HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1971-01-06, Page 1T: E BLYTH STA DARD Volume 81 • No. 20 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 188.5" I3LY'I7I, ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 Snow Travellers Adopt Club Rules At In Hospital First Regular Meeting At Stratford The first regular meeting of the lilyth Snowmobile Club was held on Smithy afternoon, January 3rd at the Conservation Club ]louse, President Tom Cronin had charge of the meeting. :1 discussion took place regard• ing a name for the club and a motion by Jim Howson and Lyle 1'ounblut approved that name "The Blyth Snow Travellers," Additions were made to the ex- ecutive appointed at the organi- zational meeting. John Elliott was named vice-president and Doug Scrimgeour, Mac Brooks and Varve McCallum were nam- ed as additional directors. 1't was also decided to approach . the Con. servation Club about the renting of their hall for this year's reg• Oar meetings, It was also decided to hold a work bee this Saturday afternoon at 1:30 for the purpose of making • and marking trails in the area, .The club has ordered seventy• five trail and twenty-five danger signs from the Ontario Safety League, The second campaign for funds Treasurer Robert Marshall ac- under the banner of its new sym• cepted memberships front fifteen bol -• an evergreen tree with a persons following the meeting, branch missing - Is to be held The following "Code of Ethics" by The Ability Fund (new name and "Safety Regulations" were for the March of Dimes) in Blyth adopted at the meeting and the, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, January 11, 12, 13, Mrs, John Ilessclwoed, chairman for 1971 and cochairman, Mrs, Mac Brooks, hope this year's canvas will exceed last year's total, The money is used to rehabllitate handicapped people -so - that they can earn t1 heir own living and be able to join or rejoin society and feel they belong to it with all their able-bodied friends and neighbors. Rural donations may be .sent to Mrs, Hesselwood or Mrs, Brooks by end of campaign. Please have your donation ready when theI volunteer.. canvuasscr calls; make her job a little easier and faster, 'TiIANK YOU, men. 1 will respect their rights to enjoy our recreation facilities, 8, 1 will know and obey all Fed. era', Provincial, and local rules regulation the operation of snow• mobiles in areas where 1 use my vehicle, I will inform public of- ficials when using public lands, 9. I will not harrass wildlife, I will avoid areas posted for the protection or feeding of wildlife. 10, Respect all churches In the village. 11, Respect the request of coon. cit to refrain from driving on side. walks on the main street and tg refrain from causing unncessary noise after 11 p.m. at night. 12, All igfractions of these rules should be reported to the club executive, To March For Disabled club hopes that everyone in the area will abide by their recom- mendations, 'Thing arc far from being up to snuff around the old Standard of - rice this week as mother is Pres• ently a patient In Stratford Gen- eral Ilospital undergoing treat• ment for after effects from the mumps. We are extremely happy to re• port that she is progressing quite nicely and everyone around here is hoping for a quick return honk, The extra work load on the rest of us has made it impossible to set all the news that has poured Into the office following a week oft' from publication and we re• gret that several articles have had to be omitted until next week. We just could not find the time needed In order to print extra pages. Mother's typesetting and folding capabilities will certainly be missed until her return, If you are' Interested in send• ing a card, the room number is 26i, We're quite sure she would apl i'eciale hearing from hr e h"rie ls. Large Crowd At final Draw 1. I will be a good sportsman. A very large crowd jammed the i recognize that people judge all Blyth Memorial Ilall.;on the after• MISS MAUD HIGGINS The V.M.S. of the Church of snowmobile owners by my actions, noon of Decem er 24th for the fin. I will use my influence with other al draw In the cuit rhl Blyth ',13er• • The death of bliss Maud; 'IIig; slUuary Service _ our 'Sunday,' Janu- snowmobile owners to promote chant's bonus bills series:. gins occurred on Thursday, Dec. ary 10 at 11 a.m. The special sportsmanlike conduct, i Del, Philp again acted as mast• ember 31st in Wingham and Dist. Schantz of Elmira, who is a re - 2, I will not litter trails or camp-, er of cermonles and draw master rict Hospital, She . was in her speaker will be Mrs. Floyd ing area, I will not pollute streams and presided over the drawing of 91sl year. turned missionary from Peru, or lakes, the following lucky winners: Survivors include one sister- Anyone wishing to hear this in - 3, I will not damage living; $100.00 J. Wessellnk, Morris in-law, Mrs, Margaret Higgins of [cresting speaker is cordially in - trees, shrubs or other natural Township; $25.00 Bob Carter, Doug Blyth; two nieces, Mrs, . C. E. vited to attend. feiatures. McDougall, Clarence Crawford, Shera of Wingham, Miss Lenora 4, i will respect other people's Eric Street, $10.00 Joanne Souch, Biggins, London; and , Alvie nig. ENGAGEMIENT {property and rights, Bernice Pierce, M. P. Case, $5.00 gins, Brussels and Joseph IIiggins 5, 1 will lend a helping hand Ferre Ilowatt, Bailie Parrott, of Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs, Aubrey McNichol when 1 see someone in distress, 13etty Bromley and Marg. Taman, The funeral service was held at wish to announce the engagement 6, 1 will make myself and my CONGRATULATIONS The merchants are extremely the Moir Funeral Ilrnne, Cantle; of their eldest daughter, Sandra vehicle available to asslst search pleased with the interest shown Saturday, January 2nd, with Rev, Grace, lo Glen McLachlan, son of and rescue parties. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, by Blyth shoppers and hope that George Sach officiating, Mr, and Mrs. Robert McLachlan, 7, 1 will not interfere or harrass Alf, Machan who will celebrate everyone had a little excitement 'Temporary entombment took R,R. 3, . Kippen, Ontario. , The hikers, skiers, snowshoers, ,lee their 59th wedding anniversary and added shopping money added place In Gorrie Cemetery Chapel wedding will take place in the fishermen, or other winter sports- on January 10th.to their holiday season, with spring burial in Wroxeter Blyth United Church, Saturday, . Cemetery. Tanuary, 23rd, •1971 At 3 o'clock, Church Closes After 110 Years Of CommunityFellowship . items About People We Know .. • ., One hundred and ten years of Kitchener, Atwood and the sour• who attended on that occasion, Everett and Leona Scrimgeour, Bailed on Mr,: 'and Mrs, Howard Auburn Presbyterianism witness ounding • community, On June 10th, 1925, a congre- 'Trenton, spent. Chrislinas holidays Campbell on Sunday evening, came to an end on December 27, The first Presbyterian Church gational vote was taken on the %vial their sons, Doug, Blyth, and Visitors on Christmas Day with 1970 when the closing service at was opened in Auburn, then call. question of union between the Don, Seaforth, and their wives and Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Slllib were .Knox Presbyterian Church Inas ed Manchester on May 1859 when Presbyterian, Methodist and Can- families. They also visited rola- their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Tre• held with Mr, John Turner of a petition from Manchester 10 gregation'al churches which split lives and friends in Blyth, Seaforth leaven and Mr. Treleaven, Liras.. Clinton and the University of Wat- the Presbytery of London for the the Church in two parts -those and London, returning home on and James, of Kitchener, their erloo, in charge of the service, election and ordination of elders going into the Union and those December 30th, son Elwin and Mrs, Sillib, Bruce Mrs. Donald IIaines, the organist, was taken up. The Presbytery voting to carry on Presbytcrism• Mr, and Mrs. Everett'Scrim- and Sharon, of Nile, and Miss presided at the organ, appointed Messers Ross and Me- the majority voted for union." geour, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs, Doug Marsha Hodge and Mr. Brian Mr• 'Turner. chose for his text Donald,ministers, and Robert*r The continuing 1 re.sbyterian Scrimgeour, Ricky and Rhonda, , Stothers, Nile. "Church of the real or museum 1.1, Carnahan, elder to form a 'Church members held services In celebrated Christmas with Mr. and Guests with Mr. and Mrs. How of the trivial," and based his re- Session at Manchester, This Ses• the Baptist Church until early in Mrs. Don Scrimgeour and Kevin and Campbell at the Christmas marks on Hebrews 12th chapter, Sion met at Brucefield on May 1928, the former Methodist Church at their home in Seaforth. season were Mr, and Mrs, Cecil During the service Mrs, Eleanor 17, 1859, only two of the four was purchased, After being raised Mr, and Mrs, Jack Watson, Jan Campbell and family, Mr, and Bradnock sang a solo, She had elected showed their willingness and fully remodelled on Novem• anri Ken, of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs, Franklin 'Campbell and been a member of the choir when to accept the offices, Joseph ger 18, 1928, the building was Mrs, Jack Gummow, Elizabeth Larry Campbell of London, ,and ' the present church was opened,• Dobie and John Jackson were or• opcne4 and dedicated to the Glory and Katherine, of London, visited Ilarold Campbell, Guelph. Also in the congregation was Miss dained on June 8th, 1860, as the of God with Rev, Robert Gracie with Mrs, Pearl Watson on Sun- Mrs, Alva McDowell accomnan•' Lila Youngblut who was organist first elders of the Manchester as the minister.day. . , - ted Mr, and Mrs, Murray MCDO- for the opening service -In 1928. congregation, In October 1861, . 'On July 3, 1960, a century of hiss Shirley Snell, London, Mr. well. and Heather to Cookstown Rev, G. L,. Royal, Goderich, Charles Rodger was added to and Mrs, Jim Timpany and Dean,:• for several days .visit, inter -moderator, on behalf of the the Session, The first communion Christian, Service was observe(! Presbytery with Rev, Findlay G, Stewart of Aylmer spent Christmas with Mr..Mr, and Mrs,Howard Campbell y y ' of Stratford-I-Iuron, roll of ,Knox Church contained Kitchener as theand Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie and Harold called on Mrs. M. H. thanked Mr, Turner for his excel- fourteen names; Joseph Dobie guest speaker, Martin and Mrs. Bert Taylor in p and other relatives, lent services to the Charge and John Jackson, John Brown, John Nearly all the members attended Miss Shirley Snell and Mr. Goderich on Sunday. outlined the steps taken by the Scott, Charles Rodger, Mrs, the Amalgamation '.service with Jack ,lohnson of London visited Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd King have Auburn congregation to close the Charles Rodger, Peter Patterson, Knox Presbyterian Church Goder• with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell, returned from their Christmas vas church, Invitations to join with the Mrs. Peter Patterson, John Mc• telt, last' Sunday when the clerk Bounce and friends, for the New 'cation in Toronto, Lindsay and Auburn Btipllst Church and the Culloelc, Charles' McDonald, Alex- of Session; Mr, Donald Haines, 'Year holiday. Minden, visiting relatives and Knox United Church were also ander. Scrimgeour, William Mc. passed over all books and records Mr, W, S. McVittie of Hespeler friends, read, After the service the ladies Kinnon, Mrs, William McKinnon to the Clerk of Session, Gordon suent. the Holiday with his• Aunt. Mrs, Margaret Higgins spent the served a cup of tea,. Represents• and Mrs; t✓h'arlos McDonald, Dur•' McManus, Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock, Miss Pearl Gidley, Christmas season with, Mr. and . lives from. Knox Presbyterian ing the first two years, 1860.61, treasurer, a great granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stager of Mrs. J. Higgins, Mitchell, - Church, Goderich, tate Session and the meinbet+shlp increased to 61, of one of the first elders handed Ancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mr. Albert Walsh and Mr, .Tom the Board of Managers were also At the 60th anniversary in 1920 over a cheque 'of .the residue to Sorters of Midland called on Miss .Taylor are•patients In Clinton hos; present, Former members were only one of those members was the treasurer of Knox Goderich, Pegr1 Gidley, pital, We wish then both a quick present from London, ' Seaforth, still living, Mrs, Francis Stalker, Mr, Donald McEwen, Mr, and Mrs,' Joe Ryan, Wilton r'ettirn t their' holies,' Blyth Teams Do Well At Tournaments Blyth pee wees and novice teams participated in tournament and did fluite well for themselves over the weekend. The pee wees were in Goderich and finish(' as runners up in their event. They defeated Seaforth in a morning game; won over the. Kincardine team in the afternoon and with only a half hour's rest were defeated by Goderich 3 to 1 for the championship. The Gode- rich team had only played one game in the morning to make their way to the playoffs and were much more rested than the local entry, The novice team competed in the Silver Stick Tournament in Forest, They won their first game in a real thriller with Wat• ford by a 2 to 1 score. Ronnie Young scored the tying goal for 9Oth BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Mrs; Thom- as Knox, Londesboro, who ,cele ht,ates her 90th birthday on Sat- urday, January 9th, The Stand- ard and all its subscribers wish Mrs, Knox many happy returns of her big day. COOK -In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, January 2nd, 1971 to Mr, and Mrs, Paul Cook of Ilulictt Township, the gift of a son - the first New Year's liaby born in Clinton hospital. A grandson .for lir, and Mrs, Bert Van f.amrneren, Blyth. Blyth with only seconds left in regulation time; He also scored the winning goal in overtime. The Watford team had been runners up in the tournament the last two years. The boys had a letdown following the first game and lost 4 to 1 to Sarnia township. On Monday night in the Blyth arena the pee wees whalloped Illonkton 10 to 0, The draw for the chair was made at .this game and was won by Jerry Heffron. CHRISTMAS DECORATION WINNERS Prize winners of the Blyth Hor- ticultural Society's Christmas door decoration contest were:: 1st prize, Calvert Falconer; 2nd prize, Alvin Snell; 3rd prize, Em- merson Wright, Judges were members of the Auburn Horticultural Society, MIDGETS iIERE MONDAY NIGiUT The Blyth Midgets will play the Mllverton team in Blyth Monday night at 8:45. This should prove to be an exciting, contest and the boys would appreciate your sup- port. Team statistics are now in at the ,Standard Office and we hope to publish them next week if time and space allows, MISSIONARY SERVICE God is sponsoring a special Nis- THE BLYTH STANDARD --• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 and Mr, Frank Kirkby, Walton, Alvin McDonald and fancily. for the week's holidays, spent. Christmas Day with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Rollie Achilles Mrs, Jean Miller spent Christ - Mrs, Douglas Kirkby and family. spent New t'ear's Day with Mr, mas I)ay at the home of Mr, and Miss Judy Clark of London, and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and fain• Mrs. IYnr, AlcTaggart, Goderich. spent the holiday weekend with ily of Fergus. lir, and Airs. Roy Turvey, Brits - lir, and Alt's. i1arold Smalldon, lir. and ltrs, Allan McCall and sell, also visited at the same Mr, and Airs. Jim McCall and Beverly and Tom Stevenson were home, Susan, R,R, 1, Blyth, and David guests un Saturday evening at Christmas guests with Mrs, itus• McCall, of London, were Boxing the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim sel Marks were Mr, and Mrs. LAW - Day guests at the home of Mr. McCall, 1t.R. 1, 13Iyth. rence Marks, Exeter, Mr. and and Mrs, Allan A1cCall, llrs. Gertie Bewley of Clinton, llrs. Ralph Traviss and Linda, Christmas Day guests with Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Yuill vis• and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. herb Traviss and Gail hod on Christmas Day with Mr, and family. were Mrs. Frank Sellers of Wing. and Mrs. Walter Bewley and- fain. Mrs. Laura Machan and Mr. ham, Mrs. Harvey 'Travis of ily, and Mrs. Robert ,Machan and Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Mr, and Mrs, W. Stutz of \Vat• family of Sarnia, spent Monday Jackson of Kippen, Miss Lois erloo, spent Christmas Day with at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nei. .Jackson, London, Dr. Brian and Mr, and Mrs. 'Torrance Dundas. son Reid. Mrs. Traviss, Hamilton, and Mrs, Mrs. fete McDonald spent New Mrs. W. C, 1Iackwell spent 11ild.► Sellers, Seaforth, Year's Day with Mr, and Mrs. Christmas with .lir. and firs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis and Lorne Badley and family, R.R. Alcllwain of Seaforth. family of Whitby, and Mr. and 1, Walton, David Freethy and Randy spent Master Doug Mitchell was holi. NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Christmas Day guests with Mr. len McCall. and Mrs, Earl Watson were: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer of snd Mrs. James Sanderson and the Corner Restaurant spent a Bran, Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. Christmas holiday with Mrs. Pis. Dave Sanderson, London, and cher's father and stepmother, Mr, Jamey Sanderson of Toronto. and Mrs. Albert Howes of Mount Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dunk visited Forest, over Christmas with their son and Rev. and Mrs. D. Dockers visited family, 'Ir. and Mrs. David Dunk over the holiday season with their of Corunna, families in Kitchener, Blenheim Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills spent and London, also spending several Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. days at their cottage, Murray Mills and family,. Brant- Miss Patsy Badley spent several ford, then to Burlington to spend days of the holiday season with the holiday weekend at the home her grandmother, Mrs. Pete Mc. of Drs. Jean and Gerd Wester. Donald, Hien. Boxing Day guests with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray Mrs. Rollie Achilles and Ann the Christmas and New Year's daying for a few days last week and Susan spent Christmas Day were Mr, and Mrs, ,Jerry Achil• holiday with their parents, Mr. with his grandparents, Mr, and with Gladys, Ida and Ross Leiper les and daughter, of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis, Mrs, Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth, at their home In Mullett Township. and Mrs, Wm, Taylor and family Mr, and Mrs. Alvin McDonald Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Stevens en. Messrs, Charlie Murray, Tom of Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Don and Lynn spent over Christnl is tertained their family on Boxing Stevenson, Barry Currie and Achilles and family, Walton. with Mrs. Jean McGale and fain- Day, including Mr, and Mrs. Ken Doug Currie spent Christmas Day Mr, and Mrs. Herb Kirkby, ily and Mrs, John McDonald of Rogerson of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. \Vililam Blake were Mr, and Mrs, Gordon ,Mason and family and Mr, Archie Mason of I3lylh, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Riordan and family, Strathroy, and Mr, and 11rs. Larry Blake, H.R. 3, Walton, Mr, Forest McKay spent Christ• Lark and Steven, of Woodstock. Toronto. Murray Crich, Cargill, Air. and 111115 with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Car, Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and Miss Mrs, Ken McDonald, ,R.R. 2, Blyth cliff of Ethel, and New fears at Amy Love of 'Toronto, spent. and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stevens his sister's, Mrs. Elgin Dewar of Christmas Day with their sister, of London, and their families, Atwood. Mrs, William Leeming of Seaforth. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, Stew• Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Slimorc of Hiss Ann Achilles left M.alton art Humphries and family for Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. airport last 'Thursday and will Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. spend the next three weeks holt. 11, Ifuutphries and family and Mr, Don't forget the euchre in the laying in California. She was ac. and Mrs, Robert Humphries and Community hall on January 8111. companied on her trip by Mrs. family of London, who remained Everyone welcome, lunch served. Jean Turner of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. George McCall and 13111 spent. Christmas with Mrs. Lizzie Scott, Ab and Bob Vodden, of Clinton, Ernie Vodden of Woodham also visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. William Leeming and family, Mrs. Joe Campbell, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Volker Makin of London, spent Christ. mas with Miss Pearl Timmer. Christmas Day guests of Mr, oncl Mrs, Emmerson Mitchell and family were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill and Mrs. J. II. Storey of Scaforta, Misses Luella Mitchell and Lizzie Dickson and Jack Mit. chell of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, Cher. yl and Rhonda, and Donald S. Currie oft Brampton, spent •a few clays of the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall and Bev• erly. M.. and Mrs. Volker Hertiein of London, spent several days of the holidays with the latter's aunt, .Miss Pearl Timmer. Mr, and Mrs. Ray lluether, Steven and John, had Christmas dinner on Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs• Watson Webster 'and family of Varna. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family, London, and Mrs Margaret Ifumphries, Walton, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Roy Bennett, 'Airs, Rachel Walters and Larry of Seaforth visited with Mr, and Mrs. Rollie Achilles last week. Mr, and Mrs. Allen McCall and Beverly and Tom Stevenson vis. ited with Mr. and Mrs,, Harry Snell and family, IRA, Londes• boro on New Year's, Mr, and Mrs, William Humph. ries and family Joined with the McDonald families at the Tces• water hall on Boxing Day, New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald were: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nuether and family of Brussels, lir, and Mrs. Russel ICrauler of Atwood, Mr, and Mrs. Don McDonald and fam- ily', Mr, and .Mrs, Ken McDonald and family and Mr, and Mrs. LARRY'S RADIO & T.V, Phone 523.9640 SALES & SERVICF, 1RLYTi1, ONT, January Clear -Out Sales OVERSTOCKED with used TV's — values from 818.00 • 855,00 ( Reconditioned) I WEEK ONLY — purchase this beautifully, styled Credensa Stereo with AM•FM•F11 Stereo with Garrard Changer at the LOW PRICE OF 8315,00 and receive FREE $50,00 WORTII OF STEREO RECORDS (this will not be a repeat offer) FLEETII'OOD STEREO UNiT AM•Fhl•FM STEREO,. GAR. GARD CHANGER — 'fO CLEAR AT $162,00 LOYD'S AM•FM•FM STEREO with 8•track Player — JAN. UARY CLEAR -OUT AT $169.95 THE ALL NEW COLOUR TV IS HERE NOW — fully trans• istorized insuring brighter picture and true to life colour, BRUSSELS POLAR DARE JAN. 151617 FRI.,SAT., SUN. — FRIDAY — ALI, DAY — Curling Bonsplels 8 P.M. — Polar Queen Contest • Concert. 11 P,M. — Torchlight Parade, SATURDAY -- ALL DAY — Minor Hockey Tournament, 10 A.M. — World Thundermug Racing Championship I P.M. -- Giant Polar Daize Parade 2 P.M, Cross -Country Snow Shoeing Competition. 2 P.M. — Cross•Conntry Skiing Competition, 9 P.M. — Moccasin Dance in Arena to German Beer Band, -- SUNDAY 1 P,M. — Snowmobile Events — Racing, Cross•Country and Obstacle 3 P.M, — Giant Outdoor Beef Barbequc. "A BRUSSELS LIONS PRODUCTION" MEAT SPECIALS -- Smoked Picnics Small Pure Pork Sausage S.P. Halves ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lb. 59c Ready to Eat Ham lb, 79c Fresh Oysters Available lb. 49c lb. 55c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie '`Freck" Button, Prrtl,rietor MLYTII, ONTARIO. PHONE 523.45M ... . • • •• • • . • • . BERG Sales - 'Service Installation 8 Ram Cleaners O Runk Feeders • Stabling FREE ESTiMATEs Don't! C. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTiiI Phone Brussels 887.9024 4 4 • %,04,1,-9,41-041-40•4••11040-1114-414-0441, CLARK UPHOLSTERY R.N. 3. Auburn, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.452E LATEST ('OVERS — FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark BILL'S ESSO SERVICE Esso SIiRViCE STATION Lawn Mowry sales & service — Chain Saw Sales & Service MYTH, (1N'f 111IO PHONE 523.9556 I ROOK'S CARPENTRY •• BLYTA PHONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Ifrnnuvating and Cabinet ;Making Snell's E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings FOOD MARKET Martin Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. tin .... 4 for 1.00 Mount. Royal Choice Peas, 19 oz. tin, 6 for 1.00 St. William's Jams and ,tellies, 9 oz. jar 6 for 1.00 Coleman's Pure Lard, 1 lb, pkg. . , . 5 for 1.00 Ogilvie Quick Oats, 5 lb, bag Kraft Soft Margarine, 1 lb. tub Fresh Sliced Pork Liver , , , , , , , 69c 39c per lb. 39c Fresh Loin Pork Chops Fresh Ground Hamburger Fresh Ilome Made Sausages Fresh Beef Roasts ......... Smoked Pork Picnic Shoulders Peanleal Back Bacon, in piece , Epicure Breakfast Bacon . , , , , . per lb. 59c per lb. 50e . per lb. 50c per ib. 59c per lb. 43c . per lb, 69c per lb. 59c Kitchener Packer's Bacon Ends, 3 Ib. for 1.00 Kitchener Packer's Bologna .. ; , 3 lb. for 1.00 Kitchener Packer's Weiners . 2 lb. for 1.00 Sunkist Navel Oranges 113's .. , , per doz. 59c Philip's Standard Light Bulbs, 6 bulbs for. 99c Javex Bleach, 192 oz. economy size 99c A B C Detergent, 2 lb. box ;reg. 73c,. 2 for 99c Phone 523-9332 We Deliver TILE BLYTil STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 Auburn & District News . M. and Airs. Elmer Trommer y', parents, AIr. and Mrs. Ilarry Airs. hied Oostwoud of Toronto, and Connie visited recently with Arthur, Mark and Greg, This is the first time in 22 years her parents, 111r, and Mrs, R. Alr. and Mrs. Robert Slater and that the sisters spent Christmas Olbert, of Stratford who were family spent Christmas with tela• together, celebrating their 4th wedding an• tives at Ilespeler. 'Mr, and Airs, Maitland Allen, niversary. Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Weston of Mr, William J. Craig, Mr, Peter AIr, and Mrs, W. 1.,. Craig spent 'Toronto, spent the holidays with Brown of Windsor and Mrs. Ella Christmas with her parents, Mr, her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Castles of Bayfield spent Christ - and Mrs. Dawson Mackey and Itolliuson and Mr, Murray Rollin. Inas Day with Mr, and Mrs. brother, Mr. Murray Mackay, son. \VillianI S. Craig and family, 53 Airs, Alackey and family, at Alsia Miss .Judith fisher, Goderich, Whitehead St., Clinton, This was Craig, and Miss Jane Fisher, ft.N., of the 57th wedding anniversary of We are sorry to report that Mrs, Sunnybrook ifospital, Toronto, vis - Dorothy Grange is a patient in Red recently with Mr, and Mrs, Goclerich hospital following an ac• Robert J. Phillips. Miss Mane eident at her home on New Yoar's Fisher recently returned from a Day. trip to Europe, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker Friends aro pleased to see Rick• of 'Belgrave, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest ey Baechler home after three Snowden of Donnybrook, and Mr. weeks a , patient in Goderich hos• iVilllam Humphrey of Sl, Helens, pilal following an appendectomy. visited recently with Mr ,and Mrs, Other guests at the Baechler Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura home with their parents, Mr. and Phillips. Mrs. llarold Baechler, were Miss Prize winners at Trommer's Linda Baechler and her fiance Hardware store for the Christmas of Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs. ,eason were drawn by Postm'as;ss: Gordon Chapman and girls of Kenneth Scott. 1st prize, carpen- ter's hammer, Mr. Gerrit Blok;, 2nd prize, coffee perculator, Ro• pert Arthur; 3rd prize, flashlight, Lynn Bakelaar. Robinson's General Store prizes were drawn by Mrs. Emma 'From - mei. of Ilespeler on Christmas Eve. 1st prize, $10.00, Jack Lock• hart; 2nd prize, $5,00, Marie Plunkett; 3rd prize, $2,00, Mrs. llarold Baechler, Children's con• lest, guessing nuts in jar, boys, Steven Chamney $3,00 and girls Joyce Chramney $3.00, Christmas cake winners, Mrs. Ilarry Arth- ur, Sheron Collins, Bill Empty, Sherry Plaetzcr and Eldon Mc- Lennan, Mr, and Mrs, Ben Hamilton spent the holiday with Air, and Mrs, Roy A. Allison In Toronto, and visited their son, Mr. John Hamilton. Misses Judy Arthur and Lois Alorlcy, nurses at Kincardine hos. !►ital, spent the holiday with Jud. Goderich. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Scott and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lawlor and Jim were guests on Christmas Day with Mrs. and Airs, Roy Fin. nigan and Mrs. Laura Fowler in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Holmes, Jackie and Joey spent Christmas Day with his parents, . Mr. and Mrs, Joe llolmes, of Brussels, Mr. Ronald Maines of Goderich visited one evening before Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'Irillips, The Auburn Librarian requests all County Library books in on ,January 9th to be ready for the exchange, Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent the holiday with her daughter, Mrs, Ronald Rathwcll, Mr, Rathwell, Michael and Janice, Mr, and Mrs. Gerrit Reimers had as their guests over the hol- iday her sisters, Mrs. Appldorn of S. lierdogenboclr, holland and GRANT) ViEW LTTNCA "Shopping Centre" Tapestry and Gift Room Nov Simi( Is Arriving Each Week. TAKE -our SERVICE Phone 523-1171 Blyth -- Edith L. Creighton SAVE SAVE ON THE BIG WESTINGHOUSE WHITE SALE now on in our store CALL IN AND SEE ANI) COMPARE THE GREAT SAVINGS On All Available Westinghouse Appliances (sale on for a limited time only - shop early) HARDWAREronin's TELEPHONE 5.9279 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER ,lir. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Friends of ,Mrs. Sydney Lansing %vitt be pleased to know that she is proved back to Clinton hospital and is nrueh improved. Pastor and Airs, Alfred Fry spent the holiday with relatives in 1<Inc 0rdinc. Mrs. Emma Trommer of Prest- on and Mr. 13111 Trommer of Hes. peler F. pent Christmas with Mr. and Airs, Elmer 'I'rnrnmer and Connie, Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Craig spent Christ:nas Day with her sis• ter, Miss Jean Hamilton at Osh- awa. Holiday guests with Mr, and Mrs. 'Phomas Ilaggitt and Mr, Stephen 1taggitt were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ifaggitt, Richmond i1111, Mr. and Mrs, George flag. gift, Johnny, Paul, Aiichael and Shelley of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford. Brown, Nan and .Phillip and Mrs, Jean Patterson Goderich and Mr. and Mrs, Robbie Lawrie and Dean of Blyth. Londesboro i • ♦ •.r►♦• ►..••♦.a DIAMON S I SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. • • • r • • • • • 1 • • i • Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth ' ♦♦♦• .• •+•..•• ••-.+♦.♦••• PATS DARI•KOOL MILK COOLERS DARI400L BOU MATIC MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT PEDLAR STABLI1G SILO UNLOADERS IBIRUNNER, ONT. COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEEDERS • BARN CLEANERS GERRY GASCHO Phone Milverton 595.8951 BLYTII DISTRICT -- CALL Larry Reddon Atwood 356-2436 Donnybrook News Christmas dinner guests on Fri- Mrs, Lloyd MacPherson. day with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Guests with Mr, and Mrs, Bob Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson on Monday were: Mr. George Reeve of Toronto, Misses and Mrs, George Reeves and Mr. Relatives received word last Gladys and Irene Jefferson of John Jefferson, all of Toronto, week of the passing of Mrs. Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Mr, and Mrs. Sani Jefferson, Frank George, the former Sara Campbell, London, Mr. and Mrs, Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson Fairserviee of Hallett, who died Don Jefferson, Cheryl and Susan, all of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Wednesday, December 30th at of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs, Wes. I,erlcly o! Donnybrook. her home In Wetaskiwin, Alberta. Jefferson, Debbie, Brian, Gerald, Miss Beverley McPherson of She had been in failing health Doreen, Barry, Billy and Diane, Lucknow visited a couple of days for the past low years, She leaves of Donnybrook. with Miss Susan Thompson. to mourn her Toss, her husband Mr. and Mrs, Edward Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Ilerb Dainty and Frank, two sons and two (laugh- Jim, Bill, Judy and Janice spent Linda of Petawawa and Mr, and lei's. Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Mr's, Gerald Dainty and Bill of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Pipe spent Clarence Ritchie and family. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Christmas Sunday�.in London with Christmas guests with Mr. and Robinson and Russell visited the their son Barry and family, Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family first of' the week with Mr. and Misses Teresa and Debbie Pipe were Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Bender- Mrs, Edward Robinson and fam• returned with their grandparents son and family of Brucefleld, Mr. ilY: for a few holidays. Robert Chamney of Auburn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Champey Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hooper William Webster, Mr, and Mrs, and family spent New Year's Day spent New Year's weekend with George Webster, Carol and Bren- with Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Henderson his sister, Mrs, Lloyd Pipe and da, all of St. Helens. and family at Brucefield, Mr. Mr, Pipe. They were guests with Christmas guests with Mr, and IViIli'am Webster of St. Helen's Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and Mrs. 1Iilliard Jefferson and Linda was a visitor at the same home, family on Saturday evening and were Miss Mary Jefferson of Lon- Mrs. J. C, Robinson of Wing - enjoyed a lovely New Year's din. don, Miss Sharron Jefferson of tram who just returned from net, Goderich,' Mr, and Mrs, Jack spending a week around Christ - Mrs. Ross Millson and family of Wickstcad of Bluevale, Mr, and mos with her daughter, Mrs. Woodstock returned home on Sat• Mrs, Jim Leddy, Donnybrook, Mr., Doug Williams, Mr. Williams and urday having spent the Christmas and Mrs, Murray Wilson, Greg• family at London spent the New - holidays with iter parents, Mr, and ory, Scott and Darryl of West Wa• Year's holidays with her son Mr. Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, wanosh, and Mr. and Mrs, Bob and Mrs. Edward Robinson and Mr, Richard Shaddick leaves Jefferson, R,R, No. 2, Lucknow. family; other guests on New Friday of this • weelc for Regina, Mr, and Mrs, George Reeves of Year's Day at the same home Saskatchewan, liaving joined tare Toronto, ancl Misses Gladys and were: Mr, David McAllister, R.R. Irene Jefferson Goderich visited 2, Auburn, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Royal Canadian ' Moirnted Police Force, .We extend.to:Richard our chosen vocation, best wishes for his success In his We are pleased to have Mrs, Jessie Jones back home again aft- er a prolonged stay in hospital un- der the doctor's care, Mrs, B111 Andrews' and family returned to • their home in Toronto on Sunday having spent the two week's. holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Wood. Mr, and Mrs. Doug Radford and children, of Niagara, spent the past holiday ' week with Mr, and Mrs, 'Gordon Radford: Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Howatt spent Christm'as with their son Jack 'and family in Stratford, also visiting for the evening with their daughter, Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family of Thames Road. Di'n'ing the Christmas holidays Randy„ ,and. Brian . Millar spent three days in 'Clinton, New York, playing hockey with the Clinton bantam and pee wee teams, While in New York they stayed with a .player • of the opposing team, R'andy 'and Brian each re- ceived trophies as ,all star players on their teams. Congratulations boys, at the same home on the week- Ritchie and family, Lucknow, Mr. end, and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mac Pher- Aic', George Gregg, all of Wing - son of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, ham and Miss Carol Williams of Clarence Chamney of Belgrave, London, Mr. Jim Robinson of Mr, and Mrs, Ewald Rainer of Waterloo University, Mr, and Mrs, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, John Mc• Bob Beggs of Waterloo and Mr. Cormack and Christie of Texas, and' Mrs, David Birch of Hamilton spent Chrjstmas eve with Mr, and visited there Saturday. Mrs, Sam Thompson ancl, family. Miss Debbie Jefferson spent the Master Stephen Tiffin spent Mon• past week with her grandparents, day, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Josling and Thompson and Dianne, all of ICit- family at Londesboro, returned chener, visited at the same home hone Saturday evening, Monday night, Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thompson Sharon and Linda, Mr, and Mrs, and family spent Christmas Day Jim Ledcly, all of Donnybrook, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mac Pher- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, son at Wingham, Other guests Gregory, Scott and Darryl , R.R, were Mr. and Mrs, Doug Mac .2, Auburn, Mr, and Mrs, Bob Pherson and family and Mr, and Jofferson, R,R, 2 Lucknow, were guests New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wickstead at I3lue- vale, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Josling of Londesboro visited Saturday even - Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley GROSS—In loving memory of a Jefferson and family, dear father, William Gross, who Mr, Eldo Hildebrand returned passed away one year ago, Jan- from his tour of Europe before uary 6, 1970. Christmas and is at present visit. Loving and kind in all his ways, Ing friends in Kitchener, Upright and just to the end of Mr, Dan Hildebrand and Mr, his days, Syd Reimer of Manitoba called on RECEPTION Siuccre and kind In heart and Mr, and Mrs, John Hildebrand rrrind, and fancily on New Year's Day. For Mr, and Mrs, Melvin. wens, What a beautiful memory he left Mr, and Mrs, Fred MacPherson in Londesboro Hall on Friday, Lthind, of Wingham were guests of Mr, January.. 15. Scott's ..,Orchestra. —Ever remembered by the family and Mrs, Sam Thompson and Everyone welcome. 20.2, 204 family on New Year's Day. • IN MEMORIAM THE BLY'PH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs, Alex Styles and Patsy, Mr. Robert Wilson of Mim- ico spent Saturday with Mrs. Cora McGill. Mr. and Mrs. David Walsh, Kit- chener, Miss Mae Coulter, Alymer were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Walsh and family. Mrs, Gordon Walsh had the mis- fortune of breaking her hip last Friday at Huronview and is now a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital, Mrs, Cora McGill spent Christmas with Mrs. George Maines and her daughter, Miss Tillie Maines of Blyth. We are sorry to hear that Mr, Albert Bacon and Mr. George Jor- dan are patients in the Wingham and District Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. Misses Valerie and Brenda Neth - cry and friends from Burlington, visited on Monday with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Her son Irwin. Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Robinson and Ray spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson and Sandra of Wingham, also other rel- atives were Mr. and Mrs, William Purdon, St. Helens, Mr. apd Mrs, Donald Gaunt, Kitchener, Mr. Harris Purdon and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. John PhiIlion, David and Nancy, of Toronto, are spending the holiday week at their farm in East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs, William Gow were Christmas visitors with their dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ladd and family of Goderich. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gow visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Nahrgang of Ros- tock. The CGIT Christmas caroling from home to home was much appreciated by the village folks and we want to say a hearty thank you girls. Mr, and Mrs. Hartley Smith and Kenneth, Tillsonburg, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saxby and Reid, Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Smith, Kathy and Bradley, West Hill, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Jamieson, Connie, Carol and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cameron, Brett and Monique all of Wingham, Miss Kathy Seane, IIensall and Mr. Roger Bieman, Belgrave were guests of Mrs. Art Edgar, Neil, Donna and Murray, on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Coultes, Judy and Denise, of Blenheim, Mr, James Coultes, Brantford, Ali23 Irene Paton of Wingham, spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Coultes. Mr, Ivan McBurney, of Toron- to, Mr, Carman McBurney, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Yuill and Carman, Mr. Ross Yui11, Kit- chener, Miss Mary Grasby, Lon- don, and Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse were Christmas guests of Mrs. Laura Johnston and George. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg, R.R. 2, Clifford, Mr. and Airs. Ronald Hibberd, Palmer- ston, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Lich• ty and Wayne, R.R. 1, Milverton, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Sandra, Lisa and Pamela, Win- throp. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hibberd and Mrs. herb Wheeler visited with Miss Edna Barlow, Gode- rich, on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Wheeler was a sup- per guest of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ilibherd on Sunday. Mr. W. F. Shackleton of Cale - don, Mr, and Mrs. William Shack- leton and family, Burlington, vis• ited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Scott and Mrs. Norman Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Workman of Brussels, and Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Craig, 13luevale, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lark Armstrong. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. Howard Wilkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Wilkinson, Laurie, Mark and Sandra, Smithville, ??1r. and Mrs. Clayton Wilkinson and Kelly, of Kitchener, Mr, William Stubbs, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs. Carl Procter, all of Belgrave. Mrs. Carl Procter visited with Carl on Christmas Day at Huron. v All Belgrave library books to be n by SatnMay, January 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, Carol and Kimberley, of Union- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and Kathy, Clinton, Mrs. Telford Cook spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cook. Miss Etta Sturdy of Wingham, spent a few days in the Christmas holidays with her sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cool:. Christmas guests of Mrs. Tel. ford Cook were Miss Etta Sturdy, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Cook and family, Mr. Thomas Thompson and Mr. Carman Schultz, Blyth. Boxing Day guests at the home of Mrs. George Martin were Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes and And. rey. Mr. Martin Grasby, Belgrave, Mr. and Airs. Robert Taylor, Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. George Wonnacott and Kenneth, R.II., 1, Arva, Mr. Don Rae, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chart. ney, Mr, and Mrs. Ewald Rainer, Mr, and Mrs. John McCormack and Christie spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Airs. Sam Thomp• son and family, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Mcl3urney, Stephen and Renee of Ottawa spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McBurney during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wightrnan spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hamilton and family of Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. James Lamont and family New Design SUNWORTHY & WALDEX PAPER Limited Quantity of PLAIN PAPERS AT 79c We Also Carry C.I.L. PAINTS LAWRIE DECORATING ELYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.4525 of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent of 13luevale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent last Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, John McCormack and Christie of Plano, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Rainer of Scar- boro, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Walter and Norma of Goderich were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Rainer and Ur, and Mrs. John McCormack attended the Walter -Miller wedding at Brodhagen on Wednesday, Dec- ember 23. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Liam Hill, 1Villowdale visited with AIr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Cow- an of Lucan visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker and Shelley -Ann spent Christmas Eve with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weddel. Queensville, and on Christmas Day visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Walker, Cameron. Un December 23rd the C.G.I.T. girls spent an enjoyable evening carolling at the homes of the vil- lagers. A pizza party followed at the home of Mrs, Don Walker and the girls exchanged gifts. The next meeting will be held January 12th, 1971, Mr. and Airs. Cecil Armstrong, 1 '1'1►orndalc, Mr, Martin Grasby, Be!grave, were Christmas guests of Mrs. George Martin. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Reid and family, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin and family, Mr. and Airs. Gibson Armstrong and family spent Christmas with their parents, lir. and firs, llerson Ir- win, Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Jamieson were Mr, Bruce Manna, Listowel, Mr, and Mrs. Randy White, Baden, Mr. and Airs. Gordon Iianna and Brenda, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna spent Christmas with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minick and Edwin of Haden. Mrs, John Anderson spent Chri- stmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Les Shaw and family of London, On Sunday, Mrs. Carrie Taylor of Wingham visited with her sis. ter, Mrs, John Anderson. Mr's, Jake Minter, Lucknow, Mr. and Airs. Cliff Menary, Ashfield, Mr, and lir.. John Ilunter, Ash- field, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Menary and James, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Barry penury and family of Cen- tralia spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Scott and family. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor spent a few days during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Collins of Sarnia. Christmas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Taylor, were Air. and Mrs. Nelson Dusky, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Craig, Blue. vale, lir. and Airs. Frank Work. man, Cranhrook, Air, and Airs. Thomas Armstrong and family, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Armstrong and lir. and Airs. Robert Taylor and Steven. Christmas; guests on Saturday v;ith Air, and Mrs. Edgar Wight, man were Mr. and Mrs. William A1untgoinery and family of Guelph Mr. and Airs. Donald Metcalfe and family of Hanover, Air. and Mrs, Wayne Nichol and family, Bramp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and family, Wingham, Miss Doris Moore, Brampton, Mr. Gordon Chapman, Bolton. Mr, and Mrs. Grant McBurney and family Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour and family of Bluevale, Mrs. Victor Young, Wingham, Air. and Mrs. Allan McBurney and family spent Chr• isttnas with Mr, and Mrs, Jack McBurney. Mr, and Airs. Ross Wigthman, Guelph visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Wighlman. Mr, and Mrs, Mason Robinson attended the baptiser of their granddaughter, Amy Michelle, in• f.►nt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Workman in Brussels Un. ited Church on Sunday morning. THE 1910 FARM TAX REDUCTION PROGRAM The 1970 Farm Tax Reduction Program is the 'most recent phase in the Government of Ontario's long-term plan to reform the system of local taxation in this province. This program will help farm property owners to pay their municipal and education taxes. Farm property owners will receive $20,000,000 in special assistance from the Government of Ontario..This amounts to 25 percent of the net municipal taxes on eligible farm property. To be eligible, the property owner must live in Ontario. Also, If the farm property is less than 11 acres, it must have yielded $2,000 or more In gross income during the year. Cheques and information leaflets are being mailed out by the Depaftment of Municipal Affairs to every eligible farm owner. Additional information may be obtained from: The Municipal Subsidies Branch Department of Municipal Affairs 801 Say Street, Toronto 5, Ontario DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS W. DARCY McKEOUGH MINISTER OR The County or District Offices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FOOD WILLIAM A. STEWART MINISTER p4 l -Business Directory:: Cronin's Television SALES s SERVICE t1LY7'li ••- Phone 1523.9273 J. 1;. I,IiNGSTA I''E' ---• OPTOMETRIST !tl Naar, Street — CLIN r(IN 11ON1)AVS k WF,UNESDAYS 9.30 a.►n In 5.;;t► N n. For A1,pointn*•at Phone 482 7010 SEAL 0R'I'il 01 EKE ••- Ilatnnce of Week — Phone 527.1., ►c► 13EATTY Farm- Service Centre CORNER 01' ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure 1landling System% . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We berviue '.what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" ' 1NI1(t1{1• SEWAGE DISl`ri»AI. St;P7'1(: TAN KS, C1$SS•1'OOLS, Ell— I'UM)'El) 3. c,Li.AI`•►+11 FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS IUJAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 887.6800 i 4 t Illi, K. W. STItEE1 I31.i'Tif -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS -- BY APPOINTMENT Monday through Friday Tuesday and Thursday Evenings ►1, It. HAM111'1O\ -- i1PT4rdtI'EI{iS1 ' r11 t,l thr I.vreuu, 1'lu'atrr • 11'IM1I:NA11 Phone 357.1361 .11O01iYr M 1•:1,1.1(1'1'I HEAL ESTATE ‘ia,;NCY G111114u !;!Balt, 111oho . R.. Julio N;IUurt, SaJ, 'aln 131-1411Vh,S: Myttl, Office S23-4181, i{, 9 s'l.:i 522 ul 523 4:31:1 WANTED, I,tsttngt. ut, Furies, Ncsu,r..a .mil Businesses RIO '+ 411'.'x'1"1 1 1 •. t('( 4,1 VT 1\"I 1.1110 I:rs fl ,,\'rAl:+t' I'� Irnn�ulr 4.115;4 i Itritunnle 1G1.. E. ....1.....0..16• CRAWT OTID and MII•,L • BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS ,I. 11, Cawford, Q,C., A. Mill, B.A., LL.B, In Blyth Each Thursday Morning am! 14) Appoinl►nrnl LOCATED IN KI,I,i&vrT INq('1tANf:1 AGENCY Blyth 823••148i l'1i.me Wingham 357.3tiittl 14111tEEN's BEAUTY ,SI1OPPI: :;TY. 141 NO • 'l'INTIN(i • CUTTING & t's)L1) WAVF:,y I)OI{l' I', Y1eettl41.4.lbl -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Ousel' All Day Monday -- Open Tuesday 'Through Satur,lo+ t u i, V' 1' l I BEAUTY I t A R OPEN TUESDAYS, TIiIIXIIISDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings 1'110!1'E: BLYTII 523-9341. If no answer 523.9601 ANN HOLLINGER 111,AK.I'S %VF:i,UING & AIA(:H.INE MUTABLE and ACETYLENE 1VELUIN• ALSO t''(1bWPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street t'I,INTON Phone. Ott 7303 N. T. Dale SEPTI(' TANK SERVICE CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 LYid±; YOUNGBLUT . (411, BURNER SALES: & SERVICE "Your 011 Heating Contracaor" : BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 03.9585 THE I3LYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 11411, I101II1I31I1WIPAIM! ,!!tient' 1I1t1il!i111.111 SIT 211 11117 Ihl i!�I� it � , �!I�I� ! iuuuw, mii6iiiiiiiiuh�iwi, luu •il l idi.��i,iwidwu� SELL IV BU Y I'1" K ENT 11" FIND IT: !RUT .1 ;7TA \I'AKI.► -CLASSIFIED" TO N ORE EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PRENATAL CLASSES "A sories of ,prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, January 13, 1971, at 2:00 p,ln. in (he former Nurses Residence, Wingham Ilos• pita! and in the Ilealth Unit Of- fice, opposite the Clinton Public Hospital, and at 8:00 p.m. at the , health Unit Ofice, Medical and Dental Centre, Brussels. These will be held at weekly intervals for eight weeks, Those interest- ed are invited to attend or phone the Public Health Nurse, Wing. ham 3.57.2264 or Clinton 482.9661. 19.2 40. rr FOIL SALE Cutters and antiques, reason- able prices, Ernest Noble, phone 523.4302 Blyth. 09•tf HOUSE FOR SALE Brick House with furnace, bath• room and cupboards. Located close to .business section on Queen Street, Blyth. Apply Mrs. Wm. Cockerline, Blyth. 15.1p REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types. Complete appliance repairs at 11URKE ELECTRIC, Wingham, 357-2450. Electrical Contractors, Appliances... Motor Rewind, 24 !lour .emergency service. 404f CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing , in stabling, Don Ives, phone Brussels 887.9024 37•tf , CLINTON. SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 pan. In The Afternoon (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK INFORMATION: Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton FOR SALE Child's leather coat and hat set, 24 months; rocking horse, car seat, Phone 523.4216. 20.1 CARD OF TIIANKS We wish to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, dona- tions, cards of sympathy and many acts of kindness shown dur- ing our recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and will always be remembered. Jim and Thelma Wilson. 20•lp. CARD OF TIIANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to friends who re- membered the and my family at Christmas. Betty Nethery & family 20-1 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Mor- ris Township Federation of Agri. cul are will be held in the Bel - grave Women's Institute Hall Thursday, January 14th at 8:30 p.m. Les Armstrong will show pictures of his recent European tour. Coffee and donuts served. 20.2 CARD OF TIIANKS 'I'he family of the late Michael Joseph Kelly wishes to express sincere thanks to the C,W.L., Fr, Kelly, 'Tasker Memorial Chapel, Centralia neighbours and Blyth friends and relatives for their ex- pressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during their recent ber- eavement, All was much awe. elated. ... 20.lp.. SERGE I):1IRY EQUIPMENT For milker service, Mueller bulk milk tanks, milking parlous, step savers (for area •west of highway 4), phone Ken Martie collect 396- 2108, Kincardine. Milkers parts, inflations and sanitation products can be obtained from Cronin's Hardware, Blyth, 20.8p, LARRY'S RADIO and TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE Larry Bolger, Proprietor BLY'I'H, ONTAaww PHONE 523.9640 ELECTRIC WIRING Commercial • Domestic • Rural -- Agents: Champion Grinders, Hollers & ilrondhagen Stable Fans •— Motor Sales & Repairs CONTACT: Blyth Electric Shop 4524 or Glean Gibson 9482 K. M. HULLEY ItACKHOEING — SHOVE!. LOADING •-- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL --- TOP SOIL Box 205, LONDESBORO, ONT. Phone 523.4566 L. and M. BUILDING COMPANY R.R. 2, ittnevale Phone Brussels 320J4 or 327.14 ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFING Reasonable Rates -- Only Quality Material Used Tom Duizel' Plumbing and Heating 011 Burner Sales . Service • Installation and Motor Repair Myer's Pressure Systems • Mr Conditioning Sheet Metal Work - Eavestroughing 10N1)ES1ORO, ONT. PHONE BLYTH 523.4359 11ST YOUR FAR41 PROPEl1'1'4' t6'tTH US -- -- WE HAVE THE co'rr.e r'rs tND THE PROSPECTS t:. Ill) KIJMA tt,K1 .1, .Clinton Phone 41(2.3278 • Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUIiOUN LTD., Clinton. r .4 .. r FOR SALE Snowmobile trailer, single, Mer- vin Ritchie, phone 523-9536. 20 -Ip CARI) OF TIIANKS I would like to thank my friends in Myth and district for the many cards sent to me while in Alex- andra Marine and General hos- pital, Goderich. Mr. Vere Cunningham, 20-1 STRAYED 1,000 lb. Hereford Steer from farm of Robert Charter, 3rd con. of East Wawanosh, Phone 523- 9546, 20.1p ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of 'the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held on Saturday, January 23rd at 1:30 p.m, in the Blyth Orange Hall., Everyone interested is urged to attend this vital meeting. 20.3 FOR SALE llolstein bull calf. Bill Cowan, 523.9229, 20-1 FOR SALE A llolstein drop calf. Bob Peel, phone 523.4458. 20-1 JANUARY SALE Cash & Carry Items 2 Simplicity Dryers at 159,95 each 1 RCA Victor 19" portable colour TV . 489,95 1 10 cu, ft. Refrigerator 189.95 1 8 cu. ft. mini- Freezer 159,95 phone orders accepted T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES Brucefield Tel, 482.3232 Counter Check Books At The Standard Office A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE • • Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown In your home. t Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 . Clinton 30•tf. . 1111 1 « l 1' ' ... ,r� t y C.0"1 .ser.411:114. arv.•r.iil'. To Sell Your FARM, ROME, COTTAGE or BUSINESS ./4 See Local Representative STAN HAY PHONE 523,4464 BLYTi'. 1 THE BLYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Gth, 1971 4 !GAR tract LONG HAIR OR SLACKS LET THEM BEI During the fall, I wrote a column asking for readers' opinions on such worldshaking things as boys with long hair and girls wear- ing slacks to school. Correspondence on the subject is still trick- ling in. The column was written just after the girls at our school had staged something of a coup d'etat, Slacks were forbidden. One day about 300 of them turned up in slacks, The principal, sensibly enough, met with a delegation of the girls, heard their cause, then asked the teaching staff for an opinion. The staff numbers nearly eighty. Quite a few of them have teenage daughters. An overwhelming majority of staff voted for slacks, I among them, Next morning, an announcement was made that girls would be allowed to wear slacks. A student made the announcement. And there was an audible gasp of pure incredulity when she added, "And also blue jeans." Well, the world is still spinning on its axis. The sun still comes up every day. And it's no more distracting to walk down the hall behind a seventeen -year-old whose voluptuous bottom is reveal- ing itself in tight blue jeans than it is to do the same thing behind a girl whose skirt is almost up to her navel. Perhaps you'd be interested in some readers comments. This is from a lady in Georgetown, who points out that she is no teenager, but gets the pension. "Dear Bill Smiley: What has long hair to do with what's under it?. It is the teacher's duty to dig what is under it and teach them how to make the best use of it. I'm all for "the kids gcitting, back to the fig leaf if they want to. I am also all for teachers co- operating with them in doing away with wars and poverty •— both of which we should be ashamed of." This is from a gentleman in Grand Valley, who is retired. "Now Sir, about girls' clothes. I personally like girls wearing a navy blue skirt, at least to the knees, with a white blouse, and of course the hair neatly tied or pinned, or a net to keep it in place, sb it won't fall in to a bowl of soup. Now please tell me how these things called Slacks are comfortable, as the most of them I see are so tight right from the ankles up, so tight they cut right into the body. I feel if some of our nice•lo8king females could get a look at themselves from the rear, when they are walking down the street. they would make a few changes," Sir, I agree with you. For the same reason I don't wear kilts. I'm bow-legged. A lady from Park Hill. A long letter, These are excerpts. "So not all girls can afford a new midi wardrobe, Nor clo too many want it. But why have slacks so tight than an onlooker often cannot help but wonder if with a bit more wiggle, all would blow?" Why, indeed? About long hair on boys, the lady says: "If teachers of this day cannot tell their pupils with long hair and beards that the pict- ures that this world has of Jesus are greatly varied . .. then it it no wonder that the children are getting the runaround . . If the generation of today were to be asked what is, and what is not, old- fashioned, I'm certain their answers would be as varied as their clothes, From Acton. "Slacks for girls? Boys with long hair? 1 have three girls and it would save me a lot of money if they would be able to wear slacks to school. As for the boys wearing long hair, I say, beg, preach: let them be! What makes us want to tell youth what to wear, how to look? If a child or young adult does not know what Is best for himself, we had better take a second or third look at ourselves," That's just a sampling. There's a very sensitive letter from Willy Blok Hanson, who Is an artist, but I can't find the darned thing, Oh, yes, here It is. Summarized. "If the longhairs and beardles of today would follow Jesus also in his actions, instead of only in his looks, they would be very acceptable indeed, today, to- morrow, the same as yesterday. Girls wearing slacks? Why not? Cold is cold, for boys as well as girls, Whether they both should wear jeans to school, or slacks, depends on the quality of the sub- ject matter." Slacks for sexy novels? Skirts for math? I'm bewildered. But thanks for the letters. I'IRIIInRRIIIRINIIRnIIIIIRl;!!IRRRRfIII!�11�IIRnIIR(Niihl�iiiiii(tt�(i►������!iiiiiu(1111))lihiui+tm((iliiiiriillllarwiiuilliiillll I ; 1l1f�111111111�I1f!�IJn THE BLYTH STANDARD Published every Wednesday at Qtteen Street, RUTH, ONTARIO. "Second class mail registration number 1319" WEDDINGS COWAN—POLAND Baskets of white and pink minus decorated St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, December 19th, 1970 foto the wedding of Agnes Poland, date ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Poland of Dublin, and William Dwight Cowan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cowan, of R.R. 1, Auburn. Father Keane officiated at the double -ring ceremony and the wed- ding music was played by the organist, Miss Lucille Rousseau. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a dress of white satin brocade with long sleeves ending with deep -button- ed cuffs. The long chapel train fell from the waistline. She wore a shoulder -length veil of nylon sheer and carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Anne Phillips, of Seaforth, was dressed in a floor•length gown of yellow chiffon with an embroid- ered white waist and carried a cascade of yellow and white car• nations. The groomsman was Rex. John• son of Bayfield, and the ushers were George Cowan and Chris Cowan, brothers of the groom. A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Jeffery, 62 MeNab Street, Stratford, The couple will reside at 336 Brunswick Street, Stratford and will be at home to their friends after the first of January. Guests were present from Chatham, Bay- field, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton, Brussels, Auburn, Stratford. SIIADDICK—RILEY A quiet wedding was solemnized in Londesboro United Church by Rev. Stanley C. AlacDonald on Wednesday, December 23rd, 1970 when Donna Mae Riley and Robert Mien Shaddick exchanged mar- riage vows. Their attendants were Brenda Kingswell of Clinton and Richard Shaddick of Kitchener, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and the groom's par- ents are Mr, and Mrs. Allen Shaddick, all of Londesboro. OBITUARIES MICHAEL JOSEPH KELLY 1lichael Joseph Kelly passed away in Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall on Wednesday, Dec- ember 30, 1970 in his 83rd year. Corn in Morris Township, he was the sour of the late Michael Joseph Kelly and Ellen Oliver. He mar- ried the late Mary Elsie Connon and they lived in Morris until moving to Bruceficld and then to Centralia, where he resided until entering nursing home two weeks ago. The remains rested at the Task- er Memorial Chapel, Queen Street in Blyth until 9:45 a.m. Saturday, January 2, 1971 and then to St. Michael's Church, Blyth, for re- quiem high mass at 10 a.m. ton• ducted by Rev, Fr. J. E. Kelly. Temporary entombment took place in Blyth Cemetery Chapel with spring burial in St. Michael's Cemetery, Morris Township. Pallbearers were: Miles, Jim, Wilmer, Earl Jr,, Vincent and Frank Kelly, SISTER PASSED AWAY Mrs, Harold Cook received word that her sister, Mrs, Mary Mitchell, passed away suddenly at her home In London Wednesday, Decetnnrber 30th in her 68th year. She was born in Turnberry Township on May 4, 1903, daught• er of the late Mr, and Mrs. Na• thanial Bolt. Her husband pre- deceased her in 1940. Before mov- ing to London, site had resided in Wingham. Mrs. Mitchell Is survived by four sisters, Mrs, Olive Bruce, Wallaceburg, Mrs, Jean Fox, Lon- don, Mrs, John (Annie) Purdon, Lucknow, Mrs, Harold (Zara) Cook,' Blyth, �pP!�'.i' ''ui',I,�! Ili„l�� �i�l �I I"(ui I 'r IG II`� I , �'',iitil.! i ii �i !pl 1,! ' hr I� (I� ��I I (il i II'I�I' ili(I f ' II(' i) Il! ;"�I' � i iii � I I•„ lil�li L, �." @ ii i ,I •,....,,. • � i 6..� ,i �„i t�i��,,. ,, ,ll.,l ! �. ;,i Irl! , I +.R .� �.Vl .1.1, t�,�6RR!il;•, ni,. i4,.Vl,li,all�l,� II,I Ilu I Jl,IiuL�i!I, , . !,���I •.il, G: V FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY GOD Ever felt there might be a God after all? Doesn't make you insecure? Many act its though they're trying to hide from IIinr. Remember Adam and Eve? They tried, Let's think about it: Why would we want to hide from God in the first place? Would you believe: because we feel guilty (like Adam and once in a while? But these same people find Iiirn inescapable! Except for one way. Become a Christian! After that, God sees you without guilt in Christ Jesus Christ wiped out my guilt tlodays, yesterdays, and tomorrows) all at once, and at one great cost, Ile offers this to the world. You would better believe it. Eve) (CIiRISTian). Conclusion: A Christian really has no reason to hide from God. What's yours? Should you hang on to it? • — KROEZE "ry!('?!!II I,r'47RIRiI 11KII1II111111 1111 I11111R'III"KI a TIMlTIMMIi!it!tltFIR! IlMPlPTITIIC 1111l71FN311 1 117). mnnq Qitrrhei s'E. ANIItEW'S I'I(KSIIYTERIAN CHURCH MR. JOHN TURNER 1:00 p.m -- Sunday School. 1:00 p.m. — Church Service CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth Rev. F. Shantz, Speaker Sunday 11:00 a.m, -- Worship Service. IVednesday 2 • 4 p.rn. — Children's Hour. Wednesday 8 • 9 p.m. -- Prayer and Study Time. Not a denomination but a fellowship. We welcome you. NG1,l("AN CHURCH URCH OIC CANADA THE REV. J. KEITH STOKES, B.A., S.T.B. Box 47, Blyth, Ontario -- PhonP 52.3.9334 SUNDAY, JANIJAR.Y 10 — EPIPHAND I Blyth, 10 a,m. -- Morning Prayer. Brussels, 11:30 a.m. — Morning Prayer. llelgrave, 1:15 p.m, — Iioly Communion. Auburn, 4 p.m. -- Evening Prayer. 1NNUAL MEETINGS OF VESTRY: Belgrave -- Monday afternoon, January 18. Auburn •— Monday 8:00 p.m., January 18. Blyth •— Wednesday 8:00 p.m., January 20, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. CECIL L. WITTICH, B.A., B.D. Mrs. Donald Kai. Director of Music. Sunday School — 9:40 a,m, Worship Service — 11:00 a.m. Everyone Welcome, CHRISTIAN REPO MEU CHURCH REV. H. W. KROEZE. MINISTER 10:00 a.in, — Morning Service, 11:15 a,m. -- Sundayschool. 3:00 p.m. -- Afternoon Service, WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR PASTOR, REV. KENNETH J. KNIGIIT Each Lord's Day at 2.00 pm, Inter -Denominational --- All are Welcome, The United Church of Canada AUBURN & DONNYBROOK Minister — Pastor Alfred Fry Donnybrook 9,45 aan. Auburn 11,15 a,m. "Holding for the Word of Life" A Welcome awaits yon ST, MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — BI.YTH Priest -- Rev, James E. Kelly Mass at Blyth ,10:15 qI 11111i9I;1iIIIIIIII!Ilf 9!IODI1DOINI<IInNINX1191!IIIIIII!IIInTIPIP II! RIINPI!IIIIIINIIIUININ11111 RIIINT'IIN 11111 1111II HIRIpImIliP IT IfIIIVIIR The funeral was held at the R. The pallbearers were nephews: A, Currie and Son Funeral Home, Clifford, Russel and Kenneth Pur. Wingham, on Saturday, January don, Ivan and Warren Cook, and 2nd at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev, Elvin Moore, Robert. Armstrong of Wingham Flowerbaarers were Fred Mc - Presbyterian Church, Interment Gee, John Stewart and Charles took place in Wingham Cemetery. Campbell, WESTFIELD NEWS Mr, and Mrs. George McBride with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Stephen- and family were Christmas visitors son of Schomberg. NOTICE OF MEETING The first 1971 Aleeling of the Blyth Municipal Recreation Cummitie will he held on January 25th at 8 p,m, In the Library, Would the participating organizations please leave the name of their representative with Mrs. Amy McCrea, 52:1•931.1 seerclary•lreasurer. Anyone wishing to hook the hall or library call Airs, J. liesselwood 523••11112, SPECIAL SALE ON MADE TO MEASURE SUITS BY HOUSE OF STONE A Special Group of Samples REG, UP TO $122.00 SALE $85.00 SAVE $37.00 READY TO WEAR SUITS Regular $8=1,00 SALE $66.95 (alterations extra) R W. Madill's s H O ES -- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Gond Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MAI)II,L'S on Thursday and Friday Serving you better Saving you more COOK'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver Paramount Red Sockeye`Sa mon, 7 314 oz. 63e Minette's Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz, tin 27c Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable Soup .1 - 10 oz. tins 43c Clark's Choice Kernel Corn, 2 - 14 oz. tins 39c Br;ght's Choice Peaches, halves, 19 oz. 35c Maple Leaf Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. • 39c Ellmarr Margarine, 1 Ib, print 29c Delsey Toilet Tissue, assorted colors 2 roll pkg. 29c Omo Laundry Detergent, 40c off label kingsize ......................... . 1.39 Marra's Sugar Do -Nuts, 1 doz. pkg. • , 25c Hostess Giant Cookies, 19 oz. pkg., 10c off 49c Weston's Swiss Chocolate pkg. 39c Bruce Packer's Weiners .......... 2 lb, 89c Bruce Packer's Bologna 3 lb. 1.00 Coleman Sweet Pickle Rolls , . , • per lb, 55c No, 1 U.S. Head Lettuce Indian River Grapefruit MacIntosh Apples • • • • . • • r .•.••.• 19c 5 for 39c 5 lb. 59c Christmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Smith were: Miss Margery Smith, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 11. Smith and Sari, Clarkson, 11r, and Mrs. John A. Gear, Marie and Waren, Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pil• ling, Hamilton, Mr. Armand Mc. Barney, Wingham. A1iss Jeanetta Snell and Air, Cordon Snell visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell of 13lyth. Mr, Daviel McDowell, Woodstock visited for several days recently with M r. 13111 Snell. Mr. and Airs. William Chambers of Elmira visited on Christmas Day wilt) Air. 411Id Airs. Peter Verbeek and family. Christmas visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden were: Mr, Gary Walden, ,lir• and Mrs, Garth 1Valden, Christa and Tin) all of London, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cunningham and family of Auburn, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Snell were: Mrs, Eccles Dow, Ivan and Nelson, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Dow and family all of East Wawanosh, Air, and Mrs. Ross 'Taylor and family, Miss Jeanetla Snell and Mr. Gordon Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell and Eric visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good of Londesboro. Mrs, Audrey Biggerstaff and Bill visited on Christmas with A1r. land Mrs. Brian McKee, Wing - ham, Mr, and Mrs. John Van Der Eems and family of Streetsville visited on Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Peter de Groot and fancily. Mrs. Grace Ross, Woodstock, Mr. Wallace Ross, Wendy and David of Kitchener visited on Wednesday with Air, and Mrs. Arnold Cook. Mr: and Mrs. Charlie Smith and Mr, Gordon McDowell were New Year's eve visitors with Air. and Mrs. John A, Gear, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook visit• ed an Sunday with firs, Edna Cook, iluronview. New Year's visitors wilt lir. and Mrs, Ross 'Taylor were: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar pane and. family, 1Vroxeter, Airs, Jean 'Taylor, I3rus• scis, Mr, • and Mrs. Bill Taylor and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan 1Vighlman, Mr, and Mrs. 13111 Fidom and family visited on Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, F. C. Quackenbush of Ingersoll, Christmas visitors with Mr, and Airs, Gordon E, Smith were: lir. and Airs, Eric Vogl and family and Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell .all of London, Miss Gladys McDowell and Mr.. Dan Ferguson, Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Mc• Dowell and Graeme. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell were: Mr, and Airs, Aiurray McDowell and i•Ieather, Cookstown, Mrs, Dell)) 1 McDowell, Blyth, Mr, and Mrs, Don AfcDowell, Kitchener, Air, and ' Mrs• John McDowell, London, Mr, David McDowell, IVoodstock, Miss Judy 1lcDowell, Guelph and Ailss Janice McDowell, London. Airs: Carl Mills, Connie and I-Ieather of Exeter visited on Sun• clay with Mr, and Airs, Gerald McDowell and family, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Stephenson of Schomberg were New Year's HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast and efficient courteous same day service. 21 • (four Service • 7 Days a week Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237•070 08•if 'TIIE 131iYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 61h, 1971 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, London, visited on Sat. Mci3ride and family. urday with Miss Jeanetta Snell Miss Shirley Snell and Mr. Jack and Mr. Gordon Snell. PLANNING A BUILDING OR RENOVATIONS? Call Into Our Yard And See Our "COLPO" Way Of SAVING YOU MONEY A. MANNING & SONS, LTD. 131,Y'C11, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.4251 MAIL ORDER SERVICE 18 AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE ()RUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES •• • N • •••-•• • • • • • •.• •1♦. -.-••••1••••4.1•.-.-• •-}••♦•-114-4HHI♦ • • ••• • • • • • 1 + 1 1 • • • • • •• TRADE UP TO ONE OF OUR ROAD- WORTHY (ARS - the price is right! A HAMM DEAL SAVES YOU MONEY 1969 DODGE Monaco 4dr, hardtop, v8, auto- matic; ps and ph 1969 METEOR 4 door, v8 1968 BEAUMONT 4 dr., 6 cyl, 1968 DODGE Polara 500, 4 dr., v8, automatic, 1968 CHEV. 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 1968 CADILLAC, 4 dr., hardtop 1968 FORD Custom, 4 dr., v8, automatic 1967 FORD v8, automatic, 4 door 19671+ ORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8, ps 1967 CHEV, Station Wagon, v8, automatic 1967 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., v8 1965 PONTIAC Par., 4 dr., v8, automatic 1965 VALIANT 2 dr., hardtop, v8, automatic 1964 DODGE v8, automatic THESE AND OTHERS a m's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9581 • $ • • w• a••+ •-•-•-•-• • ♦ •+•+ 4 $ 4 • THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1971 EUCHRE WINNERS ARENA SCHEDULE .lanuary 7 - 7.9 public skating. January 8 - 7.8:30 pee wee game Listowel vs. Blyth; bantam game, Monkton vs. Blyth 8:30.10, January 9 - 8.1;30 hockey practice; 2-4 publi skating; 8:45-10:30 Midget game, Milverton at Blyth. January 10 -- 2.4 public skating; 7:30.8:30 boy scouts. January 11 - 7-8:30 novice game, Milverton vs. Blyth; 8:30-10 Mid- get game, Brussels vs. Blyth. January 12 -- 3:30-7 Figure and Power skating; 7:45-11 broomball. January 13 -- 3.4 free skating for preschool and kindergarten. PLEASE NOTE -- time change for preschool skating. December 28th winners: high lady, Mrs, Clarence Johnston; no- velty, Mrs. Ed, Bradford; low la- dy, ?1rs. George Watt; high man, tai nie Noble; novelty, Les Fear; low man, Clarence Johnston. January 4th winners; high lady. Mrs. Joe Holmes; lone hands, Mrs. 1[arvey .SiBib; low lady, Mrs, lien• ry; high man, George Grigg; lone bands, William Bromley; low pian George Watt. Our Annual Clearance Sale With Stare -Wide Discounts -- starts Thur., JanJ, 9 a.m. DON'T MISS THE OPENING DAY SPECIALS Playtex Cross Your Heurt Playtex 18 Hour Girdle Braz Nationally advertised and worn $LOO OFF RETAIL PRICE Exquisite Form'is offering 20 percent off on all Braz and Girdles during this sale. Special Discounts on all Dresses and Pant Dresses JUNIOR Sizes 5-19; MISSES Sizes 12-20; LADIES 112 Sizes 1212.24,112 Reg. Price $18.95 Sale Price $14,95 YOU SAVE $4,00 Reg. Price $25.00 Sale Price $19,95 YOU SAVE $5,05 Reg. Price $29,95 Sale Price $23.95 YOU SAVE $6.00 Over a hundred styles to choose from all going at specially reduced rate, Coats and Jackets 20 to 30 percent off regular price LADIES' CORDUROY 16 112 and 18 112 only MISSES, JUNIORS and TEENS to size 20 in Corduroy, Velour, Wool and Vinyl Reg. $25.00 Sale Price $19.95 YOU SAVE $5,05 Reg. $29.00 Sale Price $23.00 YOU SAVE $6.00 Reg, $35.00 Sale Price $28,00 YOU SAVE $7.00 Boys & Girls Jackets & Ski Jacs ets all reduced by 20 pct. � REG, CHUBBY MONARCH TK DENIMS and COR DUROYS. REG, AND 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT JUNIOR MISS CORDS, DENIMS, VISCOSE and WOOL FLARES IN STRIPES and PLAINS REDUCED BY 20 PEI CENT during this sale So comfortable you forget you're wearing it 82.00 OFF RETAIL PRICE Fortrel Flare Pants in all sizes from 8 to 20 and 38 to 41 Reg. $9.98 $7.98 ea. Reg, $12,95 $10.00 ea. Reg. $13.95 $11.00 ea. Reg. $11.15 $11.95 ea. Save Up To $3.00 ea. on For ire! Flares and Slims Panti Hose Special As usual we offer our regular first quality Panti Hose $1,49 Retail Value for only .99 cents ea. Ladies & Childrens FIan eIk tl a Sleepwear all at specially reduced prices 20 Per Cent. Off Ladies' and Children's Hats Girl's Dresses, Skirts and Pant Suits ORLON SAYELLE CHIERTAN W OOL • THREE and FOUR PLY BEEHIVE KNITTING WOOLS Infant's Wear 10 percent disc, - Dia pers - Baby Blankets and Dresses, BE SURE TO VISIT THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Where Specially Reduced Items are being shown --- First Quality Mer- chandise which has been soiled or discontinued lines 50 to 60 Per Cent. Discounts in The Basement Special Tables of Items for 50 cents, $1.00 and $2,00 ea. Special Rack of Items at $1.00 and $2.00 ea. (all sale merchandise must be cash -- no returns or refunds during sale) The Needlecraft Shoppe LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR I31vth, Ont. Ph. 523.4351 ; 1,•New ski loge. from dropp.fo gyd steel alloys. 2. Tougher, more floxible track for batter grip,' more •;- coloration.' 3. Polycarbonate windshield. Safe, flexible :' 4. Unbelioyably strong'Gast s)uminum steering hrms. 5. A Skiroule clutch is.a,whopper. , 6. ,Our drive bolt14 twice' as thick as most others. 7. Our frame strength is'bticoming legendary.This year stronger' dynamic ac - it's even McCLINCHEY'S SUPERTEST PHONE 5234501 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. •MI••M.I••I II I rN.-MM.rN+I ♦IIA••e •IN•• N•I N INSURANCE IN :ALL BRANC11h;ti AUTOMOBILE, PIBE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS. ACCIIU N'I WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY. LIFF. "WE SPECT V.IZF IN GIvINt; Office 523.481 Phone* ' Resldeucr 513.452 Stewart's ed « White Food Mkt. tt p; I�h;I,IVNJt MATH, N-1.. rhuur 91:11 BUY OF THE WEEK Avon Brand Applesauce, 19 oz. tin, 5 for 1.00 Red & White Best Buys Mir Liquid Detergent, 24 oz. bottle,.2 for 69c Viva Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 33c 141111 Orange Juice; 32 oz. bottle 37c F.B.I. Apple Juice, 48 oz. tin 37c Moan's Strawberry Jam with pectin .24 oz. 39c Gold Seal Pink Salmon, lge, fin 89c Bassett's Licorice Allsorts, 16 oz. 49c Red & White Features Allen's Apple Juice from concentrate 18 oz. 27c Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's 34c Shirriff's Jelly Desserts 10 pkgs. 1.00 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12 oz. pkg. 36c Scott Cashmere Toilet Tissue .... 88 rolls 99c Viva. Paper Towels 2 rolls 57c Florida Grapefruit, pink or yellow, 10 for 69c Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Rolls , ib, 55c Maple Leaf Bologna in piece or sliced, Ib. 35c Maple Leaf Weiners, 1 lb, pkg. , .. 2 for 99e Devon Sliced Breakfast Bacon, 1 Ib, pkg. 59c Maple Leaf Pork and Beef Sausage 1 lb. tray , 59c Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips reg. 69c bag for only 59c Carlton Club Soft Drinks, tins, 24 in. case 1.99 Red & White Premium Four Poster Non -Iron Pillow Cases Only 99c a pair with a 5.00 order Ironing Board Cover and Pad Set Only 99c with a 5,00 order