HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 3IHURON, RECORD. CL.UNTO , FRIDAY, MARC$ 18T1t, 1881, TO .OUR PATRONS, As we mentioned in last week's issue, and as our readers will no.doubt notice, we have made a very important change in our paper this week, by printing it all at home and doing away with the patent " inside." For some time past—in fact, since we open- ed out in Clinton—we had not room for our news and were compelled to issue supplements every week, but having made the change mentioned, we shall be hereafter able to issue aomuch neater and more interesting paper than we have done heretofore. .Having Correspondents in all parts of the County, we shall spare no pains to make Tui RECORD the leading local newspaper, and we ask the .co -opera- tion of our friends in the work. Let each subscriber send us in one or two names if possible. Our subscription price is supposed to be payable in ad- vane, yet only a few are paid 'up. Send in your subscription, and also a dollar and a quarter fol, your neighbor. It isa, small matter,, no daubs, but four or five hundred will sooncount up, and will greatly:. aid us in, our. work. . In our Jobbing Department, we bavo every facility for doing good • work, at close rates. - AMENI HEST OF. THE SCOTT . ACT: . • •Senator Almon last week introduced an amendment_to the Scott Act,' which will no doubt-ruuso-con-siderable-oppe-, sition from thetemperance advocates of Canada. The amendment provides that. ale, porter, lager beer, and light wines,. -containing not more than ten per. cent. of alcohol, be •excempted fhom the op= orations of the ScottAct. •Theaniehd- went has beetearried.in tie senate; and will likely pass. in- the • CoIninoas. No doubt at,first thought, a gee ttaiar ;y will'offer opposition to:this atiiendnent, but we consider it a practical stop in the right direction. . If the Scott .Act were in existence in any county, it would be utterly -im- possible to immediately prohibit •the. use of liquor front all' in ;the habit of using it; some means would be devised, by vvhicb it could be -sup.- plied, and in this •way the Jaw 'would become, in all • probability a failure.; Now.,if the light and moderate drinks were excepted from the act, as • propos- ed by this amendment, tiiose .persons in the habit. of using liquors would not be so strongly tempted to smuggle the liquors prohibited, but would resort to and Ilse the lighter beverages not pre- hibited, and in this way, would •soon break themselves off the ]rabic of using the stronger drinks, and triton ,theni- selves in time on total • prohibitation,' which must be done before the country will submit, We think that after care ful consideration the temperance people. of this Dominion -aught to .feel:•satisfiod' with the amendment .-of Senator. Al, mon. • .Facer recentaccountsgiven by some of the western papers, and especially in disc.haiging cargoes,.and other speer that well conducted. paper,;tlre London : a1 , facilities •iii both countries. The 1',ee Press, it appears that the Indians drreet tracbe of Oanaclu ,with Pirted a of the Sarnia Reserve, are • in 'a most "1879'vas;••-1 l pertkY.vah s $1, 6,817) ahplorable condition,:. at tli'o :present exports;•$4,24,2,112,. • TheIntc'rcolonial. time. The agitation has called •for au and Proud 'i'utinit 'leave agreed to give investigation, and we hope the -Govern- . 21 PASA'**:14, Y QaF+C.I+MF • - + • nd SIR Charles 'Tupper,on account of ill health, has gone for a three months sojourn in France. .cm• Mas.clroater, 'ng on the, Grit ticket in Ett Northumberland vice Mr; McCallum, resigned. The Brighton Etitsipn says that " he is a Christian man."' That he is a man can-, not he very well denied. That he is a Christian is very probable, as Nrrth- utnberlaud county is inhabited by Christians, tinct- it would_ hardly be, po- lite to run a hethen for Parliament down there. There can be no objection to the gentleman's religion, but. his politics are not sound. THE Nominations for the vacant seat in the Dominion House for Pari boo were held on Saturday last. There are four Candidates, all Conservative, the election being a personal issue— not a political one. Voting is on the 1st of April. THE Government's effortsto secure emigration from Ireland to Canada are attracting attention, and appear in a fair way to bring forth good fruit. Advices from . the land of trouble state that during the present year there can scarcely be a doubt the emigration of Irish families to Canada will probably be, greater than it ever has been. Our correspondent asserts that the report of the tenant farmers who visited 'Can- ada in •1879 and 1880, which have been widely circulated, are doing much good, and creating considerable interest among the class with whom they are likely.to• have tt.e most iitfiuence. - Mr, Blake's mad career in the House -of`-Commons, and his continual abuse of the Government is not even approv- ed by ,his own foliewers. Hear . what the Montreal WVitness •.(Grit) says Mr. Blake took' a very' geestionable position the other day when, ho re- proached the Government with having' mussed. the Irish, relief grant, by per witting itto. go into funds for the tom plonion.of ,public works. ' 'O•f all the Ways of administering relief, perhaps the most mischievous acid .humbling to the recipients is that of direst aims - giving. ..Vastly better for the 'man.iiiy. toiler that he should be enable to .earn, tvhat he tteecls Shan'that he should 'be fed with a poor house spoon.: • What if we did contribute'to the building Of harbors ether public works' Is it not better • for Ireland to leave them tlian'not W'lhave ;them t. Rather ought - we to be thankful -if by the wise ad- ministration of this'fund we have been enabled to confera double benefit :on the island' dear to so many of us; first,. 'tosave ht..r;people•£rom starvation, and second, to leave her in possession of. the means. of future.prosperity reared by the hands of her own hardy.. sone: Of course the' jVitnsss 'is ;a. good author- ity, being as tt. is the principal. religious' daily,' in the Grit interest,. in Canada. • Tnn Canadian and l3razrlian Direct' 11Iail Steamship Company,. which has been formed with a capital,of $1,400,000 lrss for its Dirtietpr y -Sir ; Charles 1... Young, Vice -President of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, W. N. Hey gate, Director of the Canada Company and of the Grand Trunk Railway, Geo..Moflatt, Director of the Life Asso•. tiiation of: Scotland, T. G. Gillespie, late of Montreal; • and J. C. Fraser, Chair- man of the Liverpool Board of the. Thames and Mersey Insurance. Coni gamy: The netw cornpany is formed toes- tablish and work.a litre of steamers he, . tweed 'Canada and, brazil.. The Cana-' •dian suuinner port. will be Montreal, and the: winter .port Halifax. ' The steamers will call at St...Thomas, in the West Indies, and at Para,, Iaranham, Gears; Pernambucd,'Baitia,,ani Rio 'de Janeiro, in. Brazil. Tlie Conipaby will receive the joint subsidy. of $100,000 voted by the Canadian and Braiilian Parliaments, In addiion to • this the steamers are to be accorded freedom from 'anchorage and light dues, priority special facilities for• througli.traflieover mem may a •e fit to bring forward such their lines. Four steamers, of 2;'300 tons•' enactments as may be beneficial to the burden each, will ruin every nioitth be-: the two cot iidiaus. Their means. of stFliport in.tween litries,• The eoutract the: way of; hunting has; now become with the Canadian (Governwent•hy the exJiaustecl, and it is propesod that the' (jotnpanv'; or tho Trarisit'Associatioii as be taught fanning in all its branches, it was originally sestets i t forthree years,; RIO they be s,@eaclily trained to this pot• dating from May 1st,' 1'851, and there - cation, so that in st few yetis they after unless terminated by six months ,nay be alalo to support themselves., netiee, The contract with Brazilian The idea is a good one, and no doubt Government is for tea years, with `pre., will be favourably eutextained by the visions for suspension in the event of fti e.ve>s;n std , „kite Ciuradiau:c xt;ract beim t rw,iii ted,„ The Winnipeg Free Press,demands bet- ter terms for Manitoba. It says:—" We believe we should receive a subsidy. of $60,000 per annum, a per capita allow- ance of eighty cents until the census re- turns 400,000, five per cent. on our cap- ital account of $293,00Q and five per cent. interest for the commutation of the available land within the Province - estimated at $1 per ache. These de- mands are by no means ' excessive and' their concession would only place Manitoba'upoii a footing of some de- gree of equality with the other Pro- viucesof the Dominion. Pion the revenue statistics it would appear that in ten years from 1870 to 1880 the consumption of cigarettes in the United Statesincreased nearly thirty -fold. In 1870 tales were paid •on 13,881,417, while last year revenue was?eceived on 408,708,3'65. Physi- cians declare that the cigarrttes is the worst , form in which tobacco • can, be used.: That being the case, the enor- mous increase • shown here is greatly to 'be regretted. 'Perhaps an additional cluty;on cigarrottes and the paper used in . their manufacture would have a , wholesome effect.. The Port... Hope Z%'eivs warns young women against' accepting offers of situ-. . ations i>i the United 'States without a full kiowleage of the circumstances o£ '.the case, such offers aretoo often merely Maks'for pit 'zlug`fo `the lent- of the unwary. It declares that the nefarious trade is being plied in Toronto and Pert Hope as well as in Montreal; Were it ' not for the revelations recently made in: the courts•ef the latter city it would be impossible•tobelieve. human being's .cap- • able c'fsuclr depravity: No'punishment could. bo too :severe :for •the, promoters of such a traff`i. , . . • Mi. KEStgEDY has ,entered tho sloe ',tion contest of East . Northumberlancl. with energy.. On Saturday. eveniit , last, . he addressed a large number of .electors 'al Wooler; and -met witha most;.;eicttlinsiastie reception: `Ile was follow.ed,by Mr bee:irane in an able'. . speech,- and at' the: close Cheers were giver for 'the: Government and ;their candidate. Mr: Kennedy's pros]. vis for election are good,' and his frieiials • i l oul.d spare no pains to place ]rim at' the :head. Of the polls with a large ma- jority, , Then -test certain ,elections are sometimes• lost through over -confidence. Thorough: organization , i always neces- nary: A v interesting note. ou the structure of the : malleable metals when viewed under the: microscope: isp'uelished by Mr. J. Vincent,•Elsden.. He reduced the samples so that they were examined by tranamitted.liglit; 'The metals - fell into two classes—one grenular, of which:tin• might be regarded as -the type, and the,other fibrous,, like•silver and, gold. Tho granular metals had but little cohcsien,• end they seemed to consist of very suiall 'grants, , each fee - 1 lattl' front .its; neighbors. But the• fibrous metals look like halt matted anal interlaced.,' and belia:ved like plastic bodies.. ' WAiR;TED) A. ClOOn Oonerat Sravvant. Apply at once at tho- 1 i tieetory, to • nrli , iltA t i l;ws µ W CARD; Of• Tti enhmM9her hogs to return itis stnenre theme, to tin, molly friends who willingly rendered as. sistanee le reuwvleg his goods /rote his store, on the liwt,iing of the lata etre. ' . fi. A..5.VAXS.• . eilleoa, Atnrsli 1P, 1651. FCR• SALE. ?11*U' ltfottotot, Personage, a commodious hrtelt tuildlue, It. offered for salt/, Price muderateaud ems of payment easy. Enquire on the prenildod, or of Messrs.John Jackson and A. 8..k'isher. I . C,lint tat March 1t11 1.841,. 'ALWAYS 4 . A 0 GRAIB, MA� Have received ilus. week. hie Cases New Cambrio Prints • The Most Beautiful Lot of Prints ever Shawn by them in the Tounn of Clinton. ' o.— cotc Opened Out This tray., ET':. We are perparecl to makeup to order, .Gen - demo's, and. Youth's: Clothing, AT CLOSE PRICES: U -,GOODS ARRA:I"'-h raib Macwhirter a Company CLI NITON,. -. ONTARIO.. :j4.0.kgQ.N'S c Victoria Block, 1•'N T' O t• A WOOL ' STOCK Is one of the MOST CO.i IPL TE and varied ins Ontario, ante everybody ordering a suit should see our immeInse range of ' ENGLISH' Worsted'Suitings, Or SCOTCH'S; IRISH Tweed Suiting, CANADIAN, Tweed Suitingg, far• IMPORTED Serge Suitings,. IN EVERY .GRADE. APID FRICEw EA_ C ColAtT We aro still showing;: a• big stook of ens' and Boy's Overcoat which will be elearedi,out at a, BIG REDUCTION TI. OMAS JACKSON, b:' . "Noted". Cloth/bro.