HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-07-14, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD Volume 81 • No. 47 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 1885" July W.I. Meeting Took The Form Of A flair -Raising Event Planned For Blyth Social Evening The July meeting of Blyth W. 1. took the form of a social even- ing with Mrs, Mel McVittie as convener. There were guests from Walton and Brussels WJ.'s. There was a penny sale from which almost everyone present received something, Mrs, C. IIIg• gins of Blyth received a gift for having a birthday nearest to the Shaw for having the wedding an - date of the meeting and Mrs. niversary nearest. Several tables of euchre and crokinole were enjoyed, Crokin• ole winners were Mrs. E. I-Iowatt and Mrs. J, Hesselwood. The high and low lady with pink cards were Mrs. Alex Nethery BIRTHS l.AWRIE-Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie, 27 Darcy Place, Kit. chener, wish to announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Jennifer Lynn, on Thursday, July 8, 1971 in St. Mary's Hos• pital, A sister for Robert. BUTTON -Russell and Karen But- ton (nee Kilpatrick) are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, a baby girl, Tamara Jayne, July 10, 1971 at St. Jo- seph's hospital, London. First grandchild for Mrs. Edith But- ton, Blyth. BAILIE - To Mr, and Mrs, Clar• once Bailie in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, July 5, 1971 the gift of a son, Allan Clarence. PI[ILP - Sophie and Ron thank God for the safe arrival of their son, Christopher David, on June 29, 1971 at Victoria Hospital, London, A wee brother for Stephen and Michael, WESTERN ONTARIO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC R ESULTS The following pupils of Mrs. Winona McDougall and Mrs, Shir• ley E. Vincent were successful candidates in .examinations held recently by the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music in Blyth. The names are arranged in order in merit, Piano Grade X Partial Pass, Susan Street, Grade IX Complete Honors, Jayne Snell. Grade IX Partial Pass, Dianne Wasson. Grade VIII First Class Honors, Mary wartzentruober, 1-Ionors, Clara Wasson, Nancy Anderson, Dorothy Nicholson (eq- ual). Pass, Murray Wightman, Grade VII Honors, Doreen Anderson, Grade V Honors, Lorraine Chimney. Pass, Judy Ives. Grade IV Honors, Lori Thompson, Pass, Janet Cook. Grade I1fI First Class Honors, Frances B a ttye. and Mrs, A. Young; with white cards, Miss Gertrude Hicks of London and Irene McCall, Wal• ton. The hostesses, Mrs. R. Easom, Mrs. C. Falconer, Mrs, M. Grant, Mrs. A. Young and Miss P. Gid• ley served a delicious lunch of strawberry shortcake, Mother's Group Will Meet During Summer Months The group of mothers who have been meeting each Thursday morning for coffee and discus• sion, has decided to continue meeting all summer, Instead of meeting on Thursday mornings, It was decided to meet each Thursday afternoon at 3 p,m. for an hour, This would give each member a chance to get the day's work clone and then enjoy a cof- fee time with other young moth- ers, On nice days the group meets in the manse yard, so the child- ren can enjoy playing. On rainy days meetings will be held in the United Church basement as us - Beginning on Thursday, August 5th, airs. Susan Rowson will be 'hostess for the mothers and children on nice days. 1! Thursday afternoons prove to be more suitable to young mo• thers and children, the group may decide to keep that time in the fall. Once again, any mother of pre- schoolers in our community is welcome to come for an informal "coffee break", Ruth Warwick Given Shower A surprise shower was held at the home of Mrs, Gerald McDo- well in honour of Miss Ruth War- wick, Games and contest's were conducted by Mrs, McDowell, Barb and baric Empey and Erma Cook, Mrs, McDowell read the address and gifts were presented by Barb and 14laric Empey, Patti and Kim 1treDowell, Sherry Marshall and Susan and Lorraine McClinchey, Ruth thanked her many friends Sell- for the lovely gifts and a Pelle- ious lunch was served. Singing Grade VIII FIrst Class Honors, Betty Snell, The following students are suc- cessful candidates of Mrs, Dianne Wasson, Grate II Pass, Cathy flunking, Grade V Honors, Donna Hunking, Grade VI Pass, Carol Gross. Pee Wee Baseball The Blyth Pee Woes will open their home schedule tonight, Thursday, July 15 at 7 p.m, The opposition will be provided by Mitchell, The last time these two teams played, the game end- ed In a tle, On Saturday, July 17, Blyth will host Belgrave, The, Blyth club will be trying to a- venge an earlier 14 to 13 setback by the Belgrave team. Come out and give sonic encourage- ment to the boys, Your support will be greatly appreciated, Congratulations Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Sillib who will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary on Thursday, July 15th, ft' it's •hair•raising entertain- ment, thrills and spills you want, then it is a must to attend the Blyth fair grounds on the even- ing of August 23rd. The Blyth Agricultural Society has contracted the Paul Riddell Yell Drivers for an evening's performance, and if you have ever seen them in action you know what is in store for you and will not miss it. Plans have been made to build seating arrangement along the track in the form of new bleachers and it is hoped that seating will be provided for at least two hun- dred persons in time for the show. Between the fall fair and the Hell Drivers, the Society must be considered the "entertainment sponsors of the year" in Blyth. They deserve the wholehearted support of all area residents at both performacnes. Let's all gc' our shoulder to the wheel and give them the support they de- serve, Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, George Wasson, Morris Township wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara Anne, to Terry Nelson Richmond, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Richmond. The wedding will take place July 31 at 3;30 p.m. in the United Church, Blyth, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 1, Clinton, announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter, Margaret Jean, to Mr. Floyd Bruce Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, R.R. 2, Blyth, The marriage will take place August 7th, -1971 in the Londesboro United Church at 2;30 p,m, Mr. and Mrs, Keith McClinchey, Seaforth, Ontario, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine Dianne to Reginald George Hadley, son of Mr, and Airs. Lorne Badley, R,R. 3, Walton, Ontario, The marriage will take place on Saturday, August 21, 1971, in the North Side United Church, Seaforth, at 7 p,m, Aunt Passed Away At Meaford al r. Carman Raines received word of the death of his aunt, Mrs, E. J. Manuel, of Meaford last week. Born in Seaforth where her father was blacksmith for the salt wells, before moving to Wingham and employed at salt wells there. Iter brother the late II• L. IIaines was employed at The Blyth Standard and whose pic- ture appears with the Blyth Ball Team 1905. OPENING OFFICE GODERICII The Unemployment Insurance Commission will be opening an office In Goderich shortly, which will be staffed entirely from the London office, It will be situated in the Cana- da Manpower Centre and will be open one day a week; namely Tuesdays, where claimants will be able to obtain assistance in completing forms, -- R, E, McKinley, M.P. Huron, I3LYTII, ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1971 1971 FALL FAIR CHANGED TO ACTION -PACKED, ONE -DAY EVENT The foremat for this year's Blyth Fall Fair has been chang- ed considerably from that of oth• er years and promises to be a one day show, full of action events. Wednesday, September 22nd should be a very entertaining day for every member of the fam- ily and the members of the Blyth Agricultural Society are hoping that everyone in the vicinity will support the fair by attending. The admission fee of one dollar will entitle you to enter the grounds at any time during the day. Complete plans have yet to be finalized, but the Society has to date come up with attractions that should ensure a successful fair. The kickoff will come at Personal Mr. and Mrs, William Buchan- an, 13111y, Steven, Sam, Mary Anne, Peter and Susan, returned home on Sunday after spending a week's holiday at Kincardine, Rev, and Airs. Donald Snell and family have moved from Alberta to 2419 Ethel Street, Kelowna, B. C. Mr. Bill McVittie of Ilespeler, Mr. Russel Gilley and Airs, E. Heath of 'Toronto, spent over the ho'.iiAy with Hiss Pearl Gidlcy. Air. and Airs. Cecil Campbell and family of London visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell on Sunday. Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Londes•' bora and Mrs. Harold Peterson, Goderich, visited on Saturday af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bailie. Mrs. Don Hutchinson of Dun- das and Mrs. Jack Colvin, Wing! hang, visited with Mrs. Norman Radford one clay last wek. Miss Connie Gibbing spent a couple of days with her cousin, Shelley Radford at the home of Mrs, N. Radford. Mr. Ross Radford, Port Col - bourne visited his mother Mrs, Norm Radford on Tuesday and Shelley returned home with him. NAMED ONTARIO SCHOLAR Nancy Stewart was among six students at Central limn Second- ary School named Ontario Schot• ars. The winners are entitled to an award of $150 each made to Grade 13 students who achieve an average of 80 per cent or more. one o'clock with a monster par. ade of school children. Activities will commence on the grounds with the Feeder Calf Club Show at one o'clock and at 4 p.m. the fifty cattle will go on the auction block. There will also be a square dance. competition and tug of war between the schools. Robertson's Outdoor Midway will be on the grounds both afternoon and evening to provide amusement for young and old alike. The heavy horse show will take place outside on the grounds dur• ing the afternoon. This will be augmented by the 4-1-1 Dairy and I3eef Club Achievement Day. Earl and Martha Heywood have been contracted to provide music- al entertainment during the after- noon and the CKNX mobile unit will also be on hand. The Agricultural Society is also hoping that area businesses will take advantage of the opporunity to show their wares, and that there will be a large commercial exhibit in the arena. The evening's activities will start at 7 p,m, when the North Huron Trail Riders will 'reser: their Achievement Day, This is a newly formed 4.11 Club and should provide some spills and thrills for the audience. Special pony trotting races will be held on the race track startin;; at 7;30 p.m. The races proved to be a real attraction to fai goers last year, and it is felt they will be bigger and better than ever at this year's fair. A full list of evening activities will continue at 8 p.m. when the Saddle. Horse Show will be held on the grounds. This will include the ever popular child's pet pony class; children's obstacle barrel race; parade classes; flag race; key hole race and other enter- taining classes, The fair board is counting very heavily on the weatherman this year as most events are being held outdoors, They are also counting heavily on local and arca residents to offer their sup- port to' the fair, We can't do much with the weatherman, but all of us can help, .boost the attendance figures, Remember - the one admission price entitles you to go and come as you like for any of the numerous events of the day, and you just can't ask for more than that. Why not do your part and make plans now for Septem- ber 22nd - "A Day at the Blyth Fair," Three Accident In area Last Week During the week July 4 to July 10, 1971, the following investiga- tions were carried out by officers at Wingham Detachment. Five investigations with five persons charged under the Liquor Control Act. Sixteen charges under the High- way Traffic Act with ten persons warned. Twelve investigations under the Criminal Code of Canada, On 'Monday, July 5, 1971, Ger- ald Faulkner of R.R.'3, Palmer- ston, Ontario was driving west on Concession 2.3, I-Iowick Town- ship in a 1966 Chevrolet, Brian Gibson of R.R, 1, Fordwlch, Ont- ario came out; of a driveway in in his farm tractor and collided with the Faulkner vehicle, There were no injuries, Damages to both vehicles was estimated at 5700.00, Provincial Constable C. F. Ricker investigated, On Friday, July 9, 1971, Wailer Moore of R.R. 3, Wingham, Ont- ario was eastbound an I-I:ighway 80 In a 1964 Pontiac and slowed clown to make a left turn off the Highway, Harold W. Badley of Blyth, Ontario was also east- bound, and upon applying his brakes, ,slid into the rear of the Moore vehicle, There were no injuries as a result of the acci- dent, and damages were estimat- ed at $305,00, Prov. Const, H. 13• McKittrick investigated, On Friday, July 9, 1971, Rein• 'hardt Batter of Brussels, Ontario was driving south on County Road 12 in a 1965 Chevrolet, and was making a right turn onto Flora Street in Brussels. Douglas Sealing of R,R, 2, Blyth, Ontario was also proceeding south on County Road 12 in a 1970 Chevro- let, and in attenipting to pass the Bauer vehicle, struck the right side of the Bauer vehicle. No one was injured, and damages were estimated at $500,00, Prov. Const, K. R, Balzer was the in- vestigating officer, -- 11, B. McKittrIck Public Information Wingham 357-3232 THE BLYTH frfANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 1an, 197a THE BILL SMILEY COLUMN SOME PIONEERS FOR KLSSIN' COUSINS Londesboro News Of The Past Week Remember next Sunday. July 1St the anntesi congregational picnic and evening reepe: at the home of Mr. ani Mrs Boyd Teal. or This will be sear farewell te Vera Lyon before she leavea. to: Kenya By daarig a nt"e mathematiee, I've come to the conclusion Mi.. 3nd M"- If:dger: tat 1 must he reiated to half the paptilation of Canada. familyf Kirkton. visited o- Sun. I've just received a small booklet compiled by my uncle. day with her brether. Mr. and Iva: C Therrien of Ottawa. It sets for.h the genealogy of my Mrs. Gordon Howatt and 'maternal ancestors .n Canada. area also called c her mother, Some rieeposf.nd ance5tors huge b -ore. Ors Eris aafraidakeieto. ns the closet. I find ancestors fascinating, as 1 We •ae!come Mr. and Mrs. Frank t:y p.cture them, tn.nl: of the incredibly difficult lives they led. Mrs'ota and baby Rexanne. of and wer.der what cheracterasties I and my chiid:e: hese? tECE,iVE44 wha have moved into the Lem a -ern My uncie's taooklet is no hiah-esaloured romance. It deals in facia: tereles, deaths, names. property titles. But among the pag.eas is the aecasienal iaeonic comment tatich makea me wieh I cauld leap hack into the 19th century and explore fu:ther. rnaterria; great-eeandperents Were centainis ct :he anstocracy, He was a ship's carpenter, arid that'a one :eaerati We: Inorripsen and he. Margaret Farrel his new bride. set DJ'. frern Dariegal. Irelend. far S. John, New Bror.swick. whe:e thsre was a sitep-ouildinta iadustry. He was 2e0. ehe 19. II was :a:A. Withiri a few years, with three cdren. they moved to Up. pe: ranade. becaase Walter had beard of work to be obtained in the hull -ling of slides on the Upper Ottawa River. These slides were built for the lumberine busineaa which was skimmina the cream frorn the stands of wonderful pine in the area. The perpase of the slides was to allow the cribs and rafe., of square timber to by-pass rapids Tne timber was floated dawn the river. eventually to eeach Quebec Some of the reat rafts were hail a mile in 2E47. ereangrandfather 'Thomson was appainted Slide Mat. ler of Grand Celumet Island in the Oetawa River. He held the pa• for more than ar) years. to 'ors succeeded by his son IVinlam. my grarndfather. who was to reign urni. the raft of •-tnesire tern• her came down the river in 1910. That's the baekground. My mother's family anenied a one. rot,rri toa:del the teacher for S45 a year. Ms. unrehe Ivan had a good jet,. He went to the school early in fall and winter. cd rit the fire. He got 13.00 a year. Mv grandfather ate S.fr's day for his goverment position as Slide Master. Pay ceased when the navigation season ended. so the Maser had fr. we:: There were ter in the family. and from whae I've heard. they had happy life on the island. As a child. I saw the old homesteed hh n h1over's•k'e s - Mr. Harvey Hunkine was taken the miehty Ottawa, was thrilled. a Langille house. Kimberly Livinestene of Exeter spending his E:0-. with her eteandrnather. Mrs E. Livingstone Visitors with Mrs .Myrele Fair- onvice are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mai: and Miss Viola Mair. of De- troit. all spent Monday visiting in Chesiey. Visitors wilt Mr and Mrs. John Riley on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wets! and family of Huron Park. Jacqueline stayed for a holiday. Carigratulations to Mr. and Mrs Bob Thompson on their first granddaughter born to Mr. and Mrs. John L3V.Tit? of Kitchener on July ,8*.h. .a, sister for Robbie. Mr. and Mrs Larne Hunkine vacationed 125'. Yief.-V. Y.) Hunt,. villa and home by Ottawa They ca:led on Mr. anion eMrs RGood• fellow in Georgetown. and Me. and Mr,. Les Rutledge at Oak. The village was saddened by the passing of Mrs. Jessie Vedder. on as'edreetd.ay a.m.. July 7th. LJ But I =aid. while the facts 'n the book are interestin:. Clinton hospital Sunday a.m little asides that inflame the curios.ity. Mr. and Mr. Bert Shobbrook 'The original family of Walter Tnomsein was eiaht .per last week in Woodatock with They produced, among them. exactly 6i more Thomson, Today. eight might produce 16. Anna married James Paul. They had four chill:en. -She also raised Johnnie Robertson." Now there's a story ritself. Wha was Johnnie? Why did she raise hirn? What became of hirn'' John (Mountain .Jack' was a timber cruiser and a reit bruiser in the lumberjack clashes of the times. He had terribl•-: temper and was known up and down the Ottawa River at a serapper." He died at 91, a pretty ripe old age for a brawler who alsa sired :a children in two marriages. Catherine "married George Kemp who was very fond of liquor". No other comment. except naming their children. with th( last thus: -Jason was drowned at Terniskaming". Another son. Walter, had nine children. My arandafther William had ten. A son James had eleven. The youngest datiehtee. Jane, must have realized that even such a good thing as Thomsonz could go tea far, produced only two. Anyone who can mulitiply can see why I have so mans relatans. The original two had grown to 60 in two generatiens Heaven kr,f.ws how many the 60 produced. But I'd like to go back and talk to some of the. oldelmert They were virile people in more ways than one. FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY --- WE PUT ON A FRONT? Matthew 6: 1.6 - 18 "An) when you fast," Jesus said, do not look dismal, like the hypo- crites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face that your fasting may not he seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; alai your Father who sees in secret will reward you." "Don't fast to show off," Jesus says. "Don't disfigure your faces to cut a figure before men." What does this say to us? Because few of us observe the ancient practice of fasting, may we brush these words of our Lord aside as meaningless? Of course not. Fasting is just one way in which a person shows his faith. We ex- press our faith in other ways. To the people of His day as well as to us, Jesus says, "Don't show your faith in order to show off." He condemned the people of His day for the way they fasted. Today He might look at our coming to church services, the way we wor. ..hip, the way we pray in public, our great debates over doctrine. ind so on. Don't do it to show off, He says. Yet it often seems that the problem is just the opposite nowadays. Maybe if Jesus were speaking to us today, He would say. "Don't make a show of not fasting either. Don't he religiously indifferent to show off." We need to hear that too. Nowadays many seem to go out of their way to appear as worldly as possible. Many make a show of scorning the "'organized church" and its worship, sneer at prayer and scorn the hope of heaven. Nowadays many want to receive glory from men as being worldly as much as the Pharisees of Christ's day wanted glory from men because they were so godly_ In either case what are we looking for? If we come to church or say our prayers or are busy in church work and we don't really mean it, we are putting on a front, We are hypocrites. Is this true? Is this true for you? This is after all the big accusation being raised against the church today from every quarter. People are saying that we go to church to he patted on the back and he made to "feel good", but that we don't want to get involved with loving people and serving them. We don't want to get caught up in the great social issues of our day. We don't want to have our church really work at serving the community in Christ's name. Then we are not re311y facing up to God at all; we are only trying to use Him. That is what people are saying. Is our Lord saying it too? Is it true? Is it true of you? God wants ycur heart. Are you willing to give it?— QUEEN'S PARK REPORT BY NIURRAY GAUNT. M.P.P (HURON•BRUCE., :liren while Mr. and Mrs Ross Million were holidaying. Pannicta returned with them for a week's holidays. Mrs. Minnie Peterle son of Go. spent the weekend with Mrs. Ena Howatt. Mr. Will Gorier attended the Mair reunion in Stratford on Sun. day Vacatic,r. sch-.41 opened Monday morning in the United Church. 65 children pre•reeisterel. The load ers .are: beginners. Marj Duizer, Dar Tamblyn, Mary Lou Vin- eent. Vaughan Bunking, Sandra Riley and Marlene Sewers: prim. The Ontario Government will start its off-track betting opera- tions if Ottawa makes it possible by amending the Criminal Code. Premier Davis announced that he is establishing an inter -depart- mental task force to develop plans for an off-track betting system which could start operating at the suNDAy, earliest possible date. Mr. Davis said the Government had to make a decision between operating its own off-track bet- ting system or allowing undesir- able elements to dot it. This -will create a new source of revenue for the Province as well as ensure that horse racing circles get a fair proportion of the total money wagered. Social and family services Min. ister Thomas Wells said this week he plans to send special investi- gation teams through the Province to uncover frauds by welfare re- cipients and welfare workers. This is the third move announc• ed by Mr. Wells during the past five weeks to tighten welfare prac- tices in the Province. In late May he gave the municipalities the power to refuse welfare to teen• agers under 18 whose parents are willing to support them in a home setting. In early June, he said able bodied single men receiving welfare must he willing to accept jobs anywhere in the Province. The Provincial Government will spend 4.5 million over the next three years to establish detoxifi• cation centres for chronic dunks in 11 counties across Ontario. Police will now be permitted to take a drunk to a detoxification centre without laying a charge. This is the first step of a pro- gramme designed to eliminate drunkenness as an offence and to institute a programme of rehabil- itation for the Province's 125,000 alcoholics. Kroeze. ary, Donna Shaddick, Dorene Rad- ford, Joanne Snell, and Louise Lovett; junior, Crystal Jewitt, Lillian lfaddam, ,Jaynie Snell, Mi- rbael Penfound and Stan McDon- ald with Barb Lee in charge of awimming. Closing exercise will be held at 11 a.rn on Friday. Jul) loth, The whole community is invited at this time to view the student's work, hear their songs and stories, as well as a time of fellowship with coffee and re- freshments. The school is financ- el through offerings each day as V. ell a -s an offering at closing ex. erciaes. .and Mrs. Steele Livingstone of Dorchester, visited on Saturday svith his mother. Mrs E. Living. -own, MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEETING Morris Township Council met and 3rd readings, Carried. (Sav• on Monday. July 5 with all mem. ing Plan for Employee), bers present and Reeve Wm Eh MAT(' by Robt. Grashy sec. onded by Jac. Mair that Bylaw No. 13, 1971 be passed as given tat, and and 3rd readings. Car vied. (Repeal of Federation of Agriculture bylaw to levy amount on tax roll). Moved by Ross Smith seconded hy Tho. Miller that County Weed Inspector he authorized to place .; local papers appropiate adver. ing re: Noxious Weeds. Carried. Moved by Robt. Grasby sec - Adel by Jas. Mair that By•Law No. 14. 1971 be given 1st and 2nd readings. Carried. (Borrowing i;y-Law for S300,000. under The Tj.• Drainage Act 1971). Moved by Thomas Miller, sec- onfled by Ross Smith that Court ef Revision on the Michie Drain be August 16. 1971 at 8:30 p.m. Carried. Moved by Ross Smith that the meeting adjourn to meet again Aueust 16, 1971 at 8 p.m. or at ston presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Thos. Miller and Roht. Grasby. Moved hy Ja. Mair seconded Rose Smith that the tender of Deaforth Drainage & Construction Limited to e-.n.struct the Magee Drain for a3125.00 he accepted. Carried. Moved by nos. Miller seconded by Rohn Grasby that By•Law No 10. 1971 seting tax penalty at afte: December 13 and 1 per month after January 1, 1972 on un- paid taxes be passed as given 1st 2nJ and'ard readings. Carried. The report on the Michie Drain was considered. Jas. A. Howes. 0. L. S. was present and answer• ed questions from the ratepayers involved. Moved by Roht. Grashy sec- '_inded by Jas. Mair that the re. r6r, on the Michie Drain he pro- viionally adopted and Bylaw the call of the Reeve. \o: 11. 1971 he given Is'. and 2nd Road Accounts S28,536.07 Genera: eeadinees. Carried. Accounts 3,699,27 Total 32,235.34. Moved h Jas. Mair seconded by .4eiss Smith that Bylaw No. 12, Wm, J. Elston, Reeve. 971 be passed as given 1st. 2nd Helen Martin, Clerk Dir (111Turrly5 CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth Rev, F, Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.ni. — Worship Service, Wednesday 4 • 5 p.m. — Children's Hour. Wednesday S 9 p.m. — Prayer and Study Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. J. KEITH STOKES, B.A., S.T.B. JULY 18 — TRINITY VI 8 a.m. — Auburn — Morning Prayer. 9:30 a.m. — Blyth — Holy Communion. 9:30 a,m. — Belgrave — Morning Prayer, 11 a.m. — Brussels — Morning Prayer. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. CECIL L. WITTICIL B.A., Mrs_ Donald Kai. Director of Musk. Sunday School — 9:50 am. Church Service — 11:00 a,m. Sermon — A Faith That Heals Come and Worship. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. II. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service — Preparatory Sermon. 2:30 p.m. — Afternoon Serviee, WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR Rev. R. Brubacher — Minister Each Lord's Day at 2.00 pm, Inter -Denominational — All are Welcome. The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK Minister — Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9.45 a.m. "Holding for the Word of Life" Auburn 11.15 a.m. A Welcome awaits you. ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — BLYTH Priest — Rev. James E. Kelly Mass at Blyth 10:15 VII/F111117171111:7 .797,n47117115111:11.1.17,9111,11107171ilitill11111111.111911111111111111111111171111.111111111111111111i11111MIN WESTFIELD NEWS The Bailey reunion was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and ?irs. Arno;d Cook. Thirty-two members were present. Miss Sharon Cook is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ,1inr Kellar, Kitchener. ,Master Timmy Webster, Blyth, is spending a fe wdays with his grandparents, ,Air, and 'Mfrs. Ed- gar Ifowalt. M r, and Mrs, Edgar Ilowatt visited on ,Sunday evening with 1Ir, and i\1rs. David Webster and family, Blyth. Mr. an dMrs, Norman Bonnett, Airs, Edgar Ilowatt and Mrs. Ifa. rold Ilutton, Wingham, attended the induction for nlr. Knight at Leamington on Sunday morning. Mrs, George Csepel and Mrs, Jack Gee and family, Ingersoll, visited on the weekend with rill., and firs, Bill Fidom. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William Chambers, Elmira. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden on Saturday were Mr. Garth Walden and Christa, Mes- srs, Gary and Brian Walden, Lon- don, Mr, and Airs, Harvey McDowell, 11r, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier were Owen Sound visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Madeline Ifarburn, Hens - all, visited for several days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden, Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES UTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS. ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY. LIFE. "WE SPEC1 %LIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" office 523-481 Phones Residence 523.4522 Call In For A Tasty Treat --- FULL COURSE MEALS — LIGHT LUNCHES ICE CREAM — CHINESE FOOD WE SPECIALIZE IN 'TAKE-OUT ORDERS -- Pit. 523.4391 HURONGRILL Ii1.Y7'II,ONTARIO Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon 7 314 oz. tin 63c St. Lawrence Corn Oil, 15 oz. tin 35c Allen's Assorted Fruit Drinks, 3 - 48 oz89c Rose Assorted Relishes, 3 - 12 oz. jars 89c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 24 oz. pkg. 54c Gerber's Strained Baby Food .... 6 jars 84c White Swan Toilet Tissue, 3 - 2 roll pkgs. 89c Sunlight Liquid Detergent, 24 oz, bottle 65e McCormick's Marshmallows, 2 - 14 oz. pks. 69c Marra's Chocolate Rolls, reg. 59c .... for 49c Wittich's Honey Dip Do Nuts , ... 3 pkgs. 1.00 Witich's Apple or Raisin Pies .......... 49c Weston's Honey Nut Roll, reg. 43c .. for 39c Coleman's Weiners, 1 lb. vac pac 55c Coleman's Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls, lb. 59c Bruce Packer's Weiners .......... 2 lb. 95c Bananas lb. 13c Head Lattice Bich 25c Bunch Deets .. , .... , 2 bunches 29c Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook, Blyth, visited on Sunday with Miss Janetta ,Snell and Mr, Gordon Snell. EAST WAWANOSII KINDER• GAlt'rEN ASSEMBLY ANI) GRADUATION The Kindergarten class of East Wawanosh Public School held its assembly and graduation on Fri- day, .lune 'with. The program opened with 0 Canada followed by a Good Morning Song. The children led in prayer and sang two hymns They then pre., sented a song, memory gcrn or a dance appropriate for each month of the school year. Mr. Stevenson the principal, presented each pu- pil with a diploma, giving them a "Bachelor of Rhymes" degree. Following this the parents were served refreshments by the child. ren. Members of the class are: Danny I3eck, Judy Carmichael, Bradley Cook, Andrea Coultes, Julie Gnay, Joan Higgins, Lorna Irwin, Sandra Irwin, Dennis Hoer, pfer, Leonard Lubbers, HcJga Muscheid, Renata Muscheid, Di- anne Ncthcry, Lisa Rodger, Allan Scott, Kevin Scott, Scott Steven- son, I3illy 'Toth, Michael Walker, Sharon Whittle, Joanne Wood. .-•••-•.+4 a ••• ♦ • . •• •+ • + •+ • ••. Summer Special •-• 112 GAL. ICE CREAM 89c At Wallace Turkey Products • i.-•• H •••♦.-•-•- 4 t Clean Your Brick Home BY SANT) BLASTING also silicone treatment if desired AIR HAMMER & COMPRESSOR WORK Arnold Stothers Phone 529.7,10:1 .%•-+►-••••••••.•••••..•r•.••• BERG Sales - Service Installation • Ram Cleaners ▪ Bunk Feeders r♦ Stabling FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives It.lt. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 887.9024 r• • •+4•• + •-M •Nir • •••+♦ •-• •• HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service, 24 • hour Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482.9811 License No, 237•C.70 OR•tf 4 4 • s • '1'IIE I31.YTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1971 BEAT THE HEAT THIS SUMMER Now that summer is here, this would be the time to consider insulation of your attic with Zonolile Insulation to prevent the heat penetrating your ceilings and making the bedrooms of your house uncomfortable, also it would terve 0 two fold benefit of molding the beat in the house In winter thereby saving fuel. Trois makes good sense to us so we say "BEAT THE 11EA'1' WITH ZONOLITE INSULATION". See us for Estimates al your insulation requirements and any advice that we could make available to you. ALSO IN STOCK AT OUR YARD .A complete Zine of fibre glass Insulation, styrofoam, pouring wool etc. For your ventilation problems we carry In stock aluminum combination doors and aluminum windows by order only. A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4251 Litmus DRUGS OUR MALI, ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DRUG SUNDRIES V1TF PTNARY M1 J)1C1NFfi 41-• • • • • • r. ♦ •-• • •+ •.-♦+•+++••••♦+.-.. •, H TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY CARS - the price is right! 1970 IMPALA '1 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, gold 1970 PONTIAC Par,, 2 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb automatic 1970 IMPALA 4 dr., hardtop v8, pb, pb, green 1969 PONTIAC Par,, 2 dr. hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1969 DODGE Polara 500, 4 dr., v8, ps, auto. 1969 PONTIAC Lauri 2 dr., hardtop, auto,, v6, ps, pb 1969 DODGE Dart, 1 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1969 GALAXY 500, 1 dr. hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb, radio 2 - 1969 DODGE 4 dr. sedans, v8, automatic, radio, ps, pb 1968 FORD Station Wagon, v8, auto., ps, pb 1968 MONTAGO 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1968 CADILLAC 4dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1968 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan, v8, auto., ps 1967 FORT) Custom 500, 2 dr„ 6 cyl., aut., radio 1967 CHE`'. VAN, 6 cyl. 1967 CHEW 112 ton Panel, 6 cyl, 1967 MERCURY F100 half ton, heavy duty 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par., 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 1965 FORD 6 cyl., standard transmission Ham 's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 ••••••r••-w•r+•-•N•-••F+++w•••+••N1•}•-•4* THE BLVTI1 STA.\'DARI) — WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1971 WEDDING WESTERIIOUT — BOSMAN plums and white shasta daisies. 'Ile bridesmaids, Mrs. Dianne Knox United Church, Belgrave, McPhee of Goderich, and Miss was decorated with white and Donna Chamney of Dungannon mauve murals on Saturday, July were gowned similar to the mat. 10, 1971, at 7 p.m. for the mar• ron of honor. The flowergirl, iage of Joan Adelle Bosman to lli_s Christine Baker of London, Pieter 11'esterhou:. Rev. John niece of the groom. was dressed G. Roberts officiated at the core• similar to the bridesmaids. many. Traditional wedding music (lank 1Vesterhout, Clinton, was ‘vas payed by Mrs. John Nixon hest man and the guests were ere! accompanied the soloist Mrs. ushered by Donald Bosman, Bel - Allan in Bosnian when she sang ''Oh grave and Dick 1Vesterhout, Clin• Perfect Love". "Where Do I Be- ton. gin". theme song of "Love Story" A reception followed in Brus. and "Lord's Prayer". 'els Legion Hall where the bride'_ The bride is the daughter of mother received the guests in a Mr. ail Mrs. Gordon Bosman, rose chiffon dress and white ac• Re! rave, Ontario, and the groom ccssories. The groom's mother is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pieter assisted in a coral crepe dress I1'; s:cr heat, Clinton, Ontario. and navy accessories. Tie bride. given in marriage For a wedding trip to points by her father. wore a gown of east the bride chose a navy dress fla :e polyester crepe with seed N ith white trim and red access• p;arl tr:m on the neckline and orjes. her len; train was edged with On their return the couple will AT THE LIBRARY Adult Books CALICO CAPTIVE — by Eliza• beth George Speare. Based on an actual narrative diary pub• fished in 1807, Calico Captive skit• fully reenacts an absorbing facet of history. The story is about a young girl and her family who are captured by Indians in New Hampshire, marched north, and sold as slaves to the French in Montreal. Here she meets Pier. re, the dashing young "coureur de boil" who compelled her t a make the most important deci- sion of her life. TIIE RICE OF AFFECTION — by Don Stanford. A modern story of love found. then sudden- ly lost due to the desruptive for- ces of war in a remote tropical 1 ntry, This lois is one that Hannah Payne will no: accept, and she goes hurtling across the world to plunge into a nation at Motion by Hallahan and Chart - war, in blind reckless pursuit of er authorizing the County Weed her only chance at happiness. !�; )color 19 place in the local BRIDGE, CARD BY CARD — by 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher I'ut)Irahed ever) Wednesday at Queen Street, IRLI"I'li, ONTARI(1 Member Canadian and Ontario 11'eekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada in advance) 54.00 a Year Outside Canada i in advance) 5.5 00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each 'Second class mail registration number 1319" EAST WAWANOSII COUNCIL MEETING Council met at 8:30 p.m. in regular session on July 6:h in the Be:grave Community Centre with Reeve Roy Pattison presiding and all members present. Minutes of :he previous regular meeting held June Sth were read and adopted on motion of McDowell and Scott. Carried. b,•::eef;y lace. She carried a reside at 461 Ontario Street, Lon. Terrence Reese and Boris Schap• papers appropriate advertising re t' uquet of mauve mums and don. Noxious Weeds. Carried. aro. These two world•famous w!r!:e ste•:hanotis. Mrs. Hank 11'esterhout. Clinton, as matron of honor wore mauve polyester crepe trimmed with 'l::e and mauve daisy lace and carried a bouquet of mauve baby London. Mr:..aleatha Bosman, Learin• ton, a great aunt of the bride. was one of the honoured guests. The bride is a graduate of Sales School of Hairdressin PUBLIC NOTICE The County of Huron Planning Board Re OFFICIAL PLAN Pt:b1:c meetings will be held in the locations and at times nated below -for the purpose of discussing the proposed O.fi.ia! Plan for the County of Huron. These are open meetings and you are invited to attend. .anyone unable to be present may forward written sub;tission t) the se,retary of the Planning Board on or before July 19. 1971. EXETER — TOWN HALL — TUES., JULY 20, 80 p.m. CLINTON — TOWN HALL — THUR., JULY 22, 8;30 p.m. 11'INGHAM — TOWN HALL — MON., JULY 26, 8:30 p.m. JOILN G. BERRY, Secretary, C•)urt House, Goderich. CHARLES THOMAS, Chairman, SPECIAL MUSIC -- JULY 18 by the Tabernacle Trio of Stratford AT WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR — 2 P.M. ,AND CHRISTIAN MEN'S CHAPEL, AUBURN — 8 P.M. Everyone Welcome HURON'COUNTY BEEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION BEEF BAR -B -Q 8 DANCE SEAFORTH MEMORIAL CENTRE WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 Bar.B.Q 6.8 p.m. Refreshment Bar Dance 9 tot Ian Wilbee Orchestra Tickets: Bar•B•Q and Dance 83.00 per person. Pre School Children: No Charge for Bar•B•Q Limited Number of Tickets to be Sold Available From Len Archambault or Carman Craig bridge experts, have combined to ~lotion by Hallahan and 11cDo• produce a step•by•step introduc• .,:1! that Schultz Bros. receive tion to this fascinating and ab- $522.96 in payment of all previous sorbing game. Players and be• work done ..: the Waste Disposal ginners alike will benefit from Site and a:so to end of year 1971. Carried. Juvenile Books this book. Motion by Scott and Charter BEN HUR — by Lew Wallace, :hat Mr. Reg. Schul:z be appoint. This story of the Roman bov ed as Waste Disposal Site Super. Ben Hur, who lived during the visor. at 81.75 per hour. Site to early days of the Christian Era remain open Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'ciak tto 5 o'clock, Wednesday told in a fascinating way, en- evening 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock, an2 ,l livened by artist Louis S, Glanz• Saturday afternoono'clock to 5man's action -filled illustrations, c,'clock. Carried. Junior Auxiliary 13th Meeting boli in full color and in black. Motion by Hallahan and llcUo• ana•5rhite. Recommended for well that the Township Mill Rate Grade 6 -up. be set at Business and Commer• Library Hours -- Tuesday and sial 27.29 mills and Farm and Thursday. 2.5 p.m. Saturday 1.5 Residential 24.44 mills. Carried. p.m Motion by Scott and Charted• :hat By -Law No. 12, 1971 (being a .NOTICE TO CREDITORS )y•law for the purpose of levying In The Matter of the Estate of and collecting taxes for 1971) be CHARLES WILLIAM STEIVART : ead a first and second time. Car• A1.1, PERSONS having claims :led' Motion by McDowell and Halla against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Ian that By -Law No. 12, 1971, be OBITUARY MRS. JESSIE VODDEN Passed away in Clinton llospi• tai on Wednesday, July 7, 1971, ,Jessie Ann Yungblut beloved wife of the late John P. Vodden in her S7:h year. She was the daughter of the late Jacob Yungblut and Eliza- beth Paterson, She was a mem• ber of the Londesboro United Church. :Mrs. \od'en is survived by niece, ani nephews. Funeral service was held from '141; F aner:l1 Home, Clinton on Friday, July 9, at 2 p.m, with Rev. Stanley McDonald of Lon• ie,boro officiating. Pallbearers were Donald Yung. !'tut, Major Yungblut, Leonard Archambault, Frank Roberton, !:ail We,brook, Leonard West. b;•�ok Belgrave Blyth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 4th day cf June, 1971 are required to file proof of same with the un• dersigned, on or before the 23rd day of July, 1971. AFTER THAT date, the executors will proceed to distribute the es. tate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at 1Vingbam, Ontario, th 6th day of July. 1971. CRAWFORD S MILL 1Vingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Erecutors 47.3 IS WINTER VACATION YOUR THINGS? Start earning for it now. Be ab Avon Representative, Earn mon• ey selling world famous Avon pro. ducts. Call or write Mrs. M. Mill. son, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32, 451.0.541. 47.49 RECEPTION Reception for Mr. and Mrs. David Medd (nee Sharon Payne) in Women's Institute Hall, Bel. grave, on Friday, July 16th. Mus- ic by Scott's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leggett very much appreciate the many congratulations of so many of our old neighbours on the 3rd line and friends, 47.1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to friends, relatives, for cards and gifts sent to myself and the baby while we were in 11'ingham and District Hospital. Yvonne and Baby Margaret Cronyn. 47.1p CARD OF THANKS Relatives of the late Jessie Ann Vodden wish to express their sin. ce:e thanks to the friends, rela- tives and neighbours for their many expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement, Special thanks to Rev. Stanley McDonald. It was greatly appre• elated. 47.1 'ead a third time and finally pass. ed. Carried, Following are the mill rats to be used for 1971 tax purposes. County Purposes 20.33 mills; Township B and C 27.97 mills; F and R 24.44 mills; high schools, 3 and C 22.84 mills; F. and R. 20.56 mills. Public Schools: East Wawanosh School .Area, B and C t1.S6 mills; F and R 10.67 mills; \Vest Wawanosh School Area, B ;nd C —; F and R 6.67 mills; 'l'urnberry School Area, B and C 15,67 mills; F and R 16.81 mills; Ftullett School Area, B and C 12, 5-1 mills: F and R 11.29 mills; Kinloss School .Area, B and C 11. 03 mills; F and R 9.93 mills; The 13th Junior :Auxiliary meet. in.4 was held at the Belgrave An. !!lean C'urch on Saturday with Bonnie Walker leading in games. President Beta Lynne White led in the opening exercises. Minutes were read by Donelda Lamont and treasurer's report by Betty Meurs. Leaders for the next meeting are: games, Karen Scott, sing- song, Patsy Scott; worship, Bonnie 1Valker; clean up girl, Bonnie Walker. Connie .\leers helped with the 5vorsaip service. Offering was collected by Audrey Scott and Cathy Walker recited the offertory prayer. 1Vork;hop for the day proceeded with Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin as guest speaker and told the ,girls a story about a little deer called Snuggle. 111), The sing -song was led by Di- anne Scott followed by song and prayer closed the meeting. Donnybrook Separate School Rate, Farm and cuttd,ty visitors with Mr. and Residential 19.47 mills: Police Mrs Charles Jefferson and fam. Village of Manchester, general 15.00 mills; Special 6.00 mills; re rl�' were Mr. and Mrs. Norman duced Township rate 8.00 mills. Jefferson, Debra, Anne and Stev. Motion by Hallahan and Charter en of 1•ullarlon, Mrs, John Jeffers gat By 1.aa No. 13, 1971 (being son of Cromarty, Mr, Clarence a by-law to raise 8150,000.00 to Doelr and Mrs, Gordon Holmes and in construction of sub -surface of Milverton, lir, and Mrs, llugh drainage systems) be read a first 'Jefferson of Peterborough, Mr. and second time. Carried. Sam Jefferson of Goderich and Reeve Roy Pattison lir, Jim Leddy of Donnybrook, presented Miss Diane Chanute), of Strat• to Mr. Clarence Hanna, Road Superintendent, a "Certificate" ford spent the weekend with her from the Ontario Good Roads As. 1) trents Mr, and firs, Stuart sociation in recognition of having Chimney and fancily. successfully completed the "C. S. BURNS U.C.W. MEE'T'ING knderson" Road School Surveying Course held at the University of The June meeting of the Burns Guelph. U.C.W. was held at the home of Motion by Charter and Scott that Mrs, Watson Reid on Wednesday :he interest rate re levying of afternoon with fifteen members municipal drains be set at 8 per present, Mrs, Ed. Bell opened cent. Carried. the meeting. Hymn 485 was sung Motion by Charter and Hallahan followed by prayer. Donna Reid that the road and general accounts gave two piano selections. Rev. as presented be passed and paid. McDonald continued with Bible Carried. Road account in amount Study on the Gospel of John of 87,746.97. General accounts in Chapter 3. amount of 81,439.64. Mrs. Ed. Bell conducted the Motion by Hallahan and Scott business session. Roll call was that the Clerk and Treasurer re• answered by a bible verse and ceive S15,00 re attendance at a minutes of the last meeting were "Tile Drain Seminar" held in read. The treasurer's report was Orangeville. Carried. given by Miss Jean Leiper, A Motion by McDowell and Chart thank you letter ryas received er that council adjourn to meet from Scott Mission, Toronto, again on August 3rd, 1971 at 8:30 Hymn 502 was sung and the p.m. Carried. meeting closed with prayer. The next meeting will be held on July Roy V. Pattison, Reeve. 28th at the home of Mrs, Ed. Bell. Grace was sung and lunch Winona Thompson, Clerk. served. Business Dircotory=-= _.._..._._., Cronin's Television SALES Al SERVICT IILYTII •- Phone 523.9273 J E. I,0N(STAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON 11t)N DAYS & WEDNESDAYS 930 a.m. to 5.30 p.n, Fur Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1 4O BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS„ CLINTON, ONT, ,Manure handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CI:EANICI) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE .-• Brussels R.R. 2 - Phone 887.6800 DR. R. W. STREET 131.1"1'1I, O;1"r:U110 PHONE 523.4433 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Emergency Coverage Through Clinton Hospital If Unavailable W. 11 11A'N11,7'ON -- OPTOMETRIST Nell to the Lyceum theatre -- WINGNAM Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Bateman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523-4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:• Listings on Fartns, Homes and Businesses. BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTII, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.9556 CRAWF O'RD and MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. II. Cawford, Q.C., A. Mill, B,A., In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 5234481 Phones Wingham 357-•4630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Daj' Monday •-- Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings I'IIONE: BLYTH 523.9341. if no answer 523.9601 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDINt; ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.1303 CLINTON II. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482-3320 LYLE YOUNGBLUT 01L BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.8585 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1971 gidaiwiltuaTIMllll9fiP URIJERI!bwlllaiiuOLuoui, SELL IT! BUY IT! PUT A STANI)AR() "CLASSIFIED" 1' 1111111111i 1bWJNUlihaiswobuiui,,... that( lmmiliwWuuwiuuiiuumuutoautiuuiU'uWiaiku lluuallouu i RENT IT! FIND IT; 'I'() WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WOOD FOR SALE • Hardwood slabs, $4.00 per cord; soft wood, $3.00 per cord, deliver- ed to your yard in 6 or 7 cord loads. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, Phone 526.7220. 45.3 4 FOR SALE Ferguson 85 tractor with Free- man loader; Smoker hay eleva• tor; used 3 -furrow Case plough, I3ob Armstrong, phone 526.7257. 45.3 IMhIEDIA'I'E PAYIIIENT FOR Good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and 4 telephone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m, or after 6 p.m. 37-tf 'rRAVEL•ON SALES AND RENTALS Agent for Sunka►nper and Woods Folding hardtop Trailers, Truck Mounts and Accessories, BOOK NOW, For Summer Rentals. Gordon Steepe, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 482.3364. 37.9p FOR SALE Choice New Zealand white rab• • bits for sale. We also buy rabbits. Special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fry era. G. S. Hughes, 523.9424, Blyth. 35.14p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325. 35• REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at it BURKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357.2450. Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Motor Rewind, 24 Hour emergency service. 40.1.1 J CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and routine repairs; specializinh in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 887.9024 37•tf 4 CLINTON SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. In the evening (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bev, Nott, Clinton 482.3162 Joe Corey, Clinton 4 • HELP WANTED Fourth class stationery engineer required to fill position as chief engineer in Southwestern Ontario Industry. Reply giving all neces• sary details to Box X, c'o The Blyth Standard, Blyth, Ontario. 47-1 FOR SALE Westinghouse refrigerator, good condition. Mrs. J. Stewart, 523- 9222. 46.1 NOTICE We have room for elderly lady looking for good home the year round. Apply Mrs. Wm. Knox, Blyth, 523.9382. 46.2 PREPARE FOR HARVEST 'rIME For custom combining of grain, beans and corn, bean pulling and windrowing, fall plowing. Call Ed Szusz, phone 523.9397. 46.6p RECEPTION Friday, July 16th, reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crich (nee Donna Bromley) 9:30 • 12:30 Clinton Legion Hall. Music by Bluewater Playboys. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 46.2 Iola BAILEY REAL ESTATE Sarnia, Ontario Listings wanted in Blyth and surrounding arca LIST TO SELL Beautiful traditional 8 room 2 storey red veneer brick home, all modern conveniences. Oil furn- ace. Priced reasonable for quick sale. 161 acre farm with 2 frame barns in McKillop township. 6 room instil brick siding home on lovely landscaped grounds. See it to appreciate it. Nearly new ‘vork shop for sale in Blyth. Electric gas pump. Hy- draulic loading hoist. Electrically heated. Suitable for carpenter, plumber, etc. Low priced. Wanted Itnmediately: 50.100 acre farm within mile radius of Wingham. Contact MASON BAILEY Office 482.9371 Res. 523.9338 WANTED TO BUY lligh chair; 48" bed complete. Phone 523.4358. 47.1 FOR SALE 50 pigs 9 weeks old. Apply Jas- per Snell 523.9379. 47.1 FOR SALE llobile home, 10x47, now con• clition with porch and oil tank, fully furnished. William Bannis- ter, Trailer Park across from the Air Base, Clinton. 47.10 HELP WANTED Experienced maintenance man or auto mechanic for wood work- ing industry in Wingham area. Reply stating qualifications and experience to Box X, cio The Blyth Standard, Blyth, Ontario. 47-1 FOR SALE 180 International combine, 4 years old; only combined 260 ac- res, Phone 523.9501. 47.2p FOR SALE 10 ton of cob corn. 9 pigs 9 weeks old. Robert Marshall phone 523.9220. 47•1p. CUSTOM WORK Swathing and combining grain and corn. Jerry Heyink, phone 523.9208. 47.3 FOR SALE (inc heifer calf, Hereford x Hol- stein. one week old. Peter de Groot, phone 523.9347. 474 FOR SALE Standing hay, can help harvest. P.O. Box 51, Blyth. 47.1p FOR SALE 12' Massey Ferguson swather, 2 years old, pick-up reel and back reel; self propelled 800 Case com- bine with motor overhauled. John Middegaal 523-9326. 47.1 FOR SALE 6'x56" steel frame trailer, can be seen at Blyth Garage. Harve Garniss, phone 523.9443. 47.2p CONCRETE WORK All types of foundations and a 10 floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates • free estimates. MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Ontario, 345.2253 Phones 345.2964, BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Itennovating and Cabinet Making A E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings r LARRY'S RA1)IO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLYTH, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.9640 Tom Duizer Plumbing and Heating Oil Burner Sales . Service - Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems & Water Conditioning Equipment Sheet. Metal Work • Eavestroughing LONDESBORO, ONT. PHONE BLYTH 523.4359 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITII US -- ---- WE RAVE THE CONTACTS AND TITE PROSPECTS (2. BUItUMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:- K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. ROYAL TRUST CO. Realtor • London To buy or Sell see Local Agent STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth, BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates, * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet .for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & 5IUTCII FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9.505 Clinton 30•u. THE BLYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1971 BELGRAVE NEWS EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes, 11r. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Grimsby, Mr. Martin Grasby, Mr. Charles Coultes, Mrs. George Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth \\'heeler, all of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, '1'horndale, Mrs. Len Jarvis of St Catherines, Mrs. Mnrray Rae and Don Rae of Wingham attended the gradu- ation of Miss Audrey Coultes from the Guelph General Hospital F ;hoot of Nursing which was held in the War Memorial Mall, University of Guelph on June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stiles, Patsy and 13111, of Mimico, Robert Arm- strong and Miss Marion Mc Don Pld of Toronto, Mrs. Norman GHde, Miss Gladys McDowell and Mr. Dan Ferguson, of Gode- rich, Mrs. George Mains and Miss Tillie Mains, Blyth, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Cora McGill. Mrs. Herb Wheeler and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler attended the wnridge re -union at Brampton on Saturday, July 3, Misses Ruth Ann Pletch and Wanda Lee of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Harmer of MEAT SPECIALS Fullerton visited with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. :Albert Vincent on Monday, also called on Mrs. James Lamont and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Pletch and Krista of White River spent the past week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and family also visited with other relatives in the area. Mr, and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong of London visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. iter son Irwin and with his mother who is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Sharon, Suzanne and George Alton are visilingg with their grandparents Mr, and Mrs, Stew- art Procter. Their father, Mr. Kenneth Alton is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London after having surgery last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romirez and family of Elyria, Ohio, are spending this week with her sis- ter and brother-in-law Mr. and Airs. Jack Van Camp. Mrs. Mary Brophy and son DIP Ready to Eat Ham lb. 95c Epicure Bacon lb. 59c Smoked Picnic lb. 49c Daisy Bacon Ends 3 lb. 99c CUSTO.;11I KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED A13II1TOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only RLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie " reek" Button, Proprietor BLYTII, ONTARIO, PHONE 523.4551 ewarit's Red & White Food Mkt. MYTH, ONT., Phone 9411 WE DELIVER Aylmer Green or Yellow Wax Beans 14 oz. tin 6 for 1.00 Stokley's Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 48 oz. 3 tins 1.00 Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, 28 oz. tin, 2 for 69c McCorinick'sAssorted Cookies .. 3 pkgs. 1.00 Soft Drinks in tins case of 24 tins 2.09 Del Monte Pine -Or, or Pine G.F. Drinks 3 tins 1.00 Javex Liquid Bleach, 64 oz. jug Moderne Facial Tissues 45e 2 pkgs69c White Swan Toilet Tissue, 2 roll pkg. , . 29c Tops Dog Food 9 tins 1.00 Fleecy Fabric Softener, 64 oz. 79c Schneider's Weiners, 1 lb. pkg. 59c Shneider's Bacon Ends, 1 lb. pkg. 55c No. 1 Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. 25c California Oranges 2 doz. 89c Weston's Fresh Bread 4 loaves 1.00 Weston's Hamburg or Hot Dog Rolls 4 pkgs. 1,00 Jerry of Wingham and Mrs. annual Procter reunion was held Mac Thompson and son Howard at the I3elgrave Community Centre of Goderich visited during the Park, 57 signed the register and week at the home of Mr, and enjoyed a social time as well as Airs. hark Armstrong. :ports for the children and adults Air. and firs. Albert Vincent conducted by the sports commit - visited with Atr, and ?les, Percy tee, Vincent of Bluevale on Friday. At about 5:30 p.m. all were seat - Quite a number from this area ed and Kenneth Wheeler led in the attended the Orange parade in singing of grace, Everyone en - Listowel on Saturday. 11r. Athol joycd a hearty lunch as well as a Bruce of 4112 L.O.L. Belgrave treat of watermelon from Air. and has played the fife or drum in Mrs. Wilbert Byers from Royal every parade since 1912. Oak, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Coultes The business was conducted by visited on Sunday with her sister the president, Charles Thomas of Mrs, Russel Walker also with Brussels. Minutes of last year's Mr, Walker who is a patient at reunion and the 1971 executive the Goderich Nursing Home. meeting were read by the secre• Christopher Mayes of Elyria, Lary, Mrs. Jack Higgins, and ad - Ohio is holidaying with his uncle opted. One minute silence was and aunt lir. and Mrs. Jack Van observed in honour of one mem- Camp. her, Carl Procter, who had pass - Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent •;'(:•e Air. and Mrs. William Kelly of Seaforth, Mrs, Madeline Bar - born of Ilensall, Mrs, Mary Wal- den of Westfield, Mrs. James Taft and family of London. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent accompanied Mr, and Mrs. ilar- olcl Vincent to the Vincent Re- union on Sunday at the Bayfield Park. Mrs. Albert Vincent visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ira Campbell on Wednesday afternoon. Master Jeff Armstrong is holi- daying with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehc ise spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Edgar and family of Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Babensee and Diane of Waterloo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Coultes and family. Visitors during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh h,.nn and John were Mr. and Mrs. William Arlin of Newcastle, Mrs. Clarence Paulen of Willowdale, Mrs. Mitchell Leibler of Mitchell, Miss Rebecca hill of Iluronview, Clinton, and Mrs. Elvey Rock of .Monkton. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Rinn spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Char- les McGavin of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg, R.R. 2, Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lichty and Wayne, R.R. 1, Milverton visited with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hibberd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pletch of Toronto visited on Sunday with 11r, and Mrs. Sam Pletch, A christening service was held in Knox United Church on Fri- day evening when Rev, John Ro- berta baptized Krista Lynne, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Pletch of White River and Jeffrey Leroy, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pletch, Belgrave. 23yd Annual Edgar Reunion The 23rd' annual Edgar reunion was held in the Bluevale Com- munity Park on Sunday, July 11, Following Great Grandfather Edgar's blessing which was giv- en by Lloyd Weir over 80 Tela• lives sat down to a delicious smorgasbord supper. After supper, president Alvin Mundell led in a short business period with Mrs, Lloyd Jacques as secretary -treasurer, A two minute silence was observed in memory of those who had passed away in the past year. Officers for 1972 are: president, Charles Johnston, Blyth; secretary treasurer, Mrs, Lloyd Jacques, Clifford. Prizes were given to: youngest child, Tabatha Edgar, Walkerton; child with birthday nearest re- union date, 13everley Edgar, Pc- trolia; adult with birthday nearest date, Mrs. Benson Shackleton, Dungannon; anniversary nearest date, Mr, and Mrs, Edward Doer, Wingham; oldest, lady present, Mrs, Arthur Il, Edgar, Wingham; oldest man, James Edgar, Wing - ham; person coming farthest, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, Karen and Calvin, of rtobicoke, Relatives present were from Toronto, Petrolia, Teeswater, Wingham, 13lyth, Wroxeter, Blue - vale, Dungannon, Walkerton, Go- derich, Clifford, Belgrave, Procter Family held 40th Annual Reunion On Sunday, July 11th, the 40th ed away since the last reunion, 11, was also decided to sent a get well card to another member, Kenneth Alton, who is in Victoria Hospital, London. The collection was taken and Airs. Laura Johnston gave a vote of thanks to all who had help- ed make the reunion a success. New officers for 1972 are as follows: president, Miis, Laura Johnston; vice-president, A1rs. Kenneth Wheeler; secretary -treas- urer, Airs, Carl Procter; lunch, Mrs, Jack Higgins, Mrs, Wilbert Procter, Mrs. Lulu Kerr, Mrs, Orton Grain; sports, Cameron Procter, Miss Faye Procter, Mrs, Ron Hill, Donald G. Procter. Guests were present from Royal Oak, Michigan, Rochester, Mich• Tara, Brussels, Wingham, Goderich, London, Bright, Luck• now, Blyth and I3elgrave. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE A srisci.u, GROUPING or Men's Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRES REGULAR TO $6.95 SALE 5.50 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT On Men's Summer SPORT SHIRTS & SHORTS R. W. Madill's SHOES -- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "Th. Stmp With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at ?1A D) I LL'S on Thursday and Friday Snews MARKET Gold Seal Cohoe Salmon, 1;2's 55c Ilereford Corned Beef, 12 oz. tin _ 59c Kraft Cheez Whiz, 16 oz. jar 79c Stokley's Fancy Tomato ,Juice, 48 oz. tin 35c Stokley's Bean Salad, 14 oz, tin 29c Happy Vale Green Peas, 1'I oz. tin, 8 for 1.00 IIunt's Fancy Catsup, 11 oz. bottle, 5 for 1.00 Shirriff Jelly Powders, all flavors, 10 for 1.00 Chef's Best Frozen French Fries, 15 lb. box 2.95 Sunshine Beef Reddi Burgers, 3 lb. pkg. 1,99 Sunshine Fancy Green Peas, 2 lb. bag . , . 49c Peameal Cottage Rolls, whole or half , Ib, 49c Peameal Back Bacon, in piece lb. 89c Fresh Pork Picnic Shld. Roast lb. 39c hresh Meaty Pork Riblets , , , .4 lb. for 1.00 K.P, Sliced Bacon Ends 3 lb. for 1.00 White Swan Bathroom Tissue , , 4 rolls 55c Ivory Liquid For Dishes giant size 79c (Available with a $10.00 Order of Groceries: White Sugar, 50 lb. bag 5.59; or 100 lb. bag 10.79) - Phone 523-9332 We Deliver Auburn & District News Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson of Dillon, Ohio, and 11r. and Mrs. Norman Coleman of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jardin, Stephen and handy, of Kitchener, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. William Straughan. Visitors at the Manse last Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Millard Bell of Paisley, and Mr. and Mrs. Gregg of Pinkerton. HON'. and Mrs. A. E. Silver and her sister, Miss Blanche Flood of London, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Airs. Robert .1. Phillips. JJr, and Mrs, George Lake of London spent a few days last week with Pastor and Mrs. Alfred Fry. Mr. and Mrs. George Naylor, Kathy and Darlene of Toronto, spent several days last week with Mrs, Jessie Naylor, Glen and Dor• is. Mr. Allan McDougall of Levack, and .11iss Laura Wills of Sudbury, spent last weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Mc- Dougall. Mrs. W, J. Mains, Hiss Shirley Mains and Mr. Ronald Mains of Goderich visited last Sunday with Mr, and 11rs. Robert .1. Phillips. Miss Judy Arthur of Montreal spent the weekend with her par - Nits, Mr. and Mrs. harry Arth- ur, Hark kand Greg. Miss Sheron Collins, Mr, George Collins and Mrs. Eleanor Brad - nock visited Ontario Place in Toronto last Sunday. Horticultural Society Meeting Auburn 11a11. The president, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, welcomed all and the minutes of the previous meet- ing were adopted as read. A dis- cussion took place re the signs for the flower beds to replace the ones made in 1950. Mrs. Ross Robinson was asked to do these. A letter of regret was read from Mrs, Anna Meyer, CKNX Woman's Editor, that she was unable to be the guest speaker at the next op• en meeting. The financial state- ment was given by the treasurer, 1rs. Eleanor Bradnock. Plans were made to hold a meet- ing near the end of August when it is hoped Mrs. William Klie of iianover, the district president, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. 'Phomas 1laggitt and Mrs. Elmer '!'rommer will be in charge of the program. The bake table will be in charge of Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Brian Hallam, Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mrs. Dorothy Grange. White elephant table, Mrs. 'Phomas Lawlor, Mrs. Elm- er 'I'rommer, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Torrance Tahb. There is to he flower arrange- ments brought by the members and these will be arranged by Mrs. Ralph Munro, Mrs. Robert Phillips, Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs. Ed. Davies, The lunch committee will be Mrs. Thomas llaggitt, Mrs. Beth Lansing, Mrs. William Clark and Mrs. Albert McFarlane. Teacher•Missionary Spoke At V.M.S.1Meeting The executive meeting of the Auburn Horticultural Society, was "Missionaries are welcomed in held last Monday evening in the non-Christian communities in Af- WEEKEND SPECIALS CORDON i3LEU 7 OZ. TINS BONELESS CHICKEN 39c .11110 & SIIIRI{IFF'S 3 OZ. JELLY POWDERS, 3 FOR 35c ,MAXWELL HOUSE 10 OZ. INSTANT COFFEE 1.59 WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE — assorted colours 2 • 2 roll pkgs. 49c EVERYDAY PRICE ON LEWIS 30c BREAD, 10 LOAVES 2,50 EXCELLENT SELECTION OF CANADIAN POTTERY AND GREETING CARDS SLAYER'S GENERAL STORE AUBURN, ONTARIO PHONE 526.7226 Open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. A Tremendous Special 19" COLOUR T.V. With stand automatic fine tuning slide controls OnIy $389. This Weekend without trade rrr 10 DAY SPECIAL DRIP DRY TRAY FOR TOILETS keeps bathroom floor dry Only 1.27 Only 2 Dehumidifiers left In Stock -- Buy Now At Clearing Prices -- CrAnin's HARDWARE • BLYTH TSI,EPDON6 52E•9277 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER Tien and other countries where the Love of God is taken" was the message that Miss Hazel Mac• Donald of Goderich, told to the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society when they held their July meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithbby, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock was in charge of the program which be- gan with the call to worship. The hymn, "That a friend we have in Jesus" the favourite of Mrs. An- drew Kirkconnell, was sung with Mrs. Donald Haines as pianist. This was followed by prayer and the Lord's Prayer. The devotional period was in charge of Airs. Frank Raithby. The scripture les- son, Psalni 120, was read by Mrs. William Clark. The meditiation theme was "Harvest—period of gladness" and was given by Mrs. Prank Raithby. The roll call was answered by each quoting a bible verse containing the word Love. The offering was received and de- dicated with prayer by Mrs. Raithby. Miss MacDonald, in her inter- esting message, told of her ex- periences in Kenya when she was teacher -missionary last year. A discussion period followed and she showed some items of their hand- craft work. Airs. Donald Haines thanked Miss MacDonald for her message. A medley of hymns was played on the piano by Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs; Raithby gave a reading, 'Poo Busy. The president. Airs. Wilfred Sanderson, took charge of the business period. The minutes of the previous meeting were accept- ed as read by the secretary, Mrs. Minnie Wagner. It was decided not to hold a meeting in August and Mrs. Major Youngblut invit- ed the group to her home for the September meeting. Mrs, Sanderson closed with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Raithby and Mrs. Sanderson. WALTON EVENTS Bride•elect Honoured A shower was held in honour of Donna Fay Storey, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Orville Storey, bride -elect of this month in the basement of the church with Mrs. Arnold Scott as mistress of der• monies, The shower was open- ed with 0 Canada followed by a program consisting of several numbers sang by Donna, Debbie and Darlene Henderson accom• parried by Mrs. Ilenderson. The Silver Strings Orchestra with Lin- da Godkin on the piano, Beth Mc- Nichol on the banjo and Ray Mc. Nichol on the electric guitar play- ed several numbers. Sharon and Bobby Thompson accompanied by 11rs, Arnold Scott sang two num. bets. Evelyn Storey sang a solo accompanied by Dianne Hender- son. Jane .Johnson and Elizabeth Pryce sang duets accompanied by Jane Johnson, Shirley and Doris McLure and Sharon Thomp• • TIIE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1871 • •-• •-•-•-••-• •••�•�Mrr•s�•�+tom • DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth •1••-••t••4-•+• •t•44 • •N -H • H•. •+,��� H+• •4 • •� �+1 LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials —CALL CLARK UPHOLSTERY PIr. 523.4272; 523.4528 R. Cook, Prop. Blyth, Ont. WE HAVE A FREE PICK•UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE VACATION NOTICE Farmers wishing to ship hogs from July 7th to July 19th kindly phone Campbell's Transport 523.4204 or Edward G. Watson, Monday mornings 8 to 12 or Wednesday morning 8:30 to 12 523.4543. Thank you for your co-operation, yours truly, Edward G. Watson son sang as a trio. A contest of items in a jar was held. dress and Donna thanked all for Dianne Ilenderson read the ad - the lovely gifts and invited all to visit her in her new home in Egmondville. Miss Lynn McDonald spent several clays visiting with rela- fives Mr, and Mrs. Cassidy and family, of Ingersoll, Steven and John Ifuether spent the weekend at Varna visiting their grandparents 11r. and Mrs. Watson Webster. Visiting on Saturday with Mrs. Waller Broadfoot were Mr. and Mrs, John Guckenberg of Kitch- ener and the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Farquharson of Lon- don. • Mr, and Mrs, Emmerson 111i1 chef! and family were in LIstowel on Saturday attending the 12th of .July celebrations. Mrs. Jim Axtman and Mrs. Murray Smith will convene the Institute meeting on Wednesday, July 21, Roll Call—bring your oldest piece of jowellery and tell its history, The 4.11 girls are to be present and model their out- fits made in Separates for Sum - 46 -2 1 mer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deane of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Ron Deane of Newmarket spent Fri- day evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Iluether and at- tended the Shortreed • Webster wedding in Brussels Presbyterian church. John and Steven Beer spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Mit- elicit, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Bier, are moving from Man- itoba to Camp Borden base. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall of Exeter, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Walter Shortreed. Sunday, July 18 will be the last service at Duff's Church prior to the minister's month holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs Herb 'I'raviss at their trailer at Boiler Beach, Kincardine, Torrey McCall and sons Jim and Ross, returned home to Vic - Coria, I3.C. from the international airport, Toronto, after spending a holiday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McCall and visiting other relatives in the community. OHSIP has announced a NEW BENEFIT YEAR for Chiropractic Services. A renewed period of FULL CHIROPRACTIC BENEFITS for all OHSIP subscribers Commences annually each JULY 1st FOR DETAILS: CONSULT YOUR CiiIROPRACTOR, PRESENTED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY TILE ONTARIO CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, W71 Barbara Wasson Honored At Shower Friends, neighbours and rela• lives gathered at the home of Mrs, George Nesbitt on Saturday, July 10, in honour of Barbara Wasson, bride -elect of the month, Mrs. Ilarve Brown and Miss Sheila France favored all with piano and violin instrumentals. Mrs. Ken Taylor, Mrs. Charlie Shobbrook and Mrs. Bruce Rich• mond eavc humorous readings. Following the readings a sing song was led by Mrs. Brown and Mies France. During the evening a tea towel was passed around and everyone signed their name, Barbara was seated in a dec- orated chair and Mrs. Brenda Kitching read the following ad• dress, after which Barbara was presented with many lovely gifts BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON BEECH STREET NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens At 8:00 p.m. First Show At Dusk SUN., MON., TUES. JULY 18, 19, 20 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "COLD TURKEY" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Dick Van Dyke • Bob Newhart In Color An Iowa town decides to give up smoking. "THEY CALL ME MR. TIBBS" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Sidney Pottier Color Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI, JULY 21, 22, 23 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "LITTLE FAUSS AND BIG HALSEY" Robert Redford • Michael J, Pollard — In Color Two young daredevils and a girl fight for love and recognition against a background of pro• fessional Motorcycle Racing. "WUSA" Joanne Woodward • Paul Newman Cartoon In Color ADMITTANC! •RESTRIC'TED' TO PERSONS 11 WARS (f AGE Of OVER 4 AN..II1..n. and a bride':, book. She was as• sistcd opening her gifts by her mother, Mrs. George Wasson and the groom's sister, Mrs. Donna Delaere. She graciously thanked every- one and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Bruce Barrie, Mrs, Ken Taylor, Airs. Jack Browp and Mrs. Charlie Shobbrook. Dear Barbara: A happy young couple sweet little boy Were sent a little pride and joy. On a cold winter day to them she came And Barbara, they chose to be her name, with a girl — their As a toddler Barb sure was a pet To her parents she was the fairest yet. But. a little girl she did'nt stay long For soon she grew up straight and strong. When Barbara started her grade school days In a small white school . . ., just over the graze She really liked school and was so merry It seems she'd met someone named Terry. And on to High School in Clinton she went On more education she was bent For Barbara, a teacher, she de- cided to he And she'd make a gond one, wait and see. To Stratford 't'eacher's College she did advance For her this was a lifetime chance A good teacher 13arb wanted to he which meant hard work as you can see. In Church work Barbara was al- ways keen And at many a meeting she was seen. She sang in the choir and taught Sunday School Teaching the children the golden rule. As we all know to "number 12" they went Eight years together at school they spent. 'ferry's had his eye on Barb. quite some time Thought he to himself, for my wife she'll be fine. So after a courtship of many a day Terry said to himself "I feel very brave". Ile said to Barb, "Will you be mine If you say yes it will suit me fine." FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolineg DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN • Agent B.P. OIL Limited PHONE 482.9653 –• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth FIELD DRAINAGE WILL IMPROVE CROPS AND LAND CLAY TILE WILL REDUCE COSTS BY PROVIDING MANY, MANY YEARS OF SERVICE For Quality Tile BRUCE BRICK & TILE CO. LTD. Box 30, Teeswater, Ontario, Phone Teeswater 393.0929 So as you may guess, her answer was "yes" And radiant she'll be in her wed• ding dress. July 31st they chose for their clay We know they'll be true as their vows they say, Now Barb when you and 'ferry' are man and wife May you always be happy, the rest of your life. Please accept this gift that we present With "Best Wishes" from your neighbours and friends. Williamson Reunion Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt were hosts to the annual William. son Reunion on Sunday, July 11 with 62 present. A program of sports was con- tio,ted by Lynda Forbes, Phyllis Coombs and Brenda Kitching with the following results: Races --I and under, Kevin Wil. Iiamson, Steven Coombs, Jo Ann Carter; 8 and under, Clendon Coombs, Daryl Robinson, Glenda Riley; 12 and under, Kathy Coombs, Clendon Coombs, Danny McGrath. Kick the slipper— Jan. ice Carter, Brian Riley, Kathy Coombs, Shoe Scramble— Brian Riley, Oldest ratan— Adin Forbes. Oldest lady— Mrs. Forbes. Youngest child— Chris Smith. Nearest birthday— Don Carter. A delicious picnic supper was enjoyed, followed by a business meeting. Mrs. Evelyn Williamson read the minutes. Jim Kitching presided over the meeting and conducted an election of officers as follows: president Jim Kitch- ing; vice-president, Ina McGrath; secretary, Brenda Kitching; treasurer, Thelma Coombs; sports, Icon and Gloria Riley; lunch committee, Florence Nes• hitt, Evelyn Carter, Evelyn Wit. Iiamson, Il was decided to hold the reunion next year at the home of Mr. Norman Williamson, Mr. Russell Jervis thanked George and Florence for the use of their home, IVALTON AREA GIRL GRADUATES Helen Marie Searle, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Searle, R. R. 3, Walton, graduated from St. Joseph's Regional School of Nur- sing, London, on Friday, June 25th at exercises held at Alumni Hall, University of Western, Ont- ario. She is also a graduate of Seaforth District Iligh School. A reception followed at the home of her parents after the graduation. Congratulations to Yvonne I3ean who celebrated her birthday July 3rd, Hallett Council Mullett Township Council niet in the Londeshoro Community hlall on July 5th with the Reeve and all Councillors present. Mrs. Gourley and Mrs. Robin- son from the Women's Institute were present to discuss plans for improvements in the kitchen. Mr, Howard Cartwright was pre• sent with a petition asking for a suitable crossing over the river at Lots 20.21, Con. 10 and that work he done on the road to make it passable for his machinery. Mr, E. H. Uderstadt, Engineer. anti several interested ratepayers were present to discuss the repos on the Pickard Drainage Works. :Motion by Jewitt and Dale that the minutes of June 7th and 21st be accepted as presented, Carried. Motion by Jewitt and IIunking that we consent to the severance of the south half of Lot 2, Con. c; and East half of Lot 2, Con, 5 of the said Township of Hullett by way of sale from Margaret B. Whyte to her son, Thomas Whyte. Carried. Motion by Dale and Jewitt that Council consents to the severance of the East half of Lot 3 in the 9th concession by way of a mort- gage from Margaret B, Whyte to Joseph Laverne Nu;gill as shown on the plan attached. Carried Motion by Scanlon and Dale that we give consideration to the Pe - SOMETHING NEW Tlli: 131.YTII INN HOTEL, I3L1"rli, NOW OFFERING "Entertainment & Dancing" FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS This IVeekend Featuring "THE LAMPLIGHTERS" Our Excellent Stock Is Available for All Your Outside Decorating Needs WE OFFER FREE ADVICE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS EASY TO HANG SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER IN STOCK FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO DO THEIR OWN PAPERING Large Selection Now Available At Our Showroom LAWRIE DECORATING BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4525 BEAT THE HEAT in Sleeveless Perma Press Blouses sizes 32-42, assorted colors Shorts - Jamaica or Short in Cotton, (leninl, terry or crimplene sizes 8.411 Pant Suits in arnel or lightweight crimplene sizes 7-20, 14 112 - 18 112 Dresses in cotton, arnel, crimplene, polyester, crepe, all sizes, many styles and shades SEE OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT OF CHILDREN'S WEAR NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth tition received from inlereslc.l parties re work on Lots 20.21, be- tween Con. 9.10, Carried. Motion by Jewitt and Scanlon that we discuss the report on the Pickard Drainage Works, Carried, There was some doubt as to the acres involved and the outlet for some of the area. Motion by Jewitt and Scanlon that adjourn the consideration of the report on the Pickard Drain- age Works, Carried. Motion by Dunking and Dale that we accept the application for tile drain loans for Ronald Gross on Lot 36, Con. 11, in the amount of $3,000.00; and John Boven on Lot 4, Con. 6, in the amount of $4,000,00, Carried. By-law No, 1971.12 was read a first and second time and finally passed on motion by }Junking and Jewitt and Dale and Honking. Motion by Dale and Scanlon Olaf we Issue building permits to Ronald Gross for a Silo on Lot. 36, Con. 11; Reta Kelland for a Patio on Lot N1/2 25, Con, 12: Beverley Wallace for a Porch on Lot 15, Con, 11; Norman Carl Wright for an Implement Shed on Lot 22, Con, 8; Bradley Ken• nedy for a Milk I-Iouse on Lot 33, Con. 13; subject to Township By• Laws. Carried. Motion by Jewitt and flunking that we accept the petition of Mr. William Millson and others for drainage work and the clerk to be instructed to notify the Mait- land Valley Conservation Author• ity of said drain, Carried. Motion by Scanlon and Jewitt that we make a grant of $2,000.00 to the Londesboro Hall Board, Carried, Motion by Dale and Scanlon that the account be accepted as read, passed and paid. Carried. Motion by Jewitt and llunkintr that we do now adjourn to meet again on August 2nd at 8:30 p.m Clare Vincent, Clerk, Hugh Flynn, Reeve,