HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-25, Page 7141 ' HERON NOTES. 1\Ir. John Robinson, Fr., of Blue - vale, has sold his trotter to Mr, George Harris, Sr., for the suti of $100, -Brussels ' has +mot the marriage mania, there being no less than tive •weddings there last week. ,--,13,ev, I. •I Iarkllaut and Rev. Mr. Pirilp.areconduction. a very successful service at Bluovale Methodist Church, --Robert Agar, of Morris, has rent- ed one hundred acres 'of good land in Tur,tberry, about 4 Miles from Blue - vale. —The people of ►Wroxeter are con- sidering the advisability of sinking a test well for salt .somewhere in the village, —Mr, W, Graham, of the 3rd cou., +Stanley, has sold a fine five•year old thorse, to Mr. Frank 'McMahon, Per $140. —Mr. David Ritchie, of Seaford), has leased the hotel:formerly conducted lbs 1V Tr. Weir, Weirs and is conducting 'the sante, • Mr, Win. Dow);iug,•frons Hermiston, las removed to Ford wich and will shortly have the planing mill and Sash and •door factory, running, —Mr, Peter McTavish, of Stanley, ••sold his Canadian breis horse, "Honest •Sanely," to Mr, .Pratt, of Indiana, U. S., for the sum ;of $700 cash. —Mr. John Hodgins has rented the Duflerin House, ELensall,. andwill refit it'entirely. Mr.'Hodgins intends 'making this house second to none in this .place. —Messrs. D. • and J, P. Fisher, of 'Colborne, have disposed of their stallion "Loral John ,of Ghent," to Mr. John Gentles, of ii;incardiie, for the sum of :$1750.. . —A. span: of horses belonging to CJyrii.s Iialltnari, Howick; were sold to Wm.. 'Barrie; . of,; Morris, for $230, 'They weighed 2400 pounds, and *ere five years -old. • • • —A. very•suCcessful tea Ieetiug' was held in connection With ]Rile L, O• 'L. ,No..1052, on the 9th 'inst.. Addresses were delivered by. Revs. trice, Carrie;. Bryers and Davey: —Mr. Peter McGreg , nE•nStartlev, has sold his imported stallion to. Mr. ° Rattenbury, of Brumfield,. who intends -taking•him. to Iowa,.•ll., 8:::, •Waa +sold for $2,500 cash,. • . —Mr 'C. Crabb hits very 'generously 'donated the sum of $20 to the Gode • riot Fite; Brigade,•'•in consideration of their' services ,in , checking 'the; 'fire :•which broke out fin his •block CANADIANCANADIANNEWS. .A:n infirmary is 'being added to the Protestant Orphan's Home London. The IEiugston police' have•estalllished a library, the books healing been don- ated by the citizens. A Belleville gentleman has been prospecting at iingston for the estab- lishment of .a sash factory. J. B. Bickell's Flouring mill, Bropk- lin, was destroyer: on Friday morning last, Loss about $2000, insurance not known. A considerable amount of brick is being shipped from .Belleville to'•Cainp• bellford•for the construction of a new `'woolen factory, The dwelling house of,Mr. Waal Rod- gers, of Carleton Race; was 6lestgye.l by fire on .Thursda,3r night of last week, Loss about $600, insurance $400, The ttotting ]horse "Bob Moore," be- longing to Peter Moore, of Barrie, while trotting on the ice last• week, slipped and broke one of his Lees above the knee; He had to be shot. IRISH NEWS. At midnight, ,on the 17th inst., a ,policeman observed fire on the ground near the wall of the Lord Mayor's of. fieial residence., and found a wooden box with a fuse connected, to which sorne<lit;ltted paper had been. recently •applied, The'otleer extinguished 'tlie tire. The box contained forty pounds. .of gunpowder. The official report re- garding the attempt says the pollie man found the box in the recess of ' a window, facing the end of Gtotge street, under the Lord Mayor's priV', to apartments, The brown. paper ill which the box was wrapped' was smouldering. 'Ilhe box contained fifteen pounds: of coarse gunpowder with a fuse through is hole intheyboxy and the end of the false close to tJbe smoulder- ing paper. ' An explosion would have occurred %gory soon, At a Meeting of ,. the Common Coupon to -day, the Lord Mayor•said the explosion would probe-' bly not have injured the Mansiola. Hoose, but would have damaged the Egyptian Hall, and 'adjacent private, houses, and entailed' serious loss of life. He ivas not at home at the time One account says an Irish newspaper .was found amongst' the packings 'elf the powder. It is stated two American newspapers were found with the powd- er box-diseovered near the Mansion House. The cm•potation of London ha't'e Offered'X100 reibard for the dis- covery of the porpe"t•raters of the mime. Additional police have been stationed at the; Mansion House, the Bank of England;, and other important build- ings. - A lunatic, named Geo. 'Coy, attempt- ed,,to wreck a passenger train en the Intercolohial Railway by placing a rail across the track. Luckily the circum atante was discovered in thee to avoid a disaster. Coy was captured and sent to the Asylum. A nslaa named James Cox,. a black- smith at the foundry in the village of Stapler, while suffering from •caeliriitin tremens,. committed suicide yesterday morning by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a razor, He was a resi- dent of Meaforti, where his ,'body- 'was taken for interment.. • John Munro, of Westlnillister,' th.oeght be saw .a strange dog in his straw stack a few days ago, and, threw a ?Etch fork at it. It turned. out to. be' a young elan whe had go;:e there 'for. refsa+ae. The fork': pinned one of his. arras fast to the ground. He was re- i licfved by the farmer and provided with the best in the house. • • I%t Robert I\Iitteh,' of the :3rd 'concession, East . Wawanosh, has- pun. • 'chased a ,thorough -bred Durham. bull Iron) Mr.. Wm.. Graham, of Stanley.; .He is said ten be a first-class animal. —Young Mr; •Slran)ion; wli0 leas• been for some time '1I at • his brother's 'residence, died on 1' reduesday of last week He was' buried st Belgrave by 'the Orange ;'i ounj Britons. • "the entlinerators appointed to •take • the census- ill the Va'C'1•o's iliunicipalities �f the'North. Riding of.Okco(•d, are as follows . —= Beast Nissouri, Samuel Towle anis_ Roliert__A.ru strong:. West' Zor"ra,. W:` Loveys, and Ebenezer •Suth-' erlatid. Einbro, John H. Thorne; Last: Zouri, Joseph Plaskett, Edward - 'Donaldson, 'arid Daniel Larke: • Bled ford, ,R, H. Bui•tch, and P.:13. '1,3ris- tow, Blenheim, G. R. Williamson, 'i ld:11umit:-and John Oliiver.' Wood - 'stock, 4 David 'Ala,rctis Burry and Ed- ward Lakenian. •. Air. A. M. Sullivan his written a long letter in answer to the. Lenten. pastrcl of •Archbishop McCabe, , He repudiates the imputation Abet the:, -ladies have put aside their' modesty, and .enemy the Bishop of .:insulting seine of the Most exeiupht.r.devotees of the Church. Mr: ' Sullivan maintains :that the olljeets of .the, Ladies' • Lantl League aro purely charitable. • •• Sohn ;1wens of. Sullivan, who was engaged' in the timber 'business • in the Indian Lands, tot both his feet badly frozen about the 1st of •Febrns;ry.. He Was teaming and felt his feet very cold; , took off, his boots and. ti.saShecl'his. feet in. the snow, then:pot there on .again and drove home. His, feet sweated end Became ,5o sore that Mr. 1{4.11,ens had ;.to take his departure frons' sus residence in Sullivan, where a doctor whs call who epee • close 'eXaixtifiationa deemed.' it.advisable to have both .•feet aniputated toewhich Mr.:Ewens objected: The Guelph papers: say theta fernier in thait vieinitylest fi' e.' horses and a number Cif sheep'from Having fed thea`' With a'large qi antityof cornstalks whieh there was a good , 1eall. of shrug, Ur ergot. • •T11e symptnnl of the disease -4_, are first a peculiar: dulness; cheeping of the head and ears; the;;eyes beconne red and, tears trickle dovri the. heels;-• the gait becomes unsteady, .and the animal has 'a tendency to'lie dawns: In a•short time paralysisi.sets• in, •and in. ekrly alt :cases the power.: of :deglutition is .sus- pe�ircled, thereby presenting the :giving of either food or Medicine. • Mr. Jolla Laut, of, the';tendon , Road, sold' 1)is. fa.,cs);.lot, 12, con. 1, 'Stanley, 100 aer'es, to' a'inan from the east.for the sum of'$2,600. 1\lr.•Lant'. is not•ef3:ected with 3the'Dakota fever... • —An enterprising youth. of Brussels,. named. John F. "Cormack,' on a,. wager,; ate three quarts_ of'oyst6r8 at• die. store 'of'George. Good &t Cv.,.last .week. 'If. • he failed, he .yaso:pay. for them'—but he did riot -fail, uiifli'Alis friend'lrad to band over $1,05'Teretheoysters. —Mr. Win Papp, maker,: -of Zurich, bas trailed his stand with •IiIr: _ E. J. Hardy, ler a 50 -acre farm_ 'on' the 14th concesinon of IJay. ` Mr. `'lardy is an acttcit;'feliow,•and..ve have no doubt he ivili: sltieceed in .1iis new • enterprise: — Mr: • Walter Hidk, of the` Hilron Road, 'Goderich, Township,';, caught. on !the wing on the 9th nasi a ' cabbage" butterfly. The white winged, stranger •is evidently', the harbinger of an early, 'spring. This. -is the first of the, season 'of the butterfly tribe, S•inrely" • —Mr. .Wm. Murphy,' of Aultett, 'near Ilarlock, • has a cow'-whioh a few 'days ago gave. birth to three calves, two females and a.male, and' they are all, doing well aril• likely to live. Mr.. Thonies Neilan's• thorough -bred bull. has the credit of..being the biro: of'tllis fine brood. --Mr, John Stewart,. of 1Iibbirt, has, •purchased• a Clydesdale 'mare, " Fair-' field Jeanie," from Messrs.' With, of I3owuranville,•for the 'ssnm of: $1,000.. This mare tool, the first "prize at the Pro.n3cis;1 Exhibition, Ottawa, • '1570;' and the first prite'at the Industrial TT4C ltihition, lfeld , 'at • Toronto the sante 7yrar, • 3'areca 13oswitheriek, an old and n>uoh rosliected resident of Ilowick, linens itt 'his residence in Tip ordwich on. Sunday last after a short illness of one -week. Ile was a hardworking, in- 'dustrious ratan and leaves'a large fam- ily to nrou•rl1 their loss, 'Witt) have the heartfelt sympathy of the enthY•e,co'ili- Iunity in 'their bereavement, TRAVELLING '.GUIDE. Grand Triunk I:A's'i•. • 0 iNTOIs!. ri'.i&LgC' s'. rk CANTELON, a IANuFA."runrit BUGGIES, CLUT"'TER% WAGONS, SLEIGHS, • $c�. '"11II3ER AND SHINGIES ta�ken'i'n exchn.nge, Give nie a call and 1 will give int I'rl,,,:s tihilf't cannot be `beaten to the Odunty. " r 'Repair'ing slid lorseshoeing done with despatd1). P OPRIETOR', OF N OT] CC+, — A.A1 indebted to the late it n- t T. CANTi'tON Bros either by ' Note or Book Account, are requested tO call and settle by 'cash or note. CANTELON. 'LI iI0.s7 .ASO 0 on pttu 'sepui ootragsgns arl� oao nlopngs aql eanoaS ",A.l.lVIO3dS .V 30111141 30 ill' !l 'OlOHd• 13NYd .M3N 311•1 • 'sydb,�ljo.ioyd aZtg j ',s;6ut.7u Det I/O 'saof09 dalbM ao go ui pa. wad tsolb3 y' `s, UaWa&lPJu3 's�rdo9 y N •tavviloo,r i d 7iattli 'hetet !t'ii'llj lox's; 4uM oq.. asotla' o3 N O ILO W A S i,L V S S � .1.1m i' a TIi f o peeIsbTaio ells dill to £nil ut orate Imp • si3: A.ZTrIYRth l�I a.ozI.r se oulrr '.64o to etfa ht's spt}t:l•_ (iu $o .Erol. vie caul pa. 7uaiedtuoo steal `eolgovad s,wo 10taA0S 'pus sa�'s`1S papain aq3 to sluomiisTppilsa Iav autli' el'otll to eno tr, uure.q. quuoaogl ti'ao33u 011d� Pass.. ' Is ii s ;lii>03'd, Mixed. t&torudl..ty 7.00a' ins 1',0spnt,3,1ypu1, 0.0dann 1lolnmrlsrille 7.20:" „12,30 " 1,50 "' , 0.40 ", Clinton 7.30 '" ,3,45 •" 415 '`. 10,00 1' Settfotth..„ 7.50 " 1:10 " ,4.45 " • 1,0.50.,'' . 10043 1. 3.03 r" 130 " 610 " 11.26 'Mitchell' 315• " 1.45 • ` 5.05.'• 11.55- 8.S5 1.55•8 35 " '2,05 '! 6.10 "*12.35..4 'stratford„Ar 8.45 ” Us. " 6 30. " 1,00 ". •• 1 res• lxp•s,' Mixed Mixed,. Stratford . . T 1 1.20 ,s 10 7 0 p »t 7.00 a n1 3.48 p flL, Septi ;villo , 1,30 " ,.8,05 " .7 .30 .t.10 " 1litchell... ,.1.45 " 8.25 "` ;,3,15," .4.45 "' Dublin.. . 2.00 ".8.40' " .5,45 " ' 5.1'3 . ". Seale:tit 2.17 " .8,55 " 015 " ,5411 " Clinton .2 .40 " .0 .15 " 10:00. +` 01,5 ". dolma.'ville2:70 ' , 0.16 •": 10.20." ..0,35 " Gudol9,'Ii At 3:15 " 0,50 11;00 -'" . 716','! • Great Western., \UI1rTL. 1 xp.e.a 11;01. :Express' ,' i ondpn 10 a to 2.20 p .ri).. of 95 p »n 1Ipie'I4rrlt .... 7.50 2.40 ".6,35, .t ill%1'5,11.. 8,65 " °, ff) " b 52: ''" i3ruCOn,.; .. 8.15 " .;3.00 it.. ,.08'. " .. l rndubi,yu 8.20 ` 3,11 " -7,14 "'• Cci ta.tlia, ..... 5.40 " ,..2.', " .7.28 •" Exeter 8.12 _" ....3.38 " ....7.40 " 13008711.. .i. 9.05 'P 352 " .7.63 " hippt» 0,11 " ...„ 3,07 !' ,. 7 50 " 13,8 00831(1 - .•'0,21 " •,4.37 " 808 • ,'„ Uliilttn6. 0•30 " , -4.23 " ':„..8.25 1.0»di+sboruugl3 0:58 " -4 41 "8.45 " 131yth..;i 111.00 " :.4 50 'r' 8.52. "' f3olgr+tvo,.... 10.24, " .5,00 !' .0.00 " WInglut.tn....,10.45 " :,.6.26 • 'c• 026 •" SOUTIT.' 1'kpre99 ' '141811. rxpross 1\'ingham . 7 00 8 in, 'L 55:p. ri1,.. f126' p in aelorace...,, 7'181 "` ...31S " .....8.38. ' 1311'tlt.. 738 ,r . - ....3 28 " , . (f -55..'. q Londesborough 744 , .,.3,30 " ., 7.04. " C;intoe • 808 " ...384 " ..724 " lSrucefield ,. 8'20 " ..-.4 07. " ,, 7 43 " ]iippcir 830 " . .4 18 " 7. 50 " Itontall.. 8 as " 4 20 " 8 06 " Scoter' 852 " ,043 " 8'•25 ." Centralia., •,'002 ,:442 ", 842 ' e lyndebol e 831b "` 4 54 " ....0 02 "' 11reeen ., „ .S) 27 " ::5 04 '"i 018 '"• i.dortun ,. .008. " ,...513. " . ..015 ;". • littrielc .. 9 47 '• }Ude Park.. 950 ' ....5 26 " 1006' " London' 10'05 5 35 1010:: '" • We learn from the Guelph ,11ercoury tllat,a.•young.ivonla'l was found dead dead on•the road about a Mile' east of Acton, on the evening of March 2nd She preyed tope Miss Catharine Keith, ,aged .1B,.,whose.'parents live about three' miles .from Acton. It appears Miss' 'Keith started 'about a' weak previous .to• Walk home, a distance ' of about ,six, miles,, from lir. • Finlay leCaIluttl's Scotch .Block; where she has been work-: ing, and when within about half it anile from Boone it is supposed' she tetanise evercoine with the cold and perished... 'lTheroad by wlsiclf she tits' returning is one very seldom travelled on. When founts she was. nearly •coverird , by' a Snow drift ancd.fl'084'll, stiff; Slio was a strong robust looting girl and • gener all liked by all wife knew' her. . "Hail beauteius, .bounteous, glad- some. Spring "•--this was Mark Twain's. first poem —hut the dire diseases inci- dent xei• ,S,priti, spoil the romance. :Burdock Blood Bitters, tine prize, remedy, the 1'emedypi prized by all who havo'triecl it as the hest Blood. Purify - inn; Tonic and System Regulator in the market. •It vires all Blood Rulers from the wiirst Scrofula to a common pi,inl7le. Sample l3ottles 10 emits, for sale by. all dealer's in medicine, 51a4 no equal Gir the pe•mltal1011 cafe of t'oirpinr, 4'0n18. Mope 'riu•oaq .Asthma, ('rend', • '4t'hoopingCOrrg•h, 1Ihotechitl0, fltiel' all Lund Dli3ut'lt ., ' 4T'''1:veY think g�uaranteed to give Katista0tioit. T, 817LL'U1�.N & CO., Proprietors Toronto. 6 zCc{. pasirtioxnd uaoc{.. sig O NICU 1OO1g .: 3AV3 3N11 I� 1 • `gs7N/gid g' Mc/VIIOOIOH/ 3111 $alsti:S1)..a• .:. RAOEY, • —xnnrommliit• •ori-' ' OA IACE & BUILDERS' •.IR®�� STEEL,' HARDWARE, GLASS, OIL,' .PAINTS. 1. C=E".. etinton,-Oat: aaivary:,l2t1), 1 Sl, • kept $'ItESII' and well aesortcd,, 'We bud 1n -the Lest market Our H., ii is. always. 1. i • 1,: • UE TA1SEN• IY; EXC HANG 'ler t;ASlir au"1 ivarrtutt to give satisflii;tiou. ;1 it;UB U , S.. PALLI SER 8‘..0.04 99. BRICK 'BLOCK, CLINTON. Nalto 711 alloy pi r58tives in saengll :uld vb;7ue, 01 attfuty and aulidlrlssu a tsionf .. Y• rro 0, 745. 11-33 Il—' THIS WAY FOR •s ahogi Boots & Shoe. .Leo's Long Boo.'.s,'.. • . _ JJ,tiys.Long Boots, • niters' Long Boots) .:. TV:omen's• Goat•,`lki,n Shoes; ,HissesGo:t1•w5'lti)i:.811ors, - ' 1Voni(448' ltelttoned' • \IGTOR•i r 3LOCK • THIS WAY FO11, Hai Ino�� daub, & sing@ 73rtftlo'Robes `'`'melt Robes, 1109se 1fliclt7,`etre; 'L'1,',ib1:.P01? TJ'OO'D :I9 GI..INTON,: - ONT., 4 I 'CLINTON l .. r R E INAREROCEMS. W. B. CRICK: Vie.•OQ., �ICTOROA S'3". CLINToN. it habitants of 0110(014 and snrr1810rttng mrmtry lh 1.t lay have In liana i L Itn 4444 3 lou' bog to-Intimate1 to the 1 select ards, of all kinds of h'iirfii11E1)sn n1 4llell'\e ri$t107dgnto Chamber i 211 patties niohing to 444 0 Sideboards, Vie., 3Cu . Ra? bl atYel 111:1.8 ehase will consult their bust 3nt0re818 by giving 04 a (,111. Felaltht,s 1471tlUSI1ED on shdetn0tieo, noer1:i1an0 s1IaO1ma always on hat+d. N. Bi --BASSWOOD UMBER taken in • excliange fol • it Goods, •