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The Blyth Standard, 1969-10-29, Page 1
THE BLYTH STA DARD Volume 80 • No, 14 .......,..., _ . -.... _ �_,.,,..._.... _ . . "Serving Blyt11 and Community Since 1835" }31.YTIl, ©N'1'AltIO — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 Agricultural Society Planning To Bring Brenda East School Lions Deal With Considerable Business; Valedictorian Greet Deputy Governor Last Thursday Pony Races To Blyth Next Year Art a meeting held last week the directors of the Blyth Agricultural Society decided to sponsor a Trot- ting Pony Club and 'hold pony ra- ces every other week next sum• mer. A great deal of work will bo required to build a new track, which will be a Vi mile track and may require lighting, The Dircc• tors expect to use their new barn to stable the ponies. It is expect- ed the cost of renovating the track, providing hydro, fence con• struction, judges stands etc, will be around a thousand dollars. Pony racing has become a fast UNIAC — BELL bridesmaids, They carried bas• Miss Candice Ann Bell, of Lon- kers of Shasta daisies and mums Elects Officers don, became the bride of Gerald in fall shades with matching bows Joseph Uniac, London, on Satur• in their hair, The Blyth branch of The Can. clay, October '18, 1969, at 3 p.m. The groom was 'attended by adian Bible Society held its annu• in St. Joseph'sChurch, Clinton. .lfichael Bedard, of London, and al meeting at the home of Mr. and Rev. Father Kelly officiated, the ushers were 'Frank Uniac and firs. Russel Cook, The secretary The bride is the daughter of Joseph Uniac, of London, brothers for Western Ontario, Rev, J. C. Mr, and Mrs, Edward Bell, 'R.R, 1 of the groom and Bryan Bell, of Thompson was in attendance as Blyth. The groom Is the son of Clinton, 'brother of the bride, 0 resource person. Mr. and .Mrs. William Uniac Sr,, A reception was hold in the The officers elected are Mr. of London.Blyth Memorial hall, The bride's Alex Lubbers, president; Mrs, The bride, given in marriage by mother received the guests wear• Russel Cook, secretary; Mr. Alva her father, wore a gown of lustre ing a mauve dress and coat with McDowell, treasurer. peau de sole with a fitted bodice matching hat and black accessor• It was decided that the annum embroidered with lace and pearl ies with a pink carnation tor. Ca»VASS should be undertaken applique and lily point sleeves. sage. She was assisted by the very shortly and householders Two appliqued lace panels fell groom's motherwearing a navy may expect a call from one of the from waist to hem. Her train fell 'blue dress with touches of white canvassers within the next two from the waist and was edged and navy accessories with a eon weeks. with matching lace, Shoulder- sage of white carnations, Persons who have agreed to length nylon veil caught up by a The couple left on a trip to Ni• help with the canvass this Fall rosette and lily of the valley clus. agara and New York State. On are, Mrs, Betty Bowes, Howard ter headpiece. She carried a cres- their return they took up rest- Campbell, Mrs, Joan Campbell, cent bouquet of autumn shade dente on 28 Gammage Street, Mrs 'Marian Cook, Mrs. OIie Shasta daisies and delight roses. London. Graig, Mrs. Epsom, Bert Fear, Attending the bride wearing Guests attended'from Detroit, Mrs. Jean Griffiths, Alex Lubbers, princess line dresses of gold rib• Michigan, Sarnia, London, Mitch. Alva McDowell, Mrs. Gene Snell, bed velvet were Colleen Bell, sis• ell, Port 'Robinson, Thorold, St. Mrs. Van Amersfoort and Mrs, ter of the bride, as maid of hon- Catharines, Scarboro, 'Clinton and Evelina Webster. our, Mrs. iDonelda Bell, Londes• Provost, Alberta, boro, sister-in-law of the bride, Showers were held in honor of En Miss 'Grace MoClinchey, Blyth, the bride in London and a corn. and Mrs. Vicki Uniac, London, sis• munity shower at Harlock School, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Cook, Wal. .ter•in•law of the groom, were Ifullett 'Cownship, kerion, wish to announce the en• Miss Brenda East, daughter of .lir. and Mrs, Ted East, 111i. 1, growing sport in Ontario the last Auburn, was valedictorian at the few years. Clubs and races are commencement exercises in Gode- now held at Exeter, Sarnia, Wat= rich District Collegiate institute ford, Thedford and iBramalea with last Friday evening, many other towns showing serious Brenda, an Ontario Scholar, has interest if parimutual betting is won the Hobert McKay Memorial once started the sport will. then scholarship for achieving the become one of the top forms of highest average in grade thirteen; entertainment. The ponies must the A, J. Moore Memorial Schei- be 50 inches or less in height and arship for attaining highest marks are classed according to speed. in French and Latin; and was pre. A meeting will be held on Fri. seated with the Goderich District day, November 7, to organize the Labour Council Award for the club. student in senior class showing If you wish further information the most industry, co•operatiarr contact the Secretary, Donald and dependability, 11 Young, R. IL 3, Auburn, Tele. Blenda pions on continuing her phone 526.7569 study in language at McMaster University, Hamilton, WEDDING Bible Society gagement Prominent Huronview Resident Finds Our Village Pleasant To The Eye gagement of their daughter, Dol. ores Fay, to Lorne Ray Iloggarl, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Hessel- take place at St, Andrew United wood, Blyth. The wedding to Church, Blyth, on Saturday, No. vember 15, 1969, at 2 p.m. Huronview, -October 27, 4969 of the Cities -- I have never seen "arty I�eadV For a nicer little spot than Blyth, Dear Mr, Editor, Goderich has been dubbed the prettiest town in Canada, but I Greetings to you and yours, think that according topopulation, 1 had occasion on .two different Blyth can run :them a close sec. ,evenings during the past summer ond, months to pass through your love. It just goes to show what a ly Village of Blyth, after dark, group of enterprising folk can do, and •I must say I was intrigued and how a stranger passing with 'the beauty of the place, with throng can be Impressed with the streamers of colored lights beauty, Hall to Blyth, the loveli• across the main street, and the est village of the Plain. lampposts with light bulbs form• ing the letter B., all very attrac• tive, I 'am sure that whoever is responsible for the decorative splendor, is worthy of a great deal of praise, .1 am not a world traveller at all, But 1 have been around our Western Ontario a bit, and the 4 Western Provinces In my younger days, and 'I can say that ---• outside 'beer Hunt Alters 'Meeting Thank you, -- R, Henry Leishman, •Huronview, Clinton, Ont Arena Manager Hired Monday Murdic Souch has again been hired by the Blyth Recreation .Committee as arena manager at a meeting on Monday evening. We haven't been talking to Murdie, but imagine he is making Due to next week's deer hunt, plans to get into operation In the the meeting of the Blyth and Dist- near future and skating enthusi. riot Conservation Club scheduled asts will be able to enjoy 'their • for 'November -5th to November (favourite pass time before too 12th. long. Area Kids The tvitcltes, goblins, and you name it will be howling at the Memorial Hall this Friday even• ing when the Lion Club hold their annual Hallowe'en Party for the youngsters of the area, As usual there will be plenty of fun, prizes and treats for all of the kids, This has always been a popular event with both parents and children, Why not dress the youngsters up and bring them to the hall Friday night and add to their Hallowe'en fun, Euchre Remains Popular Event The Blyth Lions held their reg• ular meeting in the 'Mcmorlai Hall last Thursday evening with several guests from area clubs attending. The ladies of the i3lyth W.I. cat- ered for the meal and were thank ed by Lion Carman Craig. The guests included .three members from the Goderich Lions Club and Deputy District Governor Casey ('asemore and Lion Stewart Young from Wingham. [,ions Don Young, John Elliott, Morden Cook, Harry Lear and Walter 13uttell were called on for a two minute impromptu speeds. Although none will go down in Personals the archives of the club as out• standing, all added greatly to the enjoyment of the meeting. Lion Walter Build received a pin from the Deputy Governor for attaining one hundred per cent attendance at meetings during the past year. Barry Lear reported to the club that $601,50 had been received to date 'for the blind canvass, 31e said this was down some sixty to seventy dollars from last year but fell sure the ,CNIB would he grat- ified by the results. Harry told the club during his report that $450, of the total had been re• ccived from village residents and $150 from area residents, He expressed appreciation to the Mr. Garry Newberry and Miss members for another fine show Sharon Jackson, London, visited of co-operation during the can• with the latter's father, Mr, Ken vass. Jackson, and brother Graham, for Several prices were available the weekend. Sharon remained for a time clock at the arena, for a west's vacation, ranging from just over $1,200 to 11r. and Mrs, Keith Webster, just under $1,600, it was decided 11r. and Mrs. David Webster and that the club purchase the much family, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, Geo- needed equipment for the local rge Webster and family, Oakville, ice palace, and Don Young, John spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Elliott, Bill Bull and Glen Gib. Mrs. Tom Webster and family, son were appointed a committee near Bracebridge. to deal with the purchase of a Mr•, and Mrs,. George Webster, suitable time piece. Laura and Jennifer, of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Carter, Toron• to, Miss Edna Jamieson, 'Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Keith Webster. .lfastcr David Marshall, son of .Mr, and Mrs. Robert Marshall is a patient in Wingham District Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. The Blyth Explorers will be col- lecting for UNICEF this week, THE STARLIGHT UNIT Of Blyth United Church will meet. Tuesday, November 4th, at 8.15 pan, Members are reminded to bring their Sunshine bags and a gift for the Huronview Christ- i) as Fair, BLYTH W. I, TO MEET The 'Blyth Women's Institute twill meet Thursday AFTERNOON November 6, at 2 p.m. in the Blyth, Memorial 'Hall, Mrs, Arthur Heard will 'demonstrate jewellery mak. ing, Everyone welcome. Farm Scene Looks Good By D. S. Pullen, Ag, Rep. harvesting of grain corn is pro- gressing well although yields in some areas of the County are be- low normal. The turnip harvest is almost completed with prices remaining favourable. Winter wheat appears to be ma• king good growth, Recent rains should help with the large acreage of Tall plough- ing which remains to be complet- ed. +' The club agreed to pay for den. tal work amounting to over $200. incurred by one of the players on the bantam ball team injured in a game this summer. Harve MoCallum, chairman of the second annual turkey raffle slated for December 5th, announc• ed that the tickets for the big. $2,000 draw would be available by November lst, He asked for the help of every club member to make this event equal in success to the one held last year. A motion was moved and pass. ed that the club again give the Children's Aid Society the usual $75,00 grant to aid the society In helping the needy at Christmas. Deputy District Governor Case• more was called on by President Warner Collings an dhe gave a very inspiring message on the work of the Lions with the blind, He showed many pictures and newspaper articles telling of the new life received by several blind persons who had their vision re• stored because of an eye trans- plant; He urged all Lions pres• cnt to carry a card now available to Lions Club members bequeath• ing their eyes on death. Casey was thanked on behalf et the club by Lion Rudy Lei - bold, Stewar Young — a blind Lion from Wingham — expressed his thanks to the club for the cor- dial welcome shown him. A $5,00 draw was held before the close of the meeting and was wan 'by John Campbell, A draw for $5.00 will be held at every meeting, but the winner 'must be in attendance to claim his prize, 4-H Clubs Plan For Achievement Nights 4-11 Homemaking Club Achieve- School, November 8; Auburn Com. ment Days are soon to be held in munity Hall, November 15; South Huron County, This fall the pro- Huron District High School, Exe- jeet has been "Needlecraft" and ter, November 22; Zurich Com• the club members who are invol• munity Hall, November 2; Luck. wed in this project have ]earned now Public School, December 6; There were ten tables at 'the seven basic embroidery stitches, Lowick Central School, December weekly euchre held in the Blyth and have experimented with col. 13. Memorial Ball Monday evening. our and design. The afternoon programme coin - High Lady, Mrs, Calvert Falconer; Each club member has made a memos after 1:00 p.m. and feat - Novelty Lady, Mrs, Clarence John- learning stitches article and a free trr'es skits, demonstrations and ex- ston; Low Lady, Mrs, William choice article, which has provided Whits by each club, Do plan on Logan. .High Gent, Mrs. Mel Mc• opportunity far the girls to use attending this worthwhile event Vittie (playing as a man); Nov- their own colour scheme in an in your area, 'rhe girls put a great elty Gent, Joe McCaughey; Low original design, These articlas Ileal of effort and imagination Gent, Nelson Nicholson, will be on display along with their into the Another euchre will be held record books for the project. programme and it will next Monday evening, November The Achievement Days will be prove to 'be an enjoyable after - 3, at 8 p,m. - - held in Seaforth . District High noon. THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1909 JGA1 and SPIcE By Bill Sm(L NEVER ENOUGH TIME Well, Thanksgiving has come and went, and here we are heading into dismal November, and I'm farther behind with every- thing veryShing than I was last June. On the second day of July, I began cleaning up the base. ment. And 'I can prove it. There's still a sordid little, heap of dust, detergent and other basement garbage sitting there, proof positive that 1 got one corner swept out. It's in a direct line with the wa- sher, so that you have to walk around it every time. This creates some interesting comments. My major project of the summer was to have been put- ting a new top on a little back porch, under which we put our gar- bage cans. There's an ingenious lid that opens, made of two-by- fours, One hinge was going and a couple of the timbers were loose. With winter coming on, both hinges are broken right off, and when you want to put something in the garbage cans, you don't lift the lid. You lift eight two-by-fours, singly, pile them up, put the junk in, then reprace them. It takes only about five minutes, And every time you go through the operation, it's raining. Another plan was to rent a chain saw and cut up all the huge oak limbs piled along the fence, for use in the fireplace. They're still there. Speaking of fences, there was to be a new one this year. But I couldn't get at the old one because of all ,those oak limbs piled against it. Pretty frustrating. Then there was the hedge. I was going to tear it out and plant a new one. The old one was getting rotten in spots. 'It's still there. I was going to play a lot of golf and get fit. I even asked my wife into playing, and paid her fees. I played about, eight times, and got fit all right. I now fit size 33 pants instead of 31. But my wife had a great season. She shot her first game last week: rive holes, at $16 a hole. And the club is closed now. With such an active, strenuous summer behind me, it was good to get back to the orderly job of teaching, where you have to do things, whether you feel like it or not. And ever since, I've been as owly as a wolf with a toothache, because we have a new system. There's nothing wrong with the new system except that, like every other new system, it's lousy, compared to the old one, which was also lousy, 'As I prophesied a year ago, costs have es- calated in direct proportion to the increase in red tape and ineffi- ciency. It's something like the 'Book of Kings. Paperwork begat more Paperwork, Rules begat Regulations at an alarming rate, and Committees begat Committees like so many rabbits. (There goes .my chance of ever getting anywhere in the profession). Don't worry, !1 can stand systems. 1. wasn't in the air force for four years without learning how to beat them. You don't defy them, you just chew away from within, like a termite, until they collapse. Thanksgiving looked forward to a chance to get caught up on everything, get out in the open and relax, see the colors of fall, and forget about the system (after all, just a lot of honest men trying to do a good job. No women, strangely enough). So my daughter came home from first month of university: Bewildered, full of hang-ups about courses, and desperately lonely. For the past two years, my most frequent comment to her was, "Now, you be in at a reasonable hour." This time, we couldn't get her out of the house. On the Saturday, I drove her down town and said, "Get out of the car and go and see somebody." She was home in an hour. And now it's the ruddy leaves no pun intended, I have ten maples, three elms, one butternut and two vasty oaks. The maples come down like a shower of dandruff, Elms and butternut trickle down with malicious perversity. And the blasted oaks wait until everything else Is raked and the snow is falling, before they condescend to contribute their confetti. Oh well, life is the only one we have. But I can tell you one thing. There'll he no more $54.00 phone bills for lone month of wife -and -daughter talks about nothing, JI!!urlt u!inud!uu1u!oti!Ind;`a!ndiuclialwui166iiivi iilld.! hw!uhlimitlibuivi uanithmu!kuitultill'riUligiVitrblioliltu:iaoliwilidga !tdi THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5,00 a Year Single Copies Ten cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319 QUEEN'S PARK Murray Gaunt, MPP, Huron Bruce New rules, opening the Cabinet to greater questioning by the op- position, shortening the daily ses- sions and setting a time limit for debate on estimates, will come into effect in the Legislature on October 27. If they prove satisfactory, the Legislature will probably intro• duce next session the remainder of the rules reforms contained in the report of a select committee an procedure which sat last sum- mer, The changes constitute the first major revision of House rules in 30 years. The Provincial Government in. troduced legislation this week to require cabinet approval of any sale of shares that would give a company more than 50% of the shares of a gas transmission, dis• tribution or storage company. The legislation Is expected to apply to the proposed takeover of Union Gas .Co, of Canada Ltd. by Consumers' Gas Co. of Toronto, the biggest merger of two all Can- adian •Companies for many years. Agriculture Minister Win. Stew. art charged this week that retail- ers who urged last summer's beef boycott have failed to match price reductions that the boycott caused at the producer and wholesale levels. This matter has been under study recently by the Ontario Food Council. The Council stated beef prices at the producer and wholesale levels have dropped 76% of last spring's increase. However, retail 'beef prices have dropped only 57%, During 1968, retailers charged an average of 17c per pound ab- ove the wholesale level. They are now charging an average of 19.4e per pound above the price they pay for beef according to the report. THANKOFFERING MEETING HELD IN AUBURN UNITED CHURCH Pray for the Canadian Indian, and especially the Indians on the Saugeen Indian Reserve was the final plea of Pastor A. Bowden when he spoke to the Thanksgiv- ing Thankoffering held in Knox United Church, Auburn, last Wed• nesday evening. Pastor A. Bow• den, who has been on the Saugeen reserve for six years told about the way of life there. He spoke of the work that he and his wife do and the churches at Chippewa and on the Reserve that they ser• ve. lie described the living con• ditions and told about the changes planned by the. Department of In• dian 'Affairs. He stated that we should be more concerned about our citizens and said that Indian children are now being brought into schools with white children and they are going on out into the world doing well in business. Pastor 13tiwden was Introduced by Mrs. A. Fry and thanked by Mrs. Maurice Bean. The guests from Dungannon, Nile, Donnybrook, Westfield and the churches in the village were welcomed by Mrs, Bert ;Harsh and Mrs. George Millian. The service was conducted by Mrs. Norman McClinchey with, Mrs. Norman Wightman at the piano, The devotional period was led by Mrs. Dorothy Grange and she gave the meditation on Thanksgiving, Mrs!. MeClinchey led in prayer. 'A duet, "Bless ThIs House" was sung by Misses Betty Moss and Jennifer Grange The of• ferring was received by Mrs. Wm. L. 'Craig end Mrs. George Hallam, and dedicated with prayer by Mrs, McClinchey. Mrs. Elliott Lapp gave a reading "I Thank Thee Lord," After singing the hymn "Now Thank we all our God" Pas. tor Fry pronounced the benedic• tion, A delicious lunch was served to- all o-all the guests and Members, FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY The love of God is a central theme in the Christian gospel but is also a theme on which we have been guilty of some rather sloppy think ing. When we 'think about the love of God we fre- quently seem to assume that it is the attitude of an indulgent parent who can see nothing wrong in anything that his child does and roar siders it a denial of love to punish him. It is fairly obvious that this kind of love is less 'than 1ntelli• gent and in the final analysis is less than kind. One does not need to look very far to see the disastrous consequences of the so called love of indulgent parents. Not infrequently the husband or wife of such a child has to pay a high price for the failure of the former generation. Love to he worthy of the name must be intelligent and'justi There must be a certain severity about love or else it is not worthy does not hesitate to emphasize the fact that the love of God is not all sweetness and light. Now there is no limit to the love of God — "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son," That same Son of God, however uttered some pretty harsh words of condemnation against some people. Ile reffered to Herod as "that fox." He des- cribed the Pharisees as "whitened sepluchres full of dead mens bones." I -Ie suggested that for some people it would have been well for them if a mill stone had been fastened to their necks and they had been caste into the sea or it would have been well for them had they never been born. Men and nations who defy the laws of a God of righteous- ness can not expect to escape the just recompense of their deeds. The love of Gori and the wrath of God are simply two sides of the same coin. The pages of history are strewn with the wreckage of those who have ignored the fact that there is an eternal justice in the love of God, 1f as a people we ignore the rights of minority groups or are unconcerned about the plight of people who happen to live in Vietnam or Biafra, we have no right to expect that God will overlook or ignore our failure JWY11W{�'�WWWI:ItIIW�IWIIi!!!'' iWW4i�U'�wUiW�4:IlJ'�IRt��i �! 'I'llili" i !�'!!�+'''!In,�!c�t�itlu;i''' q'YLIYG61'�IIY�bi:u�J;'Y�%,'+�1 it.11➢II�VI:.V11. Jryl . l'UIII;' "!+!'IPU!lil!�!'K9('tl!:III:t!!'I!l�hL!Ulillil'1!!J9tt.'9!�t"UUtll!'1!liill':111V11'.li!17J;1'IIU�a.,;I'j,','ll'!!I:II!i!!11!�!!!!L'u�i����i'b:!,+�Ilwa'U.4uiwU�il! ztumIurd 'in ST. ANDREW'S PRERBYTERIA.N CHURCH RFV. HOBERT U. MaeLEAN, R.A. 1:00 p.m, -- Church Service. 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Myth •-• Sunday Services 10:00 a.m. - • -- Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. --- Worship Service. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 11. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. -- Celebration of the Lord's Supper 11:15 a.m. — Sundayschool 3:00 p.m. — Celebration of the Lord's Supper Commemoration of the Reformation ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE REV. J. KEITH S'I'Om, B.A., S.T.B. Box 47, Blyth, Ontario •-- Phone 523-9334 • Sunday, November 2 — Trinity 22 Trinity, Blyth — 9:30 n.m. -- Morning Prayer. St, Mark's, Auburn — 1:15 p.m. --• Evening Prayer. Trinity, Belgrave — 2:30 p.m. — Evening Prayer (with Orangeman's Church Parade). 'rHE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. U. MATHER, 13.A., B.D., MINISTER ' Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music, 9,45 n.m. — Sunday Church School. 11.00 a.m. -- Morning Worship "The Wrath of God" WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR PASTOR, REV. KENNETH I. KNIGHT Each Lord's Day at 2.00 p.m. With Special Stories for younger children in S. S. Area. Inter -Denominational --• All are Welcome. II1W811WB111lWIIIIiII uitiiIWtiVllIU ilaWUull!tatitillismai!llIPiulli!1VIUII iiittEBlllktato I''' taiW11ibiUig' I' U'1 Thanks was extended to the U.C. W. for the invitation to attend by Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson of the Presbyterian W.H.S., Mrs, Thomas Haggitt, of A.C.W. of St. Mark's Anglican Church Guild,Mrs, Char.. les Smith, of 'Westfield U;V,W. Mrs, Robert J. Phillips of the Au- burn Baptist Church, Mrs. Kai - mer Dawson of the Dungannon U. C.W. and Mrs. Harry Girvin of the Nile U.C.W. Mrs, Norman Mc- Clinehey replied' for.' the Knok.Un- ited U.C,W. , ,; 'PHE I3LYTII STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1969 Business Directory=- -- IT; RENT SELL IT! BUY PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU Cronin's Television 5A I.IIS SERVICE fiLYTR -- Phone 523927,1 e6 J. F.. LONGSTAI►'F - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone, 5274290 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES 4 SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANMhS ANI) POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -• Varna -- Tel. roll. Denali 896R7 SANITARY SEWAGE DiSPOSALL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC, PUMPED & Ci.Sh1ANEt► FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE •••.. Brussels R.H. 2 - Phone 142W$ DR. R. W. STREET BLYI7I -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS --- 1'3Y APPOINTMENT Monday through Friday Tuesday and Thursday Evenings W. K. HAMILTON --- OPTOMETRIST Neel to thr Lyceum Theatre -- WiNGBAM Phan, 357.1361 ELLIOTT VEA I, ESTATE AGENCY unrdon Elliott, Broke. Il. John Elliott, Sale,nu+u. PHONES; Blyth, Office 523•4481; Res. 52.3022 or 52.432 WANTED;. Listings ou h'ariw, Homes and Businesses RtiI' N. BENTLEY --- ACCOiiNTANT 4 0 0ERi('H -- ONTA.R1l► Telephone 524.952) t Rritnuinla 11,1.. N;. 1 f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CUSTOM. CORN PICKING New Idea Picker. phone 523-9208 12-3p. Use two row, Gerald Heyink, Blyth. A SPECIAL BUS To Grand Old Opry, Nashville, Tennessee, leaves Friday evening, November 14, 8 p,m. returning Sunday evening, November 16. Reserve your seat now. Iiabkirk Transit Service Limited, Box 700, Seaforth, or phone $27.1222. 11.8 SANITATION SERVICES ,Septic Tanks cleaned and re- d. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 695.8325 43tf REG, SMITH SIGNS 'Druck Lettering, Plastic Signs, Farm and Commercial. Corner * East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario. 33tf CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phnne Brussels 443W4. 37•If aA CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri. 7:30 p.m, (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Mose, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton el Y rrwrrome Y 5 CR•AWFO'BD aIid MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. C ivfrn'd, Q.C., A. lull, 13.A., L.L,B In Blyth Each Thursday Horning and by Appolntutenl. LOCATED IN ELIJOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 3.57.3634, I)DREEN'S ItPA 11TrY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING COGA WAVON DOREEN McCALLI1M -- Phone Blyth 523.4611 Closed AU 1)a3' Monday Open Tuesday Through Saturd,>> IIIMINIrrw RUTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PRONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELD iN(C ALSO , COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King ,Street CLINTON ('hone 482,73o 11 T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SER CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 4132x3320 RLYTH SINGER CENTER Repalry to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone._ 623.4275 Res. 523.4591 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bedroom bungalow, electrl beat, in Londesboro. Phone 523 4566 Blyth. 14.1 I''OR SALE c Duroc Boars, serviceable age • Excellent for cross breeding Norman McClinchey, R.R. 2, Au burn, Phone 526-7789, 14.2 FOR SALE Siegler oil space beater, like new. Stan Kay, phone 623.4464, Myth, 141p FOR SALE Steel bed spring, blonde book case head board, both 54" width. Mrs, Jack Stewart, phone 523.9222 Blyth. 14-1 NOTICE Would take 2 boarders for the winter, good meals, lots of room. Mrs. Wm• Knox, phone 523.9382 Blyth, 14-2 CUSTOM CORN PICKING Phone Bruce Richmond, 523- 9207 Blyth, 14.1 WOOD FOR SALE Dry Hardwood, suitable for stove or furnace. Lloyd Walden, phone 523.9287 Blyth. 13.3p FOR SALE 2 pair child's brown overshoes, sizers 6 and 9. Phone 523-9473 Blyth. 14-1 SEWING Dressmaking and alterations done, Phone 523-9325 Blyth. 14-1 p WANTED Used furniture from Basement. 'Phone collect Zurich. Attic to 236-4243 13•tf FOR SALE 30 pigs, 8.10 weeks old, Apply, Bob McCool, phone 523.4220 Blyth. 13.1 FOR RENT Fully equipped hairdressing shop In the Village of Auburn, Phone 526.7595. 13.2 BEATTY Farm Service Centre (.'ORNi;R OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS„ CLINTON, ONT, Manure Handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • M1 Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 182.9661 "Proudly Canadian" L, and M, BUILDING COMPANY IH.R. 2, illiterate Phone Brussels 320J4 or 327.11 ASPHALT S. STEEL ROOFING Reasonable Rates -- Only Quality Material Used Electrical Contractors All 'Types of Electric;dl Work -• Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR ('IIAMPION ROLLERS da GRINDERS BtLL BROMLEY Ph. 5234506 GLEN GIBSON - Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Soles BRUCE HATIHWELL, 8,11. 1, Brucefield •- Ph. 482.3389 PECKITT Pi.,UMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEM -- nit BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londeshoro, Ont. Phone Blyth 623.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECT,M C. RURUMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.4278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. OmarolOom f,YLE YOUNGBLUT 011. 'BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" • FOR SALE Westinghouse Automatic Elec trie Stove, in good condition Phone 523.9492 Blyth, 14-1 WANTED Feed for winter for 40 steers 700 to 800 lbs., either by the month or by gain. Anyone inter- ested in all or part, contact Ed Bell, phone 5234599 Blyth, 14.1 FOR SALE 2 -bedroom Mobile Home 10'x42' completely furnished, in good con. dation, on own lot in Blyth, low down payment, mortgage avail- able. Phone 526.7725. 14-2p FOR SALE 30 pigs, 8 weeks old. Bud Cham• ney, phone Auburn 526.7799. 141 WANTED Storni Windows, 1 • 311" x 5'2"; 1 311/2"x 5'; 3 283/4"x 54144," Phone 523.9245 Blyth. 1.41p AUCTION SALE Of 47 head of Beef Cattle, Hogs, Grain, Farm Implements, will be held for Janes E. Walsh, S.H, Lot 39, Concession 3, East Wawanosb Township, Iy mile North and 14 mile West of Biyth, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 1,30 p.m. TERMS CASH -- FARM SOLD See bills for list. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer, Phone 528-3519 Lucknow. 142 BENEFIT DANCE For Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Hunk• ing in Ibe Londesboro Hall on Friday evening, November 7th. Jim Scott's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. •4 TIGER DUNLOP INN, GODERICH Will be serving Duck Dinners Sundays, November 2nd, 16th and 23rd, from 4 to 7 p.m. Make re• servations early. Mrs. G, Kaitting Phone 524.8601 Goderich, 14 and 10 pd. CARD OF THANKS I'd like to express by thanks for cards, flowers and visits received during my stay In Clinton Hospit- al. Specinl thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Street and the nursing staff, 14.1 Mrs, Icon Snell. BROADLOOM CLINTON'S • CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. ! " Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates, Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpal for every room in the home, "Quality you can trust" From BALL & HUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30.tf. 4 • Do you really want to sell? Your Horne, Farm, Cottage, Business, then list with us. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTK Representing II, Keith Ltd., Realtor -- Toronto, Ont. "Over 500 peonle to serve you" THE IBLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1: t 9 1+.......-•+.t •-♦,+4,►4444-114i-•-.+. r •+. •+ 1 Ready To Wear SUITS FOR MEN With 2 Pair Of Pants All Wools in Checks and Plain sizes 36 to 46 $19.95 - $95.00 R. W . Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday • REPORT + During the week of October 10 f to October 25, 1969, Officers at the Wingham Detachment worked a total of 2551 hours and patrol- led 2383 miles. Six charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act with one + person being warned. Two investigations were carried out under the Liquor Control Act with four persons being charged under the 'Act. Twenty eight Criminal invest'• gations were carried out with two persons being charged under the Criminal Code. The following 'Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported to and investigated by the Wingham De. tachment: Early Sunday morning, Oetober 19, a one -car collision in Belgrave, resulted in the driver, Ronald Gordon Cook being hospitalized in the Wingham and District Hos- pital, Ronald Cook was drivng a 1965 Pontiac on Huron County Road No. 20 and failed to negoti- ate a left turn onto Higliway 4. His vehicle slid across No, 4 High- way into a cement sidewall. Char- • • • • • . , #4-40•-,.,4,,,♦.,.,..♦,, •-•194, -194.4,, •-• • • • • • ges have been preferred. Prov. 1 Const, II. B. McKittrick investi- gated the accident, Two accidents later Sunday morning resulted in Joseph Wade of Downsview, being charged with three charges, Joseph Wade was the driver of a 1963 Chevrolet and failed to stop at the junction of County Road 29 and County Road No. 12. The vehicle went through a fence owned by Stuart Musgrove of •R.R. 2, Wroxeter and then left the scene of the aeci• dent, The vehicle then proceeded east on Highway 87 and then ran into a guide post before stopping. Prov. Const, H. B. McKltrtrick in- vestigated Tasty Meat From Your Butcher T BONE STEAK SMOKED PICNICS WEINERS ........... . ..... . . BOLOGNA, in the piece per lb. 1.09 per lb. 59c 2 lbs, 99c per Ib. 39c QUARTERS OF BEEF CUT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABB i'TOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor BLYTH, ONTARIO. PHONE 523.4151 .4-0444-•444444444-.4-•-0 4t•+.+•-.--••4 •. • • i • • • f •f• 4-$-4-. •-•• ..-f4• 1.11 .4444444 •0441•• 411+-•'-• •+• • • GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Men's Stanfield Fall Combinations, short and long sleeves 30 percent off Men's Stanfield Red and Blue Label All Wool ribbed Shirts and Drawers, 30 percent oft' Women's and Misses Plastic Overshoes all sizes 1.50 Men's Red Sole Rubber Boots, first quality made in England, sizes 6 to 11 3.95 Overshoes and Snow Boots for the whole family . ............... . 30 percent off Boys' Winter Jackets with Hoods (detachable) ..... , ..... 30 percent off Girl's Biege Long Stockings in Cotton or wool with cotton half price Children's Leather or Wool Mitts, 30 percent off Boys' Winter Caps half price The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, 4444.--.. ,--04... --., On Tuesday, October 21, 1960, a vehicle driven by Keith John- ston, of R;R, 2, Bluevale, struck a cattle beast owned by Allen Breckenridge, also of R.R. 2, BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders O Stabling i+ Donald G. Ives 1 R.R, 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 „.............44 ,44♦4+.+4-. Dead Stock Picked 1 • Up 1 DAYS A WEER 24 HOURS A DAY 1 Rluevale. The accident occurred on Concession 1, Morris Town- ship. Prov. Const, G. L. Foulon was the investigating officer. On Wednesday, October 22, a vehicle driven by Robert Solomon o.r Whitechurch, went off the road on IIighway 86 and broke off six guide posts. Damage to the vehicle was estimated at $600,00 by the investigating officer, G. L. Foulon, On Wednesday, October 22, at approximately 4.30 p.m. Grace Sanderson, of R:R, 1, Fordwlch, backed out of a private driveway in the Hamlet of Fordwlch and struck a parked vehicle. Prov. Const, G. L. Foulon investigated. On Friday„ October 24, Ronald 'Iloonstra, of R,i . 4, Wingham, and Ethel McArthur, of Gorrie, were both taken to the Wingham and District hospital as a result of a two -car head-on collision on the 'U' Line of Turnberry Township. Ronald Boonstra was driving a 1966 Plymouth westbound and Kenneth McArthur, of Gorrie, was driving a 1968 Volkswagen east - hound when the collision occur• red, Kenneth McArthur has been charged with Careless Driving. Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer invest'. gated BROOK'S CA RPENTRY PIIONI 11, BROOKS Itennovating and Cabinet Making 523.4503 -• BLYTH E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings BIT,L'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service IIIYTII, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.9556 hi CLARK R,li, 1, Auburn, Ont, 0 STERY Phone Biyth 523.452F LATEST COVERS •— FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark K. M. HULLEY BALI{HOEING. -- SHOVEL LOADING -- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL -- TOP SOiL Box 265, LONDESBORO, ONT. Phone 523.4566 .. +-11.4444+044-11-444444 ♦+ 4+14+4 N--• 4 M .440.4-* 4• • *4..4 i i 1 • • Huron Dead Stock' Removal. CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 We pay $5.00 to $15,00 for disabl• . Enter Now! - Enter Often! ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge. LICENCE NO. 189.3.68 ; 23.3+. SFOOD r� '... MAR S Compare Our Prices With The Best 1)d Monte Fruit. Drinks, 48 oz. , 3 for 1.00 Del Monte Fancy Peach Tlalves, 28 oz. 39c Kraft Peanut Butter, 40 oz. jar ........ 99e,, Ingersoll Cheee Spread, 1 lb. jar ....... 69c Take Your Pick - 6 Tins For $1.00 Libby'.s Spaghetti, 1.1 oz.; Fancy Peas, 14 oz.: Fancy Kernel Corn, 12 oz.; Beans with Pork, 14 oz. Kitchener Packer's Bologna . . , 3 Ib. for 1.00 Kitchener Packer's Sausages . , . 2 lb. for 1.09 Kitchener Packer's Smoked Picnics, per Ib. 59c Fresh Pork Loin Chops per Ib, 89e Fresh Grade A Chikens, 3.4- lb., per lb. 39c No. 1 Table Potatoes 25 lb. 79c Entperor'sNo. 1 Table Grapes 2 Ib. 49c Fab with Borax, king size . .... . ....... 1.39 Spic and Span, economy size , , .. 1.39 Free Groceries For Someone This Friday A $5.00 or over purchase of groceries giveol you a good chance of winning from $5.00 to $50.00 worth of groceries FREE., Draw held at 3 part, every Friday now until Xmas. . .■.1111111■ Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 1 BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Recent visitors with Mrs, Carl Procter, of [luronview, Clinton, Procter were Mr. and Mrs, Wil- on Friday. bert Byers, Royal Oak, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Frecthy and Mr. and Mrs, John Barker, Ro• Dianne moved on Monday to Stay- ehester, Michigan, Mrs. Pearl Mil- ner, where Lloyd has gone with ler, Listowel, the petroleum business. 'Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Byers, of Little Lisa and Sandra Camp• Royal Oak, Michigan, Mrs. Carl bell spent the weekend with their Procter visited with Mr, Carl grandparents, Mr. and :Airs, Rob• COOK'S Phone 523.4421 We Deliver BIG 3 -DAY DOLLAR DAY'S SALE 5 lb. Bag Redpath Granulated Sugar FREE with the purchase of 4 Westinghouse Light Bulbs at regular price, Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit Juice 3 • 48 oz, tins 1.00 Del Monte Pineapple Orange Juice 3 - 48 oz. tins 1.O0 Mitchell's Apple Juice, 3 -48 oz. tins ... , 1.00 L. D. Smith's Garden Cocktail 3 - 28 oz, decanter jars .......... • 1.00 Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, 5 -14 oz. tins ... 1.00 Van Camp's Beans with Pork, 5 - 14 oz. 1.00 Van Camp's Beans with Pork, 4 • 19 oz. 1.00 Ellmarr Margerine, 4 - 1 lb. prints . , ... 1.00 Fluff() Shortening., 3 - 1 lb. pkgs. , .. 1.00 Shirriff's Lushes ,felly Powders, 10 regular pkgs. .. , . , . , .. , 1.00 Robin Hood Pouch Pack Cake Mixes 6 pkgs..1.00 Top Crop Popping Corn, 6. 1 Ib. bags , .. 1.00 Saico Fancy Solid Tuna, 2 - 7 oz. tins ... 1.00 Shake and Bake, Fish, Chicken, Pork and Veal ...................... 4 pkgs. 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 5 - 11 oz. bottles 1.00 Ballet Toilet Tissue, 4 - 2 roll pkgs. 1.00 Swift's Tempt Dog or Cat Food 9 - 15 oz. tins 1.00 Marra's Bread, brown or white, 5 loaves 1.00 Aylmer Fruit Cocktail, 2 • 14 oz. tins . , . 53c St, William's Strawberry Jam, 24 oz, jar 55c St, William's Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. jar 55c Aylmer Choice Peas, 2 - 14 oz. tins .... • 394 Aylmer Choice Cream Style Corn 2 - 14 oz. tins 39c Aylmer Choice Wax or Green Beans 2 - 14 oz. tins ...... • ............. • 39c Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable Soup '1 - 10 oz. tins . . ............. . 45c Cheer Laundry Detergent, 27c off label king size ....,.,..... 1.65 Coleman's Smoked Picnic Shoulder, per lb. 59c Coleman's Bologna 2 Ib. 79c Frozen Peas .. , ............. 2 lbpkg. 49c Burn's Weiners 2 Ib. 99c Blyth Tttrlips per Ib. 6c Cooking Onions ... . . . . . . . . . .. 3 lb. 27c South African Oranges, 112's doz. 63c crt Ilibhert. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Robert Campbell, Winthrop, visited at the same home and the girls returned home with their parents, The management duties of the I3elgrave Co -Operative Association was taken over on Monday, Octo- ber 27 by Mr. Don Walker of Stromberg, where he has spent the last four years as assistant. manager for a three group Co. Operative. They will be moving to Bel;rave in the near future, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coultes, Judy and Denise, of Blenheim, Mr, James F. Coultes, of I3urwash, spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Norman Coultes and attend- ed the Coultes-1[oegy wedding in Zion United Church, McKillop, Miss Margaret Nicholson, Wind- sor, visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garner ,Ncholson. .Mrs, .I, M. Caultes visited rec• eptly with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Barnes, Mrs, Leola Chadwick, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, George Pocock, of Lambeth. Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, Mrs. Gor- don .Pengelley, Mrs. Lawrence Vannas, Mrs. Cora McGill, Mrs. Cliff Purdon and Mrs. Robert. ;Pardon attended the Craft and !lobby Fair in the Atwood arena on Saturday, sponsored by the Perth -North Maple Leaf Women's institute. .lir, and Mrs. Robert Coultes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ilarman Mitchell, of Rothsay. Mrs, .1, lf, Coultes visited on Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Nor- man Keating and attended the Wingham Anniversary Services. Mr, and Mrs, George Walker visited with her sister, Miss Lila Humphrey, of St. Iielens, and at- tended the anniversary services ; tltcre. • lir. and Mrs, Albert Vincent ae• companicd Mr, and Mrs. George Walker on Wednesday and visited • with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erring- i ton, of Dungannon. .lir, and Mrs. Cecil Mines, of Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Harry McGuire. Mr, and Mrs. William Kelly, of I Seaforth, visited on Saturday with # 1[r. and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lowry, Dun - las, visited with Mrs. Cora McGill n Saturday. lits. Leslie .Bolt, Aft's. Stanley ook, Miss Annie Cook, Mrs, Ross Anderson and Mrs. Stewart Proe- er attended the North Huron Re - lanai Rally of the U;C.W. held n the Wroxeter United Church, Mr• and 11.rs, Charles McGavin, of Walton, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rhin and John. • Mrs, Della Macrarlene, Gimli, t Manitoba, Mr, and AYrs, Carl Cranston, of Lucknow, visited t with their cousins, Mr, and Airs. •• 19(3"r CHEV, Bel All', 1 door, 6 cyl. George Walker last week. • Miss Linda Taylor, of Toronto, spent. ithe weekend with her cous., Ins, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coultes and Paul, lfr, and Airs. Ken Lichty . nd Wayne, of Milverton, Mr. and Mrs, Ron Ilibherd, Harrist_m, 1967 FORD v8, automatic, 4 door were Sunday visitors with Mr, nd Mrs, Robert Hibberd, Air, and Mrs. Harry Phillips, Kathy, Fred and Douglas, Han- over, visited with Mr, and !firs, Clarence Chamney on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent recently visited with Mr, and Mrs, 1963 PONTIAC 6 Cyt, Thomas Park, of Dungannon. At 'the 'Belgrave Weekly Euchre on Wednesday night nine tables were in play. The winners of the evening were:: Jtigh Lady, MIss Janet Adam; high man, Miss An- nie 'Kennedy (playing as a man), Low lady, Mrs, Cora A[cGill; Low man, Earl Noble; Novelty lady, I Mrs, Hazel Purdon; Novelty man, John Adam. An inspiring layman service was held In bath Calvin -Brick and , I3elgrave United Churches on •••••••••••••-•-• • •+'4 •. •••• •+. 0.44 +•• ••••••+4+•..+..• •• Sunday morning. Those taking parts .were, Mrs. Cliff Logan, Joy- held a farewell party for Mr. and President, Louise Procter, was ce Coultes, Ivan Dow, George Mrs, Lloyd Freethy who gave up In 'the chair when the Lazy Dais - Procter, Walter Scott, Mrs, Ken- his position as manager to take ies met at the hone of Iles, Clar- neth Mason and Mrs. George MI- over a petroleum business In ence Hanna for their sixth meet. ehie, The male chair conducted by Stayner. Progressive euchre was ing, Seven girls answered the Rev, John Roberts was members enjoyed after which the ladies roll call with places where the of both churches with Jim Rob- served a delciious lunch, The Pre- Fly and Roman stitches could be ertsan at the organ, sident, Bob Coultes, made a few used, Mary Grasby read the min - A pleasant evening was spent at remarks and presented Air. and utes and a short business session the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ron. Mrs, Freethy with a Tea Wagon. followed, The remainder of the aid Coultes on Tuesday when the Lloyd and Afarie thanked the di- meeting was spent in finishing Directors and Staff of the Bel- rectors and staff for their thought- samples and learning stitches for grave Co -Operatives Association fulness. articles, 0 C g 4 • • • • • THE I3LYTI1 STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1969 (MYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO in the Blyth Memorial Hall on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st commencing at 8:30 p.m. 12 RI;CUI.AR GAMES FOR 510,00 EACH RIG S1Ji 111 •TiIE•WEALTHH GAMES 1 (.A3IE FOR $25,00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT OA ME VOR. $125,00 IF WON IN 60 CALLS Adntissiori at dooi $1.00 — Extra Cards Available Plan to A tt:end and Support the Blyth Lions (7exaE .m. 1, ,"„u.u) OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE 15 AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DR ITGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES • • • • • •. •• • • • •-• • + ♦ • • • • • • • • •-•+t•+++M•1 •-•-►♦+H♦-♦♦♦••♦ ROAD -WORTHY USED CARS 1970 FORD half ton, 6 cyl, 1970 FORD half ton, v8 1969 PONTIAC 2 door, hardtop, v8, automatic 1969 FURY 11, 2 door, hardtop 1968 FORD Custon, 4 dr., v8, automatic 1967 FORD Custom 500 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, 6 cyl,, automatic 196' FORD Custom ?►00, 6 cyl., automatic 1967 PONT (AC Laurientian, 4 dr., v8, 2 - 1967 CHEV, Biscan, 4 dr., 6 cyl,, auto. 1966 CHEV, 4 door, station wagon auto, 1964 CHEV, Station wagon, v8, automatic a SEE THESI Blyth, Ontario. AND OTHERS '5 CAR SALES Ltd. Phone 523-9581 THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER WESTFIELD NEWS Mr, Armand McBurney is spen• ding a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gear, of Waterloo, Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Mrs. Charlie Smith attended the U. C. W. Regional meeting at Benmil- ler on Friday. ?Ir, and Mrs. David Webster and family, Blyth, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Howatt. Miss Jeanetta Snell visited on the weekend with Mr. and firs. Earl Flook, of Chatham. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Walden and Christa, London, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham and family, Auburn, Mr. Gary Walden, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fidom, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fidom and tam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell visited on Thursday with Mr. Da- vid McDowell, Woodstock. Miss Phyllis Biggerstaff, Wing - ham visited on the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Audrey Bigger. staff. Mr. and Mrs, John White and family, Aylmer, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald McDowell. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don E. Smith on the weekend were, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vogl, Mark, Shannon and Cara, Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, London, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell, OCTOBER MEETING OF THE BELGRAVE W. L The October meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute was held in the arena rooms Tuesday evening, October 21st. This meet- ing was planned by Mrs. George Michie, the Education Convenor. The roll call was answered by Tome thirty-six members and vis• :tors, Naming the Column in the Newspaper they enjoyed most. Misses Donelda Lamont and Dor• eon Anderson in suitable costume, sang "A Plymouth Ballad" and ,vere accompanied by Mrs, Lawr. ence Vannan. Mrs. Leslie Bolt contributed a reading depicting "An Old Fashioned School." Mrs. J. Kopas and Mrs. 13. Pen- ny, of Wingham, presented a very enlightening dialogue on the "Ob. jects, Structure and Functions .of Home and School Association." Mrs, Herson Irwin gave a report of 17th Annual Rally of Huron Co. Women's Institute held at Dungannon, October 6th. Mrs, Iv- an van Wightman gave a short report on her visit to the Ontario Science Centre on September 27 when Premier John Roberts officially opened this building, Mrs. Wightman presided for the business portion of the program. Ten dollars was donated to Wing. ham Hospital Auxiliary and also to the C.N.I.B. A short course "The Main Dish Makes the Meal" will be held November 13 and 14. This short course is sponsored by the Ontario Department of Agri. culture and Food, and anyone wl• shing to take it should contact either of the leaders, Mrs. Wm. Coultes and Mrs, Ross Higgins, It was decided not to cater to the Morris Township Federation of Agriculture banquet. Mrs, Glenn Coultes and Mrs, Stanley Hopper were named as a committee to make plans for 1970 School Fair Prize List. Mrs, Norman Coultes was named as a delegate 4o the Area Convention In St. Thomas, November 12 and 13, Lunch was served by Mrs, Stan• ley Cook, Mrs, Clark Johnston, Mrs, Fred Cook and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson. Let a Standard Classified Ad. Work For You 29th, 1969 ''WU JUST SAVING MONEY Blyth, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Mary McDowell, Mr. and Urs, Douglas Campbell visited on the weekend with Urs. George Brown, of Ruscombe, and Mrs. Elmer Horn, of Windsor. \1r. and Mrs. Arnold Cook, Sharon, Janet, Jeffrey and Brad- ley visited on Sunday with Mrs, Grace Ross and Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Beavin, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers, of Elmira, TENDERS 'fenders will be received by the undersigned for the positions of Secretary -Treasurer of the Blyth Recreation Committee; Janitor for the Memorial IIall; and booking of the hall, until noon on Satur- day, November 22nd, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed Jessie McKay, Box 4, Blyth, Ontario. 14-2 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours who re- membered me with flowers, gifts and cards and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. My sincere thanks to Dr. Walden and Dr. Harriett and the nurses on the surgical wing. 14-1. -- Mrs, Bert Craig. CARD OF THANKS The Auburn Community Memor• ial hall Board wish to thank all those who donated to the Rum- mage Sale held October 25th. Also to everyone who helped with the work in any way. Special thanks to Mr. Mike Cummings for donat• ing his time and services as auc• tioneer. 144 1 r ISN'T ENOUGH" October Readers Digest Page 132 and Front Page of Financial I'ost October 11, 19(19, tell about successful investing with Cana- dian Channing Corporation 'l'op Performing Funds. The Common. wealth International Leverage net asset value per share increased 40':; in the year 1969. In addition a 16c per share dividend was paid. $10,000 invested in Leverage Jan - nary 1, 1950, with dividends re• invested had a value December 31, 1969, of $104,5113, Plans start- ing with as little as $10 down and S10 per month. OR minimum cash investment $500. For further information on tax savings while investing, contact: R. G. (Bert Freeman, 392.6938, Box 119, Teeswater, Ont. 1:4•l p CARD OF 'THANKS I would like to tJtanh all who remembered me with ris, gifts and visits while rl (,at 'n Clin- ton hospital. l also +.;' :• thank the Dc Groot family a .Iy rela- tives who so kindly keit my four children. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Street, the nurses and Rev K. Knight. 14•lp. •— Eva Snell. 1 11 Id 11 III I6 I ell REAL ESTATE We have rural properties for Sale from $3,000,00 to $200,000,00 over 80 listings to choose from. Interested Parties Contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker NOTICE T() CREDITORS In The Estate Of IIUHElrr NORMAN GEORGE I1IRONS ALL PERSONS having claims aganist the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Maintenance Man, who died on the 10th day of September, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on ar before the 151h day of November 1909. After that date the executor u ill proceed to distribute the es- tate, having regard only to the claims of which he 'shall then have had notice. DATED at Windham, this 27th day of October, 1969. CRAWFORD & MILL Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 14.3 00 YOU NEED MONEY? Why not become an Avon Rep. resentative — women are earning $ $ $ selling cosmetics in their spare time. You sell locally. Call now. Mrs. Millson, 17 Hawkes- bury Ave., London 451.0541. 14.1 Turkey Supper DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH WALTON Wed., Nov. 5th 4:30 to 8 p,m, Adults $1.75 Children 8 to 12 $1,00 p ,iz DA•MIL DARIRIKOOL•KOOL BOUK ,NATIOCOOLERS MA'1'ERIA1, HANDLING EQUIPMENT l'1.1)I,AIt STABLING SHO UNLOADERS BIWNNER, ON'I'. COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEEDERS • BARN CLEANERS GERRY GASCIIO Phone Milverton 595.8955 IILYTII DISTRICT -- CALL Glen Gibson -Phone 523.9482 ' •.4 .4—N • •••••+t M• $— ♦++••+++t$++♦ F1i44-4* 1•444•4-•••-• Elliott Insurance Agency � BLYTH - ONTARIO. 0 PN INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, "WE SPEC1 .LIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 5234481 Pkones Residence 523.4522 ..,4$-1•4....•1• Get your ag nada Savings Bonds at the Commerce. SII make it eusy"' foryou. Canada. It's a greatland. Canada Savings Bonds let you own a piece of it. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Mr, Robert Chamney returned recently from a visit in Windsor with his son, (Herman Chamney, and Mrs. Chamney. Mr, and Mrs. George Haggitt and family, of Zurich, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas IIaggitt and Stephen. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Robinson spent a few days last week at Windsor visiting with his sister, Mrs, L. Coyne, and Sgt. Coyne. 'Mrs, S. Lansing and Mrs, R. Munro visited last week at Mid- land with her nephew, Mr. Alli- son Gardhouse and Mrs, Gard - house, Vicki and Mark, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craig and family, of Lucan, visited last Sat- urday with his father, Mr, Wil- liam J, Craig, Misses Laura and Lottie Jack- son, of Goderich, visited on Sun- day afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Robert J, Phillips, and their cons- in, .Miss Margaret Jackson. Mr, and Mrs, Maitland Allen re- turned last weekend from a two week's visit with Mr, Peter Brown of Windsor. While there they en- joyed a Scottish concert by the Alexander Bros. of Scotland in the Ford auditorium in Detroit. ,atr, Glenn Yungblut, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Ralph Mun- ro. He was enroute to a confer - once in Calgary, Alberta, Mrs. Munro accompanied him to Lon- don on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yungblut and family. Mr, Ed. Baines of the Univer- sity of Waterloo, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines. Miss Brenda East, of McMaster University, of Hamilton, spent the weekend at home with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted East and Miss Karen East, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McDoug- all spent the weekend in London with her brother, Mr. Stewart Toll, firs. Toll, Warren and Terry. Mrs. Lela Ball, of Clinton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Sidney Lansing. Miss Susie Latimer, of Oakville, visited last weekend with Mrs. Bert Craig, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Archambault and family. DESSERT LUNCH SERVED AT AUBURN W. I. MEETING A dessert lunch was served at STORE OPENING SPECIALS ALLEN'S DRINKS — 48 oz. size -- Reg, 39c — 3 for 99e PANTRY SHELF APPLE JUICE — Reg, 37c — 3 for 99e GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GREETING CARDS including Carlton Cards SLAYER'S GENERAL STORE SILVEItWOOD'S ICE CREAK & MILK PRODUCTS AGENT FOR WINGHAM DRIVE-IN CLEANERS AUBURN, ONTARIO. PHONE 526.7228 GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Shop Now & Save On --- IMPORTED WALL TAPESTRY Phone 52:3.4471 Blyth •• Edith L. Creighton SPECIAL--- LONG-PLAY STEREO RECORDS Country -Western and ronumr 99c EACH while they last We Now Have the Franchise for DUMONT Colour and Black and White Television Sets and 'Stereos Call In For A Demonstration HARDWARE • WITHTELE1 U I UPHONE 5234273 YOUR LIOME' HARDWARE DEALER t p.m. to the Auburn Women's In- stitute members last week when they met in the Community Mem- orial Hall for their October meet- ing. The president, Mrs, Frank llaithby, welcomed all and the Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and the Institute Grace was sung with Mrs. George Milian at the piano, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Pearl Watson and Mrs. Donald Haines served the lunch, Mrs, Eleanor i3radnock conduc- ted a memorial service for the late Mrs. Wm. J. Craig who was a charter member of the Auburn W. I. Mrs, Donald Baines and Mrs, Bradnock sang "Beyond the Sun- set" accompanied by Mrs, Rob- ert .1. Phillips on the piano, Mrs, Thomas Haggitt introduced the guest speaker of the after- noon, Miss Marjorie Sykes, of Wingham, a public health nurse with the Huron County Health Unit. Miss Sykes told the vari- ous duties of each officer in the Unit and chose as her message "You and Your health." She was thanked by Mrs, Ed. Davies and presented with a gift from the members. Mrs. Raithby conducted the bus- iness meeting and the minutes were adopted as read by the sec- retary, Mrs, Bert Craig, Mrs. Gor- don Chamney, assistant secretary, read the minutes of the Executive meeting held at the home of the President with members of the U. C. W. executive. The business was the pricing of dinners, banquets and wedding dinners and these prices were accepted to take place on January 1, 1970. Mrs, Donald Haines was chosen delegate to the London Area Convention on No- vember 12 and s13th at St, Thomas. It was decided to cater to the County Road men's annual ban- quet on November 5th and Mrs. Donald Haines was appointed to convene the kitchen and Mrs. W. Bradnock, the dining room, Mrs. Ilaithby announced the storage of the picnic tables in the garage of Mr. and Mrs, Torrance Tabb, and Mrs. Lawrence Platezer and Mrs. -Roy Doer were appointed to con- vene the wedding dinner on No- vember 22nd. Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell pre- sented the card report and read the thank -you notes received. It was announced that 4.11 Achieve• ment day will be held on Novem- ber 15th at, Auburn and in invita- tion to attend was extended to all W. I. members and mothers, A report ,of the Huronvlew Auxili- ary meeting was given and the Auburn group served the tea. The roll call was answered by each telling Their favorite home rem- edy, There will be classes for the short course in the main dish ma- kes the meal in which Mrs, Don- ald Cartwright and Mrs. Eldon MacLennan are leaders, The col- lection was received by Mrs. Ro- bert Turner and Mrs, Leonard Archambault and the Pennies for Friendship were received by Afar. ilyn Archambault. An accordion anti vocal solo was given by Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mrs, harry Watson presented the gift to Mrs, W. Bradnock for having the birthday nearest the meeting day. The meeting was closed by singing The Queen, i BRIDAL SHOWER HELD FOR MISS LAURA .DAER, BRIDE. ELECT White streamers dotted with yellow and pink flowers decorat- ed the platform last Saturday ev- ening in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church, Auburn, when Miss Laura Daer, Stratford, was guest at a bridal shower, Mrs, Ted East was the chairman for the program, A sing -song was led by Miss Betty Moss accompan- ied on the piano by Miss Nancy Anderson, Miss Sherry Plaetzer conducted a contest Fred's propo- sal, in which the answeres were names of vegetables or fruits, The winner was Mrs, Ken Daer. A pi- ano solo was played by Miss Dor- eon McClinchey. Mrs, 'Plunkett had .a, song contest with. five ,girls THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29tb, 1969 SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LiGHT DOZING, BACKFILLING, LEVELLING AND LANDSCAPE WORK CLINTON LYLE MONTGOMERY PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 • •-•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Clinton Memorial Shop '22 T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — MITE -- SRAFORTB Open Every Afternoon PHONE .,, ►!1'f'it;! Ulises* t 5.0426 Residence Z$5.1384 444. • .44.4444.. .44 .4444 *49-.44 44 4+4-4+4+4 e•++ -*-N♦'! DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth ••4 ♦ •1.4.1.+4 ♦ •••-•-•-•-•4 4-•-•-•-• 61+6-+-• 6+++ • *H�+•++++ •-•-• wearing hats that represented songs. The models were Misses Betty Moss, Nancy Anderson, Sheron Collins, Brenda East and Karen East, The winner was Mrs. Dorothy Grange. The bride-to-be, Miss Laura Daer and her mother, Mrs. Bert Daer, were escorted to the decor- ated chairs on the platform and Miss BrendaEast pinned a cor- sage on the guest of honour, and Mrs, Wilfred Plunkett pinned one on her mother. An address of congratulations was read by Mrs. Gordon Gross and gifts were pre- sented by Nancy Anderson, Betty Moss, Karen East, Sherry Plaet- zer, ,Wanda Plaetzer, Doreen Me- Clinchcy. The gifts were placed on the table by Miss l3arbara Car- ter nncl a hat of ribbon bows was made by Brenda East and placed on the guest of honours head. Laura thanked everyone and a de- licious lunch was served after ev- eryone sang For She's a Jolly Good Fellow. FALL RALLY OF HURON PRESBYTERIAL HELD AT BELGRAVE The Fall Rally of Huron Pres- byterial was held in Knox Presby- terian Church, Belgrave, on Wed- nesday, October 22, with a good attendance. Mrs, John Pollock, of Goderich, president of the Presby- terial, presided. The devotions were taken by Seaforth and the offering receiv- ed and dedicated by the Hensall group, Reports were given by each secretary. A motion was passed to hold the annual meet- ing in January in Seaforth, Mrs. Dalrymple, of Blyth, gave lovely piano solos, Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock, of Au- burn,, introduced the guest spea- ker, Mrs. F. A. Creasey, of Chath- am, and she gave a most inspiring address, on the church in the chan- ging world, stressing the fact that we have to go out and reach peo- ple more to -day than ever before. Mrs. (Rev,) McLean, of Clinton, expressed thanks to the speaker and Mrs, Pollock closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the Belgrave ladies at the Community Centre. MR. AND MRS. JOE BLACK HOSTESS TO MORRIS F. OF A. The directors of Morris Town- ship IFederation of Agriculture met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Black on Wednesday, Octo- ber 21, Minutes were read and ad- opted as corrected by Emerson Mitchell, seconded by Carman Craig, Carried. Moved by .Carman Craig that Morris Township Federation of Agriculture annual meeting for 1969 be postponed until there ap- pears to be sufficient interest within the township to warrant one, seconded by Charlie Higgins. Carried; The secretary was instructed to contact Dean Fred Snyder regard- ing speaking at the meeting. Moved by Charlie Higgins that any Federation member In the Township that wishes to attend the annual county meeting on No. venter 26 in 'Londesboro, may purchase tickets from the town- ship secretary before November 20, seconded by Emerson Mitchell. Moved by Carman Craig that the township federation refund the cost of the banquet tickets to any township director attending the county annual meeting, secon- ded by Joe Black, Carried. Charlie Higgins reported on the activities of the hog producers. The meeting was adjourned by Carman Craig. The hostess serv- ed lunch. THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1969 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Master Jeff Ratti and Mr. Bruce Clark, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Clark. Guests at the home of Mrs, Wal- ter ,Broadfoot over the weekend were Mrs. J. Higginbottam, of Sheffield, Ont., Mrs, Bert Russell, Mrs. Roy Dow and Miss Bessie Dow, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Lynn visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Ifert, of rillsenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCallum of ,;arnia, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark. Mr. Herb Kirkby and Steven, of Woodstock, visited on Sunday with Mr. Frank Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stutz, Water - !a° visited on Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Torrance Dundas. Miss Mary Ritchie, of Zealand- ra, Sask., has returned home after visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald and Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McDon• , ald visited in Toronto last Sunday. Mrs, Helen Kirkby, of Alberta, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ed. Miller. Mr, and Mrs, James Daley, of Merlin, were weekend guests at, the home of Rev. and Mrs. D, E. Docken. The Walton Intermediate Soft- ball Team, their wives and friends enjoyed a banquet at the Walton Crossroads Restaurant last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer catering and Misses Con- nie Coutts, Sharon Marks and Ju- dy Thamer acting as waitresses. ,Mission Band Meeting The October meeting of the Mission Band was held Sunday morning in Duffs United Church. The Call to Worship was taken by Susan Itlunphries and Janice Van Vliet acted as pianist. The minut- es of the last meeting were read by Mary Searle and Steven Dennis gave the Treasurer report. The offering was taken and dedicated by Susan Humphries. White Gifts for the next meeting will be sent to .Huronview. Classes were FOR EFFECTIVE CONTROL Of Warble Grubs and Lice ON BEEF CATTLE USE RUELENE 25E Economical And Easy To Apply WILSON'S BLYTH, ONT, . Phone 4440 PATENT MEDICINES -- GIFTS •– COSMETICS CHINA — VAItIETY ITEMS 444++A -H+•+• N 4++-a+ $-•+• •-•t• •1-•• * • ORLON VESTS, sizes 36-40, red, green, brown, grey, purple and beige .. 7.95 ea, ORLON CARDIGANS, fancy knit 11.98 ea. LONG SLEEVE ORLON PULLOVERS mock turtle, asst. colours 36-40, 6.98 ea. EXQUISITE FORM Braz starting at 2.56. 6.50 ea. Girdles 4.98 up LEOTARDS, all sizes, asst. colours, 1.98 up NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth • •-•-•-•-•- ++44++ *44444+ r F++.-4 +♦ N ••••-•-•-•-•••4444-44-•-•-•444 TRY OUR SPECIALTY — CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKE•OU'r ORDERS • PA, 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF 11EALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON G BLYTH, ONTARIO formed with the following leaders, fteta Lynn White and Patsy Scott; Mrs. ,C. Wey, Mrs. W. Bewley, Original costumes, Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Wm. April McBurney Coutts, The meeting closed with a hymn and Benediction. Donnybrook ' A carload of 'U,C,W. Ladies were at Knox 'United Church, Au- burn, and spent an enjoyable time with their U:C:W. on Wed- nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Chessell, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Hil- liard Jefferson on Friday evening and all left on a motor trip Satur- day morning to Port Arthur and other places north. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of London, visited Sunday at her home here and with her father, Charles Jefferson, in Wingham and District Hospital. BELGRAVE JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEETING The Belgrave Junior Auxiliary held their 30th meeting at the home of Mrs, Clark Johnston on Saturday afternoon opening with the Promise, Member's Prayer, Motto and the Auxiliary hymn. Minutes were read by Laurie Stackhouse and the treasurer's re- port was given by Patsy Scott. Bonnie and Cathy Walker collect- ed the offering and Reta Lynne White recited the offertory pray- er. The next meeting will be No• vetnber 1, at 9.45 a.m, at the John- ston home. Marni Walsh will lead in the games; Cathy Walker, sing - sang; clean-up girls are Bonnie Walker and Karen Scott. Following the meeting the girls had a Hallowe'en Party with priz• Bonnie Walker and Donelda La- mont; best dressed comic couple, 1N MEMORIAM MASON -- In loving memory of a dear Mother, Ethel Mason, who passed away one year ago November 8, 1968, A wonderful mother laid to rest, For each of us she did her best, Her place on earth no one can fill, We miss you now and always will. -- Even remembered and sadly missed by her family. 14.1 THE INSTALLATION Tea, Bazaar & Bake Sale Sponsored by the Order of the Eastern Star IN BLYTII MEMORIAL HALL ON Sat., November 22 at 2:30 p.m, Tea Cup Reading & Fish Pond Candy Table, Bake Table and Bazaar Table EVERYONE CORDIALLY WELCOME FOR SALE House in Wingham consisting of 3 bedrooms, broadlaomed living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, oil furnace, attached garage. Henry Selling, phone in the evening Wingham 357.3575, Blyth 523.9412, 09•tf. FOR SALE One riding horse, one year old, quiet with children. Henry Selling phone 523.9412 Blyth, 094 SKI•D00 Sales and Service, Repairs to most makes of snowmobiles. Bill's Esso, 'Blyth, phone 623.95513, 09.tf. -.-..,1-f+ o+$ $ • JAMES E. RICE R.R. 1, Blyth =- Tel. 523.4426 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring - We Bring' Cathy Walker, and Rose Marie White; best dressed costumes, Marni Walsh, Karen Scott and Ka. ren Coultes. The Board of Trustees cordially invite you to the OFFICIAL OPENING of the PERTH -HURON REGIONAL SCHOOL OF NURSING 'Wednesday, November 5th, 2:30 p.m. Address and Unveiling by MATTHEW B. DYMOND, M.D., C.6L After the official opening, you are invited to participate in guided tours of the building and sign the guest book; also to remain for refreshments. 130 Youngs St., Stratford •H♦..-. 44-44,-s10-t4•••$4•-•.4••fN•-••••• 4• •4•••••••-•-•+ • 1 1 2nd Big Week Of RED & WHITE TRAINLOAD SALE Stewart's Red& White Food Mkt. ISLYTII, ONi .. Phone 0451 WE DELIVER Salada O.P. Tea Bags, 60's 79c Kraft Cheez Whiz, 16 oz. jar Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's . 2 for 59c Aylmer Catsup, 11 oz. bottle 2 for 45c Javex Liquid Bleach, 128 oz, ... 83c White Swan Toilet Tissue 8 rolls 1.4q Red Rose Coffee, 1 lb. bag, reg. 1.05 only 73c Libby's Cooked Spaghetti, 14 oz. tin, 6 for 1.00 Crisco Shortening, 1 lb. pkg. 37c Fab with Borax, king size 1.49 Libby's Beans with Pork, 14 oz. ting 4 for 89e Crisco Cooking Oil, 24 Oz. bottle 69c Fancy Quality Peas, 14 oz. tin 4 for 89c Cream Style Kernel Corn ........ 4 for 89c Rose Margerine 3 lbs. 79c Stokley's Canned Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 49c 75c Buy Of The Week Orange or Grapefruit Juice from Concentrate or Tomato Alice, 48 oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Kist Ginger Ale, Orange, Pepsi, Mountain Dew 5 bottles 99c Coca Cola, Orange or other flavours 2 cartons 1.00 Heinz Tomato Soup 9 tins 1.00 Red & White Best Buys 1 f 4 4 3 Z t • i` 4 4 Florida Grapefruit, pink or white, 10 for 75c No. 1 Spy, Courtland, Mac, Delicious, Talmon Sweets, 3.99 bushel or 69c for 5 lb. bag • No. 1 Small Cooking Onions , ... 10 Ib. bag 65c Weston's Bread 4 for 99c