HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 5new oyster 'saloon has' beetr opened ,•"' •lristylieY..
out in temp,. et. least w4t would judge so
from outward appearances
RE>aoven.--Mr, 'i'Y, Taylor has re-
moved his business frons. his 01d, stand:
to the store routed' by trim in the mark-
et building,
.E4 time a man got 'mad at the editor and.
stopped his paper, The next week lie
sold his cora et four cents below the.
market price. Ther. his property was.
sold for taxes, because he didn't read
the Sheriff's sales,. He was arrested
and tined $8 for going hunting on Sun-
day ; and be paid $300 for a ..lot of
forged notes that had .Leen advertised
two weeks and the pul,lio cautioned
not to negotiate them. He then paid
a big Irishman with a list like a fore
hammer to kick him all the way to this
newspaper office where he paid four
year's subscription, in advance, and
made the editor sign an agreenien't to
knock trim down and rob hineif he
ever ordered 'his paper stopped again..
Such is life without a newspaper --Ex.
The "Record" Would Like to Sec
P n$011AL.—We are pleased to learn
that, though not yet well enough to
resume his native duties, Rev, Mr,
Livingstone is improving. His vaf'i-
ous friends throughout the - Bayfield
circuit would be exceedingly rejoiced
to know of his iU (recovery. In the
meantime,' his place is being filled by
1lcippenr .
On Thursday night of last week a
farmer named William Clutton, resid-
ing in Tuekersmith, about two miles
and a half off this place, was found dead
his barn about 9 o'clock in the even-
ing. He had 'aeon attending his horses'
in the stable about 7 o'clock. . Cause of
death unknown, as no inquest was held,
His funeral took place on Sunday last,
et the Quaker burial ground,
Mr. Wm. Smith, Joseph, Whitely,
Mr. Alex. Lockey and son, have left
_here for Dakota, • '
Spring open immed=ately.: • Joluc Haggit, Who absconded in Jan-
uary, came back to: this village and
Clinton. the County Town. C stayed about two weeks, but kept out
Reasons why it should, notbe. sight of'tlte pu stir.
The serscfres_of our worthyJ., P:
The council make a liberal: grant to Were called into requisition to settle a
our town beass band. case of assault and battery between
The successful business man who Mrs: Haggit, 'sr.} and Mr.. 0. Meyer,
'does not advertise. - ' •caused. by a dispute over a bird cage.
The coming summer be the busiest- She was: fined one dollar and costs
Clinton ever saw. •autoanting to over $6. She vowed she
would • go to , jail, but her husband.
'Printer's ink well ' patronized by . a thought he could not spare :Mir -14 days,
few more. of our merchants. and he agreed to pay the bill.
A. brick blocs;; built from 'Coat's ear-
ner to Davis' hardware store.
The merchants who advertise,. ;well Mr. Harte; Messenner Of:the L. H.
patronized. •• • tl; B. R. R., (lied at St. Thoutae last
week, . He had -o. great- many friends
all Along the line, and his'death will be
learned with sorrow.
The man who has .no secrets . f rein
his wife. . .
The wife who has none from her hue
Tobacco chewers ieave their tobacco
at home when they go to church, •'or
else swallow the quid and spittle.
Seafortlll. •
SERMON BY .1)1.11.. WIDD plys, lz(P, Ex. "
.MONK I.N.OA11DN0'S HALL; - Uel it 1, lllldt4y
1astLr V'iddowspreached-teenimute:nse.
audience. The hall which wouldcontain
over 1000 wasfilled to its atm osteapacity.
The Ex. Mouk,appeared.on the platform,.'
•driped in white surplice. He coin-
luencced by; saying. that 'We. are not
together for the purpose of giving of-'
SAn AcotieiNT.—On Thursday,of last'
week,' while Mr. A. Walper, of Fracis-
town. Hotel', was engaged in skidding
timber' near Clandeboye, his . skid.
`slipped and caure.downupon his legs,
-crushing one -.of ;his feet' so badly .that
alnpotationwas necessary •Dr.Moore,
sci• ted:by 1:ir_. Hy:ndman , .very..skll
,fully amputated';hes•. foot alcove the
-ankle, .,and•the patient al`thioug ii suffer-
•ina severely,; and has been in rattier a
weak state,: is'progressing rapidly, and
will no doubt,.'wlth the assistance -•le£ • a
eriitob, be able ' to : be ;around• again
's'h'ortly • • • •
fence to ally deuoulivatiori, but to wor-
ship. -
God, according.. to tlie-plain,pre-
c•e is of primitive, clirlatianit .... Re•._.
ligiotr consists net. in going to Minces,. •
or building finechurches, c however
costly they may be, but they are , tho
outcome. of -religion, He then • ex-
plained in a very Wein Manner, the -
full meaning of the Lords Prayer,. and -
requested all to join audibly with Lim;
to repeat the Lords prayer. After.
singing the 100th hymn "AIi people
on earth who dwell " lee followed with
prayer; chiefly the prayer aiid,collects.
of the Anglican''chureli • prayer book '
was used. Then followed th'e:reading
-of the lesson 1st. Epistle of Sohn Ise,'
Chapter followed by the well known.
hymn composed by lir: Wesley' "Jesus,
lover' of my soul," This had a. most
electric effect as:the greater' pare of the
whole congregation took part -in it:,
Ile then took for his text the 6th' Chap..
and 2nd. verse of the songs of Solomon.
My beloved is gone down .into his .
garden, to the, beds• of :spices; to:feed '
in the gw.rdens and to gather lilies.":.
He first dwelt 'at some -length•;on the
changes that were to take place. in the •
hew translation of the -Scripture,.; and
the several passages.. that -were to be
omitted; he showed that the story about.
the, angel coming down and.troubling .
the Water, and whosoever first stepped
in was made whole, was, to, be omitted
in the new revision also, !harebell is
used it should. read Hades, and: several
other minor ebatiges particularly on the "
latter part of. the Lords prayer, "For
thine is the kingdom, the power of d
the glory &e. " which is omitted in tl..e
new revision. He courpared.the bettuti;
fel, lilies in the garden, to the genuine
Christian, and nob -the robe of the Epis-
copacy or prelacy; wliich was lake the
whited sapelcrt)" He then -gave a 'beauti-
eautiful anecdote of Mr. 'Wesltsy's.-dream •
when he knocked at the 'door of per-
dition and asked was there:Methodists,.
Baptists, Presbyterians,. Ronian Gatle
olics there the answer; was yes, wheil
repeating the same location at the gate.
of thvClystral City the answer was no.
there was no. one there but Christians.
l to closed his Most elegant discourse •
by referring to the three Gardens men -
tiered in holy Writ, the 'Garden of'.
Eden,. the Garden of Gethsoniaue,und
.Joseph's Garden where the Great Re-
deemer of mankind suffrired and was
buried. Ile spokeone hour and twenty
minutes anis was. listened to: with the
moot devout, atteutiou.-
; ilauaiierbiil: •
The, ebl egtiirs for 1issio iaries'.anct
Bible. Societicei are now making• their
rounds:'. '.
• We aro pleased to learn .that Mr.
Whitley,' who has been ill for the last
few:weeks, is again able to be•eat,
Mr. Jenkins, . of Base Line, lost a
valuable '•Cow , lash week. Cause of
death unknoWre This is,the second lti
this• .vicinity, that . has died suddenly
during` the- last' few weeks.: She • was
in good condition and shot'ved no -signs
of :sickness 'w1henlast seen, about twt+
scours before she was foul d dead,.
' 'Tete first do, sates of socials, to air,
in -the erection of ti,- shed in conneetioi
Awful. Ste Stephen's Chuiolr',(Episcopal)
here, was held at .• the•' resides pp of Mr:
Henry Murphy, .of -the 16th coli., Gtele
tick Towiisiiip, on. the evening ofTues-
day;.15th inst,:The ",crowd " was riot
very large, owing to bad roads, but all
enjoyed thearselres, "'she ' st-ening:.lieing
spent in singing, (.Prof. Salter, of Olin -
ton, ' being preseut)j••and social games.
At the (lose a collection was ,taken up
and it considerable -sum realized.
,•Mr. McPherson, tailor, 0f, this place,
is .about :to remove to Himself, for the
purpose of carrying on a business there,
• .'Dungannon is' the place .for 'lumber,
pisco and lieinlock.. - Mr, . Stewart , has
about two Hundred thousand filet- of
pine, and five•of hemlock flew for lum-
ber to beput during tho•sun7nler-
•• .Mr; •J, R..117.ill r; -T; P, tag: visited our
Public' school onthe 4th and rtli Met,
and expressed himself as well. satisfied.
with the working of thersoh'oel. About
evera3g pupils were proiuoted into the sever-
l readers •
Dunganrton has' tiro honor of having
a store devoted to all. lciucls of 8011001.
books,: and t(:acherte Dung obtain any.
books which they flesh a on short notice.
The proprietor is Me. W. McArthur,
a person in whow ftil confidence can be.
placed, and wlto.will. spare 110 eflbrts to
suit customers to° the best' of his anility.
This place,isbeing drailted of about a
dozen ()flits Inhabitants, who have near-
ly allIpurchastd a team for to remove to
Dakota, the date fixed for their depar-
ture being the 22nd inst, We bespeak
'for them ,sa,;cafe• journey, and long .life
ttti.L SUCCeSs when there: .
WOOHtilitoN. TEtiCltl''its' A ..
.w,'o ;>ln. intoNa
The West Huron, Teachers' Associa-
tion met in -the Exeter scltocl hall on
Friday last, lith inst., at 10.30 a. ru.
The President, H. 1. Strang, being ab -
rt is place tilled set. , his pac_ was ably hilt by Air,
George Beard, sr. After routir a
Nash read an essay on " Reviews,"
which was followed by an interesting
discussion en that subject, The meet-
ing then adjourned .until 1.30 p, ur.
.After routine in the afternoon a short
discussion took place as. to the time of
bolding the Association sleeting in the
future, when it was resolved that they
be held as near the 1st October and lst
February as possible. Mr, Gregory
took up "Reading," illustrating his
nlethoi)'of teaching it by having a class
read. The subject was ably discussed
by the members present, Miss Taylor
took the subject of geography, exhibit-
ing her method of ' imparting instrue-
tions by questioning a class. Revs.
Messrs. Robinson and Gundy followed
with short addresses, which were , well
received. The subject of ".Memory"
was alloted to Mr: Connelly, who read
an excellent essay- on the question,.
which brought the afternoon session to
a close. A free entertainment was
given in the evening, Long before
the time for opening proceedings, every
available seat was filled, and when the
'• chair was taken by Rev, Mr. Webber;
there was no standing • room left, and
even the stairs wore crowded.half way
down to: the main .floor of the building,
thus showing thathe people of Exeter
and neighborhood fully appreciated a
good thing, • Many people were coni-
pelled, to turn away, enabled try' gain
admission, while the , more preserving
.climbed the railing and crowded• their
way: into the densly : packed -throng.-
Those who took' part in the program tie
were 11Ir. R. II: Collins,. teacher, Rod
gel•vi1Ie,- Mr, James Fyfe, Miss.. Jennie
Verity, Mr. Miller,. I. P. S. 'S.butb Hur-
on.r H. w. Hall, Mr. H. 0. Brew.er,.
Mr McCallum, Revs. E. J. Robinson.
and J: R: • Gundy,-, Miss L. Oak, and
Mr, B. S, O \ere: -'. `Mr, Collins "Maple
Leaf," was a'good •efioxt and, deserved
'The -applause it .received. Mr. • James
Fyfe read a Scottih'seleetion in excellent
style,• and. created considerable :amuee-.
nlent., Miss Jeanie Verity sang fiz
_sweet,tones_a.very pretty song,'ancl,Mr,
J: R Miller addresie(1' "tete.'-;aildienco.-
He refi,rred to, the advance there had
-been tuaae in teaching profession .dnr-:
ing the past:few years, - and' related
some of his ,experiences in connection
with hie whorl:: -After he had read•a
few "compositions" written by ''school'
childr(jnr' llossi'sr Collins and TIal1 sang•
a •duett-•.: iTiie NinUte Gun .at. Sea;'s,
M very: good':style, ;Though it Was, evi=.
cleat Mr:. Hall -vas • suffe•risg from a
'severe cold' in. the head,. .Mr...H. C..
Brest ei• read in hisusual good style,
a:selei tion from .,the Toronto 1'eiv 1)0-
titinrolt entitled "Jack Chiddy:" •R:ev:.
E." J, Robinson real a• little " case in
court," \Bich be .heel himself written,
•several years' before.; It was a ;skilful•
prO(iuf:t1011. . "111iss T,, Oak sang: very
(.ficeiv: "1'he Ring. My.11'iother Wore,":
' Itt•t 11r• GendydeliV'ered ashort ad-:
• t. ; u hires portrayed ' the • •life of -the
t.r as., it Was many years ago.
ti ,
mast fancied. We could see 'tears
ei ' • rei';, gentleman's', eyes, (and In
•..e : of nmeyof the older people)
:,'•.•••t'.•fiered ie pathetically to those
:,a I•rt (happy days never to• be 're-
velled:,The picture tieing true to .life,'
iv,i s
very touching.. Mr. McCYallem_
.read; -Hurts we never heard it read with
better effect) Tennyson's ct .Northern
Fur mer"-ue« style, when • the pro-
gramme wound : up with "':Shabby
Genteel," in costume, by B. O'Neil,
Ita was rapturously encoured,but tite
rules of the chairman were unchange-
able as: the laws, of the Merles and Per:
siairs, and- Mr. 'O'Neil, as well as the.
others accordingly failed to respond to
• the all. � Miss Ri.ttirii and r' :ate wer:
c asM
presided' at the piano. After singing
t' God Save 'tlie ..Queen,"' . the 'meeting
was- dispersed, -.
Saturday's meeting was taken up by
addresses from Mr. Beard :on "Promo.-
tion Iiixaminatiens," 1VIra rI E Huston'
MR. JOHN WtSEM4N, who for the last five years
has been in the employ of Mr. John Hodgins, has
been admitted a partner in firm of GEO. E.. PA Y
The business from this date will be carried on
under the name and style of Pay & Wiseman
/e thank the Publicfor the liberal eral sup ar ex,
tb support .
tendert to us in the past, and will use every endeav-
or to merit a continuance of the same in the future,
We are, d
,Yours. trU%ly,
13a V&- 14/EMANI
Dated.fil'arch -1st, 1$s1.
• Goderie Towns111p..
A number of families left this week
for Dakota and Manitoba.
Mr, J. McMillan lost a valuable cow
lost weak, ' It fell over a pile of rails
earl broke ita leg,
Mrs. W. Laithwaite, of the llth con.,
is seriously ill, • but good hopes aro en•
tertained for her recovery.
Mr. J. (Beacom lost a valauable horse
• last week. It ran away from. the soy •
who was' leading it to water, slipped,'
'fell -and broke his leg. •
On Monday last,. a grand sawing
match took place on the farm of. Mr.
1. Jolted Dempsey, 1lth . coria There was
a Targe number of competitors, and
good work wail. done. The cup was'
given to Messrs. Hart Vicks and W.
J. Demth
Dempsey, for. e quickest and most
'even work. •.
,NE, Wm,' Alexander; of Goderich
township,: intends• removing ' int, town
. in :a•few days. He has purchased- a lot
from Mr' Paisley, on Fulton' street;,
paying - $$125 • therefor, , and. intends-.
. building as •sooll-as.•-passible: - -
A new road is to -be built fr'otn Gocler
deli Torvnship`to Stanley,• to run along:
the 4th • aid 5th Concessions, This
.road will be: -ti good; means, of egress
.from Varna to Clinton, and has been
n1uc�hleieedeo b -y the people'of Stanley.
Tliteengineer'has been' over it, and we
uncl'erstanel••it isto 'be gavelled and.
graded: immediately.'
• HAcarAitli'S Pr: Ori ..•BALSA, 'is con
'• C A7 [ 1
posed of the Molt beeline baloauis and
;wins. The Balsams, which' eater' into
•its composition, were used by the na�
tives when America was first disco('er-
ed, and are combined with .other vege-
table. tonics,..so`blerlcl.ed together,- that.
it is a'specific for 'all•�af'ections of the
'"'threat: and lungs. ' Thousands of bottles
are used enntially,. 'wild it is considered
• one; of the standard'' prrepiauations' of
the d'ay*: '
HaeYardrs Pectoral•. Balsam a few'
•Apses• relieves ,the most distressing
cough„ .and a twenty-tive'cent bottle
has tined lintny a s'ufferel frog l Asthloa,
Bronchitis, Oreap,• Influenza, I-Toarse-'
�i els and .Soreue s of t'-re'Obost ' It is
gt'alyd specific • fpr all throat•end
lung complaints leading to` Consuuip
Cilll,')EtCii DIRECTORY.... •
Ca usnada Alothotiist.–,Services attIO.lr f' a. try. and
6.30' p. in, Sabbath School at'2.801t';ntl Ern D. 0.
• Su I0u,A;n„B D..+PASTOa..
Ca nada:Protbyterlan ;Services at 11 a.m. and 0.30
.p. ms .Sulibatl, School, 2:30 p. m. R1w. ALEX. STEW--
l'a8tor. - .
St. I'mils (Episcopal);--Sorvicos at 11. a. m arid'' 7
p. in. Sa0bath Behoof and Bible Class; 3•p m lint.
C. rt. MAtrrnswst Rector.
Bible Christina–Services at.10 S0 r .5r'.. strut 0.30''
p. ub 'Sabbath School, 2.30'p. nu Raw.' It. 'nouns,
'Pastor.• • . . . ,
Baptist .Church. ---Service at 0:30 p. ni.. Sabbath
School, 2.30.9. Iii. Rev: J. GitAv, Pastor.. , •
on ” Third . Grammer," and Inspector' 'L_ " i'
t . �• A p �. dr1LII\l''I®iIT:'9I:Illt11[LiCS..
Ali;llel' on "Seton(( t('utine.,"; Resole- ' (Corrected.•vvcry Thurslayafteecee.).
Wheat, fall pttr built.,..... - . • . sl pe' to . 1 0(1
tions were past tendering .thanks .to
those who had assisted at the ptllrlic
meeting. the: night previoue, and a com-
mittee'. was unpainted to investegat.e
the • "(loyal, (reader;" and; 'report . at
nela•t meeting, which will take place at
Goderich, about the lst of, Oct. next.
Tho --meeting adjourned at 1,30
Slelit%,Iledohait, . 1 (1J ;to 1.10 '
Fife, . • 1-10' to 1 15 .
(1at,, - 03.7 to •0 40 '
I1nrC0y,.• 0 di to 0 80'
Peas, - 0 (30 to . 0 65 .
Flour, = 0 00 :to 5,110
•Potables,' ..(r 80 to 0'35
Butter, - •0' 18 to 0 20
Egg , 0 14 . t0 , 0 14
him, - 10 00 toll 00
11100'), 5 50 to 060
Sliecpsli his,. . A 75 to' 1 :?i,
5 5'1 to i t 0
- 4 50 to r c0
3 on to 1 25
+. 7 00 10 7 '75 •
fleet, -
Gorrie. 'I'IClotntotlXr,
117.•r; J. 1V,CeGill anis daughter;.nf. this
in a few. weeks.
461i. iLet
.place' intend' taking a trip-to•Manitoba • "n
The roads are •almost • impassible, r'Ola'rii •ItAI.F LOT 5, con. 8, 5torvia,.lieroli
County, foe a tertn'of years,. as rutty be trteed
owing to the late t1lalPy and teams call on, With 65 ILONA etchers, se,of.whieh is free fit In
scarcely pas along; . • stumps, turd tho remainder' chopped'in8tha winter of
3870. (lite the prcinlies is a t.og'IIo»se 131x24, n»d a
Messrs.',. Barbar, W. Larlrlly', and acro Frnlun Baranl3tH:3». Poll sandy 1010,.. The faint
•Is co,rvrnfont 10 t1t Ilourlchhrir ton .01 ,Blyth, and
I. Haziar2l left stere this Morning fox 1 l lr Ai B R 11 f'
tit Mata,. app y to r, ''. ., .. , r
' ttiso to therli(la of t tc n waw. nr ppar-
Manitoba. .The intents going as- far
lii '1(1I`it4(1N' ItTTa'FFAIB
0 � '� 1 � Btlltri,.,L, et or toJOIIl't J L�iSIi St, Cntlflrinew
12 tl:i Orli. 50.11 -
Loom. 34,.
,pas Yoi1age La, rr
Notices of Births, Deaths arta Marriages in thts le,
partment inserted free of charge. IVe shall at tett
tunes be happy 0 receive such •notices from u r•d•
Gable ecurce. .
RIRIfilIS. . .
BAGLEY. –In Dungannon, on the 5t11 Inst., the wife
o 31'. George Bagley, of a son.
PARK S.–In Goderich, on the 14th inst„ the wife of.
31 Goo. Parkes,. of twins. -both sons.
JACKSON-RANCE. -At S0 Paul's Church, Clinton, .
On tho 10th inst., by the Rev. C. R. Matthews,
Wm. Jackson Esq., merchant; to Clete, older 1
daughter of the late Samuel Ranee, .all of Clinton.
TUFFIN ,11ITCAIELL.=1u Clinton, on the 12th List.
by the Rev.. )t. ',Phonies, 31r. Charles Tualn, to
Miss Mary •Slftotiell,. both of 1llbbcrt..•
JOIINSTON--COLE,–At the residence of the bedew
'father, Rosedale Cottage, Godcrieh Township on'
the llth dist., by the Rev: C. 1t. Matthews, Ili.
• Thos, D. Johnston, of Clinton, to Miss Eliza Colo
daughter of Mr, Chas. Colo.
31,11,4,111%-FAIRIIALL.–In Gateway hotel,..Bmor-
son, on rho 11th roar„, by the Roy. John Gre5a ay,
. of Crystal City, Mr. Luthor,Mt nning, of wryer,!
City, ie Miss Mary Fairhall late of Clinton Ont. :
TOMPA1.irS•-RADCLIGFM.–In 'Ethol, oft' the 9th
inst., byltev. Rusk, Ebenezbr Tompkins, to Ellen .
ItateiUle, all of Ethel, • .
➢luakisON-'CAB-tsTY.--At the nfalisti, llibhert, on
the 2ntlt inst:; tyq the Rev Peter. Scott,' Mr. Peter
' .3ierrlson, of ilibbert; to • Miss Sarah Christy, cf
SNELI�B ALSPQN.-On the 2nd inst,,: at the resi.
• donee of the bride's father, by the l;ev. • F. 31.
, 1Vbitloek, Mr. Charles Snell, of Caviler Dakota; `
U. S„ to bliss Sarah. Ann. Balsdon, of. Us'borne,
PIC1;ElRING–PEIrN1(''E.- In Exeter, on.'Piiesdity.,'
bla Lh 8thr tit Haw shat, s hotel
r k � by rho iter'
":lIr' G.itndy81e , onms Piclering,tolliee. 1py_,-.
•. Pernice,.-both lllvar�,.,1_752...
I)EATW4. .
• STEWAII.T,-:ln Bruenslsy, oh 'Atarns ¢the Alex, Stet'
• art, aged 2$ years.
,MORRISON.-In llettiilop; oh the9th inst., the;,wife
. of,31.r Matthow.MOrrison, .'
LOGG.--In Exeter., on •tho 5tif Iost, David Lugg, „
•aged 30 years. .•.
(1RIC,1f In•Tutker.m,tlt,,:on the 10th inst,; Lila•
both, Wirt'.uf Mr. Joseph •Crich, aged Os year's
FORSYTII,-1,1' Teckersmith, an the '11111 inst.,
Willianl••lbsyth„ eft 22 years.. •
ayAN,•. At her son'99rresidence; Barnhill lionso, far
low Co.,.itf the Slst great of her age, Ann relict of -
the i ite Riohaitl- Iiy;an, I sit•, and htst survl, ta,;. •
. *righter' of , the late Ret. C.' -e, niour,,l•icar t•f
'-Kilsowtn,, Co. ltosconnnon xnd•,gran(lutoti)UI' d
• ...Airs 11; Whitt, of this place -
'CASH ! ' CASH B •
Paid for;anyamount•of .
Cherru p ButternutL umber'
First• class–from✓ 1 toinches th1ck ' 1 in'edged
4 th ,,p u P, .
and butted.: Apply to : •
Q>fi' O i/EI111i e -
' Cllnton,•'lfarch 31'1881.. ' . Cabinet Simko,'
:..O•OSMA1�1 & .ODDS '
Are nett,. prepared to do all kinds of work in their
line. flaying put la a grain crusher, we are ith•0
;to do chopping at ahytilne end on the 4hortest"notin
Myth- no 17,:1880. 42•t0. •
rriiftSmlth Ita11Y.Af South hale Lot No 40, ctti, lt°r.•.
to'snship cif Eat Wawa,rosk, 40. acres. eloarttb'
lnuanee w011''tiu(b45ttl with gee* hard. toed.. 'incl, -
is oil the place a good dwelling hoUse,.ar frame haul .
chuleo variety of irhit The, place is two miles .511(111
Belgratte and'4{'from Winghant.. For particulars stet
the proprietor:on the place or 'rhos. Brandon; Ltl.
good :wol and peep, largo bearing' orehard with.
".TOE. Yl1G'leG • VELSWITII .N.”
ry nri; 5 Or'NG 11 ELSI1'3%AN le' olfoeerxlor sale ami
!1 can he seen on the prelhises of lvr1(WXIlr 1't.VMA1nit,
.Lot 21, lfitil coli„ GUderieh 'rolutrship,. or ;apply by
letter to R, d. x.111119, Clinton P (1 , 41st„ for tau het .
!Ares. The following 14 his Pt.db,rec :-•.The .Youu,,
lehman is it beautiful 1,e ,0n hay, is tu•o years n,il
the Ord of May next and Vile imported when 0 y0.r
from Rreekuocksh{re, South wales, 1 nglnnd, h}
Il. J. llihbs, 'Jhs i;ninlr. liWIltlnan wa-,f,+nt by tint
celebrated shay stalhore " Agrieulttirlst"whfeh.hone,
has taste t 14 ghat pttIes and ono second prize, and ws'
bred 1)V Stn, Bt(0geirater, Graft l'orthainel, Talgar.t,,.
" Agriculturist'' i1 it beautiful dark brown bay, stand
17 hands high. an short, good lenient' feet, and et
got by the telehrated "Bumper," lir*(1,11— thou
Prier, Eagw.of St. Aryans; sire "Crnckwag»nf' 1 4
158.4 by that matchless horse " Old' Creektt'agon.,' th.v
property of Afr, 13ond, t,f. Revels, near 11094 .o110,3
four old; 4611 guineas were lublicly nefereel for
him and refused. The Young Welshman. was .lit•d;f..
by Win. Price Erg„ of Bartbbaley, . I.ibentis, 11rech••
uoeksltire, tints'' is full brother to tho eelebntted "Blttek
1'rineo," which took the selotitl prize. a, n two yeah
old, at the lfoynl Agricultural Societe,. of: England, et
• X MICII,ester, in 1870; and also a first prleattt firma,
allowed by the first judges of the (lay to he one: -9
the finest dray etullt,nts ever seen in England. 'n.,
I uri'itt/ 11 elehri,an iv bait 1 1-111.ttir, • nt th0 brim's side,
to "I'ri , e Etlwaid,'^ the rrt,porty of ,1r. Protlicm -
Pantyexe, ('tyro, Radnorshire, and, 111_4 a two yee1- old
was sold on the 11181 of Marell 1.475, for 2b3.ytt:nein.
Young Wel. 4uia8'4dam, 'r•Polly,'' is a beat tiro(
brown h;3', stands 16'10(05. 7 hitches101,11, anilof
docile temper t she was got 1)); "Tramper, the 1 r(.•
perty of ,Lain) Smith, Est1,g Newt n, tree+ A, tinges
horse 1008 wrnne•,t of 11n.-5 prizu ata she, 13rtiulfuo, kid Ire
AAri(;ultend Shot*, 1815. I n111 tIOk ffrAV prizs LG'
(Recon as, a blood/ imam -18911, rad It so p:,a iwuartr:
B'elskindittook. fireterr&•as a stickling,.ss; the safu1L