HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-03-04, Page 1i B Ar Volume' 3, No 2 TERMS: ---$1.25 •-,••-•"••••-..-•`••r ONT.,� Lh DTERMS:---$1.25 pet t) m in Advance. 1., I 1 OL�11!A1�18* • AP ,i . t� a , � � ' gDwD Fl-QODY : Publisher. THEyS1`_' 1. �, �CH1t: rt Na.t•, n� RECORD p g �O� I A L• ,�E%,� . T . NuMBEltst of logs are being brought. ; Orr Wednesday last, about noon• the ■ O i >r�v tl �!' � j+ ..A� � 1!''4-�-La.,-+-�� �� ��. n -ill � � i" ' Janine and Picini into* town at the resent time, ' fire alarm was sounded, but the titre' 6.very r'i•atla4 d.)rning. o �'�, c �-�1f. 1 R; J. M. it acl(td intends going'only preset! to be a: cliimuey on' the, At the offlee, vitt„ria t .uc: , („rr t. , Pont Olnee) fL 6L zt 1i•- >I Ey into business again, as 'soon. as the ne- residencer. Worthington,. I{urea CLI: Ti, lr°, fir tfiMil, �a a z ur `J,” cessary arrangemhillts can be made, street, • D of�y«� - 1,•, - t� • ¢ CO' e Couxe7xl, meets ne ct Moeda eventn iii. or t, g' TAS assesors are on - the warpath, APPox\TFD.- A rneetiltg of thee' Piro' E . r L. 0 D 1 P . e 0 P, /eQ .. ITI Mit, P...'. Robb, has opened oat his bus- Try and be swan}' from home, if pesstble, Company was hold Mon'd'ay evening te- TERSIs,..'1•nx ,.lu•,.i n tell t.•. •, . • +..b.erihers ,,.,•e, K” f,9 inelis again in. Gilroys old stand. O - Qtuntagc fr •+) t •r :'1.41.5 if .: n ,un'c; 111.!0 if '� pointe the' post office. - leuid to tt no,.:'. • : If na,,I t, ux til ••1 he year. t y,, "f"— ` /rt . No paper dna; 'atm r I t:' .. ,•1 •.r- aro. a,.rd. L +. rz. •_r. 1 \d _. _44 44....___ V)o it s ON SatOrday.last, a...farmer brought- ,.;.,,,.... rought 1 . �•• i on_ a W,,.- °!d �: a-load.'of grain to our town from the PropsSl):1,1� 1a.1"t ,,,h'i cards. vdi-= 4cizf• �be • -1 a. set. .: ,;r -,„ t. iuintedt- I ▪ . f�--u-a-cd ! ° +• V„ stat h.. m, I • . t a., 1 ,1 , Residence ' :,..se..i, ty• .y'°ae �n '. il/ opposite toe 'r•,a,,:r..,:i , I . •-.rout. U,llec -•C .xi!•, i � Amus front 6 a.m. t . 0 ,. In l ]tj, �, 1 OG Clinton, Jan. 14, lad!. 1)• 1 All. .< other side .of .L)onybrook leaving a r nulnber•of markets nearer home, SINGING CLA§s.--Prof, Salter intends holding his singing o g i g � cl a, FIs on. Monday evening next,awben all intending to joint are'rrequested to be in attendance,. TIIArna —Ourthanks are. due to Mr. Mills,. president of the agrlbultural, college, Outdo!), for a report • of ' the agricultural farm for tire year ending 31st Dec, 1880. GRAND Carnival will be.lelil'`in the skating rink this (Friday) ei"eningt D11. DOIV SLEY, 11. Dr, M. n. C. England, PV4.icutn, Surgeon, &C. Oiiiue and residence next \I„lson'a Bank, market square. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1861. 1-y 3• .1i- - C.rrnlil•:, Licentiate of Dental Surgery will • • vi -it Myth on each and ever month, fr tit the tenth anti, the. 1." rtcyall, when :IP a t:. be lug et happy to w.tit op et ail th.me that may favor i,tri with their patronage. All operations perf ,ru:t i in the tu..et sltillfl,l uaanuer. 131;11i, Pee. 17, PRI. e H.:,1ANNINO Attorney, • , i••i r, rbnveyanuer _L . L••• ' cwor 141nek, Alt:ort 4-noer. t' ,n on, Ont. Money to lend at 1.,we.t in:r.t.11. t'rn,a0 Fumes. Agent for some of the 1)(Is' 1/11 11111100 t' 'meanies. 40y /- -1 Et). A. wATs )N, Artane; at•Ltw, Soifcitoi in jr t.'han'or,, ;.nary 1,,a le, uvu.anc,.r, 1c., 'Minton, visits Myth every T :c.dn •1ONEY TO LOA:: 1T Is PEI! I'ENT. Clinton, Jan. 11, 1641. 1-y ejtitil)\LE&()ALE, Il'inkors, Albert :Arcot, Clinton, L out., d r a geuerol bruiting •,0.iuus, S.,le notes nought at lou rtes. Your Patronage s. li,dted. Clinton, Feb. 16, 1861.. l:y. ]3ONEY CAMPBELL, Practical liarbep, oppnrite 17 Victoria Blo,ac, Clinton. All kindlier lathes' hair work --ovule to ordor'-a specialty.: A%eail so'leitod-. Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. .ri2.1y. yIARRY FISiHER, Professional Berber, Tonsoritt • jj 11 Artist, Creninnr Manipulator, Facial Operator rind C.'apillary Ahritfger—next door So Commercial Hotel, Clinton, that 118 Your patronage solicited. p�ppyy ll'1. q'. G. W � ,... S. c NC 0,02 The Clinton Brass baud will be ill tit: �p F ® renclance, and a very interesting tinge' The Cheap " 1is expected. &d'misson 10 cents. •ON Saturday, last Mr. Geo. Fulton, Bookseller . 86 Stationer who is at present staying here, per- / ! chased from Mr. Thompson 1kanion, CLINTON, ©NT,:' of NcIKillop, a team of horses for the sutu of .$320; Mr, Fulton intends tak- g.MEA THOWSON Licensed Anetloncer for the •P- County of f -furor .,,,Sales-utendul•••a&-reaaontrbfer - rates. I)`ioton, don.1 nth 1381 'DROP. . is:rLTER, Clinton, Ont., teaches music in IL u!1 its branehec. llusie: M science end• harmony I. it sp. eit't •, Careful attention given to youngb, gin" nut's : also the in e,t approved vocal training fin' sereegth. rine. and developing the 4.4411:,, is given 14411041. desire i with int extra charge. Pupils attended ut- their own residem•es if required. Charges' moderates. - . • • 1!lintan,rcb. 1',ch,S'_al. .timp Factor!, Clinton Marble . urke } HURON` STREET) CLINTON W. H. -COOPER';.. alanufacturer'of and dealer in tilt kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work, at figures that doh! competition., .. Also Agent fort 'tile Celebrated` •=A•ttmrlurerA� �Sva;sL-4�r,.�:l3ii><llluz;;=lxlr.. ,. puses and C,inietei;)..`Fork, wliieli must. be seen t!o he'appre,,uitcil,--.x ll• woik 1Yt1P5at)tgYI't() nl\1.. 'tttlslltethln... • CLINTON • S. FOWLER A: SON For the BLAST Y1t'-1.1N STRING in Tarin, CLOCKS )VA'l'Cll1i:4, J1:41'ELRY and SILFEIt PLATE. • Clinton, Ontario.• • 1AMILg'O4744-. ! 1'C'rIoNEE!I, land, loan anti insurance agent, - iii, th. ;ides attended in town and country, mi rata '11.0.1.. terms. A I1.=t of fannsnnd village lets for sale. 1, •••t : r , I ,•tn 'Ill real estate, at low rates of in- ters r. .0 • rii::•t.•d on all classes of property. Not -• ..I .•rad. (foods appraised, and sold nn r• ••r• �:u,kr,:pt'docks bought and Sold. Y1.1.,.,.'''. ling ' r . A. I: 41',.. • 1 F.. ,. runt. t ' • No. 84, A. F. & A lie., meets r :trier the full moon. Visit - .cited. • .1. ltfacwllSitTER, Sze., •). .-l. 1.y so .i 'it... ew Sala!1 sums,- on'good 141 security,, at tete lowest Caron a,ron -Street Clinton. ('i„ •:: 1-1y., *tiigssioikstie; T O. L. No• 710, meets 2ndMondln dy in eachnxth, 1 J. in Illddleconib 'e Hall. Visiting brethren cor- dially invited. A. 11A 51 N lilt, w. m. R. NKAPMARCIL, Sac?. 441inton, Jan. 14, 1Sli. - 1•y. THE. MOL.SON'S BA'N>1t, Incorporated by- het of Parliament, 1855 Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $I4O,0O0. HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL, 'rtro:11 AS )CO•I1KM.IN, President, : CLINTON. .1. 11. 11. 5:01.SON, Vire President. . .. P. woLvEttSTON TIWUM AS, General Manager. •— ('uileetionn made; Drafts. Issued. Sterling and T Anwriear, Exchange bought. and sold, and not(18.Me ENit ,'•mired at the luwo,t current tatel.. Interest allowed a on tluposits • TI4E undersigned bogs to'announco. to the initabl- tants of Clinton and surrounding Townships that. he has BE -FITTED the above: establishment, and, is, now prepared -to manufacture all lands of , Well and . Cistern :Pumps, CISTERNS and TANKS,"on. the shortest'-poysih;o. notice, Hating: ori band n Very ha,'t}v stork, we aro' confident of giving brood .satis1ictitn in. every 014,10:' C!IAIIOI'S MODERATE, O1(iei'44 by• mall promptly ' attended to. 4 • Your pat (Map.:sulfeited,, JOHN ROS. REMOVED The EM '- The undersigned begs to' atunoitnee to: the inhabi- tants of Clinton and: surroitndinguOnntry that he has • remo'. cd . Two Doors North or his• Old Stand, Where he is prepared do fl11'orders on the, shortclt• notice. If you want pair oto' • A • O. m 'BOOTS Give him a call. . ' • JOHN STEEP Chilton. Clinton, Feb. 18th, 1881.. . The NOW' Sl ul•A.1oate. M. LVIOLI, Manager, Clinton, Feb. 100,.4381. CListax. A. .b2. FISHER. 00,000 000 to Lend at 62 per Oetrit. With extranprivlliges to borrower. ' Agent for the old Lancnshiro insurance Cnit, Eng- Ibad, Capital Fifteen 5l lllon,taollars (815,000,000.), Agent for first -clans aro proof antes-inanufattured , y (fold!° k'MtCullough, Gait. Second-hand safes taken in Exchange Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. 1 -yl MONEY TO LOAN. $ 4 0 ,•0 0 0. On farm property, ab raven percent. intoreet,pa,vabl'e 'early, bnrrowerere having the privilege of paying the who'e or any part of the loan, ut any time, without giving previous notlliet. On payfnent of any ppu�tt of principal, Interest censea•ah amount paid. Ft3ether yt.,•ticulars given on application to it A. HAM', Attorney, 4e., Cliiitioni AILI IR • r 000D MUM FOIL 19J7au... fig., them to Uncle .' Sam's Dowinions.- HAND CUT.—On Saturday last; as Mr; .Win. Steep was working: in; the fag, mills, he unfortunately cat his hand on'one of the knives of Tie lila- ehilie.. The injured member is pro - gressing favorably .'• PATTY, =A goodly ' number of ' our Cf f 11 d o out t the ice your family, of• course can givit'all in- consider' the applications for the posies . formation required. tion of fire engineer. T�Wo applications Ma, 13, OMapbell has commenced had been received ,S• Pratt and Jos. business again:in the builditg formerly Cook. Mr..Ooolc was selected. by a' occupied by the American Expreas'Co,, ,vote of 10. to 5. . Huron Street: BRAUTIFUL PIANO. We - had : the TIE revival meetings have been. car- pleasure this week, at the wareroolns riti<d on in th Methodist nth' O being' e M a urc is week of 1Vle:isrs. Doherty & Grbbinps, of belnr, with very gratifyi'ilg• results, 'she' pill- shown A beautiful piano,•rnanufactured pit was occupied an Wedxiesclay oven- by Sollmer ii; Co., of "New �'oi?k. Itis ing.last, by Rev, Mr.Cairwell, of Londes- very' heatltifully tini&hed, •anti: bas a pe borol cu'liarir disttnguishedl tone on account: A IKxss—WELL PAID 'FOR, --• On of its" 'volume,, purity and tidiness.• Saturday last, a book agent named 1Ic- 1 he tottich of this piano , is responsive Cormick,. was arrested and brought be and unites' with absolute precision,. a . fore the Mayor :on •'the •ellfitge of ,at- eleticacy and pliability • not found 1141, tepting to kiss a young lady, -whom on instruments of any other maker:: The' entering to sell the book, lie' found to. judges at .the Centennial Exhibition, be alone. He was fined by the 1layor 'Philadelphia, 1;879; after severe tests. in default of which. he was sunt to jail of the pianos of more thfin 40 makers .for sten days; : - ' 'from all parts'of the .worM, .recognized NEW Tit11LDINt,Is.—We understand . its .many admirable' 'dualities.' They . Mr.. Thos.. Jackson intends erecting a therefore wrote a 111xttering report 'on block of'brick stores) on Huron ,street, the Soh er-piano, reeonlul beir'nb. for adjoining Grail), Macwhirter i.. Con's thein the highest retvard itaheir power store •as soon as possible.. We .hale to grant --a medal of merit and diploma• also been informed that Mr. '`'V. - H. -..of, honor, which: were unanirnously• de - Perrin intends erecting a brie' Block creed by the United Statee Ceutenni , '011 RatLenburry-' street, sl itable for ' Commission. .stores of offices. • As both these gentle: �. _•- , . hien are -enterprising menaed will .:do • • p:XTENS'IVE.VIItE. as they . ay, we liave lie . hesitation in , • saying th!fet they bit-ildings will soon be `S.MITli'S FRAME ELOQIC LAID IN` ASHES: . in courie"of erection. .. y0 DQ. O . Cs: i ee n O : i0 residence 41. ecce Asgur readers \will notice by Over- On Friday. Morning' last, a,bout'thre$'. of iv1i ,IVY tLlext�niier, Sr.;,. Till eclir. tisenieut in another colunlu 1'!144 ",!tote o ...On a fire' broke out' n the:barber" Godericlt Township, oat Monday .even- .n f1 shop of tlir. 13;: Gull poSil,';,Stnitl>'s graph business lately Coirdacted.: byMl. ;it; lrIsti:lvlxitre-flit'-ar€etv..lint E1 a,,uloat� _.i. :',1)1'rynk-,-aiid• iJl-tt-yt14 yhol"t,--.spaoo,..-oaf.-44,;44.. The J- il:�•�l,�i'e1+;313 i;ib•tr)�lglric�tc.-h.,s'._ .t.•... .. .yam,.... p enjoyable tient was. ,spent.,". Che testis been:•purchased.b Mr,.IIloi�ace. Foster...11111e cohatittle(I the u'liole•block: It i'l" •. 1 Pl'e: favorable' to'upsets. i r. Fester -received, tr ' net known Who. wit 'tlie lit•st-to discover' I lir, training in the. Cu'ANftwitrts' Mr.•Tbos . J'tcLkson, ;wotltl rel o) ne(l.stuck of. F.ali Ryder', fire, but'it lnust,hayil be('il£ullyton .. 1 f hresel,ti►ig. tliu`rffiown CoiinLil, '. aiii!' ': Clevelaml Ohio, frons ivl�li(:11 1 'cur9le» ntinutis befplo, the noel'! was rani;, Mr;. •Wei. :Whi'tr, .piircht15rtl',ltt•.[I'tni ' highly i•ecoilrn 'tided. is th i'ourcis: ':Nex'tto the barber shop was Macl'ids litho last' week• • tw'o handsome `diad ' i' t gskill d it theli of He o ie t a `drug store,. over Which. J. anti x',7iiiac- dell(1S for the town hall, each to hold '.)ye ltitv.E norcloubt%IliS,�ai•arrk�r•ill o and vo kid 'W.01'0 sleeping, mid • were ail•a:keue(1 •tu (?l me lamps, also .two• street lanips for good satisfaction, and 'that :he wi 11 be in time tori ave thernselVes from beet;;." -the front of the hall, and. Side lamps extensively , patronized:- Wo- • are smothered: Mr, .P: Rohb'sglooei,•y x111'. 104 141101 '$tags. , pleased to notice that lie is introduc nig provision,: store was in .'tile'neat • build= • S-�:LE.. 1Ir. Geo.. Ilanle� 'intends.' the elegant atie:l.st yle and''bespeak.:for "ing, over which.?tlr: Robb, filial faintly Hanley � p y :11'94lIf,N a sale of farm stockond ilnple- -.it a genainls.' boom; ball resided, ...He was, first. awakened, --- rents,-•6ii lot. 39, . cor1, , $; .•GoderiLh` by .lily brother. who had arrive'dr front ; townalli on. lturs0 1 ' 1lareli ' 10th• CLrx*�o �' I+ITEilA1iY AND. SCI '•TSrIc. Seaforth during'the uight•e' d''' Wit elite ' r, T ... y SoCI TY: -The - ,usual, w , H connoeitei g -at" -12- O'•eleeki:eaCie. • .&S ,.r,,, ,.0 weekly Meeting uotbeeil.sleeplrig vely.sou1tZ11)':.._. 1tTr; a was .hPld oniftllonda y- evening,., .11II(`• 4.1 t arw,. :.tete toct is of'the'b(Ist m•ad(3s earl the y a, Rollh.quletily v✓oke.ttp.tlic gacmbti., o£ ' 11'eregradto•notioe 'rr•l H • •.. a. a tlhprove(1, attend:...Robb family who barely ea a eel ' having; int lame is (44)0 in ood order, all par - 'trolley y y e p t . sp slice. lifter arrangements hitt! been. the elothitin blit this r uiHllt cl'otllt�s. •�f: ties sliolxld 'not fail• . to attc,ticl •" . •1•Ir. n b , Kahle, intends .giving- up'fat luili completed: for the (oriiiata.GroncerG; thy' 'largo lumber of 'people 'wore soon at.. Y ±I g g' Society went• into, the'IIouserof Com- the scene Of llierefore'no reserve will be:made.. , and efforts veru • I Molise and. continued, the discussion o1i pot ;forth to Savo .Mr, 1Iackld's stoLky C'o'Itzl> cllov,--Til out issue of •the i.the nice e•of selecting a •GOvernoi• Gen 'hut without much eetfect, anti' in 'en. ' 18tla�ul•t,, ate Heade an • error ,111 pub (1a11 . he Gorernment; propose ose a. b i 1 k'i' l • it.11rt 5g the regulations relating to alit p dee or ng to de so, :Mr. J. 1z, . Mao id xar r i change,. so that hr may.be elected bY. Waebadly .Burned about the .face by. e nl tat 0u of public' Schee] "tea4lietts ; tlte`.I'laase of: Commons of Gtinada.. tlib ' losi©ii of soine ni'ikr.e+wn "eberll•i-- TrixieNo 3' should have read as'fello4s : .S.cecliies were: niade•b Mesars:"1) C, e p P Y cal. '. .11e was iiilmediately rtiove,l; to' a^•tC.'wioate t8r • sc ouhsuccessclztttat Ctii^fin 1 Taylor and A, DI:.1'tiylol,'the .cal.." the Ttiatteubulry T3cruse and put uncle: •latter having,:. 'the floor r ext •dight tliec]iva1:'treatlpent.. A laruo uualher I sly all °cplbllf s'4iortClo an)ula"tioQ s, shall. _ li �om 14110 oppssit on side a 'large '!luta , o ' people were. at this time ongage(l iii e e u on coining up for sec . •her of petitions.'were presente(1.against aarryiitg out Mr. Liobb'ti yto k,,antl nuc an'exatirinatioti eget!!?. •Female Suflia*e.: It is probable that . b P ceed'ed insarving,acensiderable.quantity, • O 1STFIt SUPPEII,.—On Tuesday even- as vote will be 'reached in the Governor 11.'eanw h1le the' fire ;engine .had. boon •rng.l stn Messrs, J. 'Webster and .'Chas, .General question next night both sides .put into operation an'l aas'thr'.owlna. 1n.t'- ' Gamble, were entertained. 'with., an should' turn' out'in-full. force Mr. H, vert• good stream, but 311 a•: rery- 411orti ••,. oyster. supper by the. young folks of 'Foster, thtl:llew photographer, Wits daly ..time the water gave out,. •:Afatenticn5 the Carson Block, on the Oceasio,i, of elected and atchnitted as a temb'er. ' • twos' ,ilawdi•eeted to.the Carson Iglock,; tlrrlr 'leavltsa out , town Everything G�taali Co ic'nwr=-It will be 1t:• 1o% .WTHcli *ea for some time thought 'be list 'passed,:0[t', plelit;antsy soli a goer!' tame tithe -before our reactant will have 'snailto danger, b.ut the Wind being far -oral l:s Was "i�'Spent 0lr Wednesday ..last • 1I1:, a.'good opportunity et:hearing.som0•.oft. no trouble"of any account IVas.lu_oyrr(ii,l . Webster.left for St:; Mary's and11,1r, .Outario's1: best vocalitits ac is 01111 e�l oil •'11t. that (lirectien. • ''Gamble for -: `tV oodstock. ' Thev lert:Yl:. next Friday. (: veni1,g.�' . `14110 Literary. 111•r.,li. Cailnpliell h ace re i11su1 `take, :'• ' with the. besetwishes of their. many • and $cieut lit Society care to be ' con- loss not 1tlro14 .,. M r. J: •11'� -.. lxit(.lc ld';:..,xt friends. , grah:datc(t of tlleitetaste and, enterprise stock was insure -1 fel'. $.600,i acid clothes. TIi;iT SLIPPEit l—()110 day' last \e•eek in securing the s(e.vvi es of sch distill ac.,. $150 1.44 the Ititrtfoid. Ili:' los'.+. a retired.eitizen,was. in the . parlor. of' •guished talent., .1:1(1,1,1 ' Reidy . Sang ill will .be ...about: - $1,2O0: Mr;-. 1-1.0l1`6•' . :.One of our•pi•u,elpal hotels, ,and. all a. London ft few. uigllts ago and the city .stocl:•:was insny=011 in the 'Wiierg coti•pleref ladlr:s passec:tout of the door .press s )akerof her in the. most ra t�r•=: "$'151)0 and: his.. lrniture hi the saner STOVES].he noticed a swwll'asii er tiro 011 the t p f t .. iv p oils strains, and pronounced leer 't the company fer'"f30ot Elia loss'' vi:l bo'. ..A ,COST .PRICE.• .floor.,.: He ininiediniely made it his nrghtiilgllle of Caut111a. Miss Dare's about ,x$,500,' Crosscut' laws, • Crosscut Saws, one•! a'a flaws, , Genuine zfilver Steel Lanec.Tootli GALLONS of No,'I ditt g n COAL OIL FOR ti,'41®. Iri)portal Moli4tirel. SK 3'TES., '-.. SKATES 1 SKIES A Fore Left Shelf . Eardwate, Builders' Saltpil(af,• . Paints, Oitti. bsst,?ess to endeavor to' find the owner, oaten- is tol•we,1 known to require • re: • 'Ind Meeting: with one of the 'adios lie •ooulrnetrcltition She is a favorite both . cvQllyon. a modestly sloe!,' "Here is your slipper. ;in. Canada and the United States.. In t t Mrs. and immediately met the )eriditioli of same Scotch, 800,;srslie We regrt* tortimrmtttttt the 'wife of` --- " with. ;str'elira cover() rebuff, frolil+ the has few equals, A thong the' pieces elle Mr:.Jacob Switzer is dangerously ill. single laxly that lie Ming his' heart for v.iil sing here is "Ald Ii.obiu sGrey," (:t,llsotl)o-11 s again beim visite! by the 1•est'ot.ttle Clay, and retired; ]tette- .and;that exquisite piece entitle i'. Wait an llltpo$tel',. iait the bu1ltefn. shape of a = wards.. • ing," It is hat -city necessary ferns• to shoddy •pedtllar. \Vo gannet yet asci'1' Ova.cto1v21cr band hastrelnO(�ved into 'nl/:uti41) 1Tr, Kti1)8114tly's name, as 11e is, -twin the extent of Itis'8I\'Itildlo8, if suchtheir new quarters • ill the Aw11)111.1.1. .s0 well known to most OE 001 readers. tlteyr•atct, but his bhrgaillsf'spoiled his. . The boys have fitted it up in, a, manner ()rr his previous visits here' for the Odd " clothe that•110•rs credit to • than!, t lay have fellotvia, lle+•tvoit 0l Ilitivldf a excellent • Ming up, as handsome •tihatidelier, and representation, and we are sure there , • it is their" intention to put i1n 11; table, aro very 'many anxious t0 listen to nim instead; of. the customary stitn d they again ;That Mrs. Newton has °harp-. • J0I14'l34sotr l•Rispokdn eraS+ enulner- held a business meeting 01) Wednesday of the 1nt1410al 5lti•t isall, that we hetd atter far? Eayflekclf.• eveIiu.g''turd 'appointed their ofl]CPI:Y, .say about it, On the evhole•we Flo Hilt T. J. Marks'•tirabeut':4t'ttityng.abrick! framed' iJiei. by-laws arbril'•as,e now en- believe thatso•good i programme ."1158 yard Chise:eningsunlmtir: Ire is going. aided to•eont11kict things 1u a satisfactory ewe before been ot1eredG'to a. Clinton to run it .On a large scale. Come for manner:. (alter friends May . 011,peet the audlenee, .Parties Wii4liing reserved 'brick.. • Itayfeld.• boys around! with Whir list„ and we. •;seats ought to call at Ea'awferd's. •book. Fishing is getting good. Ptoapectiq+lt .. D�1.Vi 1? N.I.X.. • ]li.(IC •,.' ' hope tie wait bu libul:4 . resfpgiaeci .tl . I rAbr,)4114.:ety atrr' idufnt. at. once:.. ori+ fair: fbr. i►. gpoa. season..