HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-09-01, Page 1T T Volume 85 • No, 51 "Serving Blyth and Curunuultty since 1885" 131,Y'11I, ONTARIO •-- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1971 Blyth Public School Athletes Win Trophy Personal All Chairmen Report Ready For Biggest At Lake Huron Zone Track Meet Interest And Best Thresher Reunion Sept. 10, 11 Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Lush of Myth can be proud of the ath• Standing long jump, 10 and un- Meaford, spent a few days recent' The Iluron Pioneer Threshers were read and approved on mo Ielic prowess of its youngsters. der, Bradley Ilesselwood 3rd; 7 ly with Mr. ti nd Mrs. William met in the Blyth Orange Hall on tion of George Scarson an A team, sponsored by Blyth Re and under 'i'ony Stokes 2nd. Carter. Saturday evening with a very George Brown. creation Committee and organized 60 yard: 12 and under, Kevin lir, and Mrs. Everett Scrim- targe attendance. Chairman Don It was decided that the secret by Mrs. Joan Watson and Mrs. Carter 3rd; 100 yd., 10 and under, geour spent a week's holidays Snell called the meeting to order ary invite the lion. William Stew Elizabeth Bettye, took part in the Craig Miller 2nd; 50 yd., 10 and ,recently at Point Farms and vis - ,at 8:15 p.m, In his opening re art, minister of Agriculture an Lake Huron Zone Region Athlet• under, Craig Miller 3rd; 75 yd„ ied with friends and relatives n m arks he was indeed pleased Food, the Icon. Charles McNaugh is Meet on August 4, in St. 7 and under, Bruce !Junking 1st: tile' area• with the number out, Walter Roy• ton, minister of Highways, Bober Mary's. They returned home 550 yd., 7 and under, Bruce Hunk. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston icic from Flint Mich. lie also ,1lcliin1ey, AI.P., Murray Gaunt, with the trophy as over-all win- ing 1st. of Kirkfielct spent the past week said this would be the last meet- A1,P.I'., Warden or Huron County, ners of the meet with a total of Girls Events visiting at the home of Mr. and ins before the show and hoped Chairman of Agriculture and De 198 points. In addition, Lori Ann Volleyball throw: 15 and under, Alis. Jim Scott Sr, all committees had their ar'rreige• velopment for Huron County, Alex Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wallace Ilcsschvood won the girls' 12 and Barbara Empey 2nd; 12 and un• mints made. McGregor. under trophy, and Bruce flunk- der, Jo Anne Passchier 1st; 10 accompanied by Mrs. Frank Bell All committee chairman report- Motion to pay all small ac- ing %von the boys' 7 and Tinder and under, Debbie thinking 3rd; c►f Morris Township visited re• ed and very satisfactorily. Fred counts after the show by George trophy, Craig Miller was runner- 7 and under, Julia Duttmann 3rd. recently with Mr. and Mrs, Basil Mote reported that the saw mill Brown and laugh Blair. up in the boys' 10 and under sec- Softball throw; 15 and tinder, Wallace and other relatives in will he set up in a few days and A bee will be held Wednesday, tion. Other teams taking part Marie Empey and Wendy Ifessel• ocean Grove, New Jersey. will be sawing a limited number September 8. The threshers ep• were Owen Sound, 193; nicer- wood tied for 2nd; 12 and under,Miss Donalda Lamont, Belgrave, of logs at the show, both clays. predate the way the park looks cline, 184; Sl. Mary's, 148; Wal• Annette Carter 2nd, is visiting this week with her George Scarson reported 11 this year—never looked better, ker'ton, 142; Mount [Forest 78; high jinni): 12 and under, Lori cousin, Maureen McCrea and 4Ir. large steam engines, Don Snell lets all try and keep it that way. and Goder'ich, 69, Ann Ilesselwood 1st; 7 and under, and Mrs. Ralph McCrea. Doug• that there would be more model The annual meeting and hot tur• Debbie Rotz 3rd, las ,McCrea is visiting with Mr. .steam engines this yoar. key banquet was set for October Boys Events Running long jump, 12 and un. and Mrs. Jinn Lamont and fancily Hugh Blair and John llallahnn 22, at 7 p,m. in the Blyth Hall, Volleyball throw: 10 and under, der, Lori Ann Ilesselwood 2nd. of Belgrave. planned for 3 large grain sepal.- Bill Wells and George Brown Dennis Knox 3rd; 7 and under, Standing long jump: 15 and un• Mrs. Mary Gray and Gwenyn• ators as well as two hand fed reported that they had a number Bruce !Junking 1st; Neil Elliott der, Marie Empey 1st; 12 and neth of Weston visited with Mrs. separators operated by Russ Wil• of antique cars lined up. Norm - 2nd. under, Lori Ann Ilesselwood lst: Hohn McNichol last week, son and Hugh Chisholm. an Smith reported a good number Softball throw: 10 and under, 10 and under, Bonnie Bailey 2nd, Mrs. Mary Gray, Mrs. John George Watt reported that the of tractors and small gas engines Craig hiller 1st; 7 and under Neii 60 yds., 12 and under, Christine McNichol and Robert Nesbit ac• Soaforth High ,School Band were lined up. Elliott 1st; Bruce Ilunking 3rd. McNall 3rd; 100 yds., 12 and un- companied Mr. Fred Gray on a coming and Earl Heywood is all Will see you a]1 at the Huron High jump: 10 and under, Brad- der, Lori Ann Ilesselwood 2nd. trip to Northern Ontario and en• set up for the fiddlers and step Pioneer Threshers Reunion on ley Ilesselwood 3rd; 7 and under, 440 relay team: Barb. Empey, joyed an excursion on the Polar dance competition, September 10 and 11. Tony Stokes 2nd, Neil Elliott 3rd. Lori Ann Ilesselwood, Christine Bear Express to Moosenee. The minutes of the last meeting — Simon llallahan, Secretary Bunning long jump; 10 and un- McNa11, Kim Ostct', 3rd. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and grand - der, Craig Miller 3rd; 7 and under The trophy is on display in the daughter Teresa of Brantford O,P.P. Report lash l ee ' Acc�catTony Stokes 2nd. Standard office window spent their holidays with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, George Bailie and family and other rola. During the week August 22 to Lome D, Wilson of Fordwich was tives and friends. Also attended August 28, 1971 the following in• tr":velling west on County Road the christening of Allan Clarence vestigations were carried out by No. 30 in a 1967 Mustang. Com• son of lir. and MT's. Clarence officers at Wingham Detachment. in over the crest of a hill, the Bailie in the F3lyth Anglican (bur investigations under the vehicleSucees� u� Race deet This 'Year Church an August 15th, Liquor Control Act with five which was standing in the centre Mrs, Wnn, Johnson, Brantford, persons charged. of the road. Damage to the Wil - The Blyth Trotting Pony Club ows, Queen of Spades, Ed. Sam- attended the funeral of her cousin Twelve charges laid under the son vehicle was estimated at $150. held their 8th race meet of the der, Zurich, Mr, Cecil Cartwright. Highway Traffic Act with sixteen 00. Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer year last Sunday evening, A very 6th race: Royal Atom, Gordon Mrs, Ifni. Johnson and grand- warnings issued, was the investigating officer. good turnout of ponies and a very Block, Zurich: Nancy Hanover, daughters, Teresa and Charlene, Three persons charged under Also on Thursday, Heinrichofficer. F. enjoyable evening was held. Mel Good, C�odericlt• of Brantford spent the weekend the Criminal Code of Canada, Exel of Brussels, was travelling First race: Johnny Rebel, Abe Children's race: Silver Duke, with Mr, and Mrs. George Bailie Twenty-six investigations cinder north on County Road No. 12 in a Stevens, Singhampton; Princie Don Matheson, Godcrich; Sir An and family and Mr. and Mrs, the Criminal Code of Canada, 1966 mercury when he applied his Pal, Neil Edgar, Wingham; Trig• thong, Rick O'Brien, Zurich: John B. Nesbit and family. On 'Tuesday, August 24, 1971 brakes, causing his vehicle to ger, Alex Keifer, Brussels, l'rincie Pal, Neil Edgar, Wing. Mrs. George Gray and daughter It'rnald Stevenson of R,R, No. 2, swerve on the wet pavement. The 2nd race: Sir Anthony, Eugene roam; Lady 1feather, Wayne Good, of Weston and her mother Mrs. Brussels, was travelling north on vehicle left the west edge of the O'Brien, Zurich; Trigger Express, Godcrich; St, Paul's Lad, Murray .1. ,McNichol visited recently with Sidcroad 15.16, Grey Township in road, struck a road sign and came Philmore Bissett, Godcrich, Aleadow;, St, Pants, Mr, and Mrs. George Bailie and a 1970 Blue Duster when his ver to rest in the west ditch. There 3rd race: Lady Heather, Reg. Powder puff: St. Paul's Lad, family. hicle struck the left side of a were no injuries as a result of Good, Godcrich; Silver Duke, Barbara Futcher, St. Pauls: Lucy. Mr, and Mrs, Wnn, Gow of 13e1• 196.1 Chevrolet driven by Vera the accident, and damages were Philmore Bisset, Jean l�'e;Tran, Goderich; Fleet- grave attended the christening of Weber, also of H.R. 2, Brussels, estimated at $200,00. Prov. Const, 4th race: SL Paul's Ginger, Jack wood Ginger, Marg Cunningham, Allan Clarence, son of Mr, and (Both driver's were injured as a K. R. Balzer investigated. Meadows, St. Pauls; Fleetwood l,ucan; Lucky, 1larj McNair, Mrs, Clarence Bailie in Blyth An• result of the accident, as well as On Saturday, August 28, 1971, Ginger, Bev. Cu mingham, Lucan, Myth, glican Church, August 15th, Bruce Weber of R,11:, 2, Brussels, William 11. Carswell of Fordwich 5th race; Lucy, Ben Feaga,n, 'There will be another race meet Mr. and Mrs, ltarvey Sillib en- who was a passenger in the Weber was travelling north on Sideroad Godorich; Lucky, Don McNall, on Sunday evening, Septembr 12 joyed a week recently vacation- vehicle. Damages 10 both vehicles 15, ilowick Township in a 1963 Blyth; St, Paul Lad, Jack Mead- at 7 p.m• ing in the Muskoka District, was estimated at $3100.00. Prov. Chrysler when the front right. Mrs. Mabed Cowin, Perth, Aus. Const, G. L. Foulon investigated corner of his vehicle struck the 1ra1ia, who spent a month visiting the accident. south end of the bridge railing with Mr. and ,firs, Lewis Whit. field and family left from Strat• ford on Thursday, August 18 for Vancouver where she will sail for home on the Ornsey. Recent visitors with IV1r. and Mrs, Roy McViltie were Mr, and Airs, Ben Burd and boys, Lake land, Florida, Air. and MT's, Har- ry Anderson, Carson City, Mich., Mr, and Zit's, lion Curts, Arkona, and Airs, Lorne Duncan, Arviila, Quebec, Sunday visitors with MT', and Mrs, Roy McViltie were Mr. Wm. lioggart, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, Randy Witte, London, Mr, Ken •JdcVittie, Listowel, and Miss Lin- da Elliott. • d • • d t Trothng Pony Club Holds 8th Bridal Shower Held For Jay Scott A brietal shower was held on Thursday, August 26 at the horse of Mrs, F, Konarski to honor the bride to be, Jay Scott of Blyth, on the occasion of her forthcom• ing marriage to Derwin Carter of Clinton. Mrs. Ed Bell was co. hostess. Corsages were pinned on Jay, ,Mrs, Jim Scott Jr., and Mrs, Jim Jinn Scott Sr, by Kay Konarski, Contests were played, then the following address was read by Kray Konarski, Dear Jay, As you are all quite aware, We gathered here, that. this even- ing with you we might share, And for those of us, who know you only by name, We hope that soon your friend- ship we'll claim, We do not know this Derwin very well, But in Jay's eyes, he is swell, And now that he has whispered, "Will you be mine?" Soon Jay will become a bride so fine. There'll be plenty of ups and downs, There'll be smiles and maybe some frowns, But with high ideals and love sincere, The storms of life you need not fear, For God will lead yoti all the way '1'o the peaceful calm of yotu' happiest day, And now as a token of our good wishes, We ask you to accept these friendly gifts, And without any further adieu, We'll all just .wish the best for you, The joy that conies from loves that's true, And God's richest blessing upon 4•Ii GIRLS WANTED you two. — Friends and Neighbours Betty and 'Teresia Konarski brought in the gifts and presented them to the bride to be .and after opening them, Jay thanked ev- eryone for their lovely gifts and invited therm to visit her in her home at 138 Erle St., Clinton, '!'here were around 40 guests present from Blyth, Walton, Lon• desboro, Clinton, Lunch was served by Mrs, Ed, Bell and Mrs, Konarski. The 4.11 Project for the fall is "Dairy Fare", Any girls who are 12 by the 1st of September are elegible to take the course, The organization sleeting for the Blyth club will be on 'Thursday, Septan. ber 2nd in the Mcnnoria1 (tall, On 'Thursday, August 26, 1971 on the east side of the road. Da- mage to his vehicle was estiniat- ed at $500.00. Prov, Const. X, It. Balzer investigated, I.1, B. McKittrick, Public Information, Wingham 357-3232 BIRTH GLOUSIIER -- '1'o Mr, and Mrs. 1)on Glousher on Monday, Aug- ust 16, 1971 in Clinton Public Hospital, the gift of a son, Graham Paul, a brother for Karen and Billy, 13UFFINGA—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, August 15, 1971, to Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Buffinga, the gift of a son, Hen- ry Albert. A brother for Janine. Breaks Hip During Trip West ,firs. Calvert. Falconer had the misfortune to fall last Thursday and fracture her hip. She and Calvert were visiting with their son Carl at Edmonton when the accident occurred. She is report- ed to be doing quite well and ex- pects to be able to get up sone^ AUXILIARY TO MEET time this week, Mrs, Falconer The regular meeting of the ia currently a patient in Royal Ladies Auxiliary to Blyth Branch Alexander hospital, nursing star No, 420 Royal Canadian Legion tion 43, and would quite likely will be held Monday, September appreciate hearing from her 6. friends. cost, Conservation Area Receives Grant The Honourable George A, Kerr, Q,C,, Minister of the Environment and Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Iluron-Bruce, announce the approval of a provincial grant of S3,150,00 to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for the 'Pi. oneer Conservation Area. This area comprises a small area of flood plain land on the Little Alaitland River in the Vil- lage of Bluevale, Township of Titrnberry. Development work is to be car• tied out in the upstream area and will include installation of erosion control structures, establishment of vegetative cover and provision of parking control barriers, All member municipalities will bear the Authority's share of the THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1911 THE BILL SMILEY COLUMN --- FAREWELL, OLD CAR Well, it looks as though any more travelling I do before summer bids us farewell will be on foot. Kim passed her driving test today. It was a pretty tense morning for both of us. She was afraid she might fail her test. I was afraid she might pass it. Just to complicate matters, she turned up for her test at 9:30 a.m., only to discover that she was slated for 3:30 p.m. tihe claims it was their mistake, but knowing my daughter I have a good idea who made the error. However, the chaps giving the tests managed to work her in at 10 a.m., when someone else failed to show up. So that meant I had time for only about ten cigarettes as I waited, pretending to read the morning paper. But it gave me a chance to look at the people preparing for their tests, Quite a cross-section. They ranged from a skinny 16 -year-old boy who wanted a driver's license for his motor cycle, to an old chap with a hearing aid and almost blind in his left eye. Lath passed, but 1 hope I never meet either on the highway. Then a couple of former students of mine walked in. They cse the type who have probably been driving for several years without a license and have finally been nailed. They are pleasant 1:.c1s, but while neither is dumber than an ox, neither is smarter. Their procedure was typical. They filled out the application cards wrong, and had to do them over again. When Mike was asked by the officer where he lived, he jerked his thtunb at Peter and said, "Two houses down from him", while the officer rolled his eyes. He wanted an address. Then the pair 'sat down at the lora; table to fill out the written test. Ten minues later they were sitting, brows furrowed, with about three out of forty squares ticked off. I tossed them a word of encouragement, It might be easier if you could read and write, eh?" Unfazed, they just grinned. Peter retorted, "Yeah, we shouldn'ta gonna sleep in all thein there English classes". Fine physical specimens both, they'll probably make excellent but d.:ngerous drivers. I'm not implying that the driving tests are easy. They're quite tough, When I got my license, the job of testing aspirants was a political sinecure. The tester told me to arrive at his place of business at 6.00 p.m. Ife iecke,d up the store, told me to drive inn home, about eight blocks, I gave him two bucks, and that was it. When my wife got hers, some ten years later, it was the s: me procedure. 'rhe police cb`.ef had her pick him up at the office, thay drove are'and three or four blocks and she took him home to l:'nch. (At his place, not ours,) Tocloy there's a whole battery of physical tests, a written t st on the rules of the road, and the actual driving test, A good many people are flunked, and I'm all for that. What I'd really like to see is a compulsory test for every driver about every two years, and a go^cl stiff one. Could you pass, Jack, with your colour-blindness? Could y.,u pass, lady, with your total inabi'.lity to parallel park? •Could y,.i pass, Grandad, with your arthritis? I think a great many of us would be rot nut to pasture. Anyway, Kim returned. I expected to see her with a face a; long as a foot. She was beaming. My heart sank. There's going to he a fight here every day until she gets hack to school, .,I I :ll�i'I r,';IIN I!'•(�!'plUlll',l'l1I�1�9'�i�iIlDlltjllii {t' I';ij i;� II;II°r;!!•l. I n v 11 Iii Ill I, I ! I I VIII I 'ill n I I,II � II ,IIII I!I�INPIII',I'LJIIII I111;I1!',I III 11 !� I I „ !„ � 1 1 'i4 L..I t . M,I ill!;,Il I!I qr gi l!i nil! 1.6kitl;,g IIII 111 ; I i�!I IIM1IE d I I !! I'I I,'I�I WHAT'S NEW AT HURONVIEW -rr Mr, Dick Roorda of Clinton Christiian Reform Chui`ch led the song service held in the auditorium on Sunday evening. Several visitors along with a good attendance of residents gathered in the auditoriwn on Monday afternoon for old time musk and dancing and a sing -a -long, Miss Della Peart, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins supplied the music, Due to the inclement weather the bus trip scheduled for Wednesday was postponed for one week. The afternoon was spent playing several table games. Russell and Dorothy Sewers of Tee.swvate'r, who are enter- taining in the area during July and August, provided an hour of music on Thursday Family Night. The program which included several familiar songs was enjoyed by the residents who joined together in applause to the young couple, The band concerts which have been hell on the lawn during the summer have been quite a success and it has been decided to arrange to have them again next year if possible beginning in June, If you have a group who would i`ke to entertain the residents for an hour sometime during the year, we would be glad to hear from you. •nit III ;9"II I In gill II " I I II II IN' I I I II II' IIII II ' I I !! !!drfU'! G P9I''p!{IIU!il! ' (,i T it it Ili Ill t llllli i!!1 I ! 141 IiII .!1! !!Illi II! II! !1!111!! ypl I l r I I ii!ill!!I I I II'. II ! i ! ! II I I, ..;L. Ita�l IIS'..' 1 �I!�1;, tlt! lel, Il.11!: ull�1,11411I11 I .I , I , , .I �i., . ,.,: ! ! .lJl l ..I! LI;Ir LI. !ill .IIII I!I, I � I I Ii! n I I I WESTFIELD NEWS Miss Diane Bogie and Master Paul Bogie, Goderich visited re- cently with their grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Howatt. Mss Gladys McDowell, Goder- ich, Miss Marjorie Morrish and Mrs, Mary Wilson of Toronto vi- sited recently with Mrs, Mary McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horne and ( tinily of Windsor visited recently with Miss Jeanetta Snell and Mr. Cordon Snell. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Brommer moved into their new home at P.R. 3, Blyth recently. Mr. and Mrs, George Howatt, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Howatt. The Anniversary Service at Westfield Fellowship Hour was held on Sunday, August 29 with a good attendance. Special music was rendered by the Wright Fa- mily from the Six Nation Indian Reserve at Hagersville, Rev. John Campbell, Schuler, Alberta, sang a solo. Rev, R. Brubacher gave an inspiring message. Rev. Wm. Taylor, Dorchester, closed the service with the benediction, WALTON AREA NEWS EVENTS Fun Carnival Held At Park The Walton Women's Institute were hosts to a "Fun Carnival" on Saturday evening in the Wal- ton Community Park. The even- ing began at seven when a ball game got underway between the Midgets and the men of the conunmunity. Judging the decorated bicycles followed when they formed a cir- cle around the park, making a colorful parade. Danny Achilles won first prize for the best dec- orated and Peter Bennett for the most orginal, each contestant re- ceived a chocolate bar for their effort. The fish pond was a busy spot and well attended by the children. Many games of Bingo were play- ed. Ann and Keith Clark enter- tained the children with pony rides. The ladies were kept busy in the booth till long after dark. The highlight of the evening was the display of fireworks and the children made a wonderful sight when they formed a circle in the park, with each one wag- ing a lighted sparkler. Surprise Party Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, Chris Lee called at their home on Wednesday evening to honor them on their recent mar- riage. An address of Congratu- lations and Best Wishes war read by Ross Bennett and Mac Shold- ice presented Judy and Chris with a gift of money. Lunch was served by the ladies of the community and a social time followed. Honoured at Reception A large crowd of neighbors, re- latives and friends attended the reception and dance in the Wal- ton Community Hall to honor the recent newlyweds Mr. and Mrs, Graeme Craig. Mrs. Craig is the former IIelen Elliott, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon El- liott, Seaforth. Prior to lunch, the couple was called to the platfo>;m when an address of Best Wishes was read by Fred Uhler and a gift of mon- ey was presented by Keith Wil- liamson. During the evening dancing was oe to the mu• enjoyed d sic of ran Wilbee and his orches• tra. Shower held for Miss Judy King Mrs. Tom Shortreed and Emma were hostesses in their home for a miscellaneous shower Wednes- day evening for Miss Judy King of Gorrie whose marriage to Ken Shortreed takes place September 3. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Sinith are Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith, Paula and Peter of Sault Ste Marie, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden and Linda, Mr, Art Snell, and Mrs. Charlotte Cook, Blyth, were Paris and Ayr visitors on Sunday. Mr. Rodney Challis, London, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Groot. Air, and Mrs. David Chambers and family of Barrie visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Verbeek and family, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Smith on Sunday • were Mr. and Mrs, William Smith of Brussels, Miss Margery Sinith and Miss Ruth Rayworth, Kitchen- er, Rev, Morris Vincent of London visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Peter de Groot visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Van der Eems of Streetsville. Rev, and Mrs, John Campbell of Schuler, Alberta, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Mrs. Mark Webster conducted three contests. The bride-to-be, her mother, Mrs. Ellen King of Gorrie and the groom's mother Mrs, Jim Shortreed were seated In decorated chairs which formed the setting of pink and white streamers with white bells for the honored guest. Many beauti- ful gifts were presented to Judy from her friends and neighbors and she made a most gracious reply. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. Mack Webster and Mrs. Gordon Shortreed. Miss Margaret Short• reed and Michelle Beuerman helped serve. Personals 11r. and Mrs. Emmerson Mit- chell, Ross, Doug and Neil spent a recent Sunday with the Mit- chell's and Miss Lizzie Dickson i.t their cottage at Poplar Beach near Kincardine, the boys re- mained for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Stutz, V; aterloo, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Dundas. Frank Kirkby is a patient in Seaforth Community Ilospital. Mr, and Mrs. Jim McNeil, Ter- esa and Paula, Hanover, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Tom Kirkby. Mr. and firs, Stewart Humph- ries visited with Mrs. Margaret llumphries, Clinton. Michelle Beuerman returned to her home in Goderich on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Shortreed. Mr, and Mrs. Doug Kirkby spent a few days holidaying in the Niagara Peninsula. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wilbee and family who have been here on holidays from the west visited Mr. and Mrs, Ian Wilbee and olh- e:. relatives in the area. Mr. Gordon Mitchell left for Conestoga on Monday where he begins an 8 week course at the Technical College. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig have moved to their farm formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, Mr, and Mrs. Graeme Craig, recent newly-weds, have taken over the home farm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills spent several days holidaying with Drs. Jean and Gerd Westermann at Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills and fancily at I3rampton. Darlene Gulutzen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen Jr., h td the misfortune to fracture her a 'm in a fall in the barn on the farm of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gulutzen Sr. She is re - Campbell, Mrs, Audrey Bailie, Lisa, Janet and Paul, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook. Mr, Donald Edworthy returned with them to Galt, Miss Sharon Cook, Miss Linda Walden and Miss Joan Stewart, Teeswater, and Miss Gail Seers, Auburn, spent last week at Aintree ']'railer Camp, Miss Susan Campbell of Glen- coe, visited for several days with Miss Judy McDowell, Mrs. Arnold Cook visited in Woodstock recently and attended the golden wedding anniversary of NII, and Mrs, George Jones, par- ents of Miss Kay Jones, Visitors on the weekend with Miss Judy McDowell were Miss Bonnie Murray and Miss Cheryl Moore of Toronto, Miss Darlene Coultas, Beigrave, visited for several days with Miss Carol McDowell, ported to be coming along nicely and expects to be able to leave the Seaforth Community Hospital in another week. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Smith, Kevin and Laurie, spent a few clays holidaying in the 13racebridge area and also toured Santa's vil- lage. Miss Linda 'Traviss, Guelph, and Mr, 1{oy Gingrich, Kitchener, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Roger Humphries was success- ful in receiving his Itoyal Life Saving Bronze test at the Seaforth I,ions Pool. Mr, and Mrs. Harold McCallum visited Mr. and Mrs. George Me. Callum of Galt, and attended the Ch alters.Mitcheli wedding recent - Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan McCall were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Young, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 13ryans of Ayr, Donald Currie of Brampton, and 13arrie Currie of London. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dennis vis• iteci their daughter Joan who has been employed al Sparrow Lake for the summer holidays. Mis; Jennifer Kirkby and Paul holidayed for a few days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and \Irs. .logn Berrie Jr., and boys, P.R. 2, Brussels. Visiting at Boiler Beach, [al- e irdine, were Mr. and Mrs. herb Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. I)on Mc. 1?,maid and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall, Murray and Jack. Miss Carol Wilbee, Mr. and llr�. Neil McGavin and family, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ilackwell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald. Joyce and Carl McCallum spent a few days holidays with their grandpatcnls, Mr. and Mrs. Fd. Heady, McKillop. ll t' and Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Miller Bewley and Mrs. N'el'on Marks, Sandra Crich and c�ail Traviss, motored to Port Stanton for the clay and visited Brenda Bewley and Karen Mc. Donald who work at Torpit Lodge. I ,.1mvuB (!Uiurc1is CHURCH OF GUI) hlcConnel Street, Blyth Itev, r, Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m. -- Worship Service. Wednesday 4 • 5 p.m. — Children's IIour. Wednesday sk • 9 p.m. — Prayer and Study 'Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TIIE REV. J. KEITH STOKES, B.A,, S.T.B. 8 a,tn, — Auburn — 9:30a.m.—Blyth — 9:30 a.m. — Belgrave — 11:00 a,m. -- Brussels — TTTE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Tlfh REV. CECIL L. WITTICII, B,A,, B.D, Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, Church Service — 11 a.m. Come and Worship CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV, [l, W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m, -- Morning Service 2:30 p.m, -- Afternoon Service (in Dutch) WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR Rev, R. Brubacher — Minister Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m, Inter -Denominational -- All are Welcome. The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK Minister -- Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9,45 am. ' Auburn 11,15 a.m. "Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits you. ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — BLYTH Priest — Rev, James E. Kelly Mass at Blyth 10:15 lglllilllllllllllllll111111F11111 111 l 0011101111111111E1 1111111111111111111111 111!IIIII!I11n!IIII ll 1111111111111111111111i111111111111 Ill! I11111111111ll111101!IIII111111 IIIb LONDESBORO NEWS ITEMS Cheerio Club The Cheerio meeting was held on Wednesday, August. 25th at the home of the president, Mrs. Ena Ilowatt, with 12 members and 1 visitor present. Mrs. Ilowatt read a poem, "Ile COI11Cs" followed by all reading hymn 311. Mrs. glow• att read "(fill Climbs," Scripture was read by Mrs. Durnin. Minutes of the June meeting and the report of the July picnic were read, also the treas- urer's report. The September sleeting will be in charge of group 2 and will be held at the -home of Mrs. E. 1'oungblut. The collection was taken. Roll call was answered by what you did on your summer vacation. Program included a contest, Ann Landers, questions and answers by Mrs. 13. Shobbrook; a reading "Hurrah for grandma" by Mrs. J. Armstrong; a contest naming articles on a tray by Mrs. G. Robinson; and a reading "pic- torial tonic" by Mrs. Robinson. The meeting closed with hymn "I love to tell the story" and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Euchre was played and lunch served by group 1, Mrs. E. How- att, firs. E. Gaunt, Mrs, 13. Sho- bbrook and Mrs. Lillie Webster. Personals; Mrs, Allen Shaddick is spending this week at Music Workshop at Geneva Park on Lake Chouiching. Mrs. 'Townsend, Miss Dorothy Little and Airs. 13onthonl returned home on 'Tuesday night from a 2 week's vacation at Gun Mountain, I'arrys Bay. glut Mrs. Earl Gaunt and Mrs. Della McDowell, Blyth, re- turned home on Monday night lif- ter a weeks vacation at Driftwood Beach. Mrs. Morley Crockford, 'Toronto, and Mrs. Archie Weber, Exeter visited their aunt Mrs. Harry Durnin and lir. Dtu'nin on Tues - clay night. Airs. Laura Lyon and Miss Ed• ythe Beacom are spending two Elliott Insurance Agency HLYTH -- ONTARIO. Imo.. .I / N Nrr♦OINI/.I IM. II INSU RANCE IN ALL BRANCHES 1(JTOMOBILE, FIItE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS. ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE "WE SI'N;CI t1.I/,E IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 Call In For A Tasty Treat 1.111111111111 ECU, COl11tSE MEALS — LIGHT LUNCHES ICF, ({1;AM — CHINESE FOOD %Vt: SP'1;('1A1,IZE IN TAK1;•OUT ORDERS — P11, 523.43111 HURON GI I I . Y T I I, (1 N' r A R I° Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-1421 We Deliver Nestle Quick 2 lb. box 83c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 15 oz. size .... 39c Scotowels, white or coloured, 2 roll pkg. 45c Maple Leaf Canned Ham, 1 112 lb. tin .. 1.49 E.D. Smith Pie Fillings, apple or raisin 2 - 19- oz. tins , ... 79c York Peanut Butter, 24 oz. jar 75e Clover Leaf Solid Tuna, 7 112 oz. tin 52e Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 - 10 oz. tins 27c Schneider's Soft Margarine 1 lb. 45c Coleman's Vac Pack Weiners, 1 ib. pkg. 55c Coleman's Dinner Hams, vac pack 2 112 to 3 lb. Ib. 93c Weston's Dinner Rolls pkg. 35c Weston's Oatmeal Cookies 3 pkgs. 1.00 Cauliflower each 39c Ontario Cooking Onions 10 lb. bag 75c Bananas 2 lb. 29c Kist Pop - Pepsi, Orange, G. Ale, Lime 4 for 89c weeks in London with Mr', Ron Neal and Douglas while Marguer- ite had surgery in Victoria Ilosp• ital on August 23rd. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook spent the weekend in Woodstock with their daughter Mrs. Ross Millsun, Mr. Millson and family and attended Rev. Brenton's fare- well sermon from Chalmers Uni- ted Church, Woodstock to Botany Church, H.R. 3, Chathain, The Woods family held a picnic on Sunday, August 29th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1larry Lev, Danny and David. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. E. Manning of Mullett, Mr. and Mrs, Bill An- drews, Greg, Brenda and Nancy, of 'Toronto, 11r. and Mrs. �1Cen Wood, ,Janet, Joanne, Karen and Douglas of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Stan Johns, Stephen, Rich- ard and Lisa, of Tuckersnlith. The weather was perfect and all had a good time. Mrs. Joe Shaddick is spending this week in Goderich with her son John. Debbie and Danny. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Shaddick on tltc birth of a ;;on on August 28th in Goderich 11ospita1. Congratulations to Mr, Will Govier who celebrated his 87th birthday with a family gathering on Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jack Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton of London. Mr. Govier returned home on Monday. Larry Carter and Randy Millar competed in the 1st annual Junior Golf Tournament at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club on Thurs- day, August 26, 28 boys took part with Larry winning top honours in the 14.15 year old class and Randy finishing second. Their 18 hole scores were 81 and 84., Ken Doig Jr, of Seaforth was the overall winner with a 78; Larry Carter, second; Randy Millar, 3rd, Mrs. Mac 1lodgert, Laurel and Pat of Kirkton visited on Sunday with her brother Mr. and Airs. Gordon Howatt and family, also with her mother Mrs. E. Ilowatt and attended hope Chapel Ceme- tery Decoration Service. Mr. and Mrs. Arie Duizer re- turned hone Monday, August 30, from a 3 week visit to Holland, Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay Calder of Kintore visited last Sunday with Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice and Ann. Mrs. I-Iarvey I►unking's family visited with her on Sunday and attended I-Iope Chapel Cemetery Decoration Service. 6 1 { Donald G. Ives BERG .Sales - Service installation • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling FREE ESTIMATES R.It. 2, BLYTII Phone Brussels 887.9024 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON THE I3LYTI1 STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, t Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service, 21 • (lour Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237.c-70 08.tf; .41 BEAT THE HEAT THIS SUMMER Now that summer is here, this would be the time to consider insulation of your attic with lonolite Insulation to prevent the heat penetrating your ceilings and making the bedrooms of your house uncomfortable, also it would serve a two fold benefit of holding the heat In the house in winter thereby saving fuel. This makes good sense to us so we say "au,vi"TUE; HEAT WI'l'II ''/.ONOLITE INSULATION". See us for Estimates of your insulation requirements and any advice that we could make available to you. ALSO IN STOCK AT OUIt YARD A complete line of fibre glass insulation, styrofoam, pouring wool etc, For your ventilation problems we carry in stock aluminum combination doors and aluminum windows by order only. A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. IILY'TH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4251 �1d��lrad8• tun DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VP'I`1u:PTN ARY 1VIPTITrTNVS OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE 1971 TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY (ARS - the price is right! 1970 PON'ITIAC Par., 2 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb automatic 2 - 1969 PON'[IIAC Par., 4 dr., hardtops 1969 CI -TEV. 4 dr., v8, ps, pb 1969 PONTIAC Par., 2 dr. hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1969 PONTIAC Lauri 2 dr., hardtop, auto., v8,ps, pl) 1969 DODGE Dart, 11 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 2 - 1969 DODGE 4 dr. sedans, v8, automatic, radio, ps, pb 1968 CADILLAC 4dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1967 FORD Custom 500, 2 dr„ 6 cyl., aut., radio 1967 CHEV. VAN, 6 cyl, 1967 CHIN 112 ton Panel, 6 cyl. 1967 FORT) Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par., 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1966 CHEV. Super Sports 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 1966 METEOR Station Wagon, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1965 IMPALA 4 dr., hardtop, v8, automatic Hamms CAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 s THE BLYTII STANDAR.!) — WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, BELGRAVE NEWS EVENTS 1971 III -C Takes Church Service Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Riddell Misses Sandra and Lisa Camp - ad Linda of London, Mr. and bell of Winthrop, visited a few Mrs. Vern Riddell, North Bay, days . tvith their grandparents, and Yvonne Riddell, Toronto, cal- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ilibberd, led recently on their cousins, Mr. (intended for last week) and Mrs. harry McGuire and Mr, Little Clinton Lennox of Gorrie and Mrs. Lewis Stmehouse. spent two weeks with his uncle Mr. and Mrs, Roy McSween ac• and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne companied Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson. Vincent and Paul of Oakville on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, a c;,ntping trip recently. They Clinton Lennox, Mrs, Robert Stove toured through New York State, of Atwood, Kenneth Whitard of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and London, spent. Sunday with Mr. Maryland, visiting the Shenandoah and Mrs, Randy White of Baden, Cavern and John F. Kennedy's Mr. and ,Mrs, Benson Shackle - grave in Arlington National Cem• ton and Carol, of Crewe, Mrs, etcry. John McWhinney of Port Elgin, Davidson's Well Drilling Ltd. and Mrs, William Larkin visited are drilling a well on the prem• on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. ises of Van Camp Contruction in Walter Scott and Mrs. Norman Be'.grave. Jack Van Camp plans Shackleton, to service his apartments, office, Sunday visitors at the home of ‘varkshcp and future homes to be lir. and Mrs. Walter Scott were built. Mr, and Mrs, William Shackleton, Debbie and Janice, of Burlington. They also visited with their grand mother, Mrs. Norman Shackleton at the same home, ' The Women's Institute Hall in Be!grave has taken on a new look. The inside has been pan- elled and painted and the outside painted. This work has been sponsored by the Belgrave Worn. en's Institute. The Belgrave squirts ended Sunday visitors with Mr. and their softball season by winning .Urs. Albert Vincent were Mr. the Tri -County Squirt Trophy last Martin Grasby, Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Tuesday evening in Atwood. The Bullock of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. trophy, donated by William W. John Scofield and Elsie of Park- Harrison of Wroxeter, will be put `till and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Mc• up for annual competition, It was CI ea of Blyth. presented by David Neilson, pres- Mrs. Thomas Johns and family ide.'nt of the league, and Mr, Hat. - of Flint, Michigan visited Thurs• rison. lay with Mr. and Mrs, Albert The quarterfinal series was Vincent, played against Kurtzville and the Saturday visitors at the home semi-finals against Belmore with .f Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and Belgrave taking each two games Jchn were Mr, and Mrs. William straight. The finals saw them Mill, llrs. Clarence Paulen of come up against Atwood in a 3 Wi]ewdale, Mrs. Mitchell Leibler out of 5 series. Four games were if Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. Elvey played with Belgrave suffering Mock, Monkton and Mrs, Keith its only loss of the season to At• Rock and Janette of Walton. wood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd visited on Sunday with Mr. and Competes In Pony Races Sirs. Austin Stinson and Mr. and Mrs. Rey Kennedy of Fordwich. Neil Edgar of Wingham, driv- Rcbert Hibberd had charge of ing Princic Pal, placed third and .he services at Kurtzville and second respectively in the two Fordwich United Churches Sun- heats at the Blyth trotting pony .lay morning. races on Sunday, posting times of Rev. Will and Mrs. Taylor of 2:35 and one-fifth and 2:30 a; cl Dorchester were Sunday visitors one-fifth. Ife was competing a - with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Taylor gainst Abe Stevens of Singhamp- and lir. and Mrs. William Taylor. ton and Alex Keifer of Brussels Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor and who guided Johnny Rebel and Dennis of Kentbridge visited on Trigger. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James There were six races plus a R. Cottltes, children's race and a powder pu:f Miss Audrey Coultes of Guelph event. The Wingham entry pia: :pent the week with her parents ed fifth in the former and there Mr, and Mrs, James Coultes. was no local entry in the ladies Mr. Garry McSween of Wing- Tate. harp visited with his grandpar- ents Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent. Community Shower Held For Mrs. Alva McDowell of Blyth Debbie Cook visited on Friday with Mrs, Albert Vincent and Mrs. Herb Wheeler. Miss Maureen McCrea of Blyth visited with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent. Miss Thelma McEwen and Mrs. Jack McLean of Warren, Michi- gan were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John. Joanne and Jennifer Rock re• turned to their home near Monk - ton after spending two months holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Rinn. On Thursday Mrs, Allan Smith and fancily of Flint, Michigan, vis- ite:1 with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Mr. and Mrs, William Graf of Chepstow, were Wednesday after- noon visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John. Messrs Clifford Coultes and C. R. Ccultes are visiting with Clif- ford's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Coultes of Wawanesa, Mani- toba. Scott Coultes, who has been holidaying with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coultes, re- turned home with them. Mr, and Mrs, Gary Leitch and Julie Ann are spending a few clays with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mr, and Mrs. Jack McBurney visited on the weekend with her sister, Mrs, Eugene Armitage, of Port Stanley, Mrs, Russel Walker and Missl Etna Driver of Goderich, visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire. Squirts Win Tri County Trophy The service on Sunday at Bel - grave United Church was taken by the IIi-C group. They also formed the choir and sang three numbers, "Oh Jesus I Have Pro- mised" "Let there be Peace" and "The Lord's Prayer." Mr. Ross Procter was speaker. Ile made use of records and po- etry to illustrate his talk. Those taking part in the serv- ice were Mary Anne Wheeler, Evelyn Bieman, Brenda Johnston, Louise and Cameron Procter, Marion McGee, Nancy and Rich. and Anderson, Joyce Taylor and Marilyn Robertson. Jr. Auxiliary 20th Meeting The 20th meeting of the Bel - grave Junior Auxiliary was held at the Orange fall on Saturday morning. The meeting opened with games led by April McBurn- ey. She also led in the opening exercises which included the pro- mise, members prayer, motto and Junior Auxiliary hymn. Patsy Scott took charge of the roll call. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Brenda Nethery, The treasurer's report was given by Betty Meurs. The new business consisted of leader of games for next meeting, Karen Scott; leader for singsong Bonnie Walker; Dianne Scott to help with the worship service; clean up girl is April McBurney. Patsy Scott helped with the worship service. Dianne Scott and April McBurney collected the offering and Cathy Walker re• cited the offertory prayer. The workshop proceeded with the girls making a party doll out of plastic bottles and billies to give for the community badge. A pa- jama party was held at. Janette Johnston's home. The sing song was led by Dianne Scott. Now we close our meeting was sung followed by the closing prayer. A community shower, was held in the basement of the Belgrave. United Church on Saturday even- ing in honour of Miss Debbie; Cook, A sing -song was conducted by Mrs. Ross Taylor and Mrs. \1'illiam Coultes, accompanied by Mrs, George Johnston. Mrs. Walter Scott gave two readings, "A IIen Peck Man" and "The Mistake." Contests were conducted by Mrs. Ross 'Taylor and Mrs, Robert Taylor. An address was read by ,,1rs, Murray Scott and the bride to he was assisted in opening her gifts by her mother, Mrs, Eldon Cook, and the groom's mother, Mrs, Stan Hopper, Mrs, William 'Tayl- or presented her with a recipe book containing recipes from th.! guests at the shower, Debbie thanked all for her beautiful gifts and lunch was served by her neighbours. Reception and Dance W.I. Grandmother's Meeting Mrs. Stanley Cook and Mrs. Hobert Higgins were convenors of the grandmother's meeting of the Belgrave W.I. on Tuesday of last week. The roll call "a remedy grand- mother used" brought forth a variety of interesting reminiscenc- es. The motto, "grow old along with me, the best is yet to be" was composed by Mrs. Albert Coultes and read by Mrs. Stanley Cook. Guest speaker, Rev. 11, L. Jen- nings, • gave a historical talk on his life and ministry, showing se- veral articles he had acquired while in the North \Vest Territor- ies near Great Bear Lake. Mrs. Robert Biggins introduced and thanked the speaker, Two readings were given by Mrs. Stewart Procter and Miss Carel Higgins played two selec- tions on the piano. Prizes were given for the tallest grandmother. AUCTION SALEMrs, Clifford PtJ:don; shortest grandmother, Mrs, Jack Andet • of Ilousdhold Furniture & Antiques son; grandmother wlih the most will he held for Ross Leiper, Lot buttons, Mrs. Walter Scott; the 3, Con, 11, IIullett Township, 51 grandmother wearing the smallest miles east of Londesboro or 9 shoe, Mrs, Alvin Higgins; most miles west of Seaforth on great grandchildren, Mrs. Robed Purdon; youngest grandmother, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Mrs, George Michie, at 1:30 p.m.A short business period was conducted by the president, Mrs, Norman Coultes. The secretary, Mrs, Stan hopper, read minutes of the June meeting and gave the financial statement. The hall has recently been painted on the in- terior and exterior and the roof recoated, Bills were presented for these expenses, The training school for 4-1.1 leaders will be held in Wingham August 26, 27, 30 and 31 for fall project "Dairy Fare." This club shows how milk in its many forms, cheese and other dairy pro- ducts may be used in an interest- ing variety of ways for family and company fare, Any girl who will be 12 years old by September 1st and wishes to participate is urged to contact a W.I. member or club leader Immediately. A social hour concluded the meeting, Lunch was served by Allan Macintyre, auctioneer, Mrs, George Michie, Mrs, Herb Lucknow. Wheeler and Mrs, Earl Anderson. George Powell, clerk, A reception and dance was held in the Women's Institute Hall on Friday evening in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Brian !topper (Lois Cooper) now residing in Listowel. Music was supplied by Mann's Orchestra. After lunch was served Mr, and Mrs, Hopper were called to the platform and an address was read to them by Glenn Coultes. Robert Higgins presented tltetn with a gift of money, Both Lois and Brian made a suitable reply, 1 9 Ri I til Fitt. igii 4� ill1 ill�lhl Inn ,,1'� ;,r:',.; ; �„�; ; ;���•,m���,�rt;,,]ilI!rp([jI!f�liil!i �,I�hnl!”I1IjlggrP�"!�I1pl�l�!��f!I'11.r!11 i!�L . i�.lm , V t,,1,.�ll.�l., I f THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whit more, Publisher Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, 13L1"fl1, ONTARIft Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year Outside Canada tin advance) $5.00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319" '7:,,71111V:111W , 17 7, 71111!11„ rrgpl.1l17l7 r ) WHEN YOU'RE IN TOWN VISIT THE INN SIT YOURSELF DOWN AND JOIN RIGHT IN Entertainment & Dancing I'ltI1)AY& SATURDAY NIGIITS AT The Blyth Inn BLYTII, ONT. S'T'AFF REQUIREMENTS SOCIAL AND FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF HURON Applications for two field work- ers for the new Social and Family Services Department are now be• .ng accepted. Work will be divided between the North and the South of the County. Please state qualifica• :ions, age, experience, etc. Salary range $6,000 • $7,000 per annum. A Secretary is also required for this department, Location of position • Goderich. Please state experience, lige, qualifications, etc. Salary range to be in actor- :lance with present County Policy', All applications for the positions close on Friday, September 10. Apply in writing to John G. Berry, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich. 51.1 FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE 200 acres, 9 room brick house, bath, oil furnace, new barn, tie up for 42 cows, new silo, milk house, hulk cooler, stable cleaner, 40 milk cows, 20 heifers, all the implements. 194 acres. 10 room house, bath and oil furnace. barn 80x45, new garage, implement shed, 2 silos, milk house, bulk cooler, 52 milk cows, 50 heifers, all the imple- ments. Blyth area — 200 acres, 10 room brick house, bath, furnace, Karn 64x54, 4 floors, electric fans, the right barn for broilers, small beet' barn, implement shed. 150 acres in Morris Township, 13 acres good hard maple bush, 137 acres level tiled land, 10 room brick house, large barn. Myth area •— 139 acres, 9 room hr ick house with bath and oil furnace, barn 40x80, 50x15, 50x32, stable cleaner, hog and beef farm. 2 miles from Clinton — 200 acres, 12 ronin brick house, haat and oil furnace, dairy and beef, farm, barns 90x72, 50x30, Intl'; house and bulk cooler, hen house 180x40, room for 10,000 hens i:t cages. Benntiller area — 350 acres, c; Pine glass cupboard, dining room table, love seat, one piece high glass cupboard, 2 wood beds, steel bed, 2 spool beds, brass bed, iron crib, chest of drawers, 2 side cupboards, wash stand, couch, rocking chair, picture frames, Thomas organ, organ stool chair, 6 dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, Quebec heater, kitchen stove (good), wicker rocker, 2 arm chairs, 2 toilet chairs, occa- sional chair, meat grinder, trunk, steel churn, cream separator, steel wagon, lantern, coal oil lamps, aladdin lamps, hanging lamp, complete stand, foot stool, turnip sower, 2 scotch collars, numerous small articles, large number of antiques. Not responsible for accidents day of sale, room house, 2 barns, 200 acres workable land, 125 acres bush. 11/2 mile along the Maitland river. 100 acres, 8 room house, bath. oil furnace, barn 50x60, 50 sow. implements. 167 acres river property, 81) acres workable. C. BURUMA Clinton 482.3287 Saler.,man for K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD. Clinton CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, household Furniture, and Antiques at Lot 27 nttd 28, Con, 12 McKillop, 7 miles north of Seaforth or 3 miles south of Walton on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ilth at 1:00 p.m. MACHINERY -- Nuffield 10060 fully hyd. 3 P'P1I (like new) Hy• drein fully mounted 3 furrow 16 in, plow, Kongskield 111/2 ft. cultivator, Cockshut 9 ft, double disc. 4 section diamond harrows, 7 ft. New Idea mower, Cockshut side rake, MJI, 75 bu. manure spreader, hay rack, 3 h.p. Gent electric grinder, lawn master mo. wer, FURNI.'I'URE — General Elec- tric frig., table and six matching chairs, couch, three pieee match- ing bedroom suite, paper rack, tables, 2 bedroom suites includ- ing wash stands, lamps, buffet, Leonard wash machine. ANTIQUES & MISC. -- cutter and shaves, 1 set sleigh wagon, cast iron kettle, horse drawn ditch scraper, ox yoke (complete), wagon wheels, harness, turnip planter, sniffler, walking plow, buggy jack, whipple trees and neck yokes, 2 copper boilers, kit- chen cupboard, rocking chairs, crocks, commode, rugs, steel bed, picture frames, butter churn, trunk, chairs, sideboard, Mont - calm part set of dishes and many more articles, Mrs, Charles McGavin, Proprie- tress, Rathwell's Auction Service, Bruce. 51.1 field, 482.3120. Business Directory BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BI,YTH PRONE 523.4503 M, BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making '111E 13LY19i STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1971 �ioiidtr�iUUIIfU�l9I9UI.UDIIIU�CI11Wllllli"11�JllW1101111(lilFiifQf jll}I,III;iIIHtUVVL'JVICWIVVIIIWWUiWIIWIVWWUl1WIlUIIIWIiWIIWIWIGuiIIWI1W11!lilllll!IWIIiOWIUVUUUIIgIIIIWIIIdUUUWIIIViUVIVVWtIVIUIVUUlUIU1IIU1111IIIIdIVIIVIUUVfVIUIIViU1WVVlls SEI41.4 tT: BUY IT1 RENT IT! FIND IT; i lin' A S'1.'ANIr,lRD "(.'LASS114'IE1)" '1'1) W()1th EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings • Cronin's '1'elevitou(t SAmS 6 SIt;RVICE !MYTH --- Phone 5234or.1 0 4 - J. E. L(1,\(S'1'AI''N' -• OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.90 am. to 5,30 p.m For Appointment Phone 48.17010 SIs'AFORTII OFFICE -•• Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1x1U BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT, Manure handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling anti Pen Equipment . All Types Pressure Systeme "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" SANITARY SEWAGE DI,SPO)SAL, SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 887.6800 DR. R. W. STREET 131.1"1'11, t),NTAIIIO PHONE 523.4433 l)1'!'ICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Emergency Coverage 'Through Clinton Hospital If Unavailable ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott. ISruket. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES; Blyth, Office 5234481; Res, 523-4522 or 523-4323 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn 11oa•er Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 C1.tAWFORD and MILL B,Utit1STEItS & SOLICI'T'ORS ,I. 11, Cawford, Q.C., A, Mill, B.A,, L4L,B, In Itlyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523-4481 I'honeF Wingham 3.57.1 w DOI: Er N'S BEAUTY SI11)l'J'E STYLING - TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLOM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday -- Open 'Tuesday Through Saturn.,) BLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings !'HONE: BLYTII 523.9341, if no answer 523.9601 ANN IIOLLINGER BLAKE'S WILDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDINt; ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 48A 73o3 CLINTON 14. T. Dale 5EI"I'IC TANI( SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9086 pl • 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE:'ENTS DEALER WAN'FEI) FOR SALE Chaparral Snowmobiles, in Blyth 5 Hereford•Ilolstein while faced arca. Apply Box 89 McGregor, calves, 1 to 2 weeks old. Murray Telephone 72011186. 51.1 Sierlscma phone 523.9248. 51-1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED A grade 12 business and com- mercial student desires full-time or part-time employment. Reli- able references. Phone 523.4377 51.1 A, & Fully i dead elms, pr 482.9134. • SERVICE , free estimates, g, etc. Phone 51-tf SCHOOL OOL FA Ili MEETING A director's meeting of the Bel - grave, Blyth, Brussels School Fair wi1,I be held in the Belgrave Com- munity Centre on September 2nd at 8:30 p.m. 514 REAL ESTATE 4 bedroom house in the country on saved road, modern kitchen, bathroom, oil furnace, large liv- ing room with small parcel of land. !louse in the Village of Blyth. Good location, Iwo bedrooms, el- ectric heat, insul brick siding, single ear garage, Priced for quick sale. Contact Bruce Fal- coner, phone 523-9518, representing Don Hamilton, Real Eeslate I3rok- er. Listowel, 50 IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR Good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232- ,1450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 37-tf BENEFIT DANCE For :11r. and Mrs. Julien Del• bergue on Saturday, September 4th in the Auburn Community Hall, 51.1 FOR SALE 1965 Chev. Impala convertible, excellent condition, Phone 523• 4459. 51.1 BABY SITTER REQUIRED Starting September 7 for 10 month old child. Duties to in- clude some light housekeeping. May live in if desired, Phone 523-4286. 42.2p I1ELP WANTED Woman for part time house work in Blyth home, 3 or 4 days a week. Apply to Box "B" The Blyth Stan- dard, 51.1 CARD OF THANKS I would sincerely like to thank my friends and neighbors for vi- sits, flowers and cards while 1 was in Wingham and District Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Wilkins and Dr. Ping, also the nurses in Ward B. 51.1p -Velma Oster CUSTOM COMBINING Grain and corn. Pierre Ram• meloo, phone 523.9.478. 50.3p PREPARE FOR HARVEST TIME Por custom combining of grain, beans and corn, bean pulling and windrowing, fall plowing. Call SANITA'T'ION SERVICES Ed Szusz, phone 523-9397. 46.6p Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Iola BAILEY Onl.. Telephone 595.8325. 35. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357.2450, Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Motor Rewind. 24 Hour emergency service, 40-tf CONCRETE WORK 1,3xper'1 chimney and roofing repairs; apecializiug in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 887.9024 37.1 4 CLINTON SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. in the evening (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bev, Nott, Clinton 482.3162 Joe Corey, Clinton REAL ESTATE Clinton, Ontario 7 room home 2 miles from [Ilydh with acreage, attached garage, completely modernized. Priced to sell, 75 acre grass faun with lots of. water, 10 acres of bush, on 7t11. Concession Morris Township. Pric- ed reasonable. Income property in Londesboro. Duplex 2 self contained apart- ments, completely modern, good water on local well, 1 block from stores, churches, etc, Have several clients wishing well equipped dairy farms in the 13ryf h, Wingham area. Contact MASON BAILEY Office 482.9371 Res, 523.9338 LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor I3LYTI1, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640 Tom 1)uizer Plumbing and Heating 011 Burner Sales . Service • Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure System & Water Conditioning Equipment Sheet Metal Work • Eavestroughing LONDESIIORO, ONT. PHONE IBLY7'H 523.4359 LIST YOUR FARM PROI'11t1'Y WITH US -- WE IIAVI' THE CON'TAC'TS ,1,Nn THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R.R, 2, Clinton Phone 452.3278 Salesman for:- K. W. COLQUROUN LTD., Clinton. FOUND A small black fax terrier dog, friendly and wearing a collar. !'hone 523-9207, 514 FOR SALE •10 lb. plastic pail of creamed honey at $10.50 per pail. Phone 523-4358. 51.1p CARL) OF THANKS My sincere thanks to everyone for the flowers, gifts, treats, cards visits and enquiries while I was in Clinton hospital and since re- turning home. A special thank you to Dr. Street, Dr, Harrett and Rev, McDonald, the nurses and st1ff on second floor, It was all deeply appreciated. Betty Haines. 51-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who remem- bered me with cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient In Clinton hospital and since I got home. Thanks to all that sent baking and helped at the house. Also thanks to Dr, Walden and the nurses on the first floor of the hospital, Mrs. Stewart Ament, 51.1 CARL) OF THANES I with to express my sincere appreciation for the cards, gifts and flowers we received. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nursing staff. -Margaret and Henry Buffinga 51•1p FARMS FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE A.R.D.A. has farms for lease to fill -lime farmers at reasonable rates, A.R.D.A. is still buying farm land for Farm Consolida• lion and for Alternate land use, 'Palk to A.R.D.A. about your plans for retirement, relocation and re• training or about community de- velopment programs. A.R.D,A, programs are helping programs. For more information contact your nearest Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food Office, There are A.R.D,A, representa• lives in Clinton, Markdale, and Walkerton. 48.7 Backhoe Work DRAINS, WEEPER TILE, ETC. Also TOP SOIL, CEMENT GRAVEL AND ROAD GRAVEL r Stewart Johnston HLYTII PHONE 523.4475 Mr+.••••.- ommosr .-.r•... .• CONCRETE WORK All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates • free estimates. MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Ontario, 345-2253 Phones 345.2964, BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. • Free Estimates. • Guaranteed Installations. , There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALI & MUTCA FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482-9505 Clinton 30-tf, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1971 WEDDINGS Richmond -- Wasson Pink cornflower and white star• bunt daisies in brass candelabra formed the setting far the wed- ding on Saturday. July 31, 1971, of Barb Wasson and Terry Rich- mond in Blyth United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wasson, R.R. 3, Walton. The groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs,,Mervin Richmond. The Rev, Cecil Vit- tich officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Margaret Kai was organist and accompanied the soloist, airs. Barbara Bosman, who sang "Chapel of Love, Wedding Prayer and Marc.' The bride given in mtarriage by er father wore a white A-line loon length gown of charmainc i•alyester The bodice was of :ntparted Holland lace over poi• ester. The fitted sleeves and allar were lace and were finish- ed with scalloped edging. She wore her grandmother's locket containing the pictures of her great grandparents. The nylon Veil tics held in place by a small cluster of pink roses and fell into a long train. The train was ac- cented by lace matching the bod- ice of the dress. The bride's '•randmother, Mrs. E. Storey ap- ;,iiqued the lace on the train and fre bride fashioned the dress and von, She carried a bouquet of v'hite stephanotis and pink roses. Miss Clara Wasson, si3ter of the bride, was maid of honour. She wore a hot pink floor length gown of patterned sheer over pink polyester crepe. The sheer formed a short train falling from the empire waist, The dress was trimmed with white lace roses. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Dianne Wasson, sister-in-law of the bride; \1rs. Arlene Falconer, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Bev Snell, friend of the bride. They wore identically styled dresses to the maid of honour's but in unpat- terned pink sheer over pink poly - e. -:ter crepe, They were trimmed svith white lace centred with pink roses. The flower girls were Misses Valerie and Shelley Wasson, nie• ces of the bride. Their dresses were similarly styled and of the identical material as the maid of honour's. The dresses were fashioned by the bride and her at- tendants. A11 carried fan shaped bouquets of pink carnations and white slarburst daisies with mal• cling flowers in their hair. Best man was Ross Scott, Till- 'onburg, brother-in-law of the gz corn. Ushers were Ronald Fal corer, Goderich, brother-in-law of the groom; Albert Wasson, Blyth, brother of the bride; and Cliff Snell. Blyth, friend of the groom. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a violet crepe dress with silver metallic trim, white accessories and a pale yel- ow rose corsage. She was as - Stewart's Red .4 White Food Mkt. K1,1111. r)\ T.. Phony 9451 WE DET.IVEII Red & White Best Buys Hostess Twin Pack Potato Chips reg. 69c bag only 59c Tang Orange Crystals 4 pkgs. 77c Heinz White Vinegar, 66 oz. jug 39c Handl Wrap, 100 ft. roll 33c Red and White Apple Pies 39c Red and White Bread 4 loaves 1,00 Weiners or Hot Dog Rolls 4 pkgs, 1,00 Buy of the Week Soft Drinks in tins, 24 tins to case 1.99 Redpath Granulated Sugar, 10 Ib. bag , 1.16 Red & White Features Supreme Garbage Bags, 10 in pack .... 39c McLean's Tooth Paste, giant size 59c Listerine Antiseptic, 6 oz, bottle 69c Brylcream with Free Comb, large size . , 69c Sunspun Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. 35c Bonnie Dog Food 10 tins 99c Lowney's Assorted Chocolate Bars, 20 for 89c Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Rolls lb. 59c Devon Breakfast Bacon 1 lb., pkg. 59c Ranch Style Weiners, 1 lb. vac pack, 2 for 94 Maple Leaf Dinner Hams, ready to serve per lb, 99c Royalle Facelle Towels, pkg. of 2 rolls . , , 63c Viva Toilet Tissue 6 rolls 1.00 Scotties Facial Tissues, 400's , . , 3 pkgs. 1.00 Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. 25c sisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. Donna Delaere, wearing a fig- ured crepe pant suit, white ac- cessories and a white corsage. Also assisting was Mrs. June Scott, sister of the groom. The bride chose a purple and white hot pant suit with white accessories for travelling. Photographer was Mr. Cecil Alines, Niagara Falls, N.Y., un- cle of the groom. Guests were present from Ayl- mer, Belgrave, Brussels, Blyth, Clinton, Don Mills, Dorchester, Goderich, London, Niagara Falls, N.Y., Oakville, Princeton, Sea. forth, St, Mary's, Stratford, Till- sonburg, Walton, Wingham and Wroxeter. Smith -- Stewart Lighted candelabra and baskets of multi -coloured flowers formed the setting in Londesborough Un- ited Church when Margaret Jean Stewart and Floyd Bruce Smith exchanged wedding vows in a double -ring ceremony performed by Rev. Stanley C. McDonald. Traditional wedding music was played by Mrs. Marry Lear and she accompanied the soloist Mr. !tarry Lear who sang, "The Wedding Prayer and I'll Walk 13e - side You." The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, H.R. 1, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, R.R. 2, Blyth. The bride given in marriage by her father wore a white imported orgianza gown over taffeta, fea- turing a scoop neckline and full sleeves finished with rows of lace to a set-in cuff. The bodice was lavishly trimmed with lace and seed pearls and the skirt was very full with rows of lace with small bows of satin ribbon. The centre of attraction was a built-in cltlapel train and small bow at the waistline. She wore a silk il- lusion cathedral veil, edged in lace and it was attached to her matching Ju)iet bonnet, The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a strand of cultured pearls wit' matching ear -rings. She carried a dascade bouquet of pink sweet- heart roses, white stephanotis, blue cornflower and shasta daisies, Miss Myrna Holmes of Ottawa was maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Diane Chamncy, Belgrave. and Miss Kerry Toll, Blyth. The flower girl Was Miss Barbara Forbes of Clinton. All the attendants wore lilac and white printed chiffon A-line gowns featuring long cuffed sleeves with a flounce at the wrist, The front of the bodice was gathered uncler a cuffed col- lar and the empire waist was trimmed with a self hand ending in a large bow at the back. They all wore lilac roses in their hair and carried baskets of multi -col- oured flowers. The groomsman was Mr, David Thomson, 'Toronto, and the ushers were Harvey Stewart, Clinton, brother of the bride; Ricky Smith, Blyth, brother of the groom; and Douglas Langhorn, London. Fot' a wedding reception and dance held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, the bridal party was as- sisted in receiving by the bride's mother who wore a mauve fortrel dress with bead and braid trim and is yellow sweetheart rose cor- sage. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a yel- low fortrel dress trimmed with lace and a multicoloured corsage. The bride chose a navy and white fortrel pant suit for travel- ling with a red carnation and white stephanotis corsage. Mr, and Mrs, Smith will reside in London, Mr, Smith who Is a gradutate of the University of Waterloo is employed with the Honeywell Computer Company and Mrs. Smith is a 1971 grad- uate of the Perth -Huron Regional School of Nursing, Guests were present from, Ot- tawa, Winchester, London, Mich- igan, Danville, Virginia, Toronto, Bramelea, Owen Sound, Wiarton, Levack, Sudbury and the sur- rounding district. Prior to her marriage the bride was feted with showers given by Mrs. Robt, Gibbings, Mrs, Mur- ray Adams, Mrs. Gordon Barker and Mrs, Clifford Adams, Obituary Cecil Cartwright Mr, Cecil Cartwright passed a- way in Clinton hospital, Monday, August. 9, 197]. Mr. Cartwright leaves to mourn his passing his wife, the former Edith Johnston; three sons, How- ard and Norman of Londesboro and Keith of London; and six randchildt'en. The funeral service was held at the Tasker Memorial Chapel on Thursday, August 12 with the service taken by Rev. McDonald of Londesboro United Church. internment in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Clifford Aloins, Hugh Flynn, Lloyd Stewart, Ilnr- ►•y 'Tehbctt and (:;len Carter. 1" lowerbearers were four neph- ews, Donald Cartwright, Elgin Pease, 13i11 Bromley and Doug- las Cartwright. MEAT SPECIALS -- Fresh Picnics Only 39c lb. Shoulder Chops Only 49c lb. Sliced (Cooked Hain Only 99c lb. Smoked Picnics Only 39c lb, Canned Picnics Only 1.49 each CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOI R Beet' on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor KI,YTII, ONTARIO PHONE 52(.4551 PREPARE FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Children's Shoes: Tennis & Joggers BOYS & TEENS FLARE PANTS in many different colours SHIRTS TO MATCH R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY' CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday elvs MARKET Red Rose Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar . , , . 1.53 Vim Powdered Skim Milk, 3 lb. bag .... 1.19 Paramount Cohoe Salmon, tall tin 99c Stokley's Bean Salad, 14 oz. 2 for 59c Austral Bartlett Pears, '28 oz. 2 for 79c Golden Yellow Sugar, 5 Ib. bag 69c Heinz White Vinegar, 80 oz. jug 55c White Swan Bathroom Tissue .. , . 4 rolls 55c Bon And Spray Window Cleaner, reg. 69c for only 49c Tide, king size 5 lb. box 1.59 Phone 523.9332 We Deliver Auburn & District News Horticultural Society Meeting Insecticides and sprays and how to use thorn was the topic that Mrs. William Klie of Hanover, district director for District 8 of the Ontario horticultural Societies, spoke on at the Auburn Horticul- tural Society Meeting held last Monday evening in the Community Memorial Hall. The president, Mrs, G, Taylor was in charge and welcomed the guests from Blyth and Clinton. She thanked the members for the large display of flowers which made an att•ac• five setting accross the front of the hall. The meeting opened by singing 0 Canada with Mrs. R. Phillips at the piano. Folowing a sing -song, the minutes were ap• proved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Beth Lansing. A letter was read from the Village Trustees stating that no by-law existed re the tying up of dogs but it was hoped that owners would keep their pets on their own property. A letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Oscar de Boer thank- ing for the gift received . A dis- cussion took place on the flower beds and plans were made for the future. The roll call was an• swererd by naming your best flower this summer. Mrs. Tay- lor and Mrs. Lansing gave a re- port of the O.II.A Convention held in Windsor in June, A reading, Flowers, was given by Mrs. Tho - Inas Ilaggitt. The guest speaker was introduced by Mrs, Elmer 'I'eommer and thanked by Mrs. (toss Robinson and presented with a gift. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor Ilradnock.. Door prizes were won by Mrs, Torrance Tahh, Mrs. Donald Brown and Mrs. Al- bert McFarlane. The bake table was in charge of Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Brian Hallam, M,rs, Ross Robinson and Mrs. Dorothy Grange. White elephant table: Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Elmer Trommer, Mrs. Frank Rnithby and 1lrs, 'Torrance Tab!). The flower display was in charge of Mrs, Robert Phillips, Mrs. Wil- liam Straughan and AIrs. Ed. Davies. A smorgasbord lunch was served by Mrs. Thomas Hag - gilt, Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. Beth Lansing and Mrs. Albert Ahc1"arlane. Large Crowd At Memorial Service A large crowd attended the hope Chapel Cemetery memorial service last Sunday when Rev. Stanley McDonald of Londesboro, was the guest speaker. IIe chose for his inspiring message "Ileri. lage of Ilope" based on the scrip- ture Hebrews 11th chapter, The hymns were accompanied by Wayne Lyon on the accordian. Mr. McDonald congratulated the trustee board on the way that the cemetery was kept in perfect ord. er. Plans were made by mem- bers of the Trustee Board, namely harry Webster, chairman, Lorne flunking, Tom Cunningham, An- drew Kirkconnell, Jack Lee and Henry Bunking, Personals; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston WEEKEND SPECIALS KIST, PEPSI & COKE •— QUART SIZE — reg, 25c plus dep. SPECIAL 5 FOR $1,00 plus deposit 31AXWELh HOUSE 1 LB. COFFEE 93c HOSTESS 59c & 09e CHIPS FOR 49c EVERDAI' SPECIAL ON LEWIS 30c BREAD — 10 for 2,50 EXCELLENT SELECTION OF BUVI'ERICK PATTERNS — SEE '1'31E NEW FALL STYLES SLATER'S GENERAL STORE AUBURN, ON'I'.1R10 PHONE 526.7220 Open Monday through Friday 9 a.m, to 6 p,m. Saturdays 9 a.m, until 10 p,m, BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCH NITS with or without thermos KOOKY CANOOKY, 110T WIIEELS, 'l'IIE MOON, SNOOPY, AND 'l'IIE ROAD RUNNER Our Fall Supply OF TV's & STEREOS is arriving daily COMING SOON — the all new Rogers Majestic Colour TV It Never Ilas 'l'o Leave The Home For Repairs Except For Picture Tube Replacement SPECIAL — A'1' CLEARING PRICES — 3 G.E. FLOOR POLISHERS 2 ELECTROHOME DEHUMIDIFIERS Cronin'S HARDWARE - BLYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER and Miss Laura Phillips accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark, of Goderich, on Sunday ev- ening to Stratford where they were guests of Miss Carolyn Clark. Mr. William Wagner is a pa- tient in Victoria hospital, Room 626, London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sisley of Niagara Falls, visited last Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Pastor and Mrs. Alfred Fry have returned from their vaca- tion and a joint service of the Auburn and Westfield congrega- tions will be held in Knox United Church, Auburn, at 11 a.m. for next Sunday only. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and Wendy and Cindy, of the Interior Nlission in Africa, visited last Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Itaithby, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Winmill of River John, Nova Scotia, and I1r. and Mrs, Gordon Brown and Sha)• ley, of Woodstock, visited recent• ly with Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Raithhy and Tom, of Preston, visited last weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raith- by and John. Grant, Susan, Joe and Mary Jane returned home with their parents after visiting for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir ,and Mrs. Elsie Eustace spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines returned on the weekend from a month's vacation to the West Coast. Mrs. Arnold Craig is a patient in Goderich hospital suffering from injuries in a car accident on Friday evening. Mr. Craig, who was also injured, was able to re- turn home after treatment. Misses Katherine and Richellc Wright of Toronto, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, visited last week with Air. and Mrs. Robert Arthur and Miss Jayne Arthur and their grandmo- ther, Mrs. Paul Bedard, of Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson visited with their son, Mr. Keith Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and Kim in Toronto last week. Mrs, Gordon Taylor visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley at Alsia Craig, Mr. 13111 Trommer of IIespeler, spent Saturday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Trommer, and sister, Miss Connie Trommer. Miss Carol Beadle of Kitchener, is holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, harry Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and Greg returned home after a two week's vacation at a cottage at Bogie's Beach. i,Irs. Emma 'Trommer returned to her home in Preston last Wed- nesday after a vacation spent with her son, Elmer, Mrs. 'Trommer and Miss Connie. Guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Phillips were Mrs. Dora Jewell and her granddaught• ers Misses Jane (Reg. N.) and Judy Fisher of Goderich, also Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mugford of God°. rich THE BLYTH STANDARD -• WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1911 • •-• • •..4+..+r.•. • ...+++ •4+4+44' 44+.++++++♦♦•N+•♦... DIAMONDS l 4 • 6 •• • • • '444-444 • s.-.4.+ •+-.4444+4++.-•++++ 10-444444-• 4+4 SFE THF LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth 4 r LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials —CALL CLARK UPHOLSTERY Ph. 523.4272; 523.4528 It, Cook, Prop, Blyth, Ont, WE HAVE A FREE PICK•UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE JERRY STEVENSON blind since birth WILL SPEAK AND THE SNGING HELWIG FAMILY OF NEUSTADT WILL SING AT The Huron Men's Chapel In Auburn Sunday, September 5, 8 p.m. "Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing" ALL WELCOME HURON CHRISTIAN MEN'S ASSOCIATION WEDDING CANTON — YOUNGBLUT Wedding vows were exchanged at the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sarnia between Marjorie Lou- ise Youngblut and James Walter Canton on August 14th in a double ring ceremony performed by Rev. J. Janz. The bride is the daught- er of Mr, and Mrs. Major Young. blut of Auburn, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. William Canton of Sarnia. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a white floor• length gown of dotted swiss over taffeta. It featured a high waist with fitted bodice, scoop neckline, gathered skirt and long puffy sleeves. Imported lace trimmed the bodice and sleeves, Iler floor length veil was held in place by a cluster of white lily of the val- ley and she carried a cascade of yellow freesia sweetheart roses with baby's breath. Mrs. Nancy Marchi of Goderich was matron of honour wearing a sleeveless floor length gown of white lace over mint green taf- feta featuring a high waist and wore a headpiece of lily of the valley and long white gloves. She carried a round cascade of yellow daisies and mums. The best tnan was Mr. Robert Purse! of Sarnia. For a reception which followed the ceremony, the bride's mother received the guests wearing a dress of blue and white knit, white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Assisting in receiving was the groom's mother wearing a dress of gold crepe with beige accessories and a corsage of white and gold -tinted carnations. Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the couple will re• side in Sarnia. HOT BEEF SANDWICH ONLY SOc Includes: Potatoes, Vegetables, Cole Slaw, Gravy every Tuesday Might 6:30 till 8:3G in the beverage rooms AT THE Blyth Inn Hotel BLYTH 1'IIE BLYTH STANDARD —• WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lst, 1971 115011111111111111111 MIIMMI11111111111111111. backhoe Service AND JACK HAMMER AND COMPRESSOR WORK SANDBLASTING HOUSES AND STEEL Arnold Stothers R,R. 6, GODERICiT Phone 529.7103 ii BLYT1i II 4.1I CLUB The first meeting of Blyth II 441 Club "Dairy Fare" will be Saturday, September 11 at 1:30 p.m, at Mrs. Millar Richmond's home. New members welcome. Leaders—Mrs. Wallace Bell, Mrs. Millar Richmond, STARLIGHT UNIT MEETING Members of Starlight Unit are reminded that there will be a meeting on Tuesday, September 7 at 8:15 p.m, in the Church par- lour, W.I. T() MEET The September meeting of the Blyth \\',I. wil be held on Thurs. day, Septembebr 2nd at. 8 p.m. in the Memorial Ilall. Mrs, Har- old Gaunt, the district president, wil :peak at this meeting. TRANSPORTATION MAtAGFR Reporting to the Superintendent of Business Affairs, the Transportation Manager will be responsible for the efficient operation of the school bus system, both hoard otitncd and contracted systems involved. This position will involve a continuing systematic review of all existin+; routes, contracts, student concentra• tions and facilities with a view to minimizing costs and im- proving service, This is a senior position and salary paid will be fully contpetetive. Replies ir.0 ;;':r , c ueatIon and experience to be directed by September 8th, 1971 to: MR. R. B, DUNLOP Supervisor of Business Affairs, the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario, MFKHELL FALL FAIR Wedding Simpson — Gray A pretty wedding took place re• cettly at St, John's Anglican Church, Weston, tvheu Susan A1ary daughter of Mrs, A1ary Gray and the late George Gray was united CARD Oi'' THANKS CA 1t'1'WRIGIIT—We wish to ex- press our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, floral tributes and me- moriam extended during the re- cent loss of a beloved husband, father and grandfather, Cecil Cartwright. Special thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Mitt. 1)r, New- lands and nurses. Also Rev. Mc- DLnald and Rev. Wittich. —Edith Cartwright and family 51.1p AVON CALLING Just one territory still available for Avon Christmas selling. Con- tact Mrs. A1il1son, 17 Ilawkesbury Ave., London 32, 451-0541 immedi- ately to assure interview. 51.5 THE NEARLY S'TOItE: Will reopen for fall on Septem- ber 1st at 1 p.m. Open Wednes- day through Saturday. Closed Friday nights. Airs. II. Gilmour. 51-1 FREE DANCING Friday night, September 3 at Mitchell Fall Fair, Saturday night September 4, Skipper's Orchestra. Admission to grounds $1.00. LUMBER SAWED 51-1 The Pioneer Threshers will be sawing lumber Friday and Sat- urday of the show. Anyone wish- ing to have a few logs cut contact George Watt, Stan Lyon or Simon Mahan. They will arrange to have some one there to shote were to put then. 51-1 SAT., SEPT. 1 — all day and evening -- Horse Races and Livestock judging etc, SUN., SEPT. 5 •— starting at 1:30 p.m, — 'rug 0 IVar, Cross Country Run and Ball Gaines, Horse Shoe Pitching Exhibit buildings open at all times MIdway always in operation "THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO" THE McKILLOP MIJTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 5EAFORTH Office —• Main Street insures: ' Town Dwellings. ✓ All Classes of Farm Prop. erty. Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Bails Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fail- ing objects. ete. i is also available. AGENTS: lames Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Law', 1t1t 5, Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; Selwyn l3aker, Ii: �els; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald J. FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Pull Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN • Agent B.P. OIL Limited PHONE 482.9653 — CLINTON Accounts way be paid at Can, Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON BEECH STREET NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens At 8:00 p.m. First Show At Dusk WED., 'TIIURS„ FRI. September 1, 2, 3 ▪ — DOUI3LE FEATURE — SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DUNFIGHTER James Garner • Suzanne Pleshette (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) HELL BOAT° James Franciscus Color Cartoon SAT., SUN. -- SEPT 4.5 GIANT TRIPLE BILL Motore cle 'Thrills — Horror Western Action The Brute ,Aid The Beast (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Franco Nero • George Hilton In Color The Losers (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Bernie Hamilton • Adam Rourke In Color Scream and Scream Again (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Vincent Price • Peter Cushing Christopher Lee Color Cartoon OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY ARTEIt LABOUR DAY (FRT,, SAT., SUN.) in marriage to John Dennis Simp- son son of Mr. and Mrs. Law• rence Cunclifie of Keswick. The bride who was given in marriage by her uncle Air. Law- rence Nesbit of Ingersoll wore a long empire line gown of polyes- ter satin. The bodice and puff ;Jeeves were of daisy patterned lace. She carried a bouquet of iweethel►rl roses, white daisies, and babies breath. She wore a silver antique pin which had be- longed to her great great grand- mother. Aiiss Janet Gray, the bride's sister, was maid of honor and swore a long empire styled dress of dotted pastel green with shir- red bodice and puffed sleeves. Announcement The bridesmaids, Miss Mother- ine Bell and Miss Ruth Gray, wore pastel yellow dresses to match the maid of honor, and they all wore daisies in their hair and carried baskets of yel- low and white daisies, The groom was attended by .John 'Travis, Weston, and the ushers were Gordon Martin of Woodridge and Stephen pomper Weston, 'Traditional wedding; rnu• sic was played by the organist, Mr. 'Torn Baker. A reception was held on the lawn at the home of Airs. Mary Cray, the bride's mother. Guests were present from Slee- man, Enno, Sudbury, Blyth, Kos - wick, Woodstock and other points. KLIP & KURL BEAUTY SALON OPENING Tuesday, September 7th In Auburn OPEN1N(, SPECIAL --- ,$15.00 PERMS POR ONLY $10,00 Phone ;).?-i50,..1 For Appointments HOT PANT SETS FOR FALL various styles from 21.95 ea. Pant Suits,. fortrel and double knit new tall shades from 25.00 ea. Dresses; Misses & Half Sizes fortrel, fortrel crepe, «'oo1 double knit from 19.98 U1) Skinny Rib Striped Sweaters small, need., large 8.95 ea. Flare Jeans; plain & stripes sizes .1.16 years, Misses 7-15 from 3,98 - 7.98 ea, Basement Clearance All Children's Wear Clearing at Half Price "The Back To School Store" Listen Sept. 3rd to CKNX Radio for the winner of a e Stereo Record Player. NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523-1351 Blyth Our Excellent Stock Is Available For All Your Outside Decorating Needs WE OFFER FREE ADVICE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS • EASY TO HANG SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER IN STOCK FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO DO THEIR OWN PAPERING Large Selection Now Available At Our. Showroom LAWRIE DECORATING BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9525