HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-01-20, Page 1THE BLYTH STA DARD Volume 81 No, 22 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 1885" BLY'TII, ON'T'ARIO -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1971 Area Girls Attended "Focus On Fitness" Snowmobile Club Harmony Unit Introduced To Study Book Day In Clinton Last Saturday 4.11 club members attended the Achievement Day tot -Focus on Fitness in Clinton last Saturday. Catherine hunt, home economist, assisted by Mrs. James Axtmann of Walton conducted the program. During the morning the girls identified traffic signs, Safety place mat quiz, a •1•II quiz and judged first aid kits and gave reasons. The afternoon session began with a skit by Dungannon 2, First Aid in the home with all members taking part. Brussels club gave a demonstration, First Aid in the home with Nancy Adams and Karen Hemingway doing the dem- onstrations. Auburn 1 club gave a skit, Posture plays its part with Joanne Hickey and Sherry Plaet• zer taking the leading roles and all other members taking part., Auburn 2 had an interesting ex. hibit•Six books we have read with Linda Jefferson as commentator, Using your leisure time was an interesting skit by all members of Goderich club. Janet GInn corn - muted on llolmesville l's exhibit, Handcrafts are fun, Ilolmesville 3 gave a skit on Posture plays its part and llolmesville 2 had an ex- hibit, hazards in your cupboard. Sandra Wise commented on the exhibit. Londesboro 1 presented, Safety on the highway and brought out many points on safe driving. Londesboro 2 had an ex- hibit -Safety in the Home with Jo. anne Snell as commentator. A craft .for Leisure time was the 'kit put on by Tiger Dunlop 1. Katherine Taylor commented on the exhibit. of Tiger Dunlop 2, Hazards In your cupboard. Hand• crafts are fun, Clinton 2's exhibit was commented on by Louise Lovett, The highlight of the day's pro- gram was the presentation of provincial honors pins and certi- ficates to Helen Good and Sandra Wise, County Honors were pre• rented to Arva Ball, Doreen Mc. Clinchey, Sherry Plaetzer, Wanda Plaetzer, Rhea Hamilton, Katha• Teen McCreath, Nancy Porter, Janice Sowerby, Lynda Anderson, Judy llowatt, Janet Bodges, Vaughn Bunking, Shirley Watkins, Norine Brindley, Marjorie Taylor, Louise Lovett and Karen Tyndall. Leaders and assistant leaders were presented with badges at the morning session. They were Mrs, Donna Hayden and Miss Lexie McWhinney, Dungannon 2; Mrs. C. Bishop and Mrs. C. Homing. way, Brussels; Mrs, W. Bradnock and Mrs, F. Raithby, Auburn 1, Mrs, Thomas Ilaggitt and Mrs, Donald Raines, Auburn 2; Mrs. Alice Porter and Mrs, Stan Mc• 'twain, Goderich; Mrs. Eldon Yeo of llolmesville 1, Mrs. John West- brook, Mrs. Edward Wise, Holme• sville 2, Mrs, Eileen Bodges, Mrs, Effie Yeo, Holmesville 3; Mrs, Mattie Snell, Mrs. Hazel Watkins, Londesboro 1, Mrs. Alice Buchan- an, Mrs, Josephine McGregor of Londesboro 2; Mrs. K. II. IIoernig and Miss Helen Brindley, Tiger Dunlop 1, Miss Kathy Taylor, Miss Karen Taylor of Tiger Dunlop 2. Belgrave Hockey Notes Tykes Exhibition game in Belgrave on Thursday night, Belgrave 5 Wing - ham 5. Tri county in Belgrave on Saturday morning, Belgrave 5, Corrie 0, Squirts In Belgrave Saturday morning, Belgrave 9 Corrie 3. Pee Wees '!'he team caste up with a fine effort before a, good crowd last Friday evening, defeating Kurtz- ville 25.0, They have played 8 games, 6 against WOAA teams, and two tri -county games, scor• ing 82 goals and having only 9 scored against: then, with four shutouts. The next home game is Friday, January 22 at 7:30 p.m. against Carrie, The team would like to thank the Belgrave Coop for their new sweaters which they wore for the first time Friday night. Bantams On Wednesday night, January 13, the bantams went undefeated as they won over Bclmore 5 to 2. Friday night, January 15, there was a good crowd to see the team sporting their new green and white sweaters which had been donated by the Belgrave Coop and pur• Free Film To Be Shown Here Blyth District Conservation Club in cooperation with Labatt Brew- eries, will present a two hour film in the Memorial Hall on Fri- day, January 29th at 8 p.m. The Mtn will be entitled "Pollution" and will show the problems that exist in our society today. Ad- mission is free and everyone is not only welcome but urged to attend, The 'feature film will be follow• ed with a half hour film on outdoor life. chased through Ross Robinson's General Store in Auburn. Bel - grave led the game 2 to 1 until the eight mhnrte mark of the third period when Kurtzville tied it up and went on to win 4 to 2, Midgets Belgrave 6 Kurtzville 3 in Bel. grave Monday. Belgrave 5 Gordo. 4 in 13elgrave Wednesday. Bel. more 8 Belgrave 3 In Belgrave Saturday night. Juveniles The team will sport their new green and white sweaters this Tuesday night playing in Wing - ham against Gorrie, The swcol• ers were donated by Dick Jamie• sun of the Wingham Motel, Wingham Reeve Elected Huron County Warden Jack Alexander, reeve of Wing - ham, was elected warden of Hur• on. County Tuesday by the county council in a narrow vote of 21 to 20, It is the first time in 40 years that a Iluron County warden has come from Wingham. Mr, Alex ander defeated Elmer Il:ayter, reeve of Stanley Township and Reeve Hugh Flynn of Hullett Township, The result of the first ballot was IIayter 16, Alexander 14, Flynn 10. On the second ballot, Mr. Al- exander and Mr. Baylor tied with 20 votes each, In the event of a tie, the rep- resentative of the municipality in Huron County with the highest assessment casts tate deciding ballot, Goderich Reeve Paul Car- roll voted for Mr. Alexander, giv- ing his the one•vote win. Mr, Alexander operates a hard. ware and gift store in Wingham.' Plans Activities On The Americas A good turnout was on hand at a meeting of the Blyth Snow Trav- ellers last Sunday afternoon when eight new members were receiv- ed into the club. The conservation club house was rented for the remainder of the season, and it is planned to have a member of the Provincial Police on hand at the next meeting to discuss safety and rules and regulations. A steak feed has been planned for this Saturday night and any- one nyone planning to attend is asked to inform the president or secre• Lary by this Thursday night. A family cook -out has ben ar• ranged for Sunday, January 31 and each member is to bring the food their fancily will require. The club is also enquiring into the possibility of acquiring suit• able crests for the members to wear. No. 2 Pee Wees In Action The harmony Unit of the Myth U.C.W. met in the church base- ment on January 12. Mrs. B. Walsh was in charge of the devo- tions. The hymn "Standing at the Portal" was sung. Mrs. Walsh read the meditation on the New Beginning with Mrs. Charles John• Ston reading the scripture. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in Unison. Mrs. Cecil Wittich introduced the Study Book which is called "The Americas". North America is the 3rd largest continent in the world with South America fourth. Questionaire on the study book was taken by Mrs. Wittich, Mrs, Walden, Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. Smith. Mrs, Campbell took charge of the business. A poem was read by Mrs. Campbell. The roll call and payment of fees was taken. The correspondence and treasurer report was given. Convenors of different committees gave their reports. Officers for the coming year are: assistant leaders, Mrs. Chas, Smith, Mrs. Cecil Wittich; secretary, Mr's. W. Buttell; treas. Lions Club Meets The No, 2 pee wee hockey team has been in action lately, Last Thursday night they were defeat- The Blyth. Lions Club held their ed by the Clinton house league regular meeting in the Memorial team 10 to 1, Ilan last Thursday evening when In a tournament at Brussels on the ladies of the Caltholic Wo - Saturday , the fellows won in a. men's League catered for the game against Brussels 6 to 0. Tlie 'neat. Entertainment was supplied by Susan Street and Florence Hes- sels %vito sang a duet while being accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. 'McDougall. David Street also rendered a solo, and both he and Susan entertained with piano so- los, Lion 1 [arold Cook received a five-year perfect. attendance pin and also a membership advance• ment pin for bringing in five new members to the club. IL was decided to purchase sweaters for the bantam hockey team with suitable crests on thein It was voted to visit with the Goderich club on the next reg- ular meeting night and $50.00 was sent to the Pakistan relief fund through "Care." goals were scored by Larry IIow- alt 2, Bill Duttman, Gary Man- ning, Clifford Bailey and D, Mc- Clinchey, one each. 'Terry Rit- chie and Bill Chamney played in the nets for Blyth. Midgets Start Playoffs The Blyth midgets will start the playoffs in Blyth on Friday night when Ripley will journey here for an" 8:30 game. The fellows are hoping for a good cheering sec- tion out at the game OBITUARY Mrs. John N. Young Caroline Victoria Young passed ,.way suddenly at her home on King Street, Blyth, on Thursday, January 14, 1971 in her 71st year. Born in Blyth, September 2911x, 1900, she was the only daughter of the late Win. J, Dempsey and Mary U. Sanderson, She married John N. Young, September 1926 at the home of her uncle, the late John Sanderson, of Mullett Township, She and her husband farmed in Mullett. Township until 1954 when they moved to their presenthone on King Street, Blyth. She leaves to mourn her passing her husband, one daughter, IIelen, Mrs. Loyd Walker, R.R. 4, Wing - hats • and one son, Roy, R,R. 1, Blyth and 8 grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sun- day, January 17th, from the Tas- ker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, with temporary entombment in Blyth Cemetery Chapel. Rev. C. L. Wit - lick officiated. Pallbearers were George Ilow- ant, Seaforth, John Sanderson, Albert Skelton, Wm, Brown, Wm. Cockerline and Sid McCullough of Blyth, Personals Mr. and Mrs, Tam Webster and family of Bracebridge visited on the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Keith Webster. Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Lush of Meaford spent a few days recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs, WIlliam Carter. Mr, and Mrs, Robert McDougall Larry and Marlene, of Goderich visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. \Villiam Carter. BIRTHS urcr, Mrs, Chas, Johnston; card convenor, Mrs, George Hamm; prograin, Mrs. lloward Campbell, Mrs. Walden; catering, Mrs. Hig- gins, Mrs. Wright; pianist, Mrs, I)el Philp; assistant pianist, Mrs. J. Little; birthday box, Mrs. W. Cockerline. It was decided to again have the Sunshine Bags, also the Cal. endar project to be in March. Mrs. Campbell closed the meeting with a prayer. Mrs, Higgins and Mrs. Johnston served lunch as• sisted by Mrs. B. Walsh. Dog Problem Still Exists Police Chief Jim Warwick has asked us to inform local resi- dents that there is still a local dog problem on garbage morn. Ings. All in all Jim says most dog owners are keeping their pets tied on Thursday mornings, but apparently a few are spoiling it far the majority -- which is so often the case in any situation. Ile wants us to remind dog own- rls that if the situation persists, a local by-law will be passed mak• lug it illegal for any dog to run at large within the village limits for the entire twelve months of the year. It looks like' some -of our resi- dents had better get their think- ing caps on and do something about their dogs. 32 At Euchre Party There were eight tables in play at the euchre party held in the Memorial Hall Monday evening. High lady, Mrs, Joe Hoggart; lone hands, Mrs, Gordon Nichol- son; low lady, Mrs. Joe Holmes. High man, Nelson Nicholson; lone hands, Charlie Souch; low man, Ilarold Cook, The game will be continued next Monday night, January 25, Everybody welcome, Engagements Mr. and Mrs. William Gooier, Emo, wish to announce the en- gagement and forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Linda Patricia, to George Stanley Arm- strong, son of Mr, and Mrs, Hol - gar Armstrong, Sieeman, The wedding to take place at St. James Anglican Church. Rainy River, at 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb- ruary 6th, 1971, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Hanna are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Ramona Eileen, to Richard Lloyd, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Humphrey of Lucknow, Ontario, The wedding will take place ,jn PANNA.BECKER-In the Galt Donnybrook United Church on General hospital on Wednesday, Saturday, January 29th, 1971. January 13th, 1971 to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pannabecker of Pres. ion, Ont., a son, Terry Donald, a grandson for Mrs, Margaret Pannabecker of St. Ilelens, and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gowing, Blyth. BOWLING NEWS 1•ligh scores rolled by Clinton - Blyth Ladies' League on January 121h, SIngles: Polly Gardiner 289, Sherry Westerhout 273, Edna At. kinson 268, Mary Davey 266, JEFFERSON -In Clinton Public 'Triples; Polly Gardiner 740, Hospital on January 16, 1971 to Mort Elliott 693, Ada Schellenber• Mr, and Mrs, Donald Jefferson, ger 646, Mary Davey 638. the gift of a son, high average: Mary Davey 217, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 1971 St. 1G AR a n d i tl TT• i C., A By Bill HE'S NOT TELLING WHAT REALLY ILIPPENED Ray Argyle, the chap who syndicates this column, has written for about the fourth time asking for a new picture of yours truly to head up the column, For various reasons, none of them worth the powder, I haven't got around to having my "portrait" taken. But I don't blame him. The old one does not do me justice. There's scarcely a hint of the bags under my eyes. There's little sug- gestion that I'm gray as an old billygoat. The deep lines of suffering nearly twenty-five years of domestic warfare just are not there. However, 1 have a good reason for not having a picture taken for a couple of weeks, at least. I have a black eye. That is, it was black. Then blue. Then purple. It's now a sort of mauve, shading into yellow. I haven't had such a dandy since 1944, when some german guards gave me a going-over for being imprudent. That time it was both eyes. In fact, the first time I got a look in a mirror after the beating, I could have been mistaken for a fairly scruffy rainbow. There's nothing quite so embarrassing as a black eye. It arouses the worst — in other people. Loud and clear, "What happened to you, Smiley? Wife beat you up again? And so on. Those inane re. marks. To people who ask that, I reply tersely, "Yes" They don't know where to go from there. But to those who seem genuinely concerned, I try to find some more exotic reason, something to make them think I'm a devil of a fellow. This one happened during the holidays, To the first few who came sniffing around, looking for scandal, I tried this gambit: "Do you realize that the cork from a champagne bottle can penetrate the plaster of a ceiling? Next time you °pen one, be sure the cork is pointing at someone else's eye," That shook them a bit, and they went away shaking their beads in admiration. Or something. To the next few curious, I remarked offhandedly that I'd had a fight with a cop on New Year's Eve, that he was still in hospital, and that I bad to face charges as soon as he was released. They didn't really believe me, after a scathing look at my 142 pounds of pure suet, but they weren't sure. "He was just a little cop", I added. "I kicked him right in the gall bladder," When this palled on me, I swore I'd had a brawl with the paper boy when he said I owed him for two weeks and I said one. "He's a big paper boy." For the ladies, I use a different technique, I tell them that this lady took a violent crush on me at a party, that 1 was holding her gently, patting her back and trying to quench her unrequited pas- sion, when her vicious, jealous husband hit me right in the eye, right over her shoulder, with my hands tied up. They raise an eyebrow, sometimes two, but I can hear them muttering together and sneaking glances M me from the other end of the room. To others, I relate that I was arm -wrestling with my daughter, and when she found I was winning, she punched me in the left eye with her left fist. Which she would. 1 have lots of others. Hit my eye on the rear-view mirror when I collided with a snowmobile and everyone else suffered terrible lacerations. Struck my eye on the end of the handle of the snow - shovel when I had my first coronary, Bumped head-on into the cat when we were both crawling around under the bed, looking for her. But I will never, never resort to that oldie about running into a door. I've run into plenty of doors, and other objects, in my life. 13ut it's a pretty cheap way of accounting for a black eye, I swear my wife didn't do it. She was so ill through the holidays she couldn't have given a goldfish a black eye. What's your version? Drop a line, Sl'!li 1,N1'it"nllllll111i1 1I1111i1111ii 1111x11111., ;REM t1I 1P11111011115911111410.111111171 THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5M0 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration nutnber 1319" 111111iiiIiiiilil111l111111Ptllllll!IIIIiI111111ViV1Jl111Ug11111i11U11111i111111I11111111111V 11lliliiii!iffi�lli!�'!ii141IIi111i1!'1111,11' I l� n"t'"' °�� 0 I I I 1L1V�u�1l.���.ui�uV�.,1�luL�I1���U WALTON EVENTS 8th and 16th Unit The January meeting of the 8th and 10th Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon, January 13th, Mrs. Ken McDonald opened the meeting with the call to worship. A nev' hymn "Women of God A; rise" was sung and Mrs, Ken Mc- Donald read scripture from Psalm 46, followed by a poem, "Praise Him." The topic, "Why U.C.W.," taken from the clip sheet, was given by Mrs, Alvin McDonald, who also led in prayer. Another of the new hymns was sung. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. The roll call was answered by eleven members and there were four vis- itors present. Mrs. Ken McDon- ald closed the devotions with pray. er. Mrs. Don McDonald was in charge of the business portion. Announcement were made for the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Mitchell United Church Febru• ary 17th. The annual congrega- tional meeting and pot luck sup• per will be on January 25th at 7 p.m. The Laity service is set for the 2nd Sunday in February followed by a pass•around lunch, The 8th and 161h Unit wil tidy up after. Our Unit is to clean kitchen cup- boards, dishes, etc,, Wednesday afternoon, January 20th, at the church. it was decided to invite the McKillop Unit to our bake sale March 17th in the evening at the home of Mrs. Ken McDonald. The regular collection was received. Come prepared for copper collec- tion next month. Grace was sung and lunch was served by Mrs. Rae Houston, Mrs, Jan Van Vliet, Jr.. and the hostess, 17th and Boundary Unit Mrs. Cliff Ritchie was hostess for the 17th and Boundary Unit meeting last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Ross Bennett was in charge of the devotions, opening with reading the scripture lesson from Mark 10 and Genesis 1. Mrs, Martin I3aan gave the topic on Creating. The collection was re• eeived and dedicated by the lead- er. Ilymn 471 was sung with NIrs, HIarold Smalldon at the pi• ano. illlnnles of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs, .1, Bos, followed by the roll call with 13 ladies present. Re• ports were given and announce- ments made, The February meet- ing will he held at the home of ,Mrs. M. Baan with Mrs, Harvey Craig and Mrs, J. Bos in charge. There was a quilt clone at this meeting, Lunch was served by Mrs, Bennett, Mrs. Baan and the hostess. Congregation Meeting The congregation of Duff's Unit- ed Church is urged to attend the annual meeting on Monday even- ing, January 255th, beginning with a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. institute Meeting Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Murray Smith will convene the In- stitute meeting on Wednesday ev- ening, January 27th in the Walton Community Hall. Each member is to bring a dish for the first course and lunch convenors will suppply the dessert for the pot luck supper at 7 p.m. A social evening will follow. SOMETHING TO SELL? LET A STANDARD CLASSIFIED AD. DO THE JOB FOR YOU. 1►111I111111111111111111i1J11inii11!II1i111lgillili 11111111111NIIi111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i!1111L'11111!1111111111111111111111Ii111 gP�it"�; I "('ir'.`{! !' "f I t (n� 1+�1't tfP t Ir,' I:'�! ,1 !Tili 11: �'.TII ;d��i�;�,;� 1l(l iiiii1 11i110111i1�J,1i!!11�1 �� I111iu1"V; SiTiiiC �; i;;�l 7 i;16'11ri�3i 5 11111 l!11111i11;'!11'1Jd1i`('� FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY WHAT HAPPENED? What happened to thb seed of the Gospel that was planted in your heart? Is it bringing forth a harvest, or has it disappeared? Jesus himself has explained in detail the parable of the Sower (Matt. 13: 1.9; 18.23): an explanation of what happens when the Gospel is preached. The seed is, of course, the Gospel of God's redeeming work in Christ and the different kinds of ground are the hearts and minds of men to whom the Gospel is preached. The hard ground: some who hear the Gospel are willfully indifferent to the good news, Satan snatches away the seed, leaving the hard• ened, barren heart as it was before, The rocky soil: This is the heart of the person who weighs the bene• fits of God's mercy against the temporary discomfort of the demands of the Christian life and, after weighing such a person turns back to the world. In such a person the seed is lost and something else takes its place. Thorns: Here we are on truly dangerous ground. The normal pres- sures of everyday life can choke the seed of the Gospel. Economic success, the pleasant sense of material sufficiency can destroy the Gospel's effect, When the affairs of this world loom above those of God's Kingdom, man stands on the brink of disaster. Ile who says in his soul "eat, drink, be merry" will one day hear God say, "Fool!" The good soil: When the seed of the Gospel falls on good ground, e tremendous change takes place. A man hears the Word, and the Holy Spirit enables him to understand it. What once seemed foolish to him becomes the most wonderful thing 'in the world. Then the harvest is seen in a transformed life and in witness to others, so that a person's salvation is multiplied in the lives of others who also hear and believe. Search your own heart and life to see what has priority! The soar' of the Gospel has been sown in your heart; what has happened to it? KROEZE [r'pn lliziF1i!r''tmg. 1?9m! (,( i,!s'!T ilti>I !Imi1Cl"immg'1"llii,711nfiffn71171;[";7.1111"' 11TIURTTI :Among Lrr QL1urrIps CHURCH 0F' GOD 31cConnel Street, Illyth Rev, F. Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m. •-- Worship Service, Wednesday 2 4 p.m. — Children's hour. Wednesday 8 • 9 p.m. -- Prayer and Study Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TIIE REV. J. KEITIi STOKES, B.A., S.T.B. Box 47, Blyth, Ontario Phone 523.9334 SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th —• EPHIPIIANY III Blyth 10 a,m, — Morning Prayer. Brussels 11:30 a,m. — Morning Prayer. Belgrave 1:15 pan, — Evening Prayer, Auburn 4 p.m. --• Holy Communion. TIIE UNITEi) CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. CECIL 1., WITTICH, B.A., &D, Mrb, Donald Kai. Director of Music. Sunday School — 9:40 a,m, Worship Service — 11:00 a,m. Everyone Welcome. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. R. W. KROEZE, MINLSTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service — Cadet Sunday, 11:15 a,m, — Sundayschool, 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service Heidelber'y Catechism, Lord's Day 8 WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR PASTOR, REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m. Inter•Denominational — All are 'Welcome, The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK iVlinister -- Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9,45 a.m. Auburn 11.15 a.m, "Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits you. ST. MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATIIOLIC CHURCH -- BLYTH Priest -- Rev, James E. Kelly Mass At Blyth 10:15 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE ON LIMITED NUMBER OF APOLLO GRAND PRIX SNOWMOBILES 340cc RACING MODELS 27 h.p. single cylinder Sachs 18" track At Factory Outlet Prices Of $650.00 (1 season warranty on machine parts) ON DISPLAY NOW AT HARM THALEN'S R.R. 2, Blyth 523.9418 BOB SCOTT'S R.R. 2, Blyth 523-9470 SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS AVAILABLE Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-1121 We Deliver Superior's Big 88c Food Sale Clover Leaf Pink Salmon, 15 1(2 oz. tin 88e Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, 6 -14 oz. tins 88c Del Monte Fancy Peas, 5 - 14 oz, tins 88c Ellmarr Pure Table Margarine 3 r 1 11). prints 88c MVlinette's Best Quality Tomatoes, 3 - 28 oz, 88c Catelli Ready Cut Macaroni, 2 - 2 Ib. bags 88c Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 4 - 11 oz. bottles 88c St. William's Assorted Jams 4 - 9 oz. jars 88c Bright's Choice Peaches, 2 - 14 oz. tins 53c Salada Prior Park Tea Bags 100 for 69c Jelly Powders, 4 - 3 oz. pkgs. 39c Bruce Packer's Weiners 2 lbs. 89c Swan Liquid Detergent, 2 - 24 oz. bottles 88c Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's, 3 lge. pkgs. 88c White Swan Toilet Tissue, assorted colors one 2 roll package 25c All for Automatic Washers, 25c off label 4 lb. 11 oz. pkg. 1.74 Amaze Stain Remover, 20c off large pkg. 79c In The Vegetable Counter Large Head Lettuce 33c Sunkist Oranges, size 138's doz. 79c Mac and Spy Apples. Belgrave Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, Douglas Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ilanna held a surprise birthday party for their sister, Mrs. William Gager, at her home in Listowel on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bieman, Messrs, Robert Coultes, Don Wal- ker and George Johnston, mel the bus at Guelph to attend the Coup annual meeting at Ottawa from Monday to Wednesday. This community extends symp- athy to Mrs. Robert Procter in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Frank Speakman, of Toronto. Mrs. Murray McDowell, Cooks- town, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. Gordon Walsh, and visited with her mother, who is a patient in Wingham and Dist- rict Ilospital. Mr. and Mrs, James Wightrnan of Listowel, visited Sunday after- noon with AIrs. Marshall Stone- house, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pickett of Vancouver, B.C., are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ilerb Wheeler. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Procter, Marjory, Maxine and Frank, Miss Dorothy Kelly, Blyth, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Larry M ayberry. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Logan of AIoosejaw, Saskatchewan, are vis- iting with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Lo- gan and other relatives in the community. Clayton is. retiring as an engineer this March from the CPR, Miss Mona Purdon, Kitchener, and Miss Anna Marie Rice, of Mount Forest, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Purd- on. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson and Doug Hanna visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Randy White, Baden. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hanna .and Gail Mayberry visited on Sun- day umday with Mr, and Mrs. David Hanna and family of Kitchener. Mr. Bruce IIanna spent Tuesday at the home of his mother, lits. Lorne Jamieson. • A community shower for Airs, Larry Mayberry (nee Sandra Procter) was held in the Belgrave United Church basement on Sat- urday night, Contests were en- joyed by all. !qrs. Clare Van Camp read the address and many useful gifts were presented to the bride, who was assisted by her mother, Mrs, Robert Procter and Hiss Gail Mayberry, Both San- dra and her mother made fitting replies, L.O.L. Euchre The L,O.L, held a euchre party in the Belgrave Community rooms on Friday evening with six tables in play. High lady, 117rs, Jack McBurney; novelty lady, Mrs. Ger- sham Johnston; low lady, Mrs, Edgar Wightman; high man, 1ler• man Nethery; novelty man, Elm- er Bruce; low man, Edgar Wight - man, Weekly Euchre Seven tables were played at the Belgrave weekly euchre last Wed- nesday evening. High lady, Mrs, Charles Sewers; novelty lady, Mrs, Jesse Wheeler; low lady, Mrs. George Walker; high man, Abner Nethery; novelty man, George Mitchell; low man, George Grigg. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock, We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service. 24 • Hour Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No, 237,C•70 nR•tf THE f3LY'1'H STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 1911 • I3I1,L'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service MYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9556 PLANNING A BUILDING. OR RENOVATIONS? Call Into Our Yard And See Our "COLPO" Way Of SAVING YOU MONEY A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. BI.YTII, ONTARIO PHONE 5234251 Ciageixocat) OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY CARS - the price is right! A HAMM DEAL SAVES YOU MONEY 1970 FORD Custom 500, 2 dr. hardtop 1969..PONTIAC Strato Chief, v8, ps pb 1969 DODGE Monaco 4dr, hardtop, v8, auto- matic, ps and pb 1,969 METEOR 4 door, v8 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 dr., v8 1968 BEAUMONT 4 dr., 6 cyl. 1968 DODGE Polara 500, 4 dr., v8, automatic, 1968 CTJEV. 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 1968.CADILLAC, 4 dr., hardtop 1968 FORD Custom, 4 dr., v8, automatic 1967 CHEV. Half Ton, heavy duty 1967 FORT) v8, automatic, 4 door 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, ps 1967 CHEV. Station Wagon, v8, automatic 1967.FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8 1965 VALIANT 2 dr., hardtop, v8, automatic 1964.DODGE v8, automatic 4 USED TRUCKS all with hoist, range from 3 to 4 ton, consisting of 1947 Ford, 1958 GMC, 1954 Ford, 1963 GMC (all to be sold as is) SEE THESE AND OTHERS anvil's CAR SALES Ltd, Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 ♦44444+-44++4444••-.+444444.4444•44+444-.44 44 4-4 444. • co.. k • 4 e TME BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 1971 IN MEMORIAM 11cI)OWELL -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Alva McDowell who passed away January 26, 1970. Your end was sad and sudden, No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it God knows the reason why, It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. —Lovingly remembered by his wife, Della, daughter, Ferne sons, Murray and Lloyd and families. 22•1p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent flowers, cards and treats to the baby and I while we were in Clinton Public Hospital. 22.1 Josephine Cook WEDDING JOHNSON — NOBLE :1 quiet pretty wedding was sol. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the East Wawanosh Township Federation of Agriculture Unit will be held in the Bclgrave Arena Board Rooms, Friiay, January 22, 1971, commencing at 1:30 p,m. All farmers are urgently request- ed to attend this meeting. Peter Chandler, President Simon Uallahan, Secretary-treas. emnized recently by Rev, Charles viel, She carried a bouquet of blue 1). Cox al his home on Josephine mums. Sheen, 11'ingham; when he united Mrs. Nancy Ann McKelvin of in marriage Ruth Marie Noble, Wingham was matron of honor, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs, E, C, Iler gown was of lace over blue Nobe of Blyth, Ontario. and John taffeta and her flowers were a Wayne Johnson son of Alr% and bouquet Of pink nnums. ill I's. John G. Johnson of 'Puma t• The groomsman was Mr. Robt. cr, Unlario. Traditional wedding Charles Lee of Goderich, music was played by Mrs. Cos. 'l'he wedding luncheon was serv- ed a t Lee's Restaurant, Wingham, The bride, given in marriggc by After a short wedding trip, Mr, her father, wore a gown of lace and Mrs. Johnson will reside on over taffeta with a shoulder -length West Street, Goderich, Ontario, Its awhole new year! V 1.' The car are starting to roto. The production lines are back In business producing the finest new Chevrolets and Oldsmoblles ever, All groat reasons why you should see your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile dealer today. at your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile dealer'sl And here are 12 great reasons whyI 3.Chevy Vega. The new little car that does everything well. Rides welt, handles well, sits well, wears well, Hatchback Coupe, Sedan, Kammback Wagon, and a Panel Express truck. All great) GO 2. Chevrolet Caprice. Looks like a six or seven thousand dollar luxury car, yet priced like a Chevrolet. Power front disc brakes, power ventilation system, and 400 -cu. -In. V8, standard. v 5. Order now. Get earliest possible delivery. Now that the new Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles are starting to roll, get your new car rolling) Your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile dealer is taking orders today. The sooner you order your new car, the sooner you get delivery. 4,ChevvN Larger, more responsive six cylinder engine, standard. Nova also seats six, comfortably. Nova — the not - too -big, not -too -small car from Chevrolet. 6. Top dollar for your present car! Right now your Chevrolet -Oldsmobile dealer Is offering you big money for your used car. Because he hasn't had too many new cars to sell, he's short on used cars. He wants and needs your used car now, And that means big savings to you, Monte Carlo. The unpretentious luxury car at a Chevrolet price. 118 -Inch wheel- base, A very personal size, With seats like fine furniture. And the kind of ride that only a test drive . can show you. aro. Extra -long doors for ease of entry and exit. New high -back bucket seats. Standard 307 -cu. -In. V8. Standard front discs brakes, too. Camaro — the Super Hugger. 10. Olds Delta88. With Oldsmobile's exclusive new G -Ride system that virtually eliminates vlbrations, bottoming and Jolts. Big Rocket V8, power steering and power front disc brakes are all standard, Chevelle. Canada's very popular midsize car, With new single -unit Power -Beam headlights, crisp, clean restyled bumper and grille design. Chevelle ---youthful, Economical, il.Olds Cutlass S. Bold fastback design. Bold new colors. Louvered hood, An agile 112 -inch wheelbase, and still one of the easiest ways to step up to an Oldsmobile, Your Chevrolet.. Oldsmobile Dealer Seehimt Like we said: The cars are rolling In. You get top trade-in value. And earllest possible delivery when yoU order early. The new Chevrolets and Oldsmoblles are the best value yet. It all adds up to ... 12. AGreat Deal! 1k s a bt of catching up to do. Some of the equipment illustrated is optional at oxtra cost. / Business Directs ry Cronin'!, '1 ('l(Vi;:it,ii SALES a. SENVICI. ItLYTII - Phone 523.9273 .-rrr r I 1.. 1.11 \ i i S' I' r11+' F ---• OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street CLINTON t1„NDAYS 4 WEDNESDAYS 9.30 Cat, to 5.3u p.nr Fel Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAvOlt'I'll OFFICE -- !Science of Week Phone 527.J'w BEA:l'TY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS„ CLINTON, ONT, Manure Handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph, 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" SANIT.lit1 .tiEWAli1; III,I'iJSAl. SM.N't'ic TANKS, CESS-l'uui,S, ET..., PUMw'EU & c:1.4,',1hr.ti FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Itrussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 887.6800 HR, k, W. S'I'R E7 It1,1"rN -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS -- BY APPOINTMENT Monday through Friday Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 11', 8. IIAh1II.'I(l(' -- (►i''1(1UH;'FKIST Net! to thr I,yrrum Thrsnrr !'hone 357.1361 111.101.1, %INGRAM KIA.10'I"l H I; \ 1, ESTATE 14 ENCV Bordon Elliott, Broker it Jou u t;MIN.►tt, 801Namr" PHON!S Itlyth. ()HMI, .3Z:1•44H,, Hi. ''2:1 4522 ,'r 523 4341 WANTED Lome.: ', P a1 urs. Herm nrl 1iuslne&sr b ISM \ Ith,'\ 11 I•1 fimivic11"11 ►IN ('A1it1r I "iephur.r &24.1,521 1 ktrttunnib itrr , r.. CRAWFORI) and MILL I1AIIRIS'I'ER6 & 1OL11 1't 111(h .I, 11. Cawfurd, Q,C., A, MIl1, 13.A,, 14.13. In Blyth Each T'bursda) Morning and by Appointnrrnr LOCATED IN I't.LIoT"T INSIIItA 1/4('i AGENCY Myth 523.4.81 Phones W1ngharu 3S7•3tiw IIOREEN'S BEAUTY Slffif'PE STYLING TINTING l'U'i"I'lNtl & r'uI,U WAVN, DOREEN McCALLUD1 -- Phone' 01,vth 523.4511 Closed All Dny Monday --• Open Tuesday Through Saturnia KIaY'i'i}I BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, '1'iIURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Mao some Saturday Mornings !'HONE: IILVTH 523.9341, if no answer 523.9601 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S 1VrI,I)ING & MAIMINi'. P(►It'I'ABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELI)IN': ALSO GO1tPLETE SHOT' SEUVICF: 78 King Street MANTON Phu 4R" 73113 T. !)ale SEPTI(' 'TANK SERVICE CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 4824320 I.YL . YOrJNGRLUT 011 BURNER SALES & SERVICE "Your 011 Heating Contractor" !MYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.U510 r THE I3LYTIl STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 1971 1119 fWPM Mllilimuimmo! SELL IT! PUT t1 STANDARD "CLASS' BUY IT! 11 1 1110 11 SEMI UIIIUI1311191UMIIIIIIIIMIIguillia RENT IT! FIND IT; LEI" T() WORK. EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED Woman wanted as a companion to share my own home. 523-4273 after 6. 21.2 FOR SALE Choice young beef by the half or quarter, cut and wrapped. . ._._. express our deep appreciation to phone 482.7578, 21.2 AUXILIARY TO MEET relatives, friends and neighbours The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet for their many acts of kindness, in the Blyth Legion Home on Mon- cards, flowers and donations dur- day, February 1st, Zone Com- ing our sad bereavement in the minder's annual visit. Pot luck loss of a dear wife, mother and dinner will be served at 7 p,m. All grandmother, Carrie Young. members requested to attend. Your kindness will always be 22.2p, remembered, -John Young, Helen and fam- ily, Roy and family. 22-lp ANNUAL, MEETING WANTED The annual meeting of the Blyth Land to rent suitable for grow - Agricultural Society will be held ing corn, Blyth area, Bill Fear, on Saturday, January 23rd at 1:30 phone 523.9369. 22-lp p.m. in the Blyth Orange Mall. Everyone interested is urged to CARO OF THANKS attend this vital meeting. 20.3 We wish to take this time to SCHOOL FAIR MEETING • A director's meeting of the Bel - grave -Blyth -Brussels School Fair will be held Thursday, January 21 in the Belgrave Arena at 8:30. 21.2 r WANTED Baby sitting, clay or night. Phone Mrs, Baird, 523.4461, 20.4 HABKiIIK TRANSIT TOURS 3 days Nashville 69.50 two per room, Easter weekend, leaves April 9tb, returns April 11. Easter school break 9 days, New Orleans $149.50 includes Grand Ole Opry Nashville. 9 days Flor- ida $149.50. Write box 700 Seaforth or Phone 527.1222 for brochure. 21.4 SERGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT For milker service, Mueller bulk milk tanks, milking parlous, step savers (for area west of highway 4), phone Ken Martin collect 396- 2408, Kincardine. Milkers parts, inflations and sanitation products can be obtained from Cronin's Hardware, Blyth. 20-8p. FOR SALE Cutters and antiques, reason- able prices. Ernest Noble, phone 523.4302 Blyth. 09•tf REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at BUR,KE ELECTiRIC, Wingham, 357.2450. Electrical Contractors, Appliances, Motor Rewind, 24 Hour emergency service. 4041 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs: specializing In stabling! Don Eves, phone Brussels 887-9024 '+ 37.31 CLINTON SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1,30 p,m, In The Afternoon (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton CiiLUREN'S AID MEETING The 60th Annual Meeting and Banquet of The Children's Aid So- ciety of Huron County will be held in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Wednesday, February aril, 1971. Tickets $2.50, are avail- able from Staff or Board Mem- bers and must be purchased by January 29th, 1971. The Public is cordially invited to attend, 22.2 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Wm, J. Coulter wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, donations, memorials and mes- sages of sympathy in the passing of a beloved mother and grand- mother, 22-1p CARD OF T1IANIKS 1 would like to express very sincere appreciation to all those who sent cards, gifts, flowers and visited me while in hospital and to my friends and neighbours who have been so kind to me since coining home and who so willingly gave me assistance many times during my husband's illness. Your kindness will always be remem- bcred.A Happy New Year to you all, 22•lp Annie McNichol IN ,MEMORIAM DEXTER -In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs, Austin Dexter, who passed away one year ago, January 22nd, God saw that you might suffer, So Ile did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you, And whispered "Come and Rest." You bade no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. -Lovingly remembered by her husband and family. 22•lp FOR SALE Holstein heifer, clue soon. Apply Z. 1Iulzebosch, Phone Au- burn .526.7519, 22.1 LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9640 ELECTRIC WIRING Commercial • Domestic • Rural •-- Agents: Champion Grinders, Rollers & Broadhngen Stable Fans -- Motor Sales & Repairs CONTACT: Blyth 11ectric Shop 4524 or Glenn Gibson 9482 Tool Duirel• Plumbing alid Heating Oil Burner Soles . Service • Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems • Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work • Eavestroughing LONDES13ORO, ONT. PHONE BLYTIi 523.4359 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US -- --- WE HAVE TUE CONTA(''TS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA H.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesmanfor:- K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton, J. i IN MEMORIAM GILLESPIE - In fond and loving memory of our dear parents, Murray Gillespie who passed a• way January 15th, 1944 and ;Mary Gillespie who passed away January 6th, 1950, Life goes on with many changes Joys and sorrows, smiles and tears But their memory still is precious With the passing of the years, -Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by their daughters, Marg Taman, Betty Bowes, Sadie Hamm and their families, 22•ip CUPID'S BALL in Blyth Memorial Hall on Fri- day, February 12. Music by Ian Wilbee's Orchestra. Sponsored by Itegal Chapter O.E.S. Limited number of tickets sold, Contact Mrs, Robert Marshall, NOTICE 1)r, It. Lcibold %vi11 be attending the Ontario Veterinarian Conven- tion from Sunday, January 24 to January 27. ' 22 -Ip TIMBER WANTED Standing bush or logs, Top cash prices. Phone Craig's Sawmill Auburn 526-7220, 22.6 EUCIIRE PARTY In the Londesboro Ilall on Fri- day, January 22nd at 8:30 p.m, Everyone welcome, Ladies please bring lunch. 22-1 SPECIAL REPORT FROM AVON: There's a Territory open in the Auburn area, We're looking for someone to call on the customers there. It could be you. Write or call collect ,evenings Mrs, 'Wilson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave„ London, 451- 0541. 22.1 BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets, * Samples shown in your home, * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482-9505 Clinton 304f. To Sell Your FARM, HOME, COTTAGE or BUSINESS See Local Representative STAN KAY PRONE 523.4464 BLU'! THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th 1971 WESTFIELD NEWS Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Smith on the weekend were Miss Margery Smith and Miss Ruth Rayworth of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden vis. ited on Sunday with Mrs. Char- lotte Cook, Blyth. Visitors with ?wlr. and Mrs. }lar- vey McDowell on the weekend were Miss Judy McDowell, Guelph Miss Janice McDowell, London, Mr. and Mrs. Don McDowell, Kit- chener, and Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell, London, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stephenson of Shombery, are visiting with Mr. George McBride and fancily, Mrs, McBride being a patient in Goderich hospital. Iler many friends wish her a speedy recov- ery. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Snaith on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gear and Warren, of Waterloo, and Mr. Ar- mand McBurney, Wingham. Mr, Garry Walden, London, vis- ited on the weekend with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald McDowell and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Laidlaw and Karen of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden and MEAT SPECIALS — Smoked Picnic lb. 45c Daisy Bacon Ends :3 lbs, 99c Horne -Made Sausage lb, 49c Pig Tails 3 lbs. 1.00 Fresh Sauerkraut and Oysters Available. CUSTOM hILLING IN GOVERN IVtEN'I' INSPECTED ABBITOIR Keel' on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "I''rrc'k" Button, Proprietor Rt,YTR, ONTARIO. PHONE 523-4115 TOM DUIZER Londesboro, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier of Whitechurch visited on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell. Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell of London visited on the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon E. Smith. BELCRA VE Cameron Yuill opened the fourth meeting with the call to worship, after which all repeated the Ex- plorer Purpose. Janice Caultes read minutes of the last meeting. Eig it members answered the roll call with a bible verse. Offering was received and Allan Leishman gave the offertory prayer. The next meeting will be in February with Cameron Yuill in charge of the scripture, Janice Coultes the prayer, and 'Trudy Taylor the of- fertory prayer. Joan Leishman gave the scripture reading, fol. lowed by a prayer by Alison Ro- berts. Mrs. Lorne Jamieson read the next chapter of our story af- ter reviewing the previous chapt- er, The meeting closed with the Explorer prayer. •V -G40 -v • f ♦• ••f•O-r+. p.1H..$ BERG Sales - Service Installation f Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeder, Stabling ; •••1 •• . • • • • 4 4 FREE ESTIMATES Donad G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTII Phone Brussels 887.9024 •r•r er.0.1#x•+4♦4••♦••♦i♦,•. PLUMBING & HEATING Open Dai ly 8 - 6 Phone 523.4359 We Are Now Agents For "SANFAX" PRODUCTS A WIDE VARIETY IN STOCK --- OTHI1R ITEMS AVAILABLE At Short Notice Lift Away Dirt and Grime Froni All Types Surfaces With SANFAX LIFT Regular $S.99 ... , 128 oz, jug $7,49 Multi -Purpose Safety Cleaner -- Just Change The Concentration to Fit the Purpose. Non -Fuming --- Positive Action --- Liquid Drain Opener SANFAX CLEAR -LINE Regular $5.99 Quart. $4.99 Dissolves on Contact Obstructions Ca used by Grease - Sludge - Paper - Cl oth • Sanitary Napkins - Hair - Food Remnants, Soap, Detergent Build-up, Biacidal Toilet System Cleaner SANFAX D'GERM Regular 84.99.... 32 oz, jug $3. 99 Removes Soils - Rust, Lime Scale and Uric Incrustation From Toilet Bowls ---Completely Disinfects the System Acid Type Systems CIeaner $3SANFAX FAST-GLO Regular $4.99.... 32 oz, jug 99 Removes Hard Water Scale - Rust - Lime Deposits. Cleans and Brightens Stainless Steel - Porcelain - Ceramic Tile, Etc. Waterless Hand Cleaner --- Contains Lanolin SANFAX CREAMEX Regular $2.59 .. , , 24 oz. can To Make Cleaning Easy SANFAX TRIGGER SPRAYERS Reg'lar $2.49 each Clean With White Foam SANFAX GLASS -X Regular $3.29 .. , , 20 oz. tin Ideal For Windows - Mirrors - Windshields - Tile Refrigerators • L $1.99 $1.99 $2879 etc. Germicidal Concentrated Spot Cleaner 01 SANFAX SPRAY ANI) WIPE 20 oz. tin ea i No Rinsing Cleaner for Table Tops - Sinks - Bath Tubs - Bathroom Fix- tures - Grouting - Tile - EnameledSurfaces, etc. FULL LINE OF PLUMBING and H EATING SUPPLIES IN STOCK JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE LASTING UNTIL SATURDAY, ,IAN, 23 Children's Snowmobile Suits 20 Per Cent Discount Women's & Children's Sno Boots 10 Per Cent Discount Men's Snowmobile Suits 10 Per Cent Discount Skates 15 Per Cent Discount no trade-ins Men's & Boys' Winter Jackets 20 Per Cent Discount Men's & Boys' Laced Insulated Boots 15 Per Cent Discount Men's & Boys' Winter Underwear 10 Per Cent Discount Made To Measure Suits by House of Stone A SPECIAL GROUPING OF SAMPLES Regularly Priced to $132.00 On Sale At Only $85.00 2 to 3 week delivery . W . Madi11' s SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON 1)RY CLEANERS PICK UP at M.ADIILL'S on Thursday and Friday SFOOD ell'sM,A,RiC1FT Weston's Fresh Bread 5 loaves 1.00 Maxwell House Ground Coffee 11b. 99c Kraft Peanut Butter, 18 oz, jar 59c Nestle's Quick Chocolate, 2 lb, tin . , 79c Brown Bear Honey, 2 Ib. plastic 69c Fluffo Shortening, 3 - 1 lb. pkgs, 1.00 Large Display of Cookies . 3 pkgs. for 1.00 Ginger Ale, Pepsi, Orange or Lemon Lime, 6 tall bottles for $1.00 plus deposits Utility Turkeys 29c per lb. limited to 1 pound of turkey to each $1.00 spent on Groceries Fresh I-Iome Made Sausages per lb. 50c Fresh • Meaty Pork Riblets 3 lb. 1.00 Fresh Pork Picnic Roasts per lb. 39e Peameal Back Bacon in piece , per lb. 69c K.P. No, 1 Breakfast Bacon 2 lb 1.00 K.P. Bologna 3 lb. 1.00 K.P. Weiners 2 lb.1.00 Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's , ... 3 boxes 89c Downy Fabric Softener, 34 oz.......,.. , 79c Purina Dog Chow 25 lb. 3.49 Hen Scratch, good mix 100 lb. 4.49 Phone 623.9331 _..�... _._....w...-�__.We Deliver Auburn & District News Anglican Wooten iield January Meeting St, Mark's Anglican Church Women met for their January meeting at the home of the pres- ident, Mrs, Donald Cartwright, She opened the meeting with a welcome to all and read the scrip- ture lesson from the Gospel of St. John. The president also read the history of the Anglican Church in Auburn, Mrs. 'Phomas Haggitt read the history of the Anglican Church in Canada. Airs. George Schneider gave a paper on Indonesia and their bap• tism. The members decided to purchase a carpet bissell for the church. The minutes were ac- cepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon• nell The roll call was answer- ed by a bible verse containing the word Pharisees. The travel- ling apron received a penny for each letter in "Vision of the Temple." Rcv. Keith Stokes was in attendance, Tea was served by firs, Cartwright, assisted by Mrs. George Schneider. Presbyterian W.M.S. • The Auburn Presbyterian Group 1Vrmen's Missionary Socl• ety stet we home of Mrs. Don- ald Haines, She took charge of the meeting and read the poem, My Friend, followed by a hymn. Mrs. W. Bradnock read the scrip- ture lesson, Hebrews llth chap- ter, and gave the New Year's me- ditation, Into the Unknown. Mrs, Frank Raithby gave the history of the hymn, Another Year is Dawning, by Frances Havergill, and Mrs, Bradnock sang it as a solo, accompanied by Mrs, Baines on the electric organ, Mrs. Haines took the topic, The Negro .Situation In North Ameri- ca, and a discussion period fol. lowed. She also played a medley of hymns on the organ. Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson took charge of the business period and opened with prayer. The min- utes were accepted as read by the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. The roll call was answered by each paying their membership fees. A card of thanks was read from Mrs, Edgar Lawson for the plant sent at Christmas time. As Auburn is the nominating coin. ERNIE'S HAIR STYLING AUBURN, ONTARIO PHONE 526.7724 would like to announce that MISS BLANCHE DALTON will be operating the salon starting Tuesday, January 26th. Blanche has had 3 years experience in hair styling and has the knowledge to serve you in all fields of hair care. GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Tapestry and Gift Room New Stock Is Arriving Each Week, 'I'AKh:•01.1'P SERVICE !'krone .523-•1l71 Blyth -- Edith L. Creighton WE HAVE I3EEN APPOINTED THE BLYTH AREA DEALER. FOR SYLVANIA TV'S & STEREOS 5 UNITS NOW ON DISPLAY Drop in and See them and Ask about our Special Introductory Prices ALSO SEVERAL Electrohome and Rogers' Majestic MODELS ON DISPLAY We Have Been Appointed Distributor For SURGE MILKING PARTS C roflifl'C HARDWARE •0TELEPHONIC U LYYH YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER milted for Huron Presbyterial, a discussion took place and more letters will be sent to complete the slate. An invitation to attend the Arthur's Circle was extended to all members. Plans were made to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby. A dainty lunch was served by Airs. Donald Baines, assisted by Miss Frances 1-Iouston Graduates As Nurse Congratulations to Miss Judy Arthur on her graduation in her nursing career from Owen Sound Regional School of Nursing on January 16th. The graduation ceremony took place in Division Street United Church at Owen Sound. As this was the first graduating class of this new regional school of nursing, all twenty•four gradu- ates Sucre presented with special pins to mark the occasion. They were presented by Miss Cather- ine Smith of Montreal, the first director of the school. Miss Ed - itis F. Bell, director, presented diplomas and pins, Miss Arthur has accepted a po- sition in Kincardine hospital until March 8th when she goes to Mont- real to take a post graduate course for 6 months on neuralo• gical and neurosurgical nursing and operating room technique. This teaching hospital is with Mc- Gill University. Miss Arthur re- ceived many gifts to mark this occasion, Guests present were her parents, Alr, and Alrs. Harry Ar- thur, Mark and Greg, Miss Laura Phillips and Miss Vicki Graham of Goderich. Her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Elsner Keller of Dublin were unable to attend due to i11 health. At St. Mark's Church last Sun- day where Miss Arthur is a mem- ber, Itev. Keith Stokes extended congratulations and her bouquet of roses adorned the altar C.G.LT. Meet Ten girls attended the first meeting of the Auburn C.G.LT, of 1971, 'Tuesday evening January 12 at the home of Arva Ball, During the business meeting it was agreed that future meetings would open with the C.G.I.T, Pur- pose and one verse of the C.G.I.T. hymn. Officers were elected as follows: president, Arva Bali; vice-president, Sherry Plaetzer; secretary and press, Holly Elliott; treasurer, Heather Elliott. Mrs. Maurice Bean is the group leader, Mrs, Bean led in a group dis- cussion • of the books of Genesis and Exodus. The girls recalled the visit to Citizenship Court at Huron County Court House in Goderich in November. The girls told what they thought prejudice was and gave their views. 1t was deckled that all newcomers to our country, should become Canadians and take their citizenship serious- ly, The meeting closed with taps followed by a goine and lunch, Mrs, Ralph Munro returned last week from spending Christ- mas and Now Year's with her son Alt'. Glen Yungblut, Mrs, Yung- blut and family at Ottawa and later with her son Mr. Robert Yungblut, Mrs, Yungblut and fam- ily, in Toronto. Iter son, Robert, brought her home, Honoured On 901h Birthday Mrs, Charles Straughan of Au- burn, was honoured last week on her 00th birthday when friends and neighbours called to congrat- ulate her at her whiter home in Blyth, The guests were welcomed by her niece, Mrs, W. Bradnock, and Mrs, William Knox, with whom Mrs, Straughan is staying, and Miss Margaret. Jackson. They were served by Mrs. Donald Ilaines, who had decorated the calce, and also Airs, Kenneth 11Ie- Dougall, Miss Frances Houston and Mrs, Gordan Naylor. THE 1311TH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, •JANUARY 20th 1971 • 6 4 • • • • • •••• • •-• • •• • • ••• •-,-••••r♦ ♦-••• ••• • ♦ •••••4•••-• ••• ••4•-r• sr* DIAMONDS SEE 'ITIII'14 LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 1 Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth PATZ DARI•KOOL MILK COOLERS DARI•KOOI, BOU MATIC MATERIAL I-IANDLING EQUIPMENT PEDLAR STABLING SiLO UNLOADERS t$ItUNNE:R ONT. COMPLETE INSTALLATION • FEEDERS • BARN CLEANERS GERRY GASCIIO Phone Milverton 595.8951 IILYTII Larry Reddon DISTRICT —• CALL Atwood 356.4436 DR. WILKINS & DR. PING of the 131,YTH 1tEDICAL CENTRE announce their office hours as follows: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, 'THURSDAY 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. TUESDAY, .FRIDAY, SATURDAY 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. Please Phone 523-962G For Appointment After Hours Phone Wingham 357-2500 GET READY FOR SPRING with NEW WALLPAPER AND PAINT from LAWRIE DECORATING BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4525 To Our Fina Customers: Due to circumstances beyond our control the Fina Station in Auburn will be closed as of .January 31, 1971. We would like to thank our customers for their patronage in the past. Your business was very much appreciated. . TERRY and ANNE RUSTON THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th ARENA SCHEDULE JAN. 21 — 8:00 Bantam game; 6 pee wee game; 10.11 1. boys JAN. 22 — 7.8;30 Novice game Wingham at Byth; 8;30.10 MIdget Game, Ripley vs. Blyth. JAN. 23 -- Public Skating 2-4 JAN. 24 -- Public Skating 2.4 JAN. 25 -- 7.8:30 Brussels pee wee game JAN. 26 -- Figure Skating and Broom Ball. JAN. 27 — 3.4 Preschool; 7.8;30 house league. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE East Waw. Twp. Fed. of Agr. Will Be IIeId In The Belgrave Arena Board Room FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1971 — commencing at 1;30 p.m. All Farmers are urgently requested to attend this meeting, PETER CHANDLER, Pres. SIMON IIALLAHAN, Sec. -Tr. ALL-STAR TOURS Escorted FLORIDA '71 HOLIDAYS FUN IN THE SUN Our next departure January 30th Returning February 13th For as low as $219.00 Starting February 7th Weekly Departures CALIFORNIA FOR '71 Ontario's Finest Holidays Nine Departures Starting February 27th • March 19th As low as $345.00 1971 5135.00 SPECIAL NINE DAY $135.00 3lid•Term School Holiday Leaving March 20th Returning March 28th ALSO ASK ABOUT OUR EASTER WEEKEND HOLIDAYS See Your Local Travel Agent; ALLAN REED Box 96, Lucknow, Ont. Call In For A Tasty Treat --- FULL COURSE MEALS — LIGHT LUNCHES ' ICE CREAM — CHINESE FOOD WE SPECIALIZE IN TAKEOUT ORDERS •--• PH. 523.4391 HU R O N GRILL BLYTH, t)NTAltil► Our Annual Clearance Sale continues Wiht Store Wide Discounts - 20 to 50 percent BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIALS Teen's and Girl's Coats and Jackets. Selling Below Cost to Clear. Orlon Pile Hats and Caps $1.00 ea. Mitts and Gloves 50 cents up SHOP WHILE WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SELECTION NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Phone 5I3•9381 Blyth Donnybrook The January meeting of the U. C. W. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stuart Chant- ney with a good attendance. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson had charge of the meeting and gave the call to worship also led in prayer. Faith of our fathers was sung and Mrs. Jefferson rea 1 the scripture. Mrs. Milliard Jefferson read a poem "It is Men of Faith". Mrs. Wesley Jefferson gave the meditation. After singing "My faith looks up to Thee", Mrs, Margaret Teddy took charge of the topic. Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson gave a reading !'Best Yet". "Saviour like a shep- herd lead us" was sung and Airs. Wiliam Hardy attended to the business, Diane Dianna received the offering. Mrs. Stuart Cham- ney read the minutes of the prev- ious meeting and gave the finan- cial statement. Mrs, Wesley Jef• ferson read a poem, "The. second mile." "Blesthe the tie that binds" was sung and Pastor Fry closed the meeting with the bene- diction. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Edward Robinson and Mrs, Tom Arm• s!rong. Belgrave C.G.I.T, Meeting A CGIT meeting was held in the church basement on Tuesday, January 12. Marilyn Congram and Margaret Arbuckle acted as president and secretary respectiv- ely. Many interesting projects for the new year were discussed. Mrs. Don Walker led in worship. The next meeting has been chang- ed from Tuesday night to Mon- day night, January 25th at 7 p.m. Margaret Arbuckle and Marilyn Congram are in charge of the worship and recreation by Nancy Anderson. A special ceremony of initia- tion of new member and lanyard presentations to senior members will be February 9th. The girls will make invitation for their mo• titers and anyone from the com- munity is most welcome at this ceremony, Afternoon Unit The Afternoon Unit of the UCW met in the Sunday school room on Tuesday, January 12 with thirteen in attendance. Mrs. Robert Coult- es was in charge and opened the meeting with the call to worship, prayer and a hymn, Mrs. A. Brown read scripture, folowed by prayer. Mrs, Stanley Cook led in prayer and the hymn "0 Master Let Me Walk Wlth Thee" was sung. Mrs. IIerb Wheeler gave a paper on religion and life—The New Year and adventure in faith. Prayer by Mrs, Coultes was fol- lowed by the treasurer's report, collection, visits to sick and shut- in, Thank you notes and words of appreciation for Christmas re- membrance were recorded. Mrs, Williard Armstrong continued the study on the Americas with Mexi- co the arca of discussion, Mrs. Earl Anderson compared New Year's celebration with a Mexican peasant family to one in CanadA. Mrs. Walter Scott thanked Mrs. Earl Anderson for her splendid leadership during the past years, The ladies were reminded of the World's Day of Prayer. Hymn, "Love Divine All Love's Excell- ing" and all repeating the Lord's Prayer closed the meeting. THE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP GROUP MEETING will he held Wednesday, January 27th at 2 p.m., in Blyth United Church. You are Invited to come and spend a social afternoon. FOR SALE 12" portable G.E, TV, black and white, 2 years old, excellent con- dition. Mrs., R. McCrea, phone 523.9344, 22.1 EXTRA INCOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME Flexible hours, pleasant digni• fled work, Want a better home? New car? Colour. television? New wardrobe? You name it and we will help you attain it. Free de- tails. No obligation. Apply to: Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357-1383. 20.3 BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Itennovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings P; 4 1; New'Qki legs from'drop,forged steel' alloys, t ' 2:?Toe9hor, more flexible track for bettor grip, more dynami t;? ,c leration, ' •' c , 31 Ptilyearbonato windshield. Safe, flexible,/ 4, 1 nbelievably,stroni);cast'aluminum steering arms, 5. A Skiroule,clutch is a whopper. 6, ,Our'drive belt is twice as thick as most others; 7: Our frame strentjth,, is becoming legendary. This year it's stronger. . it ,. rola McCLINCHEY'S SUPERTEST PHONE 523.4501 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" Elliott Insurance Agency ••••••••••• BLYTH -- ONTARIO. •WJNr.1•M.•r.rN.M•►N• INSURANCE IN ALI. BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, MIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS. ACCIDENT WINDSTORM. FARM LIABILITY. 111' h:. "WE SPEC1 LILE IN GIVItst; SERVILE" Utflee 523.4481 Phone; Residence 523.452 Stew •Is 1 'SE Red & White Food Mkt. It1.VTIl, OWL. Phone 9.151 %V E DEI 1%'I tt Red & White Best Buys Kraft Peanut Butter, 18 oz, jar . 57c Sunspun Soft Margerine, 1 lb. tub 39c Giant Size Oxydol Detergent 89c Kleenex Facial Tissue, 400 sz., reg. 3Qc only 32c Sunspun Salad Dressing, 32 oz. 49c Brylcreani Hair Dressing, lge. tube 79c Red & White Buy Of The Week Rine'N Shine Orange Crystals ... 4 pkgs. 69c Delsey Toilet Tissue 6 rolls 99e Florida Juicy Seedless Grapefruit , , 10 for 69c Red & White Features Clover Leaf Pink Sahnon, 15 112 oz. . , . , 89c Kam Luncheon Meat, 12 oz, tin 49c Royalle Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 33c Post Sugar Crisp Cereal 46c Utopia Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin 27c Sunspun Coffee Creamer, 11 oz. 63c General Electric Bulbs, 40, 60,100 , • 2 for 39c Bonus Plastic Garbage Bags, pkg. of 10 39c Supreme Liquid Bleach, 64 oz. jug 35c Supreme Sweet Mixed Pickles, 15 oz, , 29c Picnic Mandarin Oranges, 10 oz. tiii , , 22c Shiriff's Jelly Desserts pkg. 10c Mir Liquid Detergent 2 bottles 69c