HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-04, Page 9SUPPLEMENT TO TIE IiURON RECORD, FRIDAY, MARCH. 4TH, 1881. CONVENTION Of Class Leaders and Local Preachers, of Goderich District. HELD IN THE METHODIST CHURCH, CLINTON. A (Invention of Class Leaders and Local Preachers of the Methodist Church, of the Goderich District, was held on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 24th alici 25th. A large number of Local Preachers, Class Leaders and• others, were present. It euurmerrced with devotional servicii and organiza- tion. The first question brought up was the "Relation of Class Meetings to the Spirituality of the Church," by Rev. J. Harris, of 13reeseIs. Examine yourselves, he said, whether ye be in the faith or not. Christ administered rebuke to his duciples, sic.; others said on this point, " the old sheep lead the Iambs to the good pasture." It is not good fora Leader to speak of his lean- ness and failings. .A real Godly luau will want to relate his religious ex- perience, so as to give an impetus to others. The out.growth of the feelings of the heart has caused the class meet- ing to become a necessity ; it has not been backed on to Methodism ; the love of God in the soul trust come out in some way. Christian fellowship L. a duty, as well as prayer and faith. Some think the church it a garden, .vhere every flower is perfect --bat Dr. Williams had 'learned that it -was ttf hospital; where health and • care -are needed. Some aro' very emotional— they are converted in their feelings, l ut their cou'eiences need convr'rsio;i. The class helps.' to make our religion 'move positive, and less emotional: " Local Pt•eaeehers, a necessity in the !Methodist Church," by Jas. Caswell, of Londesboro. Ho said American Meth- I edisni is indebted to Local Preachers. Its spread requires them; they are needed as a feeder •to the Itoneracy, needed in revivals. Our people are unreasonable in their expectations from Local Preachers. 'l'hc bread most be served up in a silver tray, or it is not palatable. It is a Divine call ; local preachers originated with the Metho- dist Church ; our laymen have this liberty to use their gifts. It is now 90 years since urethodisin was introduced into Canada. The riermon by Dr. Williams that flight was an excellent one, on " Ex- perimental Religion.° A fellowship meeting took place immediately after- wards. "Readings for Class Leaders and Local Preachers," by Rev. •N. Smithof Kippun. Wo can't read everything. The more we become acquainted with a hook, the more readily we can appro- priate what is in it. The one Book to be read, above all—the Bible—For doctrine, the second Catechiser. West - mitts iutroduetion to the Now Testa- ment, Field's hand book of Theology, and . biography of Abigal Frances Havergell. " Methods of Leading Classes," by Rev. W. Bryers, of Winghaui. There must be variety iir'•seleeting others to help. It is well sometimes to get the members to speak. "Qualifications of a Class Leader." The first claw= meeting was held by Toho, "- 1739. They flee . ants; they stand as sentinels •at the door of the Church, which is. a very responsible office, A Leader, by the grace of God, should be able tel control. himself, and not give+c'ay to passions. The lambs of the flock -are given.into his hands. Full cousecratiou, ready utterance—the . bapt:sur o£• the Holy Ghost, the great qualifications requisite. "Causes of decline in •attending Blase," by Rev. D. G. Sutlterlaiel,'1.3;I?.; of Clinton. Soule Class Mvotiugs are not as interesting apd protitajle• as others. It is like, a ward n, tllii, hos, pita!, just the plate, to •promote rtpirit- ual health. and cure. Tho object•is to help us to work out Mir own•salvittion and, to help one another, 'A num guilty of inconsistencies does not care to go to class meeting. "Elements of success in the Ministry of a Local Preacher," by -11,0x, 1Vu1. McDonagh, of Kincardine. Local Preachers can reach Mee that' the regular Lninistry call not. po,sibly • reat h, • that is when they line right. A.collier, Wm. McKenzie. --a local, preacher•-.-to- whoui the Rev. W. Artiin'. listened, .car ried his congregation with hiin. • Flri entered tho regular ministry ; the Cris pel, and a man to preach it without . starch and buckraut-.a Cosi fearing Hurn, with the gospel on itis lip, null. the,love of (sod in his Heart, and. ire will succeed. It is'in a line with other niinistries. The spiritual metnl►ooel of" the man, baptized with tfio 'Helly Ghost, -is an element of.success -; 1) ie;) CHURCH DIRECTORY. Cananada Methodist. --Services at 10.30 a- in. and 0.80 p. nl. Sabbath Soho) at 2,30 p nt. Mgr. D, O. St*nnsar,arn, 1; D. I'Aarote: Canada t'reabyterian.— Services at 11 a.tn. and 0.30. p. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p, nr. Rev. Abe . Srrw. ART, Pastor.' St. Paul's (41scopa1).--Servicos at 11 a. in. and 7 p. in. Sabbath School and table Class, 3 p. rn. Rev. C. R. 8t rrnr.wti Rector. - Bible Cleristlan.--Services at 10:30. 5. m.. and 0.80. p.in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. nr. Rev: R. Trioses, Pstor. - 'Baptist Church Service at 040 p. cit. Sabbath School, 2:40 n.ns . Ray...1. 0aAs, pastor. FASHIONABLE JERtCNANT TAILOR QUEEN STREET, SCOTCH, —THE TMST -- • • -• '' ENGLISIr &: CANADIAN .library belouginf to the Sunday School \I1' was completely.. destroyed. The losrf hist 1 the building is somewhere:in the neigh- ellevay i on instal. borhood of 13,500 ; insura+n�e$1,000. •The•erinse of the fire is, and is .likely to. J relatin; :oun. .."Of those anaccouuteble. 'ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY 'mysteries tower rang out an alarm- after' all hopo of saving the building was past. The firemen assembled in their hall, hut came to the• conclusion, sines they could do no. good, and also had some doubts as to having •a 'sutlnuieint quau• - tity of hose to reach the burning build- ing, to remain where they wore ----con • sequently, at our first fes, we bad no opportunity'of testing our water works, for which we paid so handsomely. A strong nor.th'wind favored the flames, wuile it at the sametime served as a protection to the buildings • on the Borth and east' The largo shed 'in con- nection •with the buildii!g Wass, with considerable difficulty,, saved Om the general ruin, although the eastern side is very e•adly: scorched, in many places the '.brick • being burnt completely through. Tho organ used by• the Sun- • day school, a small case o£ Looks, a smell Stove and a few pipes; were all that survived the general conflagration. 111essrei. J,•Gr'oves,..J.- Dodds, 12.. Lydli- • Ate and Geo, • 'rench, forced an ell - trance by bursting open .the door in the eastern end,• but on acemu: t of. the dense miloko, were unable to save -more than we have enumerated. 'J'ho new tared piety, love to God alitl 'taus . . faiiiililirity with the :woril.Cf. (aofl`riiiil earnest prayer, aro' ' rleeelsury. Two • things, said Dr. \V'il iglus, riirist he' kept ,in view the cnllv('r'sion.''of''siit�• hers, the growth nlui building up of `believers. Adaptation • is a •very irn. portant element of bueeess.. - Egmontl ymo.r. . . ' .NrOTFa TJ-I.E•.P- ti•1('1ES "=':" 713fiiiiiess- in et•ery clogna'tintnit "ty,' • – • Wingipnzth. • t1''Ite 0'.' Y. 13. AssenrIlly •in•thee-Town hall, on Friday- evening, pr•otniAes. Lo- b, a decided sue:cesv. The-l,:ryK_vire':, deserv.iug of every iln euepurager ruts 'Tho )•aims• of Saturday iiigltt, and, Sunday molding left uv but% little snow. for sleighing, but the frosts of Monday . and Tuesday. fennel U.S hard: bettolu once more. Jim. Adelley has lest` his •iviskers; under circuulstancev lnle>tr n .but to the` initiated. Jim. says l.te.. won't be a, walking advertisement for -Harry or any other man. The wife of My,Geerge• Green. parted this life rather. suddenly, on Mbnday evening `last. She had. been sick f„ r upwards of 0, week, but on Monday seemed much better than'for. some time beifore, but a. relapse'callel her to her final rest before the day over. . • About six o'clock on Tuesday morn- ing last, our town was thrown into -a flutter of excitement by the startling cry of " fire I fire 11" Upott.proueedieg to the scene, dense clouds of Smoke were perceived to bo issuieg Eleni a small building, used as a wood 'shed store -room in the 'rear of the Presby. te•rian church. • An •alarm. vvnw rung from, the foundry 1•.rl;, ' ' , “.1y. who hen,- 1 • �,- . uv age; ,.. 11 I:• t:.'.9 _ : �♦ 4'Good "Oyercoate fol r u11y $10, A Good Tweoe l tiuftd fel Only r,1 _!., Good 'I'wt.ed PauZai•for only $:i,,,25. 1 000(/ PW s eter>'ct attecl''! . 'booming• CI•ve HIM.if 'Cull, •tr 'l'l Duh'1t " tti�' ti4ioty dateoal i.. HALLOO ! :here Ar0R'-Yo Gang Y' nm goingto 1 .. (• tI hl.t.4•I O 61?y GROCERY. AND rovision Store • • • Opposite:fair's Mill, ft pity* nu, to g G.,UJ.Gr•2certe I there the. goods ere -so cheap and quality is .4 Are, 1 I'Aro old Coeds all new . and fresh '! • tvhetlier ii. iy the'c'Ite•et • of the "N. P. or not. • • •- "1'hr.'now dwelling bowie- of Mr:. 11... Colbert, ((hee+wr'ftame) ik ono of .the • hest piivate residences. -In the, village. '•',,,#Tliere.is ('very prospect of Ir•wooiJ:uii, fitctory,r•ither iii Ibis village: or.. -very ., ..close -to it, which .silk'- be truly iioiiceeh� in- time to conic. . .• ' f,aev len, •of hi tisk Maker.. • 'fame, lea pent°villa 'tutu Seaford) to' 'oc- cupy.liia own lisite 1 fin un , i'y kept by Mr. \i'e:it • The old. Huron pottery; by All 'J:; Webber.' The earthen ware inactr•• . is of a:.very superior quality .ani'.. 'shoilld have been noticed 'before. . • Mr. :Ricks, nimbi teacher, has etrect- eel t . most beautiful- residence fronting ('entre' street,' the contractor,: I%ir. ;1).. ,Sproat, did the, work•in - at Most srttis-. -factorymanner. James. McConnell, sou of. our •worthy• , township clerk,•cut'p;irt• of tiro larges toe rindthe one •titext to 'it • off' at ,the, 'first joint, Ulie day •lash week while chopping.'. He Wiil'be-laid' up for•some •titre. • ' . . Th.e nets saw niilr.orbireei by :i r.• J. Kyle in connection with' his grist mill,. is now in full swing; arid -,judging •frour : appearance, it is certainly .'.'the •most complete in the boanty, being, enclosed. with good matched: seasonecj,•luinber, and the machinery. part: Of. the 1ni11 was .finieh"•1 b 11r. 'I'Iros. Burnett, that ufrnrrr. ':rL 1.iiil t•, which in itself is it ...Jet. of Ii,.rfeeiinu.----VYo•have also • • •, r ''ea looeinotrt e .Hawing machine ((who's' iratterd)• run by Mr. James htoelelart, who thinks nothing of :ripp- ing six or eight cords of wood in "twa" is one day.—There is also started by " r1Gis ..ingrtl s, Tuts, Coffees,. • 'Pru eea, ., Raisins, 'Currants, .Bou'el this Codfish,, Gold '.h'lake and Pine, (fiat ChewinTiobaccos, cannot be exeelled.. Seine new designs ii ;Crockery and Glasswar'e,'\Vooden Ware, .and iii F i.t • dverythiug you want. { AP:' r3 33 a„1 T, h i::)'.1.0,n.�i I "'..,rte• s'r:. .1.;rn e y• _ ..i CLrNTQN. • • naked::,:. - ' .), 1_; ., N y ) Lt:•r Ci,V . 'C. Van Egrooucd, a knitting, factory which r promises•t o clothe to the•feet of the