Huron Record, 1881-02-18, Page 10SUPPLEMENT TO THE HURON RECORD, „FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1.8TH, 18n.
Continuation Service will b: 11(4111 ill
Trinity Church next Wednesday at 11
o'clock a. tn.
Rev. Jlc, st•s. Birks, of Myth, and
Smith, of Kipper, oxuhauged pulpits
u candidate has exhibited such •►)nater
test delleieuey it any particular subject
us would ill the opiuiou of the Central
Committee of examiners show [.lit; Un-
fitness for a first -chess oertiUcate,,,. the
said Coluutittee may refuse to'vef:oa)-.
aloud such candidates for a s:ertificate,
00 Sabbath last. notwithstanding lie shalt have obtaiu;d
'('Ilei Quadrille Asseuibly which came the, said percentage of the total aggro.
utl• ou Friday (welling last was u grand 'ate marks required; but the saki Cote-
Knecess. A 4(0411(441 from Clinton ante wittt'e will' ill 541011 a case report the
Brussels wore 40 atte kiie) luta enjoy- cireutilstanees to the Minister for bis
ed themselves (((4 I us( ly, as it was the decision thereupon.
last of the season, :3. No appeal on the part of ally can.
At the last roll ular meeting of JLapltl dictate for a lirst-elitss cet•titieate clait)L-
Leaf Lull;;,: No. ;357 1. (). (a. 'L'. sh'' big to hate his papers re read'8 ml' 1)e
entertained by the Central Ooinnlittee
e 4.01114
term by tiro. C. V. Moody, 1.. of Exam i Uert+.
1).; lira. w:uuut•I t v, W. C. '1'.;� pis. 3. (Jamii(�ati)5 foe flacon ( \\"I'I ��o L, W. \Y. 1.; 1,1'0. R. A.
tiieato s who tail ilk passing‘at tht:ir .first
\vr4�i,1, \V. �.; itlo, lwhi•rt `;one r+,
W. F. S.; 1; o. 11u:;i1 .1'•1.111 ant.,
\\ ler„f+;;,iuu,tl exauuuatic,t -shall 4a ex-
1utp,' tis,, .\1;1•j .\t • t't('4..h, \V. T.; tau 1,1 ',trout canting up for.. us
suint exit-
It:•u. .1u'l'-o� skull,\1', .L. 1i,. .bane 1(atl01.
1.t.• \v. 1. (1.; Ileo. 1'„L„,.lels 4. Candidates for Seetnni-class
11'. O, G. tic rtes who fail in passing at theft” first
1i4',.r�. -144(11 411,1 :111:14 1,i„,1 I profossiou441 e'kamiuttt)ou are to bta ar
:141 Win. 'L'urorr were up before sur
.1. L'.'s (Meson awl('I,;,•L, on the 1Gth
lust., charged with asiaulting laugh
I1.i1 ts1o. :After hearing I hs` evideu o
11,1,11cr I, the nett; stl',ttt5 dismissed the
wh;LI'ge tl'„ t4in,t 'Turner ;tell lined the
l,iii l.,a•;'s 110 (':4 11 and cods, amount -
00.; all 1,' ,i.i, l'ablio opinion, pointed
• u•o411ly to their 1401114 sell[ up, but
L t. y (MVO (.cap•' 1 Lai:: tied', 111) el•,
;ter 11(111111 ut('r lu kt•,•p leu' peuco
tor ,t 1 w1•.
(to :'.1ona,tt, PA) 7t1i, as 1i r. Orr
\V.t': 114141nt; )d1o;% tliu,ls;\ 144, uI ll1i,
1111•, • he 1' (01` 1.:lili ,iuu wi(it lu
p t1r of b.'', sleighs 14hs ;1'.in)rl. dt,talot( (vest
of 1';ligi,'s h ,t i.. t'ie o.her team tilts
driven by .11. x. (1ord11u and il.'lougell
to JIr..1,14lr0w (4.01 .)f ilutlrtt tn,vo•
ship, u'•at• Clinton. .1 Ir. t>rr, 11'oil:4;11
the ,'t',1' 1111 for (ri;t1 before 1'4,11111, 1\'11- ['t'r down in 00' Turner Of your
a;tis tu'1 t14,•I' hs' I,r,,.s_is1 IL :ill .11,4 '44- 11,1':11,1',' b)I'•ftltUl•'.. 4180 till' 4lLet IIInG in
4] • s.. ')1 r. 4 4 u•,L)n +4 • • ' l .l po, pod •'I (111' \'0.1. 1900 February will Lute but
t•) ',4 44 11141 14:11' I•, 111A t%1111,:;'s taw":It,-eight (lays, although 4L leap year.
b'["r,• tier 4'11141 1( d';eu,l II"' iav•; 1'II• pet''41')11^null ot'ears 0,411 oulyi41
Or,uIted, it (4 (4 pu,tl,on4'.I : •,0) VI'Ll'-t, un•1 stlwaYs ill the ods[
till \\'t:.l: •''(11� ,144"4 1 1' 1;. 't'iie
r(i I'',re for the '1t 11)" L14
, 11' 11411, 1 • -
4 i 11,81'. N,tl,t, . il' 11'1 I it'll 111" t• -•-
ON( 1;) 'I
loL 1,1 ter, t' ,10 , u.
t.1�1•.•ittO1 7i) rP( 1111 'j1 �)1'
11411' half o4 flip lu.u4 ;,ti'f inti 4••140iLoJi-Jsl 1( 111.
.1";;11 (;'Ills 11•,11 f ;or .,n 101,1"•14s •.I i.i, ,I t 1 [6 ,
;:t 1L,' ..11)1!•, .\Ii t' . i•••., '.plug 1'l ••. .11 -5�i i� sJ Y 1p ,,
4 .•.ell,:, 1\'l nU I(rl •'i1'. ()I'1. 41141 P,'
,•.li„'_,,, 1'
' , , 3J� - 0
t.,•' of ,•
Lilt,, ht• `.1,,,11.1 h tt,' 1( d'•. 1 !,' r:,;), ::' • leo a Gene:al Banking Business.
toa)wtng (t10 ('4'$ fleet` ulstal►rd tar tht'
ranged by the ex..uniaers in two classts,
The brat to i1101ii le those whO u, 0.1)01*-
UlittO(1 to Cottle Up Subsequent pro
fessiotlal t•xt111lioati011 witlll)Ub further
attuudanet. at a Normal seliobl, and chi i.
second to include triose who are. re
quired to attend alt additon•tt s0at,io0
at aNormal sollool before goiytg.. up -
again• to the professional examination.. .
Ativit•e is given 6o t11:)4e who travel •
on tilt` s:ilt'wul1;s to steep• their. oyt,s-•
Upri), as 81400' slides from the roofs of
the building, aro lia1111' to OCCUI` Its any
moment. 'file quantity of snow beat •
is ly.u4 u❑ the rooTs is eery iargo..
The knelt'// Review leas discoVered
the mathematics of a ki.,r. IG is a
ilp ctckle.
pay all 1'o -t, as L•' ,ti-illiSS1'd Ib)' r ,-r. -(
('„e I;uu,vn r(•t ilnlu4U1il'd 111 'o4';4l'Iy •
\1,,In.y r,•usitied L�' abaft, p,l�elde at any
si\ doii'1i'., 11.'1 1'14• 4 )til 't lino—pi tet
. 1,•,011 in Canada in d'nited tit••t1's. • A111-
lu:.udrd 4t 0,. f..,,,. \leets1 , ;tlu'.t• elir1111 rinreney doii i,i and sold. Amer.
,Iriwe sl,ttw (while 1'•tssitl4. - i'nti 11w1 sieiliag dual, (':.Sitesl,' Adw•lncot)
41111111' 1111 011d4,rt1'd piper's, of („)llt)terul se-
i'fitZ.7G' ii':1.) 431. ,.vA;lit,i, ru4ity I'"1• i.otu 0r sh(ri (1401...
.111»l'l'IONAI. 1(014(•1,Y:t"S8-I•ultTHE Nx-
\:.11V t•:,al>14,:\TE-
I'hp i'.•l1u'ioq sl 111• ional rr;nLtr,nls
f n' ,h'• ;•Ittlio.1.1Ion of r,su•li'lat,'., for
U,'t'tilit';It:•i 415 pui,lit• 4(1'1>,>r)l to:U''e•r,
1.14.1111-t Leen 44,444'1 by liw I.', lie -libel
1)rp•trl111'-111 :11. tis'' 111,1.404'' of 11,w.
1•4111:1, 1liuiit.'•4 nt f: sur 1t,i(u: -•
1. (.'(ld•ul•Livi for lir:ii-rl:t,1 r"rtili-
e44,44 4 ,lt• tits: amt•prof,'.;i(llal I'Xal>1ln4
tion mast 144.41:1' tiftv•two par cent, for
grade (.', sixty one per cent. for grade
B, and seventy per cent. for grade 1 ALEX... LU, CAS, of the ag;regam
te urla obtainable on• Proprietors.
;411 the subjects, and in any case where
TES 16 1 TE I
L,l111''41 twee,+ r,•lnfre 1(414':olr4-, ,Are its-.:
hod.\!ore; ;k�($ and 1)e'ia•ttttit•es lut0;;l:t.
ti 's s 4',Ilect,'.1 at.- uL,1lerlte charges.
]I„n) y to loan 1111 real estate, at from '7 to
ti 1..•4 rent. Libcrltl interest allowed 110
(1e1, (loaey nu1,' ht` tt'ithih,ltru nt•
ltcla•t•c I4cc--The ilier4 haattf.'s attk
ofCoin[ cls.
Catanatla methodist.—Sen ices at 10.80 a, lit, and
8.30 p. tn. Sabbath Helmut at 2.30 p nL. IIEV. I). 0.
SUT11sttLAND, 13 D. ?Aaron,
Canaria I resbyterian.— Servicca 91 11 a.m. and 0.80
p« nt. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. )n. ItEv. A11,Y.x. $m11W
Aim Pastor.
St. Paul's (Episcopal).---Sorvlces at 11 a. 111. and 1
. p, m. Sabb:tth School and bible Olsss, 8 p. m. R>at.
l;. R. AIA7"r,ISW4, Rector.
Bible Christian --Services at 10,30 a: n,,
p. tn. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. in, ttiv. 14.
. Pastor.
Baptist Church.— Sondes at 8,38 p.
Sehooi, 2.20 p, pl,' l;Ev..7. Ommm, rotor, .
and 0.80
A -'llausohold Word!
flus. become .a i-Louseholli Word as the
4 .. l3i'a;*Ttui.dCf-U1AP ISTplu ,lb)
.0 'ocZle7 /,,
t`r(a tisiocire,.
k\' 'SP•EC3I- 1,'1'T IN.'
0 Cent Tea.
for Ergs Form Pro-
duce (((bell ,lei exclian 't`1 -
Coi•nei Albert acl(1 L(ntten-hury "it• .,
lifliere Aro : You Goill
1nari.goi lig to
roves,;, ori More
Opp tteFair's Mill.:•
It pays:met qct my (1 1,ii881/, err, .•.
'i/f)o4'ls't{ J,i a/i('a i,'nd lite (lcality —' .
ir)A•1o,..r'/ Vo oldG"oo41's
all ono fuel .fo.eO/t / .
i(y.AL"' His. Sugars, 'Cess; Clorfees,
3'raitus, iiltitiigs, Cul.rantti,' Boneless
. Codfish; (,Oke 1114La • and Fine (Jut
(:hewing Toliata'os, vti,11110t 1)0 ext;elled.'
Some now; . designs -ili 'Crockery 4alld ,
C�hasswart., Wooden Ware, sled in fact
everythiu1you: wort. : ••
Farm Produce tt kt.t in exchange.
• 1J. O 4 .-..�I r. 1,,E.LON a ..