HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-25, Page 6IIOi lSF i[OLD HINTS.
.For 4ruises•••--Blub them withoa lit-
ttle Opodeldoc or soap liniment.; or, if
the infanamation be considerable, wash
them with a little goulard water ;. or
apply leeches to the part.
Remedy for ,Spitting of'$loocZ T 1-
iUSiOn of red rQSeS,, fare ouncesand a
half ;i syrup. of poppies,, half an an
suttee•;; saluted su+lp'lhurhe acid, twenty
iniops,, l\tix. Oneon two tablespoon-
&tine. fi>Mi times a
goiefljes: fkr'• ?anti` Bre n1 —•Gum.
one ounce ; white sugar, two
deneQptk;l erria powder, half an ounce,
Zlla+ltcyl thenet into a paste with mucilage,
ittl 4t add a drop of neroli. One or fttvo
a}tlt~yt be sucked at plleasure.
blw Lozenges, for Coughs. —Fine
3ligar, eight ounces ; cream of tartar,,
vie ounce ; starch, two drachms ; tine..
dare of balsam of Tolu, one drachin,
13:ing; to a proper eoiisisteue y, and form
ebtto lozenges, by meals of a sufficient
alllantity of mlicllage o gum g
Gout Corikied —Rhubarb, senna,. cor-
iander seed, sweet fennel seed, and
hi ea} of each two ounces ; liquorice
SPRING cant o1' cows._Tbere is one
tiling. too prevalent that adds to the
discomfort of the stock—it ie the foul.
cancliiition of the stables. Too often,
there is no bedding ; the floor is wet\
and miry, the cows becoming thickly
daubed with filth. And in this condi-
tiolt they are exposed to the out -door air,
shivering and taking cold, every day
daring the.winter. If kapt clean, dry
in vigorous Condition,, an occasional
airing out doors will be enjoyed, even
if the weather is quite cold, so the air
is dry and clear. It will nottdo to, let
. t Ctz
a cow or any other ftL rn1 5get t
in winter, 13y taking these pains the
animals will be made' to thrive, re-
quiring only the usuc+,4amouilit+of food ;
GWS will come in', with nr.$u1i flow of
milk, and sustaii?•themselkti;ee till turned
into pasture,. Aldi this, is the more im-
portant portant in view, of e present price'
and *prospective, deulandt for dairy peer
duce. Be there . are many that will,,
miss; . this, chance and realise only eat,.
orclinau'yl•inconae on account of the re-.
d'uced condition. of; their cows, which it
will take all;: summer en good pasture
to bring up to+a. condition for full pro, nfib; Some• are .selling their hay anti,
.loot and saffron, of each, one ounce ;' . feed straw and ureal,,, the, straw untot.
shall notbe trouhlc d as to Ills future state.
But it was better for idle that (loth''
refuse, to subscribe for •L al,•stsEi•Lr, r
Smith. 5 ,
oa �. �o•i of o+�t . '
that be be hound hand nn+t foot nil — ,'
cast into° afeather bed. 11••aleilllist !ia
rest even by night or (lay, a i•1 viaitnrs •
or ereditors shall claul e ua,:tl iii, ..toes -1 :!t'll)
a,t:lr by night, aid. their :L••tn.0 .,resp•„ i.
torments by day.General f fit11�1ti't
1f, percliatic qtr lie • `:r anel It'ti
pettot" It to only t t , ,1 . •:,, t ion, I
1 'i relit ere r•:1+• Ln.'}Ilu , . .
1 1 { i Lr?
_. !lie , ;, ., +'r -t P'i+ alt t. J. +..L • .1.. '' e
punishment uray .
aaisins, two and a half pounds; reti-
•Lied spirits of Wine, two gallons ; digest'
for fourteen days. A dose is ono,
tablespoonful to half an ounce. -
Egg B;alts,—Boil five flesh eggs .quite
hard, and, lay them in colts: water: to
get cold.. r1°rake the yolks out, and'
pound them smoothly wih thebeaten
yolk of one fresh egg; puty-
(Anne and salt, roll . the mixture into
very small balls, and boil tlhent for two
minutes. Half a teaspoonful - of flour
Gatabe worked up with the eggs. - . .
Pease Pudding.—Dry .: apint or
quart of split peas thoroughly before
the fire ; then .tie them` up loosely in
a cloth, put them into warm water,
boil them a couple q£,: hours, or more,
instil quite tender ; take,them up,; beat
therm well in .a dish with a 11ttie,•sal't
b.someaa;dd- hhe-yel'k of--an-egg}; saidatt
it of butter. il'LfLke: it quite .smooth,
tie it ep again in a cloth, and boil it an
-hour longer .
and uncooked, a• heedless, unprofitable.
way. Those having, early -cut, well--
enred clover bay; aiicl'feedfull rations,
have ,nothing to complain of. .It; only
needs the addition of a little ureal
when the.milking season begins, to
keep up the :condition of the cows, and
secure -a full f w"of good milk.
r✓'odel• n..thie"1 ai ror'Okest.---A light
spoqn diet should be.adopted; and
animal; and.. fermented ..or•• spirituous
liquors. avoided' The bowels should
be opened; with some incl a aperients,"
and if the sy.mptenl$ be•severe, or fever
or headache • be present, -small diaphor,
(tie doses of . anti nonials, accompanied
by copious draughts of diluents,. its
barley water;•weak- tea, or gruel, should
be taken.
liis ll[ouor and Rija4*.
!ti l' r• I•r L11 -(Carson's Blocs;`)
i' t3• !aA es4tr•t, tl n 1S1' ,`^ II t t� t
pricks the• halt+ ,+e () that (1 L' NnI7'l l N 0 lel .,i
His f r1111
'•11 child
uei+s ; they shall put
hoses to vex him ,
wife shall kick him (k,
The tioli,t;i.t.ar
s u Lvd fr�tlyy "°
i M,
°93bys,"'said Bijah, as•three or four
bootblacks' emote in early to get placed'
behind the. stove, "did you want to see
my spanker 1"
"Nap," answeredthe largest,
.(4x3. e,cause if you don't.ylould better go
right home and pickup chips, "itili.rs; s
no .place for youth:.and innocence.",..
"We ain'.tlinnocent". - '
. Iltcsks.=-•fleat well',togotlier ails lrlrgY.
eggs, half a pint of new milk., a quarter
of a pound of melted `butter, a quarter
of, a pint - of ..yeast;, three ounces'of
sugar, with as -much flour,added gri►,de
• ally, as will make a Very paste:
Let it rise, before' the fire for • haltan
liour,'then;ra<{ic} a' little more flour;'form
into cakes,, and 'lfalte. modehaat,
When. culla, cut thein' into slices the
size of ` risks„ and put `them into .the
oven,to:,b'row}z.a•; little. 'A, capital;tea-
Bake whet -ilea.'
2o•.,iilark n Light 1ftaltogaity.— In irO-
pairing old ftlrnitult;e, it frequently
happens that we carnet match .tltoaold.
wood ; therefore, after, the repairs are
completed, to preveinp the•pieees intro.:
eluted looking like patches, wash them'
with soap fees, or di'esolpe, quick -lime
.'n "water; and use in .the,same manner,;-
bi t be careful not to, let -either ht"too
Strang, .'or •it will ,m'ake the. wood :too •
• dti.rk ;, it is best,. therefore, to use it
rather weak at .first, and if not dark
enough, repeat the process till the.wood
is sufficiently darkened.
Your Nephew,. auti'your Mots,. your Cousin; l.a •
sour 3vices, avant
'Mark -MAY PRES •N # S.
A Imp and ('lhuice Stock f
'It is always the fate • a, ; ho
triers to collect an old 'illi:., aalia Panay litr:tcketii, 'WAN ''rackets,,
flied, Now we. think ,1( #101 r,ill my's and Motto Eri<.untesh
til select from, at
collector: WIMP trudges l,a, '1 r t t,.r,tt tth
the streets from day t'..::.c,, .I , iia;„ til
rind the nail .who -i:• tel 'r+in r to Victoria Clinton.
dodge him, aught to oatran, hyat Re' A11 kinds of amp. Produce tairon in exchange,
gatby. His only bueo. t; to per h _._ - /� qy;
suade delinquents to., It r.iu•il It1$t : l -+�p X Y+ .44:34,'..
delis and yet pvetybtt iy tt'u upon '
Hint very utuclh: as a• sailor Iowa:. nI•tna Tlanndersi nealluist, tamoanco to Lot inhntlil
a craft that has smell the hl -a 1 flag of
ctlnts of Clinton and snrr+aatdin ooautry that hu luta
piracy. Poor fellow f PINe has a hard. removed
thee of it( trying se• catch sight of tile+ TwotDoors North of his Old Stand„
man wile, has jukttgone retied the core
who will be. back •ia, Awe 'ululates, W I re.11o is prepared to 411 ordors on the• shortest
pert notice. If you want 4 hair of
so the clerk says,.,but who. iret•er cows
back Lentil, the• 'old hill e-llector,has, 'A NO. 1 BOOTS
gout:.. It is on record `that ' by some Give Itiflt a c+.
strairge fealty of fortuaie a t o11erl •for .. JOH STEEP,
once found his debtor at low . Such Clinton.
a circuutstanoetJiearly took lihbreath CUnton,.retl.18th, issi.
away,, for, like:the Wanyleriu; ,low, 110
had :l'ieen flying!• from . pillar to post. for "
nearly a year, and !lad ' 1l(+ver. 01100
fouucl,the right plan iihl the right place t
but he took out his battered t,..allet'aiid
presented tile aueount,tyellnw with age, of co to the hnhaUi•
`Illi undersigned ho to. awn t n
b asked f
ump Factor
1111 Op yrup.
77 W.3d St., i ew York City
]WTIt 0 J1f68ST 0 TT', -
and humbly ase oi,;. a settlement. I tante of Clinton and siur0ttndaug Tow.nshftrs that
"You must call again," svgs, the ;;t ern, li •,has i1F-FITTEIr tiro above establisht"Ont and is
"'The-i.Q'% the wusa .dor. you. TiLke
them cads, of tobacker 'outer your.
"N'ew go into the sick arid wash
Yourselves and .couib you .heads. Use
plenty Of that yeller . soap and you,1l
tints an old .coffee sack td wipe on.,
"We don't• want to."
"1 know you don't,' but you , m L•st
If you come here you've got to present
a decent appearance. Do you know.
what I'd do if.I was your father 1"
"Yes, yout'd;.buy us candy.„
"Cantly ? I't], candy you. with soup
and scrubbing brush until you'd think
and feel and act:like angels Wicked-
ness and dirt go., together. Ttizrgled
hair and cuss words are'anus :. found
under the same Olathe -O.
"We ain't tp:blatxae.”
imperative'clemand., of tile wau, who.
ueeet intended to ,have money enough•
-'to-pay` that hill: °- The•' wietim• wit'lJ'-tlre.
threadbare clothes and' woflout shoes
suggested that it:itias not e cy.to go -11p
three flights of s airs three lints a clay,
-•itf-eatifaato-opts+ east word- `•`out'•''
on the offibe ' door:.', .",\,y,011.," said,
,ilio. • haughty debtor, (t,perltaps: •you
rent a regal on•
would lute rite tothe,
first floor•for thn•sake of my creditors."'
The old 'bill celleetor utter el s a deep
sigh, put his' wallet back iatty:We pock-
et,..aud;walked into a back Allay, where
h ale:nes vas;,whilethe jaunty debtor,
sprang..,i to.iii.i,sal}dau and wen 'up. to
;the park fottaiclrive. •
• ttillebbe net., Tens of thousands of
young heatliin;like yon 'are groivipg up.
in this land, uliwar,bed,.unscr°ubbodl and
uncared for,.,while Millions of clellars
are being set tot foreigti countries to
brace up''wall-eyed Turks and •Chi}i-ese.
We' v;t got_ a,:,thousaud of you in -Detroit;
and wlio.cares••whetiler,you growup to
do good oirtill the prisQ1is ',"
"Nobody 6.eers,"
"Well, I'M, only a poor, clal (loos=
keeper in a,. police station,;. without
money to spare or- sentinlont to waste,
but I'il clean you lip. if I have. - to . boy.
a barrel of soap, Dig in there --trot
along;—there's the water 1.•
Blessed i5 the I[':lUyir ;:Stubacriber,
We clip the following •fromltli.eit-
chat ge. . • •'
i - 7'� tttave ,
Blessed• is the matt. who ' dothsub.
any sand or dirt'fi om the,part by b• d,tlh ',;tribe: for :a i wspaper and pay there-
"..Abrasiom.—T'irSt Rene .y n
it in warm water ; then apply, spirit ' -for.' IIs shall not be forsaken .byhis
and. water. to it till tiler. pant is some-
what abated, 11Y a,, piece of dry lint
over it, or lint wetted, with water, 'anti
over that a piece of oiled sllli:'to 1•etaiti
the moisture. Ifthere is nufeli pails
rr swelling from inflammation, apply
a bread 'and water piiultlee, Or a piece
of lite t meisteued.iwith GOulattl water,
When this 001055 off, if the skin is not
. healed, tires with siilll:la cei•eate, sper-
maceti, S.C+. .0esaaye., 'cCipiIf101h stick-
ing plaster, irritates 'alhrasions,,court
plaster does not, Suomi lbcniedy—
After lt�vin; washed: the. wounded.
part with warns, water, Apply. collodion
by means of a hair,petteil,;a piece of
;;old-beater's:skin first, and the applied
afterwards, Third • .ifentedy.,--- Take
tincture of arnica, or;wolf's•baue, dilute
it with twenty pts of waster, or thirty
parts, where tile skin is..broken ; apply
the liquid with linen rad; avt+app$d round
the injured park, a If:. the. ini zture
stlioutd grove tee(st`ongr;,'dilutd it with
more water,.
The sehgotielt "Marco Polo,'; ]li,'teely
trize+l for an infrttctioil of Ott rrsveitue
taws, and - Mitt, lying at, Bandeau liar
llpr,, has been ordered to be Aoki by the
>eetmeautl;,o ilicsttaXt Mtrsli ;IOUIa
frietlds nor persecuted by his enemies,
nor.sliall'his seed be begging..
13lessed is he ;that,•walleth into tba,
office for a newspaper, Yea, even, eneoma..
eth. the :sanctum. and •paycth a year's
'subscription therefore.•' Selab.
Ile shall leant wisdom (lay 'by dray
and be exalted: above his, fellows. :'
He shall, talk knowingly upon .441
subjects;., atilt leis neighbors ltisallabe
astonish&that the tnachtiesS of hie lean;,'
, . '
SI.o.11' not,coutract bad clel,;ts nor
1 yse .good. bargaies,
Ile shall, not pay an aciclitiibeal. per
Geist,, oft. taxes,. for he shall, behold the,.
notice ofthe eakector mid, shall take,
warllin;,tlhereby: r
Verily, he sietllbrine' his.products to
tna1'k; tr.•wher.tikebrices are.oxcecidingly
good,,) sisal wi,tiiola them whoa the price
dtscetaletl. ,
Iityx shall not lay holder oft; red ; hot
pokerii,,,for kr,owt.edga• of metallurgy
tvill,teacll, him that hot iron,b1. ps' I
Iris' children shall not v(athint; nor
his wife wed}% his breeches.
Ll: new periodical fol. .Woman devotes
eighteen pages to fashion audlohily one
to cookery. Falstaff had totendure'he
genie camera 1 't, Oill monstrous. , But
onolialttrpennyworth of :bread, to this in,-
toleatble deal of sequel"- •
Ila ard's. Pectoral Balsam ;• tale*
closest relieves the most d'rstr Being
cough,; and. a .tt%enfiy-five cent., bottle
has dared uiany-a suffbrer•froin .Asthma,
Bt'odcInIie, 0(0111), 1ltIueuZs; IIparser
ness••and Sureness of t'it Chest.:. It is
the „rand specific. for all, throat and
lung complaints leading to •.'onsutltp
' • now prepared to manufacture all kinds of '
0 and Cistern Pumps,
CISTERNS an,t$TANKS, ori the abwtcsts non bIn
notice. Iiavitir on hand n ,cry heal'}stoi.k,we are
confident et giving good. satisfaction in every ease;
CRAItGi,S't1UTRkRATE. Orders by snail promptly
attended to /tracer eta,onage solicited.
W.: ere.
Haetann a*:Peconai,• 'Pat „1I 113 corn
posed of tits,: -t,o:)t. ,h,°a1iug balsams. and
ems.. 'Itt1( 1 Palate, 11'llrUll ,'ltte`rIl)tO
htS.COtnpositihe, ware tatea by the. ea.
tives whet• Ansi ka;tt•As iilyt: dt, Inver.
ell, and are colnl+ivad with -cabal, s (17P=
table,:tonica.rig blrhult•tl rug(1111•e., dist
it is a.spihciflc for :ill ffli•rti(,tu< of .tile
throat and lungs: Thousandsof bottles
are.useclafnuallyLand it•is;considehed'
one of the standard ,,prepartious of
site day.. .
3Ie t hall Hive a good and
,w,Itsg.t,14 axing ailoll, ,ft.+_a,tImix1 14 sf4,. •
You Going :
I anil'ng'to
te o cos
rovision. 'Store
r .,
i TR: ??E nrmltx,'l
l . D �P,zAtcs, 17rr'wer e3•t1
Apr• x'8'edf4lfe,. AedSe:eps tf.. .
ilSagvia>l, pDrtn4ss�tf.�l
.f idtonceraa•ss, Nervous Dpdii:41theic:,
12119 Wiest Il ill, ,li' .E.%i0\77, ' to Man l
70,000 AGENTS HATE SOU) SlNC11S71)
SisOC)Ove00 Bottleit
Otis Syrup J'oasesegs Varied Properties.
-1e:,Atimnontl•et the P•oryntlno in the Ftnt-tvn, -
whiNrconvN • es the to0lerh tend sn;sr of the -
feed iota glucose. A dipfieloncv,in Pytynitno
cnu,iew Wind and Ru,a,rius of th , food in tete•
stomach. II .tate rnneitcine is token imtne,Uo
otos, eller enlist; tftt',.iferanealrttion of Cattalo
It :m.. upon tha lf,iVer.
At nets npnn'he 1 tier% ,.
;t.Vt titttutow shit, iilrwoitt
It Pan 111t•n the I1Ine L.
It %stets +be a rrrotttt System. '
ItPamnutr,i IDtr••ipti•�n.
It Nmrri hwn. ++ret t• rhea. wild tnvkenrntwtt.
It carries off the Oltl Blond ondltnikr. now,
It Opens this pores et the skin and induces 5.
Be,rkk Persplrntion. -
It non'raii7cs Il^ hereditary blip', or poison in the;
blood; widen renmnirs Strofela ]a;ys+tielas, autr dill
manor of shin diteai.es 1 nd iu trust humors.
There Ina. no spirits employ/dig its manufacture
and it coni bo taken by: tbo most delicate babe, or Imo .
trio utred anti IwIlin, ca:•C tial, beinx regaired•iu ....-.
_Read Alp VOLuUTARR ..temniONlAL &--
of Persons who have been CURED by the
use•ofthe i3LOQ0•PURiFIER;
'.tiurEPSIA, •
Opposite Fair:e Milt.
It pays me to get mg Gr.9ceries there p tlte.
goods oreeco cheap, and the qudrity
is A No..,11 No old Goods;
all new and fr•esli 1 .
1 His:. Sugars, '.leas, 'Coffees,
'Prunes, ILaisins, Currants; Boneless
Codfish, Gold Flake and Fine . Cut
Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled.
Some new designs in, Crockery and
Glcssware Wooden Ware, and in fact
everything you want.
Farm Produce taken in exchange.
T N.
Y }i N
1tttr4lOck,Weal:Mot Otn,ruent4slipuld be
used An confliction wail Burdick 13toodt,- ittere for
curing Ulcers, Abscesses, CeverR, Sores, 1Ce, Price
Is tents pet box.. 'l.'• 'MILBURN Ft( CO,,
Sar.R Arl=niTa..T(tke,tq•••'
leurnix. Cancer Cure Pena, .
•Ca5tic0ck, P,:Q Canaria. -
rtlArrtt•R(.r Aio i ttnnA.NEOTris, ,f,J
t•''or parlit'ulars elteleS0 ttvo 3 cent stamps to S. C.
smelt, Cllatreook, P rv., Canada. -
d'-4 0lthost roforoteeo.
CVJARS 'i't lilia4u; AND, cAni>r 11111`.
Apr Raper can Publish the nbava ilya,a,p:year, wlttil
.t1 h Coto and pit) e; regularly.
• lmer, Elgin Co,; Ont
I letve used your remedy for Dyspepsia, end recent ...
nteltal it to others.
. _ Dinth JointIr5RTulie.
AT -COST ri:IcE. .
r used your Blood syrup" and found it a wort
durfui and Valn'ablc medicine. • '
• Mos, 315T8Y'XIEareita Alymer,.Ont..
I have used your Indian. Blood Syrup, and:eaneed it .
to be used in several eases of dyspepsia dial 'found it
10 bee. splendid reined} L reeonnnund' .It to the • •
afflicted, •
w; l;; Wll1TE, Aylmer,: Out.
Crosscut Sao-3us4. 'Crosscut Sores,
• . a 4,0,41f t1:1iir,A Ssiivs,
efelllihre *flyer fstccll Lance Tooth
Imperial Measure;
A FOW Loft. -
I have used' your Indian Blood Syrup for Dyspepsia'
and tonnd it as recommended.
Jany W. Gl;iitirr•,: J. P.
A}liner+ Ont.
I. have used and Sold the Indian '100od Syrup and
Andit the best remedy in use dor dyspepsia, and as a
blood puritler. •
lavas Baltrtt, :nattier, Ont.
Shelf Hardware,.
Builders' SUp0104f
•Paints, 011.N,,,,Sic. '
1 have bean troubled with rhoumatisilf for a groat.
tnany.years. Your XudIan Blood. Strop is the only
one' of Many remedies that dict me any good 1 re-
commend it to all. • -
•.. MRA. CATils1WA75 C111it110t,11
Kenyoni Glengarry County; Ontario.. .
Gross Hill, waterloo Comity, Ont,:'
Dr to Sia. I was troubled with -severe pains til my
Stout u,h, .incl also with loss of tt1.V'O.tite; and was
Lhto to ;at anything to•au until I took yunt
lntban Blood a t t up, .which taeoto411 speedy • uu t. -1
slurp always give your inediuii' (118. praise It so justly
• . - • NAiCY LEE*' . .
• DUrt0Ed,.114fl( 00, On( r
I wfsb 10 State that .your lnljian Blood Syrup IMO
completely uurett fad cf'tlyspOprla, J can 5414017.1e-
•cuum end it to s11 •
. _ .11Ea...Ai,1Cii 551T11. '
• Burford, Brant Co:, Ont
In the spring of 1877 I way very 111, and .was attend,
ed by several doctors. Some thought 1 had Diabetes;
others, disease:ltidneys; they all failed W 410 any
1400a, I tried your Whin Norid•Syrup which did me
su much good Mall was soon .ablo to do my : Reese
501,1 wat•k. I would havediem but for your valuable `,
C trlxsrA &A01413. •
111y wife had beim model doctor's treatment tor two
yaud with heart disaese-•-slit had to be carded to and'
100111 her lied, She used the Indian Blood Syrup but
-a short time whorl silo begun. to walk again, end 1118 .
not kept her teal it day'sinee. It also cured my
Muightor o1 Gillis and Fever..
' TIMMS At(Co5173, Is.:
Brant Ci)., Ont. j•
NOON Brant G0„ Ont...
Bear Str,--Sour Indian Blood Syrup is the boot
medicine for dyspepsia and fiver complaint I (vet •:
•- Ain& Di. ad.DRIDag.
S¢;tie) iltltl.tiF71.
3{olviti; Brant Co., Out, '
had bovh. tndor doctors'. Lands for'eluht years
-After WOW V000 flloed Syrup Jur s Alert s mo, I was.
enabled to-tIS a1imywork. 1-tellyboticto it suvtxi'•.,
ray li[n, ants., DIA14f L>:0SA*W.
C•cperat'Agcnte for Condit, •
1s O]tTfl1to? & LYMA .
III tY:N.�3►: A tl„t�c�, . .. •
tfi„Trohk8l••t;West, Tgr04t:911t44o