HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-07-16, Page 1THE BLYTH STAN ARD Volume 81 • No, 01 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 1885" 13LYTII, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 16th, 1969 12th Of July Celebration Lived Up To Just What Will New Village Mill Rate Means Higher All Expectations They Say? Taxes To local Property Owners Excellent weather conditions �A platform was erected on As this is written the Amerl and a scarcity of celebrations in 1ti ellington Street under the shade The Blyth Municipal Council Elementary . 21 the province brought a record trees adjascent to the Lions Park. cans arc on their way to a land• mel in Special meeting to set the Secondary 21 number of people and Orange Many of those attending took ad ing on the moon and certainly m111 rate for 1909 taxes. Mr. A.— Lodges into B1ybh last Saturday vanage of the shade and cooler everyone is hoping for a safe and M. Harper, municipal auditor was TOTAL 115 for the 1909 12th of July celebra• temperatures to sit and listen to successful trip, present. tion,several featured speakers. Reeve As we were watching the launch. After some discussion the fol• The above rates constitute an A crowd which could be quite Cook welcomed the Orangemen on toe on TV this morning at 8 lowing Mill rate was set on mo• increase of 4.5 mills on resider).'� m,, amid all of the serious dis tion of Councillor Watt, and sec -tial and 5 mills commercial. fairly estimated at six thousand behalf of the residents of Blyth lined the parade route to watch and Ted Fothen;gill, master of the mission and scientific data being onrled ,by .Councillor MacKay and The raise in the total mill rate a total of 78 Lodges march the ,Blyth Lodge, spoke a few words transmitted by U.S. commentat- passed, was made necessary on account one and twa•tenths mile distance, of welcome on behalf of the tnem• ors, it became rather amusing to of the higher rate required by Over twenty •fife and drum and bers of his organization. us that they seemed to place more Farm & Residential the Huron County School Board pipe bands were Interspersed Earl and Martha Heywood sup• emphasis on what the astonaut's and the County of Huron. amongst the various lodges and plied musical entertainment dui• first words would be when they Mills The local General mill rate was many brought their own fifers and ing the afternoon. landed on the moon than they General Municipal Rate .... 44 held the same as last year. drummers, [Featured speaker of the after• did on what will certainly be the Huron 'County 21 Moved by Councillor Iiessel• Tillsonburg dodge won the noon was Rev. 11, A. Carson, An. numerous dangers and rigorous Huron County School Board Aweod, seconded by Councillor prize for the lodge having travel. 'glican .Minister from Lucan and tasks that will face the men be. Elementary 19 Watt, that the first payment of led the farthest distance to Blyth, he was joined on the dies by fore returning to earth. Secondary 19 1069 taxes will be due on or be• They travelled 111 miles In order Dave Worden of Listowel, Grand We Lound ourselves wondering --- fore August 27th, and the sec• to jolu the feslvities, Forest City Master of the Grand Orange Lod. just what they will say and must ,TO'1'AI. 103 gond payment due on or before confess that the only picture we December 15th, 1969. Lodge from London received the ge of Ontario West, Other digni• could get into our mind was that prize for the largest lodge in the Caries who spoke included Murray Commercial Moved by Councillor Hessel• parade; best dressed men's' lodge Gaunt and Bob 'McKinley, local of the great Art Carney in his wood, seconded by Councillor went to Milverton; largest ladies' •parliamentarians. famous role as Norton on the General Municipal Rate ... , 52 Bailie, we adjourn. Carried. lodge, .London 'LORA; best dressed The members of the U.C,W, of Jackie Gleason show, We could I[uron County 21 Reeve Clerk-Treas. cladies' lodge, Listowel Loyal Or. Blyth United Church and the Blyth sending Ilnfrom cture 'the spaceim lyc aft, Huron County School Board Borden Cook. Irvine Wallace. ange Benevolent Society, Lions Club were kept very busy The prize for the best band in throughout the day. The U.C.W. stepping on the moon's surface, theparade went to Clinton Leg. catered to meals In the Memorial doffing his hat and in his own Area Families Held Reunions Ion Pipe Band representing Varnainimitable way, uttering the hall at both noon hour and sap• Lodge; J, ,L, Dougherty of Bien. 'per time and •the Lions were athrase "Hello Moon"! PROCTER REUNION HELD vation Park July 13th, heist took the prize for having operating booths in three loea•.1'1' BELGRAVE Following Grandpa Edgar's Wes - the longest membership in any lions in the village. They also Swimming ,ung given by The Rev. William lodge represented at the celehra• had a Rooth in operation at the The 38th annual Procter nun• Henderson of Woodstock, about tion, He has been a ment•ber of windup dance in the arena dill'.ion teas held July 13th at 3 p.m. 100 guests sat down to a sump - ,Following th •Orange Order since 11101, ing the evening.Starts Monday in the Bel rave Community Cent. tuous meal, hollowing the parade many of All in all it was to tremendous Area children are reminded that ''c' with fifty-six members present. In the absence of president the fife and drummers took part celebration and the local organ r A social time was enjoyed by Maitland • Edgar, David Ireland in competitions held in the Lions hers should he handed a swimming lessons commence July Park. Mrs. Cordon Ross of Blue- deal of credit, great 21st and the 'bus 'will leave Me. all' Sports were conducted by presided A moment of silence Clinchey's Supertest garage al the committee. A delicious lunch was observed in memory of Jack vale was voted 1:he hest lady. Next year's celebration will be..4;30- p.m, • was served by the lunch commit. Ross of Preston and Art Edgar drummer; best fifer was Athol held in Kincardine and the or. Learning, , to swim a � and advanced •see. or Wingham. Mrs. Allister Green, Bruce of Relgrave and Chester Waltzers in that community will beginners will go. on • the •first Donald Procter conducted the secretary -treasurer, read the min. Emmerton of ,Amberley took the be hard pressed to match this bus and all other classes will go business and the secretary-treas. utes and gave the treasurer's re• prize for the best drummer. year's big do. on the second bus when it returns urer, Sandra Procter, read the port. She also read correspond• as was• the schedule last year. minutes and treasurer's report, once from relatives in Montreal The new slate of officers were and Warren, Michigan, Personal Interest Itemsread for 1970. The pesident lir, Alvin Mundell was named Birthday thanked everyone for coming. president for 1970 with Mrs. Al - Mr, W, S. McVittie, of Hespeler, days in London, Shirley Snell re- Guests were present from Wing. lister Green as secretary-treasur. Mrs, lthea Carter, of Tottenham, turned home with them and spent Celebrated ham, Brussels, :Belgrave, Lucknow el'. Each 'family is to send In spent . the weekend with Miss the' weekend' with her parents, and Detroit. the information to Mrs, Green Pearl Gilley, Ili, and firs. Alvin Snell and A pleasant afternoon with a to bring the family tree up to Mr. and Mrs, Gary Amenl of Bonnie,uicnie supper was enjoyed on EDGAR FAMILY REUNION dale. Halifax, NS., called on his aunt lG. andfir's, Jim'l'Impany, of Wednesday, ,!illy 9th, at the home Those attending were from Mid• and uncle, Mrs, Inez Macdonald Aylmer, spent Sunday evening `�f Mr . and Mrs. Lloyd Walden HELD AT BLUEVALE PARK land, Woodstock, Guelph, Toron- and Mr. Hubert [irons, afth her parents, Mr, anti Mrs, and family, of Westfield, when to, Godett Chi B1tyt. WtOxeter,, Mrs, Walter Cook and Jeffery The 21st, annual Edgar reunion Teeswater, Gerrie, Clifford, Blue• Mr. and firs, Leonard Rooney Alvin Snell and family. visited over the weekend with Mrs. E. Ohowen, of London, Cook celebrated their birthdays, was held In the Bluevale Censer. vale, Belgrave and Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Pennington, visited Mrs. W. Cook on the 12th Thos attending were Mrs. Cook 11r, and Mrs, Stephen Rooney, at rd' duly, Mrs. Alvin Snell, Miss Hazel Pet Granton, and 31r, and Mrs, Nei- Mrs,haggle Harrington, of. ts, Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Auburn Residents Hold Farewell. Party son Armstrong, London, and at- fiuronview, Is spending a ,few Cook, Sharon, Janet Jeffery and tended the wedding in London .of days at her home here with leer .Bradley, Westfield, Mrs, Walter Lorcena Armstrong and David son, George, who is on sick leave. Cunningham, Kelly, Rodney and For Mr. and Mrs. Bili Stiles Cunningham, lir, and Mrs, Hank Aussem and I aria, Londeshoro. Brenda and heather Veen, ,of family visited with relatives over .ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Seventy neighbours and friends She was accompanied on the harp Ajax, are spending this week with the weekend, honoured lir. and Mrs. 13111 Stiles, played by Mrs. I(obcrt. J. Philips. their grandparents', Mr, and Airs, lir. and 'Mrs Major Youngblul, Auburn, with a farewell party at A quartette composed of Mrs. 1[l', and Mrs, .Howard Campbell Leonard Rooney and Mary Lee. It.lt. 1 Auburn announce the their home last Tuesday evening. Harr Arthur, Mrs. Ben Hamilton, Miss !Brenda Nesbitt of Strat• are visiting with their sons, Mr. y �I Hugh Campbe11 and Mr, Lawrence engagement of their daughter, Mr. William L. Craig was chair. Mr. WIlliam L. Craig and Mr. Bo• ford, left Friday morning from Campbelland Mrs, Campbell of Marion Grace, to Mr. Sheldon Al. man for the program which began Berl Arthur sang an impromtu .,Halton Airport to spend a week Nobleford, Alberta, Also attend. lister Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs, with a singsong led by 'Mrs, Dun. number and also Messrs. George with her sister, Linda, at Van.Ing the wedding of their son Hugh Harold Warren, 472 Ashland Av. .an MacKay, of Sault Ste Marie. .Millian, Duncan McKay, William couver, B.C. on July 19th venue, London, The marriage to Stiles ,vac! Lawrence Plactzer sang `Air. • and Mrs. Wm, Carter at- lir, and Mrs, R. D, Philp are take .place in 51. George's Presby. Wingham Downs "In the Good Old Summertime." tended the Foran -Glanville wed- visil.ing with her brother, Mr, terlan Church, London, on August An interesting contest to test your rung at the •Croditart United Hugh A1ncCorkinclale Mrs. Mac.9, 1969, at 4 p.m. 1.Q. was given by Mrs, Oliver An. Church on Saturday, July 12111, Blyth Bantams dcrsort. The winner was lir. WilThe groom is an employee of Rad- Corkindale anti family, of 7 orNed Sanderson. Mrs. Thomas ford Construction Com rany, and onto, and with their son•in•lnw Honoured On . 25th I and. daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Win, By John Stewart llaggitl gave two readings "The the couple will reside on the 8th Racine,'.Bob Ken and 'Brian of The Blyth Lions Bantams were Friendly Things" and "Three Wi• of Morris, Before his marriage he Chestevllle. Anniversary defeated by Wingham on July 10 shes." Mrs. Donald Haines con• was a boarder at the Carter home, by tho score of 9 to 3. Wingham ducted a contest of Towns of Hu• Mrs. Wm, Carter and Ken Mc. 1f On Friday evening, July 4, 1969 went into an early lead with four ran County. Mrs. Kenneth Mc. Gowan visited .with Mrs, Hilliard runs in the first inning. Blyth Dougall was the ,winner. A coolest McGowan, in Oakville, and Mr, Mr. and Mrs, John Pipe, R.R. 4, fought back and held the game of counties teas given by Mrs. and Mrs, Finlay 'McGowan, Tor. Items. Found 13russe1s, were pleasantly surpris close until the seventh when Wes Bradnock and firs, Arthur onto, on Monday.; ed when n group of their neigh Wingham scored four more stuns, Grange was the .winner, Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Crawford boors, and friends met at their Keith Lapp hit a home run. 13111 M►'. W. L. Craig gave n short returned last Wednesday to their Two area young people must home to celebrate their 25th wed. McDougall and Arnie Pease each address expressing regret at the home at Manitou, Manitoba; after be missing items and perhaps ding anniversary, tripled for the Blyth team. Don departure of Mr. and Mrs, Stiles visiting his throttler, Mr, Clarence wondering where .they are, Cards were enjoyed during the Stewart pitched and was relieved from this community and on be - Crawford, and Mrs. Crawford, and Warren Cook is in possession of evening and an 'address of con. with one out in the seventh by half of friends and neighbours, ether relatives and 'friends, a small girl's sweater found al tgratulations was read by hfrs, Da. Wayne McDougall. JIm Johnston Mr. Robert Arthur' presented a ',Miss Linda Walden, Westfield, bhe Lions pool. 'Nae Standard vid Marks and Mr, and ,Mrs. Pipe caught. large mirror• Both. Bill and Joan spent a few days holidays with office has a pair of youth's black were presented with n set of door Wingham 4 0 0 0 1 0 4 -- 11 thanked everyone for the gift. her grandmother, Mrs, Walter 'horn•rimmed glasses brought in chimes. Roth expressed their Blyth 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 -- 3 Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm, Cook, • :, • . by Mrs, 13111 Campbell, She thanks, The eroun nrovtderi lunch The next home game for Blyth L. Craig, Mrs. Albert McFarlane, Mrs. Clifford Snell and Kent, Mound them on the ground in which featured a 25th anniversary will be on Thursday, July 17, at Mrs. harry Arthur, Mrs. Beth Hist 'Bonnie Snell, spent a few: front : of .her , residence., • cake. ' 7:00 o'clock against Ripley.. Lansing and JMrs. Thomas .Haggitt. THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY pith, 1969 SuGA:R a.. C: SPICE By Bill Smile; TAKE TiME TO GIVE THANKS There's quite a backlash these days from the middle-class against practically everything: welfare, subsidies, inflation, taxes and anything else that hurts where it hits. The squawkers, and I join them once in a while, feel that there is a conspiracy among the government, the poor, the farmers, the skilled tradesmen, and almost everyone except the middle-class to grind the latter exceedingly small. 1'tn about as middle-class as they come, Middle age, middle income, mortgage, kids to educate, And like all the other middles, 1 pay far too much in taxes. But once in a while, 1 take stock and, despite the grinding, find plenty to be thankful for. This .week, I met a lady who is living on welfare. Her hUsr band, from whom she is separated, contributes nothing. She has six kids to feed and clothe. There is no car, no treats, no frills, no Tittle extras. Every month she is almost frantic with worry try- ing to make ends meet, just before her cheque arrives, If the older children can't get summer jobs, they can't go back to high school, !because they won't have any clothes. One boy has been remanded by his principal for wearing jeans to school. They're the only pants he has, and they're clean. The total income of this family is less than many middle. class people pay in income tax. The lady is not well. Even if she could go to work, it would mean deductions from her welfare cheque. She's struggling desperately, but cheerfully, to keep her family together and give thein an education, And she's doing it, Mit walking the thin edge of real poverty. Why shouldn't the wheat farmer be subsidized? Many of our fatter industries are, through tariffs and sPecia'1 tax deals. The farmer works harder and longer for less money than anybody in the cQyptry. Why shouldn't a skilled worker make ten thousand a year? He's going to pay plenty of it in taxes, How can the government control inflation when the people demand mare and snore and more, while at the same time everybody is trying to get his snout into the trough. Why shouldn't Indians get help so that, they can lift them- selves out .of the degradation and squalor tihat has been forced on them? Frustrated by poverty and lack of education, they either cling to the cotnmunial life of the reserve, or venture into the world, get a punch of discriminaition right on the nose, and escape to drink, (Lots of them do on the reserve, too, but what else is there to do Weave baskets?) There's anether group that 1 feel for, a large one. These are the elderly and the disabled, Sure, they get a pension, Try living on it, you middle-class crybabies, Happiest of these are the turn bums, who've always lived in a shack, never paid taxes, insurance, and seldom rent. 'They're in clover, proportionately. But they're poor. Perhaps the saddest portion of this group is the elderly couples who worked hard, never asked anyone for anything and saved for their old age, They may 'have a small •pension from the job, or even some savings bonds. And 'now, ready to spend a few golden years, their pensions and bonds are halved in value, their living costs tripled. They can't pay the taxes and have to sell the home they've sweated for and move into a couple of rooms, The reward for 30.40 years of honest toil, It's enough to snake one join the hippies. it's a great country, But next time you start whining be- cause you can' quite afford a second car, think of the farmer whose wheat can't be sold, the plumber who cleans your stinking drains, The Indian who fought in the war and can't get a job, the doughty woman battling for her ;family, or the little old lady sitting alone in a furnished room, 'living on bread and tea until her cheque ewes, n !1;141, ill 1 1'�;��'�,''�' Ih.."IU' II 'a' i r'Iu,:r,� II II . IM, I10i1''ro'(U, di THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore, Publisher, Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO, Member Canadian and Ontario Weokjy Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4.00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $0,00 a Year Single Copies Ten [Cent$' Rgh. !'Beaond class mail registration number 1019 BELGRAVE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black cal• led on Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vin• rent on their return trip back from Western Canada, They brought back a piece of lumber Mr, Vincent used in his work shop at Milk River where he took up homesteading. The brand was quite noticeable of which he branded his cattle, He first had tried it on lumber in the year of 1911. Visitors during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Htt'gh Rinn and John were, Mr, and Mrs, Miry. San 'McQuirter, of Midland, Mrs, Frank Storey, of Seaforth, and Mr. Cecil Bowman, of Staffa, Mr, Harold Cantelon, Tweed, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jlarry Mc. Guire on Saturday evening. Mr. John McCormack returned to his home on Sunday to El Ca- jon, California. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Beth, Ila and Jahn were guests at the wedding of hor brother, Gordon Saunders, of Dungannon, to Miss Nora Gibbons, of Wiarton, at the Latter Day Church, Wiar• ton, on Saturday, Mr. and •llrs. JohnMcCormack held a birthday party for their daughter, Christie, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clan Ince Chamnoy, Those present were, Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Ro• binson and Chris, of Corunna, air, and Mrs, Wayne Stephens and ICiniberley, of Scarborough, Jane Robinson, Mrs, Calvin Robinson and Ellen Thompson, Mrs, Mason and Joyce Coultcs, Christie re- ceived a telegram of birthday wi• shes from her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Rainer .who are holidaying in Frankhurt, Germ- any, 'Mr. pad Mrs, Robert Coultcs and 'Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGuire visited sn Sunday with Mr. and El Mrs, Andrew Gaunt, of Lucknow, Master Jamie Scott, of Elyth, Is holidaying this week with Glen Nixon. Mrs, Elvey Rock, Joanne and Jennifer, of Monkton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Htrgh Flinn and John, Joanne and Jennifer remaining for their holicipys, Mr. and ,Mrs, Joseph Holmes, of Brussels, spent Monday evening with lir. and •firs. Albert Vin- cent. Mr, and 'Mrs, Leslie Vincent, of Oakville, and Mr, and Mrs. Stan. ley Black have returned home from their trip to Victoria, 13, C. Evelyn •Bieman, Duanne Corrie, Fred Meier, Ralpb loba, John and .Beth 'Scott are attending a four day Music FestiVaL from July 16 to July 20 in Royal York 1 totel, London, Miss il.)onelda Lamont spent a ,few days last week with her cons - In, Maureen 'McCrea, of J3lyth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs, John rMatbe. son, of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Page, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr, .and 'Mrs, •Albert. Vincent on Thur- sday. A huge Cecrapia moth was caught q»' lfrs. Marjorie Hnrtleib on her way to work early last Tuesday morning, We are sorry to hear that Mrs, William .Gow is a patient in Wing. ham anti District Hospital. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, '[toter( Hibberd on Sunday were, lir. and 'Mrs, George Ash. ton, of T'ordwich, lir, and Mrs, W. Zurprigg, Clifford, (Ronald Hibbert and Glenna Topilin, Iran ,riston, and 'Mr. Wan, Bop/bier, Mr, Boehler is staying with bis .daugh• ter, Mrs. Hibberd, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vjneent were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, 'Alva McDowell, Mr, ;Ind Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Blyth, and Mr, end Mrs, Percy Vincent, 31vth. Messrs, Jack and Clare Vah. Camp visited with their mother, [Mrs, William VanCamp on Sun, •day Who Is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Room 632. Mr, William Van amp. w+ho 'spent the weekend at his home returned to oaauWlllllmIlW i umqi !' q iWVIV; !a1lWJDunpluliLIIW91rttil pllllm"' iUJll UiaiiiiiuuluV��:� FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 1 NEVEM ASKED TO BE BORN Of course you didn't -- nobody ever did, .But people make this sort of remark usually when they've made a bit of a mess of things or when life isn't working out to their own liking. They wash their hands of all responsibility -- "I didn't make my own na• lure and temperament, I wouldn't have designed life like this at all, In fact I never asked to be horns" J. B. Philips once remarked in The Way, No. 7, 1969, that we know in our best moments that talking like this is "waste of breath." When you start thinking seriously about it, life and being alive at all are a very great mystery. While you are reading these words, you are using eyes that you never designed, at the same time breathing with lungs that you hail no band in making, and simul- taneously digesting your last meal by an extremely involved pro. cess that you probably know very little about. In fact you yourself are living in a highly complex machine which we call the human hody, and you had no part at all in the planning of it. This attitude of absolving ourselves from all responsibility in the matter doesn't really lead anywhere, and it most certainly doesn't bring us happiness. All we know is that some mysterious Power has given 'us life and personality and certain gifts. It is therefore much more sensible to try to find out what is the plan behind the mysterious Power than grumble because life doesn't bring us all we want. Let us accept one supreme fact of history: that the Power behind the universe .did at a particular point in time enter the life of this planet as a human being. He did this partly to show men what sort of Person he is in a way that they could understand, and partly to show them what his plan for life on this planet really is. Jesus Christ is the Man who made this astounding claim. lie dad "ask to be born," so 10 speak, for. he came into this world deliberately and he willingly and cheerfully accepted life — and death. It is therefore very worthwhile reacting in the New Testa- ment what he said and did and claimed to he, Ile did not answer every question or tell us why we are here, hut he did outline the plan for happy, satisfying life. Those who accept this claim and his teaching find that it makes sense in practice, and you don't ever find them complain- ing, "I never asked to he born!" n011111111 11 111 11 WEEINEEEM K. )1111; 11i'!lr"'!ill6 l ,Ci1praUWant!"+'ot ititiliai1'il1dout "+o4l I I;idtlV!ttlii :fid tosio. h{W tinning �1�� Q1urr1ies S'f. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBEl1T 13, MacLEAN, 11,A, 1:00 p.m. -•- Church Service, 1:00 p,m. -- Sunday School, CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth Sunday Services ERiC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,m, — Sunday School. 111:00 a.m. — Worship Service. Thought For The Week "0 Lord, give me the grace to be Content with what Thou'st given net No! More than that, let me rejoice In all Thou solidest -- 'lig Thy choice! CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV, 11. W. KRONE, MINISTER 10 A.11. -- morning Service in English, conducted by the Rev, G. W. Sheeres, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 3 P.M. — Afternoon Service in Dutch, conducted 'Otte Rev, Sheeres ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 am, — Trinity Church, Redgrave: 11:15 a.m, •— St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m. THE UNITED CHURCH. OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATT ER, B.A., B.D., MINISTER Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music. • 9,45 A.11: --- Sunday Church School. 1'1:00 a.m, --- Morning Worship iu�;Guatui4ul�j��Guiliuil4l!(gutlp�Jmiwr�piuuidrilu►���@r(lih���i�;'i�i�l'i�Uul�u�►il�!lIf(t�!�Illf(�lin!�lPff lll'!fi'i'!1 � i IO1rC�'�I�f�l�,'re�!,,,;a �;6i London with theist, week at camp menesetung, ,Gode• Master Calvin Nixon and Car• •rich, • ey McDonald • • are • spending this • Donnybrook News hisses Mary, Sharron and Lin - (la Jefferson left last Saturday on a motor trip through the Western Provinces, Mr. Clarence Chamncy, of Bel - grave, Mrs. John McCormick and Christie, of California, visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family. Mrs. J, C. Robinson and Mrs. Joseph Doer, London, visited Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Char- les Jefferson, On Sunday Mr. Clarence Doerr and his sister, Mrs. Gordon Holmes,Milverton, visited the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and family attended the Robinson reunion at Ipperwash on Satur• day,, Miss Beverley %lePherson, of Lucknow, visited over the week- end with Miss Susan Thompson. Miss Irene Jefferson, Goderich, visited Wednesday with Mr. and -Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson, Miss Debbie and Master .Brian Jefferson who have been holiday ing at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling and family returned home Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. 13i11 Chessell, of Stratford, visited Monday with Mr, and Airs, Jim Leddy, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and fcunily, of 13rucefield, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamncy and family. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank Dr. Street and the nurses and staff on the see. and floor while I was a patient in Clinton hospital. Also friends, and relatives for the lovely flow• ers, cards and gifts. OM. — Mrs. Fred Wagner. let a Standard Classified Ad, Work For You Next Week DRAIN TENDER TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under• signed until tl o'clock p.m., 5th day of August, 1969, for the construction of the SCHULTZ i)RAINAGE WORKS 3,818 Lineal Feet of Closed Drain 82 Lineal Feet of C,1i.P, 3 Catch Basins Contractor to supply all material, Township will advance price of tile when delivered, Certified cheque for 10 percent of hid price to accompany each tender. Tenders to state commencement and completion date, Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms must be obtained and plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. WINONA TIIOMPSON Township Clerk, 11.11 5, Wingham, Ont, Phone 357.3518 COOK'S \SU PE RIOR) F.FOOD MARKET" Phone 523-4421 WALTON A reception honouring Mr, and Mrs, Brian Traviss, of London, was held in the Walton Commun. ity halt last Friday evening. The newly weds were presented with a purse of money by Gary Ben- nett and an address was read by Jack McCall. Mr, and Mrs, Crank Dundas, Debbie and Frankie, of Toronto, visited for a day this week with Mrs. George .Dundas. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon ,Murray and Susan have returned home af• ter visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Glen Haase, Sault Ste Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkby, I;Urwash. Miss Beverly McCall was sue• cessful recently in obtaining Iron. ours in her Grade VIII Music Ex. am for the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, in Blyth. Miss Dianne Fraser was also a successful candidate in passing her Grade ViiI music with ton• ours, also grade II Theory with 1st Class Honours from the Wes- tern Conservatory of Music held in Blyth. Mrs, Percy Holman, Barrie, and Mrs. Mild, Sellers, Seaforth, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Traviss. Mrs. George McArthur, of Sea• forth, visited on Sunday with Mrs. BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8,00 p,nr. FIRST SHOW at 8,30 P.M. ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS THURSDAY, and FRIDAY The Secret Life Of An American Wife JULY 17 and 18 Showing at 9.15 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) — Starring 0l•2 •Walter Matthau and ANNE JACKSON i "`"" `-•-# # •-' ` In Color -- -- PLUS TIIE BIJYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 16th, 1988 Walter Br'oadfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Childerhose and Dianne, of St. Agatha, visited over Me weekend at the home of .lir. and Mrs. William Hurray and Douglas. Miss Carol Wilbee spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wilber. Carol is attending summer school al Wes- tern lJniversitty, London. A rec• ent graduate of Stratford Teach- ers College she will begin teach- ing in Clinton Public School this September. Air. and Airs. W. C. Ennis and Beth, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis last Mon- day. 'Air. Malcolm Fraser has return, cd home after being confined to Seaforth Community hospital for six weeks. Mrs, Peter McDonald spent sev• era! days in Stratford with Mrs. Simpson McCall. .11r. and Mrs. Wm. Murray and .Mervin ileuerman spent the week• end in ,Burwash with Mr. and Mrs George Kirkby, Sunday School will be with• drawn during the months of July and August in Duffs United Church. Mr, and Mrs, Armuor Dundas, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Torrance Dundas and other relatives and friends over the weekend. e41.1.ciff) 'thump DRUGS A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD WANTED POULTRY and EGGS A LSO (IIJSTOIII KILLINC East Huron Produce Phone DUBLIN 345.2270 WALTER PEASE TRANSPORT BLYTH FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING REQUIREMENTS .. AND THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Phone Brussels 345J4 OUit MAIL .ORDER SERVICE iS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES We Deliver Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 17 oz. pkg. .... 50c Kraft Miracle Whip, :32 oz. jar 57c Puritan Beet' or Irish Stew, 24 oz, tin , . , 49c Nature's Best Choice Cream Corn 6 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 llyatt's Choice Peas, 5 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 Lee's Crushed Pineapple, 4 • 19 oz. tins 1.00 Ellmarr Margarine 2 lbs. 53c Ballet Toilet Tissue, 2 - 2 roll pkgs..... 49c Arctic Power, 27c off label, king size ... 1.29 Giant Size Bio Ad, 20c off label, per pkg. 69c Regular Size Fab, 7c off label, per pkg. 45c Palmolive Soap, regular size buy 2 get 1 free pkg. 33e Weston's Bread 4 for 89c Ontario New Cabbage per` lb. 9c Ontario Grown New Beets , ., 2 bunches 29c Arizona Seedless Grapes ....... , per lb. 29c Orders Taken For Cherries, The Further Perils of laurel & Hardy Showing at 11.00 p.m. Laurel & hardy are shown before (Ire days of their eventflul part• nership. During the mid 1920's they joined forces and the evolu• tion of the comic styles is shown 3n this collection, Plus Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. JULY 19.21.22 The Wrecking Crew Showing at 9.15 p,m, -- Starring DEAN MARTIN ELKE SOIIMEIt and NANCY KWAN in Color -- — PLUS Don't Raise The Bridge, Lower The River Showing at 11 p.m. — Starring JERRY LEWIS And TERRY THOMAS In Color Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI, JULY 23.24.25 LADY IN CEMENT Showing at 9.15 pan. (Adult Entertainment) -- Starring Frank Sinatra Raquel Welch Dan Blocker Set in Miami Beach, this "Tatty Rome" sequel races through the further problems of the touch detective. 1»' Color --PLUS -PLUS BEDAllLED (Adult Entertainment)—At 11 p.m. STARRING PETER COOK and RAQUEL, WELCH Color Cartoon numarovonommum ENJOY your HOLIDAYS this summer in one of these RECONDITIONED, ROAD -WORTHY USED CARS 1969 PLYMO11TII 2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop •1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr,, V 8, automatic, pS 1967 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 dr, hardtop, ps and ph 1967 CHEV, Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1967.PONTIAC Laurientian, 4 dr., V8, automatic, ps 1967 FORD 4 door 1967 FORD 2 door 1963 METEOR Sedan 1962 MERCURY 4 door 1962 MERCURY Station Wagon SEE THESE AND .OTHERS Hamrn's BAR SALES Ltd. Blyth; Ontario, - Phone 623.9681 TILE BIXTII 'STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 16th, 1969 BEI,GRAVE JUNIOR CLARK TERY R.R. 1, Auburn, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.452F LATEST COVERS •— FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service — Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTII, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.9556 BROOK'S CARPENTRY PHONE 528.4503 M, BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet ;flaking A.C.W. OF TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE, HONOURED BRIDE -ELECTS The A.C.W. of Trinity Church, Belgrave, recently entertained Misses Joyce Procter and Diane VanCamp in honour of their ap- proaching marriages. Several contests were enjoyed and a singsong led by the junior girls. Joyce and Diane were called to special chairs and an address was read by Mrs. Lawrence Van• nan, Misses Mary Isabel Nethery and Janette Johnston presented gifts from the Church. Other gifts were brought in by Marjory Proc• ter and Nancy VanCamp. The girls replied fittingly and lunch was served, IN MEMORIAM LAWRENCE—In loving memory of a clear father, mother, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, who passed away July 26, 1967 and July 12, .1968, respectively. Loving and kind in all their ways, Upright and just to the end of tsheir days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory they left behind. •—Ever remembered by daughter, Betty, and son Tom and their families. 01-1p. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all those who sent cards and gifts and visited me while 1 was a patient in Sea- forth hospital. Special thanks to the girls on Unit 1 for helping out at home. 01.1p. -- Bernice Gross. REAL ESTATE 100 acres excellent cash -crop land, close to small village. Good frame barn. Insul brick house with conveniences. Excellent terms. 175 acres in McKillop Town. ship. 150 acres workable. 7 -room white brick house. Barn 54x64 in pig pens. Implement shed, 76 acres in Hullett Township. 6•room insul brick house with new bath, Frame barn 30 x 70 with 40 tie ups. Level land, Town water. $5000, down ,will handle, 100 acres 11 miles from high. way. iFrame house with all con. veniences. Frame barn 40x60x 20z30. Drilled well. Good silo. Terms. Vacant lot 100x 30 in Blyth. Water and sewage facilities for house trailer, Price $325. For information on these and other listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker BLYTN E, BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings r :1UNiL1ARY MEETING 'Phe 11elgrave Junior 'Auxiliary held their fifteenth meeting on Saturday at Trinity Anglican Church. 1[arni Walsh led in the games, Minutes of the last meet. ing were read by Marni Walsh and Patsy Scott gave the treasur• er's report, Bonnie Walker and Patsy Scutt collected the offering and Reta Lynn White recited the offertory prayer. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clark John. ston on July 19. .Mary Isabel Ne. thery will lead in the games and Janette Johnston the singsong. Clean-up girls are Dianne Scott and Bonnie 'Walker. The girls were reminded that the next meeting would be held as a party for their sister or one friend. The girls worked on stripe and badge work. Singsong was led by Janette Johnston, Meeting closed ,with prayer and hymn. , CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sincere appre• elation to all who sent cards, made visits and enquiries while 1 was a patient in Clinton Hospital, r1 special thank you to the nurses and I)r. Street. 01•lp. --- Harry Gibbons, i+$4--N•••-tt•1-1-s H • s -•••1+f$ -1H•• -s •,•s •-/-ri 1r1+.+t1 M 1 Elliott Insurance Agency 4 4 Z 4 BLYTH ONTARIO. •• •fr.v.#+..v+v#++v+v+.4.••••w•40 +r INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WiNDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECT.'1LEZE IN GIVING SERVICE" •Office 5234481 Phones Residence 523.4522 1 ♦ •f -r• • •-•+f• +-•-••+4 t••• •-+•H-••1-, •••••••••-••••-•-•44÷4.•-•••• K. M, HALEY ii:1CKJrOE1NG -- SHOVEL LOADING -- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL •— TOP SOIL, Box 265, LONDESBORO, ONT. What to do while you wait for Phone 523.4566 i ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN t Relax.You're covered. On October let, Ontario introduces the new Ontario Health Services In- surance Plan—OHSI P. OHSIP is a basic plan of health in. urancs benefits available to every' person in Onta rio—regardless of age, physical health or financial means— through the Government or a desig• acted agent OHSIP will replace OMSIP—the existing Ontario plan. If you're pres- ently enrolled in OMSI P, your cover• •gewillcontinuewithoutinterruption. If you're now enrolled In a plan from one of the 200 other insurers in Ontario -such as Physiciana'Servlces r ^• Incorporated, Windsor Medical Serv- ices, Associated Medical Services, an Insurance company, orotheragency, you're also covered until further notice, If you now have no health insurance, you'll have ample opportunity to en- roll before October lst. You'll be advised of the enrollment period by press, radio and television. So don't wonder, don't worry, about your health Insurance. Just relax and enjoy a healthy summer while you await the new OHSIP Plan, the health care you can count on, from the Ontario Department of Health. ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE, PLAN ONTARIO DEPAItTMENTOFHEALTH Y THE STANDAIU) ---- WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1969 Business Directory----•- SELL IT! BUY ITL RENT IT! FIND IT; • purr A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOL 4 Cronin's Television SALES .4 SERVICE ll YTII - Phone 523.9274 .1. E. LONGSTAI''F •-- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE - Balance of Week - Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OI' (-t,EANEKS AND POLISHERS l llLTER QUEEN SALES --- Varna -- Tel. Coll. Hensel! 6961t2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CBEANIH) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE --•- Brussels R.R, 2 - Phone 442W6 4 Y 4 4 4 DR, R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B Appointment Only, Except Emergeneies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre •- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, .Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523-4481; RFs, 5234522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone. 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd„ E, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, Q,C,, N. Shepherd, L,LB,, A. Mill, B,A., LL.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523-448) Phones Wingham 357.3680 DO RE$ N'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLI) WAVES DOItEEN MCCALLUM •-•• Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All I)al' Monday --- Open Tuesday Through Saturday RLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP' SERVICE 18 King Street CLINTON Phone 4824303 N. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CLINTON ' PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machina WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 623.4278Res, 6234591 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS • RECEPTION AND DANCE For ,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hal lotion (nee Alfredo Goldsworthy) on Friday evening, July 18th, in the Blyth Memorial Hall. Music by the 'l'wilites. Ladies please bring lunch. 52-2p MOWER KNIVES SIIARPENED at Bill's Esso Service, phone 528.9556 Blyth, 52-tf BACKHOEING For drains, weeping tile and ditching; also all kinds of gravel available. Stewart ,rohnston, phone 523.4475, Blyth 48.6p WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fryers, 'Phone Hughes, 623.9424. Blyth. 44-12 KEG. SMITH SIGNS Truck • Lettering, Plastic Signs, or Farm and Commercial. Corner • East and High ,Streets, Clinton, Ontario.. 33tf CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37-tf 4 CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri, 7 :30 p.m, • (good livestock market) For Truck lnf ormation ; P and W Tranisport . Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton • +*, r 8 • 4 • v 4 - Y WANTED (tide from Blyth or Londesboro to Goderich and back, weekly, mornings and nights, starting September 2nd, .Mary Kember, phone 523.4358 Blyth. 01.1 WANTED TO BUY Children's sewing set and pier nie table, in good condition. Mrs. Dave ,Kember, phone 523-4358, Blyth, 01.1 FOR SALE 7 acres of standing hay, can be cut and baled. Apply J, Homem, phone 523.9559 Blyth 01,1p AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef• feels in the Village of Blyth, West Moreland Street, on SATURDAY, JULY 19 at 1 pan. Studio couch and chair; rocking chairs; small tables; , what -not; hall tree; electric lamps; mirror; Quebec heater; coal and wood range; 2 furnished bedrooms; beds, springs, mattresses; utility :able; bedding; blanket box; elec. ; ric heater; kettle; kitchen chairs; round oak table; china cabinet; 2 burner hot plate; cupboard; dishes; kitchen utensils; garden cools. PROPERTY: 11 story frame house, hydro, full basement, 2 bedrooms, Terms: 10"% down, balance 30 days, Sold Subject to Reserve Bid. CHATTELS CASH Proprietor, Mrs, Ben Taylor. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, -Mel Graham, 52.2 . FOR SALE, 80 acres of standing hay. May store in barn free of charge. Phone 523-4523 Blyth. 52.1p BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT, Manure llasrdling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" PATI MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations . free estimates Phone 595.8955 Blyth District Call Glenn Gibson or Bill Bromley 523.4506 Electrical Contractors All 'Types of EIeet.rIeal Work --- dlotor Repko QUALIFIED PAR NI VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR C1HHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser I,icenserl to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATHWELL, R.R', 1, Brimfield -- Ph. 482.3384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA ILK. 2, Clinton ' - Phone 482 3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton, LYLF YOUNGBLUT • • I.III. BURNER SALES & SERVICE f31YTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9586 "Your 011 Heating Contractor" s FOR SALE 35 ton mixed grain. 13i11 Ross, phone 523-4259 Blyth. 01.2 HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 2 Bedroom Bungalow, large lot, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, close to uptown, school and churches. Apply Wil- liam Knox, phone 523.0382 Blyth. 01.3 FOR SALE Hereford cow, calf by side. Unit breeding from certified meat sire, Silver Prince. $325.00 for the pair. Clare Longhurst, phone 526-7549, 01-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks to those who sent cards, treats, flowers and made .visits to the baby and I while in Clinton Hos- pital and since returning home. -- ,Brenda and Nicole Brooks, THANK YOU The members of Blyth Loyal Orange Lodge express sincere ap- preciation to the many who help. -ed in so many ways to make the 1969 12th of July Celebration one of the best held in Canada this year. Special thanks to those who loaned cars, served meals and operated concessions during the day, also to those who decor• ated homes and businesses. With. out this help the event would not have been such a tremendous success. Thank yon. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS To be held at Lot 4, Concession 8, Morris Township, 1 mile north and 1 mile East of Blyth, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 at 1,30 p.m. Consisting of 23 milking, fresh and springing grade Holstein cows, 1-lerd on D.H.LA, Omer or Auctioneer not re• sponsible for any accidents day of sale. TERMS CASH Proprietor: James Wilson. Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul, 01.2 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned, and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont,, Telephone 595-8325 43tf BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home, * Free Estimates. ' Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & 11IUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED • Phone 482.950.5 Clinton 30•tf. Do you really want to sell? Your Home, Farm, Cottage, Business, then list with us. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Representing IE Keith Ltd., Realtor - Toronto, Ont. "Over B00 people to serve you" mossosommisisisimisms- THE B,LYTH STh3(DARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th, 1969 +++++++P•1-t•1'M++•• ••••1••-••1•••i1•••••••-•• • t t f • • • • • • • • • • BGYTII, ONTARIO. FRESH MEAT - Our Guarantee REASONABLE PRICES - Our Aim K.P. WEINERS 1 lb. pkg. 55c 2 pkgs. 1.09 K.P. BOLOGNA IN PIECE per lb. 45c DAISY BACON ENDS 2 lb. 99c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED) ABBITOIR Beef on 'Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freek" Button, Proprietor prietor PHONE 523.4551 •1i -•4+.--/44+4-4-44-1-41.-.-N 1+1i-0-•+•-+1.1-41♦+•4-••*1+4••••-• 1-••1-•'4N-•4 •-•-• •-•-••+i-•-•-4-N • • • •-.11-$ $-• 4 • 4-. 1-• • r t • i x 4 Priced From • • • • $8.95 to $17.95 • • • • • R. W. Madill's SHOES .-- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" r • • at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday MEN'S WORK BOOTS BY SISMAN GREB 8 KAUFMAN 1 • 1 • 1 1 t t • 4 t • • • t • 1 • CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP 1 •0.1•••44-11.0-• P • 1- .$ -N �1 i •-1•• • 4-4.4• • • • M • • •• •-•.•.1 • ,4 • • • ♦ • • • • • ••. • • t • • • • 4 SELLING OUT - everything must go • NOTHING IS HELD BACK 1 Ladies' White Pumps, high heels, in white or bone Half Price Children's White Shoes, 11 to2, Half Price 15 Ladies' Blouses, 10, 12, 14 only 1.00 8 Men's Sport Shirts, short sleeves size small . Half Price All Women's Better Dresses, 12 to 26 1112 Half Price Men's Rubber Boots, first quality, made in England, 6 to 11 3.95 2 Men's Suits, size 38, regular 39.95 Half Price Boys' Turtle Neck Sweaters, cotton, in white, black and red, long sleeves 1.00 All Ladies' and Misses Purses in Stock Half Price w.►N.NMiNI.IJ�N1.r.i IVe.►/V i J.J.1�1 iVd i The Arcade Store I t 1 Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, WESTFIELD The July meeting of the West- field U.C.W. was held on July 11 at the home of Mrs, Gerald Mc- Dowell. 20 Messengers attended and their leaders, Mrs. Carol Mc- Dowell and Miss Janetta Snell, They presented the program. Mrs, Charlie Smith conducted the busi• Hess. A hale for overseas relief will be packed in the near future, At the conclusion of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her group. Miss Linda Walden spent a feyv days with her grandmother, Mrs. Walter Cook, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, John McDowell, of London, are spending a weeks vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell. llr, and Mrs. Lyle E. Smith and Paula, of Sault Ste Marie, are spending a few weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell visit - ,ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Vogl, Mark, Shannon and Cara, London, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith, Mr, Gordon Snell visited on Sa- turday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Taylor and family, Mr. and firs. Edgar How - (aft visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. James Storey, Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Donaldson, Wingham, visited on Sunday with Cllr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Mr, and ..Mrs. Arnold Cook vis - Iced on Sunday with :sirs. Edna Cook, at Huronview. Visitors with Mr, and Airs. Bill Fidom on Sunday were, Mrs. Jack Gee and family, of ,Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. .Keith Quackenbush, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, Ken McGregor, of Parkhill. visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Visitors with firs. Mary McDow- ell on Monday were, Mrs. Ruby l3osmar, 't'eeswater, Mrs. Eva Wil- son, Brumfield, Mrs, Norman Mc- Dowell, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Al. va McDowell, Blyth, Mrs. Jessie Snell, Fergus. PONY STRAYED Sorrel with dark mane and tail to, the farm of Ken MacDonald, Owner phone 523.9317. 01.1 4+44 4+1++44-.. ••14 4 4 BERG Sales - Service Installation !REE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BL'YTH Phone Brussels 443w4 • .••••••••-•-•44 •• 44,-4.111.4 41 •1. 4 Congratulations Best Wishes to Miss Linda Wal- den, Westfield, who celebrates her birthday on Thursday, .1u1 17. 13est Wishes to Mr. Alvin Snell who celebrates his birthday on Wednesday, .tuly 10. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to Mrs, Maggie Marring• ton, of 1turonview, who celebrat- es her birthday Tuesday, July 22. Birthday wishes to Mr, Gordon Cook, Cochrane, who celebrates his birthday an Thursday, Jttly 24. FOR A TASTY WEEKEND TREAT FRESH BARBECUED CHICKEN $1.50 each _,. (:fir.f WALLACE TURKEY PRODUCTS Available every Saturday until further notice PHONE 523-9251 AT 7 1401♦ N-1 f1.1••-•-•-•-•-•-•+•-•-•-•- • •-•-•-•-•-• •-•-+••N • 1 1 • r r • • •• •• • Dead Stock Picked Up 1 DAYS A WEER 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 48209811 We pay $5.00 to $15,00 for disabl. ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses, Small calves and pigs picked 'up free of charge, LICENCE NO. 169-348 • 23.3 Snell's MARKET 99c Features - Mix or Match 3-99c Libby's Pure Tomato Catchup, 18 oz., 3 for 99c Del Monte fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. 3 for 99c 1-Ieinz Barbecue Sauce, 13 oz. 3 for 99c Canada White Vinegar, 40 or„ .... 3 for 99c Mix or Match 6 - 99c Stokley's Red Kidney Beans, 14 oz., 6 for 99c Stokley's Fancy Cut Wax Beans, 14 oz, 6 for 99c Stokley's Fancy Cut Green Beans, 14 oz. 6 for 99c Franco American Spaghetti, 14 oz., 6 for 99c Nature's Best Garden Peas, 14 oz., 6 for 99c Rose Dale Whole Kernel Corn, 14 oz., 6 for 99c Weston's Fresh Chelsea Buns, reg. 49c only 39c Quality Instant Powdered Milk, 3 lb. bot 99c Pine River Med. Cheddar Cheese, per lb. 69e Kraft Canadian Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. 39c Saito Solid White Tuna, 112's 39c Morton Cream Pies, chocolate or coconut 39c 1-Iollandia Cookies 3 pkgs. 1.00 Shneider's Reg'. or Red Hot Weiners 1 lb. ,pkg. 59c Schneider's Country Beef Burgers 1 lb. pkg.. )c Coleman's Bologna, in piece or sliced, lb. 39c Coleman's Epicure Bacon .... 1 lb. pkg. 79c Fresh Pork Loin Chops per lb, only 89c Royale Facial Tissues .... 4 lge. boxes 99c Royale Paper Towels 4 rolls 99c Royale Bathroom Tissue 8 rolls 99c Blue Cheer, giant size 79c Spic and Span, economy size 1.39 Fantastik Spray Cleaner, 24 oz. 69c PLEASE PLACE ORDERS FOR PAILS OF `CHERRIES NOW. Phone 523-9332 We Deliver • T s Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest small cluster of white flowers and bow, She carried a cascade twu• quo( of yellow rnunrs and trailing Guests with the Wagner family Mr. and l[rs. 'William Seers, Ivy. over the weekend were Miss <<.,I1, h'ayc and Carol returned on Miss Margaret Sanderson, Lon• Laura Wagner, Syracuse, N.Y., Sunday from a two week's trip to cion, the bride's Lwin sister, was and Airs, hose Herman of Tavis• Alberta ,where they took In the maid ofhonour, and wore a floor. tock. Calgary Stampede. .length gown of deep mauve crepe Mr, and 11,rs, Norman HamiltonMrs, 'Gordon Taylor visited last featuring a deep frill at. neckline .and family visited an Sunday 'week with relatives at Meafard. and matching bow headdress, She with Mr. and Mrs, Ben Hamilton, Guests over the weekend with carried a cascade bouquet of yel- Mr, and Mrs, Bob Youngblut, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell low mums and ribbon, Susan and Bruce, of Searboro, .were Miss Diane Klrkconnell, of .Miss Barbara Sanderson, of Tor. spent the weekend with his moth. Goderich, Miss Diane Rivett, of onto, sister of the bride, and Miss er, Mrs. Ralph Munro. Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Donna McIver, Goderich, were Miss Marie Plunkett was a Knechtel, lir. and Mrs. Joe Kne. bridesmaids, wearing light mauve camp counsellor at the United chtcl, 'Stephen and Terry, all of dresses styled similar to the maid Church Camp near Goderich last Ayr. • week. l[rs. Nellie McDougall of Gode• rich, visited last ,week with her sister, Mrs, dIalph Munro, and they attended tihe funeral of the late Joseph Mountain of SI.. JOHNSTON -- SANDERSON Marys who was an accident vie. tim at Port Stanley when he was Bouquets of yellow mums and caption followed in the Auburn swept off the pier during a mauve gladioli decorated Knox Community Memorial Hall where storm, Presbyterian Church, Auburn, on the 'bridal party received the Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Fry and Saturday, July 12, 1969, when guests assisted by the bride's ma Joe, of Ripley, visited recently Mary Lou Sanderson,became the Cher dressed in a light green with her sister, Mrs, Eldon Mc. bride of Paul James Johnston. crepe dress with matching coat, Lerman, Mr. ,McLennan, Rod, The bride is the twin daughter of white accessories and a yellow Shawn and Timmy. They also Mr. and airs. Wilfred Sanderson, visited with his parents, Pastor of Auburn, and the groom is the and Mrs, Fry and attended the son of Mrs. Marjory Johnston, of church service at Knox United Goderich, ,Rev, R, U. MacLean Church, officiated for the double -ring sere. We are pleased to report that nlony and -the organist was Mrs. Gordon Powell has returned home Ronald 'Livermore, of Gorrie. She from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon. also accompanied the soloist, Miss don, where he was a patient for Betty Moss, who sang, "Tile Wed• the past few 'weeks. cling Prayer," "The Lord's Pray. Mr. Reg Asquith of Islington er" and "I'll Walk Beside You." visited last week with friends in Given in marriage by her fath- t.he village. er, the bride 'looked lovely in a Mrs, 13111 Medd and son Mr, floor -length gown of nylon or. Bert Medd, of Goderich, visited ganza over white crepe. The A. last week with ,Mr, and Mrs. AI• Line skirt was trimmed with lace Fred Rollinson and 'lir, Murray and matching frill, and the bodice llolllnson. featured a lace insert and frill as Mr. and Mrs, Beri. Marsh mov also the long sleeves, Her match. od last Saturday into their new ing floor•length cape train had home purchased from Mr. and the sante lace and frill trim, Her Mrs, Clayton Robertson of Cop. shoulder -length three tiered veil per Cliff. of french illusion was held by a Wedding of honour and carried similar flowers, The groomsman was Mr. Char• les Thompson, of Goderich, and the ushers were Mr, Dennis Fow• ler and Mr, Gary Doll, • both of Goderich. Following the ceremony a re. GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" CaII In For Meals - Hot & Cold Drinks - Sundries Phone 5234171 Blyth -- Edith 1,, Creighton SANYO WASHER -SPI N DRYERS ON SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND 3 Units In Stock --- Large and Small Models EASE YOUR WASH DAY PROBLEMS With One of These Popular, Quick and Efficient Washers deduced 'For Quick Sale SANYO COLOUR TELEVISION Reduced Drastically To Clear • Cronin s HARDWARE • BL1(TH TELEPHONE 623•8273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER rose corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a fi. !Aired mauve and white dress, matching accessories and a yellow rose corsage. For travelling to Northern On. tario, the bride donned a flowered mauve nylon chiffon dress aver taffeta, mauve accessories and a yellow mune corsage. On their re. turn they will reside at 1180 h'arnsborough Street, London. Guests were present from Syra. ruse, N. Y., Woodstock, London, Goderich, Clinton, Waterloo, Tor. onto, and Blyth. Prior to her marriage the bride was honored by bridal showers held by friends al the home of Miss Donna McIver, Goderich, Mrs. Olive ,Ilutghes by relatives, Mrs, Suzzanne Vodden entertain. ed fellow bank employees and a community shower held in Knox Presbyterian Church, 'Auburn. Londesboro lir, and . lli's, Gordon Radford accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Wal. lace Riley left Friday for a vacs• tion on the East Coast. • THE BLYTi1 STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY lath, 1969 SCREENED TOPSOIL (atone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LiGHT DOZING, BACKFILLING, LEVELLING LANDSCAPE WORK AND LYE MONTGOMERY CLINTON PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 r++++4-04-4,-• Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PRONE EXETER Badness x35.04xa Recddence 235.1384 .••N+.+.. +•••-+ •-•-'• $1 •-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-••-••-•-•-• H N, •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth ..-1 •-•-• 1•+•••s-Pi-+-1+� H • i•-• •-•-•-Wi-•-•-N M+- + $++ $-4 Ni i s WEDDING I 1 i 1 1 VEENSTRA — HESSELS rnony a reception was held in the Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Burns and ,Blyth Memorial Community Hall. Barbara motored to Sault. Ste Ma• Hose.pink potted azaleas formed iThe tables were prettily decorated Fie on Friday accompanied by a pretty setting in the Myth with rose -pink peonies and roses. Mrs. 1Wesley Burns, Kincardine. Christian Reformed Church at (['he bride's mother wore a fitted They attended the wedding of Mr, 7,30 p,m., July 4th, 1969, when dress of emerald green silk crepe Burns' niece on Saturday. They Jenny, elder (laughter of dr, and with beige accessories, and cor• returned Sunday via Tobermory. Mrs. ,Frank :Hessels, Blyth, and sage of •white daisy mums, The Their daughter, Pat, returned Fred, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. mother of the groom wore an old• Sunday to her nurses training Veenstra, Hoogkerk, The Nether- rose knitted silk suit, beige noes - lands, were united in marriage. sories, and a corsage of white Rev. H. W. Kr'oeze ,performed the daisy mums: The Ladies of the ceremony. Christian Reformed Church serv- ed a very dainty luncheon, Guests were present from The Netherlands, South Africa, Alber• ta, Hamilton, Drayton, Listowel, Aylmer, Elma, Clinton, Seaforth, Strathroy, Grand Rapids, Michi. gan, Blyth, and surrounding com- munity. The young couple will reside ,Bradley, and Mrs. Laura Lyon in Drayton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Sirs, Bible crested with yellow roses Prior to her marriage the bride 1ton Neil, London, Mrs, Lyon re- and streamers knotted with rose. was the guest of honour at a mained fora few days with her buds, shower at the home of Mrs, Boon• daughter and family. Il[er attendants, Jane Boonstra, stra. IIamilton, The ladies of the Mr, and Mrs, Dennis 1'enfound Hamilton, niece of the groom was Christian Reformed Church, Blyth, and family left Monday on a mo- maid of honour, and the brides. 'honoured her with a shower in the basement oS the Christian fte• for trip to the 'West, maids were, Florence Hessels, Mr. and Mrs. John Howatt and ,Blyth, sister of the bride,' and formed Church. �At both showers family, of Stratford, visited under Greta `Boonstra, Hamilton, niece many beautiful and useful gifts the parental roof on Sunday; of the groom, were gowned alike were presented to the bride. Mr. and Mrs. David Nair and •in floor•length primrose yellow y�Iiss Viola 'Mair, Detroit, spent the weekend silk crepe .dresses with short with Mrs. Myrtle hairservlce and 'Ann also attend• sleeves, empire waistline and Ing the Mali. reunion at Stratford. sheath skirts. They wore match- ing bows in their hair, and car• NEW RALCO ried nosegays of mauve baby course having spent a months va• cation at her home here, ;Hiss Pauline Airdrie spent the weekend with friends in Khlcar• dine. Congratulations are extended to lIr. and firs. Allen Shaddick who celebrated their 25111wedding anniversary on Sunday when they .were pleasantly surprised by a party arranged 'by their family in their honor. Over forty relatives spaticipated in the happy event, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Lyo►r, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length dress al' white taffeta, featuring a fitted bodice with round neckline, long lily -pointed sleeves and A. line skirt. The dress was trimmed 1►'Illt wide bands of alencon lace. Her finger -lip veil of silk illusion was held in place by a beaded coronet, She carried a white BARN CLEANER FEATURING SWINGING TYPE ELEVATOR UP TO 65 TT. UP TO 700 FT. PULL Compare Price and Quality Before You Buy With Laverne Johnston COMPLETE •INSTALLATIONS Phony -695.4891 • Milsverton chrysanthemums Bans Prinzen. 'Hamilton, was nroomsmnn, and the ushers very •1 veref 1. Hessels and ,Iohn Hessels. .lmnthcr,s "R the bride. a[r•, John 'Landman, Drnvtnn. "Is ilia orrnnt•gt ,,nr1 neemennn.tnrt ►lin AItcgnq Cusnn Rlreet and yen!, n., nn T.Tneenle Minn fhtnv conn Union 'Ph n1 Rnnnt,l,nrl (lin,, P 1m+" nn'l "f) Lew, Divine" hr. 111n nnt•nrnn.nij T'nlle,einrr +he wedding eere• Belgrave Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Gauss and family, Listowel, visited on Sun- day with her father, Mr, Oharles Nicholson. Misses June and Joan Lelshman are spendin some holidays with their sister and brotheMin•law, 31r, and Mrs. Terry Bauer, Gode. rich. Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Byers, of Royal Oak, Michigan, are visiting with her sister, Mrs, Carl Procter, nn dattended the Procter reunion on Sunday, • THEE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNB9DAY, JULY 16th, 1969 East Wawanosh Council Deal With Drainage Works ,The Council of East Wawanosh Township met at 8,30 p.m. on July 8,-1969, in the Belgrave Com. nnutity Centre with Reeve, Boy Pattison presiding, and all the members present. Minutes of the previous regular meeting held June 3rd, were read and adopted on motion of Coupes and McDow• ell. Carried. Motion by ,Hallahan and McDow- ell, That Council accept a petition re clean-out on the Cook Drain. Carried. .The Correspondence was read. Motion by Hallahan and Wal• sh, That Council adjourn. Carried. The Court of 'Revision re "The Schultz 'Drainage Works" was op- ened. The members signed the "Oath of Member of Drainage Court of Revision." Motion by Coultes and McDow- ell, That By -Law No. 8, 1989, (be- ing a •ByLaw to provide for he Schultz !Drainage Works) be read GRAVEL i CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL BRICK SAND S TOP SOIL BUD CHAMNEY AUBURN 526.7799 a third time and finally passed. Carried. Motion by Walsh and Hallahan, That The Court of Revision be closed. Carried. Council reconvened. Motion by Hallahan and Coultes, That the Clerk advertise for 'fenders on The Schultz Drainage Works. Car- ried. Motion :by Walsh and McDow- ell, That payment during July he released to Mr, Dennis Hallahan, (re Gordon Drainage Works) sub- ject to receiving release from the Engineer, G. D. Gamsby, Carried. Motion by Coultes and McDow- ell, That the Township Mill Rates to be used for tax purposes in the year 1969 be set at: Farm and Residential: 22 mills. Business and Commercial 25 mills. Car- ried, Motion by Walsh and Halhlhan, That we order culvert from On- tario Culvert, (Waterloo, at $999.- 00 999.00 as approved by The Depart- ment of Highways. Carried, Motion by McDowell and Coul- tes, That the Roads and General Accounts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Motion by McDowell and Walsh, That 'Council adjourn to meet again en August 6th, 1969, at 8.30 p.m. Carried. Total Road Cheques, $16,130.81. Total General Cheques, $1,566.- 94, 1,366; 94, Roy Pattison, Winona Thompson, Reeve. Clerk. FAN SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Model 652.1 — Electrohome 20" 2 -speed all FMetal Fans $23.115 Regular $29.95 Model T24 — Torcan 20" 2 -speed Fans, all ForpstirOgills Regular $24.95 SPARLING'S HARDWARE BLYTII, ONTARIO VETERINARY PRODUCTS BLOAT TREATMENT CALF BACTERIAL SCOUR TREATMENT CALF BACTERIAL SCOUR BOLUSES NAYLOR'S 'PEAT DIALATORS PENSTREPCIN OINTMENT FOR MASTITIS UDDER EZE PINKEYE POWDER PINKEYE SPRAY AND WOUND DRESSING ORGANIC LODIDE (for the prevention and treatment of foot rot) PENICILLIN IRON DEXTRIN (Injectable Iron for Pigs) PIPERAZINE CONCENTRATE , LIDUIDE IIOG WARMER ,. BRICON•BACK RUBBER INSECTICIDE CONCENTRATE LIVESTOCK INSECTICIDE BOMBS VAPONA. FLY STRIPS WILSON ' S 13 1 Phe 44401. PATENT MEDICINES — GIFTS -- COSMETICS CHINA -- VARIETY ITEMS TRY OUR SPECIALTY -- CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKE•OUT ORDERS • PH, 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS AND 'LIGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL' BLYTII, ONTARIO Juveniles On Winning Streak 13y John Stewart The Blyth Legion Juveniles won their third game in a row on ,Icily 10 by defeating Wingham 9 to 4, Blyth jumped into an early lead In a lead-off home run by George Johnston in the first In- ning, They got another run in l'he second inning on a single by Jim Button and n triple by Fred German. Wingham tied the game in the fifth with two runs but Blyth came back to score three in the bottom of the fifth. Robert Cook singled and scored on Ron Henry's homer, John Stewart fol- lowed with another home run, which proved to he the winning rule of the game. Blyth added one insurance run in the seventh and three in the eighth, John Stewart pitched and struck out ten bat- ters, Bruce Bromley caught. Hurdle Souch and John Elliott were the umpires, Wingham 000020002-4 Blyth 1 1 0 030.1.30--9 John Stewart, and Bruce Brom- ley; •Bill Skinn and Bob Corrigan. Blyth's next home games will he on Thursday, July 17, against I-Iarrtston, In the first meeting of these two teams, Blyth won 5 to 4 in Harriston, On Monday, July 21, Blyth will play an. exhibition game against a team from the Clinton Air Base in Blyth, Both games will start at 8:30 :o'clock. AUCTION SALE Of Properties and Household Effects of the Estate of George Brown, from Dinsley Street, Blyth, on SATURDAY, JULY 20 ' at .1.30 p.m. ..PROPERTY NO. 1 — The lots, 6, 7, .14 and 15 Kelly's Survey in the Cadge of Blyth, on which is situated a 2 'storey 8 room brick dwelling, with, 3.plece bath, built in kitchen cupboards, hardwood floors and oil fntrnace and full basement, PROPERTY NO. 2 — From ,the same place there will be offered for sale the 50 acre pasture farm situated ,at part of the west half of lot 18, concession 13, Hullett Township. The farm is offered for sale subjeet to expiration of the present rental lease which expir- es at the end of the year 1969. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Chesterfield bed; 'Chesterfield; upholstered arm chair; wicker arni chair; wicker rocking chair; rocking chair; Spartan 21 inch television; coffee table; mahog- any 2 tier table; pedestal tables; hall tables; hall seat; hall mirror; drop top desk; end table; smoking stand; china cabinet; sewing cab- inet; 'Roger's cabinet radio; 2 wooden beds, springs and mattres- ses; 2 dressers; 4 drawer modern walnut chest; 14 tubular 'bed, springs and 'Mattress; day bed; pine chest of drawers; 2. blanket boxes; 5 piece chrome breakfast suite; drop leaf chrome table; kitchen chairs; sjde chairs; fern- ery stand; flower stand; +MeClary - 4 burner electric range; Frigi• daire refrigerator, with top freez•. er; Electrolux • vacuum cleaner; electric clock; washing machine; laundry tubs; tri -light; table and dresser lamps; clothes hamper; trunk; scatter mats; dishes; glass• ware; part toilet set; 5 gallon stone crock; quantity of fruit• and sealers; cooking utensils; Eureka power mower; hand mower;. 1956 Chevrolet sedan; 'numerous other articles. TERMS ON J'ROPERWPIES •-- 10% down on date of sale and bal. ance in 20.days With properties sold subject'to reset•''e bids. TERMS ON HOUSEHOLD EFFEG'1lS CASH Robert JIall!, iGbrdon Elliott, Executors of the George Brown Estate, Edward W. Elliott, ,ctioneer, 01.2 COMMUNITY SHOWER HELD FOR BRIDE•ELEC'l' A large number of neighbours and friends attended a commun• ity shower held in honour of bride -elect, ,loyce Procter, in 13c1• grave United 1hurch basement. The bride to be, her mother and her aunt, Mrs. Robert Procter, were seated in decorated chairs. Corsages were pinned on each of these honoured guests. ' Marjorie Procter sang "die" and "I Be- lieve" accompanied by Mrs. Geo- rge Procter, A trio including Nancy Anderson, Doreen •Ander• son and Diane Freethy sang "Laura Lee" and "The Green Green Crass of Ho►nc" accompan- ied by Mrs. Lawrence Vannan, Margaret Nicholson conducted several contests. Joan Leishman and 'Maxine Procter assisted with the presenting of the gifts. In a few well chosen words Joyce thanked everyone for the lovely evening and gifts presented to her. Everyone then enjoyed a social half hour. CONGRATULATIONS 'Congratulations and many hap. py returns to Mr. Robert H. Som. ers who celebrated his hirtthday on Sunday, July 13. 1From his sis- ter Mrs. is•terMrs. Sadie Curring, Congratulations and many hap. py returns to Mrs, G. 0. 'Bradley, Meaford, who celebrated her bir• thday on Sunday, July 6. HURON SOIL AND CROP PROGRAM The Huron . County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoclalton Is sponsoring a crop twilight pro- gram at John Ilazlett's farm one and one-quarter miles east of Benmiller on Thursday, July 24 at 7 p.m. Doug McNeil, R.R. 6, Goderich, Soil and Crop director for Colborne Township and chair- man :for the evening` twill (be calling on a number of agrono- mists to explain the various cer- cal ,andj afield crop, demonstfla-1. Lions, Refreshments will be serv- ed ereed at the conclusion of the event. 'I'WILIGIIT PROGRAM Spopsored by the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Asso- ciation will be held at John Hai litt's farm, one and one-quarter miles east of (llenmiller Thursday evening, July 24th at 7 p.m. CAMPING IS A DELIGHT IN A RIDELITE llilander • Town and Country 'fent Trailers. Somers and Rich- mond Sales • Rental, phone 47 or 260W Brussels, 41.16 444 +14 *4-4+044444444 +++0 JAMES E. RICE R.lt., 1, Blyth — Tel. 523.4428 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE :"You Ring - We Bring" 0•14♦•••••1.10 •-•1+444.-1+, MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph. 211 YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVICE "First in Power Choring" Dairy - Beef • Hog Poultry_ 444414-0444+++++•-•444++44 4. 4+ •++44 •+•411.4•4 •+++11' r Stewart's • • • 1 • • 1 lied & White Food Mkt. BLYTII, ONT.. Phone 9451 WE DELWER Buy Of The Week Blyth Brand First Grade Creamery Butter 11b. 67c No. 1 Ontario New Potatoes, 10 lb. bag 59c 20 lb, bag 1.17 Weston Bakery Features Red and White Weiner or Hamburg Rolls 4 pkgs 1.00 Fresh Bread, brown or white.... 4 loaves 99c This Week's Money Savers • 4 • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 13 oz. pkg. . ; . 43c• Delsey Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 59c Brolno Seltzer, reg. 79c only , 59c Fresh Cookies, 4 varieties 3 pkgs. 89c •• Bayer Aspirin, reg; 95c only 63c " r • • • • • • t Soft Drinks in Tins 12 tins 1.00 • 4 Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon, save 10c, only 69c Walker's Saltines Soda .Crackers, 3 pkgs.1.00 Shiriff's Jelly Powder 6 pkgs. 59c Red & White Big Buy Del Monte Canned, Vegetables, 10 oz. tin Peas and Carrots, Peas, Corn, Green or Yellow Beans 8 tilts 1.00