The Goderich Star, 1905-03-31, Page 3VIA*
aim MR
39" owm WV=3 JR, cm
-7 ii ALI ATE
v. - 1=2- *0# TWA*# Ar
sm oili* I 1 1
WA *W04ra= 1"VAUM ov ow. VXT= QXXA
A" 0T. 3PA=
RUN" 3 im so*&*& d
idlialillit ** dAm st tus 9MI(V%UAW01 44110111101" 3pu* 1
11111111110,11I — PC.
a 33&�si; X"41111111
2hh1*= =2=14 34A soon AT" 04�
Mo Wow W
4 Nioitoro to. Olt. votwoIJ9 V00 in 4 INa* Nino* 00 ase, at
magiles IN to "pow 4"Ill
two, PV4 *Wx* witUA ilict 10APIKI; 'MO
The olip"M 4" 1%1.211111' eft kw'�"Xmmo ON wr
=tm :Zom
-X a Ism sol* Is' uw lt�wvoft or Ot. h4or #Ad Ski Wki
Np 9 o A= 4101111=1WItt 10
.01 ^W' wob"'Ilu Ili* t4lv 0 0 r 0V *1011111 iiiii
a "'; �Slf t%#
to 40wa b4o M "UrIlle 10MI7 ass *a Irw =4 V11. utomlitit (oft it big
00 0111111111011 AM is 411111141101111111 djoaleost, 40A ilisitow Ow woor rears, bw =u= wow as Rmwal 14** a* r0*4 r,
tar"t. 4x4optivo 119tar 11,,. ar pfvpy at ovolls, Ali* tr*, VP 00,
0% W&Uft. Jilies 0 ~ *00milia, W^ 4@11twilt VP Jim We" VO4A so th", 4w iiWo OW4
Jilt nw %1%$% OMVW X011111111111111i *k $O"Oft 4" 141t biaw %oft exer- 1144111"A and W wbwk volo; row*bw 9t Nitill. Way
= I IV 00 V" Ura" NO V00*%W,Wj1l1i# *xrow 1,;Vpt ill, two
ow" No 1�094*60. 300 Ill I -$1 0* "mr, tko I am"sites, will. )*V* to" laorvis" W
"A 44 hr 00 1401* <� '"M14 a oraft VW %W boft V1 V_W* 11111A WW* 14 tbo awl"I i "vilt Awgro )too
01I I of flow" from XQ*WW As ",OW NA 0101ir it koos� 4"o tis *u*
*0 roassit"Wr 04walo" at UK %** 004 Uft boftf. swit, U** owwut ;=44,v- sixomuo"'Ji4w JA prop)"% W tbo
Tra" VXWO come"W god tu OW asslarn, 111 04" V *" I" 0,wlto
tilb"N dwww# ow sorst amoft A UlAwiO4-th"a sooft aw U* W" oulliwkiiiQua Ayls'i" has b"ll Ar -
*W 011141111114 .140044 - :
U�w lop"I clivilet house are to irsag*1 bly W X"" for W*,;%Vt*
6011111 "s" ip""i sit 111,011A Pat* pots.
A . 4,00, *104 46 *401Y' itmi, W GOW %, *!lowed W
on oXeep
Ole lowd l"Vor 01AN00 Ow --tieff ato a*.** * UffillA4 W*t' 1110"
*Dftwamiti. *Wftw in now aMdogialo tim Artle 01-I.A. 00 avillrace, MO witlak 000 ot -that AW08ar, v4birlot talallilt
10"IfiltO LCQW. 1 00 to 'At, U *IkM "A telft Ill,1130PIK 111110 AC0144
9*4 the, "ra" W -ON 19 Wou. I FrX, iooutw ofl_wdos, �#ifo 4Xm4w, Ali
klni 14
Lou It"dont rk
willow tf, to* o
OWTAtim V T* rkilor ""11111140t sta*t 04 OWO plot- uisitt—
Ytw veyew ealdizirs
isco, tlk* itiotleo, *t "Wa" so
ths, *"*A WO# vwm* flowtosar at *W e,"* J, "014WO0.4 Aim It
1116%vo bow V1* AN 46 111ft 111"Ill Owes, tollitit 114 V0,0044)
*4� by Vw W&W Was sioloo"o; to "ya X
Is, itlim P"t "'Vios U"k Viola 4''Wo.-
ep is. ciatitis a4d_*d0CA "ph not vol Skud I*' slow bot "04
ix, WI* 04 aAaell J^W 4 =` of ^*Qww a" 0111tv" a 14 W"VOK I"
a" 'to, b 11111411 "* 1~0 L ;
SUP ow* WW o4ow"Alk tbaf*! 1111111tt take tkom"tiod I*- provs*** �Wi� I that ho r^*14% 41" *t
I tw iarw am **4 tfc� yot **w The I$Qtton "a 11:14 - -of, "I. lt 0,
it, "Witor C L. Xn" loti4s- A* I . #4 titin
11100. 0"" ft" ** QgqX
#"to*, 01� port qr #PC,* ststo*4 to AW VW UW*U a***, the, %kit, toysity
too P %,0000A.
4 Veal; Is pwA orttsmi, $4 to AW the ftiv, ipoot*m ffialla it, th h'N ta
t ta to, toillqlv*,�
tu"to Pooplo. life In PW AJA.11440tti 10. polo '114 411.
to '00
tsobed t 1*11", .49, is
or Is Surl, WOU -sPZN with tow, dw umo *0 tliq W
helped. to ow loo *U 0161CL'Aad %t ip bo;A440*
'j"A oil"
-'Ailitooir "litolilid '-X ft, # I *"
tile, 40. plq" h ltbxv*)�'Ot 11io'Llt"W
vw*w it buried t1to 0" noo, was P"40ted AV. th* M'40 )got ttilo 0004
to- -X, would svoftA. 3) Vrkl* w9r. 4,013, 140144.
0, of V*Ak ot,oars"O is ropo"I'.. A -704y #kw �ZA'or# tow, to twili USA All.
of A**Oc *.It* of At* I ce 0.4 Atc, bio '41K 0#;a
ovmv, U, 1 CA
DID with 00, 110,00,1114 11r~
s be lield thAl
twiui'tba� *be 40liv*, 0W tk
04 U910.0 140004 to **ivw 04 11pir
WW r�, J*AP t# 20$
041" ox "M mmusn'.- %OST WONDEINI, liko;, thli, kill%* bi Witt,
1w, ma
to, As, tha sog JPW TO _W *oat ll ormtor -wilt IWOO
w ok iii big, 4ilstltwl:4, ';kt� ball, lsrg* nitw* 0 00 4xi" 44 the *M01- Uq IU*AlN vico. lIkAtt, bavo to pa�r IN
Wt4st Lilibor "AV Will 00 ovft A , 1wit
40*Wy.), ~vA' 14; *ltet #J$hkJa#r and w" t4 lie will, g14, lit. Of 1�. T
to 44 ofte eajaywc
tbA,jCQrAQm(Vj of tW* noun frk4h, to a0comp In Q* Nortli-WAwt, '13114 "10 CpAtloa of 11*41" oto vo, VA 001-0 t1w p4tlot_
t.Q p4acaA tw 4.0, - 4 joy Ad
IMU40 of top" *# Inorim"'of 1.014. 'VOWTX14=091 6fticoir-or, twWo on *0 to wo, IRAV04,0*
im" MO ti
otoar1W 'A �Wlooitlk VA 004*14 4W at It
iiiuot o I$ A
Abatoft,, those, Who, 449 AN "AIJ0000 ooio.
vo."olo, As 0* Ito Olt 1p.o
itAf0k.4#* of'' 0 1 Arno 0ma).
"olli Mt ivyltow, shO *Woo P4009A"
un"; ", _. *1 �
i4!ii* by 04#V0 Ilk, regoriW"
Tt� wowd hvii I Ala W 0,iiii
OM U" OSt"
fAq.#jon:tt* 14�ksjt 'JoilAriA pill", 00',
'As Ao x jalo tbartN V*A TI" qu� 0414lato 04 full lit% AoxIWtik,.,
#104 Of A) OX01 or" Ikkorl 1011% 9
win miit -All uQuitskils he -but It I* Th loott, ilotfso bAd it not lot of ton out of
iof *'Ith ie 000W roatWmr 11irst' 404 U tile,
V1, 0304 vitil Ono- -Among th
Ily FAIA040; 1 -0. W ' 4' ttlj t A
, Vroyjo A
ary_*)AM11 3; An, 1, A0.4 ipola*, fo "ptly-oto d�ollik, .1 t%* ....... shipped VA. eoAllA4 P1 0'�:( rt, aor- 0% �atrh of Xitl X
0 SV lot: )lie
for' POWfl '2.UuPdV0L ....... ht,;% W,qja 110"t 47*" 04** 90"� Xis* UWANX
#A%- Itox low *14*0 Ara;r k
V, bilit Wall" acc0s
I .-ora
a j 4ill"(f(k to t it_,toUl aNVJI 0 Ad t Ctntinttillo or �;A#$ S 4
itIiwo of tha. rA 04 vo,
aiit I art'litco ioq#119114 ;07 t tox are Afivicqli bt'Utich"a at
At dil0h roi guarded by
'who fmkov
i1ouble all �d
1y;, Of innot exelkonga, 404*
OV X WitliA4,
tutu ji:� ttrust.*0tithy, mobli t0d. oorrido4
oport* it", A
40 0 aAA 40- SOON 00 0144 Ono bayorAct odid
...... ;jtdlt�ot the thq fortress, b "C It, Was 4
, *,
. ...... 1�, ill oil
'X oq
of guilts. so
tfrom h(
of1000 reserve 013 bor&y�; Ate$ or thtt 'Nip *)oil
nd67 h0000,: oi tUroy, r I' that One Of tb0 110AY-
wojilehicis tar the 11141ftd: TA00is a
In all
* On alitting, Out eack one,
OW or
Ot -1, MIX, t00,40AA
of% to U10
ossfitrifto P14
to sty., "polling
fro! gol"
444 0 Ong vo%v or. , L 4 4
dor are
aiasOthlaknoNs. Vilmilk b
t WAtio 110vora toot in,
a- thetti on any istemittler -raw Ke-
trool, the gr
Althe nor leaves, tile pr
Kit "11"Ou rWi' corridor tIR6 colt (10010 o" Scare _y ley loot to Port Said,
lit window jljI arrived w0V
A1.00�4: _th* 'A*Yo .6 lHorlor Un' take personAt charge, v)f them 44
tv r)
ik Th
#0m, At#, ease to Alt 0 al4l WIIS IWO rOQmY dolts tastes 8110RO"t to give
d$L aAt Airy. being ab64C7 trool* WHO lfttlio# ...... 41 tar hig,. that moile can provive
, OX athe gazo of the WrdOliff At O.r it,. the must romjijjo#*�pd Wotvh, at in A corner is an everal. dahaivAllo,.'
d Or ahours'both d)W and Jlo)6 didigAd fastauqd to the fl*Q�, 14 which in the tAort
Will Qt
I 1bO'^
he......... :1, Xt sound 0 -mixttroso and two wool, hae� 2,14 `irtorod to take thout, 91 rV 10; A*09, nthe centre Are Ii. r
....... night 01T WOOK. nkete. th;.Nlic J4 I
t shows the 00roug
'abj #ret*'k 'no O(L the an b
sea 45, month all Yo4r," tho IDOWX16 wooden able arid 01101r, Arid the n Sir Ernest Is doIiJK
Aa the thing that he lufol
Aiit bodies Aft they VASE, on waishata and sunitary apPlIM1141200
),poloted journeys in we un"
-two corners of the call, Water SPECIAL WORIOM
lin arvia there in a soldier Pick be. sup, t a out
for Pettit e. . ..... .. . ........... iaWptf, no � .......... I versa. the dato of the eclipses h Is PLIPPIlou tit
lid skillool upbolaterors SAO
qvorLy Ov ty-two inhabitants. I rising and Setting Of t TAP.
'in in Lon on eaphiday; 400, chil".. I seasons of the moon, the timo of from Landoll to refurnimh thatok In
0 1. all the grant towns of the world, the Daylight oil
took rgo of t6' Ai;,q born .a) tore the cells through
magnificent style alto equit) them
And t
avd, leagai .......... ..
ncessSOO Woat ...... 14- --- --- " - an seeli from Paris,
d Fisft SC414 . ......... .... Iol� Addition it
Up 4% role.
gliowo the three heav- rt arld
and so forth. loftV winows With- triple Iron bars. with every cativenlefidoi
to of the, wenther,
$at the daylight is only weak. as a that.cart minister to the cMdo
1-y year up to their 5 one Lisbon And high wall faces the windows at A, enjoyment of the VOARM Ali a
oOW111 toot. At ulghtr
ea. Act t on
6 boo a
considerable portion of the party will
itAi their gold Stars distanoo of but a to t
d' Itto J anetro,
% ......... ......... of five different sizes. fail the cells 6re lighted dintV f1`601 Sir 11rneot's guests fdr hr
id rostit ewer ItImp 4500001000 ...... ontald trout Stone oil 14
t7 Splual -image' %mps. Twice
Ale k,49pted t to scholars, a4. te 4 0
wir. 11be %yatch Includes 975 plocen and months iL call be Imagined that, tae
Olt" become In tlic, Sunday oth" Ar,9�11 AkKoly a �,ncck ... ..... priflouers receive It
40y hot
"Qv t , V, - , I W IS Was made at Bescancon. Franco. The daily the little Plante will coat him a DU t
Xt PA. Tho -pip aWr of QX
9914 donoratidlis, on the case of thin won- meet of two kinds of food, and thrice
a4 -day %ou But At the' moot ex
. .. ........... derfol watch are- i1ninbl"k touches tQ_ ,hall gout extimato it Will be a 010 -IM
a jo--sarved. On fast days. M0114130'.
great.. Uo� heavier trat of a man are
Re" iw�
Wa�tep 'or were 110 most if, Allowed.
17 Every day
pa t
Evmv toOk, 850 skills, oil her. Voy�, thvo�.%hoq he ellepliaut.
tUo. br4.lp ..... 4.., .... the chronological marvel and
atolle aom� red With what
ind 'phe w#j'46uj' t6 paddot;t he Bank 1UNbland generally IMWWd'o Private
'Sla vilioupileg cough ......... ..... executed at Paris by Purdin, accord pri90,ui in taken Into the fresh air
VV to r y
kt, Wors .............. .. ............... Lug to the designs of Mall.1111. , oralse 11% a small lit- to be Xing
'00 .......... 145 millutes, ex
eA, P44y of' J1411YOW46, b At captains stxMc-,Ient gold In 1,11), "Ill nowtil 4 w&lIed-in garden, artled by gas- Anti confidential financier. For th
Ordi�a I I CAs" and
k Obtain his W
t_o �:w _ tLie sty, trials whe S� to imake 20,000,000 oovere6pa,' )ways alon dermes, h -At a
a. issued A'740 0&0, A re", to- the, craft, the mechanical aci Are provided for the priqoners, 'day In the shape Of A
oflued arid link A CATALOGUE a. Books it is predicted lie wit
a LI 6
-les Included awl word come
L AT :esoi
billlt� folbiddingo of Pik
to Pro ......... ................
a 'Aw- -Ob PA)IIIENTS.
r by- tha� In this wonotor Watch 16 as follows: there is a IAXg0 Oil- peerag% Sir Virlioxto ho,
4 or 41,vioed, ofte-ball being givail to th+ of tho,weole, of,the month, par- rery. composed exclusivel of relig-, affection. for Egypt which to Dot'"d'A*
-ill Adeat 0mg- This.followlvg table shows the ages petual calendar of the months, datett tells works. Every book on being to its archs4ological treAMAIVAlilli,
T a All I te
ovorilmeat isbould
ScrJt out� uollgad' the other to the wife
It, sts thst To Surina A in, has the smallest rall hich patlileatv -were afteted: to,. IGO ears, moon, 1300,801118, �sufi- returned to the library to examined was there lie struck greater _rlQW*
to 06 domfort aA setip xeinedip go of at, minutes chrono-
ND dopt �dr to prevent ......... ......... .....
siIn '160 tirnil chronograph,
Atthe extornlinfttl". Of lih"O 911114,418- temper tore dt sry place most carefully by mean" Of A magint- than me" of t1je monaras who b*"
hours chronograph.
raph, winding lying glass for tho purpose of eCock- came anomalies lova cohillries
liftim *no iijar#�6 lef world, Tile Summer temperature to Petwetri years ............ gJ
-%%nil It tl 71, degrees and the winter 771 do- Between 2 j v;�agq full striking and silence, ruin
hand. itig (tiny attempt" of prisoners to ded in 1:1tig hands on.
Were n� so, who 9, boreal
0 another by
n7 uto repeater on three gong
surpri ar would not (..QuAlaullicate to one
ly It t the Py time and stars,
150CMT1r. 44 sky -tvit;ii. iderCal a of secret marks in the books.
11,1helmilue. to s. total abstaJil-, =ft,4 a 5, �vara .............. mean
th J of his POW -8 1"h3lacal 121S towns, ardeas are requir- E THE WORLD
Q eft' a , 81 auntral i3ky, local time of
to the bot6rdl now? 'Me great- er; she is A member ot the WomOn's 5 '1 0 years .............. Gendarmes and w
Assistance -years 16 Sunrise, Sunset, thormomter, h one
t tje#y's Xntuali Pirateetiom and League. Which has for Ono of Its Betweow 6 a d 'r ad to work in pairs, so that
lattne A4oXdad to ilus MAligibers. 16 grometel", barometer, mountain bar -
t, lilt"conlSOUP9 he" hiw- heviller objects the suppression of Between 7, spol 8 eara ............... tegulating n" always spy upon the other, and TIM COLOSSAL SZLIFISMMS
po wit theA, O, 8 imetqr for Como that came under Count
link 5,000 *meters, r
'him With cou- "I have no dolAlit compass. and the twelve gandarInO was
leoplo'have dr Bat ween 8 aind 9 years ........ 07 WO31"i
nC104oil:'propq, Am in of t on "ale cii -argoly into the con- 13etween, 9 rind 10 years .......... 10 System, Pfeil's nc?tice whor
14, dergol It -raper 5 zodiac Signs on the came. caught assls�iag prisoners to Coot-
�#go ;4 +Alp, slid inust, coheorn woo entord".
124 Itiao aevt�y.triflei She PrL" theLot And Witholit'frit Ill. thc streetion of every 'Xoroan boase. and 11 years rand prize and two gol models he wes Unlimited Love and UnUtalted
and 12 Sitters, . . ....... 2 A 91
ic 9,060. food for t hal.celfte in, grief, could "eInterior is lined with paper.'It a firm exhibiting
th CA he Czar, Who, 19, in place ih.which I , . 8 were ewarded th tondemnod to death by court -mar- S41fi8h"*4 Hu Chair-
a6sists give Uond said k
yes. _�rauk G. Miller, an root, paper flooreloth, slid 1:3 years . . .......
a0OVIN too t, all it paper this wonderful watch at the World a tial, the sentence being commuted by
f polson: she
J.AtAritos t 6 a doWl of his toilet. ex-00avlet, to iinobtiostato journal
and 14 years .. . ...... 4
ktiote- t 6 a cultural Is 4 and pa;per� 2 Fair. 'Alex.nder Ill. to hard labor for life
t - and 15 ears ..........
(terman wife of gorne reporter with Whom.,he bad Previous, Ei The mitimbers of the WOMOR's *j his Ater ficim it Since tile entablishul boo in the mines of Siburia. Ituto, Lonon, F.ilgland. listenod
t Ore is no proper CM2, mill, ly;, boame *cqus6ited. AUTOMATIC SAVINGS, Unknown, est What age- tht 100t it wit
iii", a a 'There 1.98 royalties- �Qf_au Ouptttia
large land oftjzm $law the Is no�hta;. strange, about 24*dng; -but not boru debt ... a -to --heart
Ijuoplv � she idea for encouraging thrift recalitl to the to
am .4
iw ... have A now ... 519
Act of bib servants: its patrons, and many
It," continued *!tar, "for we C046attalf . ......... ......... executed for the crown talk" from Mrs, Parking Gilman. Of
but� I carilialt afford to upolutands t o� tailor and tbo'laum-7 It In have been
developed In 1W.M.
for miltal. prOtee- is boillF
)uftda to have dye-#$; bolter, andL be- aft orgattizatioi 0 mong the majostlem, who Now York.
thousands P( upthing in re o les" thaft All auto- ITALIAN RAILWAY STRIKE
0" tn�, property, Yet this �,Aft& *to every Want tfoul And this lies keprWeIrItAtiveS ill nk. In a cagtilroh pillar ......... ......... ............... hands. s at the French The colossal ooliIIIIIIHOSS Of Woman,
been custorper
115, af& supply ought to bp of 0011' Whom she rears. every I&rge city and la. some of the motile ba, wal
smaller Ones o
f tile. United States thire are three ialita. To illo, top one HM1VhAGF, Or, RELATIVIIS. Victoria. Ith the nobility of ZMA".
she left but xbinakors are Que011 EMPLOYEES ARE ALTOGETHER cOot"00ted w
the coin Is Insorted-a,ten-contime Tile fol owing �Showw relation2li'll) of ildviourd vil, the grand dukes was hor topic, and she hit out right
tho " ',p King L TOO FAITHFUL.
do, under- And 04dadn- Ustsilly 'a the smallor raptly t time oil marr14gel--fIrSt of Russin, the kingg of Greece and and left.
biatterolitood proper ad- littlarrfoi. the, n�Jroeq to Naw she lawyers, and It the Place. If it is false It I$ Pro lower ; second couslim,lMh third Belgium, the Suits,
*e �`prosont the ta hermplf. plaocs these tire it of Turke, Met%- Re. The following are same of
ul observation of Ru
r debt king. Ab'veryth 09
croqk is "Pinched" Ili a Plate where rejected, and falls Out of A b)Hsinla and the Careil Glinii,n's cherished beliefs:-
this.comitry 1,Ave sub the female attend he fias no friends be knows whom to alit. it it be, good, the receipt coutj ox. 24; distantl related, 2V; Olik the Negus of A sults in Paralyzilag the M4,n work
WtttA inAhe tamest f0blon: to the nts to,, ap�rZoji the Czarovitch's promptly drops from the tVrd opert- not relateif, 1,143: unknown, 29; King of Spain- Ing together In. the
i In' this particular, of tile cradle, u'veg if she would She can- send for. Service. world have learnt loyalty. enself1sh-
'Should th4 case b'd an agavaVated, Ing at the bottom of the bo2r, SO tow 4:416
to time not, as gireater feag for Ru'alti,
oyAtem, It Is qui one and the crooV in good standing soon its todepositor hos 01locted pr oildeat mot. families rep orlouii inconvenience and loss have nefiq, the pOwAir of organAzatiou. OD4
a his s with the organization the amount fiv or memo of these receipt* he can resented: ---3 � fam contained r), VIOL -9T LEAVES A CVRE - already been caused by a novel and tile "Ohler virtues whicli tend the
at Ibo4n grant Iao4al proportle . on'bl6* 100 hiself, Was world. The alone have A MA" Of
'r frustlitle that the it AIPWA A fIX111 ldeft' of hood requirM'is learned, And 'the exchange them for a Iliadic pass-Vook IF); HJamilLsit contained 4. IS., 29 was ingenlutim f orm of , utrIko--1which have a
C(jjl� lecvig should Wit), �id' Uail that I& life is I is notfied to Send enough to t the rogulair ravings b"k, and an f 'Ontsinad, , 87; 05 fainillas
$.011'Fil 111olt; Canter Patient Claims It lie hecoulo general-*( 01 which they
owsee oty L active, threnteils in0ri)POIY. an well as 'courage, belief
't ad by the �bolltlon thrcatenad.' A's"Majeity' tears thAt 710 'his avings he will ri paid 'by GeV- =41214 2. 190, 1.012 familiefa con- Z9 , employes. in 1002
square a couple 61 boridamell. -4 per talued 1;,. 1,03.2; total, 1.1116. Italiai railway tit to I lit) and truth.
m�Olidd g1ve tbe the loss r b1i *h of he 00 long crook disappears, the blandomen set- rimient Intotat at,tho rate of Willinn, -Goytion, a 'physician In a tht, reilwav tradem unions w d love
Jowl value wliciffier In in which Woman havo onlv unlimItL
3 reports to do](iress,
wo . vainly WOO cause the tin and tell how they. *outd,liko to cant. Bv mpeans of this excellent lit- Daven (rrigielid) hospital. ciovernment an oI selfisti,
wnso4or4 place in C4 -y outbreak on in every ring the fellow to 'Jiistice, while at tin inveniton the laborer is able to AT DVAftn WITH TIM rc 'a" can- they Petitioned foi- the removal of arid ArnetwurolO89 depths at of a rovotuti, CZARe the Lancet a suPPOROd ell extrem"
comer of ttio.E"Are. dVQn among the same time they are wishing for a ft -action of Itis daily, wages I — ly the ar- nens. coupled with mot -bid
ger which has aroused considerable v�ious grievancOS. 110tab
for of unselfishness.
0, r 'this r0ason stoother job OF the same sort, P2ract4yest, without the trouble or
nit,,4 conservatives, Oinid, to tiritor�tbAg In Conducted in Freuch pilblic Interest. b1trary manner 10 which promotions
Women are not by nature unselfish.
eryone in ith they are well Paid, and the lawyerstimo incident, on. making a JOurilley rashion. The patiGAnt was a man of 58. Who were nido. extra payment given, together In clubs end,
�bj_�t' 1, AM -lal fit'60trOlIfided by get better fees for looking after our est j)OSt"Ofb4ca, & groat place %lien tilloy fire
* r t�e Impei "I I to the near, The Fish in the Russian Imperial And moll trarnforred from one re is Ito
of rn Are huminass than iy rdinary practice had lit told by five doctors that�hc nnsociated In businem the
host-, of spi0t convenience, seeing tbikt sueh. lianks hitil cancer of the tOD6;uc- lie refuged to another,
by a Aterat- payli. Ifours, ttW mems4 a Obich Is most magnificent is) mairifestation of anilt mublilub develOP-
aro open oniv at certain u Opp com- -1,110 t1ovorninonit ana—red 11Y Ini-
on -to undergo At ration and ment of ly, ev I�at- his to under 'Miller went on to Bay that the or- suited to the man who that fcOlflftected with, the table, loth, to creat him- "tOdiatriv evillsting rl the All-affectd
ery one kaO*Fk t those not,
t tho It close Rupervistolip *nA, thbi ular officers whicill oftormous sums are Spent. Tho on Nov int of twillng mail liable to inititan/ nintivilce 1prilzatilm, had Its r6g' a I works with his h
givcv who are better pskid than tho a citlilly2o ja entirely French, and m(I" self, lie poured a P the --I Will give vou a typical it-lu"..
of the 90VOINtlatil ab011 slightest untow' handful of violet loaves ashean rioneral ninona
foun d aLer OV#il urs. So
roon, rot, denu nel4tfofi, 46 "rO Is It9itimate 190clOti ALITY OF CECIL RHODES. 0#6 soak for 24 40 railwnv cHAVOye" ..I, 1,
ioi, 'At 1 eSA, bad that almost Parisian chat has since that time, tration of thlb stab.1me sot 11) IQ Of
e14o divided the liquid into two Lquul and now bringing niattero women," she interposed.
ll�jct takell to T,roNe the 'trojifir,fAt 4 sispl. g1j,ot them are well respected, in the BRU tuno in serving tlai and left them to
Czar, although His owy ar
communities in which they live. Mil- --indeed. gm- It rottria or. our Iiaadq. end Is big
ti� of f)fooer L i0ovVil i upon Cecil Rhodes at times Orsonal , tanties tire of that parts n hours used tile oth0l*. Pend,lig tlie pa all a Mra Oilman
yeoly dues was to employees. orutal way of speakid j �y y 'i -,,icrit;efloA gan, on a row of
but evol':vdh� 11% VO Alight0st Jar stated that the ardOunt paid for "ly-had' a lift drank one at once and In to a h(ad.
It rliateentary Indjr0cl; tak61 etence. �e 1% $4 membership and Tbe Princess ItatlY at Alpf he proters the nAtional the "Ololo 2t Ore applied con- Stan of the scheme of rl()rO
Utl '10L largoL.Aad that Only square" crooks will, in 'her ecent book, boo to 416 4 us w nization fixod I
all 4tteadlylg tit be,itlit (hall soup), md that extra- 'Hot fOolcutil"O
nera I ilwctu�jtyo � 013, no. hinuounly to the outside Of the neck hiv the Involves tile rill pl(ttit hatm.
�IJOI�tio; ot zeboal oWhA WON all4wed to became members. I stLvago anecdote of him: Ordiftir to bliage. flIMMIt O'y t the noia.hout will y mix re, of pickled co.
When Asked if they 17er6 not afraid one day name tourists of Impol'- altill Oil the left side for two hourn prontilgo to ralre 010 n ho continued her aphorisms:
it about a hundred
t jIr Fort the fact that
tb On If it were not for
that their officers vkould emulate tance were route Schutir, Ift-radlents which goes by the, each night- altLcivs of the railwaY stalls JAY irien
oflaty0irt- 4, ,oP6r*tIvb not Intleh, Wiwilln the limed the leaven an of 84,800.(100-11,110 tho. girl iiihorits some of her father's
(eilitio Ott 0 - 'rn ni hIpOnlet linen he
101140 Am, Mrtv4i�#,v palates ill th
grand dukm' vho their employergand rob the treasury, where they find been 'oft r I ad' aggregate IhO virtij.-F liv should lie gavagen vot.
times kept the I are cirro-ying olkt to tht) letter
Ifittift tv h astil iot nhthi. to tile nw"t dain. lit,
ail night, rho doe. 1 numorou- anti superfluoun we wAltit nocialtain, not civilization.
hhe replied that' such a thing had & Rhodes. 110 andaii, at plefis 61 the French culinary artlatn' POultie" an lour"
sarce -never occOrridd Utit once. That )man over the �J.10 lnv*tlbh c1,Allization ban been Made
of all a
41� t tl*L, round in the streets hoot Cb4fit Pool Banat Jan. 2nrd and of thk rallwaY -it, And Anion have been ninde by
igue Ono gX41nst tile tomal. il at on
r I tor SLIA,1111norl hill, on
s: and int, allowed , a "0 A*A` kond(yrit, the Court und 11 MEN T00 offWr in m -der to obtalu 0 with & knife stick Mr it all extraordinary change tlt
gong, whom eniplojed a WaTsjl�ltl, itl the figure -head of the to
over the ('7.1. of W ()men
�flfth rib and no one had 0. lit, examin,,d Win
tate.; This 164' to lilac concernwi Hut wonian, tit her position
",OX0f)t eft Ilk IftO. ed#6, �Jdba Jkt0UsQ thern Of absLfiJj6fijJjA'tJ Man on his of ehotliabtfs', kitchen sitaff. Under him had tol'W" Thi -no forinalitleg are -ested velopment, ban eVr"
. I I $ftrl f1tto follow his itomple. talk about th ij�1140 ieliellitio. 11 rhen divro W an if of art
%J �efiV t1vo nupervislon is In tht- hands again orf all, 2flth with tilt, doparttirp and aerival
(If thL
, 1 1,,A4
on; ofothb, thhol -Whylo mild"Millar, "thay know und the voliti6v I" Modes, i allnout no ail, an.1 clocept for a tire" and "lle" a "lo"A alld (role-
lid-fAllied fourfur de chambre, number of carriago"'
to catige a revol"Ildt, Vrl-to do ils gao Th little ramOlilled of the deep, ra f; Al trAno; the
they What VeAr It find. ts*Ort 1, a the ron- iriffirence upon =Cl0tY-
�Wbtljd h4VO rabin k nor coloosus thoVkht for me a point (
ghl�0;1� - cleaning anti ilghtii
'V� jlf6lt property. loolfti, than r e6pit, but now froldivig the, we h,lve ilia al)surtl,. spectacle otla
IC bliart)[d'ito, 14eh rig
ted clear. I'll
Ithoo il I dItion 11 ell
'I �4tb i fll f0r*i�tt' With it Ot, etinelodo4 with tile titiffttlit 0irit Ithy, -deftletivoll, , dh their trall cat A: her Ilia in (lit tire head indurn it g th'. onginen anti 1he qll%n ic how-yenml) (if brick and mortAr
le' 'I-001 WIlleb criticized in L110 fact that 'nor coal which taillight no dt year did I kill pm# of,tilv OF water
fliat tlio future lies in tlarkn.!Aloi�'Alld 1xild tholt Whim lift . 0
of, tite' *1 earthly he Ndt%bin 'I&I chsincella,le, overlooked. Lhe ccllq Occupied by women anti chi it -
'10 p and over a hut,- five ioctort, pronounced It One 1114 herto
may be protlaiOd (I Jfj(*J11 twelve whit, the men are froo to ro in
tran curry
ilia n101%t alarminir Surprises. od thoreft-re the fliajtno,� nerupulolps ren
Miller" of cancero no inleroncopical examination of tholse i'l-91
drad sob -f urferit anti lackeyn
wa madn, An
ot acidodlirlk tO I he world,
IJA't# Zfh�fk 614it'roi(nog in Chicago, MILLI AVE PUW) t of
ZM6 n Var06k f3d. title 15farAby6l. %ilth tile .1ollherato objec 1 144 *W ItChan IS Itself ruled is is discredited. elov(,1ec,atn F trains SEXLF. . York, NoW Ott6litlh, Ann Prall- T6.iititbol k Irotardins. th" - By keeping women atVitionle, home
falitlovalfts. Impilroollijiflog 1$.V two French eilers llpq tho VIT00 f proctienliv parnly,
0000, go*�risl,tjthdi cities, anti T—AtY a turlouA ill** Witlijerjorrmills whose staff Int,- all traflir
hill rV. i�# lot �bt� .000 the oddest sightm in thlit t1hod club isooms, formal%# have bold box been made over-teminino: by
0110 talla Vilillf t*1W IS the pleturo-gn1lery Of a6d til? regardless of lh An lintel In PhIladelplits. A MiO, t6n#Abtf) of loop assistant chetaair- JnIfNGS JAPANIt'NE. it in nintipiry to the inen hard leaving men alone in the world the
h, W§ 06 AV W � a
lowl, ot 0w stlktol Xfog To, be -&bib t usOr them, ture eornflold blad beat Installed, �Irl ty, -pt. 61"6111311PY boys. Japan has 75 cotton Alpinning and at w,,rl, wf 19hitig vvery ounce of worltl has become OVM-0113SCUllne.
Aucco."Wir waif$ ill tile rooms of tho,
,,d Satiety, oil r
yw�ems tty 100 thAt a 111"M per tA,Nt' ho"v6f)r, 6"d indlit 00 extrit the aining hall, and roosters, ote oil the Tmperlal table :Coal, Ine.0pliring tile water to he Women have the kind of mind that
'Arid There be c floor. The Attests Aro Alladill, e7teflalvet Froutilt chat,,- wbaving linilb,. with an aggrotrate and brisabinn tho seats; Of the fecin It It in gtrethed beyond
)ubman vat from the "I _Wo"A�
AVt, Seems Capacity of 1,2�,4.490 npindloo
fri the worlcf, Ifutt i toy pWitforks. takes, WA 11610, p4gho arid 1100oallx. and tilief ith naccuntomml vorse- the circuit -of ten rooms.
Instead a "Th4. aoial in cog look on 1, Happiness.
t Air their Bruit, f knives And 1hrlors., A littgad ti, 60 06 j�cIlla&t1an to favor such which are in regular
tit, JOL of verarl("k, id�
X;'bor 46 0, , �, i bull stbod behlutl a tail feftcO, littof witios A* are g1ron on Vtoamlitril got to jug, These have a working time This foryn of ptiomlvoi renistntwo 1- Ifflan POIJACC. Cam,
, I �, tire of every na t I ort- It" I - (11
'41 Arm- in the Cejeftfloilp wine qIlstrieta. F it from IS to 2)JJ hourn a daV -ndo-d wit I, Fort tiolior, can Only conic wlien
t0rAJ two live pigs JeAstod In a sty.,r Ara
color. individual rnnnthl' produc-lirlin in 41orne, arid was, attol
20MW an tUe wells., sort y ti rk
416vise t,,,r r,.YA AMA walts and Ing utensils fill per ' th(i moat CORtI.V Of t1113 (k' largest complete gueceila from the atrikers' aiiij women are , ii Ing together
Yl* - lioncII&M - world for th6 World."
4N The t1on 114 the 2,107,101 pollodi; turn
1111011htft, oitrain ji�Vb in faillilies nthe tho, eloctirle lights were )a Pumpkin" 9h the 07,ar's table. -:1wilit OF 1QWL Manv trains WOro in tth
A Is ilot a � L fund) vi (61C n1opp (I altoitethr. h
IM have I-een arid Melons. When the 0111116UP clioliVat Frentrih bat-houge frultv, Isla out by the 1,�ajnegafuchi cotton APIn lie (tit otholoin -What would make woram marry
Wbrolij;, 'of:,, bit e()t.her milh; turn out
more. a
aw*; ktilill ad 11froty, they w(-nt to AL ettlar Oriolli, alr(lviv sont Ito And it c%rtaa ning inill. rn late. Similar tole- their? - anked a lftdsr in the audlen-
t�oitialik 1,412,583 were inariv thou ,,
Its libi, t hly 1,970,625 and too owl nt (Ioncia. after she had fini4td.
it and farmers,, Wi6grgorm took thOm Jj,pp&na in I 4,avl�t spring that thil MOW , tien have been
wid 110sts ou pourldn relipectively.
latloy� t"ALY sold j'�tii aid for At the 111atc, Of and 1,2:11,141, Illa. Florence nod NnPI(Is "Lovol:'
tit shelters. *W. ul?". P"Chv* Are r the milla run night
itswrib", as d kst 1 111119,110 and will probably e.jotprid over the mail
*Idm 111to, two parig. Ill only �64# W, son,641 41#4 IiAetWom the tot. all the days of tile OlOnth, Includ-'
-tolow , whole of 111alv.
tw "* twift-4*0*-oft. At thd Llfoftv will in futur W0M[FN IN PARAOU&Y.
Ing runa In (11b family Of �' 0VF$WR-r3 If;V M.IrON. 0 construet alli One lmtrt rp-qult or the offlta
Ong to, 0M w0f;#00fos lit morwas, loorim, a ount llghtornilllrf� unlein ehr� tion Ig the d-reAso of vtPItOrA to
, '' a' rin�et L have age ot" Njoty�f*4, flit tlior at Mr. J, I'd A iisedlosif orneor of in Aurtillil her war veng;olo at blame. A-
atdftlrw� WAy lot curing Thp Tiome, hotolkeopern' Ale. In Paraguav the W0111011 Are WA10
r%%to yt%r lot in IfOltOWN, "Mill"di'll, RnilAftol. army b" Invented ot, 'humanitarlan 8unifft,011cm compel her to act, ther- Itflly-
h40, -
AfruIttiftoW. 1� t� �1- She ban equipped (1xt0nQiv"` For will IV apolit, anti trade eerier .110 an c0nil'
lit pb-4464� on, Ildo, tW*#V40IN bill't
a oat proportion of Rovda to n
PlAiNA uX14W,'1k*k- and form ot- it Ithell. that flillre. pared wtib the nllelfr. " That 001FUte-
OY. Work Ilia
eigrity-t*0, r&&Wed tho ROYA) ly F4110pa end Iyun and rmor (111tv will 5;111UI' corislol"Al"T
doilig All 00 ly yitrda, The fleivernment
part vA V an o*pl4*ldn ollittrill.ut4h not frAR In now tit WOrtc quetlee in that the itivil Are taken Ow
101tt nlyOth
Tba Nhijo dot ortfificato for roA00tilfig t 0 bO vast lo)tion,jrjen. Thin yarohl are now hunV'
It *An, Ili k Irithet, WOV td *VOLK tlitli tanot Ji,tool. but ot all.V the 0,91- groatmili care Of. And OW�tlill*
ArMllikowl 140d two pefootim *A 4611A 11`61h dit6iiiining. ad th, 0 4tiAntitleo of a oat ithieu Aflivoil- of two Afean%vItille thd, garrigonA lit Ia impleasinxt or InIgI
146toft stroot. *Ith pleomro, And ftom lt iho W- The-, Wore W, WootiltrA *44'fixi , 1 t
Inc 1117
tlo 1111M and a A, tar omen. The skNotmt wro elt,46tedi,
Wo �tauvjofi Varg rjIVAI* to hill molit, oillittilp fourth domhic loan ho ft-reful. — , . � r, 11 - �
total lot twebtse"thift toil Wifo, COMO toltben Ito Sphor all th'o lar6rd tOWnrJ am' h0l" A"ll-V o the life Of a tritut Is dont kv
*ft" o" OW f*L sojo�* It.' Ifkfltwhdri.� Or* ChADVA it; $Aid to armare t .1 1
Itb4* 10611 rLl tittl 0hofth Itmo ft, I-ldca gxxv 'it avo loadea. nk(,ll okra ar ve-a
yftt*il, 0& e(IffIblit. "I'llb t1 of wl)fcll 19 )us, ran- and it in 0611 Old that 00
Loot" sV111494,10 ;tsitiot f0 e0tittly tore o? tka $1400,000.000, hall
Voor trouble In not rerl(
day' I first at GO. with Interont tit ft nood Ilut, JUNO taken PatAnt 010it tupirs. J%ftl 1 4411 V02'arlf *�*y Wt he" salot it M1,14 t4P flib d6fti tit 0" Aft, I nV(40(or'a PecPADt. 10 000 to ron Peven vearq.. faii' daln. Vill, Onh' -Oh, warn. a(Ititrg ad StlMiti
10 , x*40 4. to. tliwlod itto builhollytIA cho 't' I" . I
W#, ratillmt *0044* ig tow VMS&" It gin settv is to ba folubd IW ce"i -
q1W w6tb fl, t tilo littiotyinrl (tilt -ft P -l" give lbolt a ell 4%wo s tit The rtrisAt t00 **0 y,6,4tff, sitolly; "I"Id tb* OftlY hole fit la tho W itiot Mo J.ankorn favor 13101w 100tt
it 06tv d putri0tigm '11000 the rOS)t runt, too."
7t. _A
__1W r