HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-25, Page 7rilrrIPMr,"""rsr•vimrst-,-Prinese-sorreessevs
Wo wish it to be distinctly undetntood, that we do.
not hold ourselves .respouslble for the opinions
expressed by our correspondents, •
Editor Huron Record. • . ..
Suli—In. yoar foisti k a or t419,21st. .At., OPENED ACTIN.
1 noticed Severt4 replies to .mine of the
tut, alt., censuring; uns for giviiig cnr.
rency' Co. an itein in referenee to. a mar-
riagefee givei . to a neigitheriug whilst -
yr. JI would not have auswereclit b.ut
1 toticatt a 'repetion of these in the . .
Yew .1.•.raof the 3rd inst. They bIAL1110 11
• .• v to •
. .
DeCtS to announce that be .has opened out. the above grocory.with a new stock Ot Teit8„, .;i:14(11`,i, •t :01f(10:4, • Spices,-
. .
me for making-, if? p•uhlic, but are taking. -i'"',.,,,,,,,• .,...,.„.; ,..,,,....„.,...__,.
the•uery surest ateaus. of drawing ate this.ot,Ittuub J.,,i.,14,s.11.... and Currants,. in fact •eVerythin,, to •bki•fbund. in a first class '.,Ilocery, Pei:4 itir f.,41,611 or procInce oulx:.,-- ..
t-, • .
tent4.o. to it and malting -4A mor* ea.• . , ,. :74, • d, ''l •,. - •
.. REMEMBER.TIIE 2„El) STAH, (41.1()CER,Y.. •
lo. ow first place I did, not Make:, oi,:. . • -. to - . .
. . .
statement without having good .ant110-••
8, 'MALLORY, (81100.1-.-88,),9 TO
far it. ,As to . the source fro.ui
-arlIiiii(akinforutation was. obtained 1 ant
cu;(*•gbing• to say eitevt. that
it kin:ntted from a ve'rv..respectabie
and responsible person, and one .Wito
was, likely • to keow„, 1 am still 64
opinion that the.fre.• was stunt as de.
scrilled in.cominuniistion 9f tlfe 140..
ort.,. but may have b. .n added to since.
that date. I am (dad that utYfew . re-
marks had the effect of stretching the
purse-strinel SURCiently to allow the
J. L. ifv:aBsTAR, jerin Brain !7.. 'Myth Baker
f ,
iVILgok,v ANT TAILOR, .• •
LEARING litotoraphic
— AT—
withdrawal of the enormous - ainourit,. oilEA p sr° .
" lustice" mentions. in 'hia
scribble. "Justice" seems. to be wed
acquainted. w itlt the schedule . of mar-
riage feta. Re evidently must •havo•
had a faint idea at sone-) tiino.....now
perhaps for ever past—of uniting him,
self to probable tile very lady whout•Ite
accuses me of falling in love with, bit
was jilted. as he says I was. His • ex,
tions are more in accordance with. that
theory than mine1 can't.:•itnagine
who lie is coming at when he speak of
"sour milk.clseese," -but-he hit 'the:
wrong nail on. the- head. Evori
person whom he so mach pities• -is not
half so much. to be pitied as qiistice
himself, whOshottes plainly by. his •ac-
t ions .6111. he is iu. exactly..the posithin
w.hLth h� alietk*:.6°O -and • Ye'
ft is true.your race. was. ruii.".--Outy
ft has caused an 'attack of seftonitig ..of.
the brain, which, judging.- ..froth the!:
f.entittity Of flint which ledked out, on.
raper would make.. veny.
cheese, only it would -take a-irielortneus
quantity of salt. It is very' evident
that "J.-ustice'' has received, -greitt
justice frbin the hands of tlte,
he is now trying to .from the
. .
dangerous tempest of public' .goasip...
in conclusion I would advi4 mei
to take it upon himself to be a substi,
tuite:fer any person's liusbanii; but to.
wait patiently until a No. is 10quitot.l.
(Carson's '
RE . Gotta. in all•Itinds
• •
Great Inclueenienty
T.TW W _WI) 8_ •
Splendid Snits.frain $19.00
•Boots and Shoes,
comoone, coin° all Land secure
*. S. Bil(t)RLEY
b. •••••••••Id
• • • • -Q. • . •
Has become a •HoMiehold. Word as the
• * BEST aid 0I4EAP_E6P.piaec fox
, • . •
' .
• • . • ' .rectir•. ' .: • - .' : •
and then perhaps lie may will the game
-which has now eluded. his grasp., •I ..• .' • • Cracker.%
would also ad Vise him to 'eat two or • . ' • ..,.'• . 0./asswarc,
three whales bofore he. agaitt. appears • 7 ' • . ' . •
in print. Ilopine this may cenclinle .•• .
. • 1 ri . CI ,,,.,..?.. ,...t . ArO now tropatinl to do :ail, khulo of 1.work. in, tbote 1 .
iltovraD41,-. a .1))'4 lii. y line Irwin, ii it iii tt• gain erils:wr, svo-re. tbio
.. .1 kv • 4.1 L I- • ' . I i• • 1 ' .., ''.,.. - . .. .
. ' 4,D A. • . , .. v..k do o t.u.y.n,, Itt all., !..1111J Alta on theshortest •t•Ated • • ..
' t:',,,,,..zr Also'n, Good Seleet•Mn of:0400.„': • •
. . . . •
: . ••• ' _7'24" 43)0,111r7t:t..r. wa(_;'-'1O
r-, •ckery, Thys, iit0.., etc., •,. . •....... . ,.
milli Don 17, 13so. :• ' ; t
. . .
DEAVr:R B1.0.01 CI.INTO.1. : — --.– . - - .: -. . - ,. • „c. • - • .
--„. ,.., , • 'NIES NV.,li.l.' F.Olt ' - • """' ' -THIS AVAT lf,Oli, ° • • -- . '
• •
• •
AND' 0• etvlsictpilly remind hm
is enste
11,tlfc •public generiilly that in •
addition kthe •
.s1•,i 10g.•.T.441r
raaw 110a, SuetS
111 •r.
, .
• Grea. .1: •
01311) littato 86 Slims
• 11.e.)1..8 Lby 139044, •• • .
Er; Trulless-doabAhi
l'Oatlts Lang Boots,
I wigl 1
' . Balls Loag Boots, • •• '
- ironzeiz.'s Goat i.51,•in. AS'hoes,
:/1.sseif. Gant. ,,Y141.)1, AS%645 .• .
• Ir011iell•e. 111.Git012.1!1? ;Kidtf;
the discussion turd thanking you
E.litor for your valuable ..space„...L-' re.
• t,:ours.truly,'. .
GLE.AiE•a. •
. a/Pr-Cash paid for Eggs. ar • 'PP u •
, .
• • 41.100, taken 111 exchange. .
63 Cent Tea.
Editor Huron lixord. , • • . .: .•,..rOS. COOPNB,4
Slit, —Plea§e' allow we a corner in Corner All.ter*and Rattenbury Sts.,
your valuable paper to wake a few 're- ' . •
marks. ,Having noticed an article lie ourNToN oNir.
.. your last week's issue about the village ' „
of Eginontlyille,..I thick your itifermant
m ust bean:en tirestrauger, who represen t-.
ed the ancientvillage and its hilrbitaet:,
as little known outside its owli
ate viciiiity. Intinies of yOre., when
the Huron tract- Was a wilderoess; and
wile!! Seaford", Clintoo, gariterhey.and
13rucetield. Were hardly in existence,. y'on.
might see, Mr. ,Editor, if ,you. ware • Old
enough, droves of: oxen with their. old.'
fashioned carts or woodeu, sleighs, cem..
ing tow (ids I,sinonclAtille from alinest
every p ilit of the compass,. and thi.
load sound of "Ila„• gee' riegieg•
through the woods, to get their "Poi....
teen.' lieur; and lumber, and to return.
in a different state of mind, like:Robin-
son Cruso, "1 an lord of all.' eurvey.',..
In those days the're was no 4iyinli•-
onto, Pacific scaeclal,r or steel rails; -
had our log shanty,,,and harii if wo e
ffe•tturate eitougy to. have •4i Wre. *
WI' th0hC41&lys, •Was bide, d
n very smree conimodify..
-sletnty raising Lt:c.. were • the orkle,rirf
the any. and (ihreest time; before
tlfe.crop world be gathered to°.
gether, von ireLlit.see.-' the Old • roverty
SILIT siftieg: in the air; Opposite t‘.
every man's shanty.- There was' Very.'
little money in those • days and. very
f .w thyprns. Sfven pounds o 1io,4*
1) giv(11 for a dinner,.and two pottlids,
1 er a gl•tes of. whislifiy.. I now refer"
tl people er.ining and returning from'
the Egmondville 1111 ItS, Goderich town
was OW only plies iit the whole Iferee
trAct, flea you eould trot/Corr rt bushel
of tvlwat4. Anti 14LIt rtt.q., pr,o0on
tett •'n11 erluld pot get a iitu'rel 4? ex- •
change fer• wheat.
:gan' anectInfes might 1i1s•to111'..abent
(Sys when hemlock branches
u•f•re..tis.111 AS ton, and the old" .sugao.
Lamp an emblem. of tho past, and .
kh14110k.tI.. Wilolo.ountr): los lest
• • .4 .
p-kineval costume atid• habits;. sse till
clahn that we liae kept pace with tho.
times, as any traveller. - passieg
ancientvinago can judge for himself.
• Yon see, _Ur. Editor, •,we -are
hind the agtraryour inforniant .woultl•
'.1gave people to believe.; •
Educed Prices
O Now 1010 time to 71:4
•titaigo..noe8,. •• •
1 . • er''''Oat.11,41)„9.,•,
• !Ione Blaliket,t;
• •
77, Cr 1.11714.1)E FOR 11190P•
. CLINTON; -*.Citi:.4.r
In order to reduce our stock ini.1:tivitiv regal 1
for other goods, we ltve!dein,i,d, to •••[ .•
• • ,.
, • sell at from . • • •
OC)81" t•-.'
r • •
111 601 Per . ugm, itedg,1 • IMS,cletermitied to sell out his entire. busines:s; and in order
. . ' tn. 111t11. a speech. clear, will offer his E Nil RE STOCK AT
•• Than Usual Prices. • ' COST PRIOE. AND tiNiDEr,.? I The •C000 West, be :Old'
• • it a 11 11 time and4the priees must (lo it 'All*Goeds'have been • down to
FOR ONE MONT' Y Thi,. stook oon:4im...6f AL. DRY- GOO DS, CM oppiE$,
:(.;1,0711ING, 1.1 AI'S AND OAPS,' MANTLE 1.1.11LI,INERY GOODS
. . 1300Til-AND ;SHOES„ ..Tliti-:S.tock cemplote allrdepartinentsi - •
Coannsi,oxuarrrs • u•anted fore the. -ertho Stock will be found some very choice lines of Goods, bought at the very
. - • :14.ar'Clw'It.A.z,0,losest es, . before purchasiim elsew here,. WI WO ..orrm• PRICES THAT COACT B.E
.• . , . • cprice for cas11'.' Parties, in Want of Goods will do well to exclinins the
Tim second of IVIareh will be Ash
O ADVIIItT1131r, ir our farms for sale is ''
• the lt Will pay you: - OP VERY LOW. ''Ktzi
. • '
?An t 10 advertisements. • There, . •
are anumber of • impertitut Changes 47' Beit .z' Coal Oil .0:I,... Star •
10111.• /I
brancl.)- Rg cents po See ..fh,1: .1),•egg Glood1 we ifs3 *Aa
• gallon. Four Imperial G'allons offe7. at 10, 1,2i,, ,:y,tx,
thii week..
' 14'Al3imitS ; get your sale bills prinli d
At 3 lie ° 1113C050 otliec and get o natio
fl'u' o? ° • •
Witi is the • Recoirb . like a t00l11
hrue..1 Ileettnee' everybody should
have one Of his biV..n,rtial not herro.w itis
A •Yot 11'.4 nitah recently .sontl:sixty
•!ents to a, iirm that advertised a recoil e
°to.: .proVellt bad drettinS. lie recci V.0.1
ince of paper on which.. was ‘vritten,..
"1,1on't go to sleep," • .
iif-l.mactotts ex. put; lisin this wise :
"Does,. It men over go into a grocery
.store .r.luti say, I. will giye you five
Orli eft a. pentad for sugar,' and- eApect A 1,411e a,!%1 Stook •
O to he 'treated with respect ? Not at all, v. . • . ot-
. . .
:••ctIld dam for 040.
ARLANr) 4CC, 0767' Black,' fpncl °bier-% •
1 •
Me our Tweed:'
Coatinlls s. Makings. ••
See one. .11.fonso. and. Boy?.
Ovepeoate and Clothing
• •
'e(1 Se•e•our- l'itbe Lbw o
Sign of the Padlock'. Brick 131bek, •k 110 Se6 m6r 'Greit (61'1 114°
• Cotton's. al; Pilaw • in (I.00
imir3z.Fcr cLepArrppia: " •
&e our Duele8, 143. .51
• . .• and Hiaritivja
L 0 0
r.e ,S'ee (no. Gtiep and, Colored. • PZ;
Your Nephews and your Annts, xour cousins ' JIY•artibols and J./ane,
I • • •
lie asks the price of 'sugar, mid pays
whatiiag).1ccd or goes without. But
the saute man will °Terve price /0 per
cont. Uolowbnateil.fer,•0. given. spacolo the
advertising 'coining of a newspaper,.
in1feol.ofre,ndod,betsvasett is.not
:mom motto
''nom REAMTBER this Greatealolwill
tO select fmni, nt
- th. e uthole Stook will bo affeied in
pestrij carpel*
SAn etar Latlie's' Side Lam
(S. • Baiteded Coe& van.
awl Oil aoett„vitlb the
• •
O Putout Gardean ,SeatTh.
learranted tt00•71.P, at;
' • •
• -•011!,
•r• r • 1,
only last a. short time,
Ono Lot as soot)
• •
rocluved a a' gjoen jigure.
Victoria Street, Clinton. -.
did' 4kL,k'ann Prow, talon 10ogehanco,
a- NAT-Loicam-rr
Q •
. •
•• •