HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-06-09, Page 1T Volume 81 • No. 42 E BLYT Rec. Committee Fashion Show At Meets W.I. Meeting Regular meeting of the Blyth Municipal Recreation Committee was held on Monday, May 31 in the meeting hall. Moved by Harold Cook second- ed by George llaggitt that the minutes be approved as read, Carried. Moved by George llaggitt sec - muted by John ilesselwood, that Recreation Committee purchase the necessary quantity of roller skates, needed by Teen Town. Carried. Moved by John llesselwood see• muted by Joan Watson that bilis anti accounts be forwarded to council for payment. Carried. Moved by Rohhie Lawrie sec- onded by Keith Webster that cor- respondence be filed as read. Carried. One iteral of interest in the cor- respondence, was a brochure from the Georgian College Summer School of the Arts — offering a varying number of programs in- cluding landscape painting, defen- sive driving, sculpture, Ojibway language, culture and history; Adventures in Grey and Bruce, etc. Brochure and particulars re- garding fees, etc., may be seen at the Standard Office, Mcved by Ila•old Cook second- ed by George llaggitt, that the front entrance of the hall be Painted to the first level, this matter be left to discretion of the Council members. Carried. Council members, Robbie Law - :ie and John llesselwood, to find out through Council, the condition of the roof and entire structure of the hall. Moved by Keith Webster sec- onded by John llesselwood that meeting adjourn to sleet again on June 21. Personal Interest Mr, and Mrs. Victor Campbell of London visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell re- cently, Mrs. John E. Freeman, Brant- ford, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell several days last week, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Camp- bell and Mrs, J. Freeman called on the Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson, Goderich, on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. George Baines visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Carman Eickmeir and Paul of Stratford. Mrs. J, C. Mitchell returned to her home in Victoria, B.C., after spending 2 weeks with her moth- er, Mrs, Inez McDonald, We are sorry to report that ''Irs. Harvey Sillib is a patient in Itoom 522 West, Victoria Hospi- tal, London, We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Robert Wallace attended the Clerk and Bailiff .Convention in Windsor last week returning home Saturday evening, Weekend guests at the home of Air, and Mrs. Keith Webster and Mr, and Mrs, David Webster were Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Webster and family of Oakville, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Webster and family of Bracebridge, Mr, and Mrs, Earle Webster and Jane Webster of Oshawa, Mrs. (Dr.) D. Mills of London, Mrs, Raymond Nott of Seaforth, and Mr, Edwin Johns of Mitchell, On Sunday a buffet meal was enjoyed in honor of Mr, and Mrs, George Webster's 10th wedding anniversary. Tit RD "Serving Blyth and Community since latae" I3LYTIf, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 'l'hc June meeting of ]3lyth W. I. featured a fashion show by the nlentbet's of Blyth 4.1I clubs. Their outfits consisted of pant suits, jump suits and coullottes. 'I'hey were all very attractive. Confluents were made by Mrs. Wallace 13e11 and Mrs. Keith Web- ster. Musical numbers were giv- en by ,Misses Judy Nicholson and Kim Watson and songs by Francis and Mark Battye. A quiz on the 4-11 course "Sep- arates for Summer" was conduct- ed by Mrs. Keith Webster. This part of the meetig was in charge of Mrs. J. McNichol. The roll call was answered by "My Pet Economy" and resulted in some interesting ideas. Announcement was made of a meeting on Monday, June 14 in the l3elgrave W. I hall when Mur- ray Gaunt, M.P.P. will speak on Regional Governmet, Men and women are invited to this meet- ing at 8:15 p.m. 1t was decided that any group wishing to borrow the W.I. silver- ware must ask the convener, Mrs. llesselwood at least one clay be- fore they require it. Plans for catering to the King reception and dinner were final- ized, Mrs. Mel McVittie is in charge of the July meeting — The Phys- ical 'Therapist from Winghanl will speak at this meeting. Many mothers of the 4-11 girls were guests at the June meeting. A pleasant selciai time vas enjoy- ed with Mrs, Mac Brooks, Mrs. Kurnoth and Airs. floonaard as hostesses. Huron F. of A. Welcome 1000th Member The Huron County Federation' of Agriculture welcomed its 1000. th member in a short ceremony on Friday, June 4. .lohn Rutherford of R.R. 2, Lucknow, was presented with his membership pin at his farm in West Wawanosh Township. iter, Rutherford, who operates the 325 act e Century farm him, sell' bought his membership from Vince Austin of R. 1, Dungannon, "to get high off my back", he said jokingly. Ile was active on the township council and is said to be one of the best ring men at the 1 ticknow Community Sales. The pito was presented by Mr. Austin, Jack Stafford, County chairman and Mason Bailey, membership committee chairman, who himself has sold "between 450.500 memberships". Mr. Austin will receive a mem- bership renewal for signing Mr. Rutherford, The County Federa- tion leads the province in mem- berships, the provincial total being 8,000, Mr. I3ailey said that a great many memberships were signed through blitzes but there was still room for more members in most .oI• the townships, PEE WEES LOSE OPENER The Blyth Pee Wees lost their first game of the season on June 4, to Belgravc by the score of 14 • 13, The ]3elgrave club scored seven runs in the last inning to wipe out a 13 - '1 lead for Blyth. The Blyth club travelled to Dashwood, Monday, June 7, how- ever the •game was rained out,' 1)lylh's next game is tonight, June 10, at 7 p,m, in Crediton, Large Gathering Honors Retiring Bank Manager Close to two hundred friends, business associates and former employees gathered at the Blyth Memorial Hall last Saturday ev- ening to honour 111t'. Lloyd King, %vhu will retire from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on June 113th his last position being manager of the Blyth branch. The gathering enjoyed a ban- quet at 7 p.ln.. followed by dam, ing at 9 p.m. Guests at the banquet included Air. and ,1lrs. King's two daught- ers and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith of Toronto, and Mr. and firs, Jim Gamsby of Montreal; i11r. King's brother, Mr. and Mrs. 'Melville King, of Orillia; ;Sirs. King's sisters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earl, Minden, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Basey of Bradford. included with the head table guests was Mr. R. A. Eaton, Su- perintendent of Branches in East and North Region of the Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce, He presented the guest of honour with a plaque from the bank. The evening was presented by the members of the staff of the local bank, Mr. King started in the bank on November 1st, 1927 al Kirkficld, Ontario. Ile moved to Blyth on October 251h. 1907 and was joined here by ,urs. King on December 1st of the same year when they took up residence in the village. Since conning here both have made many friends in the continuity. They, along with the Standard, wish Mr, and Mrs. King many happy and healthy, yea's of retire - stent. HARMONY UNiT ;MEETING The Harmony Unit met at the manse with 17 members present. '1rs. 11, McDowell was in charge of the Devotions assisted by Mrs, ('has. Smith, Mrs, McDowell and :ars. i1 Camphell had readings. Mrs. Smith read a story on the Indians and 0 tape on Indian wort: that was taped by Brock Vodden was heard. This was quite interesting. s1 letter was read by Mrs, Howard Campbell from one of the lndian girls that the harmony Unit have been sending gifts to, Mrs, King led in the business part of the meeting. It was de- cided to have a travelling basket to be brought in to our September sheeting, The churcin duties for August were looked after. Mrs, King read 'a thank you to the group and 0 p0e111 as she is leaving Blyth shortly. A gift was presented to her by Mrs. C. .Johnston 011 behalf of the Har- mony Unit. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wal• (Icn and Mrs. II. Campbell. ENTERTAIN AT IIURONVIh;W The residents of 1iuronview en- joyed the family Might perform- ance on Thursday, June 3. The audience showed interest and ap- preciation as they were provided with a variety of vocal and ins- trumental accordian and guitar numbers. Jing Lawrie was mas- ter of ceremonies for the night. Mrs, Grace Brown was pianist. Those taking part were Angela Dittman, Lori, Charlene and Frances Campbell, Annie Thalen, Billy Van Annersfoort, MI's, Sha' - on 1Vittich, Wayne McClinchey and Steven Walsh, Mrs, Mary Taylor thanked the Blyth group, LINTER TO THE EDITOR Re Union Cemetery Board Practise In Guelph Bruce Elliott Will rite Editor, The Blyth Sandard. Dear ,Sir:• Just a few questions like answered. 1, \There is the Cemetery Board? 2. When did it last inspect the t rnion C'emeter'y? 3. Why have hollows been allow- ed to get deeper, and not been levelled and seeded each spring? 1, Who gave the caretaker per- mission to desecrate the graves by driving a heavy tractor over :hens? a. Why was grass allowed to grow so tall that it was in head in many cases, and cutting it now trill just leave stubble? 6. Why is there a clump of ce- metery refuse behind the Chapel? The town dump is handy for the flisposal of such. 7. Why was our pretty little Cemetery allowed to deteriorate until it is nothing but a public 11sgrace? R. have we payed for Perpetual t'a►c or Perpetual Neglect?• 9.lien} of those who are buried Report care.' for it lvhile they lived. should we not respect their me - we would At the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto on Saturday, June 5th, Bruce Ell- iott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott of Blyth, was among the forty-three graduates to receive a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, Be was one of six graduates to receive an Honor Diploma. Bruce was also presented with a Schol- arship for X -Ray Proficiency. Following the graduation cer- emonies, a Banquet and Dance was held at the Beverly Hills. Guests included Mr, and Mrs. Frank Elliott, Blyth; Miss Lynn Elliott ad Mr. Ron Elliott, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, London; • Mrs, R. M. Peck, Ilen- sall; Miss Brenda East, Auburn; ,Hiss Gail Miller, Toronto; Mr. Ron Scott, 'Toronto; Dr. and Airs. K. Wood, Clinton; and Dr and Mrs. L. Colquhoun, Clinton. Bruce plans to practise in Guelph, Ontario. mors" Ont. sungcstion is that the 'trouil•l bt' levelled and seeded, :111d '',1e (':,re!ak01' provided with ,lu .t,lnetl'. to do the work, includ- ing }, ;II,!}' :1 rifling 1110we1', and 'he :'a •', clipped as often as ne- ses ark, and KEEP YOUlt ILEA - VY TRACTORS OFh' 'TIiOSE :; IL%1'ES. Raymond and Jean Griffiths. Storm Causes Damage The worst electrical storm of the year bit the 131yh area late 'Ionday afternoon arlcl dropped a Irenhendous amount of rain on the district. .Although we haven't heard of any serious damage as a result, there was a considerable amount ►f nuisance damage in the area, caused by hail stones as large as, lir larger than golf balls. Mrs. Peter floonard tells us that ;heir farm home east of Blyth suffered nineteen broken windows. Gerald Watson, R.lt, 1, Blyth in- torms us he picked up hail stones hat pleasured two inches across. 1)EA'THI S'TEWAR'T — Passed away at Clinton Public hospital on Fri. day, ,lune 4, 1971, Charles Wit. liam Stewart, in his 86th year. The funeral service was held at Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, on Sunday, June 8th, with inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. ENGAGEMENT ltr, Harry Grasby, Blyth, would like to announce the forthcoming ma1•ria;ge of his daughter Mildred Lois to John Edward Bernasconi, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. Berlus- coni, Regina, Saskatchewan. The wedding will take place on July 10111 al 5 p,n1. in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. MAPLE LEAF UNIT TO MEET The Maple Leaf Unit of the U.C.1V, will meet at the church parlour on Thursday, June 17th, at 2 p.m. BIRTII NOBLE --- IN Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, May 29, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs, Don Noble, the gift of n daughter, Lisa Dawn. A sister for Trudy, As a result of a Search War- rant executed at the residence of Daniel Wintemute, approximately $1700.00 in stolen property was recovered. Nineteen charges of BREAK, ENTER & THEM' were laid against foto' local youths — Daniel Wintemute, William Brian Sanderson. Edwin Searson and Larry Kenneth Pellett. All four were remanded to appear in Court on June 9, 1971. On 'Tuesday, June 1, 1971, Ken- neth A. Battler of Ingersoll, Ont- ario was driving east on Conces- sion 10.11, Turnberry Township in a Tractor -trailer owned by Scheidcrs &'• Watson Trucking of R.R. 2, Mossley, Ontario. The driver lost control of the vehicle on the soft shoulder, and entered the south ditch, striking a fence. Damage was minor and no one was injured. Prov. Const. C. F. Ricker was the investigating • off- icer. On Thursday, June 3, 1971, Ver- non E. Somers of R.R. 2, Blyth, Ontario was travelling west on Concession 11-12, Grey Township in a 19132 Chevrolet, and entered the intersection of Sideroad 15.16 at approximately the same time as a 1906 Chevrolet driven by Lynn C. Evans of R.R. 3, Brus- sets, Ontario. Both vehicles col- lided. Injured 111 the accident was Mrs. Verna Somers, who was a passenger in Mr. Somers' ve- hicle. Damages were estimated at 51300.00, Changes are pending. Provincial Constable C. F. Ricker investigated the accident. II, B, McKittrick, Safety Officer, Wingham 357.3232 NAME OMMITTED Out' apologies to David Street for =milting his name from the list of piano soloists at the recit- al of pupils of Mrs, W. McDoug- all, Congrats Congratulations to Mrs, Delmar Sproul who celebrated her birth- day on Tuesday, June 8, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Delmar Sproul who will celebrate their wedding anniversary, Sun- day, June 13th. Congratulations to David Sproul who celebrates his sixth birthday on Saturday, June 19. Congratulations to 114r, and Mrs. 'toy McVittie who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on 'Tuesday, June 1511h, THE BLYTH STANDARD 111111111:i111.1 III: SII WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 I II I (� I �P r��;,ij imlrmrrrrlr , ,i n gl�ll�' ill I"IP; I! lu q Ir, p 'Irl II, I I Ilnpli �I I mlgbll�n'� III11iIII111111 I �Ii I i ,1. I ;; l::% � I;Irlii liii!i,,,, i } �J1 I il. I, lli ii; ; �aill �1I u;11, �1, ..JI J I I �' uL' d' i�I, l �.� J; YY Jrl u.:w 1 �� LI ... � IYah ,..� r '��n .a',.Y rY�l'dl '0 SUGAR and SPICE By 8111 Sepik THERE'S 3 CHOICES AND HE LIKES NONE 117111"l.,f�l1 P Boy, show me a silver lining these days and I'll show you a dark cloud. It's only a couple of weeks since I was crying the blues about being stuck with a jobless child for the summer, and wishing my daughter could find work in this slim summer for students. She bas a job and she likes it. It's waiting on tables in a smart hotel dining -room, overlooking the water. The pay's not much, but tips are fair. She has ]earned the joy of coming home with her apron pock- ets loaded with quarters, dimes and nickels, and arranging them in neat little piles, and counting them over and over. Anyone who ha; ever worked as a slavey knows the sheer Scrooge -like delight of counting tips, But there's always a catch, and in this case, I'm the one who has been caught, and not for the first time. The catch is that the job is about ten miles from home, and there is no transportation to and from. Bus service is strictly from the stone age, and it's too far to take a cab and take any money home. I guess I don't have to draw a picture. Good Old Dad. It's not the money I mind (about $1.00 worth of gas, and five dollars de- preciation on the car — most of the journey is on a highway under construction.) It's the fact that she starts work at 7:30 in the morning. We t.re a one -car family. She doesn't have a driver's license, so it's up at the crack of 6 a.m. for yours truly. I am not at my hest at 6 a.m., except on those occasions when I haven't got to bed yet. Good Old Mom can also drive the car, hut she always seems to have the vapours at 6 a.m. I have two alternatives. One, have Kim get her driving li- cense, in which case I'm stuck without a car all day. Two, buy second car, let her use it, and fork up price of the car, license and insurance. The latter, considering what she'll probably earn, would put us about $500 in the hole for her summer's work. How do you like them for alternatives? I've scrabbled desperately at other solutions, 1 might be able to hire a boy to take her out and pick her up for about $4.00 a day, plus gas. That doesn't seem too profitable, and he'd probably rack up my tired 1967 model. I could physically kick her mother out of bed and make her drive. But I haven't the guts to do this at 4 p.m., let alone 6 a.►n. 1 could let her hitchhike. But I don't like girls hitchhiking at 7 a.ni. (That is, I don't mind the girls, but the hitch•hiking.) Why, she might he picked up by some renegade and I'd never see her again, (That, on second thought, would solve the problem.) Ah, it's just one of those rotten little problems that will have to sort Itself out. I've got another problem today, I haven't felt so tough since the Germans beat me up about twenty-three years ago. Did you ever fall down a mine -shaft? I hadn't either, until a couple of nights ago. At least I thought it was a mine -shaft, Drove some people home. Into their driveway. No lights outside the house, Invited in for coffee. Stepped out the driver's side anti straight Into an excavation nobody had mentioned, 'fore a quarter -inch of skin, tissue and muscle off my left palm. Sprained the thumbs on both hands. Raised a lump the size of a baseball on my left thigh. Twisted my right knee. Hit my chest on something else and have a great purple -and -gold bruise that hits me like a spear when I cough, Can barely manoeuvre a stairs, but apart from that, feel terrible. But good thing I'm a tough old nut. Scrambled out un- aided, dripping blood and bad language. It makes the transportation hang-up recede a little. IMillIII0Irrll31I1n! III!I 111 I�IIfl11, , I IlimuloiiiiGiiliiiliu; II ! II.1 !'I!�►'R1"Iiiil uiPilll?l�ll�i iI�ID�!�IC��i Il�ll�ll� QUEEN'S PARK FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY REPORT BY MURRAY GAUNT, M.P.Y. (HURON -BRUCE) Mines and Northern Affairs 14inister Leo Bernier told the Legislature this week that legis- lation regulating sand and gravel pits in the province will be intro• duced at the first opportunity. Mr. Bernier said his proposed legislation will differ from that of his predecessor in that it will guarantee that municipalities will have a say in the allocation and location of pits in their jurisdic- tions. IIe said legislation will set down regulations governing the methods of operation for quarries and pits, site plans, dust and noise control. The Government intends to charge all quarries and pits a few cents per ton of material ex- tracted. The money will be re- turned to the operator of the quarry if he rehabilitates the land he used in accordance with provincial regulations. If he fails to do so, the Gov- ernment will use the money to do this work. 1 participated in the budget de- bate this week and 1 asked the provincial Government to put pressure on the Canadian Trans- portation Commission to get them to re -assess the possibility of put- ting the passenger trains back on in our area of Western Ontario, even on a limited basis. This comes at a time when the Canadian 'Transportation Commis• sion has apparently had a revers- al in policy in ordering C.N. and C.P. to improve the passenger runs from ifavelock to Toronto and Markham to Toronto. The basis of the decision to dis- continue service in our part of the country was that the railways were losing money on the ser• vice which was true. In addi- tion, an alternative service exist- ed and was provided by the bus lines. However, this alternative ser• vice has been cut back quite sev- erely, and many people now feel that the area is almost totally is- olated as far as public transport- ation is concerned. The consideration of the Esti- mates is continuing, with Mines and Northern Affairs appearing before the Committee and Cor• rectiona1 Services before the Ilouse. OBITUARY MRS. CECII, BLACK Funeral services for Mrs, Cecil Black, 68, of R.lt. 4, Listowel, who died Thursday, May 27, at he,' home fullowing a lengthy ill- ness was held from McLaughlin and Reed Funeral IIome, Listow- el, on Sunday, May 30 at 2 p.m. Rev. Gordon Beaton, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church off- iciated. Burial was in the Bran• don Cemetery, Belgrave, Formerly Mary hazel Wight• man, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Wightman (Isobel Ne• thery), she was born at Belgrave on May 22, 1903, Following her marriage to Mr. Black on June 20, 1036, she resided at. Moles- worth until 1947 when she and her husband purchased the gen- eral store at Britton which they continued to operate until dispos- ing of it two years ago. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church at Listowel and of the Britton Branch of the Women's Missionary Society, and also belonged to the Britton Wo- men's Institute. Besides her husband, she is sur- vived by one son, Charles of Mis- sissauga, two brothers, Janes Wightman of Listowel, and Edgar Wightman of Belgrave, one sister, Mrs, Jaynes (Jennie) Walsh of Belgrave, and three grandchild - rem THE MASTER'S HAND Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer Thought it scarcely worth his while '1'o waste much time on the old violin, But held it up with a smile. "What ant I bidden, good folks," he cried, "Who'll start bidding for me? A dollar, a dollar — now two, only two — Two dollars and who'll make it three? Three dollars, once, three dollars, twice, Going for three" — but no — From the room far back a gray haired man Came forward and picked up the bow: Then wiping the dust from the old violin, And tightening up all the strings, ile played a melody pure and sweet, As sweet as the angels sing. The music ceased, and the auctioneer, With a voice that was quiet and low, Said, "What aril 1 bid for the old %loll]?" And he held it up with the bow, "A thousand dollars — and who'll make it two? Two thousand, and who'll make it three? Three thousand once, and three thousand twice And — going, and gone" said he. The people cheered, but some of them cried, "'\We do not quite understand" — '"\What changed its worth?" The ratan replied, "The touch of the master's hand." And many a man with life out of tune, .1nd battered and torn with sin, Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd, Much like the old violin. A mess of pottage, a glass of wine, A game and he travels on, Ile's going once, and he's going twice, Ile is going, and almost gone. But the Master comes and the foolish crowd, 'Dever can quite understand The worth of a soul, and the change that's wrought, 11y the touch of the Master's hand. Submitted by Cecil Wilde)). !Utfjll j ii,II�II;�C�i nl;"'� P. t1, IPI ;! Irq n p IP �4!IP�I'Ivpnl !II 9' r i r l r u I I t t I i : i r l r , Igl,l., : ',II 1.,Ii 1111. I! :1 l�,,l I llY;1!, !II' �' .' 1. , '17191 ;r;" ! 1 1.II� 1. �Ihilll'i1111 1T111! 11111 G1,111.I111g1 r,�1Z,� I' .J.. 1.' �� �i i � :,.: �� L i r:.. I 2moit; (Llir (C1trcije5 CHURCH OF GOD .1eConnel Street, Blyth Rev. F. Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service. Wednesday 4 • 5 p.m. — Children's Ifour. Wednesday tl - 9 p.m. — Prayer and Study Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. .1. KEITH STOKES, B.A., S.T.B. 9:30 — Blyth — Morning Prayer 9:30 — 13eigrave — Iloly Communion 11:00 — Brussels — Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. — Auburn — Evening Prayer TiIE UNITED CHURCH OF CANAi)A TiHE REV. CECIL L WIT'FJCII, B.A,, B.D. Mrs. Donald Kai. Director of Musie. Sunday School — 9:40 a,m. Church Service — 11:00 a.m. Rural Life Study — Come and Worship CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. H. W. KROEZE. MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Heading Service 11:15 a.m. — Sundayschool 2:30 p.m. — Reading Service WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR — Special Speaker — Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m. Inter -Denominational -- All are Welcome. The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK IKinister -- Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9.45 a.m. Auburn 11.15 a.m. "Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits you ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — BLYTH Priest -- Rev, James E. Kelly Mass at Blyth 10:15 1IUlllllIP I WITIMI6fflNIMPTIMPPlM!h",>(111!RIiPIRI 1MI!!O@I(Il lllF117111Q11fI!(I,I, Donnybrook News A surprise party was held Sat- . rday at•.•rday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, IIdward Robinson in honour of 'wit. 25th wedding anniversary. Those attending were Mrs. J. C. "obinson, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Robinson, Russell and Rae, all of Wingham; Mr, and Mrs, Doug 1Villiams, Carol, Donna, Sandra, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Chippewa and Jeffery, all of London; Mr, and Mrs, IHIerb Dainty and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dainty, all of Pet• awawa and Miss Susan Perrin of Kitchener. Mr, Don Jefferson and Derek of Clinton visited Monday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Jefferson, A carload of U.C.W. ladies at- tended a special meeting at the Calvin -Brick Church on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson Pncl Mrs, Jim Leddy visited Mrs, John R. Jefferson at Crom- arty Sunday evening. Miss Mary Jefferson of London spent the weekend with her par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jef- ferson and family, Miss Diane Chamney of Stratford spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Cham. ney and family, Londesboro News Of The Past Week Congratulations to Mr. and Airs. Keith Allen on the arrival of a son, Saturday evening, June ;)th, in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Les Reid, Mrs, Ed. Sal. ver'da Sr., Mrs, George Smith, .1rs. AIeI !!alley, ;1Jrs. Edward Bell, Mrs, P, Salvcrda, Airs, E. Salvcrda, Misses Ida, Jean and Gladys Hever and Rev. McDon. aid attended the. Winthrop Thank• offering held in Winthrop United Church on Wednesday evening, June 2, Rev, McDonald was guest speaker. Mr, Jeffrey Shaddick of Kit• chimer spent the weekend with his parents Aft.. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick and Hoy. ,Alis Dorothy little of 'Toronto Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. •••••-4 • r• NN♦i •••••• •N ••rM+• INSURANCE; IN ALL BRANCHES 1 UTODIOBILI, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, VARA LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SYECI %LAZE 1N GIVING SERVICE" Olflco 523.4181 Phones Residence 5234522 Call In For A Tasty Treat --- h1JLL COURSE IIII:AI,S — LIGHT LUNCHES ICI? CREAM •-- CHINESE FOOD WE SPECIALIZE IN TAKF•OUT ORDERS — PH, 523.43111 HURON GRILL DISTIL ONTARIO Serving you better Saving you more (OOK'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver Redpath Granulated Sugar, 5 lb, bag .... 55e Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar 1.10 Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 15 oz. pkg. , . , , 39c White Swan Bathroom Tissue 3 - 2 roll pkgs. 89c Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 3 - 19 oz, tins 85c Aylmer Choice Peas, 4 - 19 oz. tins 89c Aylmer Choice Was Beans 4 - 19 oz, tins 89c .laves Liquid Bleach, 10c off label 61 oz. bottle 43c Del Monte Pineapple "Natural Sweetness" 2- 14 oz. tins .•57c ,Jello Powders 4 pkgs. 39c Weston's Raspberry I3utterhorns 4c off pkg. 45c Weston's Short Cake, 4c off 41c Wittich's Sesame Bread 2 for 49c Coleman Weiners ..... , ..... , 1 lb, pkg. 556 Coleman Epicure I3acon , , , .. , 1 lb. pkg. 59r Coleman Pure Lard, 5 - 1 lb. pkgs. , . , , 95c California New Potatoes 10 Ib. bag 88c Canada No. 1 Cooking Onions .... , 3 lb, 39c California Sunkist Oranges, 113's , . doz. 79c spent weekend with her mother Mrs. Townsend and aunt, Mrs, I3unthorn. Rev, AlcDonald was Sunday dinner guest of Alr. and 111rs. William Hewitt of Ethel. Miss Barbara Burns of London with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Robbie Burns. Ali. and Mrs. Bill Wall of Kin- cardine 'in•cardine visited un Sunday with her aunts, A1rs. Jewel Cowan and Mrs. Mary Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Cowan and Gregory of Guelph with his mo. User ,Mrs. Jewel Cowan. Mr, and Mrs. It, N. Alexander are visiting their sort Jim, and wife of Orchard Park, N. Y. Mr's. Livingstone visited for 9 days with her granddaughter, Dr, and Mrs. Allan Doerr at I3elloiel near !Montreal also at Ifowick and Montreal. At Sunday a.rn. service, AM's. Edwin Wood, U.C.W. treasurer made final payment of bank loan to Mrs, Gladys Gourley, church treasurer and Mr. Ken Mulley, chairman of Board of Stewards burnt the note. Mrs. Wood titanic• ed all for their co•operation and to Mrs. Dave Anderson, pres. of U.C.W. for her leadership. The Junior Boys Choir under the lead- ership of Airs, Ilarry Lear, church organist, was much enjoy. ed. Mrs. Arnold Riley visited on Sunday with AM's. Ron Ilugill a patient in Princess Margaret hospital, 'Toronto. A number from flatten lodge AF•AM attended the North Huron District Masonic service at Tees• water on Sunday evening. Mrs. Wilmer Mowatt spent a few days last week with her dau• ghtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ilodgerl and fancily of Kirklon. Mr, Jim A1cCool is a patient in Clinton Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell spent weekend with their daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marzand, Candace and Glen in Toronto BERG Sales • Service Installation O Barn Cleaners O hunk Feeders t! Stabling FREE ESTIMATES ••• Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 887.9024 Clean Your Brick Home • • •• • • 1 • • • • • • • • 13Y SAND BLASTING also silicone treatment if desired Alit IIAM111I;It COMPRESSOR WORK Arnold Stothers Phone 529.7403 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fest and efficient courteous same day service, 24 • Dona' Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237.C•70 • • • • • • • • n8•tf i 7'1HE I3LY'i'1f STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 197] SUMMER FUN WE CAN HELP YOU WITH PIANS FOR TIIAT Collage -- Wood Deck Patio — Concrete Slab Patio Fibreglass or 1'.V.C, Panels for Fence, Awning or Lots of Other Uses — Boat Docks — Buoyancy Billets for Rafts, Docks, etc — Ozite Outdoor Carpets for Patios or Steps — tsooden suburban or private fences, I'ICNIC 'TABLES: Precut only — All cedar $20.75 — All spruce $17,85 Iledl•bullt — A11 cedar 526.75 — All spruce $23.85 LADIES — '1'11E DOMCO "WIFE SAVER" CONTEST ENDS MAY 29th, 1971 So why not pick up your ( FREE NO GIMICK ATTACHED) wife saver kit and complete the enclosed entry form. 20 FIRST PRIZES -- "A DAY ON DOMCO" or $100,00 IN CASII — with dozens of consolation prizes of Corning Ware, Kenwood I3lankets, Wabasso's Sheets and Pillow Slips, Per• culators and Casseroles. A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. [MYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4251 eAstimiCiminat YJi;t1lr4y DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE LS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE TRADE UP FO ONE OF OUR ROAD- W�RTHY (ARS - the price is right! A I'IAMM DEAL SAVES YOU MONEY • • 4, 1 2 - 1971.TORINO 500, 2 d.r., hardtop, v8, ps, 1970 OLDS Cutlass, 2 dr hardtop, v8, automatic radio, ps, pb • 1970 IMPALA 1 dr., hardtop v8, pb, pb, green 2-1970 IMPALA .1 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, gold 1969 GALAXY 500, 1 dr. hardtop, v8, auto., • • • automatic, ; ps, pb, radio 2 - 1969 DODGE 4 dr, sedans, v8 radio, ps, pb 1969 CHEV. Bel Air 4 dr., v8, automatic 1969 FORT) Custom 1 dr., v8, auto., ps, radio 1969 GALAXY 500, 4 dr,, v8, auto., ps, pb 1968 CADILLAC 1dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1968 PONTIAC 1 dr, sedan, v8, auto., ps 1967 FIORD Custom 500, 2 dr„ 6 cyl., aut., radio 1967 CHET. VAN, 6 cyl. 1967 DODGE Monaco 4 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, automatic 1967 CHEV 12 ton Panel, 6 cyl. 1967 MERCURY F100 half ton, heavy duty 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 clr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par,, 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb 1966 PONTIAC Par., 2 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., radio 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 dr,, 6 cyl., automatic Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 i1 { Phone 523-9581 4 •o••••••••••f••*aa•••••w •-••-•+•-•-•••••*••rr THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 FOR LOCAL St LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING •••• (ALt WALLACE BELL 887.6829 Hogs Shipped Every Wednesday 1st Anniversary Sale AT LARRY'S RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE Blyth, Ontario, Phone: 523.90-I0 2 DAYS ONLY -- June 11 th & l2th 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. -- Friday 9:00 a,m, • 6:00 p.m, — Saturday Greatly Reduced Proses ASI Merchandise No Trade•ins — .11I Sales Cash and Carry; ELECTROHOME -- - Caprice 25" Consul Color TV • Featuring Automatic Elec. trolhut and Elect.rolok Tone Control • Natural Walnut Cabinet, Sugg, list $799,95 — SPECIALLY PRICED — Berkley 19" Colour 'fV • IVah►ul Vinyl Cabinet with Ro!I• about Stand • Featuring Automatic Electrottnt and Elec. trolck, Sugg. list S599.95 — GREATLY REDUCED (above prices include 1 yr, free factory service) — Selkirk 23" Consul Black & White TV M.10 Chassis, Natural Walnut Cabinet, Instant•on. Sum list $299.95 — AT A SPECIAL PRICE FOR OUR SALE, FLEETWOOD - - 23" Black and White TV with Chrome Swivel Base, Sugg. list 5269,95 — AT A ILEAL SAVING, OTHER ARTICLES GREATLY REDUCED INCLUDE: Pa►uasonic Radios, Webcur Stereos, Portable TV's and Used TV's BLYTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY DANCE BLYTH :SIEMORIAL HALL Friday, June 18 Adrnlssion restricted to persons 21- years of a.gc and over. TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM SOCIETY MEMBERS DECORATION SERVICE Blyth Union Cemetery SUNDAY, JUNE 20 BOOK NOW FOR YOUR OUTDOOR PAINTING JOBS (free estimates) EASY TO HANG SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER IN STOCK FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO D0 THEIR OWN PAPERING Large Selection Now Available At, Our Showroom LAWRIE • DECORATING BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9525 Walton 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Alts, Lawrence Ryan, of Walton were guests of honor at a celebration for their 40th teed• ding anniversary which was held at the Ironue of their son and daughter-in-law, Air. and Airs Gerald Ryan. The table was tastefully decor• ate(! and centred ►wit)) the anni• versary cake ‘with %while icing and red roses, Following a buffet din- ner many presents were given to the bride and .Broom of forty years ago. '!'hose present for the happy oc- casion were Air, and Mrs, Bob Ilyan, Joanne, Timmy and Scott, Air. and Mrs, Jim Ilya!) and Greg- ory, ,11r. and Airs. Jack Ryan, Steven and Joey, Mr, and Airs, Gerald Ryan, Paul, Chris, Mary, Alice and Michael, Aliss Teresa Ryan, 11.N.A., London, Nelson Ryan, Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Reid, Mrs, 11', C. Backwell, Mrs, Ethel Backwell, A1r, and Mrs, Joe Ry- an, Air. aul Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Seaforth, Alrs. Charles 11eCut• chcon, Mr. and ,Airs, Frank Skin- ner, Brussels, A1r, and "firs. Roy Belton, London, Air. and Airs. Jack 11clCinnon, 'I'ceswrrter, Air, and Mrs, Bernard Grobbink and Mr. and A1rs. Gary McNichol. Honour Newly Weds A large crowd attended the re- ception in the IValton Community Hall, Friday evening for Mr, and Mrs. Neil McNichol (nee Diane McKay), The evening was spent dancing to the music of Ian Wit - bee and his orchestra. An address of Congratulations was read by Jack McCall and the happy young couple were pre• sented with a purse of money by Alex Glanville on behalf of their friends and neighbors, Neil made a fitting reply. CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers treats and visited while we were in Clinton Public Ilospital. Special thanks to Dr, Ilarett and the nurses on second floor. 42•lp — Helen and Lisa Noble. THE BLYTH STANDARD th ugla.w Whit more, Publisher !'uhlrtihed ewers 11'eibu'sday at Queen Street, 131,1"I'll, 1N'I'Altl(1 11 ember" Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Hates: ('rural;, cin advanee) Sitio a Year r ►utside Canada 1111 advance; S., nu ;, 1'car Single l'o{ries Ten Cents Each "Second class moil registration number 1319" IN .MEMORIAM DOVE •— In memory of John Dove, who passed away three years ago, June 9, 1968. Your memory to us is a keepsake With which we will never part, Tho' God has you in his keeping We still have you in our hearts, —13111 and Florence, David and Carol George, 42.1p CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank my relatives,. friends and neighbors for visits, !'lowers, cards, letters and gifts, during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr Street and the nursing staff on the first floor. 42.1 — Elizabeth Plunkett CARD OF TIIANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for cards and vis- its while I was in Seaforth Com. 'tinnily Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, Brady and the nursing staff. Il was all very much ap- preciated. I2lp — Alvin Nicholson. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of IVilmer Mowatt, Late of the 'I'uwnship of Mullett, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer All persons claiming against the Move Estate are required to for. ward full particulars of their :Iai►ns to the undersigned, on or before the 5th day of July, 1971, _rfir which date the assets will be listributed. I)ONNELLI' & 1FUIIYIIY 18 The Square GODERICU, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 42.3 Befor yo ir back, us - your he CART) OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor- tunily to thank my friends and neighbours for cards, treats, flow- ers and visits while 1 teas a patient in 11'in;;ham and District Hospital. 1 ;penial thanks to Dr. Ping, Dr. Wilkins, 1)1'. 11ozyke and the nuts• ,', on the second floor; also to those who enjuired for nue and to those who sent baking to my home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Velma Oster, 42.1p NOTICE 1, 11, Crawford, Q.C„ and Alan It, Mill, B.A., I..L,13., of the Law Firm of Crawford and Alill are pleased to announce that Mr. Ross Davies, 13.A., L.L.B., has joined then in the practice of Law. Mr. Davies was born in Toronto, and raiser) in Cooksvillc. He at- tended the University of Toronto where he attained his Bachelor of \its and he also obtained his Ba• cheior of Law at the University of Toronto Law School. Mr. Davies was cnl!ed to bar in March, 1971. Ile is single and has taken up residence in 1Vingham. . 35'1'11 IVF;DDING ANNIVERSARY The public is cordially invited t a :5th wedding anniversary in the Blyth llenorial Hall on Sat• urday, June 19, at 8 p.m. in honor of Mr. and Mrs, John 1!allahan. Cards at 8, Dancing at 9 No gifts please, 42-1 LOST 3 month old heifer calf from the fai'nr on Walton road, 11/2 miles from Blyth. Phone 523. 9277. 42-lp OU US Throwing your back into something means that maybe you might just throw your hack out. That's painful and no way to enjoy the nice things in life. When you've got to 0 move•or lift something, first test the weight. If you can't lift it easily, get some help. That's self-defence. And it works, for you and your family. SeIf»defence. It works. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and Safety Associations, Ontario. --Business Direcfory— 4 ('ronin ' Television SALES !r SERVICE 81,1"rn -- Phone 52.3.9233 l E. II(JN(ySTAVE — (IPTI)(11ETI{IS'1 20 Imlay Street -- CLINTON 1,1r►'vt)AYS & WEIINI'al►AYS 9.30 am, to 530 p n, For Anpeluiinent Phone 4827010 SEAFoItTII OFFICE -- Itulence of Week Phone 1527.1'•(0 13EATTY Farm Service Centre ('Olt,ti'l;U OF Ai,BER'1' & i'RiNCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure 11!uulling Systems . Feed Automations - Stabling and Pen Equipment • AU Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" 1'h, 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" s.\Nllfll{i' ,til';NAGE IIISI'(ISAI. S1;1''J'1l: TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPED & (;L'F.ANh.I► t•'itEJ': ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 — Phone 887.6800 DR. 1I. W. STREET Bi,1"I11, ONTARIO PHONE 523•4433 OFFICE 110111(S BY APPOINTMENT Emergency Coverage 'Through Clinton hospital If Unavailable ...11•11/..- 1V, it. iIA,tit11.'1O __ 11P1'11IiETItI "I Nett Lir the I.,rr•rum Theatre -.. K'111R11:111 t'hone 357.1361 IT1 Ul;A 1, 1';N'I'r1'1i 141';N('Y Gordon I;Iludt, itroker It Jahn IIIhrll. Sale.s,unn. i'IIuNES. Blyth. 011h.t, ,i2:i-4481, Re, 523 452:: .,r 523 4322 IVAN'PIS11:• L!til,i. ort l' irrns. lime, rr;d TiusinNv>r, BILL'S HSS() SERVICE ESS O SEM VICE ,STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 CRAWl1'ORD and MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS .1. H. Cawford, O.C., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. la Blyth I;u'h Thursday Jtorning and by Appointnrrnl LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INS JRA NCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones winr'ham 357.363o 410ltl;l';,N',s J3hA1tIY 511111'1'F; STYLING • TINTING • (JUTTING & ('OLD WAVES 1)OREEN Y1cCALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday --- Open Tuesday Through Satunt..► BLVTII BEAUTY ]BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE: BLYTH 523.9341, U no answer 523.9601 ANN IIOLLINGER MAIMS WELDING & MACHINE PORTA BLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDINI1 ALSO COMPLETE STIOP SERViCE 78 King Street CLINTON CLINTON It T. Dale SN:i''I'IC! TANK SERVICE Phone I873113 PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 LYLE YOUNGBLUT ()1L BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your 011 Heating Contractor" i8LY'1'IT, ONTARIO PHONE W ,., THE 1i1,\"i'l1 STANDARD —. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 ���i(��!ml!n'!'�!�(�I��I���,I!�����I!�!rm!"!�U' ��'!V!I'�J!V;I!E'll!!�i�IIJVUIVIlli,::l!L11111!I;W;IWi1Vi`i!���:N�!!!I!hIIh9IIIVlII'UIIWIIIII!II!!IlltVlll!!!IIIllI�WI(IIVIIIUIl1llIVU!IIVIIIIIIUVIIIV!!IVIVIIIIIIQIIIIIIIll!VUVWIVY ;•114;1.,1, I`,' isO) .1T:.RENT LTi FIND ITS t'l1`I' .1-TANItriltl) "CLASSIFIED T1) WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE CUSTOM SPRAYING (;rain and corn Phone Jerry ileyiuk, 523.9208. 41.2p CUSTOM SPRAYING Corn or grain Bruce Richmond 523.9270. 41-2 FOR SALE Started ducklings and ducks. one 526.7251. ENTS CLEANING HELP WANTED FOR SALE To clean floors, Monday morn- New Holland super 67, bale nigs, Apply Garry Armbruster, conveyor and stooker, Allan Blyth Inn. 414p Searle, phone 887.6779, 424p CUSTOM CORN SPRAYING Contact Bev. Wallace, phone 523- 1216. 41-2 PORCH FOR SALE For trailer or house 8"x10' tnod• 42.1 ern finish, insulated, aluminum door. Phone 523.4474, 41-1 HELI' IVAN'1'ET) Part lime waiters for beverage room, weekends. Apply Garry Armbruster, Myth inn. 11.1p [IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR Good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232- 1450 before 8 a,m, or after 6 p.m. 37-tf TRAVEL -ON SALES AND RENTALS :Agent for Sunkamper and Woods Folding hardtop Trailers, Truck Mounts and Accessories, BOOK NOW, For Summer Rentals. Gordon Sleepe, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 482-3364. 37.9p FOR SALE Choice New Zealand white rah, bits for sale, IVe also buy rabbits Special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fry- ers. G. S. Hughes, 523-9424, Blyth 35-14p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325, 35 - REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357.2450. Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Motor Rewind. 24 ]lour emergency service, 404E CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing rr'nairs; specializing in stabling. Don Eves, phone Brussels 887.9024 37-tf 4 CLINTON SALE 1'' , , ? N SALE EVERY FRIDAY 7:30 p.m, in the evening (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bev, Nott, Clinton 482.3162 Joe Corey, Clinton WANTED Baled straw. Phone 523.4204. 42-1 Used 4221 WANTED piano bench. Phone 523. 42.Ip WANTED TO BENT Teacher requires house or a• partment in Blyth for the summer months. Phone 482-7494, 42.Ip FOR SALE 3 sort's, third litter, clue in July. ,11:pIy Lloyd Pipe, phone 523.4547, 42•ln Iola BAILEY It EA1, ESTATE Sarnia, Ontario HEMLOCK LUMBER FOR SALE Dry lumber in 1" and 2" thick. messes. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526.7220. 42.2 THE VINCENT REUNION Will he held on July 19, 1971 at Bayfield Park. 42.2 CUSTOM SAWING Carl Govier will be operating a sawmill after June 1st, 11 miles east of Auburn, Contact me at the mill or phone 524.9413 after 6:30 p.m. 40-4p [LOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick house, living room, dining room, large modern kitchen, good location, BRUCE FALCONER Salesman Blyth 523.9518 representing LAWRENCE McKNIGIiT, Realtor Listowel iR WANTED TO BUY OR RENT A house and Karn situated on up to 10 acres of land, State price, Write Box X, The Blyth Standard, Blyth, Ontario. 424p I31.YTiI 1's storey frame home, 6 large rooms, 3 pc. bath, new propane furnace. Close to school and churches. This property comes with 3 ex:::'.! loge. Immediate pos. session. Four room insul-brick siding home on a Large lot. , Modern kit• chen and bath, hardwood floors hI has oil furnace. Priced just right for quick sale. Income properly suitable as a 'luplex. 2 storey white brick 8 :o(,m home, nil heating, Drapes and floor coverings included in the loin price. 2 kitchens, 2 living ;'ooln.s, 1'2 halhl'aoin ASI[FIELD TOWNSHIP 200 acre farm in Ashfield Town - ,hip, well chained, all level land. 1 room modern home, 2 barns and implement shed. This farm should he seen to he appreciated. ]]'ANTED TO LIST Have a client wishing to buy modest tliree bedroom home with low down payment, situated with. In 20 miles of Goderich, Contact MASON BAILEY Office 482.9371 Res. 523.9338 BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M, BROOKS Renovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLYTI1, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640 Toin Duizer Plumbing and Heating OH Burner Sales . Service - Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems & Nater Conditioning Equipment Sheet Metal i'Vork Eavestroughing LONDESBORO, ONT, PHONE BLYTII 523.4359 LIST YOUR. FARM PROPERTY 11'lTf US -- ------ WE' HAVE T1IE CONTACTS i,ND Ti1E PIROSPECTS C. BUItUMA um, 2, Clinton Phone 4822.3278 Sa lesmnn for:. It, W, COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton, IVANTED Cul beards and wasltlands, iron and brass beds, sealers, dishes trunks. Ilave contacts with ti!nc'ric:rn Buyers. Phone Don •'rase! . Brussels 887.6547. 42.2 CUS'T'OM SPRAYING For Corn and Grain, also atra• rine, John Nonkes 523.9430. 42.1 FOR SALE Used De Laval bulk milk cool- er, vacuum type, direct expan- sion, 2400 lb. capacity, good con- dition. $500 or hest offer. Phone 357.1420 or 887.6352 424 ROYAL TRUST CO. Realtor • Loddon 'I'o buy or Sell see Local Agent STAN KAY Phone 523.4.464, Blyth, GRAVEL 0 CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL 0 CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL 0 BRICK SAND • TOP SOIL Bud Chamnev P11one 526.779'1 AUBURN BROADLOOM CT,TNTON'S CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. • Samples shown in your home, * Free Estimates, * Guaranteed installations. There's a Celanese Carpet fur every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTC1I FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30•tf. THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 daughter and husband, Mr, and Nit's, Gordon Chapman of Rex. dale. N1r. and Mrs, James 11'alsh and Mr. and N1rs, Edgar N'ighttuan attended the Silver Anniversary Chris and Ian nl London visited of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott of on Sunday, with his mother, Mrs, l;luevale on Saturday evening, BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Mrs. William Bolt, Wingham, was a Sunday guest of Mt'. and Airs, Leslie Bolt and attended the John Anderson, 11r, and \Irs, ' Robert Ribber(' Flower 'Service. The Belgrave Hen's Choir sup• attended the Annual reunion of Air, and Mrs. High Rinn and plied the music at St, Andrew's the Boehler family held at At• John, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Holmes l'nited Church, Ripley, on Sunday wood Commuity Centre on Sun. of Brussels were supper guests evening for their anniversary day afternoon and visited with on Saturday at the home of Mr, .service. Mr and Mrs, William McDonald and Mrs. Elvey Rock of Monklon. BIRTII it, Brussels. The June meeting of the 130• 1vu;zi'I'11AN - M r. anti Airs. M r. curd Mrs, Williain Van pave Women's Institute will be John Wight man, Etobicoke, are Ca nip who have recently par - held on June 1.1 at 8:15 p.tn. in happy to announce the arrival chased the former home of Mr. the W. I. hall and will be open of their son an Saturday, May and Mrs. Gordon Walsh have to the public. Mr. Murray Gaunt, 29, 1971, Charles David. in moved and we welcome (hent to M.P.P. will give the address. The Mount Sinai Hospital. the village. roll call is "Something 1 have Mr, and Mrs. William Guw at• Little Sheila Anderson had her learned about British Columbia." tended the graduation of their tonsils removed last Friday morn. Aliss Verna Johnston, Sarnia, granddaughter, Patti Ladd, God. ing in the Winghain and District visited on Sunday with Miss Nora erich, last Saturday at the Con. 1Jospital. Van Camp. estoga College, Kitchener. Sunday Srhoal Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cook and Wayne Ladd of Goderich spent The congregation of Knox Unit• Mrs. Telford Cook returned home the weekend with his grandpar• ed Church, ilelgrave, was privi• oa Friday afternoon after their ents, Mr, and Mrs. William Gow. leged to pat'ticipate with the tt ip to Victoria, B. C. A granddaughter, Brenda Brin• members of the Sunday School in Jur, and Mrs. William Nahrang dley, Dungannon, of Mr. and Mrs, their annual church School Anni• and family and Mr. and Mrs. William Gow was badly bitten by versary and Flower service on Rudy of Rostock were Sunday a cross dog last Monday. Sunday morning, Mrs. George visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil• Mr, Russel Wilson and Thomas A. Johnston presided at the or. liam Cow. Taylor of Blyth, visited on Friday gan. Mr. and Mrs. William Gow vi- with Mr. and Mrs. William Gow. The church sanctuary was bea• sited last Monday with Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wightman, utiful with baskets of ntllicol• Mrs, Eldred Iiendri of Nobleton, Newmarket, and Mr. and Airs, oured flowers and potted drys - Miss Joan Sweeney of Cork, Edgar Wightman visited on Sat. anthemums of white and yellow. Ireland visited with Mr, and Mrs. urday with Mr. and Mrs. John The hand bell ringers of Si. An - John Nixon for a few days last Wightman and baby Charles of drew's Presbyterian Church, Win - week, Etobicoke. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar gham, under the direction of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson. Wightman also N'isited with her Leggatt, rendered four pleasing selections. The' choir, composed of the school members, sang "From Jerusalem to Jericho" under the leadership of Mrs, Wil- liam Coolies, The Superintendent, George lb. 33e Procter, was assisted by Rev, John Roberts, Miss Mary Anne Wheel- er, who introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. G. W, Tiffin, and by Gary Hopper in charge of the re- sponsive reading and scripture passage. Mrs, Tiffin based her remarks for her forceful address on "Jew• els," stressing that jewels to be beautiful must • shine outwardly, not inwardly. She used clay, which God changes to diamonds, as a concrete example. As a candle under a glass jar becomes extin.g• uished, so do our personal lights or jewels when not allowed to shine for the benefit of others. The large congregation of local and neighbouring church members was a token of the appreciation of the work undertaken annually by the school and its helpers Junior Auxiliary Meeting The June Auxiliary held their 9t1) meeting in the Belgrave Or• ange Hall last Saturday morning with Patsy Scott leading in the games. Lori Stackhouse and April McBurney led in the opening ex• erciscs, The roll call was in charge of Patsy Scott. Minutes of the last erecting were read by Lori Stackhouse and the treasur- er's report given by Betty Meirs, Leaders for next week: games, Bonnie Walker, singsong, Patsy Scott, worship service, April Me• Burney, clean up girl, Connie Moors. Connie Meurs helped with the worsacp service and Lori Stack- house and Rose Marie Whit:- col• lected the offering. Bonnie Walk. et' recited the offertory prayer. The girls worked on their stripe and badge work. The singsong was led by Pal. ricia Stackhouse. Now we close our meeting was sung, followed by the closing prayer. Baseball Games The first game of the season saw Belgrave playing Crediton with a win of 10 to 5. In Belgrave against Blyth the Belgrave team defeated Blyth 14 l0 13, Clinton In Belgrave, Clinton winning 8 to 6. Next game Friday night in Mitchell, Evening Unit Meeting 'l'he June meeting of the Even. ing Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Jake Meulwyk with 14 pros - en t. Mrs, Cliff Logan opened the meeting with the call to worship followed by reading the scripture, Jtymn, "Beneath the Cross of Je• sus," was sung, Mrs, Logan gave a . reading followed by prayer. The offering - was received and MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Pork Riblets MP IM Bologna Rings lb. 49c Epicure Bacon Ib. 59c SJ . Cottage Roll Halves Ib, 59e CI_TS'1'OM SKILLING EN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor ONTARIO. PHONE 523.4551 Stewart's Red & White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ONT„ Phone 94,53 WE DELIVER Buy of the Week Aylmer Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 48 oz. tin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 for 99c Clark's Beans with Pork in Tom. Sauce 19 oz. tin 2 for 49c Wagstaffe .lams or Jellies, 9 oz. jar 4 for 1.00 Kraft Dinners, 7 oz. pkg. , , , , ,,, , , ,, , , , 16c Bravo Plain Sauce, 14 oz, tin . , , , . , , 27c Red & White Features Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles, 24 oz. jar .. , 45c Rose Dill Pickles, 24 oz. jar 450 Maple Leaf Lard, 1 Ib. pkg. . . ... . . . . ... 21c Maxwellhouse Coffee, 1 lb. bag 95c Maxim Freeze Dried Instant Coffee .... 99c Treesweet Orange Juice from Concentrate 48 0z. 2 for 89c Tops Dog Food .. , , . , 4 for 47c York Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar 55c Sunspun Soft Margerine, 1 lb, tub 39c dedicated, :1 poem entitled "Moments" was read by Mrs. Stan IIopper. Airs, Harold 1'incen1 had charge of the business and minutes of the last meeting were read, The Unit is planning a bake sale for July 23 to be held in the church Sunday School rooms. There will be no meeting in ,July, A soeial evening was plan• ned and is to be at the home of Airs, George Michie in the mid - rile of :August. Leaders of the groups will be in charge of the program and the lunch. Several articles were brought in for the Country Fayre to be held on June 26. Mrs. James Coupes had charge of the program and Airs. Willi• ant Coulles assisted her in read- ing a story from Mexico entitled ' :lssentbly Line followed by questions, Mrs. Ross Anderson's group .<<'I'ved lunch TENDERS 1(1': I':11N'I'IN(; Tenders will be received by the undersigned for painting the out- side hint on the Children's Aid offices and County Jail at Code. rich. Specifications and tender fortes may be secured from the under• signed upon request and tenders must be returned in sealed envel• ope clearly marked by 12 noon Wednesday, June 23, 1971. Lowest or any tender not nee• 0 Sarily c►cccptcd. JOHN G. BERRY, Cie rk•Treasurer, County of Huron, Court (louse, Goderich, FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 10th Helpful Suggestions: Sports Shirts Dress Shirts Slacks Underwear Sport Coats Sport Jackets Snits Tics Socks Cuff Link Sets Belts Work Clothes Walking Shorts Caps Sweaters Work Boots Dress Shoes Slippers Fishing Boots R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MAI)I1,L'S on Thursday and Friday FOOD Snell's MARKET Camping or Picnic Specials Bonus Beef Stew, Irish Stew or Turkey and Chicken Stew 1 112 lb, tins , . 2 for 99c Red Rose Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar .... 1.75 Coffeemate for Coffee or Tea, 11 oz. jar 79e Norfolk Raspberry or Strawberry Jain with Apple, 24 oz. . ......... . . . • , . 2 for 75e Special Assortment of Cookies, 3 pkgs, 1.00 Libby's Green Sweet Relish, 12 oz., 2 for 59c Libby's or Clark's Beans with Pork 28 oz. 2 for 65c Brunswick Sardines in Oil, 3 114 oz. tins 3 for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......... 39c Lewis Ham, or Weiner Buns .. , 41 pkgs. 1,00 Fresh Granny Butter Tarts 1 doz. 79c Meat Specials K.P. Bologna in 3 lb. piece or over, per lb, 29c K.P. Bologna, sliced per lb, 35c I{,P. Rinclless Sliced Bacon Ends, '3 lbs, 99c K.P. Weiners 2 lbs. 89c Bananas 2 lbs, 25c 4•411. OOP Phone 523-9332 We Deliver Auburn & District News Family Night at Knox United The United Church Women of Knox United Church held their annual family night in the Sun- day school room of the church with a good attendance. Mrs. Kenneth A1cIougall presided for the electing and opened it by reading a poem, ' Io•cfay'. After singing the opening hymn, A1rs. Peter Verbeek read the scripture lesson followed by the meditation by Mrs. McDougall, Alrs. Alfred Fry led in prayer. The offering was received by Mrs. Gordon Naylor and Mrs. 'Trance Tabb. The special speaker of the ev- ening was Mrs. Norman McDow• ell who showed her pictures and gave commentary on her trip last winter to California. A1rs. Major Yougblut thanked Mrs. Mc- Dowell, A singsong was led by Pastor Alfred Fry. Mrs. Gordon Gross was the pianist for the meeting. A group of girls had an orchestra and sang songs led by firs. Donald Maines. Prizes were awarded to the one coning the farthest—Mrs. Chart - es Merrill. Most visiting done— Mrs, Oliver Anderson. Largest family present—Mrs. Peter Ver• beck. A piano solo was played by Doreen McClinchey and a guitar solo was played by Eric Scott. A woman's contest was conducted by Mrs. Gerald McDowell and one for the children and men was giv- en by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. Mouth organ selections were play- ed by Mrs. Ross Robinson. Lunch was served by the mem- bers of Unit One, Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Gordon Naylor spent a few days last week with relatives in Chat• ham. We are pleased to report that 1Irs, Len Archambault is improv- ing and is able to be up and walk in Clinton hospital where she has been for seven weeks following a back injury. Miss Isabel Fox of Blyth and Mrs. Letlie McDonald of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mts. Tom Johnston and Hiss Lau• ra Phillips, We are pleased to welcome Miss Blanche Dalton as the new pro- prietress in the Auburn Hairdres- sing Shop and will now be known as Blanche's flair Styling. A surprise sleeting is planned by the Ilostesses for the June meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute to be held on Monday evening, June •11, in the Com munity Memorial Hall. Every. body is welcome. Mr. and ;firs. Ray Cartwright of Edmonton and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cartwright and Dean of Clinton visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright and family. Mrs. Duncan MacKay left on Friday morning for Sault Ste. Marie to visit there for a month. Miss Barbara MacKay is on a three week trip to Europe. We are sorry to report that Mr. Norman McDowell is a patient in Goderiell hospital. IVe wish him 0 speedy recovery. 11r. and Airs, 'Trance 'i'abb at• tended the funeral of his uncle, the late Mr. Isaac 'I'abb who pass- ed away last week at Ifuronview. Mr. and firs. Fred Lawrence of Staynor have purchased the home of Miss Margaret Jackson. Mr. Stanley 13a11 is a patient in Clinton hospital, we wish hire a speedy recovery. Mr. Don Brown of Owen Sound has been appointed manager of the Auburn -Dungannon branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and took up his duties here on Monday, Mr. Oscar de WEEKEND SPECIALS MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 Ib, bag BICK'S ASSORTED RELISHES, 12 oz, Jar KRAFT DINNERS 7 :1'1 oz. pkgs. 93c 29c 17e SEE OUR EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FATHER'S DAY GII''t;S & CARDS BEATER'S GENERAL STORE AUBURN, ONTARIO 1'iIONE 526.7226 — SEE TIIE NEW — STOVE & FRIG COMBINATION ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW Leonard 13 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator FROST FREE — CROSS TOP FREEZER Butter Keeper — Meat Keeper — Twin Crispers Leonard 30" Electric Range TIIE UL'T'IMATE IN FINE STOVES Both In The New Autumn Red SOLD SEPARATE 011 AS A PAIR Special Prices This Weekend See The 'New Toy From Mattel ZOOM -IT -- SPECIAL 2.09 HARDWARE - BLYTH (ronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER Boer has been appointed mana- ger of the Blyth branch and will assume his duties there on June 1 ith. WESTFIELD EVENTS Mr. and Airs. Jim !Udell, Sault Ste, Marie, visited on 'Tuesday with M►•. and Mrs. Edgar Ilowatt. Airs. Eccles Dow and Mr, and Mrs. Melville Beecroft of Otter ville visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Snell and lam. ily. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Cook on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnston and Robbie of Etobicoke and Mrs. Gloria Vrey and Michelle of Nasal'. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. liar• vey McDowell on Sunday were: Miss Judy 111cDowell of Guelph, Mrs. Della ,McDowell, Blyth, and Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell of London, Hiss Nancy Verbeek entertain- ed several friends at a birthday party last Friday. airs. Arnold Cook visited with her father, Mr. Gordon Bailie in Paris Hospital on Thursday and Friday. 11r. and Mrs, William Chant• bers of Elmira visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and "welly. Mrs. Edgar llowatt and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mu(1011 visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hackett and Mr, Benson Finne- gan and sisters of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Art Laidlaw and Karen, Wingham, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDowell. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, Toronto. \1r. Ray Osborne of Ripley, vis - GRAND OPENING Iola Bailey Real Estate of Sarnia, Ontario is pleased to an- nounce the opening of a Branch Office at 82 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, and the appointment of T. Mason Bailey as sales repro. sentative. M►'. Bailey lits successfully completed the required course in real estate training and is fully qualified to act as your agent in real estate transactions. If you require assistance in either selling or purchasing pro• perty contact Mr. Bailey at the Clinton office for prompt service. 10 competent sales agents in our Sarnia office will be available to assist in marketing your property. Office phone 482.9371. Residence phone 523.9338. SOMETHING TO SELL? try a CLASSIFIED AD. THEY REALLY WORK! TIIE I3LYTfl STANDAIRI) — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 itcd on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Groot, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Camp- bell had a group of visitors from the Alberta Bible Institute on Sunday evening. 'l'hey included Miss Grayce Dressler and Miss Jane Weibc of Morden, Manitoba, Miss Gwen F'alconburg and Mr, Glenn Munson of Camrose, Al- berta, Miss Ilyse flarrington of Charleston, South Carolina, also 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Cook, Blyth, visited the same evening.. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gord• on E. Smith on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vogle and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc• Dowell, Mr. Douglas Smith, all of London, Mrs. George Csepi and Mrs. Jack Gee and family, of Ingersoll, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Fidom. •••-•f•t•••••r•••w-•1i••*t•-N•••i•-•0-••rq-•••-.•iN$" DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth 1 I T 4 4 4 11.♦ •i••• • •• •-*••+• • ♦ 1r•--1 N'• -•-r• ••• •-• •-• r LET U.S IIAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials —CALI, CLARK UPHOLSTERY Ph. 523.4272; 523.4528 R. Cook, Prop, Blyth, Ont. W1; 11AV15 A FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE NOTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Property Owners in Huron County In accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.O.S., 1960, Sec, 3, 13, 19, and amendments thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 15, 1971 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CIIESNEY, Weed Inspector, County of IIurop CHICKEN BARBEQUE CONSTANCE Thursday, June 10th 5:30 to 8 Adults $1,75 — Children 6.12, .75c — Tickets available from C.F. members Bring your containers for Takeout Orders TILE I3LYTII STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1971 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Mr. and Mrs. Ross licnncli, Nauci and Peter, visited with rel- atives in Hamilton and also tour- ed the Niagara area. Air. and I1rs. hurray ,titins, Scott, Cathy and David, of Brant- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills of Walton, visited the Nuclear ;.'cation at Douglas Point. Guests with 91r. and Airs. Jo. seph Ryan were, Alr, and Airs. Cyril Johnson of London, Miss Lois Mellinger and friend of Weiland, and Mrs. Don Ryan of Clint- on, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wil- liams, 3eaforth. Gary Bennett visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Ion Bennett over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McCall and Mr, and Mrs, herb '1'raviss ...pent a recent weekend at Nlag• ora halls. Those from a distance attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Ken Ritchie were Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ennis, Beth and Cathy, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kelly of No- tJleton, Gerald Dressel of Toronto, and Mrs. Elmer Moore of Stratford, Roy Planke of Toronto, Miss Gr'.ce Wilson of London, Donald Wilson and son of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ritchie, Lon- don. Mrs. David Freethy of Tor• unto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ennis of 14'hilby, Hiss Ruth Ritchie, R.N., iLtinilton, and Mrs. harry Lub• nave of London. Alis.. 'Teresa Hyatt, It.N,, Lon. dun, visited at the home of her parents. M r, and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Airs. Newman and Mr, and Airs. George 'l'crvit and family, Wing - ham, visited with ,lir. and lits. Don ,McDonald and fancily. Mr. ;itt Mrs. Jim McNeil, Te- resa and Paella, of Ilanovel', vis- ited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Tom i':irkhy, CONCRETE WORK :111 types of foundations and fluor;, cement barnyards. Ren• sunahle rata • free estimates. MALONEY BROS. Dublin, Ontario. 345.2253 Phones 3.15.29111. Backhoe Work DRAINS, 41'EEi'ER 'TILE, E rC, so TUI' S011., CF;1IEN"t' GRAVEL AND ROAM GRAVEL Stewri Johnston 8Lt"ril PHONE 523••1•0.5 45.81 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens At R;00 p.m. First Show Al Dusk 'I'1111115,, Flit, - JUNE 10, 11 ••-- DOUBLE FEA'I't.rltE -- JOHNNY CASH .1 MAN, HIS WORLD, HIS MUSIC JUNE CARTER and The Carter F;nni1 ', and i11any Special Country 31usic Stars -- 1n Color A MINUTE TO PRAY A SECOND TO DIE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) No: Cord • Arthur Kennedy and Itouert Ryan - Color - Cartoon SAT., SUN., MON., JUNE 12, 13, 11 - Academy Award 11'inner - Best Picture - !Zest Actor "PATTON" ( l)U1J ENTEi1TAINMENT) George C, Scott -- Karl Malden 11'orld War 11 story based on the activities of General Patton, A• merica's most criticized and at the sante time most feared and respected fighting elader. Color - Cartoon Due to length, one showing nightly at approx. 9:30 Closed Tues. and Wed., June 15,16 United Ca -Operatives Of Ontario Be(grave, Ontario 357.2711 Heavy gauge steel bowl with baked enamel finish sets off this portable meal -maker. Look at these features. Com- pare the hot value. • Flared 1" aluminum non -tip legs with 5" whitewall wheels • Removable fire pan - conveniently suspended to permit air to Oct, late around the entire fire area - prevents blistering of outside paint. • Lever draft control- let's the chef control the heat without ac- tually raising or lowering the heel gauge Phone "EVEHMRIo" 19" KETTLE BARBECUE 7.95 CHARCOAL BRIQUETS SALE PRICE Keeps the BAR -B -Q 5 Ib. Regular fires burning! Charcoal Value ,69 .59 briquets burn hot, long 10 Ib, Regular and evenly. Value $1.09 .98 1 wr» zzrrw,4.1 y; 881-6453 Several ladies of the Walton t), Donald of Londesboro was the C. W. attended the special even- ,,..quest speaker, ing with the Winthrop ladies last Mr, and Mrs, Earl Mills visited Wednesday, June 2. Rev, Me. in London with Cecil Okes. PANT SUITS at HALF PRiCE Sizes 5 - 15 Assorted Styles in Linen, Waffle, Pique, White, Red, Green, Turo Mauve Reg. 27.00 - 35.00 ea. Half Price CLEAR -OUT of DRESSES, Half Price Sizes 7- 15 10-20 16112.201.12 Reg. 8.95 - 25.00 ea, Half Price Women's Cotton HOUSE DRESSES Sizes 12 - 20 4,98 and 5.98 ea, Dan River Cotton, 16 1;2 - 22 112 8.95 ea. Oversize Prints, 16 • 50 5.98 ea, Balance of Children's Wear On Sale in Basement NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523-43351 , Blyth Superior new engine features... M' � v%• Chrome plated handles deluxe control panel • Exlusive "Kloen•alre" filtration system • "Automaglc" carburetor No adjustments No moving parts • Removable fuel tank 31/2 H.P. LAWN MOWER • Fuel gauge for effortless trouble free mowing Regular Value $66.95 SALE PRICE • 20" nutlet deck • Large 7" easy -rolling wheels 741199 Starts first every timel Exclusive "Kleen•atre" filtration system the flywheel pulls cool clean air under air cover, from above, not up from the dusty lawn, No clogging of your carburetor or dirt in your cylinder - no stop-go mowing Tecumseh also has many other features to make mowing your lawn easter. • "Automaglc" carburetor. No adjust, chokeloss, automatic primo ... Impossible to flood, • Efficient cooling - air Is forced through deep fins on cylinder and head by powerful flywheel fan. • DurableTonk - rust proof and removable without tools for dralntng prior to storage, Fuel gauge shows fuel level at a glance. • Side -mounted pull starter. Requires 50% less pull than top -mounted rewind starter - makes starting so much easter for ladies too. Zooms into action first time every' time, • 20" aerojet deck with front and rear baffles. • Stylish designed end finished in Sunshine Yellow and Jet Black Trim. ,,tuellr.n'*ratSCyiar"E%ci Summer time is Salad Time ;ALUMINUM BUFFET SHRED- SKILLET,- O -M Y SALA 'MAKER Regular , Value $17.95 Regular Value $17.95 SALPRICEE 12.99 Summertime salads are made so easi'y with SHRED- " 0 -MAT. It whizzes through fruit and vi getable shred- ding -- creates hearty casseroles, appy tlzing relfshes, exciting deserts. Space saving and convenient 4" Vac-a•mallc base anchors with solid grip vacuum. Slays put until you turn a Ievorl Three chrome plated cones shred, grate, slice, Safety food.pusher. Easy _ grip handle clears table top Available in Avocado. ,.0 Deluxe F EEZ..R - ..,,,COUNT .. by Simplicity WASHER/DRyER Re Val $199.95 Big capacity- stores 515 lbs. of food. Check the features - chock the value. • ADJUSTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL • MAGICOATED BASKET • ELECTRO•LIP SEAL • FEATHER LIGHT LID �+;:.4 • COMPLETE COLD • SAFETY SIGNAL LIGHT CE In addition, every General Freezer comes with a 5 star warranty. It provides ono year warranty on parts, four additional years (parts and labour allowance) on the motor compressor, three year uo warranty on food spoilage, lifetime warranty on interior freezer Ilner and motor compressor, Specifications- length 441/2", height 371/2" x depth 291/2", SALE PRI 169.99 SALE 12 .99 PRICE Cooks all food easier -• automati- ally. Heavy gauge aluminum pro- vides fast, even heat in the large 12" square cooking area, Serve -at -the - table buffet handles. Easy -to -read adjustable controls, So easy to clean too! .. , just remove the auto- matic heat control probe for com- plete lmmerslon when washing. Full two year replacement guarantee regardless of defect, • GYRATOR WASHING ACTION • FASTER WASHING • SIMPLE, SAFE, PRACTICAL CONTROLS •COMPLETE SPARKLING FRESH RINSING • SUPER EFFICIENT SPINNING • NO TANGLE OR DAMAGE TO CLOTHES • SPEEDY EMPTYING • COMPACT SIZE -•• LARGE CAPACITY • SIMPLA•FILTER • QUALITY AND SATISFACTION All parts guaranteed for 2 years 209.95 • •