HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 4r , , • • illiensliold Hints. WARN AND GAMMEN. Fig Pudding. --Six 4gs _chopped_ Suatz Tem.—Nurserymen usually after boiling them, three cups of bread crumbs, one-fourth pearl(' of suet,, one egg, one-fourth pound,of sugar, one lemon grate the rind'; one nutmeg gted;ra boil three hours in a tin mold orbag. ried lIer•Ping.—These. fish abound jnet now, and are very reasonable its price. Clean them and scale and dry in a towel. Take a' piece • of letter - paper, rub a little hot or cold batter on it, fold a herring in it, salt and peppeiN it, and broil.' Eat with a little lemon juicer. or. make a sauce with butter aud a Male vinegar, Mutton Kebbobed.—Take a loin of mutton; joint well; taloefollowing dress- itig and put betweetpeach joint Two tablespoonfuls chopped parsley, a little thyme, a nutmeg grated, a teacupful of bread cruinbs; mix well with b. twe egosbut no amount of skill can coax a tree roast one hour. If there is a large flee to the loin, some oithe dressing ma;.•to Hive and flourish which' is destitute • of these little fillers. The roots of be put in and skewered securely. describe trees on their catalogues as "srcond class,"•"needium," "first-class," and "extra." The difference in these classes is principally, if not wholly in the size and height ef•the trees; and as most farmers desire the best, they sup- pose that the large "extra" trees merit that description, and hence order then The fact is,"Iairever, that a small tree will grow faster and (if a fruit Vas} come into.. bearing condition sooner than a lat'ge one; and, as the New Eng- land HonWstead states, in half a dozen years the tree that was small when& planted will be larger. and finer %an the other. The larger' the tree- the larger the roots whiclo•it.bas, and the 'larger the roots the ring' fibers there will beupon them. A tree, that has plenty of fibrous rootq will grow rapidly if proper care is used in transportation; large trees are always more or less Oat Meal awl. Beef 21ea..1 Lind thi.s 'mutilated in the process of , taking up, quite useful to give strength to Weak while small, treer sustain little- injut y patients; take two tablespoonfals. of from this souree. Dealers in. trees a., s fine oat meal tied make it Coctcoldly sert that experienced : men buy strain, smooth in two tablespoonfnl thrifty trees, while those Who. ere ju:t watea ; pour into,this a pint of strong starting are anxious for the large to be beef tea ; boil it eight initiates ;•keep i had. Those who are to set trees the stirring all the time ; it should be very ! coming season .will •do Well to learn smooth ; if-hruipy pass through a seRe. ; from the experience of those who, at Roast 042ose.—Make a stuffing of ' considerable loss to themselves, ave bread crumbs, onions and potatoes cut demonstrated that small trees,. ere the tine; season with pepper, salt, sage, and ones to buy: . . . . butter the size of an .egg; fill the goose • . . . . and tie down the wings ; roast. levo. WINTEM gRING D. Cows.—Every in hours and a half: Boil the liver cond telligent dairyniankknows that a cow in react and add to the. gravy, N'vliitth: good condition whcm.she,eotnes in, will Must be thickened with flour. Send td be•much mere profitable during the table .with apple sauce and masked milking season than if poor, The ten- potatoes. . dency of agood.cow is to turn all ..the totted Chick.—This is an a.greeL food she cau.spare into' milk. If she able relish, and makes a pie sant luneli be in :fine condition on coming in,.. this eon when travelling. Take . a roast. Oxtra.weight of flesh will be drawn elf fowl and can:60ff all the meat. Take in. milk.. during, the, coining season.. tug slices of cold ham and chop it with :When he is putting weight, upon. his chieken ; add to this one quarter pound .cews.dering the wintei, he is certainly .. . 11, ATR NIZE HOME AND sonsaxtip POR -IE HURON IT IS Grand CLEAR' \le SLL64.,1_1 S.' MORLEY'S CHEAP STORE ' (Carson's Blocli.) Great Inducements in '111:"VT Splendid SuitU from 040.00 Upwards.. CORD Boots and Shoes, RE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES., .-, Come one, come all and secure BARGAINS! S.. 1VIORLEY:. A Household Word ! Only $1,25 a Year, in -Advance, T.- Cooper's GROCERY of the best butter ; add salt and popper -producing mdk as when he feeds dur- AND IS ALL PRINTED AT HOME. to taste ; now pound this all toeethering Vacation. 'This etre ..fiesh repre- • ' • Has become a Household WOrd. as the 13EST and ciigit.PEST plitee for. • Groemtiee, , • • . • Feed; . Crocadrg, • ,.Glasswarer. to a paste ; put the mixture hi a jam. seas so niucli milk, and may be safely ' • _ covgr q1(384Y;.. _WilLkeep..in Cti:1911.140...at.S.;POP.11(.1 4:124,fat•c•verY- 7Ciir IR, T. •S1ECIAI.JTY.'1N. Roast arkeg.--Washdry and •:tuff ,.besides this -deposit of milk in•the body . • • l'. s _ with.•_.su..bleatto..futizre:Artift,. shewi.11 be_ able... . dresaing. of dry...breasoak- • erd in water,.pressedont and mixedrwith to apply more of%lie•food she eats , di- • • S: salt, pepper, thyme, butter and an egg; ring the easonto the .production of milk. If' she is poor when'she. :wink sew up the turkey snugly, and p.ut in a . m, .then the innst •apply. Her' • pan with a little water; roast slowly,. Wants'some of .thee food '''that •-reight. allowing thre hours for a ten 'pound turkey ; 'when commencing to brown, othersidse. go to the'production Of ••• r rub over with a little butter to keep the But care must be taken not to giro il giblets in tee Mueli Corn Mea.r or . • skin from hliatering ; "tio fOod'while she is dily,..f6r May put wathr, chop tine ana put in gravy, ber :system intesuch feverisir-condi- Sauced Iferrringsp--,Plade. tibn as.to cause milk fever afterconiing - rings side by side itt•a pie- dish, With Tholesbof cere should.' be • taken. slices of onion and bay leaf, 4/11(1 •som6. ciPeows while dry. • • -• salt and whole pepper'; mix half and half of vinegar and ale; and pour as • •Tne Coifixo Sn1j0,-,..--We are threat ,.. much of the mixture over the fish as ened with e'new."boom" in regard .to !..• the dish' will hold. Put the dish into .sheep Booms are dangerous 'things: i a pretty hot oven for about 20 miantes, • SPinetiMea, Men is knocked overboard i.. but as they get soaked up Pour over booint: . This habit of • the- eommOn • . ,. . . • . . . , • • . ' Large. eirbulation Viking care. never to let the fish get dry, and lestIliy. the swinging of .0., reckless :.. the remainder of the vinegar. and ale.. boom of swinging back and forth Viol- - . : - • • • ' - .. lierve cold. - - eptly have .sugg,resOdthe name for . .. • : ' . . . Boiled pigls,fiet.—Take the fore feet; this now common . popular excitement; '•• ' • eut off the hock, clean and serape them which' is very.irregular,.swift and foroi: well; place two feet together and roll blb..while it lasts,and' whieli brings them up tightly in coMmon musiiii.:tie Many men teg,rief.: -Sheep are always. or sew them so they will keep in pe;fect booming:backend forth. 'Within a few slrape,and boil them seven hours On -a 'yeere we have liatl'atmerino boom; then' • moderate tire—they will‘ be ..yery •soft ; ,came the Cotswold aid -Leicester; then lift them out carefully and •let them the Liticeln; then surged tip3lie.Oxford cool off then remove the Muslin and you ..Downs and the liropshires, and now .„ • will find them like jelly. Serve with the Hampshit•es are•the 'tanning sheep. vinegar or split them and roll' ii bread These booms are. deviceof the sPecu crumbs or cracker dust, and fry or boil haws and dealers who are on the make them. Serve with a little tart sauce asone m4;11 t say. Parrners ' who are . .. - deltic, well should let well enough alene. To Scow Zliw.—lioutikeepers . Will She- 'Do -are profitable stock when well • 'find that zinc .may be scoured . withkept"." They' will pay ' 50. perCeni. per • . great economy of time and strength.by • anunitrouid this shonld satisfy their . • ". ' using either glyeerine or cresote. mixed 'Owner:. But there areatodern •jasons with a little diluted sulphuric acid. • *who•arein searoli of 'geld fleece,. and .. • To Prevent Moths. --You will not 'Some .ofvtlfeni inthe end' ewe to grief, lie trouble(' with earpetaiMtlis, if you. 'es•Olil jitsoti did; althont41 they might• scrub your fi-ors with hot* brine before :happen to find.the objet of their search. • tacking the carpet down, and Once a.. But most .of • the ..modern 'searchers • fait ' week scrub your carpets with coarse. •to titid.what they, are looking for. The . • salt. , . . whole' fable 'of the dog who lost hid:, To Wash. Velreteen.—Wash in. cold bone by grabbing •arterthe. Shadow in . . water and do not Wring ; but shake. the Water may well apply to. this • liusi- . . thoroughly,spread on the line as much ness of contineally changing sheen.— • • • ' • • ... , .• Cnt , e .. . . . . .• .., 7; 7"- ' 7 ' . - ..... . ' -7 . • :7-' !WM' Cash paid for Egg % . Perm, .rro- . — duce taken m exchange. - ,. .... . . . • ' .. * ... ' ' .1 -1 • lilos,- cooripc, • cool place ten day.s, • . poundfoi extra tfleSh puts'Ott ; •and,'... • • . • ONE -OF THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE COUNTY., • N. rr • Low Rates • • GO TSO THE.. 'Corner Albert and •Rattenbuty. StS., - CLINTON 01471'. Great • . • STOVE PIPES, cgc. Reduced ',*rices FOR ONE TH. ]OR OUR Now is the time to 'secure. ' G INS • Order td veduce, our stook and make room • ' for other goOds, we have dehided to sell at from NEW TYPE GOOD WORK WI possible ; when partially dry take 11" 17' -71f111418; 7 • down and shake again: .• . •• ..• . • . . , . • . . . Wash for the- Ilair. —In a pint bottle: ,.• .„studieil. improve youdi .and tiouiii.t . . • pnt n, spoonful of olive oil and.add•twoold age.; they are the or' aments of pros- ounces of best!, spirits ..of ammonia or ,perity, and the solace, and .refuge ofad-t.. hartshorn ; shake ; then:Mix with throe versify; they are deleetable at home, and . ounces of alcohol, and when thoroughly useful td31,13tuji die.y gladden us at uight, mixed fill Ow bottle with Eoft water. • and are.our. profitable coiripa.uiens- by ' ltemenber to put in the order !tamed or day ... , . you will have -"stuff," and no chemical nnimt at all. • To apply, take ,a sp.on- lia(nr.kati's PIaAr. B.141,84'4. is coin-. ful Cr' two • of this, with a little warm posed Of the most leafing balsams rind water, dip a. sponge or rag in and wet gums. Tim Balsams,: which enter, into the scalp thoroughly ; now rinse' off in its composition.,were used by • the litt- plenty of warm we.ter; and yotrwill be tives whci America was firFt, discover. surprised at the smount of dirt, thbugh ed, and ate 'combined with other yelp - you may have thought your head per- ta.blelonics, so blended tof.,ether, that fectly clean. For the heads of young it is a specific for all aircetions of tho 'infants it is just the thing, as it instant- throat and lungs. Thousands of bottles ly removes the dirty scurf without are used annually, and it iS considered Mn or trouble. tt should be rather one. of the standard prepay of weaken for.a.baue thanlor aaidult, the • - AND • • ‘F,MA$ONA • 1". LE PMCES., • V=00c)3D-Y-, Editor ariaProprietor; 10 t1.5 Per 0001: Less Than Ustial Priaes, FOR,ONE MONTWONLY • . • • . - Lamps, &c.,. EY VERY: LOW. SS.. C)" Blest To. 1 Coat K.( Siker S'i+r' brand) • 4125 yenta pier iintirtrfr geom. An& Intprtal Ntloto. ' .• • and Cats • HAARL Nt.) • BROSal: Sign of the Padlock, Ilrick ANA3ERT dt,:i • CLINTON.-