The Blyth Standard, 1971-04-28, Page 1Volume 81 • No. 36 ''Serving Myth rind Community since DM" Lions Hope To Install New Floodlights In Time For Local Ball Season The Blyth Lions Club have tak• or backstop and a large amount en on another major project for of fill on the diamond itself, the young people of the area -- The floodlights installed will h,• that of installing new floodlights a new type light called metal arc at the local ball park. lights. The initial cost of instal. The old poles presently being lotion is considerably more ex• used at the park have dctcriorat• pensive, but the operation of the ed to the point that they have lights is much cheaper than those become extremely dangerous and now in use --• between 40 and ,o it was felt that something just cents an hour, Steel poles �viil had to be done about the situation. be used instead of wooden one,, it is expected the cost of the venture will run iu the neighbour• and it is expected Ihat the ney. hood of $8,000. This will also in. setup will be one of a permanent elude the erection of a new screen nature. Myth Lions become Quite Active As Summer Secson And Activities Near The regular meeting of the Lion Charlie Crawford asked BIM Lions Club was held in the for assistance with the removal Memorial Hall last Thursday ev• of the old floodlight poles at the ening, Members of the C.W.L. ball diamond, catered and were (banked by Lion Lion Bruce Richmond, chairman Harry Lear. of the nominating committee, Guests were present from the presented the club with a new Goderich club, all of whom travel• slate of officers for the 1971-72 led to Blyth with Zone Chairman club year, These will be installed Maurice Jenkins who was making at the last meeting in May, which his official visit to the Blyth club. will also be a ladies' night meet - As part of his official duties, ing. the Zone Chairman installed two Lion Ray ,Madill gave a brief new members in to the club, Lions outline of a meeting he had at - Robert Shaddick and Garry Arm- tended at Toronto of the Ontario bluster. Crippled Children Society, and President Rill llowson reported Lion George Watt reported on the that the recent smorgasbord and public speaking contest recently dance had been a decided sue• conducted by the club. cess. 11e said he hoped that club Lion Charlie Crawford presented could finish the year in .1une with a brief financial statement for the a big night of entertainment. The Blyfh Sport's Committee. Ile said members discussed the project al total expenses for the hockey sea• length, ;mit no definite decision son hoc! been $3,309, Gate re• was made at the makeup of such ceipt; at games had netted $1,547. an event. A committee was nam• 88 and total receipts which induct. ed to make further plans, e.l other money raising projects The president also mentioned carried out by the committee, a• other activities, such as the ball mounted to $2,760. Ile said the park project and the fence at the committee hoped the Lions and wading pool, incl called upon all Legion would contribute $200. each members to wort; toward the coin. in order to get things back on the pletion of these projects. right side of the balance sheet. Wnghm AFP Report second Week Of AccidentFree Driving During the week April 18 to 24 the following investigations were carried out by officers at the IVingham Detachment. Two investigations with two persons charged under the Liquor Control Act. Eight charges under the high. way Traffic Act with sixteen warnings issued. Seventeen investigations under the Criminal Code, with one per- son being charged under the Code. Again, we are plc:sec! to an. nounce that this has been an accident•free week in the Wing - ham Detachment area, iI. 13, McKittrick, Safety Officer, Wingham 357-3232 Canadian Pollee Week May 9 15 Inclusive It is my pleasure to extend an Invitation to Ate public to visit the facilities of their Ontario Pro. villein] Police Force during police week 1971 from May 9 to 15, in. elusive, Our members will be pleased to welcome visitors in our more than 190 offices throughout the province to discuss the functions of the force, our role In today's society and the services we are equipped to provide, I can think of no other time that wooled be more important for those we serve to have an aware- ness of the procedures for the impartial application of justice that we enjoy In the Province o!' Ontario, Eric Silk, Commissioner, PUBLIC MEETING WILL MARK RETARDED IVEEK '1'hc Wingham and District As- sociation for the Mentally Retard- ed is holding a public meeting in the auditorium of the IVinghani Public School on Thursday, April 29th at 8 p.m, This event I.; planned as part of the observance of the National Week for tare Men. tally Retarded (May 9th to 151h1 and the Flowers of hope camp- aign. Mr. Ronald Archer, of the Oni alio Association, will speak and show slides on sheltered work. shops. All interested citizens and representatives from organizations are asked to attend, WORK BEE AT PARK A work bee has been planned for this Saturday afternoon (if the weather permits) at the Blyth ball park at 2 p.m, and everyone who can possibly make it is urged to he on hand, It is hoped that enough will attend to take down the old flood- light poles and remove the old screen behind the catcher's box. JACKET FITTING SATURDAY Along about now is usually the time of year when hard work and desire during the past hockey season pays off for the winners. This year is no exception as two local hockey teams will be re• eeiving jackets this year to mark their successful season, Members of the Blyth Squirt and ,midget hockey learns are ask. ell to be at the Legion hall on S.tturday afternoon between the hours of 2 and 4 p,m. for fitting. Any fans who would like to pug• chase a jackets may do so by be. ing on (rand for the fitting, along with a 85.00 deposit on the coat. 31,111111 ATTENDED ONTARIO DIRECTOR'S MEETING ]lay Madill, a member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Crippled Children Society, was in Toronto last 1Vedncsday to attend the annual meeting of lite board. The meeting was held at the Crippled Children's Centre and the guest speaker was Premier IVil• linin Davis. Also present at the event was the national '1'inuny, Whipper Billy Watson, Ilon. Bert Lawrence and other notable dig- nitaries. CANCER DONATION INCREASE 'I'IIIS YEAR Donations to the cancer camp• aign in Blyth increased consider• ably this year when 0 total of $410.00 was collected, The increase was no doubt clue to the fine work of the Blyth Teen Town, who canvassed the village in aid of the association. CORN CLUB ORGANIZES The Blyth 4.11 Corn Grain Club held its organizational meeting on April 22nd al 8:30. A discussion was held on what seed would be planted this year. It %vas decided to plant corn cob, alfalfa, barley and COM silage, 'The next meeting will be held in the Blyth Public School, grade 8 room, on May 4th al 8:30 p.m. EUCHRE PARTY There were. 13 tables in play at the euchre party :Monday night. High Indy, Mrs, Albert Bacon: Ione hands, Mrs. Phelan; low la• dy, Mrs, ifarvey Sillib. Mens high, Ernie Noble; Ione hands, he Holmes; low man, Charlie Coulles, The game will continue next Monday night, May 3rd, Everybody Welcome. iII,Y'11i WOMEN'S iNS'I'ITUTE The W. 1, will meet 'Thursday May 6th al 8 p.nt, in Memorial hall, This meeting is in charge TEENS -- of the Citizenship and Education convenors, The winners from the The Blyth Teen Town s'equests I:llylh School in the Public Spcalc- all teens to help provide Ideas ing Contest will present their for .future entertainment. Why speeches. Trophies and gifts not come out and support us at will be given al this meeting, our next meeting? Visitors are welcome. I;L1'I'll, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1971 Recreation Comrnittee Deals With Business Of Local Interest The regular meeting of the the hall kitchen, carried, Blyth Municipal Recreation Com• Moved by John Hesselwood, sec• ncittee was held on ,Monday even• onded by George Ilaggitt that ing April 29 in the meeting hall. correspondence be filed as read, Minutes of previous meeting carried, wetc read and adopted on motion A discussion on painting the of Muriel Manning and John Iles• ice plant building with waterproof sclw.vood. paint was held but no notions Moved by Harold Cook second• were made at this time. rd by George Haggilt that we do. Moved by Robbie Lawrie, see - nate $50 to help pay for trophy onded by Robert Marshann that for the local hroomball league, the Huron Beef Improvement As - carried, sedation could rent the arena A delegation from Blyth Tcen and ground for a Beef Bar-I3•Cue Town was present asking about lite latter part of July, carried. Ihcir group running the Arena Moved by Robbie Lawrie set. for Roller Skating. It was moved onded by Muriel Manning that by Robbie Lawrie, seconded by lunch he served at a special Robert Marshall that they be giv• meeting May 10 when Mr. P. J. en a chance, subject to contract, McGarrity will be our guest, ar- il' so approved by Teen Town, ried. both groups to meet again at a Mr, Murray Scott, rep. from later date. Carried, the Agricultural Society brought Moved by John Ilessclwood sec• forth the subject of more new untied by Keith Webster that a bleachers for the park. It was letter be sent to hall janitor a• moved and seconded by Murray bout various complaints, carried, Scott and Robert Marshall that ,moved by Keith Wehsler, see. Robbie Lawrie and John Hesse]• onded by Robbie Lawrie that hills wood take this to the next coup. and accounts be forwarded to cit meeting, carried. Council for paytnenl, carried. fleeting adjourned on motion of Moved by George Ilaggitt sec. George lIaggitt and ,John Hesse!• onded by Robert Marshall, that wood, carried. fluriel Planning be in charge of —Mrs, Amy McCrea, purchasing two new blinds for Secretary -treasurer Uppled Kifis St Being Remembered By Many Area Peopb Although this year's Easter Seal Campaign is In its last throws, our crippled children are still being thought of by our area residents and the campaign con- tinued its upward climb last week. Donation,; received recently have brought the canvass for money up to $1,252.00 — still a little short of the $1,279.00 object sel for our area •— and considerably short of the $1,358,00 collected last year. ;Members of the fund raising committee are quite anxious to see us raise our objective this •'e:u•, so if you haven't, as yet BALL PLAYERS WANTED �A'TURDAY All young boys in the arca who would like to play ball this sum- mer are asked to leave their names at the Legion 1•Iall Satur• day afternoon between 2 and 4 p.m. Your age is also required and preference for hardball or softball. For those who can't make it on Saturday, registration forms will be available at Cronin's 1lardtvare and everyone is asked to register as soon a5 possible. 'IiGIiSVAYS MINISTER WILL PRESENT BYCICLE Ti3URSDAY Hon, C. S. MacNattghton will be In Clinton Thursday evening to present a bicycle to Peter Payne, age 9, of R,R, 3, Bayfield. Peter tvotr the prize when he was picked as winner of a safety cogged conducted by the Ontario afely League at Ilse Sportsman t:how in 'Toronto. The presentation %vill be made (;l the Ontario Street United Church 'at 7:30 p.m. S'rARLIG.UI' UNIT 1'0 MEET The Starlight Unit will meet on May 4th in the church parlour, Bring a plant or bulb for exchange, made your donation, Ray Madill and John Elliott are waiting anx- iously to see you. We ask you to remember that the money you do- nate goes to help crippled child. ren — children, who in many cas- es have no other hope of being helped. We respectfully give credit to the following donors: Wellington Good, Ed, Brooks-, Albert Skelton, Mrs. Frank 13e11, Mrs .Doreen McCallum, Mrs. Mary Vincent, Jim Pierce, Needle- craft Shoppe, Knox United Church Auburn, Clarence Crawford, Ev- c:•ell Ilessels, Robert McClinchey, Mrs. Dorothy Cartwright, Irvin Bowes, Tom Cronin, Bruce Rich. mond, Londesboro Cheerio Club, Mrs. Mary Holland, Lyle Young• blot, James M. Jamieson, S. Siertsema, W. E. Uallahan, M. Bean, 11. C. Machan, Len Shots'. brook, M. E. Michie. Personal Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Cook left Blyth last Saturday to take up residence in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Knox and family have purchased the Cook home in I31yth, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Whitfield have taken up residence in Bel. grave. They will be missed a- round our village. Miss Sandra Watson, nurse in .raining at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the Easter vacation with her parents and family. She accompanied her parents to Tor. onto International Airport to meet her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson on returning from their vacation in Vancouver, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Campbell were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Norman McDowell, Auburn, re. Gently. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Campbell and children of London visited Mr, and Mrs, Howard Campbell on Sunday. Mrs, Alva McDowell returned Saturday from a very pleasant 2•weck bus trip to Florida, TILE BLYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 281h, 1971 SUGAR a n d CP1CF• BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS good attendance at meet- ing, Mrs, John Anderson and Mrs, Stanley Cook were appoint. 1'13Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jones of at Jean l'attison's, ('d to look after lunch for, liistor- Toronto spent the weekend with The girls divided into groups is:d meeting. ting, their uncle and aunt Mr. and and Mrs. Robert Gordon demon II was agreed to buy a 3 ring hinder to be used for Tweedsmuir Mrs. Robert Procter, strated how to insert a zipper. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mayberry Mrs, Alex Robertson gave instrtt• history, of Blyth visited on Sunday with clions un attaching %waistband, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert The next meeting will be held at %ort. (►f thanks on behalf of the Procter. ,land IVhytoch s home, Belgrave Women's Institute �►1('In1wrs to Airs. Ivan Wightman Mr, and Mrs. learned Hamiltons. The annual meeting of Belgrave I'or her years of devoted service of ma ming s and Mr. and Airs] Women's Institute was held 'Cues• t'o president.years Herman Nethery presented Bible in memory of their parents lav April 20 in the arena rooms .isMrs. Robert Higgins presented and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. tt'ith 26 inentbers and visitors the slate of officers, the work of Present. Il�n n ling committee 011(1 Mrs, W. J. Hamilton and 1r.1and Airs, nominating installed the following W. G. Hamilton in Fordwich U This being the Public Relations nited Church on Sunday. meeting, the guest speaker was officers: Past president, Mrs. 1. B ' %3111 �1171t; .• : Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Van Camp Mrs. Wes Bradnock of Auburn, Wightman; president, Mrs. Nor of Guelph spent the weekend with P. R. 0. for District of Huronnlan Coultes; 1st vice pros., Mrs. his aunt Miss Nora Van Camp, West who gave a good outline of Clarence IIanna; 2nd vice pres., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petrie what is meant by Public Relit- Mrs. Stan liopper; sccretary•tre• and Mrs. L, Voltz of Herkimer, tions„ It is our attitudes, activi• :limey, Mrs. Stan hopper; Assis New York visited on Wednesday ions. It is our attitudes, activi• tfilt secretary -treasurer, Mrs. R. with Mrs. Laura Johnston, tic;• understanding and desire to be Higgins; District Director, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilkinson of 'otter informed, new ideas to Ivan Wightman; Alt. District Dir Marquette, Michigan visited on 'mike the public aware Of t he t.ctor, tics. Stanley Black; branch Friday with their cousins Mr. and ,liens and objectives of our 1Vom• directors, Mrs, person Irwin, Mrs, Mrs, Robert Coultes and Mr. and ',a'•s Institute Organization, Robert Higgins, Mrs, J. Carl Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, also cal- \lrs, William Coultes led a lively Procter; cards and shut-ins, Mrs. led on other relatives in the area, ,ing•son,;. Mrs, Norman Coultes, John Anderson; pianist, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent vi- '-'ollvellur for the program gave M. Coultes, Airs. George Procter; sited on the weekend with Mr, ' short talk on the motto "if you curator of Tweedsmuir history. and Mrs. William Kelly of Sea- ;!link the world is wrong remit- Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Mrs. Walter forth. her d contains people like you Scott; auditors, Mrs. Glenn Cont. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent ofctncf me" los, Mrs. Ross Iliggins. Conven- 13luevale visited on Thursday with Mrs. Ivan Wightman presided urs of Standing Committees: Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent. '!►r the business when minutes and Agrictilture and Canadian Indust - Mrs. laura ,mann of Teeswater, 'inancial statement were read by Iles. Mrs, George Procter, Mrs Mrs. Arthur Edgar Sr. of Wing- '!'(' tart' Mrs. Stan hopper. (Henn Coultes; Home Economics hang were Sunday visitors with A letter was read from Wing- and health, Mrs. Leslie Bolt. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Stonehouse. Ranee hospital Auxiliary inviting Mrs. Stanley Black; Citizenship Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Taylor of 1;10 Belgrave institute to take ani Education, Mrs. George Mi - Hamilton visited on 11'ednesday 11101'e interest in the work of that chit.. Mrs. Earl Anderson; Pub - and Thursday with Mr' and Mrs.lrhanization and announcing the lie Relations and Resolutions, membership tea 011 May 5 and Mrs, Menson Irwin: Historical Res Robert Coultes, ler, and Airs, Ewald plainer of `•� 111111ma"' to sale. May 14, search and Current Events, M rs. Scarboro spent the weekend with it was agreed to refund a sum Ivan Wightman. Mr. George \l'a• her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cho- of money to Belgrave Coop. Iker; coin ntunity activities, Mrs. ecce Chanrney, Mrs. Clarence IIanna volunteer- Clarence IIanna, Mrs. Lorne •la• Mr. and Mrs, Chester Finnigan,c':l to obtain antiques for display mieson: Christmas, Mrs, William „ at the loran County historical C'mtltr �: Easter, Mrs. Stew Int David and Jimmie, of Dungannon visited on Sunday with their uncle '''coling which will be held in 13e1 Procter; Grandmother's meeting, and aunt Mr. and 'Airs. Clarence rave Women's Institute hall May lens. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Robert Ch:unney, I; is hoped that there will be Higgins, lens. Floyd Campbell, Mrs. Glare l? ' I,n,17,.I!i!!:,,,,11,7171-7^”,,, 171.1,.,7,11I,ii•e'r.,1717„71',:l 7I;7TIJ�•I;.r1 Van Camp and Mrs. Ifarold Jar - dirt visited on Sunday with Mrs. IlieGlen Campbell at Lucknow.t((I••` l•Keith Van Cami has comlleted .••.- let 1r 1 l �Yl u«♦ e5- 1 i ��� � the 2 year course at the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Campbell CHURCH OF GOI) spent the weekend with Mr. and McConuel Street, Blyth Rev. F. Shantz, Speaker Mrs. John Campbell at Exeter. Sunday 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coultes, Paul and Steven visited on Sun Wednesday 4 - 5 p.m. — Children's Hour. day with Mr. and Mrs, Alan' Scott Wednesday 8 - 9 p.m. — Prayer and Study Time, and family of Barrie. Not a denomination but a fellowship, We welcome you. lir. and Mrs. Wayne Minick, Edwin and Catherine of Baden_ _— "�_" — spent the weekend with her par- ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ents Mr, and Mrs. Clarence IIanna THE REV. ,I, KEITH STOKES, II,A,, S.T.B. and were Sunday guests of Mr' Box 47, Blyth, Ontario Phone 523.9334 and Mrs, Eldon Cook and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Kuntz, Kim• SUNDAY, MAY 2 — EASTER III berley and Duane of Kitchener, 9:30 a.m. — Blyth — Morning Prayer Mr, and firs, I{eith Cartwright, 9:30 writ. — Belgrave — Morning Prayer Donna and Patricia Lynn of Lon- don, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Cart -11:00 a.m, — Brussels — holy Communion %%right, John and Claude of Lon. 8:00 a.m. — Auburn — Morning Prayer deboro visited on Sunday with Mrs, harry Rinn and family. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ' Donna who has spent the past 2 weeks with her grandmother re. '%'IIE REV. CECIL L. WITTICiI, B.A., B.D. turned home with her parents on ,Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, Sunday, Mrs. Robert Hibberd spent a Sunday School — 9:40 a,m, couple of days last week with her Church Service — 11:00 a.m. brother -In law Mr, Warren Zur• brigg and visited with Mrs. Zur. Come and Worship hri'g who is a patient in Walker• ton 1fospital, t:Ii1 isTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Euchre Party REV.R w KROEZE MINISTER Eighteen tables o1' euchre were' squadron leader in flying con• played in the Belgrave Commun. 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service with a hang-up. In those days a hang-up ity Rooms last Wednesday even. 11:15 am. — Sundayschool disturbance. It was a fused bomb, Ing, High lady, Mrs, William Ea- die; novelty lady, Mrs. Pearl An. 2:30 p.m. — Afternoon Service in Dutch your wing, gers; low lady, Mrs. Harold Cook. it over the sea Nothing worked, Hope- Ifigh man, Nelson Nicholson; nov- WESTFIELi) FELLOWSHIP HOUR clay man, Arron Wieber; low Pastor, Rev, Reuben Brubacher ratan, Ifarold Cook, Belgrave Chatelaines Mach Lord's Day at 2,00 p.m. • The Belgrave Chatelaines held inter -Denominational — All are Welcome. their fifth meeting April 19 in the Community Rooms opening with The United Church of Canada the pledge and motto, The roll AUBURN & DONNYBROOK call was answered by "One new point I have learned about cutting 1TInlster — Pastor Alfred Fry and narking a pattern". We got Donnybrook 9,45 am. Auburn 11,15 a.m, our hand-out sheets, Joyce Neth"Holdin g for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits. you, ery react minutes of last. meeting. 1� Mrs. Clarke Johnston showed how to sew up seams, We closed with taps. The next meeting will ST. bTICIIAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — BLYTII be April 26, Priest -- Rev. James E. Kell Belgrave Summer Swi.:,ger; Mass at Myth 10:15 y Alice Beecroft read minutes of Y previous meeting where Sttfn111er An►Iuuluu►Iu11101:mu111111111111 �ffliniMll..''!°'.'PIIiIPII'IV!EI'!IGI!ilMul �iiTA SUIIIMel' Swingers met last week ollammIIID(ImidEgioIEILlU71lIIIIIimunniumpIDEsiVUlU11U'11hiamEn!IC!IIT!IilIL'i!IIIIIIII!mICrUim Mrs, Stewart Procter moved a HOW SMILEY DEALT WITH OFFICER TYPES Last week 1 had a rare chance to do something I've always - wanted to do, and I seized it with both hands and my tongue. 1 was speaking to the Vimy Branch, Royal Canadian Legion, at its annual observance of the battle for Vim), Ridge. '1110 Vimy branch is unique in that nearly all its members are ex -officers of the Canadian armed forces. On the program for the banquet was printed a list of the executive and the past presidents. It contained a bounty of Brig• adiers, a confusion of Colonels, a mess of Majors, a wedge of \ling Commanders and a scattering of Squadron Leaders. Senior officers. Sitting ducks. Ever since my days as a fledgling fighter pilot, I've enjoyed a firm conviction that there is no possible way anyone can pound anything into the head of a senior officer. 1 -fere was a golden opportunity to prove my theory, and 1 sailed into it with gusto. I didn't use a phoney survey or a lot of stasistical facts, but personal experience, and I let them have it with both barrels. As a flying student, 1 first ran into the obtuseness of the senior officer. This wing commander, the chief flying instructor, nearly had a stroke because I'd tried to land from one end of the runway while another student was trying to land from the other. Hort' was 1 to know the wind had changed 180 degrees since I'd tak- en off? During advanced flying training in England, a similar occur - trice deepened my conviction. 1 was coining in to land, every sense tort anti my Hund dallying with a 72 -hour pass and a chubby Land :army girl. Some fool down on the runway started firing red flares. 1 went around again, and again he did it. I had checked the tt•indsock carefully this time, so knew it was his fault not mine. On my fourth approach, I did the usual cockpit check and no red flares went up, I rolled to a stop and the squadron leader was standing in his jeep, his face a sort of mulberry shade. And once again the in• yensitivity of senior officers was displayed. Not only did he call rale a stupid clot who should be sent back to Canada in a strait -jacket, but the dirty dog cancelled my weekend pass, And all because I'd forgotten one little item on my first three approaches: putting -my wheels down. Then there was my squadron commander in France. I was his No. Two and we'd made a dive-bombing attack, firing our cannon as we dived, which was our wont, not to hit anything, but to bolster our nerves. I -le shouted something on the way down, but I thought it was something silly like, "Hamner the Hun", so paid no attention, closed my eyes, as was my wont, and squeezed the tit, When we landed, he was in a terrible flap because 1 was the only one who had dropped his bombs — on the wrong side of the bomb Inc.i ' I thought it was damn poor navigation on his part, I think %.-hat really bothered him was that I'd shot off a bit of his wing on ne way down, there was the ridiculous t.•ol who made me land eras not some trivial emotional dangling by its tail from 1 tried to get rid of fully, I suggested, "Shall 1 bail out?" His reply: "'Don't be silly. V.'e need that aircraft", Pilots were cheap, aircraft expensive. One pounce on landing and it would he nkat, me, all over the landscape, And I was always known as Two -Bounce Smiley. Did you ever see a mouse with kid gloves on walking on eggshells? That's the way I landed. But what hurt was that he wouldn't let rale land on the metal airstrip, as he didn't want it torn up when I blew up. 1 had to land on the humpy verge beside the strip. Just a few of the examples 1 gave to the senior officers in my audience of the bone -headedness of setnior officers, • They took it well, because, of course, they didn't understand. I offered to step into the alley, afterwards, with any senior officer. Provided he was over 80, Two ancient bragadiers had to be forcibly restrained, @llilll!IIEl1 Iv1hI! i1<Ili1G!flfIlii WESTFIELD NEWS Mr. ;Ind Mrs. James Bonk of McDowall on the successful com• Crowe visited on Sunday evening pielion of her hairdressing course. with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, Mrs, Harvey McDowell visited and Mrs. (sill Pidom and family an Thursday with Mrs, Garner were; Mr. and Mrs. harry Fitt - Nicholson of l3clgravc. om and Tony of Clinton, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Brian McKee of Mrs, Clarence Vanderlei and fa• Winghanr visited on Sunday with mily of Londesboro. Mrs, Audrey Iliggerstaff and 13i11. Miss Pat Stackhouse, l3clgravc, h1r. Gordon Snell visited on visited on Saturday with Miss Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Al Kim McDowell. hent Walsh of Blyth, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations to Miss Janice Harvey McDowell on Sunday were Elliott Insurance Agency I3LYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABIUTY, LIFE "WE SYEC141.IZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 Call In for A Tasty Treat --- NULL COURSE ,MEALS — LIQWI' LUNCHES ICE CREAM — CHINESE FOOD WE SPECIALIZE IN TAKE•OUT ORDERS — PTI. 523.4391 HURON GRILL MYTH, ONTARIO Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-4121 We Deliver Duncan Nines Cake Mixes, 19 oz. pkg. 39c Nescafe Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar Gerber's Strained Baby Foods 6.43i4oz. jars Aylmer Choice Fruit Cocktail 2 - 14 oz. tins 1,65 84c 55c Viva Bathroom Tissue, 2 roll pkg. .... , . 31c Bruce Brand Margarine, 2 - 1 lb, prints 59c Beehive Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. tin 99c Cadbury Instant Chocolate, 30c off label 3 lb, tin 99c Cheery Morn Tea Bags, 100's 65c Aylmer Choice Cut Wax Beans Aylmer Choice Cut Green Beans Aylmer Choice Cream Corn Aylmer Choice Garden Peas Mix or Match 6.14 oz. tins 1.00 Aylmer Boston Brown Beans with Pork 5 - 14 oz. tins .. . . . .. . ........ 1.00 Bruce Packer's Weiners ......... 2 Ib, 89c Sunkist Oranges, size 130's 59c White Cooking Onions 2 lb. pkg. 29c Spinach .......................pkg.... 25c Kist Pop, Ginger Ale, M. Dew, Orange, Lime and Pepsi , , , , , , , , , , ,,,, 4 for 89c Mrs, Della McDowell, Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell of London, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Verbcek of Drayton visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and family. Miss Gladys McDowell, Coder• ich, Mrs. Jean Hogue of London visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Mary McDowell, Donnybrook Items Mr. Sam Jefferson of Goderich visited Monday with his brother' Mr. Charles Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Merman Chamney of IVindsor and Mr. Robert Cha• mney of Auburn, visited Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Chamney and family. Miss DI- ane of Stratford was also home on the weekend, Miss Jean hardy of London spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. William hardy and Keith. Auburn 3, •I.11 Club The eighth and final meeting of the Auburn 3, 4•I1 club "Buttons 'n Beaus" was held April 24 at Donnybrook United Church It - opened with the 4-1.1 pledge fol- lowed by the minutes of previous meeting read by Linda Jefferson. The roll call was "Show complet- ed garments", The girls discus- sed how to judge a class of sep- arates for Achievement Day and also their demonstrations. Each girl judged her own garment. The record books were checked. The meeting then adjourned. Kindergarten Registration AT IIULLETT CENTRAL SCHOOL. Tuesday, May 4th from 10 to 12 and 1 to 3 Please bring proof of age hnnurnIzation record, and Clean Your Brick Home also AIR BY SAND BLASTING silicone treatment if desired HAMMER & C031PRESSOIt WORK Arnold Stothers • Phone 529.7403 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat pt•ices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service, 21 . Hour ervlce • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237.C.70 OR.tf 4 • • • THE 13LYTI! S'T'ANDARD — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 281h, 1971 Enter the Domco WIFE -SAVER CONTEST and WIN a "Day on Domco," or one of a dozen other wonderful prizes Twenty women across Canada will win the top prize of a real once•a•year day — with sitters, cabs, breakfast in, dinner out, and many other surprises — all on D' mco! Other win- ners will receive Corning Ware Royal Family sets or per• eolators, Kenwood blankets, Wabasso no•iron sheets and slips and Pyrex 3 -piece casserole set. 'l'() ENTER: pick your entry form up at our store and have It validated and put in the box. Deadline for entries May 29 -- Winners will be announced A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. IILYTU, ONTARIO PHONE 5234251 e47.1.att) OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE I8 AS CLOSE AS YOUR 'L1;111411 TELEPHONE DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD. WORTHY (ARS - the price is right! A HAMM DEAL SAVES YOU MONEY 2 - 1971 TORINO 500, 2 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, 1969 GALAXY 500 2 dr, hardtop, v8, pb, ps, automatic 1969 FORD Custom 4 dr,, v8, auto., ps pb, automatic 1970 CHEV. Townsman Station Wagon, 4 dr., 9 passenger, v86 automatic, ps, pb 1970 IMPALA 1 dr., hardtop v8, pb, pb, green 1970 IMPALA 1 dr., hardtop, v8, ps, pb, gold 1969 IMPALA Custom, 2 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb, vinyl roof • 1968 CADILLAC 4dr., hardtop, full power, air conditioning 1968 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan, v8, auto., ps 1967 FORD F100 half ton, heavy duty 1967 FORT) Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, auto. 1967 PONTIAC Grand Par., 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto., ps, pb . 1966 PONTIAC Par., 4 dr., hardtop, v8, auto. PS aiid pb SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 ••♦-.-.♦.-•.••-•-.4•.•6••4♦••...♦+.Ne••-•-.-•1.+4-.♦♦• 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1971 FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY "IIIMMMELSPIEL . , ." A Dutch writer, Rev, Toornvliet, tells us somewhere in his book "The devil amonn us" a harrowing tale: prince Lucifer, a leader of the devils, Instructs his demons in the so-called "Ilimmelspiel". So out attention is drawn to a really develish attempt, to estrange people from God! Maybe you will remember, how during the second world war was planned the "Englandspiel", The Germans developed a very clever and sly contra -espionage service: they caught agents of the Englis') espionage -network, stole the secret codes, forced men to signal to England and gave "safe" places for contact. And many walked into this trap. Everything seemed to be safe and the coast clear, they had the impression to be in contact with friends and to travel to brothers -in -arms, but they really were on their way to the enemy and they fell into the enemy's hands! So, exactly in the same way Satan is playing a "Ilimmelspiel" . . Give people the idea, that they really are in contact with God, pre. tend to show them the way to heaven, but bring them over a hole- and-corner roundabout way through the means of deceit in the power of Satan!! And when Lucifer names the possibilities, how to turn this develish plan into practice and how to realize this with evil slyness, he puts first, that use should be made of the fact, that people like to do it themselves. Man does not like it, to receive all for free, this wounds his pride and he does not even trust it. God is willing to give salvation through grace, by faith. As a gift of mercy. This is the only way, to he saved. The Lord tells us in the Bible, that we are in such an awful mess, that we will never he able to rectify evil by our own achievements. God comes to you and all is given pro Deo, But the devil makes other suggestions, He throws in your teeth a few cut-up texts from the Bible and so he lures you on the way of self -deliverance. You can not go to God with empty hands, he says. He tries to !el you rest on your own good works. He even tries to give you in your heart the thanksgiving of the Pharisee: o God, I thank thee, that 1 am not like the others . , . But if somebody expects (by this develish Ilimmelspiel) to travel to heaven (Lord, I did not do this or that, I was churchy and I was pious) than God once will say: I never have known you: You don't know how poor you are and miserable and blind and naked, You don't know that in your inner self you are totally corrupt. You have never known Gods love in the cross of Jesus Christ. You have upheld your own pride . . Who, deceived and misled by Satan's Himmelspiel expects to land in heaven, trusting in his own works, is in the power of Satan and is still in the darkness. You are justified by grace alone! By sovereign grace. Jesus took upon Himself our sins, Heavenly Father, strenghten us in that faith. Hallowed be Thy Name! Kr. 11rI M;lilT of �„„ II;I' I "{' II II III ,.I I I! pl rr,Q PJnl��i , , p + II1• r 1,,,� illl,,i a;r�,..i .�n11; ;Ili',Il�;alai'il'"�Iln,'IIIQIIV!?,6.6!l�1.;1!!ar"linl!' ,V��.II,{��III II d II1�1I�M��1R1u r I r �Ir 11 I,r I�i i 1,1,1 �'I I� f; �,Irvl'�Igl � I it '4!I� I HlWill,�u� �,,�.la�,l�ia in.��..� JIIrI,LVi. lilli, 11..1 kill � SPRING SPECIAL (prices good until April 30th) SUNWORTIIY WALLPAPER — in ten attractive shades, PRICED 7'O CLEAR at 69c per s,r, NEWEST STYLES IN STOCK -- Regular $1.39 For Only $1.19 per s.r. ENCORE VINYL •— Ideal for Kitchen and Bathroom Regular $4,29 For $3,89 per s.r. CIL, QUALITY PAINTS LATEX — Starting as low as $8.65 per gal., $2,85 per qt. SEMI•GLOSS -- $9.45 per gal., $2.99 per qt. Blend any colour to suit your decor, YOU ARE WELCOME AT OUR SHOWROOM DURING THE EVENING HOURS LAWRIE DECORATING $LYTIf, ONT4RIO PHONE 523.4525 Londesboro News Of The Past Week Mr, Charles Waymouth, Sr., an esteemed older resident of the community, passed away in Clin- ton hospital on Sunday a.m. in his 94th year. Ile had been in poor health for the past eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook spent Saturday evening with :lir. and Mrs. Bob Gibbings, R.R. 1, Clinton. Please remember the change of date for Women's Insitute from first Thursday to the second Wed• nesday evening 8 p.m. of each month. We are sorry Mrs. Emmerson llesk is a patient in Clinton hos• pita!, having been home one month. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. 1lugh Sinclair and son Bradley, London, Mrs. Donna Doerr, Bolicol, Quebec, visited with Mrs. Harold Livingston on Sunday. Mr. and firs. 13i11 Andrews, Greg, Brenda and Nancy of Tor• onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Woods, also visited his father Mr. Frank Andrews in Clinton llospi• tat. 1Ir. Wm Govier and Mrs. Lillie Webster are spending this week with Mr Govier's daughter and fancily, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hann of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Ted flunking and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Johnson (Phyllis Manning) of Windsor. Mrs. Ron Ellerby, Vicki, Joan, Dora Lynn and Mrs. Bert Shob- brook spent Wednesday with the Millsons of Woodstock. Attending the dessert euchre sponsored by Walton W. 1. on Wednesday night were Mrs. G. Gourley, Mrs. M. Robinson firs. ,1. Jones, Mrs. M. Fairservice. U.C.W. catered to Teachers' fiederation on Monday night with 25 present. AImwell Unit Meeting The Aimwell Unit of the U.C.W. held their meeting April 19 at the hone of Helen Lee. The presi• ident Ruth Vincent opened the meeting with an Easter medita• tion, hymn 354 was sung, Gail Lear read the scripture. The president gave an Easter reading and led in prayer. The story of Hymn 383 was given followed by singing the hymn. Karen Midd• egal played two accordion select. ions. Betty Millar and Helen Lee were in charge of program, Rev. McDonald led a bible study on the Book of John, The roll call was answered by 16 members and 5 visitors. A report on the Ilam Supper to he held May 19. The next meeting will he a work meeting at the church on May 18, Itev, McDonald closed the meet• ing with prayer. Lunch was served by Joan Whyte and Helen MORNING AUCTION SALE of household effects and antiques for Mr, 'Com Huffman at the auction rooms, one mile south of Goderich on highway 21 ON SATURDAY, MAY 1st 10:30 a.m. 20" Finlay progane gas stove (new); Dearborne propane gas space heater; 5 piece bronze din• cite suite (new); extension table with 2 chairs; studio couch, china cabinet; buffet; captain chair; rocking chair; wash stand; bed; 2 chests of drawer's; round parlor table; small tables; card table with 4 matching chairs; pole lamp; mirrors; crocks; dishes; Inglis washing machine; lawn to. ble; garden tools; metal wheel barrow; wooden wheel harrow; etc., etc, TERMS CASH Mike CunimIngs, Auctioneer. Phone 524.9064. 36.1 FOR RENT 58 acres of crop land. Apply George Gilfillan, 36.1p FOR SALE 3 open holstein heifers 500.000 lbs. John Rhin, Wingham, 357. 30.18, 36.1 FOR SALE Small electric stove suitable for cottage, Howard Campbell phone 523.9567, 36.1p Lawson. Cheerio Club The Cheerio Club held their meeting on Tuesday, April 20, at the home of Emma Livingstone with 11 members present. The draw was won by Ida Townsend. It was voted to donate $10 to the Blyth Lions Club Easter Seal Fund. Next meeting to be in charge of Group Four. The program was a recitation "Daffodils", also a reading, flow to win and keep friends by Myrtle Fairservice. A contest, jumbled shrubs and flowers by Jewel Cowan, a contest 'snow' by Ida Durnin, The rest of p.m. spent palying euchre. Lunch was sere• ed by hostesses, Emma Living• stone, Ida Durnin, Lillie Webster, Jessie Jones. Variety Concert :1n audience which filled the hall were present to enjoy the Variety Concert sponsored by Londesboro Young Peoples Group on Friday night which ryas a de• cided success with solos both vocal and instrumental, step clan• Ging, skits, readings, the male choir. Rev McDonald and the young people are to be compli• mented on the success of the ev• ening. Rev. McDonald acted as chairman and thanked everyone who helped in any way. �!;f. I 1 , I � I I I nq III IUI' ' IIv�rpp "tl'll!' 1711 Ifl'I�'�'I'n!' I III IIIA �fi.011,111131 Ipinl111.1TL2 !ITm!!'l9J1I tl!11i�lin; u!lppl,, t VIT n�C 1�1;1ppM��!.I' JII ,1!!,IT ,!,!.:. 1111.11 i 171 '11 , ;I;1 II i I 'I. i, Iwl 11;1;x• � i. r, i .i.�d I� THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, RLS"1'l1. ON'I'11R11) Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5.00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319" f ,,.I , t• „n �'IIIT Ell I P p. n m i t t(IIIii;P°„I �' m � 'li''' ' pill'' i II 1 I�I!I pnitl I°I>�; 'fir{ I' Il i�il'I!I';! '11111 j I ' THE ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL. DINNER MEETING OF 'I'HE Huron Perth TB And Respiratory Disease Association Will Be held In The CANDLELIGII'T 11ES'1'AURANT — lllglnvay 21, Goderich Wednesday, May 5th at 6:30 p.m, Speaker: • Ed. 'Thompson, Toronto, who is with the Ontario 'l'13 and Respiratory Disease Association and who formerly was with "Pollution Probe". Ile will discuss the latest de• velopments in the campaign against pollution. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS BY ORDER of Blyth Council all Dogs within the Corporation are to be kept from running at large, effective May 1st and until the 31st of October, 1971, Day or Night, Failure to do so will result in a $10. fine and the possible destruction of the dog, The co-operation of all owners will be appreciated In helping to eliminate the animal nuisance during the garden season, SIGNED, James Warwick CHIEF OF POLICE 36.2 NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS Due to several complaints received by Blyth Muni. eipal Council regarding ears parking on the Blyth Business section for extended periods of time, It Is requested that all persons refrain from this habit during the period of business hours, The village parking lot is recommended for this pur• pose, Failure to comply with this request could result in n 2•hour parking bylaw being passed by council, SIGNED, James Warwick CHIEF OF POLICE 354 • 4 • 4 4 Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES 6 SLRVICI 11LYTH - Phone 523.9273 .1 E. I,ONGS'I'AFF --• OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON t1UNDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 ain to 2.30 p.n� For Appointment Phone 482.1010 SI;Ai't)1(T11 OFFICE -- Balance of Week - Phone 527.1'40 BEATTY Parm Service Centre CORNER 01'' ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT, Manure Handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Pb. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" AAiNiTARN' si,'WAGF DISI'OSA1. SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC, PUMPED & CLEAN b;U TREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 - Phone 887.6800 r A emasoMINEN 1)It, R. W. STREET 111,1711, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.4433 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Emergency Coverage 'Through Clinton Hospital If Unavailable W. R. HAMILTON -. 4)PTO11KTRIS'i Neil to thr I,yreun► Theatre - WINGIIAM Phone 357.1361 I.;1,1414)'1"I' REAL ESTATE AGENCY THE BLYTII STANDAItD - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, `1971 ��p�►@!ml�t�►mil!�pl��(��P:!1!!�I!�'�'N'GI��iIml�J�u,iuwuia.!uiu�u!i�wu�a!�uu�[� m100�11!II!"!II�f�!Ip14�II!!,�!i��ouuii�uuuuu;m�iuwiu.umuuu�umm�uwuuiuu!�uiimu�umt�uuuuuu�uuuwWuuuuun SELL IT' 11UY ITt ItENT IT! FIND IT; I'IJT ;r STAN, AI(1) "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUCTION SALE Grey Bruce Live Stock Co•Oper• alive Auction Sale of 1,800 Com. inertial Beef Cattle -- Hereford, Angus Shorthorn Breeding; all Grey Bruce County raised and wintered - at the Wiarton Sales Arena on Thursday, liay 6th, 10 a.m. E.D.S.'1'. Carman 1famill, President, T Stewart Cooper, Secretary. 36.1 PIANO RECITAL presented by the students of Mrs. Shirley E. Vincent on Wed. nesday, MAY 5th, at 8:15 p,m. in the Blyth United Church. 36.1p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who remembered me with cards and visits while I was in Clinton Pub. lie Ilospital. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nurses on first floor. 36.1p - Jim Scott, Sr. FOR SALE Choice New Zealand white rah - bits for sale. We also buy rabbits, • Special prices for 4 to 6 lb, fry. ers. G. 5, Hughes, 523.9424, Blyth. 35.14p CUSTOM M EAT SERVICE Chill, cut, wrap, and sharp freeze. Custom killing in Govern- ' ment inspected Abbitoir. Also beef by the quarter or half. Rob- inson's General Store, Auburn, Ont., phone 526.7788. 27•tf Gordon Elliott, Brulke►. It. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 5'','t-4481; Res. 5234522 or 5234323 WANTED:. Listings ori Farms, Horner and Businesses. R1LL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn flower Sales & Service - Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 CRAWFORD and MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. Cawford, Q.C., A, Mill, B.A,, L.L,B, In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCA'TEi) IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 I)CREEN'S BEAUTY SII1)I'PE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING 5+ c OLD WAVES DOREEN MCCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Dal' Monday -•- Often Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings I'IIONE: BLYTH 523.9341, If no answer 523.9601 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDIN'; ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 4$:.7303 CLINTON H. T. Dale SEP'TiC TANK SERViCE PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 1 .1 • FOR SALE 'TENDERS WANTED Steel Garage Door 7'xl0', Phone Tenders will be received by the 523.9551, 361p undersigned until 5 p.m. May 3, 1971, for renting for hay or past. ure 15 acres more or less of N1/2 FOR SALE OR RENT AN►,: Lot .15, Concession 5, Morris 75 acre grass fatm, 7th con. (waste disposal farm). Morris, drilled well. Phone 523• highest or any tender not neces. 4223. 3G•2p sadly accepted. Mrs. Ilelen D. Martin, Clerk i3elgrave, Ontario. FOR SALE 2 year old bull, three.quarters charlois and one-quarter hereford. Proven sire. Phone 523.9287, 36.1p MOTiiER'S DAY TEA AND BAKE SALE Sponsored by The Harmony Unit in Blyth United Church on Wed• nesday, MAY 5th from 3144 p.m. Please plan to attend. 36.1 FEMALE IIEI,P WANTED X I3ookkeeper•typist for local ern- J,loyment. Write to Box X„ The Blyth Standard, Blyth, Ontario, stating qualifications and exper- ience. 36.1 36.2 CARD OF THANKS The Clinton Branch of the Can- adian Cancer Society wish to ex- press appreciation to the citizens of Blyth for their fine response to our annual campaign. Special thanks to the Blyth Teen Town for canvassing the village. Gord- on Charter, Campaign Chairman, 36.1 IN MEMORIAM BROWN - In loving memory of of our dear mother and grand- mother, Ida Brown, who passed away 6 years ago, January 22, 1965 and our dear father and grandfather, George Brown who FOR SALE passed away 2 years ago, April 1966 Barracuda, one owner. 29, 1969. Phone 526.7292. 36.1 Years go by but memories stay, As near and dear as yesterday, Deep in our hearts a memory is RUMMAGE SALE kept, in Auburn Community 111emor• Of the ones we loved and will ial Hall on SATURDAY, MAY 8, never forget. at 2 p.m. sponsored by the Ball -Lovingly remembered by dao - Board. ilome Baking Sale •- ghters, Lois, Elizabeth, son -in - Lunch Counter. For pick-up laws and grandchildren. 36-1p phone any member of the hall Board by Saturday noon. 36.2 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types MORRIS WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Complete appliance repairs aty Commencing May 1, 1971 Morris BURKE ELEC'PRIC, Wingham, Waste Disposal site will be open 357-2450. Electrical Contractors, Wednesdays and Saturdays fl'om Appliances, Motor Rewind. 24 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to Hour emergency service, 40-tf g p.m. Ilelen D. Martin, Clerk. 36-2 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling, Don Ives, phone Brussels 887-9024 37•tf CLINTON SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. In The Afternoon (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton WANTED Roomers, weekly or monthly, would take pensioners, Queen's Hotel, Brussels 887.6711. 36.1 FOR SALE New all weather coat size 16, rcrersible, It, navy and beige. Mrs, II, McClinchey, phone 526- 7534. PRmE SEED CORN Limited supply 78.110 day ma• 10rity, Contact Boyd Taylor, , phone 523.9279. 36.3p. BROOK'S CARPENTRY •• BLYTH PRONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640 Tom Duizer Plumbing and Heating 011 Burner Sales . Service • Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems & Water Conditioning Equipment Sheet Metal Work - Eavestroughing LONDESBORO, ONT, PRONE BLYTII 523.4359 LIST YOUR FARM 1'ROPI';It'tY WITH US -- ----- Wli iiAVF '1'11E CON'I'At"t'` ,tND TiiE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA ILR. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton, FOR SALE 33 can Solar milk tank; Patz stable cleaner, heavy . duty unit 200 ft. chain; 19,402 pounds mark- et sharing quota. Phone 887-6738. 32-4p. DEAD TREE REMOVAL Phone Clinton 482.9134. 32.4 SOCIAL EVENING A social evening will be held in the Auburn Community Hall on Saturday evening, May 1st in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Clinchey. Cards and dancing. Ladies please bring lunch, Every- one welcome. 35.2 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re. paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325. 35- LAWR ENCE'S CLEANING SERVICE We clean windows and floors. Phone Clinton 482.7907. 35-2 RETIREMENT HOME Completely remodelled brick schoolhouse, electric heat, good water under pressure, 3 pee, bath, large kitchen, builtin cupboards, large living dining area, three bedrooms, 2 miles frotn small village. Phone 887.9473 after 6 o'clock. 35-2 BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. • Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCTI FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30•tf, THE BLYTH STANDARD — 11'EDNESDA1', APRIL 28th, 1971 WALTON AREA NEWS EVENTS Mr. and Mrs, Frank Skinner of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Ireland and Brussels visited with their son•- girls, Mr. and Mrs, Ross McCall, la•law and daughter Mr. and Mrs, and family, all of Brussels, Mr. Gerald Ryan and family. and Mrs. Frank Burke, Steven Recent visitors with Mr, and and Sheila of Wingham, Miss Ca - Mrs. Stewart McCall, Jack and rol Wilbee, Walton, and J. Murray were: William Ireland, Bruce of Seaforth. MEAT SPECIALS -- Coleman's Old Fashioned Bologna Rings per lb. 49c Pork Liver Ib. 29c Weiners Ib. •19c Daisy Bacon Ends 3 lb. 99c Smoked Picnics lb. 17c Horne Made Sausage Ib, 45c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Frick" Button. Proprietor Ru.YTH, ONTARIO. PHONE 043.4551 Stewart's Red f3 White Food Mkt. IILYTIL, ONT.. Phone 4451 AGE II14:LIVER DOLLAR DAYS Weston Fresh Bread 11 loaves 1.0() York Fancy Kernel Corn 5 tins 1.00 Aylmer Choice Green Peas or Cream Corn 6 tins 1.00 York Beans with Pork, 14 oz„ .... 5 tins 1.00 Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. 3 tins 1.00 Utopia Choice Tomatoes, 19 oz. , . 4 tins 1.00 Salo Brand Colored Margerine, 1 lb. print 4 for 1.00 Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup .. 4 pkgs. 1,00 Breeze with Free Towel, giant size , 1.00 Paramount Pink Salmon, 1 lb. tin, 2 for 1.0" E. D. Smith Garden Cocktail .... 3 jars 1.00 Spork Luncheon Meat 2 tins 1.00 Sunspun Processed Cheese Slices, 8 oz. 3 pkgs. 1.00 Club House Black Pepper, 4 oz. tin, 2 for 1.00 Libby's Tomato Juice, 19 oz. tin ... 6 for 1.00 White Swan Facial Tissues .... 3 pkgs. 1.00 Vivc Bathroom Tissue 6 rolls 1.00 P.E.I. Potatoes 25 Ib bag 1.00 Florida Grapefruit, pink or white, 10 for 1.00 Red and White Donuts, save 32c, 4 pkgs. 1.00 Red & White Features Nescafe Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.69 Aylmer Soups, Tom. or Veg. ... , 9 tins 1,00 Swan Liquqid Detergent, 24 oz. bottle .. 49c Gillette Plus Blades, reg. 89c only 59c Brylcream with Free Comb, reg. 98c only 69c Hi Value California Peaches, 28 oz. tin 39c Wallace's Turkey or Beef Pies, 3 in box 59c Mr, and Mrs. herb Kirkby Steven and Mark of Woodstock visited with Frank Kirkby and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kirkby, Jenn- ifer and Paul, Jlission Band members are re• minded to meet a week earlier this month, Sunday, May 2 at 11:15 a.m. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Mills, and family of Brantford spent a week ago Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly 'Taylor and daughter visited Mr, and Mrs. Glenn McNichol and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin visited with Mrs. Gordon bfcGa- vin who is a patient in Westmin- ster Hospital, where she under- went Knee surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett and family of New Market visited with his father Mr. William Ben• net. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Abelian and family of Sarnia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson were Mr. and Mrs. Don Maier and family of London and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Pritchard, Kiat and Mark of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uhler of Burlington visited with Mr, Ern. est Uhler and Fred. Messrs. W. J. Leeming, La. verne Godkin and Iloward Hack. well attended a cub meeting held recently in Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. William Timmer spent last Wednesday in London where they supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Volker IIertlein. Mrs. Richard Porter, Wood. stock visited with her mother, Mrs, Tom Backwell. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boyd have arived home after spending the winter months in Florida, Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Airs. Bob Smith of Mon- kion were Mr, and Mrs. Doug Smith of Ilamilton and 11r. and Mrs, Murray Smith, Kevin and Lorie of Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Ken McDonald and family visited in London with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stevens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love Jr, and son visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Beuermann and family of Seaforth. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Long, Brussels were: Gary Long, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Long and Shelley, Mr, and Mrs, Merton IIackweli, Jef• fery, Blaine and Craig of Walton. Mr, and Mrs, Neil McGavin and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Osbourne Bryden and Brad. ley of Newry. Mrs, Louise Butter! of Blyth visited with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mills. Miss Ruth Ritchie, R. N., of Hamilton St. Joseph's Hospital vi• sited her parents Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie, Visiting with Mrs, IIilda Sellers of Seaforth were Mr, and Mrs. Armand Kernick, Lucan, Dr and Mrs. Brian Traviss and Allison of Hamilton, Mrs, Mae Sellers of Wingham and Mr, and Mrs, Herb Traviss and Gail of Walton, Mrs. James Clark Is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Gerald Dressel visited Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ritchie, Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs, Doug Ennis and other friends In Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston of Bluevale visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Nell McGavin, Brian, Cathy and Jeffery. Donald Currie and son John of Bram-pion spent the weekend at • .+.. •....•••• BERG Sales - Service Installation • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling FREE ES'T'IMATES Donald G. Ives • R.& 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 887.9024 • the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan McCall. Miss Linda 'Traviss and Roy Gingerich, Kitchener visited at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Ralph 'Traviss, lir. and Alt's. 13i11 Taylor and fancily of Staffa visited with Mr. and Airs. Ron Williamson and family. Miss ,ludy Clark visited recent• ly with 1Ii, and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. George Taylor has arrived home from Brownville, '1'exas where he had spent the winter months. Mr, and Mrs, Adrian McTag• gert of Brussels spent Saturday evening with 11r, and Mrs. Don Achilles, Danny, Chrisie, Dwayne Visiting with Mr. and Mrs !toward Hackwell and family were Mr, and Mrs, 13ob Woods of Gan• roque and Mr. and Mrs. 13i11 Stephenson of Rexdale. Mrs. Olive Traviss, Seaforth, Mrs, Ralph Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss attended the Tuner• al of the late Mrs, Walter Hop- kinson in London. Gary Bennett of London visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs, Ron Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family of Brancalea visited re. Gently with his mother Mrs. Ella Marshall, Seaforth and other re• latives in this area. Sympathy of the community la extended to the families of the late Mrs, Fred Miller who died last week at Huronview, Clinton. Edward C. Miller of Lethbridge, Alberta, was (tome for iris moth• er's funeral and is staying with Mr. and Mrs, Doug Ennis. Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Farquhar. son of London, spent this past Saturday at the home of Mrs. Walter 13roadfoot, who returned with theca after visiting them last week. A NEW PAIR OF WORK BOOTS will make the seeding easier COMFORT ANI) SERVICE BY Sisman, Greb and Kaufman King Tread See Our Large Selection Of Short Sleeved DRESS & SPORT SHIRTS Many Many, Colours to Choose From R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" I ; l.1NTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADiLL'S on Thursday and Friday Snell's MFOOD ARKET Red Rose Instant Coffee, 10 oz. 1.49 Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon 112's 59c Clark's Beans with Pork, 19 oz. . , 2 for 49c Coleman's Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkg'... 4 for 69c Get. 5 lb. White Sugar FREE with the pur- chase of 4 Philip's Light Bulbs at Reg- ular Price Whitet Swan Facial Tissue, Ige. box ... 29c White Swan Towels 2 roll pack 49c White Swan Bathroom Tissue, 4 roll pack 55c Palmolive Dish Detergent, 32 oz. size , , 79c Tide XK King Size 1.59 Fresh Lean Hain Roasts per lb. 55c Fresh Home Made Sausages per Ib. 49c Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls, 112's per Ib. 49c Dutch Sets or Multipliers per lb. 29c Registered Seed Potatoes, compare our price on Irish Cobblers. Katandin, Kennabec or Sebago Phone 523-9332 We Deliver Auburn & District News Chairman Ted hills and Hall Board members, Reeve Hugh Flynn, Gerald AlcDowel1, Joe Honking, Jim ?1cPhee, Jim Glousher and Mrs. L. Archam- bault are preparing for the rum- mage sale on Al ay 8. Any don- ations of clothing, furniture or produce will be picked up if call- ed. 'There will be a home-made bake sale and lunch counter. Everyone is urged to come and support this project. Mrs. Bert Craig was a patient in Clinton hospital where she un- derwent surgery last week. Mrs. Gordon Taylor returned last weekend from a few week's visit in Chatham with her dau- ghter Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr Rathwell, Michael and Janice. Mrs. Jessie Naylor came home last week from \Vingham Hospi- tal where she has been a patient. Mr, and Mrs, Ed Davies arriv- ed home after spending the win- ter months in Florida. Misses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Frances Hou- ston. Air. and Mrs, Gordon Miller vi- sited their daughter, Gail in Tor- onto over the weekend, They were accompanied by Miss Carol Beadle of Kitchener. lir. and Airs. Stewart 'Poll, 'Perry and Warren of London vi- sited on Sunday with AI r. and Mrs, Ken McDougall, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Miss Sheron Coils and Mr. George Collins visited last Sunday with Ile. and firs. 11arold Nicholson and Mr. Gary Nicholson. A trip around the world in pic- tures will be the highlight of the :\ lay meeting of the Auburn Mort- icultural Society when Hiss Bea- trice Camphell of Goderich will show pictures and give comments. The meeting twill begin at 8:30 p.m. and the pot luck lunch will be served by Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Itos.' Robinson, Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Alrs. Ken. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. herb Peter of Kincardine visited last Sunday with 1l ns. Sidney Lansing. Air. and Airs, 'Phomas 1laggitt spent the tveekend recently with his brother, ll r. Joe Ilaggitt and Mrs. Ilaggilt at Leamington. Mrs. Charles Straughan, Blyth, visited in the village last Friday. Starting Sunday Afay 2, St. Al ark's :\ngl:can Church will hold their morning service at 8 a.m. for the month of May. We are sory to report that Mrs. Leonard Archambault had the init,fortune to fall through the barn floor to the stable injury- 1ng her back and is a patient in Clinton hospital. \1'e wish her a speedy recovery, The members of the Women's Institute catered to the Men's Sal: Mine Bowling team banquet Last Friday evening in the hall and served a beef dinner. The Auburn Woman's Mission- ary Society members attended the Arthur's Circle April meeting last Monday evening at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, San, Caldwell, newly weds have moved into the home of Mrs. Lloyd Raithby on main street. Auburn No, 2, 4.11 Club Auburn No. 2, 4-I1 club held their eighth meeting at the home of ,layne Arthur in the form of 0 pizza party. The president Trudy Machan opened the meeting and the minutes were accepted as read by the secretary Lorraine Charnney. The roll call was ans- wered by all 15 members modell- ing their Separates for Summer which they had made. The girls also judged and gave reasons on each other's garments. Plans were mane for Achievement Day when the Club twill present the ,demonstration—The Correct Fit, with Heather Elliott, holly Ell- iott and Marie Enrpey taking part. Mrs. Thomas Ilaggitt, Mrs. D. Maines and Mrs, Bill Empey all took port in the discussion period. Trudy Machan thanked Mr. and 11 rs. Arthur and Jayne for invit- the girls to their home for the party. U.C.W. Family lltu'onview Over 50 members of Knox Un- ited U.C.1V. and their families took part in the Family Night Program at Iiuronview last Thursday evening. Pastor Alfred Fry was chairman for the pro- gram which began with a sing- song led by Miss Nancy Anderson accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Norman Wightman. A solo was sung by Miss Lorraine Cham- ncy accompanied by her mother Mrs. Gordon Chamney. A scot - 114h dance was done by Miss A- von 'l'oll and accordian solos %+e:e played by Larry Plaetzer. A solo—How Great 'Thou Art was tune, l:;v Pastor Fry and violin '.e'ections played by Mr, Oliver :\ncler:on accompanied by his daughter Miss Nancy Anderson. lioutho► ;an selections played by Mr, Ross Robinson accompanied Night ileld at It's Lawn And Garden Time Call In And See Our Complete Range Of SIMPLICITY GARDEN TILLERS LAWN MOWERS Drop In and Compare Our Prices 1 Used Lawn Mower On Hand Good Condition •-• Good Price Drop In And See Our Selection Of Flower & Garden Seeds Roll-out Appliance Dollies $2.98 HARDWARE - BLYTH ronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER by Mrs. Donald IIaines. A square Glance was done by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ilaines. The Sing- ing Kitchen sang two numbers directed by Miss Shelley Grange. Those taking part: Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Gordon Chanrney Miss Lorraine Chamney, Miss Ma- rie Plunkett and Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock. The 1luronview or- chestra played several selections and the program was closed by a solo by Miss Nancy Anderson, Auburn Women's Institute Met The April meeting of the Aub- urn Women's institute was held in Community Memorial hall and began with a pot -luck dinner at 1 p.m. served by Mrs. Pearl Watson, Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- nell, Mrs, Will Elliott, Mrs. For- dyce Clark and Mrs. Wm. Huff- man. Following the dinner the pros- ident Mrs. Leonard Archambault welcomed all and opened the meeting with the Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada with Mr's. Robert Phillips at the piano. The minutes were ap- proved as read by the secretary Mrs. Donald IIaines, also the fin- ancial statement. The guest of the afternoon was the district president Mrs. Andrew Straughan of Goderich. She brought greet- ings from Huron West and some of the highlights of the year and installed the officers for 1971. It was announced that the hall board rummage sale would be held May 8 and ladies asked, to assist. Mrs, Donald Cartwright convenor of the annual banquet announced it will be May 5 at 7 p.m. at Dungannon. Anyone wishing to go, contact Mrs. Don- ald Cartwright, Mrs. Thomas La- wlor or Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. The report of the card committee was given by Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell, A demonstration on first aid and techniques of a registered nurse on wrapping an injured arm and proper way to make a bed was demonstrated by Mrs. Kenneth Scott, 11. N. •A solo, Bluebird Island was sung by Mrs. Gordon Chamney accompanied by Mrs, Richard Brooks. An inter- esting paper on Current Events was given by Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Dougall. A piano instrumental was played by Mrs. R. Phillips and a reading, Making Soap, was given by Mrs. William Elliott. Mrs. Thomas Ilaggitt spoke a fete words of regret to Mrs. For- dyce Clark on her departure from this community' to live in Goder- ich and on behalf of the Branch presented her with a gift. Mrs. Clark thanked her fellow mem- bers for the gift, Gifts were presented to Mrs. Albert McFarlane for having the birthday nearest the date, Airs. Sidney Lansing for having the lucky cup and Mrs. Major You- ngblut for the most sleeping guests over the Easter weekend. I{oll call was answered by tel- ling who the President was twli'n you joined the W. I. OFFICERS FOR 1971 are: past president, Mrs, Frank Raithby; president, Mrs. Leonard Archam• Fault; ist vice pres., Mrs, Donald Cartwright; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Thomas Ilaggilt; secretary-treas., Mrs, Donald Haines; assistant secretary-treas., Mrs. Gordon Chamnoy; pianist, Mrs. Robert Phillips; assistant pianist, Mrs. Richard Brooks; District Direct- or, Mrs, Frank Raithby; card co- nvenor, Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell; I3ra nch Directors, Mrs, Robert Phillips, ,Mrs, Pearl Watson, Mrs. Ena Craig; Public Relations Of- ficer, Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock; Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries, Mrs, Gordon Powell, Mrs. Eldon McLennan; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. 'Phomas Lawlor, Mrs, Jessie Naylor; I-Iome Econ- omics and health, Mrs, Thomas Ilaggitt, Mrs. Roy Daer; Ilistor- cal Research and Current Events, Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs, Gordon Chamney; Resolutions, Mrs, Ed Davies, Mrs. 'Torrance Tabb; Curator, Mrs.. Gordon Tay - Tint; BLY'TII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1971 • 1 • • • T • • 2 • • • • • • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. • • • • • • *4+4.4 ••-•• •+—e+ •• •-•-N •••-•-•-+•••-•-H1-••••-•+•-•-•-N+-•-•-•'• s•••••••H•H••-•••+-••**IN*,••••-+N•♦•N**-0 DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION • 4 • 1 $ • • •• • • Z • Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth • PATZ i)ARI-KOOL MILK COOLERS DARI-KOOL BOU MATIC MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT PEi)LAR STABLING SiLO UNLOADER.S BRUNNER, ONT. COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEEDERS • BARN CLEANERS GERRY GASCHO .Phone Milverton 595.8951 BLYTHI DISTRICT — CALL Larry Reddon Atwood 356.2436 ERNIE'S HAIR STYLING AUBURN, ON'r, PHONE 526.7724 Perm, Special for Month of April REGULAR $10.00 l{EGUL.11t $12,50 REGULAR $15.00 1{EGULAR $18.00 SPECIAL $8,50 SPECIAL $10.00 SPECIAL $12,50 SPECIAL $15.00 STOCK FEEDER SALE MENSAL(, SALES ARENA .. Saturday, May st at 1:30 p.m. 800 HEAD Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT TIIE MANAGEMENT Voctor Hargraves, 482-7511 Jack Morrissey; 234.6200 Auctioneers: hector McNeil, Larry Gardiner :-2 Red Clover Is Still The Great Soil Builder We have available Pure Red Clover and Red Clover & Sweet Clover Mixtures (for plow -down purposes) Also a full line of CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS R. N. ALEXANDER .182.7175 LONDESBORO 523.4399 log; Tweedsmuir Book committee, slate was brought in by the corn - Mrs, Robert Phillips, Mrs. Wm, mince, Mrs, Roy Daer, Mrs, Ro- Straughan, Airs, Oliver Anderson, bert Turner and Mrs, Thomas Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, The Lawlor, 114" THE ELYTII STANDARD —, THE CALORIE COUNTING CLUB Many girls have expressed a desire for an excercise group, We will welcome anyone who wishes to join us for excerising but do not desire to lose weight. Hope to see you Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. at Blyth Public School, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Blyth Lions Club for caretaking at the Lions Park this summer. Those interested are asked to con. tact Mac Brooks or Tom Cronin. 36-1 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED 1 need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person, Full or part•time. :Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, 11'ingham, phone 3574383, 35.3 TAKE FUNK'S G -HYBRID DELIVERY NOW 1971 is an important year to be sure of your seed needs, My Funk's G•Ilybrlds are In. Call the for information about hybrids and supply, Harold McCnchey Auburn, Ph. 526.7534 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1971 QUEEN'S PARK REPORT 13Y MURRAY GAUNT, M.P.P. (HURON•BRUCE) Health 'Minister Siert Lawrence said this week in the Legislature BROWNIE'S DRIVEIN THEATRE rl.l n'Tnn .• •-1-b-• •+44-0•♦ 41•04•••••••• Box Office Opens At 8:00 p,tn. First Show .%t 8130 p.m. 1♦� . 4 O � �+� •-• A••-• ♦ ♦ 4. ♦ • Flu„ SAT., SIiN. April 30, May 1.2 -- DOUBLE FEATURE -- "KELLY'S HEROES" (.ADULT FN'TER't'AINMEN'l') Clint Eastwood Don Itickles • Donald Sutherland in Color "THE MOONSHINE WAR" (ADULT ENTER TA 11N\! ENT Patrick McGoohan Richard 1W'fdntark • Alan :Aida Color Cartoon COMING NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY May 7, 8, 9 1)0i tRI,F FEATURE --- "NORWOOD" ANI) "1)AIZJ1ING LILI" 11. 100111.111011,181.4111.11.110.41 THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE SPRING COAT SALE WOOLS, I''ORTREL and ALL WEATHER 20 Per Cent Off Coats Regular ,$25.00 ,$19,95 ea. Rcgular ,$135.00 $27,95 ea, CHILDREN'S WEAR SALE (in the former Arcade Store) Boys' Summer Pajamas Reg, 1.98 1.32 ea. BoisCotton Piay Shorts z.sx .98c ea, Boys' TK Jeans Reg. 3.98 - 4.98 ea. 298 eau Girl's Cotton Jump Suits 2. 6x Reg. $3.98 2.98 ea. Two Only Snowmobile Suits Rubberized Nylon •-- Sizes 16 and 18 Reg. 28.00 value 1798 ea. NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth that in the first six months of tires may cause an II per cent Dr, Igen McEwan, Chairman of the Provincial Parcost prescrip• increase in motor vechicle ace!. the Milli Commission, said the tion programme, the average cost dents. problem is in getting adequate of prescriptions at participating Highways Minister Charles Mac• supplies of milk to cheese proces• pharmacies has dropped about 8 Naughton indicated in the Legis, ;urs. Under the quota system, per cent. lattice that no new information the Commission cannot increase Apparently, abont 70 per cent had come to the attention of the the amount of industrial milk to of the Province's pharmacies are Government which would change the cheese inclustr�. using the programme. its mind with respect to the ban It was pointed out that unless The tire stud industry made a on studded tires, due to come in• the situation is corrected, Ontario last minute plea to the Govern- to effect after the 30th April, i.; in danger of losing the U.K, ex• meut to reconsider its ban on He described as absurd recent port cheese market. studded tires. The 'sndush'y said claims by manufacturers that pro. Health Minister Bert Lawrenee Ontario's ban on studded snow hibition of studs would cause an said i1► the Legislature that the 11 per cent increase in traffic Government has agreed to con• accidents, lime paying 00 percent of the On the other hand, the Minister i)utario Medical Association's fee said studs may have contributed sehedute, when it is increased by to accidents by reducing a car's an average of .1,5 percent on the manoeuvrability. 1st of May, in return, the Gov. The Natural and Physical Re• eminent is pushing the doctors to ,sources Committee members of accept 90 percent as full payment, the Legislature told the Provin• thus avoiding extra billing to pa. re's Milk Commission that Ont• bents. ario's cheese industry faces an The 'Throne Debate concluded emergency because of shortages this week, opening the way for the of milk, particularly in Eastern presentation of the budget on the ;)ntat'io. 20th Of April, WALTON Walton Unit of the U, C. W. I'he 1Valton Unit of the UCW held its annual bazaar in Duff's United Church on Wednesday ev• ening, April 14, with a good at. tendance. The guests were ush• ered by Karen Coutts and Carol Wilbee while music was played by Mrs. Emmerson Mitchell on the violin and Mrs. herb Traviss at the piano. Mrs. E, Mitchell, pr•esidenl. of Walton Unit, opened devotions with a poem "A Blessed Thought", Ilymn 112 was sung. Mrs. Mit. chcll gave warm welcome to all and invited them later to bazaar and lunch in basement. Mrs. C. liackwell read scripture from 1 Corinthians followed by Easter meditation, Mr's. E, Mitchell and Mrs, II, Traviss sang a duet fol• lowed with prayer by Mrs, Win. Coutts, Carol Wilbce and Karen Coups received the offering, ded• leafed by Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs, Nelson Reid introduced guest speaker, Airs, Pat Bennett, from Seaforth who spoke of her trip to Nassau, she took everyone on an intaginery tour emphasiz• ing interesting points by passing mound sets of pictures. Mrs. Gerald Watson thanked Mrs, Bennett and presented her with an Easter lily. The closing hymn 118 was sung. The bazaar followed in the base• meat which was decorated with spring flowers by tics. Ray Hue. (her, Mrs, Itowru'd llackwell and Airs, Ron Bennett. Mrs. Mitchell declared the bazaar open with committees in charge: fancy work, ,Mrs, P. McDonald, Mrs. E. Stevens, Miss P. Thamer; aprons, AIrs, W. C, Rockwell, Mrs. J, AicEwing; touch and take, Mks, Wm 'Timmer, Mrs. J. Miller. miscellaneous, Mrs, N. Reid, Mrs. Aln, Blake, Mrs, 1Vm, Sholdree; candy, Mrs, J, Clark, Mrs, R. Achilles; quilts, Mrs, Wnt, Coutts, Mrs, R. Traviss; bake table no. 1, Air's. 11, Traviss, 'Mrs, R. Lien. net, Mrs. (L Murray, Mrs, M. Sholdice, Airs, E, 'Mitchell, Airs, Gerald Watson; bake table no, 2, Mrs, 11'. Bewley, Mrs. 1, Wilber!. Mrs. Wm llumphries, Mrs. Jac): Gordon, Mrs. Nelson .'larks, Lunch was served, prepared by the supper committee, Mrs. A. Searle, Mrs, FI, I•fackwel1, Mrs, A, Gulutzen, Airs, F. Dunk, Dessert Euchre The Walton Women's Institute sponsored a Dessert Euchre in the Community Hall, Wednesday, April 21 with 82 people present, After the tasty desserts were en• joyed with a cup of tea, 19 tables of euchre were In play. Winners were: high lady, Mrs. George 1Vilson, Blyth; low lady, Mrs. Mary Goodall, Shelbourne; high man, Mervin Smith; Iow man, Jack Gordon, Mrs. herb Traviss had the most lone hands, Tite door prize Was won by Jack Mc• Ewing. ovals Mr, and Mr's. Victor Uhler and family of White River, spent the weekend at the home of Ernest Uhler and Fred. Mr, and Mrs, Stan Pi'eszcalor and family, of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ilarold A1.cCa1lum, Mr, and ,Airs, Al, Kelly of No• bleton, were recent vi icor: with Mr. and Airs, Doug Ennis, Walt- on, and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ritchie of Egmondville, ONTARIO It doesn't 1971 4oost ou BUDGET �y. tofind6u where it goes. Write for your free copy of THE 1971 ONTARIO BUDGET and get all the facts on your province's finances. r The Hon.W. Darcy McKeough, Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics Frost Bldg., Queens Park, Toronto 182, Ontario. Please forward The 1971 Ontario Budget the cow text with supporting papers. NAM! ADDRFQ9 CITY on 5 year term Gupra teed Investillent Certificates, Ask about our "CASHABLE AT AidY TIME" Guaranteed Savings Cet1iflcates, For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto 1 ,; FLULRALL1' CHARMED COMPANY '•.'.�.tr:ct, cANAOA DrPOsir INSURANCE CORPORATION r_,Y 1.-/IlN.4JYYWIM-.WI.WY-V1btWY-W.Y1.YWH CERTIFICATES AVAL.AIII.E THROUGH: ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY A Queen Street, Blyth, Ont, Tel. 523.4481