HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-25, Page 8A Bacicw+izda and Forwards with Ppm .aa Scuttle. clever '( Puzzle Editor" of London ` egerciaea immense ingenuity in proyid- ingg ettterteinsnenta kr h e readers. . He offered a, prize for "sentences making sense then read backwards or forwards." Here nal Sent in ; slowly fading day; winds mournful sigh ; , Bright attire are waking; ',Flies owlet, hooting, holding revel high. 4ghciy silence hording. m a10 on had vast treasures—silver and things precious. Happy and rich ise was he. Faithfully served" he remarks. Large eize'I5 mutts'. Try it and be convinced. Why Will You Allow a cold to advance in your system and thug encourage more serious maladies, such as i,'aeumoaia, Hemorrbagee and Lung troubles when an immediate ,relief can be so .readily attained. BOSO UBs's GERMAN' SYRUP has gained the largest kale in the world for the cure of Couihs, Colds and the severest Lung D.seaaee, t IS Dr, Boschee's famous .Uermau prescription,. and is prat.ared with the greateet cure, and no fear need be entertained'. in administering it to, the youngest child, ae•per directions. Tres sale of this me,ticiue is unpreuedeuted. Since first introduced there has been a cauitant increasing demand and without a single re. port of a failure to do its work in any ease, Ask your Druggist as to the truth of these sits lamenting sadly, often too much MY Harry—Devotedly yours remain I. Have you forgotten £20 cheque? Reply int, mediately please, and band to yours—Gmoe Darling. an is noble and generous often, but mes vain and t owardiy. fully boiled eggs are gr o(1 and pa'at- aDtrL _ __Lave is heaven and heaven is love, youth says. All beware 1 says age. Trying is pov- erty and fleeting is love. B adl'ygoverned and fearfully troubled n .1.v land. u, darling ! Time flies fast ; sals and are ready. Farewell! Exerc'se take, excess beware ; Rise early and breathe free air ; at slowly ; trouble drive away; feat warm sh keep ; blend work with play. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE. tonna is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair to its orittinal color. It makes the scalp white and clean. ' It cures dandruff and humors, and falling-out of hair. "It furnishes the nu. tritive princille by which the hair ie flour- - ished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, hnd is unsurpassed as a. hair dressing. It is the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effects remain a long tints, snaking only au occasional application necessary, It is recom- mended and used by emminent medical men, and officially endorsed by the Sta'o Assayer of Massachusetts. The popularity of Hall's Hair Renewer has inereaeed lith the teat of many years, both in this country and in the, foreign lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilized countriesof the world. FOR SALE BY ALL HEALERS. ter and mind are rigs eriee. Never"Honesty is the Beat Policy." . Our ai bread•i Sweetest whengained b 4 1s nu What is matter? Matter is--nev- honest toil. Ha"yard's. Yellow il • ie ao er In ' . What is mi. d? Mind is—never t honest oil, and honestly speaking, it cures matter. inu rait't's. , Throat and.-Inilainrnatiinn, than any other cs and religion avoid argaingin. Htre remedy offered for sale. Nohouseholdshould is and sound advice. be .without.t. Scandalous society and life make gossips COOPER'S" have just received a choice lo frantic. • acambric shir'ing of the Patterns sent on ' pplication,i109'Yonge„St. Toronto, mora cases of Aches, Prins,' Lameness, Stiff ty. and truth are good and admirable Joints,: Flesh Wounds, Burnie Scalds, s, as sympathy and love are endear- - `Bruises, Rheumatism, Deafness, Colds, Sore Horrible Cruelty to a.0111.14. Manufacterere of.Reapera, Mowers and Threshing -- Machines prefer 'TOastonho" blachino Otl to any other, It will outwear Lard,. Seal or Elephant, and A terrible story of cruelty to. children is is warranted notto.dum. • l;orsalebyalldealers. told by the Philadelphia, times. The vie- • HAOYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM contains no theatre orphans who were sent from various dangerous narcotic' drug, but is _ a purely asylums of the Quaker City to Deleware. vegetable healing balsam.. It curt by loosen- Tom, a litti!e boy, in the household of a Sus- fug tablehlegm and balsam.. t•mfr ter from the sex farmer—Reuben Johnson—was worked .Lungs"and expelling it from the •oysteln almost to death, and during the mold weather ._-•, pa.s hflia:,..J'3ronchttis; Hoarseness, tnc1.- was,furnisbed-with n.ipsefC'gent-•suuuly -of; ;,..: ' rarl diaert,es�y .0 41...:LRprommAy.r. TEE Bo4q•Ear BAR,040N 'YET- 4 Elegant Colored Pictures in Fiand- some !embossed. Framep. Poe by Mail fur 25 Lents. Noveltl it, et King-stSolt Totento. FOR. SALE. Ava)uab'eFormat 160 acres in the Tenable. et ligrwich, C .linty of- K •nt, the garten township of Ontarl y at the low pries ot,g556 Wear acre; 100 acres. cleared, balance timbered, 800 acres in fall wheat; good idnat e, good huII'l r'g,,, cOnvanlent to school, 1ke utl s trout tvetdmt Station, 0 1.i R and only. S tulles from ftitl,atw ,,use of the beet markets in Western Ontuie. Addt ass, J. E. FennaCy, Ridge- Owe. idge- tO W n._...r..... _...- STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS,,, e81NQ BOAT FR(NCH BURR MILL- - • •10810, sIMPL(, GrFICICNT PRACTI- CAL. CAN fir PUN ay AKS INTri;::: ttI4- 8NT MAN, NO RLN.5WIt1Q.PLATra Al;IN IRON CAPh;ITY. 12 INCH CAPACITY MLLG5. 081Nn•Y ro 1.G 02 121.18(RHCUe gas WILL LAIL Aute OML. ouD Dahmer F 2ma N,P. l omen �� 2MILL^PIONS .".r-i� ,io 1G H.P. r� ,,,,,�www���,,, . {� S y . `'ICED `. nr cnnlsa. 5t ii I ox lied. eon., rout nut mill stoma. fr 4 1 i SEEDS 4'IAItR(IUS tt101NEyWOfiK3 RRANiF'ORO. CANADA Fresh Seeds and New and Rare Plante are now ready for sale at ROBERT EVANS & CO., Seed Warehouse and Conservatories • HAMILTON, ONT, • MANITOBA! Those going t8 Manitoba willtfind it to their ad- vantage to correspond with us. • Subscribe for the Colonist Newa a paper giving just the information you require; 10e. to end of ye in Pamphlets, with maps, sent free, Prittin'a popu'arcxcursl0ns, with. sleeping once attrohed will commence running on the 8rd M,ROH, and continue every other week (luting the season, preceded two doyy before by Heir fast freight train. 60,000 acres of choice luLd for sale. Letters enclose Sc, BMW' for rip!y. R. W. PitITTIF,&CO,. 04 King Street East, Toronto, —�� AGENTS WANTED. FOR OUR COPYRIGHTED PO • •—OFA RTRAITS. Queen. Victorili &. Hon. Geo. Brown. MESSRS. RICHMOND & CO.. POR. lCl '1RAMI' anti Floe Art Publl.Mora. Otllce and. Factory : 76 Bay Street, Toronto. Portraits exe- cuted in 0!I, Water Colour, Ste: 7 Eneravings,, Cru- voonne and Cearboalto on.xccuto Onlys pfiersdnl t-eordlaesers cOtonred. wag , Wtar blounting and FInishiug Pictures, Satin (I aide, &u. Q 450 ,WLLo thaP'TUvRnOHp AofSE..proFv,IF0T. Yof Grey ; 80 cleared with log house and • barn, 2 miles from the village of Max- ' well. $ 1500 WILL PURCFIASE 100 ACRES .yp in the Township 0 t . f Huntingdon Cu. • � $1 of Hastings ; 80 cleared, good uildings, 4 miles from Medco, 100 WILL PURCHASE 100 ACRES loo ACRES, LOT 7, 'CON 12, • • Send for particulars. Address FIRE PROOF CHAMPION RAM 4N .FA BIN BNOIN,ES Held this year up to. Nov. 20,1880. 444 Champions Old in tour yenta. Moet popular and ptrtect engine in Canada. Building 200 tor )881, .Order early, Send new Catalogue. PORTABLE Saw Mills and Grist Mills. Our Specialties W"ATEROU.$ ENGINE WORKS 00., Brantford, Ontario, Canada. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IM CANADA +-POa-•r�- Cocoas, Chocolates, Coffees; Spices, Chicory, Mustard. , Alt geode as repreiented. Cash' and pl'ompt•payiug mon save mousy ey buying of X 34 °I" 3E1R, E MA -a- a $ , Tho first maker et C6eiterin Qntar;o. FACTORY—Tena' `',.Rice bt Toronto. ARMS FORSALE 1. HE FOLLOWING FARMS WILL bo sold at very low prices and on very may terms, immediate possession given, App'y to WC, Vc •i •, • 84 King.NEEast, Toronto. 5o-OFACRES, WEST HALF -O Lot 21, Concession 6, Township of Rtiron, Co. of Bruce ; soli clay loans, 40 aures cleared: 1 nn ACRES, LOT 3, CON 14, 1 V V Township of Brant, County of Bruce ;• son sandy and clay ,loam ;40 acres cleared 40 partially cleared; remainder in hardwood timber; trema barn and good log dwelling, aituat(d near good mar- ket; 1.OOACRES N. W. HALF OF Lot 34, Con 9.CrainabO, Co: ot'Northum- borland; soil'Ban 'y loam' with. clay bottom ; 80 acres cleared ; nine mites ft om Colborne. in the Tilwnehip of Ramsay, Vie. Lanark;' • Township of Tunrberry, Co, of Iluron, on • 75 cleared with frame honed, 21og barns, • eXcellent farm with good improvements. shed stable and granary. .A bargain. -• rreil ing so�'aThis Piet were frozen •and the All dealers sell it. flesh dropped off from the -toes, the•'frost•bit•, ; „ Ask your dealer for .G istc rine ',rine uo 00,. mid ton flesh extended to his knees. This. poor, • sec that the barrel isIA:ended •..Castirh{e " as, novo little boy with a pair of nearly worn•out• other isgenuipe.. • . • brogans, had been on the morning of Decem- - poets have sung c 1 the " Beautiful Snow," ber 30, when the mercury was seventeen de- That:.comes-in' at. the. heel and goes oat at grees below zero, in. the face' of a driving' ..'the toe.. • ' snow storm, sent to protect his master's un-. - Whenever you have leaky,. boots ;, '. , husked corn from the cows and crows. He. And mel; will dough, with a colrl you know, remained standing around until four o'ulock, As tho bleak wiuda of 'winter whistle and when he drove the cows home, received a . blow, piece of cold corn pone, and wes'sen't out in '" 'P111' lieir. lungs , re•noar.out.by the ,•cora; • the a ow again to chop_ stove wood until _When H.iigyard's Pc'dere1 .,Luis tm; • would dart Having no bed, he -slept that nightie - cure: • • fr of- the fire -place, with his frozen feet .The very •wors.t Dough they have to entlnre, b n warm ashes. The following day he.. ..If they. onlyeevould, .venture to try it. was hardly able to•waik,•and-from that thee Then never a trou'blesotiie eongh'uegieet, forward be suffered inteniiely.. This is only, But -heed thire.advico aeith'proper respect, however, a hint of the shocking story. And go. to, your druggist anct• buy it. Jo neon was arrested and fined $32. the •- 1/i's feet had been out offend he 13 in danger ;,Toronto .oil' Coinuany • are solo manufacturers of ' iiiT''' g Castorino" :Machine,. Oil. htfrin8emonta will be o losing his legs. This. is only a• sample of :prosecuted. • • other cases quits as bad. The good people • I tvint suffered for some time past with" of Sussex County appear to have done all bilious' Headache as a result of .constipation they could for these poor maltreated little orphans, but if they. had given their new sheriff an opportunity to practise with the whipping post for about au hour on the•man Johuson it would have been a good use of him ; although the punishment would be too light. Such things as these make one al- most regret that the rack and red-hot tongs, have been abolished. Bargains.can bo bud by applying to • 50 ACRES REAR, QUARTER OF Lot 14. Cost 4. Township of Pickering, Co of • A. • WTLLIS. Unmrio,' sande loam ; well e'tuated, fair dwelling Reil Riede Again, 62liin. Street East, Toronto. • r i it w ttS, .Ne Y ;;l -HWS 110 Cgdrl Fur pci•,iu est ctirc of Coogne. folds. horn Throat. Asthma, Croup, whooping fought Bronchitis. and • all Esing Diseases. �sfaction. .• tery bottle MILIl1JRN�& CO.. oaranteed to ptietorsive i T 'roronta• • 570m7?e-i' • g4.RELIABLE SEEDS BRUCE S. reran, „Vegetable and Flower Seeds have been before Canadian public for TlIIRTY.years, andwe claim that they are unsurpassed in quality. Our DESCRIPTIVE :PRICED'.CATA- LOGUE, beau'ifully illustrated, containing all necessary information for the successful Cultivation of Vegetables;: Flowers, Field ^' _ Roots, Potatoes, Eco. , is now published, and are hereby offered in pries for competition at te- will be mailed FREE to all applicants duettist Exhibition .hibition Toronto, • Sept.},991 and 1882 by The Russians in Central Asia. (Froin the Pall Mall Gazette:) the news of the capture of Geolt-reps will' be received with much satisfaction, throughout Russia. The desperation with which the Tekkes def ended their stronghold is ayf Snost unparalleled in the annals of: Cen- • tra( Asiatic warfare, and it is indeed fortu- nate for us that the Afghans were made of different stuff from the Turkomans, of the desert, over whom Gen. Skobeleff has at last achieved a hard-fought victory. The most satisfactory feature of .the victory is that it affords the Russian Government an opportunity of abandoning the Turkonian country. They have viudioated their pres- tige, captured the stronghold of their ene. cores, and they can.now follow our example in Afghanistan by abandoning a territory. which would be even more costly to hold • than to oonquer. Gen. Skobeleff, whose - brilliant career this victory crowns with fresh laurels, is said to have' declared that the. _whole of the Turkonlan territory was not worth buying it the -cost of a single rouble. The evacuation may be delayed, but for the sake of Russia we hope that it will yet be accomplished. The Russians, like the English, have too much good work in hand already to have any strength to spare for the establishment of a civilized, and therefore costly,. government over any more barbarians in the remote abet well- - nigh inaccessible regions of Central Asia. A Plain Statement of Facts. (Lindon Truth.). We English have not yet fully realized what utter.knnves the ruling Pashas in. Tur- key are. We solemnly read their dispatches . and their State papers as though they were not written withrthe deliberate intention -to deceive, and we ask them'to make pledgee, as though they would be• binding on.them, So long as we regard these scamps as any- thing but a gang of shameless tricksters,' ready to sell themselves and their country to the highest bidder, we shall Vainly en. dearour to handle the Eastern question. There are but two arguments which they Understand—money and the atiok. If we are not prepared to buy them or to beat. them, we should not waste time in negotia. tions, but withdraw from all communication with them. It of the Bowele,.Iwas induced to try Burdock Blood Bitters, -which proved;very efli.dacious, removing•'both' heedache, 'and constipation. I strongly' 'reooinmend it to all similarly, affiicted •Cedarville/ Grey Gounty,•Out.: '. . S. R. ROGERS. Uso " Caytoriue ' bideiline deter all kinds of tau• ohinery. Itis also excellent for harness and leather; making it water and Weather proof, For sale by all dealers. : . 7, " l . ,a;yC idir 1, ((i1 ' di rt ii The untold miseries which result from indiscretion in early lite may be alleviated and cured, Exhaue'ed vi• tality, Nervous and Physical Debility. will become a dream -of the past. and vigorous manhood may be restored and regained. Indubitable evident:* .ts at, forded of the truth of these fitatemonts, Pamphret in sealed wrappers post tree. Addreae N, 1). Institute, King aL, Toronto. My Illustrated Catalogue for 1881 is now printed, and will be availed free to all intending purchasers who send their names and P. 0. address, ivy Farmers who wish a reliable change of Seed Grain, &c., will pfoase send their orders early.. Price and samples on .application. WILLIAM RENNIE,. Seedeman, Toronto Canada, BLACKBIRD NAPE' TOBACCO.'. This brand is guaranteed to be the very best Chewing Tobacco in. Canada, being manufactured of the finest sun -cured Virginia Leah. To avoid imposition see that each. Plug bears the tin stamp, and every Caddy the Caution nonce of THE DAMS TOBACCO A GO. MONTREAL. DOBYN'S SURE CURE NAB NevElt FAILED TO ref , f z I,_..• ,4. Cure:Oatarrh,,:Nouraigia: d ._ .� ..._. :, and_ N ervollsii d the i� I•t+�'i� + M ��, �ii t Y��,,tt��t Ftil littrdl c1L Heeling .Ointment should be used in connection with Burdock Blood Bitters fee ' curingAlicers, Abscesses, Fevers, Sores, &e. Prior a5 cents per bmf, T. MILBURN & CO.-, . • 3OL¢.;AonerrS. TORONTO Cold in (ho Hend,'Stoppage of the:Nasal•'Paseagee Deafness, Dizziness; Dimness of Sight, and all'ktu- dred- complaints arising from neglected Colds and • Exposura, • 18,000. Testimonials have been received de - Marled its curative powers. Olt TERMS : We mail "Douv o's Sunx CDas.' to- any part •of. the DoInhtion for One Dolfdr• per Single sox, or three Boxes for Two Dollars. • C. POMEROY &'CO;,`: : ' 85 Ring Street, West, Toronto. •'General' Agents for Canada... . CANADA PERMANENT- . LOAN ANTI' SAVINGS CO. This Company is now lending money -on unexcep 4 Jr.l tionabte Real .Betide .security at: greatly • roductd rates of interest, on the •"" SINKING FUND PLAN, ALao 50 Straight Loans at 7 Per Cent;. JOHN A. BRUCE 8c .CO:, • TI -:T0111 -,3E1 -Z. I q J ) • .OPF1os :—Company's Building Toronto St., Toronto.. , Seed Growers •3L,4MILTON, CANADA.• 110$88 _ -Cattle 'Food Comp • for horses, sheep and cattle fed,. two, four and Ptx per annum, the principal being repaid at the end. Of • the term, or by idstaimeuts,.as may be agreed on- • ' • Full particulars may had from the Company'a ' . Appraisers, or:from • J. HERBERT MASOT\, Manager Valuable.. ve�• Discor r: mantic. respectively, ou'ihoriey Cattlo.Fottd • For a .parliculnrs stw clraulare� fir wtato to trio Company b11t3.JULYE yIYEIt 48 John Street• South. Hamilton Ont: •. Drawing and _Healing Salve PICTURE MOULDINGS Frames;Itfrrore, Mirror Plates, Picture plass, Pictures, &u, re H ' J. MAT- T_HEWS•&.15R0.,'03:Yonge Street. Toronto.' • SA.MP' ES OF DWARFWtOINKLED AND Early Posts PURE—f7E7an{ ed - Recleaned CLOVEltbeed, &c.; &o. Wanted at 63 Jarvis Street: • JAMES,RENNIE,57orento. ROSS1N NOUSE Corner liingand .York Sts., Toronto Palace Hotel to of Qanade. Mark H, Irish,) Proprietor. • HOSEand GLOM;, IYARNEtt, sells fir eight Sample by mush 15. cents, . Novelties, 84 King -at Mat, Toronto. DON'T YOU MISS I l' -TO BB € UVIIN away on Niagara River, 150 sores ; goad build• lege lentos ;.soil unsurpassed; garden of Canada stock farm. 'Forparticulars, Box •R, Thorold Oat. Marks, manufactured by b1. • H. Tourer & Co., le Wellington St. East., SHEEP Toronto.. Agents wanted. • G. H WArl8J`VN f Attorney;4911 KI Street West, Toronto: " FURNITURE 9i YdWA trees, Toronto, 97 Yonge Street, Toren W, Ontario. i UIrFlti;kARED DEA CHER ARTIFICIAL .LIMBS Dnrable,.Llght, Elastic, and 'Cheap. ' First Prize at Provincial Expibitiou, Lon. doit. Testimonials on application. Satisfaction gua- ranteed. .' Address, . ' • R . J, DOAN &'SON. Dmvton. On CANARY WHId'1LE. - For teaching young birds. Eainplo by mall 10 conte, Novelties, 64 King St East,—Toronto J. INVENTORS DESIROUS .OF OB.. twining patents should Write to HIENItY GRIST, Patent Solicitor, Ottawa, Canada ; twenty years .'.pritettce ; nb patent, loo pay, • , ' bIETAy, Ja RUi1- HAND STAMPSZBStamps of r every. description., Bronze Modal at'Toronto 'EX! ibition, 11180 Agents wanted. KENYON STEWART hL1G. CU., 38 King St. West, Toronto: • • UXURIANT 'WHISKERS • Li and bfonbtaoltee infallibly Produced by the well-known and oelebrated moustache pro- ducer, A4as'S" FORMULA, in six weeks An agreeable and pow- erful stimulative Emollient. Sent 10 any address in Canada on receipt of the price, 26 eta. EARNEST •DERRINGER 'Chemist, 398 King street, Toronto. NERVOUSNESS.—A CURE fIUARAN- TEED. SUflerore from the'above dleeaso (Ner- vous Debility)) will llnd permanent sol lehfrom I.IUOP- . ERS REMEDY.. Not a Quack Noetrum•but the gen- 'tiine prescription of the celebrated Neurologibt and Phyalologtt, DOCTOR HOOPER of Kings College , London., England, Sample Bottl¢�'GO cents. Mee, two free. lenolore stamp, to J. A. efOItTON & CO, Pharmaconttcal Chemists, York Street, Toronto: The brewing. arm ilealinet 'Salve Cerra Cmr- !Medes,'.Absceases; Setons, without •- he std ora • knits. . The. Drawing and dealing balve cures Fry. . alphas and Rt,gworms, . The' Drawing and Healing Salvo. cares PttOs' - • ....1 . 1 polaoned flee I. • The Drawing • .and Healing . 8atye •-nure _ , and Fro' Joints, Chilblains, Infl mod o0 Corns an riot to ab at bites.' National Pmn, ape Price, 25 and 50 cents -a box. ryrttr► rod virtug, in safety and tt lilrs: •inlsc . Myers, Itheumatlo''Cttre, • A Positive Cure Tor Rheumatism, Neuralgic, T T '� T T T Weak Backs,, Sprains, Stiffness pf Joints, Severe -,U 1\I 1\I Aches,Cranipa &c. ��ii Price $1 for �ottlo trial bottles, l0a Neal Ofkel 88 o Street, Toronto • • um1gl INSURANCE & 30 Toronto 'DIRECTORS W H i1.Ugsreca0,•Viec-President People's Loan and Deposit Co, Toronto, For Silo by alt druggists. Gener•'it agents for Can; dalA AASI•r1it1/ ada, J. COOMBS,154 King at. East, Toronto. •FIRE -.ate . Effectually ,kills the 'Picks, improves the "Mitre and growth Of the wool and prompts it from coating. HUGH . MILLER & CO.,. TORONTO. LYON & ALEXANDER, importers, Manufacturers & General Dealers in Photographpc Goods, • FRAMES, In Walnut, Ebony, Gold, Velvet, Eto. EASELS, MOULDINGS"&' MIRRORS, Perforated Goode Al•bertypes, Chromes, etc,, Birth- , day Carols, S. S. Garde, Novelties. 128 BAY STREET, TORONTO.• •J - CAPITA 1,000,000. Hon J C AIKINS Sec of State,Preis, Jeniss• PATRIIaoN, of Paterson Bros, .Wholesale A A ALLAN, of A.A' Allan 6FCo,Wtiolesalo Furriers, Toronto. ' Atex Meth, of'A 8:8 Nairn, Coal Dealers, Toron toJottN BAIN, Solicitor of the imperial iia to. ' W E CoitNtstI,, Toronto, • BSAitnNL MifflDR,. blercliant, a'ordlito, W'1'Edge, London. • R R.BewNI, of Smith, Wood Bowes, Toronto. ' A. T. McOORD Rieke talion . at Equitable Rates and Loesos Settled Promptly. • • The Largest Government Piro I:murarco Company, Dry -Goods Merchants, Toronto. • tilt, Toren- do Jr„ Manager. Deposit of ai,y' Ontario IT is "not always the man who knows thio . most who has the most nose. Ono frosty day in winter a gentleman admitted another, saying, "Holo 1 my friend, you have frozen your nose, I fear." "'We11, maybe I have," replred the other, "but I have rubbed it as ar as 'could reach." 'If he had rubbed' It fwith Itagyard's "Yellow Oil he would have speedily cured the frost bite. Yellow 011ie the great speofiie for Borns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Chilblains; Wounds, and for interna use in all paiiiful and inflamatory diseases outing Colds! Bronchitis, ;Croup and Sore Throat speedily. • • --a'M' [`C TO BUCHU&UVAURSI THE GWEAT:SPEC/F/C DISEASES foga( I DNEY-'i. R 1 Af,7 e4VNDZ�7f�CfiN•�. D I A 1U N AND THE YmprovedDiamond and the Haitian dross -cut Saws will cut faster and stay hi order long- er than any othercaw in the world. They aremanu- • teetered only by - , R. H. SMITH 8s Co:, St. Catharines. and Sold by the ,Hardware Trade'every. where. Take no other. We also make the Lance Tooth, Lightning, Improved • Champion, Eclipse, In short, all kind. and patterns, ; including the • NCW improved Champion. St l Catharines Saw Works.". 'TXZ12 AEREE3,170 LEATHER BELTING ! ALL .GL NVINE SEND. ToR ' ' IlA6• A LATA I OOU E. 13TA.R. exo• On head of rivets PEIOS' LIST. ' ' (TIMADn MARX.) IN' THE NIARKET. F. E. DIXON & CO., MANUFACTURERS, • • 81 COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO. ' thannean, Oot. 15, 1880. MESSRS. T. MILlitlRN k Co, Gents,—With pleasure 1 inform you that I have received. much benefit from •your last bottle of But:,. dock Bleed Bitters, Would you kindly' send me two mot a by the bearer and ob. lige, Yours respectfully, - •