HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-04, Page 5Gaderielfleownship.
Mr. Simon Jordan and. T. Wa.ker
Aare -returning from the lumber woo. -:s. •
Wm. Craig, * Bay con., bas Ship ed
.several carloads of cattle to Toronto,'
And other cities.
There are great fears a • the bridge,
across the.Rayti el4 river going. With the ,
spring freshet, as.CMP of, the .butments..
is .2,preading.
Oa Aloolky„ the 28th, Mr,. Jahn
Henry stud Slim; Pannybeker ..out„ tout
Art,l piled one cord of wood in17 min-
utes time by the ivatch, on the farm .of
,I.r. Joule Sheliperd.
Mr. E. Lott, of Michigan, And
f ortnerly of this township, is visiting _
tis many friends. Ei. looks. well. Tre:
is a brother to .Pfirs. D. IfoLoughlie,
,of Clinton.
A very successful concert •and magio
lantern entertainment took place in $t.
James churell,. Middleton's ..enrners,
Thursday evening, 24th ult. The'kviews
which were prese,nted, were entirely
scriptural, and very entrtaieing. Tho
Choirof St; Stephens church, ITuron
road, were in attendanceoand. rendered
some line selections of music. -The..
-attendatice,,.owittg•to the severity of the
'weather, Wt1.8 NI11411.
Mr. Robert Beacom, of the .]3ay field •
-con, has undertaken the work of train-
ing a span. of colts belonging to Mr. -
'John Thtinpson. On one • occasion,
while driving from Geo. Green's onwof
the lines broke, and, they ran along the
road with. breakneck speed until they
,came to Mr. A.. Welsh's- gate, where
they were turned in. The result imight
have been more serious, had not Bobt.
vacated the sleigh before they. got ful-
ly started. He is at present 'drawing
wood to town with them and•is succed-
jug wonderfully well in carrying .Out
his undertaking. Success. Relt,
TEA -ME ETING.-A. very ' successful •
tea-tneeting took place.at.Ccile's church,.
on Wednesday evening last, ikir..1:1us7.,
ton of Baytield, occupied the chair,
aid very interesting addresses were do -
livered by Revs. Jameson and ' Patter,
son, 13ay li el(1, and Edwards, of Holthen. •
ville, interspersed by music from. the
choir. Ilev. Mr. Livingstone,- 'owing
to illness, was Unable to. ,be present'.
A present of a purse of 'money.. was.
given Mr. Jameson, and a ',similar one
is prepared for, and will.....be given ..to
Mr. Liying,tone: Proceeds.of-utOe'tint„?
• amounted. to abbot' $38.- • : •: .' , /-. ,:
. .
. • . •
' Tolicil •Qounell.
A. special Meeting of the town coun-
cil was held on .Tuesday afternoon ;'
present, the :Mayor .and Messrs. -Chid-.
• • ley, Sheppard, Twitiihell,•13tulpper,'.Stev-
,en'son, Corbett and Picket_ ., .. „:: . '-.:•• .•
The Btiilding Oonnuittee handed'in
the followink report :7 --"After: 60.1•Pft1.1-.•
ly c:onsidernig the matter tof settlenient1
-with Mr. Brace, contractor . for the
tow** hall, we find a balance a•tal)kidi,.
. according to tile architect's valu•ation of
$33,51, width •atnount is. not Satis-.
factory. to thecontractor. Ile claims
- $96.30 over the architect's figures,. the excavation, $103. on the valuation.
of .the old brick, 'at...d $19,•02."-ti.n -the
stone; - mak iirg . a total. of $21.8;•32•,. but
in order to 'arrive. at a settlement, we
recommend granting MM $150.':in.ful1.
payment, and • also $:,).,5..eittrtti,'-to the
pi isterer, difference of s ttletnent w itli •
himself and cot tractor." . !.•:•:.• ''.. . •
On inolion -a pain. goer, Ace'. •by
coun. Twitvliell, - .the . report. . was.
adoptort, _and the Mayor was instrutted
• to pay tho amount,. ' - • -, - . - • .:
A report. from the Property -Com-
m it tee, . as follows, was read -•:-•Titat•
tWo tenders had been received. in res
pone to adv rtisement. to- •rent •the
south -oast store in the market fund '
ing ; ono from Mr, Tayler, offering'
$230 ,a year, and'onn from Messrs...Do-.
horty & Gibbitigs, offering c,17.5.• 4few
chatigos and improvements are Clesired
by Air. Taylor, and the Committee ' re,.
commend that 111f- tender be accepted.
()n motion of Coun. .Stecensoni... see..
by Coml. Corbett, the rt Ott • Was
adopted., and- tile' .alterations desired,
authorlzed to be made. .• • . • . •
The Counoil then adjourned., - • .
New Arrival of Go,ods---Just
pened Out I
New. Embqi ideries, • New Ribbons,
New Insertions, New Hosiery,
• . .
New Lace Goods, New Bracelets,..
• New Frillings, . • New Glove s,
New Ties, de, c@c.
Great *Cotfou'.S:alle„,.,.
WEBSTER GREYS in 32 InelteSs
40 44 ' 33 04
64 30 "
if XX
40 Shirting's. double and Single,
Cornwall Mills, In all widths.
If Pundass Cottons.
‘Coatieook, in all widths. nnebelaga, in all widtbS,
White Cottons :?
White Cinttonsi.
WHITE COTTONS.-11‘41::('Ctloarnss' ,
.`a •ek.Rhirtiligs, Cheek Shirtings,
Oueks, Denims, %e
„ . A •
ftk P A & it_)40 •
-ntronThrt -
Por the Spring TrOte, ive have placed a very large
order for Kid Grove, DIRECT FROM .FRANCE, and we Will show
some beautiful Gpoas.
acksQn's Furnishing House,
opii\TrioDNT., oiNNTIT_ADER,Iicx
1 • •• '.-
. • •
• ,
••OL; jackson has the brick, -sand
Sze., on 'the ground:to make. an. exten-
sive addition to his cider mills 08 APP4
asweather permit,s. . •
Sallee* 6,1 Births,-bertets and Marriabes in. this de-.
.partment inserted free .of clarge. Ore shall at all
' times be ppit to ream suchnotices levet
./table source.
•:le:rtir Andrew's . Sorghum Syrup,. for
sale at D. Cante101es• . . - • .
s, ..: ,
''. ..... ' .'ciLINtia* '01.134,I•E'r .. .
. •• (Corrected .uyety Thursday' attdrnoon.)
Spring, Redeltatri ' - '' • ' , • 1 06.. to 1 10
Wheat:fall Liar bush:, . .;•. ..- •. ..• $1,' 02 to 1 04
pife . . , . . ...' - .110 Ail 1.14 ,1
,..' , : „' ... . -.• .. -00 34 .ttie) ' 0° 8%
0 7
• - 0. 0 . to 0 06 '
-,` 0 00 to .6 60. -: .
080 0 ;35.
- ,..01.8' to 02)
' • , '• - ' 010 to 018 • . :.,,„ ..;ti•p•
. • • ,:•"•;•-'''''.
, 8 00 to 18 00. .
H.- 'CANT". . '.. HOPRiETOR
.656. to 6 01= ,.(
-• =' . = ', 0 75 to i 25 ,„ •
&unary 12th, 1.•§1,
Clinton, Ont.
. • .
••••• 014r tot 01.1% flys kept V1.ESII and. well assorted.• buy in the„best market
Tor 0A.$11, airq witrouLt, to give•satisruction. PRODUCE TAKEN IN 1f..X.01.AN UR. ,
• 4
IISFIE134-os the.18th ' elf:, the wife .of Mr, *mos li'ltlietora,s, . ..
Fishor,•coborn.e, oft (laughter. • '
ELDER....- In 13lyth; on the 26th ult., Mid wife ;of 1dr. -
I?, Elder, ',:i.fii. soli. . •••:- ,---.. '
. .. • : ' glIAIIIMIA.G13,S; .• sh•eor'sligs-
Boot , .- .
.C1'..ENNA81---DWYER..:--In Blyth, on tlio 21St ult. - 'Ch-hor, . ' .
.•51i. JblnyClenna it to ,Alaryi 'Ann, only daughter oi: Thn9tny.,
31r.-61. owyer, all of Morris. ' • ' • : . . r 4 . - •
WITEATJAr.-S'PEEP---6.tthe r2,,,Idenee of tho,britle's
father, o' the 2011 Feb., by the Eey. I). G. Sucher-
' ' Aeon ,Mr. Win..G. Wheately, i.o 'Margaret Ann, .. '
idaughter of Win. 61003, (di of Clinton. . . • - • To ''''rtilE• PUBiliG'.
, I
. : • '. ' DEATEKS.. ' • • .-- . •
• - ,„,,, ,„.., shin undersigned begs to announce, to the people of
. . . . , . .
.60SMAX.-in Ittorris, on rabrum'Y ',0, "Za,. W"e 0' I. Clinton and surrounding Townships that. ho is
• Mr. Th04. GOS10431, aged 28 years. ' -• prepared to do all Minis of -
.• .
T N -
-.• - ., . 5 50 • to 7 00 2 ' 16 '1,. p 1.:::.,',' Of 51
• - 4110 to 5.00 e , •
• :. 3 00 to :3 26 •• .'1, ''''. 's,,
- .• 7 00 to 7 75 ' , ' , .
, • IIIANT.IFATIMBR 7.....„... ,....,
. . , • , ,
., .
Me0E81,---inGodurich Township, on the Ind Inst.', W. i . . ' - i
MAIL -4n Ci inton, on Hit; 1st inst., 4:obi] mai?, aged '. ran11110. au.. opairmif
a.m.: ei .tq'Cil ttb011t ri 5.001.....
Oa a M0a114, . • • 0 ,
CM,LAUPEl.-011 1onilay21st rot01i4 con ' Al' 1'...V tk-S--T RIl: A I
Norris, Mr. Janiei Gallagher, aged aoygars. ' • ' , -b -
- I. NO,I,Itifl,". B17,ilitintrg a SI'lleeillitV.
JENNINs-To 11 tilt
ir.4no , Monday 243, in It
..-I en:: i n'
., of Myth, aged So years deeply regretted. ' . ' --_ .
' rimer:11in
....:,...._:...L.........L...Ith 1.-dy at 1 V., t.
' ''
.: ahm
541 ArViee$ 011 TIM
. . ' •
Clipten literary & Sclentille.Speiety
For a good violin string,' .go to
• Dou ERTY & 011313ING8. :.
•••• .• .. t .,,,
. - •
.i:-0 - • .:t. ... ,.8 . .
,,.azaoq .;,1.th'1,,w,i1.4 Urs.
FndayJ March11th181 e"
. ::.-;1:ig:;6,Litach
. .Cortu. .
iss 5arr,, ...
••0„....i, . •, ,„„„..f..
is Bet y,
. of Sim0. • ,;:i,;
. a,,:
Burdock Blood }litters is the. best
Blood .Purtlier, Liver and . Kidney iL
. Regulator, ,and Restorative in the.
world. It acth upon the Liver,' the •
Ki ineyS and the Bowels,' curing all.
wanner of Bilious complaints, Kidney
Complaints, and diseases.'of the Blood,
. Ask your Druggist for Burdock Blood
Bitters. Sampin bottles 10 cents,.
regular size $1.
llagyard'S Pectoral balsam' is the
most, safe, plchsant and perfectrotnedy
known for all diseases of the throat
and lungs. - It cures • Cptiglis,' Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough, and all Pectoral Complaints, in
the most speedy (manner, .A. few doses
will relieve the most troublesome cough
in children or adnitsror sale by, all
dealers, at 25 cents per bottle, •
rs • Newton, CHEA
Of i. elettr otttihe
• cliaton. .. • Stork. ..
Mr, Kennedy,
.. ea uplete law
• sit..•e,15c. each.
. . . . . of WinWord. . di /,.utiogkort
Thew aro acknowledged by the Pro=d to bo amongst '•
»tent kr Whocries,.
Ilia Finest §ing.ord in no Proy:noo leruits, he.
Proceeds in old et the Mechanics'. Institute Library 4 FfirT,P,,emlit,11,z.Pitig'ir.
AdutIis(ou 25'• Cents; ' It esrrved '''").1"1"
tzzloatf 50.' Cents.
Dr Plan ot, Ilall goody in a tow (145'4til
PUGGIES, CILItTERS;...WAOCITiSI ELE116i137-Ste. .;',..
. . .
. • : r:'103ER 'AND l''l1.1\GLEA i•alt•C0 in ib ,, n ge , ,Cive me, a call nig1 1 will giirc
Yon p' ..A split ellireel. be beateliin the COW.11Y, '407.1.. &pairing and. 1 rorseshoeing dono
with despatch,. ' , • • ,
. . . . . . • ..
NOTICE -All indebted to the lato firm or IL C.4.xtEtos •
Bio', either by Note or BookAccoubt„. are requested to call - •
and. settle by cash or note:
. .. Ii.,CAN.TEt Q11's17:
_ . .
.- 13LYT - • •
.DeSlres to inform his rations and 'Mantis that iieb;
Tajloriro Estab101imelit
0 te the rooms
Over Lawrence & Gracoy's
Furniture Store, -
• .
Tlicse Works. ato. now in full opera- •
tion, and -the utlersiitied- axe pnabled..
0*c:der:any grado pt-, •
Suit of Fineot Quality for Sale
The neees.sity Of Salt for
is now so fully established that every.'
farmer will negtect his own interest .
who fails to use about live tons aunty,
ully. •
egfr• This Trade witl rocgiva our best
• •
Cordwood, 'Elm Stave Ilelts and
Basswood, vered for
which Cash will be paid.
to ay Gray,, Yong & Sparliz
Where he will lic plomed to promptly taloa
orders I e may be tavoted with,
• , :