HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-11, Page 9SUPPLEMENT TO. "THE HURON RECORD," FRIDAY, FEBRUARY
We ought to 'ripen the word potato
following rule ; Gh stands for p, ,as
you'll find from the last lettere in hic-
cough ; ough stands for o as in dough ;
phth stands for 4 wi in phthisis; etgh
stands for a, as in neighbor ; and eat,
stands for o, as in beau.
Mr. Nell Campbell has removed his
family from Newbridge to this village
this week.
On the evening of Wednesday, Feb
16th, the members of the Gorrie Me-
thodist Church, will hold their annual
tea meeting.
Mr. Jas. McGill's team succeeded in
breaking away from him while .return-
ing from Harr-iston last Thursday and
the sleigh to which they were attached
became badly wrecked before they were
re -captured.
Godcrich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. S -•Cook, of Dungannon,
are visiting their friends in this town-
Messrs. J. and T. Elliott are buying
up horses to ship to Dakota in a few
The RECORD --is said to have the
largest circulation at the present time
of anypaper in this Township.
Mr. G. A. Cooper, of the 9th con.,
lost a valuable horse this week. Some
internal rupture was the supposed
Mr.. E. J. Hill, of Porter's Hill, sold
a fine young horse a few days ago, to
Mr. James Elliott, for which he re-
alized a handsome sum.
His many friends will he pleased to
learn that Mr. John Elliott, of the .
Bayfield Road, is recovering from a
serious illness.
The revival services ]'field at Cole's•
church are still in progress. A great
work is being done, over eighty having
pibfessed religion. May the good work
done there; still go on. •
' One day this week Mr. Geo. Mc-
Mullen received a. bad kick from a
horse in Mr. Craig's stable, •he being
the sixth victim of this beast in six
We noticed a couple of weeks ago
about Benjamin Switzer buying a h'ayy
draught horse for the sum of $60. He
has sold that same horse, thereby re-
alizing the handsome -sum of 4100. Go
on, Benjamin—get another.
We regret to learn of the death of
Mrs. John Rathwell, an old resident of
the Bayfield line, after a short illness.
Her husband died about five months
ago, and she was triumphant to meet
him in the skies. She died on Mon-
day morning last.
Mr. John Hancock has returned
from the State of Michigan. He went
over to try for a fortune, but failed.—
Also Messrs. Peter and . John Mc-
Gregor and Mr. Maltrnan, who were
over to the lumber woods, have return-
ed on account of the sickness of one of
The following is the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No. 9, at the monthly
examination for January. Owing to
the severity of the weather, the classes
were not well represented. Fifth
Class—lst W. Cantelon. Fourth
Glass -1st G. A. Elliott, 2nd P. Cook.
Third Class—lst Frank Cook, 2nd I.
Sterling, 3rd Carrie Sterling. Second
Class=lst John. A. Carter, 2nd Jos. A.
Elliott, 3rd Thos. Powell.
'transact a General Banking
Business. '
Money advanced on. Mortgages and Notes of hand.
Drafts issued, payable at par.' at all the offices of the
Merchant's Bankof Canada. New York drafts issued,
payable at par, and. available in all parts' of the
United States. `Prompt attention paid to Collections
throughout' Canada and the United States.. ,
Sale Notes Bought at Close Rates.
And money advanced to farmers on their own Motes,.
for any length of time to suit the borrower. A11
marketable securities bought and sold. Bankers in
New York. Agents of the Merchant's 'Bink of
Canada. t7 Six per cent, interest allowed on. de.
posits. •
J..P.•TISDAi.L. T. A. °ALE.
Dealer in all kinds of
Frame. s
Photographs a Specialty
alt Wor
l lol rnesville.
On Friday evening last, a number of
the young folks of this village and vi-
cinity drove out to the residence of Mr.
J. Rudd. Various games and amuse-
ments were -indulged in and all seemed
to enjoyed themselves splendidly. We
are of'1'#pinion that social meetings are
beneficial in their effects, and should be
held more frequent if possible.
It has been raining here for two or
three days past and the roads are al-
most im passable. The snow is com-
pletely gone in some parts.
TheJubilee Singers gave a grand
concert in the North street Methodist
church \on Wednesday evening. Not-
withstanding the bad roads and rainy
evening, the audience was very Large.
Mr. Widdows . lectured in Crabb s
hall on Friday evening last, to a large
audience. The• hall was crowded to its
utmost capacity. On Sunday evening
he preached in the M. E. • church, and
a greatmany people..wefe turned away
on account of the church being crowded
to the doors. It is ' his intention to
lecture again in Goderich about the
middle of March.
The thermometer. stood .at 13 ° be-
.low aero on the 2nd inst. '
Cord;wood is •worth $2.00 nee cord
on 'the dock `.at Kintail. Mr, Lee, • of
Kincardine, is buying a large amount;
.and 'it is being drawn out lively.
A lively time is being had . over the
Blake Jr Co. defunct: firm, of Kintail.
The wood sold at auction, on a farm
near,Kintail is watchedby the mortis
gager, the mortgage having . beenpur-
chased.: There _..has; .been some nice
;little rows on the subject:
Nothing .can be heard. now but Syn-,
;dicate, Blake, Tupper and old rogue's's
of a McDonald, Sic., and: a splendid_
11 Tx, 1881.
Messrs. Gray,' Young and Sperling ,
of Seaforthe are about to erect a saw-
mill here, to be run in connection with
their salt block.
Mrs. Foy has opened out a new
photograph gallery in the stand lately
occupied by Mr, T. Senior, and has en-
gaged the services of Mr, C. Witts to
take charge of the same. •
Mr. Thos, Senior has removed •his
business from the . old, stand. to . the
building recently occupied', by Mr. D.
McLeod, where, no doubt, he will re-
ceive a good patronage, He is also
fitting up a good photograph gallery.
The soiree which came off in the C.
P. Church, on the 7th inst., was a com-
plete success in . every respect. Ono
hundred dollars was taken up at the
door, which added to the $00 from the
collection taken up at the -anniversary
services on the. Sabbath, makes $190 in
ail, . An excellent tea was spread by
the ladies of the congregation to which
all ,did justice. An excellent choir led
by Mr. McCloy, the precentor; dis-
coursed ' sweet music on the cccasion.
Good addresses were delivered by the
Revs.',Mr. Henderson of Hyde Park ;
Mr. Thompson, Brucefield ; McDonald
and .Cobb, Seafortb ; Mr. Graham,.Mr.
Barr, and others. Rev. • Mr. -McCoy.
occupiedthe chair,. .A gold watch
worth $90 was presented to Mrs. Carn=
vehan'at the conclusion of the meeting ;
Miss.McCoy reading the address.
story was repeated forour entertain- •
ment on the subject • at the 'Post Office SCOTCH;
the other evening, by a young man. ENGLISH &
from Oakville. He said that .he.was CANADIAN
at a gathering of friends in Oakville,
• • when'there arose a. spirited argument
on politics: The• host being a• staunch .T ..W E E D S.
Grit, of course .brought down the Globe,
andafter reading a heavy column with
great emphasis, a little five-year-old in
the corner piped out, " well done,"
which caused 'a huge laugh, and the
Tories of the party commenced fitting
the little oracle, whichangered the
host, who observed, that is . always the
way with ye, 'take .the words of knaves,
and babes before sound thinking men..
The—little " oracle again piped up on
hearing- the word' babes. "out of the
:moutli ` of babes and"—what is,. the
next, 'tea, .which settled the dispute'
•--!1'ifE. BEST--- '
These Works are now in full opera-
tion, and the undersigned. are ,enabled.
to offer any grade. of '
Salt of Finest Quality for Sale
The necessity of Salt for
AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES a • 0 ,, ,.-3 • G:12
Is now so fully .established that •'every • WC
farmer will neglect his own interest V t•. i.,
who fails to use about .five tons autiu ?:',:i b g H G E'
This Trade will receive our best "$, ,�' G p_
attention, x_ •cD . 0 g.
Cordwood, Elm Stare Bolts • anes iia g
Basswood, delivered at the Works, for P SCCA 0,
which Cash ,will be paid. a
always on hand.
Good Overcoat for only $10, •`
A Goal Tweed Suit fot'•only. $12.,
Cee : Tweed Pante tor only $3.26. ,
A Good f zs zanteed !
Crivit•'Ilim a Call. -• No- Trouble; to
Show. Goods.: :-
Gray, Young Sperling.
u '