HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 2ORE EON • OTI 14.r► f t$$INATI[ON ANOTHER. 1 11FFALO TI4A•OEDX. --James Reid, of Hariock,, sold to vie L7z it ok' RUSSIA AT ;.'IST J. VIC= TERRIRI+F EZPLO8IOK IIf 4 it9IEER 'TEST - :ii:. Dunlap, et two year old volt for OF TUE NII;ILIsTs. • 1NO STI9P—ALINN1t PERSONS KILLED ANI) the stun al $146. As the Emperor was,;returning from WOUNDED* -'TIDE BUILDIIta COALPLETE- --„Special services arebeim carried parade in the Michael Palace, about tee LEVBLLED TO TILE (AROUND. .on in the C. M. Church,, xeter,, with two o'clock Ott a r a � Buffalo, N. Y.,March 11.—At ten good results. bomb was thrown ;which exploded un- minutesfpast four oareh 1. ttthaen "—Mr. R. Blatchford, of Mensal,, has der the Czar? s carriage, which wasp colt- tants s hs cityin vicinitythof Don- bi- ,ing his property, and intends renov- 'siderably daretiged. The Czar alighted tants S e ctiu the hop on ,ing to Manitoba, unhurt, but a second bomb exploded aldIndia street were suddenly startled by —Mr. George May, Chiselhurst, has ee bis. feet shattering both legs. below a terrible street, like n earthquake, sold bis farce `a£ 50 acres, to 112*. N. the •,Atlee ;and nfi]+•ting .tauter terrible and thousands o£ people earth lately - McTaggart, for the handsome .sum of injuries. The Czar visas immediately I p conveyed unconscious to the Winter started in all directions, confuses, as. to $3000. Palace, where he died at 4.30last Sat- where the soseud came from. It was —Special meetings are beingheld ,urday afternoon. Two persons are discovered ,that the large buildings Oc- ie Bethel B. C. Church, nearenmil-i +concerned in the crime, one of whom cupiecl by Donaldson +Patterson on .ler, Rev. T. Broad, gfitbe circuit presid- was seized immediately. The •explosion , .India street were completeluy levelled to ing. , .also kilted :au officer and two Cossacks , 'the ground by .a frightful ectpl®cion of --Mr. J. O. Stewarrtr, of c�wltford, l ,and many policemen and other persons a gigantic boiler. The wreck.was court- pdete, and many of the buildings ;tear had been, crushed into, by the flying clebrr•ia. For a while it seemed as if Ithe people) were too excited to do ally ug, E Study afternoon 4 has sold a fine two year ,old stallion to; were injured, .0x Mr. Lasbam, of the Union Hotel, for: I1ltISll NEWS. ;$359. • —Peter • James and Alexander 'Stewart, of Brussels, started for Da- A:tlthe meeting of the League yester- . and the by -way and thoroughfares ad - to trytheir day, a resolution was ,adopted "that. Joining were beteg choked by the fast tuna last Wednesday, . o P increasing crowd. Hundreds of labour• - tune in the went, whereas a genual union is taking_ lace' ors attd irou-workers. from Tifft's few - was Janes. Vercoe, of Seaforth, between Protestants and Catholics. in dries and• other eery from rushed granted a diploma, at•lthe last ex--Ulsterineltecense of the League; there-:' into nand. othe;,aesda lisp to pull away amination at the • Michigan Medical fore we earnestly appeal. to the Catholics - .the of •fs#llett began &a to ay of Ulster to hold.119 *demonstrations on ' • ' College. St, Patrick's day in order to prevent re- those who might be injured or dead. —Mr. A. year Smith,f of llien, has. sang, ligious.discord.". Mr. Dilldn said the Suddenly therectvas a cry of discovery his three year old stalfitan, Young n of county Derry had aleady' con- Bank of • Iknglarld, to Jas. ,�. Fraser, ,me . ' A$.h}VPUL. ekcarr, for the sum of $300. witted to abando1l their procession... A k d s etch sa s •-.1,.bout twen . Imtner}tately across the street from the or —The contract for the 'erection of ty-eight arrests have been made in tills boiler-sit°p, two bodies wore found' that, of the explosion released the horses of •the new Orange Hall, at 0rai;ge Hill, vicinity, thers are A cmadet. It is liacl.lzeen blown entirely through a the steamer Perry, and they rushed llowick, has been let to Messrs. Jim. wooden shed and torn into a terrible, ell moll to theirpositions through .the stated that the risoners will be trans- • P g' Wiggins and Jas. giver, for $296. n P mass of mangled •flesh. ..One portion fireuaen sitting around the house, who 111*. T. Ashford,of Cbiselhurst erred to . English prisons. , A. Dublin was discovered 'to be the remains of ,. Gloss serve front + despatch says ; fifteen' acl(litional were stunnoil by fhb s)aoe and could. kin, to $1•uu has sold his cottage to 1Vlx, lSichnel�, arrests ate re ortecl totltecon§tabtllary Robert Patterson. For ;a time it .was not fora iiioment. leave their seats, Cete,yGraates prior to going to ikota, where helms. here. le pr ortedn are on the ry - to tl o.unlit .by file excited people that the T1 • I corpses east roneairts were sent to Frust Butyls, :c,tt, taken up a farm.• ICiluiainhalu prison. They belong ,p• rin o.I.hat body so cruelly torn was that of the morgue at 5.15 e). in,, and .the'. in- ,•rend,, h'turtra —A most successful. revival "is ie cipally to•.tlte farming class, anti. .the bis partner, 11.1r.cD naldeo 1p that but it �vtred' taken to. the General Hospital. •Berttn,nfn,f,n,t progress in the 111ethorlist Church,„ chargee mains; them are almost exclus- subsequently the cries of Aho latter were Ireartrei)J= • 'd !„aiun i iii ire • i.akelet.' Rev. Mr. Savagepreaches 'to ,ivel. of;ititiueidation.or .exciting there- .William Gibson, .a.young betwc; boilermaker, egg. rhe engineer, ClyacsIv p,, ]ay 9n tors. large congregatigtes every evening. to. yTlie,arrestecl'persons 'iiuelucle eight w}tO.liVes O11 xa111I771TTb street get the. floor • of 1)oel.5 shop, 'rolling CnGenet Xnptem • =eSinew tatcin o ession of his new Lend• rreers, who -were t(elceit mat: Perry mid: - Fulton.. Several moue from side to side in• )nortel agony , till • GorterK, g P. boditps are supposed to be under thefroetterx, hotel in Manchester. •Mr. T, . Nicholson Ctirrick,ou-Shaiinon. 'Hahne n . sec- death relieved blot, and lie was. ren,o ii do ' (lebtt;+ and the men who • are pulling ed• While attention was .being 'givee - nit *sella 0, l t 1 rotary of'' Alto Drumeellener brenef laugh. 'There were hundreds) of women TO PUBLIC' about, and curiously enough most of them seemed to regard the whole bust TUEuntlersibmcdbtgstaannouncotot epeopleo( IteRs as a good. show, Said one of then Minton and durroundiug Toan,hi t)wt ►+o to t "Tl I~' felicity lin' prepared to do all kinds of to a reporter .-- )er s a t ly• in' there in the alley* stir, yr)u'd rLamiug a and Reps• nu swear he was a nigger, his face is burn- ed so black," and black indeed was the �'i' REASONABLE RATES. poor face, with the eyes burned, tlte, NUVin IjutIdIaags a SP•cie1aI YY mouth widened to an awful gash, and , __- . the nose crushed in, and the hair drip- ���•• ping with clotted blood. Some kind YY .E"l E. Graham, hand had covered the face with a quilt. CLINTON. TIM VICTIMS are Robert Patterson, bloenu across - India street through, a shed ; William .. Gibson, a caulker, blown across. the Clinton ,Marius Works, street through the street with Patter- son. Engineer Chadwick was -blown IUURON STREET CLINTON, across. the street.; John LansOield, ermaker,: lutes on Shun -may street; John ' W. H. COOPER, J r. Britz, boiltrntaker, lives at 36 Peck- ;etaa)utaeturer of and Bader in all hinds of barn street; a young man, short and Marble & Graiaite for Cemetery stout, •with buck mustache, apparently • 'Work, at tt;ctrsx, that dots competition. 28 years 9f age, clothes torn off, un- recognized.; a boy upper part of trank and head crushed, unrecognized; Bob; Maxzech. blacksmith,. 36 of I"erI ,,ani poses and CemeteryWork, rvhiclt must street, shoulder and aril bruised; Eric be seen t.n be eppreeinte+t-- Ml work Rupert; Erie street, ,bailermaker, leg wnrronted to glee satisfitetion. broken. ' Ceelo U. • Voltz's legs were blown off, -and he was removed to the • hospital. legless and shrieking in 'm 'mist OREp T • .excruciating pain:: • 1Vm. Gnoor's. right . . foot was swathed. The sheriff, cornu- `�..11earing. Sale -ere, and chief of • police '. and firemen ...- �i wore at the scene at .4.20. The shock 1.. Also Agent for the Celebrated AwrirI( r.1L Si» ie .tor Building pnr- -OF- has made extensive improvements and 5 ,; this hotel bids fair to be ono of the whielt has been netorieitt3 for •” Boycot- away' the ,tyres m y P to the slea(j•, dying sill, rvo•undc I. •AIrCHEA „ d be hottiff ed by the sight.of dead Donalasou appeal esl om the Scoot; and Most popular in the sou.. y b, d P comrade. 7 he firm ,of Danai(l5ou 4.".... tl tears streamu clown lus cheek 1 nio etitar l expect 'to seer o some c a _t tine tinge"' a. rocesti• server named'' toatemrotathe Hunt ]lave been aritt§tod.• wi i 'g . 3tacor, --While coupling cars at Wingham, ' Patterson made a specialty of testing tools his stand ill a Gazed manner itithe lir. J. Welsh, a brakesman oti.thri L. ' The Coercion Act 'is' hauling in its. boilers bysteam. Tyro pieces of.:the .. Le4�6! PS' •,victines from .:tdlo south and nvest,at.a. . centre of the ruins. Abgt• it.t}vq • hours II. R. had his right thuniti'so had- , boiler were • thrown eraslung througle', before the explosion he. went over .to sze3,c.'rur, b `1 ` C1 s ti factor• P ,• ly swashecl _that .it requixe4 amliu.. •trete whtclt must a Soule 'ofaihe Met the roof of .tile Wells elevator... The. Someryill's livery stable, on the :Terrac,+,, A'Full Assort- • to the authorities. , shod of the es ,Oslo;; Ayes felt as Fat mento Groceries, • tion. - . ' i•ii. ttt,.bi-Mr. 1+'Sister's•—yallu, e..•.explosion :.F and. w• tic,there When he ;.heard of • tt., k',Yc�tx,-.cr. littlesoli of AIr..Tohn Smith; p�ou t ei• g not.tlt as Y)roacitvtty. I11e e:(plosionb Theieformation;that he • recetttil . ap• . Coce•ef iesenznC —t. tyrants weredeprived fberty' `sour, vliile_a lar;e& boi']• er• • was ,icing. 'alled.him but_�vlieti'lic a' eared on • "t',. Zane rtrcca-. A de rives, of their •1 iva gotimalresr, of eafort}i, �hatd. Aire It is a roniarlrable fact that till arrests .tested. John Forest, a labourer ..1 e., P ' pP •ere;, splendid. ._1 ntisfort)nte to fall" down: stairs, and..have•beetr' e(I{cted sri far, without •any • ' b• thagrounds the sight that eget• hiy near b" and whose ltees°,was wreekecl 1 t 1 t feel hint. Z41 r,) '.;t reit i et y break his leg above file knee, one clay `.local disturbance and little excitement,' ' geze'a most •c es ►ac tit . Last week. �!1 e 1 t notable arrest is that'of the by:theexplesioe, sa fs l.heardfirst. ,yi�5t,otued as to theeatnse of.the exp o 1 most. len:, 11 09 . .. 1 -. • „ hissing ,scum, •' as i the stea n la seen he was only able to :say tlin,f atl. —Mr. Jos. Kidd, ' of . Dublin, has . celebrated +s'Scrab Nally, one,, of the • sprutrg a leak,' and thou a' low, heavy Old hoiler:of the tug, Mary' E. ,Pie'rce, • purchased," Stanley,", a large boat run defendants in the State triale; Who ryas i'umbling.as of en'undergroueicl explo WAR testd; antd .tltat .twenty-five. sting op Lake Erie, from• a t ri in. Port taken. at, his fathers house at Bala:; sion, and then his. house . was shaken :boilermakers were in the,1;U11C111Ig..' Stanley, and intends bringing ..her. to Mr. Nally recently _wept ,to.Londde, .froth foundation ftp roof, the windows , • (; cl ' 1 as soon as navigation be�=na:intending,to go to'th'e 4Yiane and j°in were driven ,111 eget ho was :thrown - • o eric t, .• e . •the Boers,. but he eha,nae lois mind,: veoleittl tartlae arcane,.. ',Whnti.ho ie 4 Colossal Blowier. - lllrs. Days; of. the Albion' Motel Y, o y A. W 1 ' and is now ensured. comfor•tiable guar= •COvoi ed the 'moil 'were carry.ei the Gerrie, tees for eighteen months ',Mose .who f Peitz to } t wooclsleecl P, } reaolied hublin' up to seven .o'clock. were lYl:artin U.'1dallerlran,. presicieiit of 1e ouo t , y + breech, who lives un Mr lolnn)g ;Ouse,. sas ° When conducted to.that o£- in spite c , stir,• Joseph a ton, ofa t toavn; near thefirst sound silo: heard was a }sus§%ng, , cc. after a rveet's illness. (;laremorris, charges:} with inciting the then cause a roar 'and their house was fieer.a desk he' 'began.. .I want the .' —A young .rnan by .11116 name of mob to attack., a police 'hut.;• Patrick coverer} ivith "- flying titnbei;. which .favor of a pass to Buffalo.*' Can't• - John Chapman, residing •on the. 2nd •1Ceer>�,ey,, a farmer of Turlongincire, ancl' emaeliesl every. window ;otic, shattered :;'ave it;. was the prompt reply, :`"1:°:1'c' ;, .ao;ntarni i„e rtitrons and friends 'that eta is con. of Tuckersmith, while hauling lugs,. P,ate•,tul,,-Ii'ury,,president of the .r&iivagh- ...the emcee, ...en `Ti.fft''s boiler shop,. sep ,pester,; that answer,and am prepared for the chain, with which he had the. logs• down - Leagde, county: dlahn ay • ...You.); Prated front the wroekecl 'remises by a : it.. 1 did not ,egme here. with 3a tale of • bound on the sleigh brol ,'aiird :one bf prisoners eaule iii froni,cpurity L,eitrinr; humble beer- house,., kept by Jahn' Bag- 'Woe, 1 haute not been robbed. "No? , ��• ;/ the logs rolled oyer the young •man,..• all •charges,. with taking part in a: riot .ley;, the sky -lights -were blown • in anti.. "Nate, rob. 1 diel not lose illy money breaking one his:legs.above .the knee. ous assembly. .They .ate, Ckas. Nei•, every Window demolished, blit no • one on.the street: Iain notobligecl,to rash'•suis= son farmer, of 1)rumshire•; Mettliety . ,t: • .All mincer. that there •weee home to sec. my wife rhe.:' X am not ti . } rie cli3d ver suddenly on .. c. ne5� +: °' He leeked a'bitheed ti but he had day of last week. She 'had.ceu h.t'a' holy o �`Jolet ei z in is ,• g Britt was urolten,.l,lackgned, bleeding.• w'alkeanttifa o e office address;.lis he severe obis,, which developed itself itlto. and feeble' meanie 1:,,,: Miss Fcntoiu; walled i�ato Alto ofl}ee of a railroad rue: erysipelas of so serious a ptature, .that •t! L til reg count Gahvay, branch 1 1 d nine tit est and ashes, •for the superin- t of all inelical aid' she expired D 1 1C 1 n ndeut r:t-start iia, 0.1 • Z 0 •�I c) reO :.!8.:TREWiN; We are pleased. to observe that + eras ut ourfriend,'l'Ir. W. C:. Reline, .qf Mor• Melley, fariner, of Drumkeiran •; Pat' • TRO DISTI\'C.T $IIO("Ica, Conanmptive,, who 1S t flXlOUS tO get'I)ome , rick•Mc:M;inn,5, farmer, of .Dt;iitnsliaue-• ° >- and' die among. .his friends. All these • ris .was successful in winning the first • bo • Zetel J ..ltle.Morrow nationtel'school- separated by a brief interval. :4n old, 'piens are old.",. 44 yes,. Ivory.' old• erect prize for public spsaking, awarded .u" +ail, .. 1C 1 e Gent and Michael I'lyun wore brought eel from her, said elle was pans• t - ssey., front Castle .island P. ). Pl(mwp..•elel sat• .sonic: thing. y :across On Whit grounds 1" "Title mot'nitig I week, u little boy of George Hilton, of .Kenny, • free, seallynutcadam, Kerry, India street aurid a Shower, of timber• saves, the Iulfe:of n passenger on ono of tloderich, etas run over by a load of. and another front.' Ooley,. enmity Lin:. She probably rand the hacliesof•.the un .your ttarisfer ,loans, Ile lyes a bis, wood, probably while trying_ to hang erick._ '1:tr ad lition to.the.se two arrests. happy Proprietor Patterson ctnd Willie recd -whiskered ratan mimed Clark. Had. on . - -.--- the r are re • r tee from ,Cartloe -count • •G ••ilbson (tile latter.. e hanilsonie .'yoiing :' liegene overbr?arcl, It would ,love coat, le assecl over 1)is tlrinh crushing " Po 10 iven. Thele 'Scotehman) .:being Mown' aceess••1.116 "' 1)a's. 50 00tosettletliecI ii' "; • the Looe until the ends }:i° aie aFso three ;note arrests an c0utity o Clerk 1 .Big man with reel whiekers4• almost; through the skin.' The little ''L•tuwrick. 'None of the prisoncsrtt so. the tbed.nilioining� Deek Bros.' brass .retched •mine, you tunes' not .whai, .sufferer has shown the most remarkable .far has ever aegitir(�d snore than a local work.*. Patttersot► s bo(ly eoul(1 pot.ypu cli<i 1 That's the coati 'v -ho lues a1= fortitude ever sfuce, and makes' 110 • . reputation, eXcept 13oyton, Walsh acidi beer; been worse mengled lied he been.yearly goat a claim of : 20,000 against us coumplaint:es• . Nally. J he . last. named .gentlemen, In ai powder explosion. • He was a Mass"`• for breaking ills leg, : If you had' only _ -. • - -- -- . whose .. speeohee, were notorious for ' of • torn .flesh, • 'entrails, brains; hair, let him go overboard the . colticl have A gang of• fifty shauty ;nen;, *lie .their rocotnutetldation to give'latidlo •ds 'bleed, and blacicened 'clothing.. • His, "'pills," fiend and•hie boots lay.ie e . confeeee settled a ithehis heir§ for. less, than a have arrived in Quebec. from:Petsrboro, pills, •1scout}y •,tad his' photogieplt natter f'the amount. Go out --go report that lumberingis suspended , in taken standing •beside a ditch with his Heise, en. • awful wreck of maalioocl. • q: - o' of Cdistrict for the sea ou •ow:inry rifle in' hand arid pile rif cartricl" s at W1llte,C•ihson lay on a heap of snow• ,away„ Pott Have.taken its byy r the latter . , , .a r .�' clollttrs out of; our rockets your; to the iack of snow in the bush. • iii, feet:. The picture 'was labelled further•inside.the site(,, Ile. was not lneciiiiesom'e act." 'I he beat vat lreil. Ilagyard's. Pectoral. Balsetu •; a fete ' '' Nall 's Pills•ttlike Patterson, nearly eo left led, • nor had out without a Work but a5 be reached ter o£'i•thought 1 was the best liaron..the At- • '1Vlty liecouie ap suffc t iiig `martyr to the crushed planking. ,antic coast, but l might as well hang B 13 '' s lad whose nave could not be extract- • University U 11• e Lite• * d master, .from Pewee, • DI' ] a 1 .G" b y thin ' ig:along • it• front Ennis,. county Clare;, Edward 01110 street, wh 1 heard r 1 t1 a •ev, fl the niters; y o e ° la y ',Scientific Society„ of Torou'to.. • And ,yet I want's pass, to . Befi'alo: • --On Tuesday afternoon, of las Itu et e s to tea c s - I feel that I have a right to 'ask • it," 41eeg p b +, protrude Clare. The gamey are not ' street clean through the• planking of .you per. pea ,0 5., Tar, f. Estab Niue t to the reeirs.• Over • Lawrence a -Gr cors; • .Furait�; re.Store,. D T i3 Whore 'No tt llebo pleosol to promptly . attend to nn:c oilers lie isay be favored wttb. • .. .1' BLYTH y• ser• hP, • "r+ . ] i y torn handful of loses relieves the . ;tics;, tllsttPsstng flc�aLtlliia�lei his flesh upon a prnjeeting splinter the door ho.was heard to grumble : "I 1•ouglc, and a t.venty-five cent •Dottie• • ` liesrcured weeny a•spffereefi en Asthma, Iiearlache tvheu Lltttltortt prey I • 1- • r i otic ° A III? + r 1 r hltns Creep, lnfluen7a Hoarse - tip cRor}D, up frontthie deal, nese and Soreaests of tau Chest.' It is "'Re.rv.ill teure';y cure the' caAlse'of ell ,' Y - f ,either �. l •or ereons GI•owds, mostly curious, whom a the gratin specific for all throat. mid t'itrtet1W1 o et to iC «E • II.ea1 I cleanse the 8 etteni teeulate single policeman strove in vain to keep i In eases of Chronic disease whtclt, lung ocntplaints leading to 'Ctnsutnp tl , 1 'r°ac clot relieve enirstiratir,n of back, preseed atomic, to feast on the , doctors have failed to euro, 13t'nnocr:•' time e(..+ ( )rl, hideous s ectaCl'o. .T1'tstmethiit was •' a ry. Q - the Bowels 1.erif the Blood renovate F' . a I3r.00n13r1ri.►ls has achioved its ,teat " -all beauteous• bom,teons glad-. the ',Liver abed tone up-tbe Nervous to be seen Iu rear of ,.+crest's• house., ; est triumph. All diseases of the Blood, Hail 'w , Mark `1 t''\v 'ti's S strut at1Cl . Clistrt sih„ Ili adaehe Will where john 'Britz vas moaning his life I. Liver anti ICulneys, Scrofula, Dyspep- q;Alto ti]iring, this as i Csal r 1 al betitalcamwuf time Ie.13ottles i0 ceiit5 array. I seemed impossible to make' sin;,. Nervous 'Debility, xtheucuatistn, ti est paten --but the (lire (Iisease:4,iecir p i • ' the creta; street t.aelt and: give the ,`Piles, Petnele Complaints and all forms dent to Spring, spoil• the romance- • Large Battles •$1.00, dyingman air, and there *vete some of lost ;Vitality are promptly eared by remedy, vthe remedy prized b ail who . •"Bary+' have you g ee n Aho goldfish who .were brutal (nough.to ,lest tit pees tilts „relit renovating tonic. Trial Bot- P' d fresh water," "No nta'anI What's (Mee of this untimely (destrueti.an. ties only cost 10 Cents. • Lave tried it as the best 'Bleed Purify- Mg n„ 'Tonic and System Regulator in the the use I • They haven't drank tip what'e " Give hint air," shouted an officer. Murdock Blood Bitters is the prize •- ' e i i?i,1 t. It aures ail Blood humors in there yet. • " Ola,, what does he want pf aur, re- 1✓�_ 'Subscribe for the lit Rot Id,T,Coiln, .from the 'worst; Scrofula. to to common " Darling, it is bed time. ��A11 the little torted Sue of the crowd. "'He's done best Local paper 111 the County, only • im b e. d Samplee I 3otte sl ;ticents, for chictio kens thlh have gone nei440,1. . " Yes, mat with whi4 ty1,t� crowd and there wore't,a 81.25 in a4Yy»,ce, end all printed at Pd �aonte. Y• gale ei • • • These, Works are . now in full *pore tion, incl• the, undersigned are eiaal,lei F to offer any grade of • " ,SO of . finest .Qtrafi4y • far'& d • The necessity of. Salt for. AGRLG: LTUa-AL PU'RPOZ Is now so fully established that • ever , farther will neglect, his otdn in.tatrt•• who fails to use about five tons Went!, 'ally. This Trade will receive our. 1,1(••t attention. . Corcdwood, ):lnl Stave Botta. grsl 13asswood, delivered at the \Yorke, tie- . vr. which Cash will be paid. , Gray, Yang 8 Spar ` z,