HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-07-07, Page 1THE BLYTH STA DARD Volume 81 - No, 46 "Serving Myth and Community Since 1885" BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION LIST (Grade 8 Graduates Appeared In Last Week's Issue) PROMOTED TO GRADE 8 Barbara Blake Jean Brown Robbie Burkholder Cary Caldwell Lorna Caldwell Annette Carter Donnie Carter Stephen Cook Chris Cooper Angela Duttmann Paul Guindon Michael I[oba Anne Marie Hull John IIull Blaine Johnston Cathy Madill Bev. Mason Carol Mason Cathy McClinchey Doug McCrea Maureen McCrea Robert Popp Roy Riley Gary Ritchie Lorne Scott Theresa Van Lammeren I3art Vos Paul Warwick Kim Watson Keri Young PROMOTED TO GRADE 7 Clifford Bailey Roger Barrie Mark Battye Judy Brown Lorie Campbell Kevin Carter Leslie Cook William Cook Cathy Cronin Fred de Boer 1311) Duttmann I3111 11 a m m Lori Ann Ilesselwood Gary hull Linda Ives Dori Lynn Johnston Paul Johnston Grace Kelly Garry Manning Sandy Marshall Shirley McDougall Kim Oster Jo -Anne Passchier Gayle Patterson Micky Patterson .1oarine Phelan Terry Pierce Gary Richmond Ken Richt Tony Roetcisoender Philip Street Hilda Thalen Ricky 'Phalen Jayne Watson Connie Westberg Alan Young Ken Ritchie Joanne Gulndon PROMOTED TO GRADE 6 Christina Batty° Genic .Buffinga Nelson Caldwell Charlene Campbell Christine Chalmers ,Merrilyn Cook Itoger Craig Mary Cronin Tommy Duttmann Ronald Falconer Johnny Good Steven Howson Dennis Knox Anne Leibold Jeanette Manning llarvey Mason Mark Nethery Gary Nicholson Pamela Oster Irvin Pease Andy Phelan Karen Richmond 'ferry Ritchie Albert Roetcisoender Jean Siertsema Kenneth Stewart .1 a in es Taylor Odette Wallace James Wharton Dale Whitfield Karen Young Ronald Young PROMOTED TO GIIADE 5 Bonnie Bailey Andrew BaBye Ken Brown Curtis Campbell Frances Campbell Grant Campbell Mary Anne Cook Sam Cook Kim German Gary Govier Carol Gowing Mary 1Ieffron Bradley Ilesselwood Neil henry Bobby Hull Sherri Marshall Eric Nethery Wendy Oster Johnny Passchier Paul Popp Sherry Richmond Julie Shobbrook Steven Sparling Stephanie Van Amersfoort Jeff Watson Stephen Webster Linda Young PROMOTED 'I'O GRADE •1 Danny Barrie Joanne Boven Randy Campbell Sharon Carter Dwight Chalmers Jill Cooper Paul Craig Jake De Boer Ricky Elliott 'ferry Gross Jimmy Hubbard Margaret Kuchmistrz Daviel Leibold Janet Lockhart Glen Mason Kevin McDougall Donald Nicholson Anton Passchier Bernice Passchier Shelley Patterson Patrick Phelan Susie Roetcisoender Lynda South Owen Stokes Eric Street Kim Van Vliet Kevin Warwick Darryl 1'oungblut PROMOTED TO Grade :t Rachael Battye Grace Buffinga Debbie Craig Kim Craig Jimmy Rotz Dean Shobbrook Franklin Snell 'Pony Stokes Sharon Westberg Jeffrey Wittich Lori Young Grade 4 Marie Barrie Stephen Caldwell Debbie Dale Rosemary Duttmann Douglas Falconer Darrell Govier Debbie Guindon Dennis Manan Rhonda Johnston Brian Mason Randy McVittie !leather Patterson (Caren Ritchie Alan Siertsema Gary South Andy Westberg Brian Young PROMOTE() TO GRADES 2 & Grade 2 Lee Ann Johnston Johnny Kuchmistrz Judy MacDonald Betty Jo Popp Ricky Scrintgeour Karen Souch Kent Van Vliet Grade 3 Wesley 13urkhold er Gall Caldwell Tom Cronin Kim Deer Neil Elliott Debbie Glousher Kim Gowing GRADES 3 & 4 Danny Guindon Anita I(arnnr Charles (lull Dwain Knox Jeff Knox Vicki Leis Lorraine McClinchey Ronnie McNichol 'ferry Pickett Joe Phelan Debra Popp Kevin Ritchie !termini Thalen PROMOTED '1'O GRADE Joan Barrie Suzanne Boshart Karl Boven Elizabeth Charter Susan Cook Michael Davey Gera Id De Boer Michael Good Sherri Govier Catherine Hubbard David 1lull Andrew Ives Debra McNichol David Marshall Marie Mason Murray Mason Anita Nethery .lames Oster Allan Seid Kenneth Siertsema David Souch Cone (la Jayne Snell acrid Tasker Nancy Taylor Valerie Wasson Timothy Webster Brian Westberg PROMOTED TO GRADE Larry Appleby Catherine Battye ,11argaret de Boer Elaine Brown Karen Caldwell Darryl Chalmers Peter Cook Ernie Dale Julia Duttmann Karen Glousher Larry Glousher Connie Govier Ronald Rowson Susan Hubbard Phillip Knox Kevin Leis Scott MacDonald Ivan Mason Kiat ,McDougall 13arbara Patterson Trudy Pickett Paul Pierce David Popp Debbie Rotz Connie Seid Helen 'Thalen Boris Wallace Shelley Wasson Kurds Whitfield Kevin Young Nancy Young Scott Young 2 HURON MEN'S CHAPEL OFFICIALLY OPENED I,AS'T SUNDAY Huron M en's Chapel was offie. salty opened last Sunday evening in the village of Auburn with the church fillecl to capacity with guests from many neighbouring places present, The president of the Iluron Businessmen's Association, Mr. D. A, Rolston of Goderich, was in charge and welcomed everyone. A hymn sing was conducted) by 3 Mr. Ron Malloch. Mr. A. I[oy '.ed in prayer. Mr. Clarke 5, Teal read the scripture lesson. Musi• cal selections were given by The Messengers and the Watchmen Groups, bbth of Kitchener. The offering was received by 1Ir. C. 5, Teal, Mr, Bob Stephen. son, Mr. Clayton Mizen and Mr. Allan McKillop, Greetings were brought by Rev. W. N. Teal of St. Catharines, The chapel, which was the form. er Knox Presbyterian Church, was dedicated with prayer by Rev. Leonard Warr, minister of Victor. la Street United Church, Goderich, BI,Y'I'l1, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 71h, 1971 Holiday Visitors In And Around Blyth. ,11r. and ;11rs, !toy D1cViltie and Kandy spent the weekend at c,ravenhurst, During the past week Mrs. Fern Shackleton of 'Toronto visit- ed many of her old friends and relatives while staying at the home of her niece, firs. Gordon IicClinchey and Mr, McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs, Milne Barr and Colleen and Miss Claudie Regan of Stratford visited with Mrs. George Nilson over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Farthing and ,lir. and firs. Lampard of Hamilton are visiting for the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Maur• ice Farthing's residence in Blyth. J1r, and Mrs. Stan Heisler, Mark, Kathy, Ross and Anne of Dcbuquc, Iowa; Cllr. and Mrs. Ken Crawford, June, John and Kim of Waterloo, visited during the weekend with Mrs, Bary IVightman and Mr. and firs, Wil liatn Rowson and Julie. Mr. and Jars. !toss Radford and Shelley of Port Colbourne vi site(( their mother, Mrs. Norman f{:rc)forci over the weekend and Shelley remained for another week, Mrs. Jack McNichol visited in Weston with her daughter Mrs. Mary Gray and attended the wedding of her granddaughter Miss Susan Gray, Ilr. Jack McNichol of Huron - view, Mr. and 11rs. W. Govier of Ern:,, II r. and Mrs. Stanley Arnr'lronu of Sleeman, Mr. 'font Govier and Miss (.;ail Clark of Sudbury visited with Airs. .lack McNichol over the weekend. Visitors with Ilr. and Mrs. Jini Timpany, Dean and Deneen of Aylmer this past week were Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie, 11r', and Airs, Cliff Snell and Kris,,, Mrs, Walter Cook, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Snell, Shane and Shannon. Mos, Dorthy Kerr of Hamilton visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Walsh, Mur• ray and Don Mr. Harold Campbell, Guelph, spent several days with his par. enls Mr. and Mrs. iloward Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Camp• hell and Harold visited with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Campbell at Maitland Park, Benmiller, on Sunday. Mr. aid Mrs. J, W. I[oggart of Mitchell visited with ,Mr, aad Mrs. Win. Carter on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Finlay McGowan of 'Toronto spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and Ken McGowan. Mrs. Robert McDougall and Mrs, James ,McDougall of Goder• ich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carter on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Carter at• tender the Carter Reunion in Scaforth on Sunday. They also visite(( with Mr, and Mrs, Epr• riarn Clarke on Sunday evening in that town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster, Laura and Jennifer of Oakville were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Kcilh Webster. 11r, Stephen Webster spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster, Laura and Jennifer at Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quigley and Kathleen of Smith Falls; Mrs. Dorothy Kerr, Hamilton; Mr. Wen Carter, London; Mr, and 11rs. Douglas Nobes, Lisa and Craig of liarmora were visitors over the weekend with 11r. and Mrs. A;bert Walsh and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. George Maines visited with his niece Airs. R, J. Kaake and Mr. Kaake and Cindy of Walkerton on Sunday. Captain and Mrs. Raymond Be. (lard, Jackie and Christina, of Ramstein, Germany, are visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Uyl. Following their visit here they will journey to Vancouver, B.C., where Capt. Bedard has received a new posting.• Blyth Municipal Council News 131ylh Municipal Council met Monday, July 5, in the council chambers in Memorial hall. Minutes o1' former meeting read and approved by motion of coon cillors litchi and Leibold. Moved by Lawire seconded by Riehl that we authorize the Coun. ty Weed Inspector 10 place appro• priatc advertising re noxious weeds in local papers. Carried, Moved by Lawrie seconded by Leibold That we accept offer of Maitland Valley Conservation Au• Ihority regarding cleaning up tri ver banks and roadsides. Carried. Correspondence read and ord- ered filed by motion of Hesse). wood and Riehl. Moved by Lawrie seconded by Riehl that account from G. E. Sales & Service for tractor and mower be withdrawn from ac. counts. Carried. Movevd by Lawrie seconded by Leibold that accounts for ball pat'k be paid in order to get grant, the Lions Club to reim- burse the village for tete project. Carried. Moved by Lawrie seconded by Rich! that we contact A, Manning & Sons for new doors for Ment• orial 11a11. Carried. ,'loved by Lawrie seconded by 1Iesselwood that we appoint Mrs. Arty McCrea to co-sign for Rec. rection Committee accounts, Car. ricd. Moved by Riehl seconded by Leibold that we ask for tenders to paint front entrance to Mem. orial Ball, lenders to be submit• ted to clerk by 12 o'clock, noon August 2, 1971. Lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. Specificatiotins may be obtained from clerk. Carried. Moved by Lawrie seconded by Riehl that we find out if grant is available on new tractor and to call a special meeting when in. formation is obtained. Carried. Moved by Riehl seconded by Ilesselwood that village insurance be divided 75 percent to Elliott Insurance Agency and 25 percent to Lavis Agency. Carried, ;Accounts: J. Warwick, retroactive pay 105.99; J. Warwick, salary 393,62; Huron County, half year levy 6786,00; Huron Coonty Board of Education, half year levy 12,508. 00; Lavis Contracting, hot mix 39.37; Geo, Radford Construction, machinery rental and gravel 3715.80; Huron County, pipe and pump rental 277.00; Big 0 pipe, drainage pipe 72.00; IIanttm's Ga• rage., oil, gas, cutting 22.34; Sparling's hardware, supplies 10. 13; Maitland Teleservices, phones and lolls 27,35; J. G. Ilefran, g gage collection 192.50; I Wallace, salary and trip to Toronto 130.47; L. Rooney, streets 193,59; Tom Lawrence, catch basin and ce• ment 47.00; S, Johnston, digging 54,00; Geo. Bailie, dump super. vision 52,25; Mannings, tile 51.41; Welfare 523.00, Moved by Riehl and Lawrie that account be paid. Carried. Council adjourned on motion by Riehl and Lawrie. Geo. H. Bailie, Reeve. Irvine Wallace, Clerk,Treas, CONGRAT!T1,A'I'rf»S Congratulations to Brock and Janis Vodden of Thunder Bay, who celebrate their fifteenth wed- ding anniversary on July 3rd, THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 THE BILL SMILEY COLUMN --- 1,4,11: 1:41,1 HER E'S A PROBLEM BILL CAN'T SOLVE We're in a terrible dilemma around our house these days, My wife is going off her nut worrying about the situation, my daughter is having bad dreams about it, and I, as usual, am being ground between the millstones of two hysterical women who expect me to come up smiling and with the right answers. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ilaney, In this summer when there is so little employment for stu• Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack dents, my daughter has two jobs available. One, as I've mentioned. is at a hotel, waiting in the dining. McGee' Dungannon, called on room. It's a pleasant place, overlooking the water. She likes the Miss Nora Van Camp on Sunday job and the people, chef, boss, and other waitresses. The salary evening. is well below the minimum ‘vage, but the tips are good. .Joanne and ,Jennifer Rock of But there's the inevitable fly in the soup. There is no acco• Alonkton, and Janette Rock of mmodation for the hired ludo, and the darn thing is ten miles out Walton, are enjoying their holi• of town, in a small village. days with their grandparents, Mr. As 1 have reported, this means that he must have trans. and li's. Hugh Rhin, porta tion to and from the job, or get a room in the village. She , Mrs, Gary Leitch and Julie Ann, doesn't have a car or driver's license, A laxi would be $2.50 (wn Miss Mary Grasby of London, way and there goes a day's tips. So I've been driving her to work in the mornings and her spent a couple of clays last week mother picking her up in the afternoons, Even the kid realizes with their Parents. Mr. and Mrs. that this is somewhat of an imposition, if we expect to have :11*" 1101)011 Grasby, holidays this summer. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell An alternative would he to get a room in the village. As and family, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald she puts it, this %you'd be like going into a nunnery, Which, at age Campbell of London, Mr. and Mrs, twenty, unless your tendencies are nunnish, and hers are not. is not Gordon Campbell of Willowdale, too appealing. were weekend visitors with their How'ever, like most teapot tempests, something could probably mother, Mrs. Floyd Campbell and be worked out. Now comes the dilemma. She has been offered grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ira another job as a waitress right here in town, five minutes walk Campbell. from home. The ‘vages are better, the tips poorer. The work is just about Mrs. Elroy Kuntz, Kimberley as hard. It's right on the main street, and hotter than bodes in and Duane, of Kitchener, returned summer. She doesn't know whether she likes the boss. to their home on the weekend of - Up to now she's been working only part time at the hotel, ter spending a week's holiday usually weekends, but can be on full time during July and August. with her mother. Mrs. Harry She has already worked two shifts at the restaurant, on a trial basis, ninn, and they've offered a full time job, Mr, and MrS, Keith Cartwright, Isn't this a sad story? The poor kid doesn't know what t Donna and Patricia, of London, do. She likes the first one better, but the second has no transpor- tation problem. spent the weekend with Mrs. And of course a waitress hasn't much security these days, or Harry Hint) and family. ever. She could be fired from either job if business fell off or she Dr. Gordon and Mrs. Ferguson got blisters and couldn't walk or she had a run-in with the chef o: of Toronto, called on friends in dropped a tray cf food on the customers (which I did one time, the village on Sunday and atten(Ithoueh it wasn't food, it was beer), ed the memorial service al Bran. The whole thing is complicated by the fact that her mother don Cemetery'. was a waitresi for a couple of summers at the same age. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and thinks she knows all about everything and keeps poking her nose in. .John, of Sarnia, visited with Mr. The irony of the situation is that if she diddles around and and doesn't make up her mind, she could wind up without any job. ;in 1 Mrs. Jack Taylor on the knowing my daughter for twenty years, 1 have a feeling this j weekend, John is remaining for exactly what will happen. This would give her a perfect excuse to some holidays. go off hitchhiking to Vancouver or Cifarlottetown, which she'd much Air. and Mrs. Carman Farrier, rather he doing than working, as who wouldn't. Brian, Colleen and Carol, of Long As you can see, the whole thing is a tragedy in a teaspoon, Branch, spent the weekend with but you've no idea how we burn the midnight oil, the three of us, her mother, Mrs, Nelson Higgins, turning over new leaves and unturned stones, building up one jo:i and attended the Higgins reunion and then knocking it down with the other, doing sums, calculating - on Sunday in the Listowel Park, tips, considering the personalities of cashiers and cooks. If something isn't settled soon. I'm afraid Kim is going to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- decide that the great world of free enterprise is too baffling and opt old of Teeswater, called on Alt'. out. Ad if something isn't done soon, I'm afraid I'm going to and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse on decile that the whole world of student employment is too baffling. Sunday, and take off on a solitary holiday, leaving the two women to sort Miss Martha Armstrong and it not liemselves. Mrs. Cora Messer returned to ; their home in Windsor after FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY MOM spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Willard Armstrong. Walter Scott and Robert 1 THE CENTIPEDE • . berd attended a service of the The world•famous professor Einstein once told the following parable: Dungannon L.O.L. held in Trinity 'the centipede was very proud, because he had so many legs. United Church, Ashfield, on Sun - His neighbour, the toad, was very sad, because she had only four! But one day the toad had a develish thought! She wrote the fol- day, Rev. Hummel took for his Laing letter to the centipede: theme, "What kind of men Christ Dear Sir: wants." "Please will you let she know, which of your thousand We extend congratulations to feet you set into motion first, ;when you have to move your Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGuire who respected body to somewhere else and in which order do quietly celebrated their 50th wed• you move all the other nine hundred and ninety-nine legs?" When the centipede received this letter, he started thinking and he cling anniversary on Tuesday, July Gti. tried one foot, then the other. Finally' he realized in dismay and horror, that he was not able to Mr. and Mrs, Grant Bearss of SUNDAY, move any ieg. Niagara Falls, were Sunday din. Ile could not walk at all! net' guests with Mrs, Cooper Ne• You see, my friends, if we make the condition, that we should thery. have a satisfying answer for the many questions there are around Mr. Alex Nethery and Brenda, us, before we will move one fool in religious life, we will have the of Burlington, visited on Satur- same experience as the centipde. • . we cannot move a foot! day with Mr, and Mrs. Henson Unfortunately, there are too many people, who are caught in the Irwin and attended the Nethery snares of the letter from the toad, They like to understand ancl to reunion at Londesboro, see through everything before they become active, spiritually! And Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ha• then there are all kinds of objections. For example: many terrible things are happening in this world. Why? And where is Gods cold Procter and Miss Margaret power and love? Who can really notice, that Jesus Christ has all Curtis on Sunday were Mr. and power in heaven and on earth; Mrs. Adolphus Rolph, Mrs, Joe Friends, is it the purpose of the Creator, that the centipede first Harris and Mr. Cecil Rolph of sits still to philosphize on the strange structure of his body and not Mitchell, and Mr. Horace Rolph to move before the matter has been cleared up? Or is it his des- of Regina, Saskatchewan. tiny, to live according to the way of life, allotted to this animal by Mr. and Mrs, Gibb Sauve of the Creator? Toronto, visited over the weekend Well, God has given us, human beings, the life -task to love Him, to seek Him. to obey Him with all our mind and writh all the with Alr. and Mrs, Sam Pletch. strength we have and to love the neighbour as we love ourselves. Mrs. Len Jarvis of St. Cath - But now we should not reverse the order of things, because then twines, visited with Mr. and Mrs. we cannot move a foot! Arguments don't help then. There is es. ,fames Coultes, trangement deep in our heart. And when our heart turns away Mr, and Mrs. Alan Scott, Brian from God and we are suspicious of the message of the Gospel, then and David, of Barrie, spent the the Bible and the church and "faith" mean nothing to us of course. weekend with his parents, Mr. We start wrongly, and Mrs. Walter Scott. We have listened to the toad! Alr, and Mrs, Murray Scott and Then the Gospel is for us a hook, sealed with seven seals. Everybody who gets near the Gospel in hostile prejudice will fin- family attended a family gather - ally clie in a fog of riddles. ing al the home of Mr. and Mrs. It just depends how you come with your questions to the Bible, William Dale of Kinburn. If it is as Herod did or Pilate or the Jewish leaders, then Jesus Alr. Keith Black left for the will not say a word. That is not His fault. west last week. The centipede could not move a foot! Mr, and Mrs. Orval Sackrider But if the Saviour calls: "Come to Me" don't summon Him before and Bryan, of Paris, were week. the judgment seat of your mind and reason but go to Him, go as end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, a poor sinner, who can live by grace only. Turn to Him in true William Black and also visited conversion, with other friends, And if you do this, the rest will follow, Amazingly. The Bible will be an open book for you and God a God of surprises and of bliss,—. Dr, Bert Brown, Weston, and Postscript: Please, don't forget to tear up the letter from the toad! his mother, Mrs. A, E. Brown, of Kroeze. Motherwell, visited on Saturday Belgrave Happenings Of The Past Week --- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent. and Lisa, Both Mr. Ansley and Camp of Guelph spent the week. All'. and Alt's. Eldred Hendri Karen are employed at the Doug - end with Mis Nora Van Camp of Nobleton, and Mr. William Gow las Point Generating Station. and attended the Nether), re -un- left Sunday on a motor trip to Mr. Clare Van Camp is a Pa - ion at the CoLondesboro. tient in Wingham and District mmmunity Hall, British Columbia, Last Wednesday M rs. ack I ospi to I where he underwent Mrs, Clarence Bailie of Blyth Ladd and Kim, of Goderich, Mrs. surgery on Friday, visited one clay' last week with Lereaard Drindley, I3renda and Mrs, Eugene At Port her aunt, Aliss Nora Van Camp. Susan, of Dungannon, visited with Stanley, Robert Armitage, Miss their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- Sandee Howard and Mrs. Sarah liam Gow. Nichol, all of London, spent a few Mrs, William Gow is visiting days with Mr and Mrs. Jack with her daughter and son-in-law, AlcBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brindley of Dungannon. Mr, and Mrs, Ronald !Wilma! CARD 01" THANKS of Palmerston, visited with his A sincere thanks to my many parents, Air. and Mrs. Bober' friends and neighbors for inquir. Iliblierd, on Sunday. les, visits, cards and treats while Mr. and Mrs, Robert IIibberd 1 was confined to my home attended the induction service of through illness, They were very Rev. Charles K. Forest into the much appreciated. Thanks to Fordwich Pastoral Charge Of the Dr. Street, toni; ed church Sunday evening, .16. Ip — Gertrude Cockerline Kevin Van Camp is spending this week with Mr, and Mrs, llar. old Jardin in London. We wish to welcome to our community Alr, and Alt's. Lyle Ansley and family who moved to the farm home formerly owned by Alr. William Van Canip. Mr. and Alrs. Ansley came from Thessalon and have a family uf seven children, Karen, Cathy. Roddy, Janice, Terry, Alichael CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for their vkits, cards, flowers and gifts during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nurses on the see. and floor. Mrs, Grace Caldwell .16.1 WHAT'S NEW AT HURONVIEW The Sunday drive sponsored by the Exeter United Church Men of Exeter was completed last Sunday for the twenty residents who were not able to go last month. The Christian Reform Church of Clinton held aservice of song in the auditorium last Sunday evening 10(1 1»' bMr. Dick Roorda. The Clinton Kinetics program and tea, as well as several other activities, were held outdoors last week owing to the extreme heat. Kinetics Mary Ellen Clifford, Roxanne Brown, Marie Jefferson, Jean Jewitt, Laurie Carrie, and Mary Jean Beattie served lunch and led a sing song, The auditorium was filled to capacity on Friday night when the Blyth Legion held a birthday party for one of their life members, Alt's, Mary Taylor of Huronview, who was celebrating her 93rd birth- day, The variety program, with Jim Lawrie as chairman, included vocal numbers by Mrs. Willie)] and Jim Lawrie: duet solos by Doric Lynn Johnston, Florence Ilessels and Susan Street, accompanied by Mrs. McDougall; instrumentals by Angela Mittman on accordion; several numbers by the group %%'hie)] included ShVilo France, Sharon Wittich, Grace Brown and ,Iim Lawrie. Following the program each resident received a piece of birthday cake served by members of the legion, 1,z.kilottg 0,111; (tiltirt4al CHURCH OF GOD McCunnel Street, Blyth Rev. F. Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m, — Worship Service. Wednesday 4 - 5 p.m. — Children's Hour, Wednesday tt • 9 p,m. — Prayer and Study Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TIIE REV. J. KEITH STOKES, B,A., S.T.B. JULY 11 — TRINITY V 8 a.m, — Auburn — Morning Prayer 9:30 a,m, — Blyth — Morning Prayer 9:30 a,m, Belgrave — Holy CO111=111011 11:00 a.m. — Brussels — Morning Prayer THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA '1'ITP, REV, CECIL L, WITTICH, B.A., ILD, Mrs., Donald Kal, Director of Music. Sunday School — 9:50 a,m. Church Service — 11:00 a,ttt, — Speaker, Miss Vera Lyon Conte and Worship CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 11. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 aol, — Morning Service 2:30 p.tn. — Afternoon Service WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR Rev, 11, Bruhaelier — Minister Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m, Inter-Denomlnational — All are Welcome, The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK Minister Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9.48 a.m. Auburn 11,15 a.m, "Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits you, ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HUT!! Priest — Rev. James E. Kelly Mass at Myth 10:15 ,,r11.1.'r,111,11,r1,11,l111111111111,!VI!1111.11!1111111115111111111!ili111111111111111114111,1111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111 WESTFJELD NEWS Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McDowell on Sunday were Mr, Albert Nethery, 11 a m illon and Mr, and Mrs. 1)on Mc- Dowell, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Vogl, Mark, Shannon and Cara, Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell and Mr, Douglas Smith, all of London, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gonlon E. Smith. Hiss Marie A, Gear, Waterloo, M r. and Mrs. Dan Pilling of Hamilton left \I alton Airport on Sunday for a six week tour of England and Europe, 111r. and Mrs. Charlie Smith visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith of Molesworth. Misses Faye Hildebrand and birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and Eric attended the Loder-Cook AIariIyn 1Vightrnan of Auburn vi• wedding on Saturday. sited on Sunday with Miss Janet, Mr. and 111rs. Peter Brom mer and David of Clinton visited on Saturday with Miss Jeanetta Snell and ,'1r. Gordon Snell. Air. and \irs. Alarvin Smith of 'Toronto visited on Thursday with 111r. and 11rs. Cordon E. Smith. I11r. and Mrs, Gerald McDowell and family attended the Carter reunion on Sunday at Seaforth. We are sory to report that Miss Mary Snell is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. iler many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Visitrs with ,1Ir. and Mrs. Marv• ey McDowell Saturday evening were \1r, and Mrs, \lurray Mc- Dowell and (leather, Cookstown, Mrs, Della McDowell, Blyth, Mrs. Gertrude (licks, London, Miss Judy ,McDowell, Guelph, A1r, and Mrs. John McDowell, London, M r. and Mrs. Lloyd McDowell and family, Stratford, A1r. and Mrs. Murray 'Taylor, IVingham, ,lir. Gordon ,McDowell, i'1r. and Alts. Lloyd Walden. The occas- ion being the 20th wedding anni- versary of 1111', and Mrs. Murray McDowell. Miss Pat Stackhouse, Belgrave, visited on the weekend with Miss Kim McDowell Cook. We are happy to report that. ,Master Bradley Cook is home from Clinton hospital where he has been a patient for a few clays following a fall in his father's barn. M r, and Mrs, Morley Johnston of Donnybrook visited on Tues- day with Miss Jeanetta Snell and ,Mr. Gordon Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Walden, Christa and Tim, London, Mr. and M rs. Walter Cunningham and family of Auburn visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. Miss 'Pasha Cunningham celebrating her 4th Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIE. "WE SPECT kWZE 1N GIVING SERVICE" Office 52344E1 Phones Residence 5234522 Call In For A Tasty Treat --- F ULi. COURSE MEALS — LIGHT LUNCIIES iCE CREAM — CHINESE FOOD WE SPECIALIZE iN TAKE•OUT ORDERS — PH. 52341391 HURON GRILL BLYTII,ONTARIO Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-1421 We Deliver Premium Sockeye Salmon, 7 314 oz, tin , . 57c Rise'N Shine Orange Crystals, pkg. of 5 69c Parkay Soft Margarine .... , . , ... , 1 lb. 39c Nature's Best Choice Peas, 2 - 14 oz. tins 37c Arctic Power Giant Size "Free Panty Hose Offer" pkg. 85c Kleenex Facial Tissue, economy size, 2 for 65c Puss'N Boots Cat hood, 3 • 15 oz. tins .. , 55c Kleenex Paper Towels, 2 roll pkg. 55c Weston's Weiner or Hamburg Buns 4 pkgs. 1.00 Weston's Rainbow Cream Roll, 10c ofi' , 49c Dare's Candy, Gumdrops, Ju Jubes 2 lb. pkg, 79c Coleman's Epicure Bacon, 1 lb. pkg. .... 59c Coleman's Vac Pack Weiners, 1 lb. pkg'. 55c FRESH FRUITS ANI) VEGETABLES --- Orders taken for Cherries, Red in 22 Ib. or 11 lb, pails; Black in 20, 10 or 5, lb. pails i H-+•-+1s-s-... Sumner Special --• i!2 GAL. ICE CREAM 89c At Wallace Turkey Products •-•-•-•104.41.•-•-•-•.-. •...,...• Clean Your Brick Home BY SANT) BLASTING also silicone treatment if desired AIR HAMMER & COMPRESSOR WORK Arnold Stothers Phone 529.7403 *4-4, 04 •• 114 •••44-• • ••••-•44.•1-♦ BERG Sales - Service installation • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives 4 - • I • 0 4 • R,R. 2, BLYTH ; Phone Brussels 887.9024 t41.4.1-••••411.44.. •-••-•-• 4 •440.•4•4' HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same clay service. 24 • (four Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237.C•70 OR.tf • 4 • 4 4 4 TH E 111,1'T11 STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 7111, 1971 BEAT THE NEAT THIS SUMMER Now that su011110' is here, this would he the time to consider insulation of your attic with ''/onolite Insulation to prevent the heat penetrating your ceilings and slaking the bedrooms of your house uncomfortable, also it would serve a two fold benefit of holding the heat in the house in winter thereby saving fuel, '1'111s makes good sense to us so we say "Ill:r1'1' '1'111: HEAT 11'i'I'II ZONOLITi'; INSULATION". Sce us for Estimates of your insulation requirements and any advice that we could make available to you, ALSO iN STOCK AT OUR YARD .1 complete line of fibre glass Insulation, styrofoam, pouring wool etc, For your ventilation problems we carry in stock aluminum combination doors and aluminum windows by order only. A. MANNING lit SONS, LTD. BLY'rH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4251 eistf.aff DI:UGS OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES Is • ••• • • . • • • •..-.-.-• • • •••.+•-•-• •-•+4-0-4-0-10-044-04-+++4÷44.4-4..... TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY CARS - the price is right! 1970 IMPALA .1 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, gold 1970 PONIIIAC Par., 2 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb automatic 1970 IMPALA I dr., hardtop v8, pb, pb, green 1969 PON'I!IAC 2 dr., hardtop, v8, auto.,.)s, pb 1969 DODGE Polara 500, 1 dr., v8, ps, auto. 1969 PONTIAC Laur, 2 dr,, hardtop, auto., v8,ps, pb 1969 DODGE Dart, 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1969 GALAXY 500, 4 dr. hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb, radio 2 • 1969 DODGE 1 dr, sedans, v8, automatic, radio, ps, pi) 1968 FORT) Station Wagon, v8, auto., ps, pb 1968 MONTAGO 1 dr,, 6 cyl., auto. 1968 CADILLAC 4dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1968 PONTIAC 1 dr. sedan, v8, auto., ps 1967 FORD Custom 500, 2 dr„ 6 cyl., aut., radio 1967 CHEV. VAN, 6 cyl. 1967 CHEV 112 ton Panel, 6 cyl, 1967 MERCURY F100 half ton, heavy duty 1967 FORT) Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par,, 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic Hamm's BAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9581 I 40-414444-4/44+40-444-41 40444 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD — IN MEMORIAM McGregor — In fond and loving memory of a dear sister Res- ella Mac McGregor, who died tragically one year ago, July 91h, 1970, It's not the tears that are shed at the time That tells of •the hearts that are broken It's the lonesome hearts in the' after years When a loved one's name is spoken The dearest sister this world could hold With cheery smile and heart of gold To those who knew her all will know Flow much we Jost one year ago. —Ever remembered and always loved by sister and brother•in• law, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Holmes and family. 46•1p WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 RECEPTION Friday, July 16th, reception and dance for Mr, and Mrs. Ron Crich (nee Donna Bromley) 9:30 • 12:30 Clinton Legion Hall. Music by I3luewater Playboys. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 46-2 CIIILD HEALTH CLINIC You are invited to attend the Child Health Clinic, )Medical ]3ui• !ding, Brussels, on Tuesday, July 13, 1971 from 9:30 • 12:30 a.m. for: 1, Health Surveillance, 2 Anaemia Screening. 3, lmmuni• zation. 48.1 PREPARE FOR HARVEST TIME I'or custom combining of grain, beans and corn, bean pulling and windrowing, fall plowing. Call Ed Szusz, phone 523.9397, 46•Gp CAHI) O1'' THANKS I wish to express niy sincere thanks to all those who sent cards. gifts, flowers and visited me while a patient, for four weeks in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Rev, Stokes, Dr. Watts, 1)r. Street, also Mrs. George Watt for bringing my husband and mo- ther to visit me, the A.C.W. of Trinity Anglican Church, Ladies Auxiliary, to the Legion. Your thoughtfulness will never be for- gotten, Ethel Gibbons. CARD 01, '1'IIANKS 1 wish to express my sincere thank -3 to the Wcmen's Institute, and to my many friends in Blyth for the lovely gifts and cards 1 receive;) on my birthday. Your thoughlfulnes was very much ap- preciated, 46•lp — Mary Taylor liuronvicw a iii!1n111.'i1C"i 10„ 11IMIT TI 19 �!1f!III!IIIIVIIIUIIN!1111111113I111111QI1 THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLY'TII, ONTARIO. Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year outside Canada (in advance) $5.00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319" "' i' !�' 4!'+!''!i!.9!!I:'1G!IIl!!'i!'!!t:!i!I!l!!I!!!IIIb!i!ii191!1Gi191!Illilllllll!IDIlIhI!II!!il@Il;illl!II!1191!I1191!II(!{III17111111111117i!111�D11�181@ Donnybrook Miss Pat Willer) of Goderich h'ts been spending several days tt:lh Miss Susan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John. McCormack and Christie of 'Texas also visited Saturday at the Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs, ])ugh Jefferson. of Peterborough who recently re• turned from North Cobalt where he was employed by the C.G.E. Co, visited with the Jefferson re• lalives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson Mrs. J, D, Little, Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson all of Goder• ich; Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Jotter. son of Peterborough visited with Mr, and Mrs, Jini Leddy on Sun. day evening. STATIONARY GOODS AT THE STANDARD The best protective equipment you can ever own is already yours —one pair of eyes. Just knowing what's going on around you helps you avoid job accidents, So it makes good sense to look after your eyes—so they'll look after you. It's a good habit to protect your eyes, if your job makes it neccessary, And if your eyesight's not up to par --have your eyes checked. You need them. Take care of your eyes, and they'll see you safely through the working day, Keeping your eyes open is SelfmDefence. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and Safety Associations, Ontario, 1 1 Business Directory-_.- .,.... swan. . Cronin's Television $AI,F.S SIORVIt1 MYTH -- Phone 523.9276 .1. I • I.ONGST.11'F - 01''1'O31ETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTi►N MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.nt to 5.30 1• m For Appointment Phone 482 7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week ._ Phone 527.1'4U BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNEIt OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and I'en Equipment • All Types Pressure Systeme "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" SANITARY SELVAGE DISPOSAL. SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CL'EANND FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels It.R, 2 - Phone 887.6800 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTII, ONTARIO PIHONE 523.1433 OFFICE HOURS 13Y APPOINTMENT Emergency Coverage Through Clinton hospital If Unavailable 11'. R. IIA111I,'1ON - 019't11Ih,TRISI Next to the Lyreum Theatre - H1N(,11,1M !'hone 35'l•I361 ELLIOTT fl IA I, [STATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, It. John Elliott, Salcymai. PHONES; Blyth, Office 5234481; Res. 523-4522 ur 523 4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Florne;,.;end Businesse4. BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service - Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 CRAWFOR1) and MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITOIts J. 11. Cawford, Q.C., A. Mill, B.A., In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 5234481 Phones Wingharn 357.3030 IIOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPI'E STYLING • TINTING • 6'UT'r1NG & COLD WAVES DOREEN hIcCALLU,M -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed Ali Days Monday •- Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE; BLYTII 523.9341., if no answer 523.9601 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE . PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 48243113 H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CLINTON . PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE .523.9585 i THE BLYTII STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 u►uwiuu,rruiimr�iummdl�I�NdlQlllll�i iiu0i113.1133131Ma@amuwiiiiotaundiuli�iiiiiiuu iiiiiill[iiiiiDI1 iiii�iiiiuuuiiiwiwiuiiiiiii wiwiiiiiiuuiuuuuuuwiwiumumuuuiuiiwmiuuuiuurunwuuwwri SELL IT! BUY T1 RENT IT! FIND IT; PUT A STAN1►ARI) "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood slabs, $4.00 per cord; soft wood, $3,00 per cord, deliver• cd to your yard in 6 or 7 cord loads. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn. Phone 526-7220. 45.3 FOR SALE Ferguson 85 tractor with Free- man loader; Smoker hay eleva- tor; used 3 -furrow Case plough. Bob Armstrong, phone 526.7257. 4.5.3 IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR Good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, • Ailsa Craig, giving location and + telephone number or phone 232- .1450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 37-tf TRAVEL•ON SALES AND RENTALS Agent for Sunkamper and Woods ✓ Folding ilarcltop Trailers, Truck t Mounts and Accessories. BOOK NOW, For Summer Rentals, Gordon Steepe, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 482-3364. 37-9p FOR SALE Choice New Zealand white rab- bits for sale. We also buy rabbits. + Special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fry- ers. ryers. G. S. Hughes, 523.9.424, Blyth, 35.14p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re• ▪ paired, Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325. 35. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types, Complete appliance repairs at • BURKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357-2450. Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Motor Rewind. 24 Hour emergency service. 40•tf CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 887-9024 37•tf CLINTON SALE BARN • SALE EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. in the evening (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bev. Nott, Clinton 482.3162 Joe Corey, Clinton r 4 IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE POPP -- In loving memory of a 17 acres of standing hay. Jim dear brother, Larry Popp, who Scott, Jr., phone 523.4569. 46.1p. passed away one year ago, July 9th, 1970, FOR SALE Day by day our thoughts do Westinghouse refrigerator, good • wander condition. Mrs. J. Stewart, 523- To the grave not far away, 9222, 46.1 Where they laid our dear brother Just one year ago today. -Sadly missed and always re• membered by his brothers and sisters. 46•1p IN MEMORIAM ' POPP - In loving memory of a clear son, Lary Popp, who pas- sed away one year ago, July 9, 1970. 'Tis but one year ago today, Since God called you away, And we who loved you most of all Miss you more each day. There's a gift in life you cannot buy, That's very rare and true, It's the gift of a darling little boy Like the one we had in you. You gave us a few short years of happiness No one can take away, But nothing could be more beau. tiful Than the memories we have of you, To us you were somone special God must have thought so too, --Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Mom and Dad. 46.1p Iola BAILEY REAL ESTATE Sarnia, Ontario Listings wanted in Blyth and surrounding area LIST TO SELL Beautiful traditional 8 room 2 storey red veneer brick home, all modern conveniences. Oil Turn- nee. Priced reasonable for quick sale. 161 acre farm with 2 frame barns in McKillop township. 6 room insul brick siding home on lovely landscaped grounds. See i' to appreciate it. Nearly new work shop for sale in Blyth. Electric gas pump. IIy• draulic loading hoist. Electrically heated. Suitable for carpenter, plumber, etc. Low priced. Contact MASON BAILEY Office 482.9371 Res, 523.9338 BROOK'S CARPENTRY •- BLYTH I'IIONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings r LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640 Tom Duizer Plumbing and Heating Oil Burner Sales . Service • Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems & Water Conditioning Equipment Sheet Metal Work • Eavestroughing LONDESBORO, ONT, PHONE BLYTII 523.4359 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE TITE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. K, W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. IF A. NOTICE We have room for elderly lady looking for good home the year round. Apply Mrs. Wm, Knox, Blyth, 523.9382. 46.2 HELP WANTED Someone to train as full time bartender; also part time week- end waiters, male or female. Queen's Hotel, Brupsels, phone 887.6771. 46.1 FOR SALE 2 farrowing crates; also a home wanted 'folr 3 collie pups. Jack Armstrong, Auburn, 526.7734. 46.1 FOR SALE 5 acres of standing hay, could cut, rake and condition if desired. Arnold Cook, phone 523-9590, 46-1 FOR SALE Standing hay in Morris Town. ship. Apply George Noble, Gorrie 335.3352 or Don Noble 523.9311. 46.1 NOTICE 'Ponders will be received to paint !hz front entrance of the Blyth Memorial Hall. Tenders to be submitted to the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, August 2nd, 1971. I.^,wr.st or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Specifications may be obtained from clerk. Irvine Wallace, Clerk-Treas., Vil- lage of Blyth. AVON CALLING Earn Money of your own! Don't you need and want more money of your very own? Thou- sands of people fulfill this wish by becoming successful Avon Re- presentatives. You can do it too. Call or write: Mrs. M. Millson 17 IIawkesbury Ave., London 32, 451.0541 46.48.1 HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick house, living room, dining room, large modern kitchen, good location. BRUCE FALCONER Salesman Blyth 523.9518 representing LAWRENCE McKNIGIIT, Realtor Listowel ROYAL TRUST CO. Realtor • London To buy or Sell see Local Agent STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth, BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE •; Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets, * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates, * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCII FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 3n-tf. THE i3LYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 Londesboro News Of The Past Week The U.C.W. general meeting was held Monday evening, June 28 in the church hall with twenty- one present. Mrs, Dave Ander- son, the president, opened the meeting with the theme "faith," Hymn 263 was sung. A reading taken from the book of faith of Ilelen Kellar was read, Minutes were read by secretary Mrs. Lorne flunking. A thank you from Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson and Arthur Waymouth, Treasurer's report by Mrs. E. Wood. The supply secretary Mrs. H. Durnin reported 6 cartons, 1 bag to Landon mission, 6 boxes used clothing, 6 quilts and shoes to Parry Sound with Rev. LW - ford. Mrs. Lorne flunking re- ported on official board meeting, that gift money go to memorial fund. Mrs. Anderson thanked all for help with ham supper, Rev. Ludford night and music recital, also presented Miss Vera Lyon with a gift of monoy for her personal use. The program was a very interesting report gjv- en by Mrs. Tom Duizer from the United Church Womens Meeting she attended at Westminster Col- lege in London. She thanked the U.C.W. for sending her, there were some wonderful speakers. The Executive are to plan for a fall thankoffering. Rev. McDonald closed with prayer, Lunch was served by Mrs. Claire Vincent Sr. and Mrs. Mary Lear. On Sunday July 4, the Canad- ian Order of Foresters and For- ester Ladies held their anual par- ade and 'church service at Lon- desboro United Church with Jim Neitans parade master and Ro- bert Bremner piper with presen- tation of flags, 0 Canada. The choir "Let there be peace" by mens quartette, 'Peilman Wester - !tout, Ilarry Lear, Robert Shad - dick and Robert Snell. Rev. Mc- Donald welcomed them all. The message was "'llhe Good Samari- tan' Religion. The flowers in the church were placed in loving memory of Mr, and Mrs. Will flunking by their family, Lorne flunking, Clara and Marion Riley. After the service the Foresters and Forester Ladies held a pie• nic on the manse lawn. 3d ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS Round Steak lb. 1.09 Prime Rib Steak lb. 99c Ground Beef - ib. 65c Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls, halves, lb. 55c Smoked Picnics lb. 45c Daisy Bacon Ends . 3 lb. 99c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABB1TOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor BLYTIH, ONTARIO, PIIONE 623.4551 Stewart's Red € White Food Mkt. MYTH, ONI'., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Red & White Buy Of The Week Nabob Roasted Coffee, 1 lb. bag 88c Javex Liquid Bleach, 128 oz. jug 69c Red & White Best Buys Parkay Soft Margerine, 1 lb, tub ;35c Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit Drink, 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Del Monte Pineapple Orange Drink 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Sunlight Liquid, king size 59c Large Watermelons each 99c Red & White Features Shirriff's Jelly Powders . 10 pkgs. 99c Ma Ling Whole Mushroom 2 tins 89c Ma Ling Sliced Mushrooms 2 tins 89c Fleecy Fabric Softener, 64 oz. jug 79c Hyatt Beans with Pork, 19 oz. tin 19c Sunspun Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pack 37c Reel and White Apple Pies, full 24 oz. size 39c No. 1 US New Potatoes, 10lb. bag 67c Mr: and Mrs, David Fairsea'• vice and Maureen of Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec, are holidaying this week with his mother Mrs. Myrtle h'airservice and Ann, Mrs, Jessie Vodden had surg- ery Friday a.m. in Clinton hosp- ital we wish her a speedy recov• cry. Mrs• Lillie Webster is a patient in Clinton hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs, Art Clark are spending this week at trailer camp at Lions head. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Allen re- turned home after spending hol- iday at Point Farms. The Womens Institute will be held Wednesday, July 14 at 8 p. m. when the 4II girls and their mothers will be entertained. Miss Lillian Cartwright, Strat- ford, spent weekend with Mrs. Laura Saundercock, also called on her sister Mr. and Mrs. liar• vey flunking. In the report of Mrs. Gail Lear's recital apologies for om• mitting the piano solos of Jayne Snell and Murray McNalI, guests. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen spent weekend in Ridgetown with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Brian, Kenneth and Sandra. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Mowatt of Stratford visited with his mother Mrs. W. Howatt on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Lyndon and Ti'avIss of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Kennedy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunking and family, Mr. and Mrs• Tom Duiz- er and family had a family ga- thering on Sunday with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Arie Duizer, Rev. S. McDonald, Stewart Glousher and Mrs. Lloyd McClus• kie motored to French River on Sunday p.m. to spend a few days with Mr. McCluskie. The Berean Unit meeting will be held Thursday, July 13, at 2 p.m. at the manse. Miss Debbie Shaddick of God- erich Is spending some holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shaddick. Shobbrook Reunion 1971 The annual Shobbrook Reunion was held on Sunday, July 4th at 1 p.m. at Scaforth Lions Park with 85 present coming from Woodstock, Port Colborne, Lon- don, Sarnia, Chatham, Toronto, New Foundland, Stratford, God• erich, Clinton, Blyth and Landes- born. The president Bill Gibbings had a minutes silence for depart- ed members. A letter was read from Ann and Bill Williard of Buffalo unable to attend. The minutes were read by secretary Dora Shobbrook. Moved to have picnic next year same place first Sunday in July, Nominating co- mmittee presented slate of offs. eel's; past president, Bill and Verna Gibbings; president, Lilian Cartwright, Stratford; secretary - treasurer, Muriel and Ross Mill - son, Woodstock; refreshments, Vera and Pere Gibbings, R.R. 1, Clinton, Maimie and Clarence Crawford, Blyth; sports, Thelma and Ron Ellerby, Clinton, Valerie Garrow, London; nominating, Bob, Donna, 13111 and Verna Gib- bings, R.R. 1, Clinton. Oldest person present, Firs, Laura Saundercock; youngest person, Sarah and John Millson, twins, Woodstock; coming farth- est, Mrs, Andrews, New Found - land, Cliff Saundercock told of being in England last year and looking up history of ancestors, Ross Radford is compiling a book on the family tree from when John and Ann (Manning) Shobbrook left England in 1855 with their 5 children, Elizabeth, John, Will, Thomas and James. The sports were conducted by Bob, Cliff and Kay Saundercock, Pre school, Darren Millson, Mar- ni Gibbings; kindergarten, Pat- ricia Millson, Diana Shobbrook; girls 8, under, Beth Saundercock, Debbie Shobbrook; boys 8, under, er, Dean Shobbrook, Frank Eller - by; girls under 15, Julie Shob- brook, Lori Saundercock; boys tinder 15, Trent Shobbrook, Dean Shobbrook; ladies, Debbie Col• quhoun, Joan Garrow; ; mens race, John Gibbings, Gordon Shobbrook; guessing contents of can, Jerry Radford; ball in bas - TENDERS WANTED Plainly narked sealed tenders will be received by the under• signed up to 12 o'clock noon, Fri- day, July 16, 1971 for 1, Installation of an intercom- munication and public address system in ten public schools. 2. The supply and installation of a TV distribution :tys.tem in ten public schools. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Iluron County Board of Education Of- fices, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. R. 11. Dunlop, Superintendent of Busi- ness Affairs, The Huron County Board of Education. 46.1 SUIT RENTALS FOR WEDDINGS by Syd Silver Ready To Wear MEN'S SUITS 1 and 2 Pant - Single and Double Breasted sizes :36 to '16 $66.00 to $92.00 R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday Snell's MFOOD ARKET Red Rose Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar . 1.53 Premium Sockeye Salmon, 112's 63c Del Monte ,tweet Peas, Cream Corn, Wax Beans or Green Beans, 14 oz. tins 5 for 1.00 Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit or Pineapple Orange Fruit Drinks, 48 oz... , 3 for 1.00 BUY 4 Philip's Electric Light Bulbs at Reg- ular Price GET 5 lb. Redpath White Sugar FREE SPECIAL PRICES on 50's and 100's of White Sugar when purchased with an order of $10,00 of more Bruce Brand Margarine, 100 percent veg. oil 4 lbs. for 1.00 Coleman's Epicure Bacon, 1 lb. pkg. , ... 59c Coleman's Weiners . , per lb. 55c Coleman's Bologna, sliced per Ib. 45c Peameal Cottage Rolls, whole or half, ib. 49c Fresh Pork Liver, sliced per lb. 29c Fancy Spy Apples, 5 lb, bag only 69c California White Grapefruit 5 for 49c Ontario New Potatoes, 10 lb. bag 60c Ontario New Cabbage per lb. 13c Ontario Head Lettuce each 25c Ontario Celery Stalks each 25c Ontario Large Cauliflour each 49c Javex Liquid Bleach, 128 oz. jug 69c Punch Detergent, giant size box ... , only 89c Phone 523.9332 We Deliver ket, Julie Shobbrook, Debbie There was a candy scramble for Shobbrook; men blindfolded, Gor• the children. All enjoyed a beau - don and Darlene Shobbrook, Charlie and Shirley Shobbrook, tiful afternoon, Auburn & District News ,bliss Erma Pfeffer, Mr, Milton Pfeffer, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Fenton (nee Flo Pfeffer) and Airs. R. ilopkinson, former Myr- tle Pfeffer all of Kitchener cal- led on friends in the village re. Gently. 11r. 1loward Fowler of Goder- ich visited last week one day with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland All- en. Mr. Ed Daer is recuperating at his home after surgery on his hand in a London hospital. Mrs, Charles Slraughan, Blyth, and her daughter, Mrs. icon Pent- land of North Bay are holidaying at their home here. We are pleased to see Mr. Nor- man McDowell home following surgery in Goderich hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Robb of London spent the holiday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Miss Gail Miller of Toronto spent the holiday with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Miller. .Airs. Mary Johnston has return- ed to Goderich to her daughter's Mrs. Donald Campbell, Mr. Campbell and family after visit- ing with her brother Mr. Frank Raithby, Mrs, Raithby and John. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle held a re- union in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall on Sunday after- noon, June 27, when relatives vi- sited during the afternoon. A smorgasbord luncheon was served. Relatives were present from De- troit, St. Clair Shores, Michigan, Almonte, Michigan, Kitchener, London, St. Catherines, Zurich. Goderich, Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, 13enmiller• and Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MacKay have arrived in the village last weekend from Sault Ste Marie. Mr, MacKay has now retired from his career of teaching at Sault Ste. Marie Secondary School and they will make their home in the village. Mrs. Keith Robinson and Kim- berley of Toronto spent the week- end with her father and mother - in -laws Mr, and Mrs, Ross Rob- inson, Congratulations to Mr. Gordon Miller on his being appointed foreman of the iluron County Roads succeeding Mr, Frank Ri- ley who is retired as of July 1st. Mr, George Collins, Miss Sheron Collins and Mrs, Eleanor Brad- nock attended the funeral of the former's mother Mrs, Arthur Col- lins at Kincardine last Tuesday. Also attending was Mr. John Sta• dlentan of Blyth and Afiss Jackie Collinson of liintail. Mr. Albert flunking of Detroit and Mr. Stewart Ament of Blyth visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Al- len. Mr, and Airs. George Walker of Ile!grave visited last Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Torn Johnston. Shower Held For Airs. Clark Mrs. Donald Haines was host- ess to a surprise bridal shower for ,Airs. William Clark (nee Frances Houston on her lawn last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wil- fred Sanderson welcomed all and an advertisement contest was conducted by Aliss Sheron Collins and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Mrs, Sanderson had a flower contest and Mrs. Iiaines a button gues. sing contest. Mrs. Donald Haines escorted Mrs. Clark to a decorated chair and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock pin- ned a corsage on her. Mrs. Ed Davies read the address of con. gralulations composed by Mr. Davies and Mrs. 'Thomas lfaggitt presented her with a purse of money. Other gifts in the wish- ing well were also presented. Mrs. Clark thanked her neighbors and friends for the gifts. Over 60 ladies and children attended this event to honor Mrs. Clark. Lunch was served by members of the Presbyterian W.11.S, group assisted by firs. Thomas 1fa;ggitt. 1Yalkerburu Club Met At Mrs, Stewart Aments The monthly meeting of the \I'alkerburn Club was held at the home of Mrs. Stewart Ament in Blyth. The president, Mrs. El - Hog Lapp. was in charge of the meeting which opened by sing- ing 0 Canada. The Lord's Pray• or was led by Mrs. John Hallam, 'Phe minutes of the previous meet- ing were adopted as read by the secretary, Airs. Worthy Young. As this was the annual meet- ing, the roll call was answered by the paying of fees, Thank you notes were read from Mrs, Lloyd Pcnfound. Mrs, Leonard Archam- bault and Airs. Elliott Lapp. The draw prize donated by Mrs, 'l'honias Cunningham was won by Miss Vaughan Thinking, A dis- cussion took place re a fancily picnic. On a motion by Mrs. Waller Cunningham and Airs. 1'ov'i iteClinchev it was decided to go to the 13enmiller Falls the A Tremendous Special 19" COLOUR T.V. with stand automatic fine tuning slide controls Only $389. This Weekend without trade 10 DAY SPECIAL DRIP DRY TRAY FOR TOILETS keeps bathroom floor dry Only 1.27 Only 2 Dehumidifiers Left In Stock -- Buy Now At Clearing Prices -- HARDWARE • ' BLYTH tronin's TELEPiIONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER last 'Thursday in July. The pot luck supper would he served at 7:30 p.m. with sports before and after. Sports committee will be Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Garth McClinchcy with the young girls assisting. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Worthy Young. The programs will be in charge of Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Garth McClinchey and the lunch will be in charge of Mrs, Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Walter Cunningham. 'J'hc election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Elliott Lapp; vice president, 1`1ra. Garth .AidClin- chey; secretary, Mrs. Worthy Young; assistant, Mrs. John Ital• lam; treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Cunningham; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey; pianist, Mrs. James Jackson; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd AlcClinchey. Mrs, John Hallam was in charge of the contests. Airs. Ted flunking won for 'dropping cards over the back of a chair into a basket, The word contest was won by Mrs. Zorn flunking.' Lunch was served by Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Garth McClinchey, assisted by the hostess and her daughter, Miss Shirley Ament. BELGRAVE Higgin's Reunion Held At Listowel The Annual Iliggins reunion was held on Sunday, July 4 in the Listowel park with 69 signing the register, The afternoon was spent in visiting and playing games. President Paul Iliggins welcom- ed everyone. Grace was said by Frank Graham. Two minutes si- lence was observed in memory of those who had passed away. A box lunch was enjoyed. A short business meeting was held and the secretary -treasurer, Airs, Jack Marks, gave her report. The new slate of officers for 1972 are as follows: president, Ivan Haskins; vice president, Frank Graham; sec.-treas., Mrs. Jack Marks; sports, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Penner, Mr. and Mrs, Ron Iliggins; invitation committee, Mrs, Jack Higgins, Mrs, Marg- aret Biggins; lunch committee, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Higgins, !lir. and Airs. Elwood Fitch, Mr. and Mrs, Chester Higgins, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Walker. Lucky cup prize, Charles Ilig- gins, Mildred McDonald; oldest person, Mrs, Louise Warwick; youngest person, Debbie Penner; coming the farthest, Larry Hig- gins; most recently married, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fitch. Ladies Guild Meeting The July meeting of the Ladies Guild was held on Thursday af• ternoon at the home of Mrs, Jack Van Camp with 8 members in at. tendance, Miss Mary Isabel Ne• thery presided for the meeting 'J'IIE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 **-.. ,, .-.♦tt•++••+wa. •-•-•-•-•-+++.114144-0-•44+1-404-414+++.-• DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth ..-.-.-..•r••+•++•i••+.-.-•+•.+••♦•444+ LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials —CALL CLARK UPHOLSTERY Ph, 523.4272; 523.4528 R. Cook, Prop. Blyth, Ont, WE HAVE A FREE PICK.UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE VACATION NOTICE Farmers wishing to ship hogs from July 7th to July Itlth kindly phone Campbell's Transport 523.4204 or Edward G. 1Vatson, Monday mornings 8 to 12 or Wednesday morning 8:30 to 12 523.4543. Thank you for your cooperation, yours truly, Edward G. Watson 46-2 The 15 Per Cent Tax Is Off All T.V.'s & STEREOS Now is the time to save on that Colour TV or Black & White, PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS LOW BEFORE SAVE MANY DOLLARS on alt '71 demonstrators. A complete line of Electrohome, Fleetwood Colour, Black & White and Stereos await your inspection at LARRY'S RADIO & T.V. Phone 523.9040 SALES & SERVICE Blyth, Ont. "SALES BACKED BY SERVICE" which opened with prayer and scripture reading. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Atiss Nora Van Camp in the absence of the sec- retary. The roll call was a verse from the bible containing the word prayer and where it is 1 found. The clues were paid and the travelling apron passed. The raffle was won by Denise Neth• ery, The nieeting was closed with prayer and grace was sung. A penny collection was held fol. lowing which the hostess served lunch. OHSIP has announced a NEW BENEFIT YEAR for Chiropractic Services. A renewed period of FULL CHIROPRACTIC BENEFITS for all OHSIP subscribers Commences annually each .JULY 1st FOR DETAILS: CONSULT YOUR CiiIROPRACTOR, PRESENTED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY TIIE ONTARIO CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1971 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Honour Couple On 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin were guests of honour at a dinner party held in Bayfied on Saturday evening when they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with their family, Mr, and Mrs, Bill (Elizabeth) Dinsmore of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin of Thornbury and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin of Walt- on. Mrs. McGavin was the former Florence Stewart. They were married 40 years ago at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Stewart, Brussels. Those attending the barbecue on Sunday afternoon at the Mc - Gavin home in McKillop town- ship were Mr. and Mrs. Clark Matheson of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of 13luevale, Mrs, Elsie Dinsmore of Bramp- ton, Mrs. Pat Bennett of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc - Gavin and family of Thornbury, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore and family, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and family, Walton. The family presented a gift of a scene painting done by Mrs. D. A. Hann. Friends and neighbours BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON BEECII STREET NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Opens At 800 p.m, First Show At Dusk WED., THUR., FRI. JULY 7, 8, 9 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "HELLO DOLLY" Barbara Streisand Walter Mathau • Michael Crawford In Color VON RYAN'S EXPRESS Frank Sinatra Color Cartoon SAT., SUN., MON, JULY 10, 11, 12 —DOUBLE FEATURE "CHISUM" John Wayne • Forrest Tucker In Color "WAIT UNTIL DARK" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Audrey Hepburn • Alan Arkin One of the hest all .time thrillers Color Cartoon TUE,, WED,, THUR,, FRI., SAT, JULY 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 — DOUBLE FEATURE — ARTHUR HAILEY'S "AIRPORT" Burt Lancaster Dean Martin • Jean Seberg In Color America's No. 1 Best Seller about those who work and love within the confines of a large Internation- al AIrport. "THIS SAVAGE LAND" George C. Scott • Barry Sullivan Color Cartoon add their heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. McGavin on this happy occasion. Pee Wee Draw Winners At the Walton Community Park a ball game was played on Tues. day nigh; between Walton and Belntorc pee woes when the spe• tial event was the drawing of the t':\leets which the Walton team had sold recently to raise funds for equipment. Prices were a- warded to: 1st $25.00 Harvey Craig; 2nd, $15,00 Marie McGavin; 3rd, $10.00 John Van Vliet. The players who won one dollar each for selling the most tickets were Maurice Flood and Dean Hack - well. Personals Mrs, Lena Warwick of BluevaIe, is spending this month at the home of Mr. and firs. hint Shortreed. Miss Valorie Nichols, the 1971 delegate of Oxford Junior Farm- er's to England and Wales, spent a week recently at the home of Mr .and Mrs.! Ron Lee. Miss Nichols was a guest of Christine Lee. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Dale and Mrs. John Taylor of Seaforth, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall and Beverley. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge of London, visited with Mrs. Roy Bennett who is a patient in Sea - forth hospital after a fall Friday evening, breaking her arm. They also visited with Mrs. Margaret 1lumphries at Huronview. Mrs, Jim Shortreed began her duties last Tuesday afternoon as the new librarian in the public library under the leadership of Miss Ethel Dewar, librarian for the county. Mrs. Shortreed was appointed as supervisor to succeed Airs, 'Torrance Dundas who had contributed her devoted services to the community for over the past 10 years. Sunday evening supper guests with Air. and , Mrs, Earl Mills were Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester - mann of Burlington, and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mills, Scott, David and Cathy of Brantford. Visiting last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dunk were Mr, and Mrs. David Dunk, Dar- lene and Allan, of Corunna, Phil- lip Dunk of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Archie Graig, Linda and Penny, of Toronto, Penny re- mained with her grandparents for a week's holidays. Reception at Home Honors Graduate Miss Rosemary Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Blake, R.R, 2, Brussels, graduated from St. Joseph's Regional School of Nursing on June 2Sth. The graduation exercises were held at Alumni hall, University of Western Ontario, followed by a reception at the home of her parents. Rosemary received her primary education at S,S. No, 1, Grey, and is forth District has accepted stadf of St. London. a graduate of Sea - high School. She a position on the Joseph' hospital, SWIMMING CLASS REGISTRATION WiLL IIE HELI) FROM July 12th to July 16th REGISTRATION FEE — $5.00 PEIt CHiLD Classes to be held from July 19th to August 6th Children registered through the Blyth Recreation Contnti)tee guaranteed transportation — buses leave at 4:30 p.m, and return at 7 p.m. REGISTER WITH: MRS. AMY McCREA, Sec.•Treas. Phone 523.9344 or 523.9293 41.1 46.1 MEDD—PAYNE ' CEREMONY IS IIULLETT GRADUATES SOLEMNIZED AT BELGRAVE RECEIVE HONOR Rev, John Roberts officiated when Sharon Kathleen Payne be- came the bride of John David ,Medd in the 13elgrave United Church on June 26 at 2:30 p.nt. Mr. and Mrs. William Payne of R.R. 5, Wingham, are parents of the bride and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Medd of R.R. 1, Clinton. Mrs, Bill Stevenson was the so- loist and she was accompanied by Mrs. John Nixon, The bridal gown was white crystalette, The standup collar was trimmed with appliqued lace and the long full sleeves were gathered into wide cuffs. The softly gathered skirt fell font an empire waistline and it and the sleeves were trimmed with hand - sewn lace In an intricate design, .1 floral headpiece held her full- length veil which was edged with lace. Alrs. Allan Campbell was mat- ron of honor, bridesmaid was Miss Lorna Mason and Miss Ker• ri Medd was junior bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in apple green empire -styled dresses with low necklines and long full sleev- es with wide cuffs, Their dress- es also featured softly gathered skirts and were trimmed with white. They wore matching flow. ers in their hair. Jim Medd was groomsman and guests were ushered by Bruce Johnston and Ron Wade. Following the wedding a dinner was held in the basement of the church and the newlyweds left on a honeymoon to Niagara falls, Guests attended the wedding from Sarnia, Detroit, Grand Val- ley, London, Toronto, Lucas, Wingham and Clinton areas. 1'1' MUST HAVE BEEN '1'IIE HEAT! As we intimated in last week's Standard, the weather was ex- tremely hot last week, and it is this we are blaming for a couple of errors in last week's issue, At least we have only heard of two so far to date! Somehow or other, when report- ing Mr. and Mrs. Don Young's move last Friday, we were wrong on the name of the Street. It should have read 193 Royal Street in Waterloo •— not Kitchener! It was just a simple case of relying too much on a fading memory. The second error was not of our own making. The party who sent in the list of donors to the dart tournament last week mistakenly omitted the name of Bal/.ton Limited. We understand that a good reason has been devised for this mistake also, The blanket presented by Rainton Limited was much too beautiful to be offered as a door prize, so the enterpris- ing ladies of the Auxiliary decided to help meet expenses by holding a draw for the blanket. Conse. quenty when it came time to submit a list of door prize donors to the Standard, the name of Rain- ton Limited was mistakenly o- mitted. NETHERY REUNION HELI) AT LONDESBORO The 26th annual Nethery reun- ion was held on Saturday, July 3rd at Londesboro Community !fall with ninety-five signing the register. A, E. Nethery and Terry Neth- ery of Wingham, were in charge of the sports and races which were enjoyed by all, Guests were present from Mi- chigan, U.S.A., Niagara Falls, Burlington, Hamilton, Guelph, Kitchener, Goderich and Clinton, Following the supper, George Ives of Myth, took charge of the meeting. Special prizes were given to the oldest person present, Henry Leishman of Clinton; to the person coming the longest distance, Arlie Gray of Decker, Michigan. The annual gifts of salt were received by all present from Percy Barker of Goderich, A treat of watermelon was given to the chhIldren by Alex Ne'thery of Burlington and Alvin Gallagher of Kitchener, Officers elected for next year were: president, Alex II, Nethtry of Brussels, and secretary, Mary Isabel Nethery of I3elgrave. Gloria Adams, daughter of John L. Attains, and Larry Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Flynn, were honoured as all-round grade 8 students at Huilett Central School when the graduating ban- quet and exercises were held last Tuesday evening. They were presented with lovely pen and pencil sets by their teacher, Mr. Doug Riley, to mark their achieve- ment. Both attended the Blyth Public School for five years prior to the opening of ilulielt Central. PEE WEES WiN AND LOSE The Blyth Pee Wees won one game and lost one during the past week. On Friday, July 2, Blyth travelled to Exeter. The Blyth club played their strongest game of the year and defeated the Exeter team by the score of 22 to 6. On Saturday, July 3, the team played in Seaforth. After trailing throughout the game the Blyth tram rallied to tie the score in the top of the seventh inning only to lose in the bottom of the seventh by the score of 18 to 17. COMMUNITY SHOWER A community shower will be held in the United Church base. Wren( on Saturday, July 17th at 8:30 p.m, for Miss Ruth Warwick, bride elect. Please accept this as your imitation. LEGION AND AUXILIARY PRESENT MARY TAYLOR NiGH'1' Members of the Blyth Legion and Auxiliary travelled to Huron - view last Friday evening to pay honor to Mrs. Mary Taylor who was celebrating her 93rd birth- day. Jim Lawrie and his entertainers travelled with the group and pre- sented a program of entertain - stent in the auditorium. Follow- ing this, birthday cake was serv- eel to approximately 145 residents who took part in the evening. A full report of the event is re- ported in "What's New at Ifuron- view" in this week's issue of the Standard. The Easy Way To Buy Better Concrete Steps Enhance the beauty and value of your home with pre•cast steel re-inforced concrete UNIT STEPS Our installation crews work quick• ly and cleanly. No waiting for RECEIVES FIRST CLASSconcrete to cure. Over 100 sizes HONORS IN GRADE 11 THEORY in stock, Miss Marsha McNall received first class honors in Grade II Theory from Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. ll1arsha is a pupil of Mrs, Gail Lear. FRANK KUNG LIMITED ('hone 527.1320 — Seaforth ammorom Our Excellent Stock Is Available For All Your Outside Decorating Needs WE OFFER FREE ADVICE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS EASY TO HANG SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER IN STOCK FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO D0 THEIR OWN PAPERING Large Selection Now Available At Our Showroom LAWRIE DECORATING BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4525 BEAT THE HEAT in Sleeveless Perma Press Blouses sizes 32-42; assorted colors Shorts - Jamaica or Short in cotton. denim, terry or crimplene sizes 8-44 Pant Suits in arnel or lightweight crimplene sizes 7-20, 14 112 - 18 112 Dresses in cotton, arnel, crimplene, polyester, crepe, all sizes, many styles and shades SEE OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT OF CHILDREN'S WEAR NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523-4251 Blyth