HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-11, Page 3• •
Thrust. and Parry.
ttotteasri0 FfIefoliM eV WM trine?' SWoltusuAle
Mt nutmeg,
• .•••,••••
gads Fiore.)
Any person, who has frequented the public)
promenades at Florence may have 000elione
ally met a little man, about 40 years old, •of
very elegantfigure,.well knit, firmly braced
upon his lege, wallong before him, with the
air rather of preocotmation rather than
revery. But what would, especially notice
about thia peroonage is thet as he walks
along ke never coma to execute fencing
mancenvers with his cane; variatiena of
lunge or combination* of guard. Any .one
can tell you his name. It is San Malmo,
As I have sa1c1, he is et no small stature,
but has a finely arched foot, the sign of hie
race; his hand is verp delicate, but strong ;
tho sword -hilt rolls firmly in it. Obeiltnut
Moustaches and hair ; he is: not of thetawarthy
Italian type. His facets full of energy, with
its strongly cut features? and nevertheless
there is much gentlenees in that physiogt
nomy. Hia wholefigure oompele the idea
of a maxi powerfully muSeled.
Ten years ago no one would have believed
that the Baron di San Wet° would twee
open a fencing Behold. .49, Sicilian patie.
man, he lived magnificently in Sicily. Ile
drew upon his fortune with., both hands,
flinging his gold out of the window's with
reckless gederosity, as one loves to soe great
-gentlemen do. Ilia luxury had reedered
him faapous ; his prodigality made him po.
There was n� fantasy worthy of a gree
lard by which he was not tempted; and none
v;hieh he did not obey. never was the
man's caprice better served than by this
man. He loved luxury with a luxurious
love. His stables were kept like a palace;
his galice like a museum; People came to
sae his ten splendi•1 horses pawieg marble,.
eating out of saver, 4rinking out of crystal.;
just as they would also visit his galleries to
admire his works of art. "Le vin, le ins
les femmes," he seldom went beyond the
range of that romance, and. he sang it en.,
chantingly welt. He kept at once the best
table, the gi fattest bunco.% and the fineet
He played. " Masaenas " after a fashion of
his own ; delighting to protect musks in -the
persona of divas, and dancing in those of the
greatest choregraphic stars. Once his fancy
had -been takeu by a roulade or a fete-balti4,
-a nightingale throat or the shapely limbs
of a aylph, it was no use for the public tome.
fuse to adopt the favourite. This sultan
hired the theatre for himself, paid for all the
seats, flung open .all the doors, and said,
" Enter !" A magnificent method of assur-
ing sitcom, surely, pitifgj. little protectors
,that we are, who vaunt °Mixing distributed
five louis to the claque 1 .
But the feast could not endure forever at
this rate. One fine morning San Malato,
having by chance looked into his strong box
found it abeolutely empty. Like all thorough.
brad bons viveurs he did not long hesitate
what to do: Nevertheless, fancy that his
eyes must have become dimmed. for a mo-
ment -that moment of brieftfarewell_thatt
we give 'in- theirreparablepast, 'When tie
are men of nerve. He looked. into the
future as one looks into a riVer upoillis eolds
day before plunging in. He did not first
put in ono foot and then thou the. other,
crying:"_4e ea pinee /"--he simply_getwas_
ed hiniseai-uad dived in head foremost. This
was how the Baron di Sae Malato became a
fencing -master. • , •
To begin with, he was already a splendid
fencer, one of the best. Fencing had alWays
been a favourite diversion with him, as all
manly sports are to finely -tempered natures.
Taught by his father, a consummate swords-
man, whom our -fathers in the at of using
the folis may remember to have seen at
Paris, he devoted five years more to the
peverest atudy, the most carefully superris. •
ea courses of instruction. And when he
opened his school at Florence, it was not
only the Bret swordsman in Italy whom the
aristoaraoy came to salute :-it was perhapa
still more the modest pride and, glorious
eourage of their former comrade.- You' can
well imagine thatunder such Conditions the
fencing -hall of Via Mezza became the ren
dezvs of high Florentine society. For five
months during his stay there, the Prince
Imperial was one of the most assiduous
pupils who honoured the school, together
with members of the oldest nobility and the
moat brilliant men of elegant society. This
'fact speaks for itself -160 frame ror a trial
of skill with the master; 50 francs for'n
lesson. They do things. on a grand scale in -
Florence 1
As to the romantic: side of the man -or,
ratherthe picturesque -ane could never do
justice to it. In the first place, it should
be stated that San Malato is known through- .
out the peninsula, and is known in the pee
liar light of a legendary type. He has of-
ten been caked the D'Artagnan of Italy;
and certainly with good reason. Wherever
there has been a 'noble cause to maintain, a
threatening danger ; wherever there was .a
man unjustly Buffering, a woman weeping, a'
child crying for aid; above all, wherever
and whenever the fatherianebeckoned, he ••
wasthere, San Malato 1 Twenty.twowoonda
received'I b I of
the first among those hundred and fifty sol-
diers of epic celebrity who, .at Aspremont;
held their own against seventeen thousand
men! Forty duels for matters of honour I
Mon Dieu, yes 1 -but I am sure that outgof
them all he did not provoke three. ,
Most of them occurred in Sicily. 'Here
is one which seems to me worthy of attens
tion. It was upon the pubic mum of
Palermo. I forget what was the political
ardor which fired the fiery dispositioos of,
e peep e at tho tune.
a candidacy. Under the . blue sky they
were chatting and arguing. The Chevalier
de P-, a cousin of the candidate in quese
tion, spoke of his relative in terms worse
than disres eotful •
"Yon are a aoward 1" said San Malato; •
„How comical the sequel was:
" Will you .dare to repeat that in five
:minutes ?" retorted the chevalier. •
. Most assuredly," replied. San Malato.
Thereupon the Claevrher de P—entered
his residence, which faoed the square. Five
minutes afterward he came out and entered
the group, with a revolver in his hand. San
Malato Went to meet him.
"Let me firat make another remark:
revolver does not become your bands; it is
not a weapon fit for suoh as yoU ; you do not
knew how to use
And hei spat in his faee. Astonishment
on the part of the ohevelier, who remained :
Motionless, as if rooted to the ground, hie
arms hanging by his Oda as if paralyzed.
' San Malato spat in.his face a second time.
Friends intervened and separated them,
Then, of eourse, lite:tads were chosen.
Swords were selected, In the, evening San '
Malato Was visited by Maw. deBM.
titer of the chevalier. She' knew his 'Ord.
ble strength and ; she came to beg him
not to Waller sou.
"It shall be as you wisb, madams; yeu
may rely upon my word."
! Next morekig San Malato, et the moment
of leaving his heuee, gave a letter to one of
labs aeconcie, and requested him to convey tt
at one to Mme. d� P—. Then he went
on the ground, and both men took their po-
' Tito chevalier attaoked him furiously.
San gelato barred- without lunging. Three
tirnesthe attack was made without any tiff-
ference in the character of the contrast ; the
one adveraary vigorous and eager, the other
inthrentely indifferent, A. witness bent for-
ward and whispered something ht the ear
of the chevalier.
" Yes, le is true," said San Malabo. "
do not wish to tough you. Let us oontin.
ue 11! •
And thiatimathe diabolical Man contin-
ued the combat with his face tamed toward.
the 'seconds: Them •finally put an ed to
the fantastic encounter.
"Then Sen Malato said tode P--- :
• • • : "Go and ses.matlame your mother. She
will explain what you do not understand 1"
Let us tell anotheestory of him ;while we
are at it -the story o another duel, but a
,differeiat kind. • They were 'fighting Igith
bros; the adversary was the °mint De B
—, the most remarkable salsreur of that
tirne. San Malato was muck less skilful,.
He took his w,eapon ia both hands and
charged furiously upon De B---, who re.
. tired, defending himself, They were balled
back to their positiouss De B— yeas dim:
armed: A third time the encounter AM*
menced; and San Malato's sabre broke off
about thirty centimetres from the bilt.
Netertheleas continued the fight, and
the seconds allowed him to do it. Then San
Melato bedtime furious. He flung himeelf
forward; wounded the Count De B-- des.
perately'tvith the stump of his weapon, and,
as a lesson, gave a severe :slash to all the,
.seconds, :mount:wing with his own.,
Nearly all of his duels have.had a political
origin, so that he hates politics, and. anyeine
who talks politics before hint becomes his
enemy. He has three affeationa,-three
things which, he adores -God, his mother,
and. Ida acin. lend this truly worthy of
D'Artagnati ? I need not lipeak of hiq pre-
fession, which he loves passionately.The
love -Which swordsmen have for their steads •
has long been proverbial. When he speaks
of it, the tenderness of his speech borroWe a
greater charm from the sweetness of 'his na-
tive tongue -a rare commingling of caress
and. frankness for an Italian natore.
' His mission he holds and openly declares
tit be the development of peculiar ideas upon.
the field of honor • According to him the•
really bra_ve men tells hie moral andphysical
Oat, and he assures us that honever men -
aged his weapon more skilfally than io a
ditett ": '
To observe those musales of steel; that
sinewy suppleness, one cannot . help antici-
But the real danger does not lici there; and -
it is :not possible with such a an to seek
patsy dsrepere fro's:1th° lesson of preceding
encounters. Sometimes like a • veteran.
swordernan, he retie:: otholly upon 'science,
and leaves nothing to chance':sometimes;
ivith the fire of a youth of 18, he gives free
rein to all the rest:nit:ow of the most vivid
4:initiation. Ile has Studied the methods
of all schools, and appears to have arrived at ,
perfection in each. In fine, we shall soon
see thee for 'eurselves ;fer we are not ell
like the Sicilian Brigands. - • • •• •
One day, when San. Witte Was ridiagin
his catrieges a band& bandits appeared upon
the road; They- stopped the vehicle and
throttled the ceachmati. Then the chief of
the band tint his head and his • blunderbuss
in at the window and 'Cried in his cavernous
voice • • . •
11 Get but; all ' p Of' yen 1" ,
San Malato,,alWeyeleaning•upon hiselbow
in a. languorous Snood, exclaimed in a voice
of exquisite hautuer : :•
" Spread your cloaks upon the ground ; I
.niight soil my -feet getting doWn."
"San Malato 1 Sari Malato 1" yelled the
brigancla ; and they fled in.terror.
I may appear to be relating a fiction ; bet
this is historical truth; all the Italian papers
mentioned it But I only Wanted to point
out a difference.We cry, ".San Water
San Malato 1" but.
far from flying, we shall
all rush to eneet him. En Seerd =ointment I
The Arnerloan People.
No people in the world suffer as Muth
with Dyspepsia as Americans -and although
' years of experience in medicines have failed
to aeoomplish a certain and sure remedy un-'
til (WIRE% AnortisT FLOWER was introduced
for this dime and its effects ; yet so well
has this remedy (succeeded in every case to.
• effect a cure, that there is not a Druggiev in
the United. States hut, reeommends the
A.ucieem Feowsn„ in all oases of Dyspepsia
and. Liver Complaint, Costivenese, Sour,
Stomach and Inver. Go to your druggist
' and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try
; it. Two doses will relieve any me. Itegu•
tar size 75 Cents.
IA gen°, SOO 1 04, excuse. me 1 thought
you were another man 1" lemma :stranger .
answers, "1 am 1"
MANY inost remerclable cures of Deafness.
have been performed by Hagvard's Yellow
Oil the certificthes of whieh the proprietors
will cheerfully finoish ; it is the :nest po-
tent tamely letown for ell varetlea of
inflammatory a:Atm-taken interually and
externally applied, it cures Croup, ItheB1129'
Con, Colds, Sere Tai
roat, aud' s a perfect
panacea for all manner ot pain, lame:nese
and fleeli wound;
IF you are tuddenly attacked by Pain
Inflammation, Colds, Rotate, Puts, 13thisea
and Wounds, or suffer from any pitiful or
inflammatory dieease, or foe accidents or
en:erg0:16es, don't delay till the doctor
comes, but use Hagyard's ellOW Oil tic.
enfiling to speoial aireetionS, -and the
ecooeueleretiat ytt owill find 'relief before
doctor, Every household
should keep this well known and vault°
remedy at hand,
Puma: •aptialcers and singers who would
poseess a dicer voice freedom from hoarse.
Imes and sore throat should use lanyard's
Pectoral Balsam, a safe, pleasant and cer-
tain • healer for the throat and lungs ; it
speedily breaks up a cold and cures all pul.
=nary eompleints, that se often lead- to
incurable Consumption.
Reinno, have you a comth that does not
yield to the usual remedies'? Do not.delay,
do not despair, but try Hagyard's Pectoral
Balsam, the beat cough cure known; a few
doseof -this safe arict pleasant medicine
will break up the most obstinate cough, All
medicine dealers sell it at 25 cents per
itlitetflitEtrILDINCIS,.Fratrios, Miri•ora, Mirror
'Dian. Picture; tee, etc, it J. MAN.
THESW ,t BRO., 92 Yonge Street, Toronto: '
X FARM ; also tand suitable for saddler or shoe-
maker. Apply to R. JOHNSTON, Tido: leton, P. 0.
WTITaway, on Niagara River, 150. acres; good billid-
ings, fences; soil unsurpassed; -garden of Canada ;
stook farm. For Particulars, Box R, Thorold, Out,
:FURNITURE, 1:4,,,-1:orinog.0 -Street, Toronto.
..s: taining patents should write to HENRY GRIST,
Patent Solicitc•r, Ottawa; Canada ; twenty years...,
ripatioe ; ixtroteig,-ne-paYir - •
r, King and•York‘ 'SU
:Toronto. Palace Hotel
—Canada. Mark11 Irish, proprietor. °
• - - • - - -• •
• ,
1in t Ye Whole History of Medicine
• preparation has ever performed such
I marvellous Cure; or maintained so wide a
repatation, as AYER'S dHERItT PECTORAL,
1 which is recognized as the worIa's remedy'
; for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its
' long.continued series of wonderful cures in
all climates has made it universally known
as a safe ad tellable agent to ernelays
Against ordinary colds, Which are the fore*
runners of more serious disorder; it acts
epeedily and surely, always relieving suffer• .
ing, and often saving life. The protection
it afferds, by its timely lute in throat and
chest disorders, makes it an invaluable
remedy to be kept always on hand in every
home. No person can afford, to' be without
it, and those who have once used it never
will. From their knowledge of its coMposi,
tion and effects, physicians use the CHEnnit
rizarolui, exclusively in their practice, and
-clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely
certain in its remedial effects, and will al.
ways mire 'where euree are possible. For •
Hale by all dealers.
• Tim following incident, related by a mem.
her from the Black Hill; as having occurred.
at a 'Yankton church, may be true, but
lacks confirniatien : But I pass," said
the minister In dismissing ono theme of the
subject to take Op another Theii 1 mike,
it spedes 1" yelled a Menaber of the commit-
tee on charitable and penal institutions from
northern Ttakota, who Weis dretunilyengaged
in an imaginary gent° of euchre. He went
out on the:next deal, assisted by a , bald-
headed deacon with a full hand of clubs,
_ . . . avere-descriptioars-
-BronSe Medal at Toronto.Exhibition,' 1689. 'ascents
wanted., KENYON STEWART two. co.,' so King
• St. West, Toronto- • • „ .
. — ,
Arles. ' RIDOUT, AIRD, & Cu,• Engineers, . Me-
' nd'Designs secured in Canada,
'United State's and Foreign cone-,
elianics.(.Institute, Toronto.. .
GEO; 13.WATSON, terror:4°1.4
Street West, Toronto. ' • •
.SHEEP Youxe & Co, 13 Wellington St. East.,
Marks, manufactured by ht. II.
• Toronto. Agents,Wanted..
Durable, light; Elastie,land
Cheap. First . prize at Provincial Exhibition, Lon-
don. Testimonials on applicat:on. Satisfaction guar-
imte6d. Addrese, •
• ' J. DOAN & SON. Drayton, Ont•
1.1 TEED. Sufferers front the abeve disease (Ner-
vous Debiltty) will find permanent relief from HOOP
ERS REMEDY, Not a Quack Nostrum but the
genuine' prescription Of the celebrated Neurologist
and Phyelmogisti DOCTOR HOOPER of Kings Col-
lege London, ,England. Sample Bettie 50 cents..0IN
cularo free. enclose stamp, to j. M. NORTON
& CO, .Pharmacenticiat._Chenairits, York Street,
Black's Island Moss Cocoa I
Simple Packet, 1007. 20 Oz. Tine, 50c.
Ask your grocer for It; take no other. The fresh-
est and best Cocoa river offerd for sale in the Domino
ion. • Manufactured only by • '
PETER ESL 1116K.,,
at his Cocoa works,
UX1TRI ANT wnrsusits
JJ and Moustaches infallibly
produced by the woll-known
and ceffibratdd moustache pro-
clUeer, AM's TORSDLA; in six
•weees. agreeable and,pow-
erful otimtilatly0 Em011iont.Sent to any address
in Clanada,nn receipt of the price, 25 eta. EARNICST
DERRINGER, Chemist, ape King street, Toronto.
First one, 3rd March, 1881,
(Fast Freight twO deo before,) and Continuo every
2n0 week (luring odasbn. For inforMation liddrese,
04 King Street Eat, -Toronto
The Best is the Cheapest I
use nothing but
Carriage Shaft
A oemple edit will be eeht
express paid, on receipt of Si.
J. P JoliNSON,
77 nfro
isr bend for prlAgent for Canada,l
ee list and circular.
The only Medicine that successfully "urine* the
Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin. and Kidneys,
while at the same time it Wails Nervous Irritation,
and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and
speedily curb* Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti-
pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsystlervomi and, Gen -
oral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Firysipelas•
Belt Rheum, and every species of Chronic Disease arising from
Disordered Liver, /Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or Blood.
simple Beta*. lee. T. MILBURN & 00., SOLE AGENTS. TORONTO, *maw lib% RIM
$ere. reeman's ivenu Powder is a safe, sure iuul effectual destroyer et worse to elditlres
Price 2$ cenm or 5 .or SI.
rs. Freeman's New Domestie Thneli are perfect lis new color. For woo= se.
laimmbity they have no equal. Price 15 cents per package.
• .
'MESSRS. RICHMOND & co„ ron.•
11.1, TRAIT and Fine 'Art. Publishers. ()Mee and
Fact Ory : 75 Bay Street, Toronto. Portraits exe-
cute d in Oil, Water Colour, Steel Engravings, Cra-
yon and Caron. °idyl:met coloured work done. We
also execute special orders for Mounting and Finigh-
ing Pictures, Shew Cards, &o,
This brand is' guaranteed to be
the -very best Chewing Tobacco m
Canada, being manufactured of
the finest sun,cured Virginia leaf -
To avoid inatidsition, see that each
Plug bears tb,e tin stamp, and
everv Caddythe Caution notice a I
ira'wiug aua noainig a ve,
The Drawing and Healing Salve alma car-
buncles:, Abscesses, Felons, without the aid of A
Tile Drawing and Healing 011137e cures Ery-
sipelas and Bingwornm.
The Drawing and ELealing salve cures Miles '
and au Poisoned Flesh. • •
The Erevan:1w and Efealinw Salve mime
aoms, indented joints, Chilbledno, and Frost
Price, 2,5 and Permits a box: •
Mrs. Julye Myers' Rheumatic Cure.
A. Positive Cure for Rheumatism, Nenralgis,
Weak Backs, Sprains, Stiffness of Joints, Severe
Aches, Cramps, 4c.
Price 81 per bottle; trial bottle 10c.
For sale by all druggists. General agents for
Canada J. 000h1f3E, Miffing et. East, Toronto,
Capital, marpoo.
Ilea4 Ole: 28 & 80 Toronto Streit Toronto"; ,
Eton J AIKINS. 800.of State, ,pree.
• W- Deriseauen„ Vice -President People s Loan
' and Deposit 00. Toronto. , • "
• loess Pkransotr, otPaterson Bros. Wholesale Dry '
Goods Merchants Toronto.
. A A AMAX. Of. A A Allan & 00, Wholesale Fur,
rime, Toronto. • •
Ateix Naumerif A & 9 Nairn, Coil Dealers, Toren- •
to1°..J. elm Banc, Solicitor of the Imperial Dank, Toron-
• W EConeatt, Toronto.
SAMUEL McBition, tendon, .
W T EDON, London.. - •
It Et BOWES, of Sraith, WOodj& Bowesaoronto,11
. -A. T. McCORD,4r,, Manager.
of the wlelteLnip ,
' • tielcnirsolaX :at Eiplitable Rates , and Losses Set
. .
•usEffectually kills the Tieke, improv 1 tro and
The lahrgest GoyerinumitAep,00ltet-any•-tiotarie.
X caN,30i3S11=1...'tei-. •SEO.A.X...1111
. • • ,
UT -
OF s 4., LOT COlg 7 TWP
s ofd _olchester Oce., of Essex', 50 aim; 20 01055 -
ad, log house, ooil excellent, 10 Miles from Essex-
' Centre outhe Railway. •
' J .Eldon 'dot of Victoria; Do acres ; sO pleared,howie
barn,etable, shed, orchard; Situated on 'good lead-
inc(road 3i• miles froth tho Junction et Midland and
Toronto and, Nipireing Railway, • • ' .
J of E. I OF W. OP LOT 16,
Enerre te6Mprreing• over 50 differ
ent taradee, Varietlee and Mixtures, '
.• . . .
• . • ,
Put pp in miantities•to Flint Purchasers. Air Caddies
of 20 lbs. and over sent O. 0. D. to any
railroad station free.
• ----J...., " N
Ot RiVO0 Raisins Twp, of chatlottenburg Co. of,
Glehgarry IN acres; 00 cleared, Bh- ' '
rick oUSO with
roof 2 frame barns, stables and sheds ; 2 miles frtin 5DWARD L .
om' • f ,
I.:ancestor.' A. good market Town on ihe G. T. Ra .93 Titilice-et. Enist; ffillina Of the Queen, '
Railway, andin a first class section of the , .
Write for full partieucara - . T.011:0•-1•TTC).
Real Estate Agent, 82 King Street East, Mtn:onto.
Improved Diamond andtlie Ha,nlaxi
Orose.Out Saws will cut faster and stay in order long-
er than any other saw in tho world. They are Manu-
factured only by •
R. H. SMITH & Co.; St. Catharines,
and sold by the Hardware Trade every-
where. Take no other, We also make the Lance
Tooth, Lightning; Improved Champion, Eclipse, in
short, all kinds and patterns, inehicling the NeW Im
proved Champion.
I Sti Catharines Saw orb."
$25O -
are hereby offered in prizes fer competition at
dustnlat Exhibitiou Toronto, Sept. Hsi and 1882, by
Horse 8& Cattle. Food OomfyI
for horses, sheep owl cattle fed, two, four and. six
roonths, respectively, on Thorley Cattle Food. For
particulars SCO circulars, or write to the Company,
48 John etreat South, Hamilton, Ont. •
"HOW thin is Sara Bernhardt, Pa,
That shadew dm shade ?"
" Why,.juet about as thin, my ohild,
As pic-mo lemonade." '
Bum if Sara would, only take Burdock'
Blood Bitters she could add to her flesh and
beauty very 'Materially, These popular
bitters are th fancy -drink, but o pure and
powerful tonic that aots upon the Stomach,
Liver, Skin and Kidneys, purifying the blood
and regulating the aeoretions, while it re-
news exhausted vitality. See tettimonial
In another column. •
te •
Portable Saw Mills,
IY•aorin Engines,
Watorous Engine Works Coq
IN reference to the last purchase of Bur.
dock Blood Bitter; I have sold medicine for
over twenty-five yOare, and in that time
never sold modicum that $aVe as good
satisfaction. Taken for the diseases mom.
'Mended, it has always helped the patient to
such a degree, that, warranting the meal -
eine, imeery pereon is satisfied to pay for it.
I could get you any quantity- of testimonials
if I had thne to see parties, but we are very
much drove in oUr business.,
tt LAISHIAY, Elgin,
Yours with respect,'