HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-18, Page 1rwwww-41111Wilmr""11W111.1rl F"IIMPIIWPWr 11 rtrOtt VolUrne 0, No 4. TERM8:....$1.24 'per Annu1 va-ce , INTON, UN',t MAR4JE-1_18, 1881,. •, •....• ..• • • • • • •• I • • • • Publisher, L:PWARD Fl..00121YJ • THE HURON lik.V0110. W. It RA.NSFORa. ADVERTISE your spring arrivals , Reel) our list of advertisements. on • 18 the Recoup, It is the farmer's favorite the inside this week, :They belong to Every Vriday •c rniog, • .. At the office, Victoria Block, (near the Post Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, E. FLOODY1 PROF', TERMS.—The Itzeoen will 'be.mnt to sill/scribers (postage free) for 81.25 if paRitu ailtanee ; 51.50 if paid In 6 months ;82.00 if paid at the end of the you, No paper discontinued till all armee are paid. Professional and other Cards. 1-111.. REEVE. Office, RattenburY Street, innnedi- .1.1 ately behind Iffinsford's book store. Residence opposite the Temperance nail, Euron Street. Offiee hours from 8 a.m. to p. In. • . Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y 11. DOWSLEY, D.: 111. it' C. S. England, Physletan, Surgeon, &e. Office and reeitienee • next' Molson's Bank, market square. • Clinton, Jan. 14, 1891.• 1-y S. JEROME, Licentiate of porta SurgerrY will ej• visit Myth on each and every month, from the tenth until the fourteenth. when be will bo most Nappy to wait upon all those that may favor him with their patronage. All operations performed in the moat slchIlfql . nutnner. Blyth, Dee. 17, 1880. City Book Store Glint n local paper, it WON'T you lave us something for be to your interest to patronize, good reliable busine-s men, whom it will ; ! 0 a kape sakeV' was the cry, as the Da- Tninin have been two or three sud- den falls arid some bones made sore on the dilapitleted sidewalk opposite the Victoria, block during the past week. H. B. A. SOCIETY,—At a meeting of the Director of the Hullett Branch WALL PAPER • in endless variety, from OENT-3 ROLL • GOOD "VALUE. • - I 1 have added to my Stock a full kota party- left here on Tuesday,. Been Mr, W. ;Jackson's' two column ad. this week, He has a.n immense ,stecleof bate, gents and ladies' furnisIi. ings on hand, and can nuit you. WHILE working at the fire on Fri- day morning laet, Mr. W. Sheppard, Deputy-Retwe, had the misfortune to have one of his hands_ badly burnt. • 3,1u, Geo. Henley, of the 7th con,, Goderich towuship has moved into town • where 1i intends to reside An ;future. We hope to .see more follow his ex - 8 0011. .. line .of Mnen. NEEDED.—T110, sidewalk on the west side of 'Albert Street, which was burnt en the night of the fire, has the reception of the concert committee grocer; for smile time past. goes to Choice Cigars, • A H. MANNING, Attorney, Solicitor, Conveyancer Smoking and Chewing &e. -Beaver Block, Albert Street. nt, Money to 1011ii at lowest interest. Private Clinton,Ands. Agent for some of the best Insurance Companies. 49y EO. A. WATSON, Atiornev-at-Law, Solicitor in X Chancery, Notary Public, Convevelicer, 4 1111011, visit; Blyth livery Tuesday. l'ilONFIY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881.. 1-y/TISDALE & GALE, Bankers, Albert street, Clinton, L Ont., do a general banking bustifess. Sale notes bought at low rates. Your Patronage solicited... Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. "DONEY CAMPBELL, Practical Barber and fur- l/ Dresser, begs to return thanks to the'publie for past patronage„ and solicits a continuance of custom, Shaving Parlor in old Dztiress011ice,Hurcin-st.,'Clinton TTARRY FISHER, Professional •EArber, TOMO*, IL Artist, Craillinn Manipulator, Fatial Operator and Capillary Abridger—next door to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, Ont. MT Your patronagosolleited. TAMES HOWSON Licensed Auctioneer for tho v) County of Huron. Sales attended at. reasonable., • • • Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881. • —.roe SALTER, Clinton, Ontt4 teaches music in all its branches.. Musical science and harmony bp cc i ty. Careful attention given to Oung.:begin- nor* ; also thm e ost approved vocal training for strengthening and developing the voice is given when ,desired without extra charge. Pupils attended at •their own residences if required. Charges moderate, Clinton, Feb. 18th, 1881. • . . S. FOWLER & SON • For the BEST VIOLIN STRING in Town,'CLOCES WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERI!LATE. • ' Clinton, - Out:tilt), • CHAS. HAMILTON, •' A UCTIONEER, land, lean and insurance agent, Blyth. Sides attended in town and country, on reasonable terms. A list of farms and Village lots, for, sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of In- ti,i4lortt..1,nsdieiranscie.aeoltt oliortolldsciaaepspetlisoefa,parcgesrota. on commission. Bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Blyth, Dee. 16, 1880. • • fl LINTON Lodge, No. 84; A. F. &,' A IL, Meets every Friday, on or after the full MOOR. Visit- ing brethren cordially invited. • • A. STRAITON, w. J. IttacWHIRTER;Sto. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. ATOINEY to lend in large or small aunts, on good j„ mortgages or personal security,. at the lowest ,current rates, II. HALF Unroll Street Clinton. '...Clinton, Feb. 25, 18SL - • • • • D. L., No. 710; meets 2nd Monday in ow h month, 4„ Iliddlecombe's Hall. Visiting brethren or - invited. .1. HANINER, w. m. 11. NEITMARCR, RN:CY. (ninth!), Jan. 19, 1881;• THE MOLSON'S BANK; Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $140,000. MEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL. . • THOMAS WORNMAN, President. I. II. B. MONN, VIce•President. • F. WOLVERS N THOMAS, General Manager. - Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling 'and American Exchange bought and sold, and notes dis- •counted at the lowest current rates. Interest allowed 101 deposits ?CLOUGH, Manager, Clinton, Feb. 'lath, 1881. CjAINT06. • A. S. FISHER. $50, 000 to Lend at 6, per Cent. Agricultural Society, held at Pike's hotel, here; on Saturday last, to discuss the advisability Of bolding a joint . spring show in connection with the Morris brach society, it was clbcidecl to hold no•show this year. Read our "Huron. notes "en the in- side this week, They will be found to be interesting. OCR story, "His 'Victoria Oros," will be contlimed again next week, and 'we hope our readers will bear witli; us. SOLD.—MT. W. Taylor has sold the building lately occupied by him on Albert street, to Mr, II, Norsworthy for. the sum of $70. intends building his brick block, is to a vacant lot there, MR, W. C. &ROO his given $10 to the Fire Company in recognition of their services in connecticin with the 1-aTrniutv AND SCIENTIFIC BOCiETy, irReteeeivfiedre: which luta been. thankfully —Notwithstanding other attractions, ' Tau house of Mr. Perrin's, Where he being removed to Rattenbury Street the..meeting on Monday evenieg was UR.. D, W. Canteloe, who has been well attended. The first business was hi the employ of • Mr D • Centelon ' • • • • , beea 'repaired ;during the present Week, reportrwhich showed a small balance Mitchell nextWeek,•lie having obtained It was much needed, as itNias in avery 'on hand. The report lvas adopted, a situation there, • danger ous condition. . various resolutions to different parties RETurulMr, I. Battenhuey re- • .:PROSPECIIVU BOAD,—Wolinderstand who .had taken an • interest ' • the enc. ..• turned from Grand Forkes, Dakote,. • thet there is a prospoct of hewing a new cess of the concert were .paesed. In . . . road.opened from Goderich .township the Hous.e• . of 'Corninotie Mr. Weli,°r. the snoW °lithe way out, for A time and into Stanley,- - runei•ng • from . ' Lofit's •Meining prOposed and Mr, Armstrong had"), ez).ilisome,trip . .. . . . ‘ • • . • . . corner and striking near Vernie,.. • This. seconded A . .resolation of condoke.ce • .. Will be a greakboen to• the 'people of with the imperial Russian family and • ' ON Saturday' last, Mr,. J. 3. -Fislier„ Stanley and will be as -very convenient the Russian people in their loss by of Colborne, arrived here with a liearey1-; Tobacco '.and Cigaretteg A Trial Solicited. ' LOCAL NEM, last week. He was blocked up with • -,A.ftee draught stallion whioli had been shiPped. read for them to come to Clinton aseaesination • Of. the Emperor, w nee t ley .can (0 t lt r mar et ng to eulogistic, speeches the resolution pas- een, co an . is 1, a much greater advantage,than at any sed The next order of business was., handsomely built, and. weiglls • about.. , . • Rome:and Vicinity. ' , other place. We hope for a, successful the consideration of a prohibitory' bill 2.,200•Ibs. .; Joe is bound to W ithead.• ' • • issue of .the proposal, and that the work which was still under consideration 'hi the horse line • Mu. Si Davis intends putting a man- sard roof On the Phomiic block, similar to the one on the market building. Mu. T. Jackson lies•disposed of a horse to Mr. Janies A. Elliott," at a good figure. . • . • ; • • RueepFalee---, Mr, Jahme .Elliott,._ of -Gederich, arrived lierci oh Moilda,y eveping Wet frolieDikota,' whither. he had gone with a car load of horses some tine ago. He says hee:had• a pretty rough trip this time • IN. Eiteon.--qn Our report of the town council_preceedings last week the clause in the Finance Committee's re- port readifig,•W. J'; Paisley, nine quar- ters'I•ent, ,$1'12.00, s)1011)(1 read one quarters! rent $11100, Our devil 'set it up wrohg, ,and the proof reader overlooked,im ,A901c AND 'AIMEE; 0031PANY.—*e understand -thatari effort•ia being Made to organize a. hook and ladder emnpariy .in this town., ‘Assiich a company is. greatly neededin this town and will :gi v e.good assistance.to the:fire COW pally., we hope that it meyebe organieed .and receive:every. encoufagenient. • • ...COOL 'BURDEN.— coon o nouncement, Cool 13urgess• and.troupe. ;appeared in the town hall, Ori Monday evening last, to..a good' honse...They presentedtheit iiew plan "Pur :sleigh. ing .Party," .which was well ::receMid,. 'CooT.ite host inIiithee14. and is • ever... with fun. : • • . . aim ,Work.of excavating for*. Pet - rill's. brick .bloek, is being ,pushed and a• number of teams .are engaged- in £ 1. " d moot for th° i'ss11"ulati°118' of elle cut- ory from the Ieland, of Formosa, The - will be fount. lie y use LI .7— Ge • will.inimediately he pushed forward, When the.1-1ouse arose. Next . evening A vunv'interesting lecture WU • • • • • Drkninie,—The following 'remarks the educatronal. question will bo. takenivered in Willis Church on Wednesday . •" which are clipped.' from an exchainTe up end propositon made by the govern- evenine last by.Dr. MeRav n, • ' • 1 1 11 should boteken'ae moment Signs: o • f ferent systems of time province.s• • chair was occupied by the Rev.. A. unwonted weakness, fatigue or physical ADVERTISING • AND gOONONY.—The Stewart. The Lecturer spoke . for • • debilities are observed, especially if it Mo€n,,Ttnie. 'sem, time sinee in gin nearly two •hours to a very attentive acitiompanied• by.. a little fever.-- Make -arthite on TiniiiieSs fail -urea, Stated` thattht asdmence, cleSeribilir the child frequently open its mouth ' BO that you can 'observe • its throat:- the lack of adverti was' one of tures of the • Oonntry, the difficulties. 6 is the., throat; that the lay ,'observerthe Therc ne causes in htisinese idiots.. • With -which :Missionaries had to- cone, • e are business teen who don't uu.• . tend and • the decided progress whieh .• •• drawing away the clay.. The work 'under the' euperiptenclance.of Mr.. Thos of Godericb township, who has thecontract. . Mr.. Connell tree also • the contracts for the excavations of Messrs.'Coets andMurray. • . 'Sncoussrue.1--We understand' time Prof Holmes, is having good •success. • with his. singieg , He Iles elreedy. over 'forty reembers,..and•intende start- ing a second class for voice culture for advanced eingers. In thie; he is prom-. • ised a largo class. The Prof, hai a, good reputation. as a.tecielier and has been ,well regeivec. in other towns, .and ali those who are interested 'should attend, hiePlasSes: • . ARtien or tfOURNALISM.--The follow- ; ingfrorn the Watford .tildivea4e.Atleiser is to the point, and should be takeretb .lieart by .these who are interested in . social end othee:.meetings : ',1We sept complimentary tickets? .eitnply•saii request 'for •our :reporters ..preeenee.; when tickets aro riot; sent, we come to the conclusion that • the • committee of management do net wish 'a report of their mee,ting. While. we cheerfullY• give these netices, we fled necessary. to plainly state that we do not lutetid ' it to be license for imposition. When . a society (tots three or four With extra privillges to borrower. AOnt, for the old Lancashire Insurance tete Jand, Capital Fifteen Million Dollare (815,000,000.) ' tti5i9 • Agent for first-class fire proof safe-MantafacHired by ()oldie & McCullough, Galt. • Second-handsafes taken in Exchange .Clinizzi, Feb. 18, 1881. • by. MONEY TO LOAN $ 4 19 , 0 0 O. -- 4 • n fern' property, at seven per cont. interest, istynide s early, borrowerers having the privilege of paying the wl4ile or any part of the loan, at any time, Withou ' •14Tring previous notice. On payment of any. part principal, interest ceases on amount paid. Furthe tiAlt;*nlars given en application to C. A. liAlITT, Attorney, Ale:, Clint6ti vr SEVERAL GGOD FARMS FOR SALE. will first discover any certain Isignii ,of tl • cl t 1 thevaluef 1 t' TI Christianity was Makieg. A collection . ers ein a) cic ver 'sing. my much iliflanied the throat appears. tween advertising and the entrance Of , 7 • ' • • c mince: Never mind how red or heW do not see the direct connection. be. was ta . . • ' ken up which amount toe; good That does; net • indicate 'the disease. :ft. enstomer, or the demand of • any 1,, 41,1 Q Q D S CONCERT.—T113 . par. ieu ar article. concert given in ie town ia, on Irk - But the instant you see a white spot. 1They also • with • ' the 1 11 r • and detect a bad odor run for a doctor. self importance which amUsing, fancy day evening lastunder the auspices of. The White spot Will grow.. Other white, their business is ItHOW11 to the whole' the Clinton,Literary and Scientific So spots appear, and eventually they will. community, ..ehangifig as that : coo- c:ety, was a grand -success. , The hall- • run together: in blotches if the .disease munity is to an: •esxtent . they, have no was pretty well filled with an attentive .•-•; 'is•not checked. The tinteth seek mid-• cenception of. The principal • upone audience:. . Misses. ':'Bal r and Reidy ical aisistalice•is before these spots run which business men should act is—ad•riere Very: inecti.admired in the eeleii- • li,ESOLDTTOX CONDOLENtt.—At: neves let an aclVertieement get tel f i through illness 'Was unable to; attend, . . the meeting of the High School you have ci; good thin let the people end•a: telegram Was. reeeiVed from Literary .Society lield• March . 5th on know it ;' and yoli cannot- find a more agent to that effect: Misses Barr and motion, a committee ethielSting oethe' convenient way of doing so, then Reidy were accompanied in their pieces vertise and advertise he truth. . tions which they gave, Mr. Keneedy • . • . . • President,. Mr; Turnbull, and Messrsthrone-0i t•he 'colenme of: the Rnconn, ,by Miev..NeWton, on thepianci, andwe and Perrin was appointed .to :which is- • read .each byeat. least. 'are. informed that hoth,,- singers -have, • draft and submit a„reSoliftion -concern; 1,00 persons m • ne immedlate•• dis- :. :.tat- that they have ner evlied a More • . ,• • • . • • • . . . ,,, „ . , . • . . . .. HUI tia1, .e. accompanyist before.• .. v•,1 7 • • ..: .. : Drost, a, late- niember ;of our .80ciety. : : The Coininittee Met' and afterwardii: 'Trunk Railway 'Ataticiii as the;' ecenel , FoleTHE ICORTIT-Wkwr.—Thq Grand oearlY every selectionS' Miss -n -616Y .430';': y ... • ' : Miss ;Barr wereencered, • We are ser17, .. Sutimitted . the '. •followi rig resolution :,- . • School Literary' Society,..clesire. to (,)te .of tinustial bustle en -Tuesday last,- it 1 wP lieVenekspace tor 'name the (it'll:L., ,. ... ,. . being the oceasienof a large number of '.ent selections given, but suffice. 'it to . -, .• • -.; • . "The •inembere• of the Cnintoe High • peoPle e'oine••to theNortli.wese . Freer Say that a mOre ,,interestiog , er ,. .. , ..,.: ,...... _ press their sense.ef the loss which they ciei early hour in the, morning,. numbers ment Lias not beers ,givenie Clinton for': . 116Vb iiiiSlitifiecl In the SUIld en and 10 0(11 .were seen wendinee their. way to the O. 1o15gtiroe,• . . . , . . _ lamented death of one of our queinliers, stetiOn, • seine cl-riVine•• lterses • athees • rFAStIJONAnt.i .WEDDIND.--Oh- Wed- . .. " ' .' • . . „ .; l‘fr. David H. Drest: : BY his decease :haerfeee .; of cliffereet kind., nesda ' la •t an eVeet. of . ne :common • • ing t un une y. ea 1 of 11.1 D. II,. trict. • • ca,i•i•ying „ „Y $ the Society:elle-re lost an -active and tise- • . ful 'ineniber, arid ,t1i.c, school a diligent iild.'n adieu to • departing . friends being th .oceaSien. 'of ' the in arria.ee o.f. • • desire.to expression to , trieir syni- lmstle paelciiie loadine- horses • to Miss Olere ,Ralice, daughter of the . . ,• and others .gonig, for ,the purpose Pt • occurrence took .place -our, tben, it ;'exemplary student. They,. eiso .1'N 1 2 • .vinairg tee' iorenoon evei7thing Was ourtowneman; Mr. William. Jackson,. • • pithy wit ) the relativbs Of :the deaeased wiShing your'friends all ecirts.of guecess, tete. .Stimuel Ranee' Esq. The cere- e in their sad and untimely bereevement,. L•tr,0. About noon 'no leas that e2,00 persons Many was perfore;ed in • St..' Paul and that the secrefai7 be iestrueted to.. „ had as.stunblecl at the. depot,: including ...,i'llurcli -by :Rev. O. R.: ;Met -thews at forward. copies of this resolution .to 131IO a very large . numb° i from Goderiph ; ,4•o'Cloc'le in the' evening, but:Jr:Mg:he- . • • , relatives of 10e...deceased; ,rukt to the 1 b township. The time Was spent very fore that hour the church was crowded local papers' . M. Oriyeeti, Secy. 7 . ' pleasantlyin conversation, until thetinie to itsntinost Capacity. The bride was , , .. • J. •TuirmATLL, B. S.. Prestom leaving drew nigh; when the scene very handsomely.attiri!d in a beautiful STARTiiiG. Busnmss—In our •issue•Of assumed 'a dill'erent aspect, and a .n.tini; liellotrepe Silk with white Veil, and tlie . ". . 4t1 inst. we noted the departhreof two her ot "long,. feccet" . Might ;have been ;bridesmaids, Mise Alice: . Rance,. In '... of our townemen ; 1Iessrs. J. L. -Web- . noticed Without a very' cloee hispectioe. drab silk, and' • Miss Lizzie Jackson. ie. ster, photographer, and 0.':Ganible, wile The' train. lett at about half past one, blue silk,. with head dresses of same has been in Mr. Webster's employ, for being conipos(K1 —of three passenger Material, The groomsmen were : Mr. • : eonietinie .past." Mr. Gainblo. went to . coaches, .0110 1e-1,u:t.e le, nd ten freighT t hos: jackson,,,17., brother of the groom; 1 ' .• ' • Woodstock to buy out a gallery. there, cars. . The following areilie naines of and Mr,.W, Coats, eme.ofRobt. Coats, 'but not being able to melee satisfecter the partici; Who left as far as conic" be, ;Es.q, The bride was given away , arrangements, he returned. to this learned ..—Godeeich township -:-Messrs. hy her grandfath1V er, -111r. ineRatteit. ., -•••• . .;„ ' town, . where Ala:sheen spending . awl Geo.. T.,Elliete, withs a car load bery, . After the ceremony WAS OVIly, •• .: ' days. among. his many friends Og of 18;horees; Messrs; John and James the party were. conducted. io.the car- Wedeesday. lest he left this. place for . Elliott,: With „C:arlead • ef it horses ; riciges and driven 5,'. the 1' Ilattenbury . - ' , • re t worth of posters printed at a one-horse r r ,job dime, and sends ea forgratuitous insertion, a nofice Nvorth more in (Tory , respect, end repeats the dase, it is ORO to have an miderstaliding." • Teeswatere where lie intends. starting a Mr. ,letnes- Pratt, wife and family ; •House,"; where a suniptuous wedding 3:ir. Getable starting basineas stieli :Mr; jolt:Weston,. \Vile' • and femily. number of friends. aiho presents wet.0 • Mallery. We ate somewhat surprised at Mr. Georee Pratt; wife and family e .eupper Was, ,partaken of. by a 111170 a small place as Teeseva,ter, but we con Messrs. Geo. Henley, jr, A1e IgePon.- eery numerons• there being no less gratulato the people of that place ,011 ald, Ale... 6tirling, John, Marten, A. . than thirty • silver pieck mid twenty - having acciiiired such a valuable citizen, Maltnian, P. and'. J. McGregor, and• five'other very ornamental. and comtly. ,- • . Mr. Ge,mble is a first -Class woekman, Young. Colborne—Messies, J. and: presents,. given to the bride: The • having been. instructed in the -art by 1)..i.risher; with car.loed. of 5 stallions, happy couple left on a tour 'to New one of the :leading artiste of; Clficagq, and Mr, James, • Sterling. . Hullette— York , by , the 7.25 train on 'the'Gr,,at : 'and by hie pie-asing manner and . sheet Merisrs. Cole, "Andrew Taylor, jr., Western IhrilwaV, They Wi're oSt•Oried attention to business, cannot bub make 3. N• Baker) N. Rooney, and to tho station by the Brass Band, 11) hosts of friends where'ver he gees, cptube. Bly•th—Messrs P. Tiwior, gether Nvitha levee concouree of frieels. . • Furthermore, we. 'bespeak for Mr, and Wm, Govier and Ron. Clinton— We exteud to tilein our highest coat. (Iambic. a good patronage, and the best I). MeLaughliiL. bum 1 oy —Messrs. plimmits and bespeak for -them- e, ; of access 111 Teeswater. Atontgoinery. • eileasant trip, i0