Huron Record, 1881-03-11, Page 3Bismark's Tobacco ' Crlleltyr to Cattle on Shipboard.
'y'9Pi11 71' 4u
„ aI_ ,.,, (Loudon 'telegraph.) Allow a cold to advance in your system
(London Telegraph.)
such as Pneumonia, IIemorrhages and Lung
troubles when an immediate relief cap be
sA readily attained. BoseiliEE's GERMAN
S7rauP has gained the largest eels, in the
world for the tura of Coughs., Colda and the,
severest Lung Diseases. It is Dr. 13oscbee's
famous C:erman prescription, and is pre; tired
with the greatest care, and no fear steed be
entertained in administering it to the
youngest child, as per directions, The sale
of this medicine is. unprecedented. Since
first introduced there has b.en n.eonstant
iucre'tsing demand and without a single re.
port of a tailure to do its work in any case;
Ask your Urnggist asto the truth of these
remarks, Large size70 cuts. Try it and
be convinced.
Consumption has well been compared to a
worm in the bud, that saps vitality from the
fairest flower, It steals the rose bloom from
the cheek and robs the vital spark from the
stalwart and the strong., Hagyard's pec-
toral Balsam "nips toe worm in. the bud."
It is the best cough cure and most effectual
lung healer known to medical science. Price
25 ets. Per bottle;
Mauufaeturers of Reapers, Mowers and Threshing
ldaehleea prefer "Castorbia" etachino oil • to .ally
other. It will outwear Lard, St;al or Elephant, salt
is warranted not to tutu. For sale by all dealers,
If eertain rumors re eotin the intolerable"
sufferings to which hortbd cattle are subject-
ed during their transport from America to
this country be founded on fact, it is high
time that the board of trade should turn its
serious attention to the subject, In all
probability strenuous efforts will be, if they
have nos already been, madee by the society
far the prevention of cruelty to animals to
obtain official protection for the unfortunate
creatures doomed to encl•tre thehorrors of a
long sea voyage with the shambles as its goal,
in order that Enfiltsh tables may be plentifully
supplied with fresh beef. Under favorable
weather conditions a bullock passes its time
on, board chipin a ehionie condition of fear
and misery; but "" when the sturwy winds do.
blow," and the vessel rolls heavily, the,
agonies it suffers are such that their mere
contemplation for a few sewer's might melt
a heart of stone. That wilful torture should
bo pertuited to aggravate the. already un.,
bearable torments to which a severe gale Con -
demo these wretched beasts, appears incred-
ible; yet we have been assured ;that exp.d.
ieuts.of such dira cruelty that we forbear
from ahockitig the public by desoribing thein
are mercilessly put iu practice he order to com-
pel oxen, maddened by sheer physiic:al�,uain,
to' leap overboard when the movement of the
vessel is so violent as to prevent- the poss-
ibility of their being dealt with by the crew.
It isa siguifieant fact that; within the last
few days, a• vessel which left the shores of
America with a cargo of five hundred and
nieety.four live bullocks should have•arrived
in the poet of Lo..don with only forty five of
its Horned passengers, the other five hundred
and forty-nine having perished during the
voyage 'ilkeonsequeuce of heavy, weather."
and thus encourage more serious maladies,.
As in the reign. of Frederick William.
so in that of bis illustrious descendant, the
first German emperor, many state questions
of considerable importance to the fath "eland
hat e been ventilated and discussed to more
purpose in tobacco parliaments .than iu the
elective legislatures convened by royal man-
dato for their consideration at certain seasons
of the year. The present head of the Hohen.
zollern house, however, does not follow the
example if his eccentric ancestor by presiding
in person ovor these gatherings, for William
I. is no smoker, through gracefully tolerant
in others of a practice he considers unwhole-
sotne and objeutionable. It is Prince '.Bis -
mask, a confirmed votary of the fr,lgrant
the dtobacco• r whose parliaments, with ip are held
which is
Saturday evening receptions, regularly recur-
rent throughout the rtichstag being in sess-
ion invariably conclude. As the night waxes
old a number of eminent polticians, mem-
bers of either house, gravitate to the chan-
cellor's luxurious smoking -room, where
mighty pipes of golden -hued Koester, the
°boioest bi ands of the Havana and huge tan-
kerds of sparkling ale await'tlnm.The at,
mosphero in that peuetralium is exceedingly
cloudy, but the talk is brilliant and the
laughter hearty, for Prince Bismarck him
self a humorist of European•renowe„delights;
in the society if those gifted by nature with
the facility of treating grave eubjeot3, in a
jocular vein, and is au adept in the art'
of drawing upon the jestirg resourcesof his
guests. C.mid the "cracks' of these Noot•s
Amdnosianle be taken down verbatim by
some demon stenograkher and published, itis
more than probable that they would con-
stitute by far the most diverting reading of
the present day.
Unspoken Revelations of tie Lips.
There are hints of some value in these re-
marks by Leigh Hunt:-" I have observed
that lips become more or less contracted in
the cause of years, in proportion as. they are
ac^'tatotned to express good humour and
generosity, or peevishness and a contracted
mind. R•.,mark the effect which a moment -
of ill -temper or grudgingness has upon, the
lips, and judge what may be expected for
on habitual series of such: moments...I
Remark the reverse, and make a similar:
judgment. The month is the frankest part
of the face; it can't in the least conceal its
sensations. We can neither hide ill -temper
..with it, nor good; w•e may, affect .what. we
please, but affectitiou will not help us. In a
wrong cause it will only make oar observers -
resetlt the endeavour to impose upon them:
The mnutli is the seat of oue class of emot-
ions, as the. eyes are of another; or, rather,
it expresses the sante emotions; butin.great-
er detail, and pith a more irrepressible ten-
dency to be in emotion. It is the region of
smiles and dimples, and ofa trembling ten
cierness; of a sharp sorrow, or a full -breath-
ing joy, of candour, of _reserve, of anxious
. care, or liberal sympathy. The mouth, .out
of its many sensibilit•ies, may be Fancied
throwing up one grert expression in the eye
-as many lights in a city reflect a broad
lusture into the heavens" • •
PICTURE MQULDXN(}8; Frames, Mirrors: Mirror
Plates, Picture Glass;, Pictures, &c, Ste. 41 J. MAT -
THEWS & BRO., 28 Yonge Street, Toronto,
Hehderson's NEW Cita mower (scaled) rgr40e., not 50.
My E trly soviet Radish at seven conte per onnee..
lminroved'Swede Turnips, pbr 1b. 20. cents -not 30,:
Remember, only JAMES RENNIE,for NEW Seeds,
OSSIN HOUSE, Corncr7lingand Yorh$ts.,
Toronto. PuIace IIotel of
.Canada. Mirka Irish, proprietor.
rpm, s' VEGETABLE SICILIAN , RAIR HOSE '1�E- and GLOVE. DARNER, sella at slant..NEWER is a'soentifie'combination of some of HOSE Sample by mail. 15 scuts. Address
NUVELTti7q6 -et East, st, Torm
Inc most powerful restorative agents in the
vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair to
its original color. It makes the scalp white
and clean. .It cures dandruff and humors,
and falling-out of hair. It furnishes the nu-.
tritive principle by -whioh the hair isnour-
ished and supported. It makes. the hair
moist, soft and.glossy, and is unsurpassed as
a hair dressing. It is the most economical
preparation ever offered to the ,public, • es its
effects remain a long time, making only an
occasional applieation necessary. It is recons-.
• mended and used by emminent'medical men,
and officially endorsed by the State Assayer
. of Massachusetts. The popularity of Hall's
Hair Renewer hasincreaeed with the test of
many: years, both in this country and in the.
foreign lands, and it now known and used.
in allthe civilized- countries of the world.
F'0R SAW BR.ALL DE.a.LEttS:" • _
Experiments ' in Gunpowder.
From ' our English contemporaries we,
learn that several new descriptions of prise
• uratic powder are being prepared at the
Royal Gunpowder factory at Waltham Ab-
bey for the future experiments of the Com-
mittee on Heavy Guns and Explosives. The •
prisms will, be of various forms and sizesl•
and -some will be perforated to accelerate.
combustion. The researches into the pro-
perties of prismatic powder have engaged
military and scientific men of various na-
bens for many years, but it is only of late•
that the introduction of air spaces into the
cartridges has given a direction -to experi-
ments and developed -the full advantages of •
the system. Some powders of the,descript-
ion made in Russia and Germany
Gently been tried, and the German prisms,
which are, about an inch long, have been
found to be the best yet. produced: The
government works at Waltham abbey have
manufactured some prisms so , large 'as 'to
weigh 4 oz., "grain," but VMS powde'rhas.
been discarded! aa. overstepping legitimate'
growth, and the qualities about to be tested
will probably not exceed 13 in. in length, or
rather more than 1 oz. per grain,
now very little. doubt that, in some form •or
other, the explosive material for employ-
ment with great guns in the future will be.
prismatic gunpowder.
How Many Apples did Adam and Eve
Some say Eve 8 and Adam 2, a total of 10
We think the above figures entirely.
wrong. If Eve 8 and Adam 8 2 certainly
the total will be 90. Scientific men, howev-
er, on the strength of the theory that the
antediluvians sere a race of kiants, reason
something like this ; Eve 8 1 and Adhm 8 1
2 ;total, 183.
Wrong again. What could be clearer
thau if Eve 8 1 and Adam 8 .1 2 the total
was 893 ?
If Eve 8 1 lst and Adam 8 12, would,.hot
the total be 1,623 ? •'
Gt.orge Washington says Eve 8 1 4 Adam
and Adam 81 2 4 Eve ; together they got
away wiih 8,938. •
But if Eve 8 1 4 Adam, Adam 8 1 2 4 2
oblige Eve. Total, 82,056 -
We think this however, not a sufficient
quantity, for though we admit that Eve 8 1
4 Adam, Adam, if he 8, 0 2 81 2 412 keep
injured," .
%Toronto 011 Company are solo manufacturers: 00
"Oastorhne" Machine 011. ""Infringetinenta will be.,
prosecuted. ••
Many a man has been•orippled'for life imightb
an accident "met with in tog,. whoi ducer, AvaN's FORMULA,.in six
have'.been' spared. frotri the Sur .ical knife had
weeks: ., 4 Ad
Eve compa.ty. • Total, 80,282,056. wrong .again. Eve, when
she 8 1, 8 1 2 many, .and probably felt sorry
for it, but her companrou, in order to relieve
her sorrow, 8 1 2. Therefore Adam, if he 8
1, 8 1 4 2 4 2 fy Eve's depressed. spirit
Hence both ate 81,896,054 apples.
its Merits are not in the puff, but they are
A New ENGLAND pastor called upon one in the bottle.
of his deacons, with whom he Was at vari- All manner of painful and inflammatory
anee, and; with an aft of great solemnity; diseases are promptly relieved the ex-
said : " Brother, it IS a shame that this ternal use.of this Valuable medicine. Rhea.
trial of ours should bring scandal upon the inatism,;Sore.Throat, Asthma .Kidney Com -
church. I have prayed earnestly for guid- plaints, Croup, Burns, Soa1d , Frost Bites,
twee in the matter, and have conies to the Deafness, Neuralgia, StiffJ'oints and wounds
conclusion that you must give m, for 1 .oat of every description yield like magic to its
not." 6 power. For saleby all dealers.
Velvet bollixes are very stylish when•inade
With the high Medici collar,` lined 'With;
coloured satin and en inner ruffle of riph
Mechlin lace.
r t BARnisTER -8
G� H WA.L. A.ttorney,40liing
Street West, Toronto..
OSHAWe1 CARMELretToronto", ,IY\ 11 11{1 07 Xougo Street, Toronto,
Cheap. First Prize et Provinelat Exhibit1on Len+
don. Testimonials on application, Satisfaction guy
ranteed, ;Address,
4. coax & SON: pravton, on,
Marks, manufactured by M.. .Il,
Youxa & Co., 13 Wellington' St. East,
• 4,3- Toronto.. Agents wanted.
INVII TTORS DESIROUS .UF OS twining patents should vvtite to HENRY GRIST, ''
Patent Solicitor, Ottawa, Canada ; twenty . years,
practice; 410 patent, no pay.
STANI/ARP OM' PP11fO M•iLi.s,,.
570558, SIMPLE, ErF101esT FNAQTI
e-.al_G BUSHELS Fen 10 N EPS WILL LAsr
zsaa H.e.
'0 VII
Curl 0C
EWEN wrist 6804
Guarin[eed to grind any lllnd of grain, fine
ar c.•a,se, squad as well• a al our lout null steno
'tAliF''!18 EriUNE Dr:aS IJO.,,CiANTF000. DANdDA.
Send for particulars. Address
E P O� � A P N
-214 AM EX WSJ?s
Sold this year up to Nov. 20, 1850. 4.44 Charnplons•
field is tor years.
Brost popular and perfect engine la Canada.
Building 209 for 1881. Order early. Send
ntw Catalogue.
Saw Mills and Grist Mills
Our Specialties
Brantford, Ontario, Canade4
Stamps of l
HAND s. 4MPSArV dasoription.Bronz. ednS t .routo x ibitton 1880 Agents
wanted. ' KE NYON STEWWART • MFG.' CO:, 86 Rlitg
St, West, Toronto.
>rt,N �yfA.p :•
31r, syr.
I.t' rP:t-1a,U•U r.
eaurderP •lleating Ointment shoalit ha
Il Illustrated Catalogue for 1837 is now printed, used in connection with Burdock Blood Bitters f "
and will bo snaffled free to alt intending purchasers caring Ulcers, Abscesses, ,Fevers, Sores. &c. Wk.
who, send then' names and P. 0. adlres8 p as oon&s per 60>< T. 11IILBURN & CO.
Mr Farmers who wish a reliable change. of'Seet1 SoLeAasivTs.7oaota7M.
Grain' &e.„;will please send their orders early, Pricy
and samples on application. •
at Toronto Canada.
Seedatq t,011l
mil (CO,, "' AiL 1,
Easy Terms of Payment.' •
8. halt Lot 2, Rgo. 4, S. •L, Rd. Twp, Ek -
loo acres, 70 acres cleared; log house
and stable. 2 miles fromMtddlemiss, on
Canada Southern Railway. ,
Lot 28, Con. 1, W. S. s. ltd., Twp. Sunni-
• dale. 200 acres. 50 oleaied, frame louse and
barn. 3 utiles front Angus on the No rthorn
Railway, .
E. half Lot 2 con. 3, Township. mailer, 100
''across, .40 tiered; - good log house' and
• barn. 8 miles fro :t 0f.oho, a tnrivlug t iwn .
Other farms for sale, apply to '
Real Estate agent; 62 Kine Street East, Toronto.
• Thoee genie, so Manitoba will, it to 411611 alt carrospond' with us.- Subsetibe for. the
»Gclanast Netos a paper giving plat toe Informuation-•
you regnire; 100. to enderyear: Pamphlets, With,
mops, sent'free, Prittie's second party With sieeoin{;
cars attached, will leave on 76th' MARCH, per G,Tft,
erietlCin re at 11.40 a,tn., ane continue every other. week durrng
AN; editor, the day atter exp g the s.ra"on; preceded two days •by their fast freight
lieion, wrote;. .'' The•atoria last Wednes train. 00,000ttere of choice lands for sal°. Letters
day caused great (1, --age iu iI-artaw n, Pa. enclose" 3e. stamp for reply.
A man named Q-dfrey was dungeronsly • E• W, 1 RiTTIC & CO.; '
i 64 King-st E,tst.a'oronto.
and llfnnstachea infallibly
,produced by the, wclt.known
and celebrated .moustache pre-.
to . any address
he promptly •applied Yellow Oil.. This val-in•Goulds 011.1 oceipt. of the pries, 25 eLH. EARNEST
uaiile remedyahnuld ever be kept at. hand in DERRINUER Chemist, 206 King street, Toronto
case of accidents or emergencies it is for
external and internal use; a speei�fie for all . EASTER CARDS:
painful inflammatory diseases and .flesh •
wounds: Price 25 cents: •CHOICE SELECTION 1 1
The South,African Dutchmen have given Sample tots from 25e, up• Mmled on receipt of
their British friends. more trouble than Was Price- ',end for samples early. •
expected.'' These .slow.gofng, ploddinb • LYON 8t ALEXAN1JE'R,
somewhat' easy and good-natured people,. 128 Bay Street, Toronto.
,you know, when they. do get. their dander
up, are no,joke,•by any manlier of means..
The Boers seem;to have much of the spirit
of their forefathers, the •'famous Dutchmen
of the great Republic:
".All seems infected that the infected. 'spy',
Aud all looks 'yellow to the. jaundiced eye."
If you are low spirited and bine, do not lay.
it to your; luck bat. rather'. to your liver;
cleanse, the system of bad bile and sluggish
blood, arouse the torpid secretions and the
eye -will reautrie its wonted brigbtnese, the
step its buoyancy; and the -mind its cheerful
Vigor. Burdock Blood. Bitters cute all'ner-'•
vous diseases, , purify the sy+stern: and
strengthen the
weak. -
Uso "' Catorine",Machine Oil for all kiiutd of ma-
chinery. Ieia also excellent for harness and leather,
making it water and weather' proof: For sale by all
It is alleged that .the father of the 'cele
brated chemist Cnevreul was 110 years older
when he died-an•intereetinngfact in the con- ..
troversy regarding human` longevity.
TRE reason ""Dobyn's Sure Cure sells. is
because it.•is a acre :'cure for Catarrh and
Neuralgia. . immediate relief is given., from
the most eevere attacks .of Neuralgia.:
Ooorka's have just received a choice lot.
of cambric skirl ing of the Patterns sent ' on
application, 109 Yonge St. Toronto. •
As a nation of ,individuals we 'stimulate
too much alike in the matter of food, drink
and medicine; we burn up our bodies with
the use of toti muoli fuel in the way of strong
at11001651ts. Burdock Blood Bitters ,differs
from other advertised tonics, inasmuch
that it is not' a fancy drink, but a • purely
medicinal tonic, alterative, 'laxative and
nervine,: whose effect is to purify, .restore,
and build up the impoyerished blood• and
enfeebled body. , .Trial ,bottles, 10 cents;
regular size,: one dollar. •For sale by all
dealers. •
Ask your, doaloe for"Casterine" Machine Oil', and
see that the barrel is branded "Castorine" as none '
other is genuine._
Of all the remedies on earth that well .de.
serve attention,
Hagyard's Yellow Oil commands especial
• •b'or wondrous power to cure disease, its'
fatne there's none can throttle ;
.L 'MED. the -above disease (Net,
bons Debi ity) will•find;permlcnent relief from HOOP
EU RS REMEDY. Not a Quack Nostrum"but the gen-
iiine preseriptioh of the col, Mated'Neurologist and
Physiolo,Ist, DOCTOR HOOPER of Kings College
Loudon,England; Sampte Bottle 50 cense. Cirou-
lardfree. Eneloso stamp, to J..10, NORTON & CO.,
Pharmacersticai Chemists, York'Street,. Toronto.,
The untold miseries which'.. result
from indiscretion, iii early3'life may be
alleviated and. cured Exhoiusted'vi-
ervousnd Miyake) ,Debility,
will become a dream of the pain, and
vigorous manhood may bo restored and
regained.' Indubitable. evidence is af-
forded of the truth of those statements,.
Panlpn let Its "sealed wrappers post free. Address N,
D. Institute, King-st., Toronto.. • •
,;,Queen Victoria & 'Eon.. Geo. Brown:
TRAIT and Fine Art Publishers. 'Office and
Factory : 75 Bay Street, Toronto. Portraits exe-
.Effectually 181115 the Ticks,t} improves; the ustrc end
growth of the wool and prevents
it from coating.
U XX I a C:'LTrzo
:grin !me
ImprovedDiamond anctheHanlan
Cross•eutSaws. will cut" faster and 'stay Merrier long-
er than any other slaw in the World. They aro manu-
factured only, by • • '
H. wawa. itt Co., St. Catharines.
'and $old by the 'Hardware %rade every-
where., Take no other. We also. make the Lance
Tooth, Lightning, Improved Champion, Eclipse, in
short, : all kinds: and patterns, incluuing the New
Improved Champion. '
St, Catharines Saw Werke
be sold at very low prices, and on•very easy
terms, immediate possession given. Apply to •
A., M. CtQ6133X,
S4, East, ', pronto.
Lot 21, Concession 6, Township of Huron, Co,
0f Bruce; soil elay loam, 40 acres cleared.
'100 ACRES, LOT , 3, CON 14,
Township et Brant, County of Bruce; soil •
sandy and clay loam ; 40 acres cleared, 40 partially
eloarea; remainder in hardwood timber; frame
barn and good log dweliinq, attogted near good mar-
ket, • .
1. O Vn LotACR34, Con' 0, Cratnabo, Co of Northum-
berland; soil.san y loam with olay.bottom ;"60 acres
cleared ; nine miles front Colborne. -
lO0.ACRES, LOT 7,. CON 12,
Township of Tunrberry, Co, of Huron, an
cellent farm with good imprnwmonta.
! g,
Q• P
Lot 14, Oou 4, Township of Pickorin Co.)
Ontarlo, sandy" loam ;• well Bttut;ted, fair divollin,
This Company Is now lending money on unexcop+
tfonabie 'Real Estate -security at greatly . reduced.
rates of interest, on the
Straight LoansA�at 7: Per Cent,:
per annum, the principal being repaid'at'the. end of ;
the term, or by instalments, as may be agreed. On
Full particulars; may be had Prole the 'Qompany s. •
Appraisers, or from
d: HERBERT' MASON, Manager
• • Orrios :-Company's Building Toronto St:, Toronto.
cuted in Oil, Water colour,, Steel- Engravings, Ora- '
you and Carbon, Only first-class, Coloured work
,done. We also execute' special orders for: Mounting
and Finishing Pictures Show0 arils. &c.
. AS a linniroU,1 unsuccessful llpplleatlnns are matte
throughout the Dominion, purchasers of
l•,. )1
t, _ .4r
Has no equal for the permanent cure of
Cough, Colds, Sort. Throat, Asthma Croup,
• Whooping Coning Bronchitis, and
' ' • all .Lung Diseases. • •
£' Very bottle guaranteed •to give satisfaction.
• • T, MILBURN & CO., Proprietors Toronto.
On head of rivets
•(maena MARL)
r II'iNM �`J• r •
who cannot lrocure'it from their local tradesman•
aro informs 'thoy'can be supplied from the Factory.
It is without any exception the Finest' Corea over National PUIe,; superior to all oaf
offered for sale to the Dominion ; and is sold only rttemeit mod virtue, 115 safety awn
under the " Ree srefu p " label and signature of the
invcft.or.' The public aro rttlueetCd to refuse all
I will seed to any part of the Dominion per
sample poet a pack n a of this really delicious Cocoa,
on receipt of Tan Cents. Address ,
3E3 >fi ' 3E3 iii .A fC ..;
The first maker of Cocoa in Ontario:
5 7 .& 9 Temperance Street; 7,'oronto.
This brand is guaranteed to be
the very best Chewing Tobacco in
Canada, 'being manufactured of
the finest sun -cured Virginia Leaf.
To avoid imposition see that each'
Plug' bears the tin stamp,and
every Caddy the Caution notice of
5 T
UN I'0
Authorized Capital, $1,000,000:
Government Deposit for the Protection or Polley -
holders, the largest of any Ontario Fire Inauratte Co.
Iliad nets 2$ &i 30 Toronto btreet 'Toronto
ZION J C. AIKINS Minister of inland Revenue;
ROBEIOT llA1, Eaq., M. P, of R. Ilay & Ce.; Vico-'
President, '
W. E. CORNELL, Esq.,Torctit°,2nd Vice•Preaiderit.
D. D. HAY, Esq., M. P.P. Llstawcllr
JAMES PATERSON, Esq., ' Wholesale Merchant,
JOHN GAIN, Esq„ Barrister, Toronto.
SAMUEL McBRiDE, Esq., Marchant, London, Ont.
R. H. BOWES, Bob,,arrister, Toronto.
W. T. EDGE Esq„ tLOndon, Ont.
Risks taken at Equitable states, and Lasser
Settled Promptly,
A. T. Mc0ORD, /r., Manager.
are herebyy offered in prizes for competition at In-
dustrial Exhtbttion Toronto, Sent, 1881 and 1888, by.
Horse 86' Cattle' Food Comp'y,
for horses, sheep and cattle fed, two, Jour and six
menthe, respectively, on Thorley:' Cattle Food. For
particulars see circulars, or write to the Company
'4$ John "Street South, Hamilton Ont.,
As a general rule most advertised' cough
cures are merely palliative, and smother up
a cough by the opiates they contain; not so
with Hagyar$ s Pectoral Balsam ; it is com-
posed of soothing, loosening, and healing
expectorants, prepared from harmless de-
mulcents, Moots, gums, and barks, that are
not only safe but thorough and certain in
their action upon the diseased mucous sur•
facea of the throat and lunge
b: '