Huron Record, 1881-03-25, Page 1_...:, .v wpm -tontworgm.wwwnwrippymmumpgw= Volume 3, Nob. • TERMS: ---$I.23 per. Annum' in Advance. '�T MOODY, CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, RIDA Y, 1V.IARCI '25., 1881. EDWARD { Publisher. Professionsd and other Cards. DR REEVE. Sluice, Rattenbury Street, inlmedi. ately behind Itansford's book store. Residence wpposite the Temperance Ball, Huron Street. Ounce Lours front 8 a.m, to 9 p. m. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-3` D. H. DOWSLEY, D., M. R, C. S. England, Physician, Surgeon, Se. Oillee and residence next Molson`s Bunk, market square.. ' Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 7. y T S. :EROME, Licentiate of Dental Surgery will visit Blyth on each and every month, from the tenth until the fourteenth, when he will he most happy to wait upon all those that may favor him with their patronage. All operations performed in the must rkillful manner. - Blyth, Dec. 17, 1850. AH.'MANNINO, Attorney, Solicitor; Conveyancer . &e.—Beaver Block; _Albert Street, .Clinton, Ont. ]Loney to lend at lowest interest. Private Funds, Agent for some of the best Insurance Companies. 49y EO. A. WATSON, Attornon l t+Law; Solibitor in Chancery,. Notary Public, Conveyancer l etc., t.' inton, visits Blyth every Tuesday, MONItY TO. LOAN AT 0 PER CENT. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. . d -y /i'IISDALE & GALE, Bankers, Albert street, Clinton, L Ont., do a general banking business Salo notes bought at low rates. Your Patronage solicited, Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881: • 1-y, ' BeONEY CAMPBELL, Practical Barber and He- Dresser, begs to return thank to the public for past patronage, and solicits a continuance of custom. Shaving Parlor in old•Express Office,'luron•st,, Clinton W H. RANSFOHD, City Book Store, Clinton Ij ABRY •FISIIElt, Professional Barber, Tonsoriq rl Artist; Cranium Manipulator, Facial Operator, and Capillary Abridger—next. door to• Conunercal Hotel, Clinton, Ont. Wit' Your patronage solicited. JAMES HOWSON Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended at reasonable .rates. - Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881. - PROF.. SALTER, Clinton, Ont., teaches nuisic in all its branches. Musical Science and hariffpny e.epeoialty. Careful attention given to young begin- ners ; also the most approved vocal training for strengthening and develeping the voice is givenwhen desired without extra charge. Pupils .attended at their own residences if required. Charges moderato; Clinton, Feb. 18th, 1881. • S. FOWLER & SON , • For the BEST VIOLIN STRING in Town, CLOCKS WATCHES, JEWELRY and, S1LVE it Clinton, - Ontario.. CIIAS. IIAb11ILTON, _AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent, Blvth. Sales attended in town and 'country, on reasonable terms. A list of farms and village.lots for •sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of in- terest.. Insurance effected on all elassbs: of property. .Notes and debts collected. Goods dpprafaed, and sold on connexion. • Bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Myth, Dec. 18, 1880: • PERSONAL, —Airs. D. $, Strathy, of I''ord.wich. and formerly of this place,. is in town. AT WonK,—.. number of men and teams are busily engaged in excavating; for Mr. Coats' new brick block, IN TowN.—W. Drummond, Esq,, of 1/114 L L PA PER Blyth, was in town. off Tuesday last, He reports bu:,frletis very •,good in Blyth. HORSES SntppEn.—Mr. Wade ship- ped a ear load of horses to Manitoba last, .Tuesday,. in company with Mr. .OENT1 A ROLL, I Tipliug• SERIOUSLY ILL,—We regret to learn that Mr, Thos. Jackson jr. is seriously ill, from iniianiinat'ion of the lungs;, but we hope to hear of -his speedy recovery. in endless variety, from. GOOD VALUE. 1 have added to iffy Stock a full . Lions. of . • Choice Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco g . and Cigarettes A Trial Solicited. LOCAL •NEWS Boone and Vicinity. GET your job printing done at the RECORD printing office. PERSONAL.—Mr.' F. G. Neelin, of the • Seaforth Sun favored our sanctum :with a call; on Saturday last. He reports baseness lively with him in. Seaforth. 'tjliINTON Lodge, No.. 84, A. Y. & A •M„ meets. every Friday, on. or after 'the full moon. Visit= ling brethren cordially invited. A. STRAITON, w. li. J. MAcWHIRTER, Sed: Clinton, Jan. 14, 188E � ONEY to lend in large: 01 oaten sums, on'good lr� mortgages or' personal eecnrity;, at the lowest .,current notes. rt- HALE, iluron'Street Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 28, 1881. 1•1y. ' TIME TAi1LEs.—The time tables 'of the : Grunt Wester►; and• Grand. Trunk Railway will _be found -.on the inside :this wec;k4---read .them. • ' • X90 O. L., No. 710, meets 2nd \fondati'Peach Month, - • . in Biddlecombe's ]hill. Visiting brethren cor- dially invited: J. HAMNER, w.'it. R: NEiVMARCII, seer. 'Clinton, Jan. 14, 188L - - THE MOLSON'S BANK, IMPROVEMENT. -- The improvement made in our paper lastweek bas been fully approved of by the people and has. added greatly to our list. A large number of names have been added, dur- ing the present week. RENTED.•,—Mr. W. H. Perrin Mas rented one of the stores to beerected by him, on Rattenbury street, to Messrs. Tisdall & Gale. to be occupied as a ,bane;,. and another to. Messrs, Doherty & Gibbings, to be occupied as a inimical emporium. " CLINToN will expend fully $100,000 • in building operations this season ; very few. Canadian towns on conte up to this."—London .Free 1'rees. Right, brother. If you visit us again in two or three months, you. will ' find this to be a practical fact. • 'FUNERAL SERMON.—The funeral ser- mon of the late Adam Cook will be preached in the B. C. Church on Sunday evening next. The Foresters will at- tend in a bodv. NEW ADVERTISEMENT.— Mr, John Hodgins .has an "ad." in this week's issue, Ile is making a big push and intendsto come down handsomely with awful bargains, Give him. a .call, GOOD TEAM. --0n Saturday last a tree was being removed froth beside Rans- ford's book store, and after digging and cutti- g around is for some time, we understand two or three teams were hitched on, but could riot stir it, until 'rhos. Altos. Connell who had been en- gaged in excavating Mr: Perrin's eel - lar come along with his team, when he ordered the 'other teams to be taken off and his • put on. Atthe signal of " eome here" Tom's team took out the tree with one pull. . Tom says his team can not be beaten hi these parts and from this work we thick he cannot be far astray., New INDusmfy: We understand that a Bell Foundry is to .be establish- ed in Clinton ere•long. A party lies been•'around with -a view to building, Success to it. • Building', operations " in our town have assumed. -a very lively aspect Preparations are already being made for the erettion of three blocks;, and' the work,is to be pushed ahead rapidly, SKIPPED. --OD Thursday of last week, • .Mr. Jas. A: Elliott, of Goclerich, ship- ped another ear'load of horses to.Da- kota. He was,• accompanied by Mr. Wm. Anderson, of Goderieh township. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 7855. Capital, 62,000,000. Rest, $140,000: a - MONTREAL. 8 nF..D OFFICE, 'THOMAS WORKMAN,. President J. Ii, B. OL.SON, Viee•President. • F. ee'OLVERS'LON TI'IOMAS, General Manager. Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and Alncrican Exchange bought 'and sold, and notes dis- counted at the Iowest-enrrerit rates. Interest allowed on deposits M. Leven, Manager, '• Clinton, Fob. 10th, 1881. Ciu rOs. A. S. FISHER. ' .$50,000 to Lend at 6', per Cent. With extra priviliges to' borrower. Agent for the old Lanc1sshire Insurance Co., -;Eng• 'land, Capital Fifteen Million Dollars ($16,000,000:) Agent for first-elass.ffro proof safes-ntahufactured by Goldie & McCullough, Galt. • NEW CHAIR.-Boney Campbell has placed in his barber shop, one of Arch- er's patent chairs,' of Rochester,. and it is, Without exception, , one' of the best and. easiest we have ever seen,dr sat in., "Boney" is hound to 'keep even with the• tjmes,'anon in -doing so, has procured "Solid conefort".for all. •'' SHIPPED. On Tuesday • last, Mr. Thos: Tipling, of this town, shipped a• carload. of 16 horsesto Manitoba. The horses .ire, -•of the best . quality, being purchased from points in ' all •parts of the county;: `141r, Tipling,*ill be ;away for about three weeks, ..and.. during• h:is- •absence his business will be .managed by Mr Win'. •Grigg. • We ,wish him every. success'in the. enterprise. , ` • • SCHOOL TIi1J$TEE MEETING.. The regular monthly meeting of the the School Board was held monday even- ing. Present, the Chairman and Messrs. Kenny, Thompson, Pay, Cun- nigham, Cooper and Hine. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A communication from Mr, Dewar, in respect to complaints about pro- motion examination papers, was read and laid on the table for discussion, When it was moved by Mr. Cunning- hani, sec, by Mr. Kenny, that the nat- ter be laid over for further considef tion—carried. Moved by Mr, Thompson, see, by Mr. ICenny, that Mr, Turnbull's applica- tion be laid over for the next meeting. —Carried. . Moved by Mr. Tompson, sec. by Mr.' Cunningham, that Miss Callander be al- lowed leave of absence, to attend Norm- al School, provided she finds a. Suitable. substitute.—Carried . ULLNTON LITERARY 'AND. 'bCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. — This society held their meeting in Mr. Manning's office on Monday evening last. The election of. Governor-General was left over until some .future meeting, The Premier informed the House that he had taken Mr. Newton into his. Government to bold the . portfolio which, for some time, was vacant. Mr. Newton intro- duced. a bill for the purpose of •having a commissioner' appointed, to act joint- ly with comminsiouers• appointed by each .of the Provinces, to establish a basis for our Educational Examine: tions. ' .This brought forth considerable discussion, but at 10.30 the Speaker left the chair: it is probable that this Will he .carried,.at,the next .meeting. BernitNED.---Mrs. S. Morley return ed home this week from Winnipeg,' Man., 'where she had gone some time ago for the purpose of starting het son, Mr:. N. Carson, in business. She Well pleased with her trip and . speaks highly of Winnipeg and tire country PeesoNAL.-Mr.'_II. M. Atkinson,. of around. it. Mr. Larson is, in the meat the ;London. Free Press, wasin town on business, and so far is doing: exceeding 'Tuesday and gave us a call.:: Mn At- ly. well, beingpushed already to fill kinsen is a lively, • pushing fellow• and the orders. as they conies : in. we Hope to be favored with a visit front • him again. Second=handsa'es taken ha Exchange \Clinton, Fop,: 18,1851- , ' 1-y MONEY. TO LOAN.. $4',000.. REMovEo.—Don't you forget it, that Mr. W Coats has an advertisement in this week's issue: Ile hair removed to Spooner's,'building Since, the fire, attd is selling off ata great reduction. •Give 'him a'cafl-=he'will de as;lle says. On farm property, tit seven per cent interest, payable'. yearly, borrowerers having the privilege of Mitigate whole et- any part of the lean, at any time, Without giving previous notice. On payment of any part Of principal, interest ceases on amount paid. Further particulars given on applleation to ' • C. A. HARTT, Attorney, &c., Clinton.. EaarSEVERAL000D FARMS FOlt SALE. CASH!, •CASH g;. Paid for any amount of cherry cButternutLumber First class• -•from 1 to d inches thick, plump, edged and butted. 'Apply to GEO. D1 li eil. •Clinton, March ."., 198L. Cabinet Maker; • .liuNiwXv.—On Saturday evening lett was l e of � l:iul ,R.B Nalco, last, a Mr.t at the station meeting Rev, Father O'Shea on tii•evening train, the horse took fright at. the engnue, .Tanen broke the shafts of the buggy.. Had it not been that. Mr. Blake nnainaedthe horse so well, a serious'runaway might have. occurred.'• _: NEW DIRECTORY. -A: county of Idur on, K.ntardine arid. Lucknow directory for 1881'•82, is to be issued by theLon- don Publishing Co., on or. about July 1st; The directory will be complete in every detail,, and comprise' an alphabet= ;cal dist of every. houseliolder in . the towns and villages, and a complete .list of every farmer and farmer'.s son hold- ing property iri the county,- with their post ,office address, and the nurnbersof their concessions' and lots ; the'churcheq, schools, public building, municipal of- ficers, society organiz'ttioils, postal , in- formation, Clergy , of • the Diocese of Huron;, and the R. O. Diocese of Lon- don, banks of Ontario, and a vast variety of useful information for every day reference. A special feature, will be acomplete ;nap of the county of Huron, with the numbers of &alees- sions and lots marked thereon. The subscription price is $3, and ' we have no hesitation in saying that the boon: will be a useful and a valeable reference • and should be in the hands or every person in the county. Orders for the book or advertisements therein, will be taken at the Itncoin office. •ACKNoWLTHGstENT. The under- signed desires to express .her sincere thanks" to the President anci Directors :of the Confederation 'Life Insurance. Company,:. of . Torento,.- r the vary prompt and:. cot niderate manner Which they.have'settled the claim under the Life Policy .for $2,Oo0; on;tile life of.' her late husband, . Joint Bhtir,. which has been tn:- pp aid at once,: through Mr. Mauniug, the Company's agent; with out the Usual . ,delay of ' sixty days. Mts. F. 13LAnt. Moved by Mr. Kenny, sec. by Mr.. Cooper, that the following accounts be paid :—D Barge, $5.00; Jas. Fair, $1.15. —Carried. The Board then adjorn'ed. OBITUARY. • It is -with feelings of deep :regret thatwe announce the- death of Mr. ' Adani Cook, a resident of:this .town, which occurred at the residence of Mrs: Shaw, on Tuesday morning last; ;De- ceased was son of Mr: Adam Cookt' of Goderich, •formerly of 'Goderich town- •ship: Some years ago, he` attended the High ScbOol• here, and also for: a tern; .at the Canada Business•;College, `Toron- to: Iminediately after, he accepted, a position as book keeper, for the ,firm .of Messrs. Cooper. Sc'. McKenzie of this town ; Some two years ago, lits health 'failed, him; ' and .• after a.• •time was found that lie had become afflicted .with that deadly disease,. consumption. All available.ineans'were tried for his cure,. but to no `effect. Deceased stead declined•-•entil'= Tuesday'when. . lie breathed his last: '' He was kind,'and gentle in Isis disposition and was'respect= ert by' all who knew •him. He was•a meniber-of the Canadian Order of For esters of this town and was interred by that body. Abort 150 of'the brethren- including a•goodly lumber from Blue vale, .Seaforth, Lotiaesboro and other places,,and•.a large concourse of friends and relatives • followed the remains to their last rest.ug.place. .The oC SSioh' which was the largest seen in Clinton. for some time, :was conducted bq 'Bre::. P; Robb, 1). D. H, ,C. R. and. Bros. J: Sheppard, H. 11I:, and -W,• Sheppard, 1L' Chap: The ceremonyat the grave .was very solemn and impressive. CLINTON INDUSTRIES,. -OUR FLAX MILL. On Wednesday last, we paid a short yisit to the Clinton flax mill, owned by by Mr, -D, A. Forrester, Mayor of our town. • ' `The building is about 70 feet long by 45 wide.. The •machinery isrun,. by an ,engine •manufactured by ..Messrs.., ..._ Thomson & Williams, of Stratford, and the fire is kept going by refuse of flax. •' On entering the hills our attention way first , drawn' to the scutchers. These consist of. largo iron wheels, out of which run iron spikes or knives in the shape of -spokes, for the purpose 9f . beating out or scuteliiug the flax. • Be- fore going through .thisoperation, the • flax has to be ,drawn in and threshed; then drawn out'and 'spread' and .turned. after which, it' ;is .done, ' up in small bundles and placed inthe barn. This Building is situated near the mill and is 14.0. feet long and 40 feet wide.:'Af- ter being scutched,.tlie part taken. off is called: tow, and the part left'is called , line flax. This: is used for *the purpose of making' linen Loc. The. tow is run • through n. tow -picker, then through ai1- other picker up: stairs, and is then put into a packer and- made into bales. •- Tow is used :for making sewing thread, . '• twine, &c.; and • the coarser qualities for tnalci•ng coarse cloth, ,paper '• &c. The pickings from the tow go into the refuse box, and Serie as fuel. At thetime of our visit, : sixteen • hands were at work, 'but we':understand ' that in the summer .season;, sometimes, as many, as 60 hanlds'areeu)pleyed in .. . cutting,. pulling; •:and drawing flax, a good many of them,. of course, ;being boys. 'Softie idea may be formed of the en .leo meat lush when we state that t i Y g 5,000. per year is paid out . in wages. Mr, Forrester informs us. that he brought in about 600 tons of flax last' year, but expects to exccedthat quan -" tity this seasons. We have no doubt- the.flax baldness is asuccessfulone,and- 'adds greatly to the business of our town, and we think we. areright in • saying that Mr. Forrester, isthe right man in the right place,', and we- hope . that.he may be amply repaid for, the enterprise and stimulus wench he has thrown into the business since taking it into his hands.• 01112091110337 OniTuAmsr.-lt becomes our painful. duty this week to chronicle the death of one of the oldest residents' of this place, Mr. Wm. 'Harland sr, which oc- curred at his ' residence bin Sunday morning last. Deceased •was born in Arnold, Yorkshire, England, and came to this .country , in 183 andint.. mediately settled in Thornhill,' north of Toronto,: where` he remainedabout four years.' He then removed, to Tor, onto where he remained only a year, after which he ,renibvedto Hamilton. He stayed' in Hamilton , for about six years find removed' to Clinton, Where lie spent the remaining twenty-seven years of his life. He was,a shoemaker by . trade and immediately engaged in business here, in which' hewas success- ful.- About' fourteen years ago here - tired from business, two of hissons carrying on a hardware business in his stead. He was of a gentle and affable disposition and was fi 'zealous chr stian , being 'a• member of the Methodist church for over forty years, .His funeral took place on Tuesday last when: a large eoncourse of sorrowing frielicls and relatives assembled to pay a last tribute of respect to the departed one by following his remains to :the cemetery. .The "Record"Would Like toSec A .Hook and ladder company organ= ;zed immediately;; • Steps taken to have a spring show p show` her.. • , ' A. Dew passenger station. 'on :the Grand Trunit :Iianiway:::•., A. thousand. more . people read the 'RECORD. - Better ventilation it1. • some of our churches: Cenitralia: On. Thursday last Mr. Wm,. Baker, fainter near here, "sold a heavy draught colt'eoniiug three years . old, sired. by "H'eather Jock'3 for the 1andsome sum of $155. That is a pretty good figure' for a colt of that age, Mr. Keeler, our enterprising shoe• maker, has left the village to commence business in .Exeter, where ]le•will have a wider field. M>. Keeler ]las the necessary push to coni wand snecess, and as a woxkulan l}o cannot easily be surpassed.. ' Iltbbert ' LECTURE. -On Thurndity, ;the 10t1t inst.,'the Rev, Dr. McKay gave a very. interesting ane] instructive.lectn4rein,the Presbyterian Church, Cromarty., The •church was well filled, and we have no doubt if he were to visit as again it would be crammed to its very utmost, as the people were so , well pleased with' . his direct, pointed and impressive man-. - nee of sp ,akinn, A collection ;vas tak- en ak en up at the -close, which amounted to• .$50. '0'0 ' -- _ Celll►orne:. • . Mrs. J.Fishei• of the Maitland eonoes-- sion is- down with a very serious attack of erysipelaw and bronchitis.. She isuu. deer care of »Jr,.. Taylor of Uoderikli»,