HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-11-12, Page 1T BLYT STA D RD Volume 80 • No. 16 6.1 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 1865" BLYTII, ONTARIO — WED., NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 Dalrymples Honoured By Friends And Costly Prank Good Crowd Remembered War Dead At Neighbours On Move Into Blythurcno Provincial ve Police mda together Fond 11th Of November Service solved the 'Ilallowe'en night barn Former neighbours and friends We have always found you kindfire mystery. Several local young Remembrance Day was observ- highest standards of the heritage of Mr, am Mrs, William Dalrymple and cheerful neighbours during risen have been apprehended over cd in Iliijth on Tuesday morning that they .preserved for us—not gathered at the Blyth District the many years you have spent in the incident and before everything with a service in the Memorial only for us, but for all, of human - Conservation Club JIouse on Sat- this neighbourhood, 'B111, we ap• is settled, it could prove to be Hall conducted by village clergy: ity, urday, November 1st 'to honour predated the help you have al- a very costly prank. Rev, J, K. Stokes, of Trinity An- During th eservice, wreaths them with a farewell party on ways been willing to give when We hope that the incident win glican Church; Rev. W. 0. Math- were laid by the following repre• their move from the neighbour- the need arose, Hazel, we appre• serve to be a lesson not only to er, Blyth United Church; Rev. sentatives: hood to Blyth. elated the talents which you have those involved but also to all H. W. Kroeze, Christian Reform. Provincial Command, Mrs. Lot - The evening was enjoyed play so generously shared with us and in the area. Hallowe'en pranks ed Church. tie McLellan; Blyth Legion Branch ing euchre and crokinole. Win- with which you have inspired our are fine as long as they are kept Members of the Blyth Branch 420, Ralph McCrea; Ladies Aux- ners were: high man, William younger generation. ,!o mere pranks — it doesn't pay of ,the Royal Canadian Legion and iliary, Mrs. Ifarold Badley; Vil• Carter; low man, Robert Charter; We are glad your new home is to get carried away! Auxiliary members formed ranks lage of Blyth, Borden Cook; Blyth high lady, Mrs. Ralph Caldwell; not far from us and hope to see .4 at the Legion Hall and marched Women's 'Institute, Mrs. Luella low lady, Mrs. Robert Charter, you as often as before. May you to the service, They were joined McGowan; Blyth Lions Club, The Dalrymples were called to he blessed with health and happi'1 55. Jackpot by students of grades seven and Warner Collings; Blyth Masonic the front and 'Reg. Schultz and ness in your new home so that eight of the Blyth Public School, Lodge, William Carter; L,O.L. Mrs. 'Margaret u1'IcVittie presented you can enjoy the leisure that who also formed the choir for Blyth, Edwin Fothergill; Order of therm with a beautiful pair of you deserve so well. The odds are finally catching the service. A very good attend- the Eastern Star, Mrs. Marjorie table lamps after Mrs. Gordon As a token of our esteem, we up with the Lions club bingo trace of local and arca people took ,Marshall; Blyth Public School, Caldwell read the following ad• ask you to accept this gift as a games as the jackpot has not part in the service of remem- Alvin Ileard; Hullett Masonic dress: remembrance of your friends and been won for !Free weeks. This brance, Lodge, Harry Tebbutt; Howson do Dear Bill and Hazel: former neighbours here. means a total of $155.00 will be The address was given by Rev. Rowson, James Howson; Radford We, your friends and neigh. Both Mr, and Mrs. Dalrympleoffered as the big prize this week Stokes, who gave his views on re- Construction, Douglas Scrimgeour; hours, have gathered together expressed thanks for the wonder- • -which will go a long way to- mernbrance. 'IIe said, in effect, Mullett Public School, Karen Tyn- this evening to honour you on ful evening and lovely gifts and wards buying someone's Christ- "'fhe only way that we can hon. dall, Louise Lovett; Londesboro your departure from this comm- an enjoyable evening closed with mas g}Its this year! And the odds our athe memory of the service Women's Institute, Mrs. Dolores pity• the serving of lunch• makers predict that the money people is by continuing to stand Howatt. • should go this week, up for what they stood up for— Legion members attended a 'Mrs, Harold East of Clinton, which to me means peace. Peace banquet in the home catered to INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY worn 46.75 as half receipts from in this sense is not just an ab- by the Auxiliary, PersonalAny teams interested in enter- the jackpot last week. Mrs, Rose Doll o! Hamilton, Mrs. George sence of war, it is a coupling to- On Sunday, November 9th, gt'ther with a concern for the Blyth Legion and Auxiliary at• ing an industrial hockey league Ilaggitt and 'Lloyd Glousher split where no body contact will he the $25,00 game. Mrs. Shirley causes of war. So that. in fact, tended their annual remembrance Interestthe only way we can have an church service at St. Mark's An - allowed, should contact arena man- Hulley and ,Mrs, Austin St Mariehonourable remembrance day is glican Church, Auburn, when Rev. 'Jlurdie Souch as soon as of Wingham won share the wealth by committing ourselves to the Stokes conducted the servicer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston possible. games and the door prize, a tick. and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Salter et on the Lions monster draw, was visited. on Sunday with Mr. and OBITUARY won by Marilyn Litt of Teeswater. Jewellery Making Demonstrated At .firs. Ed. Marsh, MR, 4, Wingham• Visitors with Mr. Charles Stew- Mixed.11/ • Turtle. art on Sunday last. from London MRS., STANLEY LYON Blyth W.L'November Meeting were his daughter, '?Marlon, her husband, Jack, and son, Ian Hea- Funeral Services for the late Hobo Sicr•tsema discovered a Mrs. Arthur Heard, of Walton, $10.00 was made to the gift shop man, Mrs. Stanley Lyon, of Blyth, were nest of eleven turtle eggs on his was guest speaker at the Novem- al Wingham General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Lush, of held on Thursday, November Oth, farm while ploughing last Friday. ber meeting of the Blyth Women's Plans were made to cater to the •Meaford, visited on Sunday and 1969, from the Tasker 'Memorial He broke one of the eggs open Institute, held in the Memorial Howson and Jlowson Christmas Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapel, with Rev, W. 0. Mather and was surprised ,to find a fully hall last Thursday. She gave a party to be held on December 10. Carter, of Blyth United Church and Rev, developed turtle inside and the very interesting demonstration on Mrs. John Hesselwood, Mrs, Mar- c,�Mr. Brian ,lleNall, of Toronto, Heckendorn, of Londesboro, of• little fellow is still alive and well her hobby of jewellery making. garet , Iliggins and Mrs. Charles spent the weekend with his moth- ficiating. Inte.rmont was in Blyth at time of writing. The roll call for the meeting Johnston were appointed as the er, Mrs. Marcella McNall, and Union Cemetery, [Lebo took nine of the remaining was answered by "A way to pro- catering committee, Cheryl .Ann. Mrs, Lyon was in her 69th year, eggs and reburied them in the mote good .public relations." The In reply to a request from the Born in Mullett. Township Nellie garden and brought the remaining Atone, "Ten commandments of March of Dimes, Mrs. Bruce Fal- ' May Manning, daughter of the one into the Standard office. Un- good human relations" was taken coner was appointed. Campaign late Mr. and Mrs, Charles 11. Man- fa'rtunatey — probably due to the by Mrs, Bruce Falconer. firs. Chairman, with Mrs. John Hessel• 32 Play Euchre ning, she spent her entire life in treat inside the building — the 'Luella McGowan was appointee} to wood assisting. this district, : hell broke prematurely and the lay the Institute wreath at the The mystery gift was won by Besides her husband, she is turtle inside this one had not Remembrance Day service, and al- Mrs, Enid McDonald. Following There were eight tables in play survived by two daughters, Mrs, yet fully formed, so to attend the Area 'Convention two contests, a dainty lunch was at the weekly euchre held in John (Frances) Balmer, Edman• We don't know too much about of the Women's Institute to be served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ken 131yth 'Me'morial Hall on Monday ton, Alberta, and Vera, Montreal, turtle production, but It would held in St. Thomas on November McDonald, Mrs, Mac Brooks, Mrs. evening. The winners were: High and one sister, Mrs, Joe (Elsie) seem Ito us that the season is .12 and 13. A cash donation of Mary Appleby. Lady, Mrs, Gordon Nicholson; Shaddick, of Mullett Township, .nmewhat late for the hatching hone +hands, Mrs, Wm, Thuell; • ,Pallbearers were, Clare Vincent, cut of turtles. It could possibly Low Lady, Mrs, Wes Taman, Clarence Crawford, Bert Shob• be a sign of an open winter, but high Gent, 'Wm, Bomley; Lone +brook, Emerson Hesk, Bert Lyon more than likely just a mixed Hearty Turnip County Workmen (lands, Nelson Nicholson; Low and William Cockerline, up, oversexed 'turtle. Gent, Charlie Solicit. 'Flowerbearers were, nephews, Over the years we have grown 'Another euchre party will be John and . Bill Shaddick, used to seeing many different odd - held Wert Monday night at. 8 p.m. Lyon and Harold Kerslake.Murray Announcement hies connected with plant life. Enjoy 'Banquet Hugh Radford has brought a turn- ip into the Standard office onto The Huron. County Road Work - Free Sunday Skating Donors .lack and Eileen Clark welcome which is connected a length of """ a baby granddaughter, Maryamen and the officials held their chain, Apparently the chain was annual banquet Elizabeth, into thou hearts and in the ground and the root grew q t 'in the Auburn Nov. 9th — Blyth Laundry and diets and Mrs, Luella Hall Insur• home at •Hilltop Farm, R.R. 1, thronks. When Community Memorial Hall with Atlas Fur Tanning and • Dying, ante, - Auburn, the turnip was sugh one of the he lili , up came the dinner caterd to by the Au• Nov, 16th — George 'Hubbard Feb, 8th — The Old Mill Ltd., and nburn Women's Institute, and Jtadfords Construction. A. Manning& Son's, the chain along with it. Pullers were at work in a patch Mr, John Berry pronounced the Nov, 23 — Wilson's Variety Feb, 14th — Blyth Inn and The BIRTH on Bill Little's farm al 'Londes• Grace and the chairman was Mr, Store and Cooks Egg `Vendor, Needlecraft Shoppe, James•Britnell, Huron County En. Nov, 30 — Stewarts Red' & .Feb, 15th — The Arcade Store boo when the oddity was discov• �. CRAIG — In Wingham and ,Dist creel. �,rnen•, Warden James Hayter White and McClincheys Supe'rtest, and Maitland Teleservices Ltd, brought greetings from the Coun- Dec• 7th — United Dairies Co- Feb, 21st — Smells Store and rict Hospital on Tuesday, No- ty Council, The door prize was operative and Bruce Falconer, Gerald IIeffron, vember 4, 1969, to Air, and Mrs, won by Mr. Frank Riley, Dec, 14th — Ed. Watson and Lyle Feb, 22nd — Walsh's Barbel WilliJ. Craig, R.R.�2, Blyth, R.B.P. Banquet AtCards were played with the Youngblut. Shop and George Nesbitt, adaughter.winners being, high man, Frank Dec, 21,st -- 'Huron Grill and , 'Feb, 28th — The Blyth Dairy Memorial Hall Riley; Low man, Thomas Haggit•t; Robbie Lawrie, and 5 to $1.00 Store, • • high lady, Mrs, Ken Morris; Low Dec, 28111 --- Bill Thuell and March 1st -- HHamm's Garage Induction Service The Royal Black Preceptory lady, Mrs, James Britnell; most Doug, Whitmore. and ,Cronin's Hardware,held their annual Turkey Banquet lone hands, Mrs. Ken Morris. Jan. 4th --- &'partings Hardware. March 7th — 'George Ives and Monday Night • on Friday evening, November 7, The committee who planned the Jan, 11th -- Glenn Gibson and Doreen's Beauty 5111011, in the 'Blyth !Memorial Hall, The banquet and evening's entertain. Bill Bromley. 'March 8th — Stan Kay anti A service of Institution and In- Ladies Guild of Trinity Anglican 1110111 were, Messrs. Robert Me• Jan, 18th — :Superior Store and inly.th Meat Market, duction for .Rev. J. K. Stokes, rec. Church catered to the 100 guests. Cabe, Gordon Miller, Court Kerr Dr, Rudy Leibolc}' Aiarch 14th -- Campbell's Trans- tor .of Trinity (Anglican Church, After the banquet progressive and Robert Turner, Jan, 25th •— Gowings Service pea. will be held next Monday at St, euchre was (played. The winners Station and Ken Rotz Garage, John's Church In Brussels, were: high Lady, Mrs, John Hen- GIRLS HOCKEY? Jan 31st — Balaton Ltd., and 'March 15th -- Tasker's Furni• The service will be conducted d, J3rucefield• Low Lad lure and Bill's Esso, derson, s 'Insurance, by '.Rt, 'Rev, H. F, Appleyard and Mrs, Clarence Manna, Be1'grave; Girls wishing to play hockey 'Feb, 1st —• Mac Brooks Carpen- March 21st — Blyth Singer Cen• ,guest preacher will be The Rev, High Gent, Robert Hibberd, Bel• this winter should be at .the arena try. ter and Ray 'Madill, Win, J. Hockin, Proceedings get grave; Low Gent, Wtn, Carter, Sunday evening at 7 p,tn, for a Blyth, practice, Feb, 7th —.. Wallace Turkey Pro -o- , March 22nd.— Dr, R. W. Street, under way at 8 pap. THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 SUGAR and SPICE By 13111 Smile,. NOVEMBER IS A NIGHTMARE QUEEN'S PARK FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY Murray Gaunt, MPP, Huron Bruce ,:'•'�'�;:;..,,,n,,i,,;�,�,•;;;;,ily�;a<1�i,11;WIIt17�rS�l�,�uLW Energy and Resources Minister, George Kerr, has rejected de- mands in the Legislature for an independent investigation of safe. ty measures for the 65 million dol- lar heavy water plant under eon ,truction at Douglas Point. The Minister said all safety pre• cautions are being taken. The plant, scheduled to open in It doesn't require a high IQ to realize that the world is going 1972 will use hydrogen sulphide oto bell in a hurry. Al] you have to do is read, look and listen. a theetoxic gas. Fear u the affect of gas on construction worker: Vietnam, that great canker, continues to suppurate, There compelled Ontario Hydro to de. t9 an explosion imminent in the Middle East. China and Russia are cide to move the site of its 760 million dollar Bruce nuclear gen- snarling at each other in outer Mongolia or somewhere. There are erating station about a mile north. a dozen or more brush -wars in progress. farther away from the heavy wa• Then there's pollution and inflation and discrimination, and ter installation. The Minister estimated the cost high taxes and shortage of housing, and student riots and sexual of moving the site, four months freedom and drugs among the kids. just to mention a few other after clearing and excavating had jollies begun, at approximately S500,000. Ontario's future tax course will Top this off with coronaries and constipation, lung cancer be charted in large measure by and livers turning to stone, abortions and acne, and it's hard to be :he F'ederal white paper on taxa. lieve the ragged old human race can keep its finger in the dyke tion expectedr soon, Ontario Rev- • much longer. cd i in thei�Legislature` this week. at As if that isn't enough, it's November in Canada, a thought J1r. White said the Province's to chill the spirit, curdle the blood, make the bones ache and turn decision about vacating the suc cession duty field. imposing its one's thoughts to Hamlet: "To be or not to be; that is the question." own capital gains tax and having Personally, I'd prefer not to be, in November. But I haven't its own income and corporate tax the guts to commit suicide. However, anyone who'd care to finish system will be determined by what Ottawa proposes. me off is welcome. The Revenue Minister went on November is a month that should be deleted from the cal- to say that the capital gains tax endar, by act of Parliament, if necessary. would be imposed gradually to sr. oid any substantial drain of cap. It's given a perfect send-off by the horrors of Hallaween. ital away from the Province. The This is kind of fun when your kids are little. They're excited and rebate system for personal income you're delighted. But when they've grown up, and you have an en• tax would include credits for sal- es tax, mortgage interest rate and tire evening cf answering the doorbell and smiling heartily at surly property tax paid during the tax. urchins who sneer at your McIntosh apples and snarl, "Haven't ya atien year. got any chocolate bars?." its charm fades a little. MrWhite's Department is in the process of setting up appeal Then there's everything else that November brings. Snow officers in all tax branches such tires neglected until too late. Storm windows ditto. Freezing winds, as sales tax, gasoline tax and to Rain that turns to snow. Last year's rubbers leaking. Dirt tracked in, bacco tax. The Government eventually in - The glories of autumn have vanished. The pleasures of tends that the Department of Re. winter are not yet. All you have is a grey, ulcerous, dirty, sodden, venue would become the central spiritless thirty days of gloom in which the sun seems to have dig- collection agency for the entire Government. Not only will it col - appeared from the universe, letct taxes under the ],'1 Provincial It's a time for huddling by the fire. Except that you've statutes now' under its jurisdiction forgotten to get your winter wood in. A time for reading depres but it will also take responsibility for• ,athei•in, medicare premiums sing poetry. A time for grouching and grumbling. A time for wat• and other Government activated ching third-rate TV and despising yourself for wasting the time. A time for AA's to tall off the wagon, But we mustn't despair, must we, chaps? We must be a man for all seasons. Surely there must be something good about November. Just as the human race trackles pollution, inflation, popula- tion and all the other ailments mentioned above, we must tackle No- vember. We'll probably he too late, but we've got to give it that old human try. Let's see. Well, there's Remembrance Day to brighten things up. There are the Christmas gift advertisements, six weeks early, but very colorful. There's the annual wallow of the Grey Cup game, I must admit that something bright happened to me this November. i had slept in Saturday morning for a bit, got up, looked at my lawn, shuddered, and retreated to the morning paper and coffee with a substitute for cream. Doorbell rang, "Dam' paperboy, collecting," I muttered. but answered, Four fresh -faced students, equipped with rakes, wanted to know if Pd like my lawn raked. They were raising money to take the local retarded children on a couple of jaunts. Somehow, that little note of warmth in a cold world did wonders for me,. They raked the lawn, .after a fashion, rang the door -hell every five minutes to ask for a drink or the time, 'and it cost me ten bucks. But it was worth it. Somebody was doing something for somebody. It gave me enough strength to hang on for that most welcome day of the year, Nov. 30th, and the end of the annual nightmare. LadJUNylhhll i 1!I!I;!Illli!Illllili'llf! !U'�;1P'iIl;Ilii;li,,;,;(Pa's} Irth oN,A1!IIUWIUWUJILUtWlUIUIWIIIW!IWI!1111I9UU WliU44'1lJ1NuU1WUllllltlllUtUtW911tiWUi{ IY THE MTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5,00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319 or administered programs. Londesboro Items Of Interest The W. 1, met on Friday at 10 o'clock. A demonstration was con. ducted by Mrs. Glen Carter and Mrs. Harry Snell. They had at- tended the meeting of the "Food and Home Economics Branch" held In Seaforth recently. This project featured "The main dish makes the meal," They demon. strafed cooking "Frozen Fish Fil- lets," "chicken wings" and stewed chicken all of which was served at noon making a tasty and nutri• tious meal. Following lunch the business was conducted by the President, The guest speaker Mr, Mike Miller, assistant Ag. Repro. sentative for Huron County, was introduced shy Mrs, Howatt and who gave an interesting talk on Agriculture. Mrs, Wilmer Howatt gave a paper depicting Canadian Industries, The Londeshoro Instit- ute will entertain at Huronview Birthday Party November 19, A motion was accepted for each member to donate a favorite cas- serole recipe at. the December meeting, the same to be put into booklet form. A pot luck supper was suggested for December and that members bring their recipe made up for lunch, A sample of split pea soup was served at the close of the meeting, We wish to CHRIST BEFORE US — CALVARY, A Roman militia officer. Doubtless he had witnessed many crucifixions before this one. His eyes saw this execution too; but his mind saw more. "This man was certainly a Son of God," was his verdict. Never before had he seen a prisoner die like this Jesus. Something about this event took his mind (as it must take our minds, if we are truly to talk with a God we KNOW) beyond the outward and visible to the eternal meaning for all of us. Can we imagine a God who would act this way Can we imagine why the Christ would tread the way of human suffering before us? Of course we can. Many have the crucifix on the walls of their home, or on key -chains or necklaces. We have no need to be afraid, not to he too proud, to kneel down, and shut our eyes, and SEE it the way the Roman Captain of the Guard saw it. It was an act of love. An historic act of love. The longer we gaze the brighter it shines. We cannot truly give our minds to this scene and its meaning, without giving our hearts also. We love Him because He first loved us. And the love our minds compel us to give must mirror the love of God for us. (1) It must he a love that hates sin. Often we are told that we must come to God in penitence. True penitence is not the product of fear, but of love. it is not the terror of God, but the "Goodness of God that leads us to repentance." (2) Our love must have the quality of sacrifice. The record of Calvary is not a story of sentiment, but rather of true emotion. The emotion of love. The emotion which, be definition, demands the heart's outpouring J. K, STOKES l'ol ifsa k ►it uuw :it' :i "t... �� "t•, :� �.. 44� ?I 2. a fi.,: , .i.,.. ..s $:.C'1i.�1�;;�:i.i�6.r.-!'�u�Z...lai1illiL:'IWytL'WUWJL'14':YIh{.iYltY tong 0.71Aturrhez ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. — Church Service. 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth -• Sunday Service% 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.ni. — Worship Service. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:0) Anything in the home today seems to be ran by a switch, except children. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. H. W. RROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Woship 11:15 a.m. — Sundayschool 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service :ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV, J. KEITH STOKES, B.A,, S.T.B. Box 47, Blyth, Ontario Phone 523.9334 November 16 -- Trinity 24 Trinity, Blyth — 9;30 a,m. — Holy !Communion. St. Mark's, Auburn -- 1:15 p.m. —• Evening Prayer, Trinity, 13elgr•ave -- 2:30 p.ip. — Evening Prayer. THE UNITED CHURCH OI! ` CANADA REV. W. 0, MATHER, B.A., B.D., MINISTER Mrs. Donald Kal, Director of Music. 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday Church School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Where Judgment Begins" WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR PASTOR, REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m. With Special Stories for younger children In S. S. Area. Inter•Denominational -- All are Welcome. tIVUd usiWUIiumaimitRsfII initl!1U1Cvvi i 37 v iL;i till' Ino extend our thanks to the ladies the Vincent home West of the vll- who gave so much lime and lage, We hope they will be happyy thought to this project and gave In their new home, us a most enjoyable day, We are sorry to be losing Mr. We wish to welcome Mr, and and Airs. Brooks and family from Mrs. Sewers and family to our the village as we understand they community who have purchased have bought a home in Blyth. BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Mrs, icon 11ill of Bright, and and his son, John, and boys, of SIF, Lloyd Henderson Of London, Ottawa, visited with Mr, and Mrs. visited on the weekend with Mrs. Mark Armstrong on Monday, also Richard Procter who is a patient visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack in the Wingham and District 1los• 'Taylor and Mr. and firs• Mel pital. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Murray McDowell, Nt. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and of Cookstown, visited on Sunday family visited on Sunday with The with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. George and Mrs. Dunlop and Gordon Walsh. family, at Eniotvale. The November meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd Belgrave Women's Institute will and Wayne Lichty visited Mr. and be held in the institute Hall on Mrs, Ron Hilbert, of l[arriston, 'Tuesday, November 181b, at 8.15 Mr. and firs. Hugh Minn spent p.m. This is to be an open meeting Sunday with Mr. Cecil Bowman, to which all the wonien and their of Staffa, husbands and families of the eom- 1Vayne Lichly, •J1iJverton, spent munity are invited. Mr• 11. Dune - the weekend with his grancdpar. an. District Director of the Can - cuts, 11r. and firs• Robert lilt. ada Postal Services, is the guest herd speaker. The members living in Mrs, MeEwen, of Belgrave, and Morris please bring sandwiches, Mrs. Albert Cowan, of Lucan, Those member:. in East Wawa - were recent visitors at the home nosh please bring tarts or squares. of Mr. and .Mrs. Hug)) Rlnn and Mrs, :Man McBurney, of Rich• fohn, mond, 13, C, is visiting with Mr, The .Belgrave Anglican Guild and Mrs. Norman Coultes, also held a successful tea and bazaar %vith relatives in the Wingham on Saturday in the Women's Insti• area. lute Hall. The door prizes were Mrs. Cora 11cGi1l attended a won by Mrs. Willard Armstrong •10111 wedding anniversary dinner and Mrs. harry McGuire. at Tiger Dunlop, Goderlch, on Sat. Sir. W. 'T. Armstrong, London, urday for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pre -Christmas Sale ALt FABRICS • COTTONS O CORDUROYS • LININGS • WOOL CREPES • MIX AND MATCH O ENGLiSI1 WOOLENS i POLYESTER CREPES • CRIMPELINES Our Prices Have Dropped Drastically This Weekend BLYTH SINGER CENTER COON'S Phone 5 21-14 21 We Deliver Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 32 oz. jar 55c Kam Luncheon Meat, 2 - 12 oz. tins 89c Nestle's "taster's choice" Instant Coffee 4 oz. jar 93c McNair's Australian Sultana Raisins 2 lb. pkg........... . . . 67c Burn's Canned Beef Stew, 24 oz. tin 55c Blue Ribbon Coffee, 10c off label, 1 lb. tin 95c Five Roses Flour, 7 Ib. bag 63c Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix with Free Syrup 2 lb, pkg. , 49c King Size Tide with XK 5 lb. box 1.69 Javex, 61 oz. bottle, 8c off label 45c Vogue Toilet Tissue .... Kleenex, 200's . , ..... . Chicken TV Dinners 8 roll pkg. 99c 5 pkgs. 95c pkg. 65c Bruce Packer's `Veiners 2 'lb. 99c WTeston's Strawberry Cream Rolls, 10c off 45c Grapefruit, red or white 5 for 39c Red Grapes per lb, 23c Cabbage ........................ per Ib. 8c Turnip per Ib. 7c Apples, Spys, Macs, Tatman Sweet and Kings Geddes, Godcrich, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman .Stonehouse, of Lon don, also called on the 'Rev, Hugh and Mrs. Wilson, of Exeter. Mrs. George Marlin spent a few days with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and •Mrs. Cecil Arm- strong, of Thorndale, Congratulations to the 13elgrave hunters in their success in the deer season. In two clays they bagged nine deer and a fox. Mr. Donald 11cCtarty, of Chur, chill, Manitoba, visited with I1ar- vcy and Brian. Black and also called on his great uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs, T'red Cook and other relatives. A number from this area at- tended the annual family night supper of the Blyth Royal Black Preceptory No. 1226 in the 1lem- urial hall. Emerson Mitchell, Worthy Preceptor, was master of ceremonies, 'I'Jhe Rev. Stokes, of Blyth Anglican Church, asked the blessing, and Jack Henderson, of Brucefield, County Master, spoke briefly, Progressive euchre was enjoyed after the supper. Prize winners were, IIigh Lady, Mrs. Jack Henderson; High Gent, 'Rob. erl Ilibberd; Low .Lady, Mrs, Clar- ence Hanna; Low Gent, WIlliam Carter. 1Veekly Euchre The Belgrave Weekly Euchre was held in the arena rooms with 11 tables in play. The winners for the evening are as follows: High Lady, Mrs, George Walker; High Man, Mrs. Mildred Stewart (play- ing as a man); Low Lady, Mrs, Fred Cook; Low Man, Ernest Mi. chie; Novelty Lady, Mrs. Gordon lliggins; Novelty Man, Mrs. Her - son Irwin (playing as a man). Lazy Daisies Meet The Lazy Daisies held their 8th meting Alonday afternoon after school at the home of firs. Clan- ence Manna. Louise Procter op- ened the meeting and read the minutes. Seven girls answered the roll call '`Other Articles I Would Like to Embroider." A short busi- ness session was conducted. Mrs. Leslie ]Bolt discussed Achievement Day with .the girls, then they re. sum' work on, their record books and free choice articles • BELGRAVE JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEETING The 13elgrave Junior Auxiliary held their 32nd meeting at the !tome of Mrs, Clark Johnston on Saturday morning. Gaines were led by Dianne Scott. The roll call was answered and minutes of the last mectng were read by .Laurie Stackhouse, Janette 'Johnston gave the treasurer's report, Laurie ';tackhouse and Karen Scott col- lected the offering and Reta Lynn tiVhite recited the offertory. pray- er. The November 15th meeting will be held at. the !roue of Clark Johnston. Donelda Lamont will lead in the games; Laurie Stackhouse the sing -song; clean- up girls are Cathy Walker and Ka• ren Scott.. Each girl worked on making a snowman for craft work. The sing song was led by Karen Scott, The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. BELGRAVE EVENING :UNIT U.C,W MEETING The November meeting of the Evening Unit of the Belgravc'U.C. W. met at the home of Mrs, Ken- neth 'Wheeler. Mrs, Sam Plelch assisted by Mrs, Jack Taylor had charge of the worship service, 'hymn "Sun of Aly Soul Thou Sa- viotir Dear" was sung. Mrs. James Coulter. conducted the business. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Fifteen mem- bers and two visitors answered the roll call, The offering was re- ceived and dedicated, Mrs, Ross Anderson gave a report on the Re- gional meeting she attended in Wroxeter. The penny collection was received and 10 homes and 30 hospital visits recorded. The December meeting will be held at the home 'of 'Mrs, Jack Taylor with ,Airs, Norman Cook In charge of Worship, Miss Annie Cook, the program, and Mrs. Saran Pletch the lunch. Sirs. Wm, Coul- tes led the mission .study on ."Al- lenation toward Being. at One." 4 • 'PIIE 13LYTIJ STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO in the Blyth Memorial hall on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th commencing at 8:30 p,m, 12 REGULAII GAMES FOR $10.00 EACH 2 BIG SHAItE•Tl1E•WEALTII GAMES 1 GAME FOR $25.00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT (MME FOR $155.00 IF WON JN 60 CALLS Admission at door $1.00 — Extra Cards Available Plan to Attend and Support the Blyth Lions e41.1.citt) OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES f. -k*. ff.-•+• •-.+•-• $ +tf �+N�+1N�N♦ / ROAD -WORTHY USED CARS 1970 FORD half ton, 6 cyl. 1969 PONTIAC 2 door, hardtop, v8, automatic 1969 FURY 1I, 2 door, hardtop 1968 FORD Custon, 4 dr,, v8, automatic 1967 FORD Custom 500 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic 1967 FORD Custom 500, 6 cyl,, automatic 1967 CHEV. Bel Air, 1 door, 6 cyl. 1967 PONT.(AC Laurientian, 4 dr., v8, auto 1967 CTEV. I3iscan, 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1967 FORD v8, automatic, 4 door 1966 CHEV. 4 door, station wagon 1961 CHEV. Van 1964 CHIN. Station wagon, v8, automatic 1963 PONTIAC 6 cyl. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 .4•0+144 -•-•••-•••-•-•-• 4-44444 ♦ • $ • s • • . • ♦ • • I -.•.H+, +41 •-•+ Mrs. James Coultes closed the meeting with the Mizpah Benedic- tion and Annie Cook's group ser• vee lunch. BELGRAVE W.M.S. MEETING The W.SI,S, held their Novell'. her .meeting on Tuesday, at Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave. Mfrs, Garner Nicholson opened the meeting with hymn "0 Jesus I ,Have 'Promised." Mrs, Ron Oak- es read .the scripture, meditation by Airs. Robert 'Purdon, prayer by Mr's. Mac Scott. Roll call was answered with a "Beatitude"' Fif• teen visits to the sick were record- ed, Mrs, J, C. McBurney read a leiter from Miss Hazel McDonald, a missionary in Kenya, Africa. The nominating committee is Mrs. Athol Bruce and Mrs. Mac Scott. Mrs, Joe Dunbar conducted a quiz on the book of "Ruth," The topic was taken by Mrs, J. C. Me- 13urney. It was on "Gentleness," "Goodness," "Faith and Meek. ness." Mrs. Garner Nicholson clo- sed the meeting with prayer. 1 1 1 THE BLYTH STANDAIW — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER WEDDING CAMPBELL -- DONALDSON 12th, 1989 and her shoulder -length scalloped veil of illusion net was centred with white satin roses on net pet. als. The bride carried a cascade of pink roses. Miss Susan Spry, of Sudbury, was ,maid of honor and the brides. maids were Airs. Wesley Laing, of Toronto, and .Miss Adora MacLean oI 'Wingham. They wore stresses fashioned with empire waists and scooped necklines. The powder blue crepe skirts were floor• length with miniature pink roses appliqued on the waists, and the bodices were bright navy velvet, Each carried a cascade of pink tinted musts and wore white glov- es lowes and shoes, Best man was James Campbell, of R.R. 3, Blyth, and the ushers were Barry MacLean, of Wing• ham, and Eric Campbell, of R,R. 3, it3lyth, The reception was held in the fellowship hall of the church where tables were decorated with pink carnations and pink candles, The bride's mother was attired in a tworpiece dress and coat en- semble of turquoise shantung with turquoise and black accessories, Her corsage was yellow roses, The groom's mother chose an off•white dress with navy linen coat and navy accessories. Her corsage was pink roses, 'Special guests at, the wedding were the bride's 93-year.old grandmother, Mrs. E. Donaldson, of Acton, and Mrs, Bessie Mae - church was decorated with white n1Ums, pink gladioli and tvhite Rev. Gordan L. Fish, of Scar- candles, borough, formerly of Wingham, The bride is the daughter of officiated for the noon wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, of on Saturday, October 11, 1969, of Wingham, and the groom's par. Nancy Jean Lynn Donaldson, of cuts are Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wingham, and Ralph Warren Campbell, of R.R. 3, Blyth. Campbell, of R.R. 3, Blyth, in St. The bride entered the church Andrew's Presbyterian Church, with her father, wearing a floor. Wingham, length gown of peau de sole with Mrs. Don Robertson was organist, empire waist, The elbow -length and Gordon Leggatt was soloist. sleeves and high yoke neckline The processional was "Praise My were trimmed with a wide border Soul the King of Heaven." Mr. of Italian lace. Her floor -length Leggatt sang "Wedding Prayer" train trimmed with matching lace and "Whither Thou Goest." The fell from a bow at the neckline The Huron County Board Of Education requires ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS duties to commence ,January 1, 1970 at Schools in the Clinton, Exeter, Goderich and Wingham Areas Personal interviews will be conducted at Clinton Public School at. 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 22. Written applications, including telephone number, most re- cent superintendent, and experience should be mailed to: J, W, COULTER Superintendent of Schools, Box 370, Clinton, Ontario D. J. COCHRANE, Director, J, B. LAVIS, Chairman, 16.1 REAL ESTATE We have rural properties for Sale from $3,000.00 to $200,000,00 over 60 listings to choose from. Interested Parties Contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker HARRISTON FERTILIZERS DIVISION OF CYANAMID , OF CANADA LTD. Clinton, Ontario. Phone 482-9133 (on Hwy. 4 East of Clinton) We have taken another step to give you the best service possible, by handling a complete line of NEW LIFE FEEDS for Poultry, Hogs, Cattle and others on request "Serving The Man Whose Business Is Agriculture" • FERTILIZERS ▪ GENERAL BARN EQUIPMENT t♦ HERBICIDES • INSECTICIDES • FUNGICIDES • ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS ▪ AND ANY OTHERS ON REQUEST COME AND SEE US SOON: HOWARD McKENDRY RALPH BUFF1NGA 4821927 523-9266 OBITUARY CHARLES NEIL CAMPBELL Charles Neil Campbell, 46, fa• titer of seven, died suddenly at his home, RM. 4, Wingham, on Tues- day, October 28. He was .born in Morris Town- ship, son of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Campbell. His father predeceas• ed hint in July 1968. Mr. Campbell had farmed all his life on Concession 1, .Morris Township, Ire served in the armed forces for a short time during World War 11. He was active with the 'Belgrave Junior Hockey and was n member of Bluevale United Church. On April 22, 1950, he married Mary Frances Darling, Bluevale. Lean, of Wingham, grandmother of the bride. For their wedding trip to the Eastern United States and Eastern Ontario the bride wore a twilight blue velvet coat with black acces- sories and egg white dress with a white orchid corsage. Mr, and Mrs, Campbell will live at Hutton. Heights, just south of Wingham. Mr, Campbell is survived by his wife and family, Jane, of Kit. chener, Ruth 1,7, Joan 15, David 14, Danny 12, Bradley 3, and a fos- ter daughter, Kelly, 16 months, all al home. Ile was predeceased by a daughter, Nancy, Ile is also survived by his mother who lives at R.R. 4, Wingham, brothers, llugh, of i31uevale, Colin, of Ham. Ilton, and Peter, of R.R. 2, Bluc• vale; and sisters, Mrs. Jerry (Jean) Barlett, Amherstburg, Mrs. Murray (Mary) Shean, Strut, ford, Mrs. Kenneth (Bessie) John- ston, .II.R. 2, Bluevale, and Mrs. Ronald (Lillian) Smith, Ilfarriston. Funeral service was held on Friday afternoon October 31st, and was conducted by The Rev, K. Barry Passmore, at the S. J. Walker funeral home with inter- ment in Wingham Cemetery, Pallbearers were neighbours, Jack Glousher, Ross Abram, Jim Casemorc, Clarence Goll, Jack Brewer and Ilarvey Edgar. The flowerhearers were, Wil liam Elston, Glen Casemore and Niel Edgar, also neighbours. Check your label date! ! Township of Mullett NOMINATION MEETING TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Htrllett will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, on Friday, November 21st, 1969 at the hour of 1:00 O'clock P,M. for the ,purpo,se of nominating fit and proper persons to be elected as Reeve and Four Councillors for the year 1970. Nomination papers must be filed with the Clerk before 2 O'clock on the same day atter which a public meeting will be held to discuss questions of 'interest to this Municipality. If there are more Nominees than are required to fill the above mentioned offices, an Election will be held on :Monday, December ]st, 1969. CLARE VINCENT Clerk•Treasurer Box 293 Londesboro, Ontario, 16.2 FOR SALE As a result of consolidation of operations, several Stations have become surplus to Railway requirements, Ten. tiers will be received until 5:00 p.m, on November 21, 1969, for the purchase and removal of Station buildings at the following locations: Erin, Ayr, Port Burwell, Milverton, Wingham, Mount Forest, Arthur, Grand Valley, Durham, Hanover, Walker. ton, Fergus, Waterdown North, Elmira, SL Marys, Blyth, Belle River, tStraffordville, West Monkton and Thamesvllle. Buildings to be removed, sites cleared and founda. 'lions levelled within 60 days. The Railway Company re• seawes the right to reject any or all bids, Tender forms may be obtained from and tenders should be submitted to: MR, G. A. POWELL Superintendent Canadian Pacific Railway Company 664 Richmond Street North London 12, Ontario PATI DARI•KOOL MILK COOLERS DARI•K00I. BOU MATIC 'MATER.IAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT PEDLAR STABLING COMPLETE INSTALLATION SILO UNLOADERS • FEEDERS BARN CLEANERS GERRY GASCUO BRUNNER, ONT. Phone Milverton 595.8955 !MYTH DISTRICT —. CALL Glen Gibson - Phone 523-9482 Elliott Insurance Agency y BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 828.4523 • 1 4 Business Directory-= Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH - Phone 523.9273 .1. E. lA)NGSTA11110 -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m to 5,30 pin For Appointment Phone 4824010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone 521.1Z4o VACUUM CLEANERS SALES Ar SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKE~ ut t'LI,ANE is AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna -- Tel, Ilensall 696It SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL, SEPTIC TANKS, CESS•1'OOLS, ETC. PUMPED & MANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 142W6 DR, R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS --- BY APPOINTMENT Monday through Friday Tuesday and Thursday Evenings W. R. iiAMIi,TON -- OPTOMETRIST Nest to the Lyceum Theatre - 11'INGIIA31 Plume 357.1361 ELLIOTT REA1, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523-4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523 4323 WANTED:. Listings on harms, Homes ,end Businesses, ROY N. BENT EY -- ACCOUNTANT GODF RICiI - ONTARIO, Telephone 524.9521 J Britannia ltd„ E. CRA1Vi'OitI) and 1111L1 BARRISTERS & SULICI'1Y)It5 J. 11. Cawford, Q,C,, A. Mill, B.A., In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED iN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Hingham 3 57.3030 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING - 'TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed AU Dar' Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PIIONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDINi;. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482-7303 II, T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 'CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP, Phone 523.4275 Res, 523.4591 ti THE I11,1'Tl1 ,STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 onommummanimmeimannommriamiumminnorn SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT; PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED Used furniture from Attic to Basement. Phone collect 236.4243 Zurich. 13•tf WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fryers. Phone Hughes, 523-9424 Blyth. 154 A SPECIAL BUS '1'o Grand Old Opry, Nashville, Tennessee, leaves Friday evening, November 14, 8 p.m. returning Sunday evening, November 16. Reserve your seat now. liabklrk Transit Service Limited, Box 700, Seaforth, or phone 527.1222. 11.6 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment, Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont,, Telephone 595.8325 43tf • REG, SMITH SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs. * Farm and Commercial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario, 33t1 CONCRETE WORK Expert chitnney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4, 37•tf ,r 40 1 y CLINTON SALE BARN SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1,30 p.m. (good livestock market) FOR TRUCK -INFORMATION: Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton r OPEN HOUSE Thursday, November 12, 1969 Huron -Perth Tuberculosis and Re- spiratory Disease Association Of- fice, 121 Wellington Street, Strat- ford, Ont. Bring your children and friends. 16.1 AM•WAY PRODUCTS Household, Laundry and Per- sonal Products. Biodegradable to prevent and help the Pollution Problems, Mrs. Lillian Riehl, Dis- tributor. A full line can be seen at the Horne or Call 9592 Blyth, 16.2p AMATEUR CONTEST Brussels, Friday evening No- vember 21, Total proceeds for Mi- nor Sports, If you Sing, Dance, or play an instrument, phone or write The Brussels Post, or Brus- sels Butcher Shop, or Canadian Legion. Good Cash Prizes. Admis- sion, Adults $1.00, Children 45e. 16.2 NOTICE Sometime this month there will be 0 3,000th customer at Cooks Egg Vender. The lucky person will receive tickets for 5 dozen eggs free. We will be open for tine fall and winter months every• day from 8 a.m. to 8 p,m. Remem- ber Eggs add appeal to any meal. 16-3p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mlle Lyon wishes to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their many acts of kindness during her recent illness and death. Special thanks to Mr, Lloyd Tasker, all who sent flow• err to the hospital and funeral home, and those who contributed to the Cancer Fund. 16.1p BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF AI.l1ER'I' & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure Handling Systems . feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment . All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" P11. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" 14. and M. BUILDING COMPANY H.D. 2, Bluevule Phone Brussels 320J4 or 327.1-1 ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFING Reasonable Rates - Only Quality Material Used Electrical Contractors All 'types of Electrical Work -- Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS F011 CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS 1'11,7, BROMLEY Ph, 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATIIWELI,, R.R, 1, Brucefleld -- Ph. 482.3384 PECIU1'l'T PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, ('hone Blyth 523.4299 ST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH U LVE HAVE TiHE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. RURUMA 11.11. 2, Clinton - Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:- K, W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. LYLE YOUNGRLUT . 011, BURNER SAi,I,S & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9586 "Your 011 Hcat.ing Contractor" FOR CUSTOM PLOUGHING Contact Wayne Kennedy, phone 482-9851, Clinton, 15.2p. FOR SALE 7 -room insul brick house, gas heat, good well and pressure sys- tem, excellent location and Iot on highway No. 4 in Londesboro. Phone Clinton 482.9492, 15-2p FOR SALE 34 acres of cob corn. Ross Daer, phone 526.7548 Auburn. 16-1 FOR RENT Garage for the winter. Cecil Cartwright, phone 5234224 Blyth, 16.1p CARD OF THANKS Ify sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, visits and gifts while a patient in Wingham Hospital. 16•1p -- David Marshall. FOR SALE Boys sweater, beige with brown trim; grey checked hat with weath- er protector, size 12 to 14. Mrs, Arthur Heard, phone 523.9216, Blyth. 16-1. FOR SALE White enamel cook stove, in good condition. Bill Taylor, Bel - grave, phone 357.2427 16-1 CUSTOM CORN PICKING with 2 row picker, shelter. Phone Edgar Daer, 523.9232, 16-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of iiUBERT NORMAN GEORGE HIRONS ALL PERSONS having claims aganist the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Maintenance Man, who died on the 10th day of September, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November 1969. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the es• tate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice., DATED at Wingham, this 27th day of October, 1969. CRAWFORD & MILL Winghmn, Ontario, Solicitors , for the Executor 14.3 BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet fur every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & HUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30-tf, 1)o you really want to sell? +. Your Home, Farm, Cottage, Business, then list with us. STAN KAY PRONE 523.4464 BLYTI Representing A, Keith Ltd., Realtor - Toronto, Ont. "own. 5rm nennle to serve you" THE BLYTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th,1969 •-•-•-•+•••-•• ••H a-. •+• • -•-•-•-•-• *•-•-•-•••-•-•;1-•-•-• I-*-. ••r • • • • Men's Ready To Wear Suits With 2 Pair Of Pants All Wool sizes 36 to 46 $79.95 to $95.00 Ski-doo Suits $25.00 and $29.00 Ski-doo Boots and Gloves R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at 1RDILL'S on Thursday and Friday• • . •. t• •. ••. +4-4-4-+-•+ 04+•-• 4-+4-+ ++++44.-4N-.♦-•••-•• •4• •• • • • • • • • t 1 1 4-4-•-•••••-•-•-•44-4,-• +4-•-•-•4 +++.•4•••.t••.••1..•...-•••.-•. • • 1 SPECIALS FROM YOUR BUTCHER SUMMER SAUSAGE in the piece, per lb. 89c WEINERS, vac pac 2 Ib. 99c EPICURE BACON per lb. 89c i; SMOKED PICNICS per lb. 59c FRESH SAUERKRAUT per Ib. 19c QUARTERS OF BEEF CUT TO YOUR • SPECIFICATIONS • CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT • • • • • • • • • • • • Ernie "Fred:" Button, Proprietor • PHONE 523.4551 •+•• $ e 4 t 4 • • + •-•. •+• 6-10-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-+++•-•••-•41P • • • • • f f • • • t INSPECTED ABBITOIR 49 Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP • BLYTH, ONTARIO. • 4 ••-H•-•.++.-•-•-•-•i-•-•• • • •-r• •.-• r• • •+ N + r•+ • e • •+�r+� •+ iBoys' Fleece Lined . Overshoes with sharlined cuff, sizes 1 to 5 3.50 • • • • Women's and Girl's Sno Boots, 30 percent off ••• • • Men's Rubber Boots with red soles, first qual- •• • ity, made in England 3.95 • • • Women's and Girl's Plastic Boots 1.50 • • • • Men's Penman's Sweat Shirts,' long sleeves in 7 shades 2.45 Children's Wool Mitts and Gloves, half price Infants Vests half price Children's Wool and Cotton and All Cotton Long Stockings half price GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Boys' Green 6 Eyelet Boots, fleece lined 5.50 • 3 •• 1 t 4 The Arcade Store Phone 623-9411 Blyth, Ontario. WW gham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Fast Dependable Service, •$$••♦•• ••�tes-.s•-•-.s WESTFIELD NEWS Visitors with Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Walden on Sunday were, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cunningham and family, Auburn, Mr, and Mrs. Garth Walden and Christa, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bogie and fa- mily, Goderich, visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar lIowatt. Mrs. Jasper Snell, Miss Jeanetta Snell, and Mrs. Edgar IIowatt vis ited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Cook, Belgrave, and Mrs. Dora Blair, of Blyth. The Remembrance Day Service at the Westfield Fellowship Hour was well attended with visitors present from Goderich, London, Kitchener and surrounding area, A shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell on Friday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell. Mrs. Jasper Snell gave a reading. Mr. Eric 'Campbell favoured with two piano solos. Mrs. Peter de Groot and Mrs, Lloyd Walden led in games and contests, AIr, Ronald Snell addressed the young couple. The gifts were presented by Doug- las Smith and Marvin Snell, Lunch was served bringing the evening to a close, Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Henry, Blyth, visited on Friday with Mrs, Mary :McDowell. Mrs. Audrey Biggerstaff and 13i11 visited en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack East and family, of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs, }Bill Beavin, Wen- dy and Billy, of Woodstock, Miss Katy Andrews and Miss Carol Peacock, London, visited on Sat - Let a Standard Classified Ad. Work For You ,� 4- • O •-•-• • . • •... . P•, . BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTH f Phone Brussels 443w4 Dead Stock Picked Up '7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 We pay $5.00 to $15,00 for disabl- ed or dead cows and 2e per lb. for standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge. LICENCE NO. 169.3'68 23-3 1111116111111111111101 urday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Air, and Mrs. John McDowell, Cook. London, visited over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Gerald AicDpwell with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, and family were Iluronview visit- Gordon E. Smith and Mr and ors on Sunday. Mrs. Harvey McDowell, 1' BROOK'S CARPENTRY •- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M, BROOKS I{ennovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO 'SERVICE STATION Lawn ,Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service IUY'I'I1, ONTAR IO PIIONE 523.9556 CLARK UPHOLSTERY It,lt, 1, ,Auburn, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4528 LATEST COVERS -- FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark K. M. HULLEY RACTtl1O1;ING --- SHOVEL LOADING -- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL -- TOP SOIL Ilox 265, LONDESBORO, OMT, Phone 523.4566 ♦ • • • •-.-•-•••+-• •-•+,••-hi r4.••-•-•-•tN+•f•••• • •t••• •ti •-• 4 •••-•♦ • • f • These Specials & More At Our Store Ocean Spray Cohoe Salmon, 112's .. , 2 for 1.00 Allen's Pure Apple Juice, 48 oz..... 3 for 1,00 Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 17 oz. 2 for 1.00 Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter, 60 oz, .... 1.49 Dare's Cookies, 2 • 1 Ib, bags 1.00 Coleman's Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkgs. . .. 5 for 1.00 Crisco Shortening, 3c off deal , , . 1 Ib, pkg. 39c McCorinilnck's Saltines, salted or plain crackers 1 Ib. 39c Robin Mooed Quick Oats, 5 lb. bag .. , ... 79c - In The Meat Counter Schneider's Weiners, reg. or red hots 1 lb. pkg. 59c Coleman's Bologna by the piece . per lb. 39c Colemanm's Headcheese by the piece, lb. 49c Epicure Breakfast Sausages .. , 1 15. tray 59c Coleman's S.P. Cottage Rolls, 112's, per. Ib. 09c Fresh Pork Loin Chops ..... , , .. per lb. 89c Compare our prices on quarters or sides of beef cut, wrapped and frozen ready for your freezer Fruits & Vegetables No. 1 Grapefruit, white or red, 48's 10 for 79c Fancy McIntosh Apples 5 lb. bag 59c Quality California Cauliflower 39c Golden but firm Cabana Bananas .. 2 lb. 29c Cindy Liquid Detergent, reg. 49c -. 39c Oxydol, regular size, reg. 57c 49c A $5. Order gives you a chance to Win Groceries Winner of free groceries last week --- Mrs. Nancy Carter Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 1 1 1 Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Sunday, Novembr 16th will be the annual White Gift and Fam- ily Sunday at Knox United Chur- ch. The gifts are to go to charity. All parents who have children in the Sunday School arc invited to attend and sit as a fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trommw and Connie, of Ilespelcr, moved last Wednesday into the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. Johnston have mov- ed in with her sister, Miss Laura Phillips. Members of the Blyth Legion marched to St. Mark's Anglican Clerk's Notice of First Posting of VOTERS' LIST TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Notice is hereby given that I have posted up at my office in Londesboro on the 31st day of October, 1969 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected accord- ing to law, the last day for appeal being the 17th day of November, 1969, Dated this 31st day of October, 1969. CLARE VINCENT, Clerk, Mullett Township 15.2 Please Clip For Reference — STORE HOURS MONDAY -- CLOSED ALL DAY TUES., WED., TIIUR., FRI. — Open 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. SATURDAY — Open 9 a.m. till 10 p.m. See our excellent selection of Carleton Christmas Cards, Wrapping Papers, Bows and Parcel Mailing Kits SLATER'S GENERAL STORE AGENT F011 WINGHAIW DRIVE-IN CLEANERS AUBURN, ONTARIO. PHONE 526.7226 GRANT) VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Shop Now & Save On --- IMPORTED WAIL TAPESTRY Phone 523-1471 Blyth -- Edith L. Creighton Get In On Our Big -- CHRISTMAS DRAW on an attractive GLOBE & ATLAS 110W 011 display in our window 4 Rand McNaIIy 12 -inch Globe and 324 page Atlas Each customer who enters our store between now and Christmas will receive a tree ticket Draw will be made December. 24th HARDWARE • BLYTN ronin's TELEPHONE 523 9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER Church last Sunday. Rev. Keith Stokes, the rector, spoke on the Remembrance theme "The Great Peacemaker." Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor ayfor was the pianist. The Executive meeting of the Auburn Horticultural Society was held in the Town Hall last week with the president, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, in charge. The minutes- wer approved as read and the fin- ancial statement. was received as read by the treasurer, Mrs. W. I3radnock. It was decided to give premiums of a hyacinth bulb to each member. The president ex- pressed her thanks to all who had assisted at the bake sale. It was decided to hold the annual fancily night wth the W. I. members and their families on December 5th when the Directors of the Society will meet the Directors of the Women's Institute to plan the ev- ening. Messrs. Ed Davies and Don- ald Cartwright will place Santa and his reindeer on Manchester Garden early In December. The slate of officers will be brought in to this meeting by the Nominating ,Committee. Everyone is asked to decorate their homes for the coin- ing Christmas season. Mr. Arthur Youngblut arrived home on Friday from a three week's vacation_ in California. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Youngblut, Woodstock, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Wilfred San- derson and Mr, Sanderson and other relatives in the village. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Percy Youngblut is a patient in Clinton hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. .Congratulations to Miss Vera J. Craig, of Lucan, on being an Ontario Scholar at the Medway High School in Middlesex County. the- past year. She was awarded several awards at the annual com- mencement last Friday evening. Besides being an Ontario Scholar with an average of at least 80% in seven credits of Grade 13 examin- ations, she was awarded the Med; way .Key Club Award -for highest average in Grade 13, Math. A. Vera also received tho' Gold Key award for being the recipient of three of the 3 major Medway awards as well as the F.O, Allan Smith and William Couldridge Memorial award for all round pro- ficiency, She was the valedictor- ian for the class, Vera is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert' J. Craig, of Lucan, and is Well known in this community. Atten- ding the graduation was her grandfather, Mr. Wm, J. Craig, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Holtby, of Belmont, visited last week with his uncle, Mr, Ed. Davies, and Mrs, Davies. Mr, and .Mrs, Stanley Bolish, David, Rodney, Heather and 'Mel- issa, of Niagara Falls, visited last Saturday with lir. and Mrs. Frank Balthby and other friends. Mrs. Rcta Allison, Ailsa Craig, spent the weekend with her sister Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor. 'twenty-two Auburn 4-I1 girls are preparing for their Achieve- ment Day next Saturday in the Auburn Hall for their fall project, Needlecraft. The girls have work-, ed hard on this project and ev- eryone is invited to attend the afternoon program and see what the girls have done with %van hangings, pillows, aprons ete. HELD BRIDAL SHOWER IN HONOUR OF MISS' JANNETT DOBIE, of honour at h bridal shower last Miss Jnnnett Doble was gttpst Saturday evening ,in the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn. The chairman for the program was Mrs, W. .Bradnock, A sing song led by Mrs.Gordon Taylor with Mrs. Ro- bert 1Phillips at the piano was en- joyed, Miss .Barbara Sanderson, of Toronto, gave a reading "Ad- vice for the Bride." Miss Lorraine Chamney sang a solo, "Little Ar- rows" accompanied on the piano 'PHE i3IXTI1 STANDARD .-- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LIGHT DOZING, BACKFILLING, LEVELLING AND LANDSCAPE WORK CLINTON LYLE MONTGOMERY PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON 4 CLINTON — e,.a.aiearti — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE w..&►. aa. Business 235.0620 Residence 235.13B4 4.44+•4 •. • • •♦. •.+#•-+• • •-••-•4I•+-• -4 �• •�+1 4.44 •+•-••+• •+• •-• •4N• •-• 444.4-• 44 •+•+4-•+• *44 444444 DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth •4 -.4444+44+•44+44 -*++4 44444444-•-•444444-•-•-: FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN - Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 •-• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTH Office — Main Street Insures; * Town Dwellings. * All Classes of Farm Prop- erty. * Summer Cottages Churches, Schools, Balls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall- ing objects, ete.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wnc. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald by her mother, Mrs. Gordon Chamney. A contest on the coun- ties of Ontario was conducted by Miss Barbara Watkins, Palmer- ston. Mrs. Dorthoy Grange was the winner. Another contest "A floral wedding" conducted by Miss Watkins was won by Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall. Miss Sheron Collins pinned a corsage on Miss Doble and Miss Gail Seers pinned one on her mo- ther, Mrs. Gordon Doble, and they were escorted to a flower decor - tiled arch with green streamers. An address of congratulations was read by Miss Watkins and gifts were presented by Misses Barbara Sanderson, Sheron Collins, Gail Seers, Jennifer Grange and Shel- ley Grange. A decorated tbow hat made' by hiss Shirley Watkins of Londesboro, and Miss Lynn Tur- ner was placed on the bride-to- be's head. .Miss Debie tanked - her friends for the gifts and after singing "For she's a jolly good fellow" lunch was served, THE BLYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1969 MRS, LESLIE REID HOSTESS TO BURNS' U,C,W, MEETING NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundy, of Ilanmilton, Mr. Donald Currie, of Brampton, spent the past weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan McCall .Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Childerhose, Dianne, of St. Agatha, visaed over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Win. Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Iiumphries and family, of London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Mr. and Airs. David Andrews, Mrs. Neale Reid, Toronto, and Mrs. Bob Pickering, Oakville, vis- ited with Mrs. George Dundas over the weekend. Mrs. Agnes Simpson, Mitchell, spent several days last week with Mrs. Leonard Leeming and Ross. Mrs. Leeming returned with her and spent the weekend in Mitch - Q.11.. Mr, and Mrs, W. Stutz, Water• loo, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. Mission Band Meeting The Mission Band was held Sunday morning in Duffs United Church with 38 members present, Ross Mitchell opened the meeting with the "Call to Worship" follow- ed by a hymn with Peggy Dennis at the piano. Dianne Dennis read the Scripture lesson followed by prayer by Brian Smith. The Sec- retary's and Treasurer's reports were given by Mary Searle and Stephen Dennis. The gifts for Children's Aid and Huronview were brought to the front. It was decided to also send the day's of- fering to the Children's Aid. The Mite Boxes are to be brought to the December meeting. The child- ren went to their classes with Mrs. Mae Sholdice, Debbie Way, Mrs. C. Wey, Mrs. Wm, Coutts and Mrs, M Ilackwel l as leaders. FIGURE SKA'T'ING MEETING In the upstairs room at the Ar- ena on Tuesday, November 18, at 7 p.m. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes and models of household appliances, i big and small. Phone, Goderich 524-7593, Jim's Appliance, 16.1 WHO WANTS TO THINK ABOUT CHRISTMAS SOME PEOPLE DO — THEY KNOW THE ADVANTAGES. Come In Now And Make Your Selections XMAS WItAPPING, SEALS, TAGS AND BOWS. XMAS CARDS . JEWELERY BY CORA MUSICAL JEWELLERY BOXES BRUSH COMB AND MIRROR SETS ELECTRIC SHAVER -- LADIES' OR MEN'S CAMERAS — KODAK and POLAROID COSMETICS by HELENA RUBINSTEIN SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES CHINA TIMEX WATCHES WILSON'S RLYTII, ONT. Phone 4440 PATENT MEDICINES -- GIFTS — COSMETiCS CHINA -- VARIETY ITEMS 41� • • • •♦♦1-N•N-N 1•-N•-•-•-•••-•-4-•-•-•-•-**-*-**-**-*-*-**-**-** e • BOYS' Cotton Knit SPORT SHIR'T'S by Tam'o Shanter, sizes 8.16 years. BOYS' Polyester DRESS TURTLE SHIRTS White only, sizes 8-16 years BOYS' T.K. CORDUROYS sizes 7-16 years 5.98 ea; SPECIALS -- Crochet Cotton Reducedt to Clear, white and colours, reg. 55c for only 45c per ball Kayser Nylons, broken lines and shades regular 1.50 per pair only 99c NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDRGN'fi and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523•4351 Blyth • 1 3 3 1 1 TRY OUR SPECIALTY — CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKEOUT ORDERS • PH, 523-4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL BLYTIL ONTARIO The October meeting of the Burns' U.C,W. was held at the home of Alm. Leslie Reid on Wed- nesday afternoon with 17 mem- bers and one visitor present. Mrs. Bell opened the meeting with a reading, followed by hymn 493. The Study Book on Japan was gi- ven by Mrs. Watson Reid and Mrs. Gordon McGregor. Hymn 504 was sung, and Mrs. Ed. Bell led in prayer. Mrs. Ed. Bell conducted the business session, and gave a read- ing. Roll call was answered by a Bible verse, and minutes of the last meeting' were read. The treas- urer's report was given by Miss Jean 'Leiper, A Thank -you note was read from the Leiper fami- lies, The U,C.W. gave a donation to the Bible Society. Members observed a minute's silence in memory of Miss Martha Leiper, and a prayer for Mrs. Viva Me - Gregor who is a patient in Clinton Hospital, A vote was taken, and the U.C,W, will continue, The Ap- ron project Is to he handed in at the next meeting, Grace was sung, and lunch served. BELGRAVE LADIES GUILD MEETING The November meeting of the Laides' iGuild was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Rinn with 12 members in attendance. The opening hymn was "Jesus Call Us O'er the Tumult." Mrs, Lawrence Vannan led in prayer and the scripture was read by Mrs, Robert Procter, Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Clare Van DANCE IN BRUSSELS LEGION HALL Fri., Nov. 1 4th Sponsored by Walton Recreation Committee Desjardine's Orch. ARENA SCHEDULE NOV 13 -- pee wee pactice 4:30-6; midget. 6.7:30; intermediates 9.11 NOV, 14 — Public Skating 7:30.9:30 NOV. 15 — pee wee 9-10; novice 10.12; public skating 2-4, 7:30.9:30 NOV. 1(1 — Businessmen's Free Public Skating 2.4 NOV 17 -- Bantam Practice 4:30.6; Belgrave teams 7-11 NOV. 18 -- Pre School 2.3:30; figure skating 4-7; Broomball 8.11 NOV. 19 — Public Skating 7:30.9:30 Donnybrook News Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson, R.R. 1, Belgrave, on the birth of a baby girl on Thursday, November 6, 1969, in Victoria Hospital, London. Miss Bary Jefferson, London, spent the wecknd with her par- ents, ,Mr, and Mrs, Billiard Jeffer- son, who returned from their mo - Camp. It was announced that the In- duction Service for Rev, Keith Stokes will be held on Monday, November 17th at 8 p,tn. in St, John's Church, Brussels, with a reception to follow in the church parlour. Final plans were made for the bazaar and tea, The raf- fle was won by Mrs, Clare Van Camp. A contest was conducted by Mrs, Robert Higgins. The guest of honour at this meeting was Mrs, Rebecca Hill who was celebrating her 93rd birthday. Mrs. Van Camp present- ed her with a birthday card sign- ed by all present and a basket of small gifts, for which she gracious- ly thanked everyone. Mrs, Cora AlcGill was surprised by the pres- entation of a similar basket of ,rifts as a belated birthday gift. Mrs,Lawrence Vannan closed the meeting with the benediction. Grace was sung and a lunch of birthday cake and ice cream was served by Mrs, Hugh Rinn. tor trip last week. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Chesscll, of Stratford, and Mrs. John Jefferson, Staffa, were Sunday evening visitors at the same home. .Airs. 13111 Hardy returned home Wednesday from Victoria Hospit- al, London, where she has been a patient due to surgery. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of London, visited Sunday at her home and with her father, Charl- es Jefferson in Wingham and Dis- triet hospital. Mr. Sant Thompson and family and Mrs. Cecil Chamney visited on Sunday with Mrs, Thompson and baby in Victoria Hospital, London. TILE MAPLE LEAF UNIT of the U.C.W. will meet at the Church on Thursday, November 20, at 2 o'clock. Roll Call to be answered with a Scripture verse containing the word "Need," Please remember to bring in Sun- shine Bags and gifts for Huron. view Christmas Fair, CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs, Grant Boshart Who will celebrate her birthday on Sunday, November Lath. •++ +•NSN•F•+N+F1•ar1+41 • • 4 4 Stewart's R ed& White Food Mkt. !MYTH, ONT.. Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Admittance restricted to persons • Aylmer Choice Peas or Cream Corn 5 tins 99c 21' years of age and over, • ' ••• CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, H, W. Kroeze, Minister 10:00 a,m, -- Reading -Service (English). 11:15 a,m. -- Sunday School. 3:00 p.m, — Reading Service (Dutch). BELGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR Please send any information or articles of interest from the past which would help in the celebra- tion of the 50th Anniversary of the School Fair to C. R. Coultes, Belgrave, Ontario. Anyone wishing to donate any financial aid towards the Fair please contact Stewart Procter, R,R, 5, Brussels. FOR SALE Government inspected oven- ready roosters, 6-7 lbs, 50c lb, Phone 526-7597, Auburn. 16-1 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbours who helped us at our sale on Saturday. Thanks to the ladies who helped serve lunch. It was greatly appreciated by all of us, 16.1p, — The •Walsh Family. SKI•D00 Sales and Service, Repairs to most makes of snowmobiles, Bill's Esso, Blyth, phone 523.9556. 09-tf. JAMES � E. RICE R.R, 1, Blyth -- Tel. 523.4426 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring' - We Bring" t • Budget Dog Food 10 tins 99c Aylmer Rasp. or Straw. Jain with pectin 24 oz. 59c ,laves Liquid Bleach, 64 oz. 39c Aylmer Beans with Pork, 14 oz. tin, 5 for 99c Carnation Milk 2 tins 33c Lifebuoy Soap, bath size 2 for 49c Tide XK with enzymes, king size 1.69 l3allet Toilet Tissue 8 rolls 1.00 Nescafe Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar 1.09 Puss N Boots Cat Food 2 tins 37c Scott Towels , 2 rolls 49c Plastic Garbage Bags, 10 in pkg59c Aylmer Tomato Soup 9 tins 99c Scotties Facial Tissues, 200's 2 for 37c Buy Of The Week Libby's FancyToinato Juice, 48 oz. 3 tins 1.00 Kudo Corned Beef, 12 oz. tin 49c Coca Cola, 6 bottles carton . , .. 2 cartons 1.00 Apples--- Spys, Macs, Courtland, Tallnon Sweets and Delicious Red & White Best Buys Fresh Bread 4 loaves 99c Shirriff's Potato Chips, reg. 69c , . for 49c Red & White Bonus Offer Plush Teddy Bears 97c with a 5.00 order Lady Mary Blankets 'only 199 with a 5.00 order • 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 • t 0 4 4 4 r 4 4 • • • 4 I 1 •