HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-06-23, Page 1T E BLYT STA DARD Volume 81 • No, 44 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 113tlh" BLYTII, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1971 Blyth Music Exam Results Announced Good Attendance Personal Interest Items The following is a list of sue. Pass — Brenda Brissette; Con• Mr. John McElroy of Guelph, and her sister, M,rs. Squire of cessful candidates, in examina• stance J. Nethery, Lynne Ri. AtDecoration visited with Mr, Jack Tierney and London visited with Mrs. Inez tions held recently by the Royal vett (equal), other friends in the area last McDonald and other friends last Conservatory of 'Music of Toron. GRADE VII PIANO week, week. The ladies will be remem• to in 131yth, Ontario. 'Phe names Pass — Kim Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook of bored as Vera and Reta Crawford. are arranged in order of merit. GRADE VI PIANOLucknow visited on Saturday Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester. GRADE V THEORYFirst Class Honours — David W. Day Service with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carter. mann of Burlington, Misses Erna Pass -- Sharny N. Mowbray. McKee, Mrs. Wm. Carter and Mrs. and Inga Westermann of Frank. Honours — Judith M. McPhee; Robi, McDougall of Goderich fort, Germany, and Mr, and Mrs. GRADE 1V THEORY Lynda It. Tiotfineyer; Karen There , were Stratford visitors on Thurs. Earl Mills were visitors on Sun• History Ilvndman here was a good crowd at the Honours — LoisHM.rNoble, Pass annual decoration service held in day, day with Mrs. Louise Butte!' at ass — Joyce Ireland, the Blyth Union Cemetery last. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Johnson of her cottage at Bogies Beach. GRADE III THEORY GRADE V PIANO London visited over the weekend Mr, and Mrs, Jim Hunter of Harmony Honours afternoon. Rev. Cecil Ilonours — Wendy M. I3otz, Wittich of Blyth United church with the tatters parents Mr. and Midland visited on Sunday with Pass — Eric Campbell. Pass — Diann Riley. had charge of the service, spoils. Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie, Mr, and Mrs. William Brown. History GRADE iiI PIANO ored annually by the Blyth Legion Mr. Cordon Snell and Jeanette hies, Fred Duffield of Guelph Honours --Murray A1cNall; Su Pass — Anne M. Howard. Branch, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin is spending a few days this week sari M, Street. ' GRADE VIiI SINGING 'Total collections amounted to Snell and Bonnie on Sunday. with her sister and husband Mr. Pass — Douglas A. Thomson. First Class Honours — Susan 19, 74,55 with expenses at 32,14, The Mrs. Eric Boyer of Windsor and Mrs. Wm. Brown. GRADE 11 RUDIMENTS Street, 42.41 balance will be turned over Honours — Florence T. Vessels. to the Cemetery Board. First. Class Honours - UrsulaLondesboro Cubs and Scouts Honour Courtney. Rhoda M. Munnings WESTERN ONTARIO The Legion and all those involy• CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC cel in the service are grateful to (equal); Kim 1, MotornuraThe following is a list of sue- . ue those who attended and once Linda S. Sparks (equal); Lori A, Moir; Florence Vessels; tions held recently by the West• again made the service success ccssful candidates, in examina` Fathers At Annual Banquet Velma Fear, Clara Wasson fol. (equal); Rose M. Flynn, Lin- da ern Ontario Conservatory of Mu• sic in Blyth. The names are ar• circ K, Motomuura (equal); The 1st Londesboro Cub and and Darrol Shobbrook presented Marilyn Leahy; I{oderick ranged in order of merit. Scout Group Committee held their a couple of numbers on their ac• Campbell; Betty A. Leahy.(:({ADE Ili HARMONY Scout ' First Class Honours — Mary 11, Annual Father and Son Banquet cordlans and Michael Penfound Honours — David Street; John First program on Monday evening, played a piano solo. He also act• Kenneth';. Karen It. Tyndall. Schwartzentrueber; i3rcnd11 n sto, Dianne Wasson (e July 14th with eighty in attend. ed as pianist for the evening, A GRADE 1 RUDIMENTS Johnston, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Cook are ince. Following the presentation number of badges were present• Plias Class Honours — Nancy N. dual). l of the Flags by the Colour Party,ed to Cub members as follows: Brent; Kendra Feagan, V. Honours — Barbara Lee, pease;( to announce the forth GRADE II THEORYcoming marriage of their (laugh- Cub Gary Shepherd and Scout House Orderly Badge to David Lynn Flowers (equal); Mich. First Class Honours — Sharon ter, Linda Grace to Dana Keith Larry llowatt, Scout David Reid Lear. Paul Middegaal and Ken ele A. Flowers; Dana B. ilio Ives, ',oder, son of Rev, and Mrs, said Grace. The banquqet was Pollard; French Interpreters Bad. gen' Wilson Loder of Kitchener. The served by the United Church Wo• ge to Ken Pollard; Collectors Honors — hilly Van Amersfoort, Ilonours —Flora M, Simpson. weddingmen and served in the United Badge to Trent Shobbrook; Team Pass — Marian L. Doucette, Pass — Judy Nicholson. will take place of July The above are students of Mrs. 2nd, 1971 at 7 p.m, at The Church Church Hall, Player Badge to David Lear and GRADE VIII PIANO 11'. McDougall and Mrs. Shirley of God in Blyth, 1r. McDonald acted as Chair• Michael Overholt; Skaters Badge Honours — Lori Moir. Vincent.man for the evening and welcomed to David Lear. District Commis• all fathers to the evening with sioner Ron Bushel of Goderlch ;heir sons. Jim Jamieson, Clerk presented the Green Star Award O.P.P. Report BusyWeek Honored At of Session,brought greetings to the following cubs; Wayne Hulfrom the Session, the sponsoring 'ley, David Lear, Ken Pollard and body for the Cub and Scout Trent Shobbrook. Absent for the During the week June 13 to he veered across the centre line, Groups, Toast to the fathers was presentation for green star wa ; Juune 19, 1971, the following in. and the front of the Dicker( ve given by Cub Dennis Fothergill Cub John Hyde who was also vestigations were carried out by hide struck the front left of the Belgrave Shover and repleid by Ross Lovett; a awarded the Black Star. Office's at Wingham Detachment, Cook vehicle. All were injured ;oast to the leaders was given by The speaker for the evening. Six investigations with eight in the accident, and damages to Scout Edward Riley and replied was District Commissioner Ron persons charged under the Li• bout vehicles was estimated at A shower was held in the Uni• by Scoutmaster Nick Whyte, Bushel of Goderich, who spoke on poor Control Act, $2500,00, Prov, Const. K. R. ted Church basement on Saturday Scout Larry Howall thanked the the subject of "Boys." The Four charges underthe high. Balzer investigated the accident, night in honor of Miss Joan Bos- ladies for the banquet. and Mrs, speaker was introduced by Scout way Traffic Act with seven per. In recent weeks, a number of man, bride.to-be of next month. Ella Jewitt replied to the thank Kevin Jewitt and thanked by Cub sons warned. children have been killed in mo. After contests were enjoyed Mrs. 'you on behalf of the United Ken Pollard. At the close of the Eighteen investigations ' under tor vehicle collisions in Ontario. Ken Wheeler read an address Church Women. evening the fathers and sons en. the Criminal Code of Canada, , With the end of the school yearanti gifts were presented. During the evening Wayne Lyon joyed a film of family camping. On Sunday, June 13, 1971, Ian upon us, a greater number of Assisting Joan were her moth. T. Inglis was westbound on the children on or near roadways e1,, Mrs. Gordon Bosman and the R. E.MckinleyOffers Advice On Farm 18th Concession of lIowick Town• during daylight and evening hours I,,t,porns mother, Mrs. Pieter ship in a 1968 Pontiac, Coming can be expected, An increase 11 , , cslerhoul. Joan thanked every• over the top of a (till, the driver in child fatalities may result, A one and lunch was served, swerved to miss a dog. The ver concerted effort should be made On June 12 relatives gathered Tax Rebates hicle went into the south ditch, by all motorists to keep remind- at the home of Mrs. Allan Bos• passed over some large hould• ed of the increased hazard are• man of Londesboro for a ntiscel Many farmers who have re 1 am pleased to inform von ors and struck and broke two ated bs' playful children. Par. Iancoits shower' for Miss Joan celved the Ontario Farm Tax that the payment received by an wooden fence posts, There were ents, too, should be reminded to Bosman, Assisting Mrs. Bosman Rebates have questioned whether eligible farm property owner un no In.iuries, and damages to the properly supervise, and instruct were Judy Cook and Donna or not the rebate is classified as der the Ontario Farm Tax Re. Lal were estimated at $1800.00. their children. Chamney' income under the premise that duction Program is not income Prov, Const, W, R. Bell invest'. H. 13. McKittrick Owing to the Country 1�`ayre on , gated the accident. �; , taxes areexpenses and thus ain his hands for tax purposes. Information (Meer Saturday Belgravc Library will rebate on expenses could be in. Also, as this payment is received On Tuesday, June .15, 1971, Wingham 357.3232 be open Friday afternoon, Donna 5, Petteplace, 'Teeswater, come• directly from the Province of A porcupine was seen in the The Department of National Ontario, it does not reduce a tax - Ontario was westbound on High• village last Friday evening. Revenue has ruled that the pay payer's deduction from income in way 86 in a 1964, Dodge, Upon Pee Wees Lose , And Junior Auxiliary • 1 i meeting an oncoming vehicle, 'hie Junior Auxiliary held their meat received by an eligible respect of property taxes paid or farm property owner, under the payable by him to the mutated Miss Petteplace dimmed her meeting in Belgrave Orange 1 Ta11headlights, and they went out. Tie Saturday morning with • 11 girls Ontario Farm Tax Reduction polily," She applied her brakes, skidded present. The meeting opened Program, Is not income in his out. of control, and went into the with games led by Audrey Scott. hands for tax purposes, IST CLASS HONOR STUDENT south ditch striking a hydro pole. The Blyth Pee Wees travelled Lori Thompson and Rota Lynn This notice will allow those far - There were no injuries, Dam. to Dashwood on Sunday, June 20 White led in opening exercises of mors who have classified the Congratulations to Miss Mary ages were estimated at $100,00, and were defeated by the score Promise, Prayer, Motto and Jun. (''arm Tax Reduction Rebate as Ann Blake of Brussels who was Prov, Const, II, B, McKittrick of 14 to 7. On Monday, June 21, for Auxiliary Hymn, Patsy Scott income to adjust their income a 1st class honour student In was the investigatingofficer, the Blyth Club travelled to Mitposition accordingly, grade 11 at Seaforth District was The in charge of roll caw The Department also pointed High School, On Saturday,June 19,1971,Or. chef! and the two teams played, an 11 to 11 Ile. Blyth's next treasurers report was giv• villa M. Kelland was parked in aen by Betty Meurs and minutes out that In view of the fact that She was honoured at a banquet parkin lot In Blyth, Ontario, .game is 'Monday, June 28 in by the payment is received directly after she received her certificate g y � Clintonat 7;00 o'clock, B1 � of last meeting read Lori Paul T, Hamilton, Goderich, On• Blyth',s Thompson, from the Province of Ontario and awards, Mary Ann is the tario was also parked in the first home game is Saturday, Ju. Leaders for next meeting, games, such payment does not reduce a daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Louts same lot, and in backing out of .ly 3, at 7:00 o'clock against Sea. Rola Lynn While; singsong, Con. taxpayer's deduction from In. 131ake, Brussels and granddaugh• Els parking spot, the ]eft rear torch, nie Moors; worship, Rose Marie come in respect of property tax• ter of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew corner of the Hamilton vehicle White; clean-up, Audrey Scott, es paid or payable by him to the Kirkconnell, Auburn, It is the struck the left rear corner of the CONGRATI 11,:�'1'IONS Dianne Scott helped with the municipality, second time she has won the ho• Kelland vehicle, Damages were worship service. Lori 'Thomport With the permission of the Min. nous during her high school ten• minor, Prov, Const, K. R, Bal. Congratulations to Archie Young and Rota Lynn White collected lister of National Revenue a letter lure, zer investigated, who will celebrate his birthday offering and Cathy Walker recti• confirming the above is included Later on Saturday, June 19, on Thursday, June 24th; also his ed offertory prayer, below for clarification; — BIRTH 1971, William K. Cook of Goder• granddaughter, Karen Young who Workshop for the clay proceed. "1 acknowledge receipt of your ich, Ontario was proceeding west will celebrate her lulu birthday ed with work on badge and stripe letter dated April 1, 1971 in which TIMPANY — In St. Thornas•Eigin on Highway 86 In a 1967 Pontiac, on the same day, work, Cathy Walker led sing. you enquire abon,t the taxability General Hospital on Sunday, accompanied by Mrs, Cora Cook, Congratulations to Mrs. Lorne song, Now we close our meeting of tax' rebates being reeeivo;dl by •June 20, 1971, to Mr, and Mrs, Carl II, Dickert of IR, 2, Har• Badley who will celebrate her was sung followed by closing many producers from the Ontar• Jim Timpany, the gift of a riston was proceeding east when birthday on June 25th, prayer. Io Government, daughter, a sister for Dean, THE BLYTII STANDARD -- \WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd -- 1971 QUEEN'S PARK lluLpllll'I�;O'll�l!"9t '�I,�q!ni ti LOOKING BACK ON A 10.YEAIt TERM A' this time of year, the average school -teacher takes a deep breath, lets out an even deeper sigh, ani IVonrlcrs where in the name of all that', ridiculous the last teaching year has gone. Looking forward to it in September, it seems endless. But that doesn't oiler you. Trot are ref.cshc 1. full of bean:;, full of plans, and full of that "one mere' into the breach dear friends" spirit. Looking in either tiri'ccti'1n about February a dcpressine experience, I3ehitld lie the ruins, of your buoyant September self, Ahead lies a trackless desert, with the end cf June far beyond the horizon. 13ut locking hack, it seems to have flown by at the speed of a mallard. Yon arc exhausted, you query Whether you have •accomplished anything, and you are ready to step out of the breach and into a latvnchair. It'., a goad time for a quiet assessment of what the whole educational business is about, and also of whether you have con tributed anything more than a fairly capable job of baby-sitting The young teacher especially, just finishing the first year. has had a g;.enuine eye-opener. First of all, he or she has cliscov e:ed that the "learning process", as the jar oncer.s call it, vastly different from what he or she had imagined it to be. The brighter ones realize that they have learned more that. t:iey have been tau:;ht. They've learned that kids are people, that problems are never as large as they look. and that memos are for t!Ie waste -basket. For some of them, it has been the most exciting year of their lives, because it has been the first year in which they hay( i een totally involved in a real job, with real people, students, For many of thin, the year past has been a blur, or a dazzle: endless hours of preparation and narking papers: and a combination. of .great leaps ahead and agonizing pratfalls. They're looking forward desperately to vacation, because they've really been through the wringer. They can scarcely believe :')at ti,(y have come through a year of teaching without anything worse than a slight tic or a voice several decibels higher than it was is September. Quite a few are even more "dedicated" than when 'hey began, Some of them, fortunately not many, are soured on the whole . hatbles and have decided they don't like kids, detest their fellow• teachers, and loathe the administration. They should clear out without a backward look, if they want to avoid unhappy lives for themselves and all those about. them. Teaching is a reasonably well-paid job, with a long holiday t:irc'.vn in. But I've never net a ;wealthy teacher and never will \n(1 one can eve':) stet a bellyful cf holidays. Especially when on. - has to get up at six o'clock to drive his daughter to work. But to those who consider it as a vocation, let me just say, lt.'s a helluva tough job. It's not for the weak of will or the fain`, "f heart. There are certain prerequisites, You must like, if not nee- ' isat'ily undc::,tan:d, young people, Who does? You must he able to get along with, if not necessarily like, your fellow teachers. It i; ;perfectly OJ (. to loathe administrators. Everyone else does, After ten years of it, 1 have learned to roll with the punches, 1` you don't, you'll get a broken neck, figuratively speaking. 1 have teamed that that mob of hoodlums I faced in September is just a croup of high-spirited youngsters, But roll on, the First of July, !;11511111.1117:17 �r;11111tpe��I�,'�,l.�rp,l,,.:,.rtry:m.,1.,.�,�1,,..,,rq,,1�i'•tl•rm�m'rtl, 11.111! I ' !II 1�I i. I ,�b i' ii'.. �':�I�•I'•11 !I• '•f i,� 1 .. "n, � �. p1711 •p,^•,7717,:r ir!T 'IIP"''mm lm 11,117 I'll' tl WESTF1ELD SEWS Mr, and Mrs. Gordon E. Smith spent the weekend in the Georg- ian :(fav area. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and family visite;! on Sunday with Mr. and i'1rs. William Cha- mbers of Elmira. Mrs. Ilar'vey McDowell and Misses Janice McDowell and Deb- bie Cook wore London visitors on Monday. Miss Jeanetta Snell and M'r. Gordon Snell visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Snell of Visitors with Mr, and I,1rs, Ed• Star 1Iov att on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, David Webster and ,''mi'v of P!yth and 114r, and Mrs. William Tatler and family. Visitors with Mr, Armand Mc. Burney on the weekend were Mr. REPORT BY MURRAY GAUNT, (1.1'•I'• tl1URON-13lWCE) The Ontario Government. will have to pay out "in the area of 572,000" to cover bad debts in- curred by Secant Construction, the Company which built Ontario Place, James Auld, Minister of Public Works stated in the Leg- islature. ile made the statement in re- ply to Liberal Leader Robert Ni- xon, who had asked earlier whe- ther the figure would go as high as 877,000. The construction company has filed for bankruptcy, and now is in receivership, Mr, Auld said the province has had to pay out about 500,000 to cover some of the Company's debts so far. The Ontario Milk Marketing Board appeared before the Com- mittee on Natural and Physical Resources this week, where the main top of discussion centred around the problem facing the cheese processors in the Prov. ince. Basically, the problem is that the Board is not allocating e- nough milk to these factories in order for them to utilize their production capacity efficiently. Last year our cheddar cheese exports amounted to approximate- ly 28 million pounds. This year, the export of ched- dar cheese is not expected to ex- ceed 11 Million pounds. This ex- pert )market is heilig filled by Quebec. The Board argued that there were a number of reasons for this, but basically they were twofold. First, the Board has been de- liberately divertin ! milk into the higher priced uses for milk such as the bottling trade, ice cream or specialty cheese trade.. 'These uses return a higher income to farmers and these needs are con - sentiently filled first. If there is any milk left over, it then goes into cheddar cheese production. which is the lowest price classi- fication. Second. Quebec because of new plant facilities which employ a minimum of labour, can produce cheese mach more efficiently than can Ontario. The produc• tion of cheddar cheese in Ontario is much more labour intensive, The Estimates of the Depart• meats of Education, highways, Municipal Affairs, '!'rade and De. velopnen1, Treasury and Econo- mies, and Justice remain for consideration. '1''1:' Legislature is aiming to recess around July alb• and 11Irs, John A• Gear and i\lar• ie of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook and Bradley visited on Sunday with Mrs. Grace Ross, Woodstock; Mr, Gordon Bailie in Paris hospi- tal and Mr. and ,Mrs. 13111 Bea - yin of Woodstock. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden on Sunday were Mr, ' and Mrs, Garth Walden, Cht'ista and Tim, Messrs, Gary and Urian Walden, all of Lon- don; Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cun- ningham and family, Auburn. Miss Gladys McDowell, Mrs. Norman Geddes and Mr, Dan Ferguson visited on Tuesday c'. ening with Mrs. Mary McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of London visited on Saturday with Miss Jeanetta and Mr. Gordon �ne.11• 111r, and Mrs, Charlie Smith at- tended ttended the Snell Reunion in Lon• deshoro on Saturday, FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY One of tlir best-known authors in America tells how during his Air Force (lays he was desperately trying to impress everyone. He dim his shiny sports car, attracted pretty gills, and dreamed of many personal heroics and the praises Of everybody. But he says he was saturated with self, ile lived by 0 philosophy of nonchalance, a casual approach to life and death. As he looks hack on it he sees that this was all just a bit; front for inner deadneSS. After the war he experienced a yawning emptiness iIi ide, Nothing seemed important• Ile travelled about the country, trying to recapture the glamour of air force days. One wcek•cnd he found himself on a retreat with Christian young people. He saw that they were different. They had some. thing he didn't have. 'Their lives had 0 centre of control that lo' admired and wanted. At the enol of a day he found himself i►1 0 chapel with the others, invited to go forward and kneel. ile resisted this )v'ith all his being. Ile was uncomfortable when others went iorwai':l. i1 was entirely against his philosophy of nonchalance. Yet the urge to go forward would not leave him, It seethed :is if a power outside of him were controlling his legs and putting .me fool ahead of the other as he went up that isle. Ile knelt. 11:' :aid: "Jesus, I am here kneeling on this altar to tell you I want ..nntething I haven't got. I don't know what it all means yet. 13ut 1'01 willing to find out. So I give — yrs, surrender, my life to You." Then he felt an instantaneous release, 0 joy. a kind of cleans fetus. When he was telling the group about it afterwards, tl•enth'ingly. he was amazed to find 0 new warmth with others. the ove'whelntine ''eling of love and aliveness everywhere. And for nineteen years, 'hat feeling has never left hint. ile says that he has never' been able '.) gel away iron) that experience of surrender — when the harrier pride ‘e:,s torn down and God came fully into his life. Submitted by Cecil 11'Iittich. m7111 p nrmin w'�!nn ; :r 1P .,film n+•a I1717!7,711771717717:71119:1177r, ;� ' 'til ;!,,1' "�I ' •. ,L it n,n�•gn dr'rI'll L'1 IPIn p t Ahht 1U z ClIntrIlv5 CHURCH OF GOD : tcConucl Street, Blyth Rev, r. Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service, Wednesday 4 - 5 p.m, — Children's flour Wednesday g - 9 p.rn. — Prayer and Study Time. Not 0 denomination but 0 fellowship. We welcome you. ;ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. .1. KEITH STOKES, B,A., S.T.H. tUNDAY, JUNE 27 — TRINITY III 9:30 a.m. — Blyth -- Morning Prayer. 9:30 a,ni. — Belgrave — Morning Prayer. 11:00 a -m. — Brussels — Morning Prayer. 7:00 p.m, — Auburn — Evening Prayer. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA `trill: REV. CECIL. L. WITTICII, B.A., B,D, Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music, Sunday School — 9:40 a.ni. Church Service — 11:00 a.m. ('iIRiSTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV, D, W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 am], — Morning Service 11:15 a,ni. — Sundayschool 2:30 p,m. — Afternoon Service \ TESTFIELI) FELLOWSHIP HOUR REV. ItEUBEN BRUBACKER — MINISTER • Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m, Inter -Denominational -- All are Welcome, The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK Minister Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9.45 a.m. Auburn 11.15 a.m. -Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits you. ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC Ci[URCH — BLYTH Priest — Rev, James E. Kelly Mass at Blyth 10:15 'TIiR! MR? IMMPIRRIR!RRR UR EFFIRRIII FIR 101111191g13111 771719I9MU ll'l !ll(IIIII!I!IP, iIIII<p "WIIA'I"S NEW AT IIURONVIEW" The Wesley -Willis Junior Choir of Clinton under the direction f Mrs. N. holland, attended the regular church service at ihtrnnview '.1st Sunday and sang several numbers, The residents of fluronview were entertained on Monday aft- ernoon by the Kindergarten Students of the Blyth School. The thirty miors under the direction of their teacher, 11rs, Moody ilolland, and rinccipal, Mrs. 1lichie, sang several action numbers which included train song, the three bears and other animal songs. Following the • :'ogran Mi •s• diary Taylor thanked the group on behalf of the res- ' lents with each student receiving a treat donated by an anonymous :silent. The June birthday party sponsored by the Flurondale Women's !Istituto, was held in the auditorium last Wednesday, A v".riety program with Ilelen Robber as chairman included readings by Connie ernick• Btrrdene Morgan; accordian selections by David and Dianne 11.undle; piano instrumentals by Mrs, Mabel Jeffrey; violin, Otis '-'atyyer; unicycle, Jane Dougal; and a sing song led by Mos, Dougal. Gifts were presented by the Hurondale ladies to the twentv•iwo resi- dents having June birthdays with lunch and birthday cake served to 150 residents. M'rs, Albert Ethcrington, a former member of I -fur• ondale Institute, th'inked the ladies on behalf of the residents, A filth entitled Pioneer Village, along with several slides of resident's functions such as birthdays, hallowe'en and SL Patrick parties, etc., were shown on Thu"sdav (Family Night), Mr. Albert Colnmhe operated the projector with Mrs, George Henderson of Bruce• field playing several piano selections before and after the pictures, IIURONVIEW , PLANS OPEN HOUSE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK The Department of Social and Family Service: of Ontario has endorsed June 2u to 26 as Senior Citizens Week. 1 f uronview has planned to hold open house with special programs for each day. Visitors are always welcome at Ifuronvicw, but for this week a special welcome is extended to senior citizens clubs or any citi• Clean Your Brick Home 81' SAND BLASTING also silicone treatment if desired AII1 HAMMER & COMPRESSOR WORK Arnold Stothers Phone 529.7103 zea aver 60 to come and loin in the programs, For this week on- ly the dining room will be open to visitors and volunteers at a nominal charge and supper will be provided the clay of the pie - Activities will begin on Sunday, June 20th, with a band concert at 2 p.m. Aionda.y there will be old time music and dancing cont• mencing at 2 p.m. A sing -song of hymns and familiar songs has been planned for 'Tuesday after- noon. On Wednesday the annual picnic will be held with a pro• gram of special activities and supper served outdoors at 4:30 p.m, 'Thursday there will be spe- cial events and games in the af- ternoon with a variety concert al 7 on, in the evening by some of the local senior citizens clubs. There will be bingo on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the atuli- torium for everyone. The audi- torium will be set up for games and entertainment on Saturday afternoon. Elliott Insurance Agency RLYTH L. ONTARIO. • • N•IN• •••••••••••• IMNYN ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• INSURANCE,: IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS. ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM IIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECT ALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 ik Call In For A Tasty Treat --- FULL COURSE MEALS — I,IGIIT LUNCHES ICE CREAM — CHINESE FOOL) W1; SPECIALIZE IN TAK1 OUT ORDERS -- P11. 523.4391 HU R 0 N GRILL ItI.Y'1'll, (IN'1'rl It l(► Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.57 Clover Leaf Flaked Tuna, 6 oz. tin 45c Aylmer Tomato Soup, 10 - 10 oz. tins ... 1.00 Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 10 - 10 oz. tins 1.00 Freshies Powdered Drinks 12 pkgs. 49c Ocean Spray Sockeye Salmon 112 lb. tin 65c " Liquid Javex, 128 oz. jug 69c Scott Household Towels .... pkg. of 2 for 69c Zest Soap, 5c off 2 reg. bars 31c Vel Liquid Lotion, 2 - 24 oz. bottles 99e Coleman's Vac Pack Dinners Halos 2 112 to 3 112 lbs. lb. 95c Coleman's Sliced Bologna .... 1 lb. pkg. 55c Weston's Orange and Date Loaf 35c Sunkist Oranges, 138's doz. 59c New Cabbage ib. IOc Strawberries OBITUARY Charles William Stewart Charles William Stewart, 86 year's, pased away in Clinton Public Hospital on June 4, 1971, after a short illness. Born in Ilullett 'Township where he at- tended school, he was the only son of the late Mr. and Alrs. Wil- liam Stewart. Ile farmed in Mil- let( 'Township and was a breeder and exhibitor of Clydesdale hor- ses until his retirement to Blyth in 1961. Ile was the beloved husband of the late Amy Alberta Woon, and the late Bina Kirk. Surviving are one daughter, Marion, Mrs. John Beaman, Lon. don; 2 sons, Lloyd, 1lullett Town. ship, Kenneth, McKillop Town. ship, 7 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren; 2 sisters, Edith, hies, John Vincent, Goderich, Laura, Mrs. Fred 'Poll, Clinton. Ile was a member of Londes• Imo United Church and Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, and served on the Board of Stew- ards and as an elder as well as Sunday School Superintendent for many years, Ife also was a dedicated member of Blyth and Clinton Loyal Orange Lodges, Royal Black Knights and had served as County Master. The body rested at the I3a11 Funeral Rosie, Clinton, where the funeral service was held on Sunday, June 6, 1971 conducted by Rev. Wonfor of Ontario Street United Church assisted by a long time friend of the family, Rev, IIarold Snell of London and for- merly of Londcsboro. Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Honorary Pallbearers were Henry Pattison, Asa Deeves, Ilan old Webster, Benson Finnigan, Oliver Jacques, Lloyd Bern. Pallbearers were Calvert Fat. cotter, Robert Wallace, Walter Scott, Frank Falconer, John Ilenderson, William McLlwain. Flowerbearers wet'e Charles Coultes, George Bailie, Emmerson Wright, Wayne Smith, Harry Crich and Thomas beeves. A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD 1•" BERG Sales - Service 1 nstallation • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling FREE ESTIMATES ..• Donald G. Ives K.R. 2, BLYTII Phone Brussels 887.9024 'I'lIE BLY'I'II S'TANDARI) -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd — 1971 •1-4114- ••.•• H•..♦ ••. • ♦►•♦ ••0• HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service. 21 • Ilour Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237•C•70 6R.tf SUMMER FUN WE CAN HELI' %'OU wi'TII PLANS FOR THAT Cottage — Wood Deck Patio — Concrete Slab Patio — Fihreglass or 1'.V.C. Panels for Fence, Awning or Lots of Other Uses — Boal Docks — Buoyancy Billets for Rafts, Docks, etc — Ozite Outdoor Carpets for I'atios or Steps — wooden suburban or private fences, PICNIC TABLES; Precut only -- :%Il cedar $20,75 — All spruce $17.85 Itetli•buill -- All cedar $20.75 — All spruce $23.85 LADIES — 'I'HIE DOMCO "WIFE SAVER" CONTEST ENDS MAI' 29th, 1971 So why not pick up your (FREE NO GIMICK ATTACHED) wife saver kit and complete the enclosed entry form. 20 FIRST P1tI'ZES -- "A DAY ON DOMCO" or $100.00 IN CASII •— with dozens of consolation prizes of Corning Ware, Kenwood 131ankets, Wabasso's Sheets and Pillow Slips, Per• culators and Casseroles. A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. BI,Y'I'II, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4251 oviugemmen) V'1jII1 *J DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE +++•+••'$+++'H♦ ♦ +-+4•-•-•-•-4-•-•••••-•-•-•+••••••••••-•-•• ♦1-+ H -•-H••4 TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY (ARS - the price is right! A HAMM DEAL SAVES YOU MONEY 1971 TTORINO 500, 2 dr., hardtop, v8, ps 1970 OLDS Cutlass, 2 dr hardtop, v8, automatic radio, ps, pb 1970 IMPALA .1 dr., hardtop v8, pb, pb, green 2-1970 IMPALA 4 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, gold 1969 GALAXY 500, 4 d.r. hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb, radio 2 - 1969 DODGE 4 dr. sedans, v8, automatic, radio, ps, pb 1969 FORD Custom 4 dr., vS, auto., ps, radio 1968 CADILLAC 4dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1968 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan, v8, ,auto., ps 1967 FO'RI) Custom 500, 2 dr„ 6 cyl., aut., radio 1967 CHEV. VAN, 6 cyl. 1967 DODGE Monaco 4 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, automatic 1967 CHEV 112 ton Panel, 6 cyl. 1967 MERCURY F100 half ton, heavy duty 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par., 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 102 MASSEY TRACTOR Ha $5 CAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 .4.-.44,444944444444.4.44,4.444441444444449444449* TI11" PI,YTIU STANDARD -- CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my many friends and neighbours for all the cards, gifts and letters 1 re- ceived while a patient in Vicl'iria hospital in London, ?nd f,r• the food that was sent into our home since my return home. They ;111 were inuch appreciated. WEDNESDAY, JUNE; 23rd •-- 1971 hc!ped to make the (lays much brighter. 'Thanks to Regal Chap- ter for the plant, and to the U. ('. IV. and Marmon Unit for their cards and best wishes, :\ VP. tial thanks to Rev. Mather for his many ivsits. '!'hey were much apprecialcd. E,Ilen Silli). 'i'IUE BL1'T1l INN HOTEL, [3L1"CIA, \'t)►{' OFNE11 "Entertainment & Dancing" FRIDAY &. ,SATURDAY E1'ENiNGs This Weekend Featuring "THE TOWN LINERS" GOA BLANCHE'S HAIR STYLING Shan )0o and `_Set . 82,00 Hair Cuts . ........... . $1.50 Children 12 and under $1,00 NEW T2LEPHONE NO. 526-7728 AUBURN BLANCHE DALTON Open Tuesday thru Saturday, Thursday Night 'WIRY WO. Notice To Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all pers.ons in possession of land, in accordance with the \vccd control act, 1960, Sec. 3 and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the municipality of the village of Blyth are destroyed by the date of .July 1st, 1971, and throughout the season, the munici[lality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the act, Tile co-operation of all citizens is earn- estly solicited, JAMES WARWICK, Weed inspector, Municipality of Blyth. 43-2 Our xce All You t Sick is AvIabe For 3utside Dorthig Needs WE OFFER TREE ADVICE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS EASY TD HAND SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER IN STOCK FOR THOSE WH.0 LIME TO DO THEIR OWN PAPERING Large Selection Now Available At Our Showroom LAWRIE DECORATING BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 623.4525 1101211111.11.11111011111 Belgrave area, The bus trip is to Ontario Placo Airs. Norman Cantles, president, nn 'Tuesday, July 20 and there rnl2'odticed the guest speaker and are ,still seals availably. I'otll' KELLER--TAYLOR he was thanked by Airs, George letters of appreciation were read Michie, convenor of the meeting, h\• the secretary, llrs. Stan Hop. Linux United Church, 13clgravc, 'There trete over 00 in attend• pe;', was the selling for a quiet wed- `ince, including visitors from :\ social hour foIo vcd the pro - ling on Juno nth at 7 p.m. when Rluevalc and Blyth branches, as :rant will refreshments served Rev, John G.ell as Belgrave area residents. by Institute ntennhcrS. RobertsRobents united Ileo, John Roberts, accompan- ('o I l('st• rcn►arks were given lllal'!'lal:e i\i1r'�' Ellen Taylor and ).,IL [ Il Donald James Keller. The bride Jed by Mrs. Roebrts, rendered b\• Mrs. Jack Wickstead of Blue• is the daughter of 11r, and Alts. ltto vocal solos which were well vole and Mrs. Charles Johnston Jahn R. '1'aylar, R.R. 1, Rolf rave, received, The roll call, "some. of 131vth. and the t:rootn is the son of Mr. thing I have learned about Brit' 11r, and Mrs. Robert Ilibhcrd Donald Beller, Myth, is.h Columbia was answered by attun:led the 391.h annual Gedke 1'he couple were attended by 25 members.reunion a1 Eurtzyille Community :hiss Linda 1Valden, 13.13. •3, Achievenenl I)ay for •1.11 Wel"' ('mire un S:1!11r(I:t.v. Prizes were 131,rth, and11r. art Snell of CrcO hers was announced for AMC' 19 ;[t,,,(i l;.d 10 the Iwo oldest ladies, two, in E. L. A1a(1111 Secondary School firs, IsiahGedkc of Gowans -town at which the public is invited at an] .\lr.;, Jc!in Cc:lkc of Listowc". A reception followed at t'►e 1:15 P.m. other home of the bride's parents. 11°°.O1h r prizes tv[ nl 10 Airs, Rob - home oared euesls were grandparents ots The annual Memorial Service cel Ihlihcr•d. Mrs, Russell Karges of the bride and ;room, Mr. sand '!t Brandon Cemetery will b(• and Hobert ilihhcrcd Alts, !lark :1r m.>lrong, Belgrave,held July 1 at 3 p.tn. with Rev. and Mrs. Keller of Daahtyuo(1. John Roberts in charge of the service, 11,1'.1'. Spoke On Regional Government At 11',1. Meeting Ile. hurray Gaunt, A1,P.1 ,, _puke on the subject of Regional Government at the June meeting of the Belo'ave Women'.; NA - lute held in the W.I. !tall on June 141h at 8:15 p.m. lie enlightened (he audience with the reasons for and characteristics of regional government and the effect in this CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor• Wilily to thank all my friends and relatives who sent cards, gift and flowers and visited me while a patient in Clinton hospital and since returning home, Special hanks to Dr, Street, Dr, \I'att and the nurses and staff for their ex- cellent care and kindness. :1 very special thank you to Eileen, my Mom and my sister, Sharce, for ;;ah,) •:ittiug and helping (nit at home. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten, Brenda Brooks, 44 -lo CARL) OF TIIANKS 1 wish to thank everyone typo sent cards, gifts and visited me while I was a, patient in Clinton Public hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nurses on i`rsl floor. Albert (Pat) Mason, 44.1'1 CARD OF TIIANKS \1'e wish to extend our sincere thinks to all our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for their good wishes and lovely chair and other gifts we received an our 35th wedding anniversary. We would a'so like to llnank all those re- sponsible far the reception held for us. Your kindness is appre- ciated and will be remembered, John and Patricia Ilallahan. CARD OF THANKS I would sincerely like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives who visited me or sent Inc gifts, cards and flowers dur• ing my recent stay in Clinton Public Hospital, Special thanks to Dr Watts, Dr. Street, Dr New - 1;.;''1 and the nursing staff on the 1st floor. Maxine Bowes, 44•ip 1, , I-, , 111 11 1 ■ The Easy Way To Bins Better Cocrete Steps Enhance the beauty and valve of your home with precast steel re-inforced concrete UNIT STEPS Our installation crews work quick- ly and cleanly. No waiting for concrete to cure. Over 100 sizes in stock, FRANK KLING LIMITED Phone 527.1320 .-- Scaforth it motion was made that the Director of the W.I. Ball Board continue in that capacity for the 7omin; year. Mrs. Ivan Wightman gave report of the Huron West Dist .\nnual held in Londesbaro, 1 31, a y (officers were elected — Presi• (lent. 1131.01 1I a son, Listowe): flee-I'ny.iaent, Wray Ge;lke, of IVin,ham; Secretary Treasurer, Airs. (;lent! Lamb, Goderich, llcnncers trerc t,:•csent from 1J5- ;cwcl, Ct!i['forcl, E ordwich, Kurtz- yille, cott'atedo tn, Rlucvalc, 13c1• grave, Palmerston, Clifford and 11.5.:1. 1 ',11'171 L1: THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas 1VhilIIIVI ' 1'ul►lishei Published every 1Vrdnys,lov at queen titre 1.1, Iti,l"1'11. (!;\'I'.\It I(1 Aiemhcr Canadian and Ontario \Veekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $1.01► ;1 fent outside Canada (in advances, ST:1'10 a fear Single Copies Ten Cents i°:ach "Second class !nail registration number J p;N,yurmq,p,ri;, ,I,,,,,,•,,, 1310 F1 !Ifj a jrq!Ts SWIMMING CLASS REGSTRA11ON WII.I. 111; HELD ['R011 July 12th to July 16th REGISTRATION FEE — S5.00 PER CHILD Classes to be held from July 1 911 to August 6th Children registered through the 13IyS t itecreation Conineitee guaranteed transportation -- buses leave at 1:30 p.m. and return at 7 p,m, 11EGIS'I'EIi IVI'1'11: MRS, AMY 11cCREA, Sec,•Treas, Phone 523.91114 or 523.9293 44.1 46.1 ATTENTION CORN GROWERS order your CORN OIL NOW TO IIE USED W1'1'11 A'I'RAZJNE FOR BETTER KILL. CONTROL PAUL KRRIGAN AGENT — 131' 011, — CLINTON PHONE 482.91153 COLLECT' -- HAROLD BLACK - — . YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS I+ROV'iI JULY 3rd to JULY 12th We request customers to check their needs now, and get supplies in prior 'to our holitinys, PHONE 182.3873 The office will be closed for the entire holiday period, = Business Directory • 4. Cronin's Television ALES & SERVICE - Phone 523-9273 /4411,11110•11. Ma. Ismoom•••• .fl__ 1111••••••••••••••••••••••01.1. t IMBINIMIMMinsale41411.404.0,0101.1Plemear......... .1 F. LONG:•;TA - OPTOMETRIST lsoac Street - CLINTON NI INDAVS & WF,'DNESDAYS 9.30 a,ni. En 5.30 p.m Ffir Appointment Phone 4821010 SE,114011TH OFFICE - Potance of Week - Phone 527-1 10 tmatteastom. momotawYallelin BEATTY Farm Service Centre (1)1(w:a or ALBERT & PRINCESS STS,, CLINTON, ONT. Manure Handling Systein,, . Feed Automations • Stabling and I'en Emtipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We servire what we sell" I'h, 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" NITAR IV(E DISPOSA 1. sEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CL;BANKD !MEE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels ILIL 2 - Phone 887-6800 NINIIIIMIMIIIM1.11.•••■•Marilealiel•AMMO6.4.“11.111111.1•••••• Iswhomrownerbau.orossubr. •••••••AMTMII• THE B1.YTJI STANDARD -. WEDNESDAY, JUNE -23rd - 1971 EnTrilnlilrirlIcrivrnruriT7101717777171.7.777.77771771731namouswoottivillaikiiiiaL IT! 111J A1'I' RENT IT; FIN]) IT: vtirt` :k /1,1R1) "Cl4ASS1141111)" T(i "vS'Oltli. EARNING $ $ $ FOR Y01; i5 LASS1FIED ADVERTISE ENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• NIOWER KNIVES SHARPENED At Bill's Essu, phone 523.9556. 43-2 NOTICE II, W. Moer, Provincial Service Officer, will be visiting in the arca. Anyone wishing in- formation, advice or assistance regarding war disability pensions, treatment, allowances, etc., is re- quested to contact Service Offic- er Ed. Bell of Branch 420, 523- 4599 to arrange an interviei;, not later than June 28, 43-2 IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR Good standing timber of all t kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232. 1450 before 8 a,m, or after 6 p.m. 37-tf 10.6.1vdkalla.01.....1..2.10111.•••....•••••••••.•••••••••1111watosm • .6,0.1...114, 1)R. R. W. STREET 111,11.11, oNTA1110 PHONE 523.4433 01'110E IRWIN BY A PPOINnl ENT Emergency Coverage Through Clinton Hospital If Unavailable 046.0141.44.410•4404•••••••••••••••414.11.4% \V It. II, MIL'i OPT() 11 Nell 1 h* I. (Tom Theatre -- W1NG11,111 Phone 357.1361 1111.100.11•00,10111 .11 IIMINIMIO.111•11.11••••••••••••••••••••=1.4. 11.•••••••••••••••••• 111 404444441.0.4•0•4•4••••••••••••••••••••41.414itto4M•11144111114414006.4•••••1,111/.. 4 K1,1,14)11 u L,‘ I, l',N'I'ATE AGENCY e*.eter04114M4i, (Hinton Elliott. Itroht.i. 11 Johi I1I hsi 1, Salo:mum. l'IlUNE,S. Myth. Office 523-4481; Ito. 5-1522 or 523 4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Romeo and Businesses. RILL'S ESS() SERVICE Esso scavicE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service - Chain Saw Sales & Service MTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 CRAWFORD and MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. IL Cawford, Q.C., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. In Myth Each Thursday Morning and bv Appointment ',OVATE') IN ci.Litrrr iNstatAN:ey: AGENCY Phones winviia 35741636 Blyth 523-4481 10.111101•••••••••••••••••••••••61....••••••••••••• DonEN's imtury sitovn STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES 1)OREEN 5IcC41LLUM - Phone Blyth 523-4511 Closed All Day Monday Open Tuesday Through Sattiro4 ••• %III BEAUTY BAB OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE: !MYTH 523.9341, if no answer 523-9601 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S IV ELDING & M A CHIN E PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDINI: ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SfatVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Vhone 48% 730 IIMP3444444. CLINTON 11. T. Dale startle TANK SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 4 LYLE YOUNGBIAJT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your 011 Heating Contractor" ' BLYTIL ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 • TRAVEL•ON SALES AND RENTALS Agent for Sunkarnper and Woods Folding Hardtop Trailers, Truck Mounts and Accessories, BOOK NOW, For Summer Rentals. Gordon Steepe, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 182-3364, 37.9p Mil SALE Choice Nev Zealand white rab bits for sale. We also buy rabbits. Speel,11 prices fur 4 to 6 lb, fry- ers, G. S. Hughes, 523-9124, Myth, 35-14p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re. paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325. 35- REF1IIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357-2450, Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Nfotor Rewind. 24 llour emergency service. 404f CO Is(CItETE WORM Expert chimney .infl roofing repairs; specialithig in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 887-0024 374f 11 v•agoolowors/Aramoo CLINTON FOR SALE Frigidaire Deluxe Cycla matte Refrigerator; Kenmore Self Clean- ing Filter Automatic Washer, both in excellent condition. Call Mrs, King 523.4431. 44-1p FOR SALE Late cabbage plants. Apply Percy Adarn, phone 523-4152 after 6 p,m, 44-1 NOTICE '1'0 CREDITORS In The Estate of Wilmer Ilowatt, Late Of the Township of Willett, in Ibe County of Huron, Retired Farmer All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 5th day of July, 1971, a ftr which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 42-3 11111M111 Iola BAILEY REAL ESTATE Sarnia, Ontario Myth Income property • solid brick 2 strey ultra modern duplex, 6 romn aratment doWnStoirs, 5 room.; upstairs, oil heated, broad- loom throughout is included in the rr:ri. Small down payment. The owner will carry he first ine- gatb. This place must be seen to he appreciated. 1,..! storey white frame house, 6 large rooms, 3 pc. bath, new propane furnace. This property is situated on the main street and comes with 3 extra lots. Im- mediate possession, 100 acre far min Millen Town- ship, near Blyth. 95 acres work- able, well drained. Ilas a spring ercek. Farm is level and of clay loam, 1 storey seven room home with asphalt siding. Auburn Area Low priced modest 6 room farm .it home near Auburn for sale on IA acre of land, complete with small barn. SALE BRN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 pan. In the evening (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bev. Nott, Clinton 482.3162 Joe Corey, Clinton .111111•104144444.441,440.4,40111M4INIMMtaeottel 4 • List To Sell Listings wanted on farms, busi• ness resorts, homes, Contact MASON BAILEY Office 482.9371 Res, 523.9338 BROWS CARPENrRY PIIONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making BLYTH E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES 8: SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLY'l'II, ONTARIO 1'IIONE 523.9640 Tom Duizer Plumbing and Heating 011 Burner Sales . Service - Installation and Motor Repair Myer's, Pressure Systems & Water Conditioning Equipment Sheet Metal Work • Eavestroughing LONDESI10110, ONT, PHONE BLYTII 5234359 LIST YOUR PAUM PROPERTY WITH US - -- WE HAVE Tiff; CONTACTS OM TETE PROSPECTS C. II U UMA Rm. '2, Clinton Phone 482-3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. .....106.0.0....,4111011•1•16.4t1.11.110.101 • on* .4.40.•••••••4 CAMPING TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT New Adventure trailers by S. E. Woods start al $399.00 for soft top, and 8578.00 for hard top. Several good used trailers in stock. Open Friday till 9, closed Saturday. Phone 357-2272, Bum stead Metal Fabricating, Wing - ham. 43.2 CUSTOM WORK WANTED Turnips, beans or corn with disc scufeer. Phone after 5, Brussels 887-9245. 44-1 FOR SALE OR SHARE 14 acres of standing hay. Phone after 5, Brussels 887-9245. 44.1 FOR SALE 50 acres of standing hay, Bob McCool, 523.4220. 44-1 WORK WANTED Anyone needing help for haying or harvest, please call Wayne Cook at 523-4272. 44-2p FOR SALE 8 acres of standing hay. Contact 523-4489. 44-1 STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Mrs. Brad Kennedy, phone 523- 4209. 44-1 BAKE SALE U.C,W. Starlight Unit Bake Sale Saturday, July 3 at 2 p.m. in the former Laundromat. (In place of Smorgasbord). 44-2 HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick house, living room, dining room, large modern kitchen. good location. BRUCE FALCONER Salesman Blyth 523.9518 representing LAWRENCE MCKNIGIIT, Realtor Listowel 1111111•111011•11ft 11•11111111111111 ROYAL TRUST (0. Realtor • London 'l'o buy or Sell see Local Agent STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth. lirtirMITSIIIMOVIVEMININVIMINISIONMINON GRAVEL • CRUSIIF,D CEMENT GRAVEL • CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL • BRICK SAND (11 TOP SOIL Bud Chummy Phone 526-7799 AUBURN BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home, * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & IVIUTCH FURNrTURE LIMITED Phone 482-9505 Clinton 3n•tf. THE BLI'Tii STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd -- 1971 to pay respect to the late Eugene Armitage of Port Stanley. Mrs. Bert Johnston is at Guelph U.A.C. this week taking the Food Supervising Course, Mr. and Airs. William Spcir of at the Listowel are spending a few clays and Airs. Logan funeral Home on Monday with Mr's, A, Brown, BELfrdAVE NEWS ITEMS Mr, and Mrs. Gary of Winj.ham and Mr. Robinson Calvin Robinson called Stewart's Red «' White Food Mkt. IS1,1'Tli, 11,117.. Hume 4.151 WE DELIVER Buy of the Week Bonus Brand Whole Canned Chicken 1'1 lb, tin 1.00 Weston Fresh Bread •1 loaves 1.00 Red & White Best Buys Satin Brand Margerine, 1 lb. parchment .1 for 1.00 Tang Orange Crystals, reg. 99c value 5 pkgs. 88c Kraft Cheese Whiz, 16 oz. jar 75c Dole Fancy ruit Cocktail, 19 oz, tin for 1.00 Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 15 oz. bottle 3 for 1.00 Swift's Premium Hams, 1 1'2 Ib. tin 1.19 Tops Dog Food 4 tins 47c Sales A Poppin Dollar Savers Buy Now And Save Red & White Features Itoyalle Bathroom Tissue, 2 ply rolls, white, pink, blue, yellow, lilac 6 rolls 1.00 Koolaid Drinks, assorted flavours 20 pkgs, .. , 1.00 Tri Valley Choice Peaches, 19 oz. tins .3 for 1,00 Raid house and Garden Bug Killer 11 oz. tin 1.29 Kam Luncheon Meat . , ........ , . 2 tins 1.00 I3assett's Licorice Allsorts, 16 oz. bag .................. 2 for .1.00 White Swan Serviettes, assorted colours 250's pkg. 59c Supreme Brand (one at a time dispenses) Garbage Bags 3 pkgs. 1.00 Libby's Deep Brown Beans with Pork 19 oz. tin 4 for 1.00 Lee's Pineapple, Crushed, Sliced, Tid Bits, 19 oz. tin 4 for 1,00 Supreme Brand Fancy Biscuits, 3 pkgs. 1.00 Meats & Frozen Foods Devon Breakfast Bacon, 1 Ib. pkg. 53c Ranch Style Weiners, 1 Ib. pkg. ... '2 pkgs. 99c Maple Leaf Dinner Hams, 2-3 lb. ready to serve ib. 89c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Large Watermelons each 99c No, 1 California New Potatoes, 10 ib. bag 79c Golden Ripe Bananas lb. 10c California Oranges, 180's 2 doz. 79c Red & White Bonus Offer Marbella Jacquard Bath Towels, sire 42"x22" newest decorator colours, Only 2.25 pr. with a 5.00 purchase Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Marshall, ,lohn and Kirk of London, Mr. and Mrs, William Buchanan and tangly of Blyth celebrated Fa - tiler's Day and Mr. Cook's 801h birthday on Sunday al the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Cook, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ilu(!h Rinn and John were Mrs, Keith Rock and Janette of Walton, Mrs. Clarence Mudie and 11r. Leslie licKenzic of Seaforth. lir, Jason Ellis of Hamilton was a Saturday even- ing visitor. Hiss Aiaruarct Higgins, London. 31r, and Mrs, Roy Pattison, 1i.R, Winghanl, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Iliggins and Carol, Mr. and Mrs, Jack King, Michael and Kather- ine visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, Robert Itiggins. Mrs, Leslie Shaw and family of London spent the week with he.r mother, Mrs. Jack Anderson. Mrs, Alex Styles of Alimico spent a few clays with her aunt Mrs. Cora McGill. Mr. and Airs. William Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs, Clare Van Camp attended the wedding of their granddaughter and niece, Marie Johnston to Gary Black at Wesley -Willis United Church Clinton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Cerant of Lloneley, B.C, visited last week with her grandparents, Mr. and :ilrs. iierson Irwin and other rel- atives, East 11'awanosh Public School attended a school field day a: Brookside School, Ashfield, recent- ly. Marvih Cook won the over all junior boy's championship, lir, and Mrs, 'Jerson Irwin at. tended the 25111 wedding anniver- sary of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Neth• cry (nee June Irwin), I3urlirigton, at the home of Mr .and Mrs, Gib- son Armstrong (nee Gwcn Irwin), London. M►•, and Mrs. John Spivey, Brenda and Barbara, of Ingersoll, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1iarold Procter. on Satur- day. :11r. and Mrs. Jack Mcl3urney, Mr .and Mrs. Alan McBurney and Mr. and .Mrs. Kenneth Barbour attended the funeral of their brother-in-law and uncle, Mr. Eugene Armitage, of Port Stan- ley, formerly of London, on Wed- nesday from the Logan Funeral home, London, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker. Mr, and Mrs, Howard Walker and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Walker and Bonnie, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Walker. Cathy and Mi• chael, attended the annual Snell reunion held at Londesboro Hall on Saturday afternoon with 60 in attendance, Mrs, James Coultas, Mrs, Cliff Logan, 11Irs. Earl Anderson and Mrs, William Coultas attended the Huron-Per:h Presbytery of U.C. W, Retreat on Relevant Bible Study at Camp Menesetung, Code - rich. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Rinn were Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McKenzie of Seaforth. .1.11 Achievement Day On Saturday, June 19 eleven 4- 11 Clubs with their leaders and interested friends, attended Ach- ievement Day for the spring pro. ject "Separates for Summer" at the F. E. Madill high School in Wingham. Miss Catherine Dunt, Home Economist, lluron County, conducted the day's proceedings, assisted by Mrs, Lara Ryan, Ilome Economist, Grey County. In attendance were the thirty members of the Belgrave I, II and 111 clubs with their leaders, Mrs, Clark Johnston, Mgr's. Clar• ence Yuill, Mrs. Mex Robertson, Mgrs, Robert Gordon, Mrs, Clif- ford Purdon and Mrs. Leslie 'Bolt. During the morning, all girls participated in routine exercises which tested their knowledge of the completed project, The afternoon program consist. NI of exhibits, skits and a demon- stration. Beth Scott and Joyce Nethery of Iielgrave i Club commented on their fine exhibit, "colours for you," 13e1gravc 1I girls present- ed their humorous skit "Measure- ments and Pattern Alterations," with all members taking part. "Sew and Save on Summer Sep - orates" was the skit given by the Rclgrave 111 Club. After complementary remarks on the exhibits by Mrs, Ryan, Miss Hunt commented on the demonstration and skits. She thanked all the leaders for their untiring efforts in training the MEAT SPECIALS girls to sew, and praised the class for their excellentrecord books and the (inc work done on their garments. Following a short intermission, spoons and certificates of ach- ievement \Vel'(' presented. Those from 13elgrave who have completed six different projects and received county honours were Ha Scott. Jane Schiell and Louise Procter. The presentation of provincial honours to four girls and 0 :.ew final remarks by Miss Bunt, in which she related that the fall project will be "Dairy hare," brought the busy day to a close. Ready To Eat Ham . . ... . ... . ... . .. Il). 95c Fresh Lean Shoulder Chops .........ib. 55c Bruce Brand illargerinc 2 lb. 65c Epicure Bacon ..... . . ............... Ib. 59c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABi3ITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Fred" Button, Proprietor BLYTII, ONTARIO, PHONE 523.4551 MEN'S READY TO WEAR SUITS ALL WOOL checks, stripes and plains sizes 36 to 44 $66.00 to $84.00 MEN'S SPORT COATS & BLAZERS R. W . I1�►dill's SHOES -•- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MA DILL'S on Thursday and Friday Snell's MFOOD ARKET Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz, jar 1.59 Crisco Oil, 24 oz. bottle 69c Austral Fancy Peach Slices, 28 oz., 2 for 79c Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner, 4 for 69c , Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter, 60 oz, , , , , 1.69 Kraft Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg........... 39c Schneider's Soft Margarine, 1 lb. tub . , .. 39c Schneider's Beef Steakettes, 1 lb. pkg. of 4 69c S.P. Cottage Roll, whole or half, per lb. 49c K.P. Sliced Bacon Ends, 3 - 1 Ib. pkgs , . 1.00 Ivory Liquid for Dishes, 32 oz. 89c Amaze Stain Remover, giant size , ..... , , 69c Phone 523.9332 We Deliver THE I31.YTU STANDARD •— WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd -- 1971 Auburn cS: District News Air. and Mrs, (lor,Iun I•'ry, Srl• in Vic•tcria Ilnspital, London, ,'o1• United Church said Grace. vie and Joe, Alr. an.I Mrs, Danny 1 ;tyles five sur,cry. lie is on the Miss Plunkett welcomed all to Fry and baby Tommy of Kin- :til fluor, room 356. the dinner and thanked Airs• El- car(line visited on Sunday with Al', I)',n:cid Kali of Oakville, dun AlcLennart who had been lea - Mr. and Airs. h,ldon 'McLennan I„ nt the weekend with her par- der during the first part of the and family and al.so Pastor and cut<, lir. and lir.,. .1, Jackson, year for her work and also to Airs, :Alfred Fry, Itt r father returned to Oakville the mothers for their co•operalion Mr. and Mrs, Aud. Smith of with her, and n1e111bers of the U.C,W. She Wal ilcehurg visited last weed: Airs. Robert Arlhur and Miss told about the different explora• with their nnele and aunt Air. Jane Ai thin, attended a wedding lions and the study -110W' the :md Airs, Alaitlanl ,Allen. 11 1Ve!I:l'I 1a,' Saturday. Afore! Gets around. Among the • Air, and .Airs. Lorne Peter, Con. Ail':;, Urval \tcl'Itee is a patient crafts was a knitted afghan ; Mr. Alarian and Sandra of tier- in (Tinton hos)ital, which had been presented to • Vic %witteddrl on Sirn(Ia\• with ll:•s, AI's are pleased to report that Iltironvicw. Beth Lansing. Mrs. Leonard i\ Archarnbault was ,•1 piano solo was played by 11r. and Mrs. Donald lfairi� , able 10 leave Clinton hospital ,llarilvn Wightman and a contest Mr, 1''I. ilaines and Mr. and Ai' ; where she was a patient for a• was conducted by Loris Elliott. Ronald l,ivevrmore and Robert bout six v,eelc, from a back in• A1rs. Elgin Josling was the win• of Fordwich a!lrnded a family Jury- suffered in a fall through per. Jane Thompson played a reunion at Fergus last Sunday. the h:lrn fluor. She is convalesc• piano solo and Marilyn Wighl• Miss I)ianne ICirkeonnell and inc.; at her home, man read the scripture lesson. her friend, hiss Rose IFicl::rola Afr• Norman McDowell tinder- Janet Cook played a piano solo both of London spun! Thr lt'r' l:- \t•c'i(t st i s. 'i'y Llai week and is and Connie 'l'rommer had a con - end with the fcrnlrr's parent.... sill :r »:client in (;oderich hnspi- test. Airs, Alauriee Bean and Air. and Alrs. Andrew Kirkcnn• 1.1!. Mrs, Sam Thompson were the hell. ;1 farewell party for 11r, and winners, Sherry Verbeek gave a Fifteen neighbours of Airs. '.I (ieert;e Schneider was held reading—'('hank God for little Oscar do Boer g:c,hrlr•ed at the t'lr him of 11r. and .Airs. EI. things followed by a piano solo home of Mrs, Donald ('•lrityri:: It f: ,': I,::I'I> recently, The evening by Judy Robinson, Mrs. i'red last %Areanes:lay afternoon for a w.!, ,( aT playing cards and AlcPherson and Airs, Ted Robin• surprise coffee party to say fare- ;'.imus 't'he address was read sun were also winners in another well to her hefnre nl:'vin'a Iu I,y 111';• Roy llaer and Mr, Roy contest, i''aye iiildebrand receiv• Blyth. The afternoon was ,c 11' Danl. ani lir. Joe Verwev pre- cd the offering which was (fedi' with contests with Airs. flu:s Itch- ; n'r:l them with a gift. Both cated with prayer by Pastor Fry. irisan and Mrs. Donald Ilai,,u, as A1I, and Mrs. Sch:)cider thanked Air's. Elgin Josling; thanked the winners, Thr aclare" watt 'u:: i .:r, it nci',Ilhors and lunch was girl; and their leaders for the b,y Ales, Eleanor Bra(brn^k and e: y !. Mr. and Mrs. schnciclei• invitation to attend. Miss Plunkett conducted the graduation ceremony with the assistanee of Mrs. Hildebrand, !ted Star was given to Lorie El- liott: Blue stars to Jane Thom!). son, Cannie 'I'rornmer, Sherry Verheek and Janet Cook: Gold stars wcrr given to the graduat- es, Marilyn Wightman, Faye Hil- debrand. Judo Robinson and Deb- bie Jefferson, During the service Airs. Maurice Bean welcomed the graduates to join C.G•T.'I'. group of which she is the leader, Mar• ilvn Wightman thanked the lea- ders nn behalf of the graduating class and Mrs. Norman Wight - man expressed thanks on behalf of the mothers present. The annual memorial service will he hr'lcl next Sunday. June 27 at Ball's Cemetery at 2:30 p• 111. Pastor A. Fry will he in charge and Mrs. N. Wightman wilt he organist. The service is in eharste of Knox United Church a= is+,rel by Clergy of the villarre. 'qrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. 4ir(rlrl' l,nncinn' pt tended the an• n"al meetin'i of the Ontario TTor- ';nnl+(tr' 1 Association at Windsor last week, air, Thomas Johnston anri Mr. Mninr \'oi nffhl''1 attended the sleek! (1r(nlrnnlan'c servire al qt, Paul's Antillean Church, Wing - 111 rn ing•111m lasi Snnrihv )morning,. Hisses Jean iio+r,torr and Jean Jamieson of Toronto visited 19cr week with their sister, Miss r'•anees Houston for a couple of days. Air. and Aft's. Ronald Ralhwell Michael and Janice of Chatham omni the weekend with her tun - Mrs. un - Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mich- ael remained for n longer visit. Mr, and Mrs. Rocs Robinson count Stlnrlav with their son Mr, Kei(•h Robinson. Mrs, Robinson and family al Toronto. gifts Were presented hy Mr limed last week to their Jane's (i1011Lh('I• :Ill:i Ali•<, (_''!r'.• !I"I`l" ::l 'rressvater Wright to Mrs. de liner, ita••n,am l and Kathy. Airs. de Boer thanked Explorer her friends and invited them to Visit her in her new home in (ilyth. Coffee and cookie.; 1ti' served by 'Mrs, (':•iwi•iiiic, Jim (lloae•her and 11rs. Rai1!)bv. lir. and 11r. Lloyd i(ai:hbv r,' Lon:Ion, visited la•t Saturday ty't`r Jl1 . Gordon 'Taylor. 11'c are pleased In report tha'. lir, F,llictt Lapp i; honer fr:r)11 Landon where he was ilaspiiali?. eel for sryrral days, Air, Charles Readie is a nalirnt WELT Graduation Dinner rle1V ;1 drrora:ed .;racduation cake cord -ed with :I I:!rite red manly i..:d, the Explorer emblem. cen- tred the head:able for the annual iLiivihter and grandmoth- er or aailation dinner in Knox 1'• n:te 1 C n:'ch. The smorgasbord (zone r 0' iS prepared by the lead- s" k; 1131 in Plunkett and EL Jahn 1111 lehrinil assisted by t'lf mothers, Af i;s I' wren East ;•i.!c.,f :n t'tn (i('I)'n. Pastor Alfred i'ry, II ;lister of Knox ,,.0,..110.... SPEC 4[S 11'if1'I'i•: ti'.;'AN 11.)1tir:S);1' SI;rt1'll?'I"I'Ia, Till's, reg, 69c ~1'11:('1,11, r1I,3,I';N's FRUIT DRINKS, 1!. ez, :;ire tins 111rti'LE 1l•; (-ANNE!) !!‘....11S, 11... Ib, tin I:VE1t1'I).1V PRICE ON t,El1•is :me 1'ltl's.1D SLATER'S GF AUiBURN, ON'I',1R10 TELA ALUMINUM farm ea 5 t'Iti't' SIZE -- FOR 10 DAYS ONLY -- SePERi^m M 9.51 ,1US'I' ARiRIVED k Ft51 dine O# 59c :1 FOR 89c 1,15 10 FOS: 2,50 STORE PHONE 526.7226 e ROGERS' iV1r1JES7'IC & SYLVANIA & Fit PIMP STEREO RECi MYERS FOR YOUR SUMMER LISTENING PLEASURE Spethiy P'* r lurick Sale (roni rr ti$,„ HARDWARE w BLYTH R '1.1';i.,EPUfl'V 52 1-9273 YOUR HOME 11A1 [)\ rAI E 1)11,Al,141t • • • • 1 • • • • ••••••••••• 4+• DIA1biONDS LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton • Seaforth '♦ 4'• • O. • • • •♦ • • ••1 • • • • • -• -• •-•1-t-•-• • LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials —CALL CLARK UPHOLSTERY I'tl, 523••1272; 523.1528 R, Cook, Prop, Blyth, Ont. WE HAVE A FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE DRAIN TENDERS Township of Morris Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 pin „July 5, 1971 for the construction of the MAGEE DRAIN 3,209 lineal feet of covered drain 2 catch basins 1 concrete junction box 1,067 lineal feel of open drain 'renders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 percent of the amount of tender. The Township will supply tile and pipe, Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, MRS. HELEN MARTIN Clerk, Morris Township, Belgrave, Ontario, 44.2 Historical Society. She is the en by Mrs. Thoma's HaPgitt, i'ranches curator of the Tweeds. Lunch was served by Mrs, Scott, muir history Book, Mrs, Oliver Anderson, Mrs, Beth As this is senior citizens week, Lansing and Mrs. Frank Ralthby, two carloads of members will go to Huronview on Thursday even. Joe I'erlovc Award Winner ing to assist the staff to take the residents of the home to the en. tertainmenl, Five members at- Mr. James Sheppard, a native tended the i-iuronview Auxiliary Mrs, Reed Sheppard of Sarnia meeting and served tea, Fifteen of Sarnia and a son of Mr. and members went to the Londesboro and formerly of Auburn is co• meeting. winner of the 1971 Joe Perlove It was voted to purchase an award presented annually to the electric knife for the hall and outstanding .journalism graduate Mrs, Elmer Trammel. will pur• of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute chase this item, Plans were in Toronto. Mr, Sheppard will macle to hold children's day in share $700,00 with another re - July and there will be a fish pond. porter working now for the Tor. The committee in charge will be onto Telegram. The award is Mrs. E, Bradnock, Mrs, G, based on academic standing in Chatnne.v, Mrs. G. Naylor and journalism subjects. James has Mrs, 'I'. Ilaggitt, now accepted a position with The June Meeting of Auburn IV, 1, The roll, call was answered by London Free Press. telling about the old jewellery The June meeting of the An- that all the members were wear. burn Women's Tnstilule was held ing, Many pieces were well over Wedding in the Community Memorial hall cne hundred years old. The re- rr with 1 ct vire-president, Airs, Don- i'ort of the district annual meet. a'"I Cartwright in chirge, She ing held recently at Londeshoro CLARK •— HOUSTON cl(rnned t.hr running with a norm, was given by the delegates, Mrs. --Tarn the Sons The meeting Gordon Naylor and Mrs, Robert Knox Presbyterian Church cha• rnn(lerl 1) ' sineeine the Ocie. Mary Arthur, The card report was giv. pet was the scene of a wedding e'nt,!nrt (!n11n�1 1p'1 f) C Ipn✓l l rn bs' Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell on Saturday June 19, 1971 when tr,;lh Mrs. Robert Phillips at the and she read the thankyou notes. Frances E, Houston became the Minn. The nlinitec nF nrevinttc Plans were also made to cater bride of William J. Clark, R.R. were arcen'n'l as rnn.l t) two busloads of women from 5, Goderich, Rev. G. L. Royal sncrntnry Mrs. nnnn11 St, Thomas July 15th at 6 p,m• was the officiating minister. Mrs. 11 urns Irinnnnnnrl iti( Airs, Kenneth Scott was in Donaci I-iaines of Auburn was art • .tnit,nc t".1nn�hr,' h'fri clnnaterl charge of the program and invit• bridesmaid and Mr, Fordyce nb►n rn,' ii 9^' k aur( cr,rt,n nF ed allto come to her home to Clark of GoderIeh was the best il,n mut iI n'c nninlnrl +1, A. lnflnt view her antique furniture and man, Following the ceremony a n� t11a',c +n pccict in the ,•ennui. dishes, She gave comments on reception took place at the home rinnc of rho frown TT911 wr14 ,'anri the fireplace which was in the of Mr, and Mrs, J, A. McIntosh, ^nrl ,'nnm•t nC rho enn,m;lton n_i+rnrl home of her ancestors around 189 High Street, London, Fol. t,•1tin11 flint n'illt f1,n P11, 4nnc• no. 1S12, and also the matching can,- lowing a wedding trip the couple r* Inc na;nlhui, 11 1C )lnnnnrl in NI wooden vallances, She also will reside in Auburn, i"cf 11 n+nn(r r' hour;'ter c�tclnnl 11 told about the lamp, Pictures and n•nc •lnni,ln'J In cn,t•1 15 run+e n,11' Furniture and then all toured her ,•nt„hnn In cti''''''1 thn Tlic(";nt'C Koine, N•,,,n.,,t Rn"gym• r';1.1 Ti wnc ,enc. All instrumental on the ni"rlo rn•) 1n nlaltn lT,•c• 1=n•.,1nn 'I1n1,1n„ was played by Mrs. Robert Phil. •„^,•^'•r•' of the t-ruron County lips and current events were giv- n,0(0;nrr I,1, the TTvinrc, Counter Check Books At The Standard Office 1 r • • , 4 1 f • •• THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd -- 1971 Londesboro News Of The Past Week On Saturday a number of vol• ford showed slides of his people, tmteers assisted Mr. McDougall the Indians he • works with al and his men with painlirg of the Parry Sound and Shawanaga, Ile church, At the same time the thanked the Londesboro Young People held a car wash at for their bales of good used cloth - the church, The ladies prepared ing, mitts and quilts. Mrs. Gout• - a pot luck dinner and also coffee ley thanked him and Rev. McDon• breaks. This was very much ald closed with the benediction. appreciated by the board. Lunch was served. Rev. Ludford Sundav was a veru interesting returned to Parry Sound on Mon day in the United Church when da.v, taking bales and quilts with Rev. Jim Ludford of Parry Sound, him, •$e•t' was present for the weekend, Mrs, Howatt and Mrs, L. Sun - corning Saturday p.m. to Rev. dercock visited on Thursday with McDonald's, Be gave the nus• Mrs, Annie ElsIey of Listowel. .age at the morning service, the Mr, and Mrs. Will Manning ant theme being "Love," The male Mr. and Mrs, Joe Shaddick were voice choir led in service of song. guests at the Mallette•Brenton in the evening a large number wedding at College Ave, Church, attended a fireside hour of ser• Woodstock, on June 19th, vice with Mrs. Livingstone and Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook conducting open- Mrs. Bert Shobbrook were his ing devotions and Mrs. Ella Jew- sister, Mrs. Maud Radford. of itt at the piano. Accordian duets Blyth, also their daughter, M: , were given byWayne Lyon and and Mrs, Ron Ellerby, Frank an 1 Darrell Shobbrook. Collection was Dora Lynn. of Clinton. received by Mrs, Harry Durnin Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shaddic!' and Mrs. Laura Lyon. Rev. Lud• spent the week with their sort, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Shaddick ant Juliann of Glen Morris. We welcome Mrs. Mabel Scott Wed,June 23 home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Allister L'roadfoot, R.R. 3, Sea• forth. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, visit( .1 the past week with her aun', Miss Laura Saundercock, and coil - sins, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Saunde:.• cock and Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shol,- brook, BLYTH ARENAVisitors with Mr. Will Govir r and Mrs. Webster on Sunday wr his daughter, Mr, and Airs. Jack Wed• & Sun. and sister-in-law, Hamilton and Kim of Lawlor. -Mrs, Margaret (;ovier and friend of Goderich. 'Nights Mr. and Mrs. Art Tlunking 61 from 7:30 to 9:30 STARTING TIiERE WILL BE ROLLER SKATING IN THE EVERYONE WELCOME 43.2 CONCRETE WORN All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Rea• •onable rates - free estimates, MALONEY BROS, Dublin, Ontario, 195.2253 Phones 345.2964, Backhoe Work DRAINS, WEEPER TTLE, ETC, .tlso TOI' SOIL, CEMENT GRAVEI. AND ROAD GRAVEL Stewart Johnston BLYTH PHONE 523.4475 45.8p Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorn flunking and Murray, Mr. Ken Scanlon, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Dui: car and family spent Sunday a '- ternuon at Maitland Palley Cot: - servation Area, ,lir, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt spei,t several days last week at Drif'• wood Beach, Mrs. Della McDowell of Blyth, spent Sunday night with Mr, an 1 blrs, Earl Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin IVoo.l spent Sunday with Mr, and Mr' , Harold Skinner of Exeter, Greg Andrews of Toronto, ::pending the summer vacatio.i with his grandparents, Mr, ant Mrs, .Elwin Wood, -ors. Jessie Jones was a patierst in Stratford last week having, surgery, Congratulations to Barbara Lce for passing grade 1:3 harmony wit) honours. Barbara Is a pupil '.f Mrs, Shirley Vincent, Blyth. Rev. S. McDonald, Rev, Lug!• ford were dinner guests of Mr: W. Howatt Saturday evening an I Mr. and Mrs, Harry Durnin Sue - day evening, COOL VACATION CLOTHING Denim & Cotton Hot Ponts with Bib Hot Pant Sets with Peasant Blouse Misses Hot Pant Dresses in crimp, cotton, arnel crepe $21.00 - $25.00 ea, Missesand Ladies Bathers in all sizes We have a new shipment of cool summer dresses and sleeveless tops for Shorts and Slims. See them today at the NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523.4361 Blyth ENTER NOW: THE BLYTH INN "Name The Rooms Contest" (WIN) $10. Prize For The Dining Room $10. Prize For The Beverage Room $10. Prize For The Bar Room Judges Decision P'inal.1'untest ('lose.; July 31, 1971, Entry Forms Available At 'i he Blyth Inn WALTON AREA NEWS EVENTS Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester - finnan of Burlington. Misses Inge and Erna Westermann of West Germany spent the weekend at the home of NH., and Mrs. Earl Mills. Mr. and Airs, f'l'ed Dunk have returned honk after camping at Cornwall and other eastern prints. Hiss Carol Shortreed is eon- ployed at the Delawana Inn, Honey harbour• for the summer ]months, Mrs, Wm. Itoe returned home from the Seaforth Community Hospital last week. Johnnie Dyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rank Dyk has returned horns from Stratford General Hospital where he was a patient following . ear surgery recently. WANTED 3 people to go West for 17 days, leaving July 16th, Phone John Adam 523.4952 after 6 p.m, 44.1 STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Contact Mrs, William Empey, phone 526.7574, Auburn, 44.1p, BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens At 8:00 p.m. First Show At Dusk TiIURS., F'III,, SAT., SUN, June 24, 25, 26, 27 "WO.ODSTOCK" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) THE ROCK FESTIVAL ON TIIE SCREEN WI'I'II THE MUSIC GROOVING and the 900,000 per• sons doing their thing; In Color Cartoon Due to length, one showing nightly at approx. 9:15 SUN., MON., TUES, JUNE 27, 28, 29 "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" in Color Barbara Darkins • Patty Duke Sharon 'fate • Susan Hayward "BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" Doily Reed • Cynthia Myers InColor Cartoon ADMITTANCI R ES.TRICTED', TO 'MONS $ Of AOE 00 OVU WEDNESDAY ONLY• --- JUNE 30 Comedy • Action • horror Special Holiday Show Giant Triple Bill "CARRY ON UP THE KHYBER" "TILE MINISKIRT MOB" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Jeremy Slate • Diane MCBain In Color "THEATRE OI'' DEATH" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Cartoon Mr. and Mrs, James Daley of Cedar Springs, Blenheim. visited a week ago Sundav at the manse with Rev. and Mrs, Derwyn Do• eken and Kristen, ,Mrs. Torrey McCaII and sons, Jim and Ross of Victoria, B. C. :ire holidaying at the home of .lir, and Mrs. Allan -McCall. Bride Honoured at Shower Miss Janet Shortreed was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held in Duff's United Church Walton on Saturday even. .ng Jnne 12, 1971. The basement was decorated with blue and white streamers attached to a wedding bell with baskets of 'lowers of lilacs, tulips, peonies uul snowballs. Miss Carol Wilbee gave a ..warm welcome to everyone es• l'cially the lusts of the even• nc. then she conducted a con• •est, "A game with pictures", A mock wedding performed by 'Mary Bewley as minister: bride vas Ann Watson: groom, Mary ".earle: bridesmaid, Carolyn Mc - ['lure: mother or bride. Mary 'Vafcnn: father of bride. Brenda 'tcwley. Mrs. Waller Bewley rend two ',nen) entitled "Recine for bin. '41"ncc," and "Miles for a wife", The seats of honor were orctt• .In,l by Miss Shortreed: Mrs. 't'IImn Webster. mother of fhn �nnm: Mrc. llrnlfe1' Shortreed. nether of ihr pride and 1?mma ''hrr'Ireed, sister of the bride ''(n•snaes were pinned nn eneh ,r'ee to the nrnr,ran1. The address in the bride gad by Carol wither and tha " ifrs worn prrsentorl by a men - ',or of nt,r1,. on hr)ralf of rt•ln• •rvnc, I'i""in'vlc n.trt nniq,hhniirc• ,1a•nrt roadie a fitfinn ',only far wn5 all the lovely gifts and invited rveryorre to visit her in her new new home near Varna, Lunch was served by several of the ladies of the Walton unit assisted by young girls on the line. McCall Reunion The annual ]McCall reunion was held on Sunday, June 20 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Burke of Winghain when 46 sat clown to a delicious smorgasbord noon meal, The afternoon was spent visit- ing and some went swimming, followed by a supper meal, AT THE LIBRARY NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN by Louis J. Gartner. This is the first hook ever written on how to design your own needlepoint so you can do the designs you want, instead of having to buy whatever prepared canvases you can find. It also shows how to do the several forms of the need, lepoint stitch if you are a begin- ner, and how to refine your way of stitching to become an expert. Juvenile Books 'JIIE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND — hy Jules Verne, Five castaway's ‘who find themselves on an un• charted, volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean after escaping in a balloon from Richmond (luring the Civil War, are brave resource - fill nen who refuse to consider themselves castaways at all. They become colonists instead, and us- ing only the raw materials of the island and what they know, create a whole new world, Library Yours -- Tuesday and Thursday 2.5, Saturday 1.5. VEST on 5 year term Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Ask about our "CASHABLE AT ANY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Certificates. For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto 1 A FEDERALLY CHARTERED COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPOMTiOM CEiII'IFICATE'"S AVAiILABLE THROUGH: ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Queen Street, Blyth, Ont. Tel. 5234481