HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1981-04-01, Page 1WEDNESDAY APRIL 1, 1981 BLYTH, ONTARIO, PRICE: 30 CENTS VOLUME , 90 - No. 13 County budget up 7.5 percent BY HENRY HESS Huron County Council last week voted approval of a 1981 budget calling lits spending of SI0.7 million. This is up by 7.5 per cent over the 1980 budget. though it is sonic S36,(X10 under actual spending last year. tit hen the county overshot its budget b% more than hall million dollars. Road construction and the new Auburn garage accounted Int the overspending. As a result. the county portion of the budget to be collected from Huron mimic: palities has shut up by more than 21 per cent this year. 1 he 1981 county apportionment is S2.748.100. up Irom S2.2t4,'00 in 19mo. Hill Hanle\. county clerk-treastner and adnunstrator. explained the large increase 111 apportionn)ent is S2.'48.I(X), up Isom 52.264.500 in 1980, Hill Hanlv, count\ c•Icrk•trcasuret and adminstrator, explained the large increase in apportionment can he traced directly to the overspending. Whereas the county started last %car with a 5253.538 surplus. it finished w ith a deficit of 5504,150. In addition S.105,000 from highway reserves was used to ruducc the apportionment last year, and so is not available in 1981. 1 he remainder of revenue III the huttget w ill runs• from Ontario grants of S. 1 million, Ices and 5c1.5i, c (h.0 w.% of $1 - million. other revenue of 5253,069 and municipal grants and fres of 5941, toXl. Mr. Hants pointed out to council that over the past seven years the proytnce has been picking up an even larger share of the count% budget. In 1975 provincial grants accounted for S3.3 million of a Sh.7 million budget, while this year they represent Sh.4 ntilliun of a S10,7 million dollar budget. The road committee, tit hirh had been instructed to review its proposed budget with an eve to trimming some S2(X),(XX). brought hack a revised budget to council, Lloxd Mousseau. committee chairman. reported that h% deleo . the pacing til County Road I I. cutting hack resin lacing of County Road 20 to t%c o inches of asphalt Irons three inches and various other rcuntntttvs. thy' committee had managed to trim SI773XX) from its budget. "This is about as far as we rail go %\ tth our budget this year," he told council, noting that the increase in the count% tax rate tot roads is 114)x% 13.38 ler rent. LITTLE CONTROVERSY While there was little controsers% met the Bounty budget, sx hieh had been thor oughly trashed out during previous meet, Ings. this was not the case with a proposal that the county switch to assessment as the basis for determining the percentage ul rusts each nu►nicipalits is required to contribute. instead of using a blend n( population and assessment, In the end the change passed Basil\, but not before there were some arguments h\ several reeves w ho felt the e hatige w uuld unfairly increase the burden to their municipalities• Hubbards take IHL Hubbards +con the hest of live in the finals in the Blyth !HI , In three games to 4)115 11uhhards came in user the 1319th Imo. Huhhards won the fourth game he a •cost of 7.5. Leading ihr Huhhards sc oring t%as Mike Mailliot and Brian Bromley each %s Oh 2, Steve Plunkett, Bract Bron►Ics and KI silt How an r;u h had I. WO\ ns McDougall lid the Iron with 2 goals a ith (,un ( I arc\ Robinson and ferry Rutledge scoring 1 ;u It. ALL CONCENTRATION — Sharon (left) and Eileen Brown made their first public appearance at the Family Night program Saturday night in Blyth Memorial Hall. They are students of Jim McCall and have been practising violin for about one and a half years. (Photo by Hamilton) Hatfield Reeve George Fellows led the new formula increase t attack, noting that under the his tillage would sec its Icy\ Extra show slated Due 10 popular demand Linda Griffith's one woman show "Maggie and Pierre. has been scheduled for an extra shoot next deck in Blyth. Three performances have been virtually sold out. said Keith Roulston, Blyth Centre fur the Arts admini- strator. •The demand has been fantastic and in order to allow num(' people to ser the show a fourth performance has been planned for Thurs. day. April 9 al 8 o'clock at the Blyth Memorial !ill. 1tckets for reserved seats are Sot and S7.50. tickets are available from the Blyth Centre for the Arts box office, Box 291, Blyth or by calling 523-9300 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Family fun raises $ 105. for piano I he Fantil% Fun Night raised S105.(0 after ex- penses. to he put towards a new piano for Hlyth Memor- ial Hall, A record crowd of over one. hundred anti fifty attended Saturday night's fan►ils dance. F.olertainmcn1 included .lint Mc( all on %Colin, Harte !41c Dow ell on sax. Bill oung, sax, Jim Law he, drums and Elia Richmond, piano. 'Hie Brown fancily played several numbers. 11%a on piano. John on hanin and their two daughters played violins. Another group of Lloyd and Mary Walden. Ferne and Harvey McDowell and Phyllis Boak played some old favourites. For the younger set some step dancers of Mrs. Orville Storey's enter- tained. The Clinton Clickers and the Country Western C'ow• girls consisting of Sherri Preszcator, Wendy Watson. Sheila Cook and Shannon Presicator performed a sola number. Square dancers were un. der the direction of Ross Robinson as caller. The organisers are hoping to hold another family fun night in a few monthC time and would welcome more input from talented to als. nearly 40 per cent. He claimed the village was being penal, Please turn to page 16 YOUNG FARMERS — While farmers are preparing their equipment for work on the land some youngster were already out on their tractors. Sandy Walsh, 2, (top) and Brad Walsh 3',2 are children of Donna and Murray Walsh, Blyth. Fridays sunny weather brought many children out of doors for one of spring's first sunny days. (Photo by Hamilton) A.2 -- THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 H1: RF:v. (11A RI FS 1. SWAN I)uFf'♦ Culled Church, W ithon, Ontarin !1{♦ N 1',.1,. I1! ,'.1. h ,,n+' • 11 u, 1 \.Itn1n1 ;14,1 ,(t 1,h, kn111 n se, tl,,n, ,`I 11: rlp11,(1 1111 ;\44,11 1114,0 1'•.1:11! I ,N Ihr t, 1104 0411,. a period for .ell t h,u111n,t n,,l1 it t..11'01 ,t tun4 1,14 sputt,t,,1 rent',,,11 111 4,t ,I, for •(11 1+101 tri Litt' tilt' 11111411 „out agcnusl\ Wr desire 4„ (.lee our untried tonn,rrol+s 1,111 cal414 et,nlidence and hi1p1 1 source of .lrt•ngIh I. found in the %+orris.. "l he 1.ord is nth shepherd 1 .ha11 not t% ant " The I ilius! Hible sa\ s. "lll`rallse thu Furl Is no shepherd I hale t'1 r4, thing I nerd.'• 1 he h+ortl need is preferable as 1105 'hit Ink►sts It'll us %+r halt: 4,1.14,1 wants and rcLitt%el% Ir,% needs We ran get alone 4(lthout our 1t:►nts there ,0, hob, t'%rr . basic needs sm. h ,is food rlothtnu, shelter ,04d .11141 lion add so on 11n. satisfaction td these nerds t. bah- to hurlt,ln C\i,l,•14e,' —Het Aust. the 1 out is n1,, shepherd 1 h,oe e,er,lhin1 1 nerd • l hen are he:u ienuld ,(orris the% art part of Oft most familiar. ,out! in •111 The sheperd's psalm The minister's study „ dill %let's 11,(rt'11\,'r tht-\ of i4,41t ,4I Ihr' .t 1,111Uilar 111rr.ltur' of Ow ,rid 11"Ilhn11 .4 doubt On, 1 :II+ 11, x4 ktl_n\I1 Anil hest 1,,1,11,1,11.' Ill.,( ', .1, 1.4111 teed (note 1h1 14:1 11' + 411,11 And u, tow, ,11 in.lnkInd In ' lid I',,+It„ I 1 ,,;,1411, (4111, Nhit h ,14I- ,1(11.11,11 Ili 1,101t 11,\ .41111 ,4,4111„ Ili. h1111,'1 11 4, 44 ,' d '.1(14h ,.i J(!I (11,1rt I1; 111, It.1\1• 1,,11(1,1 (1,1'1!.1 17 perfect attendance pins awarded at Blyth Lions Club 1 hr HI\ ih I Inn, ( 1(11 4,t! I to \icon rt.il Hall on `v1.lrt h 211th 110er the .Intl song 11411 (11rr,1 ( rontll .41 the piano, 2' nlrnlher'1 and " )this%. \%art ser\ rd (141(1+ h\ Ihr lathy. (41 the 1x,11 111 lay. I his 1,.t, Ihr (411(41.11 10,11 0l the I)1, put % District 60\ernolr Lost Heir 511 lahles 1: mm, 141st Ilciron W(dnr.t1a1 t''.nrung, W'ntncr. 11, rt' 1IlI.h lath. h:%elkn South. High k1,4,4. Bert Dacr: I o1+ lad%, Mar. 11'41414.'4, I oh, guilt. (,orilnn 4lurral. 1',cr%tin. 1, 41,114,14 ;4 gain n(.'rl a4ek Lor R4giun .1. Hon W,III, r ,lrmllt from 1 tit. k'um Ht .poke hrll'lI1 to the club on the import:inle ul .1111-ndu4g eon%entu4ns and dlStric4 r4,,', 114,{,1 to 10,114- :1 .:11 III 1111.11 gilt'. 1,4, 111 our rt won and also I(4 1i.11 1411h 04(41,4 11th, Lor idea, on dillerent a, 4?' 'tics u1, their 4(44(4 anti umrnunil\. 1 ton Walter 11 as 141% tit tilt' ,Ile,,..lnt task of reinstating Don 'it rtnigcollr into ills' Mb. Bort i)on Gas uel (44,1,.'(1 hark 111 :III lht milli the 4,(t enng. St % vim ,'n [ions 141.1 41 ed ,(rrlt-', t attend;4,,.4 pins lot the 11.1 %ear. 1 ht.‘ 1141, stalk;rl Am, tit. 11.11(41.4 Gook, I)nug Hodson. (;ort Icrlkin... 1('rr% i'(er1 e. Keith Kl, hrnnnd. (harli, Sh:111 . 1.101 d Sipprl. John Sit .01 Kick Smuh, Kus.el 4 ook. Earl f 1Ir. Ruth 1 t Hrian M,tnning, 1i1hn Stadelman. 1 arr' 11',il 1 and 1)00114 Wilts. 1 ong tt'rn► p(. rler1 .4ttnnd once pin. ‘k ere h;4,.44(1 out to Harold ( (ltik. 15 +,ars, (writ Icnkins III %ears and John Str%+art, 5 %ears. Membership , he%rttn, 11 er►4 10 Harold ( ((((k 20 sears. ( harlte 511,411 20 wars, .Inhn ,(&•shit 111 1, .lis and I lot d Sippel 10 11'.11. 111 olht'r hltrinc„ 1 11141 I art'\ Walsh report,.'d tial there are still a 1411 til gel, left fur tilt 14gas itlgilt on April 4414 and (allt•tl :( mut. I' tng on "Omuta 1 nigh( to ni,1kn rtt(ikc final plan. tot this c‘ I„t '!', it I` .111 t 11, tet .• 114, .14,,1 1, 11 ;4,010 t.11i 41 ,1;,11 .,;11,. !h.+, ,o, )111',111:1 ll t iii I ,,11.11!! lilt '..11, „ 04 `,11e,) 11,,4,1), 01,1? 11,1`.1 10401,1 4,1 ,Iu,1 11'1 4,1,11 re, ,411 1,t, 1lthis ,(t HI ,n tit 4111' , 11 h:nt;;, +.1 11 ,11+, II I III . 1'1,1114, ,*'(1111 ('tit, 14 .1114., t,411 1.111h1. !.hat 11! 41 11 I fterl ,11 14 1,11 Ilu4 l Ut,s('(1. 4,r IJlhl 14 11.1`. (4,+1 1111t1'1) I(, ! u In,'. /1111 I4.n,'!It'd 11 1, 1'..?n f~. .11141 111, 1' ;2,,t', 1'1 1411, ('h11(1rrrt ,44,,4 41 h.nred 1IligI((n, )1,}111'1 Ihr. Itis' Sing \11111 hl, (!lad hearted p1,1. ({,. (.lust' tilt' 1 ord 1, (44•. ,11, 1111,'rt1 1 14,411 (''4'1,'thrrtg 1 need 4 -Hers attend ice capades AUBURN I I .1-H 4 H thrh •1uhurn 2 held their fourth meettnu .II Ili, ('utunnt!h:rru home ,,n W',.11 nesda1 Fehruar\a 2'4th Iht. Super Stickers uprrtt'tl 14411) the plt'41(4. Susan (irn.. read the minutes Wu rite, kelt cot h other. progress .harts and 014'11 :olsl(crud Ihr roll tall. Our JO deit(1rd to ;Wend the It ( armies (n April "1,h Wt 1i% 1(1(11 init, 1\(0 groups W'hilc nuc L91,111) 11 a. disrusvng infuriating and I1, use. ripper.. and (loulg till' 1 t'1 ptukr,lnl rt's 44 (4 , 114c (I her gruup•s Ie.ldur demonstrated the epllll, anon of ln?erlaelne And ho(+ to rontpletc Ihr t. tendril Litlnt! sampl, 1 heti ,(e suit( heti 1:1 cr.\ int, 14 ,4. 4411 111 s„r11t' Illrerlaell►1; 1 he nr11 nleelulg 11111 1, April 4th at h Londesboro \iI .1101 S1r. Ruh Hun u. .pcnl :1lontlak and I uestIJ5 114111 daughlui 5l1.. and Sil ( (!lilt I'(ilturulu BUSINESS DIRECTORY David longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main Si South, SEAFORTH Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptkr Flied Promptly HOURS. Mun.. Iuees.. Thur%,. Fri. 9 (X) u. m. i _ill p. ►d. Saturday 9'(X1 u. 4,r. 11 p. m. Closed all day Wcdnesdut' COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 WARD 8 UPTIGROVE . ALUMINUM JOHN LONGSTAFF Optometrist Seatorth 527-1240 Monday to Friday 9 5 30 Saturday 9 11 Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on Premises BEARSS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LISTOWEL, ONT. 291-3040 H.T. DALE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 Blyth 523-9640 for a complete line of aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows, railings, awnings and shutters. Specializing in custom encasements. Hvi EST READY MIX LTD, 420 BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-3431 OLD MILL IN BLYTH Factory Outlet WOOL AND LEATHER PRODUCTS i. -I ' YOUR CHOICE FROM ONE OF THE LARGEST INVENTORIES ON THIS CONTINENT. Telephone 523-9666 WHETSTONE FURNITURE TV & Appliances AUBURN 4ngles Appliances & Electrohome TV s SALES & SERVICE Serfs Mattresses Kroehler It Sklar Furniture Phone 526-7222 Boost your income BUY THIS SPACE TODAY CaII 523-9646 LAWRIE FLEMING DECORATING FEED MILL *Paint *Wallpaper •Flooring Wellington St. Blyth 523-4525 '111111 AOS GET RESULTS Phone 523-9646 GENERAL Gordon Elliott 519.523.4522 LIFE R. john Elliott 519.523.4323 Elliott linouranrr Agenrg timiteb Etubhshed 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1HO 519.523.4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor HOME FARM AND COMMERCIAL WiRING PHONE AUBURN 526.7505 GENERAL REPAIRS OF ALL TYPES TOWING SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY B. 6 g *Bulk Pelleted Feed •Fast Unloading Elevator •2 pits open 24 Hrs. a day CLINTON Geo. Burkholder AUTO BODY COLLISION REPAIRS Si REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE 24HOURSADAY 523-9474 BLYTH SAFETY CENTRE Alignment -Wheel Balancing COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE DISCS& DRUMS MACHINED GENERAL SERVICE ANO REPAIRS SAFETY INSPECTIONS CHATTERTON AUTO -SERVICE ESSO 523-9322 MOM. 1. . 4crgt cLnond ga tar Ltd. Blyth Ontario 523-4501 523-9207 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your 011 Heating Contractor' BLYTH ONTARIO PHONE 523-95M Beware computers Television programer, must keep active file un anniversaries. On the late show in the past few months we have noticed an increas• ing number of films aired that have topic matter relit• ed to historical anniversar- ies. The latest was Saturday night with Red Alert, a movie on problems in an atomic power plant. This week demonstrators marked the anniversary of Three Mile island where radiation releases two years ago had both media and the public focused on the disad- vantages of nuclear power. Red Alert is about a com- puter which senses a radia• tion leak in an east coast plant and seals off the arca. trapping 14 men. Amidst all the subplots of the security people w ho are sent in to investigate minutes after the problem ciecurs and the supers isor w ho has From Me to You By Rhea Hamilton planted hom hs to explode the plant and everyone for utiles with it, is the comput• er 'Proton' is a highly techni- cal machine and the top brass that give the orders have absolute faith in the results and figures the com- puter broadcasts. But there lies the problem. The compu• tor made an error and the lives of the 14 were directly linked to that error. Another problem ss as that the computer at one point shut off manual over -rides and proceeded to change the furl rods in the power plant which without human inter• vention would have meant disaster. Despite the su- spense the emotional side of the story was not covered. India dollars Blyth UCW topic Millar Richmond and Bob Peck were the elders who greeted worshippers at the ckor of Blyth United Church on March 29th. Ushers wcrc Ernie and Emilie Philips and Betty Nethcry. Diane Camp- bell was Jr. Congregation teacher, and Theresa Brom• ley was in the Nursery. Choir's anthem was "Let All Creation Praise The Lord." Recent sermon topics have been submitted h1' anon) • mous church members in a "suggestion box," and the one Mr. Wittich chose this week was "Money Can't Buy Health, Happiness or Hca• yen." Text was from the story of the Rich Young Ruler. Read Mark I0:2.1•2t►. This young man was sad when he learned from Jesus what he had to do to have eternal life. Jesus spoke of money and the dangers of wealth more often than any other subject, and he made it very clear that it is impos- sible to have eternal life on F stabhshed 1876 our ow n. Having material goods in abundance isn't a blessing from God. Surrender all our wants for His sake, not for our own peace of mind or having sins forgiven. Be joyous and free as we put our trust in Jesus and give him our complete obedience. Then he gives us what we want, as gifts. Whoever believes has eternal life. UCW Cheryl Hesscls was in charge of devotions at the March meeting of the U.C.W,'s Evening Unit. For program. Mrs. Bradford of London, showed slides and told how she saw Mission dollars being spent in India. She also showed the vast contrast of poverty and wealth, climate. ways of life. The Unit gave her a donation to send to Rev. Daniel Abiaham and his work at Christian Fellowship Centre at Ludhiana. McK I LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Ph. 527-0400 91 Main St. South, Seaforth FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties DIRECTORS £ ADJUSTERS Ken Carnochan Lavern Gedk n Ross Leonhardt John McEwing Stanley MctIwain Donald McKercher John A. Taylor J.N. Trewartha Stuart Wilson AGENTS E.F. "Bill" Durst James Keys Wm. Leiper 412.3354 527.1177 345.2234 523.4390 524.7051 327.1837 412.7527 42.75,3 527.%17 527.1455 527.0447 523.4257 CALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE While the crowded airports were a clear indication of how one one whispered Hies• sage of danger to a loved one could steamroll into a stam- pede the media was not present: nor were demon- strators. There was no time for demonstrators and the rights and wrongs of atomic or nuclear power were not in question as much as the infallibility of the computer network running the opera. tion. When Proton was notified of the possibility of a homh planted in the heart of the plant the computer ssstcma- tically searched all the plant. Shown on the video. every circuit board and aisle way were scanned internally and externally for a foreign ob. jest. The chances of something going wrong with a power plant are so slim that pro- blems with computers should he of more concern than those with the plant. With all the detrimental press atomic and nuclear power plants get there should be some concern for the alternatises being of. fered. In the United States groups are recommending coal powered plants but herr in Canada we already know the devasting effects that can have on our cnviromcnt. Acid rain is not a myth and over 140 lakes have been killed while we have lax enviromental laws and lack of clear understanding on the part of the government and the public. Reccommending coal as ;in alternative to clean nuclear power plants would he fool. ish. While we all have our fears about nuclear power you can't deny that the future is swinging more and more towards power plants set up in this fashion. 1 herr have been more deaths in coal related power plants than nuclear. Mind you all we need is one good blast of radiation and a lot of us would be glowing with the harmful evidence of the ill effects of nuclear power. It is our fear of the unknown that causes so many of us to pull in our objectivity and argue out of emotion rather than logic. THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 — A3 STOP THAT BALL — Pat Jenkens moves in on Donna Walsh to stop play in the final broomball game between the Blyth Baintoneers and Belgrave team: Blyth won 3-0. (Photo by Hamilton) for Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year The purpose This program will be inaugurated in Ontario to provide recognition for outstanding achievements or acts of courage and initiative, by boys and girls between the ages of six and eighteen years. It will include individual awards presented for meritorious conduct, and special group awards for recognition of the efforts of young people throughout the communities of the province. The reason Extraordinary deeds of Ontario boys and girls are often performed within the community. We need you, the local nominators and newspaper editors, to bring these outstanding young people to our attention, so that we will be able to give them the honour and public recognition, which they so richly deserve. Who is eligible Young individuals who have performed acts of heroism, perhaps endangering their own lives, overcoming disabling physical or psychological handicaps to match or exceed their peers, or being involved in some worthwhile community service endeavour. For further Information contact your local newspaper or Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Tel: 1.800.268.3054 for a brochure. A COMMUNITY PROJECT OF CP AIR AND THIS NEWSPAPER. THE BLYTH STANDARD 523-9646 [Ifk. Ct+ W Nin rgrit.,et t•.ror. tt M Cans P aIle t......+ A4 — THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 THE BLYTH STANDARD)! Box 10. Blyth, Ontario NOM 1H0 Established 1891 519.523.9646 Serving BLYTH and the surrounding community Published at BLYTH, ONTARIO every Wednesday morning by McLean Bros Publishers Limited Andrew Y McLean, Publisher Rhea Hamilton, Editor & Advertising Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association and The Audit Bureau of Circulation Subscription rates: Canada 112 a year (in advance) outside Canada 125 a year (in advance) Single copies - 30 cents each Authorized as second class mail by Canada Post Office Registration Number 1319. Farmers optimistic The results of a survey initiated by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture concerning the future of the family farm are coming to Tight. It would be a safe assumption to make that our future doesn't he with government bodies but with the farming community Although the common problem with the farming community is money, which takes in rising costs. low returns and high land costs. farmers are an optimistic lot and the survey Indicates that farmers see an urgent need for more intensive research into alternate energy sources. They also appear to be taking the initiative in developing some of these sources. more so than tray otht, group in our society Eighty-two percent of the farmers interviewed indicated government research programs were vital to the future of the family farm. Also vital was the need for more information, research and assistance into farm management. While the farm community is not crying out for a government hand-out it is seeking government sources of credit with applicants being required to provide some prc of of management ability in a financial as well as a technical sense. Our greatest source of income is derived from the farming community which spends a portion of its money here in Blyth and other towns. Our future is linked closely with our farmers. It is refreshing to note that that is with optimistic and concerned people. Punish to the hilt Canada's Criminal Code contains the forthright declaration that fail sentences shall be automatic for those convicted of second or subsequent offences of impaired driving. What could be simpler - or indeed more sensible' Drunken driving, however casual and unmotivated an offence it may sometimes seem. is especially dangerous precisely for that reason. Its consequences can be as bloody and as terrible as any culpable homicide, and Canadians - particularly those given to driving under the influence - ought to be firmly and frequently reminded of that fact If harsh measures are required, so be it. If mandatory jail terms can do the fob, we support them says the Leamington Post. Alas, without much success. For all the stern posturing of the Criminal Code, in practice jail terms are anything but automatic for those repeatedly convicted of impaired driving. Enforcement varies from province to province, but nowhere is the Criminal Code taken at its word. In British Columbia, where policy is most lax, jail terms are imposed only in extreme cases and only with express approval of the chief Crown prosecutor. Ontario maintains the severest record of enforcement but, even here Crown prosecutors are authorized to exercise discretion in requesting incarceration. Under a system used by all provinces and both territories, judges are not permitted to impose jail terms unless such a request has been made. This loose, varied approach to the punishment and deterence of impaired driving straggles far beyond the pale of reason - for at least three obvious reasons. First, there seems little point in including a stern provision in the Criminal Code if governments the length and breadth of this nation consider themselves perfectly free to flout it at will. Second, if discretion in sentencing is going to be exercised (and this should first be authorized by law) then surely it should be exercised, not by the Crown prosecutor, but by the judge. Finally, impaired driving is a major cause of accidents and I tailties; it deserves to be punished to the hilt of the law, maintains the Post. Clinton News Record 1 r Baseball season next on agenda Behind the Scenes by Keith Roulston 1'crftaps lite par:rtluttcs of 1111• V:01 Id in.iku lite inlcresttng hut the)'rt sure it) iiiakt it I,:n-it to understain. 1-ot instance, 111e %orl(1 11111,t% 1, dunrin,,Itd ht two disttnet \ tett s uI hint hung, N11, 1111(1 he run the aim:dist \ica of 0lc\tutu ttMtinn .ural the erinlmllnl\l Hatt 01 the easl1'1 n 11111ek. flit• hclicicts of c,11'h s\skin sutiggl0 I(c(n\inkC 1(11. fist ut the \lurid I11a1 1111;11, IN tltt (lt i IIUC 11 a1 . 1 hal', ,ibout 1111' ,11111 un1onluvng thing about the 1101 pias. hoot Hien on 11 all gels iiiudd\ II,1 1),1,os lot capitalist phd0sph\ all goes back to .1 British economist ration than 200 Near, .Igo \(1,1111 Sumth s1I (1101 it the t utt, (11.11 11,11' gcncraltN g¼¼ ¼l 111(1 the 1tonono„ 01 ,.ipilalIsl countrl1's CNet ,ince. Ilis helm wrs Ih.,t sell interest tom might s:t\ greed) 111a<I1 (111 0101111 t;0 10111111. 111 111s 11111 10.111 101 111111,c11 1101td. Smith ,,11 .111 1111111.111 ,1,1(.111 111,11 11('111(1 till 1%11.1111 1' P111 rtIr 11)1: .1nnu0n ,1I,t1. hitt 0,011,,11111 1110111 based 011 11111 thought holds that 11 one loch, 11.'01 14111, smuclhing tail can(, lheapll 11,,111 another on the other side of the street, the hu%eI aili cross 111e street l0 sale 1111' 11111 ,Cut, hrl:wsc he', 11111 to 1(141k after hinlu II. if e\er\011t Crosses the street, the mcrehaut „ho is selling the dearer 111111 a ill rudute the cost and everyone still be able to spt:L.41 We 111 1/1111111' (lot's hist and tradt Ilse n141ne1a►1 re%ands he gets for those things he doesn't tkt 01 ell. But b) looking lot the hest possible deal for himself at all (nuc,. each 111dnulu.il becomes part of a %hole that a ill bring out the best for the 1110,1 111 ,oeiet\ . Smith managed to overlook the tart there 1toultl be 10111e 11 Ito Hould get the aurst out of his s\strut. While Smith based his ccomonlit s\ stem on the selfishness of mankind. Furl f11ai 1. 111 rcaetitig against this ,\sant III 11111111 a 11,1 \civ skihed selfish people had amassed tortures %hilt taking .id\:utlage of those aho didn't have st, ntueh pincer, sax a 111',1 economic system to be ,el up after the (,orkers had 111 erthroa 11 their i,\ 1)1011 ing losses, His %as a %1 )i'I(1 %herr: the common good would he screed t» everyone corking together. A UBERAL VIEW Vox ratan) things have changed the If cc enterprise system of Smith usei the ears. ,tot the past being the infiltration of some 111 M31 \'S ideas 111111 (lutein tifc.Manc of tht. Marge,, hull ever . halt 0111111,.' het mist 111 .1 thlteting 11,11 41f life, a more liberal %le% 11 hlr than the rather \ locus Mitt South had. Nitwit .of the Ithcrahiatit,n 1.,1111 Trutt, the. teaching 4)1 the church. h,is1d 4111 Ilse plttlosophv 01 Christ. II 11as ( brut, ,liter all. ahs, told the t'Ieh ratan to gt%c a%1 a1 all he had tf he %%anted to folio% 11111, this Itheralt/attoo sax the potential of 111an. 11111 just his selfish past. and thought that h\ 10110% nig ('hiis11a11 Icaetttngs a nItire human 11,11 of Iifc eoutd he round. tiolt i( %kould scent that doss closer 10 the x11,11 of h1,,i than the capitalists. And vet ~tart say. his society based on sharing as 111 .tlhenUe one. 1herc 1 J5 110 0)4',)) Iii a god 111 his sea %01 Id. Slaterta11,n1 aa' tht unI\ td. Anti s1 10(Ia1 11 e 11.11 r one ,1,Itn). 11 1111 11 u+ 1(s 1(11,11 form seem.. 110,1',1 lu the leaching; 111 ( hits(, dancing that Thele is .1 Quit and c1m111t; duan churches 111 11R - 0.1.011114;s 11 '0('uutrics tlt,,t (tale :rccep11(1 tltc hc11ef• \le.ult% 11111' 11 e hal c tomHltei suettl\ a Rich 11,15 ,o) ...commit( s‘ stem ahuh in its pule 111111 1s based on the basest desire, 01 111,,nktmd, a 1111.11 Claims ((rrtstiantl\ as one 11 the superitn things 11 has user the (n11ltnunists. 11111' sante trends arc c\ (dent \t ithin uw 0\%ti counts to a lesser extent. '1 he political parties 10h11h arc the most humanist in their thinking, the left of centre parties, are also most often In be those a lith are run h) intellectuals 1, ho sec 110 logical existence nl God. Yet thou' one the right wing. which arc most loud 1n their defence of Christianit\. are also those most liktl\ to fotlo% an 1:1CI' •ntan•for•himsetlphilusph) s) lar from the ttaehtng ul (-heist. FUNDAMENTALIST ( ikea tse the farther to the right a ink pill go in thinking the more ftuldlmrntall,I becomes the religion people are defending from the godless communists and socialists. the God of extreme right.%inger, is Houle hkels to he the revenge -seeking God of the 11111 Testament than the kind. sell -less. all forgil lug Clod depicted by .(esus 111 the 1111► testament. Economists and business• nlen of this persuasion 11),11' argue against the teaching of the them-) of evolution in the schools. yet lake Dar% ill's the sur it at of the fittest thews as a rightful tent 1 of the capitalist system. So it is in our modern world 10 here ironies abound. But perhaps 1t is the greatest troll \ of 311 that It‘‘ peuplc oil either tttreme cat) sue the 1141111 of their position. Homemakers group Hears Jane Bigelow BY ALICE (;IBB V'o(unterrisrrt. former London mayor .cane Bigelow told the 140 guests at the 1 own and Courtin Home, makers' third annual meet• ing in Holmcsyifle last week. 'is at the very heart of our democratic process." She told the audience one of the main strengths of the volunteer movement is that volunteerism can act inde• pendently of government. Ms. Bigelow said for vufun- teers "it is their choice tt- participate, the direction they take is their choice, the freedom to criticize govern- ment is their prerogative " The speaker. employed with the Joh Creation Branch of the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration, London, office which has worked with the Tow n and Country Homemakers. said the tradi• non of volunteerism has its roots in Judaism. Ms. Rige• low said until I601. the poor in miciets were cared for by the volunteer efforts of the church. Then King Henn VIiI closed the monasteries in Britain and the poor became a government re- sponsibility, and money for their care came from public taxes. She said then the able-bodied poor were sent to workhouses, the impotent poor to almshouses and de• pendent children were either sold to the highest bidder or indentured to work as child labourers, She said society has came a long way since then in its efforts to deal with the poor, !grt1 and unem- ployed. She said some needs rant he met by soluntevrism and Medicare and the Government Assistance Plan ;ire two mator pieces of social legislation responding to needs which volunteers can't meet. Ms, Bigelow said now provincial and federal government are developing new and innovative johs. and in their outreach programs. are getting to know the areas the\ serve better, which is "very inntnative for gos ern. ment. Ms. Bigelow said in the past. no one has ct itivated the longterm results of mans government programs for rontmurtitirs, w ith the result "the programs heeotne rigid and institunnn.rhzed." ma. Bigelow ids crud s olunteers ,can do this anti he ..the \t,itchdogs of government.,. in outlining the ad% ant - ages of programs like the Town and Country Home- makers, which is admini- stered hs a soluntcer board, Ms Bigelow said volunteer organizations have the (roc• dom to erittcizc government and government programs, they can untlertake an ativo- <acv role: on hehall on• tens, the,. hate the capavit% to gain indt%idual votltmi 1. mens from volunteers. they're more flexible and have the capacity to he more innovative, and they deal with individuals rather than massive social programs. Jane Bigelow also told the audience, the traditional image of the volunteer as a "do.gooder" is no longer valid. She said today. the volunteer must achieve per• sonal benefit from effecting social change in her cam• munity• LADY BOUNTIFUL? The day of the Ltd\ bountiful Is over- she pointed out. adding sod a% women want to he a part of policymaking in the groups they're assaiatcd with in a volunteer capacits. She said mans younger people today seek volunteer stork to learn skills the mat use later in their careen and the eldcris seek volunteer work as they don't want to he set .side due to their age. Ms. Bigelow said the chal- lenge (acing an organization like the Homemakers is "whether or not you can present a challenging oppor- tunity to these unpaid workers. She said to do this organizations should have an in-house training program and should periodically eval uate their programs, invo(v• tog the volunteers in this evaluation. Ms. Bigelow said organizations must provide a stimulating environment for their volunteer staff. "To remain a social force in the communits , volunteer organizations must under- stand their strengths- the plain one is independence - and protect that for all 01 us, •' she concluded Betts Cardno of Seaforth, chairman and one of the founders of the Town and (.•ountry Homemakers, out, lined services provided hs' the tis homemakers em- ployed by the agency. She said services of the agency ran he purchased hs ,ins resident of the county and include homemaking. house. keepers to lire in or come in by the day. a cleaning ser- vice, transportation and home support including window cleaning, cutting lawns. etc. MORE FUNDS She said long term finan- cing is a major concern for the board. since at present senior government financial assistance is available only through conditional grants. Mrs. Cardno told the audi- ence. "If all levels of goyera. mem are sincere in develop. ing alternatives for contmun• it% health sen ices, more funds should he available on Please turn to page 16 THE MYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 -- A5 Smokers win out at county council BY HENRY HESS Reeser and deputy reeves attending Huron Counts Council will continue to he allowed to puff on eigarcttcs, eigars and pipes during their deliberations. in a determined effort to dear the air m the council chanlhers. the eyrtuti*c cunumu tcc Ininxtuced a recumlmemdarlon that smoking he harmed there as of .April 1 Hos% es el. he commit: tidal etas \utcd dont r1, 1' to 1 1 RIC proposal sparked one of the most impassioned debates during 1.Is1 week's meeting of the county council. The smokers were championed ht (al Kramer. the cigarette pulling reta t,f Brussels, w ho declared It's up l) him and nohtxly rhe to decide whcthet he smokes :1ncf.et here. If the majority outlaws smoking lo the council chambers. it w ill I1a r to hr ph,p.ue ti rt, hold council meetings to the lien's IN MI, hetlose• Ihalt's w here ,111 the smokers et ill he clustered. he tv;lrnrd He alai) said s uu can educate lot tq)Ic not lo snlokc hul you caul t legislate it. pointing otic it didn't work with 13yueer enuring pioh1b1t1ttie "11 1nII don't want sill,lkel•\ Ill Iglu-. then \uu 14o to all the, townships .r) cltetntn tiolc .Ind hate than deet non-smokers .. He w;Is hacked bs Reese Bill Dale ut Seafurth, a pipe smoker, u 1313 sand he Intends to keep un smoking regardless of ahem he is. "If you don't want me to smoke in here, I w Ill leave the chamber. On the other side of the coin Reese Paul Steckle of Startles Township pointed out nobody's saying a person can't smoke, "tints that within these four walls we don't want sou smoking." Some members have asked to have their scats changed because then are bothered bs smoke, he explained. "I don't feel sic are infringing on sour rights to ask sou to• smoke outside, but suu'rc dcfinttch infringing on our rights hs smoking in here.- ASTHMA SUFFERER Tont Cunningham. reeve of Hullctt Tow nship. confessed he was "one of the culprits who started this'" He has bronchitis and asthma, he explained, and has spent sera uncomfortable cse sings follow in::. scs- surrls sandwiched between two smlttkc15 Morris Reeve 8111 Liston su;;gt vied .1 compromise, propo.ing that ,gook( rs ,;in he 51,11ed ui one corner t+t the room and ilt,m x111„ kers to another He used to smn,kc and knouts how 11 feels to he dcpri%t tl tit a smoke, he said. Easter seals help kids the annual "Taster iea' ('ampaign'' has now begun in Blv th with the distribution of appeal enselopt•s to each household in ihr area Campaign chairman. Fart Fvfc of the Hl%th 1 ions ('duh, announced that the tanm- paign will run until April Iia. Chis sears obit cote has been set ;It Si ,2tX). The Lions club retains tills percent of the fonds toilet tett for use within the common - Its . fhc money ma* be used to trot it(e- braces, st t'l• i hams, artificial ninths, trans porta inn) h, trratrt►ctli centres or summer t amps and man* other ser* ices. 'the• Blyth club last scat donated a spettall% built wheelchair t,r vis sear ofd Christopher He:1rd, grand- son of Aileen and lark (. kt**e•ll, It *utI know ,I child omit r 19 *ears of age *s hu has het ti ph* sicalI* handicapped through birth defect, disease or accident and t* ho nerds such help. please contact your heal club. The balance rat the donated mom•% is sent to the Faster Seal St,t u•t* tt ith w hrc h the tions C duh is atlil`talett. 1 his helps them maintain the t.trtons rehabilitation pro- grams which have been created to help thousands of ph%sicalls handicapped children not only in the Blob area hut throughout the pro time. Please go generously to help these children in their light to hoc• re;sonahl% norm- al and happy Iises WE KNOW IDU CARE... SHOW YOU CARE. Easter Seal Kids really need your help. - THE EASTER SEAL SOCIETY NEW WHEELS FOR CHRiS -- Funds from the Blyth Easter Seal campaign are making it easier tor young Christopher Heard to get around. The wheel chair and special seat insert are his first and his aunt Jackie Caldwell shows how easily the chair can be moved. (Photo by Hamilton) 1 A6 - THE BLYTH STANDARD. APRIL 1. 1981 Syrup running in Auburn Saulrta, •\14r11 4th '.4 1; ht a hit; (1st\ tor 1441'iirn t hen th. 104 .11 I ion's ( Luh 1411 prt••t'ni their first \1,41114 S4rup and ( raft Ft stl,.41 It \\ di .tart 1.4 4th a pan4.41,i ,41141 sa(I.agi hru,Ii.1:r.t , t 44 .I 411 In the (4'rnnluml\ ' 14 mortal H.111. 1s soon a. flour hrc.,A 4a,1. r. 1'4t'r. hu. nth-. 11.111 hs !Aril, t4, k.'h,itu'r1 . ,tlt!.it hush \I 1 p m a 1''L' . onr. ♦? 41. nil ,A, I').... ,v(',1!144'! t't'rri14141� 1" rU I 1! i' 411 1411; h4 ''11, (, o, :l? , r.,!' ,'1,ir ,i!1.,! ,; r iron• !h( n.'(;h1'. uri% r rh', '. 01,14' \,,64.!4.11 A hmI(1• , !4.tr14: ►,,,m- ,111, ,pr !'lis'r 4.. • t 11, rn .I, lt•,r4, 141 i' 11.,1t, ,! ;4 .1! Itott out ti .i.'1.;`. •,, j+1'�,!I ,,, 144,,1` 11, n (''411 '.1' Ihl 414.'4' '41.1), .4t Ilr,t1, ; 1, PERSON 1LS \1r and \1r. 11.'nA Mut: h „ 1 ('Anton 4 1.411 41 ! a. l Frida4 444th Mrs \Ih11.t \hFari,tn, 1141. 'r I,,p', mrmht'rs at(' ren141(1cd of th4 it month(, 1inn('r I1Wt'tul1; on 1prtl ,14 1 2. 1 ` shat(, 1\,'r\14n,' .411(1 444cr 1. • ,,,'14„4114' 1.,4 , onl, ,41141 low this r;r„nl' hI, 1'.111. !1:141 14,11L 11 last .4 1,1 i.1, \1.R.. l)„ttL, . h, ,, 111.01 1/41' '11.01 \\ .1 11 I1 11;:, 4, \1,., .4s 1 lu \1 I'.,,.1. sots! K' -L I.,t4fu� X41 14. 1,1.. ,! ,i 541 .4i,: a:;1: 01, .4 tits 1411 ,,Ih! \1r, H1)+ 1.14,!!44 ,,41.'! yr, .11 Llano 4n141tr.. r, I l'•., 4414,141:14.,11 ( hn,tul, khund.( 1),l It. 1111,4(4 444,1!4 1411.41141 of iiiv th i.it, 41 !,1•.,.. , A 1\ 4414 4114 1t 2r,111%111111111i r Il( ,ln„+ 11,.,(1 1144' 1, 1'.11.444 1 t 114, r!,,1. ! rt Stitt), 41 h,4nit 1,1.1 F10,11, Ii nm (,,I Obituaries F:I.DONi ST(111"/. 1S or,! 1' .4. list 1, 4.'11 )hr, 411 1111 mt. ..4 r h, 1'1514411 11 44 (, 114: .11 tii 144.11414'. (04) 41144r4,l! 1 flit ,11!., r it 14 h', 111414 .. „n 1 h=.Ir,(1,: \1,,r, h 2h, 11,1,1 Born !n 1 as: ‘14.,44\ ..11.1‘14 tit .41 luhurn. 114 'A as 'h, ,stilt +4444 '4 Ohi.,!1 I.1 :,I' ( 41.44 I. Stoll.. Jilt! M.,r' 1 1!4 i1 ':Ili,) 11. .t,1. ,1. 1. ' 44 S. \„ 11. • _,Ito! U,1. ., h_ 4,ltt.14111 \,t 1,141ttir.11 ii: lit \4,1s .r..,f ;fit ( .,1, 11 I. ,lir' r,. .! h\ h1. 44 411 1.h.- f ornicr 1 4114,41 Phillip. +4: '1 1 .'n,dal,' 1)1144 (u( 1ph .44,, .on. 1)4411,41(1 and 0(144,1.1. and 1'n,, (1.4I444hrt Katherine 1444. 4;r,nt14'hild. :..n lam', and 10114 Yoh; and (Inc .1) h.rMar4;- i('r,t4 Chopin. Gu('Iph. The funeral 44 a. head a1 h, (;;them Mat Inure and Son Funeral Hume ori'4i,tr, h 2h1 \ Meh I � ,1n11 , rental1)'n DAK`SON I h. .1mp.ltht of Ih4 ,, 4'l,l111441114 4. 4' 1 (t,ttt('sI to \1r and \1rs \11111;411; I (rw .4n ill, (It ..lh ul h4 r llinl14'. r A1r. 1);144...1; 1.4, K, 4 141 441 1111.1„1,41. 1 .•11,1„1) 14.11,,‘4 Inv. .4 1,'111;1414 111441.• Aht ,4, In 114 1 S-141 44144 1, .111 4 14 4 (1 4', 144 1 1444,14041(1 1),14+ +n M,,, A. 4(', ,4 11 i1Ii. n '. 1(1 4 4401.41. Mrs \1 4111,4111 I + 14,1. 4. !4 \41'll1•11. „n1. h"4414, MIIrr.1( 04 11441)11.. lit;. 4l.ln,l- hildr4.'n and I„tir 4.t( at i;r.ln,t, hddr' n 11,14 wt. s1.I( 4. Mrs 1'11,1 \14 \1411.41. \sirth 1 ,(nlhl„n i h, funeral 14.4. h( 1,4 .44 Olt \t. 1R"4 .,11(1 Stn Funcr,l Horn.. , Parkhill 10.! WccIrios(la' 1.t 1.(h fits', . John H4.5444 n Irl (hark(' 1104,;11 t,4141, 1)1,1(t' at 1.h( S414.111 knlct4'r4 , R4'10114(4 and frt.-rids from this \ att('ndtsI 1.h( luncr.41. • ( Christian Reformed Church Blyth Christian Reformed Church Invites you to Its worship servkes and programs 10 amt. Worship 11 a.m. Fellowship 2:3O p.m. Worship Pastor: Re.. Adrian Dielernan 523-9233 We are the church of "The tack To God Hour" Every Sunday Listen to: Sarnia • CHOK 8:30 a.m. 1070 Wingham CKNX 10:30 a.m. 920 ,;.1.!4 +, hi. t: 411( '44,1!141 44 Oh 14,'1 ,1.444.411t, t \1r. 1'auI 1 14..ahttt \1t 1 a..ainu and limn!\ tot 04, 44!1.,141 1)4'1',( 41.4. honour, 41 last (,,444th,v 14n the lb, 4,I.in11 41 ht'r 44th 111rlhtl.I4. 1 ht 117114 snit .4, ,4 :44 hir ,4.14'r 44h1 114 K, II, li„.n,.tn 1'1, r (r,tl,! I'4tir ( rate, All„'ti ( 11.1m n, \ ntlrt'' 1:111,1 ,411,1 44111. 1.144 14'4 (.1.1 111 t''. 44 l' f t 141.14 4 11 dunn4; the alt rn1Nln and ,tlnntr of Int d . his Acn. (hip., hlrthda4 ,.tV,t• 441414 an(('. 11,4S 1('44 ('41 cadcrship I)('4( lop rn('nl 44a. 1.h(' theme oI the Lcn,.r,tl l'nttrd ('hurrh 1%'' 441u41 . m, cllrtt; In In Knl'4 l 1111,.,1 t hnn'h 1.I,1 \1'4 ,111( -.1,14 Mar. h 21. 1.h 1 hi ;144)44 411 r MIillit 141 \14.1)4141kall Intn'du(1 d 1.h, ,;uest .pcakur. Mrs 'S% 111anl ( r1l4t'n u( (,(xlcrlr14 44 h„ spoke nn 1.h; .til'(('\ i 1 '. ,,,it'r shill With a 4tcallh of ('tit'r In this arca she tnithncd 1.h,' qualities 44('C(,.,,r4 (n h, ,1 4;,44,1 Icad('r 4414 tit ,;t 11 nlenlht'n t„ h, .p• (falls ul+( 111.',1 tort t 144(541 I4",1114 shill lot ifir e'na4;c 1.rt'ups 1144 , losing! .4114141 44a. .1. .1 I4•ad1'r Itt hi 1;1.'1111111,'. tit be 14414'11 414sl('11 to ultcrsl and ht' 4,unr11111t'tl Mrs Donald Hain(', t14,u1Acd Mrs ( rain (;44.1 x11.44 cr, pr141'r'•44.4. lh, p(n'nl rt ,u1 h4 Please turn to page Mrs. 7 KNECHTIEL STORE: HOURS: NON. Tt'IS, & N FD. 9.6 P.St. THURS. & FRI. 9.9 P.M. SATI.'RDA1 9.6 P.S1. µ'E RFSI:R11. THE RIGHT T() LIMIT pl ANTITII:S ROTH FOOD MARKET l l l I RUST ( 1\ I.R 1D1 1 111 1 1 HI 1111 1I14 51111111 14I11 S( )I\11111 RS SEAFORTH WIENERS 1.29 ROASTS 14(1.49 I 1 N PK(,. (R4)Ss 0 1 11t 111 RIB 4 BLADE ROASTS,„is79 STEAKS S( IINI 11)1 RS BACON ;DNi GR PKG. SC 11\ERS BOLOGNA Soo 1.R. PK1.. 1.79 ,H 1.59 S( II\I•IDI.RS POP(( 1R 1 1R111II S COOKED MEATS 1.,s (. Pm, .79 S(II\IIDE.R1 1.99 SAUSAGE ROLLS too GR. PK(.. 1.99 St HSI HORS POL'( 11 P114 SAUERKRAUT 9041 SII PK(.. .99 S(: H\1.IDI RS MINI DELI CHUBS 2 0 (,R, 1.59 S(HNI.IDE RS I RI111"s QUICHE LORRAINE 1.29 2x1 GR. S( 1111 IDE RS 1 1'•1RII TIES CHUNK MEAT 14(.1.89 KN$cHTRL I 1 F R1 SA D\1.SD Al IS S1 \IOR ( ITIZI:NS D11• t DIS( Ill O\ (18111 R OR 1 RITE DI1l%1 R1. St HNF:IDE RS CELLO 41111 (,R. PKG. STEAKETTES 1,89 S( H\(.IDE RS 1 Rn/1N MINI SIZZLERS S10R1. S1.I(LI) COOKED HAM too 1,R. PKG. HOME :SIIDI S11 I 4(1 THE PII (1 HEAD CHEESE 1.99 1.09 I.N. KRAFT DINNER MACARONI & CHEESE 225 Gr. 3/1.00 KLEENEX 100'. FACIAL TISSUE 2/.89 KLEENEX 150's CHUBBIES 2/.89 KLEENEX YELLOW OR WHITE PAPER TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. .99 STOKELY VEGETABLES PEAS, GR. BEANS, CR. CORN, WAX BEANS, - 14 OZ. KERNEL CORN • 12 O2 2/.79 MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE 1 Ib. BAG HIGHLINER HADDOCK GRANNY FISH & BUTTER CHIPS TARTS 16 02. PKG. PKG. OF 10 2.49 1.09 1.19 [44 '1:4 RODUCE. ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 GREEN CABBAGE .39 1„A (11 PROD. LSA CAN. N(1. 1 CAULIFLOWER 1.49IA(11 ON1. GROWN NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS 2 18. BAG . 69 ONTARIO GROWN FAN(1 MACINTOSH APPLES 3 LB. BAG PROD. OF MEXICO CAN. NO. 1 VINERIPENED TOMATOES 11BB1''S ZOODLES OR ALPHA GETTI W1:SIONS (110(01 1 I SWISS ROLLS PK(, 01 N'ESTONS 1.) 0/ TINS .55 3 .79 SANDWICH BREAD 24 07.101%1.\ .59 (1RNATio\ TATER GEMS 2 LB. BAG .95 IIF,1D & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 173 SIL 1.89 /CST PKG OF 3 BATH SOAP 1.69 IVO., 1 LITRE: LIQUID DETERGENT 2.09 CRISCO 3 LB. TTN SHORTENING 2.69 GENERAL SUITS 100 GR. BO% CHEERIOS .99 THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 - A7 Church needs toys for kids \ 3114.;1 4111kr1'I;a11,111 4. 1. i11141 gal tiunt!,1•, 11 111, 1'11)111 v11441 11111 41 t ht$1 I, ht lit r1 1 •:411 .111,1 `4 11011 \t4.(. lurk 1 1ht11. 4.1+ Is 11 title 1,11,111. 1 it 1.1 O4 r1),'1 I1111.1 Shaddttk and t I'.tal W'h,te Kr, tit on 4.4 (I I111t'11 sits .1111 1„.1\ r .1 1111111111l 1111 1111 lb, sunt! lest 11.111 he \1:11 1111 11.1111 the Iun111r ( hoir and other Talented people Mork details I.Ittr. Bah' and iotld- lcr care could bent iii from good used 101.. n1µ lo\ ho\, reasonable •tit' pieces ill arprt. II \ 4411 \4lsh to donate t ali Ann Adams S2;-4.11 S. 1 he t.'.C.W'. are in, tied tel the Blyth U.(. W. I'.jstt r 1 h,tnkuflcring, April 12. Re\ . Stott n el( omtd the confirmation ,lass. 1 he rhildren', 11111, 1) :11 on taring as Gt1t1 1'111'1 1111 111 1 hr Junior teather, 411 rt 144.111 Sht phtrd .end \t.lrt;u, r Itt' Grt4ss 1 ht 14 11111111 It a1 . 1 111 0111 113 lt4t a rlr44111 John `i 1 1I \10r4,i1, ( \ 11`.1, 11111, SII,,I4 1.1111, 11 \lurt,l, 1111„.•11 .411,1 I„111; 1 ,t"14)11 111 R(4 >,41{l I"' 1111111 111111 4)1 t lilt r1 1 ht Amo,, 11 I telt ,41 1 ( 11' a lel 1111 11 4111 \pill 1 a1 h 11 111, ,It the.' 411ur4 h I ht sp4'akel 4\ 111 ht \tri 11.11010 1'111111111, BI\ Ili, on 1 .11 111 ONDESBOR NEWS Buioau Editor MRS BERT SMOBUROOK dis;lhtcd persons. !his is an open meet mg F,er,one 1. 44 victim.. Pleas,. mitt 1111 change of the regular nittt ing date. 1 he unit 11 .11,44 h:l\ int; .1 IA4.111 anti 11,111 1,11111 at ►he 1131111, 1• to ht ser,4lI to BI,Ih !heath pat Bunnies for Easter For those sweet tooths the Blyth Val toy IS offering a wide selection of chocolate goodies Most of the bunnies are of rich dark chocolate solid through and through Starting at .99' BASKETS, BASKETS, BASKETS Make your own Easter basket of goodies. You can get the candies, coloured grass and toys All at the BLYTH VARIETY KITCHEN CUPBOARD Queen St. Blyth 4111 A111 ,14311.1111+111 '.„414 to 11 .11111 . ,'01‘! h: 11,1(14I1,1 Its !h, \1111t%I 11 l 1141 Hr11 e I t4. \1.'111,1 1/41 111 11 4'r .111, 4114.1i1111 1 tit\i Siuld,lt ( I1 S S 3/011 „111 111 I,Iknl%. part 111 Iht nulnlirtg .4ry I4t W.I. CARD PARTS I herr ft ere 44 lahtt4' In plan on Fru1a\ Mari h 2-th. Winners 44 ere lathes high, !Myrtle Fa1n'r,1(c. 111n, hands• Fhic Shatldi1 k -V, lumen., 1)),n, \11111,,1. son, 13111 h.ln,ln. 1.1,1 \4 3311 ,1 511111 11'1'1 11. 111 .11.. ,1 111111111.1',1 \1114 131(ttl,tn,lil ,111(1 1111 (,11111th. 11111,1 .;1111,1. II lt'n S1411ht i;111 ,Intl Nr1 111 1ir444k.:11111 lilt k (11.11, \Ilan Shaikh( k. In Charge 44 ('rt M.rgan't Andersson. 1a11R W'4)441 and I rod\ Pollard Stt 11111 ne4t tall. SHUFFLEBOARD Winners tel 13'111111 .11:11 list l' G 1,14,11 11,11111 11"11 East Wawanosh council 1114:11' •1111th 1,11,10 111(!11 L44!, \11111+. t 111,11111',011 31141 ( 1.11,1 3t131 1111 11'1 111411 1 ,,I 1,,4, Iii'!+ 11141113111111: Ha, 011 11 11111, r1 13411' and \1(111' , 1 hoini)s11n Shulfl4 hoard 1311, 44, 4.k. \pn) 113 PE:RS()NAI.S Marion Icthertand \4,(1 1,11,1 11 h1 .1mhul.utrt' to W'Int!. 31,1111 11„11111,11 Sunda\ ha, slit; .11111'11'11 .1 stroke 11,1/e1 ( 1)l. kfot-d 111 1 pronto laded ret cult' 4.f, ith ht r To fill position f ass W.14t anosh count 11 ,till he deciding 1oda4 44 ht+ fill fill the pt41ilt4,n left h, the resignation of 14411114+11111 .lint Hunter Alter a 431t'tl."I 1111 t sins lµ,4 44 t'e'ks .IL''o t(+111111) 1(t't II1 t(1 to ati4 l'rtl.e lot .1114 on, Intere.tcd In tilt t" t' I11, Jun, to .id\crtlsl 4,.1• 0114 Of 1 hrl't' the, 41411141 11.141 111,1111'. 111 1hl' 4 4i lli 413 .111 .14 41.111111. d 411111101 44. III II 11111 menthe r 1t',)t;fl•, 4111111, 11 114,44 :11111111111 .1184' 0141' 1111 4',Iiile(41,1 111 1'11'1 11411 11 111111 11,143 4311.11041 111, 11'114.4111111(, 11,11114 '11 1111 14.11141i 1 1111)13 1114 11141\''11 1110 1)It )„111114411 1'111 1ht at41a111,111(411 111 No4e111114, r 11111111 tt,at out Rue\ 4. Simi n H.ttl.(h,tn 1111(1)411, (1 appoultule .1 rt•1 dent of flit 14141 11511111 to fill the (1113114 stat but 1114411411 lt,r. .11111 1.1%1441 ams tial) Vint 4,111 411.agrt1d Mr Vin cent r4plainc(1 131.11 .11) ad 111 1111' lora) papers 41„11111 girt all ralcpa\cr., an 1''4411 t,pporlur11l\ u, till 1114' sell ht .ttca.!4•l11111 of •111 -11 1 111411 1' .4. 111111 it doff 41 i', 1.111'.' '1 111.1, 111'., \11 1111 114 1 III 111•. 3' ' 1;1111111 11 ,1311'11 41 111. 4'. (1,+14 ('11 Auburn Continued from page t' t .1.,111 \i4. 1)1'141 11 ,4 h1'ti 111,. 1131, 11'' (I 1114 t, 44111111' ,1 11 Slit. 44,,. a..i.Iet) h:. \iI', Pti' r \ 1 1h(t'k "1311 \It. 1)1431:111! 13;41114.. 1'p1a11.( 1444 tilt: 11 nuts. \ 111' 1111.1114411 1111 the tht'nt,. What h.'41 144 h, .eel ' ,14th \4 ,11 (!141 n, i -ht president. \111 Pt 111 Verheck t 4411(111( lad tilt 111110 net, 31(11(1(3 +11111 \,3111111. i on\cnor. it portent; hu\Mels which 44,1s 111.111 411th' and t44mpltted. Members ,tore reminded that Easter ho\' 1 will he packed on 111111111 '4 . April Ihth. Donal ions 1, these arc to he left \41111 Mrs, Beth Lansing It was announced that a cantata -The Fourth Cross would be presented h4 Gorrie United Church on April 211th at ti p.m. under the direction of Mrs. Ron Livermore in Knot United Church. Auburn, A thank' you letter from the Bible Society in London was read. The Auburn branch. now on a mailing appeal contributed 5415.00 in 1980. Margaret Burkhart of Wingham was present and briefly outlined a bus trip to the Mennonite quilt auction at Elmira on Saturday. May 28th. Anyone wishing more information can get details from Mrs. Peter Verbeck. The members of Unit 1 served lunch with Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mrs. Ruhr Koopnians assisting. his re.ivnation and totl11(11 1 tcpted it µ ith regrt1 Set 111114 -13) 441 Iht' Munir131.11 act hate's Ilio ,1 11,11111 111111 1111\ re'i3I1 \\ ith 1111. ton„ 111 of the Illjlttrll, of cowl,11 111 Ionto .11 111111 1. a fluorin), 111 44141(7 11u.111e1., \1 t 1,1114,1 1(1314 (1111 .1 14p4111 horn the l3rlt:r,nr („otmll11 314 l ,•11111 33 1,1113 I ht ,o, 11,1 44rlltl11I1t'l' Irl, tict1(3111 ,4111',111 44 1111 1114' t t'tnlpt'tl1ot, 411 itt,. (ielt'i,nt .4(4. 11,1 11,11 \4'4 lila, k and I,1tit \1, ht, 414'1/" It ti 111 , 3),u VI „l istulnit' .114 Ili 111t', iii hi -RS 144 4. ,4414 14111 Iht 411.11', 1I1 1111:1I the inllh,l)I,tl 11111.4 114 ,1111)11141, 11 htf+u� ,1114 It 1111\ ,I1'e 111,1(14 14' 1111 .I' 1,1111') iht Et 1:41,11f' hiil.Itlt 1111,111 4 \ 1114 14(•43 Ililtrt'•1 111 1'11 41 1114: .4 II4'44 t'lltr.11141'4'.14 .o tit south side 441 the alma 141 111111♦( 11t'µ ,4.0,1)1'4444111. .111d ltitllutt; 11411111 8111 1114' 13113) 3111111 mod louncil that 1311 hall park 11111.1 he tl111pltte( ht' tort an\ work is ,1111111 un 1111 men.). 1 ht po„Ihllil, 1,4. 111441 slit• 1.1'11114 ,1111111 11111(1 f(1r Ilia 01'11a 31144114 1 44.11. (11N1:11111. 11 \11 I :n Ior Io1d t11un('l 1111 bold .1141111(1 bt 11,1'1) ,t, ,, 4111 ,1. P11\ N114. ht'tau.a 111 1)441',11'1 ht111.\1, 31uhit 111(11114'. ,11'11114) ht ht Id 101 long perlo4), 141 111114 \ 11141111 13nt 151 (i ,,11,111 41' 11411(1 4,111,1 131' If 1111 anon. fund .11111 1111 11. 31)111 41 )1,1101 f'1 L!411/4('11111)1 111 111 Wintario grants toul(1 ht ohl,unetl, to c14n1pIt•te the e'warn es\ a\ 14role,1 \II ,it;rtrd the hall park must take prion(' 111111' it Is .dread\ undtn4,n . 11 11141 (f .11 akrced to t,t`1 11,141, In 1111 K 111.11141 and 113.411.. 1111 3)1113)l.a1 1114111 11111, „1111 Iht111. \1r 1 1114 till hal. het 11 .131 ih1ii114'11 114 14 I4) t 4i11 1111 1)',4 14111(31 4111 1114' \% 4,X11.1111 3144 11.1114111 1441,1111 II, 4, 111 ,Ile 11(1 .1 4„11k.h411 it 3 111 W 11eth1,1114 a 11ll l . MIA 111,1 1)111 11111 I ht' 11:114. of 1111 haw an,: ttlrkl'4 '.031pf:r had to 111 ha11t�t (1 Irn111 Slat 1 1 111 1 t 1'3',111 h for tllrthtr 1144111' Kt ,7ca11W1 ( (mini1111 1' 111,.'1 on 1ti'1'tlnusflal night Plan, 44tr4• ma111' for a Ilra44t'rk, 1(1.pIa4 .at 111111(.11 ( tntral School on Mal 18th .it dusk. Dr. and Mrs. W`m. W',Ittcrs of Gtxlcrich ,'sited on Friday with Myrtle F;ur, sere Mrs. Russ Mtlkon, Darron. Sarah and John of V'voodstotk visited Wednt.'s' da'. night to Frida\ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shohhrook. Patricia \ Isitevt in Clinton ,lith her (4441.l11. Doric EIlerh\ Mildred MrNall spent a couple of rials last ' cuk ,11th her cousin. Mrs. .Io, Shad dick. Mr and Mrs. lack 14 , voted on Sunda\ 41 1111 Ih1 it Aunts. It 444.1 ('ow, an an,'. \1,tr\ Robinson in Rants\ 4'r .letit. S,ntt 4)I 1;4411, r(, h silt 111 1141 r,tl 11,11. iaa (11 , k 11 (111 11, r 4:l,lndtn(,tht r \1f'• 301 St 011 \11.. 10\ ( ,(114 and 11,11 4 ,1111) \4.r 133.1, k 441 (,1111111 1311 111 Sot 414 (h,4'rl 11.11 41 The 1111 Slt. 11111 \' Klip'n Kurl HAS MOVED 111 The Klip'n Kurl shoppe has a new location at my residence ' mile south of Auburn. Laura Lawrence For an appointment call 526-7505 M -- THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 zehrs fine ma *ers of fine foods SCHNEIDERS SLICED BEEF LIVER PREVIOUSLY 990 FROZEN LB SCHNEIDERS SLICED BOLOGNA 6 VARETIES 500 g 1 L x1.99 SCHNEIDERS SLICED CORNED BEEF THREE 51 g PKGS 1.79 SCHNEIDERS BEEF BURGERS 1 4 POUNO PLUS 99 PRDUCE OF CALIFORNIA PLUMP JUICY RED FRESH ONTARIO PORK SIDE RIBS FRESH WHOLE CUT UP CH ICKEN super special i�A» CANADA GRADE YOUNG TENDER ONTARIO CHICKENS IDEAL FOR ROASTING, BAR -B -Q, BROILING -FRYING REGULAR 51.281b. 1O9 IB FRESH 3 Ib. AY6. NOT FROZEN lb1 FRESH ONTARIO PORK HOCKS 149'—L=3.• 500 g PK alp FRESH STRAWBERRIES CANADA NO 1 GRADE e PT. PROD. Of CALIFORNIA NAYEL ORANGES 4LB. '1.79 BAG SCHNEIDERS REGULAR, MAPLE OR MELLOW KENT RINDLESS SIDE BACON MAPLE LEAF GOLDEN FRY MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED BONELESS PORK BUTT FROZEN SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLL s1.89,0" *f,59,, MAPLE LEAF HAM STEAK 115 PKG g Sit 59 PRODUCE OF FLORIDA GREEN CABBAGE CANADA NO 1 GRADE 10 oz. PKG. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SPINACH 790 PRODUCE OF PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CELERY STALKS FRESH LEMONS ss==!4/79# .Po; f6.95 CAN 69NO.1 EA a ON— PRIDE OF CANADA SMOKED FULLY COOKED VINTAGE HAM '3.29 STOCK UP! LB TRUE GREEN FERTILIZER •9 20 Kg BAG P800. OF CALIFORNIA CARROTS CANADA NO.1 BUNCH 68° ASSORTED TROPICAL PLANTS 500 4,1 • 1 X900 mI POLYDERBAG SCHNEIS # SAUERKRAUT 1.19 SLICED ENGLISH STYLE MAPLE LEAF ,� BACK BACON 175, 1,69 MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE MEAT ROLL 5ooy # 1.1 SUN t 7PV - BURNS- BY THE PIECE SMOKED $ ,BACK BACON .b Z. 984 A T THE DELI SERVICE COUNTER PRIDE OF CANADA VINTAGE NAM FULLY COOKED�I 49 STORE SLICED Ib SCHNEIDERS MEDIUM ROAST BEEF s4.98 STORE SLICED SHOPSYS PREPARED POTATO SALAD .,98' OR COLE SLAW A T THE WHARF FRESH SEAFOOD COUNTER BOSTON BLUE FILLETS FRESH ATLANTICI b1. 69 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, APRIL 1 KRAFT PHILADELPHIA T NEILSONS CREAM NEILSONS OR CHEESE FROSTSICLES 250g. PKG CARTON OF 12 PLAIN STYLE I WESTONS FRESH SANDWICH BREAD T HIN StICED OR REGULAR SI tF 24 os LOAVES 88c2/RFG tOAJ BATHROOM TISSUE CASHMERE 4 ROLL PKG 99 WHITE OR YELLOW S REGULAR Si 65 THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 — AR • GRANNYS DELICIOUS BUTTER TARTS PACKAGE OF 10 9• LIQUID STYLE JAVEX BLEACH 36 LITRE JUG OP I zehrs 1,r markets... or fine foods FISH & CHIPS HIGH LINER FAMILY SIZE 132 oz FROZEN $189 THREE FLAVOUR CHOICES 41 SEALTEST CHIP DIP 690 KRAFT � LIBBYS ♦25 9U� MACARONI & CHEESE 1L1MA6ETTI, ZOOMS OR CHICKEN DINNERS SPAGHETTI NOODLE 225 g,PKGS. IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL oz TINS 10 FL. oz TINS 3/99 ;199`3/99, LIBBYS SMITH GLASS CLEANER TOMATONCY PIE.D. WINDEX ow 48 FL oz TIN 99° INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED KRAFT PARKAY SOFT KRAFT SINGLES CHEESE SLICES MARGARINE APPLE OR RAISIN 19 FL. oz. TIN99 LIBBYS BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE OR DEEP BROWN BEANS WITH PORK 5001 LB. 19 FL Oz 999' 69, PKG BOWL TIN * w BOTTLE REFILL 900 ml 99' 5 COLOURS YIYA TOWELS 2 ROLL $1 29 PKG RUBBERMAID BOWL BRUSH LAUNDRY BASKET sP�sxoErr�Ts� E SAUCE FLEECY S LITRE FABRIC SOFTENER13/69 LIQUID CLEANER MR. CLEAN 15 I ITRE $20 99 WEIGHT WATCHERS KETCHUP 11 a1 AU(1lE 69? POWDERED CLEANSER 79° 600 q COMET KRAFT -WITH MEAT 24 0t SPAGHETTI SAUCE j%29 COLONIAL -4 VARIEITIES COOKIES 4509 $L49 HIGH LINER COOKED SHRIMP _ of $2.99 WESTONS CHOCOLATE ROLLS PKG 990 `UUERKRAUT_ 2/89 T4 a� KRAFT MIX CNEESE PIZZA 85o q $1119 �i VIKING KRAFT TOMATO 240, UC f/O9 AND HOLDER st CHOCOLATE FOR THE GOLD OR BATHROOM 0 SET ALMOND 99EACH RUBBERMAID IMPERIAL GARBAGE CAN ANGLE BROOM 17 GALLON SIZE EACH i99 VIKING INDOOR OR OUTDOOR PUSH BROOMS _ E A 2.99 VIKING SCRUB SPONGE IMPERIAL SPONGE NOP _ EACH 4 179 EACH 2I99# "COUNTRY OVEN" X2/99 • BROWN ROLLS P K G NT FRJUICE 16 °�. N 99¢ VIKING vBRUES "COUNTRY OVEN" SHES . ilk 69r CRUSTY ROLLS ORANGE 2 VARIEITIES-FROZENRUBBERMAID CHUNKY TOTING PIZZA 350 q =219 PLASTIC BUCKET "199 99 . FRUIT LOAF SPECIALS! OF 12 12, 12 os DIAL ROLL-ON $1.79 DIAL SCENTED OR NEUTRAL ANTIPERSPIRANT ,°° % 19 DEODORANT DIAL STICK SCENTED 759 1179 WEIGHTWATCHERSTOMATO CLAM�90 ISO mf KRAFT 64 Ft ORANGE JUICE JAR $1189 ���� 0 All PURPOSE *1392 5 Kq McNAIR SEEDLESS SULTANA RAISINS i50 y *2.29 LIBBYS-IN TOMATO SAUCE 99# KIDNEY BEANS 1�0 KRAFT GRATED CHEESE PARMESAN 250 E.D. SMITH CHERRY 99° PIE FILLING t9 BARS -4 VARIETIES 99° COUNTRY CRISP NEILSONS VENETIAN 1 FLAVOURS RUBBERMAID ICE CREAM_ I V LIT" tj 49 SHELF LINER _. _PKG_ $21 591 °MP" Ba AVAILABLE IN ALL MRS MARKETS 219r 9169 139 NEILSONS CANDY BARS MULTI PACK _. PKC OF nt 9,? •tk l ‘%111 ItI I'l 1 1'011 Ill NI 101 ) 111 WINGHAM-HWYS. 4 & 86. 1111%\%l'lN Is II \R I1 111(\11111114 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TIL 9 P.M. Mg A10 — THE BLYTH STANDARD. APRIL 1, 1981 4 • 1. 1 1' tl • •a �e OG* pfd pS�� Buy A 25 kg Bag Of CO-OP 18% CHICK STARTER and get 25 MIXED HUBBARD CHICKS a • • •• tx‘ CO-OP 18% CHICK CAGE FLOOR STARTER A completely balanced, high energy ration geared to the nutrient needs of pullet up to 6 weeks of age It's a feed designed to promote maximum growth and livability for birds raised on the floor or in cages while at the same time it guarantees that your baby chicks consume a balanced feed at each eating 18 per cent ('hick Cage and Floor Starter is formulated under strict quality control to meet your feeding set up See your ('o -tip for 25 kg bags or bulk delivery Research tested feeds and supplies for large or small flock aroducers. Y SP1 111" Single Lamp Brooder Reflector Meow, p,q* as. sew .w/ epg11.0. w 111401.6110 111,4 MO pr. •d eem.0 Mnn..r, ►a.,0 ..e ►. Cap w )$ Ord. Also wig. pod r'0 b.d+• tad► $71.024 Everyone welcome to shop COOP ... quality products ...competitively priced u 0 UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO L1STOWEL PHONE (519)291.4040 or (519) 291..4041 IELGRAVE PHONE 1.519-331.2711 or 1.51940174453 AUBURN PHONE 1.511.52.7242 or ZENITH 1!!2O ORDER DEADLINE: APRIL 8, 1981 Solt Glass Brooder Lamp 295 h 1rUsled b'ofdef amp to be USet1 Ahpte 1pmp "alUre' do rIot hande suddenly Medium base 115 32c, volt win alutn,nr: Pd te1 edit 58? 400 for 25 each Reg. 49` each NO LIMIT TERMS • 10 per cent of purchase price of birds required with order Balance at pick up • No minimum order '40 maximum order • Orders guaranteed hve day of arrival Customers will be notified on arrival Birds must be picked up day of arrival to validate live guarantee UCO *ill not be responsible for l; ab►Irty of herds alter day of arrival or customer pick up r .r• 4404 HUBBARD CHICKS — Meat Type The Hubbard Bird is this year's best choice in meat birds Strong legs, high resistance to heart failure and a high meat -to -bone ratio are some of its excellent traits. Vaccinated. TEAR OFF AND RETURN TO YOUR CO-OP STORE Name. Address. Telephone: No. of Chicks Ordered: Please Specify Pick•Up Days Pick -Up: Thurs., May 7 Tues., May 26 L .0/ Round Carboard 1215 Brooder Fence •.ch A 5131 c.(J0IP;1 tents 12 , height Gi)n1,ne5 ChlCk5 t'r'.h:xlf l and WO tPrl•. meg", Icon tl+alts tot 0hp 0,1 s1 ',1e",Cat+ .seek 25,0 roll 578 039 1 'NA 1 1 4 Hanging Feeder 5 109e•ch 35 lb t aCiat r1! teer1F' pith a rt!.t,d par 214 Jep1i R.tsl 'et 5tan1 T;,pfirett barrel p'r'+ides east, flow UI l►'r?d Complete . ?h three l)ut',df.' teed (online cI,t15 578 122 t0 ► Plastic Chick Fount and Base ..ch t gat :"apaCrly 10un1 with Ilio Haler level 4151bte at all Double Wall times fae5rs?s tarosron Chick Watering Fount rust extreme temcefatufes 1 J 1 SPECIAL 14" 044 sr.o. .tar 518069 ea $1 75 tw r. ram= Base 578071 ea 99( omit lifte .gra/ 6.44►.1•100 re+wr - 7 U.S. {s►1 S714174 WOW 014411.141 Walton gets pay phone ,\ pithily pay phone it as in.I,rllt'd ,tt the t.'nlr;ut, t• +tl thy' dining; r(Hlnt al On, \%,.tl. tttn Inn last 1 in sdai. ntor hung. h is the first for this small y illagt .Intl should he hand for thusneeding to pftnnu altt•r the Mistress hours or ;Ute bion' o) tilt Wit 1 hu 1 uc,tLtt night t :It hn held in the tommuntty hall had 10 (Miles to pla\. 15r1:t innt'rs yt err Iter h101 lady \tr, I_,o%rhntt Ry an, lot, tirlvtin R, It1; lora• hands \its Rt n;1 N,Itt lily !ft Al+n, h,t'h 1 Root 1t05. Burt Sho hl'Iu,,k. 4)11(11 ,h„rt,. I„I1, h,+fids ( 1111 N114.1I!( In,tltut ho, t,„t, ttirt \Its Kt Oh Rut). !AIN A�t1,t kltkhy, \1rs. H. ( rote and \1!, 11 11 it tfiL 1 ht rt tt 111 hr Inotltt I 111 het. 111 \111!1 lth Iht I), „t rt 1 u, lvc ,t ht•duh`d lot April 2 1 PERSONALS \Laster Ron SIt yt nson mid Sh yh Frit/ \pent trio! of I ut•,day .tett ;titi 111011 11110 Wedncsda% ty Ith ! brit st hitt,! horn ',wilt hat] •'4 1,1111,111r1 at ht, part nts honer, \Ir .,nd Mrs 1101 \%!mann. \It Kil 1o11 1 ty it yt hurt tht boys 11;Irtlt111.Itt'd in !ht nt.rkrn til \I,t11L tit tui, \1r and \-1r,. Ht rh 1 r.ty ts, .n t ontpamt tl \1r and \1r, R.o. 1!nuttier and John to 1.tkt't,utd. Flor ida tor the t, Inter hrrak y%ht•k. Steven Hucifier silt nt tlh y%tck skiing at !slow Sie Ann(. Vuch, t tt 4th other trtunds tror11 the sin lnnndrtt .Ire a. Paul 11umphrR . tt hr+ !, ,Ittt'nt111 Ilunlhrr ( oil( et 10 I art+Illn silt 111 tilt tt t't kith ,1t the hone of his apart ms \1r and 'sirs \\ this Hunttlhrit , I hr \ti'allon 111111111th Ctl- tert;un(,1 at ilii ( nd 11 Nut sine Ilrtnit In dross, I, on \\ t'dllt'sd:1y Illi 11l0Hnt t, It' hr:Ittnc y+ Itlt (host 01,11 had hit thtlat \ ut \1,It, h \1r Ion ,l 1r.., tt 11111l, 11 to 1 troll! ( lottun 110,1111.d tt It, r, h, has ,Ih fit ,t U. 1.11 i' l k1 t\ Ili hrttkt n 11111. u, ,t I 1 /11111 !tot, 1ml,roy 1 n,t fit ,,,. it It's nuts to hear th,lt \1rs It an Hroat'f(Htt It,1, !t luta, t', to ht r hums ut 1114 %Hist►;( las! rid,‘ after spending Iht sy inter months t%ith \1r arid s1rs f-'arquharson of 1 on don. La Leche League hears about natural, Cesarean birth La Leche League of Belgrayt rnrt at the Mina• of WendHngcnbirk. Relgravc on March 1'th, to discuss ' Tamil% and the Breastfed Bah\ ”. Thanks to the man% mothers who totrk out memberships or gatc donations. as 1 1.1 no%% has aS hooks pertaining to breast feeding. ehildhlrth. (armly and nutrition in its library, as Nell as about I00 reprints asailahlc for loan Wendt Neufeld. Librarian. added "Having a Cesarean Bah%' to the lihrare. and t\plaincd how the lending lihrar works. A look at 1.1.1. was taken through the Leaven and 1.1.1 News. celebrating our .Iuhil.l.Lcc Year. .hist as it conies as a surprise to man\ of us to find nut how much there is to know about something as natural as breastfeeding. it may conic as something of a surprise to learn how much there is to know about something that looks as simple as La Leche League., 111 exists to serve each individual mother who seeks us 11,1 Naming lo knot( Illytrt jilout hreaslIccding and the special kind nI mothering that is so much a part 111 11, arc able 111 reach out and help mother and babies through our leaders dc%ntcd women who arc lirst and foremost mothers. but also experts in the field of breastfeeding. 1 Mailers :u"r offu cal repress ntalj%t•s of) a Leche 1 eague. the world's Icad,nt; authority on breast feeding, Discussion was opened ith helpful hints for families N hen the nes. horn eomcs home. Barbara Kcrr. Leader. then inert duced Birtha .1 new birthing dull. Cesarean birth was reviewed. followed by a description of natural child- birth by Jeanette Harris. Effects of individual child. birth experiences were re. Iatcd in view of their in. fluences on ca.sc of mothering in the first month at home. Ideas on keeping the lines of communication open with husband and siblings were shared. The discussion was closed with an anecdote of a four year old's %jest of PRINCIPALS OF GOOD MILKING Bou -Matic for SI GI Se vlv'e PARDYS DAIRY SUPPLIES Phone Blyth 619-623-0288 the hest three things cooly les for kids. nursing for babies. and lily for mothers. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Standard Want 'Ads. Dial 523.4646. THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 — All BOTTLE COLLECTING -- With a whole week free from school youngsters were making the most of the holiday by collecting pop bottles Sunny weather drew Lisa Watson (back lel t) Sandra Hessels. Krista Ritchie (front) and Paul Hessels out to poke in ever shrinking snowbanks (Photo by Hamilton) Wingham Hospital gets grants \\ III). ILl11' anti I)jstrrt t Hospital Ira, lots .n t1 tctcrtIll .1 rutn1ht•! 4)I grants t nnsl rut lain .tilt' 1 t Ho( .11 tun 13rnrr ( ovule 14t.otlt (1 )1 N.t►11(1; 1 urrtht 114 1055 ',ship. Nh.000. I e. ••,%%let . )' 04)O .old \shlleld. ): INNI, krnloss. )-.t00. \lours. SK,IN0. ht uilttt hoslni.tl nr%t s..1 IIIA mlhnthct shti, 54,11, .tit.trt'cd In Rms .1,unrt son of \\ In�ltars, 111 10.111; 111111111 ul Ills (11111,11 1011 of SIlttl to Iht I5lsinl.rl building fund. 1 1 I'uhhr 1tel.tlions ( omnitttct of tilt W114411.1tt! and 111,1!Itl Hlniuta1 lioartl tt ill be Inthttt v!ng the hospital during the y%euk ul \lay 11) yt It n Iltce n ill he borrowing t yutinnt 111 Irt,nt the llislontal Sth Iris lot 1111 .t 11 11111 tlispl.ty s. and halms r, tt utl ht plat t al 151111 tads u) W ing/huh BUDGET nrasms BEEF SIDES 1BEEF HINDS 120-140 lbs. 1.551b. 1.811b. BEEF FRONT•5 1.35. 'REF CHUCKS 1.43n. BEEF LOINS 2.39.. BEEF HIPS WPORK LOINS 1.75..: 1.75.. PORK BELLY i.39.. BULK 1.89. WieDind " BACON 1.69,. "Cheep for our man) initorre features" on frozen food, meats, produce and groceries. -All prices Include cutting, wrapping, quick freezing. r OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 8 A.M. • 6 P.M. ply In effect THURS.-SAT. BL VTH MEAT MARKET FREE DELIVERY Phone 523.4551 BEEF AND PORK FOR HOME FREEZERS We reserve the right to limit quantities Custom Killing Cutting & Wrapping Al2 — THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 Belgrave cater to cattlemen 1 he Helgra\e 1% omen's Institute catered at .t dr—al. to IU' men of the 1lutteritt (,tont\ ( 1sso. tattoo !n the \ .1 Lill last 1hur'tla\ at 12 111 p nt olio\\ ing the dirmcr the! toured Kodnnn t td I- arms PEE µ'EES H'1N rhe Helgra\c Pet• Wtt., son the In (ouniv Chain pionship last Monda\ ekcn Ing at the HI\ th siren.! I he\ defeated Normand \ ' 1 .ind Iib k the final series 2 varies to 0. TEN TABLES ren tables stere in al the t\ ek kit t uk hit 1 &Id to tht W 1 11,111 on 11 dirk Sits!\ \iningMar, h _'' 1\'inin1, \\t•rk High Lid\ Mrs las K (oulics: 'sot i•h\ lad. Sirs Agnes Rik 11.11. 1 (t\t lad\ S1rs (harlus Johnston. W'(xxtsititk; High ratan `lel I,t.klin. Ni% It\ rn.tn• I:.ttgar W'ightman: 1 ono man- 1.011 Fear 1 here tt ill ht euchre again nc\t kteck- ttcr\tine rs \\el corm Sir lames mother stun ill PERSONALS and v1rs l ennar(1 \ isited \k it h her Mrs W'illred It,hn Paislet Iasi Monda\ Notice PLANNING WORKSHOP MEETING for the public input into proposed Secondary Plan. .,East Wawanosh Public School 8 p.m Monday, April 6 Extractive Resources chairman: Don Shultz East Wawanosh Twp. Council also ttith \1r and 'qtr, Robert Gra, 01 Nantt\t'1 Str, Kt,gt r I't'.sr,tm and tl.tii iI Its i1.11tit Ilk 01 1 ortkrtto .pent .1 It \t (ta\ s \t tlh h, r parents Sir ,ind mit, 1 eonard lames .11111 rt rim (1 home last Wednesd.l\ Sirs (..(rncr Nu holsnn ,hent ,1 fit\ d.t\ s Inst \t eek islttng tt 0th Mr. and S1rs. .1.tt•k Walker and Sir. and Mrs 1:rnest ( rant lord (it (oden.h and her mother Mrs. Etta ('txik \t hu is .t patient at the Maitland Manor Nursing Home. Gnderich. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar. Dianne and Dean 01 Petrolia and an t xchangt student from Sk\ cdcn. \t hit has made her home \\ it h 1ht 1-dttar's for three months spent a eimplc of d.its at the home of Mr and Mrs Harv..•, Edo r Sits, lt+annc 1"(t1;.it h.ls omplcted her hitt \car .ours! rn Food Ser. to Man agent', nl .o (emir -oho ( Il( gk attd is rtn\\ 1 iiti l( Itng h('t tr.ortiui. in 1'nt\ersii\ Host)! tat I ondon a, F(xtd Setterk sur Sirs. Rann and Mrs. 1nn1 (;arm„ Cil tiros sell Meir Sunda\ ,rlterntxin isilnrs at tht home ni Mr. and Sirs t.( tt is Stonehouse. '\1r. Vint cm \dakas rat 1 ondon spent Sunda\ \lith Mr and Sirs. Wheeler Mrs 1art, 'st.i\ht rr\. 1)irr\I and Kinili rlt'_ of 1 omit -short,. 'sirs Hutt aril /r11iet t'1 ( ht psto\k .inti K, \in Pro, ler of K.K. Kenneth Hrtiss is \!sot d on 1—mid\ ith Sirs. Knhert Prot tet S1rs. Dennis l .n.um of Sarnia spent the v eek -end tiith her mother Mrs. Knhcrt Prot.ter. Mrs. Harr\ McGuire anti Mr and Mrs. 1 e\; is Sime hour \isited nn Satnr.la\ altcrnnnn \t ith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sprotilt .ind Sirs. Rus'n1 Walker ni Gtxien.h. Sir and !sirs .lack Walker of (;*Kien! h t ailed on their runts and tint lc Nit s. (;hurt!. ('ix\k tilts 1 t (turd ((+kik and Mr and Sirs 1 t \tis Baur. house List 1 hut sda\ !*1r anti Sirs Keith ( art, \t right. Donna and I'atrit-ia 01 I ondnn. Mr and Mrs. tiro\ Kck%t\. Pt ter. Diane. Kirit and Bradlc\ til Kit.h.ntr. Mrs Flnrent c Curt\% right.. John and Claodt of 1 omit -- bort) \ isited on Sunda \ tt it h their moth( r Mrs. Sid, Kinn. Mr. Kroh ( art+\ right of London has been \ loser tot r.pre,eni the Retniinal Games tot tht disahied in this tlistr,t t ut Frederik tun, N. \\ Hrtins\t tt k in April during Iht t asik r hohda\ s. Mt„ 1)t.innk Sk not has komplett-d her t\\ti \tar .Horst 111 F:(axl Ser ire Man .igl mens at (t torah.' ( allege tr.unrn,; in 1 it toria H,t,tiit.11 and is no\\ tonlpielli her 1 orulkui ,is F (sid Srtpt 11 antic 7 tables at euchre 1 herr \t as " tables of cuthrc on Mnnda\ night Winners \\ ere High lath Mar‘ Holland. High Man • Ted Fothergill ladies In t Rena Watt. men's lot( • Ted 1 Hunking. ladies lune hands • Mrs. Mtku Cummings. men's lune hands -Gordon Muria Euchre nest Monda\ night at f( p.m RI\th Memorial Hall. Esti-unit. txelcnnte. S International Harvester d; gives you a". Red Power Rebate is "i' ,, 1; of $1000 on purchase of the following new, in - stock Series 86 tractors FRI.-SAT.-SUN. APRiL 3-4.5 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY DON'T DARE MAKE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS... ESS YOU PLAN TO LIVE, .t• THREE DIFFERENT SHOWS EACH NIGHT Box Mao • 74S f110WTMAI $tM SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY I• A .,• Ci4 at DD�rjjES �• �, •.. • •t • (1• • r ow we tt ontromt # SUNDAY NIGHT ro 413114111111 "° MO TMOON I ONLY "INSIDE JENNIFER WELLS" .4 SAVAGE WEEK -END Ilc sold his stud for rock n'roll. tit I PHANTOM Note PARADISE thQYB 4TER he MODEL PTO HP 786 80 886 90 986 105 IIIIMION111,111111111111AIIIVISTIll GAYA SWORN 1214t10 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 111 The Directors of McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company invite all Policyholders and friends to "OPEN HOUSE" 2 p.m. - 5p.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. on the occasion of the Official Opening of the New Office Building at 91 Main Street, South, Seaforth, Ontario on Friday, April 10, 1881 John H. McEwing Margaret Sharp President Secretary -Treasurer 170 pigs lost Approsunatt'I% I "0 pigs stere IosI w hen lire destro ed one hat n and part of another at the farm of Brian `\'orkntan of R.R. 2, Brussels on 1hur`tla% night I he Gres lot'. nship Fire Department .tsstttt .t the tall to the fire tt Inch broke out sltortIr after 4 pini.. al eording to fire duel t.,rdun l•ngel Although someone else People placed the all. Nit. \Surkman himself slotted the fire as he %t anch g Ilium. trust IliusscIs. A,sAter tanker (runt Hlsth was As.) ,ail(d Ir, the scene, Although the rause 1)t the hie is 111)1 kn1)w n at piesent, Mr. Workman said that the lire 1115 to Utah' started i11 the 441.11ser\'. Ihrte St as llarual insurance to%er.tke Mr. and Mrs, Torrance Tahh of Auburn Here Sunday sisitors with Mr and Mrs. Will. Carter, \ i;itmg !%1i and Mrs. W.(.. Elliott and 1 Julie cloning the past st eek w ere hits, Bradford of London. Nit . ( teal. Elliott 01 1 indcn, Michigan and NIr • and Mrs. John Nit l)oti.ild. 11ullont1 Landing N11 and MI s. (demi MtMiehacl. (lode!ith. and Mt and Mrs Ross I)ohte. S4.1s.111 V, lit' also dinner guests on Sunda,. 'sit dud Nirs..l,nt 1 ntpans , Dean .inti Uentcn oI :\t Inst srsrted ttith Nit. and Its -\l%10 Snell and other relatiscs on the weekend. IBLYTH INN FOR YOUR t:NTmRTAiNMFNT April 3 1 Wally Dee April 3 8 4 • Wally Dee Nium.YOUR HOSTS BAMD AND TflF1dMA • DANCE to the music of Walter Ostenack Saturday, May 9 Clinton Arena SPONSORED BY THE CLINTON FAIR BOARD TICKETS $5.00 per person, can be obtained from any director . the secretary Faye Fear, or the Blue Fountain Restaurant, Clinton All proceeds to be used to reduce 4, the loan of the Fair Board. Special permit in effect MAPLE SYRUP & CRAFTS FESTIVAL Sponsored by Auburn & District Lions Club Auburn Community Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 4 •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Adults 53.00 Under 10 SI.50 Pre•Sehool Free Starting at 8:00 a.m. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE SUGAR BUSH TOURS From Hall starting at 9:00 a.m. h% bus. Log Sawing 1:00 p.m. Weather permitting Large display of local handicraft. Bake Table ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DANCE To Stevens Country Gold 9:00 p.m. • P:00 a.m. Admission S3.00 Lunet, Nrt►vided Leas canvass Members of the Leu Club canvassed Blcth on behalf of the Red Cross. A total of 5352 was real% ed. We thank the %dung people who ea 115assrd and all those who contributed to this ssorthw hilt' t ausc Donate Cattier Stn'irts .111% .11 s, ill take place hunt April h - 24 lit the Bhih arca. C' 0% assets are Elsie Walsh. Barbara Walsh, l.,, Merman, Mar% LAW Stewart. Susan Howson. (l1Crs1 Iicsscls. Beth Neth Cts, Juan Watson, Flounce Ouinn, Joan (Ink. Betts flame, Adeline (.unphcll. leres.t Nth Ilan. FastB01- 1. % oi1.% nit Logue \nsonc nusset1 during the giant ass in .4445 rural donat rtes ilia% be lett at the Hlsth Saga. Bowling Nitwits 57 Corner -Pin Curies Drop Backs 544 Born losers sh Booties Hunch Sl Aller Cats 51 Ladies' High single and triple Dorothy Boughen: 2'2. 71 I. High Average - Ladies'. Nellie Burkholder, 2(X) Game* 225 & Over Dint Nether. 241 lose• phine Mt{;regur. 225: Dor othv Roughen, 225, THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 16, 1981 — A13 EVERYONE LIKES TO DANCE — Wesley Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilson danced the night away with his young cousin Jill Walden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walden. Young and old alike enjoyed old time favourites played by locals at Family Night in Blyth Memorial Hall. (Photo by Hamilton) Canvass The March of Dimes ('ant• paign held a successful drive in this area raising St119.15. Joan Chalmers and Joanne MacDonald, organi/crs. wish 144 thank !hose who donated and the eam; A14 -- THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 `Sp 'ng ' forth your bargains { 1 Coming Events OPEN Wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Rick Godfrey (nee Teresa Wood) April 3. Brindley's Shed, Dungannon Everyone welcome. Music by County Companions. 1.-0 yi n Uc•'anly cad c ural«n Kindergarten Registration Blyth Public School APRIL 14, 1981 1:30.3:00 Children horn in I97' are eligible to enroll. Please bring proof of age and O.H.I.P. number. WM. BLACK PRINCIPAL 523.9201 1.79.2 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday. S:00 p.m. First regular card Si. Rc• stricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular game ()ISIS.. S5, (cast on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1.79-tf CANADIAN National Open Banjo Competition. Friday, Saturday, July 17. 18, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. Community Centre. Durham. Ontario. 5•string, plectrum. tenon ladies, under 16 classes. 1.79x1 and sell them with a Classified 1 Coming Events YACHT sailing or .voicing instruction. Fully qualified Fanshawe College instruct. ors. Barfield Lake Huron. Wceklc courses. Starting June lst. Book early. 1.8(X)- 265.9214. Toll Free. 1 79x I U.C.W. GARAGF. SALE Mac 2. 1981. If coo base an thing to donate. call Mary Inn Howson 9454, Bcc Snell 9236 or Susan How son 9436. 1.79..3 BLO(.)L) DONOR CLINIC, F.E. Madill Secondary School. Victoria St. Wing. ham. Tuesday. April 7. 1.4 ,t n d 5:30.8;30, 1.79.1 WI Annual meeting. Reports. important decisions to he made, All interested please attend, April 2nd, 8 p.m. Memorial Hall. I.79x COMMUNION Service, Blyth United Church, this Sunday at 11 a.m. 1.79.1 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting, Tuesday, Apri I 14, 1981 8 p.m.. Memorial Hall, Speaker: Martha Veldhuis with a wealth of 1nowledge and lots of plants front their greenhouses at Dundas. Come and bring a friend. Lunch, door prizes, Admission free. I.78x3 dFLMORE MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL. Sat. April 11 th. 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The meal consists of all the hot pancakes and Bclmore maple syrup you can eat, along with farmer's sausage, home• made applesauce and a hr y• crags. Local entertainment throughout the day as well as the sale of maple products, handicrafts and homemade baking. This year we are also Word Count Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words I Joined by hyphens counts as separate words. FIRST INSERTION -15 words 52.00 .8c per 'word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes, be per word, minimum 51.50 SEMi•DISPLAY FIRST INSERTIONS --51.82 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-SI.54 per column inch (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE --$1.00 per insertion BIRTHS -15 words 52.00, .& per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES - 15 words 52,00 each additional world .8c IN MEMORIAMS-S2.50 plus .15c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -1S words 52.00, each additional word .&. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS -30 words 52.50 each additional world .5c per word. 2Sc DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION Deadline of Classified Ads la 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion. advertisements after noon, Mondavi Phone 523-9646 1 Coming Events having a special day for senior citiz.ns on Thurs. April 9th. The meal is being served from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p,m. There will he booths and activities of par. ticular interest to them. The prices are: Adults13.50. Children under 12•S2.00 .25c discount per ticket on bus loads with advance tick- ets purchased before April 1st. No refund is allowed on unused tickets. On Sat. April I1th from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m, dance to Crippl ed Duck. 1.79.2 f�relemin roma, oa, 0/ gdead‘,1 Kindergarten Registration Walton Public School APRIL 8, 1981 100 4:30 Children born in 1976 are eligible to enroll. I Please bring proof of age and O.H.I.P. number MARIE TOLL PRINCIPAL (87.6219 1.78.2 Situations Wanted FULL TIME work wanted in farming. construction or in- dustry. Will accept part time work until full time employ- ment is found. Experienced in mixed farming and operas• ing machinery. Brian Work. man 887.6052. 7-74.1 YOUNG married man wants work. Can drive tractor and farm machinery. Has ow n pick-up truck. Will dcliccr merchandise and goods. Also have tools for odd jobs. Apple Ron Carter, 523.4552. 7-79.2 8 Farm Stock COMMERCIAL Cattlemen. 30 excellent herd sire pro. spects, first annual Simmen• tal Bull Sale, Barrie Fair Grounds, May 29. Cata- logues available May I. M. McArthur, Stayncr. 005)466.3048. 466.3048. 8.79x 1 "MEAT KING" heavy roast• er cockerels, day old to 2 weeks. Available April, May and June. Call McKinley Hatchery 1.800.265.R53h. Order today and put meat on your table this fall. 8.79.12 WANTED steady buyer for 45 lb. weaner pigs from 90 sow herd. Apply James Hugill. R.R. N1. Scaforth 527.0441, 8.79x i Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Standard Want Ads. Dial 523-9646. ORGAN CONCERT Christian Reformed Church April 101981, 8 p.m. Joseph 1. Henk at the console. 4 Help Wanted WORKING Press Supervisor wanted. The successful app- licant will be responsible for web press operations of a progressive S.W. Ontario newspaper publishing comp. any. We offer complete company benefits. Salam commensurate with cxperi• ence. All replies confiden- tial. Apply in writing to OWNA File NB.C.L. 4-79xI SALES PEOPLE: Rapidly expanding company looking for sales people full or part- time. Experience an asset but not a neces.sity. Training provided. Contact ,I & H Enterprises for interview before 9:00 a.m. or evenings. Phone 523-9412. 4-78x2 5 Bus. Opportunity EXTRA INCOME: Could you use an extra 5500 a month) Pleasant full or part-time work . Contact Mrs. Soiling 523-9412. 5.78x2 7 Situations Wanted WILL hahysit in my home weekdays. Phone Mrs. Shelley Hubbard. 523-9442. 7.79.1 1.79.1 9 Farm Machinery USED TRACTORS -MF 135 Dsl w PS and loader -MF 200 Crawler w, Ldr backhoe, 750 hrs.-IHC 434 s tdr-MF 356 Work Bull -MF 31 Tractor Ldr, 60 hp -Case 584 28 ft. Fork lift•Levland 2.55 Dsl w/loader-MF 60 Backhoe Idr. 10% financing -New MF 130 bu. spreader. 52995 • C(xkshutt 502 Swather conditioner -MF 12 hp garden tractors w/42" mower. 52995. Used Ariens 16 hp garden tractor w/tiller, mower, blower -Used 3 ph wood chipper -Used Sims cab for MF SOC -Swanson Air - Blast Orchard sprayer. South Equipment, Mcaford. Ontar- io (519) 538.1660. 9.79x 1 EiGHT row IH planter and John Deere 3010 complete with J.D. circle hitch and two IH No. 56 plate planters. Good condition. Will sell separately. Seaforth 527-0558. 9.79-1 930 Case western tractor. 18.4.34 dual wheels. Phone 527-1349. 9.79x I 11 Articles for Sale STRAW. 523.9399. 11.79.1 ALPS CREEK Trout Farm - Have for sale rainbow trout to enhance your table or stock your pond. Robert Charter. phone 523.9546, 11.79x3 1. shaped cupboards. sink and taps. Built-in stove. All in good condition. 887 6438. 11-79.1 SICK Room Supplies, patient aids, support garments, con- valescent products. etc. Sec Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shop• hers Square, Goderich, 524.7241. ll-79•tf ALUM Boat 44'x12'. Equip, - cd to haul 1700 gallon fuel plus freight deck. Scania diesel. Like new. Use for freight or convert for plea- sure. S28,000. Alvin (807) 727.2291. Write NLGM Box 315. Red Lake, Ontario. POV 2M0, 11.79x1 Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Call 52b-7589 11.79.1 APRIL "SHOWER OF BARGAINS" furniture promotion at the Godfrey E. Schuett Ltd • showrooms at Mildmay Select from about 100 differ- ent suites of furniture. Also mattresses, bed chesterfields recliner chairs. NO PROVINCIAL SALES TAX oe there Meas this month. Seieett'S of Mildmay deliver 11-79.2 OSTOMY Supplies and ap- pliances. Sec Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich 524-7241. 11.79-tf (ENERGY Savings) For your 160 page book on how to save money and energy send 51.00 to Energy and Conser- vation Services, P.O. Box 686, Oakville, Ont. 16J SCI. 11-78-5 11 Articles for Sale FREE ACCESSORIES. Order a new Jayco or Holiday trailer before March 31. take delivery May 1 and receive l0% off our regular selling price in accessories free. Example Jaye° Hardtop Flight Eight S4497; free accessories 5449. Also used travel trailers, hardtops. truck campers, and caps for all makes; parts, accessories, repairs, rentals. gas barbecues, propane filling station. Humstead Trailer Sales. Hwy. 4. '', mile North. Wingham. Phone (519) 357- 2272; Evenings 357.3870. 11.76.4 FRESH Maple Syrup for sale. 4 Titre can 520.00 Smaller containers available. Phone Doug Smith 523-9285. I1.77.3 12 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY: Round. square, oral extension tables. wooden chairs of all kinds. good used furniture. clean appliances in excellent condition. Call Lucknow 528-2625 9-5 Mon.. Sat. 12.794 WANTED TO BUY: G.E. single control for electric blanket. Phone 527.0171 or 527.0240. 12-79x2 13 Wanted WANTED to rent. Pasture for cattle for 1981 season. • Phone 1.527-1615 collect. 13.78.2 14 Property for Sale SACRIFICE mini farm 25 acres, new side -split house. 2 storey. 45 sow farrowing barn 101/2 % mortgage due 1983. Reduced to 580,000 private. Mount Forest (519) 323-1244. 14.79x1 More on next page Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Standard Want Ads. Dial 523-9646. TREE MOVING Beautify and increase the value of your property. Living trees up to 4" diameter bought and sold. Nursery Stock Available JOHN GIBSON R.R. 2 Seaforth 482.3229 11-78-3 Why not kitty for le .o, .10(11 yet the ht's A&H TV -AUDIO rlrl thrrr llrr frit Phmio ')'/ 10/t: ;, Ot:'tn 10 i .i0 F ina,', 1 1 JO i :30 `Clust'ol V1l1':lnr',d,ty P,h •t.' THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRIL 1, 1981 - A15 CLASSIFIED 14 Property for Sale 14 Property, for Sale I Prf)perty for dale WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. GODERICH: ANNA MELSKI 524.2768 ST. COLUMBAN: STEVE MURRAY 345.2172 SEAFORTH: BILL HENDERSON 527.0995 HENRY MERO 527.0430 CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 182.3455 PETER DAMSMA 482.9849 AILEEN CRMG 482.3669 LONDESBORO: GERRIT WILTS 523.4229 NEAR BRUSSELS • 5(1 acres IN LONDESBORO • 2 storey restaurant residence plus gas pumps. NEAR AUBURN - 50 acres, 2 bedroom house, 1 coloured steel barn and bank Karn. BRUSSELS 1' i storey house on Mill St. NEAR BLYTH 24 acres. 3 bedroom !ionic. new sow Karn and workshop almost completed. 100 ACRES 9h workable. brick house, beet barn. near Londcshoro, 24 ACRES 14 workable. near Blyth. S,10,000 NEAR BLYTH 3 bedroom hums, nice interior. 2 elegant fireplaces. 5 acres nicclh treed. hart. TWO laver barns, quota, seven ht'dr tini house, 100 acres, 9" workable. near Londcshoro. SIXTY TIE-UP dairy barn, heifer barn, 149 acres, cows and quota, brick house near Belgra,c. BROILER ROASTER and layer quota plus pullet production. I xeculiye type humor on 50 acres near Clinton. 80 MILK COWS large quota, plus 24.000 broiler quota, 237 acres. excellent buildings, near Clinton. 11/2 ACRES house and Karn. Morris low nship, only 5,12,000. 198 ACRES 118 workable, 72 systematically d,ained. 25 hardwood, , and NEAR NEWRY 100 acres, 94 workable, 11/2 storey aluminum sided house. Barn could be used for dairy sci.up. NEAR AUBURN -50 acres. 3 bedroom house, 2 small barns. 19 Notice LIGLI'1' bulidoring. landscap. ing. backfilling. Larry Bails%. 523.4438. 19.794 P111L'S refrigerator and ap• pliancy service. 24 hour emergency service. Used ap• pli;otcc sale. Phone 887.90t►2 19-794 PROW/110N BUTTONS. 2 3 8'• pin hack, professional graphics. 50-S35. 100•S59, 200.S98. plus 7% tax. No extra charges, Cash or C.0.1). (519) 881-2219. Buttons, Formosa, Ontario NOG 1WO. 19.79s1 OPENING in Auburn April 8. Karen's Hair Loft. For appointment call Karen Bridge after April 8 at 526.7277. 19.79.1 CONCRETE WORK: expert chimney and roofing repairs specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887.9024. 19.79-t( BARN roof tarring, base- ment and driveway scaling. James Symes. 528-3233 or 528-3047. 19.79-tf Are you tired of being alone? Are you unattached, separ• aced, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound. N4K Pl. Pease state age, 19.78x2 A Standard Classified will pry you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Blyth, 523.9646. 14.79.1 19 Notice Keith Lapp R.R. 1 Auburn 526.7753 19.79-tf PREGANT and need help? Free. positive, confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 or 392-6541 or London 432.7197 collect. 19.79-tf HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDRS$OIIIO 5x34!2.2 For Sole Used Snowmobiles We sins Sonia mid Rope Snowmobiles and SaewbMwses sad other anal seem Equirmild Real Estate Ltd. CIhd.w Phew": 442-to371 50 acres general farm in Hallett `fwp 1r% an ober ••••«• Restaurant and gas h,tr, resin Inicret!ion. south end of I31% th, • • • • • • Executive hunts in 131hth. S rears old. 2000 sq. 0. liy ing arta hot water heat. carport •••••• BLYTII 1' storcc , 4 hdrm. hone on double lot, ,cry nicely kept_ Uw tier will consider trade or 2nd mortgage at reasonable interest, ••••• I' acres in 131v111. Vit tori;ot home. 26 fruit Irt•s, cc(el lent property for hohh% ur business, I ry an alter. • • • • • • Ver% nuxk'rn hurl-, Welling ton St. Bluth, 1850 sq. 0. plus attached garage, double lot. 1ngruund enclosed idol. ;ill the extras. •••••• BLYTH 1 !'� storey 3 hcdrm home double hot. •••••• ou Shop and lot at Londcshoro on No. 4 highway', ideal lor welding shop or similar business, 1'4 storey, 4 hdrm frame home. Drummond St. 131%th, •••••• 2 Tots on Hamilton Street. Blvth •••••• 150 acres, E. Wawanosh. 110 workable, 2 floor brick home, 2 small barns. •••••« 4'.: acres. Londcshoro. good 2 stores brick home. barns for farrow to finish. •••••• NEW LISTING Londcshoro,3 bedroom brick bungalow in like new condi• tion, double garage, payed drive, nicely landscaped. •••••• 8 acres 8th concession. Hul• Tett Township, nn buildings, mostly wooded. •••••• 2 acres, Morris Tow nship, Krick house. large shed. drill. ed well. Under S30,000. 14.79.1 19 Notice BERG Sales -Service Installation -Barn Cleaners .Beek Feeders .fit -Silo UaIuuden FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth , Phone Brussels 887.9024 19.79-tf • 1(1 Notice JOHN NEUTEL CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING • • . RESIDENTIAL ••. COMMERCIAL ••. AGRICULTURAL Phone_____ 482-3049 1,, E. Parker PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing in pumps water softeners. comhina tion furnaces. R.R.2, Blyth Phone 887-6079 24 Gard of Thanks 1 wish to thank .111 nn friends nds and neighbours w ho called an me un mc hirthda, and for the lately tarils and gifts I received. It is all ver% much appreciated, Joe Holmes 24.79-I Sincere thanks to our friends for %our thoughtfulness shown in so many %cats during the illness and death of our dear sister and aunt, Lois Green. it was touching to know the love we felt kir her was shared by so man%. lint, Elsie and Don. Murrat and Donna Walsh_ 24.79.1 We w ish to thank all of the wonderful friends for tht• cards and gifts on our 40th anniversary. A %err special thanks to our daughter and son•in•l.,, Lynn and Bill Logue. It was a da, y%c will always remember. Marg and Al Donaldson 24.79v I We would like to thank everyone who brought food and clothing to our place at the time of our mother's fire. Also fur inquiring about Karen. Once again thanks. Gord and Pat Jenkins 24.79x1 21 Tender Wanted •• • 24 Card of Thanks w, would Ilk+ to thank Gr(� township and H1% th tiro 1) paroti. tits cy+ rtnn who helped the night of the fire Special thanks to toot In+ rids .111(1 neighbours who helped tt the clean up alter the lint.', Brian and 1.L1inc Workman 24 "9.I A sintt.rc thank you to those who remembered me with cards. inquiries. provers and coats tc hilt. I was :t patient in Wingh;un Hospital and since: returning hunts. Special thanks to i)r. Pint; and tht nurses un second floor 1 out thoughtfulness was grotty appro. i;red . Marc McCullough 24,'9\1 Wr w14111d like lo 11a11, ett'rorte echo helped with foo. clothing and mune'. and the nianv other w11vs since our fire and for tht mint phone calls impunity. about Karen. Speti;tl thanks to the Btlgra,c Kinsruun. lax tar's (;rot clt'ra and all others who helped %alto i clothing anet name, Also tor the I+enetit Glance at Vanas ora. 1 hanks to all the I►eopk who helped us mo't' to our present hotttt and for all the furniture we rccutved. It is so nice to know we have siith go++ol nends, Karen is home now and doing w ell. l_t►ltic Scott, John. Karen, -Lim. Bill. Audrey, Kevin and Allan K.R. NI. Belgrase 24.7911 I %% old like to thank e'en - one for their cards. gifts and visits while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital. London. 1 am home now and getting along well. Special thanks to the Atlas Rams, the Seafurth Hawks, The Belgravc Co-op girls' hroxonthall teams and the C'.K.N.X 'Frs. Hard, for the benefit games they had for us. 'Thanks again. Karen Scott RRNI. Belgra,t 24•'9x1 We wish to express our sincere appreciation In r°la- tiyes. friends and ncighhur.rrs for the many acts of kindness extended to us during the loss of a loving mother and grandmother. These are memories We will always treasure. Ha/el and Bill Craig and family 24.79-1 21 Tender Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Applications will be accepted for CUTTItJG G G RASS at the following cemeleries in Hullett 1lwnship: Lot 6,'Con. 6 Lot, 26. Con. 10 Lot 33, Con. 10 Lot 34, Con. 14 during the season of 1981. Applicants to provide and maintain mower. Please state price per hour expected and indicate whether for one or more cemeteries. Applications to be in the office of the Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1981. HARRY LEAR Clerk-Treaserer 21.78-2 2S In ,Memoriam PEMITE:PI.ACE- In 10% int; mentory of a dear mother and grandmother. Loretta, who passed aw ay nine %cars ago, April 2nd, 19'?. Her present(' we mitis, Her mentor we treasure. Loving her alw ass. Forgetting her ne%cr. Some ma, target her. Now. she i, gone. But %cc u rentemhcr. No matter how lung. Always remembered h, daughter Donna, grandchild- ren Gars. Herb, Sherri and Connie Gorier. 25-79x1 27 Births BUTTON. ---To Roy and Lori Button, Ruskin. B.C. a daughter, Alison Nicole. 8 (Hounds 3 orates_ on 111(18 March 2' A sister for Deanna and seventh grand- child (or Matic Button. 2'. -.9. t FEAR ----Mr. and Mrs. I art‘ Fear. RR -1. Brussels. or, happy to attnount r the ,ori at oI Rr,ut J:une,, wcitAiri ; - 1h. 3 0/. on March 20 ai ih. Winf!h:tm anti District 110,1' loot A grandchild for !sit and Mrs Sam Fear. Bel gnaw and Mr. and 'v1rs. I -loud Dickson, 1'dmon►on. Alberta. 27.'9-1 VERBURG-fon% and Rocly are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Julie Anna horn March 25, 1981 in Clinton Public Hosp• ital. A %Occ►nted sister for Raymond. Keith. Michael and Angela. 27.79.1 A Standard Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tned one? Dial Blyth, 523.9646. Books at the Library HERE COMES MiRIUM THE MIXED t:P WITCH l3 Wayne Carley 'vtuiunt Just %tants to look atotuu) the new museum. 'She has lo he quiet because she isn't supposed to be uisuk'. She try s to turn a guard into a statue hut gets a very noisy dog. dinosaur. knight and mummy instead. Find-tmt how Mirium hand- les the problem. THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN By Michael Crichton It seemed a very ordinary town but something had to be horribly wrong. All but two of its people Were mysteriously dead. In a race against time, a small group of scientists search for the answers, trying to stop it from claiming millions of lives, CANADA IN CARTOONS: A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE CONFEDERATION YEARS 1807.1967 By Wilda. C. Wildman and W. Stewart MacNntt This is a.portrait of Cana- dian politica as seen through the eyes of her cartoonists. Whether as a history of Canada or just for the fun of it, this is a rewarding exper- ience. Story Hour at 1:40 Thursday. 1 A16 - THE BLYTH STANDARD, APRiL. 1, 1981 County budget up 7.5% Continued from page 1 Reil because 11 ha, a iari;t lion ' a summer residents adding that the hat;gt s! part of the C,'unt' It„ !, dr\,'i0.1 to rt ail, hilt there• t.n t .a sines,. ,,,ant, road in Has field Mr Slousseau also }l+untrtt ow( that h, .w itching to assessment as the hasis lot :alculating the lee, inset ad of urine lopulation Conagers ,t hit owrl seasonal resittenics in the town, as ,cell as permanent hontc, are hurl►; .irked Io p;l, (,t ate for tounn %cr, i, es "Do toil feel these people :ur hr!nt. treated fairly under this .Isse'ssnn'nt''' ht asked. !sirs Hants and Hill , Ltd. the depot, Jerk treasurer_ told council the intent oI the change i, to make sur' !Act -writ pa,. has fair share 1%'hun population figures were u,tt. sea sonaI residents tort not counted :as pail +f the population .ince they are not in, ludiAt in the 41imstrt .of Rryrnur ttnsus. Str 11r.,, k pointed out As .t result, ntutu'apalt ties oath a targe number of tottagtrs teem getting ,a break in pat ing ler tount, se's, ices 1t the .,ante time the munitmato It' . 0411101cs use assrs.nn'nt as the sols' basis for let sing their ,til n lags, so tllr trttlageis here Miner charged for tomtit ,eryitr', It lust meant that eyrnone in those ntunit iilal Ines acre paying a smaller share than ratepayers in nitimitpatitits „it hitt r seasonal residents 41r. Hanle noted that Cyto „ith the pct cent increase in its tounly let t - Ray held still has ,that amounts to the lowest ,Duni, null rate of am town or tillage in Huron, while Wingham's is the highest, "1 In prey IOUs rears) Bayfield was not paying enough. That's what the figuits shote." Hc agreed with a .uggtsthut from Gotiertrh l)eput Reese kohcrt Allen that sometime in the future there should ht a mutt to tourtts wide equahicd asstssinttit MARKET VALUE ILI 1 lig Eo�E BAKERY ITEMS Westons Chocolate Swiss ROLLS 4's Reg. 1.09 Lewis Assorted Bar CAKES Reg. 1.79 for 1.49 Granny Butter e? TARTS pkg of 10 Reg. 1.69 for 1.19 for .79 BIG MEAT VALUES Schneiders No. 1 Breakfast BACON 500 gr _ 1.89 Schneiders Bologna, Mac & Cheese. Pic and Pimento, chicken loaf or LUNCHEON MEAT loaf 175 g .89 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL ' . 's per Ib. 1.39 Thrifty BACON ENDS 500 g .79 Schneiders Blue Ribbon BOLOGNA "store sliced per Ib. Maple Leal Mock CHICKEN LOAF per 1.69 lb 1.89 Sunkist Navel Oranges 138 size per doz Can. Fancy Ida Red APPLES 5 lb bag U S. No 1 Head LETTUCE each Can No. 1 New U S. CARROTS 2 Ib. bag Extra tier, Granulated WHITE SUGAR 2 kg LIMIT 2 bags per family Maxwell House Instant COFFEE 10 oz. Limit. 1 per family .99 1.49 .69 .59 1.69 5.19 NOTICE: All sales shall be strictly cash. Personal cheques acceptable. i SHELF SPECIALS McNair Sultana RAISINS 32 oz. Kismet Pitted 2.69 DATES 1 Ib. pkg. Reg. 1 89 for 1.39 McCormick. Arrowroot Plus BISCUITS 350 g. 1.29 McCormicks Malloettes COOKIES 350 g 1.39 Kraft White "Mini or Jet` MARSHMALLOWS 10 oz. .79 Ocean Spray Cranberry SAUCE 14 oz. .79 Lancia R.C. MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 1 kg. 1.19 Van Camp Beans with PORK 10 oz. 2 for .89 Martins Pure Apple JUICE 48 oz .89 Martins Unsweetened Orange JUICE 48 oz. .79 Heinz Tomato KETCHUP 100 oz. 3.49 Hi-dri Paper TOWELS 2 roll pkg .99 Sylvania LIGHT BULBS 40, 60, or 100 watt. pkg of 2 for .69 Sunspun PEANUT BUTTER 500 q .99 LIMIT. 1 sale with every 10.00 purchase Beatrice 2°c MILK 31 Pitcher Pack We Resent. the Right in Limit Quantities OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 523.9332 1.89 SNELL'S GROCERY LTD Blyth, Ont. • "1 ihutk 1ntarkrt y, Iii', t 1. iht ont�. „a, to go.- he said. "Stmn'tirm' ,t t' hat' to hatt etlualited assessment afros, Iht own!, so nn m;torr s hrrc you list in Iht :Death ,oil pat the ,atm "OI tuur,r." !y1r Alleri hail pouttt'(I unI that ttoukl utcrea,c Ra,htid s .tsscs,nu rat ht quttc ;t bit (Currently. eye!' ,then adjuster) h, the prosincial equaIiiing factor. then is a ,title range between the mill rates foa tonne, .eryitt's in various municipalities Winghatth an adjusted rate ,11 I hetet'. !s al the top of the stair. tt lite Mt Killip "Township, with a rate of 1 00:-.1, is at the bottom. The as craws rate for most of the towns and villages is around 1 9, while rural municipalities average around 1 3 Warren Zinn. reesr of Ashfield 1 i' nship, objected to the suggestion that .a mutt err market t clue assessment would be ,a curt hit all ills. WORSE, NOT BETTER Things art getting horse instead of better with market yattic. ht ,aid, holing that what a farmer can earn is based not on they attic of his land but on ti hal 0 tan trot, F armland n , airy Ing a 4tt'.ttt t intrltu titan tt Is posslhtt to hear. hecattst U ,:In mit, produte ,o ramie, hi told tounti1, Howt'r. Mr. Hants ,tainted that no on, has been able Io coml. 011 wub .i bitter .y sten! rat ta,ation than as,r,snitnr. and said tl a Farni's sable goys up at suggests a farmer shooed he able to pa\ mora tact s ' 11 sun can't pa\ more. maybe you should be in some other business.. Paul Stceklc, revs of Stanley 1 myy n.hip. suggested the switch to assessment as the basis for apportionment, even though nicant his tow nship's share of the le\, Climbed by more than 41 per tent He said he believes in the county ss stem. and thinks it's time those w ho w ani to ltsc in a municipality, even for the sunrmei, pas for the county services. He also tnmnrcntcd that it's ,i mystery *,' en to farmers how they can pay t' hal 1h0 do for land. "When they tun they w ant to buy cheap. and when they sell they ty ant to get the highest dollar."' 1 he rccummendalton passed in a ret tinted sate. with orals Haryc, ( ratg. 1 tt,yd Mous semi and Warren /inn triune; agaamt u Homemakers Continued from page 5 nun.conditional Nasis over a long period of time." The chairman also warned that homemaking may be o ate of the courses cut at Conestoga College. Vanastra campus. and asked guest to write to their MP about this possibility. She said if this course is cut. "I wonder where we'll get the training and who will pay for it." Mrs. Canino said dui to the increased demand for services in 1980. the agency moved to a larger office at 92 Victoria St.. Wingham, in• stalled a Watts line. and after a yore of members at the annual meeting, in- creased the hoard from nine to 14 members. Two grants received from the Ministry of Manpower and immigration allowed the agency to hire two case• workers and a secretary. Mrs. Cardno thanked guest speaker Jane Bigelow fur her assistance in obtaining the grants. SUPPORT GRANT Mrs, Cardno also reported the agents received a cum• mutiny support grant from the Ministr of Community and Social Services. The funds from this will he used to assist senior eitiiens, who can't afford them. to pur- ch;i.c homemaking ars ices. Also. Mrs. Canino told the ;tudicnrt hoard member (tw,n 14'hils,uith of Exeter tt as tttrntk appointed \ president of Chu Ontario As stlti;ation of Visiting Home rakers .lean Young of Wingham, agency administrator. reported in 1980. the agency's caseload aseraged 124 clients pt'r month. Inscr- yiee training programs were held regularly for home. makers and homehetpt'rs on a variety of topics. Mrs. Young said the Ontario Ministry of Health has committed itself to start• ing Chronic Home Care across the province by 1982, which will likely mean "rapid growth and growing pains" for the agency. She said some of the problems they've' been warned to expect are need for more homemakers. a great deal of paperwork. private clients being trans ferret( to thrnnic tare pro ¢rams and "we will he dealing with much sicker people set (,till) need more trained homemakers." She added. "With the announcement of a cutback in dollars for training through Manpower. the pro- blem of having trained home• makers intensifies. especial, l ' in the rear to hen the Ministry' of Health will be making greater demands on us for our serytets,.. The nine people elected to the hoard of directors at the end of the meeting were Bitty Cardno of Scaforth; Lois Hodgert of Scaforth: Pauline Aston of How ick 1'om% ship; Geraldine Gregus of Exeter; Grace Fraser of Bayfield. Rev, Barbara Laing, Dashwood: Irene Okahashi of Bayfield; Rev. Terry Trites of Blucvale and Helen Under. wood of Turnberry Town• ship, Paul Stecklc. Stanley Township reeve, is the county's appointee to the hoard. •Thr 1980 budget for the agency was 5261,891, Although the statement showed a deficit of $6,741 at the end of 1980, there were accounts receivable out• standing of S12.67b at the year's end, Standard WANT ADS WORK Phone 523-9646 Check out the newest in materials for spring and summer sewing