HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-25, Page 9SUPPLEMENT TO THE HURON RECORD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH, 1881. Brussels. One day last week, _Henry Eicktney- er while working in the saw 'nail of Watt tic. Co. had the misfortune to let his hand come in contact with the cir- cular saw, and.lost parts of two fingers. Last week Mr. Clegg got his hay pres- sing machine to work in the Agricul. tural building:, It presses about six toes per day and has a pressure of 4,000 lbs. The hales are bound with wire, and average about 100 or 100 Ihs. After' being pressed a, car w,11 hold ten tons. At the annual meeting of the int -re Huron Division Grange held iu Brus- sels- recently for the transaction of bus- iness and the election of otfieerm, there was a large attendance of delegates from the various granges. After routine business the following officers were elect- ed :--Master, Bro. Isbister ; Overseer, liro. Wakefield ; Sec., Bro. Hood ; Treas., Bro. Michie; Lecturer, Bro. Curry ; Chap., Bro. Gambier ; Steward, Bro. Dianetind ; Gate Keeper, .Bro. Tyreman ; Ceres; Sister Gardner ; Pom- ona, Sister Snell; Flora, Sister Smith; Lady Assistant Steward, Sister White- field. Seaforth. The directors of the Mechanics' In- stitute are getting up a class in Ellen - ton, to be taught by Prof. Taveraor, of Toronto. Seaforth is en .gerally ahead in this respect: - -• • - — It is the intention. of the committee of. the 1 chanics' in 'tate, to get up 4iii anoth . al and• ary en 'r went in aid of the . -statute, • tfie one having been so successful. - • Mr. WID, . Ray, of Fargo, Dakota, who his been in town for some time,' left ou Wednesday last for his honie. 1fe was originally from MeKElop, .but would not stay here now. .. We learn, that aman by the name- of Shaw, from Hullett, was stabbeda few nights ago by a pork packer who works with Mr. Frank Case. . 'We have not learned the man's name nor the eircum• stances of the case. Winthrop, CIIIJRCII DIRECTORY. Cananada Methodist -Services at 10 30 and 3.30 p. in. Sabbath School at 2.30 p In. Env. D. G. SUTHERINNR, B D. Paslon, The tea -meeting in connection with the O. P. church in this village which wan held ou Tuesday uiglt ast, was a success in every respect. 11 Ike ter. Greenway's first party for the season leaves on the 3rd March, and will be 0118 of the largest that ever left On- tario. . • . Therevival.serVices which have beet), so successfully ott for the past few weeks'in•the B. C. Church, canie. to a close last week. The horse mentioned last ?„week as having been stolen. from Clifford, has' • • • Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.rn. and 0.30 p. in. 'Sabbath School, 2.30 p.rn. Env. Amts. SM.. ART, Pastor. • St. Paul's (Episcopal),AServices at 11 R. us. and .Sabbath School and Bible Oleos, 3 p: m. RnV. o. R. Mammy% Rector, Bible Christian. -Services at 10,20 a, in. and 0.30 p. m. Sabbath Scimol, 2.80 p. R. It. %Immo, Pastor. • Baptist Church. -Service at 0.30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. ni. RIM, .1. GRAY, PRAM. IAT SOUTHCOTT FASIIIONAIILE ItERICRANT TiltiL OE, been taken across the borders. While • . . in conversation with Coustable Gill we . QUE'EN STREET, learned the following : that . the horse • was led across the Grand Bend brloge, 3E31=1"11.. on Saturday night last, by two m .. en in .. a cutter. It turned .up again at Port ' • . . . .• . Laulliton. on • .Sturtay amorninto from thence it was taken to Walpole Island,' . .. 7 -THE. REST — and to Michigan.. . • SCOTCH- . •• • . .,. . • Sursunerbill. UNGLISH dr NADIAN .. ' Prof. Morrow, of Bosacquet, whe .,..._...._ • . .. • • ' • CA '"-. gave a free lecture on the fectiling;.D was advertised ilJ such strong Ilangitage..-... EE trebling, 4.t. of Cattle and ' horses," : • . • .. ' . more especially • the hitter, in the ' . a 'ways on head. Orange Hall Irti;-tin •Fililliy•-e.ietring. • - • • - ..---.--+- • - :• .0' • .. -Hitt-. H.. --G01.14 l44.94( le use...c . . • . . • . • • ORDERED:W7K A SPECIALTY. .• 7 '" ••• , • „,„ , NOTE TU ?PICES illhitvereoaM,y:;$10, . Good Tweed Suit for only $12, Gond 'I'weed Pants for only $3.25. GOod. 1.iTt Gitaranteecl ! Give 111212 a. 'No Tr4)Uble to - • • Ft -haw Go0(14.' .* • • ... • • . ••• ' ' 'TALMO • • : tnetiltg such as isMed by horse-trainers,- getter:711y lid VIM bettor 'testi' ts COLI he vv'titild it, the followit ay before 11. After touching otava.rious topic.,p. licit showed lie hair fair knowledge -of horse 3. meeting was cloietl.liy. ti alit)q.ittlL iress by the eltairinaii, Mr. Chris. Nelit:: hitt, He organized a class 011 Satur day, mid .by 111PallS of different kinds:of. AM. managed to bringthe horse - mi which he perforined OBI: cx pOripeittt! • for the i'listrucition'of the claw,,.nicler ids control. He has vicry good • CP- For a good violin; go to Ai_ here, Are You Clo ' • 'Catl BMUS. ., . - Two boys by the names. of Trott and11 le ET Y & • - Holland were sett up to Goderich one • • . ., . Vringluuni, . : •• . • * The re -opening services of the 0. M. church were successful on Sabbath last, and also the social on Monday evenieg. The church has been painted inside and made quitealeat.. The outside must be • painted when the spring. opens. Ser- mons *ere preached by the ,Revs, J. .Harris; of Brussels, and W. Birks, of • Blyth. The social was 1. ably presided • .over by Mr. • Xerby,, after whieh ad- dresses were delivered by' the rev. gen- . tleticien already mentioned, and also 1'. • ..H.arrison and Mr. Sutishini•.• A recitation was next given by Mr: G. Hoed, The Blyth choir, under the able leadership of Mr. Trewiti, gave jubilee Music, and considering it.• was their first effort at that kind of 1111.1810,, it was excellent indeed. The .outlay and expenses Were $46.48, with a few • dollars the whole was raised, 11;eumiller. • • •____...... • • P'rmn our Western Oorrespondent,. • ' • Ourgenial artist, Mr. Geo. Stewari, 'left recently: for Toronto for the puy,.., pose Of atiending•41W.Ayt Academy- of. that • city.. George possesses much natural science, and we have no doubt .a suct;ess. ' • 11.14t.coltneEs.,--.:The last...monthly re • view of Barzillia Teitt No. 109 was on 13th hist, when' 11 candidates were iiiitiatedithe number of Sir. 'Ktsi. now • , . • . enrolled betog_40,.. .:The •topiprises the officerS.fef..the. pretteilr. Ek.. Sir. Kt, X....44. Andrew; Hedd Sir, Kt:, John IVICGibbons,.. Sir. KC L.• C.; .r.lat.telon, Sir. Kt. It, K.; • A - • hill, Sir*.Xt?' 0.;,Stephen Butt; Sit Kt. -Prelate WM, Blake, Sir. Kt.. Sergt.;,'I'llos. Ginn, :Sir. Kt. NI...at. A:.• Robertson, Sir Kt. • Antos .f..C,t...2nd , M. G' Geo. 1 • • Stewart, -Sir. WM.' Moore, • s!e. 1Pickitt, The.ttext mostly re• • will be 'held oil..1411 find., 1.; • Th SoTomp.'receivecla frater7.• -no, visit Ireti! 1,50 •. •• • •hall Was comfortabl 11111(41 with. mein ierA C.! t Qr. A 'Very. • .: • • •• ••• • -•-•• • • • •• - • --eStensiv.e,progrannueefreadino.s es Interspersed. With mUSie, • pi epared .God- day 1st week to await their trial for stealing a 'watch and poeket book from an old man named Atchison, of MeKil- lop. The watch wait found on one of them. Both of them lue ivspent a term in jail before. They.are about 16 years of age—too old it seems to be sent to the Reformatory. It is intended to hold an. other con- cert in aid of the Mechanics' Institute. on Tuesday evening next, the. bit of Maren. The committee who have the. affair in hand, are Messrs. Wm. Camp- bell, •Smith, Hayden, and Dr. Camp- bell, who will make the necessary ar- rangements, and we have no doubt - it will prove a grand success. The Rev. J. Hill, M. A:, gave a very humorous and interesting lecture in the town hall, on Tuesday evening last,- on "The moral teachings of old mother goose." His illustrations were accom.- panied by caatoons, after the mailer of Bengough. The hall was well tilled. The proceeds went to aid the Mechanics' Ipstitute in its financial difficulties— which has been brought on phiefly hy. the unwise intoduction of billiards some two years ago—these having proved a source of loss, instead of gain. •• .. •D . (1. . I 4) •1%. fulieral.of Mr. David DroSt.took *. • ••• • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • . 1••••• melt was dispensed. W tit itt a masterly • '. place on Tuesday, •and.was t;tity.ittitner- ; GROCERY AND ' . . • • Provision St "• • .•.. . :pilaw of Tuesday' threatened -to . • oredea„ov.our sheighing by."probs" proni .• isew—Frost to the rescue. • • • •••- . On MerrdayeveniM.• last, . a tiered was driven down Main street .a 'few ntinutes to six at,,a paee,.at.a.,.. time when the . street • was. Jar from. .being empty., One cltikl. •piirrowly- missed 'being run over. ::whiles'nany others were more...Close' than Comfort- able. A by-law provides: for cases of such a kind; whichit•Nvoeld be well to enforce. . •-• • • n lit ay mining .last a yOting man • named Gorman put IMO the "West end" Hotel, with the evident :intention •;of having what would technically be attl-• led "a good: tiine." • no. ,coulfl, at 11.101' time referred to, haVecarried key better itt. a can, aud.shortly.niter his arrival, mideictook to break a • chair over an old man's head. This a•lip-- staner resented anti a pitched • battle ensued, the Gorman.coming Out seCond best Such youngsters - • should have • • • • .• .., • , . . • . Qoposite*FaieS:Mili. . • • • • " .* filpoys 'MA goods ore so. 'Asap, ropot /h( i/lc3liy • ••,:a• A ,v ' iVo 041 Voods ' oft •oori, uitil ";•esii • . . • • ' • •• - • • 7 ' . • • ltnaIiier. Towardtt!e. close, of u edhilL, r ef i ,hinpnt. weri, Served in • 00d• st vie and all having partalcen of the cups • (correo *moil chem.s without inehrett . the • Div. closed dering.. ,the 'brethren. from Goderith .4 • vote of tlianks for Weir.. f0.7.- • ' tends:nee, and for the literm7 tinct 1.1.54, ical treat with which they Came pre; '1 His Su,tars,• Teas Coffees • Prii nes', • .Raisins, . Ctirrati ts, Jioneloos • Codfish, . 001. •Flake end • Fine' !Cut Olnoring Tobitecos; eantiot bit excelled.-• Soine• 11811' ilcttigits ili....Civt!kery and' Glassware, .Woodeii Wain and in'fs:til everything you want.. . • • APPLES 35: CENTS4ER BAC: • .Fain Produce taken in ekehrilvte.'• • r• 1% :7•• , -4 . ' . • . • . their wings clipped - _ CLINTON. • • • i:itled. • • l'onertyTorgan ..reeeived;the; ' highes t award at the Torente industrial , exhibition, 1880, oviir all competing., two .'don't you. forget.it. • , A horrible, if truh, story is reported. • front- Moore tcwnship: IL is. stated that while driving .home td • began le ory from the eold, when, its'fatlier, seiz- ing ft, choked it as he • supposed, iln•ew. Ib . out out. of the.. sleigh, ..mnd- drove off .• home.. On .ftrriying at ',the house; the. child's mother asked for. ber offspring , • when the father replied that lie sup....• • - posed it -was at the Spotwhere; he had thrown it. party immediately • . iti iwarch,.d f ' i s (.1 i.8 . :had attracted attention, 'and .itlied been .1ti.ed for, ' . •