HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-04, Page 3The First London,
CCorohtll Magarino.J
Apparently, the 'Ivry first London was. a
Webb village -an. ancient British village,.
the history books would say --which crown-
ed 'Ll near where St
rid ate $i e e
the top of L
Paul's now stances The old Welsh, Who
owned Britain before the English 'took it,
were a race half -hunters, half•oultivatore, as
Caesar tells ug, In his time, the Britons of
the south-eastern country, whicb consists cf
open cultivable plains, were tillers of the
soil ; while those of the hilly north-west
were still pastoral nomads er savage hunters;
dwelling in movable villages and having
mere empty forts en the hill -tops, to which '
the whole population retreated with their
cattle in ease of invasion. These dune,, or •
hill -forts, still exist in numbers over all
Eogland, and are generally known as "Brit- -
ish camps." Such names. as Sinodnm, Bross
don, and Wimbledon still proserve their
memory ; while we ate familiar with the
Latiuiz ed form in Cainalodunum, 11lolidti- ,.
num, and Branodunnm, Dunedin, Dauber,
Demise, an 1)unacld give us Senttrsli forms .
of like implieatiot . Down nud dune survivo
as in ei.fi d modern wends front the Fame
root. A4 a rule, the syllables dun ar.tl don
in place n'Anies are Niue iodic shoes of an old
hill -fort. The "castles'' or rude earthworks
which eroen almost every height among; the
South Downs and the west(rn hills aro the
remains of these old Welsh strongholds.
Maiden. Castle, near Dorchester, and the
earthworks at Clasbury, Siluheater, and Ogs
bury are. familiar instances.. Even' bltfore
the Romans came, however, tho river valleys
of the south-east of Britain were inhabited
by agrieultin al tril•ea, Willi fixed habitatiens
and considerable towns. There are twe.
great basins in England which have always
possessed the highest agricultural import-
ance the one is that of the Thames, the
other that of the Yorkshire. Ouse. . So long
as England remained mainly an agricultural
country, the two greatest cities of the land
were the respective centrea of these basins,
London and York, .And there has been
more than one moment in our history when
it might have seemed doubtful whish was to
become ultimately the capital of the whole
kingdom. Now, what made London the
centre of the Thames Valley y for that, of
course, was the first step toward making it
the metropolis of the British empire, Well,
the Welsh tribe whichinhabited the lower
part of the valley must haveoriginally need
ed a dein like all their neighbors. But there
are not many conspicuous hills in the fiat
basin of the Thames between Richmond and
the sea; and Ludgate Hill was perhaps the
best that the Trinobantes of Middlesex could
get. To be sure, it could not compare with
the dun at Edinburgh, at Dumbarton; or 'at
Stirling; but it was high enough to make a
natural fort, and it stood just above the
point where the tide is distinctly felt. Thus,
as the old Welsh beeanie gradually more and
more civilized, a regular town , grew up
around the low dun, and bore from the very
filet its modern name of London, forno
name in England has altered se little with
the' wear and tear of centuries. It was not
without natifraT advafitanieS-of"'aittoftiox; •
for a belt of marshes girt it round "on every
side from the estuary of the Lea and the
Finsbury Flats to the Fleet River and Lon.
• dou Fen, where the, Strand now stretches.
In the interval between Caius Ctesar's'abor-
tive attempt upon Britain, and the reduction"
of the south coast. under Fla-udius, we know
that a considerable . trading 'town developed
around the old village. Cunobelin, whose
coins of Roman type are still founiisfaisal
Norwich and,Chester to'ICent ad bis:palace
at -the neighboring station of Cam'aledunuin,.
but London was the centre of such rude
trade as yet existed: Trackways still trace-
able radiated thence all over the .eastern
counties and the south coast, where the
traffic with Gatti was already important.
Khalil Effendi's Death.
(From the London Telegraph.)
During the last hours of Khalil Effendi,
the venerable Sheik -al -Islam, 'who died a
short time ago at Constantinople, twelve sof
tas, stationed in his death 'chamber, were
incessantly engaged in chanting'': chapters:
from the Koran, with the pious object of fa-
cilitating the passage of his soul from this
world to the next. As •soon' as he 'hid.
breathed his last, his six wives were admitt-
ed to his bedside, where they set un a pito=
ous crinEr beating their breasts the .While,
and continued to. give expression to their
grief in this dismal manner untilremovedby
the eunuchs in order that Khalil's body,
might be prepared for. its interment, which
took place within seven hours of his death.
After been bathed in perfumed water, the
aged dignitary's corpse was enwrapped in,
the folds of a costly white turban which he
had worn upon his head for thirty consecu-
tive years previous to his decease. This,
and this only, was Khalil's winding .sheet,
tightly swaddled in which his remains were
borneLto the cemetery upon the shoulders of
four young softas, after the ninety virtues
of Allah hndbeen duly recited• over his bier
by the senior Ulemas of the Stambouleler- •
gy. When the burial ceremony had been •
concluded, a funeral feast was held in -the
departed Sheik-ul-Islam, at which all the
reverend personages who bad taken part in
the funeral were.splondidly.regaled. . Kha-
lil, who had held his high office for many
years, and was greatly reverenced by the" '
faithful, left a handsome fortune behind him
to be equally divided among his many. chile '
drew. • -
At the marriage of Lord Brooke and Miss
Maynard. at Westminster 'Abbey, Prince
Leopold tikes the part of "best man,t': -•
Triune is a wealthy iron manufacturer in
the Ural Mountains of Russia- who gives his
leisure hours during the long sold winters
to philosophical, studies. An authoress
..of Vienna, Frau E. Last, "whose book,
" More Light," has attained some popular-
ity in Germany, recently received a set of
beautifully worked silver spoons, 'elaborated
in Russian fashion, from this gentleman as
a mark of his appreciation of .hof work ;
and he has now published an. offer of a
thousand gulden about ($400) for the best
popular exposition of Kant's views on' the
conceptions of time,and space, Ho Wilt al-`
so at his own expense, publish the treatise
that receives the prize, but the profits are
to go the author. Julius Gillis is the name
of this philosophical ironworker bf the.Ural
A Piscatorial Complication.
A turbulent teens took place recently in
the ,fish market at Cassel, Prussia. A lady
was bargainingwith a fishwife for the per.,
chase of a kine pike, when she lightly touch-
ed the head of the fish with her forefinger.
The fie Li li was b, w not dead, snapped his
teeth into the flesh of the lady's linger and
would rot al'ow auy foiee on'the part of the
fish -wife t"d; extiicate his pr:souer, while the
lady shrieked aloud with the pain. A atrial, -
man who lit aril the noise hardest up to the
stall to tee what was the matter. Taking
in all the difficulties of the situation at one
glance, he brought forth bis clasp•Jinifo,
and in the n:xt moment the beau of the
savage fish, was severed from hie body, It.
was now the turn of the fish -wife to rail.
Toe lady felt a very natural sentiment of re-
venge towaid tbo pike, and declared that.
she could never bring horticlf to purchase it,
The owner insisted upon being, pail either
by the sufferer or the decapitator of lttr
handsome pike, which bad hoeoine unsal-
able by the loss of its head. The gentleman
who had first appeared as the person to cle-
liver the lady main the sea -monster iwter-
relmd chivalrously to deliver the fish -wife
from monetary los'. fe 1 ought tb° firth,
and carried it c•ff, her.tl and all; but ho ob-
served, wi th a laugh, that lie should not
be able to pzrsuade himself to eat a monster
which had Mated huinau blood.
.-.mor-..-. _.
Nothing Short of Unmistakable Bono-
. Sts '
Conferred upon tens of thousandsof suf.,
fors could originate and maintain the Fina.
tation which AVER' SARSAPAnILLA enjoys,.
It is a compound of the beat ye$etable al-..
terativee, with the Todides,:of Potassium and
Iron, and is the most effectual of all remedies
for scrofulous, mercurial, or. blood clisordere.
Uniformly successful and certaininitsremedi•
al effects, it produces rapid and complete cures
of Scrofula, Sores, Boils; ,Heraors, Pimples, -
Eruptions, Skin Diseases and all disorders
rising from impurity of the bload. • By its
invigorating ciieots it always relieves, and
often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weak-
nesses and Irregularities, and is a potent
renewer of .vitality.' For purifying the
blood it has. no equal. It tones up the sy'a,
tein, restores aria preserves the health, and
impute .vigour and energy. For forty yearn
it bas boon in extensive use, .and is to -day
the most available medicine for the suffering
sick, anywhere: Flit; sale by all' dealers.,.
The, American People.•
No people in the world suffer asmuch
with Dyspepsia as Americans -and although
Years of experience in medicines have failed
to accomplish a certain and sure remedy un-
til ,GREEN'S AUGUST II'LolyER.was introduced
for this disease and its effects ; yet so welt.
has this remedy succeeded in every case •to
effect a cure, that there is' not a Druggist in,
the United States but. recommends the
Auays' FLowER in. all cases of Dyspepsia,*
and Liver Complaint, 'Costiveness;'• Sour
Stomach and Liver. Ge to your druggist
dud, get as Smmniss Bottle for 10 cents and try
it.wo- Tdoses wiU r•elie've"any`case:'``Regii•'
lar size '75 cents ,•,•
MILwAtnenll has passed an- ordinaneo as'•
sessingits horse rail roach companies $5,000 .a•
year for each: mile Of the"streets on which
their tracks are laid.
Coopzli's 109 Yonge Sts Toronto, lave a
choice lot of Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchief,
Collar's, Cuffs, .kc. &c.,. Shirts made to order
a specialty, note the address .
slanufaetnrors of J apors; Mowore and 7'hreshlnx
Machines prefer "Ca$toriue" itilaeiilno Ott to any
other. It wlttoutwear Lard, Seal or Eleplisnt, 'and
As warranted not to gain.. Ferule by all, dealers.
An Indian's three' greatest desires .were
thus expressed : 'filet,,he'wished, for.' all'the
•tobacco in the world ; secondly, for* all the.
rum in the world,and whenasked what his
third wish would be, he replied that ."he
would take a little more rum."; -Now, if wo
wished to banish' the moat troublesome die-
eases an the quickest possible time our bhief
wish would be for. Iiagyard's :Yellow' Oil.
Itis a perfect ppanacea ouring by external and
internal use all. inflammation;' pain, and Sore-'
`nese; Rheiimatisni; Stiff .:Joints, Deafness,
Colds; •Kidney • Complaints, Burns, •Frost
Bites -and -Flesh Wounds of every variety..
• For sale by. all dealers, -
Use "Clistorlue" 1,1abhinc 011 forall kinds cern=
chinery, It is also excellent for harness and los-
t I
tier, rual t water and weather proof. For sale
by dealers. • •
"Tis stiveet to court, but oh i hewsbitter,
To court a --girl and then not get her ;." •
and 'speaking of' bitters 'retnil;ds' tis that'
'Burdock Blood Bitters is the most deserved-
ly-popelar of any medicine in the market.
It sweetens. the stomach, audit sweetens the
dispositionby .tranquilizing the nerves; it
makes pure blood and 'loans all the seer°. •
tions, jogging every. organ to a healthy ac-
tion, acting at once upon• the Stomach, Liver,
Bevels, Skin and Kidneys, and'is the purest
tonic in •the world. Sample Bottles, .10e..
Regttlar..size; $1.00. °
Ask your dealer for, " Casterine Machine 011,
annond e ecooththateris thgenutn'o.o b'trrel is btauded"Castoriue,"air
• • , -
It is • cough, wheeze, wheeze, hack, hack, •
' away,
.A,ud there is no comfort to be had either,
night or clay. •
De you think so ?then yoti have never tried
that moat pleasant and effectual euro, Iiag_,
yard's Pectoral Balsam; a fewdoses relieves
the moat; diettessing'cough, and a''twenty-
fivo cent bottle has cured many a sufferer
• from Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, .Infiuenze,
Horn -ionises and Soreness. of the Chest. It
ie the grand specific for all' throat. and lung
complaints leadingto Conaumption, -
..Toronto Oil Company aro solo manufacturers of
"Casterine" Machine O11 'Infringements will be
prosecuted .
A annurN of 'offences other than agrarian
in Ireland' in 1880, presented' to the House
of Commons,•shows that the total number of
.such offences was 3,0S4. Of these nineteen
were murder and fortyfour manslaughter.
The total number -6f oases in all Ireland in
which offenders• Were convicted was 694 ; the
nttmber of cases in which' offenders were
made amenable 'but. not convicted, 420 S the
number of offenders . awaiting trial is' 105; •
the 'number of cases in which, offenders were
neither couvioted nor made amenable, 1,815,
PICTURE MOULDINGS, Frames; Mirrors, bfirrer
Plates, PictureGlase. Pictures, &e, &e, Ii, J, Num
THESIV db BRO.. 93 Yongo Street, Toronto.
HOSE"' GLOVE DARNER, sells at sight,
err' Sample bymail 15 conte. Address Noyel-
{. tics, 641 tog•stEasl,,Toronto..'
Menderaon'a NEW .Cauliflower (sealed) for -490., not 50.
My Early Scarlet Radish at Seven coma Per ounce.
lmpeovod Swede Turnips, por lb•, 23 eta -not 30.
Remember, onfp .JAMES ItENNIE, for )slaw seeds.
lillSSIN' HOUQr Purser Kurz and,YoriClits„
111it7t7 i1 QV
;Ant Toronto. Palace hotel of
Canada:. Mark a DWI. proprietor
RN usliaWA t1AIfINE1 Cu.,
FUHH ITt1 E Q7 Yonge Street, Tgronto.
II n Qntarlo.
laming patents should write 10 HENRY ORLST,
Patent solicitor, Ot'awa, Canada; twenty years"
practice; Ito pricey, old pay. .
��* naffs°_ii Larristar wl at -
G 49 King
street west,
& 0juuwrrgtunSMEast;
Toronto. Agents Wanted,
HAN 11 SIAM PS BER vinBs et
. every daecription.
13rouee Menai at. Toronto Alxhibitlon, 1880. APutel e
wanted. IiENYON STEWART .4FG. CU., 30 l%tng
Sr. West, Toronto-
ARTiFICIAL LIMBuraP'toDble,Ligh;Elasic and
Cheap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition, Lou-
don.. Testimonials on application. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Address,
J DOAN & SON. Dravtnn, Ont.
4 Elegant Colored Pictures in Ilan,d-
some lllmbossod Frames. Free by mall for 23
cants, Novelties, 04 )vine -at East, Toronto.
Frosit Seeds: and New and rare Planta, are now
rcaiy far sale at
aged 1Varehousa aid Conservatories,
1IAa114TON, oN'r'
11 TEED: Sufferers from the above disease (Ner-
vous Debility) will find permanent relief from HOOP
EL1S REMEDY,. Nota quack Nostrum but the
petttinc preacriplion of the celebrated Neurologist
and Physiologist, DOCTOR HOOPER of kings Col.
lege London, England, Sample Bottle 50 cents. Cir-
c.ilars free. - enclose stamp, to J, 13. NORTON
k CO, Pharmacen deal Chemists,' York Street,
F i ss
, BRUCE'S Farm, Vegetable and Plower
Seeds have been before the Canadian publie
for".CHIR''J Y years, and wo claim that they
are unsurpassed in quality.
LOGUE, beautifullyillustrated, containing
all necessary information for the successful
cultivation of Vegetables, .Flower's, Field
Roots, Potatoes, • &e,,1s now published, and
will bo mailed. FREE to all applicants.
Seed Growers,
E; half Lot •11,..N..Di.._Road,`Twlr..' Culahester,...
100 Urea. 30 cleared ; ':soil excellent;.. lo;
house and barn ; 8 miles from. Essex. Centre,.
C.S. Rail way. A targain•iti.this lot.
N. half Lot 2; con, 2, Twp. •Soinervife, 100;
aeres. 40 cleared • log- house; framer barn
8 miles north of Boboeygeon. Can be sold
• E.half Lot' 3, Con. 8;-Goulliouru; 93 acres.
80 dared, soil geed; house, barn, stable,
shed : and •. granary. . 2 miles from Ashton,
Canada 'Central Railroad, and 8 miles. from
Carleton • Place.
Other farms for sale, apply to : ,
Real Estate. Agent;`63 Ktng•stEast Toronto:
aro hereby offered in prizes for 'competition at In
Mistrial ' 1.and 1 2 by
`. dnatrial Exhibition Toronto, Sept. 88 ,
Horse & rattle Feud Comp'y
for horses, elleep and cattle fed, two,four and six -
uion a, ri.-pectrvely, On• Thorley Cattle F000. For
ar 1e ?r,.ra eco circulars, or write to' the Company,
a3 Joins Strout Soath, Hamilton, Ont,. .
be sold at very low prices and on very easy' terms
immediate pos ossion given..' . Apply to
A. M. OOSBY,. .
" 841{in;-st astToronto.
'• Lot Ali, Concession 6, Township of Huron; Co 11001
Portable Saw . Mills
8 AdelaideS '..tree E •
.. t East, Toronto, Ont
.Pune or Organ ,
MASON'S CHART. A child 10 ears old eau
understand It -perfectly.
'Tess anon wonderful invention has . v+p '�
playing yearned in , '' been before 00 public (In its perfected) .t..,
form) tut a short time and the select •
.. 1
ONE DdYl y bravo been Immense, which Is the aur•
y �' /1 (ort r, pro ils unparalleled merit; and'
�r I�
orders Pro globe, troth every irony,
ire:44 u' try oa.lec Rlobo. Iture note theoryy,,
'�• �'"�' nude decided departure bum the old .
Method. ltrneon's 4l11avt ars
over 1 h keys aft 1Irmo or Organ,
1 fndlearing ovally tehrr4 and how the
bond, a 0 toba parr rt 4, turd the proper
l:cy, to atrr ,r, rh:nobut113 p nitiu1, and
t lA•II ;t 1 II l 'f nrra/01.0 001. at salt l bitJtfy Sn mom. ,.. a .;,,x •ti,pala: <., kF,l--e'i
t,�ll ,I11 lh,,;. +'�°t' r , d i1 n `9 Ib5344001,.1rin,•u tent Ft',
u wish to
• l 4. I, �, '`% - r� n �Ilu S ploy. Th' g ora perfeclft otf1 2hdia fn btfr reaulec, 1f yon can rend yoescrn
{` Sif ' � v �• +( 1%h 44" _'.1 ploy thu puulo or Qrgnn hit one day btteer Oren Ftmoecathcro e,n4tbfcgc,0 y0tc
int/ ce tot
F t n 1(ha. 11 you havePiano
cr. I �-. fed •< Ii1 P1; , . r 1 t l o. l burn at some oil ledllo'a house.
and find
aft Nigh eyearrg n rms.wdgo. 30-,4 Marra aural, the editor or nob
leading Musical Paper In the world, on r deist should 410 a loser giros ecide Aowe, cl'hon in Orem A a Plano n Oryaa er rise
Thenaroto3 do,,,,Wird/., rle,4U testto ,Tableie to drgreat
eati sl ttIcldecidedeunequ tleveryusc. Itcannotdo EACIIElae
saving a,'tt dose, E IoATI sOtimca fes co,tI . hulls 100 3 ,o, a dollar
rias 5e unequalled success. MUSIC of ofpott:
ego by eta•Es 1' to 1r doz. r.KNIt ge IT. Tho a 3.-e Is b e dellur fora eetaplefe set (f (ernes) and Inultidta 0 01450nt of poet=
age by us, $7 per,doz. its Agents. or.the trade by exprcee. Special offer, to every purchaser of Mason -Camas
who Will state In what Piper they volt the advlttieemnn,,and will agree to stow the charts to their. Mende wo will give set a FREE
PRESENT our Disian4o.o c•slbum sviik 10r plebes of choice mile, inatruataptal 0nd vocal, Those weenies the Album sent by moil
prepaid will entice) Ie cents extra, them aa'lend by o:prose, go one will regret learning to piny the Dano or Organ, It le the
p Inbi>aaSpaulding.e ta. Address O. .. Spaulding Co,, b7 wusLlmatou r3t.,7ioston,l♦i`arr,. Agettty. •
$5 The Wonderfu..i: Illechanical Piano-ette..$5.
The Moot marvellous mechanical Invention or _
the al go. ltwrll relay oily 1000 in a on 01000 and de,,,t na,nner
Difficult Pad ,13,31( mu*ie produced in 0 troop ly stye, nod It can be „ ,,,�^•
plpyud by a rbihi. as well as by a grown prawn and will f,releh. music
fer,n4loi gellivrings°roily deacttptlon,ptu,0 11 litter after hour, without
any lou 111010 ge or Imola ,,vino' required' In rho °prrntlon. The most
wondrra,larn7110111-11{Myelinlr, ft eter lee which inn purely Fuc-
chmdeekemettet7pct.6 0nn7 Mode! 1111 lo, wahA 0 1'o11tn0 Marchts,
&c., with. ,t nor pr.irtirtrork0,w,0„go ofttu„le wltatcul• 1u 11,30
respect t r 01111 00•3 to day as .ic-box, for 0507514 he Belt witalevet to
the number (1 .n,4 I0 w1 t play. lite rl It rutione In A It•:dile °trip
yreduce,h4Sa, Y. I0 3,4,31,01 10tH 11 rf a ,. (tIle a netrnhy it g gill
'bowleg Itf,io WNW t.tlhentl,hetlia hat dlgthnlhro0,00100$•rnb-
1010elibyalna l'„I ll. room I 10.1 10. r•" ill tr, 1t 110, 110.3 1,1111 wh tun..-
01301.1.1010- dt emend the noire arbar. (,iwmu.i,,irrnr.uter ) oven., -
al, all /mina rrite,i phi n0a tuahlg he::. nuich plvdura .1r0a0d smut "44'1'11 1 nn10., 1115 , never p' ut of tnnr the born Pre droves
tystrilaro, the petite ria the Wren a phut°,o Ir they sork,utomnllu,.il h.otivul, 117 the lingers. •flu, strip of prepared paper h,'
which, the tune 1. M,lnlprd or portae101,Ie¢hout ltilet. u•e wit1,1,1.33:13400 through the ro lem and over the keys, rho strikers
spring through Ons t,erk/rattutlst°, flu caper and ntOka ilia right note; 111131.011 dont automatic Illy, without any assistance from rho •
operator (except turning the n 1(111. and rho tune's played; perfectly. It would b0 ono et the moa npproptlnio presenu'to make any
any, enprrl¢lly w00707110 0101100:I0•; ,lmairnl (uotrnmlut. . its ei •uutr.r. 10 admirable, and Its capacity or capability almost unam-
Had. •1410nllhg /N..01.11.00 r1 -1V 111114l1.111 Innlrn0,nt ever Invuntnd. Thn unite is ane. nm1 evprvbntty dnlIghrod. The oda., of the''
Plano -ate It 3lty "Din, hu•ipdh1ga • l,$on df 1 puIorI,,o.4, Address, The IIIASKACIIUSETT3 Olga -AN 100:,
I17,Wa.hint;tua Si"'Lubtan. hiooss.r 53, N. A., Bole Miunutiactueers.
PYx is n'i r'
The only Medicine that 'successfully purifies the
Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and Kidneys,
while at - the same time it allays Nervous. Irritation,
and strengthens the Debilitated . System,.. perfectly and
speedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti-
pation, Headache; Rheumatism Dropsy,N ervous and Gen-
eral Debility, Female .Complaints, .Scrofula, .Erysipelas,
Salt Rheum, and every 'species of Chronic. Disease arising from
"Distiirdered`Liv'ery Kidneys, . Stomach; •Bowels • or-Blood1. : -- - --- - : w -
Oemple Mettle. -10r. T. MILBURN & CO., SOLE AGENTS, TORONTO. • Regular Me; *1.00
Mrs. Freeman's •r5s,eni 1Puveder is a safe, sure ,and effectual destroyer of worm: in,chBdno cc
sinks. Price:5 cents 1,r 5 :or $1•'
llri. lrreenian'5 New Dninestf0 Open are perfect in every colal. For brightness and
eirslibity they have no equal. Price as• cen(s'per package.•
TRALT and Fine Art Publishers. Office and
Factory : 75 flay Street, Toronto. Portraits ext.
carat in.011 Water" Colour,' SteelEngerVingo,
yon and and' Cardin,: Only first coloured work done. We
also execute special orders for Mounting and Finish-
ing Piotures, Show Cards &a,.
of Brute ; soil clay loam, 40 acres cleared.
. 1OOACRES,, LOT.' 3; . •;CON; 14,
ToWnellp of. Brant, Co of Bruce ; soil •
windy anliclayloam;40 acrosolnarcd, 49 partially
cleared ; remame
dbr in harawood timber ; frame -barn.
and good - log dwbIling, situated near good market, . - it � f3llTi' 1971 En„ in es
11105 ACRES, N. W. HALF OF •
VV Lot 24, Con 0, Crantabo, Co of Northnmber- OUR SPECIALTIES.
land: soil sandy loam with ctny bottom ; 00 acres
cledred ; eine miles from Colborne. '
1 %11��11 MES' LOT. 7,' COQ`' • 12, �y�yt
v O• Townsb tp of Turnborry, Co of Hume, ail . W Iaern�.ns Elbine. Works Co !,
-excellent farm witKh good im rovsmetits.
Ontario, sandy loam,well situated, fair dwelling
of house,Lot 14, Con 4, Township of Pickering -
If Edison perfects the electric light, his
fame and fortune *ill excel that of the
lucky .Man who first Ae struck oil," hut the
man who first struck Yellow Oil as a rem:
dy, for external and internal use, was' a
more • fortunate individual than either;
Yellow 011 ib par excellence the remedy for
Pain, Lameness, Rheumatism, CrOttp,,Deaf-
ness- Burns, Frost Bites, Stiff Joints, and
all flesh wounds. 'Any medicine deafer can
'furnish it, -
True nobility is the :most unpretentious.
The Most'liufnble means often will accom-
plish tho greatest ends ; the most modest
and unpretending of .flowers aro the sweet-
est; the:.inost simple tied abundant herbs
are the most potent to heal : Burdock,
which grows almost unoarod for by our way
sides • e'ene of the most Valuable of cleansing
and healing, medicinal roots.. It is one of
the many ingredients of that marvellous
medicine Burdock Blood Bitters, the best
• purifying tonic in the world. Sample. Bobs
tle 10' cent., Regular size $1,00. '
and Moustaches. infallibly',
produced by. the well-known -
and celebrated moustache pro-.
dicer AYR1ril F010E171a, in• six '
weeks An:agreeable .andpow-
erful stimulative' Einolhent. ` Sent to any address : -
in Canada on receipt of the price, 25 cts.. EARNEST,,
DERRINGER Chemist,. 396 King: street; Toronto.
Tho3e gatnq to Manitoba will find it to their ad-
vantage, tocorrespond with us. Subscribe for the
Colonist News, a paper glving Just the information
you require; 10e. to end of year. Pamphlets, with .
maps, sent free. Prlttie's popular excursions, with' •
sleeping cars attached, will.commence.running on 3rd'
.MARCH, and continuo(overyother week daring the .
season, preceded two days by their fast freight train. "
50,000 acres of choice lands for sale. Letters enclose ,
30: stamp for reply.
R, W, PRITTIE & CO., `
04 King-st Fast, Torouto.
This brand Is guaranteed to be . .
the very best Chewing Tobacco in
Canada, being manufactured of
the finest sun -cured Virginia. 'leaf
'Po avoid imposition see that each
Plug bears 'the'tin• stamp, and
every Caddy the Caution notice of
Effectnally hills the Ticks,. improves .the lustre 'and•
growth of the wool and prevents .
it from coating.
A racking coligh,.ob why endure? ,
When there is hound a perfect cure, '
That from weak lungs relieve the strain,
. e And give the sufferer ease again.
Such a remedy is found in a 25 cont bottle
of Hagyard''s l'ectoral Balsam, the best '
throat and lung healer' in the world. For
sale by all dealers. ,