HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-11, Page 8Lifirkhoddir • sill *icon county Council. •Wedneseiey,•JPnuary '26, ' Th0/011 ,10gle the •13EAeutn en. p'Re'rUMEltx, • Cons TaEaBOeER'6 OrNfes, Gose 1i4 Jan. 25th 18$1.. . mu rhe Warden aril feifrfee'f of :the' Courrty of J1Urora.' tint41142wux,—I beg tc'e1lbnSt'he}g' th a statement. M detail of the l ooeipttr eittt sapendltures of the _past. ear. Stateneent'or.Ledger� Balances on Ott IJetr. statement of e3lleetlone front non.ree, lands, statement of afnking Funds at Steeling •Gravel Toed deboutures,, - and Northern Gravel Road debeiluree, Ind tw#npara-' dive statement of the ostoented and actual. expend( - tares of the. year lb$0. In accordance with mytprectiso in past years, Ivey call your attention Willie irhportant'discrepan cies between the estintateci and gcttutl eX,pepditure. • '211e estimate• for adednietrat'un of Justieo+w48,, 81,00J, The oxpendituro'1iw (leen e1,4h9.o0, Tho' ultimate weebased, not, mono .upon tate expenditure of 1879, rvhlch'hus been much foss than •for conies Begs • to annotxnet�' chat lie' has opened ottt the above ro*ier 'with '11, new stock cis 'Tea% Sonars Coffees,ice's Brushes . years past, unehown in. my letter aceoMphnying the 1.a. r f Sup,ars, r >< iU u tft;Btate este�y. t a that year„ QUI UMum . he as. this seasons 1tasous and Currants, in fact everything `toy be fot>.ncl in a first class n'acery, Prices forbask. toy. , roduc& 1O»1,y4-, • ato at 1.0.4 ou e s n1.• a x ec- itat 1,.. • g! Ape ed Star 'tracer OPENED AGAIN, ��J�PENBI'� H(Saccessor to and that .f i. .nd a thi s head _ ightb expect - cal p t cal In 1880: It 1s gratifyingg, •however, to 84o that ;the .cost of this sorYlco,.whfeh is to imam extent a meant') of the • amount of, crime to the county,, - has been not only 'below the estimate, but $100 less. than even in 1$79. The expeudittfre for Inquests lits also boon lase then. the amount asttntated by t+60.8I. The estimate being 81.50, and the net expenditure chargeeb;e to the • euuntro4er and above the afftuunt rode3Yed fTotngov. eminent, 880.09. Juil extc11�� g,lituro.wae very closely apptoxhnated, to tlto estitml4te, which Awns 81,500 Tho not' am0urit charged to the county•was $3,01,21. • • Jury ex' uses have'been less than the Amount esti. mated, by 424. The amount of expenditure under xhis head im.118i8 was $3,038, and in 1819 1%828. ]n view of •the'•reduetion of expense uutieipated under the operation of the now Act, the ,oestirhat'e tor1880 was placed et 82,000. A reduction of 87.40 on the mean of the previous two years' expenditure, int the' actual amount paid has been. only 82,375, and this in. • eludes 8100 paid to county eeloetors for Selecting' the . NO list for 1881, which 'lithe former years, had not been paid until the beginning et .the Pair 'for which . tae eeteetion•was •made, 'rhe juryaecoufit fon '1880•' • certain -the cost of selection. fer•koth,7$80 .amt 1881. • For the purpose of comparison thorefore+tho•dxpendi. tare of 1880 ought to be taken as -82,275. Nehool management hap exceeded the •ahiounttt- • mated by $202. The amount charged tonnes account in 1880, includes $175.50, quarter's salary to hir, Dewer,•Inspector, for 1879, which belongs to that' year; but which was not presented for payment until 1680. Excluding this, tiro expenditure .would only have overrun the. eetimate by 180. L'unatteeand Charities have also exceeded the esti. mate oy 863,59. in. 1870 the expenditure was 8495. In 1880 tito'alnount estimated was 8500. .The amount . paid has been $500.59. Of this $132.50 is for the keepp ofdndIggeats, and 5184.50•has been paid for medlar( and•judgus' certificates of lunacy, and $243.59, for eon, %wane.) of lunatics to asylums Tho 'neither of lona, .tics whose conveyance to the asylmmwas .puld •fdh .in 1879 was six. In 1880 -there has been ten. The 0'02t of conveying•tho six in 1879 was 8250.05. Thocost•for • • the ten to 1880 was but $243,59: The-redued expense of this service is owing to the new. system..pronded by the Act of -1850•=whieb Went into operation in March last—nndor which the conveyance .of lunatics to the asylums and boys to the Reformatory. -1st per- f„rutod by Provincial bai4iIFs•instead of by-Uttt Sheriff, as formerly. Under'the new Act the actual.disburse, meats of the bailiffs are paid by. the Government ,and, uoltececd front the counties,• together with -60 per ' vent. added- thereto bo•ewer the•nalitl's' emeries,• dly tito detailed statement you will sm. that .891.94 hike • beun'paid to the Provincial Trcasurel;for the convey. twee or lunatics under this' system. Five Iunatice -were thusconveyed--fourtotondun and one. to HIM - Mon. Phe average for each of these is 81839. The average -for those conveyed in 1578 and 1870 by the. Sheriff under theold.system was 834. '('lie amount charged -to "Safm4cs and.Cjtungil Foes,':. -- -vas been 8800d`e§1.J-tHnii'1t161initlUnttlitlnilefP th"d * t. timatcs. The amount paid to meptbers'of tha flounell • for attendance and mileage, has been 877 iess then ht 18779, oaring to the absence of some members- trop( •sottne of the meetings. There has also been no meet- ing of Committees of Council in 1830, for which 87.20 was paid in 1879, and the payment of the Road 'Com missioriers, formerly charged to tills account, have • in the past year been debited to "Road and' Bridgue, " to which account 1 Ehiuk those charges more properly. belong. , • " Repairs of County Buildings" were estimated for .-at 8300, but.only $40.85 has beim expended for this ,•purpose, Thera is oonsequetitly a surplus of 8250. under thls._Road.._ fhu-eost..a L rap.tiks;Li 1839 ,wak. 8324. • diseelleneoueand Conaiugoncies"•ab'aws a surplus of 8470.41. -The estimated being 81,200. • The expy,tt- diture 8920,69. • Stationery and Printing" also shows n surplus of $404 83. The expenditure being only $595, As against • -'$079 in 1879. The estimate for 1880 was 1,000, "Crown Witnesses Wereestiniatedat.$?300 The net. cost to the County aftenereditin".proportion rouolvecl• from Government is hut5r148 . The cost41%1878',Was • $632 and in 1879, 5261.. The County cqui alent to the Goverptneti$•Co' the. High Schools, has been 8940 Less that) estimated', ' The, paynteets•by the County - aro emitingunt upon tiro' amounts 'received from •.Rgyornment. The - Govern -'tent grant to each of these schools 34 1830, hes,bcen as follows;—Gederich; 5810,30 ; Clinton, 8704:85'; Sea. forth, 3658.70. Theyaxoestimatedat•k300 each.. The Council order for 8300 Issued to Seeforth in 1879 On. r n t runt of County'sq'tivartent, not thorl•ascertelned.was 814.88 in excess of the amount reeelval from Goverd•. • 'tent, and this sura was der noted• in ,paring rho equivalent in 1880 For Model Schools $200 was pieced ht theestintates, but no order was -issued in their favor • •o' • 'payment • made in 1880; eo that this 8200 remains uua,ptitrl; Route and ridgpa•havo exceeded: the estimate': by. 8306. ' The estimate being 68,500 andtho' expenditure '80,866, Altogether on general -accounts the expondituxer-of- the year has been 82,758.44 less than estfinated Ia June last Iteperted•to yon.that i.had been in* able to purellisol'ttunitlpakdejrttitureeme o41r, tnvOt,-' •'tent of, oar stnkiog•fund') helit'for the $te6Ylattr.-Mid Northern -gravel road debentures, and that 1 have laced the sunt of -$13,000 .at special deposit in the. .bank at five per cent. interest -• . In September last all the bunks' reduced their rate, of interest on deposit receipts to fourfor :cont.; and I' was notified that.no,higher rate Would' thereafter he mild on this $18,000. As yoyare awaro, I have always been obliged in former ream to borrow front the batik 1') enable mo to pay the last half yearly coupons -on the rltorlingdebentures, and to meet the current •ox. m peillitures of the latter part of the (tear. Instead: of. d.,ing'ub.ldtis,yssr'5 have used these siasrial• deposits, tor this purpose aaiad Moe by thetincvangtheeu.enabttid to meet all theitletnandweifrtkaweer Withouediscount. • sing .toy p.tpel% .There are still .no. etgbctttirest to be , had at any reasonabe rates' 'A few days ago,"When in Ibr tato, I made enquiry of several of the brokers and 0 •ras,infotmed. drat there was not it single County or •'9'otvnebipr debenture in• the market; and the' lest • County' debenture that had been sold wins -.at such a premium as to yield the purchaser only avt.per cent. interest on his investtnertt. Under these cireuul• stones it becomes a serluu4 question homer 'int •wjtat manner to invest the Sinking f'''unds 418 hold, and: to rai.t, in ',titre pears ' When the County rates of .1880 are all �p lafdtiit by the. nt•mlcipalities; thorn Will be as •shoaOtt...314 ;the state, create submitted; 820,000 at,the credit of .those Sink. Ing Funds, The banksewill•mot payron, deposits now more that 3 per cent. Deb ntures, even if they 'maths get cannebtlre par. - eltas ql to'y4eld more than '0 ,per Coh�• •'What other sit retie and atatffabio 2Stock, = tthn sg1i ; t')Idfng'fair rat ,s n litter: •`; areef two•speeulativeand untturtain aeitara.: •nrmunleipalinvestntgtfts, • Mortgages on real estateiafter debuntneet, nee- on. shored the safest secnrittes.,llttt ntun(cipalitles have no power to invest Sinking future in sdch. 1 would, ' hrwever, invite your Dons dcmtion as . to whether it 'tight not he advisable' to ask 'authority trent the l,egisiataro to4nveet such sinkingnfmtds.jn first ntort• gages oh farm property.. ByBeotionin6'l'of the Muni. ulna! Aot;' plower le'given to mnniciflttlititt' to Invest surplus whore derive( from the ylunielintlitlea Peas or other surplus moneys bet apart foelolucatiµ;al purposes;drf first mortgages on rent oOfute, that power might be extended to includes!! Sinking Vends, not Imnutudiately regnired for the redemptiuti:t'ot debitti•- •'•1 . is am informed that sofa 't0Wwthipa•ttln one • ol#h cud othor'Cvntitlosaro mating nndor rho ant6orhy 1.t, r en by this section,-afltlinveeting their ')location..') funds In mortgagee. on *311011 they aro recelvltig Lor 7 to 8 per 110nt.1 •Informitimn:can be obtained este the, working of such investments- by the Cotihells, from the aouvte ,r oflleer' of those anuhic pttlittes and - it . • toned setisfaetary, and the COntitf 4hotdd desire the power to Invest their sitfcittg'funds bl such eacnrities, • a nn might lietitioti Cita Logislatura vet, t0 amend the .HnniellpatAct.as to give the requisite.tuathorlty, Mr. tlfcicsen Registrar, y•ostotdai (raid over the, pr ,portion of the receipts of the u'r'ea towable by ...telt,' to the TMtnty. -• The enlottnt it B2,i' 4.45 the • • t•ai reeeiphsof the 'office for 188n.being 88;1188.00.. Ian 1479 the total taodedpte were !!,11,035.1hlatiitbalteunloWt6 I,,id te.tlto County 52;767:95. Tito receipts from the 011ie& has Moen mimed 88011 ,testi since 1877. Pot the inforinatb'a n1. the C.e'tneil '. t.1..te10 iu utatecumt fer the. 44.. 114. jogs •totiti,iled fronuth4 returlts+roade by the llegisttar. 1 bavipthq shoran( tobe, gentlein n, • - •ysour obedient Servant, A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, • 'lritutstlay„ Jan. 27th, 4 p. n1. The (:oancil resettled; the Warden in the chair. Move& by Mr. Boll,; seconded by M. Iiounings, that 'tile Council instruct the Road and Bridge Comtnitteo. ' to build a foot bridge over the Maitland river whore the Grlhrh bridge bridge formerly was. Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee;. and also tho three following t*eotions Moved by Mr. Ilannah, eeebtti4ad'by Mr. Grant, that.. •'- 'this Couneflpassa By.l!fw.assaming Fisher's Bridge ws,a County rboundary' bridf•.e, on 'condition. that Turnl)orry and Wingham build and maintain a. safe'. 'bridge forloot. passage at Graham's Bridge. i -Moyed.by hir, Bardv,:'in amendment, that this tfeeneII'deBotassume the Fisher Ilridge, but: build Eho Grahan8.ilrid;o as soon AS convenient. Moved by Mr. Young; seconded by Mr. hfcMiIlan; lt that theardett and Clerk he authorized to memo. Mize, tite•Legisinturo of Ontario to amoud the Muni- cipal Aet,,;so as to give municipalities the � power {141011necessary to compel parties to build su8h fences ms would prevent any highway frontbeing obstructed. 'by snow'i1110,8, and also to empower the munioipidi• tins tq, glee' such patties such assistance as the Corftieil of the municipalities tnay.tdeom advisable under tits bylaw, tenths erection of such fences; and also give t(fo'rtght of appeal to tbttCounty Council to panties •((pingg on the township boulidakios where either fnuni- •cipality refuses or negleets••10•rbuild such•. feriae' to compel' them to'do• so.—Uarried 31oved'4y Mr, Cook, aocondldby lir. wimftistyr, that this Colwell' do now tldjourn to nfeet to•murrow'at ten o'clock a. tn.—Carried. Friday, Jan. 28, 10 a, m. The Connell met pursuant to adjoirrnmcnt, the tWarden'inthe chair. All thatlouneii were present: Thehlindtpe of yesterday Spero rend and adopted. 1tlovedtbyitIr, Strachbn, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that tile Road Commissioners Ire authorized to build culverts thetptayibe: required .in case where they Weal" it advisable, Lifter consulting and obtaining the advico.and assent of the adjoining Rcovey,in reducing atrtleturei ot20feet span er larger, to haver the side tviills beilt of'stone„auid to sink the. foundation low. enough to drain,where it 'nay be require$-aCarricd A numbetotatcouuts worereforred. Moded by D11ttWltitei3', seeoridetitby Mr Wa%r, that title Connell do,noiv adjourn to meet at 4 otelock..p, m, • . 'p'a efn. Titc Connell resumed; 'the Ward'on iridn tho'llipchSSdr': The report of rho Rowland Bridge Commtittoe, and Jails Bnd[;o aim Finaneecbmmittcesiyerei4ltutt,ro5d ti^1 i, a'd'[i1,tad Moved by Dir. Meyer. socoiid'ed byNW**, that the Warden and Clerk Memorialize the Geyernment to amend section 93 of the Municipal Aot, respecting the ussosamont,of property, by giving power to•the collec- tor cf taxes to distndn from the taxes . after the de.. mend, and at any time during the fourteen days when the goods and ')hatters liable to pay aro being removed. from the municipsUty', the collector to procure fewer - ' nut of authority fore() doing, •froth a" magistrate or outer person as the Government array tkinlc 111.—ear teVeil by;wl,., McMillen seconded by Mr, Allen, REDIEMBER VIE EE. STAR GROCERY H E �S I� '.13ohnSmith, �.v't�, Baku. SOIL CONTINUES "s r S.• o e :' MERCHANT TAILOR heap Store " CARSOI~1: 1 BLOCK, ^ I Y�C'�• � ..4• ]flWs' . ! ' 'Q,,`CJ EEN Kraut ET. DRY GOOD'S., AND General i' Br G � Outiltter. ((Carson's Bleck)' , CLINTON.�NT{��T� C? In Shia de ertntent will be fetlmd one -Of ' ' pp kite bt:at sclectetl stocks in the Gs11u1ty- everything -complete. 011slies 'lade r r 1 �.. MYTH A�' �I�illi L.• 1 to order, ft specialty. 1 Choice Family [dowries, . B A 4 :Rine .Prargrant .2Tha,, •Sweet ,S'piees, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE.. - OSM DD"'`':, - G �(' QD Alt, t�,,. Thin department is well supplied and will be tottlid' everything r om ttwttnt. we .'Are now Iiflcpareit'to'do all kinds of work in their Y b d' line: Having put. in a.,gta1 orus1 , wo are ubie • l;ot to be undersell'. I to do c1oppiitgttt any time and on the shortest notice . 8. D., 'lJENKIN$ Wsit'il'd rt;spectfnlly >'elttiva itis customer* rand' the public gentniti~l1y that ift At:61iti011 to_'t'Itt: . • BEST QUALITY OF WHEATEN BREAD He keeps on' bend 1.t fine tessortneeilt cik R1SO'O'ITS; • I3U.N;9'2, ' altrEs, . C'O,4 PECT.IO.ftiiEwir, ' FRUIT, are bound W els k 1 1 ell, t k f C �. • Call ,cartel exaf ti se--Ito"trouble 1.'40 dune. e o . ee on ' •1.1tIYC •alk k $ oc 4 . • GOSMAN & DODDS. BOOTS"nil l 'HQ . l;RlYbh Dae 17. 1880. - 4 • APPLES. • Y. rod -.-:0 Loads Oar oa s A;OF flll0 AAPOLES, for 'ivllieh a GOOD PRICE'will be paid, . Parties, =wishing • 1.'•o sell; -:will •please gall at once. • • 'tP!I.OM.PSO.2 d .B0 that the Cuiuteil,now,procered with the .'erection of a ..County.P.ogr.jfonae, . Sir. McMillan, in Introducing the resolution,•.madO" . - • atnpitcollc4tbspeech; amt made strong appeal'far 1.V Poor ileum, from' otgttteunidhtrian,as well ns an gm.. 'nytnieal standpoint, w Mevod'hyM1r..'l,t;itekan„second&': 'by Ili:41111m that this Council Lip tlow'ad jumni'tor:helf ,meet seven o'clock, p ont.�Caeribe . Fnttiks t p•,1.„ Tho Cotfnofl,'csumcd theAlfarden•in the chair, The di5buysion of the Poor ilousus question wet; eon, tinned. `•losers:. Staachati,;Itayst yl'efr,' Kay Currie, Black and.HIislop, speakingaagnhtst the establishment'• of Mien ith instituticat, mid'.Moeses, llannah, Rogers, Campbell Iand7licaiillan adeottha.ng lit. - , 'rhe resiofntloe was eventually. withd tvt,n"by the 7 Mover and secbnd'et, with the fmdorsttuihtr`lf that the • • • quotation'would cot??to up again ttt'MIA Jane setoion, • Moved:by Mr. Jdhnstono, secdtldb'd'by hir Begets,' that having Made me bf'the.plan snhntitted by Mr; Graham, for the lowering of our ceiling, ire groat hint the Suin og $5. -Carried: • • Moved by hlr.'Johnstone, eeeonded:by. Mr. Camp- bell; .tbat• ampboll;•that permission be granted by'thie Council to the person .or persons appointed by the town of 'God, erten for the purposeof attending to the town clock, to .hifvd emcee to the; sante,—Curried. Moved by Mr". .Gibson. seconded` ley .Mr;' Walker, that the Warden and Clerk be apthorized • to petition the Local Legislature that the - anioudmeiit . to the ' Municipal Act, now before the (louse to reduce 'rho miu:lter'of Reeves, be•not passed.—Carried . Thaitellowiug,ie the 501031.11 ot'ebe • ' `iI: #iet"r.•'ASt lralIerlxc coSltlt'rrEtri Gree,- :.. THIS SWAY.T013t �' a D e Boots' & Shops. • 111ef ,'s. 1.olig Boats, Bog's Boots, ,t""”" •' ]ro29Etls8 Long, •yr�f,otsj' (Won ete.a Gorst b'lt t iSlioes, • ' Cisaes':Goat ,.S"Isin Siva, W'ontelas' 1ltfttlitteil late: •1%•10"'1"0I YA B'LOOK, Alco: a Good Selection, of, Glass -- ware, :Crockery, Toys, etc.,,etc. , Cm' T Lis WAX" FOR • r' Fn.llarnegs •• ou1,:& 1.r f hlo: tliobes., Voat'Itobos,.. . et„�r 7To,'se Blankets,. = _Egr ~TRAD'E',11'OP WOOD. . •r 'CL ENTON, p 'In the nitttter•of the Co n4,unie8ttonl rem t}ie'County ' Council' of the 'County of. Ontario, respecting.. in oltange in tbo mode of tlppoittting auditors, 'tariff o! ' fees, etc,, we recommeed that: no action be taken., Several tenders for the County printing were laid he us. -We reeotmnemd that the tender of E. Uolmes & • Son be accepted, it being the lowest.- ?our eonutittoe Would further recommend that the Collet:toes be. boutia similar :'to tho Assessment Molls••- Yopr. committee: would mise reeelltihend,tbat tire' notices. of Connell nmeetinl:pcandiext1t8natiOKdf toncltorit.bo ad- rcrtiesdiln the Criuhtr I:lupercattlusual..:Allfof' which: is 6eepeet:ully'9ubuittted, , :Munn; ' Moved' by Kr. 7bogerstseconded by Mr: afeMlUan; 'that this Cothatifilornow, edjourt, to meet toenorrowi wow GOING Off• AT ..THE meriting at nine '.00lock -Carried. SatuFtisy, 9 a. m. .. The Connell tsibt p rte leant to ,ailjonrnniettt, taut' . Warden In' tho+,chair„ ,1AII"tlte•Couriotllorstbearq present; ' '- . 'f Tltdtuinutes of•twsterday wore reld•.hnd approvl,8; hloOodby M1r.:Gibson, sec0ndcd• hv.lfr, 1(4, :that tlio •Ctork of tbis'Conncil 'bev4thori7Ed'• to • emmmtni-, • cateStith 8110 •Council, of Middlesex- rand states.that tlte•Couiicil of Muren, havitig in vain: tried 'to:met thanttoproceed •in building the bi•fdge,on the Centfty 'Boundary across theemible; between the tswnsldlss•b! Stephen and McGilhvaty,'ivi11 now hold the'Cotzdtii of Middlesex rolionsiblo Re' auy aecidetlis tlditistwy oceuran coesequence of such. neglcet,—Carried, lylaw No, 1, .1881, :appointing County •Afidlior8, Was rake ,and pasted. sly-iaw'.No, 2, 1887, ,appointing a Board of Audit, wits marl andepttssed. • Bp1a} No 3; 18831toap ioihtt Road Connessslonere, Sits remand passed. ■ a+r ■ ■ v ■•' 11y-lary No '4,'780, to cdntltun li 11aw No 3, of' -the toWOsitip cd Stanley, liar t10tenlo otite twin road anew, ante; was read andixassed. Molted by Mrt.ltibsan; secpndedl.4t Mr. (hack, `,that i>tiisbCannell 85-' Wadj6urn to meet 41:.11oderieli•ufl "the first Tuesday In Juno.hcxt carded.. "7 ]?olr:f good 'g'o piano• dp L7ougwev tGIB131 rGS.. eL(0,*tTlaDoilerty o ;tctr'sscceived,'tlli'e' highest award at the Toronto industrial ex;iibi'tlon,iT1880,'over dill c1. tri yeti g, ott ti1oii't ynu• forget it. • , • V'.oE.II IlY■9/.ir deed Prices TO' Sire' t► iaut'��' :FURS, BA ETSMANT48 .' OvEROoAT$ Now is the time to sec Ire.' •CLOT INI'WINCIES, •FLANNtLs,'DRESS COBDS,. &C,. • RGANSINS ' . �•T. •'1Qt'.4• 7� � 1CC MILLINERY ,. -D {. A • 'Part es n want o)'D 1y. bR id -403 e... p G -RErctCT/O 81ads to order to reduco.ouretock anti' make ,rooni for other goodt,hve. leave dectdstl,te . , • sell at from: 10 to 15 For 'cit,, Less Than. Usual Prices, 11Cinllett= Mrs 11'Saltor••.irrtol rls organizinssta singing . cls,Ms 158' tho ]3aptist ollaroll,; Base Lithe . ,ISL`L\t•CLk, • i 1' For ft,. good t ibluti, .go ,to. tti fILdiTYc.1..: 1.11111,1 all. cl :NA BIG LAT OF V' fi M.. '.,.4. `ler '.: .i l 1 • , i 1 W ;t� . Ha dlisrre; •L, ' iM1 ,'it v :f�.K@ i i l designs and patterns) ')trine( � . I;utigllt a1 1V;�w :]<°`rtixk 1i1 k flail( her 1rYecti'ritt; iii �15'eaut fit t t, p 3 t• " 4F7;i to•the trtitlu;11''tllili Comity, and will be botcL:at (,3%11 Ti3X1t1) :d,1 SS •, thine tlie C>t ossct� Saws � ✓ eller let i • Lamps, Ste r,. t' VERY LOW. ;.t . 1:'est'.,Eo, 1 Coal Oil, (Siker Star / �■t��� �s.sst r r r bs't nd) 25 cents `per , %;lir ri�'i.al _ 0 •4' !Eu/trp l■Mt.i? ■ ; a.� � bei � �f:. M 11r: d�' - gallon: Pour Ima7 riff(':Q tllol s ' cetid' Can for $1.50. Y A..RLE 1 HARLAMO And au tlie. utost',Noyejlties ell`s tue,,Sonsaux BROSU' Sigti of the Pftiilhctc, ']3rick']3lockr 'M. AZ- Opposite New„Teitss11 XII I 4 1.1•11;+1•.Tr i M. 8