HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-11, Page 1�,. Volume No Si •} CLINTON, ONT.,. FRIDAY, 11, 18 TERMS: ---$1.2b perr Annum in Advance, FEBRUARY,i1- THE HURON RECORD CITY I8 PU1lLI4IIEp Every Friday Morntt1i ,, At the office, Victoria Block, (near the Pq. t Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, -BY_ E. F.L00DY, PROP. TERit1S.-:4M0 RECORD will he sent to subscribers (postage' free) tor $1.25 If paid In advance ; tz1.50 if paid ln' 0 months ; $2.00 If pad at the end of the year. No paper discontinued till all arrears are paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. -1st insertion, per line. 8c.; emelt subsequent insertion, 2e. Profeaefonal Cards, not exceeding six lines, $4.00 per annum. def' Advertisements without speeifle directions will • .me inserted until forbid, and clttmedaecordtngfy. 4 r' Our rates for yearir.• controsto will ba made ' known on appihation at the office. JOB PRIMING:- Book end Job Printing oirovery .description 4v/seated N•itll neatness andrdosptteh, on • she shortest poctihle notice. Orders b5' mail prompt- ly attended to. Charges moderate. • CIiURCIL 3I:IRECTORY. Cananada Methodist. -Services at 10.30 a. m. •Mud 8.30 p. in. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. nt. Ray. D. ii. SUTHERLAND), 13 D. PASTOR. Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m. and 8.80 p. nn. 8.bhath School; 2.30 p. m. ItEv. Amu. . STEw- ART, Pastor. St. Paol's (Npiscopal).-Services et• 11 a. m. rand' 7 p. m. Sahbath'Schooi and BibieOlaes, 3 p, m. • C. R. ALerrnays, Rcctnr. Bible Christian. -Services at 10.30. n. nt. ata# 0.30 1,. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. Ray. 11. Tums, Pastor. lisptivt'Obnrch.-Service at 6.36 p. m. Sabbath 'School, 2.80 vent. 'Bev. J. ORAr, 1'1sto0'. , Professional and dtherTards. T)13. REEVE. omee, Ratteahgry Street, intmedi- ll ately behind Ransford's hook store. -Residence Opposite the Temperance flail,'13uron • Street. Orrice roars from 8 a.,nt. to 0 H. m. Clinton, Jan Id, 1831. 1•y DSI. DOWSLE7,.ft1. ..'M: 13. C. 8. England, , Phyeictr., Surgeon,.8re. Office and/ residence next Molson'e` Sank, tmtrkeb square. Clinton, Jon. 14, 1841. 1-y TS. ,JEROME, Licentiate ofDental Surgery will • visit Blyth on each and every month, from the •tenth until the fourteenth, whcaritewill be most happy •to wait upon all those that may favor him with their patronage. •.AB ,operations performed in the nicst •skilIful manner. Myth, Dec. 11, 1880. II. MANNING, Attorney, SBhcitor, Conveyancer J kc. -Beaver Moak, Alpert Street, Clinton, Ont: ' Money to fluid at lowest interest. Private Funds. Agent for some of the hest Insurance Companies. 40y • • EO. A.'4191,131SON, AttorncrA Law, Solluitor bl- ur Chancery, Notary. 'Publtcr-Gonv.e; r tc., Clinton, visits Blyth every Tuesday. MY''('IT LOAN AT 0 PEI4 CENT. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. - 1-y -1 TARRY FISIIER, Professional Barber I'onsorie JCL Attirit; Cmniuni Mnnipulator,-hietal-Gperater and Capillary Abridger -next door to Commercial' • hotel, Clinton, Out. tom• Your patronageSolicited; TAMES HOWSON Licensed Auctioneer for the - . of Iluron. Sales attended at reasonable •.:atev. Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881. S.' FIlIQt4 LlEII & SON .'i•or the BEST VIOLIN STRING in Town, CLOCKS' WATCH I S, JEWELRY and SILVERiT LATE. Clinton, Ontario. CHAS. HAMILTON, A t'CTIONEER, land,' loan and insurance agent, '1 Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, on reasonably terms. A list of farms and village lots for sale. Money to loaf on real estate,.atlow ratesof.iat. • tercet. Insnrance•offected on all clasries of propefiy. Notes and debts collected. Good9 appraised, and sold ou conuuission. Bankrupt ptocks bought and sold. • • ildyth, Dec. 10, 1880. ry Li NTON Lodge, No. 84. A. F. & A M., 'meets L every Friday, on or after the fall moon. Visit- '. Mg brethren cordially lib Red. A. STRAIT()N, w. it. J. MAcWHIRTER, Sac. Clinton. Jant 14i 1.%91. 1� - 0: i.. ' o. 710, meets 2nd holiday itroarh month, 1 I. in Itiddle,nuuhu s Hall. Visiting 'brethren eor- . •lially invited. • . J..JIAMNER,N•F.WMAJICII, Srcr. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1-y. Lucas,, {Yailuer .t Cot,,: Book Stere VALE•1`il.TACES' Pretty .and Cheap, Also, .a New Lot of all Papers, Just ..Arrived, THE .LATEST STYLES At Very Low Figures. • Great • LOCAL NEW :$. Iloinocaintl Vicinity. AItRXVF.D.--A load of chairs, for our new town ball wore brought here on Saturday.. / A series of revival meetings will bo •coutulenced in ,the Methodist Introit next week, to be: conducted by the Rev,. . Mr.. Sutherland. • ON FR'Inny afternoon last there were nes, less than limo runatauays on our streets,, the horses being driven sly Mr.. T. A. Salt,and;Airs,. Fair. . PERsO1 AL. -Mr. T. Wiseman, ,.,of EDWARD FLOODI(, Publisher. Cotd'rttAars.--Messrs. Cooper & .Me COUNCIL met last Monday evening. itenzie• have ailready received the conal SIDTt7Ar i413.si'o.being all ', cleaned . ofl: tracts fair the erecting of five bus d'it•gs . W•t. have had the `Jan'uary :thaw. at during the coshing mummer and 1 have last. havetenders in lots of work inany more. n stero.fer them. ey Send us the news front yaiir .steigli- berhood' MINISTERIAL,•-ii;ev. f4... McDon- add, of Seaforth, and fbm»erly of this AL°:tTHLY school. reports got up in place, octiupied the pslilpit rdf ,Willis first-class style at the I3EGORIr office. (IlurcIl on 'Sabbath 1ast,'4ntoiif ing and PIIROHAanD.-Mr, TI. Plumateel has everting. In the evening the chwroll purchased the 1£tlrm •of Mr. Forsyth,' was crowded to its utmost capacity. .Mitt rodd.Tuokersnl,ith, containing 100 SocIAL.-- A social, was held at the sacres.for the. meg sulngf residence of Air; S. Davis, on the even- ing of Friday last, .A. large number was present on the occasion and a vary pleasant and sociable 'time was spent. London,, ts(a 'forialer resident of this Proceeds amounted to 08. • • place) is at present :spending a few' . WE urideks,li l that the late presi- days . among. his , many friends .here, dent ,of the •reform:Association of God Good time to hiiml. l erich tio.wnship; anal..who resided lately PEItS0 AL. -We bad a calltthih week -•on. the 9th con., has annetunced himself from Mr, W,' F. 1'Vrighton, of:the Flint las strongly in favour of the Go•vern- Inditeements lor Case i(Mich.) Democret.,,,and formerly of this Brent bargain with the syndicate and as journal, .He. is looking well, and reports: a practical Conservative. Mho's next 1 AT • • ,business good on the other side. F'T1:n 'AXNMENT,-Thomas .ts fr'Co:'s Wt Hp ..RANSFORD'S CITY BOOK'STORE, INT O N "l31Ni ixG1 CLAss,-Prof.. Holmes in, beauties and wonders of the woriai will tends • doming .'to ,our .town 'next week be..given in:the B, O, churchon Sitter - for the purpose of organizing a singing d6"Y't,veniug next, Feb..42th, and ,avi.11 class, when the purposes calling on the show many ieteresting interestingscenes of •Oa,li- principal singers anis 'others interested, fornix, Scotland, Ireland, Palestine, in* the town. • S'witzerlan, Egypt, and other , places REalEntsER.-I#y reference to oar ad of interest; A number of tab Grand Trunk, are at filiel•Ratttenbury ' 'y�} n Tri verthsmg columns cul leaders will.see 1 I All I ld 'H They 1 hank f Olillto Marble attend, as the company h�'vc, full and theirinterests, in connection with the Urks the' nauhes of, the .business then •who P Y 1 wish 'to have thein parvenus.:.. ,Wo ,intelligent Houses wherever that' go..,;pa)'ty abost.�to leave ter Dakota HURON'•STItItETI'.CLINTONt _ _ earnestly .gsk, you to give thein a gn11, Tickets, ‘25c., children ,• 10io. ! • GRAND Oituienc 1,-The't%llnton c'lck• ;' Theyofafraid to ad rtise.in the 112U1.e. Neenne `As 1,411 be noticed i.+et club have made ',arrangements With • are Sti' ijlsn,--Ot Wednesday. night Mr. Jos, Allansoli. wean 'oyster supper to his patrons ; a t3arge..i umber were. in attendance and'a go4li1, tiuxe was spent. CAietivAL,'- Should the. eweathet prover, favourable a sdcond carnival will take place about the 23rd inst., and the Holman troup will provide a splen, did lot of costumes. .. Mr hideousness of Valentine miss, ives increases with every year, as may be, gathered .tern a peep 'at: the book store vwiiedews:' :It is' ',horrible to' run- agine What I tbpy , will :,be -.a hundred years from now, , RAILWAY ME:T.--412essrs. cT. M: Tap lor, of the Chicago, "Milo aukei3, and St.. Paul Railway, .GeA, Dew, :of the Northern. Pacific; an 1 M!.Ford, of the • eause willalso be' given. should _r , ouse.. are here . to , a ter W: H. -CO-OPER.., Jr , ' • Manutacttmor 01 andrldoaler in all Enda of ' 'larble & Granite for Cemetery" - Work, nt:figixros that 4ofy cogtpotitioii. • . l0o A.gent for the 'Oelebr tedt- -ARTrr..tei X, Sroxi; •;for..Buildiu> .put-. .•roses and Cotncter `York vhich. Blue y ,) t� be • seen -;to be 'appreciitted<-_A11:work warranted tc give;stttisit�Sttgn.;.. .. .ere. HALLOO i 11 ve ' paper that reaches yen. • in .thec'.Council proceedings, a motion 1 the Holman Opera troupe to open the ' FIRE.=On. Friday last theAAlarm .of.' was passed at the last sitting, instruct ' •new Town Hall, on the evenings of fire was sounded,: and in a.very sliert• ;ng the; Clerk to write to the ,Grand 'nlond'ay;and •Tuesday, the 21st and 'pace of time crowds were rl4shitln Ea' : trunk • Railway : authorities, . asking '22nd of AL. They will -present " Cin - the •engine, which is situated behind ' t1i m to erect a new passenger station :derallo" or>l;thho first night and "Pilia- the new market' building: It :appears "at "Clinton, an the old •, building is . fore"the second•u►ight: A plan. of the • a=tire bad been -burnin•--ia:,- - i. tually a disgrace to our town:' To hall. will be fonrad at rFransford's book a e g 1 a coal shove - W, . and had ignited 'th wall close to it. strangere•passingtn1io do''net know us, store,`, arlr1`'reserved seats r should be ': Hoyt It werild•appearwliy. the leeks of the secured,at. once. However, our tire., company soon of . into action -and had the lose 'l' ... plaee,..that•. our .,town.>.is .oft I1I .little P Y a . . upon it, by which it was speedily ex: importance. 'We • hope the company LIN TT. ti f' tl d GLIM-TON • • BBST �TM g • '1!4MPTY F1oUSES.-• resldentof:G.od• .. C, _ V. m: ;..._ ._ linty see it to grant se -request; Lind" il' ui Ged. ',' proceed with the'work'iminediately. o •n' erlch •rewarked; yesterday that he bol- nitrous A Iacty�y#10was vtsitln MIC R�t[i10Ll�AI.L `�. SAIF .G i� here last week, when et the G. • W; R. • .'• F ieved tlsexe were otic; :.....red and fifty p station ready for' herdeparttile, ;missed- TEEX.Rg4F3RtAOE"1'0Intsl�rL*1' PiiP11ISE::: rohto to•' ; -empty h'ousesc:in that plw'ee •:Clifton. rs t her. watch, whieli:waai;a•geld one, and. - WOWLIIY OF,}?i tTL f 40 10I.. fclrtuna.te,in not having ;mere thari,one �`1 inimedlately:deipathed ar. messenger up. 1sV C �� �: l v twentieth inc�thtaf that-:nuilher.-:t1'ow,L`rct, On 1. t, ° ?'i . � ' Sid hist,.::If,our•; cotntemperary looks town-ria,sealch: Sli only:remenlbered y fist we visa ed tiro: vorl.s CEO:GECY AND • tl ' ' t �` t•1 and ilielssra. _Harl.ancl bras. ; ,since sl}c va nin:yt., say that .vve - were please(' to aloulid,a, little.hi still,tiuti th t' t13.ere belitg ill theshops p'f Ml: i): Cantelon of'tho above firn1; 0083 uroe St. and;. •• is not -niers hane:me mor wo,'a "tie • p noticed Ut:C.,;wt4Luu< many - I�eart:n v\t�aS 7tA r13•e- • greatest, empty„ at present. - . see business &i . lively,_ and • so Provision tor diately made; tlii3lsdy in'$htd meantime • J ,UNAWAY.-=Un Satnrdliy,. a. horse going away oil tbevtrail'1. On visiting hands at work. Messrs. •Rumball and Opposite Fair's Mill. ' .br-longing to .M). Benjamin Churchill, Messrs. •Harland Bros. stortantltey found Leslie have•been hi business here.for.a It pays pet ,/ Cir icer ees acre , the ,, lag near Coats corner tool. t►'i ht and Out file floor the Board caar'ht o the 1 � d• } residing In this tocinity 'while stautl-- the lost article: It„$eewstas She -very long time and have .befit i them site to Arai P Y g cods are 3o elder• coal -the quality `'I.. ; • Il !e se yes, up accor lnnl' .• i mann • yp, 7 ✓ r n rapidly -down ,Alb t St 1't' 1 1 Y u-..,• , ' � 'ng ,out 'facture: a -ver •' is e„nuu�ber .of •rirys• Y � a. •' at the tune, but •e3il.-1"-' tlii,zt ;all .itis pending it,o'tothe latch in: the manner good satisfaction' g 11. They;,keep,a• largo: A N 1 1 N ld G i'1 r e; + w nes 1 latch loosening Itself and pulling .ors o.: L o o ooc s; ,was tett. well, crowded .with Jehieles 4 all new avid fresh � pretty, t,he• watch+ at the Same time, ' and sus during the year land their wgrk gives lam' His Sugars;: f•Teae,, • Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, 'Ctta•ratlts, "Boneless 'Odd'l'sh, Gold Flaiecvand .Urine Cut; Cliewiiig Tobaccos, cannot be excelled Some new designs in Crockery and G'l'assware, Wooden Ware, and in fact everything you want. ' APPLES 35, CENTS PER., BAC. Farm'Produce taken in exchange. ' D 0 A N TELON. - . CLINTON:: A ::Hausehal=d ;Word .• RANKERS,. BLYTH, - -ONT., 1) I Do a General Banking B thiiiess. oma ---- ;Honey remitted by drafty-pnyable at.. any IH)int in Cltnatila or Urlit*H1 States.. ,•rirtun currency bought slid sold. .Amer - lean and sterling drafts eashed. Advances made on .t'ndursitd papers, rat' Collateral. se- curity liar lots; or short (late+..,..ii►• NOTES. ,. , .�1SCOUPJTEUL .Fartsic►rs ,W.110 require advances .ere an- • vittlel. ,11ortgoges and IJehenrures.bouglt. Nutra; collected at moderate :