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The Blyth Standard, 1969-07-09, Page 1
THE BLYT STA Volume 80 • No, 52 "Serving i3lyth and Community Since 1885" l3L1"I'll. ON'I'Altlu WEDNESDAY, ,JULY 91h, 19+9 Orange Celebration Should See Large Plan Canvass To TEAM -MINISTRY ESTABLISHED FOR Crowd In Blyth This Saturday Aid Fire Victims ANGLICAN CHURCH DISTRICT As we mentioned last •week, on Wellington Street to Morris Neighbours of Mr. and -firs. The Bishop of Huron, the Right coming appointment of the Rover - things will really be booming in Street. It will then turn north Lorne flunking have made ar- Reverend G. N. Luxton, announc• end Franklin 13raby, of 13russels, the "old burg" this Saturday on ,Morris to Dinsley Street, west rangements for the conducting of a es the appointment of the second to another post within the die►• when the annual 12th of July to Mill Street, north to Howson's canvass to assist with the loss 'real •Ministry for the Diocese of cele, have created vacancies that celebration will be held here for mill, west to No. 4 Highway and incured in the recent tragic fire Buren to he established in 1969 make possible this further este)). the first time in fifteen years, south up .Main Street, returning on their farm. The group plan Previously an experimental Team. sion of the 'Tearn•Ministry with George Bailie, one of the local to the :1gricul,ural Park. to conduct the fund raising cam- Ministry was begun in St. Thomas these neighbouring congregations organizers, tells us that upwards Three bands from London will paigu in the immediate vicinity between St. John's and St. Hilda's within a fifteen -mile radius, south of one hundred Orange Lodges also he attending. of the Bunking home but will Churches in that city. This ex• ar.cl west of Wingham are expected to attend the cele• Entertainment at the park will .welcome donations from anyone perintent concluded early in this include midway and a hall game who would care to het out with year and there were ratan bene Mr. Brain is a son of,the Ren grottos, and coupled with the us. ' ahelp Y tory. torn in Toronto, the son nal large amount of people who at 3 p.nt. between two area ladies' this worthy effort. fits apparent to the participating of the Reverend Canon W, J. and trams. The festivities will he A fund has been set upat the congregations. In Ila • the first come to watch the festivities, } wrapped up• y p }, Airs. Brain, he w�+, ordained in should have our village literal!} with a dance in the 'Myth Branch of the Imperial new team \linistr for 1969 was the I)iccese of 'Toronto in 1934, swelling at true seams. evening al the arena to the music Jiank of Commerce and if you are established on the. Six Nations of the ifluelvnes of Goderich, not solicited by canvassers you Reserve, %vilh the Reverend Karl Coll grafter se from Trinity The show tvlll officially,' College. After service in Toronto get un' Speeches and fife and drum may leave your donation there. Manson and the Reverend Dennis , der way at one o'clock when King contests will be held during the Last Thursday a group of neigh- Hayden comprising the team for and 1 Merhu40 t94 h \Ir. Brainset,. Billy mounted on the white horse afternoon in the Lions Park. hours gathered at the Bunking the two. Anglican parishes on the vednlatere\ as 1946 as a Chaplain,fr will lead the largo parade through. Members of the Lions Club will ,farm and assisted with hay baling Six Nations Reserve, south of fund as Senior Chaplain for the streets of Blyth. He will be take charge of the food conces• operations. Brantford. the Canadian Army Overseas, and followed by the Seaforth High signs and will have several booths The new team as now announc was awarded the Military Cross. School Bugle Band and numerous Coining tc:. the Diocese of Ireton other including fife and strategically located around the ed is for five congregations in the in 19(10, he has served on Pelee other bands, interspersed amoungstd tillage' Personal immediate vicinity of Wingham. Island, in the Norwich parish, ant the parade, it looks like a rip roaring time In the early autumn this team will since 1964 at St. Barnabas', Lon. and an excellent parade. Be sure begin under the leadership of the don. Mr. and Mrs. Brain, the for The parade will start at the to pick your spot along the route Items Reverend Robert Theodore Fran - riser Edith Isobel McKee, have one Agricultural Park and travel east and take in alt of the activities. cis Brain, L.Th., MC., presently daughter, Ursula, the wife of the :he }lector of St. Barnabas' Chur , , . , Direr - Mrs, Ada Craig, 78 Worsley ch in London; with as his assn• fof Planning Evans, Blyth Council Ask Department of tor of Planning and Programme Road, Stoney Creek, formally of elate, the Reverend Joseph Keith for the Diocese of Niagara. Blyth, is a patient in Henderson »cokes, 13.A,, S.T.D., presently the General Hospital, Concession Str• .incumbent of St. John's Church The Reverend J. K. Stokes, who Highways For Street Lighting Grant eet, Hamilton, having underwent an Walpole Island. The five con- •viil shire with Mr. Brain in this an operation on June 26th. She ;regalions concerned will be St. 'feast -Ministry. was also born is expected home in about two i au"s. Wingham; St. \lark's, Au. and educated in Toronto, and is The Blyth Municipal Council oral, pens, and 1. 'Tax, 45.14; La -weeks time, Mrs. Craig has been burn; 'Trinity, Belgrave; Trinity, a graduate of the University of met Monday evening, July 7, in vis Contracting Co., cold mix, 17; living with her youngest laugh Blyth, and St. John's, Brussels. 'Toronto and of Trinity College. Olive, Mr, Faitz and family Mr. Brain will begin his ministry Ordained by the Bishop of Cal - regular meeting in the Library. 15; 'Township of IIuUetl, grading, der, Minutes of former meeting read 48.00; George Pollard, streets, since last October. on the first of October, and Mr. I;ary in 1961, he served in the and approved by motion of Coum 73.84; Blyth District Fire Area, Mr, and 'Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Stokes will begin his part of the Epiphany and the Trinity lIis- riilars Watt and Ilesselwood, 3 Cies, 78,00, levy, 190.00, 268,00; Maureen and Douglas, their neph• Fequeitee a month earlier, with sions in that diocese, moving to Moved by Councillor Watt, se ilamm's Garage, gas, oil, supplies, ew, Dale 'Lamont, of • Belgrave, Mi',.,Brain living in ,the rectory, the Diocese of Huron in 1965, canoed by Councillor Bailie, that 9.99; :itamrn's Body Shop, repairs, and their guest, Miss Linda Wan .it Wingham, Since then Mr. Stokes has been in we apply to the Ontario Depart 26.46; J. G. Ileffron, garbage, wick, spent last week at Riley The two clergy will care for the charge of the Anglican work ea ment of Highways for 50% sub. 176,00;1 Wallace, salary and sup. Lake near Gravenhurst. services in .the five congregations Walpole Island. Mrs. Stokes, th .sidy from the Department for in plies, 115.78; Doherty Bros,, gas, Mr, Mel! Elzinga, Vego, Allier on a planned sequence. former Jane Ann Tackaberry, wa t stallation of extra lighting on No, oil, repairs, 2months, 44.29; Don ta, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. The recent death of the Rever• born in Owen Sound; and they 4 'Highway through the Village Glousher, cut grass, 152.50; Huron frank Ifessels, .•nci llcrschel Hamilton, former have three sons, Owen, Anthon,: of Blyth. Carried, County historical Society, 10.00; Mrs, Shirley. Westberg and Bri• Rector of Wingham, and the forth. and David, ages 7, 0, and 2. Moved by Councillor Bailie, se• Welfare, 168,05.an visited for the past two weeks conded by Councillor Watt, that \loved by Councillor 'Hesse! with the Westberg families in we donate $10.00 to the Huron wood, seconded by Councillor Winnipeg ancl Saskatchewan, re. Large Crowd Attended Westfield Unitee County Historical Society, Car Bailie, accounts as read he paid. turning home on Sunday. tied. Carried.Misses Sylvia and Audrey De - Correspondence read and orderCouncil adjourned bymotion bruin, of Galt, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, A. Vas and family. Church (losing Service ed field by motion of Councillors of Councillors 1Iesselwoo d and Heaseltwood and Watt. Bailie. Ml'. and Mrs. Jim Buchanan, AccountsKevin, Jeff, Scott and Lisa, of Between three and fourhun• den, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me }receiver Geneaal U. 1. 31,30; Borden Cook, Irvine tWallare, Windsor, spent the weekend with cited people gathered in the Dowell and Mrs, Charles Smith. J. Warwick, 357.21; Receiver Gen Reeve. Clerk•Treas, the formers sister, Mrs, Doug. Westfield United Church on Sun. Many of the guests signed the las Whitmore, Mr. Whitmore and day, June 29, 1060, at. 11 a.m, for register. Kenneth at their cotitage near the closing service. The sermon was presented by Thompson Family Returns From Trip Bayfield. '1'hC gucst�s were greeted at the an native son of Westfield, Rev, \'t•. and Mrs. Danny Burns, of door by Mt'. and Mrs. Lloyd Wal• Will Taylor, of Dorchester. Ile 1 tobicoke, spent the weekend recalled having been present at The Thompson Family have re• chalk mark on the ,wall, if ye're with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. SWIMMING STARTS JULY 21st the laying of the corner stone of turned home from their trip to there first rub it out, I'ts so lien Walsh, and Steven, the present church eighty years &\'eland .and Scotland and also long since of saw ye oive for. Air. and Mrs. Raymond Whit. Swimming classes will cont• ago and reminisced at sonic England where two of the group gotten what ye're like but ye're MOH, of Clinton, visited on Sun• mence at the Clinton pool on length, The subject of his• rites• spent a week. All report a won—face is iver before me. Ivory day with Mrs. Kenneth Whitmore. July 21st with a bus transporting sage was "Hope." He was assist• derful trtp, lime of feed the .pigs of think of :Miss Connie Laidlaw has secur• children too and from the lessons. ed in the pulpit by the present They called on such places as Ye an the last bite we had to ed a position with the Mutual You may register your child in minister, Rev, iAlalciwyn Roberts, the giant causway, St. Patrick's gethei•. Excuse spellin this is a Life Insurance ,Company at Kit• the class by phoning ,Mrs. Ralph and the benediction was pronoun. Church and final resting place, tlivel of a pen. chener. Miss Bonnie Laidlaw has McCrea at 523-9344 or Mrs. Lundy cecl by Rev. Ure Stewart, Sea. the mourne mountains and parts Yours to the bone, secured employment with the MacKay at 523 4462. A $5.00 fee forth, of southern Ireland, They also Patrick. Bank of Montreal in Stratford, will be charged each child. Music was supplied by the visited with a score' or _ more and will commence the enol of the church choir with special scree cousins, . month, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED tions by Mr. and Airs. William Tom travelled seventy miles to Ankle Broken The Rev. and Mrs. G, E, Paken• Bush, of :Toronto, and by the visit Rev, Robert Meally only to ham, of Wheatley, visited friends •Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Spears, Westfield quartette, consisting of, find him away at. a meeting, .Mrs ,, in Blyth on Wednesday, rf Wiarton, wish io announce the Murray A1cDotvell, John Mellow. Molly was at home and she and Playing Bali Mr, Harold Phillips left. on Sun engagement as their daughter, ell, Harvey McDowell and Lloyd Tom spent a short time talking day for Chicago to visit his son - . Eileen Grace, of Goderich, to Mr. Walden, about people and places around in-law and daughter, Dr, and Mi's. Leo Greidanus, son of Mrs, John A social time followed the ser Blyth familial• to the 'Meallys, 'Doug McDougall suffered an un. Stephen Julian, Greidanus, of Clinton, and the vice with lunch being served and Before returning .home the fortunate accident while playing Mi', and Mrs. Jill I3ouitard and late Mr, Greidanus, The wedding old acquaintances renewed. The group was honoured at a banquet 'ball at 'WIngham in the industrial family, of Brantford, spent the will take place Saturday, August weatherman co-operated to the given by sixteen cousins of the league last Thursday night, Ile weekend with Ali. and Mrs. Sid .!id, 1969, at seven p.m. at Blyth fullest and everyone reported a Thompson side of the family. was running into second base McCullough, Mr, Harry Gibbons is a,rpatient United Church, Blyth, Ontario. most enjoyable time, though many expressed a bit of the when his left foot caught the bag,expressed regrets and even sad. Irish humor home with him in twisted and broke the ankle, in the Clinton Public'..liospital. }NGAGE TENT ANNOUNCED ,cess at the closing of the ehlirch. the form of an Irishman's Letter Doug has been fitted with a We w�islr hint a speedy •recovery. The closing hymn "Lead On, 0 and we reprint it here for your walking,Cast and he hopes to be Mr, and Mrs, W. Fred Rowson, Xing Eternal" appropriately ex. amusement, , able to return to work without Blyth, announce the engagement pressed the sentiment of the con. 'Dear Ould Friend, too much delay. Birth. of their eldest daughter, Laurette gregation on this last occasion of ,Give forgotten your address, so NO ROLLER SKATING Aiin, to Mr, John Robert Craw• worshipping in this church. Al. if ye don't reeave this letter let TIIIS MONTII •McVITTIE -- in Clinton Public ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. though formal worship in West. nuc know, Ilospitaal on Monday, July 7, Leonard Crawford, of Wingham, field Church has ended we feel 1f ye don't let Inc know I'll • • Duo to lack of attendance, roll• 1009, ;to :Mr, and Mrs, Ernest The marriage will take place in the in�piratic+n gained within know ye've got it, 01'11 see ye er skating has been cancelled at 1leVittie, of Auburn, the gift the i3lyth 'United Church, Blyth, these walls, will be carried by our in the ould place on Sunday. , the Blyth, Arena during ,the month of a son, Scott .Ernest, a brother Ontario, August 23, 1969, at 2.30 people to other churches in the If dm . there first o111....put a of n July. . for Bradley. o'clock. area. THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 SUGAR and By B111 TALES OF THE BATHROOM \‘'e've come a long way room. And we've come bathroom. 1 don't know whether you'd c.aIl that progress or not. There's something to be said for both sides. You can't store coal and potatoes in the recreation room. for example. A definite disadvantage. On the other hand, you couldn't have a shower in the baekhouse. unless the roof leaked and it was raining, Also a disadvantage. Fifteen years ugu, I was suckered into a brand new pink bathroom, and 1 swore it would never happen again. Financially, it set me hack about a year. Perhaps one shouldn't swear about such things. They're transitory, after all, and besides, it doesn't seem to help much. This month I've been suckered into another one. Not pink, thank Zeus. We're going through our turquoise phase now. Do you know how much plumbers are getting these days? Of course you do. And carpenters and electricians? Well, I hereby .wear once mere a mighty oath, and with all you witnesses, that I'll never install another new bathroom so long as us both shall live. lie and the bathroom, that is. When 1 conk out. my wife will be right into the insurance money for another new one, probably in deep purple. What gets me is that there wasn't a thing wrong with the one we had. It had a perfectly good white cast-iron tub, (The only thing I enjoyed about the whole installation was watching those plumbers move the 800 -pound monster down the stairs.) There was nothing wrong with the [tub except that you had to keep your big toe in the drain or the water would run out. And as I like to soak for an hour, with a drink, book and smokes, this was a bit of a strain on the bad knee. We had a perfectly good toilet that required the services of a plumber only about once ;i month. We had a towel rack that fell off the wall with a tremendous clatter only about twice a week. malty when the rest of the family was asleep. It wasn't exactly the bathroom you'd get in the royal suite at the Chateau Laurier. The sink had served many generations and from the cellar to the recreation BELGRAVE NEWS Sunday visitors %with Mrs. J, 11, Coultes were. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lucas, of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating and Mr. Alex Leaver, of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, of Thorndale, visited a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. George Martin and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Michie, Mr, Ernest Michie and Mrs. Elia. abet!) Leslie left Monday morning on a trip to Western Canada, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Anderson and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Les Shaw and fam• a long way from the backhouse 10 thc ily, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Russel \Stalker %tisited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Coultes and attended the memorial service at Brandon Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Coultes and Paul spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scott and Brian of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Don Craig, Debbie and Douglas, Blyth, Mrs, Laura Mann, •Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ed- gar, of Wingham, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis onehouse, Mr, Dale Lamont spent a week's holidays with his cousin, Douglas McCrea. at a cottage near Graven- hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and Miss Rebecca Hill, of Huronview, were recent visitors with Mr. Roy Whitney, of Brunner, who is a patient in a rest home at Listowel. Master Brian Shaw, London, N pent a few holidays with his cousin, Bruce Higgins. Mr, and Airs. Robert Hibberd visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg and lir. William Bo& ler on Sunday. The Rev, Earrol and Mrs, RR liday alai family, Sarnia, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Herb Pletch. Rev. Shilliday is the test speaker in St. John's Anglic;•:, Church, Brussels, for the month of July. Mrs. John Cameron, Toronto, visited this past week with her mother, Mrs. Herb Pletch. Miss Norma Nethery, Ham4on, spent a couple of days with Mrs. Telford Cook. Miss Mary Ann Cook, of Blyth, is holidaying with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Cook, was a sort of gray -green. There was a bit of paint missing here and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hibberd attended a supper in Fordwich United Church last Wednesday evening. • lir. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Douglas and •Maureen, Miss Linda Warwick, of Myth, spent Satin.. day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Mr. and NH's. Murray McDowell, of Cookstown, visited with her parents, Mr. and 11Irs, Gordon ‘Valsh, on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Bruce Marshall and John who are holidaying at Hayfield visited with her parents on ,Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Cook, and attended the memorial service at Brandon Cemetery. ,Miss Mary Min Wheeler is counsellor for girls 9-12 at Menet Hung 'Camp, Goderich, Misses Marjory Nixon and Janice Coultes are attending the same camp, Miss Lois Fraser, Kincardine, is spending a couple of weeks with .Mr, and Mrs. Keith Pletch, Mr, and .Mrs. Albert Vincent visited one evening last week with Mr. and .nrs. Robert Hill herd, ,Mr. and :Mrs, Gary Leitch and baby, Julie 'Ann, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, afr, and 'Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mrs., Leitch and ,baby •remained for the week. Mr. Ceell Bowman, of Staffa, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John. We are .pleased to report that Mrs. 'Dave Armstrong has been able to return to her daughter and Mr, and Mns, Robert Grasby, alter being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Iondon, Birthday Party Held For Mrs, Herb Pletch A birthday party was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs, Herb Pletch , In honour �f her birthday, Those present of the there. I'm not an unreasonable man. I'd have gone for a new sink and maybe ten -twelve dollars worth of paint, and we'd have been right as rain, whatevor that stupid expression means. I said as much to my wife. And she said approximately ten times as much to me, Ceramic tile, already, Turquoise "fixtures," New wallpaper to pick up the :turquoise in the toilet and the gold fleck in the new linoleum, A "vanity" built around the sink. A vanity! All is vanity. I need a vanity like I need an. other couple of rotten kids. It's •not really the money. You ma take it with you. Though as an old friend of mine, who is loaded with the stuff says, "If 1 can't take it with me, I ain't goin'," Lt's the confusion of trying to coordinate carpenter, plumbers and electrician. Either they're all working some -place else and nobody can come, and you just sit there in the wasteland, or they are all available at once and are bumping head and bums and getting in each other's way, at. five -something an hour. It's the endless decisions, Like where the toilet paper rack should be installed. Can you imagine anything more ridi. culous than a couple of adults sitting, fully clothed, on the Johnny and practising reaching for the tissue? Should it he on the wall straight ahead? Quite a reach, And what about little kids? I offered to bring in some kids to practise. Should it be beside the toilet tank? With my bursitis you could break your arm off at the hou I s der, Much ado about nothing, ,But I'll get my own back. When everything is complete, and up •to my wife's rigid specifications, I'm going Ito demand that a whole section of tile he pulled out for the installation of a set of electric toe-nall clippers, THE BLYTH STANDARD Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTAnin, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assnelationa Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5,00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319 1 FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 1.1Wit WALLS Bill Bierling the squeezed in feeling? l'ou know what he means? l'ou feel hemmed in on all side., You're not as free as you thought you were. You have those inescapable guilt feelings. Somehow your life of sin keeps bugging you You can't get the tax exasion, Thai cheating on y0111' CX11111, Thai moment of uncontrolled passion, out of your mind. asked 111 l'he Way:" do you have Guilt! Like four walls surrounding you, It's get you trapped, As you try to escape it. You find you only back yourself up against the wall, You end up going in circles, Around and around in your mind goes the whole miserable thing you're frying to forget, Over and over again it keeps coming up, The four walls keep you enclosed, There is no exit Or is there? Jesus Christ said "I am the way," "I am the door." You can start getting rid of those guilt feelings by coming clean with Jesus Christ, Ile spent His whole life mastering the problem. A wise man of God said. "But if we freely admit that we have sinned, we find God utterly reliable and straight -forward -- Ile forgives our sins and makes us thoroughly clean from all that is evil." (1 John 1:9) You can't beat that anywhere. 011.55111109,01r.'IMESEELMEEZREEPIENE relliihtWk41 1. ri''..!..',.!..1..t.P.irtril,').:',45.,;i.111;inElflite.110.1i.4"1'1.1N111!IlETZIN.gTICS'ilii'23111,,IiLitailllinakiigatiMIStIll ,4. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. — Church Service, 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School, urc CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth — Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,m. — Sunday School. 1,1:00 ant. — Worship Service. Thought For The Week -As for God, His way •is perfect." Psalm 18:30 'The •Finger that points the way is part of the Hand that supplies the need." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. H. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 ;Lin. — Morning Service (English) 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service (English) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m. — Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m, — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0, MATUER, BA., B.D., MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music. 9.45 11,11 --- Sunday Church School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship 11* ,atidagatommemlannammormun family, grandchildren and great grandchildren were, Mrs, John Cameron, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pletch 'and family, Mr, and .Mrs, Ernest Pletch and lam. ily, 'Brussels, Mr, and 'Mrs, John Calvon, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Arm. strong, Teeswater, Rev, Earrol and Mrs, Shilliday and family, of Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. ,Max Plotch, of 'White River, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Pletch and Michael,:Wing. ham, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Pletch and family, Members of the family who were unable to attend con• gratulnted Mrs, Pletch by tele. phone. Itt 1111 11i1 CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our very sincere thanks to all who helped at and since the fire, Sipe. sial thanks to Mr. Irvin BOWCF. and the fire department for their quick action and in saving as much as they could, Also to Mr, George Bailie who stayed all day, to all who helped us move to Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDougall for a house to move into, and to all our wonderful neighbours and friends who took our hay in for us. Thanks everyone. — Lorne, Addle and Murray .11unkiag, 524p • •♦ 14 •-••-• • • • • •-•-• •• • • •• • • • • 1-• ••-•1-1 1 -•♦►•-•-••N • •• ••-• •.- CARD OF THANKS with cards, flowers and visits I wish to thank our friends and while in Clinton Public Hospital. neighbours who remembered me 52•1p. - Lundy MacKay •••••-••1•M-••-•••••••••-•1•*•••••••• BOYS' 100' The W. J. met on 'Tuesday even. inti. The 4.11 Girls with Joan flow• ail, Joanne Snell and Linda An. Jerson conducting the demonstra• tion of cooking Swiss Steak and iStuffed Steak, scallop salad and cold cuts. The girls are a credit 1 to their leaders, .Mrs. Jack Snell, t Airs. Don Buchanan, Mfrs, Harry .Snell and Mrs. f;ric Anderson, who were presented with a gift from the W. 1. The !Jake Sale was planned, Mrs. Jim Howatt gave a full report of the District Annual which was held in Goderich re. Gently, Mrs. Fothergill read a po- em "What have we done today." The hostesses served a tasty lunch at the close. Londesboro W. 1, Meeting Nylon Stretch Trousers Navy 2.3x .. ... 6.00 ea. navy and brn 4.6x 0.00 ea. BOYS' WHITE Polyester Mesh Knit Shirt 2.3x 3.00 en. 4•f1x 3,50 ea, Ladies' Nylon Stretch Bathers One and Two Pieces ... ....... ... . . 9.95 14.95 ea. Ladies' Tank Tops OF NYLON AND COTTON Stretch Shorts Sizes 10.20 7.95 ca. •••• 1-•t♦•••1♦•1-•-••••• ••-•i••,♦-•-•e. •*N1-•-•-••••• NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth HAROLD BLACK - - - YOUR IMPERIAL E550 AGENT WILL B1; CLOSED MR HOLIDAYS FROM JULY 12th TO JULY 20th We reclurst customers to cheek their needs now, and get supplies in prior to our holidays. PHONE 482-3873 'I'IIE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN 11AILY AT 5 P.M, COOK'S Phone 523-1421 We Deliver Nabob Coffee, 1 Ib. bag 69c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 7 oz. tin 59c Jell -o Jelly Powders, assorted ... 6 pkgs. 59c Alpha -hits Cereal, 15 oz. pkg. 49c I•Ioney Comb Cereal, 12 oz.. pkg. . Sugar Crisp Cereal, 13 oz, pkg. 111can Foil Wrap, 2 - 25 ft. rolls 53c 49c 69c Lux Liquid Detergent, 10c off label 24 oz, bottle 79c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 39c Bon -Ami Powder . . . . ... . ....... . 2 for 31c Domestic Shortening, 3c off label, 1 Ib. pk. 39c Sunshine Frozen Orange Juice 2 - 12 112 oz, tins 83c Weston's Rainbow Cream Rolls, 4c off 51c Weston's Spanish Bar Cake, 6c off , . , , 39c Smoked Cottage Rolls Bruce Packer Weiners King Size Cucumbers . , .. , . , , . 2 for 35c Cauliflower each 33c Sunkist Oranges, 113's doz. 5'9c per lb. 79c 2 lbs. 99c 1 i CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS AND .JUNIOR INSTITUTE HELD ILtYRiDE AND WEINER ROAST Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute members met re• cently at the home of Mr. and :Mfrs. John Bodges for a hayrido and weiner roast, The 25 young folk enjoyed themselves with the only accident being a lost shoe ,� and a wet sock. They returned to the house and held a short business meeting. The Dance committee reported that a dance was planned for July 11th in the Auburn ball for the World Literacy program which they support. The members voted to have the proceeds of the Var. iely Night to be given to the Re. tarried Children's Association in Goderich. Other co,mmitteeg re• ported and a Weiner roast con. eluded a successful fun night. BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON [lox Office Opens at 8.00 p.m, FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY JULY 10.11 •— DOUBLE FEATURE — BUONA SERA, MRS. CAMPBELL Showin at 9.15 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) — Starring And SHELLEY WINTERS In Color — PLUS Play Dirty (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 11 p.m. -- Starring MICHAEL CAINE Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES., WED. JULY 12.16 —• DOUBLE FEATURE -- 1 THE BOSTON STRANGLER Showin at 9.15 p.m. TONY CURTIS, HENRY FONDA In Color The life and crimes of one of :tnterica's most notorious criminals, THE SWEET RIDE Tony Franciosn • Michael Snrrazin Showing at 11:00 p,m,• A Stoory of Modern Youth, Color Cartoon BOTII FEATURES ATURES ADMITTANCE 10 PERSONS If YEARS OF AG! OR OVER COMING NEXT: 'TIIE SECRET LIFE OF AN AMERICAN WIFE' (Adult Entertainment) in Color —• And 'THE FURTHER PERILS OF LAUREL and HARDY' '111E JSLY'I'll S'T'ANDARD) CARD OF THANKS The family of the late .Mrs. grace Phillips wish to thank all the neighbours and friends far their many acts of kindness dur- ing their recent. bereavement. Also the many floral tributes, do. nations to the 1leart Fund, and baking sent to the homes, Special thanks to Hey, W. 0. Mather and the Tasker Funeral Iiorne. 52.1p CARD OF '!'HANKS The family of the late Charles Machan wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, cards, visits and messag• es of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Thanks to all who sent lunch and helped and offered aidwith duties. Special thanks to Dr, Deathe, Dr, Yokes and nurses of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, during his Lengthy stay there, also thanks to Rev. 11. U. lfachean, pallbearers, flowencearers and The Tasker Funeral Home. 52.1p Counter Check Books (printed or blank) At The Standard Office J� ; Limp DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 CART) OF THANKS would like to thank all wh remembered Stephen and 1 while we were in hospital. Special 1hanks to Ilr. Street and the nut Ses on second floor. 52•1p. — Marjorie Duizer WANTED POULTRY and EGGS A LSO CUSTOM KILLING East Huron Produce Phone DUBLIN 345.2270 WALTER PEASE TRANSPORT BLYTH FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING REQUIREMENTS AND THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Phone Brussels 345.14 OUR HAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE • • • ••h.•. • •••• • •-• *IN -••-•4-11-461.4-6-0-6-06+•-•••644-40-6.- 0- 6-4-4-11-•-•-•-•-• 0-• • • • ENJOY your HOLIDAYS this summer in one of these RECONDITIONED, ROAD -WORTHY USED CARS ••••111.1.- 41NOMMINIMIIINN 1 969 PLYMOUTH 2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop -1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr,, V 8, automatic, ps 1968 DODGE Polara 500, 2 dr., hardtop 1967 PONTIAC Lour 4 fir, hardtop, ps and p1) 1967 CHEV. Bel Mr, 4 cr., automatic 1967 PONTIAC I,aurientian, 4 dr., V8, automatic, ps 1967 FORD D 4 door 1967 FORD 2 floor 1963 METEOR Sedan SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES <<a. Blyth, Ontario, Phone 523-9581 1 ♦N-14+••144 4444 •• ••1 11.1-1-• • • • •••••••-•-•-•-•-• • • • •4•14 •1-N • • 1 • • • • '1'11E BLYTII STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1960 CLARE UPHOLSTERY " R.R. 1, .Auburn, Out. Phone Blyth 523.452F L.t a ST GOFERS — FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service — Chain Saw Sales & Service BIYTII, ONTARIO PiiONE 523.9556 BROOK'S CARPENTRY •• BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 11, BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs John McDowell appreciate the thoughtfulness and sympathy of friends and neighbours in the loss of their dear mother. Special thanks to the Nurses of Huron, view and Rev. Ure Stewart. 52-1p CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of household Effects from the home of Mrs. Melinda Kennedy, Dinsley Street, Blyth, on SATURDAY, JULY 12 at 1.30 p.m.. •the following: Colonial Chesterfield and chair (nearly' new); 2 piece Kroehler Chesterfield suite; Chesterfield; upholstered platform rocker; Morris chair; side chair; dinette chair; console table; several small pedestal tables; coffee table; 2 end tables; tea wagon; 2 chrome tables; 2 metal utility tables; 6 piece dinette suite; 0 piece break. fast suite ;miniature china cabin- et; dining room buffet; glass top cupboard; 3 piece walnut bedroom suite; 3 piece bedroom suite (an. tlque); iron bed, springs and mat• tress; set of folding bed springs; 2 blanket boxes; wash stand; com• mode; hall mirror; mantel mit.. ror; 2 fernery stands; table lamps; Singer drop head sewing machine; electric clock; combination elec. tric, coal and wood range; Jewel 4 burner propane range; Frigi• daire refrigerator; Westinghouse refrigerator; Quaker oil space heater; battery radio; drapes; bed speads; bedding; linens; 3 hand hooked mats; pictures; dishes; glassware; cooking utensils; C1in- talloy 31/2 H.P..riding mower with Clinton 4 cycle motor; Craftsman 19 inch power mower with Clin- ton 4 cycle motor; Redwing Bun. ton power lawn trimer with 2 cycle motor; numerous other arti- cles. TERMS CASH No Reserve as the Property is Sold Proprietress, Mrs, Melinda Ken. nedy. Auctioneer, Edward W. Elliott. 31-2 REAL ESTATE Vacant lot 82 x 66 within the village of Blyth, Good location, Vacant lot 100 x30 in good la cation in Blyth. Water and sew• age facilities for house trailer. 1100 acres excellent calh.crop land, close to small village, Good frame barn, Insulbrick house with conveniences, 100 acres 11/2 miles from high. way. Frame house with all con. veniences. Frame barn 40 x 60 and 20 x 30. Drilled well. Good silo, Terms, For Information on these and other listings contact For information on these and other listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings AUCTION SALT: Of Property and household Ef• feels in the Pillage of Blyth, West Moreland Street, on SATURDAY, JULY 19 at 1 p.m. Studio couch and char; rocking chairs; small tables; what -not; hall tree; electric lamps; mirror; Quebec heater; coal and wood range; 2 furnished bedrooms; beds, springs, mattresses; utility table; bedding; blanket box; elec• tric heater; kettle; kitchen chairs; round oak table; china cabinet; 2 burner hot plate; cupboard; dishes; kitchen utensils; garden tools. PROPERTY: 11/2 story frame house, hydro. full basement, 2 bedrooms. Terms: down, balance 30 days. Sold Subject to Reserve Bid. CHATTELS CASA Proprietor, Mrs. Ben Taylor, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, Mel Graham 52.2 CARD OF THANKS I'd like to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, flow• ers and gifts that 1 received while [ was a ,patient in Clinton Hospit• al and since returning home. ,Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nursing staff of the Ist floor of Clinton Public Hospital. — Cheryl McNall. i•t•40-•4+ ++ $ N�••f-t�t• ♦ N-•, $+$ $ s+r,'N i -ti t• t1+$ 4 -$t+ Emu Mw �� insurance Agency • • 44•11•11,10 BLYTH -- ONTARIO. I•IN4.4.0I1.►NMItI•••MW••••#HSM INSURANCE iN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECT ILiZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.1522 it♦i♦t•ti-t♦♦Hi♦rti-•♦♦i 4*.•+1-r+♦t4.t+-i+♦N•+N�i t K. M. HULLEY H.1CKiIOEING -- SHOVEL LOADING -- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL •— TOP SOIL Box 265, LONDESBORO, ONT, What to d while you wait for Phone 5234566 ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN Relax.lbu're coders On October lst, Ontario introduces the new Ontario Health Services In. surance Plan—OHSIP. OHSIP Is a basic plan of health in• surance benefits available to every* person in Ontario—regardless of age, physical health or financial means— through the Government or a desig• nated agent. OHSIP will replace OMSIP—the existing Ontario plan. If you're Pres- ently enrolled in OMSIP, your cover• egewillcontlnuewithoutinterruption. ifyou'renowenrolledina plan from one of the 200 other insurers in Ontario—such as Physlcians'Services Incorporated, Windsor Medical Sery ices, Associated Medical Services, an Insurance company, orotheragency, you're also covered until further notice. If you now have no health Insurance, you'll have ample opportunity to en• roll before October 1st. You'll be advised of the enrollment period by press, radio and television. So don't wonder, don't worry, about your health insurance. Just relax and enjoy a healthy summer while you await the new OHSIP Plan, the health care you can count on, frorn the Ontario Department of Health, ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF IIEALTII Hon. Matthew D. Dymond, M.D.,C,M., MlnIst.r. s THE INTERNATIONAL SCENE The Monarchy Still Has Validity BY RAYMOND CANON A great deal of foreign press were notably preoccupied with the role of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales and the future King of England, and although some of this news media may have decided that his position is an anachorn•is►n, this did not pre• vent the same media from being at his investiture in full force, clnd giving it such coverage that one might have thought tha it was equal to the Americans reach- ing the moon or Gen. De Gaulle running off with Brigitte Bardot. 'However, there was really noth- ing different this time about the reaction of the foreign press to ceremonies of the British Royal b'amily. Non•Britishcrs of many countries have always been keen- ly 'interested In this monarchy, and It would be easy to get the impression that Her Majesty's most loyal subjects were not found throughout the British Commonwealth, but in the streets of Rome, Paris, Bonn or even throughout tlhe United States. Why is it that the British Mon• archy has such avid fans in such unlikely places? Perhap there is a bit of envy in it all, for in this clay of un. :stable values and constant change, this monarchy Is something that ran be looked up to as represent. ing a sort of permanency that most people respect and admire. There are really so few of these permanent fixtures left. In relig• ions matters there is, to a certain extent, theChurch, but in the political field, even the utast sta. We systems apparently are not above change. In the British monarchy there is a system that represents stability among insta• h[lily, constancy among change and dedication among indiflfer- eence. Any organization, monarchial or otherwise, is only as strong as its members and in this respect the British Commonwealth' has been blessed in recent years by two fine examples — George VI and Elizabth 11. Both have shown themselves to be excellent repre. ;entatives of the British Crown and have carried out their duties with an ability that has caused envy and amazement throughout the world. They have shown themselves to be as human as the rest of us, and at the same time have maintained a dignity which theposition requires, Prince Charles gives every indication of maintaining this humanness and dignity, and although she himself will probably reign in a world, the likes of which he has no real conception, he is diligently pre• paring himself for this role, He will need all the resources he can muster in the years to come, even if the monarchy reigns and doesn't rule. Even reigning these clays can have its difficulties, as King Constantine of Greece has so recently found out, 1 must admit to having devel- oped a recent but gradual and real admiration for the monarchy. '['he formitive years of my pout. ical ideas were spent in Switzer'• land and one doesn't include mon archy In the System in that country. however, I had been struck by the graciousness and ('harm of the royal family during a visit to Canada just before the war, but 1 came back to Canada in the 50's not really impressed with monarchy as an institution. Later I worked for a while .in 'IJolland and the Dutch seemed ►reasonably content with their ,Queen and family, as did all the Scandanavians, Perhaps there ,was something more to the mon• archy than 1 had envisaged. 1 think there was, and 1 confess I still think so. I am no ardent monarchist, but what the mon archy has shown me is that, bless. ed with excellent representatives as we have been lately, and serv- ed ereed by such remarkable Governor. Generals as ,Massey, Vanier and now Michener, the monarchy can continue to play an essential and stabilizing role in our Common- wealth of Nations. Juveniles Win A Pair The Blyth Legion Juveniles won two games during the past week. On July 1 the Blyth Club travelled to 1larriston and cants horse victorious by the score of 5 to 4. Blyth trailed most of the game but the boys never stopped hustling and they overcame the deficit. 'icon Henry drove in Blyth's first run in the fourth in. ning with a single. Blyth tied the game in the seventh inning. Bruce Bromley doubled to open the inning and with two out Ho- bert Cook walked. Ron Henry doubled in Bruce Bromley. Rob- ert Cook stole home and John Stewart singled to drive across the tieing run. George Johnston's two•out double in the eighth drove across Fred German with the winning run. John Stewart pitched and Bruce Bromley caught the game, 131y1h 0001 003 1 0 — 5 Ilart'isten 1 1200000 0-4 On July 7 Blyth won a game over the Nile Juniors, Nile had to forfeit the game because they did not have enough players to field a team. Blyth's next home game is Thursday, July 10, when Wing - ham will supply the opposition. This should be a very close game with plenty of action Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs. Sid 31c. Cullough who celebrated her birthday on Monday, July 7 Morris Township Council Set Mill Rate At July Meeting .Morris Council met on with Reeve Wm. .1. Elston ing. The meeting first dealt with the reading and considering the re• port of the "Congram Municipal Drain." Mr, N. Kudrenecky of E. W. Hayes 'Limited, Consulting Engineers, was present. After some discussion with rate- payers involved it was moved by (toss Smith, seconded by Thomas Miller that the report be referred back tc the Engineer for further study. Carred. Minutes nI' the last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion of Janes ,Hair and Robert Grashy, Moved by 'Ross Smith seconded by James lair that Thomas Mil- ler look atter repairs to McCut- cheon Drain. Carried. 'Moved .by Thomas Miller see. onded by James Mair that a grant July 2 of $10.00 be given Huron County presid- Historical Society. Carried. Moved by Robert Grasby sec. ended by Ross Smith that the ac• sept application for tile drain loan, Carried. 'Moved by James ,flair second• ed by Thomas hiller that budget as presented by the treasurer be :vee led 1 Carried THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (OMPANY r11�� t;t SFAFOIt'VII Office ---Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings, All Classes of Farm Prop. erty. * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Balls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall. ing objects, etc.) is also available, AGENTS: James Keys, RR. 1, Seaforth; V. ,1. Lane, R.R 5, Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Bros. sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Full flange of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN Agent . BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ... CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can, Imp, Bank of Commerce, Blyth • p . . Moved by Robert Grasby sec- onded by Ross Smith that By Law No. 5, 1961) be given 1st and 2nd readings. Carried. Moved by James ..Mair second- ed by Thomas Miller that By -Law No. 5, 1969 be given third read• ing and finally passed. Carried. This By -Law sets the mill rates u. follows: General municipal 17 and 15.3 mills; County 22,2 mills; Elementary School 20 and 18 mills; Secondary Schools 18.7 and 16.9 and Separate School 18 mills. Moved by Boss Smith seconded by James Mair that By•Law No. 6, 1969 be given 1st and 2nd readings. Carried. Moved by Robert Grasby sec- onded by Thomas Miller that By. :Law No. 6, 1969 be given third reacting and finally passed. Car• vied, This By -Law sets tax penalty at 3 percent Interest and inter- est of two-thirds of one percent per month until paid, .Moved iby Robert Grasby sec- onded by Ross Smith that road accounts in amount of $7,081.68 as presented by road superintend- ent be paid, Carried. Aloved by James Mair second. ed by Thomas Miller that general accounts to amount of $797.86 as presented be paid, Carried. Moved by Thomas Miller that meeting adjourn to meet again August 4, 1969 at 1p.m. or at the call of the Reeve. Helen D. Martin, Clerk. Wm, J, Elston, Reeve. A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD THF, BLYTH STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 Rev. Heckendorn Conducted Funeral Service For Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Honking Private funeral services were held Wednesday, July 2nd from the 'Tasker .Memorial Chapel in Blyth fur the late lir. and Mrs. William Lorne flunking, both of whom died tragically in a fire at their residence, 13th concession 11u1ictl Township, on Monday, June 30th. Bev. C. Ileckendorn, minister of Londesboro United Church, offici- ated at the double service. 13ur• ial took place in (lope Chapel Cemetery, huller t Township. Pallbearers for •Mr. flunking were: .toe, Edmund and Kenneth flunking, Stewart Ament, Leon. and Archambault and Norman Mc. Dougall. Mrs. 11unking's pall' bearers were: Bert and Stanley Lyon, Harold Kerslake, Emerson 'Husk, harry Durnin and Carl Longman. Flowerbcarers were six grand. children: Arthur and Murray flunking, Douglas, Arnold and Carman Riley and Jerry Riehl. The late \1r. flunking was hGrn in Hullett Township in 1891, bon of the late Rundle IIunking and Margaret Levy. The late Mn. Jl urking was formerly Rosellu 14011 and was born in Hullett Township in 1886, daughter of the lata GeorgeLyon and Elizabeth Richardson. They were married on February 1611%, 1916 at Londesboro by Rev. C. C. Kaine. They took up resi- dence on lot 34 of the 12th con• ces ton of Hullett where they lived until their death. Both were members of the Lon. desboro United Church, where Mr. Honking was an honorary elder. Survivors include one son, Joseph Lorne, who resides on the home farm; two daughters, Mrs. John (Clara) Riley and Mrs. Ben (Marion) Riley, also residents of Hullett 'Township; two bro- thers, Albert and Henry, Hullett Township; seventeen grandchild• ren and nine great grandchildren. AREA GFO VOTE RESULTS The vote in the 37 polls across Huron on the question — "Are you in favour of a general farm organization with compulsory check off?" resulted as follows: • ASIIFIELD Agricultural Hall, Dungannon Kingsbridge School Wm, Parrish Residence. Lot 6, COLBORNE Colborne Township !fall, Carlow COD :RICH Ilelmesviilc Hall (Old School) GREY HAY Monerieff Community Hall Ethel Community Hall John Johnston's Schoolhouse, Lot 19, Con. 1 35 40 Yes No 61 93 33 51 Con. 13 53 89 131 71 169 126 57 28 109 9., Legion Hall, Hensall Hay Township Hall, Zurich 11OWICK Lakelet Hall Fcrdwich hall Wroxeter Hall IIULLETT Auburn Community' Hall Walton Community Hall Foresters Hall, Constance Londesboro hall McKILLOP McKillop Township Hall 'Tont Murray Residence, Lot 10, Con, 4 MOR11IS • Township Hall STANLEY Bayfield 'Town hall Blake School Varna Hall STEPIIEN Dashwood Community Centre Stephen Township Office, Crediton Shipka School Nouse TUC•KERSMITJ-I Township Buildings, Egmondville 87 85 Ken Gemmell's Residence, Lot 10, Con, 8 36 71 29 78 83 97 87 42 95 89 53 48 65 38 57 45 34 69 100 90 106 117 58 69 92 115 25 23 68 20 87 118 41 69 57 63 41 59 TURNBERRY Blucrale Community Hall 69 72 Jackson Duncan's Residence, Con. 10 48 44 USB ORNE Usborne Central School 87 64 Usborne Township Hall, Elmvale 85 102 EAST WAWA.NOSII Blyth Memorial Hall 93 34 Belgrave Arena 102 61 Residence of George McGee 85 25 WEST WA•WANOSII - St. Helen's Hall 120 48 Agricultural Office Board Room. Clinton 67 54 Advance Poll 13 9 TOTALS 2698 2511 THE 'I3'LYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 OBITUARIES CHARLES A. MACHAN Powell and Major Youngblut. Flowerbcarers were nephews, Charles Alexander Machan, of James Gibbons, John Fielder, ‘Blyth, passed away at Alexandra Donald Schultz, Elmer Schultz. 'Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, July 1, 1969, in his 53rd year, after a lengthy illness. MRS. HAROLD PHILLIPS He was born in Morris Town• ship, son of Mr. and .\Irs. Alfred The late Mrs. Harold Phillips 'Machu. He married Selena Schul• passed away in Clinton Public tz on November 22, 1939, and they Hospital on Wednesday, July 2, •'.00k up farming on the 10th con• 1969, after a lengthy illness, in cession of Hullett Township for her 72nd year. 7 years and on the 14th conces• Besides her husband she is sion of Hullett for 19 years be survived by one son, Roy McVit- fore moving to the village of tie, Blyth; three daughters, (Mar. .3lyth in 1966. jorie) Mrs. Ted East, Auburn; Surviving besides his wife, are (Dorothy) Mrs, Owen Roberts, three daughters and two sons: Thamesford; and CRchcrta) Mrs. Mrs. Bruce (Ethel) Walker, Clin. William East, London. Also 14 ton; Robert Machan, Blyth; Mrs. grandchildren. Robert (Mary) Fotheringham, R. Funeral service was held at the R. 3, Seaforth; Miss Shirley Ma- Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth. chan, London; DonaldMachan, of on Saturday at 2 p.nt. with Rev. Sarnia; and 5 grandchildren; al. W. 0, Mather officiating. so his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pallbearers were, George Hamot fred Machan, Blyth; a sister, Mrs. Sr., Alvin Snell, Clarence John - .Harry (Ethel) Gibbons, Blyth. ston, Louis Daer, Garfield Do. Funeral service was held at the herty and Earl Caldwell. Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, Flowerbcarers were four grand• on Friday, July 4, at 2 p.m. Inter• sons, Kenneth and Douglas Mc. ment in Blyth Union Cemetery, Vittie, Philip East and Timothy Pallbearers were, Gerald Het Roberts. fron, Grant Sparling, Calvert Fal. Interment in Blyth Union Cern. coner, Bruce Falconer, George etery. Building Permits Granted At Hvllett Council Meeting The council of the Township of and 25 mills on business assess• Hullett met in the Londesboro meat, Carried. Community Hall en July 7th with Motion by John Jewitt and Joe the reeve and all councillors pres• bunking that 13yLaw No. 1969. ent 'Minutes of previous meet. 14 be read a third time. Carried. ings were read and adopted on Motion by Charles Scanlon and motion by Leonard Archambault John Jewitt that ByLaw 196944 and Joe Hunking. having been read a third time he Motion by John Jewitt and passed and signed by the Reeve Charles Scanlon that the make a and Clerk and the seal of the Mun• ;rant of $15.00 to the Huron icipalily 'be affixed thereto, Car - County Historical Society. Car. ried. vied. The above by-law pertains to Motion by Leonard Archambault the licensing of trailers within the and John Jewitt that we grant municipality at the rate of $10.00 building permits to Robert Ston. per month. er, Robert Dalton, Bert Lyon, Motion by John Jewitt and Joe Jahn Van Beers and Fred Vodden, flunking that the clerk send a subject to the township by-laws. letter to Mr. Jan De Weerd and Carried. notify him of the need of a build - Motion by Charles Scanlon and ing permit. Carried, John Jewitt that we declare the Motion by Charles Scanlon week of the 5th to the 13th Con. and Leonard Archambault that servaion Week in the Township we pay the clerk's reg, fees to of Hullett. Carried, the Community Planning Confer - Motion by Joe flunking and ence. Carried. John Jewitt that we instruct the Motion by Charles Scanlon and clerk to obtain a Municipal En- Joe flunking that the accounts croachment Permit from the De- be accepted as read, passed, ap• partment of Highways for Veen• poved and paid. Carried, stra Drainage Works. Carried. Motion by Leonard Archambault Motion by Joe Hunking and and Charles Scanlon that we do John Jowitt that we set the 1969 now adjourn to meet again on mill rate at 23 mills residential August 4 at 8 ipn, Carried. Higgins Reunion Held At St. Marys Music Exam Warm Weather Bantams Win One, Results Helps Crops Drop Two Games Following are the results of the The recent warming conditions recent Western Conservatory of have greatly improved the rate of Music examination held in Blyth. growth of the crops. The favour• able conditions have also enhanc. PIANO c'd the incidence of disease --- so Grade X you are warned to keep a good Ilonours, Gail Lear. watch on your crops. Grade VIII Slugs have been causing a great Ilonours, Dianne Fraser, Kerry deal of damage in the corn. At 'Poll. night they eat the young corn Pass, Eric Campbell, Jean leaves, Scuffling corn helps cut Campbell.down the slug population. Dis• Grade VII ease and insect problems have 1st Class Honours, Brenda John. .been reported in the bean crops. ston; Also it seems a disease problem Ilonours, Barbara Lee. i; occurring in the wheat. The Pass, Cathy Carter. wheat problem so far has been Grade VI reported mainly in the •Kippen Ilonours, Debbie Hicks, area. We are awaiting a report Grade IV f.'ont the University of Guelph Ilonours, Sharon Ives. Judy concerning the wheat problem. Nicholson (equal). Overall the crops are very good. Pass, hilly Antetsfoart. The beans seem to be doing ex. Grade II t remely well. The barley has Ilonours, Janet Cook. headed out over the past week Pass, Lori Thompson, Kerri end. It looks like no one should Medd. he short of hay this year, if they TIII.OIty ran get it cut, cured and into the Grade IV Darn. Harmony, Honours, Huth Alton. — T. W. Clapp, Assoc. Ag. Rep, Grade 1II Harmony, 1st Class Honours, Bev. 1 Hist Lee. 1st Class IFonours, Ui Congratulations ane Wasson, Grade I1 Theory, 1st Class Ilonours, Congratulations to Mr. and Brenda Johnston, Dianne Fraser,Mrs. Robert Bird, of R.R. 2 Blyth, Nancy Anderson. who will celebrate their 42nd Ilonours, Dorothy Nicholson, wedding anniversary on July 9. Pupils of Winona :McDougall, Congratulations to Misses Bon - Shirley E. Vincent, and Margaret ►lie and Connie Laidlaw who cele. I{ ti 'rated their birthday on July 4. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cronin who celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sat. Coop Sets Record ►►relay. July 5. Manager of the local U.D.P.C. BELGRAVE JUNIOR plant, Jim Chalmers, tells us that a record daily milk intake was AUXILIARY MEETING set this month. A total of 184, 000 was received in one day — Games were led by Brenda Ne - and that's a lot of milk, no mat. thery on Saturday at the Junior ter 'how you look at it! Auxiliary meeting, Roll call was ;?nswered and minutes of the last. .aceling were reac! by Marni BIRTHS Walsh and treasurer's report giv- en by Patsy Scott. Marni Walsh BROOKS — In Clinton Public and Dianne Scott collected the Hospital on Tuesday, July 8, offering with Reta Lynn White 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Mac :'ecitin g the offertory prayer. Brooks, a daughter, a sister for The next meeting will be held Brent. :n the Trinity Anglican Church choir room) on July 12 at 9.45 LASSALINE — In Clinton Public a.m. Marni Walsh will he in char• Hospital on Tuesday, June 24, go of the games. Janette Johnston 1969, to Mr, and Mrs. Paul Las. will lead in the sing song and saline, H.H. 1. Auburn, a son. clean up girls are Cathy Walker c:nd Patsy ;Scott. RILEY -- In Clinton Public Hos. The girls planned for their pie- •pital on Friday, June 27, 1969, nit and 'party. Janette Johnston to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Riley, led in a sing song and closed the Londesboro, a daughter. meeting with a hymn and prayer. The annual Higgins reunion Young and old enjoyed races was held Sunday, July 6, at Ca- and games which were conducted dzow Park in St. Marys with 88 by Raymond iWalker, Ross Hig• signing the register. Everyone en. gins, Earl Pitch and David Pen• joyed a, delicious dinner after the ner. Prizes were received by Mrs. president, Raymond Walker, led Effie Fitch for the oldest mem- in grace and the observance of ber present and the youngest,was two minutes silence for those Robert 'Baker's baby from Ottawa. members who had passed away A very injoyable afternoon was during the year. Dinner was sere spent visiting 'with relatives from ed at 2 p.m. by Mrs. Roy Pattison, Ottawa, :Toronto, Listowel, Brits. Mrs. Jack King, Mrs. John Cons. sels, Wroxeter, Gorrie, London, ins and Mrs, Thomas Hunter. Min. Komoka, Clinton, Blyth, Belgrave utes of last year's reunion and and iWingham. the executive meeting which was held at Raymond Walker's this Work Started On spring were read by Mrs. David Penner, She also read several Hullett Rridletters which were received fromgemembers of the Higgins clan who were unable to attend this year. The Hullett township council The new executive for 1970 met In special session to open were read as 'follows: tenders on the Wallace Bridge President, Chester Higgins; Vice construction on the llth conces• President, Paul Higgins; Seca- sion, taryTreasurer, 'Mrs. Ross Higgins; The successful tender was sub. Invitation Committee, Mrs, Mar- 'nutted by the Owen King Con. garet Higgins, Blyth, Mrs. Jack istructlon Company .Limited of Higgins, R,R. 5, Brussels; Sports, Walkerton, Ontario, at a price of Mr, and Mrs, Carman Farrier, $85',347. Work has commenced Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Fitch; Lunch on the bridge. Committee, Mrs, Jack Higgins, A total of eigh tenders were Listowel, Mrs, Carl Fitch, Mrs. received by the council, with the Jack King and Miss Doreen. Patti' above being the lowest, High son. tender was in excess of $204,000. The I3lyth bions Bantams tray clled lu Lucknow on 'Monday, .lune 30, and were defeated In a close game 18 to 17. Lucknow scored two runs in the last inning to win the game. 13111 McDougall and Arnie ('ease hit home runs. Jim Johnston and Wayne McDau- g;:ll pitched. Keith Lapp and Jim Johnston caught. Blyth 1730150--- 17 Lucknow 4025052 —'18 Walton defeated I3lylh on July 3 by the score of 18 to 5. Murray \Wall once again pitched an ex. cellcnt game for Walton, Don Stewart. Jim .Johnston, and Wayne McDougall shared the pitching. ,lint Johnston and Keith Lapp caught. Bill McDougall honnered for Illyth. Walton 0627010— 18 Blyth 0030200-- 5 Blyth travelled to Brussels Oil Monday, July 7, and won the game 17 to 9. Blyth scored eleven runs in the seventh to get the win. Bill :McDougall hit his fourth homer. One in each of the last four gam es. Wayne McDougall, Jim John. Ston and Don Stewart pitched. Jim Johnston and Wayne McDou- gall caught for Blyth. Gerry Wheeler pitched for Brussels, Blyth 00303011 -- 17 Brussels 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 •— 9 New Building For Falls Reserve Area The Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority announces the award of a contract of $39,461,00 to the firth of Montieth.'McGrath for the construction of a service concession building at the Falls f;vset•ve Conservation Area, This very papilla'. recreation area is in Colborne 'Township near the Village of 13enmiller. It is es• scntially a camping and picnic area. The new building will pro. vide 'washrooms and a concession service to a very busy picnic area. The building has a cedar shake mansard roof and repeats the stone waney edge siding of a ser- vice building erected in 1968 in a camping area. 'Tic construction of this service building will per- mit 0 greater use of the area, 'This is a joint project involv- ing the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority and the Province of Ontario. FOR SALE 8 ton of cob corn, George Nes- bitt, phone 523.9439 Blyth. 52.1 THE BLYTH STANDARD Alva' a rrraf?1'4'e/(»d el)%(rf;ry Wirt►r�rf�NJ Let us assist you with your plan© for that all important weddiug day. COME 1N AND Sgt; OUR COMLPLI' TE; SELECTION OG . • • INVJTATIONS '':.' • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS " • ACCESSORIES Your chola ofvarious paper soda, t t. a gyles and slut t ask for... + : • + t, `'•'. ,�: :.' R. • • ;400. Seloet yoar wedding Invitations, announcements rod accessories with complete.confideoce a to, quality and combos of form. ,'M • •• VE ALSO UAW PEUQNALUZED WEDDING NAND YIATcp AND CACI >IOiui 4 Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Miss Frances Ilouston returned Sunday evening from a three week's trip to the West Coast of Canada. Airs. Wm. Ferguson, Windsor, visited last week with her sister, 'Mrs. Alfred .Rollinson, •Mr, Rollin- son and Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jardin and family, Kitchener, visited last Fri- day with his grandparents and her grandfather, Mr. Robert Chmmney. Several membirs of the Auburn W. 1, attended the Blyth meeting last Thursday evening. The Auburn Librarian wishes to advise all the readers that start: ing next Saturday the hours will 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Master Johnny ]laggitt, Zurich, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of Port Credit, were recent visitors with .Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Ament and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Livermore, of Gorrie, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Haines and Edward Haines, Mr, Herman Chamney, Windsor, visited for a few days last week with his 'father, Mr. Robert Chain ney, Mrs. Fern Shackleton, Toronto, visited last week with her niece, .Mrs, Gordon McClinchey and Mr. McClinchey. •Rev. and Mrs, P. Pakenham, of Wheatly, called on friends in the village last week. Congratulations to ,Miss Nancy Anderson on securing a position ' n the staff of Kingsbridge school. She left on Sunday to at. tend a short course at Toronto on Primary teaching methods. Miss Judy Arthur, nurse -in training at Owen Sound hospital is holidaying for a month with Miss Phillips accompanied her to Sarnia to attend the funeral of David Sheppard, seventeen year old son of Thomas and Marie Sheppard, of Sarnia. David pas• sed away as a result of a motor. cycle accident. The sympathy of the community is extended to the Sheppard family. The Shep pard fancily resided in Auburn for several years when the deceased's grandfather was bank manager here. Pastor and Mrs. A. Fry moved into the United Church manse last week where he will take over the Auburn•Donnynbrook charges. We welcome them to this district. Miss 'Barbara Sanderson arriv. ed home last weekend after a couple of weeks vacation in .the Canadian West. Mrs. Harold Kitchen, Hamilton, visited with her father, Mr. J. J. Robertson, last week. her parents, Mr. and sirs, Harry Arthur Mark and Greg. The annual children's day will be held 'by the Auburn Women's Institute on July 15th. All child. ren of the community are invited and a program will be held as well as a penny sale. Anyone wi• skiing to .take part in the program please contact Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault the convener for the day. Mrs, Larry Sly (nee Joan Shep• pard) of Kingston, visited on Sun. day with Miss Laura Phillips and MRS. STEWART ANENT HOSTESS TO WALKERBURN CLUB MEETING '1'he Walkerburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Stewart Ament with a good attendance, The president, Mrs. 'Ped flunking, was in charge of the meeting which opened with 0 GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Colne to the Celebration for the 12th OF JULY IN BLYTH Call In for Meals, Cold Drinks, Etc, Phone 52;-4171 Blyth -- Edith L. Creighton SPECIAL THIS WEEK Westinghouse Automatic Clothes Dryer Model 550 Greatly Reduced To Make Room For 1970 Models A Real Bargain Offer KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER OUR OSCILLATING WINDOW FANS WILL COOL YOUR HOUSE WITH EASE 24 - 16 - 10 inch fans to choose from USED REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 9.2 CU. FT. ron'sHARDWARE • BLYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR TOME HARDWARE DEALER Canada followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The roll call was answered by the paying of fees. The draw pri. ''c donated by Mrs, Guy Cunning. ham was won by Mrs. Leonard Archambault, A discussion took place about holding a family get. together and It was decided to ,hold it the last Sunday in July if possible. The election of officers took place but the slate was not com• pleted so this will be done at the August meeting. Piano solos were played by Vaughan and Donna Hunking, and were much enjoyed. The president invited the mein hers to her home far the August meeting.Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Lloyd Penfound and Mrs. Carmen Gross. BRIDE -ELECT HONOURED WITH A BRIDAL SHOWER Pink, blue and yellow stream• ers and flowers decorated the Sunday School room of Knox Um ited Church, Auburn, when Miss Patsy Millian, of London, was honoured with a bridal shower prior to her marriage this month. Mrs. John Armstrong was mas• ter of ceremonies, and presided for the program, A. sing song was led by Mrs, Robert J, Philips, ac• companied on the piano by Miss Nancy Anderson. Miss Betty Moss pinned a eon sage on the bride•to•be and Mrs, Ron Beecroft pinned a corsage on her mother, Mrs. CharlesMerrill. Both were escorted to the decor. aced chairs on the platform. Mrs. IV. Bradnock read an address of congratulations to Miss l[illian and gifts were carried in by Sher. ry Plaetzer, Marie Plunkett, She'. ley Grange, Jennifer Grange, Dor. een 1fcClinehey and Lorraine Chamney. A conttrsf •• was condu eted by Miss Barbara Carter and the win. news Mrs. George Milian, Mrs. Gordon 'JlcClinchey, Mrs. Nor. man Wightman and Miss Betty Moss, sang an impromptu quer tette, .Barney Google. Miss Man sha Koopmans held a contest re birthday nearest July 4th and Mfrs. Ron 'Beecroft and Mrs, Wit Liam Moss were the winners. A solo, Mocking Bird 11111 was sung by Lorraine Chamney accompan• 'ed by Miss Nancy Anderson, A group of women holding white tickets played a rythm hand num• her on kitchen pans and equip ment presented to Them by hiss Carter. •Miss Milian thanked her friends for the gifts and invited everyone to.; her trousseau tea on July 12th at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles l[errill. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. and Mrs, William IIunking wish to thank relatives, friends and neigh• hours for their many acts of kind; ness, floral tributes and cards, Special thanks to Rev. C. Hecker. dorn, pallbearers, flowerbearers, and the Tasker Funeral home, and a very Special 'Thanks to Mr, and Mrs. E. ihuuking for the use of their .home. It was very much appreciated. --- Lorne and Addie Hunking, .John and Clara Riley, Ben and Marion Riley, Bert and Henry Hunking, 52.1p NEW RALCO BARN CLEANER FEATURING SWINGING TYPE ELEVATOR UP TO 65 FT. UP TO 700 FT. PULL Compare Price and Quality Before You Buy With ' Laverne Johnston COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS Phone 595.4391 —. Milverton '1'HIE I3LY'I'li STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 19139 7 1+++• •-++4+4.1.+•+++. t+-. •-• •-•-•-•-•111+•-•1-14-• • .4.1-+.4' "t • t • • r e • • • 4 • • t • 1 •T t1 1 • Clinton •• • • •••••••••••-•• •-••• • 14444-* N+• ..-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• 4++-+•+1-+ •-•+- Ni SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LIGHT DOZING, BACKFILLING, LEVELLING AND LANDSCAPE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON • MIAMI{ 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 •++t•-. I • •-�+•4 .-.-•-04-•- * •-• .1• CLINTON — — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE 4....thi,r DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. - Walkerton - Seaforth Londesboro News Of The Past Week Mullett Central School Grade Graduation 8 Hulett Central School, Grade a graduation on Thursday even. .ng, June 2Gth, commenced at ,Londesboro Hall with a turkey banquet served by the W. 1. They adjourned to the school auditor. ium where Mr. McKay, Principal, acted as .l[;C. Ile introduced Rev. John Roberts, of Belgrave, the guest speaker, who gave an in spicing talk to graduates. Mr. Eric Anderson .presented diplomas to the graduating class, a distribu• ,lion of sports, track and field, general proficiency awards to the scholastic and public speaking bars and trophies. Prestation of two top grade 8 pupils, Randy .Millar, 1.4ondeshoro. and Sherry Plaetzer, Auburn, Randy Millar ,'e,presenting his class as valedic. Ici'im. spoke, comparing old school system with new. Evening terminated with dancing. Personals 1Ir. and Mrs. Leslie Reid left Wednesday of last week for a va• cation in :the West. They intend taking in the Calgary Stampede. Mrs, Robert Thompson spent .last week with her daughter, Mrs, John 'Lawrie, in Kitchener, Mr. Thompson, Airs. Wm, Hamilton and Beth spent Sunday in Latch- ener, Mrs, 'Hamilton spent sever• al days with ,lir. Thompson during the week. Hill Cowan and son, Greg, of Barrie, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. George Cowan and Mrs, Robinson, The W. I. ladies were well plea. sed with the success of their Bake Sale on Saturday in Clinton, Thanks to those who patronized the sale. Brian ,Millar won the Inter County trophy for Junior Boys at the !Field Day held at C.F,B. Clin• ton recently. IIe has won the cup for Junior Boys three years in succession at Hullett Central School. 1Ir•s. Harold Livingstone left last Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Kingston. Mr, and Mrs, James McCall and Susan are vacationing in New Brunswick for the past two weeks with Mrs, McCall's family at her former home, ,Mr, Edward Robertson, Wind- sor, is enjoying a two weeks visit with his sister, Airs, Bert Bruns. don. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey flunking are Mrs. Joseph Crosato and three children of Detroit. lIr. Albert Hunking, of Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs, Poko, of London, visited on Sunday. The pupils of Mrs, Harry Lear held their recital recently at her home. PIano solos and duets were given by Irene and Betty Konar- ski, Stephen Sperling, Julie and Jaynie Snell,. Judy Little, Ann Stewart, Arva Ball, Vaughn Hun - king, Christine and Marsha Mc- Neil. The Londesboro Choir held their annual Weiner Roast in Lear's pit Thursday night, and presented Barbara and Bonnie Snell with hymnaries in honor of their forthcoming marriages. U.C.W. General Meeting The general meeting of the U. C. W. was held Monday evening. 1lrs. Howatt conducted the Devo- tional period. 'Mrs. Gourley took charge of the business, Solos by Lloy Shaddick 'and Betty and Ban barn Snell were enjoyed, Mrs. Durnin gave readings. Mrs, Shob- brook introduced the guest spea- ker, Mrs. Johnston, of HuronvIew, who gave an interesting and ir. formative talk on the manage- ment of Huronview and the many changes which have taken place since 1895, 4 4 Business Directory= Cronin's Television SAi.ES ds SERVICE I11,YTiI --. Phone 523.9273 .101.111.011110 J. E. LONGSTAFP --- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m IFor SEAFORTII OFFICEI1ginBal Balance of Week��0 tment Phone Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & ;;ERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OP CLEANERS AN) POLISHERS FiLTER QUEEN SALES ---• Varna - Tel. toll, Ilensall 6981{7 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL. SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & (MANED 1) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R,R, 2 -- flume 442W6 DR. It. W. STREET BLYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS; B;' Appointment Only, Except Emergenelws Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Nell to the Lyceum Theatre -- WiNGI1A31 Phone 357.1361 I I,I,IO'(T REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, broker, R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Myth, Office 523.4481; Res. 5234522 or 52.3.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Iiontes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY --- ACCOUNTANT (U)IH' RI1'Ii - ON'I'ARfI) Telephone 5'?4.9521 I Britannia Rd., E, CRAWFORD, SHEPiIERD & HILi, BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L,B,, A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. ht Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATr,n iN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523448) Phones Wingham 357;311:u1 DOR EN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUhi -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed Ail Day Mondny Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday hIorntngs PHONE, BLYTII 523.9341, If no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE . PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WFLDINi;. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 B. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTII ,SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP, Phone 623.4276 Res, 6234591 'i'IIE iILYTII S'rANDAIID - WEUNESi)AY. JULY 9th, 1969 SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT1 FIND IT: PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Ten acres of first cut mixed hay, $8.00 per acre, on boundary Iiullett Township, Earl Mills, Walton. 51.2p FOR SALE 2 new 12" ventalatlon fans, 1 new bench grinder, priced for quick sale; also new and used 4,1 welders, Murray Reid, phone 5234527 Blyth. 51-2p BACKHOEING For drains, weeping tile and ditching; also all kinds of gravel available, Stewart Johnston, , phone 52.3.4475, Blyth, 48.6p. WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fryers. Phone Hughes, 523.9424 Blyth, 44-12 REG. SMITH SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs. Farm and Commercial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario. 33tf CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Bruasela 443W4. 37•tf CLINTON SALE BARN ▪ Sale every Fri. 7:30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and .W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton Fr 1 1r 1, a Ire r 4 1 • FOR SALE 1 pair whitewall tubeless tires 600 x 13 on rims, used less than 1000 miles. $35.00 complete, Ap- ply, Blyth Standard. 52•1p MOWER KNIVES SHARPENED at Bill's Esso Service, phone 523.9550 Blyth. 52-U FOR SALE 10 acres of mixed hay. Jim Wilson, phone 523.9530 Blyth. 52•lp "SUMMER FROLIC -- AUBURN Community Hall, Friday, July Ilth (10.1). Dance to the Royal. aims. Sponsored by Clinton Jun- ior Farmers for the World Liter• aey Fund." 52-1 FOR SALE 30" Gas Range, Deluxe. Very good condition . Phone 523.9591 after five p.m. 51.1p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE BROWN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Blyth, County of Huron, Labour• es, who died on the 29th day of April, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersign. ed on or before the 12th day of July, 1969. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham this 24th day of June 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD, & MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, 50.3 13EATTY Farm CORNEit OF .%1,IEtt'f & i'RIN Manure iltuulling Systems . F and Pen Equipment • All "We service what u'e sell" P11. Service Centre CESS STS., CLINTON, ONT, eed Automations . Stabling Types Pressure Systems 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" PAT7, MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEi)I,AR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955 Blyth District Call Glenn -Gibson ar. BW Bramley 523.4508 Electrical Contractors Type., of Eleetricat 1Vork --•• Motor Repaint Q UA LI FiE) PA 8.11 VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Pik 523.4508 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser i,icensed to Sell Alt Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RA'I'BWELI„ 1t,R, 1, Ilrucefiel4 -- Ph. 482.3384 PECKiTT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -. OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Lorrdesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURMA 8.11. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for;. K. W, COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton. LYLE YOUNGBLUT ()IL BURNER SALES & SERVICE RUTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your 011 Heating Contractor" r i FOR SALE 20 acres of standing hay. Rus- sell MacDonald. phone 523.9476 Blyth. 52.1 FOR SALE 80 acres of standing hay. May store in barn free of charge. Phone 523.4523 Blyth. 52.1p FOR SALE Used Frig, in good condition. Bob Henry, phone 523.4234 Blyth. 52•lp. RECEPTION AND DANCE Fcr Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Hal. lahan (nee Alfreda Goldsworthy) on Friday evening, July 18th, in the Blyth Memorial Hall. Music by the Twilites. Ladies please bring lunch. • 52.2p CARD OF THANKS 'Mr, and Mrs. Alf Machan and their daughter, Ethel, would like to thank everyone for cards and floral tributes sent in the death of a son and brother. Also special thanks to the Ladies of the Pres- byterian Church for the delicious lunch served after the funeral. All was greatly appreciated and will long be remembered. 52.1, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS KELLAND McVITTIE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 28th day of May, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersign- ed on or before the 12th day of July, 1969. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham this 23r1 day of June, 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 50.3 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re. paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325 431f BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE LIMITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30.1f. Do you really want to sell? Your Home, Farm, Cottage, Business, then list with us. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTR Representing H. Keith Ltd., Realtor -. Toronto, Ont. "Over 500 people to serve you" TILE ,BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1909 +i,'."4 -'f`•-1 •w••4 -•••+•••N••.••• t • - • • • i • ••••••••4.•4444.•-••4$ FRESH MEAT - Our Guarantee REASONABLE PRICES - Our Aim BOLOGNA, 12 oz. pack •I'!c K,P, BACON ENDS 2 Lbs. 1,10 EPICI'RE BACON per lb, 79c CUSTOM KILi,ING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and 'Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY QUARTER. OR HA11F BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor • BLYTII, ONTARIO. PIIONE 5234551 • 4-•1-t.-4 +1-4-• •+i +4. 4 $ •••4t 4.1 . +•i• -•-4-•-•t-• ••4-•••, •-•4• •-••••• 1 • 1 4 r 4 1 4.4 -I -•4-+-+e• • 4.4 • F+.4-1-14-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•.•-•-•-•-•-• FOR RENT Complete Wedding Formals enquire atour store. STEEL -TOED WORN BOOTS For The Man On Coustruction R. W. Madill's • SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" • CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP • • at MADILL'S on 'Thursday and Friday ••• • • 4. • e-* 4+4 •+.+4 •fir-. 4-�•+•4♦ P •4+•+r.• • •o 4. • Obituaries MRS. JOHN .11cl)0'IVEI,1. Rev, Ure Stewart, of Seaforth, assisted by Itev. Ilarold Snell, of London, conducted the funeral service for Mrs. John McDowell who passed away July 4 at Burin view after a Lengthy illness. She was the former Elizabeth Jane Snell, daughter of the late George Snell and Jane Bradford, and was born in ilulleft Township. .She was in her 04th year. McDowell and they took up farm. ing on the tith concession of East Wawanosh where they resided un. til the death of Mr. licDowell in 1950, Mr;;. AlcDowell was a member crt the Westfield United Church. Surviving are one son, Gordon, RM. 1, 13elgrave; three daughters. Airs. Charles ( Evelyn) Smith, Mrs. Gordon (Edythe) Smith, both of R.R..1, 13elgrave, and Mrs. John (Jean) Gear, of Waterloo; nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren, The funeral service was held at the William Stiles Funeral home, Auburn, with interment in Ball's comet ery. Pallbearers were, Norman Ale. Dowell, Harvey AlcDowell, Lloyd Walden, Ed. Taylor, Lyman Jar. and Arnold Cook AIRS. WILLIAM CORY + Funeral services were held last t Monday for Mrs. William Cory at the William ,Stiles Funeral 1•Ionie, Auburn. She was the former IIan. nah Elizabeth (Annie) l3ean, the daughter of the late Robert Bean and Sarah IIasselwood, of Eng. land. She was born in Colborne Township and was married in 1913 fo the late William Cory, • and resided in West Wawanosh Sr Townshii until they retired to Jive in .Auburn. Airs. Cory was a • ,member of Knox United Church, • Survic ing are hvo brothers, Ro• r bert ai ,i David Bean, both of Col. : borne i .)wnship; two. sisters, Mrs, • William (May) Doak, and :Mrs. • • liugh (Tena) Hill, both of Gude. • rich. • • Pastor Alfred Fry officiated 4 for the funeral service with bur• • ia1 in Colborne cemetery, • 4 The pallbearers were, Messrs. • 'Donald Bean, Verne Bean, Hugh • Feagan, James Feagan, Harold Doak and Elwin Doak, • r 4-4-•-•-+-4-4,0-4-.44,0044404 4+4444 4.4444•14**4 4 •4 •-4444.4•4- •-• ,4s SELLING OUT - everything mustgo Y g NOTHING IS HELD BACK • • Ladies' White Pumps, high heels, in white or bone Half Price Children's White Shoes, 11 to2, Half Price 15 Ladies' Blouses, 10, 12, 14 only 1,00 8 Men's Sport Shirts, short sleeves • size small . Half Price 4• All Women's' Better Dresses, •'12 to 26 112 • Half Price Men's Rubber Boots, first quality, made in • England, 6 to 11 3,95 • 2 Men's Suits, size 38, regular 39.95 Half Price Boys' Turtle Neck Sweaters, cotton, in white, • . black and red, long sleeves ........ 1.00 • • All Ladies' and Misses Purses in Stock Half Price 00000 1The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 • I:;lyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. • Fast Dependable Service. •• 4- • P114• •^4-0-+`0-•-•-•••• BERG Sales - Service Inst allation' FREE INTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Runk Feeders • Stabling - Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTIi Phone Brussels 443w4 • FOR :1 TASTY WEEKEND TREAT FRESH BARBECUED CHICKEN $1.50 each AT WALLACE TURKEY PRODUCTS Available every Saturday until further notice PH ON E 523-9251 •t•-•-+-tri-4 4-$-N-•-•1.t•-44,-• ♦ice -•t• -.-*i$1-••.-•••-• -♦1 $' Pi 1 • 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 • •4 4 • • 4 • 4 • 4 • • • 4 • 4 1 • 4 4 t • t 4 4 4 44 T 4 4 1 •44-•-4.4 •-•-• •-N 4. 4.4.44 4-• 4.4i• 4 4 Dead Stock Picked Up '7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON — ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 We pay $5,00 to $15,00 for disable ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for. standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge, LICENCE NO. 169-3-68 23-3 Snell's MFOOD ARKET We've DRUMMED Up Some PiPING Hot SpecaIs FOR JULY 12th WEII ENI) CELEBRATION Bartliff's Fresh Weiner Rolls, pk. of 1 doz. 35c Weston's Fresh Bread, white or brown •I loaves ........................... 89c Gold Seal Red Sockeye Salmon, 112's .... 55c Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz..... 1.49 Salada Orange Pekoe Tea Bags, 60's . 73c Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, 32 oz, , . . , 19c Heinz Tomato Juice, 2 • 18 oz. tins 69c Treesweet Unsweetened Fruit Juices I8 oz, tin 39c Van Camp Beans with Pork, .18 oz. tin 49e Green Giant Fancy Niblets, 5 - 12 oz. tins 99c York Nancy Peas, 4 - 19 oz. tins ...... , . 89c E.D. Smith's Apple Pie Fill, 19 oz, 39c St. William's Blueberry Pie Fill, 19 oz. , '19c Mrs, Luke's Strawberry ,Lam, 24 oz. . , . , 39c McCormick's Graham Wafers , ... 2 boxes 69c Club flouse Black Pepper, 1 oz.... , .. , , 33c Angelus White Marshmallows, 1 lb. bag 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12 oz. 29c Kellogg's Special K, 11 oz. 49c Rich's Frozen Coffee Rich, 2 - 16 oz. ctns. 49c Sunshine French Fries, 4 lb. bag 89c Sunshine Orange Juice, 12 oz. tin 39c K. P. Weiners 2 lb. pkg.. 99c Coleman's Epicure Bacon 1 lb. pkg........ 79c 1 112 lb, tin 1.39 Large, Cold Watermelons each 99c Sunkist Oranges 113's doz. 69c JUST ARRIVED FOR TIIIS WEEKEND 50 lb. White Granulated Sugar 4.99 with a 5.00 order of groceries 100 Ib. White Granulated Sugar ... , 9.79 with a 10.00 order of groceries t Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 4 • • r • • 4 1 4 •4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 1 4 • 4 4 4 • • • tT • 4 •• •• 4 • • THE 13LYTII STANDARD - WEDX'IDSDAV, JULY 9th, 19(19 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF CABIN TRAILERS In The Township Of Hullett A l3y•L:,w for licensing trailers located in the 'township of Hullett, except in a 'frailer Camp, for thirty days or longer in any year and for prohibiting such trailers being located in the Municipality of the Township. Except in a 'frailer ('amp. without a Licence therefor. 'PVIIERE:1S the Council of the 'Township of Mullett considers it equitable that Trailers in the Township be licenced; AND WHEREAS provision is made in the Municipal Act for such licencing; THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Hul lett. pursuant to Sec, 379. (1) P. 86, •M.A.. ILS.() 1960. ENACTS the following: (1) All trailers as defined in P. 85, subject to P. 80 (a) located in the Township of IIullett must be licenced: (2) Any such trailer is prohibited from remaining in the 'township for more than Thirty day without a Licence; (3) Licence Fee shall he at the rate of $10.00 per month paid in advance quarterly, except for the initial pay, meat which shall be at the end of the first thirty days: (4) This Cy,Law shall on Passing become effect• ivc retroactive to the First Day of July 1969. Read a First and Second time this Seventh day of July. 1969. Read a Third time and passed this Seventh day of July, 1969. Signed, Clare Vincent, Clerk. Signed, Hugh Flynn, Reeve. Helena Rubinstein ONCE-AYEAR SPECIAL ONE 7'0 BUY A BEAUTY GIFT T'0 TRY BUY - Long•Lash Mascara GIFT - Eye Makeup Remoter Pads, 4.13 value ONLY 3.00 BUY - Beauty Washing (trains GIFT - "Water Lily" fore Lotion, 3.25 value ONLY 2.25 111JY - Minute Makeup Stick GIFT - Skin Dew Moisturizing Emulsion 5.13 vi, ONLY 3.00 BUY - Super Deodorant GIFT - Heaven Scent Eau de I'arfmn, 4.50 vh, ONLY 3.00 BUY - Skil Dew Moisturizing Emulsion GIFT - Skin Dew Eye Cream, 6,38 value .... ONLY 4.25 Mrs, Ella Carter was winner of opening day watch draw WILSON'S MATH, ONT. Phone 4940 PATENT ,MEDICINES - GIFTS - COSMETICS CHINA - VARIETY ITEMS TRY OUR SPECIALTY •-• CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SEI{VICE ON '1'AKI;•OUT ORDEi;s • PH. 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS AND L1G11'1' i.UNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL 11,1111, ONTARIO Listings For Blyth & Auburn Telephone Directories ARE NOW BEING SET UP FOR .1970 DIRECTORY If you wish changes or corrections please notify the telephone office by Friday, July 11, 1969 Maitland Teleservices Ltd, Ph, 523.9292 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA ..Ur. and Mrs. Gordon .Murray and Susan. left for JIurwash on Tuesday where they tviil visit Air, and Mrs. George Kirkby. Mr. and iJ1rs. lied Kerley, Tor. onto, spent the past week visiting with Mrs. Walter 13roadfoot. \Ir, and Mrs. i''rank Dundas and Debbie. 'Toronto, visited recently with Mrs, George Dundas. • Mrs. Frank Johnston, of McKil• lop visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas, \1r, and Mrs. Ronald Innis, Steven, Leanne and Sherri, of Whitby, were weekend guests with \l'. and Mrs, Douglas Ennis, Sixteen ladies of the Walton Women's institute attended the Jttly greeting of the Blyth lnsti• lute last Thursday evening in the Blyth Memorial Hall which pt'ov cd to he very interesting to all present. Church Service wi11 be resumed next Sunday morning at 1x1.30 a. m. in Duffs United Church. Mr. Roy Williamson is at Pres• ent confined to Victoria Hospital, London, owing to an eye injury. Miss Karen Coutts has accepted a position with the Huron County School Board in Clinton. .Mr, and Mrs, Win. I)insmorc and family, of Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon \IcGavin for the past week. Mrs. George Dundas. .1[r, and Mrs. 'Torrance Dundas, Ur. and Mrs. Willis Dundas, Seaforth, at• tended the Dundas Clan Picnic at Woodstock last Tuesday. ,Mrs. Fred Il, hiller will obser- ve her 90th birthday on July 13, Library hours for the suunmer months will .be Tuesday evening 7 p.m. to Wpm. Wedding Anniversary On July 12, 1924, Leonard Leeming and Edna Mitchell were united in marriage by Rev, 11, 1). Moyer in the United Church Man. se, Mitchell. On Saturday, July 121h 1 hey will quietly observe their ' ith Anniversary. There is no sp: eial anniversary occasion planned as :1[r, Leeming recently returned from Seaforth Commun. ity Ifospital where he has been for five weeks. Airs. Leeming the former Edna Mitchell was born in Fullarton township, Perth County, and came as a bride to the former Leeming homestead which \ir. Leeming's parents, the late Thomas Leeming and Katherine Doerr came as bride and groom and where Cllr, Leeming lived his entire life until six years ago when the couple moved to Wal- ton where they now reside, Mr, and Mrs. Leeming have 2 child• ren, a daughter, :Norma, Mrs. Earl Steele, London, and a son, Ross, who resides with them; 2 grand. children, Jeffrey and Linda Leem. ing. WAl; roN W, 1. MEETING The .1nre meeting of the \Val. t.rn Women's 4nsbitute was held in the Community Hall opening with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart ,Collect. Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull acted as pianist. Tho minutes of the -last meeting were read by Mrs. Win, Humphries and the roll call was answered with an "Old weather superstition." The new Fall Project for the 4-I1 Girls is "Needlecraft", Dec. orative touch on different articles, Dates for the leaders course are Clinton August. 18 and 19; Sea. forth 21 and 22, The suggested leaders are Mrs, Gerald Watson, Mrs, Wm. Humphries, .Mrs, Allan McCall and Mrs. Allan Searle. '1'he report of the last meeting at 1•luronviety was given by Airs, Ken McDonald. Four other ladles accompanied her. $423.75 was made at their tea. It was decided to. sp'onsor another adopted pa tient from Huronview. For the July 21 'meeting those to attend are Mrs. Kerb Traviss, Mrs. Nei• son Marks, Mrs, Clarence Martin, Mrs, David Watson, The secretary. Treasurers report was read by .Mrs. 'Wm, 'Humphries, The following were appointed to attend the August 18 meeting: Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs, Mar. gai'et Humphries, Mrs, ' Gordon McGavin and Mrs, Harold Bolger, September 15,. airs, Allan McCall, Mrs, Alvin cDonald. Mrs, Gordon \Ic(avin and Mrs, Ed. Godkin were in charge for Agi'icu 11 UC and Mrs, McGavin read a poem "\iy Garden." Mrs. Godkin gave a very interesting motto entitled "It's not so much the place you build, its the sort of filling you make." She summed it up by (1) look at the motor (2) like to work (3)have a hobble (4) learn to like people (5) learn to be satisfied (6)learn to accept adversity; (7) meet your problem with decision. A very suitable poem was read "Ile the best whatever you are." Mrs. McGavin spoke on "Polhr• Hon and its effects on our count. ry." It takes trillions of dollars to combat it. 'There can he pollution In forests, streams, rivers and lakes. One of the causes of pot lution is the sprays used, A poen entitled "How to Doctor without a degree" was read which gave us a few hints on health. A very col. Oudot and educational film strip was shown by Mr, Neil McGavin from the Department of Agricul• tire, Ontario Conservation Auth. oorities, A group display for the Brussels Fair illustrating song titles with cut flowers or artificial "Frosty the Snowman", "Easter Parade," "IIer'e comes •the Bride," "September Song" were discus. sed. A bakeless bake sale was held with proceeds amounting to $32.• 25. Lunch was served by Mrs, J. Axtmann, Mrs. L. Godkin, firs. D. Watson, 'Nit's. C, Martin and Mrs. I . Godkin. 'There will he no more meetings for the summer months and la resume in September. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to offer sincere thanks to Mends and neighbours for their many expressions of sym• pulpy, floral and hyrnnary tribut• es and other acts of kindness during my recent bereavementt. 52.1p. -- Mary Wightman. iN MEMORIAM W[GIITMAN -In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Leslie Wightman, who passed away five years ago July 6, 1964. -- Ever remembered by his wife and family. 52•1p GRAVEL CItUS11hl) CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHEi) ROAD GRAVEL IBIIICK SAND • x'1'0P SOIL BUD CHAMNEY AUBURN 526.7799 CAMPING IS A DELIGHT iN A RIDELITF( Inlander • Town and Country 'fent Trailers. Somers and Rich- mond Sales - Rental, phone 47 or 260W Brussels. 414(3 •••♦•••4 -•♦-•-0i•••-+ -4+ 4-4-4-4 JAMES E. RICE it.1t, 1, Blyth -- 'fel, 523.4420 • YOUR • RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring • We Bring" r4++♦• •++•+4 4•+•-+•4+-+-0-• MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph. 211 ammo YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SA LES and SERVICE "First in Power Choring" Dairy • Beef • Hog Poultry • *4** -4-0-• •-M1•++++••+•••-+1+•N-+-+•0-+•H•••+1++ i Stewart's Red &3 White Food Mkt. !MYTH, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Tang Orange Crystals 4 pkgs. 89c Red and White instant Coffee, 8 oz. jar 99c Malwellhouse Roasted Coffee, 1 lb. bag 75c Red and White Peanut. Butter, 3 lb. jar 1.19 Cheerios Cereal per pkg. 39c Whole Canned Chicken, 3 lb. 4 oz. tin .. , 99c Bonus Pack Garbage Bags, 12 bags to pkg. 3 pkgs. 1.00 • Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz, tin 2 for 69c Miracie Whip Salad Dressing, 32 oz. jar 55c Buy Of The Week Jaffa Crown Orange from Concentrate save 18c, 48 oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Weston Bakery Features Fresh Bread 4 loaves 89c Weiner or Hamburg Rolls . , .. per pkg. 29c Fresh Apple Pies, reg. 55c only. 45c • • • t • • • v • • • • • • • • •