Huron Record, 1881-03-11, Page 4HURON RECORD. CLINTON, FittnAY,, ¥A1.i,Ci1 11Tg, .1881. NNW E.6E0r10,'V4 Tha o r1ts for the: elections tt the • DoeOn on Rouse of Comm..2tta tor the counties of Charlevoix and Belchasse, Lave been issued. The m*ninations take place on March 12th, and elections on Maroh 19th. The result of these elections will, no doubt, be in favor of the Conservative party, In 1875 on the elevation of Mr. Fournier to the bench, there were two Reform candi- dates in the field for Belohasse and one Conservative, The Conservative can, ciidate was elected, polling about 700 votes out of the 1500 which were cast. At the general election of 1878 the Reform candidate, Mr. Lague, was el- ected by a majority of about fifty. A protest was at once entered against him but he was confirmed in his seat. • An appeal was then made to the supreme court, and the decision was only given a few day, ago unseating 1\ Ir. Larne ani disqualii`ying. him. Mi. Ayinot, the Conservative can- didate, is again in the field, with the best chances of success. It is not known who the Grit candidate, . will be, in fact, we predict it will not be an easy matter to find a man who will -accept the nomination. At the general election in Charlevoix, in 1874, Mr. Tremblay, the Reform candidate, was elected by a majority of nearly three hundred. In the following year.. he was unseated, and offering himself again for re-election he was defeated by a majority of nearly two hundred. At. the general election of 1878. he was again elected by a •majority of .100. Upon his death shortly afterwards, the. Conservatives were victorious, and Mr. Perrault's election was, protested. He. was unseated but not disqualified, and. is again in the field as a candidate with' best chances of success:. The inauguration of President Gar- field took place at Washington, on Fri- day last, in the presence of about 100,- 000 people. President Garfield ,deliv- ered hks address, in which he dwelt on the q estione .of money, agriculture, trade and navigation, the. Mormons and civil service reforiu, Mr, Wm. Kennedy, of W arkworth, has been unanimously selected by the Conservatives of East Northumber- land as their candidate for that constituency to the House of Commons, rendered vec9,nt by the death of Mr.. Keelar., Mr. Kennedy is an old resi- dent of the riding, a successful mer- chant and an honest politician, and there is no doubt he will make a. good run. Woodstock 'Times ;—The'usutil annual' tinkering of the school law is now tak- ing place in the Ontario Legislature: It is about time that the lion., Adam. Crook's xetired to private life. As head of the Bureau of Education he is a pompous failure. .He has increased the cost of the dbpartmeiit every time be has'atteinpted to amend the act, and has added nothing to its efficiency. His aim seems' to be to centralize the corttrol of every school section in the Province in Toronto, and make -mun- icipal school boards subject to the dicta- tionof half a dozen irresponsible.ind- viduals at the seatof Goverhment, His latest efforts are what might have been expected; he is now meddling and mud- dling with, Collegiate Institutes, which he evidently wants to abolish, and to prop up aninferior establislinnent at his own door, atthe expense of the whole country. Senator'Almon intends•to move when, the bill amending Canada Teni:perance •I Act comes up for its third reading that dealers in ales, porter,•lager. beer, and .light wines .be .exempt from the opera=. tion of the Canada- Temperance Act of - 1878. v• Harlan atrived at Toronto on Friday • last and met with a very.' enthusiastic reception. Although the evening was very disagreeable the people turned out to honor the world's champion oarsman: The opera house, where the . reception took place, was 'crowded, and `cheer after cheer rung in the building.when-. ever an opportunity afforded itself. President Garfi'eld's. Cabinet:i's con - 'posed of the , following men :—Senator Blaine, of Maine, Secretary : of State;;•J Senator Windom,.of Minnesota, Secre• tory of the Treasury ;, Mr-MacVeitgli, Attorney -General ; Mr. James, Post- master at -New York, Postmaster -Gen=, oral ; Mr. Kirkwood, Secretary of, the Interior; Mr. Robert Lincoln, Secretary of War; Mr. Hunt, Secretary of the' Navy. The Mail:—lt has been commented. upon as a pleasant feature of. the; pro-.,: aeedings of the session of the Legisla-' ture just closed that the debates. were slot characterized by any marked .acer- bity, and that matters moved along as though everything had been :care- • fully oiled for the occasion.- Slight ex- ceptions to this rule may have arisen— when the • Commissioner of Public Works may have mounted .leis high horse to break a lance against the bul- warks of Orangeism, or some, kindred antipathy of his; but even in such • in- stances the riot was quickly over, and the personal relations of the combats left unmarred. liltill it uiay be 'said that courtesy may be carried to an ex- treme which ehiasculates debate, and tends to create that lack of, interest in' the proceedings of . the House which had bean lately manifested, 'When. the French colonel took efI his hat at the battle of P•ontenoy and invited "the gentlemen, our enemies, to fire . first, ,he set an example wliich•our legislators may follow so far. The soldiers who received the bullets of -"thegentlemen opposite" could hardly enjoyr' the . eau'. tosies of the occasion to such an extent as the gentlemen who were given the precedence. AUi' ieid.: About 80 persons intend leaving Lucknow on the 22nd inst., for Da- kota. ' Saw loge still boom and the mill yards are completely filled. Some of themills are running night and day. 4' Periwinkle" is the natoe given to: the first lamb of the season in this township. Mr, J. Hutchison living near fell from a beam in Iris unc4e s barn, a height of 18 feet, and dislocated his Moulder. At last account he was pro- grassing favorably. • For a good violin,go. to Do- urrRTY Jr GIBBINGS• . itZirThe Doherty organ received the, highest award at the Toronto industrial exhibition, 1880, over all' competing, and don't you forget it.. Notices of Births, Deaths and hfarriages in this de. partment inserted free of charge, We shall at all times be happy io receive such rwtices from a re- ' liable source. BIRTUS. MoVIOAR.-1h Goderioh, on the 1st list., the wife of Mr. Jas. Maker, of a daughter, roan.—In Clinton, on the 20th ult., the wife of Mr, Wm. Ford, of a son. noVICAR,—In Goderioh, on the 1st inst.; the wife of I.lr. John bleViwa, of it (laughter. MoPHEBSON.—In Godoribh, on the 25th ult., the wife of Captain McPherson, of a daughter. SCAR/T.—In alfa of odMre le Sc rwTownship, sonn the 27th ult., HILL in Porters Hill, on the Sri ins*„ the wife of Mr, E. J. Hill, Postmaster, of .a son. PERDUE.•—In Ooderieh Township, on the 6th ins*., the wife of Mr. P. Perdue of a daughter, MARIUTAGES. .CATHERWOOn—wIGGINS. — At Newbridge, on. Tuesday, March 1st, 1881, by Rev. It, J, Husband, Mr. Thomas A. Catherwood, to Mies 8. C. Wig. gins, only daughter of Mr, Samuel Wiggins, 411 of Newbridge. LAMB—FOWLER, — In the, Methodist Parsonage, Blyth, on the $th inst., by the Rev. W. Birks, Mr, Jacob L. Lamb, to Miss Eliza Fowler, both of Mullett.. DEATiIS. rROCTOR.—In Oodertgh Township, on the 0th inst., RobtProctor aged 80 years. FOSTER.=In Clinton, on the 10th Inst„ Richard Poster, aged 96 years. . For a good violin string, go to DOIIERTY.Jt GIBBINGS. • . Yellow Oil is the great pain. panacea, magical in its power over pain and in- flammation. It cures Itheuniatisni and :Neuralgia;�^L1ame Back Contraction and 'Spinal. Af- fections, - ontraction 'of Cords 'aid'.. Aiusoles. Used externally and intern- ally.— For sale by all dealers. • tOr:-For.a good piano: go to'DonnRry & GIIiBINGS. Free the system of impurities, excite the secretions of a -healthy ,action,cleanse. tho,blood, tone up the weakened nerves,. with, that matchless machine i3urdoek Blood Bitters. It cures; ierefula, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Jaundice;; :Con-., stipation,.'Dyspepsia, Headache,, Nei- 'vows. and General, Debility,• and- all. Female' Coinplaints, Every .dealerr in medicine can supply you .with Burdock. Blood ,fritters.. ,Sample battle 10 cents regular size $1 ' ✓ . The Dolicity' organ. • Hear. them ! See. them ! ' TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ONE NIGHT ONLY... ]b .day Elf'g; .March 14, The original and only ,COOL •URGES AND COMPANY, in his nolv'pt'ay, r Sleighrn, Party /; Geueral'Adtnission, 25 Cents., E,eserved' Seats, 50 dents—can 'be had at I•iansford's-Book Store.' ' . O'R'AIB, MAO WHIRT.ER Have °'received this 'week Fiue..Cases New Gwnbric.. Prin-ts, REMEMBER :THE The Most Beautiful Lot of Prints ever shown by them in the Town of Clinton, —O:- Scotch Tweeds =iN THE—• — rs. Newton, -NICHT iss Reidy, Kennedy; Opened Out This' Day:,. --0- 1.0-' We are perpared to make: up to order, Gen- tlemen's. and Youth's. Olothing, AT CLOSE PRICES: NEW GOODS ARRIVING DA X Craib, Macw ter & Company, • - `OLINTON - ON.TARIO. - 'J;I 'tIOJ i3.LSO,J .OZ OD :a, 'sapel eouuTsgns eq9. ul. Mopegs_ site d'ariaeS+. 'Al1VI33dS V '30VIA 30,110 'OlOHd 13Htld' *30. 341. •s/dbr5o.10 yd aa1S afi7 's,6uiuind .1!0 • 'sao/o0 Ja.WWM ao 110 ur•paluiid1.0ologd.•`sluocua5,rbiu3-'sardoO • ' •efiriuoaged atom K$IM intq ao tv .fvtu oqA esogl 01- NOLLOVJS.11VS S331111d' 1VIID Po`saiglo 02413(eill.3o: sur tL epticn Sugg sir A,ZT'IV11l`9 All amid so ou1'i -ologa oqq at.spu111 lis 30 4.10,4 quo uang ol•quoiediuoo,sla0;'aot4osad s.raoS icaanes'put saplgs pagiun eel ;o' s4ueuitisi1gt gs ' . 4a•v Aulpiial eq4 ;o anon! 214'0a1 cl°nolog4'ro ;1043'e ‘ogAL posegoind :;meg • soil `NO1Pl113F `�ao�a a4nd3a awl �i "031.S83M.111 1'`•aw Ao gSJNISflg Hd1/IOO1O11cI -4SSAXYS1lO d0'Keay= ..t 9 . J4 - CICS'ON'S Victoria Block, IN -TON, ONTARIO )LLENT STOCK Is one. of the MOST COMPLETE and varied in :Ontario, and everybody ordering a_sult should. see our immenserange of Gir' ENGLISH Worsted Suitings, U' SCOTCH•Jr IRISH •Tweed Suitings, • Orir CANADIAN Tweed Soiitings,, ' IMPORTED Serge Suitii IN ' EVERY GRADE. AND, PRICE. o--o-- OIVIEIR=-=CIOIAITISf,. We are still showing a big stock of Wiens' and Boy's Overcoat which will be clearedout at a' BIG pi eTION '!, THOMAS . JACKSON, The "Noted" Clothier. 1