HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-18, Page 4HURONRECORD ORD ON Monday last. Hanlon was again * t 4 victorious over Laycock by four leng- 1 _ CitikrON, VainMr,: FEn. 18Tn, 1881, ths--arm; easy victory. During the present week the Pacific • Railway Syndicate bill has been read a Owing to the contiinttied distress of third time and passed by the senate. the Irish people,, the Dowinlon Gov't hies We may expect to hear a. good deal formed :a achewe for the purpose of en- about the abolition of this "notorious" abling them to emigrate to Canada and body for some time now, Two or three here to have homes of their own, It weeks ago, when they made some ob• ]s proposrd to find homes in the prairie jections to this bill, they were, by the land of the great north-west, where Globe, an'illustrious assembly of men; each settler may have a free grant ,of but now the scene has changed. • 160 acres. A small substantial dwell-- For a good piano go to DoaERTir Ing is to be erected on each lot, and 3L GinBu s. •also a part of It n3 broken up and pre-ita-For a good violin, go to Doi pared for seed—this .tobe done by con- HERTY tfr Giminfcs. tract. The cost of removing an emi- grant from their port of embarkation to Goderich. Winnipeg, is supposed on the average A very amusing and'instructive on- to be about £40. The dwelling and tertainment in the shape of a panorama land prepared for seed may also be was held in 'Victoria Hall, in aid •of compiled at from •35 to £40.. • The work Knox church Sunday school, conducted of preparing the seed in the -different by Thomas ds Co„ of Chicago. The hall was crowded to the door,,,a great sections would form employment for many having to stand al1 evening. the different emigrants; so that the . There is about three inches of snow wages earned thereby could be consid- now, and the'' roads ° are considerably ered sufficient to provide for the family improved. The merchants in town. until the crop would be harvested. For have feltthe want of snow very much for. a' week back as it was impossible , the reimbursement of the expense in for the farmers to bring . any kind of eminent would provide that the total Capt. Marlton is in. Detroit trying to cost as certified by the emigrant agent, procure'a partner to help him to re and acknowledged bythe settler, would build the Park House and carry it. on gin ' a more extensive manner. The form the first charges on the land, to be building is expected to commence in .a payable by'instalineuts. week or two. . No doubt the scheme is a good one and about which it will be a • source of IRISH IMM'IQRATION. , • CLINTON MARKETS. (Corrected over/ Thursday afternoon.) Wheat, tall per bush., S ring, Rodchil; Fife, Oats, • Barley, - Peas, . • Flour, • • • • Potatoes, Butter, • - - Hides, Beef,. .. . •• • akins 550 Clover, - - 4 25 Timothy, • • • • S 00 Pork,. • • • • 7 00 - 111 00 • 105 *1 30 • 0 32 • - .1 06 . 0 1 60 ' » .000 030 . • 018, • • 0 18 • 70000 • 0 74 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 0 1 02 1 10 1 15 034 Q0 060 0 20 0 20 12 00 7 50 1 25 ti50- 4 755 750 - FIR E ENGINEER. APPLICATIONS for the position of Engineer for the Steam Fire Engine, will be receiver, by the undersigned, In writing, a to the "20th taut., who will give;all Information as to the duties &e;, W. G. rolls, Sec. Fire Brigade. Clinton, Feb: 18, 1881. REMOVET.. The undersigned bogs to announce to the inhabi- tante of Clinton and: surrounding country that he has removed Tiro Doors North of his Old Stand, Whin he Is prepared to fill orders on the shortest notice. 10 you want a pair of A NO.- I..00T'S-. Give him a coll. • • JOHN STEEP, Canton. Cuneus, Feb. 18th, 1881. STORE TO LET. SEALED•TENDERS will be received by the under. aliened, up to 32 o'clock, boon, on Friday, Feb, 25th; for the use of the shop, in. the south -cyst. corner of the Market Building, for one year,. Tho highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. thus assisting the emigrant, the. Gov- produce to market. Stanley.' happiness to many an Irish peasant Aw OLD ,SETTLER GONE.—It becomes to know. It will assist in colonizing our painful duty to record the death of the North-west, and will also be a great Mr.' John Pollock, one of the first means of encouraging , emigration to settlers of this township,• Which •occur: that new and important Hart of our red at his'reside•nce. on. Monday, "31st'. Dominion, and .last of all will be ' a..January. Deceased was born . in Ire - ]and in 1811,. and came to Canada when great boon to our Irish creatures, only'21, years.of• age Ile resided'.in Lower Canada, but .being ' anxious to Ma. Albert E. Johnstone, . a Barris- seek a fortune in the "far west," as it ter of L'Orignal, is spoken of as ' the • was then called, he . removed to this Conservative Candidate for . Prescott; township; in.1841, and settled . on lot to -fill theiVlicancy caused -by the-dvatif • 20,,_con 1: here:Iie died.' Of 'Arose of Dr. Harkin, who settled hereat the same time very . few are:left:. This 'place being ..a wild- AT the annual .meeting of .the On ships; his nearest market being Goder- tario Maufacturers' `and'.` , Industrial ich, a. distance of twenty mileswhich. Association, held at the Rossin' house,: .he had to walk,'there being no other Toronto, last '• week,: President Gurney way of. going Being persevering • and referred to the continued and increasing' industrious he prospered, and after a mos rlt of the county. The mem few years ::purchased lot' 17, on 9, P pe y y Babylon, and afterwards lot 17, L. R hers' expressed their general satisfac- E;, which his two sons, David and John, tion with the tariff legislation,.of the now occupy, Being a active member Dominion' Government. of the Orange Order, he was One of the faithful' few who organized. J.,; 0. L.. erness, he endured a great many b d IT 'becomes our painful. duty .this, howe . Ba ield. After a thouht fit to hfewayeargs, •week to chronicle the death of Dr. Ha r- • •n have led 'e WM, COOPER, • Chairman Property Committee: Clinton, Feb. 18, 1881. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. THE UNDERSIGNED, having disposed of his busi. ness; reqquires all parties indebted to him to -call and settle thc1r.neeounts before the 1st of lifardm, otherwise 00070011 be placed to court for crolle�tfon.. . J. DeAYITENT. . He will be found at his old pia000t bisin.ss. 'Clinton, Feb..4, 1881, 4 -in. Farm to Let. OTICE, .m,••..,.--0, . Qom- I}Discount sale. 1 N01lTII HALF LOT 5, con.: 8, Morris, Huron Cwrinty, for a term of years, as may beagreed on, with 55 .acres cleared, 30 of which is free from sturepe, and the remainder chopped in the winter of 1879. One the premises is' a Log House 18x24, anda new Frame Barn 30x50. • Soil sandy loamn. The: farm is convrntent to the flourishing town of Blyth, and also to the line of the L. H. k B. Rniiway, For. liar•' tientars, apply • to Mr. EMERSON LITTLEFAIIt, • Belgrat e'P. 0 or to JOII N J:' LEISH, St. Catharines,' P.O Ont ..- 50.if.. 50: ACRE FARM FOR SALE. TFIE South half of South half hot No. 40, con.. 10, . townehIp of -East Wawanosh', 40 acres cleared, balance well timbered with good. hard wood. There is en the place a good, dwelling house, a frame barn good` Well and :pump,, large bearing orchard with choice, variety. of fruit . The plaee le' two miles trop Belgrave'and 4} from Winghani: For particulars see the proprietor on, the place or Thos. Brandon, Bol- e • TO:..THE PUBLIC. • THE undersigned' begs to announce to the people of. Clhiton and surrounding Townships 'that he is prepared to do all kinds of Framing and Rep airing • >! organized on the Goshen ` Line, and AT REASONABLE. RATES. kins, M. P. P., for Prescott, Which Oo• was. one of. the five who procured the '.Moving Buildings 'a Specialty; curred very suddenly in the. Parliament warrant for that lodge, . No. 833, .in -- building, Toronto, on Friday aftwhichh th afterwards W .LJ • Grah a iotice o ear . a t. t; d never ..ahran from iiy when is . languid appearance which soon beca•lile country called him: ' To show the'es- serious: He. was assisted;tothe Speak teem in which he Was held by the 1nem= m p girl em's room and medical 'aid called; bug hers of. the: Orange Order,'. over one �4 C` NU Syndicate. UUr ernoon 1s roe sons were f� 3. last, ` Deceased was 1 ' n d t b installed `' He was a true ' pa •ro , and k a t 1 h �LiNTON despite all efforts he eXpired ;in about. hundred headed the funeral procession an hour afterwards: The cause of •]lis which accompanied his remains to`their • last. resting place. • The rites of • the c]ratli was apoplexy. He was Conserva-..order was performed by the W. M. of tive in politica and was one of the most the lodge of which he was a member, respected and popular:membertt of the Bro..R. McKinley, assisted by P. C. House. • but his nadfe• will, be held in reniern- THE Signal of last' Week, - makes a brance as "adear brother and faithful follower.'.' 'He leaves three sons and M. P. for North • Huron,in tare daughters, one.:Mrs.•'J'. Armstrong, Farrow, ,;1f Sauble line, and the. other Mrs. R which it publishe>#, a letter supposed to Arai;4trong, Silver' Springs,. Manitoba. be from Mr.. Farrow, concerning a pro= The 'sorrowing widow: and •family have • M:., Jiro: W W. Connor He iron gone long harangue concerning Mr. Thos.: athi . o£. the Com phecymade in the -preceding issue: The tl•1e . deepest symp es • Signal then attempts to prove its pre- inanity.. • - Brother, .thou art gone before us, And thy saintly soul is flown Where tears are wiped from every eye, And sorrow is unknown.. dictions by referringto the elections of '72, '74 and '78, ."a proportionate drop in the majority it says "in. 1883 From care and fear released will retire Mr. Farrow to the classic Where the wicked cease from trebling precints of Bluevale." 'In reference' to And the weary•are at rest. the election of 1878, .Mr. Farrow'sEee. lie spirlt shall return mrto Ood who gave IL"— friends never thought ofanything else than that the Riding wasperfectly safe. They never exerted themselves, or had they done so would have largely increased Mti. .Farrow`s Iliajority. In the township of Morris alone, enough votes were not pf111ed . among . his friends to have: doubled his majority in that township, owing to. the season being a busy one with the farmers: However, we hope Mac. will keep up make well foundedstatements, as an Editor is not unknown in. Duron to ` have been in hotwater over ,similar statements at municipal and political elections, in past days. The ratepayers of North Huron will show him at the next general election how far his state- %nontd come true, by electing Mr. .Ai lust' uy •art. overwhelming majority From thebtrdon of the flesh; • the agitation, but be more careful and " The'. Doherty .organ. Hear Wein 1 See them l • Fore�a good, violin string, go to DOHERTY GIBBxNo%. DAVIS, CLINTON. STOVES ! STOVES AT. COST'.PRICg.. Crosscut Saws, Crosseutt Saws, ' One -Man Saws, Genuine' Silver Steel` Lance 'Tooth 4 $1.00 Imperial Measure SKATES ! SKATES ! SKATES ! A Few Left. Shelf Hardware, . Builders'_ Supplies, ' • -. Paints,• Oils, . S. DAVIS, , PIIa NIX BLOCK: POSITIVELY ENDS ON Tuesday Nest, Feb.lSth. ti --o— To arrive in; a few•. clays,, TEN 'OASES OF -NEW SPRING •PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS NEW SHIRTINGS, NEW COTTONS. 1 CLINTON SPRINC BED FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS. W. B. ORIOH &. 00., VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, Now beg to intimate to the Inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding country that they have on hand a very select stock of ail kinds of Furniture, such es Parley Suites, Chamber Suites Easy Chairs, Patent Rockers, Sideboards, au , bee. ' tAl s1'RUNO BELS and LOUNOLS made to order.7r , All parties wishing to pay chase will eons,ilt their best interest's by giving us a tall.. FUNERALS FUI{Nt$if ED on, short notice. ' COFFINS and SHROUDS always on'h:ind, aewhiiter CLINTON,:- ONTARIO:.. CKS .ON S N. B.—BASSWOOD LUM13Ett taken in exchange for Goods, . ae- ni Victorian :Block ONTARIO • TOURWOOLLEN STOCK Is one of the MOST COMPLETE and varied in Ontario, and everybody ordering a •suit '.should ' see our immense range` of " ENGLISH Worsted Suitings, ita- SCOTCH A IRISH Tweed Sgitings, CANADIAN Tweed Suitings, • ltWir IMPORTED Serge .Soigne,. . IN EVERY. GRADE_. AND PRICE.: OIVIEIR=-=CIOIAITCSI. We are still showings big:etook of ens and. Boy's Overcoats, which will be cleared out at ` • OIG" 1ED.UC•T ON• r THOMAS JACKSON', ',The "Noted" Clothier..