HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 8DISASTROUS FiRE !. EDUCATION OF FAK(((ERS. OUR TOWN ONCE MORE VISIT , Written for the "Record," ED BY THE DESTRUCTIVE This subject is at present attracting ELEMENT. • very much attention, and a ketal, ex- awple'is shown by the Governewet of COMMUNICATIONS. We wish It t) be .distinctly understood thRt We do. not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our eirrcaponaenta. Five Buildings. Consumed, our country by the "Alatlel k'arul" ,rear Editor !euro' Record. Guelph, tint, -.4 would like" to know from On Friday morning last, about one some of,cur Methodist .(Sri Presbyterian o'clock, an alarm of fire sounded, and.. vtvrno, Lawyer, or Physician, friends the reason why these churches on proceedingto thespot, of it was found' must undergo- severe training heron h° aril so ullcutnfo ,ably warm, generally. thathe woden blook occupied by commences to ' lrractiee ou. ]ii•i awn In tial {;ullr3ry of'one of these churches Messrs G. H. Wright, T. Stevenson account. But alt •.the pr(+plucttro:r I.tst t+alib;ttI eveping the temperature Lind J. McGarva, was in flames, The. young f�,riier receives,. griic•rally',• is t:l ` �vun about fifteen degrees too high, I follow in. the tr.gck Q. li s fatlirr,. who rugine was run out as soon as possible, tlliiik t61 churchi>a have reasonable and before long a good stream was be heel followed in the track of his Rather, mewls of tilutitat'on, and why not leave• iug thrown on the fire and adjacent and so on, until you go. back sIn n it r ti„•iii triitilrtt.rti .7'hti.air of heaven is buildings. There was a. very strong •are told that Gorillas, ancl� not men, ;,uirlt ]port rte°, Lipp why deprive us of wind blowing at the time, and it was cultivated ilio earth Ancl rile (cn 11 i ,qu`1' h.ni„tit share 1.1 of it 4 A hearer only for some time thought that a large gor^ farmer, whose forefathers, according to el • about one-half the geozl of a ser^ i ion of the town would be destroyed. the developuunii theory, were the only ! �., null places. Strong faith is For a time, the firemen had a very bestial -Omen the earthpo55rssed, until equired io kteep awake ' 1. trust that :arduous task before thein. The new•aceiclont rubbe.t 'off” thrix tails Lipp re- ; ,,,.i heretic() of the Gospel, ven- inarket building on the opposite.side of duced•their feet into. pianos, and they illation, rhe,, will be attended to., the street, was scorching, also Searle's became men., ,• Yours,- • &c„ brick block,' close to .the fire, was on The first plough is. supposed to have EVANot;LICUS, the paint of burning, and the fire, to been the rude branch of a tree, which, 'Clinton: • March 14,1881 be kept ander way, gave them more :dragged along .the surface 'of - the ... ' than enough'. work. Coat's dry goods. ground • scraped a. furrow, •. into . Which • • store was by this time in flames, and a 'the seeds were thrown. ' It soon 'oe- :' lid For a goon violin, go to..D stream was alio playing on it, The ourrecl to ,the • husbaandman th •.t 110: IIenTY & GIDDINGS. firemen were working with consider- ,might relieve his own labor by .yoking;W. gl1ie I)irherty organ received the able energy, and we feel confident• in an animal .to.• the long arm of this jiil;hrst. award at the Toronto industrial saying that every man was at•his'post primitive instruweut, • Then arose the exhibition, 1880 over.. all competing,. Having seen the Town hall and Davis necessity 'for a handle affixed -to the and don't you Fornet it. store out of danger, they next directed their attention to Graham's Sewing Machine Depot, which was also in flames, and the Uoremercial Hotel, which was opposite. Graliam'sbuildings was now too far .gone, and it was use- less to waste much dine with it. ' How- ever, the fire was kept from ispreadiug,- and the adjoining building was .saved. It was thought for a time that the fire pct be across the street sad Crab woo Macwhirter & Co's store, Evans' grocery store, Couch & Emorson's butcher shop,. Fisher's barber shop and the Commer- cial hotel, were considered for a few minutes in a dangerous position. The New Era office took fire from the fly- ing sparks, but water was carriedand it was' speedily extinguished. An erro- neous report appeared in the Mail, With respect to the, fire, which stated. two men' were necessary, . one to guide ” " , iii tt it was fast spreading, that' the and to the lou ,h the other: to •di-' goo have cawed 16 cords' • liowosod, teak hacl given out and the firemen .Nett.-lr(»:lorse,.pinhich lie,..tlid..by walk-, that th y d can saw 20 cre, in ards.. They have. ' . e could not work the .engine. • Had the :Ng baekwarcls..before `the miserable .sawn ene cord in 13•.minu.tes; Messrs. firemen not ' been• able: to* work tho aniu4(il and'"beating .it •on the head on D.• an( Ii. Reed tett off a block of wood engine, the 'account -we • are :giving either side -according to the'.directions• G•an(h8`i in diameter, in ;5t)' :secondSr '. e would have been a more deplorable One .required. This custom pretailed.•for 'If`Codcrich tawnshi can beat "either.' '�6� • tan it, is.• alogia time,. up to' the 17t1t century, of these let un hear from them until a las was passed, 1 Part of Mr. G. H. Wrights stock of . penalties upon persons ploughing bq back, that thetlough.rnight be guided, �' . The strength of the animal soon wore -..-` - _-� away the cleft of the branches, which __ Ashfield. •. gave rise to the invention of attaching, , a moveable share of wood aiid a•wood. r Mr. Abel M, Ree d narrowly escaped en • mould -board, which the • writer of having a runaway last vieek this article.•pias seen, though at that. The -RECORD is a welcome •visitor in time not i1n-Ipso, and also has seen the:this towns]itp . olcl wooden block wheels and wooden •A..Mr. Aleoriey•has been buying up axles, which wereire` use as late as the a'number of horses for shipping. Ile 18tIi century. Such impleinents- were is taking all classes. . used by the'Saxons, and were •used'in , • Prof..Mnrrow, of (sborne township, Irelarid for centuries as a great inven- lectured hero on horse training •en the tion. Borrowed from theS'nons, some. 20th inst.,; which: proved a 'success facts in connection.With the Plough; He organized a large class:the next day are aluiost .incroclible. In ' Ireland.' at 25c. per pupil. . there once prevailed a. ' custom of We notice' in the Rn oen a • great ploughing by'' the horses tail.: The inauy blozns about' fast • sawing in God- draught.pole was fastened to the horses erich township `.We have two nien tail, and as no harness was employed,. livinngit Cransforcl '(pear Dungannon THE HATTER. !44 .- 'ell t 11111 N"V !Ili rY xvr; Ail 1• 1 ill 1.�ACKSp� V R R14rrlYeS1 l . \.��` \ \ s r:c1111k�,G-E T1•ii3 4d .. '...+'�•,'+!+-•�'�-� MSG'. ..'�..C+��r ...•�.'•.'.��'.' We .h hue just received and passed into .Stock. x p i5 ase ' o' New Spring WHAT WAS SAVED. P v a imposing ' 'heavy .. • dry goods was carried out .and saved, the'liorses tail, which lap was in force • . Fora good n iolrn string, go to but a very large, proportion was ;con- up to , the :year 1792.. .The next, .tui Donnery tC; G1.BnXSCS sumed. Mr. Stevenson's stock of fur prevenient wh.s a copper. •sliare _worked ,LW For aygood'piane go to Dortanrr. nature down stairs was saved, 'bet all to a shape, adapted to the gritting: • of & GIBBINCs. • on the second flat was consumed. Mr.. furrows. Next cane. ironsharts and . '. Ilio Doherty ernan` "[mi.. McGarva's stock was partly..saved—he is a heavy, loser. 'Mr. Coats' stock was nearly all saved. Mr. Graham's stock• was nearly all consumed. . INSURANCE.Mr. G. H. Wright's stock wa.s.ie- cess dependa twe •things„ which .1s.., ping a. large quantity of cured lams • - . sure(' in the Western for $2,000, Caria. seldbm spoken of, --drainage. and lion- and sides•to different parts of the ctran- tlit Fire and Marine $2,000, Citizee's estY: There is nothing that pays 'bet- tryrpork now being. a.botit, $7.50. -.per , ing occupied by Mr. Wright was °wet :comparatively, . 'would be, . uch im- 1 • ,The lodge cf.L.O..Q. o, recently in-: ed by a Airs. Strathy,-of Ferdwiell •; proved :Ify, .rd leW drains; . -There is a istituted in 'Janson •iS progresSing very itisurance $700, loss abont $1,0.00. great diverkity of opinion of tlielna- satisfactorily*. Tliere are et present 18 i Mr. Stevenson's insurance on build- k,terialysed irt .draining. • As, .a general:, insimbers, dud. theyall take a lively' in- - ing was $500, on stock $1,500. Less, [ rule; boxing or tiles' are piit in" too terest in the 'snceeas of their lodge. ', $200 on building, $300 on stobk. -small. ;As te give directioes .about , klitch6s, everyone must judge time ptiSt carried. on the tailoring busi- . was $300, on building $500. Loss not for himself, as some land - iS more por.7 ness in this Place, has discontinued his' . : -ous than others ' Honesty. in' fann_in.0" buSinese here, and acceptorit'postion is the •whole seeret of suefess..., Yon as bead putter:with a firm in ;Aylmer. Mr. Coats' insurance on steak 41'd cannot take wealth cut ot the • n.; piece'. of iron ••nailed on the wooden them,i 'See pod! the Largest `and'Finest Assortment ,in tho Count}' Comprising : Q ,, .: Our Stock, for Style, and Variety, cannot . be. equalled, and .to our Importation of New'York-H its; five call' especial; attention, Sole Arent for Christy's celebrated Hats, mouldboard, and about 50 years ago the iron.: plough carnellens:tl1, • into' use. "' Magnificent colors in our :New York Hats. There have been volumes written oil �. ' . .. American Caps in all Sles. Y. seientifie farming. But. the .great sue- - The Messrs. J. & G. Petty are ship- : ' carol Mr. J. - D. Ellis, the bailiff of the. ».......h w ,._.___ , ..without mak ng a fair: return for .value and .$3,500. in the Phoenix.4• Stock. received. You can't' cheat mother Fifth Division. Court, Exeter, .and also mostly all saved. l 1 1 1 f for the .court recently established in Strathy's building,' occupied by Mr. C. W. Graham for a sewing machine depot was Vayued at $800 no iitsui- cart 1.in. t le ong ,run, towever or-. Crediton, has fortl'•trded' leis resignation ' :bearing. she may be. The time will conie When' the will refuse to. transact to the proper authorities, It is said Mr. Ellis intends 'trying his • fortune. • hiisiness with those who .wron, leer. . tltegreaf Iiortlirvest,' • ,—. • stohero: Liao„ Air. Graham had no iusurailce• The ...idea of being able to .get hood ��e regret to learn that Mr. S. Ilan nUILDINGS occUPIED itY PARTILS orpps from land 'that• is lil]finiLliul e(l'i5 (lie, Deputy Reevelea of Hay, .met with a BURNT OUT. •• ' • . altogether absurd.:• • painful accident while skidding logs on Mr. Coats has leased •tile building- (low many are surprised at their Ill his farm. It appears Mr.'Rennie was of Mr. Spooner's, in.'the Beaver. block. luck as farniers, when this' is the truo caught by an unrioticed limband thrown 141x. Wright tl store it explanation of it. The• truth..: is,?. we with considerable force against the leg e er o' • occupies ie s re nett must farm b tt ' not arm farm at all ' to Harland Bros. in the brick block. ]re Sures engaged in'clrawing, and 1>ofisre. ' and.' alt the hooks• of farming and he succeeded in stepping his horseia, Mr. Stevenson occupies the buildirig science is of little use a5 long as moth'.his legs,. were painfully bruised. 'We formerly occupied by Messrs. Cooper. •er earth gets no, return for. value' are pleased to say however, that Mr. , and Sheppard as a liquor store, and received. . . Rennie •is• able•to be put again, though Air. •McGarva has leased Alr. •13urge''s ,., Egmondville, Mareli l5t}i, 1881: saffr.ring fiery riluch•from his injury a• building on Victo 'treet. TO BE • RE -BUILT. IHrillllett.. • TUE SAL. Ii,'ri:REs'r. --The' salt -in- terests of Hensall are booming et Pres - Mr. Coats has alreadylet the cin- �' ent. A•noeting to organize •a compaey A young nian named Glazier, while was held .not lop since, bttt owing tract for the erection of three Brick g ., stores, and lir. Stevenson also intends ;chopping wood on a farm on the second to several sales • in the neighborhood builclin intrnecliate1 con., injure(l'•one of- his feet badly, a.' and the inclement weather, the attend - g Y' tree having ' slipped backwards . and dance was •not as largo. as desirable,' The origin of the fire or . n here'it 1' caught hint. It will be some•time•before However, there was $1000 worth of started is not known. All the parties i. he will be around again stock subscribed,aed only $500 .mere� who were burnt nut say that everything • Wilt be required to complete the amount was safe when leaving at night,' • ' Blyth. • '"' , required. Another meeting was held • on .Tuesday last, and there Is • every •;a iC, il. Miss' Davina Mi:Gili, who has been prospect that the balance , will bo sub- Our endless range • of g l ` •1 In every shape style and price, and leo gobs° in 'the County shows such an assortment, Every Farmer Should See Our 7501 and $i -OO 11 visiting her friendsin.thi;s village, re ascribed then. As soon n,, yossiblethere- ' Mr. Alex Inales, of this place, while turned to Gerrit. on Monday last. -She :after 'active operations will be conn Splendid Z an e Of Ladies! Derby Hats., ' chopping glbwoo:1loon MiGoldorp's taste irleiils,rthe •bet wishes of ]ter' ,tienceci, and. there is • every -;prospect takes 'with t y of Iientall being tho possessor before his foot severely. slip, .cutting ATF. Joliil 1v110 lots 11cen tri tett y• months of one of the best salt' The strait corner loafers, of wliicli the lumbar Woods Gibson, for the last flue .wells fir the County of Huron • this Birt,.• is not -'(1, are increasing. very eioil.ilfs, returned it') town last week. ' fait, as the warm weather approaches. He bolts hall; and hearty, considering Ire Andrew's Sorghum Syrup,. for 1- uch a practice should be stopped, .. ' the.severe weather they have had. sale at D. C'antelon's. .5 A O/(SON, The Famous Matte.