out to ere. :I'd li.ke, to polisli,'up. u1y. spiTt4cles, au(1 ,take -a good look,at Ifpl. "And isn't.thc•re•olro faultless Worn, "We11, I don't Avant;, to' .seem vine and COtl('0lt0(1, because 110110 of .tt4 :are long; for t is'worltl, but 1' expect I'm the faultless 'unit • you .' aro .enquiring, a New Eyliop-11'',i(ft `l'tieilt Unless s0111e nrl';Lppi. else 10.f0u11d for COulltet'IL(•tillg• the 'ingt'illnty of the Paris sWWh1411H'(i,,,i1-eeec 14,, (sear that the French 41,41111;11 1.111,.113 1t' 0utolit Lon -.- don as the 1'aveerir-• Mime of the chew - tier more •. skilful than, ,zny 41 Lich i:h$ ,1 t• bi't's. (](•t•-• erib(1 wl1.- 1:1)1(1 (:li 1.41.11 .lay, 111;0 ..poli 0110 Of Iles,'' :::1ul,keemer.5 whose credulity, as we el('lit oiled: y+•sterllay, is daily tried to the of '',t., A 111414 in the garb 01. 1L p a :til+',, w;0•y at. about tel o'ekn(ik ill 1...• lIl 'runt., making; his way Johne; 11,' 11:1. 1,••1•(111rl(e, tarrying Yvitii .<1i11fenlly 0. Si 4 ' i.:Lg upon his hi'ad. Ju t Oltt�u. re• 1:, • .114 tl of 11 lin entlrap('r and Irl ,iiui r }tt'ss:L, .t1184l ben- eath, the hurtl•'1t. , 11.11,1 foil heavily. against, rho .,hull r. ',..u,:,t', elloeieg the. hag to -crash tllre:.10 111•• large 1(1at11 of glass. P310 p1 1 I i..tnr, ofeourse, rushed (lilt, and im rg tiO.Iby d-•ma11d,(d that • . the (!1('nage $ 1oultl ht. paid for on the • B1)O ti. '1`1141 t'ir'i tats .4V1t11' y(lil:L1 Ve• h emu., pro1est011 t1,a:t'1(e 00011.1 1101 an(b 4volthl nut !Ay, 4i(d. nit alteration on - Kiwi in whi(•it the shoputa111 seemed, to. • be getting any1111111 but „tire best of it. At this 100)1101.1ure there stepped out from the cr(1i•(1- Whiell hail collected a'' well dressed •11(1111 1' 11(1'ittt:'rvened in . • the ilistanesiott, Iotd asertecl that he knew the 1 0.148111, and was quite sure, that becould well 1.111srtl -to pay. The . latter, with many oaths milt murk re- 1-0ctanvw, ;avl' 'iu before this evidenee, ' : and at: length 'pr0tli3e'd gable ningly from his pocket a note for 1,000 frstecs; `1'11(1 s11Op!ct'1'pe1', overjoyed at the sight of it, 1111((1(11111ng lath t0 settle the busi- ness. and get rid of the concourse of lii'0ptlt', cpticlkly pocketed the not0 gave the tn1111 his, cho.nge, after deducting the value of the glassy nnd'with thanks to . the straulgei •withdrew frimithe scene .13ut''nn• 4011¢, sone" tine afterwards to exuha11g,1 the...book-note. for •gold, he fo0:ud that it •wits a bad. 0110. Tho whole ;scene. laid been 1lrepartttl.before band },y tht twit other aut,rs.in it,'and it had. been. foreseen . that•111 .the flurry . 0f playing it•thi' Oki:tiltl .w.on 1 assuredly not b(' top Nat•1'fal i.ie 6m -trebling' trio piece •'oi p(t111'r pr(�(lilc0ll.'. .A good dhe' ginse,, is 1.10t•on1ing It ..tont-illiportallt d.(1- ,j?ln0 t ti>.._I�ttc'faviuiller'4.staicl:,an.,trttilo,.z . LI1(l till IIIriden.t.1etnsto k110.11 that there is hardy aluy limit to thci snefcesti Willa]) tally b(1 c0111altylalr81. tvit11 its aid. 11 Hi:)iir;aWltge1.3, tIIC TFatat; ly. A' trav1. mlrr. ill, the State of :Iltin0is • came to a . }tut 011'. till, prawn; dear Cairo; 4.11131 there: halted.. 1CI0 'went' . inti) tl e house. it wail• at Wretcbeil •affair;. wit11 1111 ('lupty box for a„tab:le two or''threti• old chairs and disabled •stools.grac(:d't.h0'rc'0t11:ition room, tits: Walls 01 411)1(.1`44.01'( •1 furttiei• dritameiit.-• • •• (�d by.(lirty.tiitware 14'.11] a broken shelf • ,strtielr, Or two: • 'The 41'41411 iii• vas Cry - 'jug iu.onii corner, awl the elan With tears iu liis eyes and a pipe. in his 100131h. sat on ai stool, with • his .dirty ,• arm restinn, orahis k11ens; a41(l his sof- roW,ful-looking Betel supported by the palms of his 1mfinis• '.Not n, word greet - •1;d 'the interloper. '0Well,” 1(0 said, "yotl:40(011 to; be kit awful trouble, here; .what's,up 2"- .• • " Ab,' waa:t•O . atmosk crazed', n'eiggh- • hoi, land we ain't, got' lro patience to see folk. 1i01v" ' "Tb:1t'S Lll 1lgla.t," sail .tile visitor, •110) 1131101111Lken .1elek: `by • tris polite; • rebid.'; 'lint c til .11 be 'of any se Vice t you In all this tt,otrble.`2" "Well,.we're,10'A..our gal; our Sal's. ' ,140nt.'.of1' and left us," said the mali • tont. of d(i);pais. "Ali, do you know what inducer.tier. tn-'leave you 2" remarked .the new, al- rival. . ull,' we can't say, stranger, Ax. • how she's far lost as to be ittilueee', but their she's gone amt (lis raced. us," remarked.the afflicted father.. • "Yes .ueig hl•,or, and -not as I.slttlu1tl' say i1 its is her mother--huttln'rs, ,wti`tit.a.po'otier0al in the 1,9.6;6 than' our a1.• She's gone and: brought ruin on u8 and on her own head •'now," • fol-: lowed the strickenni mother. "Who has she gone oft' with 1" ini- quired the visitor. "Well, there's the troubld, Thttggli} 001.11d. live (lone Well; and (light, bavii married 11Tarti'n 'lCehoe, a capital., sh1r- tnaker, who, although'lie las got but • 000 eye,. plays '0n the Onto .iil. a• lively illa111101, and earns a good living.' Then leek, Silo ;was surrounded by • till tho ltltui'y in .the country," said the;' father. • "Yes, es, wlio len ,ws what poor Std wi11 have to rat,. drink, or wear• . now r',. • grone(1 the old woman, "And who is' 'tlto fe}low that 110s. • .taken 11i-111116 sun inis(Iy.2" l• "Why, she's gorse off mid got mar- •ried ton critter -called an editor, -x lives in the village, and we 4.011'4 1,'eeow' how he a11114 a Hybl't"' • —µ'Phe people of Exeter aro gnierr'to establish 0. littbli'e lnit•lt i.l that Vitiaye, 'lifter 1 .. • ..1:t'-iink I shrill go out on the eVetting train. 11Irs. Brown -say5 every house aud•lot is nloi•tgege(l; every business mean: is, really to. "Bust,"and .every fi;in- : ily has at least ole, settiulal about tient. •On• my tray over to the post ollioe lin hour ago, L•asked the grocer if he know old )13rs. 13rowu. • •"KI10W her I. .Why, dies a gossip; a • :liar. a hypocrite, and a detail beat 'and too I3Lry t0 el nlrge her stockings mare than tw.iec a year." s- How to Live ' Earnestly;''for life is brief ; - Patiently, enduring griof ;- Tlopefti'lly, When .the skies 1110 dark ; Cheerfully; .thoilgll hard they toil, Prayerfully, all sin to foil; Mercifully; treating all ; 'if uiilt)ly,,lest Ilion rise and fall.;. honestly; give:all their quo , Prudently; all vice eschew; Generously with .land and purso; . Quietly,' to strifo averse Manfully, the weak 'defend ;. Graciously, to foe and friend ; 'Constantly, to God alicl, isiau ; .1t iu(lly, i11. each act and plan. So .1111 tgy,ifeb, .b1L11 i el true, And, though thy work bo .known to' row; Clod sl:all'tl,o record leen • • • • \\ •